****************NEWSLETTER TWENTY-NINE**********************************
             MXG NEWSLETTER NUMBER TWENTY-NINE January 20, 1996         
Technical Newsletter for Users of MXG :  Merrill's Expanded Guide to CPE
                         TABLE OF CONTENTS                          Page
I.    MXG Software Version Status.                                    3 
 1.   MXG Software Version 13.13 dated January 20, 1996 shipped.      3 
 2.   Future Plans for MXG Software.                                  7 
II.   MXG Technical Notes                                             7 
 1.   How do I not process CICS or DB2 data in BUILDPDB?              7 
 2.   Year 2000 update                                                8 
 3.   MXG Software is running in production on PCs/Workstations.      8 
 4.   Printing MXG members NEWSLTRS, CHANGES, ACHAPxxx, etc.          9 
 5.   Yes, you can communicate via the Internet.                     10 
III.  MVS Technical Notes                                            10 
 1.   APAR OW13849, incorrect space in DCOLLECT.                     10 
 2.   APAR OW13839, incorrect type 66 SMF records.                   10 
 3.   Erratic, very large values in type 72 fixed in OW11733.        10 
 4.   APAR OW13536 adds new data to type 74 subtype 4 (TYPE74CF).    10 
 5.   Zero obs in TYPE73 when MVS run under VM.                      10 
 6.   APAR OW15036 rare SMF record with invalid SMFTIME.             11 
 7.   IBM APAR PN72812 disables creation of SMF type 6 NPF records!  11 
 8.   IBM APAR OW16847 large EXCPTOTL/EXCPCNT in type 30 VSAM        11 
 9.   IBM APAR OW17629 negative ACTIVETM in TYPE72GO                 11 
10.   IBM APAR OW13161 reports high PSF font library I/O             11 
IV.   DB2 Technical Notes                                            11 
V.    IMS Technical Notes                                            11 
VI.   SAS Technical Notes                                            11 
 1.   Repeated macro invocations (V6-MACRO=A673) fixed in TS425.     11 
 2.   SAS Return Code 2096 or 2097 - bad //STEPLIB or multi-volume    11
 3.   Syntax errors if //SOURCLIB datasets blocksize different.      12 
 4.   ASCII INFORMAT S370FRBn needs fix for unnormalized values.     12 
 5.   SAS return code 318 with INFILE on high address on 3390-9.     12 
 6.   PROC SQL easy, but may take more CPU to execute.               12 
 7.   SAS ABENC 0C4 with TS410 when TMM allocates DASD to TAPE.      12 
 8.   OPTIONS NOBYLINE allows BY-values in TITLE/FOOTNOTEs.          12 
VII.  CICS Technical Notes                                           13 
 1.   APAR PN71965 SURROGATE=YES/NO for terminal name.               13 
 2.   What happened to SHRTSTOR and MAXTASK flags in CICSTRAN?       13 
 3.   Disabling CMF might not reduce overhead.                       13 
VIII. Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 13.13.               14 
 1.   Members and products incompatibly changed.                     14 
 2.   Installation instructions.                                     15 
IX.   Online Documentation of MXG Software.                          16 
X.    Changes Log                                                    17 
      Alphabetical list of important changes                         18 
      Changes 13.324 thru 13.166                                  21-54 
       (Changes 13.166-13.001 were in Newsletter 28)                    
  MXG Version Shipment Status                                           
      MXG Version 13.13   is dated Jan 20, 1996, thru Change 13.323     
      MXG Version 13.09  was dated Jan 10, 1996, thru Change 13.313     
      MXG Version 13.08  was dated Dec 15, 1995, thru Change 13.290     
      MXG Version 13.07  was dated Oct 30, 1995, thru Change 13.253     
      MXG Version 13.06  was dated Oct 10, 1995, thru Change 13.225     
      MXG Version 13.05  was dated Aug 21, 1995, thru Change 13.172     
Early MXG Version 13.05  was dated Aug 11, 1995, thru Change 13.162     
      Newsletter TWENTY-EIGHT, dtd Aug 21, 1995, thru Change 13.162     
      MXG Version 13.04  was dated Jul 31, 1995, thru Change 13.149     
      MXG Version 13.03  was dated Jul 19, 1995, thru Change 13.120     
      MXG Version 13.02B was dated Jul  6, 1995, thru Change 13.111     
      MXG Version 13.02A was dated Jun 28, 1995, thru Change 13.101     
First MXG Version 13.02  was dated Jun 19, 1995, thru Change 13.095     
Real  MXG Version 13.01  was dated May  3, 1995, thru Change 13.055     
PreRe MXG Version 13.01  was dated Apr 26, 1995, thru Change 13.046     
Early MXG Version 13.01  was dated Apr  1, 1995, thru Change 13.011     
      MXG Version 12.12A was dated Mar 20, 1995, thru Change 12.328     
      MXG Version 12.12  was dated Mar  1, 1995, thru Change 12.314     
      MXG Newsletter TWENTY-SEVEN, Mar  1, 1995, thru Change 12.306     
I. MXG Software Version Status.                                         
 1. MXG Software Version 13.13, dated January 20, 1996, was shipped     
    with this newsletter, NEWSLETTER TWENTY-NINE.                       
   Major enhancements added in MXG 13.13 dated Jan 20, 1996:            
    Support for BETA 93 Release 1.06.50 (INCOMPATIBLE)                  
    MXGVERSN variable added to TYPE70 and RMFINTRV.                     
    Support for Frye Systems measurement of Netware LANS                
    Support for Blue Line Software 4.03 and 4.04 (INCOMPAT) and 4.10.   
    Sample conversion of DBaseIII files into SAS datasets.              
    Workaround for SAP and IBM CICS 2.1 interleaved records.            
    ASCII execution of BUILDPDB and PROC FORMATS now transparent.       
    TESTMWX for improved CPU capture in User records.                   
   Major enhancements added in MXG 13.09 dated Jan 10, 1996:            
    Support for DFSMS/MVS 1.3 DCOLLECT records (compatible).            
    Support for DFSMS/MVS 1.3 VSAM RLS fields in type 64 (compatible).  
    Support for DFSMS/MVS 1.3 VSAM RLS fields in type 42 (compatible).  
    Support for MVS/ESA 5.2.2 Open Edition OMVS type 92 (INCOMPATIBLE). 
    Support for MVS/ESA 5.2.2 Open Edition OMVS type 30 (compatible).   
    Sample HSM reports and analysis suggestions                         
    TYPE6 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED for PSF type 6 with OW10067.         
    CICS/ESA 4.1 corrections (TRANTYPE, ELAPSTM, ENDTIME, IRESPTM)      
    CICS/ESA 3.3 UNEXPECTED STATISTICS with STILEN=0 protection.        
    MEASUREWARE (old HP-PCS) CPU time error in HPxxGLOB,HPxxAPPL.       
    Landmark TMON for UNIX enhancements, corrections and errors.        
   Major enhancements added in MXG 13.08 dated Dec 15, 1995:            
    Support for MVS Solution's MVS Thruput Manager SMF record.          
    Support for VM/ESA SQL/DS Remote User Accounting Record (INCOMPAT)  
    Support for Landmark's TMON for UNIX.                               
    Support for TANDEM D20 and D30 and D40 releases.                    
    Support for DB2 4.1 IFCIDs 221, 222, and 231.                       
    Support for IDMS 12.01 (INCOMPATIBLE) was not correct until 13.08.  
    Support for TOPSECRET 4.4 and 5.0 (INCOMPATIBLE) added.             
    Support for HSM ABARS ABACKUP/ARECOVER FSR segment validated.       
    Support for SAP 5.0 INCOMPATIBLE changes to type 110 journal data.  
    MAINTLEV 7 of MXG Tape Mount and Allocation Monitor.                
    Replacement for CICINTRV available for testing.                     
    "XMXGSUM" architecture now replaces VMXGSUM.                        
    SYSNAME and SYSPLEX added to PDB.JOBS/STEPS/PRINT.                  
    Default ASUMCICS summarization now includes USER.                   
    JESNR may show only four digits in TYPE26; IBM lied in ESA 5.2      
    DEVPLX (duplex volume) address wrong, IBM worrying.                 
   Major enhancements added in MXG 13.07 dated Oct 30, 1995:            
    Support for DB2 4.1.0 type 100 and 101 SMF records.                 
    Support for STK SILO HSC VIEW Command Subtype 8 SMF record.         
    Support for MODEL204 Release 3.0                                    
    CICS/ESA 4.1 CICSTRAN variables STRTTIME/ENDTIME now GMT-corrected. 
    New IMACSPCK exit for SPIN decision override.                       
    New IMACZDAT localizes creation of ZDATE, for ease in reruns.       
    Corrections for Landmark Version 2 TMDB support.                    
   Major enhancements added in MXG 13.06 dated Oct 10, 1995:            
    ASMTAPES revision MAINTLEV 6 is now included, resolves errors.      
    TYPETMON (TMON CICS 1.3) must now use RECFM=VB instead of RECFM=U.  
    Support for Landmark TMON for DB2 Version 2.                        
    Support for Tandem D20 MEASURE CPU, Disk, and Process data records. 
    Support for COM-PLETE Version 4.6 SMF record.                       
    Support for ISOGON Soft Audit Version 4.1.                          
    Support for HSM ABARS ABACKUP/ARECOVER FSR segment.                 
    Support for APAR OW14717 and APAR OW16039 for SMF type 42.          
    Support for Omegamon for MVS/ESA V400 adds variables.               
    Support for 3590 tape drives now complete.                          
    Support for APAR OW11142 adds new fields to TYPE64.                 
    Support for Software Engineering of America's TRMS SMF record.      
    MXG 13.01-MXG 13.05, IMACJBCK caused deletion of RACF, ACF2 and DB2 
     observations with job name of nulls.  See Change 13.183.           
    ANALDB2R may still get FORMAT NOT FOUND, assorted minor DB2 fixes.  
   Major enhancements added in MXG 13.05 dated Aug 21, 1995:            
   Added after Newsletter TWENTY-EIGHT was printed:                     
    Support for MVS/ESA 5.2.2.                                          
    Support for Candle Omegamon 300 SMF record (incompatible).          
    Support for Landmark's TMON/MVS 1.2/1.3 additional subtypes.        
    Preliminary support for 3590 tape drives.                           
    Correction for VM/ESA INVALID CONTROL RECORD error.                 
   Announced in Newsletter TWENTY-EIGHT:                                
    Support for the year 2000 (see MXG Technical note in NEWSLTRS, NL28)
    Support for OpenMVS File System I/O type 92 SMF record.             
    Support for MVS/ESA 5.2 System Logger Data type 88 SMF record       
    Support for EREP (SYS1.LOGREC) records.                             
    Deaccumulation of HMF records.                                      
    Final (?) Correction to ANALDB2R Statistics and Audit Reports.      
     If you use either the DB2 Statistics reports or DB2 Audit Reports, 
     you must request MXG 13.05 for the ANALDB2R corrections to errors  
     introduced in MXG 12.12 (Statistics) or MXG 13.01 (Audit) that were
     not fixed until now (I apologize for the careless coding and lack  
     of validation of report output that took seven iterations to fix). 
     The Audit errors were actually corrected in 13.03, but Statistics  
     still had four values that were not corrected until MXG 13.05.     
     The more-commonly-used DB2 Accounting Reports had no errors.       
    MAINTLEV 6 of ASMTAPES was listed in Newsletter 28, but is not on   
     the MXG 13.05 tape; see text of Change 13.163.                     
   Major enhancements added in MXG 13.04 dated Jul 31, 1995:            
    Support for NetCompress SMF records.                                
    Support for Packet/Main SMF records.                                
    Support for Kodak AXCIS Optical Disk SMF records.                   
   Major enhancements added in MXG 13.03 dated Jul 19, 1995:            
    More fixes for DB2 Statistics Reports, a fix for DB2 Audit Reports. 
    TYPE116 (MQM) validation and correction.                            
   Major enhancements added in MXG 13.02B dated Jul  6, 1995:           
    Correction to DB2 Statistics Summary and Audit Reports              
    MXG Position Paper on Support for Year2000 in member YEAR2000.      
   Major enhancements added in MXG 13.02A dated Jun 28, 1995:           
    Correction to DB2 PMSSTA01/02 Statistics Summary Reports.           
    Final (?) revisions to XMXGSUM.                                     
   Major enhancements added in MXG 13.02 dated Jun 19, 1995:            
    Support for MVS/ESA 5.2 (compatible) changes 24, 30, and 42 records.
    Support for OPC Release 3.0 (INCOMPATIBLE).                         
    Support for DFSORT Release 13.0 (INCOMPATIBLE).                     
    Support for TMS (CA-1) Release 5.1 (compatible).                    
    Support for Antares' HURON ObjectStar SMF record.                   
    Support for TYPE32 APARS OW10393 (causes error) and OW12856 (none). 
    Support for SAP Release 5.0 CICS accounting in type 110.            
    Support for ACS Wylbur Accounting SMF record                        
    Support for Sterling SAMS Storage Automation SMF record.            
    Support for LEGENT's AUTOMATE SMF record.                           
    DB2 Audit SQL text corrections.                                     
    Support for APAR OW08641 for NPM Version 2.2                        
   Major enhancements added in MXG 13.01 dated May  3, 1995:            
    Support for NETSPY Release 4.6 (compatible), divide by zero fixes.  
    Support for HP PCS current version on HPUX, AIX, and SUN unix.      
    Support for OS/400 Version 3.1.0 (was wrong in MXG 12.12/12.12A).   
    Support for TCP/IP APAR PN69321-PN69322.                            
    Support for Sterling SOLVE NCL CPU-time accounting user SMF.        
    Support for HMF SMF record subtypes 4 and 5.                        
    Support for APAR OW04653 added variables to TYPE74ST dataset.       
    Support for IBM's IRRDBU00 RACF Database Unload.                    
    ASMRMFV 0C4 correction and enhancements for RMF VSAM processing.    
    ANALCNCR enhancements and validation.                               
    XMXGSUM  enhancements and validation.                               
    TYPE116 (MQM) validation and correction.                            
   Major enhancements added in MXG 12.12A dated Mar 20, 1995:           
    Twelve MXG 12.12 members had errors that are now fixed:             
    Support for Memorex/Telex LMS Version 3.1 (INCOMPATIBLE).           
  All of these enhancements are described in the Change Log, below.     
    Table of availability dates for the IBM products and MXG version:   
                                       Availability     MXG Version     
      Product Name                     Date              Required       
      MVS/ESA 4.1                      Oct 26, 1990.        8.8         
      MVS/ESA 4.2                      Mar 29, 1991.        9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.2.2                    Aug     1991.        9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.3                      Mar 23  1993.       10.10        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - compatibility    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - Goal Mode        May  3, 1995        13.01        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.0                    Jun 15, 1995        13.05        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.2                    Oct 19, 1995        13.09        
      CICS/ESA 3.2                     Jun 28, 1991.        9.9         
      CICS/ESA 3.3                     Mar 28, 1992.       10.01        
      CICS/ESA 4.1                     Oct 27, 1994.       13.09        
      CICS/ESA 4.2                     when G.A.           ??.??        
      CRR 1.6                          Jun 24, 1994.       12.02        
      DB2 2.2.0                                1990         8.8         
      DB2 2.3.0                        Oct 28, 1991.       10.01        
      DB2 3.1.0                        Dec 17, 1993.       13.02A       
      DB2 4.1.0                        Nov  7, 1995        13.07        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.1                    Mar 13, 1993.       11.11        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.2                    Jun 24, 1994.       12.02        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.3                    Dec 29, 1995.       13.09        
      NPM 2.0                          Dec 17, 1993.       12.03        
      NPM 2.2                          Aug 29, 1994.       12.05        
      VM/ESA  1.1.1                    Dec 27, 1991.       10.01        
      VM/ESA  2.0                      Dec 23, 1992.       10.04        
      VM/ESA  2.1                      Jun 27, 1993.       12.02        
      VM/ESA  2.2                      Nov 22, 1994.       12.06        
    Table MXG support for non-IBM products:                             
                                       Availability     MXG Version     
      Product Name                     Date              Required       
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 2                       13.06        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.2 -                      12.12        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.3 -                      12.12A       
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.3  -                      12.05        
       Omegamon for CICS V300 User SMF                     12.05        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 User SMF                     13.06        
       Omegamon for IMS V110 (ITRF)                        12.12        
       Omegamon for MVS - last MXG change 1992             12.12        
       Omegamon for DB2 Version 2.1/2.2                    13.05        
       Omegamon for VTAM V160                              12.04A       
       Omegamon for SMS V100/V110                          12.03        
      Boole & Babbage                                                   
       IMF 3.1 (for IMS 5.1)                               12.12        
       LMS 3.1                                             12.12A       
 2. Future Plans for MXG Software.                                      
   a. Support for TREND from Desktalk Systems.                          
   SNMP support in MXG is in planning and should be available in second 
   quarter, 1996.  As I announced at CMG, MXG will support the data from
   SNMP and its RMON extensions that is captured by David Kauffman's new
   "TREND" product; the company is Desktalk Systems, at 310-323-5998).  
   SNMP-literate users who have tried alternative products have glowing 
   reports for TREND, as it is a truly superior SNMP poller and monitor.
   Trend understands how to deal correctly with missing data (most SNMP 
   agents return accumulated counters, and when a poll is missed, the   
   poller must be smart enough to recognize that a sample was missed and
   then properly de-accumulate, accounting for the missed sample) and   
   TREND understands skewed data (polling 1000 SNMP agents is not done  
   in zero time, so building interval data when the time of capture is  
   skewed is a non-trivial task!).  Trend stores its data in a SYBASE   
   database.  Bernie Davidovich and I have extracted the SYBASE data    
   into a flat file for input in a SAS DATA step, but I have reason to  
   believe that SAS/ACCESS to SYBASE will be much faster (both to write 
   and in execution run time), easier to maintain, and will eliminate   
   the extract step and its flat file, so I am redirecting my research  
   to create MXG-style (i.e., labeled, formatted, consistently-named)   
   SAS datasets from the TREND-captured data.  As this involves learning
   SAS/ACCESS, TCP/IP and SYBASE, I hope that 2nd quarter is realistic. 
   If you are interested in MXG support for TREND, please fax/e-mail to 
   ask to be put on the interested parties list.                        
   I used to think that SNMP measured only Routers, Hubs, and Switches, 
   but there are now agents that measure Unix hosts, Oracle databases,  
   and I hear Windows NT SNMP agents are under development as well, so  
   SNMP may be a very attractive network data source for MXG users.     
   b. Support for Windows NT monitor data.                              
   I am aware there is data created by Windows NT, and it is also on    
   my schedule to develop support during the first half of 1996.        
II.   MXG Technical Notes.                                              
 1.   How do I not process CICS, or DB2 data in BUILDPDB?               
    - If you do not create type 110 (CICS) or type 100,101,102 (DB2) SMF
      records, then there is nothing you need to do.  Yes, there will be
      built the PDB.CICxxxxx and PDB.DB2xxxxx datasets, but they will   
      have 0 observations, and there is insignificant cost in carrying  
      these zero observation data sets along.  If zero observation data 
      sets still offend you, you can tailor IMACCICS or IMACDB2 to      
      change the default DD names to WORK, and then neither CICxxxxx nor
      DB2xxxxx datasets will exist in your PDB libraries.               
    - If there are or might be type 100,101,102, or 110 SMF records in  
      your input SMF file, you can delete those unwanted records by     
      tailoring member IMACFILE, which is invoked after each SMF record 
      header has been read in.  You could insert in that member:        
        IF ID=110 THEN DELETE;                                          
      and your CICS records would be discarded.  Note that if you make  
      this change in your installation tailoring USERID.SOURCLIB        
      dataset, that all MXG programs reading SMF, and not just BUILDPDB,
      will be deleting type 110 records.  To tailor just the BUILDPDB   
      execution you may want to put the tailored IMACFILE member in its 
      own PDS in only the BUILDPDB job's SOURCLIB concatenation; in that
      way, you could still use TYPE110 to process your CICS data, should
      the need arise.                                                   
 2.   Year 2000 update.  What happens to your trend data base when MXG  
      changed the FORMAT of date variables from "DATE7." to "DATE9"?  In
      all of the supplied MXG trending members, the SET statement has   
      the WEEK.dataset listed first, then the TREND.dataset second, so  
      that all variable attributes are acquired from the WEEK dataset   
      (i.e., newly created attributes), so the DATE9 format will become 
      the TREND format.  If you have your own trending or summarization 
      code you will need to verify that the new dataset is listed first;
      if not, then your output dataset will still have the old format.  
      As a reminder, member YEAR2000 contains the complete discussion   
      of MXG Support for the year 2000, and should be provided to your  
      company's year 2000 project team leader.                          
 3.  MXG Software is running in production on PCs and workstations,     
     thanks to 32-bit operating systems and 32-bit versions of SAS!     
   a. However, I still strongly recommend that you use SAS on the       
      mainframe to create, manage, and warehouse the MXG Performance    
      Data Base, because of the industrial strength MVS provides for    
      backup, data integrity, security and reliability.  Once you have  
      built your SAS data library ("PDBs") with MVS, you can either     
      use mainframe SAS for your analysis under TSO or batch, or        
      you can selectively download only the PDB data you need to the    
      interactive platform of your choice for your analysis and         
      reporting.  Some specific advantages of building your SAS data    
      libraries under MVS are:                                          
       - The time to download raw data is eliminated.  At one megabyte  
         per minute, 500MB of SMF data requires over 8 hours to move!   
       - Compressed monitor data (eg., Landmark and Candle) can be read 
         and decompressed in one operation with an INFILE exit, but that
         INFILE exit architecture does not exist on ASCII platforms, so 
         the raw data would have to be un-compressed on the mainframe   
         and then downloaded, requiring more DASD on the mainframe and  
         more time to download.  (Even if the INFILE exit were to exist,
         the decompression algorithms exist only in IBM Assembler!).    
       - MVS has no fixed limit to the number of concurrent files that  
         can be open, so all MXG programs can execute under MVS.  But   
         most ASCII platforms have a fixed limit of 255 open files, so  
         some MXG programs (for example, TYPE102 to read all of the 250+
         subtypes of the DB2 trace record) cannot be executed at all.   
         Furthermore, on MVS, only one file is open per SAS data library
         but on ASCII, each SAS data set (not library) requires a file. 
       - For memory-intensive programs (eg., BUILDPDB!), MVS provides   
         parameters (REGION, MEMSIZE) by which you can specify more     
         virtual storage, and MVS diagnostics (SYSUDUMP) let you analyze
         where virtual storage is consumed.  ASCII systems have no such 
         capability, and an "OUT OF MEMORY" error under ASCII is fatal. 
       - MVS has a single DD name pointing to a single library (DSN)    
         that contains all of the many SAS datasets in a PDB.  ASCII    
         systems create individual files for each SAS dataset, so you   
         will have to manipulate directory names manually, and without a
         system catalog, requiring more administrative time to manage   
         MXG execution under ASCII than under MVS.                      
       - Most of all, MXG runs reliably under MVS, which is a very well 
         understood, well documented, and well supported environment for
         mission critical applications like MXG;  ASCII systems simply  
         don't have this heritage and as a result, strange failures may 
         be hard to replicate, diagnose or circumvent under ASCII.      
   b. But if MXG is the only user of SAS on the mainframe, it may be    
      hard to cost-justify that mainframe SAS license.  My benchmarks   
      show that it is technically feasible for small to medium sites    
      to move their MXG processing from the mainframe to a PC platform  
      using either OS/2 or WINDOWS 95, with significant cost savings,   
      or to UNIX platforms with somewhat smaller savings (because UNIX  
      hardware and software cost more than OS/2 or WINDOWS 95!).        
      However, those apparent dollar savings in license fees might be   
      absorbed in the additional time you will spend managing the "job  
      streams" and data files, archiving from disk to backup tape, etc.!
   c. The BUILDPDB benchmark that reads a 200MB daily SMF file (see MXG 
      Newsletter 25) shows that OS/2 WARP 3.0 or WINDOWS 95 running on a
      100MHZ PENTIUM are as fast as MVS/ESA 4.3 running on a 3090-400S! 
      My first benchmark had WINDOWS 95 50% slower than OS/2, but that  
      was due to the SAS SORTSIZE parameter.  Setting SORTSIZE=4M for   
      WINDOWS 95 produced identical run times with OS/2 (although OS/2  
      required only SORTSIZE=2M). However, the WINDOWS NT runs took     
      twice as long (and as the data step under NT took 46 minutes, it  
      is not due to SORTSIZE); NT performance will be examined later!   
      The PENTIUM 100 numbers were measured on the CMG benchmark system 
      (which was given away to a lucky attendee!) with identical disk   
          Hardware       System           SAS       Run Time            
          486-33         WIN 3.1          6.08       270 min            
          PC SERVER 500  MVS 5.2          6.08       130 min            
          PENTIUM 90     WIN 3.1          6.08       101 min            
          PENTIUM 100    WINDOWS NT       6.11        62 min            
          PENTIUM 100    WINDOWS 95       6.11        35 min            
          PENTIUM 100    OS/2 WARP 3.0    6.11        35 min            
          3090-400S      MVS/ESA 4.3      6.08        30 min            
      The PENTIUM 100 with 32MB RAM and three 1.6MB IDE drives and      
      cost less than $5000.00!                                          
   d. An Australian site that never had SAS nor MXG on their mainframe  
      installed SAS and MXG under OS/2 on a 100MHZ 486 DX4 machine for  
      capacity planning.  The daily download of their 150MB of raw data 
      (70MB-DB2, 70MB-Landmark TMVS, 10MB other SMF) takes TCP/IP about 
      two hours, and MXG processing takes 30 minutes!                   
 4.  Printing MXG members NEWSLTRS, CHANGESS, ACHAPxx and ADOCxxxx with 
     their imbedded _PAGE_ pagination string can be done with either    
     MS WORD or WORDPERFECT with these suggestions from Chuck Hopf:     
      - Import the desired MXG member into your word processor.         
      - Using the EDIT bar, SELECT ALL.                                 
      - Change the font to COURIER 8PT.                                 
      - Change the margins to 1" all around.                            
      - Replace all _PAGE_ with a "hard page return".                   
      - Print on your favorite printer.                                 
 5.  Yes, you can communicate with Merrill Consultants via the Internet;
     our address is                                                     
       Note: (originally was, changed Feb 1997)          
     However, I only check for E-Mail in the morning, once a day, so you
     will usually get faster response if you telephone or send a fax    
     direct (or you can alert me via a fax that E-mail is awaiting).    
        In actuality, MXG Technician Bruce Widlund logs on for me each  
        morning, prints any mail, and then faxes it across town to me,  
        because I work best from a hard copy!                           
     I really prefer that you telephone when you can, because I think I 
     give better technical support with one-on-one interactivty, and it 
     is hard for you to give me all of the details via fax or e-mail.   
     If I cannot respond via telephone, I strongly prefer to respond via
     fax (since I can hand-write a response offline and without changing
     computer screens, and it takes a lot more type to type a response, 
     format it, check the spelling, etc., and then send it!) so I do ask
     you include your fax number if you send E-Mail.                    
     However, for long prints of error messages (i.e, a hex dump of an  
     SMF record from the SAS log), the Internet is excellent, since     
     Bruce will upload your file to our MVS host and I can examine the  
     dump online, and you can also send SMF binary files via Internet   
     so that I can test with your data, so I am not really anti The Net!
     Use whichever method is best for you, and I'll get back to you!    
III.  MVS Technical Notes after Newsletter TWENTY-EIGHT.                
 1.   APAR OW13849 reports incorrect space in DCOLLECT variable DCDUSESP
      for a PDSE library that was an ISPF data set.  No fix yet.        
 2.   APAR OW13839 reports creation of SMF type 66 records that should  
      not have been created (event was READ VVR, not UPDATE), and were  
      created with incorrect values.  Records will no longer be created.
 3.   Erratic, very large values in type 72 data may be corrected by    
      APAR OW11733 (site has OW06770 and OW09814 installed and still had
      occasional bad values), affecting variables ACTIVETM, SERVICE,    
      and CPUTM in TYPE72 (which also affects dataset RMFINTRV).        
      Records with raw values of '7FFFFFFF'x are symptom of the error.  
      These incorrect values may occur with MVS/ESA 4.3, 5.1, or 5.2,   
      and resulted from:                                                
      - transactions were started when the initiator started, rather    
        than when they ran their first job, or                          
      - delay samples were not corrected for swapped out ASIDs, or      
      - FORCEd ASIDs did not get their workload data rolled up at FORCE,
      - data was not accumulated at MemTerm (Cancel).                   
 4.   APAR OW13536 adds new data to TYPE74CF (type 74 subtype 4), but   
      the record changes are not yet documented.  This note will be     
      updated when I have the documentation in hand.                    
 5.   Zero observations in dataset TYPE73 when MVS was run under VM at  
      a disaster recovery site, because SMF73FG4 bit was ON, indicating 
      "block entry is not valid".  IBM said the reason could be:        
      a) processor does not support the CHSC channel service call instr 
      b) CHSC requires RMCHINFO to be specified as a VM option          
      c) CHSC is not supported on VM/ESA 2.1                            
 6.   APAR OW15036 corrects rare occurrence of SMF records with invalid 
      date or time value in the SMF time stamp field, because of midnite
      logic exposure that is fixed by that APAR.                        
 7.   IBM APAR PN72812 disables creation of SMF type 6 records for print
      events from NPF (Network Print Facility).  NPF is a part of       
      TCP/IP, and sends print lines to attached printers, replacing     
      non-free products like VPS.  While some fields in the NPF record  
      are blank or zero, and while the PRINTIME value is not the start  
      of print but rather is the start-up time of the NPF FSS, the type 
      6 record is still a useful event record, timestamping when print  
      completed and counting lines sent to the printer.  I argued       
      verbally with the IBM Change Team that it was wrong to turn off a 
      useful SMF record, instead of fixing bad fields, and pointed out  
      that competing products provide SMF records, but my arguments were
      to no avail, as IBM decided not to change their PTF.  They did    
      document a requirement for the record as an enhancement, which was
      then forwarded to their development group, but I fear that a new  
      version of TCP/IP that incorporates the PTF (and thus prevents you
      from creating the SMF record) may show up before a version that   
      supports the record is created!  Thus if you need to track usage  
      of NPF, I suggest that you NOT install the PTF and instead exploit
      the useful information that is in the NPF SMF record!             
 8.   IBM APAR OW16847 corrects very large values for EXCPTOTL/SMF30TEP 
      and EXCPCNT/SMF30BLK (in the TIOT segment for each DDname, which  
      becomes EXCP count by device type).  The APAR says "for DB2" but  
      the PTF appears to apply to all VSAM, not just DB2 use of VSAM.   
 9.   IBM APAR OW17629 reports negative transaction active time in      
      R723CTAT (MXG variable ACTIVETM in TYPE72GO for goal mode) because
      the transaction active time had not yet been updated by IRARMHIT. 
      A "negative" value to IBM causes a very large value in MXG, as the
      PIB format treats the sign bit as data (and that way, a small     
      negative value that might be missed will not be missed in MXG!).  
10.   IBM APAR OW13161 reports high (and unnecessary) I/O activity to   
      the PSF font library DASD device for jobs that use both coded font
      names and code page/character set pair (cp/fn pair) names to reuse
      the same font.  PSF/MVS 2.1.0, 2.2.1 and 2.2.0 are affected.      
IV.   DB2 Technical Notes.                                              
V.    IMS Technical Notes.                                              
VI.   SAS Technical Notes.                                              
 1.   Repeated macro invocations can generate out of memory errors; this
      SAS error is fixed by V6-MACRO-A673, which is now included in SAS 
      6.08 maintenance level TS425.  This has not affected any real MXG 
      job, but in running TESTANAL, which invokes all of the ANALxxxx   
      members (almost all of which heavily use %MACROs), that test job  
      needed MEMSIZE=53M instead of MEMSIZE=46M when XMXGSUM replaced   
      VMXGSUM, because XMXGSUM invokes more macros in optimizing itself 
      to read-in only what is needed.  Old "XMXGSUM" replaced VMXGSUM in
      MXG 13.08 (see Change 13.276), so there is a very small risk that 
      an existing job that uses VMXGSUM might need a larger MEMSIZE and 
      REGION parameter; that exposure is mitigated if you are at TS425. 
 2.   SAS Return Code 2096 or 2097, with nothing printed on the SAS log 
      (with neither the SAS nor the MXG Initialization messages), and   
      lots of CPU time used, resulted when incomplete //STEPLIB DD was  
      specified.  The //STEPLIB DD contained only the main SAS library, 
      and did not include the maintenance library, causing the failure. 
      Note added Sep 1997:  Return Code 2096, perhaps accompanied by an 
      ABEND 0C4 also results if UNIT=(SYSDA,3) is specified (that is not
      the correct way to create multi-volume SAS libraries - search the 
      member NEWSLTRS for "multi-vol" for the correct technique).       
 3.   Strange syntax errors that are traced to missing chunks of source 
      code (like 56 lines of RMFINTRV that were not printed on the SAS  
      log when OPTIONS SOURCE SOURCE2 MACROGEN; was specified) have been
      caused by dissimilar block sizes of the PDS libraries in the job's
      //SOURCLIB DD concatenation.  Using the same value for BLKSIZE    
      for all datasets in the concatenation eliminated the error.       
 4.   Informat S370FRBn is used under ASCII SAS to input mainframe RBn  
      "real binary" or "floating point" numbers, but it produces wrong  
      values if the floating point number is not "normalized".  While   
      '4E000001'x is a floating point representation of the decimal one,
      that value is "unnormalized" because of the leading zeroes in the 
      mantissa; '41100000'x is the normalized value for one.  The RB    
      format on the mainframe accidentally worked with unnormalized     
      values, because there was an arithmetic operation performed prior 
      to conversion, and mainframe floating point operations always     
      output normalized values!  The specification for S370FRBn has been
      changed by SAS Institute to also support unnormalized numbers in  
      future versions, and SAS has created release-specific fixes (DLLs)
      for OS/2 6.10 and 6.11 that are available now in MXG source (see  
      Change 13.239).  Landmark's TMON CICS product is the only product 
      (thus far!) that actually creates unnormalized values, but not all
      instances of RB data in all vendor records have been examined.    
      SAS Tracking 4118427 confirms that SAS Institute has re-defined   
      the S370FRB specification to process all float values in future   
      releases on each ASCII platform.                                  
 5.   SAS return code of 318 with SAS 6.08 at TS415 under MVS when an OS
      dataset at the back end (track 100,000) of a 3390-9 ("Fat" DASD)  
      was read with an INFILE statement.  When the dataset was copied to
      a 3390-3 volume, the read was successful.  SAS Tracking 4420016.  
 6.   PROC SQL is a lot easier to code, but it may take significantly   
      more resources than the DATA steps and PROC SORTs used in ANALDSET
      logic to merge of TYPE1415, TYPE64, and TYPE30_4 datasets.  The   
      SMF processing phase took 13 CPU minutes and 24 elapsed minutes to
      create the 800,000 TYPE1415, 80,000 TYPE64 and 74,000 TYPE30_4    
      observations.  PROC SQL then used 318 CPU seconds and 20 elapsed  
      minutes, while DATA/SORTS used only 90 CPU seconds in the same    
      elapsed time.  This may not be generalizable, but is shared with  
      you as a single data point.  Any other experience like this?      
 7.   SAS ABEND 0C4 with TS410 can erratically occur in SMS environment,
      if a SAS data library's DDNAME (for example, CICSTRAN) is changed 
      from TAPE to DASD by TMM (Tape-Mount-Management) and the VOLCOUNT 
      in TMM is greater than one.  That creates an MVS multi-volume     
      sequential-only dataset, which is not supported by SAS (see MXG   
      Newsletters 23 and 26 for the correct techniques to allocate a    
      multi-volume data library). With the TMM re-direction, the 0C4    
      occurs when the first volume allocation was not large enough for  
      the entire SAS data library.  SAS may correct in Version 7, but   
      your SMS sysprog can show you how to avoid TMM redirection.       
 8.   The OPTIONS NOBYLINE statement allows you to place the BY values  
      inside the TITLE and FOOTNOTE statements for pretty reports, but  
      SAS/GRAPH does not handle the BY groups correctly.  All you will  
      get is the last BY group's value on every graph.  There is no fix 
      but you can circumvent the problem by adding the NOCACHE parameter
      to the PROC statement, and the expected reports will be printed.  
VII.  CICS Technical Notes.                                             
 1.   CICS APAR PN71965 creates new parameter SURROGATE=YES/NO for the  
      DFMHCT TYPE=INITIAL macro, that affects the contents of variables 
      TERMINAL and LUNAME in CICSTRAN datasets in CICS 4.1 and later.   
      Prior to CICS 4.1, TERMINAL/LUNAME contained the surrogate TERMID 
      for the AOR record when directly connected to the TOR, but in 4.1,
      TERMINAL/LUNAME for the AOR record were changed to contain the    
      MRO Session ID.  This parameter allows installations to choose    
      which value is put in the record by CICS.  SURROGATE=NO is the    
      default.  See member ADOC110, dataset CICSTRAN, description of    
      variables TERMINAL or LUNAME for complete discussion.             
 2.   Whatever happened to SHRTSTOR and MAXTASK flags in CICSTRAN data? 
      IBM deleted the bits in CICS/ESA 3.1.1, so those flags are always 
      blank and cannot be used to identify which transactions were in   
      execution during those events.                                    
      In CICS 4.1, IBM did add useful new variables MXTDIOCN,MXTDIOTM to
      the CICSTRAN dataset, and they record the count of times AND the  
      duration that the transaction waited for its first dispatch due to
      MAXTASK delay, so at least MAXTASK delays can be measured.        
      There are other MAXTASK/SHRTSTOR measures that have been added to 
      the Statistics subtype of the type 110 record (but then some of   
      these new data was removed from later releases!):                 
      CICS 3.1.1 added the new CICSDS dataset with MAXTASK/AMAXTASK     
      counts, but this data no longer exists in CICS 4.1:               
              for:       MAXTASK     AMAXTASK                           
              defined:   DSGTL       DSGAMXTL                           
              current:   DSGCNT      DSGAMXTC                           
              peak cnt:  DSTPNT      DSTAMXTP                           
              times at:  DSGTAMXT                                       
      CICS 4.1 added the new CICXMG dataset with counts of times and the
      duration at MAXTASK in variables XMGMXT, XMGTAMXT.                
      CICS 3.1 added T-Class statistics in the new CICTCLR dataset, with
      Class Number, value, current, peak, and times at max in variables 
      A15KTCLS,A15MXT,A15MXTC,A15MXTR,A15MXTM, but this dataset too will
      have zero observations in CICS 4.1                                
      CICS 3.1 thru CICS 4.1 add the count and duration of times the DSA
      was short on storage in the variables SMSSOS,SMSTSOS in the new   
      CICSMDSA dataset, and the count of times that VTAM was short on   
      storage is in variable A03VTSOS in dataset CICVT.                 
 3.   One site decided to turn off type 110 recording to measure the CPU
      cost of CICS monitoring (previously reported to be between 7% and 
      11% by IBM).  Upon disabling CMF recording, they found only a 2%  
      CPU savings!  It turns out that the cause was Omegamon for CICS;  
      even though you turn off CMF, Omegamon still needs to measure the 
      CICS system (so it can alert you to problems!) and in the absence 
      of CMF, Omegamon itself monitors your CICS system, hence the small
      savings with CMF disabled!                                        
VIII. Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 13.13.                  
 1. Incompatibilities introduced in MXG 13.13 (since MXG 12.12):        
  a- IMACs that were changed (if they exist in your USERID.SOURCLIB, you
     must refit your tailoring, starting with the new IMAC member):     
     IMACPDB  (Change 13.198)                                           
     IMACJBCK (Change 13.183)                                           
  b- Other incompatibility changes:                                     
     Member FORMATS cannot be executed as-is under SAS Version 5.18,    
     but can be tailored if you are still running that archaic version. 
     See Change 13.127                                                  
     User-written invocations of VMXGSUM with OUTCODE= to recalculate   
     the DATETIME= variable may be wrong.  See Change 13.152.           
  c- These products were incompatibly changed by their vendor, and they 
     require MXG 13.xx as indicated:                                    
     Memorex/Telex LMS 3.1     (Change 12.326, MXG 12.12A)              
     OPC Release 3.0           (Change 13.092, MXG 13.02)               
     DFSORT Release 13         (Change 13.092, MXG 13.02)               
     Hipercache 4.1.x          (Change 13.120, MXG 13.03)               
     BETA 93 Release 1.06.50   (Change 13.304, MXG 13.09)               
     OMEGAMON/MVS Version 300  (Change 13.170, MXG 13.05)               
     IDMS 12.01   Maint 9506   (Change 13.223, MXG 13.06)               
     TMON/CICS 1.3             (Change 13.204, MXG 13.06)               
     SAP 5.0 type 110 journal  (Change 13.261, MXG 13.08)               
     TOPSECRET 4.4/5.0         (Change 13.254, MXG 13.08)               
     OPEN EDITION MVS 5.2.2    (Change 13.313, MXG 13.13)               
     VM/ESA SQL/DS Accounting  (Change, MXG 13.yy)               
     IMS 5.1                   (Change 13.265, MXG 13.xx)               
     Model204 Release 3.0      (Change 13.249, MXG 13.xx)               
     TMON/DB2 Version 2        (Change 13.224, MXG 13.xx)               
     TYPE42 APAR OW14717       (Change 13.217, MXG 13.xx)               
 2. Installation and re-installation procedures are described in detail;
    in member INSTALL (which also lists common Error/Warning messages a 
    new user might encounter), and sample JCL is in member JCLINSTL:    
     a. Install member MXGSAS as JCL Procedure MXGSAS in your PROCLIB.  
     b. Allocate a 105-cyl PDS: MXG.V1313.MXG.SOURCLIB, and use IEBUPDTE
        to read the MXG tape to create the 2937+ member Source Library. 
     c. Allocate a 1-cyl PDS:  MXG.V1313.USERID.SOURCLIB for your site  
        "Installation Tailoring" Source Library.  Installation specific 
        tailoring (like telling MXG your shift hours, which performance 
        groups are TSO, CICS, etc.) is done by copying and modifying MXG
        source members into V1313.USERID.SOURCLIB.                      
     d. Allocate a 1-cyl SAS Data Library:  MXG.V1313.MXG.FORMATS and   
        execute SAS to create the library of Formats required by MXG.   
     e. If this is the initial install of MXG, tailor these members into
        your MXG.V1313.USERID.SOURCLIB tailoring library:               
          IMACACCT (Account Length),                                    
          IMACSHFT (Shift Definitions),                                 
          IMACWORK (Performance Group to Workload mapping), and         
          IMACSPIN (for BUILDPDB).                                      
        Each IMAC member is self-documenting, and IMACAAAA is the index 
        of all of the IMACs.  You should at least scan IMACAAAA to see  
        the acronyms MXG uses for the many products MXG supports.       
     e. If re-installing MXG, copy your existing USERID.SOURCLIB library
        members into the MXG.V1313.USERID.SOURCLIB.  Then, compare the  
        members in your USERID.SOURCLIB with the list of members that   
        were incompatibly changed (above, in this section) in this MXG. 
        If any of the incompatibly changed members exist in your dataset
        MXG.V1313.USERID.SOURCLIB, then you must reinstall your site's  
        tailoring for that IMAC, starting with the IMAC member from the 
        MXG 13.13 Source Library.                                       
     f. EDIT and submit member JCLTEST6 to verify that your tailoring   
        did not create any errors.                                      
     g. EDIT and submit JCLPDB6 to create a Daily PDB for testing.  Or  
        use the TYPE.... members to process specific data sources, use  
        the ANAL.... members for report examples, the GRAF.... members  
        for SAS/GRAPH reports.                                          
     You have now installed MXG 13.13 in its own set of libraries. When 
     parallel testing is complete and are ready to implement MXG 13.13  
     in production, rename your three current MXG Production Libraries  
     and rename the MXG.V1313.x.y libraries to their Production names!  
     Again, detailed installation instructions are in member INSTALL    
Always read comments in the CHANGES member for compatibility issues, as 
well as for any last minute changes.                                    
Whenever you install changes or test a new version of MXG (or even your 
own reports), be extra careful to look on the SAS log for any real error
conditions.  Search for all occurrences of "ERROR:", "ERROR :", " NOT " 
"APPARENT", and "NOT CATLGD", as they usually indicate a serious error. 
A PROC PRINT and a PROC MEANS of each new MXG-built SAS dataset can help
you to understand their contents, and should be used to examine any     
unusually large, negative, or suspicious values.  Print all variables in
the dataset, and read the variable's descriptions in its ADOC member.   
IX.   Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
Since 1994, the contents of the two MXG Books, (the 1984 MXG Guide, and 
the 1987 MXG Supplement) are contained in the MXG Source Library, as are
all MXG Technical Newsletters and all MXG Changes, so all MXG           
documentation is actually online in the software itself; even the       
Installation Instructions are online, in members INSTALL/JCLINSTL!      
ACHAPxxx members are the text of the 42 chapters from the two MXG books,
to which the text from newsletters and changes has been added.  Some of 
these chapters are still rough; while some of the chapters have actually
been completely revised, many of these ACHAPxxx are little more than a  
concatenation of the two original chapters, often without the figures   
or tables.  The revision is work still in progress!                     
Members ADOCxxxx are what were in Chapter FORTY, and should be the first
place you look for information about MXG variables and/or datasets.  The
ADOCxxxx members alphabetically describe each dataset and all variables 
that are created by product xxxx, the instructions on how to enable that
product, bibliography of the vendor documentation, sample PROC PRINT and
PROC MEANS of real data, references to MXG reports that use these data, 
and the MXG member names that you use to process that product.  While   
this too is work in progress, the most heavily used data sources,       
especially the common SMF records, have been revised and are up to date.
There is an IMACxxxx member for every product supported by MXG.  Once   
you know the xxxx suffix for a product, you then know the names of all  
of the MXG members for that product, because of MXG naming conventions: 
  IMACxxxx - Defines record IDs, and the _Lyyyzzz and _Kyyyzzz macros   
             that name the dataset(s) created from product xxxx.        
  ADOCxxxx - "Chapter FORTY" style dataset and variable documentation of
             all datasets created from product xxxx, with sample output.
  VMACxxxx - The "real" source code member, often extensively commented.
  TYPExxxx - Standalone member to test or process product xxxx records. 
  ASUMxxxx - Summarization example (only for some products)             
  TRNDxxxx - Trending example (only for some products)                  
  ANALxxxx - Reporting/analysis example (only for some products)        
  GRAFxxxx - SAS/GRAPH report example (only for some products)          
  EXyyyzzz - OUTPUT exit for tailoring of each MXG dataset, not used by 
             most MXG sites, but powerful if needed.  There can be more 
             than one dataset created from one product.  The yyyzzz     
             suffix of the EXyyyzzz member name is the same as the      
             suffix of "_L" and "_K" macros defined in the IMACxxxx for 
             its product. See Using the MXG Exit Facilities in ACHAP33. 
Member IMACAAAA is an index of all IMACs, and is the best place to begin
to find what xxxx suffix Merrill chose for which product!  You can often
find additional documentation by searching members NEWSLTRS or CHANGESS 
for the xxxx suffix.                                                    
Member CHANGES identifies this Version and Release of MXG Software, and 
describes all changes made in this Release, plus new technical notes.   
Member CHANGESS contains each of the CHANGES members from each version  
of MXG, so this member contains ALL changes ever made to MXG Software.  
Since each MXG change lists the names of the members that were added or 
altered, names the new product/version supported by a change, or lists  
error messages corrected by a change, this member is designed to be read
online (with SPF BROWSE); you can search for specific product acronyms  
(CICS, MVS/ESA, etc.), or the MXG member name or anything else.  Many of
the changes are actually mini-tutorials, especially for new products.   
Member NEWSLTRS contains the text of all newsletters.  You can search   
NEWSLTRS for product name or acronym to find all of Dr. Merrill's       
published and unpublished technical papers, technical notes announcing  
enhancements in new operating systems or subsystems, new datasets and   
products, important APARs and PTFs, and other technical information of  
importance to MXG users.  (Since the Change Log that is printed in each 
newsletter is in member CHANGESS, it is not repeated in NEWSLTRS.) MXG  
Technical Newsletters are typically published twice a year, with one    
printed copy sent to each licensed site's technical addressee.          
Member DOCVER lists alphabetically ALL datasets and variables that are  
built by this MXG Software Version, abbreviated to a line per variable. 
Members DOCVERnn are the "delta-documentation" between MXG versions, and
list only those datasets and variables that were added/deleted/changed  
by version "nn", so you can identify when a variable/dataset was added. 
Finally, remember that MXG is source code, and you can often find your  
answer by BROWSING the source members, especially the VMACxxxx members. 
The MXG Variable name is frequently the vendor's field name, or the     
vendor's field name is often in a comment adjacent to the variable's    
INPUT, so you can cross reference MXG to the vendor's documentation.    
The migration from print to online is clearly work in progress, but at  
least the two books are now machine readable!  When all 42 chapters     
are completely revised and updated in the source library, I will decide 
which, if any, will also be made available in printed form, but the     
primary media for all future MXG documentation will be these members of 
the MXG source library, which can be immediately updated in each new    
version of MXG as changes occur.                                        
X.    Changes Log                                                       
--------------------------Changes Log---------------------------------  
 You MUST read each Change description to determine if a Change will    
 impact your site. All changes have been made in this MXG Library.      
 Member CHANGES of the MXG SOURCLIB will always be more accurate than   
 the printed changes in a Newsletter, because the software tapes are    
 created after the newsletter is sent to the printer!                   
 Member CHANGES always identifies the actual version and release of     
 MXG Software that is contained in that library.                        
 The actual code implementation of some changes in MXG SOURCLIB may be  
 different than described in the change text (which might have printed  
 only the critical part of the correction that can be made by paper).   
 Scan each source member named in any impacting change for any comments 
 at the beginning of the member for additional documentation, since the 
 documentation of new datasets, variables, validation status, and notes,
 are often found in comments in the source members.                     
Alphabetical list of important changes after MXG 12.12:                 
  Member   Change    Description                                        
  Many     13.190  Format of UOWTIME changed to DATETIME25.6 everywhere.
  Many     13.198  Support for 3590 tape drives.                        
  ADOCFRYE 13.317  Sample conversion of DBaseIII files into SAS datasets
  ANALALL  13.076  Print of All SMF records from a job was enhanced.    
  ANALAPAF 13.014  Semicolon missing in report program.                 
  ANALCISH 13.046  Report enhancements for CICS Shutdown reports.       
  ANALCISH 13.113  CICS Shutdown may cause NOTSORTED error.             
  ANALCISH 13.274  Lots of page ejects corrected.                       
  ANALCNCR 13.036  Validation closed several exposures.                 
  ANALCNCR 13.047  ANALCNCR failed when invoked by ANALTAPE or ANALMTP. 
  ANALCNCR 13.280  Correction of Dataset Not Found condition.           
  ANALDB2C 12.318  NO MATCHING IF error because colon vice semicolon.   
  ANALDB2R 12.328  Syntax errors with PMACC01 or PMACC02 report.        
  ANALDB2R 13.042  DBID/OBID mapping enhanced to include timestamp.     
  ANALDB2R 13.079  DB2 Statistics Summary PMSTA01, Audit report fixes.  
  ANALDB2R 13.106  Statistics Report correction, FORMAT NOT FOUND.      
  ANALDB2R 13.118  Final (?) corrections to Statistics and Audit Reports
  ANALDB2R 13.159  More Statistics Report errors, but at field level.   
  ANALDB2R 13.191  $DB2DBID FORMAT NOT FOUND may still occur in 13.05.  
  ANALDB2R 13.278  Enhancements only!  No errors reported!              
  ANALHSM  13.307  Analysis of HSM SMF record HSMFSRST data.            
  ANALPATH 12.325  Cross-System DASD Reports cols ran together.         
  ANALPATH 13.207  INVALID ARGUMENT error in report program.            
  ANALPGNS 13.003  Failed if you changed RMFINTRV duration in IMACRMFI. 
  ANALRMFR 13.134  Data/time selection crossing midnight failed.        
  ANALTALO 12.327  VARIABLE NOT FOUND error.                            
  ANALTALO 13.006  Variable SYSTEM NOT FOUND in MXG 12.12A.             
  ANALTAPE 13.037  All-systems report was missing.                      
  ANALTAPE 13.286  ERROR:KEYWORD PARAMETER in MXG 13.06-13.07 only.     
  ASMIMSLG 13.265  IMS 5.1 changes, untested.                           
  ASMRMFV  13.027  0C4 ABEND if no enqueue table, additional records.   
  ASMTAPES 13.135  MAINTLEV 4 of MXG Tape Mount and Allocation Monitor  
  ASMTAPES 13.163  MAINTLEV 5 of MXG Tape Mount and Allocation Monitor  
  ASMTAPES 13.187  MAINTLEV 6 of MXG Tape Mount and Allocation Monitor  
  ASMTAPES 13.282  MAINTLEV 7 of MXG Tape Mount and Allocation Monitor. 
  ASUMCICS 13.268  Default summarization now includes USER.             
  CICINTRZ 13.281  Replacement for CICINTRV available for testing.      
  DIFFDB2  13.212  Removed DB2STAT2 from DIFFDB2 create of DB2STATS.    
  DIFFDB2  13.269  Variables QBSTHPL/QBSTVPL removed from DIF().        
  FORMATS  13.061  All MXG formats for hex values use OTHER= syntax.    
  FORMATS  13.127  MXG FORMATS member incompatible with SAS Version 5.  
  GRAFLPAR 13.060  MXG 13.01 only.  NAME uninitialized error.           
  IMACFILE 13.109  Select CICS records by APPLID/SUBTYPE example.       
  IMACICSA 12.324  SAP Journal data times formatted correctly.          
  IMACICSA 13.077  CICS SAP variable STCTIMTR may be wrong.             
  IMACICSA 13.199  SAP variable STICODE changed from Numeric to Char.   
  IMACSPCK 13.241  New BUILDPDB/BUILDPD3 exit for SPIN override.        
  IMACZDAT 13.237  ZDATE creation now localized, for ease in reruns.    
  JCLDAYDS 12.316  DCOLLECT output LRECL=644 instead of LRECL=264.      
  JCLPDB6  13.018  Member ASUMDB2S does not exist error.                
  MONTHBLD 13.015  SORT error building monthly TYPE72, wrong BY list.   
  REXXDB2  13.284  REXX program to convert DB2 GTF records corrected.   
  RMFINTRV 13.213  TSOxxxxx response variables FORMAT now 7.3.          
  SASAFIX1 13.239  S370FRBn informat replacement .DLL for ASCII SAS.    
  TRNDDB2S 13.031  Variables QTPUBD and QTXAIRL incorrect spellings.    
  TRNDTALO 12.327  Syntax error due to missing comma.                   
  TYPEACF2 13.112  ACF2 subtype "L" logic (ACF2JR dataset) redesigned.  
  TYPEACHE 13.005  CRR 1.6 with 3990-6 in Basic Move, values wrong.     
  TYPEAUTO 13.091  Support for LEGENT's AUTOMATE SMF record.            
  TYPEAUTO 13.102  Corrections to initial support for AUTOMATE.         
  TYPEAXC  13.149  Support for Kodak AXCIS Optical Disk SMF records.    
  TYPEBETA 13.304  Support for BETA 93 Release 1.06.50 INCOMPATIBLE.    
  TYPECACH 13.103  Support for 4-digit UCB in Cache RMF Reporter data.  
  TYPECACH 13.262  DEVPLX (duplex volume) address wrong, IBM worrying.  
  TYPECOMP 13.222  Support for COM-PLETE Version 4.6 SMF record.        
  TYPEDB2  13.212  Dataset DB2STAT2 was incomplete.                     
  TYPEDB2  13.244  Support for DB2 4.1.0 type 100 and 101 records.      
  TYPEDCOL 13.295  Support for DFSMS/MVS 1.3 DCOLLECT records (COMPAT). 
  TYPEEPMV 13.170  Support for OMEGAMON/MVS Version 300 (INCOMPAT).     
  TYPEEPMV 13.201  Support for Omegamon for MVS/ESA V400 adds variables.
  TYPEEREP 13.164  Support for EREP/SYS1.LOGREC records.                
  TYPEEREP 13.208  EREP gets INVALID DATA FOR DTL, additional support.  
  TYPEEREP 13.270  INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED error corrected.            
  TYPEFRYE 13.317  Support for Frye Systems LAN measures for Netware.   
  TYPEHIPR 13.120  Support for Boole & Babbage HiperCache V1.4.3.       
  TYPEHMF  13.038  Support for HMF subtypes 4 and 5.                    
  TYPEHMF  13.165  Deaccumulation of HMF records.                       
  TYPEHPAI 13.010  Support for HP-PCS data from AI UNIX.                
  TYPEHPSU 13.010  Support for HP-PCS data from SUN UNIX.               
  TYPEHPUX 13.010  Support for HP-PCS data from HPUX UNIX.              
  TYPEHSM  13.131  Corrections to HSM FSR segment in SMF record.        
  TYPEHSM  13.218  Support for HSM ABARS ABACKUP/ARECOVER FSR segment.  
  TYPEHSM  13.259  HSM ABARS record now validated.                      
  TYPEHURN 13.085  Support for Antares' HURON ObjectStar SMF record.    
  TYPEHURN 13.243  Zero obs in HURN49 dataset.                          
  TYPEICE  13.026  ICEBERG subtype 5 extents and TOIOTIME wrong.        
  TYPEIDMS 13.223  Support for IDMS 12.01 Maint 9506 (INCOMPATIBLE).    
  TYPEIDMS 13.267  Support for IDMS 12.01 INVALID DATA FOR PMHSDATE.    
  TYPEILKA 13.130  Internet addresses were not converted to num-point.  
  TYPEIMSA 13.013  IMS DEDB and MSDB counts from fastpath type 59.      
  TYPELMS  12.326  Support for Memorex/Telex LMS Version 3.1 (INCOMPAT).
  TYPEMON8 12.315  NO MATCHING DO/SELECT error, 'TD' record support.    
  TYPENAF  13.094  NAFLOGOF dataset variables incorrect.                
  TYPENAF  13.133  Candle's Supersession Release 147 PTF QLV1372        
  TYPENDM  13.070  Variable NDMDSDSN (Source DSN) added to NDMCT.       
  TYPENDM  13.146  Connect Direct (formerly NDM) minor corrections.     
  TYPENSPY 13.021  NETSPY Type N subtype 06/07 support incorrect.       
  TYPENSPY 13.022  Support for NETSPY Release 4.6 (compatible).         
  TYPENTCP 13.144  Support for NetCompress SMF records.                 
  TYPEOPC  13.092  Support for OPC Release 3.0 (INCOMPATIBLE).          
  TYPEPKMN 13.145  Support for Packet/Main SMF records.                 
  TYPEQAPM 13.051  Support for OS/400 Version 3.1.0 wrong in MXG 12.12. 
  TYPEQAPM 13.071  OS/400 Version 3.1, DSARM/DSTYPE reversed.           
  TYPERACF 13.030  Support for IBM's IRRDBU00 RACF Database Unload.     
  TYPERMDS 13.260  INVALID ARGUMENT TO MDY in RMDS 1.4 records.         
  TYPESAMS 13.080  Support for Sterling SAMS Storage Automation SMF.    
  TYPESAVR 13.252  New fields added, ZAP required to populate.          
  TYPESFTA 13.229  Support for ISOGON Soft Audit Version 4.1.           
  TYPESOLV 13.028  Support for Sterling SOLVE NCL CPU-time accounting.  
  TYPETAND 13.283  Support for TANDEM D20 D30 and D40 releases.         
  TYPETCP  13.008  Support for TCP/IP APAR PN69321-PN69322.             
  TYPETMDB 13.223  Support for Landmark TMON for DB2 Version 2.         
  TYPETMNT 13.135  PROGRAM=IEFIIC records are again deleted by TYPETMNT.
  TYPETMON 12.320  Landmark Version 1.3 variables were not INPUT.       
  TYPETMS5 13.083  Support for TMS (CA-1) Release 5.1 (compatible).     
  TYPETMS5 13.123  New variables from 5.1 added to final datasets.      
  TYPETMS5 13.308  BUFNO=220 on //TMC DD reduces 15 minute run to 4!    
  TYPETMVS 13.170  Support for new TMON/MVS subtypes.                   
  TYPETSOM 13.143  TSO/MON 6.1 only, TRIVTM,NTRIVTM,LONGTM too small.   
  TYPETUX  13.288  Support for Landmark TMON for UNIX.                  
  TYPETUX  13.302  Corrections and Enhancements for Landmark TMON/UNIX. 
  TYPEVM   13.287  Support for VM/ESA SQL/DS Remote User Account Record.
  TYPEVMXA 13.126  Sterling's VM/Monitor MONWRITE records cause error.  
  TYPEVMXA 13.137  Support for MICS VM Data Transmission Program output.
  TYPEVMXA 13.168  Correction to Change 13.126, applies to IBM too.     
  TYPEVMXA 13.318  Alternative VXBYUSER using VXUSELOF vice VXUSEINT.   
  TYPEWYLA 13.075  Support for ACS Wylbur Accounting SMF record.        
  TYPE102  13.009  T102S145 QWn145OB values wrong.                      
  TYPE102  13.192  IFCID 21 or 44 INVALID SECOND ARGUMENT error message.
  TYPE110  12.321  CICS Statistics CICDS and CICEODRV datasets wrong.   
  TYPE110  13.057  CICSLSRR variables A08BKCTD/A08BKDTD incorrect.      
  TYPE110  13.261  Support for SAP 5.0 INCOMPATIBLE type 110 journal.   
  TYPE110  13.291  CICSTRAN (MXG 13.07-13.08 only) ENDTIME/ELAPSTM bad. 
  TYPE110  13.296  CICS/ESA 4.1 TRANTYPE was moved by IBM, now correct. 
  TYPE116  13.049  Zero observations in dataset TYPE116.                
  TYPE1415 13.002  DSNAME='UNKNOWN...' set incorrectly for multi-vol.   
  TYPE1415 13.064  Multi-UCB type 1415 SMS fields wrong.                
  TYPE16   13.093  Support for DFSORT Release 13 (INCOMPATIBLE).        
  TYPE24   13.066  Fields added by MVS/ESA 5.2                          
  TYPE26J2 13.263  JESNR may show only four digits; IBM lied in ESA 5.2 
  TYPE28   13.072  Support for NPM Version 2.2 APAR OW08641.            
  TYPE30   13.065  Negative value for EXECTM due to IBM leapseconds.    
  TYPE30   13.066  Fields added by MVS/ESA 5.2                          
  TYPE30   13.073  ABEND value may be wrong in TYPE30_5.                
  TYPE32   13.084  Support for APARs OW10393 and OW12856.               
  TYPE42   13.066  Fields added by MVS/ESA 5.2                          
  TYPE42   13.217  Support for APAR OW14717 and OW16039 SMF type 42.    
  TYPE42   13.311  Support for DFSMS/MVS 1.3 VSAM RLS new subtypes.     
  TYPE50   13.188  Variable WRBUFUSE added to dataset TYPE50.           
  TYPE6    13.056  4-Digit remote support incomplete.                   
  TYPE6    13.309  INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED for PSF type 6 with BINS.   
  TYPE64   13.312  Support for DFSMS/MVS 1.3 VSAM RLS new variables.    
  TYPE72GO 13.236  Delay percentages calculation was incorrect.         
  TYPE74   13.004  MVS/ESAs 5.1 TYPE74ST dataset had duplicate/missing. 
  TYPE74   13.035  Support for APAR OW04653 added to TYPE74ST dataset.  
  TYPE80A  12.323  Invalid SUBSTR function, STOPOVER error corrected.   
  TYPE80A  13.254  Support for TOPSECRET 4.4/5.0 (INCOMPATIBLE) records.
  TYPE91   13.189  INVALID DATA FOR AFSTTIME in SMF type 91 fixed.      
  TYPE92   13.155  Support for OpenMVS File System I/O SMF type 92.     
  TYPE92   13.313  Support for MVS/ESA 5.2.2 Open Edition INCOMPATIBLE. 
  VMAC102  13.273  Support for DB2 4.1 IFCIDs 221, 222, and 231.        
  VMXGDUR  13.305  Rename internal variables DATE HOUR DAY DAYM etc.    
  VMXGHSM  13.108  Dataset DGN corrected for multiple dump copies.      
  VMXGINIT 13.033  New macro variable, &MXGDEBUG is now GLOBALed.       
  VMXGSUM  13.152  VMXGSUM incompatible for user-written invocations.   
  VMXGSUM  13.276  "XMXGSUM" architecture now replaces VMXGSUM.         
  XMXGSUM  13.097  Final validation enhancements.                       
  YEAR2000 13.110  MXG Position Paper on support for the Year2000.      
  YEAR2000 13.158  Phase one support for the Year2000.                  
Inverse chronological list of all Changes:                              
  Changes 13.324 thru 13.166 were printed in MXG Newsletter TWENTY-NINE 
  Changes 13.165 thru 13.001 (and 12.328 thru 12.307) were printed in   
   MXG Newsletter TWENTY-EIGHT (and are contained in member CHANGESS).  
   This is the last page of MXG Technical Newsletter Number             
   and it is blank except for this statement and the page number.