Jan 3, 2025 Re: Standard Answers to CPU Changes/Adding MIPS/Model Group Changes/etc. 1. The MXG Software License is a license to use our Copyright and must be active (i.e., paid) to use the software. MXG Software is site licensed (a site is a physical address; a license is required for each site whose data is processed by MXG, whether MXG executes there or whether the data is sent to or read at another licensed site). MXG is NOT licensed by the size, make, model, number, color, nor by the manufacturer of the processor(s). MXG is licensed for all operating system(s) at a site, and is automatically renewable. The License terms can be read at http://www.mxg.com, under administration. 2. If outsourcing/facilities management is involved at your site, both the outsourcer and the client must have separate MXG licenses, and the outsourcer must have executed an outsourcing Addendum. 3. There is no CPU Serial Checking, no Passwords no "Keys" nor any date checking for expiration date in MXG Software. 4. Our MXG License authorizes MXG execution at Disaster Recovery sites for test or for actual DR work, with no keys nor any notification. 5. An MXG Version never "expires" nor "goes out of Support". When you put in a new product/subsystem/Release/APAR that incompatibly changed its records then you must install the current MXG Version or at least be using the minimum level of MXG that is currently documented for each product MXG supports at http://www.mxg.com/CHANGES/ find IV. 6. The Current Version, MXG 42.42, is dated Jan 3, 2025. ALWAYS check http://www.mxg.com/changes for the newest version, as the current version is ALWAYS better and safer, and will save you time, and it is VERY easy to "drop-in" a new version of MXG Software. CRITICAL CHANGE (in 41.06 and later): Change 41.081 Support for CICS/TS 6.2 BETA 16 INCOMPATIBLE. Inserted VMAC110 new variable TCLSTSKS='ACTIVE +*QUEUED TASKS IN TRANCLASS UTILEXCL Sep 15, 2023 7. Only the current MXG Version can be downloaded; new versions always correct/protect for errors, so back-levels are never available. Use the form at https://www.mxg.com/software_download_request. 8. MXG Version Required for Hardware, Operating System Release, etc. MXG is usually NOT sensitive to z/OS Hardware changes, but: -Support for z/16 processor data. MXG 38.07 or later is needed, but 40.01 will ABEND, see below SMF: Only SMF 113 records were incompatibly changed, but there is no execution error as only counter labels and values were changed, causing coefficients for the calculated variables (RMI,etc) to also be changed and default coefficients are changed to z/16, You should use separate SAS steps for each processor type; MXG will OUTPUT only the processor type you requested in //SYSIN, and will skip other processor type records, so you do NOT need to pre-process SMF records to select processor type. You will want to rename one pair of datasets if you want to put them in the same PDB Data Library. For z/15 you would use //SYSIN DD * %LET MACKEEP= MACRO _XLA113 _XLA11F % %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPS113,ASUM113); and for z/16 you would use //SYSIN DD * %LET MACKEEP= MACRO _XLA113 _XLA11G % %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPS113,ASUM113); to get correct values in TYPE1131 and ASUM1131 datasets. MXG Support for z/16 for SMF 113 requires 40.05 for z/OS and 40.03 for zVM. MXG 40.01 will ABEND due to a TYPE30 error exposed by the z/16. with z/OS 2.5 or APAR61511. You can correct by changing the line 1812 in VMAC30 from 192 to 220, or ask support for the current VMAC30 member with Change 40.050. Many other SMF and Data Gatherer records were updated in 40.04. RMF ASMRMFV processes RMF III data with no errors, Change 40.068 added some new fields. New DNG3 table support was in 40.05. SMF: Only SMF 113 records were incompatibly changed, but there is no execution error as only counter labels and values were changed, causing coefficients for the calculated variables (RMI,etc) to also be changed and default coefficients are changed to z/16, You must use separate SAS steps for each processor type and read only SMF 113 from that processor type. For z/15 you would use //SYSIN DD * %LET MACKEEP= MACRO _XLA113 _XLA11F % %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPS113,ASUM113); and for z/16 you would use //SYSIN DD * %LET MACKEEP= MACRO _XLA113 _XLA11G % %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPS113,ASUM113); to get correct values in ASUM1131 dataset. MXG Support for z/16 for SMF 113 requires 40.05 for z/OS and 40.03 for zVM. MXG 40.01 will ABEND due to a TYPE30 error exposed by the z/16. Change line 1812 in VMAC30 from 192 to 220 or ask support for the current VMAC30 member with Change 40.050. Many other SMF and Data Gatherer records were updated in 40.04. RMF ASMRMFV processes RMF III data with no errors, Change 40.068 added some new fields. New DNG3 table support was in 40.05. -Support for z15 processor data. The z15 and z15 T02 processors INCOMPATIBLY changed the SMF 113 records by inserting 32 new EXTEND and 4 CRYPTO counters, causing ARRAY SIZE EXCEEDED with BUILDPDB which processes the SMF 113s. Support for counter changes for both z15s was in MXG 37.08. If you use MIPS in reports, the format $MGRMIPS provides the MIPS/MSU value for each processor; the z15 values were updated in MXG 37.08, and the z15 TO2 values were updated in MXG 38.10. These MXG programs use $MGRMIPS: ASUMMIPS GRAFCEC GRAFWLM GRAFWRKX and TYPERMFV (RMF III). The z/14 also inserted SMF 113 fields, supported in MXG 36.07. The z/13 with 61+ LPARs requires MXG 32.05 IF NON-SMT MODE. The z/EC12 with 85+ engines required MXG 30.07. Support for 255 engines was added in MXG 31.04. And z/VM on the z15 requires MXG 38.02, PRCMFC/MFM COUNTERS caused HARDWARE COUNTER messages, PRCMFC/PRCMFM no obs. Change 38.068. The z13 processor INCOMPATIBLY CHANGED, the new SMT-MODE RMF 70, and MXG 34.03 was REQUIRED (PCTCPUBY WRONG!), to read'the SMT-format RMF (which are written if you have zIIP engines AND have enabled the new PROCVIEW CORE option for Multi-Threading, even if only one thread is enabled). -The new zEDC/EADM compression hardware requires 38.10 to support new metrics. -The MXG Tape Mount Monitor program/started task MXGTMNT must be at ML-55 which was created in MXG 33.09 in 2015 and is unchanged. That Maintenance Level is in the Startup Messages in the JOBLOG of the MXGTMNT Started Task. If there is no ML= message or it is not 55 then you must assemble the MXGTMNT Program with member ASMTAPEE. TO CONFIRM YOU ARE USING ML-55, LOOK AT THE SYSLOG MESSAGES FOR THE MXGTMNT STARTED TASK AND CONFIRM YOU SEE THIS MESSAGE: 6.27.07 STC03134 TMNT016I MXG TAPE MONITOR MAINTENANCE LEVEL 55 INITIALIZATION COMPLETE (2022/05/04777.25) 9. MXG IS VERY sensitive to changes/additions in the data records that MXG reads, and they are often changed incompatibly when you install new Version/Release of your Operating Systems/Subsystems/etc. The list online at http://www.mxg.com/changes in Section IV shows the minimum MXG Version that is required to tolerate incompatible changes in each release of z/OS, z/VM, CICS, DB2, SAS, etc. Highlights are: z/OS 3.1 Support was in MXG 39.08 New vars in 41.05 CH 41.092:. MXG 42.03 is required for RMF III RMFV CH 42.069 Change 41.092 Support for z/OS 3.1 SMF Manual changes (COMPATIBLE). VMAC26J2 We and several customers have tested z/OS 3.1 records VMAC30 with back levels of MXG that support z/OS 2.5 (39.08) VMAC7072 with no errors reported, and we expect no issues. VMAC79 Change 41.096 added the new AI data in TYPE99 and Oct 26, 2023 there were other APARs in 3.1, but we expect no issues. New variables were added, see Change 41.092 full text. This change was in MXG 41.05. MXG 42.42 Supports z/16, z/OS 3.1, z/VM, CICS/TS 6.2 + DB2 and MXG is fully backwards compatible for all products. z/OS Versions: MXG 42.42 Change 42.069 Required for RMF III TYPERMFV Array size. MXG 41.05 Change 41.092 Support for z/OS 3.1 (COMPATIBLE) see text MXG 40.04 Change 40.078 Protects z/OS 2.5 possible new fields. MXG 39.08 Change 39.192 New z/OS 2.5 RMF III Tables (COMPATIBLE). MXG 39.06 Change 39.163 New SMF 1153 JES2 Monitor z/OS 2.5. MXG 39.06 Change 39.168 RMF III Compatible z/OS 2.5 MXG 39.04 Change 39.163 SMF Manual Updates (COMPATIBLE) z/OS 2.5. MXG 38.07 Change 38.109 supports EADM z/OS 2.4 fields MXG 38.02 Change 37.166 supports Sep SMF manual 2.4 COMPATIBLY. MXG 37.09 z/OS 2.4 Sep SMF Manual update (COMPATIBLE) MXG 35.11 Change 35.199 z/OS 2.3 SMF type 90 subtype 38 STOPOVER MXG 35.11 Change 35.191 z/OS 2.3 RMF III Support revisions. MXG 35.11 Change 35.190 z/OS 2.3 SMF type 2 st 2 SIGNED STOPOVER MXG 35.11 Change 35.166 z/OS 2.3 Many new variables MXG 34.07 Change 34.187 z/OS 2.2 New SMF 124 IOS Supervisor MXG 34.07 Change 34.162 z/OS 2.2 JES2 8-Char JOBCLASS MXG 34.02 Change 34.068 z/OS 2.2 SPLIT 73 ABEND MXG 34.02 Change 34.067 z/OS 2.2 OAM SMF 85 ABEND. MXG 33.13 Change 33.305 z/OS 2.2 new RMF 74 Subtype 10 SCM metrics MXG 33.11 Change 33.207 z/OS 2.2 MXGTMNT ABEND S0E0-28, ASMTAPEE MUST BE REASSEMBLED to create new MXGTMNT for z/OS 2.2. MXG 33.10 SMF 74 St 9 z/OS 2.1 z/13 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED. MXG 33.08 Change 33.186 z13 RMF 70 INCOMPATIBLE IF MULTI-THREADING MXG 33.07 Change 33.147 zEDC SMF 30,74 support corrected. MXG 33.02 Change 33.076 z/OS 2.1 (COMPATIBLE, FEB 2015 SMF UPDATE) MXG 32.03 Change 32.088 ID=85 z/OS 2.1 (INCOMPATIBLE). MXG 32.03 Change 32.064 ID=70 z/OS 2.1 SMF70CPA scaling. MXG 31.07 Change 31.193 ID=0 z/OS 2.1 Changed Record Length error MXG 30.05 Initial supports z/OS 2.1 (MOST RECORDS, NOT ALL): MXG 30.01 Required for z/OS 1.13 TYPE 119 and HSM Records. MXG 29.08 Required to Assemble ASMTAPEE with z/OS 1.13 (CH 29.280) MXG 29.03 Supports z/OS 1.13 (MXG 29.03 or later is REQUIRED). MXG 28.05 Is required for z/OS 1.12, and is required if APARs OA30563/OA33976 are installed (which might be installed "automatically" if you have installed a z196 CPU). MXG 28.04 DO NOT USE MXG 28.04 WITH z/OS 1.12. MXG 28.02 Supports the Compatible Changes in z/OS 1.11. MXG 27.05 is REQUIRED for z/OS 1.10 RMF III and SMF 119 changes. CICS Versions: MXG 41.04 REQUIRED for CICS/TS 6.2 INCOMPAT INSERTED FIELDS. MXG 41.04 REQUIRED for CICS/TS 6.1 VMAC110 USED WITH NO IMACEXCL MXG 40.04 REQUIRED for CICS/TS 6.1 INSERT FIELD, OK WITH IMACEXCL MXG 38.10 CICS/TS 5.6 NEW DATA, COMPATIBLE. MXG 38.07 REQUIRED FOR CICS-TS/5.6 INCOMPATIBLE INSERTS. MXG 36.11+ REQUIRED FOR CICS-TS/5.5 INCOMPATIBLE INSERTS. MXG 35.03+ required for CICS-TS/5.4 CICSTRAN GA MXG 34.09+ required for CICS-TS/5.4 CICSTRAN OPEN BETA - INSERTS MXG 34.06 required for CICS-TS/5.4 CICSTRAN OPEN BETA - INSERTS MXG 34.02+ required for CICS-TS/5.3 CICSTRAN INCOMPATIBLE Ch 34.065 MXG 33.11+ required for CICS-TS/5.3 CICSTRAN INCOMPATIBLE Ch 33.257 MXG 32.03 required for CICS-TS/5.2 STATS INCOMPATIBLE. MXG 31.03 required for CICS-TS/5.1 MNSEGCL=5 INCOMPATIBLE. MXG 30.30 required for CICS/TS 5.1 for valid TASZIPTM/TASELGTM. MXG 30.08 required for CICS/TS 5.1 (INCOMPAT). MXG 29.05 required for CICS/TS 4.2 (INCOMPAT). MXG 27.08 required for CICS/TS 4.1 (INCOMPAT). DB2 Versions: MXG 42.01 TYPE102 ABEND 41.06/41.41 MXG 41.01 DB2 13.1 ONLY with IDAA/NETEZZ, ABEND MXG 40.40 DB2 13.1 NEW DATA NO ERRORS MXG 34.08 Support for DB2 12.1 (COMPATIBLE) + NETEZZA MXG 32.10 Support for new IRLM SEGMENT, DB2 11.1. MXG 32.03 Support for new NETEZZA variables MXG 31.04 required for V10 - UNKNOWN SUBTYPE 5 DB2 ID=100 support. MXG 31.04 QLSXxxxx variables in DB2STATS corrected. MXG 30.30 tolerate DB2 V11, DB2STATS QLST wrong MXG 30.30 required for DBID/OBID decoding in Audit Reports. MXG 30.07 required for V10 QWHCATYP=8 (REMOTE UOW) QWHCCV error. MXG 30.05 required for ASG TMON/DB2 INVALID HEADER w/o TE03737. MXG 30.05 required for DB2 10.1, DB2STATS QIST correction. MXG 30.03 Supported DB2 V10 APAR PM24723, new IFCID=225 fields. MXG 30.02 Supported DB2 V10 long-header-text fields. MXG 29.08 required for DB2 10.1 IFCID=225 (subtype 4 - INCOMPAT) MXG 29.02 protects for invalid DB2 10.1 header pre-APAR MXG 28.07 was required for initial DB2 10.1. MXG 26.08 was required for DB2 8.1 or DB2 9.1. IMS Versions: MXG 33.13 Supports IMS Version 15 NO CHANGES. MXG 33.13 Supports IMS Version 14 COMPATIBLE, minor changes. MXG 31.03 Supports IMS Version 13 INCOMPATIBLE changes. MXG 29.29 Supports IMS Version 12 Compatible Changes and new stats MXG 28.04 Supports IMS Version 11 Compatible Changes and new stats z/VM MONWRITE: MXG 35.11 Supports z/VM (INCOMPATABLE) MXG 33.10 Supports z/VM 6.3 on SMT Mode z13 processor (INCOMPAT) MXG 33.01 Supports z/VM 6.3 on z13 processor (INCOMPAT) MXG 31.05 Supports z/VM 6.3 (INCOMPAT) MXG 29.04 Supports z/VM 6.2 10.a SAS Versions The current version nomenclature is SAS 9.4 TS1M8 (9.4M8), or with OPTIONS VERSIONLONG: ("TS04.01M8P01182023)" SAS V9.4 M8 Is RECOMMENDED, but MXG executes without error using SAS Version 9.4 M0-M4,M7-M8 or SAS Version 9.3 M0-M2. SAS V9.4.M7 and M8 for ASCII execution require SAS HOT FIX 69871. See Change 41.012. Only on z/OS, SAS 9.4 "M5" requires MXG 35.36+ because it adds the NOERRORSTOP option to protect all MXG PROC SQLs from the M5 defect that will be corrected in SAS Note 61672 defect. See Change 35.309 for more details on using NOERRORSTOP for your own PROC SQLs. SAS V9.4 (ALL) and SAS V9.3 (ALL) are at LEVEL A SAS Support. SAS V9.3 SAS 9.3 TS1M2 was RECOMMENDED. SAS 9.3 TS1M1 works ok. But SAS 9.3 at TS1M0, the HOT FIX for SAS Note SN-43828, see CHANGE 29.169, IS REQUIRED: The %MACRO compiler error is in processing %LET statements. While only two MXG members failed repeatedly in MXG QA tests on z/OS, there were random %LET errors in ASCII QA tests, so ANY use of %LET statement on ANY platform are vulnerable to this error, as the %MACRO compiler is SAS portable code, used on all platforms. So this is NOT just an MXG error, but impacts ALL SAS programs. SAS9.3 is LEVEL A support from SAS. SAS V9.2 Was recommended, prior to 9.3, and was error-free with MXG 26.03 SAS Hot Fix for SAS Note 37166 is required to use a VIEW with the MXG EXITCICS/CICSFIUE CICS/DB2 Decompression Infile Exit. but SAS V9.2 does execute on that platform. 9.2 is LEVEL B Support from SAS, as of Sep 30, 2013. SAS V9.1.3 causes JCLTEST9/TESSOTHR to ABEND, TOO MANY ARGUMENTS FOR COUNTW() requires SAS Version 9.2 so 9.1.3 can NOT safely be used for MXG. See CHANGE 41.046, Jun 21, 2023. SAS V9.1.3 on z/OS 1.10 requires SAS Hot Fix for SN-35332 and is at Support level C by SAS Institute, Sep 30, 2013. SAS V9.1.3 is NOT supported by SAS on Windows SEVEN. SAS V8.2 SUPPORT LEVEL C BY SAS INSTITUTE; NOT ALL OF MXG WORKS! with SAS 8.2. SAS 8.2 is Level C Support from SAS as of Dec 31, 2011. JCL in MXGSAS94 or MXGSAS93 can be used, or MXGNAMES can be used *************************************************************** As documented in Change 27.356, for SAS V9.2 or later): The standard SAS JCL Procedure can be used for MXG with SAS V9.2+ // EXEC SAS,CONFIG='MXG.SOURCLIB(CONFIMXG)' //MXGNAMES DD DSN=MXG.USERID.SOURCLIB(MXGNAMES),DISP=SHR or you can continue to use the MXGSAS93 JCL Procedure example. *************************************************************** 10.b WPS (Now Altair SLC) Version requirement information: Altair SLC 2023.6, Dec 2023, ( has been tested. WPS Version 4.04 ( has been tested. DO NOT USE 4.03.01 nor 4.04.00, INVALID CPU BUSY in TYPE70. Error was introduced in 4.03.01 and 4.04.00. See Change 39.171. Must be at or WPS Version 4.2 ( has been tested. WPS Version 4.1 USER 4037 ABEND, See Change 37.116. WPS Version 4.0 reportedly fixed version 3 problems. WPS Version 3.02 ( is required Change 34.266. and other errors with 3.00 or 3.01 have been corrected in the current WPS version. WPS Version 3.01.1 maintenance level 731 required for PDB to tape WPS Version 3.01 (also shows 3.1.1) is required for AUTOEZOS. WPS Version 3.01 is required for MOBILWRK, PICTURE fails in 2.5. WPS Version 3.01 executed MXG 32.03 BUILDPDB with no errors. WPS Version 3.0 requires MXG 31.09 (see Change 31.251). WPS Version 2.4 required MXG 27.09 (see Change 27.239). WPS Version 2.3.5 required MXG 27.05. See NEWSLETTERS for WPS Support Statement. WPS prints this message ERROR: COULD NOT CREATE DATA SET "PDB.ID" when the LIBNAME PDB does not exist; there would also have been a prior log message NOTE: Library PDB does not exist as the clue. 11. MXG Software is delivered ONLY ELECTRONICALLY via ftp download. Your technician can request ftp download instructions via return email by using the form at http://www.mxg.com/Software_Download_Request "Dropping in" a new MXG Version typically takes only a few hours. 12. Converting from MICS to MXG. MXG is not a "drop in" replacement for MICS, but many customers report they have replaced MICS with MXG. MXG is a single product with support for all data records from all IBM Mainframe Logs (SMF,RMF,IMS,MONWRITE,DCOLLECT,AIX,HSM,etc). There is no separate "network"/DB2/CICS/etc component. But there is no direct replacement for the MICS Chargeback Accounting summarization, although all of the chargeable resource metrics are captured, with their account fields where available, and there are simple billing examples. But to match MICS, sites may need to compose SAS scripts to generate Chargeback data-feeds from the appropriate MXG Input files. In many cases, the conversion was done by the existing MICS/MXG technician, especially when they are fairly competent in the SAS language, with system programmer skills and with IT resource management experience for IBM mainframes. The MICSMXG member in MXG has only ten technical notes from users about their conversions. But in other cases, sites have relied on a consultant or service for the conversion, depending on local skills and complexity of the site's use of MICS. MXG does NOT claim to replicate MICS reports; it provides many example reports but the user must have sufficient SAS skills to execute and tailor them. But you can also create EXCEL or SQL or CSV or PDF or other ODS output formats, if those are your preferred reporting tools. See the link at https://www.mxg.com/Product_Info for details on how to license MXG Software. Independent Consultants and Companies who have provided MICS to MXG conversion services: Scott Barry sbarry@SBBTECHLLC.COM Chuck Hopf chopf@chopf.com 13. Merrill Consultants is the developer of MXG Software is the owner of the Copyright for MXG Software, and MXG is a Registered Trademark of Merrill Consultants. Merrill Consultants is the sole source of the MXG Software License Agreement, and Merrill Consultants is the sole provider of all maintenance, updates and enhancements to the MXG Software product. Merrilly yours, Herbert W. Barry Merrill, PhD President-Programmer Merrill Consultants MXG Software 10717 Cromwell Drive technical questions: support@mxg.com Dallas, TX 75229 http://www.mxg.com admin questions: admin@mxg.com tel: 214 351 1966 fax: 214 350 3694
Please send your request for MXG License Agreement forms and Product Description via fax to 214 350 3694 or via email to Please provide the Company Name, full street address (required for UPS shipment) and telephone and fax numbers, and a brief description of what your company does.
The forms and brochures will be sent for next day delivery.
MXG does not check CPU Serial Numbers. MXG is licensed by physical site address and our price is not affected by the make, model size, or manufacturer of your CPUs at your site. (you can even run MXG on your Coke machine and we won't charge you any more!).
There were two printed books which document MXG Software and Computer Performance Evaluation, the 1984 MXG Guide (hardbound, 867 pages) and the 1987 supplement (PC-binder-style, 630 pages), but the MXG Supplement is now out of print; only the 1984 Guide can be requested without cost (while supplies last) by contacting Merrill using the contact informaion found through the Book Order Form www.mxg.com . However, the contents of both books are contained in the MXG Software itself, in members starting with ACHAP and ADOC, and all changes and newsletters are in members CHANGESS and NEWSLTRS. Member DOCUMENT explains what is where for specific details.
If you still want to purchase the 1984 Guide, mail, fax, or email us the
Book Order Form. We normally ship books via UPS Blue on the same day we receive the completed Book Order form.Click here to go to Class Info
We do not accept Purchase Orders or Government Contracts for the acquisition of MXG Software; you must execute our License Agreement to buy MXG Software, as described in the purchasing information. If your company requires a Purchase Order number or Contract number to be printed on our invoice for payment, then your document must contain the specific wording that is printed in our Product Description booklet, item 11, to acknowledge that only the terms of our License Agreement apply. For government Contracts, your 1155 or equivalent document must incorporate, by reference, our license Agreement.
For changes in ownership of the MXG Software License, we offer Novation; that is, the new company must execute our License Agreement, but we preserve the existing term of the license and existing prices, and there is no fee for Novation. Please send a request for Novation to our fax 214-350-3694 with the name and UPS-able address and telephone number of the party to whom our License Agreement and Offer of Novation are to be sent.
Our renewal invoices are issued 60 days in advance of the end of the current license. If the invoice is not paid before the end of term, your license to use MXG is terminated. We send a Past Due notice to the Invoice Addressee, and then if still unpaid, notify the Technical Addressee your license has expired. If Still unpaid 60 days after expiration, we notify your company's Chief Financial Officer that your license has been cancelled for non-payment, and that your legal use of MXG Software has been terminated. Once your site has been cancelled, we will reinstate you only upon execution of a new license agreement.
With our modest annual licensing fee, we do not accept modifications to our Standard License Agreement.
Payment must be made in U.S. Dollars, with a check drawn on a U.S. Bank item that is clearable thru the U.S. Federal Reserve System, or with an International Money Order, or via ACH or other acceptable electronic payment. We do not accept credit cards. Invoice must be paid in the exact amount issued. Payment terms are net 45 days, as per our License Agreement.
The wording of the MXG Software License Agreement can be reviewed
by your lawyers or contract specialists while the actual forms are
enroute, but you cannot print this form for execution:
MXG License Agreement (page 1 of 2)
MXG Site Description form (page 2 of 2)