MXG Software Status as of September 26, 1986.
This is the production release of MXG VERSION 4.4
Major enhancements in Version 4 are listed below. Read this
entire member to determine its impact. New changes have been
added, and some Change descriptions have been reworded since part
of these new changes were printed in MXG NEWSLETTER EIGHT in May.
Major items in Version 4:
1.New member INSTALL contains installation instructions for MXG
under either MVS or CMS versions of SAS. The MXG Exit Facility
is also documented therein. This member MUST be read to ensure
MXG installs without error.
2.VM Monitor processing to create VMONaaaa data sets directly with
SAS with VM MAP variable names. See change 4.85, below.
3.Support for RMF 3.4 and MVS 2.1.7 and Vector Processor data
introduced with 3090 processors. SMF manual TNL's thru GN28-1061
are included in MXG Version 4. New TYPE78CU and TYPE78IO data
sets and new data in TYPE78CF result from 3090 I/O architecture
4.IMSLOG CODE enhancement (TYPEIMS) puts log trace records together
for IMS transaction response and resource measurement.
5.CICS 1.6.1 and CICS 1.7 are now supported in VMAC110 code. New
program UTILCICS may have to be run to determine which of the
impacting PTFs are installed so that you can update IMACPTF.
6.Support for Landmark's The Monitor for CICS records, including a
INFILE exit to process compressed format data. See Change 4.94.
7.Support for Cullinet's IDMS Performance Monitor records.
8 ASM source for an exit to IDMS which will write SMF records that
contain IDMS log data, and SAS code to process those MXG-created
IDMS-LOG-SMF records. SAS code to process the IDMS DCLOG directly.
9.Support for DOS POWER Version 2 account records. Impacting change
in V2 to DOSJOBS data, and five new DOS data sets now exits.
10.Support for DISOSS Version 3 Release 3 account records.
10.New member IMACPTF. Presently used only for CICS 1.6 records, this
new maintenance feature allows MXG code to be enabled to support
those (dumb) PTFs which ambiguously change data format.
11.DB2 processing revised to capture all data segments in Release 2.
12.Revised ANALTAPE routine now with accurate counts.
13.MODEL204 accounting information now defaults ON (EXM24ACT).
14.NODUP option implemented in BUILDPDB/3 to remove duplicate SMF
input data from PDB data sets. (Full implementation for all data
sets requires SAS Version 5.15. See Change 4.38-39).
15.Too much more to list here. Read all of these changes! MXG now
creates 168 MXG SAS Data Sets (Version 1 had 78) with its 466
source library members (Version 1 had 189) processing data from
24 products for MVS, VM and DOS data centers.
What was not quite finished when development was frozen for 4.4?
1. CMS still has some known data errors in some fields. As far as
we know, all discrepancies are documented in the comments at
the beginning of VMACVMON. There is very little CMS reporting,
and essentially no guidance as to which variables in which data
sets are important. We have only validated the PERFORM, USER,
and DASTAP classes, though others are coded, they may not work
(yet). A very small number of users have tested non-HPO systems
and UP systems - our primary validation was 03.34.0314 HPO 3.4
on an MP. None of the planned EXECs for testing were completed
yet. Because of the newness of MXG support for VM Monitor data,
users should validate the data carefully, and share with us any
discrepancies. We will send MXG NEWSLETTERS if necessary to
communicate major CMS enhancements/discoveries over the next few
months. Because the vast majority of the data is valid, we felt
you would prefer to have this now rather than later. Please help
us with your comments and expertise.
2. Documentation! MXG Version 4 will be eventually enhanced by the
printed MXG SUPPLEMENT (a 3-ring document bound like manuals
for IBM-PCs). The SUPPLEMENT will be indexed to the same chapters
as the MXG BOOK, and will provide new sections of Chapter FORTY
for new and updated MXG data sets, as well as updates to other
chapters from all past MXG newsletters. A significant poriton of
the MXG SUPPLEMENT will deal specifically with the analysis of
VM Monitor data.
Merrill Consultants will automatically send one copy of the MXG
SUPPLEMENT to all supported customers when it is completed, and
future MXG Newsletters will be sized to fit therein.
When completed, additional copies of the MXG SUPPLEMENT will be
available for purchase (at a mere pittance) from the Publications
Department of SAS Institute. Please don't hassle SAS about the
publication date - they are not the hold up. Call us in Dallas
if you must, but don't expect it before year end. (Which year?)
1. EXTY72 and EXTY74 exit members were changed. If they exist in your
USERID.SOURCLIB, your changes will override MXG changes. Thus only if
you have these members in your USERID. library, must you re-fit your
exit code. (The change externalized control of observations which had
previously buried inline in the MXG VMAC7072 member).
2. TYPE72 data set may contain more observations with Version 4.
Previous versions only output if performance group received SERVICE,
but RPGNs can be defined to only count transactions; MXG missed those.
Version 4 now outputs TYPE72 observations if either SERVICE or TRANS
are non-zero. This logic is now in EXTY72, if you wish to override.
3. Version 3 and RMF 3.3 cause the first TYPE70 observation from each
day's processing to have a missing value for the variable SU_SEC. This
is because that value is now in the type 72 record (at long last) for
RMF 3.3+, but the type 70 record (from which we used to have to get
the number by table look up) always precedes its type 72. Should only
affect report programs which depend on non-missing SU_SEC in every
observation of TYPE70. You'll have to get SU_SEC from TYPE72 in the
future, since that's where it should have been all along.
4. ROSCOE users must note Change 4.76.
Please call if you experience any difficulties or problems. Barry
This member describes the changes made to the MXG Software since
Version 3 was shipped. Changes to variables and data sets between
Versions 3 and 4 are documented in member DOCVER04. The total list
of the contents of all data sets, new and old, created now by MXG
Version 4 is in member DOCVER. VMON data sets in DOCVER with numeric
suffixes are not finalized, and may change in name and contents.
Always look for additional documentation in comments at the beginning
of each member. Note that the members affected by each change, below,
are listed under the date of change. Read those members too.
Additional documentation is available in past and future issues of
the MXG Newsletter, sent by Merrill Consultants to their Supported
Customers. Newsletter EIGHT was published May 31, 1986.
Note these SAS Zaps which you may need to install:
Z5152456 - 0C4, 30A when over 20 variables on PLOT statement
Z5152254 - Protected data set errors after PROC DATASETS
Z5162525 - ABEND 999 with ERRORABEND when no variables in data
set for PROC CHART, PLOT, GPLOT and maybe others.
The following pages provide the sequential log of changes which have
been installed already in this MXG library. The most recent changes
are listed first.
=====Changes thru 4.111 as of September 26, 1986======================
Change 04.111 A new IBM error in CICS CMF records has been uncovered
Sep 26, 1986 and circumvented. Problem only occurs after other PTFs
VMAC110 (PP43887 and/or AP40463) are installed. MCTSSDRL (the
data record length) is 2-8 bytes shorter than the real
data to be created. IBM truncates the data segment to
the (incorrect) length specified by MCTSSDRL. An APAR
will be issued next week. MXG circumvents by comparing
the expected length (EXPLEN, from IMACPTF status) with
MCTSSDRL. However, two fields SECOUCHR and PROGSTOR
are overlaid by next segment, and will be missing in
CICSTRAN data set when error is circumvented. Another
error, hit when over 100 bytes of user data is added
was found in MXG and was fixed.
Thanks to Thom Conley, Gold Circle Stores, USA.
Thanks to Kirby Kern, Commercial Federal Omaha, USA.
Change 04.110 SAS 5.15 ABENDs with 0C4 or 30-A when more than 20
Sep 24, 1986 variables are specified on a PLOT statement. While SAS
ANALDALY zap Z5152456 fixes the problem, the offending PLOT
statements were split in MXG to circumvent problem.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Computer Language Research (FASTAX), USA.
Thanks to Drew Pierson, PRC, USA.
Change 04.109 The JES 3 Accounting information in the type 26 purge
Sep 24, 1986 record was not handled correctly, occasionally causing
VMAC26J3 a STOPOVER ABEND. Now, ACCOUNT1 is parsed directly
from the 42-character field. The STOPOVER dump Dave
sent showed an undocumented field, OUTDEVCE, has been
added to the Print section added with MVS 2.1.7.
Thanks to Dave Harrison, Celenese, USA.
Change 04.108 VM Monitor validation completed for MXG Ver 4.4. See
Sep 21, 1986 details in member VMACVMON. Almost all variables are
VMACVMON exact when compared with detail VM MAP listing with
TYPEVMON VM 3.4 HPO. Test sites have validated with non-HPO
ANALVMON VM Version 4. HPO 4.2 has been coded, but the new
variables have not been verified. Highly usable, but
this gem is only faceted - polish will come in next
Version of MXG.
Change 04.107 ESP site input has further validated and enhanced the
Sep 21, 1986 IMS Log processing. Code now conforms to MXG Exit
TYPEIMS structure. RESPONSE time & components (when possible)
are calculated. John enhanced the data kept and also
captured local data from the RACF segments.
Thanks to John Loo, Fluor Corporation, USA.
Change 04.106 More IBM CICS errors. With PP43887 on CICS 1.6.1, the
Sep 19, 1986 record length MCTSSDRL is not always correct in the
VMAC110 CMF type 110 record. Problem at IBM Level 2. Has
caused specious 'missing TASKNR message'.
Transaction JC.. sometimes has nulls for TASKNR which
caused "missing TASKNR" message. Fix by message only
Thanks to Tom Koelle, Citicorp Information Systems Research, USA.
Thanks to Joe Faska, Chemical Bank, USA.
Thanks to Bill Cohen, Drexel, Burnaham and Lambert, USA.
Change 04.105 Validation of MXG DB2 data with DB2PRT caused fixes.
Sep 17, 1986 QTMAXDS=DIF(QTMAXDS) was deleted. MXG finds non-zero
ANALDB2 for QBnCRIO fields, which are zero on DB2PRT report.
QBnTCBA (n=1 to 4) disagree with DB2PRT at one site,.
but seem ok at another. Validate and call if you can.
SYSTEM added to SORT for DB2STAT1 and DB2STAT2 since
DB2 subsystem id (QWHSSSID) is not unique for SORT.
Thanks to Martha Hall, Metropolitan Life Insurance, USA.
Thanks to Scott Peterson, Southern California Edison, USA.
Change 04.104 VM Monitor cleanups
Sep 19, 1986 Non-HPO system: MN003CIE thru CSE do not exist. Fixed.
VMACVMON Used _HPO to test for class 0 code 3 to OUTPUT PERF &
VMONINST data sets after 0/03 record for non-HPO, but
OUTPUT them after class 0 code 4 for HPO systems.
Non-AP system does not write class 0 code 1 record.
Moved calculation of many variables to before OUTPUT.
Thanks to Wayne Kidd, SYNTEX, USA.
Change 04.103 MXG Lock manager data variables QTXA.... in DB2ACCT
Sep 16, 1986 have never been valid due to an MXG coding error. The
VMACDB2 QTXA.... variables in DB2STAT1 have been valid, tho
the IBM documentation is misleading. Now, QTXANPL
no longer exists in DB2STAT1 (it is only in ACCT) and
pointers to the six QTXA.... variables in DB2ACCT are
now read in from the correct offset. This fix was not
on 4.3 BETA tape.
Thanks to Sam Catalo, IBM Level 2, USA.
-----Changes thru 4.102 as of September 12, 1986 was the 4.3 BETA-----
Change 04.102 DISOSS Version 3 Release 3 Accounting record is now
Sep 12, 1986 supported. It provides more data than the perceeding
TYPEDISO record. See comments in TYPEDISO and DOCVER03.
Change 04.101 Turnaround example code now calculates in minutes to
Sep 8, 1986 be consistent with example in the book, and report
ANALTURN title identifies units.
Change 04.100 Cleanup of DATABASE data set built from TYPE1415 and
Sep 8, 1986 step records. Unreferenced variables from step record
ANALDSET are now deleted, saving space and avoiding confusion.
Thanks to Eustace Fernandez, Bow Valley Industries, CANADA.
Change 04.99 Support for IDMS log data and exit code to create SMF
Sep 21, 1986 records from IDMS log data. This is in addition to the
IDMSEXIT IDMS Performance Monitor SMF record supported by MXG
IDMSLOG Change 4.61. All documentation is in member IDMSEXIT,
IMACIDMS which contains the ASM source for an IDMS exit which
will create four SMF records with IDMS log-type data
VMAC200-203 without reading the IDMS DCLOG. Members TYPE200-3 will
TYPE200-203 create labeled MXG data sets from these MXG IDMS SMF
EXTY200-203 records. Member IDMSLOG will read the DCLOG itself,
but variables are not labelled (yet). Member IMACIDMS
defines the actual MXG IDMS SMF record IDs. There are
additional reports in IDMS.... members.
Thanks to Peter Bailey, Software Product Services, Woking, ENGLAND.
Change 04.98 Support for DOS POWER Version 2 coded, which contains
Sep 12, 1986 impacting changes in data format (DOSJOBS especially).
TYPEDOS Five new data sets are now created by MXG from V2:
FORMATS DOSBEGIN (startup statistics), DOSNET (network stats)
EXDOSBEG DOSPOOL (spool accounting), DOSXPCC (connection), and
EXDOSNET DOSXRC (transmit/receive spool). New member IMACDOSA
EXDOSPOL now defines DOSJOBS variable APLICATN; code had been
EXDOSXPC inline. Read comments at beginning of member TYPEDOS
IMACDOSA for all V2 documentation and DOS changes
Thanks to Paul Ehresmann, Compusource, USA.
Change 04.97 Several cleanup changes by 4.1 ESP user. TYPE75 data
Sep 6, 1986 not created if RMFINTRV run standalone. UTILCICS had
RMFINTRV missing semicolon in comments. Two CICSTRAN variables,
UTILCICS IWAITCN & IWAITTM were not in KEEP list (they exist
VMAC110 only if DLI counting is enabled in member IMACICDL).
Thanks to Norbert Korsche, OMV-AG, AUSTRIA.
Change 04.96 Several 4.1 ESP changes. Inconsistency between JES2
Sep 6, 1986 and JES3 _NODUP macro corrected. OUTDEVCE & SYSTEM
BUILDPDB appended to TYPE6 bylist in NODUP SORT to avoid dupes
BUILDPD3 which had been encountered. Division by DURATM in type
VMAC74 74 protected for DURATM=0. CPUTM added to PDB.JOBS.
Thanks to Bill Cohen, Drexel Burnham, USA.
Thanks to M. Morris, Northern VA Highway Department, USA.
Change 04.95 TYPE 59 changes for NJE BDT in TNL GN28-1122 to SMF
Sep 6, 1986 manual were coded. I have never had type 59 records
VMAC59 to test, and no site has ever validated this code.
Change 04.94 The MONITOR FOR CICS from Landmark is now validated
Sep 6, 1986 and will now process compressed data, if the INFILE
EXITMONI exit TMON (JCL + SOURCE are in EXITMONI) is installed.
IMACMONI IMACMONI defaults to uncompressed format only. Once
TYPEMONI TMON is installed, either format is supported.
Thanks to Bob Rutledge, Sherwin Williams Paint, USA.
(I can see why - they know he's so valuable you'll try to steal him).
Change 04.93 Test for CICTRANV at location 50 applied to CICS 1.6.1
Sep 5, 1986 without PP43887. Test should be at 51 with that PTF.
VMAC110 MXG was updated to test for PTF and then test at 50 or
51 as appropriate.
Thanks to Glen Wall, Databank, NEW ZEALAND.
Change 04.92 Calculation of some CPU variables was not perfect when
Sep 5, 1986 a 3084 was split into two 3081's. Only if the CPU was
VMAC7072 online during the entire interval will the CPU and its
contribution to wait be counted. If a processor is
offline at any time during the interval, it will not
be counted in NRCPUS and its wait will not be added to
CPUWAITM. Now, the CPUWAITn variable for that CPU will
contain the actual wait for that CPU (before this
change, it's CPUWAITM was set equal to DURATM).
Thanks to Andy Yu, B.C. Systems-Hi Tech Systems, CANADA.
Change 04.91 Substantial changes in DB2 data. MXG did not correctly
Sep 4, 1986 capture all of the DB2 data segments. See description
VMACDB2 in comments in VMACDB2.
Thanks to Martha Hall, Metropolitan Life, USA.
Change 04.90 Type 40 (dynamic allocation) record did not include
Sep 4, 1986 +OFFSMF in line 67, causing error if VSAM SMF file
VMAC40 was read by MXG. Minimal impact, as 40 data is in 30
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Computer Language Research (FASTAX), USA.
=====Changes thru 4.89 were ALPHA Version 4.2=========================
Change 04.89 Support for the ROSCOE Response Time Monitor records
Aug 4, 1986 (new in ROSCOE Release 5.4). Reports are provided,
TYPEROSC and Chuck Hopf's paper (in DOCRRTM) discusses the
VMACROSC good and the not so good of this response data. This
JCLROSC code is preliminary; variables are 8 rather than the
DOCROSC 4 bytes they will be, etc. The reports match okay.
Change 04.88 New routine analyzes SMF operator records 8,thru 11 to
Aug 4, 1986 detect when operators have varied tape drives online
ANALVARY simultaneously to multiple systems.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Computer Language Research (FASTAX), USA.
Change 04.87 SAS/GRAPH reports using RMFINTRV data were revised to
Aug 4, 1986 use SAS Version 5 Graphics catalogs. CLSTRPLY allows
GRAFRMFI TSO users to REPLAY these graphs.
Change 04.86 Quotes were missing around the test value for CPUVERSN
Aug 4, 1986 in the example.
Thanks to Huddie Dean, Chilton Corp Dallas, USA.
Change 04.85 VM Monitor Support is now credible. The PERFORM, USER,
Aug 4, 1986 and DASTAP records are almost complete, and the VM MAP
TYPEVMON reports have been mostly validated. Read all of the
notes and comments in VMACVMON. More reports still
remain, and some important variables are not yet
deduced by MXG (help IS solicited), but tests under
VM HPO 3.4 look good. No HPO 4.2 data has been tested,
but I think the code will work for VM Release 3 and 4,
with or without HPO.
Thanks to Allan Russell, SAS Institute Europe, GERMANY.
Thanks to Daniel Delorge, SAS Institute, FRANCE.
Change 04.84 Validation of THE MONITOR FOR CICS (Landmark Corp's
Aug 3, 1986 product) data uncovered a few errors which are fixed.
TYPEMONI Most of the variables are already documented in MXG
Book Chapter 40 (CICSTRAN and CICSYSTM sections), but
also note that THE MONITOR only provides the elapsed
(attach to detach) response time; the IRESP (internal
response, ELAPSED-WTTCIOTM, which excludes the user
think and typing time) is not captured by THE MONITOR.
This change affected many lines to the MXG 4.1 code.
Thanks to Neil Ervin, Borg Warner Chemicals, USA.
Thanks to Bob Rutledge, Sherwin Williams Paint, USA.
Change 04.83 Some type 80s do not have the RACFTYPE and RACFDATA
Jul 17, 1986 segment, which was required for OUTPUT. This fix adds
VMAC80 %%INCLUDE SOURCLIB(EXTY8) to handle these cases.
Thanks to Tom Wiebe, NERCO, USA.
Change 04.82 INPUT statement did not include +OFFSMF offset to read
Jul 11, 1986 VSAM SMF data correctly. Normal SMF data was handled
VMAC8911 okay.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Computer Language Research (FASTAX), USA.
Change 04.81 VMONCU data was incorrectly documented by IBM. An obs
Jul 10, 1986 will be created only if the device actually had busy
VMACVMON measured from CPU or from APU.
Thanks to Terry Magill, NAS, USA.
Change 04.80 CICSTRAN IRESPTM (Internal response) was non-zero even
Jun 30, 1986 if ERRFLAG was on, because it was carried from prior
VMAC110 transaction, because it was not initialized to missing
before each calculation.
Thanks to Evangeline Jacobs, Stearns Catalytic, USA.
Thanks to James Tummins, Stearns Catalytic, USA.
Change 04.79 GDGATTR changed to PIB1., HEX2. from character, as
Jun 22, 1986 it conflicted with VMAC6367. (Not caught by UTILXREF
VMAC6156 because neither variable is actually KEPT, and only
caused problem if 6156 and 6367 simultaneously built.)
Thanks to Malcolm Morgan, Wachovia Bank, USA.
Thanks to Norbert Riehout, Great Western, USA.
-----Changes thru 4.78 were in Pre-Release of Version 4.1.
Change 04.78 Correction to Change 4.55 for RACF 1.7. The OFFSET
Jun 9, 1986 equations added by 4.55 was restored to the original:
still under investigation with that vendor.
Thanks to Tom Weibe, NERCO, USA.
Change 04.77 CICS Transaction variable TRMCHRCN, total characters
Jun 9, 1986 in and out, was not created for CICS 1.7. (It was an
VMAC110 INPUTed variable in 1.6).
Thanks to Barbara Watters, EXXON Houston, USA.
-----Changes thru 4.76 completed May 31, 1986 Release of Version 4.1.
Change 04.76 Variable CPUTM in the ROSCO... data sets was renamed
May 31, 1986 to CPUTCBTM to be consistent with its meaning. Note
VMACROSC that CPUTM was removed, which may cause your ROSCO...
report programs (other than ANALROSC, which we fixed
to use CPUTCBTM) to fail. (We had to correct this one,
because the ROSCO label for CPUTM could override the
correct TYPE30 label.) Sorry I didn't catch this one
when I validated the original ROSCOE code.
Change 04.75 Queueing percentages are now correct. EVENTS should
May 31, 1986 have been the divident instead of NRSAMPLES.
Change 04.74 Conflicts in LABELs for variables with the same name
May 31, 1986 in different MXG data sets were resolved. Changes in
DOC LABEL were to clarify and be consistent, but should
not really be noticed; PHYSICAL*BLOCK SIZE*(BYTES)
replaced BLOCK*SIZE, for example.
Change 04.73 Change 4.65 was redesigned, and its description below
May 31, 1986 was changed after printing of MXG Newsletter EIGHT.
Change 04.72 VM Account Card data set VMVCNA was all wrong (though
May 29, 1986 it didn't raise an error) due to IBM format changes we
TYPEVM overlooked.
Thanks to Jonathan Aliber, Fidelity Systems, USA.
Change 04.71 Test for blank SYSEXEC to delete non-execution purge
May 28, 1986 records was expanded to also test for nulls (hex 0) as
BUILDPDB NJE purge records are null, whereas JES are blank.
Thanks to Al Loyd, DOD, Ft. Meade, Md, USA.
Change 04.70 AVGRSPTM (average response time) variable added to the
May 28, 1986 NLDM Type 39 data sets.
Change 04.69 You should know this already, if you read INSTALL like
May 27, 1986 you were supposed to (first). MXG EXIT Facility is now
INSTALL documented in member INSTALL (essentially as it will
be in Chapter 33 of the MXG Supplement). Additional
sections in INSTALL cross reference member to product
to MXG data set created to EXIT member names. Read it.
Change 04.68 Member TYPEDOS was restructured to extend the MXG EXIT
May 27, 1986 facility to DOS. See comments in TYPEDOS, and INSTALL.
TYPEDOS It should not impact present DOS data sets in any way,
EXDOS... unless you choose to enable it.
Thanks to Barry Lewis, CIA, USA.
Change 04.67 Standalone execution of RMFINTRV (by removal of the
May 27, 1986 comment block around the SMF processing) did not keep
RMFINTRV all of the RMF data sets which are kept when RMFINTRV
is invoked by BUILDPDB. Standalone RMFINTRV now agrees
Thanks to Barry Lewis, CIA, USA.
Change 04.66 JES3 clock differences between LOCAL and GLOBAL
May 27, 1986 processors can cause BUILDPD3 to not recognize that
BUILDPD3 the job is complete. _TIMEDIF macro is now defined
IMACTIME in IMACTIME to allow installations to specify a time
"fuzziness" for BUILDPD3 logic. Read IMACTIME.
Thanks to Barry Lewis, CIA, USA.
Change 04.65 Incorrect PTF information in IMACPTF can cause CICS
May 31, 1986 data sets to be built with no apparent error, but
VMAC110 containing invalid data (notably, TASKNR missing.)
This was because MXG used the ?? marker to supress
the dump of the record, the error message and _ERROR_
set by SAS for TASKNR. The ?? has been retained, but
an MXG ERROR MESSAGE now notifies you that the CMF
data format has been changes, and suggests you run
UTILCICS which will identify your PTF level by APPLID.
Thanks to Joe Faska, Chemical Bank, USA.
for lots of good input here.
Change 04.64 Minor changes during testing of 4.61 (IDMS-RTE)
May 19, 1986 Insert RT1DCDTW=DATEJUL(RT1DCDTW); Format 12.2 of
VMACRTE RT1DCTIT,TTT changed to 8., TST,TUT,TWT to 14.4;
BATCH for Program Type when Type Task is Batch.
-----Changes thru 4.63 completed the first pre-release of Version 4.1.
Change 04.63 Support for The Monitor for CICS product of Landmark
May 13, 1986 Systems. Variable names were taken from existing MXG
TYPEMONI data sets CICSTRAN and CICSYSTM (book, page 398) when
FORMATS possible. The code has only been syntax checked; the
MONITOR data tape did not arrive. Two test sites will
validate before you read this; call before believing.
Change 04.62 Split into five steps and better documented. Version 4
May 13, 1986 broke the SAS limit of 32768 SYSIN cards (it is fixed
TESTIBM NEW VERSION OF MXG. Self documenting. New naming code:
TESTUSER members used to test MXG will begin with TEST.
OTHRPRNT are deleted in Version 4 to force the issue.
Change 04.61 Support for Cullinet's IDMS Performance Monitor SMF
May 12, 1986 record. Called RTE because it was born as the Run Time
TYPERTE Evaluator product of Business Software Technology. The
FORMATS SMF record type (their default 230) must be enabled in
EXTYRTE IMACRTE. The monitor provides task level resource data
Thanks to Myles McCarthy, Fidelity Systems, USA.
Change 04.60 Support for RMF System Availability Management data
May 12, 1986 records. Three data sets SAMINFO, SAMTERM & SAMSKED
TYPESAM can be built from data captured by the new RMF/SAM
component introduced in RMF 3.4. SAMTERM & SAMSKED
are from installation data, SAMINFO is created from
RMF data sent to the SAM Info/MGT data base, extracted
with a SAM supplied utility. SAM detects system level
availability events (IPLs, WAITs, LOOPs), and step
terminations, but nothing at the subsystem level.
Change 04.59 Corrected calculation of OSWAITTM variable (which
May 12, 1986 had omitted multiply by 16). In the process, all
VMAC110 duration (TM) variables which had been created by
(PIB4., then /62500) are now instead created with
the equivalent (PIB4.6, then *16) for consistency.
Thanks to Barbara Watters, EXXON Houston, USA.
Change 04.58 Support for type 24 JES2 SPOOL OFFLOAD Program
May 12, 1986 Product. Separate information for jobs offloaded
VMAC24 and SYSOUT files offloaded from SPOOL.
Change 04.57 Support for additional segment (CTC) in type 50 SMF
May 12, 1986 VTAM Tuning Statistics record. The existing SNA VTAM
VMAC50 data is supplemented with new data for VTAM CTC use.
Change 04.56 Support for BDT (Bulk Data Transfer) type 59 SMF
May 10, 1986 record has been coded. It has not been validated by
VMAC59 actual data records. Call if you have verified it.
Change 04.55 Support for RACF 1.7 type 80 SMF record. Fields are
May 9, 1986 decoded with several new formats.
Change 04.54 Consolidation of the multiple LABEL, FORMAT, & LENGTH
May 8, 1986 statements to avoid redundant SAS statements. This
DOC has the added advantage that these MXG data sets
will now have all variables in alphabetic order.
Change 04.53 New variables AVGPAGMS and AVGSWPMS are now created to
May 7, 1986 match RMF reports of same values.
Change 04.52 Final validation of RMF 3.4 data showed three wrong
May 6, 1986 values which are now corrected. EXTFRMON is PIB4.0,
VMAC71 not PIB4.1; MIGAGEAV is PIB4.1, not PIB4.0; and
PVTMVTOT is now a rate per second with correct label.
Change 04.51 New documentation shows the new measure of all path
May 6, 1986 busy should be PCTPTHBY=100*PCTPTHBY/NRCMPTSM;
VMAC78 Comparison of MXG PCTCUBSY (using RMF manual equation)
does not exactly match % CU BUSY field on RMF report;
usually close, sometimes MXG shows 26% while RMF only
has 17%. Checking with IBM, think we are right.
Thanks to Jan Van Lent, Fokker BV, Schiphol, THE NETHERLANDS.
Change 04.50 STARTIME in the TYPE38IN interval data set had the
May 6, 1986 prior day's date if the interval ended after midnight.
VMAC38 Subtract NPATM from SMFTIME inside DATEPART function.
Thanks to Roger Konydyk, Steelcase, USA.
Change 04.49 IMACPTF added. A new maintenance facility for MXG in
May 6, 1986 which MXG code to support certain IBM PTFs (Program
IMACPTF Temporary Fixes) is enabled. Currently used only by
VMAC110 to support CICS PTFs. Check here first if
you find a PTF which changes data; it may already be
supported in MXG, awaiting only your enablement here.
Change 04.48 CICS PTF PP43887 adds new field in middle of record.
May 6, 1986 For sites using CICS IRC (Inter Region Communication)
VMAC110 the new variables WTIRIOTM and WTIRIOCN give the total
time (and count of times) that this transaction waited
for IO from the other CICS IRC region. You must update
IMACPTF to enable _PP43887 when this PTF is installed.
With the PTF installed and not enabled in MXG, the
data in CICSTRAN variables will be wrong.
Thanks to Sheldon Auerbach, AmeriTrust Cleveland, USA.
Change 04.47 IMACKEEP (which contains your re-definitions of the
May 6, 1986 MXG _VAR.... macro which contains KEEP= list for all
BUILDPDB/3 MXG data sets) must be INCLUDEd after EXPDBINC.
Thanks to Malcolm Morgan, Wachovia Bank, USA.
Change 04.46 Line 73 assumed OFFSET was from beginning of QSAM
May 6, 1986 data, but it is from beginning of the BSAM record.
VMAC80 Change +1 to -3 (to account 4-byte RDW difference).
Thanks to Craig Feitzner, Citicorp, USA.
Change 04.45 Support for Database 2 Release 2 changes to type 100
Apr 22, 1986 and 101 SMF records.
The new type 102 SMF record written by DB2 trace is not presently
decoded by MXG; when pushed by a user with data in hand, we will
investigate its complexity and eventually support it.
Change 04.44 Support for the NPDA type 37 SMF record.
Apr 21, 1986
Change 04.43 CMS Support, for the execution of MXG under CMS SAS.
Apr 8, 1986 Installation instructions are contained in this new
INSTALL member.
Change 04.42 VM Monitor data support. The VMONnnnn data sets which
Apr 8, 1986 can be created from VM monitor records are documented
TYPEVMON in INSTALL. All other documentation is in VMACVMON
VMACVMON comments. Note that you must have SAS Version 5.12
or later to read Monitor data from the virtual reader
(which needs MONITOR exit, new with 5.12).
Change 04.41 All PROC DELETE's were changed to PROC DATASETS NOLIST
Apr 8, 1986 because SAS no longer supports PROC DELETE.
Change 04.40 The FWINDEX calculation for overflow DLI call counting
Apr 7, 1986 was incorrect; when overflow occurred (almost never,
VMACCIMS except for occasional big BMPs), overflow count was
added to wrong bucket.
Thanks to Ron Root, Sun Company Dallas, USA.
Change 04.39 Duplicate data removal (Change 4.38) was disabled due
Apr 7, 1986 to a SAS error in the NODUP option of PROC SORT when
BUILDPDB NODUP and KEEP= or DROP= were used. NODUP compared the
BUILDPD3 records (wrongly) using the output buffer length. With
KEEP or DROP, the output record is shorter than input,
causing SAS to falsely detect and delete non-duplicate
(See SAS usage note 2079 for 5.08 and earlier).
To enable duplicate data removal for all SORTS after
you install SAS 5.15, EDIT BUILDPDB/3 and change the
MACRO _NODUP % to MACRO _NODUP NODUP % as described
in comments.
This disabling of the NODUP option only affects the
job records (6, 26, and 30); the majority of the PROC
SORTs in BUILDPDB do not use KEEP= and thus NODUP is
enabled. When duplicate records are encountered by
the NODUP options, SAS tells you with a log NOTE.
Thanks to Dale Ingold, SAS Institute Cary, USA.
for quick response and repair.
Change 04.38 1. Duplicate data records in the input SMF file will now
Mar 26, 1986 be automatically deleted from the PDB files, and a
BUILDPDB SAS NOTE on the LOG will tell you that duplicate data
BUILDPD3 was found and deleted for each SAS data set.
Note that this will still only remove identical SMF
data in today's input SMF file. Re-processing data
today (which was previously processed) would not be
detectable by the NODUP options. This enhancement
provides most of the function which the non-existent
ANALDUPE member was intended to perform.
Removal of duplicate data is done by the addition of
the SAS NODUP option to the first SORT of the input
data sets, and by adding variables to the BY list to
force uniqueness for the NODUP option. Since the high
level BY variables in those SORTs were not changed,
your present reporting should not be impacted. You may
want to take advantage of the new sort order, since it
ususally will eliminate a sort in your reporting.
Because CICSTRAN data set is created direct from the
SMF data, there is no SORT in BUILDPDB/3 and there is
no automatic duplicate removal in BUILDPDB/3. In your
CICSTRAN report programs you normally must sort the
data anyhow. To remove dupes, simply add NODUP to the
PROC SORT and expand the BY list to include all the
variables in the CICSACCT By list, below.
The following list shows the original sort order with
a + to indicate where new sort variables were added.
Dataset BY Variables
Thanks to ???, NRMA, AUSTRALIA.
who suggested this in 1984.
Change 04.37 Variable EXCPRMF in type 30 data sets is calculated
Mar 26, 1986 from data in the 30 (IOUNITS) and from the IOCCOEFF
VMAC30 coefficient in the type 72. If a 30 was encountered
VMAC7072 before a 72, EXCPRMF would be missing. However, if
duplicate 30 records were separated by a 72, the
first 30 had missing EXCPRMF, while the duplicate had
a value, which prevented NODUP option in SORT from
recognizing the true duplicate. Now, IOCSYSTM is
retained from 72 and compared with SYSTEM in 30 to
only create EXCPRMF when preceding 72 is from same
system, and thus allow NODUP option to delete dupes.
Change 04.36 When the EJST,SRBT suffix variables from QWSA were
Apr 07, 1986 split into QWS1 and QWS2, and when ISEQ,SBNA,SCF,
ANALDB2 SRND,SRNW,SRSW,OTH1,OTH2 suffix variables from QWSC
were split into QWS1, QWS2 and QWS3 prefixes, the
DIF() operations necessary to make the DB2 data
meaningful were overlooked in ANALDB2, which affects
those variables (and CPUTM) in DB2STAT0 data set.
New variables DB2TCBTM,DB2SRBTM,ELAPSTM,JOB are now
created in DB2ACCT.
Remember, ANALDB2 is not optional; it is automatically
invoked by TYPEDB2, and must be included in EXPDBCDE
if you create DB2 data sets with BUILDPDB.
Thanks to Mike Schilling, NORWEST Information Services, USA.
Change 04.35 TERMADDR and MINIADDR in several VM data sets built
Mar 24, 1986 from VM Accounting Card data should not be $HEX6. as
TYPEVM they were characters all along. Remove from FORMAT.
Thanks to ???, ???.
Change 04.34 Under XA only, the PAG values in SMF are the sum of
Mar 24, 1986 PAG + FIX, but MXG did not recognize that fact. With
VMAC71 this change, the MXG value of PAG variables will be
correct (and are less than the MXG V3 values).
Thanks to Les Czegel, CIL, CANADA.
Change 04.33 Interval begin time INTBTIME added to the TYPE30_D DD
Mar 24, 1986 level data set, so that DD observations from different
VMAC30 intervals of the same step (i.e., same INITTIME) can
be recognized.
Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Computer Language Research (FASTAX), USA.
Change 04.32 1. The Vector Processor accounting times (VPU & VPI) for
Mar 24, 1986 USE and AFFinity were added to PDB.JOBS and PDB.STEPS.
BUILDPDB 2. INTBTIME (interval begin time) was added to the BY
TYPE30_V (now that RMF 3.3 provides INTBTIME).
4. SMFTIME was appended to the BY list (READTIME JOB
so DD records from different intervals (which will
have same INITTIME) can be identified and ordered.
Change 04.31 New data in TYPE21 record now supported. New counts
Apr 4, 1986 of errors for 3480, tape unit serial number, DCBOFLG,
VMAC21 and separate counts of bytes written and read added.
See TNL GN28-1095 for PTF OZ89909, Jan 16, 1986.
Change 04.30 Data sets TYPE78PA, TYPE78SP, and TYPE78VS were not
Mar 20, 1986 created by BUILDPDB (but were for BUILDPD3). This
BUILDPDB change adds those three (small) data sets to the PDB.
Thanks to Wing Louie, Metropolitan Life, USA.
Change 04.29 ZDATE ("Zee date zee data was added to zee PDB") was
Mar 20, 1986 added to _JOURNAL macro for CICS journal format data.
RMFINTRV ZDATE was also added to the KEEP list for RMFINTRV.
Thanks to Cathy Hellums, Aristar, USA.
Change 04.28 TYPE72 and TYPE74 data sets do not always contain all
Mar 20, 1986 possible observations. Only if SERVICE or SIOCOUNT was
VMAC7072 non-zero would MXG OUTPUT, and the control logic was
EXTY72 in the VMAC member. Now, the control logic for their
VMAC74 OUTPUT statement has been moved to their EXTYnn member
EXTY74 so that sites which want all observations can make
the change in their exit code. Sites which use TYPE74
for availability want all observations, and sites that
use report perf. groups but capture only transactions
may want all TYPE72 observations. The default was not
changed, only the location of the default logic was.
Thanks to Barbara Watters, EXXON Houston, USA
Change 04.27 PRQUETM is now correct for JES3. For JES2, the start
Mar 20, 1986 of print queue time is JFINTIME, but JES3 does not
BUILDPD3 terminate output processing (JFINTIME) until purge.
Thus JPRNTIME (start of output processing) must be
uses for JES3 start of print queue time.
Change 04.26 4381-III CPU factor (pre-RMF 3.3) for single CPU is
Mar 20, 1986 now correct. 4381 de-rates UP by 85% when MP'ed, but
VMAC7072 all other MVS machines de-rate 95%, 92% and 89% when
2, 3, or 4 processors are online.
Thanks to David Belsham, Lloyds Corporation.
Change 04.25 Inconsistent RMF data caused NOTSORTED error in one
Mar 20, 1986 site because BY statement was missing. Additional
RMFINTRV check added to advise if RMF data was inconsistent.
Thanks to Pat Goetzinger, Northwestern Bell (of Nebraska!), USA.
Change 04.24 Production version of RMF 3.3 relocated LCUID field
Mar 4, 1986 in TYPE78 data set (only for 3090 CPUs).
Thanks to Greg Scriba, First National of Chicago, USA.
-----Changes thru 4.23 completed first PRE-RELEASE of Version 4.0-----
Change 04.23 Partitioning 3084s into 3081s, etc., caused MXG to
Jan 31, 1986 incorrectly calculate PCTCPUBY after splitting the
VMAC7072 CPUs. Beautiful fix (print of source, highlighted
with his changes, and with two pages of descriptive
documentation) was supplied by, and therefore
Thanks to Stephen Secher-Jensen, ANZ Bank, Melbourne, AUSTRALIA.
Change 04.22 The current version of MODEL 204 now contains the
Jan 27, 1986 M24ACCT and M24USER by default, so the exit is now
EXM24ACT set to default ON (was OFF). See member.
Thanks to David Daner, Sun Company, USA.
Change 04.21 IMS Log processing code. IMSTRAN and IMSMISS data sets
Jan 22, 1986 are built from sequences of IMS log records. This code
TYPEIMS was originally written and tested in Europe. It seems
IMACIMS to handle IMS 1.3 quite well, and is self-documenting.
EXIMSTRN Wherever possible, variable names of IMS Log data are
EXIMSMIS the same as those used for the IMF/Control IMS data
set CIMSTRAN, page 413.
Thanks to Allan Russell, SAS Institute Europe, GERMANY.
Change 04.20 JES3 BUILDPDB ABEND and CONDCODE "fixes" were not
Jan 22, 1986 completed with change 4.xx. Variables ABEND and
BUILDPD3 CONDCODE were added following KEEP= _PDB30_5 in
Thanks to Bill Cohen, Drexel, Burnham, Lambert, USA.
Change 04.19 The catalog record at the end of the 61,65 and 66
Jan 15, 1986 records was not decoded. The program will now (if
VMAC6156 you choose) decode and print (but not add to the
TYPE6156 data set) these catalog segments. See the
'how to' comments in the member itself.
Thanks to Gary Bortner, Lucky Stores, USA.
Thanks to John Lemkelde, Pennsylvania Blue Shield, USA.
Change 04.18 Added five more work groups OTH1-OTH5 to RMFINTRV
Jan 8, 1986 data set. Added Exit EXRMFINT so you can label the
RMFINTRV variables to describe that OTH1 is IDMS, etc.
EXRMFINT Comments added to IMACWORK to show how to use.
IMACWORK March 20, calculation code finally added!
Thanks to George Scott, Rockwell International Corporation, USA.
Thanks to Greg Scriba, First National of Chicago, USA.
Change 04.17 Support for CICS 1.7. Major changes in internal data
Jan 8, 1986 format, with some new variables, but minimal impact
VMAC110 on your programs. Will be discussed in future issue
FORMATS of MXG Newsletter. Do not gen CICS 1.7 with EXCLUDEs.
Change 04.16 Input format for OFFDATE in DOSRJE is MMDDYY6., and
Jan 8, 1986 PRTYJOB=MOD(PRTYJOB,16) replaced PRTY=MOD(PRTY,16).
Thanks to Joseph G. Ogurchak, Westfield Companies, USA.
Change 04.15 PTF UZ90402 for RMF 3.3 alters MVS/XA RMF format for
Dec 29, 1985 Vector Processors, even if you don't have one! The
following changes were published in MXG NEWSLETTER
SEVEN prior to availability of Version 4.1. Actual
code in Version 4 is more comprehensive that the
quick fix printed in Newsletter Eight.
VMAC7072 a. VECONSAM and VECTORON variables added to TYPE70.
VMAC22 b. VECTORON added.
VMAC30 c. Step level vector utilization variables added.
d. Interval begin time, INTBTIME, finally put in
the subtype 2 and 3 interval records by IBM.
Thanks to George Scott, Rockwell International Corporation, USA.
Change 04.14 Constant 000000954 should be 000000953674. Causes a
Dec 29, 1985 very small rounding error. Almost a nit.
Thanks to Joe Faska, Chemical Bank, USA.
Change 04.13 Standard deviation of response time calculation can
Dec 26, 1985 cause negative square root. Test added to avoid the
VMAC7072 illegal argument error message. SSQELAP wraps inside
RMF, creating above problem. IBM has been notified.
Change 04.12 RMF 3.3 expanded LCUID to two bytes in the subtype 1
Dec 18, 1985 record. MXG V3 missed this change, causing LCUID to
VMAC78 be zero in TYPE78CF.
Thanks to Joe Faska, Chemical Bank, USA.
Change 04.11 SAS Version 5 requires quotes around all character
Dec 02, 1985 strings. LABEL and FORMAT statements had been fixed,
TYPEPRNT but execution with NOTEXT82 option suraced others.
OTHRPRNT Quotes in SPLIT='*' and quotes around hex character
FORMATS values in PROC FORMAT were added to these members:
BUILDPD3 (Also removed superfulous PROC PRINT from BUILDPD3)
Thanks to David Henley, Blue Cross, USA.
Change 04.10 INTRVAVG is always missing. Change equations (two)
Dec 02, 1985 which calculate INTRVAVG to use INTRVSUM as first
VMAC76 term on right side of equation.
Thanks to Kenneth D. Jones, Maritime Telegraph and Telephone, CANADA.
Change 04.09 RESPAVG and RESPSTD and AVGMEMSZ values were carried
Dec 02, 1985 into next PERFGRP.PERIOD if TRANS=0 or CPUUNITS=0.
VMAC7072 After each of the 6 IF statements which calculate
these variables, insert 'ELSE variable=.;' to set
the value to missing.
Thanks to Sue Rosansky, Metropolitan Life, USA.
Change 04.08 Logic to set return code to 4096 or less was added
Nov 19, 1985 to parallel type 4, 30 and 34 records as well.
Thanks to Sam Ferrarelli, Philadelphia Electric, USA.
Change 04.07 Additional tests for zero denominator added for the
Nov 19, 1985 variable NRSAMPLE (which strangely is sometimes 0).
Thanks to Joe Faska, Chemical Bank, USA.
Change 04.06 Change 2.22(a) was not completely applied for JES3.
Nov 19, 1985
a. Find the three lines which create TYPE30_5 from the
SET TYPE30_5 SPIN30_5; statement.
Replace those three lines with the similar eight
lines from member BUILDPDB.
b. Find MACRO _SUMSTP. Remove the variable TAPEDRVS in
that macro definition by blanking it out.
c. Find DATA ONE30_5, then find FORMAT CONDCODE HEX4.
insert two lines: ABEND=ABEND5; CONDCODE=CONDCOD5;
Thanks to George Scott, Rockwell International Corporation, USA.
Thanks to Martin Hamburg,Johns Hopkins Univ Applied Physics Lab, USA.
Change 04.05 Five new variables (RMF 3.3 only) were INPUT out of
Nov 18, 1985 order. Starting at OFFPGDS+392, variables should be
Thanks to Sue Rosansky, Metropolitan Life, USA.
Change 04.04 Removed lower case from IMACINTV, as it caused SPF
Nov 6, 1985 to change case and data values became lower case!
Thanks to Dennis Dwyer, CITICORP Person-to Person, USA.
Change 04.03 Minor correction to MG078CV format to add HIGH.
Nov 6, 1985
Thanks to Joe Faska, Chemical Bank, USA.
Change 04.02 Corrected algorithm for counting tape drives used
Nov 4, 1985 and added count of tape drives potentially needed.
ANALTAPE Many lines involved. Call for information.
Thanks to Robin Templer, SAS Institute, AUSTRALIA.
Change 04.01 Backed out 2.3. Default record ID from TSO/MON and
Nov 4, 1985 MXG now agree (they're alphanumeric: CMD - SYS for
IMACTSOM 199 and 200 respectively).
Thanks to Ray Dickensheets, Yellow Freight System, USA.