         MXG Version 16.16  is dated Feb 20, 1999, thru Change 16.394.  
    Newsletter THIRTY-FIVE was dated Feb 20, 1999, thru Change 16.367.  
First    MXG Version 16.10 was dated Feb  8, 1999, thru Change 16.364.  
         MXG Version 16.09 was dated Jan 20, 1999, thru Change 16.334.  
         MXG Version 16.08 was dated Dec 23, 1998, thru Change 16.315.  
Last     MXG Version 16.07 was dated Dec  5, 1998, thru Change 16.299.  
First    MXG Version 16.07 was dated Dec  4, 1998, thru Change 16.296.  
Last     MXG Version 16.06 was dated Dec  2, 1998, thru Change 16.292.  
Fifth    MXG Version 16.06 was dated Nov 30, 1998, thru Change 16.289.  
Fourth   MXG Version 16.06 was dated Nov 21, 1998, thru Change 16.285.  
Third    MXG Version 16.06 was dated Nov 18, 1998, thru Change 16.284.  
Second   MXG Version 16.06 was dated Nov 17, 1998, thru Change 16.279.  
First    MXG Version 16.06 was dated Nov 16, 1998, thru Change 16.278.  
         MXG Version 16.05 was dated Nov  1, 1998, thru Change 16.259.  
Fourth   MXG Version 16.04 was dated Oct 19, 1998, thru Change 16.242.  
Third    MXG Version 16.04 was dated Oct  9, 1998, thru Change 16.231.  
Second   MXG Version 16.04 was dated Oct  7, 1998, thru Change 16.224.  
    Newsletter THIRTY-FOUR was dated Sep 30, 1998, thru Change 16.221.  
First    MXG Version 16.04 was dated Sep 30, 1998, thru Change 16.221.  
Beta 6   MXG Version 16.03 was dated Sep 23, 1998, thru Change 16.216.  
Beta 5   MXG Version 16.03 was dated Sep  9, 1998, thru Change 16.196.  
Beta 4   MXG Version 16.03 was dated Aug 11, 1998, thru Change 16.171.  
Beta 3   MXG Version 16.03 was dated Jul 15, 1998, thru Change 16.147.  
Beta 2   MXG Version 16.03 was dated Jul 14, 1998, thru Change 16.147.  
Beta 1   MXG Version 16.03 was dated Jul 10, 1998, thru Change 16.147.  
Final    MXG Version 16.02 was dated Jun  8, 1998, thru Change 16.120.  
First    MXG Version 16.02 was dated Jun  2, 1998, thru Change 16.112.  
Real     MXG Version 16.01 was dated Apr  9, 1998, thru Change 16.053.  
First    MXG Version 16.01 was dated Apr  8, 1998, thru Change 16.052.  
         MXG Version 15.15 was dated Feb 23, 1998, thru Change 15.391.  
   Newsletter THIRTY-THREE was dated Feb 23, 1998, thru Change 15.382.  
Contents of member CHANGES:                                             
I.    MXG Software Version 16.16 is now available.                      
II.   MXG Technical Notes                                               
III.  MVS Technical Notes.                                              
IV.   DB2 Technical Notes.                                              
V.    IMS Technical Notes.                                              
VI.   SAS Technical Notes.                                              
VII.  CICS Technical Notes.                                             
VIII. Windows NT Technical Notes.                                       
IX.   Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 16.16.                  
X.    Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
XI.   Changes Log                                                       
I.   MXG Software Version 16.16 was shipped with Newsletter THIRTY-FIVE.
 1. Major enhancements added in MXG 16.16 (not printed in Newsletter 35)
      Support for CA UniCenter Unix Performance Monitor.                
      Support for TMON for CICS Version 2 PTF TH01129                   
      Support for NETSPY Version 5.2 (COMPAT).                          
      Support for new SNA BASE and IBM SNA objects.                     
      ANALHSM rewritten as %MACRO, new thread use/queue measures.       
      XSUM70PR created to not-count ICF partition's CPU as a CPU.       
      Trending member for PDB.SMFINTRV / TYPE30_V dataset.              
      Automatically tailor BUILDPDB with the new UTILBLDP utility.      
      CPU increase (16.06-16.10) in BUILDPDB due to CICINTRV corrected. 
    Major enhancements added in MXG 16.10:                              
      OS/390 R2.7, CICS TS 1.3 and DB2 6.1 were supported in MXG 16.09  
        and that support is now documented.  See 16.09 enhancements.    
      Support for IDMS Version 14 Journal Records.                      
      Support for Sterling's SOLVE NetMaster TCP/IP SMF.                
      Support for BETA93 subtypes 1,2,3,4,20,40,41,42.                  
      Support for WINDOWS NT 5.0 (INCOMPATIBLE) with NTSMF.             
      Support for new NT 4.0 objects.                                   
    Major enhancements added in MXG 16.09 (revised):                    
      Support for Year 2000 kept julian date fields input as 0cyyddd.   
      Support for CICS TS 1.3 (INCOMPATIBLE):                           
        Lots of new CICSTRAN data, including Java execution             
        and wait times and web statistics, and new statistics data for  
        each of the now-eleven CICS TCBs. See Change 16.322.            
      Support for DB2 Version 6.1 (COMPATIBLE).                         
        New header identifies end user's USERID and TERMINAL, more      
        wait information, CPU time for Stored Procs and Triggers and    
        User Defined Functions (with SQL time separated). Change 16.318.
      Support for OS/390 Release 2.7 (COMPATIBLE)                       
        New Type 74-6 HFS Global/Buffer/File Statistics, Type 73/79 CPMF
        mode, Type 70 Dec/Shared Processors Changed, new type 74 time of
        Device-Active-Only, and OS/390 Firewall Server Log Messages are 
        written in new Type 109 SMF record.  See Change 16.329.         
    Major enhancements added in MXG 16.08:                              
      Support for APAF for more than 8 CPU Engines.                     
      Support for BETA93 Release 3.1.3 INCOMPATIBLE subtype 0, 20.      
      VMXGSUM will use new INHERIT if executed under SAS Version 7.     
      IMS 6.1 support corrected for APPC, CPIC driven transactions.     
      Support for DOS/VS Power V6.3.0 (COMPATIBLE).                     
      Revisions to RMM EDGR support - numeric date variables.           
    Major enhancements added in MXG 16.07:                              
      Support for APAF 4.1 and 4.3 (INCOMPATIBLE).                      
      Support for BETA93 Release 3.1.3 INCOMPATIBLE subtype 21.         
      ANALRMFR RMF reports added REPORT=XCF.                            
    Major enhancements added in MXG 16.06:                              
      Support for NPM 2.4, unfortunately very INCOMPATIBLY changed!     
      PDB.CICINTRV dataset may be real bad; please get this new code!   
      Support for CICS TS 1.2 Journal Format, INCOMPATIBLE.             
      Support for PSF/MVS Release 3.1.0 (COMPATIBLE).                   
      Support for subtypes 17-20 (FSRTYPE=) HSM FSR records.            
      Support for IXFP / ICEBERG fields added by APAR L170017.          
      Support for Boole & Babbage MainView for CICS CMRDETL file.       
      Correction for SMF 118 TCP/IP logic to not use length/subtype.    
      MXG 16.04-16.05 only. ASUM70PR summarized to SHIFT vice HOUR.     
    Major enhancements added in MXG 16.05:                              
    Fix for TMS5 multi-datasets tapes (was wrong).                      
    Fix for IMS 6.1 Log Records (TYPEIMSA) if GMT Offset was not zero.  
    Support for OAM (Optical Access Method) SMF type 85 record          
    Support for DFSORT Release 15 (no change)                           
    Support for Interlink TCPaccess Vers 5.2 (INCOMPAT)                 
    Support for decompression of MainView history files.                
    Support for RACF "installation-defined data field".                 
    ML-18 of MXG ASMTAPES MXGTMNT monitor fixes DSAB circular queue.    
    Major enhancements added in MXG 16.04:                              
 2. MXG 16.04 is a major internal redesign of MXG, the new "MACKEEP"    
    architecture, which makes tailoring of MXG datasets simpler and more
    powerful.  You can change the output DDNAME for a large dataset with
    a simple "%LET Pdddddd=DDNAME;" statement, you can put all of your  
    MXG changes in the single member IMACKEEP (instead of having to EDIT
    an IMACxxxx for each product), or you can even tailor MXG instream  
    using the new "%LET MACKEEP = ;" logic, and never have to EDIT any  
    members into your USERID.SOURCLIB!.  This redesign to externalize   
    all attributes of every dataset began in MXG 10.10 with the "_L,_K" 
    macros; now that the software is finally done, I can get back to the
    rewrite of MXG documentation (but note that member DOCMXG already   
    exists to document the new architecture, with examples!).           
    And most, if not all, of your existing MXG tailoring should still   
    work without change!                                                
            "MACKEEP" Architecture of MXG-built SAS "Datasets"          
            Everything about the creation of an MXG dataset is now      
            fully externalized, and ALL MXG tailoring can now be done   
            either by                                                   
               EDIT into a single member, IMACKEEP (instead of EDITing  
               a separate IMAC for each product)                        
               all tailoring can be done "instream" using the new syntax
                   %LET MACKEEP=   MACRO _oldname newvalue  %  ;        
            All MXG datasets now have an &Pdddddd macro variable as the 
            destination DDNAME/LIBREF, so you can use %LET Pdddddd=MYDD;
            in IMACKEEP or with MACKEEP to change the DD to which each  
            MXG dataset is written or read from.                        
            See member DOCMXG, INSTALL, and Change 16.134 for details.  
    Major enhancements added in MXG 16.04:                              
    MXG "MACKEEP" Architecture - see INSTALL, DOCMXG, Change 16.134.    
    Support for OS/390 Release 2.6 (COMPATIBLE).                        
    Support for IMS Log processing for IMS 6.1.                         
    Support for NTSMF Version 2.2.                                      
    Support for ACF2 Version 6.2 type 'V' (INCOMPATIBLE).               
    Support for TCP/IP 3.4 SMF type 118 (INCOMPATIBLE) changes.         
    Support for NCR Teradata DBS performance data.                      
    Support for Landmark's SQL/CAPTURE Products 'D6' record.            
    Support for XCOM Release 3.0 (COMPATIBLE).                          
    Support for Soft Audit's Installed Products File.                   
    Support for BGS I/O Monitor Version 5.1.0 (COMPAT).                 
    Support for HSM APAR OW31281 adds RECALL, DSR, FSR statistics.      
    Support for DFSMS 1.4.0 added WFSCPUTM for ABARS CPU cost.          
    Support for NTSMF CachingManager and Packet Filter objects.         
    Support for NT Service Pack 5A SYSTEM/PROCESS fields.               
    Major revision of TMS/CA-1 processing logic in TYPETMS5.            
    ML-17 of MXGTMNT/ASMTAPES synchronizes automatically.               
    Enhanced TPM support reads all possible variables in TYPETPMX.      
    Analysis of SMF Write Rates (MEGABYTES at 10/100sec)                
    MXG CONFIG value of VMCTLISA=40K raised to 160K.                    
    VMXGSUM syntax for "DATETIME" now uses real name.                   
    ABEND/CONDCODE in PDB.JOBS is now valid, has 1st ABEND.             
    (MXG 16.03 was only released as a Beta.)                            
    Major enhancements added in MXG 16.02:                              
    Support for TYPEIMS7 for IMS 6.1.                                   
    Support for OS/400 Version 4.2.0 COMPATIBLE.                        
    Support for MQ Series Version 1 Release 2 INCOMPATIBLE.             
    Support for Landmark's Monitor for DB2 V 3.1 INCOMPATIBLE.          
    Support for Candle Omegamon V400 CANMQ and CANWLMSC.                
    Support for Candle Omegamon CICS V400 "255" record.                 
    Support for Raptor Systems' Eagle Firewall 121 Log.                 
    Support for TME 10 NetView for OS/390 V1 R1 SMF 38.                 
    Support for Web Proxy logs Extended Common Log fmt.                 
    Support for Magstar tapes in TYPETMS5 INCOMPATIBLE.                 
    &PDBxxxx and &yyyzzz "Dataset &Macro" naming rules.                 
    New PDB datasets TYPE74CO/ME/PA/SY/OM/LK added to daily PDB.        
    New ANALABND report ABENDs from PDB.STEPS, uses PROC TABULATE.      
    Multiple JES3 purge records created duplicate PDB.JOBS obs.         
    All MXG variables with format MGBYTES are now stored in 8-bytes.    
    New ANAL6264 merges VSAM type 62 and 64 for OPENTIME.               
    Major enhancements added in MXG 16.01:                              
     The major thing in 16.01 is support for Year 2000 products that    
     were not Y2K compliant when 15.15 was built, so MXG 16.01 is now   
     the minimum level to support all vendor records that provide year  
     2000 dates, but there are also a few fixes and several enhancements
     and new products supported.                                        
    Year 2000 issues that require MXG 16.01 or the specific change:     
      TYPE6 READTIME was 1900 in 2000 due to MXG error (Change 16.039). 
      AS/400 Year 2000 Support was Incorrect (Change 16.035).           
      NETVIEW NPM type 28 year Y2K Ready but INCOMPATIBLE record change.
      Landmark TMON for CICS V2 converted to V8.1 Y2K Ready, INCOMPAT.  
      IPAC RDS View Direct V 6.1 Y2K Ready, but INCOMPATIBLE change.    
      MXG Software now warrants it is "Year 2000 Ready".                
    Support for new NTSMF objects (Database, SMTP Server, WEB Service). 
    Support for revised NTSMF Active Server Pages and IISG records.     
    Support for Software Engineering's SpaceManager data records.       
    Support for DECnet/SNA DTF SMF records.                             
    MXG 15.15 problems reported and fixed:                              
      Variable MXGVERSN in TYPE70 was blank in 15.15; impacts CPEXPERT. 
      Deactivated PR/SM Partition may cause over 100% CPU Busy for CEC. 
  All of these enhancements are described in the Change Log, below.     
    Availability dates for the IBM products and MXG version required:   
                                       Availability     MXG Version     
      Product Name                     Date              Required       
      MVS/ESA 4.1                      Oct 26, 1990         8.8         
      MVS/ESA 4.2                      Mar 29, 1991         9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.2.2                    Aug     1991         9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.3                      Mar 23, 1993        10.10        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - compatibility    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - Goal Mode        May  3, 1995        13.01        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.0                    Jun 15, 1995        13.05        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.2                    Oct 19, 1995        13.09        
      OS/390  1.1.0                    Feb 22, 1996        14.01        
      OS/390  1.2.0                    Sep 30, 1996        14.05        
      OS/390  1.3.0 Compatibility Mode Mar 28, 1997        14.14        
      OS/390  1.3.0 WLM Goal Mode      Mar 28, 1997        15.02        
      OS/390  2.4.0                    Sep 28, 1997        15.06        
      OS/390  2.5.0                    Feb 24, 1998        15.06        
      OS/390  2.6.0                    Sep 24, 1998        16.04        
      OS/390  2.7.0                    Mar 26, 1999        16.09        
      CICS/ESA 3.2                     Jun 28, 1991         9.9         
      CICS/ESA 3.3                     Mar 28, 1992        10.01        
      CICS/ESA 4.1                     Oct 27, 1994        13.09        
      CICS/ESA 5.1 aka CICS/TS V1R1    Sep 10, 1996        14.07        
      CICS-Transaction Server V1R1     Sep 10, 1996        14.07        
      CICS-TS V1R1 with APAR UN98309   Sep 15, 1997        15.06        
      CICS-TS V1R2                     Oct 27, 1997        15.06        
      CICS-TS V1R3                     Mar ??, 1999        16.09        
      CRR 1.6                          Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      CRR 1.7                          Apr 25, 1996        14.02        
      DB2 2.3.0                        Oct 28, 1991        10.01        
      DB2 3.1.0                        Dec 17, 1993        13.02A       
      DB2 4.1.0 Tolerate               Nov  7, 1995        13.07        
      DB2 4.1.0 Full support           Sep 11, 1996        14.07        
      DB2 5.1.0 Tolerate               Jun 27, 1997        14.14        
      DB2 5.1.0 Full support           Jun 27, 1997        15.02        
      DB2 6.1.0                        Mar ??, 1999        16.09        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.1                    Mar 13, 1993        11.11        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.2                    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.3                    Dec 29, 1995        13.09        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.4                    Sep 28, 1997        15.04        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.4 HSM                Sep 23, 1998        16.04        
      MQM 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4          Apr 25, 1996        14.02        
      MQ Series 1.2.0                  May 26, 1998        16.02        
      NETVIEW 3.1 type 37              ??? ??, 1996        14.03        
      NPM 2.0                          Dec 17, 1993        12.03        
      NPM 2.2                          Aug 29, 1994        12.05        
      NPM 2.3                          ??? ??, 1996        15.08        
      NPM 2.4                          Nov 18, 1998        16.06        
      RMDS 2.1, 2.2                    Dec 12, 1995        12.12        
      TCP/IP 3.1                       Jun 12, 1995        12.12        
      TCP/IP 3.4                       Sep 22, 1998        16.04        
      DOS/VSE POWER V6.3.0             Dec 19, 1998        16.08        
      VM/ESA  2.0                      Dec 23, 1992        10.04        
      VM/ESA  2.1                      Jun 27, 1993        12.02        
      VM/ESA  2.2                      Nov 22, 1994        12.06        
      VM/ESA  2.3                      ??? ??, ????        16.08        
      IMS     4.1                      Jul  4, 1994        12.02        
      IMS     5.1                      Jun  9, 1996        14.05        
      IMS     6.1                      ???  ?, 199?        16.04        
      AS400 3.7.0                      Nov  1, 1996        15.01        
      AS400 4.1.0                      Dec 30, 1996        15.08        
      AS400 4.2.0                      Apr 27, 1998        16.02        
    Availability dates for non-IBM products and MXG version required:   
                                                        MXG Version     
      Product Name                                       Required       
       Windows NT 4.0 and NT 3.51                          14.14        
       Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 2                       15.03        
       Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 5                       16.04        
      Demand Technology                                                 
       NTSMF Version 1 Beta                                14.11        
       NTSMF Version 2.0                                   15.05        
       NTSMF Version 2.1                                   15.06        
       NTSMF Version 2.2                                   16.04        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 2                       13.06        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.0                     16.02        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.1                     16.02        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.2 -                      12.12        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.3 -                      15.01        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 2.0 -                      15.06        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.3  -                      12.05        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.5  -                      12.05        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 2.0  -                      15.09        
       Omegamon for CICS V200 User SMF                     12.05        
       Omegamon for CICS V300 User SMF                     13.06        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 User SMF                     16.02        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 type 110 segments            16.02        
       Omegamon for IMS V110 (ITRF)                        12.12        
       Omegamon for IMS V300 (ITRF)                        14.04        
       Omegamon for MVS V300                               13.05        
       Omegamon for MVS V400                               13.06        
       Omegamon for DB2 Version 2.1/2.2                    13.05        
       Omegamon for VTAM V160                              12.04A       
       Omegamon for VTAM V400                              15.15        
       Omegamon for SMS V100/V110                          12.03        
       ACF2 6.2                                            16.04        
       ASTEX 2.1                                           14.04        
       NETSPY 4.7                                          14.03        
       NETSPY 5.0                                          14.03        
       NETSPY 5.2                                          16.05        
      Boole & Babbage                                                   
       IMF 3.1 (for IMS 5.1)                               12.12        
       IMF 3.2 (for IMS 6.1 only)                          15.09        
       IMF 3.2 (for IMS 5.1 and 6.1)                       16.04        
       LMS 3.1                                             12.12A       
      MXG IMS-Log Not-Officially-Supported                              
       IMS 6.1  -   ASMIMSL6/TYPEIMSA                      16.06        
       IMS 5.1  -   ASMIMSL5/TYPEIMSA                      16.01        
       APAF 4.1, 4.3                                       16.08        
II.  MXG Technical Notes                                                
 1. Counting tape mounts.                                               
    Tape mount counts from the MXGTMNT monitor can be compared with the 
    tape mount counts (TAPNMNTS+TAPSMNTS) in the step records, and there
    can be differences, mostly due to the difference in time-frame of   
    the mount records (when they occur) and the step records (when the  
    step ended):                                                        
    - MXG will count high for Started Tasks that never end (e.g.DFHSM), 
      or for any job whose step record had not yet been written in the  
      SMF time-frame you examined.                                      
    - MXG will count low for steps that ended in the SMF time-frame, but
      whose mounts occurred before the start of that SMF file.          
    - MXG counts physical mount events, but the type 30 counts completed
      mounts, so when your tapeape intentionally mounts the wrong VOLSER
      five times                                                        
         if they can't find the right tape, they mount any tape, knowing
         MVS label-check will prevent it from being used, but any mount 
         terminates the outstanding mount message so the MVS console guy
         can't see how long the real mount has been waiting!            
      the MXG count is five mounts, the step record count is one.       
    - MXG misses some VTS scratch mounts, when using the default two    
      second sampling in MXGTMNT, because scratch mounts to VTS can be  
      fast.  In one day MXG missed 200 VTS scratch mounts out of 2000   
      total VTS mounts with the two second sampling, but MXGTMNT saw    
      all of the VTS scratch mounts with one-half second sampling.      
    If you want to compare totals, use the TYPE30_V or PDB.SMFINTRV data
    from type 30 interval records instead of TYPE30_4 or PDB.STEPS data 
    to minimize (but not eliminate) time-frame error, since the interval
    records will count the mounts for those long-running jobs and STCs. 
    If you do have Virtual Tape Devices, you could change the interval  
    constant in member ASMTAPES (INTERVAL DC F'200' to  DC F'050') to   
    change the MXG default of 2.00 seconds to 0.50 seconds, and then    
    re-assemble to change the MXGTMNT program to sample at half-second  
    intervals.  While 2 seconds is still the MXG default, half-second   
    was tested and briefly suggested as an alternative, as the CPU cost 
    was still small:                                                    
      At half-second sampling, it took less than 3 CPU seconds per      
      15 minute interval to scan 100 tape devices, and another 1 CPU    
      second for every 100 tape mounts, or a few minutes per day with   
      2000 mounts.                                                      
    However, even with .5 second interval, the mount monitor missed some
    fast VTS mounts, which caused me to create the completely new logic 
    in the ASUMTAPE program, which creates the new PDB.ASUMTAPE dataset 
    (that should be used in place of PDB.TYPETMNT in tape mount         
    analysis).  The new logic is driven by the type 21 dismount record, 
    so even if MXGTMNT missed the fast mount, PDB.ASUMTAPE has the tape 
    event, albeit with the tape mount duration missing (so you know it  
    was less than 2 secs!), so the original 2 second default was kept.  
    If you decide to change the sample interval, you can compare the    
    number of observations in PDB.ASUMTAPE that have missing TAPMNTTM,  
    to see how many more of the fast-scratch-VTS-mounts you actually    
    capture at 1/2 second instead of the MXG default of 2 seconds.      
III. MVS Technical Notes.                                               
 1. APAR OW35684 confirms that the BLKSIZE in the DD segments of type 30
    records is correct for tape but incorrect for a DASD dataset that is
    being opened for output DISP=NEW when DADSM allocate did not        
    determine a system determined blocksize (SDB) even though BLKSIZE=0 
    was specified on the DD statement.  DADSM SDB processing was not    
    done because DSORG and/or LRECL were not also specified.  The APAR  
    is closed "FIN" - Fixed in Next DF/SMS Release in 18-24 months.     
 2. APAR OW31700 RMF OS/390 type 74 subtype 5 describes "short records" 
    created when there are more than 153 devices on a cache controller  
    (because 153 segments fills the 32756-byte limit of SMF data).  They
    have no impact on MXG, as MXG reads each record and outputs from    
    each device data section (but IBM had to add counters so RMF        
    could reassemble the large event from these 32K "small" records).   
    There may be an error, as I have seen type 74 subtype 5 records with
    only the Product and Control section, with no status nor data and   
    with R745CCNT, record sequence, of 2.  Site is talking to IBM.      
 3. SMF type 42 APARS:                                                  
    APARs OW29633 corrects timestamps in TYPE42DS (type 42 subtype 6)   
    SMF records that caused SMF42PTS to be much earlier than the job's  
    READTIME.  Reported in OW10694 (closed RET) and OW25624 (closed PER)
    the actual error was a failure to freemain between jobs, so you     
    would have someone else's READTIME in your record.  This error was  
    not fixed to correct SMF, but because someone's system stayed up    
    long enough that the memory leak causes a storage shortage ABEND!   
    APAR OW32248 discusses type 42 VSAM/RLS counter errors, affecting   
    SMF41IAY/IAZ/IBA/IBB/ICY/ICZ/IDA/IDB/IBG/IDG fields.                
    APAR OW35762 corrects count of SEQ blocks read and written for PS   
    datasets on non-SMS managed volumes.                                
 4. APAR OW35952 corrects large value for IOUNITS in type 30 records;   
    the problem primarily affected DB2 address spaces with very large   
    (but legitimate) I/O counts that caused an overflow internally in   
    IBM code.  The APAR text cites negative values in SMF30IO (IOUNITS),
    but as MXG uses PIB instead of IB, very, very large values (so they 
    are noticed!) are created rather than small negative values.        
 5. APAR PQ18797 for MQ Series Release 1.3.0, PTF UQ23424 corrects zero 
    values for 'QMSTxxxx' variables in dataset MQMMSGDM from type 115   
    SMF record subtype 2.                                               
IV.  DB2 Technical Notes.                                               
 1. Boole and Babbage's MainView for DB2 product's THRDHIST VSAM file is
    used for online access and its keyed record format is not public, so
    MXG cannot support that file.  But Boole recommends you create DB2  
    SMF records (their DB2 batch reports use the 100/101/102 records) so
    THRDHIST was never intended to be useful for accounting or trending.
 2. MXG Newsletter 34 reported that after installing APAR PN55122 and   
    migrating to CICS 5.1, that LU6.2 terminal's QWHCTOKN no longer had 
    the UOWID token in their DB2ACCT record (as a result, MXG's ASUMUOW 
    could not match DB2ACCT to CICSTRAN by Unit-of-Work ID).  IBM has   
    now released APAR PQ15565 (and PTF UQ18583) to correct their error. 
 3. APARs PQ10864/PQ06968/PQ10864 discuss excessive numbers of DB2 type 
    101 SMF records that are created with CPU parallelism; if your DB2  
    application is running with more than 1 degree of CPU parallelism,  
    the child tasks will create SMF 101 accounting records every time   
    they are spawned (i.e., every SQL execution).  In cases where an    
    application loops thru static SQL frequently or for transaction type
    queries the volume can be a very serious problem. Use the DSNZPARM  
    macro DSN6SYSP PTASKROL parameter for parallel task accounting      
    control.  APAR PQ06968 has been created to allow RLF to disable     
    modes of parallelism during static BIND; by using RLFFUNC=4 during  
    BIND, you can force problem applications back to IOP parallelism    
    (versus CPU parallelism). APAR PQ28414 provides a new ability to    
    limit the degree of query parallelism, and provides a maximum degree
    parameter, PARAMDEG, and adds the field to the install process in   
    Version 6.  This note updated with IBM input 19Dec1999.             
V.   IMS Technical Notes.                                               
VI.  SAS Technical Notes.                                               
 1. MXG 16.05 QA stream has executed using the SAS Version 7 Beta, under
    OS/390, Windows 95/98 and Windows NT.  Minor changes were needed in 
    MXG code, mostly to circumvent Beta things that SAS will have fixed 
    by the Production release this fall.  A complete list will be in a  
    future MXG Technical Note when Version 7 is available.              
    Initial performance measurements of the MXG QA stream show no change
    in the runtime between Version 6.12 TS045 and Version 7 Beta, so    
    it looks like lots of new features at no cost, for a change!        
    SAS Version 7 datasets cannot be read by SAS Version 6; the format  
    of SAS data libraries on all platforms was changed incompatibly.    
    Fortunately, MXG will not exploit on any SAS Version 7 features in  
    the near future, and there are no compelling reasons to migrate to  
    SAS Version 7 (run times and resources were about the same), but    
    when you do migrate to SAS V7, you will either have to drop it in   
    all at once, or at least you will need to install from the back end:
    convert your report programs first and then convert the programs    
    that build the datasets that the reports use.                       
 2. RETAIN statement only retains variables in assignment statements.   
    You cannot use a RETAIN statement with SET A B  logic to retain the 
    value of variable A from dataset A into processing of observations  
    from dataset B.  While the A variable will exist in the OUT dataset 
    its value will be missing:                                          
       DATA A; A=1;                                                     
       DATA B; DO B=1 TO 5; OUTPUT B; END;                              
       DATA OUT; SET A B;                                               
       RETAIN A;                                                        
    To retain the value of variable A, you must assign it to a new name 
    (AA) while reading an observation from dataset A, retain that AA    
    name, and then when reading an observation from dataset B, assign AA
    back to its original name A (and then DROP variable AA from OUT):   
       DATA OUT; SET A (IN=INA) B (IN=INB);                             
       RETAIN AA;  DROP AA;                                             
       IF INA THEN AA=A;                                                
       IF INB THEN DO; A=AA; OUTPUT; END;                               
    Fortunately, variable A's attributes (LABEL, FORMAT, etc) are indeed
    propagated into variable A in the OUT dataset.                      
 3. SAS 6.09 TS455 and TS460 on MVS may encounter SAS "VM1319" or "NO   
    MKLEs" ABENDs, due to a memory overlay introduced by TS455.  SAS ZAP
    Z609E449 exists and is flagged as REQUIRED, but is not a true fix.  
    That ZAP forces SAS options MVARSIZE=0 and MSYMSIZE=0, which causes 
    %MACRO variables and symbol tables to be written/read to/from disk  
    instead of from memory. By reducing memory for macros, the overlay  
    may be avoided, but depending on how %macros are used, that ZAP     
    could impact runtime performance.  The text of ZAP Z609E449 suggests
    that increasing MEMSIZE may circumvent the error, since the overlay 
    is less likely with more addressability, so if you encounter the    
    error, first increase MEMSIZE by 8MB (and remember to increase your 
    REGION size), and then if that doesn't work, then either install the
    ZAP, or install its effect by setting MVARSIZE=0 and MSYMSIZE=0     
 4. SAS 6.09 TS455/TS460 do not free memory for user formats, which can 
    cause an out of memory error if there are repeated references to a  
    user format, e.g.,a DO Loop around PUT(variable,format) statement   
    where the format is NOT one supplied with SAS (MGxxxxx formats or   
    your own build with PROC FORMAT are "user formats").                
    SAS ZAP Z609F331 will correct this memory "leak".                   
VII. CICS Technical Notes.                                              
 1. There are two CICS summary programs in MXG:                         
     ASUMCICS summarizes the detail CICSTRAN.CICSTRAN transactions, so  
              variable NUMTRANS counts the number of transactions.      
     ASUMCICX summarizes the already-summarized ASUMUOW unit-of-work    
              dataset, so NUMTRANS counts the number of unit's-of-work, 
              and variable MROTRANS counts the number of CICSTRAN       
              transactions that were executed by that unit-of-work.     
 2. APAR PQ13647 corrects invalid Y2K date in IBM type 110 subtype 2    
    TS Server records written by CICS TS 1.1 and 1.2.  The dates will   
    contain 1AYY instead of 20YY without this fix.                      
VIII. Windows NT Technical Notes.                                       
   There are no Windows NT Technical Notes in this Newsletter.          
IX.   Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 16.16.                  
 1. Incompatibilities introduced in MXG 16.16 (since MXG 15.15):        
  a- IMACs that were changed (if they exist in your USERID.SOURCLIB, you
     must refit your tailoring, starting with the new IMAC member):     
      IMACPDB - new PDB.STEPS/PDB.JOBS CONDCODE.   Change 16.106        
  b- Other incompatibility changes:                                     
     All MGBYTES formatted variables are now length 8, instead of 4.    
     If you use PROC APPEND without FORCE, SAS will ERROR when you try  
     to combine new and old datasets with dissimilar length variables.  
  c- These products were incompatibly changed by their vendor, and they 
     require MXG Version 16.01 as indicated:                            
     MXG Y2K support for AS/400                MXG 16.01  Change 16.035 
     CA-1/TMS TYPETMS5 with Magstar drives     MXG 16.02  Change 16.088 
     LANDMARK CICS V2 recs convert to V8.1     MXG 16.01  Change 16.049 
     LANDMARK DB2 V 3.1                        MXG 16.02  Change 16.097 
     MQ Series V1 R2 SMF 115 MQMLOG dataset    MXG 16.02  Change 16.099 
     MXG Y2K support for Type 6 SMF record     MXG 16.01  Change 16.039 
     NETVIEW NPM (Year 2000 dates)             MXG 16.01  Change 16.003 
     NTSMF EXCHANGE 5.5                        MXG 16.01  Change 16.024 
 2. Installation and re-installation procedures are described in detail 
    in member INSTALL (which also lists common Error/Warning messages a 
    new user might encounter), and sample JCL is in member JCLINSTL.    
X.    Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
    MXG Documentation is now described in member DOCUMENT.              
XI.   Changes Log                                                       
==========================Changes Log=================================  
 You MUST read each Change description to determine if a Change will    
 impact your site. All changes have been made in this MXG Library.      
 Member CHANGES of the MXG SOURCLIB will always be more accurate than   
 the printed changes in a Newsletter, because the software is normally  
 created after the newsletter is sent to the printer!  Member CHANGES   
 on the homepage are the most timely, as they are updated   
 (sometimes) between MXG versions.                                      
 Member CHANGES always identifies the actual version and release of     
 MXG Software that is contained in that library.                        
 The actual code implementation of some changes in MXG SOURCLIB may be  
 different than described in the change text (which might have printed  
 only the critical part of the correction that can be made by paper).   
 Scan each source member named in any impacting change for any comments 
 at the beginning of the member for additional documentation, since the 
 documentation of new datasets, variables, validation status, and notes,
 are often found in comments in the source members.                     
Alphabetical list of important changes after MXG 15.15 now in MXG 16.16:
  Member   Change    Description                                        
  Many     16.216  Support for OS/390 Release 2.6 (COMPATIBLE).         
  Many     16.078  MXG variables with format MGBYTES are now 8-bytes.   
  Many     16.068  &PDBxxxx and &yyyzzz "Dataset &Macro" naming rules.  
  ADOCQAPM 16.301  Enhanced documentation for AS/400 processing         
  ANAL6264 16.071  Analysis merges VSAM type 62 and 64 for OPENTIME.    
  ANALABND 16.082  ABEND stats from PDB.STEPS, uses PROC TABULATE.      
  ANALCISH 16.104  MORE THAN 32767, MORE THAN 10 errors corrected.      
  ANALPATH 16.006  SUBSCRIPT OUT OF RANGE, report expected 10 LCUs max. 
  ANALRMFR 16.295  ANALRMFR RMF reports added REPORT=XCF.               
  ANALSRVC 16.098  Report now works for CPU Percent by Service Class.   
  ANALUOW  16.075  Enhancements, DB2 Class 3 waits. etc were added.     
  ANALVTS  16.162  Analysis combines 30s, TMNT, TALO and 21s for tapes. 
  ANANCNCR 16.206  COUNT= option corrected.                             
  ASMIMSL5 16.058  ASMIMSL5 in MXG 15.15 failed during assembly.        
  ASMIMSL6 16.185  Support for IMS Log processing for IMS 6.1.          
  ASMMNVW  16.247  Support for decompression of MainView history files. 
  ASMTAPES 16.154  ML-17 of MXGTMNT synchronizes automatically.         
  ASMTAPES 16.164  MXGTMNT misses too-fast VTS tape mounts.             
  ASMTAPES 16.259  ML-18 of ASMTAPES protects DSAB circular queue.      
  ASUM42DS 16.046  New summary member for TYPE42DS by dataset.          
  ASUM70PR 16.028  Deactivated Partition may cause over 100% CPU Busy.  
  ASUM70PR 16.271  16.04-16.05. ASUM70PR summarized at SHIFT vice HOUR. 
  ASUMCACH 16.141  DURATM in ASUMCACH revised for accuracy.             
  ASUMHSM  16.315  Revision to Support HSM Y2K julian dates.            
  ASUMHSM  16.345  HSM summarization separates HSM active from queued.  
  ASUMTALO 16.076  Revised to work with TALO records from old ASMTAPES. 
  ASUMTALO 16.169  SPIN.SPINTALO now backed up into PDB library.        
  BLDNTPDB 16.180  NTSMF Daily/Weekly/etc BUILD program enhanced.       
  BUILDPD3 16.080  JES3 BUILDPDB - Multiple PDB.JOBS obs - multi purges.
  BUILDPDB 16.008  Duplicate TYPE30_V records might not be deleted.     
  BUILDPDB 16.107  PDB.TYPE74CO/ME/PA/SY/OM/LK added to day/week PDB.   
  BUILDPDB 16.183  ABEND/CONDCODE in PDB.JOBS now valid, has 1st ABEND. 
  BUILDPDB 16.230  Duplicate type 30 records caused RESTARTS to be high.
  BUILDPDB 16.348  BINxxxx variables added to PDB.PRINT.                
  CICINTRV 16.253  Revision of CICINTRV auto-determine input location.  
  CICINTRV 16.277  PDB.CICINTRV dataset may be real bad; get this code! 
  CONFIG   16.066  Option SASAUTOS=(SOURCLIB SASAUTOS) is now used.     
  CONFIG   16.117  CODEPCT=150 now set to eliminate SAS message.        
  CONFIG   16.157  MXG CONFIG value of VMCTLISA=40K raised to 160K.     
  CONFIG   16.209  NOSTIMER now specified, SAS 6.12 TS045 changed.      
  DOCGRAF  16.018  Examples of getting graphs from mainframe to your PC.
  DOCMXG   16.134  New &MACKEEP and IMACKEEP MXG architecture changed.  
  FORMATS  16.214  Support for DF/SMS 1.4 changes to HSM (COMPAT).      
  IMACFILE 16.016  &MACFILE macro added for instream tailoring.         
  IMACICDM 16.067  Support for Candle Omegamon V400 CANMQ and CANWLMSC. 
  IMACPDB  16.106  Enclave CPU time and count added to PDB.STEPS/JOBS.  
  IMACPDB  16.341  IMACPDB documentation, no code was changed.          
  MXGSAS   16.081  JCL parameter TAILORNG now spelled TAILOR.           
  RMFINTRV 16.288  Sort order of RMF is now BY SYSPLEX SYSTEM STARTIME. 
  TRND70   16.021  TRENDing of TYPE70 now supports 16 buckets of CPUs.  
  TRND72GO 16.029  Variable R723CIMP in TRND72GO SUMmed vice IDd.       
  TRNDTALO 16.221  Overlapped hour could miscount tape allocations.     
  TYPE109  16.329  Support for TYPE109 OS390 Firewall Server.           
  TYPE110  16.031  CICS UNEXPECTED STID=0 was error in STID=94 segment. 
  TYPE110  16.153  GMT offset calculation in CICS off by up to 1.4 secs.
  TYPE110  16.270  Support for CICS TS 1.2 Journal Format, INCOMPATIBLE.
  TYPE110  16.322  Support for CICS TS 1.3 (INCOMPATIBLE).              
  TYPE115  16.099  Support for MQ Series Version 1 Release 2 (INCOMPAT).
  TYPE16   16.254  Support for DFSORT Release 15 (No Change).           
  TYPE28   16.003  NETVIEW NPM type 28 INCOMPATIBLE year 2000 change.   
  TYPE28   16.290  NPMLANOD dataset TIC_UTIL variable was missing.      
  TYPE28   16.336  STOPOVER NPM 2.4 NPMSUBTY='DD'x; IBM doc was wrong.  
  TYPE30   16.150  TYPETASK='ASCH' or TYPETASK='OMVS' now set in PDB.   
  TYPE38   16.101  Support for TME 10 NetView for OS/390 V1 R1 SMF 38.  
  TYPE42   16.339  SMF type 42 subtypes 15-19 (VSAM RLS) now validated. 
  TYPE57   16.234  JES3 with more than 9999 job numbers INVALID DATA.   
  TYPE6    16.039  READTIME in TYPE6 and hence PRINT is 1900 in 2000.   
  TYPE6    16.264  Support for PSF/MVS Release 3.1.0 (COMPATIBLE).      
  TYPE7072 16.009  Variable MXGVERSN in TYPE70 was blank in 15.15.      
  TYPE7072 16.194  Delay Percents now divided by R723CTSA.              
  TYPE7072 16.326  TYPE72 Compat Delay variables were incomplete.       
  TYPE7072 16.327  PERFINDX sometimes missing for Average Resp Goals.   
  TYPE7072 16.328  Variable PCTMETGO added to TYPE72GO for Percentiles. 
  TYPE7072 16.342  New variable CECSER with CPU Serial of the CEC.      
  TYPE72GO 16.064  Variables AVGRESP, EXETTM, AVGXETTM added/changed.   
  TYPE72GO 16.083  Variables R723CQDT/CADT/CCVT/CIQT wrong multiplier.  
  TYPE74   16.032  NO STRUCTURE MATCH message understood and eliminated.
  TYPE74   16.095  TYPE74 variable IORATE changed to match IBM's RMF.   
  TYPE74   16.329  Support for TYPE746B/F/G datasets in OS/390 R2.7.    
  TYPE79   16.213  Type 79 Subtype 15 (IMS Long Lock) corrected.        
  TYPE7xxx 16.288  Sort order of RMF is now BY SYSPLEX SYSTEM STARTIME. 
  TYPE80A  16.236  Support for RACFEVNT=26 APPCLU Session Establish.    
  TYPE80A  16.245  Support for RACF "installation-defined data field".  
  TYPE85   16.255  Support for OAM type 85 SMF record, 11 datasets.     
  TYPE94   16.135  VTS variables SMF94VBA/VLA were misdocumented by IBM.
  TYPE99   16.026  New subtype 6 SMF type 99 INVALID SERVER SECTION.    
  TYPEACF2 16.215  Support for ACF2 Ver 6.2 type 'V' (INCOMPATIBLE).    
  TYPEAPAF 16.305  Support for more than 8 engines in APAF data.        
  TYPEBETA 16.293  BETA93 Version 3.1.3 INCOMPATIBLY changed.           
  TYPEBETA 16.351  Support for BETA93 subtypes 1,2,3,4,20,40,41,42.     
  TYPEBGSI 16.155  Support for BGS I/O Monitor Version 5.1.0 (COMPAT).  
  TYPECIMS 16.030  ABENDUSR in CIMSPROG has never been right.           
  TYPECIMS 16.227  IMF 3.2 with IMS 5.1 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED.       
  TYPEDB2  16.318  Support for DB2 Version 6.1 (COMPATIBLE).            
  TYPEDB2  16.148  Dataset DB2STATR was invalid, duplicate observations.
  TYPEDCOL 16.017  DCOLLECT DSORG field expanded to 3 in MXG (PSU etc). 
  TYPEDECS 16.034  Support for DECnet/SNA DTF SMF records.              
  TYPEDOS  16.312  Support for DOS/VS Power V6.3.0 (COMPATIBLE).        
  TYPEEAGL 16.102  Support for Raptor Systems' Eagle Firewall 121 Log.  
  TYPEEDGR 16.308  Revisions to RMM EDGR support - numeric dates.       
  TYPEHSM  16.136  DFSMS 1.4.0 added WFSCPUTM for ABARS CPU cost.       
  TYPEHSM  16.145  Support for APAR OW31281 adds RECALL, DSR, FSR.      
  TYPEHSM  16.149  SHORT ABAR message after Change 16.025 fixed.        
  TYPEHSM  16.263  Support for FSRTYPE=17 thru 20 HSM FSR records.      
  TYPEHSM  16.315  Revision to Support HSM Y2K julian dates.            
  TYPEICE  16.280  Support for IXFP fields added by APAR L170017.       
  TYPEIDMJ 16.361  Support for IDMS Version 14 Journal Records.         
  TYPEIDMS 16.002  New TASNxxx variables labels were incorrect.         
  TYPEIDMS 16.012  IDMS 10.2.1 caused INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED.         
  TYPEIDMS 16.033  IDMS 10.2 records were not output.                   
  TYPEILKA 16.249  Support for Interlink TCPaccess Vers 5.2 (INCOMPAT)  
  TYPEIMS7 16.119  Support for TYPEIMS7 for IMS 6.1.                    
  TYPEIMSA 16.069  ASMIMSL5 process now has _L, _K macros, exit members.
  TYPEIMSA 16.257  IMS 6.1 Support correct only in European Summer Time.
  TYPEIMSA 16.343  Zero observations in IMSFASTP, SUBCODE not kept.     
  TYPEIPAC 16.052  Y2K INCOMPATIBLE IPAC RDS 6.1 user SMF record.       
  TYPEMON8 16.049  Y2K Support for TMON V2 records converted to 8.1.    
  TYPEMON8 16.073  INVALID DATA FOR TMMDMODL message corrected.         
  TYPEMON8 16.091  TMON for CICS V2 Converted records MONIRECD='D'.     
  TYPEMVCI 16.260  Support for Boole & Babbage MainView CMRDETL file.   
  TYPENDM  16.060  Sterling's Connect Direct aka NDM PI=754129 open.    
  TYPENSPY 16.147  NETSPY='N' record support was restored for old 4.4.  
  TYPENTSM 16.024  Support new "Database" object and EXCHANGE 5.5.      
  TYPENTSM 16.045  Support for IISG, Active Server Pages, Web Service.  
  TYPENTSM 16.049  New SNA LU, SNA 3270 Response, etc, NTSMF objects.   
  TYPENTSM 16.121  Support for NTSMF Cache Mgr & Packet Filter objects. 
  TYPENTSM 16.133  Summarization of NETWSEGM into NTINTRV wrong if two. 
  TYPENTSM 16.177  Support for NT Service Pack 5A SYSTEM/PROCESS fields.
  TYPENTSM 16.199  NTSMF Object='WidetoMBErr' explained.                
  TYPENTSM 16.208  Support for NTSMF internal 0.1 configuration record. 
  TYPENTSM 16.217  New objects NetShow Station/Unicast Service support. 
  TYPENTSM 16.228  Support for NTSMF V2.2 with Record Header 2.2.1.     
  TYPENTSM 16.317  Support for NTSMF 2.2.1 header (or use COMPRESS).    
  TYPENTSM 16.337  Support for new NT 4.0 objects.                      
  TYPENTSM 16.350  Support for WINDOWS NT 5.0 (INCOMPATIBLE) with NTSMF.
  TYPEOMCI 16.116  Support for Candle Omegamon CICS V400 "255" record.  
  TYPEOMVT 16.262  Candle Omegamon for VTAM documentation error.        
  TYPEQAPM 16.035  Year 2000 Support for AS/400 was corrected.          
  TYPEQAPM 16.063  Support for OS/400 Version 4.2.0 (COMPATIBLE).       
  TYPESFTA 16.175  Support for Soft Audit's Installed Products File.    
  TYPESOLN 16.356  Support for Sterling's SOLVE NetMaster TCP/IP SMF.   
  TYPESPMG 16.020  Support for Software Engineering's SpaceManager data.
  TYPETAND 16.118  Tandem variables CnBLKS and CnBLKSAV corrected.      
  TYPETCP  16.211  Support for TCP/IP 3.4 (sorta INCOMPATIBLE).         
  TYPETCP  16.242  TCP SMF record subtype externalized  _SUBTCP5 macro. 
  TYPETDTA 16.170  Support for NCR Teradata DBS performance data.       
  TYPETMDB 16.097  Support for Landmark's Monitor for DB2 V 3.1 INCOMPA 
  TYPETMDB 16.160  Support for Landmark's SQL/CAPTURE type 'D6' record. 
  TYPETMO2 16.122  Variables SYSID,APPLID,SYSPLEX blank in MXG.         
  TYPETMS5 16.088  Lost obs in TMS dataset DSNBRECD for Magstar tapes.  
  TYPETMS5 16.129  Major revision of TMS/CA-1 processing logic.         
  TYPETMS5 16.191  Final revisions to TMS logic changes for FILSEQ.     
  TYPETMS5 16.251  TMS support for multi-dataset tapes now correct.     
  TYPETMV2 16.212  TMON for MVS V2 variables wrong in TMVSSYS dataset.  
  TYPETPMX 16.189  Enhanced TPM support reads all possible variables.   
  TYPETPX  16.019  TPXBYTI/BYTO wrong due to CA's documentation error.  
  TYPEVLFC 16.089  Zero observations in dataset TYPEVLFC corrected.     
  TYPEVMXA 16.310  Support for VM/ESA 2.3 MTRSYS and USEACT segments.   
  TYPEWWW  16.105  Support for Web Proxy logs Extended Common Log fmt.  
  TYPEXCOM 16.114  XCOM variable REQTYPE renamed REQTYPEX, conflict.    
  TYPEXCOM 16.187  Support for XCOM Release 3.0 (COMPATIBLE).           
  USMFRATE 16.158  Analysis of SMF Write Rates (MEGABYTES at 10/100sec) 
  UTILBHEX 16.070  Utility creates SMF records from hex dump from LIST;.
  UTILCICS 16.061  Incorrect Candle value ERRMQ=64 in CANMQ detected.   
  VMAC7072 16.130  Type 70 records have CPU segment after VARY OFF.     
  VMACIMSA 16.313  IMS 6.1 type 08 correction for APPC, CPIC driven.    
  VMXGSUM  16.120  New ERASEOUT parameter added.                        
  VMXGSUM  16.131  UNIX forward slashed caused VMXGSUM to fail.         
  VMXGSUM  16.146  VMXGSUM syntax for "DATETIME" now uses real name.    
  VMXGSUM  16.179  Support for SAS Version 7 (INCOMPATIBLE).            
  VMXGSUM  16.306  INHERIT (SAS V7 only) now exploited in VMXGSUM.      
  VMXGSUM  16.306  INHERIT parameter used if under SAS Version 7.       
  VMXGSUM  16.323  Correction after Change 16.271 &DATETIME=DATETIME;   
  VMXGWORL 16.266  Sorted status now validated by SORT flag for _L data.
  WEEKBLDT 16.140  Weekly build of ASUMDB2B fails with wrong sort order.
  XMXGSUM  16.314  New function enhancements for VMXGSUM for testing.   
  YEAR2000 16.330  MXG 16.09 now required for 100% YEAR2000 Support.    
  TYPEUNIC 16.391  Support for CA UniCenter VMS Performance Monitor.    
  TYPE102  16.390  Support for IFCIDS 252 and 260.                      
  TYPETMO2 16.387  Support for TMON for CICS Version 2 PTF TH01129      
  TYPENSPY 16.386  Support for NETSPY Version 5.2 (COMPAT).             
  BUILDPDB 16.385  New WLM variables added to PDB.JOBS dataset          
  TYPENTSM 16.384  Support for new SNA BASE and IBM SNA objects.        
  ANALHSM  16.383  Rewrite as %MACRO, new thread use/queue measures.    
  TYPETMS5 16.382  Documentation of TMS EXPDT values.                   
  XSUM70PR 16.381  Circumvention for IBM including ICF partition as CPU.
  VMACDB2H 16.380  Invalid QWHSSTCK data value trashed dates/times.     
  IMAC6ESS 16.376  Optional ESS decoding of type 6 fails with 2 fields. 
  VMXGSUM  16.375  Invalid Argument to Substring message eliminated.    
  TRNDSMFI 16.374  Trending member for PDB.SMFINTRV / TYPE30_V dataset. 
  UTILPLDB 16.373  Automatic generate BUILDPDB utility.                 
  ASUMUOW  16.371A Revisions for SPIN and missing values.               
  UTILCICS 16.371  Subtype 0 CICS 4.1 caused INPUT STATEMENT error.     
  TYPE7072 16.370  New PCTMETGO variable was not correct.               
  CICINTRV 16.367  Big CPU increase in 16.06-16.10 corrected.           
Inverse chronological list of all Changes:                              
NEXTCHANGE: Version 16                                                  
======Changes thru 16.394 were in MXG 16.16 dated Feb 20, 1999======    
Change 16.394  Support for CA MIM Version 4.3 Product SMF record adds   
EXTYMIM        thirteen new datasets created from its subtypes.  The    
EXTYMIM1       original MIMTAPE dataset is still built, but the names   
EXTYMIM2       of the variables are changed to be consistent with the   
EXTYMIM3       MIM documentation; where they started with STCxxxxx in   
EXTYMIM4       the documentation, the variable names are MIMxxxxx now.  
EXTYMIM5       This revision was a user contribution that I revised for 
EXTYMIM6       the new MXG architecture, but have only run syntax check,
EXTYMIM7       as I have no sample records to test with before 16.16 is 
EXTYMIM8       finalized and tapes are built!                           
Feb 21, 1999                                                            
   Thanks to Martyn A. Jones, CHASE, ENGLAND.                           
Change 16.393  This is the "40 GIG" paper that Chuck Hopf and I have    
DOC40GIG       presented at SHARE and CMG in 1998.  The graphs, tables, 
Feb 19, 1999   and charts that are not text documents cannot be included
               in this text member, but the text contains the link to   
               those graphic documents, which are now on our homepage.  
Change 16.392  Preliminary MXG "New User" manual is far from complete,  
NEWUSER        but has excellent examples of how to use MXG, how to set 
Feb 19, 1999   up SMF, etc., and comprehensive documentation of the MXG 
               summarization macro, VMXGSUM.  This will be expanded.    
               Most of this document can be directly read, but there are
               some figures that are graphics or tables that cannot be  
               included in a text document; instead, the document has   
               the link to that document on the MXG homepage, so if you 
               can connect to the internet while you read, you can see  
               the figures and tables that can't be included in text.   
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MNBA, USA.                                     
Change 16.391  Support for CA UniCenter VMS Performance Monitor data    
EXUNICDI       Thirteen datasets are created:                           
EXUNICDV        dddddd  dataset    description                          
EXUNICIO        UNICCP  UNICTRCP   UniCenter CPU statistics             
EXUNICLK        UNICDI  UNICTRDI   UniCenter DISK statistics            
EXUNICME        UNICDV  UNICTRDV   UniCenter DEVICE statistics          
EXUNICPG        UNICIO  UNICTRIO   UniCenter I/O statistics             
EXUNICPR        UNICLK  UNICTRLK   UniCenter LOCK statistics            
EXUNICSC        UNICME  UNICTRME   UniCenter MEMORY statistics          
EXUNICSR        UNICPG  UNICTRPG   UniCenter PAGE statistics            
EXUNICVR        UNICSC  UNICTRSC   UniCenter SYSTEM COMM stats          
EXUNICXQ        UNICSR  UNICTRSR   UniCenter SERVER statistics          
FORMATS         UNICSY  UNICTRSY   UniCenter SYSTEM statistics          
IMACUNIC        UNICVR  UNICTRVR   UniCenter VERSION number             
TYPEUNIC        UNICXQ  UNICTRXQ   UNICENTER XQP statistics             
TYPSUNIC       Some counters (RMTPAGNT,RMTSWPNG) in UNICTRDI Disk data  
VMACUNIC       that have a value of minus one that is not documented but
Feb 19, 1999   I assume means that field was not used?  There is a lot  
Feb 24, 1999   of information captured by UniCenter in these records!   
               Feb 24:  Originally was mis-stated as UNIX support, but  
               records are from the VMS and Open VMS operating system). 
   Thanks to Frank d'Hoine, Nationale Bank van Belgie, BELGIUM.         
Change 16.390  Support for DB2 Trace IFCIDs 250, 252 and 260, 261, and  
VMAC102        262 has been added and validated with DB2 5.1 records.   
Feb 18, 1999                                                            
Change 16.389  An include of IMACKEEP was added after the definition    
CICINTRV       of _CICINTV macro that sets the interval duration so     
Feb 18, 1999   it can be overridden with IMACKEEP/MACKEEP logic.        
   Thanks to Alex Torben Nielsen, TeleDanmark EDB, DENMARK              
Change 16.388  An include of IMACKEEP was added after the include of    
RMFINTRV       IMACRMFI so that the _DURSET macro that set interval     
Feb 18, 1999   duration can be overridden with IMACKEEP/MACKEEP.        
   Thanks to Paul Oliver, BHP Information Technology, AUSTRALIA.        
Change 16.387  Support for TMON for CICS Version 2 PTF TH01129 (COMPAT) 
VMACTMO2       adds MQ Series fields to both the MONISYST and MONITASK  
Feb 18, 1999   records, using existing reserved fields.  New variables: 
                 MONISYST    MONITASK    Description                    
                 TIMQQMGR    TAMQQMGR    MQ Series Queue Manager Name   
                 TIMQSRCT    TIMQSRCT    MQ Series API Request Count    
                 TIMQSRTM    TIMQSRTM    MQ Series API Request Duration 
                 TIMQSWCT    TIMQSWCT    MQ Series Wait Count           
                 TIMQSWTM    TIMQSWTM    MQ Series Wait Time            
               These new variables are defined, but the actual DSECT had
               not been received so the fields are not yet actually read
               in yet, so they will all be missing until this is fixed. 
   Thanks to Brian Kaczkowski, Kohl's Department Stores, USA.           
Change 16.386  Support for NETSPY Version 5.2 is already in MXG, as none
VMACNSPY       of the supported subtypes were changed.  There is a new  
Feb 18, 1999   NSPYREC='I' record for TCP/IP, but that new subtype is   
               not yet supported, pending fixes from the vendor (there  
               is time for all transactions and network time for 3270   
               emulation, but no network time for GUI users who telnet  
               in, etc.).  When valid data is available and the record  
               format is stable, I will add support for type "I" data.  
   Thanks to Roger Zimmerman, Zurich Kemper Investments, USA.           
Change 16.385  New WLM variables added by OS/390 2.4 are now added to   
BUILD005       the PDB.JOBS dataset.  Variables are JOBMODE0 JOBMODE1   
Feb 18, 1999   SMF26WCL, SMF26WIN, SMF26WJC, SMF26WOC, SMF26WSE.        
   Thanks to Jack Hudnall, Southwestern Bell, USA.                      
   Thanks to Diane Eppestine, Southwestern Bell, USA.                   
Change 16.384  Support for three new IBM SNA Objects:                   
EXNTSNA1         dddddd   Dataset   Object                    Variables 
EXNTSNA1         NTSNAB   SNABASE   SNA BASE                     19     
IMACNTSM       Also, the _UNTDISC macro used to print discover records  
VMACNTSM       was revised for changed headers.                         
Feb 17, 1999                                                            
Change 16.383  HSM Analysis example was rewritten as a %MACRO so that   
ANALHSM        arguments can be passed, and additional reports on HSM   
Feb 17, 1999   activity (concurrent threads, threads queued, etc). The  
               program requires the ASUMHSM member of change 16.345.    
Change 16.382  No change, documentation only.  TMS a/k/a CA-1 now has   
TYPETMS5       new values for EXPDT that have special meaning:          
Feb 17, 1999     EXPDT       Meaning                      TMS Prints    
                 9989xxx     Conversion from Prior        STATS/xxx     
                 9990000     Catalog Retention            CATALOG       
                 9998xxx     Retain xxx after LastRef     LDATE/xxx     
                 9999xxx     Number of Cycles             CYCLES/xxx    
                 9999999     Permanent Retention          PERMANENT     
               I have been unsuccesful in creating a FORMAT that will   
               extract that xxx value and print these special EXPTD     
               values the way TMSBINQ and other CA programs do.         
   Thanks to Wayne Hartman, Prudential, USA.                            
Change 16.381  CECs with an Integrated Coupling Facility, ICF, count the
XSUM70PR       "spare" CPU in which the Coupling Facility is running as 
Feb 17, 1999   a real processor.  This summer, IBM will document changes
               to the Diagnose 204 and 224 to define 3-byte codes for CP
               types (general purpose and ICF) and will update the RMF  
               Type 70 SMF record so that the records for the ICF       
               Partition (and its PHYSICAL record for the ICF) can be   
               recognized and either deleted or at least excluded from  
               the count of CPUs.  In advance of that APAR, this change 
               lets you delete the TYPE70PR observations from the ICF   
               LPAR (by LPARNAME/LCPUADDR) and lets you correct the     
               number of engines, so that the created PDB.ASUM70PR      
               counts the real workload and the real processors.  You   
               will have to examine your TYPE70PR observations to see   
               what combination of LPARNAME, LPARNUM, and LCPUADDR can  
               be used to identify the ICF LPAR and its "PHYSICAL"      
               partition observations.                                  
   Thanks to Forrest Nielson, State of Utah, USA.                       
   Thanks to Barry Rozemeijer, ING Nederland, THE NETHERLANDS.          
Change 16.380  Invalid QWHSSTCK value in DB2ACCT records causes datetime
VMACDB2H       variables QWACBSC and QWACESC to be trashed (dates in the
Feb 17, 1999   year 2082, wrong times).  Instead of an expected 8-byte  
               field in TODSTAMP format (for example, the raw QWACESC is
               'B1CFB43F08BF37F1'x for '15FEB1999:17:57:26.02'), the bad
               QWHSSTCK field has a value in SMFSTAMP format (the raw   
               value '0020734600099031F'x is '31JAN1999:05:05:54.78' as 
               an SMFSTAMP, but that date is two weeks earlier than the 
               actual records (created on Feb 15, 1999), so not only is 
               the format wrong, the value is wrong too!  MXG uses that 
               bad QWHSSTCK value to calculate your GMT offset, so that 
               QWACBSC/QWACESC can be converted back to local time, but 
               MXG input that bad QWHSSTCK as the expected TODSTAMP, it 
               is '26JAN1900:20:15:19.53', which causes GMTOFFDB to be  
               98 years (SMFTIME is 15FEB1999:11:57:23.02), which is    
               what then corrupts the QWACBSC and QWACESC values.       
               While investigating the source of this bad value, which  
               may have come from one of those Y2K-date-simulator-tools 
               that intercept STCK macro calls inside MVS, I now check  
               to see that the calculated GMTOFFDB is less than 24 hours
               and if it is not, then I print an error message on your  
               SAS log that I could not calculate GMT offset and that   
               your BSC/ESC timestamps will be on GMT rather than local,
               and set GMTOFFDB to zero.   I will update this note when 
               we know if this error is due to a STCK-interceptor or if 
               it is an IBM DB2 error.                                  
   Thanks to Warren E. Waid, JC Penny, USA.                             
Change 16.379  Syntax error in this JCL example. The test should be     
Feb 17, 1999                                                            
   Thanks to Khalid Meskinia, SAS Institute, FRANCE.                    
Change 16.378  This analysis failed with dataset not found.  This line  
Feb 17, 1999   should have been                                         
   Thanks to David Mesiano, Sharp Electronics, USA.                     
   Thanks to Steve Mesiano, Sharp Electronics, USA.                     
Change 16.377 -Format MGX37FL, used in TYPEPROS (STOPX37 replacement),  
FORMATS        had values of 12/16/20/24/28/32x when the actual data    
VMACPROS       values are 0c/10/14/18/1c/20x.                           
Feb 16, 1999  -Label for ABDISP now is 'ABEND*DISPOSITION'.             
   Thanks to Michael E. Friske, Fidelity Investments, USA.              
Change 16.376  Optional decoding of the ESS segment in SMF type 6 record
Feb 16, 1999   have more than 1 address parameter in the JCL.  The line 
               GEPARTLN=0; must be moved to before IF GEPARMKY=27X....  
               and new line                                             
               was added before GEOFFSET=GEOFFSET+GEPARMLN+6;           
   Thanks to Waldemar Rathfelder, ADP TAYLORIX GmbH, GERMANY.           
Change 16.375  Fixes logic dealing with the length of the dataset names 
VMXGSUM        in the INDATA= that cause warning messages about invalid 
Feb 16, 1999   arguments to SUBSTR function.  Improved KEEP logic now   
               uses NODETAILS options on PROC CONTENTS to avoid reading 
               the entire dataset just to find out what variables exist.
Change 16.374  Trending member for the PDB.SMFINTRV dataset (which is   
TRNDSMFI       from Type 30 Subtype 2/3 records and is created as       
Feb 16, 1999   dataset TYPE30_V, controlled in member IMACINTV.         
Change 16.373  Confused by the syntax for the new %LET statements in    
UTILBLDP       MXG 16.16?  This macro will build the SYSIN stream for   
Feb 16, 1999   you to run BUILDPDB completely from SYSIN using the new  
               %LET architecture.  You tell us the SPINCNT desired, any 
               time differences, any additional SMF records that you    
               want to add to the BUILDPDB process, and anything that   
               you want to suppress, and this utility builds the sysin  
               stream, complete with comments.                          
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 16.371A If you were not using ASUMUOW's normal default (use the  
ASUMUOW        earliest transaction record as the real transaction name)
Feb 16, 1999   then some of the variables that are used to identify the 
Feb 18, 1999   transaction (such as LUNAME, USER, TERMINAL, SYSTEM,     
               SMFTIME) may not have come from that real transaction    
               record, but were erroneously picked up from the last     
               transaction record in the unit of work, which might have 
               come from the SPIN library and might have blank values.  
               This change treats these identifying variables the way   
               that TRANNAME is, so that they all come from the same    
               record, and corrects the logic for SPINning records.     
   Thanks to Kevin Marsh, AT&T Solutions EMEA, ENGLAND.                 
Change 16.371  Subtype 0 records from CICS/ESA 4.1 caused UTILCICS to   
Feb 16, 1999      IF '02' LE OLDVERCI LE '03' THEN SUBTYPE=0;           
                  IF SUBTYPE EQ 00 THEN DO;                             
                  IF '02' LE OLDVERCI LE '03' THEN DO;                  
                  SUBTYPE=0;    /* CICS 1.6, 1.7, 2.1 FORMAT DATA */    
               The real culprit was the MXG logic error, not the record!
   Thanks to Andre van de Riet, Hudson Williams Europe, THE NETHERLANDS.
Change 16.370  New variable PCTMETGO was not calculated correctly; the  
VMAC7072       test should be IF R723CVAL*RTSMAP(M) GE R723CVAL THEN DO;
Feb 16, 1999   so we compare the bucket's response time (instead of the 
               percentage value for that bucket) to the response goal.  
               At present, counting the first six buckets would produce 
               the same value, as the 6th bucket is the 100% bucket, but
               this algorithm should protect future changes.            
   Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.                   
Change 16.369  MXG 16.06-16.10.  Cosmetic.  Names of some DROP variables
Feb 16, 1999   and so they were not dropped from temporary datasets, but
               the MXG datasets were built without error.               
   Thanks to Alex Torben Nielsen, TeleDanmark EDB, DENMARK              
Change 16.368  MXG 16.09-16.10.  Macro PMVCICS had not been defined in  
VMXGINIT       VMXGINIT for the new CMRDETL support added in 16.09.     
Feb 16, 1999                                                            
   Thanks to Stephen Mesiano, Sharp Electronics Corp., USA.             
==Changes thru 16.367 were in MXG NEWSLETTER THIRTY-FIVE  Feb 20, 1999==
Change 16.367  MXG 16.06-16.10.  Big CPU increase in BUILDPDB due to    
VMXGCICI       CICINTRV revisions introduced in MXG 16.06.  MXG's use of
CICINTRV       VMXGSUM's KEEPIN= option (which creates KEEP= statement  
Feb  9, 1999   to keep only the needed variables) turns out to be very  
               CPU intensive in CICINTRV/VMXGCICI, even when there are  
               zero CICS observations!  Replacing KEEPIN= option with   
               KEEPALL=YES removed the excessive cost of KEEPIN= logic. 
               In a single invocation of VMXGSUM when you need to keep  
               only a few variables from a large number of variables,   
               and when you have many observations (e.g., summing ten   
               variables from CICSTRAN, which was its purpose) using the
               KEEPIN= option still makes sense, as it will save lots of
               work space during the summarization.  But CICINTRV, with 
               its many invocations of VMXGSUM (and a KEEPIN execution  
               for each argument of each VMXGSUM), and with essentially 
               all variables kept, so no space could be saved, the CPU  
               cost of KEEPIN was greater than the runtime without it!  
               Mac reported his BUILDPDB increased from 324 to 2650 CPU 
               seconds, a factor of eight!  In my confirming tests, I   
               isolated the increase to CICINTRV and saw it jumped from 
               64 seconds to 446 seconds, about the same increase ratio!
               That high cost (one build of the OPTVAR dataset took 53  
               seconds) is because we have to use SAS macro language to 
               parse arguments into macro variables and then convert to 
               variables in data steps so we can sort and remove dupes! 
               Note that VMXGSUM turns off SAS log messages, especially 
               for the data steps executed by the KEEPIN= algorithms,   
               and so the sum of "Step Used CPU" log messages will be   
               much smaller than the "Total CPU Used" value.  For Mac,  
               his Total was 2650 seconds, but sum was only 380 seconds;
               over 2270 seconds of KEEPIN= were not printed on the log!
   Thanks to Mac Moss, Burlington Industries, Inc.                      
Change 16.366  NTSMF dataset PROCESOR variable DPCQUERT replaced DPCQUED
NTINTRV        but the old variable name was still used in NTINTRV,     
Feb  9, 1999   causing a missing value in NTINTRV.                      
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute ITSV Development, USA.         
Change 16.365  Type 42 subtype 9 (dataset TYPE4237) was validated and   
VMAC42         revised, and subtype 19 records showed wholesale revision
Feb  9, 1999   from their earlier documentation.  Revised in 10Feb tape.
   Thanks to Edward McCarthy, Health Insurance Commission, AUSTRALIA.   
======Changes thru 16.364 were in MXG 16.10 dated Feb  8, 1999======    
Change 16.364  QA test and MXG 16.04+ revision cleanup analysis:        
DOC           -TYPETMS5: PROC DELETE DATA=MGTMSVL; added after last use.
Feb  8, 1999  -SPUNJOBS: Variable DATETIME now formatted.               
              -MNTHDB2S: Variable STRTTIME now formatted.               
              -VMACTMDB: Variables D6ACBSC/D6ACESC now formatted.       
              -VMACVMXA: Variable DELTATM is now LENGTH 4 instead of 8. 
              -VMACEDGS: EDGSV: and EDGSU: added to dataset labels.     
              -VMACIMS/VMACIMSA: dddddd: added to dataset labels.       
              -TYPEMON8: dddddd: added to dataset labels.               
              -VMACOPC:  OPC20: added to dataset label.                 
              -VMAC28:   L028IN7: corrected to 028IN7:.                 
              -VMAC42:   TY42P2: was missing colon in label.            
              -VMACMDF:  Dataset Label was added.                       
              -VMACHMF:  Dataset Labels were added where missing.       
              -DIFFTPX:  Dataset Labels was added.                      
              -DIFFNTCP: Dataset Labels was added.                      
               These products are not yet converted to the 16.04 design,
               because they are second phase processes that don't read  
               raw data and don't really need the additional macro names
               but they will eventually be revised to be consistent:    
                VMXGHSM - does read HSM catalogs, but is standalone.    
               These products have not yet been 16.04 converted, and    
               won't be until someone asks for it, or until a change in 
               data requires an enhancement in these either standalone  
               or archaic programs:                                     
                TYPE200, TYPETPNS, TYPERRTM.                            
Change 16.363  16.09 only, JCLTEST6 only.  The new VMACMVCI for CMRDETL 
JCLTEST6       still had RECFM=S370VB from PC testing, and MVS SAS does 
VMACMVCI       currently accepts only RECFM=VB, (although SAS has plans 
Jan 21, 1999   for a fix to make S370VB an alias on MVS in Version 8?). 
Change 16.362  The dataset name in MACRO _LHSMFUN should be HSMDSRFU.   
VMACHSM        The typo, HSMFSRFU, has never been a real dataset.       
Feb  5, 1999   This 16.04 error has impact only if you used the _LHSMFUN
               macro as the destination of your own PROC SORT, or if you
               used the new _SHSMFUN macro; that created PDB.HSMFSRFU   
               instead of PDB.HSMDSRFU (but since it has all of the     
               variables, you can just rename it back to PDB.HSMDSRFU   
               without re-read of your SMF data).                       
   Thanks to John McCray, Huntington Services Company, USA.             
Change 16.361  Support for IDMS Version 14 Journal Records.  Most IDMS  
TYPEIDMJ       sites write to SMF rather than a journal, and the SMF    
VMACIDMJ       records were fine, but the TYPEIDMJ support for journal  
Feb  5, 1999   format had not been updated from IDMS Version 12!  This  
               change only works with Version 14 data; I didn't take the
               time to write it to work with both, as I don't think you 
               can be still running Version 12, but if you need it, I'll
               enhance it for the old version too!                      
   Thanks to David Thorn, Dow Jones, USA.                               
Change 16.360 -VMAC110: 16.09 only, new time variables in CICDS and in  
IMACICOM       CICINTRV did not have TIME12.2 format.                   
VMAC110       -IMACICOM: several MQxxxxTM duration variables had the    
VMACDB2        same label as the MQxxxxCN count variables.              
TYPETMON       and QZZCBPNX/QZZCSKIP were missing because they had been 
TYPEMONI       added to the KEEP= list for DB2STAT0 instead of DB2STAT1.
Feb  5, 1999  -VMACTMDB: variable LMRKFLG1 was listed twice in FORMAT   
               statement; the last instance -  $HEX2. - was removed as  
               it was overriding the $MGTMDGF decoding format.          
              -Archaic TYPETMON and TYPEMONI were upgraded to the 16.04 
               architecture, mostly for QA purposes than real need, as  
               both are archaic (replaced by TYPETMO2 and TYPEMON8).    
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute ITSV Development, USA.         
Change 16.359  Change 16.204 externalized tailoring for IMACACCT among  
IMACACCT       others, but the &MACACCT;  statement was not added to    
Feb  3, 1999   the end of the IMACACCT member until now.                
   Thanks to Paul Oliver, BHP, AUSTRALIA.                               
Change 16.358  TYPE39_6 variables DURATM, STARTIME, in the SCS segment  
VMAC39         were originally only created in Netmaster records, but   
Feb  3, 1999   became unneeded when IBM added ACTSTIME/ACTETIME to the  
               accounting segment.  I never noticed, but now in NetView 
               for OS/390 Version 1 Release 1 type 39 records, IBM has  
               put several character fields where those old fields were 
               input, causing strange dates (like 2008) when MXG reads  
               those characters as TODSTAMP datetimes!  The unneeded old
               Netmaster variables are now set missing/blank, and the   
               new fields (Primary/Secondary CP NetworkID/Name and APPN 
               class of service name and APPN transport priority) were  
               added to each of the subtype 1-8 TYPE39 datasets.        
   Thanks to Tracy Blackstone, Kaiser Permanente, USA.                  
Change 16.357  Variable DDNAME was not kept in TYPETMNT, but no one had 
VMACTMNT       need of it.  But now, in developing a new MXG tool that  
Feb  3, 1999   decomposes all job delays, we find DDNAME is needed so we
               can detect "parallel" tape mounts (when one tape DD has  
               multiple tape drives allocated) so we can not-include the
               second-and-subsequent mount delays in the job delay total
               (the reason you allocate two drives for one tape DD is so
               that the rewind/mount time of one is in parallel with the
               job's use of the other, to prevent any delay to the job).
Change 16.356  Support for Sterling's SOLVE NetMaster for TCP/IP SMF    
EXTYSOLN       creates one observation in dataset TYPESOLN for each     
FORMATS        record (which are identified as either interval or       
IMACSOLN       event), decoding as many of the up-to-12 fields that     
TYPESOLN       might be present.  Variable ATTRID identifies what is    
VMACSOLN       measured in each record, and has values in mixed case    
VMXGINIT       (like "ifInPktsNUcast" and "ifInPktsDiscard") for each   
Feb  3, 1999   metric.  There are nearly 60 metrics available:          
                TCP/IP Stack:  FTP/TELNET/Workload Connection activity  
                TCP/IP Node Monitor: SNMP counters/response/available   
                CISCO Monitor:       Channel card load/errors/TN3270 use
                Local Interface:     Status and Thruput                 
               The complete list and description is in SOLVE:Netmaster  
               Graphical Performance Manager User's Guide, Appendix C,  
               Attribute Descriptions.                                  
   Thanks to Wendy Wong, Sterling (Field Engineer), AUSTRALIA           
Change 16.355  The DB2 Buffer Hit Ratios calculated in DB2STATS became  
VMACDB2        negative because the TSPP field apparently should not be 
Feb  2, 1999   included.  The old equation TGET-(TSIO+TDPP+TLPP+TSPP)   
               had values of 175-(101+0+0+1621) so clearly TSPP is out  
               of place, and thus has been removed from the equations   
               for B1HITRAT/B2HITRAT/B3HITRAT/B4HITRAT and BPHITRAT.    
               I am now looking for an IBM update to their equations.   
Change 16.354  There are additional fields captured in HPs MeasureWare  
VMACMWSU       for Sun that can now be output; some fields were removed 
Feb  2, 1999   and some were reordered.  The new fields are defined, but
               you may need to compare the headings of the report with  
               the MXG input sequence to see that they are the same.    
   Thanks to Tim Crocker, NCCI, USA.                                    
Change 16.353  The RMF WKLD Workload Activity Report was updated for    
Feb  2, 1999   SCLASS SCPER has been updated for MODE=GOAL, the WGPER   
Feb 20, 1999   BY lists now have BY SYSPLEX STARTIME ....               
   Thanks to Jiann-Shiun Huang, CIGNA, USA.                             
Change 16.352  Some report/summary members had not been revised for the 
ANALARB        16.04+ architecture and still %INCLUDEd their product's  
ANALDB2R       IMACxxxx member instead of its VMACxxxx member.  As long 
ANALPDSM       as the program ran in the same step that built its data  
ASUMHPSU       sets, there was no error, because the VMACxxxx member    
ASUMHPUX       would have already been %INCLUDEd, but standalone runs   
Feb  2, 1999   caused SAS "180" syntax errors due to missing macros.    
               MXG no longer defines macros in the product IMACxxxxs,   
               but instead MXG defines its macros in the VMACxxxx's,    
               which themselves include the IMACxxxx if you have one.   
               any overrides of the MXG defaults.                       
               But not all includes of IMACxxxx members were changed,   
               as there are non-product IMACxxxx members (IMACRMFI)     
               that are still validly included by these programs.       
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 16.351 -Support for BETA93 3.1.3 Subtypes 1, 2, 3, 4, 20, 40, 41 
FORMATS        and 42 has been validated with single-record tests. In   
VMACBETA       one subtype 20, the READ DATE and TIME are invalid, which
Feb  2, 1999   means variable READTIME (which is necessary to match the 
               Beta records to other SMF records for the job accounting)
               has a missing value, so the Beta records can't be matched
               to their jobs other data!  In the one test record:       
                     valid LINP date       invalid LJOB date            
                   S20LINPT+S20LINPD      S20LJOBT+S20LJOBD             
                     time    cyyddd         time    cyyddd              
                  '0064B47A 0095001F'    '00000000 0100000F'x           
               That record was written on 2Nov98; the 95 date shows the 
               document has been around for a while.  This discovery    
               will be forwarded to the MXG site to forward to the Beta 
               vendor for response and correction.  I will update this  
               MXG note when I hear back from the vendor, but since the 
               invalid date causes a hex dump of the record on the SAS  
               log, I have added  "??" to suppress the dump and message.
               Create the Beta datasets and use PROC MEANS N DATA=....  
               to see how many records have invalid data for READTIME.  
              -Existing format MGBETRT for variable BETAATT4 was updated
               since it now has character rather than hex values.       
   Thanks to Wolfgang Prescher, Quelle, GERMANY.                        
Change 16.350  Support for WINDOWS NT 5.0 (INCOMPATIBLE) for NTSMF adds 
EXNTAPLT       new objects and new counters, but NT 5.0 appears to have 
EXNTGWNW       removed some important data:                             
EXNTHTIS      =Changes to existing supported objects:                   
EXNTINSF      -SYSTEM object removed all of the CPU busy fields; these  
EXNTINSR       variables will have missing value in the SYSTEM dataset: 
EXNTMACF       But those variables are also in the PROCESOR dataset     
EXNTPRNQ       (although per-CPU instead of per-interval), and NTINTRV  
EXNTRASI       logic sums those PROCESSOR variables into the interval   
FORMATS        CPU busy measures (by accident, because it happens that  
IMACNTSM       the MERGE statement lists SYSTEM before PROCESOR, and SAS
VMACNTSM       always takes values from the last dataset when the same  
VMXGINIT       variable is in multiple datasets), so you should make    
Feb  1, 1999   sure you are creating the Processor object so you can get
Feb  4, 1999   those most-important measures in PDB.NTINTRV dataset.    
               And if you were using dataset SYSTEM in your reporting   
               for those fields, you'll need to change to use PROCESOR  
               or PDB.NTINTRV for the interval utilizations in NT 5.0.  
               Two new variables, PROCESES and THREADS were added to the
               SYSTEM object to count processes and threads.            
              -LOGLDISK object no longer has the physical disk name,    
               variable PDSKNAME, so you can't recognize which logical  
               disks are on which physical devices!  Two new measures   
               PCTIDLE (percent idle time) and SPLTIORT (SPLIT I/Os per 
               second) were added to this object.                       
              -PHYSDISK object has the same two new measures, PCTIDLE   
               and SPLTIORT that were added to LOGLDISK object.         
              =New objects, their "NTdddd" suffix and dataset name:     
                                               suffix    dataset        
                 AppleTalk                     NTAPLT    APPLETLK       
                 Gateway Service for Netware   NTGWNW    GTWYNETW       
                 Http Indexing Service         NTHTIS    HTTPINSR       
                 Indexing Service              NTINSR    INDEXSRV       
                 Indexing Service Filter       NTINSF    INDSRVFL       
                 Job Object                    NTJOB     JOB            
                 Job Object Details            NTJOBD    JOBDETLS       
                 MacFile Server                NTMACF    MACFILE        
                 Print Queue                   NTPRNQ    PRINTQUE       
                 RADIUS Server [IAS]           NTRASI    RADIUIAS       
               This support is based on Windows NT 5.0 Beta 2 discovery 
               records, and some records have been tested, but none of  
               new objects yet.  NT 5.0 is to be renamed Windows 2000.  
               With 486 processors and NTSMF earlier than 2.2, an INPUT 
               STATEMENT EXCEEDED RECORD LENGTH on the 0.0 record is now
               avoided; the CPUSPEED fields are now only input if your  
               NTSMF version is 2.2 or higher.                          
Change 16.349  The statement SQRTARG=(SSQELAP/TRANS-(RESPAVG**2);       
ASUMCICS       caused INVALID ARGUMENT TO SQRT function because it      
ASUMCICX       should have been  IF TRANS GT 0 THEN SORTARG=(....       
TRNDCICS       Change 16.137 protected for negative square roots, but   
TRND72         did not protect for zero divide with zero transactions.  
Jan 30, 1999                                                            
   Thanks to Normand Poitras, ISM, CANADA.                              
Change 16.348  The internal _PDB6 macro was enhanced, adding variables: 
Jan 30, 1999    BIN2USED BIN3USED BIN4USED BIN5USED BIN6USED            
                BIN7USED BIN8USED                                       
               so they are kept in PDB.PRINT to measure bin activity.   
   Thanks to John A. Rivest, TDS-Computing Services, USA.               
Change 16.347  Preliminary report merges datasets HSMFSRST and PDB.JOBS 
ANALALOC       to report how much of ALOCTM allocation delay was due to 
Jan 30, 1999   HSM recall (and recall time spent queueing for an HSM    
Feb 17, 1999   thread is separated from actual recall time), and how    
               much was real allocation delay.  Further enhancements to 
               bring in other delay records (e.g., MXGTMNT allocation   
               and tape mount delay) are planned, to ultimately provide 
               measurement of each separable delay in a job's life.     
               Revised, Feb 17, 1999, but does not yet account for      
               overlap of mount times when parallel devices mounts are  
               used (i.e., multiple tape devices for one DD).           
   Thanks to Rebecca Cates, PKS Computer Services, USA.                 
Change 16.346  Thruput Manager SMF records with no token entries caused 
Jan 30, 1999   because MXG logic assumed there would always be tokens.  
               Change the DO UNTIL (NEXLOC=0); to now read              
                 IF OFFXFE GT 0 THEN DO UNTIL (NEXTLOC=0);              
               and the record will be output.                           
   Thanks to Joseph Montana, Trans Union Corporation, USA.              
Change 16.345  Enhanced HSM summarization now separates the HSM delay   
ASUMHSM        into active and queued requests so you can track HSM's   
TRNDHSM        concurrent thread count, used and required.  Triggered   
Jan 30, 1999   by the new ANALALOC program, in Change 16.347, and now   
               used by the revised ANALHSM in Change 16.383.            
Change 16.344  RMF Reports are enhanced:                                
ANALRMFR      -Coupling Facility, Average CF utilization corrected.     
FORMATS        PCTCFBSY, if logical processors present, calculate       
Jan 30, 1999   using logical processor effective.                       
              -Updates PARTITION DATA REPORT for deactivated LPARs.     
               The values for counts in the MXG reports, will be        
               output as they are in the MXG/SAS database. (IBM         
               reports counts as 80K but ANALRMFR shows 80396).         
               Some values (standard deviation, delay time and /all     
               time), are still in development/validation.              
              -ADD Subchannel Activity Report.                          
              -Format MGRMFF was revised to round percentages better.   
   Thanks to Scott Wiig, USBank, USA.                                   
Change 16.343  Using JCLIMSLG/ASMIMSLG logic to read IMS log records for
VMACIMSA       IMS FastPath transactions created zero observations in   
Jan 30, 1999   IMSFASTP dataset, because the variable SUBCODE was not   
               kept in the IMS591,593,596,597, and IMS598 datasets.     
               The variable was added to the KEEP= list for those five  
               datasets (but Pete just used the five _KIMS59x macros    
               to add SUBCODE to circumvent the error in the interim).  
               Also, the PUT _ALL_'s that were unlimited will now only  
               print for the first five instances of unmatched fastpath.
   Thanks to Pete Gain, SAS Software Pty, ENGLAND.                      
Change 16.342  New variable CECSER, the CPU SERIAL NUMBER OF THE CEC,   
VMAC7072       (Central Electronic Complex) is created from CPUSER in   
Jan 29, 1999   TYPE70 and TYPE70PR datasets, to identify the hardware   
               box in which this MVS system ran.  The last two bytes of 
               CPU Serial (CPUSER) are converted to hex representation  
               and stored in the new 4-byte character variable CECSER,  
               so a CPUSER='03870F'X has CECSER='870F'.                 
   Thanks to Dr. Alexander Raeder, Karstadt AG, GERMANY.                
Change 16.341  IMACPDB documentation.  No code was changed.             
BUILD005       The new architecture eliminates tailoring member IMACPDB,
BUIL3005       but I failed to document how!  Previously, you EDITed the
IMACPDB        macros (_PDB6, _PDB26J2, etc.) in IMACPDB to add fields  
ZMACPDB        (not kept by default) from type 6, 25, 26, and 30 SMF    
Jan 29, 1999   records, into the PDB.JOBS, PDB.STEPS, and PDB.PRINT     
               datasets.  But then you had to update your IMACPDB each  
               time when I changed something, because your IMACPDB will 
               (still) override my defaults.   But now, with the 16.04+ 
               design, you can instead use the &ADDxxxx macro variables,
               with  %LET ADDxxxx= var1 var2 ... ; syntax, to add your  
               variables.  Your %LET can be in member IMACKEEP or can   
               be in the SYSIN stream using the "MACKEEP=".  So if you  
               have an IMACPDB member, compare it with the old member in
               ZMACPDB to see what your site added, and use the %LETs to
               add those variables and eliminate your IMACPDB.          
               The new macro variable names and their function are:     
                     MACRO Variable        For Dataset/Function         
                       ADD6                 TYPE6                       
                       ADD25                TYPE25    (JES3 only)       
                       ADD26J2              TYPE26J2  (JES2 only)       
                       ADD26J3              TYPE26J3  (JES3 only)       
                       ADD30U1              TYPE30_1                    
                       ADD30U4              TYPE30_4                    
                       ADD30U5              TYPE30_5                    
                       ADDACT2              Account fields back-merged  
                                            from JOBS to STEPS/PRINT    
                                            (JES2 only)                 
                       ADDACT3              Account fields back-merged  
                                            from JOBS to STEPS/PRINT    
                                            (JES3 only)                 
               The macros formerly defined in IMACPDB member are now    
               defined in members BUILD005 (JES2) or BUIL3005 (JES3).   
   Thanks to Mike A. Geiger, A. C.  Nielsen, USA.                       
Change 16.340  Some variables in ENDEAVOR dataset ENDEVRSE were wrong   
VMACENDV       because the end-of-comment was missing after the INPUT   
Jan 29, 1999   of variable EDVIFUNC, causing out-of-alignment.          
   Thanks to Kenneth D. Jones, SHL Systemhouse, CANADA.                 
Change 16.339  Type 42 subtypes 15-19 (VSAM RLS) now exist and test data
VMAC42         exposed IBM errors: their length field in the triplet has
Jan 29, 1999   total length, instead of the length of the segment, which
               caused MXG to DELETE all the records with a WRONG LENGTH 
               message on the log because of this invalid length value. 
               MXG circumvents by constructing the segment length from  
               the total length and number of segments.  However, IBM   
               has changed some fields after the early documentation,   
               and real data corrected several typos & logic errors so  
               that now each repeated segment will be output.  Also, all
               TYPE42xx datasets now have their _BTY42xx "By" and their 
               _STY42xx "Sort" macros implemented.                      
   Thanks to Ed McCarthy, Health Insurance Commission, AUSTRALIA.       
Change 16.338  The old &PDB70,&PDB71,...&PDB78 macro variable names were
ASUM70PR       still used as the source DDNAME of the TYPE7xxx datasets 
RMFINTRV       that are read into RMFINTRV, but in the new 16.04+ design
Jan 28, 1999   those names should have been &PTY70,&PTY71... PTY78.     
               There was no execution error, because both sets of macros
               variable names have default values of "PDB", but if you  
               tried to use the new 16.04+ tailoring to split your PDB  
               into multiple destinations, DATASET NOT FOUND errors     
               would result.  All of the &PDB7xxx's are now &PTY7xxx's. 
               Note that &PDBRMFI is still the name for RMFINTRV.       
              -Same error in ASUM70PR, but &PDB70PR is now &PTY70PR.    
   Thanks to Linda Carroll, IBM Global Services, USA.                   
Change 16.337 -Support for these new NT objects:                        
EXNTBENC      -DB2 NT DATABASE MANAGER object creates dataset DB2.      
EXNTDB2        with one instance variable and 15 counter variables.     
EXNTFAXG      -FAX SR. GATEWAY MONITOR object creates dataset FAXGATEW, 
EXNTMSCC       with one Instance variable and 8 counter variables.      
EXNTPCHB      -VPN ADAPTER object creates VPNADAPT dataset with two     
EXNTRADI       Instance variables and 15 counter variables.             
EXNTUSER      -Terminal Server object USER creates dataset USER with    
EXNTVINE       one instance variable (USER) and the other fields in the 
EXNTVPN        PROCESS object (except for IDUSER/IDLOGON!).             
FORMATS       -Radius Server object creates dataset RADIUS, but only    
IMACNTSM       discovery records have been read.                        
VMXGINIT      -Benchmark Factory object creates dataset BENCHMRK, but   
VMACNTSM       only discovery records have been read.                   
Jan 30, 1999  -Microsoft Exchange object MSExchangeMSCC created MSEXCHCC
               with counts and rates of mail activity between Exchange  
               and Lotus CC:MAIL.  Only Discovery have been read.       
              -Vines Communications object creates dataset VINES with   
               33 counters.                                             
              =Enhancement/correction to existing NT objects:           
              -PROCESS dataset variables IDLOGON and IDUSER had missing 
               values, because MXG had a test for NRDATA=20 instead of  
               NRDATA=21.  The WIDE2MBE variable was renamed to CREATPID
               when Demand Technology was able to discover what was put 
               in that undocumented field (Creation Process ID).        
              -WINPROXY dataset has two variables now removed from the  
               record (but MXG still creates them, with missing value,  
               so your reports won't die), and five new fields were     
               added (incompatibly, of course!).                        
   Thanks to Jim Quigley, Consolidated Edison, USA.                     
Change 16.336  IBM Documentation for NPM 2.4 is wrong, causing STOPOVER 
VMAC28         error with NPMSUBTY='DD'x record.  The VTT section has a 
Jan 26, 1999   documented length of 196 bytes, but records with only 176
               bytes (thru VTTNNCDS) are being created by IBM.  To avoid
               the error, two lines were inserted in the VTT input:     
                       VTTNNCDS    &PIB.4.                original line 
                 @;                                       inserted line 
                 IF LENAOF GE 196 THEN INPUT              inserted line 
                       VTTNRRGC    &PIB.4.                original line 
               Mar 10, 2000: APAR OW37758 fixed the 2.4 error, but that 
               APAR was not applied to the 2.5 release, so APAR AW43578 
               exists for 2.5, with no PTF.  See Change 18.032.         
   Thanks to Brian Crow, British Telecom, ENGLAND.                      
Change 16.335  Variables H15TCSDT and H15TCEDT in TYPERDSn RDS datasets 
VMACRDS        have never been correct, because MXG used JULDATE() where
Jan 22, 1999   it should have had DATEJUL().  No one noticed/complained,
               probably because variable SMFTIME was valid, but now the 
               dates use DATEJUL() and its protection algorithm.        
   Thanks to Forrest Nielson, State of Utah, USA.                       
======Changes thru 16.334 were in MXG 16.09 dated Jan 20, 1999======    
Change 16.334  Variable INNODE in TYPETPMX was changed to INNODEC, from 
VMACTPMX       numeric to character because INNODE was already defined  
Jan 19, 1999   as numeric in other datasets created from SMF records.   
Change 16.333  ADSM data transfer units were true Kilobytes so their    
VMAC42         multiplier is changed from 1000 to 1024 for variables    
               dataset TYPE42AD.  I guessed the 1000 because most of    
               storage in IBM "KB" means 1000 rather than 1024, but     
               this guess was wrong.                                    
   Thanks to Kristyann Manske, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA.  
Change 16.332  Variables DPRTY and IODP are both now formatted as HEX2. 
VMAC99         to be consistent with historic priority ranges that are  
Jan 17, 1999   commonly in hex (00-FF) rather than decimal.             
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 16.331  "Cosmetic Audit" of duplicate variables in LABEL, LENGTH 
DOC            and FORMAT statements, incorrect dataset name in comments
Jan 17, 1999   and _L macro names where _W macro names belong, and other
               similar typos were corrected in these members:           
                 VMAC102  VMAC110  VMAC28   VMAC30   VMAC40   VMACAPAF  
   Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, USA.                          
Change 16.330  Status of MXG Year 2000 Support as of Jan 20, 1999.      
TYPE80A        MXG 16.09 is now required for full Year 2000 Support of  
TYPEBETA       all fields in all records from all supported products.   
TYPEDCOL       This replaces all prior statements of MXG Y2K Support.   
TYPEMON8       MXG 16.01 and later do support almost all products, but  
TYPEMOND       five common products now require MXG 16.09 or later:     
TYPEOPC           HSM SMF Records                                       
TYPETMON          CA-1 aka TMS Tape Management Records                  
TYPETMS5          BETA93 SMF Records                                    
TYPETMV2          Landmark Monitor for MVS Version 2                    
TYPETMVS          VM Accounting records                                 
TYPEVLFC       Additionally, six other products that have variables     
TYPEVM         that were not Y2K compliant, but those variables were    
YEAR2000       unlikely to have been used in your reports:              
Jan 17, 1999      DCOLLECT - one julian date variable, UCCOLDT          
Jan 20, 1999      OPC/A    - three obscure julian date variables        
                  Landmark - CICS: TYPEMON8,TYPETMON,TYPEMOND           
                             MVS:  TYPETMV2,TYPETMVS                    
                             one internal datetime TMMDCCLK.            
                  ASTEX    - one julian date SDATE                      
                  RACF SMF - two variables REVOKEDTE, RESUMEDTE         
                  VLF      - VLF Catalog records from SYSLOG.           
               Products were found with julian dates that were kept as  
               0cyyddd value (0100001 for 01Jan2000), which is a valid  
               Y2K format, but which is one not supported by SAS's      
               DATEJUL() function, so while MXG correctly created valid 
               Y2K values, your reports or exit logic would fail if they
               used DATEJUL() on those 0cyyddd values.  No ABEND, but   
               missing values or invalid argument messages on your log. 
               For example, TMS records have julian date values like the
               EXPDT that are kept as 0cyyddd that could cause problems.
               This DATEJUL() problem itself is not new.  MXG reported  
               it and has provided an algorithm (described in member    
               YEAR2000, implemented by Change 15.050) that protects    
               julian dates as they are converted into SAS DATETIME     
               or DATE variables, which are Y2K compliant.  But that    
               algorithm did not change the raw julian date value.      
               This change revises the protection algorithm so that it  
               now replaces the original 0cyyddd value with the valid   
               yyyyddd value in the raw julian date variable, unless the
               yyyyddd value is missing (i.e., an invalid "date" like   
               99000), when the original raw value is not overwritten.  
               ASUMHSM testing with Y2K HSM records exposed the error,  
               and I realized that TMS and all products that keep julian
               date variables were exposed, so every MXG member that had
               a julian date field was examined, and I found four more  
               with the kept-julian-date-problem.  I also found six     
               products (nine variables) that had been overlooked by MXG
               Change 15.050 that were having unprotected sex with the  
               DATEJUL() function.  All are now algorithm-protected.    
                 Members with kept-julian-date-fields and the variables 
                 that are now converted to yyyyddd:                     
                   TYPEDCOL   UCCOLDT                                   
                   ASUMHSM    DSRDATE                                   
                   TYPEOPC    TRLEVDAT,MT0CPED,MT0DAT                   
                   TYPETMV2   JDRDATE                                   
                   TYPETMVS   (archaic) JDRDATE                         
                 Members overlooked in Change 15.050 and the variables  
                 that are now protected:                                
                   TYPEDMON   SDATE                                     
                   TYPEHSM    WFSRDATR, WFSRDATS, WFSRDATE              
                   TYPETMV2   LMRKDATE, ENDTIME, STRTTIME               
                   TYPETMVS   (archaic) LMRKCARK                        
                   TYPE80A    REVOKDTE, RESUMDTE                        
                   TYPEMOND   TMMDCCLK                                  
                   TYPEMON8   (archaic) TMMDCCLK                        
                   TYPETMON   (archaic) TMMDCCLK                        
                   TYPEVLFC   DATETIME                                  
                   TYPEVM     STARTIME, ENDTIME                         
                 In addition, thirty-five other members were changed    
                 to streamline the algorithm where the creation of the  
                 DATEYYYY variable was not required.  These members     
                 were and still are Y2K compliant, but are now more     
                 robustly protected and their non-kept julian dates     
                 are now converted to yyyyddd format:                   
   Thanks to John McCray, Huntington Services Company, USA.             
   Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, Insurance Service Office, USA.               
Change 16.329  Support for OS/390 R 2.7 (COMPATIBLE) adds new subtypes, 
EXTY746B       records, and segments:                                   
EXTY746F      -RMF type 74 record has new subtype 6 which creates three 
EXTY746G       new MXG datasets describing Hierarchical File Systems.   
FORMATS        While storage size fields in the raw record are in pages 
VMAC42         or MB, MXG converts them all to bytes and formats with   
VMAC7072       MGBYTES so the storage variables have the same, standard 
VMAC73         units that display as MegaBytes, GigaBytes, etc.         
VMAC74         -TYPE746G - HFS Global Statistics - one per interval     
VMAC79           R746G1C ='FIRST PAGE*FINDS*IN CACHE'                   
VMXGINIT         R746G1NC='FIRST PAGE*NOT FOUND*IN CACHE'               
VMAC109          R746GLRC='RETURN CODE*BPX1PCT*BUFFLIM'                 
EXTY109          R746GLRS='REASON CODE*BPX1PCT*BUFFLIM'                 
IMAC109          R746GMC ='METADATA*FINDS*IN CACHE'                     
TYPE109          R746GMNC='METADATA*NOT FOUND*IN CACHE'                 
TYPS109          R746GMNF='VALUE OF FIXED(MIN)'                         
Jan 16, 1999     R746GMXV='VALUE OF*VIRTUAL(MAX)'                       
                 R746GSFL='STATUS FLAGS'                                
                 R746GSRC='RETURN CODE*BPX1PCT*GLOBSTAT'                
                 R746GSRS='REASON CODE*BPX1PCT*GLOBSTAT'                
                 R746GUSF='PERMANENT*FIXED*STORAGE*IN USE'              
                 R746GUSV='VIRTUAL*STORAGE*IN USE'                      
               -TYPE746B - HFS Buffer Statistics - one per buffer pool  
                 R746GBF ='BUFFER*WAS FIXED*PRIOR TO*IO REQUEST'        
                 R746GNDS='NUMBER OF*DATA SPACES*FOR BUFFER POOL'       
                 R746GSB ='SIZE OF*BUFFERS*IN BUFFER POOL'              
                 R746GSBF='SIZE OF*PERMANENT*FIXED*BUFFERS'             
                 R746GSBP='SIZE OF*BUFFER*POOL'                         
               -TYPE746F - HFS File System Detail Statistics            
                 R746F1C ='FIRST PAGE*WAS FOUND*IN CACHE'               
                 R746F1NC='FIRST PAGE*NOT FOUND*IN CACHE'               
                 R746FIJ ='INDEX JOINS'                                 
                 R746FINT='INDEX NEW TOPS'                              
                 R746FIRH='INDEX PAGE READ HITS'                        
                 R746FIRM='INDEX PAGE READ MISSES'                      
                 R746FIS ='INDEX SPLITS'                                
                 R746FIWH='INDEX PAGE WRITE HITS'                       
                 R746FIWM='INDEX PAGE WRITE MISSES'                     
                 R746FMC ='METADATA WAS FOUND IN CACHE'                 
                 R746FMNC='METADATA NOT FOUND IN CACHE'                 
                 R746FPD ='BYTES USED FOR ATTRIBUTE*DIRECTORY'          
                 R746FPF ='BYTES*INTERNALLY*USED*BY HFS'                
                 R746FRFI='RANDOM FILE DATA I/O REQUESTS'               
                 R746FSF ='BYTE SIZE OF*FILE*SYSTEM'                    
                 R746FSFI='SEQUENTIAL FILE DATA I/O REQUESTS'           
                 R746FSNL='LENGTH OF*FILE*SYSTEM*NAME'                  
                 R746FSRC='RETURN CODE*BPX1PCT*FSSTATS'                 
                 R746FSRS='REASON CODE*BPX1PCT*FSSTATS'                 
              -RMF type 70 record has new bit values for SMF70PFG that  
               MXG decodes into two new variables in TYPE70PR:          
              -RMF type 73 record has new CPMF (Channel Path Measurement
               Facility) mode variable in dataset TYPE73:               
               which is decoded by the new MG073CP format:              
                     0='0:CPMF IS NOT ACTIVE'                           
                     1='1:COMPATIBILITY MODE'                           
                     2='2:EXTENDED MODE'                                
              -RMF type 79 record subtype 12 also has a new CPMF*MODE   
               variable in dataset TYPE79C                              
               that is also decoded by the new MG073CP format, above.   
              -SMF type 42 subtype 5 and 6 contain new field S42DSDAO   
               that MXG creates in datasets TYPE42DS, TYPE42SR, and     
               TYPE42VT as new variable named:                          
              -New SMF type 109 record is written by OS/390 Firewall    
               Server, and contains log messages of firewall activity   
               that appear to be quite useful to security folks.  The   
               ICAxxxxx and ICACxxxx message structure will be decoded  
               when I have test data from an interested site; for now,  
               those messages are just carried as text strings.         
               These changes have not been tested with 2.7 data yet.    
Change 16.328  For Percentile Goal Service Classes, a new MXG variable  
VMAC7072       PCTMETGO reports the actual percentage of transactions   
Jan 14, 1999   that met the goal.  For example, take a Service Class    
Sep 17, 2002   that has a goal value of 1 second.  Its MAP values are   
               actually percentages of the goal and the product of the  
               MAP value and the goal value is the response time value. 
               If the goal is 90% in 1 second, and your data values are:
                MAP  .5   .6  .7 .8 .9  1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5  2   4  FF
                TRN 8638 108 101 69 59 53  56  43  42  30  1  147 134 22
               then 90.9% (8638/9503) of those transactions ended in the
               first bucket, in one-half-second.  You easily met your   
               90%-in-one-second goal; in fact 90% of your transactions 
               were satisfied in less than 50% of your goal value, so   
               your goal is being met at a level of 50% of the response 
               time goal, so IBM's PERFINDX is 0.5, "twice as good".    
                 (See why you need to be careful with percentages,      
                  and always include, "of what").                       
               But if we sum the number of transactions in the first six
               buckets (i.e., those transactions whose response time was
               less than or equal to the goal value), there were 9028 of
               the 9503 transactions (95%) that met the one second goal,
               and the value of new variable PCTMETGO=95.00.            
    Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MNBA, USA.                                    
Change 16.327  For Service Classes with Average Goal value that had no  
VMAC7072       delay samples (i.e., PCUTSOU=0 and PCTDLTOT=0), VELOCITY 
Jan 14, 1999   cannot be calculated so it was missing value, but MXG    
               then erroneously set PERFINDX to zero, even when it      
               could be calculated.  The original logic:                
               IF (TRANS EQ 0 AND TRANSEXC GT 0) OR R723CRGF='A' THEN ..
                 IF R723CVAL LE 0 OR VELOCITY LE 0 THEN PERFINDX=0;     
                 ELSE PERFINDX=AVGELPTM/R723CVAL;                       
               now has the test for VELOCITY removed:                   
               IF (TRANS EQ 0 AND TRANSEXC GT 0) OR R723CRGF='A' THEN ..
                 IF R723CVAL LE 0 THEN PERFINDX=0;                      
                 ELSE PERFINDX=AVGELPTM/R723CVAL;                       
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 16.326  TYPE72 for Compatibility Mode OS/390 R2.4+ was incomplete
VMAC7072       as new delay variables were input in the subtype 3 SMF   
Jan 14, 1999   record for WLM Goal Mode, but were not input for the     
               subtype 1 Compat Mode record.  These variables are new:  
                 SMF72CVT='JCL CONVERSION*TIME'                         
                 SMF72IOT='DASD*IOS QUEUE*TIME'                         
   Thanks to Rick Mansfeldt, GE Capital, USA.                           
Change 16.325  Documentation only; the instructions implied you needed  
BLDNTPDB       to run three separate BLDNTDPBs, one for DAY, WEEK, and  
Jan 14, 1999   MONTH, but in fact, all you need is to use daily:        
               and the daily will always be built, the weekly will be   
               built on the WEEKSTRT= date (default=MON), and the       
               monthly will be built on the first day of the month.     
   Thanks to Wayne Holzback, Reynolds Metal Company, USA.               
Change 16.324  Variables R744FTIM, FSQU, FCTM, and FCSQ should have     
VMAC74         been divided by 4096.                                    
Jan 14, 1999                                                            
   Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.                   
Change 16.323  Change 16.271 was not supposed to change VMXGSUM, but it 
VMXGSUM        did; the comments around &DATETIME=DATETIME; statement   
Jan 14, 1999   that were added by 16.271 have now been removed.         
   Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, USA                           
Change 16.322  Support for CICS TS 1.3 (INCOMPATIBLE).  IBM inserted    
ADOC110        data fields in the middle of the accounting record, so   
EXCICCF6       you MUST use MXG 16.09 or later to read CICS TS 1.3 data.
EXCICCF8       Lots of new measurements have been added, especially for 
EXCICCF9       Web activity (and the first JAVA measurements in MVS!!!).
EXCICNC4       There are also new subtypes 3, 4 and 5, and new stat data
EXCICNC5       records and new fields added to existing statistics, and 
EXCICSOR       there are now 11 TCBs that CICS can dispatch!            
FORMATS        The type 110 subtype 1 (CICSTRAN dataset) has these 61   
VMAC110        new variables added:                                     
VMXGCICI          ACTVTYID='ACTIVITY*ID'                                
Nov 29, 1998      ACTVTYNM='ACTIVITY*NAME'                              
                  CFCAPICT='OO CLASS*LIBRARY*API*REQUESTS'              
                  CFDTWACN='CF DATA*TABLE*WAIT*COUNT'                   
                  CFDTWATM='CF DATA*TABLE*WAIT*TIME'                    
                  DHCRECT ='DOCUMENT*CREATE*REQUESTS'                   
                  DHINSCT ='DOCUMENT*INSERT*REQUESTS'                   
                  DHRETCT ='DOCUMENT*RETRIEVE*REQUESTS'                 
                  DHSETCT ='DOCUMENT*SET*REQUESTS'                      
                  DHTOTCT ='TOTAL*DOCUMENT*REQUESTS'                    
                  J8CPUTCN='USER TASK*J8 MODE*CPU TCB*COUNT'            
                  J8CPUTTM='USER TASK*J8 MODE*CPU TCB*TIME'             
                  L8CPUTCN='USER TASK*L8 MODE*CPU TCB*COUNT'            
                  L8CPUTTM='USER TASK*L8 MODE*CPU TCB*TIME'             
                  MSCPUTCN='USER TASK*OTHER MODE*CPU TCB*COUNT'         
                  MSCPUTTM='USER TASK*OTHER MODE*CPU TCB*TIME'          
                  PCDPLCT ='DPL*PROGRAM*LINKS'                          
                  PRCSID  ='PROCESS*ID'                                 
                  QRCPUTCN='USER TASK*QR MODE*CPU TCB*COUNT'            
                  QRCPUTTM='USER TASK*QR MODE*CPU TCB*TIME'             
                  QRDISPCN='USER TASK*QR MODE*DISPATCH*COUNT'           
                  QRDISPTM='USER TASK*QR MODE*DISPATCH*TIME'            
                  RRMSURID='RRMS/MVS*UNIT OF RECOVERY*ID'               
                  S8CPUTCN='USER TASK*S8 MODE*CPU TCB*COUNT'            
                  S8CPUTTM='USER TASK*S8 MODE*CPU TCB*TIME'             
                  WBCHRIN ='WEB*CHARACTERS*RECEIVED'                    
                  WBRCVCT ='WEB*RECEIVE*REQUESTS'                       
                  WBTOTCT ='TOTAL*WEB*REQUESTS'                         
               The type 110 subtype 1 (CICSEXCE dataset) adds variables:
                  EXCMNURI='RRMS/MVS*UNIT OF RECOVERY*ID'               
              -Statistics STID=55 now creates CICDS Dispatcher Stats    
               dataset (replacing STID=56 or STID=57). There are now    
               eleven TCBs separately reported in CICDS dataset:        
                  TCB  Var Prefix Abbreviation  Description             
                    1     DSG        QR         Quasi Reentrant         
                    2     DS2        RO         Resource Owning         
                    3     DS3        CO         Concurrent              
                    4     DS4        SZ         Secondary LU            
                    5     DS5        RP         ONC/RPC                 
                    6     DS6        FO         File Owning             
                    7     DS7        SL         Sockets Owning SL       
                    8     DS8        SO         Sockets Owning SO       
                    9     DS9        J8         J8 Open                 
                   10     DSA        L8         L8 Open                 
                   11     DSB        S8         S8 Open                 
               The CICDS labels now conain the TCB abbreviation.        
              -Statistics STID=67 (CICFCR dataset) has new variables:   
                  A17DTCFP='CF*DATA*TABLE*POOL NAME'                    
                  A17DTCON='CHANGED*RESPONSES*FOR CFDT'                 
              -Statistics STID=42 (CICTQR dataset) has new variable:    
              -Statistics STID=52 (CICCONSR dataset) has new field:     
              -Statistics STID=97 now creates CICNQG ENQ Manager data;  
               it was previously in STID=96, but not only was the STID  
               changed, there are four new variables:                   
                 NQGGNQWT='TOTAL*SYSPLEX*ENQ*WAITING TIME'              
                 NQGSNQWT='CURRENT*SYSPLEX*ENQ*WAITING TIME'            
              -New Statistics segments and new Subtypes create seven new
               datasets, but I have no test data to validate the code,  
               so no deaccumulation (if needed) has been written.  The  
               contents of these new datasets are impressive:           
                MXG DATASET STID  DSECT Subtype Description             
                 CICTCPIP   108     SOR    2    TCP/IP Statistics       
                 CICNCS4D   124   NCS4D    5    NC Server List Structure
                 CICNCS5D   125   NCS5D    5    NC Server Storage Stats 
                 CICCFS6D   126   CFS6D    4    CFTD Server List        
                 CICCFS7D   127   CFS7D    4    CFTD Buffer Statistics  
                 CICCFS8D   128   CFS8D    4    CFTD Request Statistics 
                 CICCFS9D   129   CFS9D    4    CFTD Storage Statistics 
               Contents of CICTCPIP - TCP/IP Statistics                 
                  SORBYTRC='BYTES*RECEIVED*(ALL SOCKETS)'               
                  SORBYTSN='BYTES*SENT*(ALL SOCKETS)'                   
                  SORCLOSG='GMT SERVICE*CLOSE TIME*(GMT)'               
                  SORCLOSL='LOCAL SERVICE*CLOSE TIME*(LOCAL)'           
                  SORCUCON='CURRENT*NUMBER OF*CONNECTIONS'              
                  SORIPADR='TCP/IP*SERVICE*IP ADDRESS'                  
                  SOROPENG='GMT SERVICE*OPEN TIME*(GMT)'                
                  SOROPENL='LOCAL SERVICE*OPEN TIME*(LOCAL)'            
                  SORPKCON='PEAK*NUMBER OF*CONNECTIONS'                 
                  SORRECVS='RECEIVES*(ALL SOCKETS)'                     
                  SORSENDS='SENDS*(ALL SOCKETS)'                        
               Contents of CICNCS4D - NC Server List Structure          
                  S4ASYCT ='NUMBER OF*ASYNCHRONOUS*REQUESTS'            
                  S4CNPREF='PREFIX FOR*CONNECTION*NAME'                 
                  S4CNSYSN='OWN MVS*SYSTEM NAME*FROM*CVTSNAME'          
                  S4CRECT ='CREATE*COUNTER'                             
                  S4DELCT ='DELETE*COUNTER'                             
                  S4ENTRCT='CURRENT*NUMBER*OF ENTRIES*IN USE'           
                  S4ENTRHI='HIGHEST*NUMBER*OF ENTRIES*IN USE'           
                  S4ENTRLO='LOWEST*NUMBER*OF FREE*ENTRIES'              
                  S4ENTRMX='MAX ENTRIES*RETURNED*BY IXLCONN'            
                  S4GETCT ='GET AND*INCREMENT*COUNTER'                  
                  S4KEQCT ='INQUIRE*KEQ'                                
                  S4KGECT ='INQUIRE*KGE'                                
                  S4POOL  ='POOL NAME*PART OF*STRUCTURE NAME'           
                  S4PREF  ='FIRST*PART OF*STRUCTURE*NAME'               
                  S4RSP1CT='NORMAL RESPONSE EVERYTHING OK'              
                  S4RSP2CT='NO MATCHING*ENTRY*WAS FOUND'                
                  S4RSP3CT='ENTRY*VERSION*DID NOT*MATCH'                
                  S4RSP5CT='THE LIST*STRUCTURE*IS OUT*OF SPACE'         
                  S4SETCT ='SET*COUNTER'                                
                  S4SIZE  ='STRUCTURE*SIZE*(UNSIGNED*FULLWORD)'         
               Contents of CICNCS5D - NC Server Storage Statistics      
                  S5ANYFR ='NUMBER OF*FREE PAGES*IN THE POOL'           
                  S5ANYLO ='LOWEST*FREE*PAGES*(SINCE RESET)'            
                  S5ANYMX ='TOTAL PAGES*IN THE*STORAGE*POOL'            
                  S5ANYNAM='POOL NAME*AXMPGANY'                         
                  S5ANYPTR='ADDRESS OF*STORAGE*POOL*AREA'               
                  S5ANYSIZ='SIZE OF*STORAGE*POOL*AREA'                  
                  S5ANYUS ='NUMBER OF*USED PAGES*IN THE POOL'           
                  S5LOWFR ='NUMBER OF*FREE PAGES*IN THE POOL'           
                  S5LOWLO ='LOWEST*FREE*PAGES*(SINCE RESET)'            
                  S5LOWMX ='TOTAL PAGES*IN THE*STORAGE*POOL'            
                  S5LOWNAM='POOL NAME*AXMPGLOW'                         
                  S5LOWPTR='ADDRESS OF*STORAGE*POOL*AREA'               
                  S5LOWSIZ='SIZE OF*STORAGE*POOL*AREA'                  
                  S5LOWUS ='NUMBER OF*USED PAGES*IN THE POOL'           
               Contents of CICCSF6D - CFTD Server List                  
                  S6CNSYSN='OWN MVS*SYSTEM NAME*FROM CVTSNAME'          
                  S6ELEMCT='CURRENT*NUMBER OF*ELEMENTS*IN USE'          
                  S6ELEMHI='HIGHEST*NUMBER OF*ELEMENTS*IN USE'          
                  S6ELEMLO='LOWEST*NUMBER OF*FREE*ELEMENTS'             
                  S6ELEMMX='MAX ELEMENTS*RETURNED*BY IXLCONN'           
                  S6ELEMPE='MAX ELEMENTS*PER ENTRY*(FOR 32K)'           
                  S6ELEMPW='DATA*ELEMENT*SIZE*AS POWER OF 2'            
                  S6ENTRCT='CURRENT*NUMBER OF*ENTRIES*IN USE'           
                  S6ENTRHI='HIGHEST*NUMBER OF*ENTRIES*IN USE'           
                  S6ENTRLO='LOWEST*NUMBER OF*FREE*ENTRIES'              
                  S6ENTRMX='MAX ENTRIES*RETURNED*BY IXLCONN'            
                  S6ENTRRT='ENTRY SIDE*OF ENTRY*ELEMENT RATIO'          
                  S6FREECT='NUMBER OF*ENTRIES*ON FREE LIST'             
                  S6FREEHI='HIGHEST*ENTRIES*ON FREE LIST'               
                  S6HDRS  ='MAXIMUM*NUMBER OF*LIST*HEADERS'             
                  S6HDRSCT='HEADERS*USED FOR*CONTROL*LISTS'             
                  S6HDRSTD='HEADERS*AVAILABLE FOR*TABLE DATA'           
                  S6INDXCT='NUMBER OF*ENTRIES*IN TABLE INDEX'           
                  S6POOL  ='POOL NAME*PART OF*STRUCTURE*NAME'           
                  S6PREF  ='FIRST PART*OF*STRUCTURE*NAME'               
                  S6SIZE  ='STRUCTURE*SIZE*'                            
                  S6USEDCT='NUMBER OF*ENTRIES*ON USED LIST'             
                  S6INDXHI='HIGHEST*ENTRIES*IN TABLE INDEX'             
                  S6APPLCT='NUMBER OF*ENTRIES*IN APPLID LIST'           
                  S6APPLHI='HIGHEST*ENTRIES*IN APPLID LIST'             
                  S6UOWLCT='NUMBER OF*ENTRIES*IN UOW LIST'              
                  S6UOWLHI='HIGHEST*ENTRIES*IN UOW LIST'                
                  S6RDICT ='READ*TABLE*INDEX*ENTRY'                     
                  S6WRICT ='WRITE*TABLE*INDEX*ENTRY'                    
                  S6RWICT ='REWRITE*TABLE*INDEX*ENTRY'                  
                  S6DLICT ='DELETE*TABLE*INDEX*ENTRY'                   
                  S6CRLCT ='CREATE*LIST'                                
                  S6MDLCT ='MODIFY*LIST'                                
                  S6DLLCT ='DELETE*LIST'                                
                  S6RDDCT ='READ*DATA*ITEM'                             
                  S6WRDCT ='WRITE*DATA*ITEM'                            
                  S6RWDCT ='REWRITE*DATA*ITEM'                          
                  S6DLDCT ='DELETE*DATA*ITEM'                           
                  S6INLCT ='INQUIRE*ON*DATA LIST'                       
                  S6RDMCT ='READ*MESSAGE*QUEUE'                         
                  S6WRMCT ='WRITE TO*MESSAGE*QUEUE'                     
                  S6RDUCT ='READ*UOW*ENTRY'                             
                  S6WRUCT ='WRITE*UOW*ENTRY'                            
                  S6RWUCT ='REWRITE*UOW*ENTRY'                          
                  S6DLUCT ='DELETE*UOW*ENTRY'                           
                  S6RDACT ='READ*APPLID*ENTRY'                          
                  S6WRACT ='WRITE*APPLID*ENTRY'                         
                  S6RWACT ='REWRITE*APPLID*ENTRY'                       
                  S6DLACT ='DELETE*APPLID*ENTRY'                        
                  S6RRLCT ='REREAD*ENTRY FOR*FULL DATA*LENGTH'          
                  S6ASYCT ='NUMBER OF*ASYNCHRONOUS*REQUESTS'            
                  S6RSP3CT='NO MATCHING*ENTRY*WAS FOUND'                
                  S6RSP4CT='ENTRY VERSION*DID NOT*MATCH'                
                  S6RSP7CT='THE LIST*STRUCTURE*IS OUT OF*SPACE'         
                  S6USEDHI='HIGHEST*ENTRIES*ON USED LIST'               
               Contents of CICCSF7D - CFTD Buffer Statistics            
                  S7OCSET ='SET TABLE*ATTRIBUTES'                       
                  S7RQLOAD='LOAD  '                                     
                  S7RQPOIN='POINT '                                     
                  S7RQREAD='READ*(INCLUDING READ*FOR UPDATE)'           
                  S7RQWRIT='WRITE*(NEW RECORD)'                         
                  S7TABLE ='TABLE*NAME'                                 
               Contents of CICCSF8D - CFTD Request Statistics           
                  S8OCSET ='SET TABLE*ATTRIBUTES'                       
                  S8RQLOAD='LOAD*RECORD*AT INITIAL*LOAD TIME'           
                  S8RQREAD='READ*RECORD*(INCLUDES*FOR UPDATE)'          
                  S8SPBACK='BACK OUT*UNIT OF WORK'                      
                  S8SPCOMM='COMMIT*UNIT OF WORK'                        
                  S8SPINQU='INQUIRE*ABOUT*UNIT OF WORK'                 
                  S8SPPREP='PREPARE*TO COMMIT*UNIT OF WORK'             
                  S8SPRETA='RETAIN*LOCKS FOR*UNIT OF WORK'              
               Contents of CICCSF9D - CFTD Storage Statistics           
                  S9ANYFR ='NUMBER OF*FREE PAGES*IN THE POOL'           
                  S9ANYLO ='LOWEST*FREE*PAGES*(SINCE RESET)'            
                  S9ANYMX ='TOTAL PAGES*IN THE*STORAGE*POOL'            
                  S9ANYNAM='POOL NAME*AXMPGANY'                         
                  S9ANYPTR='ADDRESS OF*STORAGE*POOL*AREA'               
                  S9ANYSIZ='SIZE OF*STORAGE*POOL*AREA'                  
                  S9ANYUS ='NUMBER OF*USED PAGES*IN THE POOL'           
                  S9LOWFR ='NUMBER OF*FREE PAGES*IN THE POOL'           
                  S9LOWLO ='LOWEST FREE PAGES (SINCE RESET)'            
                  S9LOWMX ='TOTAL PAGES*IN THE*STORAGE POOL'            
                  S9LOWNAM='POOL NAME*AXMPGLOW'                         
                  S9LOWPTR='ADDRESS OF*STORAGE*POOL*AREA'               
                  S9LOWSIZ='SIZE OF*STORAGE*POOL*AREA'                  
                  S9LOWUS ='NUMBER OF*USED PAGES*IN THE POOL'           
Change 16.321  If the last structure in a type 74 subtype 4 record had  
VMAC74         an extension, the extension was not input, so variables  
Jan 12, 1999   R774CRHC thru R744CWUC were missing TYPE74ST dataset for 
               that observation.  My existence test for the extension:  
                 IF R744CDSI GT 0 AND CDSILOC+200 LE LENGTH THEN DO;    
                   INPUT @(SMF744CO+(R744CDSI-1)*SMF744CL)              
               should have been:                                        
                 IF R744CDSI GT 0 AND CDSILOC+200 LE LENGTH-1 THEN DO;  
               but clearer/safer logic is to use R744CDNE to validate   
               the existence of the extension, so the test now is:      
                 IF R744CDSI GT 0 AND R744CDNE GE 1 THEN DO;            
                   INPUT @CDSILOC                                       
   Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.                   
Change 16.320  This test member had hex strings that caused FTP to gag  
ZTIMECHK       when the MXG Source Library was FTP'd from MVS; as it was
Jan 10, 1999   only for my internal testing, the member was deleted.    
   Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, USA.                          
Change 16.319  Using the new TYPSAIM0 member (for FACOM operating sys)  
VMACAIM0       failed, as the MACRO _SAIM0  _SAIM0 %  syntax failed. As 
Jan 10, 1999   it was not really needed, it was deleted.  This was the  
               only instance in which a dataset sort macro name was the 
               same as the member sort macro name, and the only place   
               that that syntax was used in a VMAC member.              
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 16.318  Support for DB2 Version 6.1 (COMPATIBLE):                
EX102230       It appears that all of the changes in 6.1 were added at  
EX102233       the end of segments, so MXG 15.15+ will not fail with the
EX102242       DB2 6.1 records, but none of the new information will be 
EX102243       decoded by MXG until you install MXG 16.09 or later.     
EX102247      -The QWHA Data Sharing Header (new in Version 5.1) is now 
EX102248       decoded, creating new variables in Accounting datasets   
EX102249       DB2ACCT,DB2ACCTP, DB2ACCTB and DB2ACCTG:                 
EX102250         QWHAMEMN='DB2*MEMBER*NAME'                             
EX102251         QWHADSGN='DB2*DATA SHARING*GROUP*NAME'                 
EX102252      -The QWHC Correlation Header was extended and contains new
EX102254       End User information added to DB2ACCT,DB2ACCTP,DB2ACCTB  
EX102255       and DB2ACCTG Accounting datasets.                        
EX102257         QWHCEUTX='END USERS*TRANSACTION*NAME'                  
EX102258         QWHCEUWN='END USERS*WORKSTATION*NAME'                  
EX102259      -New QWAX segment contains waits and counts, some of which
EX102260       were previously QWACxxxx fields in the DB2ACCT datasets: 
EX102261         QWAXALCT='ARCHIVES*LOG MODE*(QUIESCE)'                 
EX102263         QWAXANAR='WAITS FOR*ARCHIVE READS'                     
EX102266         QWAXARND='WAITS FOR*A DRAIN LOCK'                      
EX102268         QWAXAWCL='WAIT TIME FOR A DRAIN FOR CLAIMS'            
EX102272         QWAXAWDR='WAIT TIME FOR A DRAIN LOCK'                  
EX102273         QWAXDSNS='WAITS FOR*DATASPACE MGR*TASKS'               
EX102314         QWAXSLNS='WAITS FOR*SYSLGRNG*RECORDING'                
VMACDB2       -The QWAC segment was extended with SIGNIFICANT NEW DATA!!
VMACDB2H       for DB2's interaction with Workload Manager's new Enclave
Jan  9, 1999   architecture, as well as new measurements of the elapsed 
Jan 12, 1999   and TCB CPU time spent in Stored Procedures and in User  
               Defined Functions, and with SQL time separated as well:  
                 QWACLRN ='LOG*RECORDS*WRITTEN'                         
                 QWACPECT='TCB TIME*BEFORE*ENCLAVE*CREATION'            
                 QWACUDEB='ET USRDEFUN*ONLY*SQL TIME'                   
              -The first QWDA segment is now decoded creating variable  
               for child tasks.  There can be multiple segments for the 
               coordinating task, but only the first is read now, until 
               test data and a need presents itself.                    
              -For packages, the QPAC segment that created DB2ACCTP has 
               been enhanced with new variables:                        
                  (decoded with new format $MGDB2PK with values of      
                   01-stored proc,02-userdefun,03-trigger executing)    
                 QPACSPNS='STORED*PROCEDURES EXECUTED'                  
              -The QXST segment was extended with new variables in both 
               the DB2ACCT and DB2STATS datasets:                       
                 QXALPRO ='ALTER*PROCEDURE*STATEMENTS'                  
                 QXALUDF ='ALTER*FUNCTION*STATEMENTS'                   
                 QXCASCDP='MAX LEVEL*OF NESTED*SQL CASCADING'           
                           (includes cascading due to triggers, udfs,   
                            and stored procedures).                     
                 QXCAUD  ='USER*DEFINED*FUNCTIONS*EXECUTED'             
                 QXCAUDRJ='TIMES USERDEFUN*WAS REJECTED'                
                 QXCDIST ='CREATE*DISTINCT*TYPE*STATEMENTS'             
                 QXCRATB ='CREATE*AUX TABLE*STATEMENTS'                 
                 QXCRPRO ='CREATE*PROCEDURE*STATEMENTS'                 
                 QXCRUDF ='CREATE*FUNCTION*STATEMENTS'                  
                 QXCTRIG ='CREATE*TRIGGER'                              
                 QXDDIST ='DROP *DISTINCT*TYPE*STATEMENTS'              
                 QXDRPFN ='DROP*USER*DEFINED*FUNCTION'                  
                 QXDRPPR ='DROP*STORED*PROCEDURE'                       
                 QXDRPTR ='DROP*TRIGGER'                                
                 QXFREEL ='FREE*LOCATOR*STATEMENTS'                     
                 QXHOLDL ='HOLD*LOCATOR*STATEMENTS'                     
                 QXRNTAB ='RENAME*TABLE'                                
                 QXROIIDX='DIRECT ROW*REVERTED*USED*AN INDEX'           
                 QXROIMAT='DIRECT ROW*ACCESS*WAS SUCCESSFUL'            
                 QXROWTRG='ROW TRIGGER*WAS ACTIVATED'                   
                 QXSETPTH='SET*CURRENT PATH*STATEMENTS'                 
                 QXSTTRG ='STATEMENT TRIGGER*WAS ACTIVATED'             
              -The QBGL segment added new variables to DB2STATS:        
                 QBGL2F  ='CHANGED*PAGE WRITES*FAILED*STORAGE'          
                 QBGL2D  ='DELETE*NAME*LIST*REQUESTS'                   
                 QBGL2N  ='DELETE*NAME*REQUESTS'                        
                 QBGL2R  ='READ*CASTOUT*STATS*REQUESTS'                 
                 QBGL2S  ='COMPLETION*CHECKS*SUSPENDED'                 
                 QBGL2W  ='CHANGED*PAGE WRITES*FOR DUPLEXING'           
                DB2 Trace Records:                                      
               -IFCID 106 added these new variables to T102S106:        
                 QWP1DBPR='DATABASE*PROTOCOL*FOR 3-PART*NAMES'          
                 QWP1DTIM='TIME*BETWEEN*RESET OF*DSET STATS'            
                 QWP1EXBS='MAX EXTRA*DRDA QUERY BLKS*SERVER'            
                 QWP1FLBZ='MAX DSN1DBM1 STORAGE*FAST LOG APPLY'         
                 QWP1LVA ='KILOBYTES*FOR LOB VALUES*PER AGENT'          
                 QWP1LVS ='MEGABYTES*FOR LOB VALUES*PER SYSTEM'         
                 QWP1TBPL='DEFAULT*BUFFER POOL*FOR USER DATA'           
                 QWP4PAC ='PACKAGE*AUTHORIZATION*CACHE'                 
                 QWP4UBS ='QWP4UBS*(S)'                                 
                 QWP4UMD ='QWPRUMD*(S)'                                 
                 QWP9MAX1='MAXIMUM*TYPE 1*INACTIVE*THREADS'             
                 QWPBAGID='ASCII GBCS CCSID'                            
                 QWPBAMID='ASCII MBCS CCSID'                            
                 QWPBAR  ='DECIMAL ARITHMETIC DEFAULT'                  
                 QWPBASID='ASCII SBCS CCSID'                            
                 QWPBCHAR='CHARSET DEFAULT'                             
                 QWPBCMP ='COMPATIBILITY OPTION'                        
                 QWPBDATE='DATE FORMAT (ISO,JIS,EUR,LOCAL,USA)'         
                 QWPBDE  ='PERIOD/COMMA DEFAULT'                        
                 QWPBDL  ='DELIMITER DEFAULT'                           
                 QWPBDLEN='LOCAL (ONLY) DATE LENGTH DEFAULT'            
                 QWPBDSD ='DISTRIBUTED SQL STRING DELIMITER'            
                 QWPBENS ='DEFAULT ENCODING SCHEME'                     
                 QWPBGID ='GBCS CCSID'                                  
                 QWPBGRA ='YES/NO MIXED GRAPHIC DEFAULT'                
                 QWPBLANG='LANGUAGE DEFAULT'                            
                 QWPBLVL ='QWPBLVL*(S)'                                 
                 QWPBMID ='MBCS CCSID'                                  
                 QWPBREL ='VERSION*RELEASE*MOD LEVEL'                   
                 QWPBRIB ='POINTER TO RELEASE INFO BLOCK'               
                 QWPBSDL ='SQL DELIMITER DEFAULT'                       
                 QWPBSID ='SBCS CCSID'                                  
                 QWPBSQL ='LEVEL OF SQL LANGUAGE SUPPORT'               
                 QWPBSSID='SUBSYSTEM DEFAULT'                           
                 QWPBTIME='TIME FORMAT (ISO,JIS,EUR.LOCAL,USA)'         
                 QWPBTLEN='LOCAL (ONLY) TIME LENGTH DEFAULT'            
              -IFCID 0258 was added by APAR PQ17544 for 5.1 and 6.1.  It
               is decoded (even though I have no test data) as it may be
               very useful: dataset T102S258 tracks when any of your DB2
               databases are expanded in size.  You can use it to track 
               database growth and avoid the catastrophy of exceeding   
               the maximum size of a DB2 table!  These variables are    
               in the new T102S258 (DB2 DATASET EXTEND SPACE) dataset:  
                 QW0258VA='NUMBER OF*VOLUMES*AFTER'                     
                 QW0258VB='NUMBER OF*VOLUMES*BEFORE'                    
                 QW0258XA='NUMBER OF*EXTENTS*AFTER'                     
                 QW0258XB='NUMBER OF*EXTENTS*BEFORE'                    
               The storage measures labeled "bytes" are formatted with  
               MGBYTES so they will print as MB, GB, etc.               
               The QW0258TS timestamp is a blind guess as to format, so 
               it may be wrong until I get test data for validation.    
              -Trace IFCIDs thru 314 now exist, although many IFCIDs are
               skipped.  MXG defines a set of macro names for all 314 of
               the possible IFCIDs, thru dataset T102S314, so that IFCID
               ranges can be selected in READDB2 and ANALDB2R logic, but
               there are only 32 new IFCIDs (some of which were added by
               DB2 5.1) that can have any observations.  I have created 
               the DB2 header variables in the new datasets for these   
               new subtypes of type 102 records, but I need test SMF    
               data records before I can decode their innards.          
                 Dataset   Description                                  
                 T102S230  DATA SHARING GLOBAL STATS'                   
                 T102S233  START/END CALL TO STORED PROC'               
                 T102S242  BEGIN WAIT FOR SKED STORED PROC'             
                 T102S243  END WAIT FOR SKED STORED PROC'               
                 T102S247  INPUT HOST VARIABLE'                         
                 T102S248  INPUT HOST VARIABLE'                         
                 T102S249  INPUT HOST VARIABLE'                         
                 T102S250  CONNECT/DISCONNECT GROUP BUFPOOL'            
                 T102S251  INTEREST CHANGES DATA SHARING'               
                 T102S252  BEGIN XES REQUEST'                           
                 T102S254  CACHE STRUCTS FOR GROUP BUFPOOL'             
                 T102S255  BUFFER REFRESH CROSS-INVALIDATED'            
                 T102S256  ALTER GROUPBUFFERPOOL COMMAND'               
                 T102S257  INTER-DB2 NOTIFY MESSAGE SENDING'            
                 T102S258  DB2 DATASET EXTEND SPACE'                    
                 T102S259  P-LOCK STATE CONSTANTS'                      
                 T102S260  END MVS XES REQUEST'                         
                 T102S261  GROUP BUFFER POOL'                           
                 T102S262  GBPOOLT CASTOUT THRESHOLD'                   
                 T102S263  PAGESET AND PARTITION CASTOUT'               
                 T102S265  SCA ACCESS REQUEST BEGIN'                    
                 T102S266  SCA ACCESS REQUEST END'                      
                 T102S267  START CF STRUCT REBUILD/EXPAND'              
                 T102S268  END CF STRUCTURE REBUILD/EXPAND'             
                 T102S272  ASSOCIATE LOCATORS STMT EXEC'                
                 T102S273  ALLOCATE CURSOR STATEMENT EXEC'              
                 T102S305  TABLE CHECK CONSTRAINT'                      
                 T102S306  LOG RECORDS'                                 
                 T102S311  GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE USAGE'                
                 T102S312  DCE SECURITY AUDIT TRAIL'                    
                 T102S313  CHECKPOINT LONG RUNNING UR-S'                
                 T102S314  ACCESS CONTROL AUTH EXIT PARMS'              
Change 16.317  Protection for NTSMF 2.2.1, which does not write a 0.0   
VMACNTSM       record for each interval.  Change the test               
Dec 28, 1998   IF VERSION LT : '2.1' THEN to  IF VERSION LT : '2.1' or  
               VERSION EQ '2.2:1' THEN ....                             
               If you have specified COMPRESS, then the expected header 
               version value of 2.2.2 is created and MXG has no error.  
   Thanks to Wayne Holtz, Reynolds Metal, USA.                          
Change 16.316  First MXG 16.08 only.  CICINTRV failed in building CICDS 
VMXGCICI       because the member VMXGCICI from CICS TS 1.3 testing was 
Dec 23, 1998   inadvertently shipped.  The VMXGCICI from MXG 16.07 has  
               been put back in this MXG 16.08.                         
Change 16.315  Year 2000 dates cause this summarization example to fail.
ASUMHSM        The DATEJUL() function does not support the Century Byte 
Dec 23, 1998   (which is an MVS-only Packed-Decimal-implementation) and 
               this example used DATEJUL() in an INCODE= on a DSRDATE   
               value of 0100001 (01Jan2000 in 0cyyddd format).  The MXG 
               use of DATEJUL() was replaced by the YEAR2000 member's   
               algorithm to protect this example.  See Change 16.330.   
   Thanks to John McCray, Huntington Services Company, USA.             
======Changes thru 16.315 were in MXG 16.08 dated Dec 23, 1998======    
Change 16.314  New function enhancement to VMXGSUM.  Named XMXGSUM for  
XMXGSUM        testing; it is not yet the default.  Copy it into your   
Dec 21, 1998   USERID.SOURCLIB, rename to VMXGSUM, and check it out.    
Feb 16, 1999   This rewrite exploits some new features added by SAS in  
               Version 7 (if it finds it is running under V7), and adds 
               new parameters for additional descriptive statistics     
               under either Version 6 or Version 7 of SAS.              
               New Parameters and defaults:                             
                               (Percentile values only in version 7+.)  
                P1=,           List of variables to calculate Pctile 1  
                P5=,           List of variables to calculate Pctile 5  
                P10=,          List of variables to calculate Pctile 10 
                P25=,          List of variables to calculate Pctile 25 
                P50=,          List of variables to calculate Pctile 50 
                P75=,          List of variables to calculate Pctile 75 
                P90=,          List of variables to calculate Pctile 90 
                P95=,          List of variables to calculate Pctile 95 
                P99=,          List of variables to calculate Pctile 99 
                STD=,          List of variables for Standard Deviation 
                STDERR=,       List of variables for Standard Error     
                CV=,           List of variables for coeff of variation 
                T=,            List of variables for T value            
                VAR=,          List of variables for variance           
                KURTOSUS=      List of variables for kurtosis           
                AUTONAME=NO,   Use the AUTONAME feature                 
               In prior releases of VMXGSUM, you always had to ensure   
               that any variable you specified in one of the operands   
               actually existed or the output variable would not be in  
               the output dataset.  Thus, if you wanted the MAX and the 
               SUM of the variable CPUTM, you would have to specify:    
               The INCODE created the variable MAXCPU as being the same 
               as CPUTM and the MAX=MAXCPU calculated the maximum value 
               found.  With version 7, there is a new option in PROC    
               MEANS called 'AUTONAME.' By using this feature, you can  
               create 'long' variable names and avoid the need to create
               the variables via INCODE processing that you want. The   
               variable name is constructed by adding an underscore     
               followed by the statistic name such as MEAN or MAX or    
               SUM.  Using the example above, the specification would   
               In the output dataset you would then have the variables  
               CPUTM_SUM and CPUTM_MAX.  The format, length, and labels 
               are all inherited from the initial variable so all of    
               these have exactly the same labels and formats.          
               It is NOT my intention to use this feature; I do NOT     
               intend to create MXG variables with long names (at least 
               not in the near future!).  MXG-provided invocations of   
               VMXGSUM will NOT exploit this capability; they continue  
               to use the current design of creating 8-character names  
               in the INCODE= operand.                                  
               But adding this feature to VMXGSUM may be useful in your 
               own invocations of VMXGSUM.                              
              -Both Versions.                                           
               Number of obs were counted with SUM(MISS,NMISS) but now  
               _FREQ_ variable is used because it's better and avoids an
               exposure in V7:                                          
                 If INHERIT is used, the format of output variables     
                 MISS/NMISS will have a DATETIME format if the first    
                 variable in the VARIABLE statement happens to be a     
                 DATETIME variable.  Quite confusing, but not wrong!    
                 Feb 16, 1999: Enhanced code after 16.08 version.       
Change 16.313  IMS 6.1 support did not correctly decode type 08 records 
VMACIMS        for IMS usage via APPC, CPIC driven, due to a modified   
VMACIMSA       record layout.  The quick circumvention is to replace the
Dec 19, 1998   line     ELSE IF LINTSUB='.1......'B THEN DO;            
               with     ELSE DO;                                        
               to ensure TRANSACT is always input.  CPIC records caused 
               "INVALID DATA FOR YYYYDDD in line xx 65-68" messages.    
   Thanks to Johannes M. Laveuve, dvg Hannover, GERMANY.                
Change 16.312  Support for DOS/VS Power V6.3.0 COMPATIBLY added fields  
TYPEDOS        LSTEPGN and LSTPGN for RECID='L' (dataset DOSLIST) and   
Dec 19, 1998   INCOMPATIBLY inserted DESTUID in the RECID='M' and 'V'   
               (dataset DOSXRC) shifting LOCLNODE/ADJCNODE/NACACCT/     
               NACINCR/NACDLR.  This change assumes you have V6.3.0;    
               if you have an earlier version, you will need to find    
               the line with comment "DELETE IF PRE 6.3.0" and delete!  
   Thanks to Trevor Ede, EDS (NZ) Ltd, NEW ZEALAND.                     
Change 16.311  A type in a LABEL for variable ASIESF had CSTORE, but the
VMACRMFV       variable contains Average ESTORE for Swapped In users.   
Dec 19, 1998   The label for ASIESF is now ESTORE, and variables ASIFMCT
               and ASIFMCTI contain 'CSTORE' to be consistent and clear.
   Thanks to Tim VanderHoek, Fidelity Investments, USA                  
   Thanks to Juergen Holtz, IBM RMF Development, GERMANY                
Change 16.310  Support for VM/ESA 2.3 (COMPATIBLE) changes to MTRSYS and
VMACVMXA       USEACT segments adds four new variables to VXMTRSYS data 
Dec 19, 1998   set and two new variables to VXUSEACT dataset.           
   Thanks to Steve Clark, California Federal Bank, USA.                 
Change 16.309  New variable MKDELDAO contains the original julian value 
VMACEDGS       for the MKDELDAT value (which becomes the data part of   
Dec 19, 1998   datetime variable MKLCTIME).  For special values that MXG
               changed to 2099 in MKLCTIME, you will have the exact,    
               original value as a numeric in MKDELDAO.                 
   Thanks to Sam Bass, McLane Co., USA.                                 
Change 16.308 -Revision to RMM EDGR support creates numeric SAS date and
VMACEDGR       SAT time variables for CREATE/LAST CHANGED dates/times so
Dec 19, 1998   normal SAS data manipulation can be done.  Previously the
               fields were carried as character variables.  This change 
               is INCOMPATIBLE if you join old and new EDGR datasets    
               together, but this finalizes the support as it should be.
              -Variables RVRETDAT, RVRELIXD and RVRELSI are now input.  
   Thanks to Don Friesen, ISM-BC, CANADA.                               
   Thanks to Bob Lembo, American Stores, USA.                           
Change 16.307 -DB2 GTF-format records only.  Using TYPEDB2G or PDB=GTF  
VMACDB2        to read GTF records created zero observations in DB2ACCT 
UDB2GTF        and DB2ACCTB because SUBTYPE was missing for the ID=101  
Dec 19, 1998   record.  The GTF record doesn't have ID/SUBTYPE and MXG  
               has to create, but this GTF section was not updated when 
               the ID=101 record was split into subtypes.  Most use of  
               GTF-format for DB2 is trace records, so this had little  
               impact for most sites.                                   
              -It turns out that not all segments for a single record   
               occur together in the GTF file.  For example, the final  
               segment for record 160 came after the first segment of   
               record 161.  This requires that the GTF file be SORTed   
               before it is input to UDB2GTF to reconstruct full length 
               records that MXG can read.  The SORT FIELDS=(37,4,BI,A)  
               will do the trick.  Comments added to UDB2GTF.           
   Thanks to Ted Blank, IBM, USA.                                       
Change 16.306 -SAS Version 7 only.  The new INHERIT parameter causes the
VMXGSUM        attributes (LABEL, LENGTH, FORMAT, etc.) of same-named   
Dec 19, 1998   variables to be propagated from input to output when PROC
               MEANS/SUMMARY is used.  Designed for MXG, INHERIT is now 
               invoked when VMXGSUM is run under V7; with it, VMXGSUM   
               can frequently bypass the last step.                     
Change 16.305  The APAF variables kept depended on the __NRLPS macro,   
VMACAPAF       but even if it was set to 10, only 8 engine's data was   
Dec 18, 1998   kept.  The logic was revised and the &__NRLPS macro was  
               eliminated; sixteen CPU variables will always exist now, 
               with online CPUs populating their set of variables.      
   Thanks to Steve Donahue, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, USA.   
Change 16.304  MXG 16.04-16.07 only.  Observations for RACFEVNT=19      
VMAC80A        (PERMIT COMMAND) were output into dataset TYPE8018       
Dec 18, 1998   instead of dataset TYPE8019 due to a typo.  The line     
               _ETY8018 after ELSE IF RACFEVNT=19 should be _ETY8019.   
   Thanks to Michael A. Yaffee, Duke Power, USA.                        
Change 16.303  Archaic members TYPEMONI and TYPETMON still had _L macro 
TYPEMONI       names instead of _W macro names, but since TYPEMONI is   
TYPETMON       for now-defunct version 7 and was replaced by TYPEMON8,  
Dec 17, 1998   and since TYPETMON was replaced by TYPETMO2 for V2, this 
               slipped thru testing.                                    
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute Cary, USA.                     
Change 16.302  The MACRO _LCIMSPGM  CIMSPGM   % statement should be     
VMACCIMS           MACRO _LCIMSPGM  CIMSPROG  %                         
Dec 17, 1998   The value was misspelled starting in 16.04.              
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute Cary, USA.                     
Change 16.301  An extended example of AS/400 processing using FTP to    
ADOCQAPM       send and manage the multiplicity of OS/400 files that    
JCLQAPMX       must be moved to the SAS execution platform for TYPEQAPM.
Dec 16, 1998                                                            
   Thanks to Clark Jennings, Reynolds Metals Company, USA.              
Change 16.300  Unused Change Number.                                    
======Changes thru 16.299 were in MXG 16.07 dated Dec  5, 1998======    
Change 16.299  Variable MKDELDAT contained '14MAY2051'D for YY=99 and   
VMACEDGS       DDD GE 365; the statement YYYYDDD='20DEC2099'D; should be
Dec  5, 1998   YYYYDDD=2099365;, which is the julian date, because later
               code converts the julian date to a SAS date.             
   Thanks to Sam Bass, McLane Co., USA.                                 
Change 16.298  Variable DSGTAMXT was removed from PDB.CICINTRV because  
VMXGCICI       it only existed in CICS 3.3; variables STAMATHD,STAMITHD,
Dec  5, 1998   and STAHIWAT were put back in PDB.CICINTRV; they had been
               inadvertently dropped.                                   
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute ITSV, USA.                     
Change 16.297  MXG 16.07 Dec 4 only; end-comment */ was missing after   
VMAC28         variable VRTSTATE, causing UNINITIALIZED variable and    
Dec  4, 1998   incorrect data in NPMLANOD dataset.                      
   Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, USA.                          
======Changes thru 16.296 were in MXG 16.07 dated Dec  4, 1998======    
Change 16.295  Enhancement to MXG RMF reporting replicates IBM XCF      
Dec  4, 1998                                                            
   Thanks to Jiann-Shiun Huang, CIGNA, USA.                             
Change 16.294  Cosmetic cleanup of variable labels.                     
Dec  3, 1998            Variable SENDNCO now kept in MEMODIST.          
                        (If you have the MEMO product, please send me   
                        the current documentation, as there are other   
                        variables that I do not have good labels for).  
              -VMAC28   VRTNRCPN='NEW*REMOTE*CP*NAME'                   
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute ITSV, Cary.                    
Change 16.293  BETA93 Version 3.1.3 INCOMPATIBLY inserted fields in all 
VMACBETA       subtypes, causing INPUT EXCEEDED RECORD LENGTH errors,   
Dec  3, 1998   and many fields previously in the valid SMFSTAMP8 format 
               never-before-seen-in-SMF time format of packed hhmmss00! 
                 If you use SMFSTAMP8 to input these non-standard times,
                 there is no SAS error, but incorrect datetime values   
                 are created.  Their data value for 10:12:23 on 23NOV98 
                 is '101223000098325F'x, but when INPUT with SMFSTAMP8  
                 the result is a wrong value of 22Dec1998:04:57:20.64   
                 because SMFSTAMP inputs the 10:12:23:00 time value as  
                 PIB4. and gets 2696240.64 seconds (31.2 days) which is 
                 then added to midnight on julian date 98325, 23Nov98!  
               READTIME fields should be unchanged, since BETA93 copies 
               rather than creates them.  The below table lists the data
               that has been verified that it was changed to new format,
               and are supported in this version of MXG.  The NODATAYET 
               subtypes will be printed on your SAS log if found in your
               data; please email me that log so I can enhance MXG to   
               support and validate those NODATAYET subtypes.           
                 Subtype    datetime fields          MXG dataset/status 
                   0        BETALT                     BETA0   VERIFIED 
                   1        BETABT, BETALT             BETA1   NODATAYET
                   3        BETART                     BETA3   NODATAYET
                   5        BETALT                     BETA5   NODATAYET
                   6        BETAWST                    BETA6   NODATAYET
                  20        BETALT, BETASTRT, BETAEND  BETA20  VERIFIED 
                  21        BETALT, BETASTRT, BETAEND  BETA21  VERIFIED 
                  40        BETALT                     BETA40  NODATAYET
                  41        BETALT                     BETA41  NODATAYET
                  42        BETALT                     BETA42  NODATAYET
   Thanks to Jurgen Niegsch, AUGI AG, GERMANY.                          
======Changes thru 16.292 were in MXG 16.06 dated Dec  2, 1998======    
Change 16.292  Support for APAF Versions 4.1 and 4.3 (INCOMPATIBLE):    
EXAPAFPO      -Version 4.1 adds new variables to APAFSYSD dataset:      
Dec  2, 1998     CPUDEDG ='BIT MAP*OF DEDICATED*G-POOL*CPUS'            
Dec 18, 1998     CPUDEDMP='BIT MAP*OF DEDICATED*CPUS'                   
                 CPUFENCE='BIT MAP*OF FENCED*C-POOL*CPUS'               
                 CPUINSTL='BIT MAP*OF INSTALLED*CPUS'                   
                 CPUSHRMP='BIT MAP*OF SHARED*CPUS'                      
                 IOCD1NUM='NUMBER OF*THE ACTIVE*IOCDS-1'                
                 TOTWEIGF='TOTAL*OPER SPECIFIED*WEIGHTS'                
               There are two elapsed fields, one in the System section  
               and one in the LPAR CPU Utilization section, and they    
               are not exactly the same:                                
                 LPAR Duration  System Duration  LPAR minus System      
                  13:24.79        13:24.71            +.08              
                  15:02.08        15:01.96            +.12              
                  14:59.59        14:59.08            +.51              
                  15:00.48        15:00.79            -.31              
                  14:59.43        14:59.79            -.38              
               While awaiting an explanation from Amdahl, I keep the    
               value from the System section as variable DURATM. Amdahl 
               INCOMPATIBLY inserted TIMESLIC in LPAR CPU Util section, 
               but it already existed in the System Data Section; if it 
               is possible to have different timeslice values per LPAR, 
               then I will change MXG, but for now I keep the TIMESLIC  
               from offset 82 in the System Data Section.               
              -Version 4.1 adds new variables to APAFLPAR dataset:      
                 ACTLCPS ='NUMBER OF*ACTIVE*LCPS'                       
                 CIDVALUE='CID*VALUE*ZERO*OR ONE'                       
                 DEDLCPS ='NUMBER OF*DEDICATED*LCPS'                    
                 OPRLCPS ='NUMBER OF*OPERATING*LCPS'                    
                 PCPMAP  ='BIT MAP*CPUS*EXECUTED ON'                    
                 SHRLCPS ='NUMBER OF*SHARED*LCPS'                       
              -Version 4.1 adds new variable to APAFCHN dataset:        
                 CHPSCA  ='SYSTEM*CHANNEL*ADDRESS*HEX'                  
              -Version 4.1 creates new APAFLPAC dataset from the        
               subtype 32x LPAR CPU Utilization Data Subsection.        
              -Version 4.3 adds a new Pool Data Section, but the test   
               data was received in time for first release, but the new 
               APAFPOOL dataset was added Dec 18, from subtype 49 data. 
   Thanks to Robert Gilbert, National Power, ENGLAND.                   
Change 16.291  MXG 16.06 dated Nov 30 only.  Member RMFINTRV had three  
RMFINTRV       typos (corrected in testing, but member not updated):    
Dec  2, 1998   Line 226, remove SYSPLEX.  Lies 361 and 362, add SYSPLEX 
               to both KEEP= lists.                                     
Change 16.290  NPMLANOD dataset variable TIC_UTIL was missing because   
VMAC28         variable DURATM, the denominator of TIC_UTIL equation in 
Dec  1, 1998   the AOFTYPE='CSL' logic, was not calculated.  The lines  
               of code inside 'CSL' that created ENDTIME and STARTIME   
               are moved above the TIC_UTIL calculation, and a new line 
               of code:  DURATM=ENDTIME-STARTIME;  was added.  Also, the
               test IF LENAOF GE 204 in 'CSL' was changed to GE 192.    
               Variable DURATM was also not calculated in the ETH, LSV, 
               and SAM segments; it is now calculated there, and is also
               added to macros VA28CSL/ETH/LSV/SAM so it will be kept in
               the datasets created by those segments.                  
               Variable TIC_UTIL exists in dataset NPMLANOD but has     
               a missing value.  You can create values without having   
               to re-reading SMF by running this program:               
                 DATA PDB.NPMLANOD; SET PDB.NPMLANOD;                   
                I recommend that you cut and paste those lines of code, 
                rather than trying to type them!                        
   Thanks to Anke Mineur, dvg Hannover, GERMANY.                        
======Changes thru 16.289 were in MXG 16.06 dated Nov 30, 1998======    
Change 16.289  Final testing of 16.06 left a PUT 'JOURN= ' ... statement
VMAC110        in the (archaic) CICS non-ESA code that could print many 
Nov 30, 1998   lines on SAS log, with no other impact. Deleted the line.
   Thanks to Ben Coonfield, Browning-Ferris Services, Inc, USA.         
Change 16.288  In 16.04+ the sort order for all RMF datasets was changed
ASUM70PR       but I failed to note the change, and I failed to change  
GRAFRMFI       the BYs in RMFINTRV until this change.  The change is    
MONTHBLD       required because the same SYSTEM name can be in multiple 
RMFINTRV       SYSPLEX members.  If you have only one SYSPLEX, this     
VMAC7072       change has no impact, but if you have multiple SYSPLEXs, 
VMAC71         you may have to change your BYs to BY SYSPLEX SYSTEM.... 
VMAC73         (Otherwise, your reports may fail with NOT SORTED error).
VMAC74         The member ANALRMFI (four PROC PLOTS) was change to add  
VMAC75         SYSPLEX to the BY list.  In the other ????RMFI members,  
VMAC76         GRAFRMFI/TRNDRMFI/etc., the reporting is SORTED by SYSTEM
VMAC77         without the SYSPLEX variable to preserve your existing   
VMAC78         reporting BY SYSTEM.  Unless you actually have the same  
VMAC79         SYSTEM name in two SYSPLEXes, this MXG choice will keep  
WEEKBLD        your existing reports BY SYSTEM and hopefully avoid any  
WEEKBLDT       need to change your reports.                             
Nov 30, 1998                                                            
   Thanks to Richard S. Ralston, Whirlpool Corporation, USA.            
Change 16.287  MXG 16.03-MXG 16.06.  NPM datasets NPMIN25L and NPMIN25P 
VMAC28         were misspelled as NPMINB5L and NPMINC5P beginning with  
VMAC110        MXG 16.03, but are now spelled correctly.  CICS Stats    
Nov 30, 1998   datasets from Boole's MainView for CICS were misspelled  
               as CICBBxx instead of CICSBBxx, but are now correct.     
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute ITSV, USA.                     
Change 16.286  MXG 16.06 only, CICS TS 1.2 only.  INPUT STATEMENT EXCEED
VMAC110        error. Variables DS6SWT and DS6SCT should not have been  
Nov 30, 1998   input at all.  When I cleaned up the code for the sixth  
               CICS TCB, I inadvertently INPUT those two variables, but 
               they existed only back in CICS/ESA 3.3 and do not exist  
               in the CICS Transaction Servers (and only the CICS TS    
               releases have the sixth TCB!).  Deleting all references  
               to variables DS6SWT and DS6SCT will correct my error.    
   Thanks to Thomas Wieland, Phoenix Home Life Mutual Insurance, USA.   
======Changes thru 16.285 were in MXG 16.06 dated Nov 21, 1998======    
Change 16.285  IBM TCP/IP undocumented fields changed the record lengths
VMACTCP        and caused MXG's length-based logic to classify FTPSERVER
Nov 21, 1998   events as TCPSERVER.  This revision no longer uses LENGTH
               nor subtype; events are now identified based on data in  
               the record.  While there are subtypes that theoretically 
               could be used, and the initial support for the new STAT  
               expected subtype 5, using subtypes would require a table 
               that you would have to update, since IBM did not see fit 
               to fix subtypes to events, but left them for you to set! 
               This redesign eliminates the need for subtype tables too.
   Thanks to Randy Shumate, LEXIS-NEXIS, USA.                           
======Changes thru 16.284 were in MXG 16.06 dated Nov 18, 1998======    
Change 16.284  Support for NPM Release 2.4 (INCOMPATIBLE)!              
EX028VCS       The good news is that NPM can capture IP resources from  
EX028VMN       TCP/IP connections.  The bad news is that the NPM coders 
EX028VRT       INSERTED the new fields in the middle of the SCD segment,
FORMATS        so many existing fields are trashed without this change. 
IMAC28        -SCD segment inserted LSCDIPNM and LSCDIPPN incompatibly: 
VMAC28            LSCDIPNM='IP ADDRESS*IF RESOURCE*IS IP'       $15     
Nov 18, 1998   Previously, the ACD/NCD/RCD/SCD segments used the same   
               MXG code, because they were congruent, but the new data  
               was inserted only in the SCD segment, so the MXG code was
               restructured to separate SCD processing from ACD/NCD/RCD.
              -VCD segment added three new fields compatibly:           
                  LVCDCSMN='CSM*GROUP*NAME'                     $8      
                  LVCDMNPN='MNPN*NAME'                          $8      
                  LVCDRTPN='RTP*NAME'                           $8      
              -VVR segment added new variable                           
                  VVRNRBLK='TIMES WHEN*VR*WAS BLOCKED'                  
              -Format MG028VA values 20x-26x (32-38 in decimal) are     
               actually 14x-1Ax (20-26 in decimal); format corrected.   
              -Format MG028NT, NPM Resource Type decoding, adds new     
               values:  14X='14x:IP'                                    
                        6CX='6CX:CSM BUFFER POOL'                       
                        6DX='6DX:CSM STORAGE'                           
                        6EX='6EX:APPN TOPOLOGY'                         
                        6FX='6FX:APPN DIRECTORY SERVICES'               
                        70X='70X:RTP DATA'                              
                        71X='71X:MNPS DATA'                             
              -New subtype 'DC'x creates NPMVSVCS dataset:              
                LABEL='028VCS: VTAM CSM COMMON STORAGE MANAGER'         
                with buffer pool/storage/data space statistics          
                for 4k/16k/32k/64k areas.                               
                CSM enables host applications to share data with VTAM   
                and other CSM users without having to physically copy   
                the data, saving memory and CPU by sharring buffers.    
              -New subtype 'DE'x creates NPMVSVRT dataset:              
                LABEL='028VRT: VTAM RTP RAPID TRANSIT PROTOCOL'         
                with first-in/middle-in/last-in/non-seg sent/rcvd pius, 
                bytes sent/received over RTP, back pressure count/times 
                RTP is a highly efficient mechanism used by the High    
                Performance Routing (HPR) to enable SNA to run highspeed
                multi-megabit links with low bit error rates on LANS and
                WANS and is used by SNA to exploit frame relay, SMDS and
                ATM and other new switched virtual network technologies.
              -New subtype 'DF'x creates NPMVSVMN dataset:              
                VTAM uses multinode persistent sessions MNPS to preserve
                sessions across application outages when connected thru 
                the S/390 coupling facility.  While MNPS is primarily   
                for recovery of hardware, VTAM, MVS, or other failures, 
                NPM 2.4 now collects, for each application connected    
                thru MNPS, the percent of CF blocks in use by all MNPS  
                sessions and by this application, with CF Structure name
                and structure sizes/bytes/writes and recovery counts!   
               The "IBM Marketing" descriptions came from pages xxix-xxx
               of NetView Performance Monitor Reference Version 2 Rel 4,
               (SH19-6965-02), which also describes the new TCP/IP      
               Session Collection Capability (response time data for    
               TELNET sessions to a mainframe application, including    
               the IP network segment, available for TN3270E servers    
               that reside on the same host as NPM and are running      
               OS/390 Release 5 or higher).                             
                  The NetWare resource counters, although not new in    
                  NPM 2.4, are described in Appendix B (and support for 
                  those NCV, NGV, NLS, NLV, NRV, NVS, and NVV NetWare   
                  segments and subtypes has been in MXG for some time). 
Change 16.283  Comments only, but the LRECL values for AS/400 4.2 were  
IMACQAPM       wrong for QAPMCONF (LRECL=16 in 4.2, was 46 earlier) and 
VMACQAPM       AS/400 support is critical for correct LRECL.  Comments  
Nov 18, 1998   were revised and updated with correct LRECLS where known.
   Thanks to Bob Eastlake, Hosiery Corporation of America, USA.         
Change 16.282  Comments only, but the examples to create ASUM70PR from  
ASUM70PR       raw SMF were old and had not been updated for changes in 
Nov 18, 1998   the datasets needed by RMFINTRV.  These examples have    
               now been revised and tested.                             
   Thanks to Bob Eastlake, Hosiery Corporation of America, USA.         
Change 16.281  The IP Address variable CTCPIPAD in dataset CTCPPERF was 
VMACCTCP       blank; the eight lines decoding CTCIPAD from CTCPLOAD in 
Nov 18, 1998   the SUBTYPE=2 DO group must be moved to within the       
               SUBTYPE=1 DO group.                                      
   Thanks to Patsy Hildredth, CMX, USA.                                 
Change 16.280  Support for IXFP / ICEBERG fields added by L170017 adds  
VMACICE        new test/prod/both unique/shared capacity/used statistics
Nov 18, 1998   in new variables:                                        
   Thanks to Bonnie Jean Walter, Summit Bank, USA.                      
======Changes thru 16.279 were in MXG 16.06 dated Nov 17, 1998======    
Change 16.279  Errors only in the first 16.06 tape dated Nov 16:        
FORMATS       -Format MGMVCIT was missing equal signs in member FORMATS,
VMAC434        causing JCLINSTL to fail.  Format was added after QA.    
VMAC80A       -VMAC80A MACRO name is _S80A rather than _STY80A.         
VMACTSOM      -VMAC434 variable TERMTIME rather than TERMIME.           
Nov 17, 1998  -VMACHMF ending comment missing in _STYHMFB macro.        
Change 16.278  SYNCSORT virtual storage sizes are now FORMATed MGBYTES. 
Nov 16, 1998     SYNCUSET SYNDSMVL SYNVSCOR SYNVSCRT                    
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 16.277  The PDB.CICINTRV dataset can be very wrong; users must   
CICINTRV       install MXG 16.06 or later to correct the errors in the  
VMAC110        MXG logic.  Depending on which CICS Statistics records   
VMXGCICI       had observations, CICINTRV could be valid, but the logic 
Nov 15, 1998   was completely redesigned.  Many datasets did not pass   
Jul 22, 1999   thru VMXGSUM, so their COLLTIME was never reset to the   
               start-of-interval-value, and if there were multiple obs  
               to be summed, their unique COLLTIME values created many  
               repeated instances in the MERGE which were then falsely  
               summed.  The revised logic sends all 45 CICS Statistics  
               datasets thru VMXGSUM, and all have INTERVAL=&INTERVAL   
               and DATETIME=COLLTIME specified so that shorter intervals
               are correctly summarized.  KEEPIN= and ID= were also set 
               so that LABELs and FORMATs are propagated, which produces
               notes: "Variable xx exists on file WORK.MXGSUM3".        
               Now that PDB.CICINTRV is valid, you can use it to measure
               the maximum CPU time required for any of CICS's six TCBs,
               to confirm that that single CICS TCB will fit in single  
               engine, for capacity planning and for backup site sizing.
               MXG creates the interval duration from DSGTDT+DSGTWT and 
               the individual DSxPERCT is the percent of DURATM when    
               DSx's TCB was busy;  new variable PCTCICBY is the percent
               of DURATM when all TCBs in this region were busy.        
               Note that if you want to see the raw interval data and   
               set MACRO _CICINTV  %  (i.e., "none"), and you thought   
               you were writing 5 minute interval CICS statistics data, 
               you will find some intervals only seconds apart, because 
               if there are SMFSTREQ='REQ' or 'USS' event records in    
               between the 'INT' and 'EOD' records, the CPU times and   
               counts have to be de-accumulated, and you end up with    
               erratic, but completely accurate, intervals.             
               In VMAC110, the _BCICxxx BY lists now agree with those   
               that are used in CICINTRV, so you can insert in EXPDBOUT 
                    MACRO _SCICEXC %                                    
               to sort and save all CICS Stat datasets into the PDB     
               library (and CICINTRV detects and uses sorted data).     
                  The redefinition of MACRO _SCICEXC to a null was added
                  in Jul 99; it is needed because in BUILDPDB, that sort
                  was already invoked, and the work copy of CICSEXCE has
                  already been deleted.  By nulling the one _Sdddddd    
                  macro, the _S110 can be executed without error.       
               However, the raw CICxxxxx Statistics Datasets frequently 
               contain accumulations rather than interval values; this  
               is especially true of the CICDS (Dispatcher) dataset,    
               which contains the CPU TCB times (DSGACT, DS2ACT...).    
               Those numbers in CICDS can be very deceptive, and thus   
               you should use this new PDB.CICINTRV to be safe.  If you 
               already have existing CICDS data, you can PROC SORT it   
                 PROC SORT DATA=PDB.CICDS OUT=SRTDS;                    
                 DATA DIFDS; SET SRTDS;                                 
               and disregard the negative numbers, to get a quick view. 
               If there is a need, I may expand CICINTRV to optionally  
               create de-accumulated CICxxxxx Stat datasets, but for    
               now PDB.CICINTRV in MXG 16.06 is the dataset to use!     
   Thanks to Mike Marek, First Card - FCC National Bank, USA.           
   Thanks to Tom Elbert, Fortis, USA.                                   
Change 16.276  Testing of the new TYPSxxxx members uncovered typos:     
VMXGINIT      -VMXGINIT: PTY848, PTY849, PTY8026 added to GLOBAL.       
VMAC79        -VMAC79: SYSTEM added to KEEP= list 79DF/79E/79EF.        
VMAC80        -TYPS80: _S80 macro invocation added.                     
VMAC85        -VMAC85: "%" in column 72 caused SAS ERROR 180 error,     
VMAC88                 which technically is a SAS compiler bug, but it  
VMAC94                 is easier just to split the long line into two   
Nov 14, 1998           and not use column 72 for ending percent signs!  
              -VMAC88: _BTY8811 variable is SMF88ANM, not SMF88LSN.     
              -VMAC94: _STY94 macro, added  BY _BTY94 ; after PROC SORT.
   Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.                   
Change 16.275  The INPUT of MVDSNL $VARYING44. MVDSN1L should have been 
VMACEDGS                    MVDSNL $VARYING44. MVDSNLL  so that the DSN 
Nov 14, 1998   length input was the length of last DSN.                 
   Thanks to Richard Fortenberry, Mitsubishi Motor Sales of America, USA
Change 16.274 -The _S110 macro no longer sorts CICSTRAN (high volume)   
VMAC110        nor CICSACCT nor CICSYSTM (both pre-CICS/ESA only).  The 
Nov 14, 1998   _S110 macro should be invoked in your EXPDBOUT member if 
               you want all of the CICS Statistics and CICS Journal data
               sets sorted into your PDB library with BUILDPDB.  If you 
               use member TYPS110 to directly read type 110 SMF records,
               it invokes _S110 to sort from work to PDB library.       
Change 16.273  The default for &DFSMS was changed from 0 to 1, i.e.,    
ASMIMSL6       DF/SMS is installed.  Using the MXG default of zero      
Nov 13, 1998   caused an 878 out of memory error, because the table     
               that had been moved above 16MB by Change 14.149 was put  
               below the line by the zero value.  The correct default,  
               that DF/SMS is installed (not necessarily active), will  
               put the table above the line and eliminate the ABEND.    
   Thanks to Harry Olschewski, DeTeCSM/SLM - Kiel, GERMANY.             
Change 16.272  The PROC SORT of TYPE25 in the _STY25 macro had SMFTIME  
VMAC25         after _BTY25, but _BTY25 already contained SMFTIME.  For 
Nov 13, 1998   reasons still not understood, that redundant SMFTIME at  
               the end caused the data set to be not sorted in BUILDPD3 
               so it was removed.                                       
   Thanks to Jean Quinkert, Inland Steel, USA.                          
Change 16.271  MXG 16.04-16.05 only. PDB.ASUM70PR summarized by SHIFT   
ASUM70PR       rather by expected HOUR default.  Change 16.146 added new
VMXGSUM        but the VMXGSUM invocation in member ASUM70PR has both   
Nov 15, 1998   NEWSHIFT='Y' and MYTIME=_DURSET specified, which caused  
               the DATETIME variable used in VMXGDUR to inadvertently be
               the start of shift.  The correction is in member VMXGDUR,
               so that it uses the correct DATETIME value in all cases. 
               Member ASUM70PR was the only place in MXG where VMXGSUM  
               used both the NEWSHIFT='Y' and MYTIME=xxxxx options.     
               Only member VMXGDUR was changed by this change.          
   Thanks to Lee Teague, Lockheed Martin, USA.                          
   Thanks to Sandra M. Rodriguez, Liberty Mutual, USA.                  
Change 16.270  Support for CICS TS 1.2 Journal Format 110s (INCOMPAT).  
EXCICJRN       The type 110 subtype 0 Journal Format record was entirely
VMAC110        restructured in CICS TS 1.2 (a/k/a 5.2).  The record now 
Nov 12, 1998   contains an LGMS header, an LGMS CICS Product Segment,   
               a 56-byte LGGF (GLRH Record Header), and a 20-byte LGGF  
               SOR record at the start of each subtype 0 record.  Then  
               one or more LGGF (GLRH Record Header again), an LGGF     
               CL_USER-HEADER (which is where the JCRUTRID Journal ID   
               value is finally found) and then bytes of user data.     
               This new code has been tested with user journal data, but
               not yet with either SAP nor Shared Medical journals from 
               CICS TS 1.2.  IBM provides a COMPAT41 facility for       
               journal records written to the logger, but IBM says there
               is no compatibility service for user journalling records 
               written to SMF.                                          
   Thanks to Thomas Weiland, Phoenix Home Life Mutual Insurance, USA.   
   Thanks to Mark Hawks, Phoenix Home Life Mutual Insurance, USA.       
Change 16.269  New variables DCMEPCT and RCIPCT added to TYPE42DS:      
VMAC42          DCMEPCT 'DCME*INHIBIT*PERCENTAGE'                       
   Thanks to Michael Marek, First Card, USA.                            
Change 16.268  Some variables were not input from SMF type 90 subtypes: 
VMAC90         Subtype 5/9/13/15 new variable SMF90SBU (SMF Flags) is   
Nov 12, 1998   created, and variable ACTIVEMN is increased to $44 to    
               contain the full (long) name of the SMF dataset.  Subtype
               6, OLDDSNSM and NEWDSNSM are increased to $44.           
   Thanks to Jan van Kemenade, Candle, THE NETHERLANDS.                 
Change 16.267  MXG 16.04-16.05 only.  MACRO _LRAC507 needed two decimal 
TYPSRACF       points:  MACRO _LRAC507 &PRAC507..RACF507 % in VMACRACF, 
VMACRACF       and the PROC FREQ was removed from member TYPSRACF.      
Nov 11, 1998                                                            
   Thanks to Tom Downey, IBM Global Services, CANADA.                   
Change 16.266  Change 16.253 for CICINTRV used the new VMXGWORL to find 
VMXGWORL       the location (_W or _L) of the CICS Stat dataset that are
Nov 12, 1998   read by CICINTRV, but if found in the _L location it was 
               assumed that the PROC SORT could be bypassed.  However,  
               if you used PROC COPY IN=WORK OUT=PDB; SELECT 7IC:; in   
               the EXPDBOUT member, CICINTRV failed as the data was not 
               sorted.  Now, the logic in VMXGWORL tests the SORTED flag
               in the found data and only if it is true is the PROC SORT
               bypassed by MXG now.   Why did I not let the PROC SORT   
               detect that the data was sorted so it would bypass the   
               actual sorting?  Because invoking the PROC SORT would    
               still result in an unnecessary copy from input to output 
               that is avoided by MXG not evening calling the PROC SORT.
               Instead of the PROC COPY syntax in your EXPDBOUT, you    
               should instead add the single line containing   _S110    
               which will sort all of the CICS Statistics datasets into 
               the work file, (and CICINTRV will skip their sorts!).    
   Thanks to Jean Quinkert, Inland Steel, USA.                          
Change 16.265  The type 88 subtype 11 was badly misdocumented, but it is
VMAC88         now corrected by APAR OW36033, which also describes three
Nov 11, 1998   new fields, SMF88ATW, SMF88ALS, and SMF88AFG that are now
               input and kept in dataset TYPE8811.                      
Change 16.264  Support for PSF/MVS Release 3.1.0 (APAR 35685) compatibly
VMAC6          adds a new count of the accumulated number of logical    
Nov 11, 1998   pages per side, SMF6LPGE, and the size of paper (length  
               and width in millimeters, BINxBNLE and BINxBNWI).        
Change 16.263  Change 16.214 formatted new HSM Functions in DF/SMS 1.4, 
VMACHSM        but failed to output the new subtypes 17-20.             
Nov 11, 1998    FSRTYPE Description                                     
                 17     Expire primary or migrated data set             
                 18     Partrel function                                
                 19     Expire incremental backup version               
                 20     Expire incremental backup version               
               Now, test data shows they are the same structure as the  
               existing subtypes 1-14, so changing the test to read:    
               IF (1 LE FSRTYPE LE 14) OR (17 LE FSRTYPE LE 20) THEN DO;
               will output them into dataset HSMFSRTP.                  
   Thanks to Solomon Baker, The Prudential Service Company, USA.        
Change 16.262  Candle's Omegamon for VTAM SMF record NTRI segment was   
VMACOMVT       incorrectly documented, causing INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED 
Nov 10, 1998   error.  The eight-byte reserved field after ON14OP is in 
               fact only four bytes.  Change the +8 to +4.              
   Thanks to Eric Barnes, Prudential, ENGLAND.                          
Change 16.261  The LABEL='NTNSHS: should have been LABEL='NTNSHU:       
VMACNTSM       following the _WNTNSHU reference (lines 1815-1816).      
Nov 10, 1998                                                            
   Thanks to Carl Kyonka, Consumers Gas Company Ltd., CANADA            
Change 16.260  Support for Boole & Babbage MainView for CICS CMRDETL    
EXMVCICF       VSAM file creates two new datasets from CMR52:           
EXMVCICS          Dataset   dddddd  Description                         
TYPEMVCI       There is one observation in CMRDETL for each transaction 
VMACMVCI       and one observation in CMRFILE for each file that was    
VMXGINIT       accessed by each transaction.  The CMRDETL is similar to 
Nov  7, 1998   type 110's CICSTRAN and the CMRFILE is similar to CICFCR.
Nov 13, 1998   The raw CMRDETL file is compressed, but the compression  
Nov 16, 1998   algorithm Boole used for CMRDETL is not the same as the  
               compression algorithm that Boole now uses for its other  
               MainView products (i.e., the new ASMMNVW does NOT work   
               with CMRDETL file), but Boole intends to provide me with 
               a separate ASMxxxxx member to handle CMRDETL compression.
               You can use Boole's PGM=CMRCMPW to decompress the data   
               until the new Infile Exit for CMRDETL exists.            
               Boole also corrected documentation errors; CICS 5.2 date 
               format is now MMDDYYYY and T6EUSTGX replaces T6EUSTGO.   
               New format $MGMVCIT decodes File type.                   
   Thanks to Peter Hartmut, R & V Allgemeine Versicherung AG, GERMANY.  
======Changes thru 16.259 were in MXG 16.05 dated Nov  1, 1998======    
Change 16.259  ML-18 of ASMTAPES to protect against the circular queue  
ASMTAPES       situation associated with the DSAB flag.  The original   
Nov  1, 1998   logic looked for the end-of-queue marker, but now the    
               code uses the count of entries to find the end-of-queue, 
               as we found one instance in which there was no end-mark  
               and MXGTMNT went into a loop and had to be cancelled.    
Change 16.258  RMFR Reports, variables SYSPLEX and STARTIME NOT FOUND if
ANALRMFR       parameter overrides are PDB=SMF and REPORT=ALL.  Fields  
Nov  1, 1998   R744FMOD/FVER/VLVL added to Coupling Facility Usage, and 
               the LPAR MGMT column in the Partition Data report was    
               corrected (it was sometimes negative).                   
Change 16.257  The new IMS 6.1 Support in ASMIMSLG6 was tested with data
TYPEIMSA       from European Summer time, which had GMTOFFTM of zero,   
VMACIMSA       but with non-zero GMT offset, VMACIMSA converted GMT to  
Nov  1, 1998   local only for the ENDTIME variable in the 07/08 records 
               (because they contain the GMTOFFTM), but the IMSMERGE    
               records created as output from ASMIMSL6 do not contain   
               the GMT offset (because it did not exist prior to 6.1!). 
               The mixed time zones caused invalid (large negative in   
               the western hemisphere, large positive east of GMT) for  
               SERVICTM (service time) and RESPNSTM.  This fix removed  
               the conversion of ENDTIME/STRTTIME in VMACIMSA, instead  
               keeping variable GMTOFFTM from the 07/08 record, and     
               then in the final MERGE, the GMT offset is added to all  
               timestamps in that one place.  PLEASE VERIFY THIS LOGIC! 
   Thanks to David Martin, USS-Posco Industries, USA.                   
Change 16.256  DB2 Version 5.1 variables QISEDSI, QISEDSG, & QISEDSC    
VMACDB2        were not input, but now they are.                        
Nov  1, 1998                                                            
   Thanks to Craig Collins, State of Wisconsin, USA.                    
Change 16.255  Support for new DF/SMS OAM type 85 SMF record with 31    
EXTY85AC       subtypes create eleven datasets tracking Optical Access  
EXTY85CV       Method activity, volumes, space, durations, objects,     
EXTY85LS       bytes, deletes, etc., etc:                               
EXTY85RD         Subtypes MXG Dataset    Description          Test Data?
EXTY85RQ           1- 7   TYPE85AC   OAM OSREQ ACTIVITY               Y 
EXTY85ST             36   TYPE85SO   OAM OSREQ SINGLE OBJECT          N 
EXTY85TD             37   TYPE85LS   OAM OAMC LIBRARY SPACE           Y 
EXTY85TP          64-67   TYPE85VL   OAM VARY LIBRARY/DRIVE           N 
EXTY85TV          68-73   TYPE85CV   OAM LCS CARTRIDGE/VOLUME         Y 
IMAC85            74-77   TYPE85RD   OAM LCS READ/WRITE DETAILS       Y 
TYPE85         78,79,88   TYPE85TP   OAM LCS TAPE READ/WRITE          Y 
VMXGINIT             87   TYPE85TV   OAM TAPE VOLUME DEMOUNT          N 
Oct 31, 1998   While the record contains "kilobytes", MXG converts all  
               those storage size variables into bytes and formats them 
               with MGBYTES format which prints as KB/MB/GB etc.        
               I assumed 1024 bytes per kilobyte, but need to confirm.  
               The start and end timestamps are on the GMT clock but    
               there is no GMT offset in the records, but I used the    
               delta between SMFTIME and the R85PENDT to create the     
               GMT85OFF (but it probably won't contain leap seconds).   
               There are 24 undocumented bytes in the product section   
               that look suspiciously like job/step/procstep names, but 
               they are not decoded until they are documented by IBM.   
               There is an incredible wealth of information provided by 
               IBM for accounting, performance and capacity planning,   
               and the SMF manual has a brief discussion of OAM data.   
   Thanks to Gary Matney, American Century, USA.                        
Change 16.254  Support for DFSORT Release 14 SMF type 16 record (COMPAT)
VMAC16         required no change in MXG, since the record format was   
Oct 31, 1998   not changed, and MXG already supported APARs that had    
               added bits to some flag fields.                          
Change 16.253  CICINTRV now figures out whether your CICS Statistic data
CICINTRV       is sitting in the Work file ("_Wdddddd") or whether you  
TYPS110        had used the _Sdddddd macro to PROC SORT it into the PDB 
VMXGCICI       ("_Ldddddd destination).  This applies only to the type  
VMXGWORL       110 subtype 2 SMF records.  Normally, BUILDPDB/3 will    
Nov  1, 1998   build AND sort all datasets for a product from WORK into 
               the PDB, but CICS type 110 subtype 2 records are only    
               created in the WORK file and are not SORTed to PDB,      
               (because the CICS Statistics datasets can be large and   
               are not useful unless your are going to use them!).      
               The old way to add CICS Stat data into your PDB with the 
               in tailoring member EXPDBOUT to copy all, or individual  
               PROC SORTs were added in EXPDBOUT.  But now with the new 
               MACKEEP design, you only need to add the _SCICddd macro  
               for each dataset you want, and you don't even have to use
               a %LET PCICDS=PDB;  because the default value for PCICDS 
               is already PDB!                                          
               Well, adding the _SCICDS macro in EXPDBOUT does create   
               dataset PDB.CICDS, but CICINTRV failed with DATASET      
               NOT FOUND, because it hardcoded the input CICS stat data 
               to be in the _Wdddddd, but the PROC SORT is from _W to   
               the _L, and housekeeping deletes the _Wdddddd dataset!   
               This solution is a redesign of CICINTRV to invoke new    
               member VMXGCICI (because CICINTRV is a "%INCLUDEd member"
               but we needed the power of a "%MACRO), and creation of   
               a new utility %MACRO VMXGWORL to determine for a given   
               dddddd value whether the data is in the _W or in the _L  
               (and if it is in the _L, the new CICINTRV logic will     
               bypass the PROC SORT since it's already sorted.)         
               In the interim, you can override the _Wdddddd definition 
               and send the un-sorted dataset to the PDB library, and   
               then CICINTRV will use that dataset.  Philosophically,   
               I don't want you to have to manipulate the _W or _L      
               macro names, just because they are messy to use, but they
               will always be there, so this fix will work - it's just  
               not as pretty as simply adding the _Sdddddd macro(s) in  
               EXPDBOUT!  For example, you would add                    
                  MACRO _WCICDS  PDB.CICDS  %                           
               in either member IMACKEEP or with %LET MACKEEP= logic.   
               Additionally, member TYPS110 now invokes _S110 to sort   
               all of the CICS Stat datasets, as it should have.        
               See final revision in Change 16.266.                     
   Thanks to Jean Quinkert, Inland Steel, USA.                          
Change 16.252  Six lines with pairs of 'DD'x (ASCII) or 'BD'x (EBCDIC)  
ANALBATW       characters should have been pairs of exclamation points  
Oct 30, 1998   (for concatenation). I use exclamation points instead of 
               long vertical bars because exclamation points translate  
               between ASCII and EBCDIC in all languages and long bars  
               did not translate from UK to USA (hence this change).    
   Thanks to David Nuechterlein, Nissan Motor Corporation, USA.         
Change 16.251  TMS support was still not correct for multi-dataset tape 
TYPETMS5       volumes; some variables from TMSRECS dataset were blank  
Oct 30, 1998   in the output DSNBRECD dataset, because it turns out that
               the RETAIN statement doesn't work like I thought it did! 
               See SAS Technical Note 1., Newsletter 35 about RETAIN.   
               The SET statement to combine TMSRECS and DSNBRECS was    
               changed back to MERGE, the IF FIRST.VOLSER THEN was      
               changed to IF FIRST.VOLSER and INTMS THEN DO;, and the   
               subsequent adjacent END; and IF INTMS THEN DO; statements
               were deleted (so that now the logic is FIRST.VOLSER to do
               all the INTMS processing followed by IF INDSNB to do the 
               DSNBREC processing, and then the if LAST.VOLSER to output
               the volume record into TMS.TMS).                         
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MNBA, USA.                                     
Change 16.250 -MXG 16.04 only.  Zero observations in dataset SYNCSORT if
ASUMPRTR       you used IMACSYNC from 16.04. Syncsort's ID macro name is
IMACRMDS       _SYNCID, but the example in IMACSYNC had _IDSYNC.  MXG's 
IMACRTE        convention now is for the name to be _IDxxxx, but three  
IMACSYNC       early names were spelled _xxxxID ( _SYNCID in IMACSYNC,  
Oct 27, 1998   _RMDSID in IMACRMDS, and _RTEID in IMACRTE ) and all are 
               now correctly spelled in their IMAC comments.  These IMAC
               members: CADM, CIMS, DIOS, HO15, OLDV, SAM, SFS, TAND had
               incorrect comments that have been revised                
              -Member ASUMPRTR deletes datasets with PROC DATASETS, but 
               it was missing the NOLIST option, so it printed lines of 
               unneeded/unwanted messages on your SAS log. Now it don't.
   Thanks to Glenn Harper, Memorial HealthCare System, USA.             
Change 16.249  Support for Interlink TCPaccess Version 5.2(INCOMPAT).   
EXILKA23      -New subtypes and new headers for new subtypes will cause 
EXILKAAP       the old MXG code to fail.                                
EXILKAIU      -New variables were added to the ILKAST20 dataset, and it 
EXILKAOE       now contains both subtype 20 and subtype 22 events; the  
EXILKAPR       variable SMFACTYP identifies which subtype created the   
EXILKASP       observation (20 is end of ftp, 22 is end-of-volume ftp). 
EXILKAVS      -New ILKAST23 dataset tracks TELNET sessions from st 23.  
FORMATS       -Subtypes 110 thru 124 create new ILKASTPR protocols      
VMACILKA       dataset. Note: Nov 4:  The IF 150 LE ... statement was   
VMXGINIT       wrong; it should have been ELSE IF 150 LE ... and the    
Oct 27, 1998   IN (110-112,118,123-124) should have been written as     
Nov  4, 1998   IN (110,111,112,118,123,124) to process 111 records.     
              -Subtypes 150,151,152 create new ILKASTAP, ILKASTIU, and  
               ILKASTOE for API, IUCV, or Open Edition Close events.    
              -Subtype 80 creates ILKASTVS with global virtual storage  
               and creates ILKASTSP with individual subpool virtual     
               storage; only subpools with non-zero allocation/usage are
               output in ILKASTSP.                                      
              -Subtype 100 is not yet decoded, no test record yet.      
              -However the new subtypes 80 and 150-152 have severe data 
               errors. The UOF and DOF offsets are off by one byte due  
               to SMFACACB being only 7 instead of 8 bytes.  (MXG can   
               protect that offset).  In the subtype 152, the counters  
               appear to be off by one byte (open problem with vendor). 
               In the subtype 80, the subpool sections are not all 40   
               bytes long - some are 39 (open problem with vendor).     
   Thanks to Will Evans, CNF Transportation, USA.                       
Change 16.248  The two ELSE IF PCTRDYWT=.; statements should have been  
VMAC7072       written ELSE PCTRDYWT=.;    but very fortunately, this   
Oct 23, 1998   typo-that-became-a-logic-error has never been executed.  
               Only when there are OS/390 systems with 15 or more CPUs  
               would this typo have become an execution error, and then 
               the results (if not the cause) would have been obvious:  
               zero obs would have been created in dataset TYPE70!      
   Thanks to Harry Olschewski, DeTeCSM/SLM, GERMANY                     
Change 16.247  Support for MainView Compressed history files.  Beginning
ASMMNVW        with MainView for MVS 2.5, and soon with other MainView  
TYPEBBMQ       products, Boole history files are compressed (although   
TYPECMFV       specifying HISTCOMP=N as a parm on the EXEC card in the  
VMACBBMQ       MMR PAS JCL will turn compression off).  Boole's SAMPLIB 
VMACCMFV       member MMRHUNC contains a standalone decompression job,  
Oct 23, 1998   but this change creates a new SAS INFILE exit "MNVW" that
               decompresses the compressed data during INPUT on the fly!
               You assemble the ASMMNVW member to create the load module
               named MNVWIFUE and store that member in a load library   
               that you concatenate to the //STEPLIB for the SAS step   
               that will read the compressed data.                      
               You then copy the INFILE-macro definition from the VMAC  
               into the IMACxxxx member for the specific product:       
                  IMACxxxx   INFILE-macro    INFILE        Product      
                  IMACCMFV   _CMFV           CMFVSAM       CMF/MMR      
                  IMACBBMQ   _BBMQ           BBMQVSAM      MQ Series    
               and add the string "MNVW" (which is the exit name) after 
               the INFILE name:                                         
                 MACRO _CMFV                                            
                 INFILE CMFVSAM MNVW STOPOVER .... ;                    
                 MACRO _BBMQ                                            
                 INFILE BBMQVSAM MNVW STOPOVER .... :                   
               These INFILE statements are now externalized by new MXG  
               macros _CMFV and _BBMQ that are defined in their VMACxxxx
               member, so you can enable the MNVW INFILE exit either by 
               copying the _CMFV or _BBMQ macro definition into the     
               IMACxxxx for that product, or you can use the MACKEEP    
               architecture to change the definitions in your SYSIN.    
               As long as you have the load module in the //STEPLIB     
               concatenation, you can enable the INFILE exit now as it  
               will read any mixture of compressed or uncompressed data.
               The Assembly code in ASMMNVW was written by Ray Revis.   
   Thanks to Ray Revis, Boole and Babbage, USA.                         
Change 16.246  Tandem variable RESPTM in dataset TANDLINE was too large 
VMACTAND       by a million; it should be INPUT as @119 RESPTM &PIB.8.6 
Oct 22, 1998   instead of just &PIB.8.                                  
   Thanks to Raff Rushton, Kaiser Permanente, USA.                      
Change 16.245  Support for the RACF "installation-defined data field" in
VMAC80A        SMF80DTP='07'x data segment is now INPUT as new variable 
Oct 20, 1998   RACF07DT with maximum length of 32 bytes.                
                  WHEN (7) DO;                                          
                    INPUT +RACFDLN @;                                   
                  WHEN (7) DO;                                          
               IF 0 LT RACFDLN LE 32 THEN                               
                 INPUT RACF07DT $VARYING32. RACFDLN  @;                 
               ELSE IF RACFDLN GT 32 THEN DO;                           
                 INPUT RACF07DT $EBCDIC32. @;                           
                 INPUT +SKIP @;                                         
             -add variable name RACF07DT to the KEEP= list for datasets 
              TYPE8020 and TYPE8021, as this field can exist in all of  
              those RACF events.                                        
   Thanks to Albert Venetitay, CTICEP, FRANCE.                          
Change 16.244  Notes amplifying what is captured in which TCP records   
ADOCTCP        from an IBM Support person were added to documentation.  
Oct 20, 1998   The TYPETCPA "APICALLS" event appears to capture all     
               bytes of all TCP/IP traffic, and even includes FTP counts
               so it appears using TYPETCPA for accounting bytes in/out 
               may be feasible.                                         
   Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, ISO, USA.                                    
Change 16.243  Variable ENDTIME should have been kept in all datasets in
VMACCMFV       VMACCMFV, but it was missing from the KEEP= list for some
Oct 20, 1998   datasets.                                                
   Thanks to Neil Ervin, Huntington Services, USA.                      
======Changes thru 16.242 were in MXG 16.04 dated Oct 19, 1998======    
Change 16.242  MXG expected the new TCP Statistics record to be created 
IMACTCP        as SUBTYPE=5, but TCP lets the TCP installer set whatever
VMACTCP        value they want for each subtype.  MXG has always been   
Oct 19, 1998   able to look inside the TCP record to determine what it  
               was without using the subtype, but the Statistics record 
               support does depend on the SUBTYPE value.  This change   
               defines the new MACRO _SUBTCP5  5  %  with its default of
               5 than can be changed with MACKEEP/IMACKEEP/IMACTCP if   
               your subtype is not five.                                
   Thanks to Ben Coonfield, Browning-Ferris Services, Ind., USA.        
Change 16.241  MXG 16.04 only.  Dataset VXMTRDEV was not created, so the
Oct 19, 1998   The correction was inside MACRO _SIODDEV definition; the 
               SORT was changed to OUT=_LMTRDEV instead of ZZMTRDEV, and
               the SET ZZMTRDEV was changed to SET _LMTRDEV;            
   Thanks to Steve Clark, California Federal Bank, USA.                 
Change 16.240  Counter variables MROTRAN/DB2TRAN were set to zero, but  
ASUMUOW        this should be done only if the observation did not come 
Oct 19, 1998   from the SPIN library, so IF NOT INSPIN THEN DO; ... END;
               was added around the two statements.  After IF LAST.     
               logic, new variables WTRLIOCN/WTRLIOTM were not reset,   
               but now are equated to HTRLIOCN/HTRLIOTM.                
   Thanks to Harry Olschewski, DeTeCSM/SLM, GERMANY.                    
Change 16.239  Variables SMF30AIC/SMF30AID/SMF30AIW were multiplied two 
VMAC30         times by 128, and variables SMF30EIC/SMF30EID/SMF30EIW   
Oct 19, 1998   were not multiplied at all; the last three lines should  
               have been for EIC/EID/EIW instead of repeat AIC/AID/AIW. 
               These new address space level connect/disconnect/pend    
               durations were added in OS/390 Release 2.4.              
   Thanks to Martin Peck, iT-AUSTRIA, AUSTRIA.                          
Change 16.238  MXG 16.04 only.  The dataset names for SMF type 115 MQ   
IMAC115        Series are now as they were before 16.04.  The correct   
VMAC115        names of MQMLOG, MQMMSGDM, and MQMBUFER are created,     
Oct 19, 1998   instead of TYPE1151, TYPE1152, and TYPE115B.             
   Thanks to Brian Crow, British Telecom, ENGLAND.                      
Change 16.237  The first occurrence of &OPTNAME=S2 should have been     
VMXGOPTR       &OPTNAME=S.  This had no effect in any delivered code,   
Oct 19, 1998   but if you had used %VMXGOPTR to reset the S= option, it 
               did not work.                                            
   Thanks to Tom Parker, CSC/Hogan Systems, USA.                        
Change 16.236  New RACFEVNT=26:APPCLU SESSION ESTABLISH now creates new 
EXTY8026       dataset TYPE8026.  This event is new in RACF 2.2.  This  
VMAC80A        new record causes MXG 14.14 to fail, but MXG 15.15 and   
Oct 19, 1998   later did not fail with either TYPE80A or TYPE80.        
   Thanks to Roger Lowe, CITIBANK Asia Pacific Center, SINGAPORE.       
Change 16.235  Invalid CICS type 110 Journal Format Subtype 0 records   
VMAC110        with JCRLL value of zero caused MXG to loop on the same  
Oct 19, 1998   record.  MXG now protects for this invalid record, prints
               an error message and deletes the bad records.            
   Thanks to Tom Wieland, Phoenix Home Life Mutual Insurance Co., USA.  
Change 16.234  JES3 with more than 9999 job numbers caused log message  
VMAC57         INVALID DATA FOR JESNR because the old 4-byte location is
Oct 19, 1998   now hex zeros.  Adding the ?? modifier between JESNR and 
               &NUM.4. eliminates the message.  There actually was no   
               error in the TYPE57 dataset, since the real JESNR is read
               from a 5-digit field later in the record, but this will  
               eliminate an unnecessary and confusing message.          
   Thanks to Bendt Wiberg, CSC Computer Management A/S, DENMARK.        
Change 16.233  MXG 16.04 only.  Two Sort Macros, _SDB2STB and _SDB2STR, 
VMACDB2        referenced &PDB2STB..DB2STATB and &PDB2STR..DB2STATR     
Oct 19, 1998   instead of _LDB2STB and _LDB2STR, causing ANALDB2R to    
               fail when PDB=SMF was specified, if there was no PDB DD. 
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 16.232  The PROC SORT of dataset INTWKLD needed variable DURATM  
NTINTRV        to be added at the end of the BY statement.              
Oct 14, 1998                                                            
   Thanks to Howard Glastetter, Weyerhaeuser Company, USA.              
======Changes thru 16.231 were in MXG 16.04 dated Oct  9, 1998======    
Change 16.231  Variables STDUPLEX, FCB, OVLYLOAD, and OVLYUSED are added
BUILD005       to MACRO _PDB30_6 so that they will exist in PDB.PRINT   
BUIL3005       dataset (and hence will be in ITSV's XPRINT table). These
Oct  8, 1998   variables were needed because they had been kept in MICS.
    Thanks to Theo Peelen, SHELL, THE NETHERLANDS.                      
Change 16.230  If there are duplicate type 30 subtype 5 records, and you
VMAC30         have job records with MULTIDD='Y' (there were so many DDs
BUILD005       that SMF had to write multiple physical type 30 records),
BUIL3005       the PROC SORT of TYPE30_5 was not robust enough to delete
Oct  8, 1998   those MULTIDD duplicates, which causes variable RESTARTS 
               in PDB.JOBS to be greater than 1 for job/TSO/STCs that   
               were not restarted.  Fortunately, nothing else was bad!  
               Member VMAC30 was changed to KEEP variable EXTRADD in the
               TYPE30_5 dataset, and the BY statement in macro _STY30U5 
               was changed by adding MULTIDD EXTRADD at its end.        
               Members BUILx005 had the BY statement for the PROC SORT  
               of DATA=TYPE30_5 changed by adding MULTIDD EXTRADD also. 
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 16.229  Validation of revised VMACTPMX uncovered several spelling
VMACTPMX       typos and token id typos in the format table.  Message is
Oct  9, 1998   now printed on log if an unknown token is encountered.   
Oct 19, 1998   The token finding logic was revised to work under ASCII. 
               Variables PERFORM and INSYSAF no longer have $HEX format.
               Labels were "split" with * characters and ending parens. 
               IMACTPMX's comments were corrected.                      
   Thanks to Lawrence Jermyn, Fidelity Investments, USA.                
Change 16.228  NTSMF Version 2.2 records with Record Header 2.2.1       
VMACNTSM       cause NEW OBJECT errors, OBJECT='SERVICE PACK 3', because
Oct  8, 1998   I did not understand the new Record Header Values:       
                  Header    Description                                 
                   2.0      Original Header format, no 0.0 record       
                   2.0.h    Extended Header format, 0.0 record created  
                   2.1      Compressed Header format.                   
                   2.2.1    0.1 record created, 2.0.H Extended Format   
                   2.2.2    0.1 record created, 2.1 Compressed Format   
               Records with Record Header 2.2.2 were read without error.
               HEADER FORMAT 1 should be specified in your DCS, as it   
               reduces the amount of data in each record header and     
               hence the volume of data sent from the monitored to the  
               monitor.  However, if you have not installed 2.2 on all  
               of your machines, NTSMF 2.2 will use the old spec on the 
               monitored machines, and if they contains HEADER FORMAT 0,
               you will write the old, longer records until you change  
               that parameter.                                          
               The MXG variable, VERSION, is used not only to determine 
               the format of the record, but whether there will be a 0.0
               record (used to calculate STARTIME if it exists), whether
               there are CPU fields in the 0.0 record, whether there    
               will be a 0.1 record, and whether it will precede (prior 
               to NTSMF 2.2) or follow (NTSMF 2.2+) the 0.0 record!     
   Thanks to Howard Glastetter, Weyerhaeuser Company, USA.              
Change 16.227  IMS 5.1 records with IMF 3.2 cause INPUT STATEMENT EXCEED
VMACCIMS       error, because MXG only input the new segment for 6.1.   
Oct  8, 1998   Change the IMSLEVEL test from 61 to 51 so it will read:  
                IF IMSLEVEL GE '51' AND IMFLEVEL GE '32' THEN INPUT     
                  @373+OFFIMS UTCA  ....                                
   Thanks to Harmut Peter, R & V Allgemeine Versicherung AG, GERMANY    
   Thanks to Don Cleveland, Wellpoint, USA.                             
Change 16.226  Variable SYSTEM was added to the KEEP= list for dataset  
VMAC110        CICSSAP from the optional SAP journal segment.  In 16.04,
Oct  8, 1998   the _LCICSAP and _WCICSAP datasets had incorrectly spelt 
               the dataset CICSAP instead of CICSSAP.                   
   Thanks to Theo T. Peelen, Shell, THE NETHERLANDS.                    
Change 16.225  MXG 16.04, DFSMS 1.3 caused INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED, but
VMACHSM        DFSMS 1.4 records caused no error message.   MXG Change  
Oct  8, 1998   16.136 incorrectly located the INPUT for new variables   
               WFSCPUTM and WFSACCT to before the INPUT of the VOLSER   
               segments.  If there were 36 bytes of VOLSER data, the new
               logic INPUT them as WFSCPUTM/WFSACCT, and then when the  
               old logic tried to read the VOLSERs, there were none!.   
               In addition, only the first VOLSER segment would have    
               been input.  This change moves the new logic until after 
               any VOLSERs were input, and also iterates on WFSRNENT.   
   Thanks to Michael E. Friske, Fidelity Investments, USA.              
======Changes thru 16.224 were in MXG 16.04 dated Oct  7, 1998======    
Change 16.224  First MXG 16.04 only.  JCLTEST6 fails with ID=220 SMF if 
VMACOMVT       they are not from OMEGAMON for VTAM.  (If you have OMVT  
Oct  6, 1998   records and have overridden the _IDOMVT macro in either  
               your IMACOMVT or IMACKEEP, you don't see this error - it 
               is only if you don't have OMVT but some other product is 
               writing type 220 records).  Change the "220" in _IDOMVT  
               to "512", which is the impossible default SMF number that
               should have been in VMACOMVT.                            
   Thanks to Edd Carter, General Mills Restaurant, USA.                 
Change 16.223  The labels for variables CPUACTTM and CPUOVHTM were      
RMFINTRV       changed from "PROCESSOR" to "PROCESSORS" to be consistent
Oct  6, 1998   with variable CPUUPTTM and because all three variables do
               contain the total time that all processors in the CEC    
               were active, uncaptured, or "up" (i.e., available).      
   Thanks to Edd Carter, General Mills Restaurant, USA.                 
Change 16.222 -First MXG 16.04 only.  The new _STYTCPA "Sort" macro,    
VMACTCP        used only by the new TYPSTCP member, was missing an      
VMXGINIT       ending parenthesis in its definition.  The DATA statement
Oct  6, 1998   that follows "MACRO _STYTCPA" statement should be:       
              -Macro variable PTCPTCPS was not GLOBALed nor %LET in the 
               VMXGINIT member, causing unresolved macro reference.     
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
======Changes thru 16.221 were in MXG 16.04 dated Sep 30, 1998======    
Change 16.221  Trending of Tape Allocations could overcount in a last   
ASUMTALO       interval that had data spread across two week's input    
TRNDTALO       with overlap during the same hour (i.e., last weeks last 
Sep 30, 1998   allocation was from 0300-0315, this week has an allocate 
               from 0330-0345).  This change corrects the allocate tape 
               count in that interval, but MXG's revisions in ML-17 of  
               ASMTAPES/MXGTMNT automatically synchronizes its interval 
               with SMF interval, so the exposure is reduced further.   
   Thanks to Jim Stevens, MBNA, USA.                                    
Change 16.220  Logic for creation of NTCONFIG dataset from 0.0 and 0.1  
VMACNTSM       records was revised.  For NTSMF 2.0 and 2.1, the 0.1 was 
Sep 28, 1998   written first and then the 0.0, so MXG could OUTPUT to   
               NTCONFIG from the 0.0 record (including the three fields 
               that were RETAINed from the preceding 0.1 record).  Now, 
               the output for NTCONFIG was located until after both the 
               0.0 and 0.1 were read and all their fields RETAINed, and 
               then OUTPUT from the 0.1 if NTSMF is 2.2 or later, or    
               OUTPUT from the 0.0 if NTSMF is Version 2.1 or earlier.  
               This really has minimal impact, as the NTCONFIG dataset  
               is only a log of configuration status, and not critical, 
               but now as new configuration fields are added to the 0.1 
               record, they will be added to dataset NTCONFIG.          
Change 16.219  Final validation of MXG Support for IMS 6.1 Log Records. 
ASMIMSL6      -The TIME DEC call returns a 0CYYDDDF format that is used 
Sep 28, 1998   as a reference date to decide whether to delete or ignore
               "old" INQUEUE records, but that value should have been   
               converted to the YYYYDDDF format of the INQUEUE record.  
              -ASMIMSL6 was enhanced to prevent U0012 abends if there   
               were insufficient slots being allocated on the initial   
               table load.  While the number of slots can be provided to
               ASMIMSL6 thru the //SLOTS DD statement, this enhancement 
               eliminates the need to specify slots in advance; the     
               INQUEUE is read (fast) to count records and NUMSLOTS is  
               reset to records+1000 if the slots are too few.          
   Thanks to Alan Green, British American Financial Services, ENGLAND.  
Change 16.218  The VMXGTAPE macro sets TAPELIB=YES if an MVS SAS dataset
VMXGTAPE       is on tape, but when run under ASCII SAS, produced notes 
Sep 30, 1998   the SAS log.  Additionally, when VMXGTAPE was used with a
               DISK dataset, the second execution failed with an error  
               message UNABLE TO CLEAR LIBNAME.  That error is fixed by 
               relocating the RUN; statement to be before the LIBNAME.  
               The error was not reported, because the only member to   
               use VMXGTAPE twice, TYPECIMS, uses tape rather than disk 
               for those large IMSTRAN files from IMF, and VMXGTAPE did 
               work fine when the MVS SAS dataset was on tape.          
   Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, USA.                          
Change 16.217 -Support for NTSMF new objects NetShow Station Service and
EXNTNSHS       NetShow Unicast Service creates NETSHOWS and NETSHOWU    
EXNTNSHU       datasets, respectively.                                  
VMACNTSM      -Logic for NTCONFIG was revised to read CPU Speed field   
Sep 23, 1998   when  VERSION GE '2.0.H' AND NTVERSN GE '3.51' because   
               the segment exists in the 2.0.h records.  Additionally,  
               VERSION=UPCASE(VERSION); was inserted after its INPUT    
               and before the test to avoid case sensitivity.           
   Thanks to Jim Quigley, Con Ed, USA.                                  
   Thanks to Denny C. Wong, New York Life, USA.                         
======Changes thru 16.216 were in MXG 16.03B6 dated Sep 23, 1998======  
Change 16.216  Support for OS/390 2.6 (COMPATIBLE) added new data:      
VMAC73        -Dataset TYPE73 new var SMF73ACR, Channel Path Acronym    
VMAC74        -Dataset TYPE74 new var DEVDISNV, Device Disconnect Time  
VMAC79         Is Not Valid flag, Y or Blank.                           
Sep 23, 1998  -Dataset TYPE74.  IBM renamed field SMF74NID to SMF74DCT  
               and increased it from 26 to 28 bytes, but MXG continues  
               to name the variable SFM74NID and it contains either the 
               Node Descriptor ID for self-describing devices, or the   
               four-byte Device Number.                                 
              -Dataset TYPE74CA new var R745CCMT, Hardware Type and     
               Model of the Control Unit, 28 byte character variable.   
              -Dataset TYPE79C new var R79CACR, Channel Path Acronym.   
              -Changes to TYPE99 subtype 6 were already in MXG.         
Change 16.215  ACF2 Version 6.2 INCOMPATIBLY changed the type 'V' record
Sep 23, 1998   Fortunately, most sites don't use the ACF2VR dataset that
               is built from this record, so you can process their other
               6.2 data by inserting the new line that tests LENGTH-COL 
               so that member VMACACF2 then contains:                   
                  IF ACVMFIDC GT 0 THEN DO _I_=3 TO ACVMFIDC;           
                    IF LENGTH-COL+1 GE 8 THEN                           
                    INPUT  ACVMFSEC  $EBCDIC8. @; /*SECONDARY*AUTHID*/  
               CA provided same day documentation and technical support 
               of the changes in their record, which inserted an offset 
               field to the optional DB2 data fields, which is now used 
               and tested by MXG.  No other new data was added.         
   Thanks to Frank d'Hoine, National Bank of Belgium, BELGIUM.          
   Thanks to Tim Dockter, CA, USA.                                      
   Thanks to Fred Duminy, CA, USA.                                      
Change 16.214  Support for DF/SMS 1.4 changes to HSM records added new  
FORMATS        values for $MGHSMFU format to decode FSRTYPE:            
Sep 22, 1998     Value  Formatted value                                 
                   6    USER requested Delete of a Migrated Data Set    
                  17    HSM Expired/Deleted a Data Set                  
                        (FSRFLG3 then indicates where the dataset       
                        existed when HSM expired/deleted it)            
                  18    Partial Release                                 
                  19='19:EXPIRE OR ROLL OFF INCREMENTAL BACKUP'         
                  20='20:(H)BDELETE INCREMENTAL BACKUP'                 
               Also it was noted that for a full volume restore (FSRTYPE
               = 14), FSRFVOL is actually the target volume name, not   
               the source volume name.                                  
   Thanks to Michael E. Friske, Fidelity Investments, USA.              
Change 16.213  The type 79 subtype 15 (IMS Long Lock record) fields were
VMAC79         not documented completely accurately, but will be in the 
Sep 22, 1998   next SMF manual.  New variable F79FTRNM is now INPUT, and
               new format $MG079RT decodes F79FRGTY values.  R79FPSTN is
               either a PST number as 4 hex digits, or the character    
               string 'ID', which is 'C9C4'x.  R79FLHTI is 8-bytes long,
               but only the first four are used, as seconds after       
               midnight.  R79FRSNA is now only INPUT if R79FETYP='W'.   
   Thanks to John Keenan, Boeing, USA.                                  
Change 16.212  MXG did not input seven fields in the System record from 
VMACTMV2       Landmark's The Monitor for MVS Version 2, causing dataset
Sep 22, 1998   TMVSSYS to have incorrect values.  To circumvent, you can
               insert a line with  +28   between the INPUT lines for    
               SYSRESV4 and SYSUIC.  The seven new variables in TMVSSYS:
               are counters of ASIDs in USE/Available/etc.              
   Thanks to Jeff Justice, Integon, USA.                                
Change 16.211  Support for TCP/IP 3.4 Type 118 Subtype 5 SMF record.    
EXTYTCPS       The new TCP Statistics subtype causes MXG CRITICAL ERROR 
FORMATS        message and a delete of the new subtype, but the other   
IMACTCP        datasets are correctly built from the other records.     
VMACTCP        This support created new dataset TYPETCPS with TCP       
Sep 21, 1998   Statistics counters.                                     
   Thanks to Huug Tempelmans-Plat, Hoogovens Staal BV, THE NETHERLANDS. 
   Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, Insurance Service Office, USA.               
VMACSUIN       IND$FILE SMF records because some EBCDIC numeric fields  
Sep 19, 1998   contain nulls instead of valid EBCDIC zeroes.  Knowing   
               this now, each of the INPUTs that use &NUM. informat are 
               now preceded with  ??  to suppress the warning messages. 
               The records with nulls also contain UNAVAIL for both the 
               TERMINAL name and the Logmode Entry Name, and the other  
               counters are zeroes, so I suspect these null records are 
               otherwise valid, and so their uninitialized fields are   
               now protected.                                           
Change 16.209  SAS 6.12 for Windows, Maintenance TS045 changed what is  
CONFIG         printed on the SAS log when option STIMER is enabled.    
Sep 18, 1998   Now, sixteen lines of Stack, Heap, Memory, and Images    
               stats are preceded by "HOST STATS FOR: xxxxxx" and are   
               printed for every data or proc step by the STIMER option.
               MXG's CONFIG member has always enabled STIMER/FULLSTATS, 
               as they were useful in diagnosing memory problems back in
               early V6, but the new output flooded my QA stream log, so
               I have removed the overrides from MXG's CONFIG member, so
               the SAS defaults (NOSTIMER,NOFULLSTATS) will be used.  If
               ever needed, they can easily be enabled in your CONFIG   
               file, thru the OPTIONS= in MVS JCL, or by using an       
                 OPTIONS STIMER FULLSTATS; statement at the beginning   
               of your SAS program.                                     
Change 16.208  Internal support for the NTSMF DTS 0.1 configuration data
VMACNTSM       record created three new variables in NTCONFIG dataset:  
                 DCSINTRN='INTERNAL*NAME*OF THE*DCS'                    
Change 16.207  PROC GPLOT has never worked right when its input dataset 
ANALVARY       has zero observations; in various SAS releases there have
ANALRRTM       been Notes or Error messages, but _ERROR_ was never set. 
Sep 17, 1998   But under SAS Version 7 Beta, these notes were created:  
Sep 25, 1998     NOTE: No Observations in Data Set xxxxxxxx.            
                 NOTE: The SAS System Stopped Processing due to errors. 
                 NOTE: SAS Set Options OBS=0.                           
               That false error message, and the setting of OBS=0, has  
               been accepted by SAS as a defect.  However, SAS Tech     
               Support found that by relocating the SYMBOL statement to 
               precede the PROC GPLOT statement, the OBS=0 was not set, 
               so now the MXG 16.04 QA Stream has successfully executed 
               all steps under SAS Version 7 Beta!!!                    
   Thanks to Chris Noto, SAS Institute Technical Support, USA.          
Change 16.206  If you use the COUNT= option in ANALCNCR, and it has more
ANALCNCR       than one variable, the BY list was wrong and it contained
Sep 17, 1998   repeated variable names.  The MXG logic error is fixed by
               changing &&COUNT&NUMCNT to read &&COUNT&I.  Fortunately, 
               the important uses of %ANALCNCR in MXG don't use COUNT=. 
               In fact, this error was discovered by the new feature in 
               SAS Version 7 (ERROR: Duplicate variables in a BY list)  
               when the archaic example ANALTAPE that has %ANALCNCR with
                COUNT=TAPEDRVS TAPE3420 TAPE3480 TAPE3490 TAPE3590,     
               was tested in the MXG QA stream.                         
Change 16.205  New format MG099TC decodes the Trace Action Codes in the 
FORMATS        Type 99 Goal Mode Workload Manager trace data, using the 
VMAC99         Table 76 in Appendix A of OS/390 V2R5.0 MVS Workload     
Sep 16, 1998   Management Services, mapping number to Trace Code Name.  
               The codes describe WLM decisions, and their full meaning 
               from that table is also in ADOC99.                       
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 16.204  The externalization of tailoring for IMACACCT, IMACSHFT, 
IMACACCT       IMACWORK, and IMACUCB can now use the "MACKEEP" design of
IMACSHFT       Change 16.134, with new MACACCT, MACSHFT, MACWORK, and   
IMACWORK       MACUCB macros defined and nulled in VMXGINIT and invoked 
IMACUCB        at the end of each of those IMACs.  The BUILxxxx members 
BUILDPDB/3     were updated also to invoke new EPDBINC macro variable to
BUILD001       permit tailoring of the EXPDBxxx members as well.        
Sep 16, 1998                                                            
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 16.203  The statement LENGTH=LEN; was changed to LENGTH=LENGTH;  
UTILDUMP       to eliminate the Warning "Unitialized Variable LEN".  The
Sep 16, 1998   new SENDDUMP is probably better documented to get dumps. 
   Thanks to Hertwig Rainer, Lufthansa Systems GmbH, GERMANY.           
Change 16.202  Finally, the logic to create SASSWORK and USERWORK macro 
VMXGDEL        variables (so we know where your WORK= and USER= point)  
VMXGSUM        works under both SAS V6 and SAS V7 and under OS/390 as   
VMXGOPTR       well as Windows and Unix.  All this is for housecleaning 
Sep 16, 1998   (delete work datasets when we can), but we needed to not 
               delete WORK.X after SORTing into USER.X if you had set   
               SAS options WORK= and USER= to the same data library.    
               Our logic executes PROC SQL on VTABLE to get the WORK=   
               and USER= current values.  We expected DDNAMES, and the  
               code worked on OS/390, but under Unix and Windows you get
               the full file specification name, with forward and back  
               slashes, etc, which required more logic revisions.  Now, 
               we find that only under OS/390 can WORK= and USER= point 
               to the same library, so the logic was simplified.  But   
               then, under Version 7, we found that PROC SQL no longer  
               reads the VTABLE when OBS=0 is specified, which caused   
               macro variables SASSWORK/USERWORK to be blank.  (That    
               PROC SQL in Version 6 did not honor OBS=0 was accepted as
               a bug and fixed in Version 7; that we got output under V6
               was an unintended design feature, now corrected!).  But  
               by inserting VMXGOPTR invocations before and after each  
               PROC SQL to momentarily override the OBS=0 to OBS=MAX and
               then reset OBS to whatever it was, solves that problem.  
               And VMXGOPTR itself had to be revised for first time run 
               so it too will work properly when OBS=0 is specified.    
               Now, MXG has been executed under the SAS Version 7 Beta  
               on both MVS (OS/390) and Windows (98 and NT) platforms.  
Change 16.201  Type 74 Cache data, variable R745CSC was not kept in data
VMAC74         set TYPE74CA, and variables CSDPIDAT and DEVPIDAT were   
Sep 15, 1998   misspelled as CSDPIPID and DEVPIPID, and are now correct.
   Thanks to Diane Eppestine, Southwestern Bell, USA.                   
Change 16.200  The created variable STARTIME in contained only the date 
VMAC94         and hour of the calculated Start time; now the equation  
Sep 15, 1998   is  STARTIME=SMFTIME-DURATM; but DURATM=3600; is set in  
               MXG because there is (as yet) no actual duration in the  
               VTS record, and no way to change IBM's default of hourly.
   Thanks to Pat Hansen, Automated Data Processing, USA.                
Change 16.199  NTSMF OBJECT='WidetoMBErr' created dataset WIDE2MBE, but 
EXNTWIDE       that was an April Fool's day trick.  I found that object 
VMACNTSM       name in Discovery records last April, assumed it was a   
Sep 15, 1998   new thing, and created the new dataset in Change 16.048. 
               Today, I discover that THAT string is the error code that
               is returned by the translate function API when a Unicode 
               to ASCII translation fails (like when the Microsoft field
               documented as Unicode actually contains ASCII values!),  
               and there really was no WIDE2MBE dataset to be built, so 
               its exit member EXNTWIDE and the code in VMACNTSM were   
               removed by this Change.  Demand Technology discovered the
               record was really for the SNA Adapter Object, and revised
               their code to deal with its idiosyncrasies!  So now, when
               WidetoMBErr shows up, its time to call Demand Technology 
               so they can look inside PERFMON to find the actual name  
               for these aberrant objects, but also please run Discovery
               and send the data file, so that I can circumvent it.     
               For example, the Beta of Microsoft Terminal Server 1.0   
               now has a counter object named 'WidetoMBErr' inserted in 
               the middle of the Process object, INCOMPATIBLY causing   
               While Demand Technology gets the data to investigate     
               their end and tell me what's really there, this change   
               creates variable WIDE2MBE in the PROCESS dataset to get  
               the field and support the new record.  Later, when we    
               know the field name, this text will be revised to rename 
               and label and possibly format the variable.              
   Thanks to Leigh Ann Payne,Wachovia Operational Services, USA.        
Change 16.198 -MXG 16.03 only.   MACRO _LIMSUNM UNMATCHED % was spelled 
IMACIMSA       wrong, and must be  MACRO _LIMSUNM UNMATCHD % instead.   
TYPEIMSA      -PROC SORT DATA=IMSMERGE %VMXGFOR ; worked as long as you 
Sep 10, 1998   didn't tailor the _LIMSMRG macro in your IMACIMS, but it 
               The MERGE PRG (IN=INPRG) IMSMERGE (IN=INIO); is now      
               MERGE PRG (IN=INPRG) ZZIMSMRG (IN=INIO);  and the DELETE 
               of IMSMERGE now deletes ZZIMSMRG, to make this work.  The
               macros will change once more when the 16.134 architecture
               is applied to the IMS processing shortly.                
   Thanks to Kenneth D. Jones, Maritime Telephone and Telegraph, CANADA.
Change 16.197  The extra include of member IMACCICS in member TYPE110   
TYPE110        prevented the &MAC110 or &MACKEEP logic from working to  
Sep 10, 1998   redefine the _L macros.  Member IMACCICS was removed from
               member TYPE110's include, as it is already included by   
               the VMAC110 member, and there it include is followed by  
               the MAC110 and MACKEEP macros, so it can be overridden.  
   Thanks to Jerry Layne, Virigina Power, USA.                          
======Changes thru 16.196 were in MXG 16.03B5 dated Sep  9, 1998======  
Change 16.196  Variables ELAPSTM, INPREQTM, and QUEUETM were calculated 
VMAC33         before the variables used had been input.  Now, the three
Sep  7, 1998   statements are inside the DO group, after TPNDTIME.      
               Variable TPUSRTYP was input and formatted, but not kept; 
               now it is in both TYPE33_1 and TYPE33_2 datasets.        
   Thanks to John Strumila, IBM Global Services Australia, AUSTRALIA.   
   Thanks to Lindsay Oxenham, IBM Global Services Australia, AUSTRALIA. 
Change 16.195  The Printer Throughput analysis now created PDB.ASUMPRTR 
ANALPRTR       instead of PDB.PRINTER, to be consistent with current MXG
ASUMPRTR       naming conventions.  Scan your MXG Tailoring library and 
Sep  6, 1998   change PDB.PRINTER to PDB.ASUMPRTR if it exists, but very
               few sites regularly use this detailed analysis.          
Change 16.194 -IBM now calculates the TYPE72GO Using/Delay Percentages  
VMAC7072       using R723CTSA instead of CTOU+CTOT+CUNK+CIDL samples as 
Sep  6, 1998   the denominator.  R723CTSA adds CIOU+CIOD samples, and is
Sep 22, 1998   used even if I/O Delays are NOT being included in your   
Oct 20, 1998   Velocity definition!  Since R723CTSA is now larger, the  
               percentages will be smaller.  So that MXG calculations   
               match the RMF reports, the correction in VMAC7072 is to  
                 IF R723CTSA GT 0 THEN VALDSAMP=R723CTSA;               
                 IF VALDSAMP GT 0 THEN ....                             
              -Variable PCTEXTSA is now set to missing value, as it is  
               a total sample count, now in R723CTSA, and not a percent.
              -The I/O Velocity calculation when I/O Delay is NOT turned
               on was changed to match IBM reports.  MXG's old equation 
                VELOCITY=(CTOU+CIOU)/(CTOU+CIOU+CTOT) is changed to read
                VELOCITY=(CTOU+CIOU)/(CTOU+CIOU+CTOT+CTDQ+CIOD) and the 
               code relocated until after CTDQ had actually been input! 
                  OS/390 R2.4 added CTDQ in an extension of the SMR     
                  record, but MXG's equation was back in the block of   
                  code for the R1.3 extension.  Now, 1.3 calculates     
                  without CTDQ while 2.4 and later includes CTDQ.       
               When I/O Delay IS turned on, MXG sets R723VELI='Y' so the
               velocity and I/O velocity are calculated the same way:   
               These changes now match the IBM RMF 2.4 Report values.   
               Oct 20, 1998 revision:                                   
               I/O Velocity enablement is system wide, and when enabled,
               all of the Service Classes have R723MSCF='...1....'B, but
               that bit is not on in the Reporting Class records.  IBM  
               RMF has acknowledged their error and will fix it in a    
               future version of RMF, but MXG now stores R723MSCF from  
               the Service Class record (written first) into retained   
               variable SERVMSCF, which is now used instead of R723MSCF 
               to set R723VELI='Y' when I/O is enabled, so the correct  
               velocity equation will be used in spite of their error.  
   Thanks to Leonard Ponich, AT&T, USA.                                 
Change 16.193  New reporting variables were added to MEMOACCT dataset:  
Sep  6, 1998    TRXTOT   USERPRF  for direct reports from MEMOACCT.     
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, Huk-Coburg, GERMANY.                       
Change 16.192  Variable A08DURAT=A08BKDTD-A08BKCTD is now created in    
VMAC110        CICS statistics dataset CICSLSRR to report how long the  
Sep  6, 1998   pool existed.  However, the base times are time-of-day   
               rather than datetimes, so if the pool exists for more    
               than 24 hours, the duration will not be accurate.        
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, Huk-Coburg, GERMANY.                       
Change 16.191  TMS revisions were still not complete, as FILSEQ was     
TYPETMS5       missing in second and subsequent VOLSEQs.   Before the   
Sep  5, 1998   END; statement for the ELSE IF FILSEQ=. THEN DO; insert  
               and after IF MAXFLSEQ LT 999999 THEN FILSEQ=MAXFLSEQ;    
               insert  IF FILSEQ=. THEN FILSEQ=1;                       
               to always populate FILSEQ variable correctly.            
   Thanks to John Rosewarne, Telstra, AUSTRALIA.                        
Change 16.190  Variable PCTDLNDI is now set missing, as it was not a    
ADOC7072       valid percent of anything.  Instead, the raw count of    
VMAC7072       samples, R723CNDI, from which PCTDLNDI was erroneously   
Sep  5, 1998   calculated, is now kept.  See the detail description in  
               member ADOC7072 for new variable R723CNDI.               
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Measurement Sciences, USA. 
Change 16.189  Support for Thruput Manager, TPM, was supported earlier  
EXTYTPMX       by member TYPETPM, but that program INPUT only the data  
FORMATS        fields it knew about.  This new TYPETPMX was written by  
IMACTPMX       Susan, and it creates temporary FORMAT $MXTPMTK to token 
TESTUSR1       each possible TPM field, and then VMACTPMX uses that in  
TYPETPMX       its TPM record processing.  The output dataset contains  
TYPSTPMX       all possible variables, but will likely be very sparce as
VMACTPMX       most TPM sites don't enable all fields, so COMPRESS=YES  
VMXGINIT       is specified, since sparce datasets compress so well that
Sep  5, 1998   dropping the nonexistent variables is unwarranted.  As an
               example, 1000 obs uncompressed required 1005 pages, but  
               compressed by SAS, the TYPETPMX dataset needed only 40!  
   Thanks to Susan Marshall, SAS Institute ITSV Cary, USA.              
Change 16.188  Variable R742PSIG is now documented in ADOC74 that its   
ADOC74         contents, inbound or outbound request counts, are in or  
FORMATS        out depending on variable R742PDIR, path direction, which
VMAC74         is now FORMATed ('80'X=Inbound, '40'X=Outbound).  Also,  
Sep  5, 1998   variable R742PTYP, path type, is now FORMATed ('1=CTC,   
               3='List Structure') by $MG074PD and $MG074PT formats.    
   Thanks to Leonard Ponich, AT &T, USA.                                
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 16.187  Support for XCOM Release 3.0 (COMPATIBLE) adds variables 
Sep  1, 1998   I discovered that variables FLDSNNME REPTDEST REPTFORM   
               DISPFLAG and REMFLENM were input from wrong locations.  I
               have confirmed the two important variables, FLDSNNME and 
               REMFLENM (input/output dataset names) are properly input,
               and I think the others are also now properly aligned, but
               they are all blank in my test data.                      
                  The test data also XCOMVERS=300 when the connection is
                  from Unix to MVS, and XCOMVERS=3 when the connection  
                  is from MVS to Unix (actually, the value is 'F30000'X 
                  but it prints as 3).  But there's no real problem, as 
                  XCOMVERS is not used in any MXG logic.                
   Thanks to Aubrey Tang, GIO Australia, AUSTRALIA.                     
Sep  1, 1998   CICDLIR dataset is _WCICDL1 instead of _WCICDL2 (which is
               CICDLIT, but that dataset always has zero observations). 
               Without this change, the A18xxxx variables were missing. 
   Thanks to Fiona Crane, Royal and Sun Alliance, ENGLAND.              
Change 16.185  MXG Support for IMS 6.1 (Change 16.171) is now validated!
ASMIMSL6      -ASMIMSL6 had references to MXGIMSLG, but the program name
TYPEIMSA       CSECT name, and comments were changed to MXGIMSL6 to be  
VMACIMSA       consistent with the JCLIMSL6 member, and so that IMS 6.1 
Sep  1, 1998   program name is different than earlier releases.         
              -VMACIMSA inputs of ARRTIM, NQTIM, GUTIM and DQTIM were   
               changed from &PD.4. to &PK.4., and the algorithm to      
               convert was changed.  These inputs are now separated into
               a block for pre-IMS 6 and post-IMS 6, using _IMSVERS to  
               choose the correct format.                               
              -TYPEIMSA KEEP= list for _IMSTRAN.IMSTRAN has variables   
               OLTERM and OVTAMNDE added; they were inadvertently       
              -With these changes, MXG support for IMS 6.1 matches the  
               Transit Log Report from IBM's IMS Performance Analyzer!  
              -See also Change 16.171.                                  
   Thanks to Alan Green, Allied Dunbar, ENGLAND.                        
Change 16.184  Utility to create MXG source for Formats $MGDDDDD and    
UDDDDDD        $MGDDDSN to map "dddddd" to "dataset" and vice versa,    
FORMATS        for internal use in Change 16.134 programs, like the new 
Sep  5, 1998   %BLDNTPDB.  UDDDDDD reads the MXG source to find all _W  
               macro definitions and writes out the VALUE statement that
               defines each format, and the output is copied in at the  
               end of member FORMATS.                                   
Change 16.183  Revision of MXG logic for ABEND and CONDCODE in PDB.JOBS.
BUILD005       While I still think using the PDB.STEPS dataset for job  
BUIL3005       ABEND analyis is strongly preferred (because steps ABEND,
IMACPDB        jobs don't, and because the STEPS data gives you the     
SPUNJOBS       PROGRAM name so you can identify who wrote the program   
Aug 31, 1998   that ABENDed, and because jobs can have multiple step    
               ABENDs), this revision populates the PDB.JOBS variables  
               ABEND and CONDCODE with useful values, and creates new   
               variable ABENDS that counts the abending steps in a job. 
               Previously in PDB.JOBS, the ABEND value indicated that   
               one or more steps abended, but the CONDCODE value was    
               taken from the last executed step. If COND=ONLY or EVEN  
               was specified in the JCL, you could have had an ABEND    
               with a wrong or zero CONDCODE.  Or if a step had what is 
               called a pre-execution ABEND that causes the step to be  
               not-executed (this includes FLUSHed steps, steps with a  
               SYSTEM 822 ABEND, and steps with SYSTEM 213 ABEND on the 
               STEPLIB, which are not explicitly identified in the step 
               records) the ABEND='SYSTEM' but CONDCODE was zero.       
               With this revision, the values of ABEND and CONDCODE will
               be stored from the FIRST step that ABENDed.  If there are
               no ABENDs, but there were non-zero condition codes in any
               step, the highest non-zero condition code will be stored 
               in CONDCODE and ABEND='RETURN'.  And if there were no    
               ABENDs in the step records, but the 30-5 job termination 
               record has the ABENDed bit set in SMF30STI bit "6", the  
               logic sets ABEND='PREEXE' to flag that some step of the  
               job had a preexecution error.  (Steps with pre execution 
               errors will have ABEND='FLUSH', so if there was only one 
               step with FLUSH, you could determine which step failed,  
               but if there were multiple FLUSH steps, you may not be   
               able to identify which step actually had the ABEND).     
               The default of FIRST can be overridden with the MXGCOND  
               macro variable, which can be %LET of the values of LAST, 
               HIGHEST, or LOWEST to choose which ABEND/CONDCODE pair   
               will be stored in PDB.JOBS.                              
               One or more ABENDing STEPS                               
                   CONDCODE=CONDCODE of first ABENDing step             
                   ABEND='SYSTEM' or 'USER' from first ABENDing step    
                   ABENDS=number of ABENDing steps                      
                     However: If the JOB TYPE30_5 record has the ABEND  
                              bit on but CONDCODE=0, which happens if   
                              the last step did NOT ABEND, MXG sets     
                              ABEND='ABEND' in the PDB.JOBS dataset.    
               No ABENDing STEPS - ABEND flag on in type30_5            
                   CONDCODE=CONDCODE from type30_5                      
               No ABENDing STEPS - No ABEND flag on in type30_5         
                   CONDCODE=highest non-zero CONDCODE from STEPS        
               These possible values for ABEND now exist in MXG:        
                ABEND      Description                                  
                JCL        PDB.JOBS only - Job did not Start on JES.    
                CRSH       PDB.JOBS only - Job active during SYS FAILURE
                PREEXE     JOBS-only: Step had a pre-execution ABEND.   
                SYSTEM     System ABEND                                 
                USER       User ABEND                                   
                RETURN     Return Code                                  
                CANCEX     Cancelled in SMF Exit, CONDCODE tells which  
                FLUSH      Step Flushed or Pre-Execution ABEND          
                RESTAR     Step was RESTARTED                           
                NOTCTL     Not Cataloged Dataset Error                  
                OMVSEX     Open Edition/MVS Execution                   
                COND=J     COND= was specified on JOB card              
                OTHER      Any other ABEND condition                    
               If you have an IMACPDB member in your USERID.SOURCLIB, it
               must be removed and instead you use the new 16.04+ design
               that lets you add variables to PDB.STEPS/JOBS/PRINT with 
               %LET ADDxxxx= syntax (placed in your IMACKEEP member) as 
               described in the text of Change 16.341.  This is because 
               to support CONDCODE, a new dataset WORK.CONDCODE is now  
               created in _PDBSUMS, but your old IMACPDB will override  
               that with the old logic, causing a SAS error message:    
               MXG now protects execution errors by creating a          
               zero-observation WORK.CONDCODE dataset just before       
               _PDBSUMS is invoked, but if your IMACPDB is in place, you
               will end up with CONDCODE always zero in your PDB.JOBS   
               dataset.  (No matter what you do, the CONDCODE in        
               PDB.STEPS is always correct!).                           
Change 16.182  Revised logic because %VMXGDEL did not always delete the 
VMXGDEL        _Wdddddd dataset, even when it was different from the    
Aug 31, 1998   _Ldddddd dataset.  This left datasets in //WORK library. 
Change 16.181  The label for GDES2 was corrected, and the INFORMAT of   
VMACQAPM       variable DMSTS was changed from $EBCDIC1. to &PD.1., and 
Aug 30, 1998   the INPUT of DIIDLT was changed from &PD.6. to &PD.6.8,  
               as it caused the value of PCTIOPBY in dataset QAPMDIOP   
               to be 10**8 too large.                                   
   Thanks to Colin Bowen, Old Mutual, SOUTH AFRICA.                     
Change 16.180  The %BLDNTPDB macro for NTSMF processing is structurally 
BLDNTPDB       functional for building daily, weekly, monthly PDBs or   
IMACNTSM       for ad hoc analysis.  Some reports exist, more to come!  
TYPENTSM      -By default, %BLDNTPDB  now will read your raw NTSMF data,
TYPSNTSM       (KEEPERS= or DROPERS= can be used if you don't want ALL),
Sep  5, 1998   then SORT what you kept to your PDB, then create the     
               PDB.NTINTRV at the raw data's interval, then create the  
               PDB.ASUMNTIN summary hourly interval dataset, then copy  
               your PDB datasets into the correct day-of-week library,  
               and then print and graph the daily reports.  Additional  
               arguments RUNWEEK=YES or RUNMNTH=YES can be specified to 
               create the WEEKLY, MONTHLY and TREND libraries, and all  
               parameters are described in the BLDNTPDB member itself.  
               For example, if you wanted no reports or summary data,   
               but want only the four datasets PROCESS, PROCESSOR,      
               MEMORY, and LOGLDISK, you would use this invocation:     
               to read those four objects and sort them into the PDB.   
               There are more reports to be added, and eventually the   
               logic will figure out when it is so a single invocation  
               can be used in every day's run, but that's a while away! 
              -Member TYPENTSM now only reads the NTSMF data and writes 
               to the default WORK location using the _WNTdddd macros;  
               TYPENTSM no longer sorts nor writes to the _LNTdddd macro
               names, because new member TYPSNTMS (with the "S" instead 
               of the "E" to indicate "SORTs") performs the SORTs and   
               invokes NTINTRV to create PDB.NTINTRV.                   
               If you were using TYPENTSM for your daily processing, you
               should now use TYPSNTSM instead.                         
               Member IMACNTSM no longer overrides the _L definitions.  
Change 16.179 -SAS Version 7 incompatibility - long variable names.     
VMXGSUM        SAS Version 7 supports long variable names, and changed  
Aug 28, 1998   the length of variable NAME (created by PROC CONTENTS)   
Sep  8, 1998   from 8 to 32.  MXG uses PROC CONTENTS in VMXGSUM and     
               expected 8-bytes; there is also a new SAS V7 warning when
               different length variables are merged, and all of these  
               V7 "features" conspire to change the job condition code  
               from zero to four, which is just enough to cause your job
               scheduling system to take notice of the change!  The MXG 
               solution to this incompatibility between V6 and V7 is to 
               insert the statement  LENGTH  NAME $8 ;  after the first 
               two statements  DATA VAR1 (KEEP=NAME); in member VMXGSUM,
               as that forces SAS to expect length 8 (and it is NOT my  
               intention to use long variable names in MXG, certainly   
               not in this millennium!).                                
              -SAS Version 7 enhancement - OPEN=DEFER on SET statement. 
               A long-wanted Version 7 enhancement, OPEN=DEFER, lets you
               read several datasets from different weekly PDBs using   
               only one tape drive:                                     
                    SET TAPE1.JOBS TAPE2.JOBS TAPE3.JOBS OPEN=DEFER;    
                  However, inside VMXGSUM, if you used this logic for   
                  your input, and those datasets are on tape and KEEP=  
                  logic was also used, VMXGSUM could have caused        
                  unnecessary tape mounts, as it tries to figure out    
                  what data is where, but VMXGSUM has no real awareness 
                  of the individual datasets, and we are still examining
                  the best solution, but this revision now recognizes   
                  the OPEN=DEFER parameter (and note it is not enclosed 
                  in parenthesis, since it is a SET option and not a    
                  dataset option.  It might be that the best fix will be
                  to build the output keep list rather than the input   
                  list when processing a tape, but that still is under  
                  investigation.  The caveat is that if you use the     
                  OPEN=DEFER syntax with VMXGSUM, there will be multiple
                  mounts if the OS datasets are all multi-volume and the
                  default KEEPALL=NO is used.                           
               With this change, MXG 16.04 or later is required for MXG 
               to execute under SAS Version 7.  See MXG Newsletter, SAS 
               Notes for additional Version 7 Compatibility Issues.     
              -VMXGSUM now correctly figures out where the WORK option  
               points, so we can do housekeeping without erasing what   
               you just created. On an MVS system the value of the WORK 
               option returned by PROC SQL is the DDNAME/LIBREF "WORK", 
               but on Unix and PCs you get a full path name, for example
               "!sasfolder\saswork" or "c:/sas/saswork" depending on the
               platform.  This change supports these idiosyncrasies.    
                  "Line generated by the macro variable "TEMP01"        
                  followed by E:\SASWORK.M was fixed by this change.    
Change 16.178  MXG 16.03 only.  Variables added with _PDBADD2/_PDBADD3  
BUILD005       were not added to PDB.STEPS or PDB.JOBS because ACCOUNT  
Aug 26, 1998   dataset was not output in the new architecture.  In both 
               members, OUTPUT ACCOUNT; was added before _EDBJOBS;      
   Thanks to Dave Gibney, Washington State University, USA.             
Change 16.177  Support for Microsoft Terminal Server 1.0 adds new data: 
VMACNTSM       for NT 3.51 and Service Pack 5A these were added:        
Aug 28, 1998      Dataset SYSTEM:                                       
                     ICABYTRT='TOTAL*ICA BYTES/SEC'                     
                  Dataset PROCESS:                                      
                     IDLOGON ='ID*LOGON'                                
                     IDUSER  ='ID*USER'                                 
              -Cosmetically, the LABEL statements in macro _CDENTSM were
               consolidated and alphabetized so that they will control  
               the alphabetizing of the variables in each dataset.      
   Thanks to Bill Feeney, Hennepin County, USA.                         
   Thanks to Leigh Ann Payne,Wachovia Operational Services, USA.        
Change 16.176  MXG 16.03 only.  VMXGINIT "TALO" comments were corrected 
VMXGINIT       and IMACKEEP spelling corrected.  Labels added for the   
BUIL3005       SPIN datasets.                                           
Aug 21, 1998                                                            
   Thanks to Lindsay Oxenham, IBM Global Services, AUSTRALIA.           
Change 16.175  Support for Soft Audit's "Installed Products File" will  
EXSFTPR        read from filename XPPROD to create new MXG dataset      
VMACSFTA       SOFTPROD to track installed products.                    
Aug 19, 1998                                                            
   Thanks to Normand Poitras, ISM, CANADA.                              
Change 16.174  MXG 16.03 only.  The statement PUT ' DEBUG NDM .... ;    
VMACNDM        clearly should have been deleted.                        
Aug 15, 1998                                                            
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 16.173  MXG 16.03 only.  Macro variable PSUNTIN was not defined. 
VMXGINIT       It must be added to the GLOBAL statement and then %LET to
Aug 15, 1998   DEFAULT.                                                 
   Thanks to Greg Jackson, National Life of Vermont, USA.               
Change 16.172  MXG 16.03 only. The LABEL='NTTUDP: ...' should have been 
VMACNTSM       'NTUDP: ...', as the DDDDDD portion of the label is used 
Aug 15, 1998   to drive the _S sort macros.                             
   Thanks to Greg Jackson, National Life of Vermont, USA.               
======Changes thru 16.171 were in MXG 16.03B4 dated Aug 11, 1998======  
Change 16.171  Support for IMS Log processing for IMS 6.1.  As stated in
ASMIMSL6       MXG Newsletter TWENTY-FIVE, this code is not officially  
JCLIMSL6       supported.  This code has not been fully tested, but the 
VMACIMSA       ASMIMSL6 program's output was read, and the VMACIMSA code
Aug 11, 1998   changes to the 07 and 08 record were lifted from VMACIMS.
               I have high hopes this code will work without problem,   
               but plan validation against IMF records in September,    
               as I ran out of time to squeeze this code in as it is!   
               The logic in ASMIMSL6 stores the MSC time for ARRTIME    
               when there is an MSC segment, which I think is a change  
               from ASMIMSL5 - does it make any difference in your data?
   Thanks to Dario Franceschi, Nordbanken, SWEDEN.                      
   Thanks to Sal Fazio, IBM Global Services, USA.                       
Change 16.170  Support for the NCR Teradata DBS performance data.  This 
ADOCTDTA       user contribution works, and even has documentation in   
JCLTDTA        ADOCTDTA, and the JCL will need to be tailored.  This    
TYPETDTA       was added to MXG 16.03B4 at the last minute and has not  
Aug 11, 1998   yet been added to the MXG QA stream.                     
Nov 12, 1998   Nov 18:  Members JCLTDTA and TYPETDTA actually added!    
   Thanks to Richard S. Ralston, Whirlpool Corporation, USA.            
Change 16.169  Member ASUMTALO did not copy SPIN.SPINTALO into the PDB  
ASUMTALO       library for backup, but it should have, so I added:      
               BUILDPDB has backed-up its SPIN datasets into the PDB    
               since Version 8, and all MXG components that use the     
               SPIN library will now also backup their SPIN datasets.   
               Why backup the SPIN library?  Because if your daily PDB  
               job fails, you can recover by copying all of the SPINxxxx
               datasets from your last good PDB library into your //SPIN
               library:  PROC COPY IN=PDB OUT=SPIN; SELECT SPIN:;  and  
               then pick up processing with the SMF data from the day   
               after the last good PDB was built!                       
   Thanks to Kevin Marsh, AT&T Solutions EMEA, ENGLAND.                 
   Thanks to David Ehresman, University of Louisville, USA.             
Change 16.168  Variable SMF88RAT was described in Change 13.156, but was
VMAC88         not created in dataset TYPE88 until this change.         
Aug 11, 1998                                                            
   Thanks to Martin Peck, iT-Austria, AUSTRIA.                          
Change 16.167  Minor.  Cleaned up VMACUNIK so it will execute under MVS,
VMACUNIK       just for MXG test stream.  The real member for UNIKIX on 
JCLQAJOB       MVS is unchanged, VMACUNIA.                              
Aug  8, 1998                                                            
Change 16.166  Variables SMSHWMDS 'HWM SIZE' and SMSHWMDT 'HWM TOTAL'   
ANALCISH       were reversed in their INPUT statement; DT is first, then
VMAC110        DS is input.  ANALCISH reports were correct, because it  
Aug  7, 1998   used the wrong names, so now it too must be changed to   
               use DS for Peak DSA Size and DT for Peak DSA Total.      
   Thanks to Andrew Adams, Australian Taxation Office, AUSTRALIA.       
   Thanks to Craig Magill, Australian Taxation Office, AUSTRALIA.       
Change 16.165  Type 79 subtype 15 (IRLM Long Lock) records contain only 
VMAC79         two triplets, and IBM's documentation makes no note that 
Aug  7, 1998   there are only two, and since all other subtypes had 3,  
               MXG expected three.  Now, the number of triplets is      
               tested and only two are input when there are only two!   
   Thanks to Kenneth C. Jones, Boeing, USA.                             
Change 16.164  MXG's MXGTMNT monitor misses too-fast VTS tape mounts.   
ASMTAPES       Scratch Tape Mounts to VTS (Virtual Tape System) can be  
Aug 11, 1998   satisfied in much less than the 2-second sampling rate.  
               Tests at 1/2 (500ms) and 1/10 (100ms) will be made, but  
               the internal VTS log shows the Mount and Ready times can 
               be in the same .01 second.  It might be that the software
               delay can be captured with the 100ms sampling even when  
               the VTS itself thinks it took less time, but it may also 
               require a significant change to the architecture of the  
               MXG Tape Mount monitor - we may have to capture the Mount
               message as an event to capture these too-fast mounts!    
               There was no change made by this change, but this text   
               will be revised when the tests have been completed.      
               VTS is a pretty slick technology, even if it causes me   
               design problems in the tape mount monitor.  In the day   
               in question, MXG missed about 300 mounts out of 1200.    
               Note: Member ASUMTAPE was added after this change, and   
               corrects the need to reduce the ASMTAPE interval time.   
Change 16.163  Variables JESNR, INITTIME, and READTIME were INPUT but   
VMACTMNT       not kept in TYPETMNT dataset, so Mount and Step records  
Aug  6, 1998   can be combined.                                         
Change 16.162  This analysis is not complete, but the program matches   
ANALVTS        SMF type 30 DD segment for tape allocations, the MXGTMNT 
Aug  6, 1998   Tape Allocation SMF record, the MXGTMNT Tape Mount SMF   
               record, and the type 21 Tape Dismount record to construct
               a complete picture of each tape allocation and mount.    
               The program needs some cleanup to deal with long running 
               tasks and steps that span the time interval in the SMF   
               file (start-before-end-in and start-in-end-after), but   
               for events which all occur within the SMF file, it's     
               pretty accurate.  If you are interested, run the program 
               and give me a call - there are lots of ways these tape   
               events can be analyzed, now that we have total duration  
               of allocation and mount and usage and bytes read/written!
               The ultimate name may change; this program was used to   
               verify that MXGTMNT was missing Virtual Tape System tape 
               mounts - see Change 16.163 and 16.165.                   
   Thanks to Chuck Olsen, Alltel, USA.                                  
   Thanks to Ken Lamonda, Alltel, USA.                                  
Change 16.161  Variables ALOCTIME and LOADTIME were added to the KEEP   
VMAC30         list for dataset TYPE30_D (a/k/a PDB.DDSTATS) to support 
Aug  6, 1998   the ANALVTS utility.                                     
Change 16.160  Support for Landmark's SQL/CAPTURE type 'D6' record adds 
EXTMDD6        three new datasets:                                      
EXTMDD6B         TMDBD6  - Base segment stats, CPU, counters, etc.      
EXTMDD6S         TMDBD6B - Per Buffer Pool counts                       
VMACTMDB         TMDBD6S - SQL Text                                     
Aug  4, 1998   Variable D6RECNR will be common for all observations in  
               the Buffer Pool and SQL Text datasets for each record and
               is the merge variable to use to match observations.      
               This was challenging: the SQL text field has either text 
               in ASCII or in EBCDIC but there is no flag.  I now test  
               the first character of the first segment for EBCDIC or   
               ASCII, and use that mode to decode the rest of the 100-  
               byte segments of SQL text.  Initially, I tested the first
               character of each 100-byte segment, until I hit a segment
               starting with '6D'x that is an ASCII "m" or an underscore
               in EBCDIC.  Using the start of the SQL text will decode  
               correctly since the start text is real text characters.  
               (And the '6D'x was actually an EBCDIC underscore!).      
   Thanks to Robin Tremblay, Regie des Rentes du Quebec, CANADA.        
Change 16.159  The calls for OUTCODE and OUTCODE1 exits were moved to be
VMXGSUM        after the calculation of DURATM so that its value would  
Jul 31, 1998   be available in those exits.                             
Change 16.158  A new analysis of SMF Write Rates (MEGABYTES at 1/10/100 
USMFRATE       second intervals) reads your SMF file and produces print 
Jul 31, 1998   reports and an export dataset to be sent if needed.  If  
               you have had SMF Buffer shortages, this analysis will let
               you know how much SMF data is being produced and how well
               it is being handled by your DASD and SMF Buffering. Read 
               the comments, run the program, and send the listing.  An 
               MXG Technical Article on this subject will follow soon.  
Change 16.157  MXG CONFIG member's value of VMCTLISA=40K can cause a 0C4
CONFIG         ABEND in function VMZGMAE that goes away if VMCTLISA=60K,
Jul 29, 1998   and the SAS default value in 6.09 is now VMCTLISA=160K!  
               That old value for VMCTLISA as well as old values for the
               and SYSLEAVE options were set years ago for SAS 6.06, but
               they are now deleted from member CONFIG so that MXG will 
               no longer override those SAS memory options.             
   Thanks to Lee West, Direct Line, ENGLAND.                            
Change 16.156  Variable R723CQDT in TYPE72GO was misspelled R723CDQT.   
VMAC7072       Now, both variable names exist to protect for past usage 
Jul 29, 1998   but R723CDQT is the correct spelling.                    
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 16.155  Support for BGS I/O Monitor Version 5.1.0 (COMPATIBLE)   
VMACBGSI       added new triplet to support of Goal Mode changes that   
Jul 27, 1998   creates new B1MONSRV dataset (I/O by Device by SRVCLASS),
               and the new version supports the year 2000.              
Change 16.154  ML-17 of MXGTMNT Tape Mount and Alocation Monitor adds:  
ASMTAPES       - SMF interval support; MXGTMNT now listens for ENF 37   
Jul 27, 1998     and automatically synchronizes to your global interval 
               - Initialization messages are issued when MXGTMNT is run 
                 as a batch job instead of a started task.              
               - Error recovery recursion was improved.                 
               - USINGs were cleaned up to prevent HLASM warning message
                 and eliminate CC=4 due to USINGs.                      
               Note that ML-16 was never generally distributed.         
Change 16.153  The CICS GMT offset value, MCTMNTAD, is only four bytes, 
VMAC110        causing it to be truncated by as much as 1.04 seconds.   
Jul 27, 1998   Since MCTMNTAD is added to STRTTIME/ENDTIME to convert to
               the local time-of-day, they were also slightly off.  But 
               now I see there is an 8-byte GMT offset value MCTMNDTO   
               that is exact and eliminates the truncation, so now the  
               variable MCTMNTAD will be set equal to MCTMNDTO as long  
               as the two values are within two seconds (to protect for 
               a zero value in DTO?), by the addition of the line:      
               immediately after the MCTMNTAD=1.048576*MCTMNTAD line.   
               (Back in MXG 14.14 I had tried to make MCTMNTAD exact    
               with  MCTMNTAD=3600*FLOOR((MCTMNTAD+900)/3600) logic, but
               but I had removed that approximation by MXG 15.15, and it
               was the comparison between MXG versions that provided    
               this opportunity to use the exact GMT offset value.)     
   Thanks to Andrea C. Schiro, Duke Energy Company, USA.                
Change 16.152  These archaic members that were needed only in the past  
VMAC110M       are deleted to save space and avoid wasting your time    
VMAC110S       reading their comments to find out what they were!  The  
VMACRRTM       VMAC110's were for SAS 5.18, VMACRRTM became VMACROSC,   
VMACZRB        VMACTMS became VMACTMS5, and VMACZRB became VMACRMFV.    
Jul 26, 1998                                                            
Change 16.151  Macro _CMFDATA was still defined in these members, but it
IMACCMF        has not been referenced in MXG since Change 7.119, when  
VMACCMF        Boole added bits by which variable PRODUCT could be set  
Jul 25, 1998   to 'CMF...' instead of 'RMF'.  The macro definition and  
               its now-incorrect comments have been deleted.            
   Thanks to Dan Worsham, Ohio Bureau of Worker's Compensation, USA.    
Change 16.150  Variable TYPETASK='A   ' for both ASCH and OMVS address  
VMAC30         spaces, but in those SMF records that contain the SUBSYS 
VMAC32         field, it contains either ASCH or OMVS, so it makes sense
VMAC42         to set TYPETASK=SUBSYS when TYPETASK starts with an 'A'. 
VMAC91         There are other SMF records that contain TYPETASK that do
Jul 23, 1998   not contain the SUBSYS field: VMAC's 434, 6, 26J2, 26J3, 
               BETA, CTLD, IPAC, NNAV, PROS, SFTA, TMNT, X37, XPSM, so  
               they will still have TYPETASK='A   ';  While both type 6 
               26 have a variable SUBSYS, it is not the MVS SUBSYS field
               but the PDB.JOBS/STEPS/PRINT datasets will now have the  
               correct TYPETASK value, from the type 30 records.        
   Thanks to Dr. Alexander Raeder, Karstadt AG, GERMANY.                
Change 16.149  The SHORT ABAR message still existed after Change 16.025 
VMACHSM        because an  INPUT @15+OFFSMF @;  is also needed after the
Jul 20, 1998   ELSE IF 15 LE FSRTYPE LE 16 THEN DO; statement.          
   Thanks to Alan Freed, ADP, USA.                                      
Change 16.148  Dataset DB2STATR contained repeated outputs of the first 
VMACDB2        QLST segment because CHANGE 14.195 was dropped somewhere 
Jul 16, 1998   after MXG 14.14 and was not in MXG 15.15.  Insert the    
               statement OFFQLST=OFFQLST+LENQLST; immediately before the
               END; /* END TRACE SECTION FOR TYPE 100 SUBTYPE 0*/ as was
               described in CHANGE 14.195.                              
   Thanks to Warren E. Waid, JC Penny, USA.                             
======Changes thru 16.147 were in MXG 16.03B3 dated Jul 15, 1998======  
Change 16.147  NETSPY 'N' records from old release 4.4 were dropped by  
VMACNSPY       MXG between MXG 14.14 and MXG 15.15, because I did not   
Jul  9, 1998   think anyone was still using 4.4.  The NSPYREC='N' logic 
               had been changed to use only NSPNRECI in recognizing the 
               subsubtype, but back with 4.4, NSPNRECI is always zero,  
               so I have had to put back the test for NCPELTYP and      
               NSPNSUBT to support these old records.                   
   Thanks to Kevin Marsh, AT&T Solutions EMEA, ENGLAND.                 
Change 16.146 -VMXGSUM syntax for the "DATETIME" variable was kludgy;   
VMXGSUM        you had to say DATETIME=xxxxTIME, and then use DATETIME  
Jul  9, 1998   in the SUMBY= list instead of the real xxxxTIME variable 
               name.  This was needed so that the variable DATETIME     
               could carry the modified datetime values generated by    
               VMXGDUR when you specified INTERVAL= and DATETIME= to    
               create a new interval value.  And, in order to retain    
               the original labels for the variable used in the         
               datetime calculations, you also had to use an ID         
               statement and then manually drop the variable DATETIME.  
               This change that logic; you no longer need to code the   
               name "DATETIME" in the SUMBY or ID arguments.  You only  
               need to specify the argument DATETIME=xxxxTIME, to tell  
               VMXGSUM what variable to use as the datetimestamp value, 
               and now you can use the real xxxxTIME variable name in   
               the SUMBY= argument.  This change is backward compatible 
               and will work properly if DATETIME is still used in the  
               SUMBY= list, but using the real variable name is better! 
              -VMXGSUM arguments TEMP01=,TEMP02=, and TEMP03= will still
               be used to send intermediate WORK files to those DDnames 
               (for performance or space considerations), when they are 
               coded on the VMXGSUM invocation, but now you can redirect
               the intermediate files externally, by %LETting the new   
               MXGTMP1, MXGTMP2, or MXGTMP3 global macro variables      
               to the desired DDname, before the include of the program 
               that invokes VMXGSUM.  For example,                      
                     %LET MXGTMP1 = TEMPDD1 ;                           
                     %LET MXGTMP2 = TEMPDD2 ;                           
                     %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(ASUMDB2A);                       
Change 16.145  Support for APAR OW31281 adds HSM statistics for RECALL  
FORMATS        RECOVER, and additional fields to the DSR and FSR SMF    
VMACHSM        records.  New DSR variables DSRNRCL  DSRNRCV in dataset  
Jul  7, 1998   HSMDSRST measure the number of times when RECALL/RECOVER 
               was satisfied by a tape that was already mounted.  New   
               FSR variables FSRDEVCL FSRDEVTY FSRDSMNT FSROFF83        
               FSRRECRE FSRSCNAM in dataset HSMFSRBO provide device     
               class and device type, the number of tape mounts that    
               were avoided thru recall/recover, flags, number of tries 
               to recall, and the Storage Class Name.                   
               The APAR also provided new values 19 and 20 for the      
               FSRTYPE field that were added to format MGHSMFU, but     
               values 15-18 have been skipped or are undocumented!      
   Thanks to Dave Cogar, U.S. Department of Transportation, USA.        
Change 16.144  Significant enhancement uses Change 16.134 architecture  
BLDNTPDB       to build daily/weekly/monthly/week-to-date/month-to-date 
Jul  7, 1998   PDBs for NTSMF data, with some simple reports implemented
               and more to come.  This member is documented in ADOCNTSM.
Change 16.143  One GRAPH of Tape Mounts had seconds instead of hours on 
GRAFTMNT       the x-axis, and GRAFTMNT did not accept SASGRAPH=YES if  
Jul  7, 1998   specified (but using the default SASGRAPH=, did work).   
   Thanks to Billy Westland, Litton Enterprise Solutions, Inc.          
Change 16.142  This utility, used only in JCLTEST6 to get 10 SMF records
VMXGGETM       of each type and subtype, is now expanded to expect 512  
Jul  7, 1998   subtypes, as DB2 type 102 records exceeded 255 subtypes. 
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 16.141  The DURATM calculation in ASUMCACH was revised.  Because 
ASUMCACH       the TYPE74 data can contain data from many systems, the  
Jul  7, 1998   DURATM could have been inflated by the number of systems 
               that shared that volume with activity.  Since you must   
               chose a single source system for the TYPE74CA dataset,   
               (in EXTY74CA), its DURATM is now used in ASUMCACH.       
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 16.140  The weekly interleave of ASUMDB2B in WEEKBLDT failed with
WEEKBLDT       wrong sort order.  The correct sort variables are:       
                   QWHCCV   QLACLOCN QWHCCN   QBACPID  QWACBSC          
   Thanks to Scott Snyder, First Bank, USA.                             
Change 16.139  Invalid CMF User "240" SMF record has 20 Cache Statistics
VMACCMF        segments (CMF27CCN=20) but only 19 Cache Device segments 
VMACCMF        (CMF27DIN=19); the device address in the 1st CCN segment 
Jul  6, 1998   does not have a corresponding DIN segment.  This is a CMF
               record error that caused INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED error, 
               but MXG now compares device addresses in the two segments
               instead of assuming they matched as documented, and MXG  
               circumvents their error.  Boole fixes BMP6301 (4.3.0) and
               BPM6303 (5.2.2) exist to correct the record, now that I  
               have circumvented their error!                           
   Thanks to Ken Williams, Sun Life of Canada, ENGLAND.                 
Change 16.138  Landmark CICS Version 2 native records protection added. 
VMACTMO2       A message is now printed if you try to read compressed   
Jul  1, 1998   records without having installed the EXITMON6 decompress 
   Thanks to Glenn Delvecchio, Stelco Inc, CANADA.                      
Change 16.137  NOTE: INVALID ARGUMENT TO FUNCTION SQRT apparently occurs
ASUMCICS       due to very small differences (9th digit) in calculating 
TRND72         the Standard Deviation as SQRT(A-B) when N=1.  A=B to 14 
Jun 29, 1998   14 places with PROC PRINT, but A-B is different in 9th   
               place!  Since the real STD is zero in these cases, the   
               logic now tests A-B for positive before SQRT() and sets  
               STD=0 if A-B is not GT zero.                             
   Thanks to Jon Whitcomb, Great Lakes Higher Education Council, USA.   
Change 16.136  DFSMS 1.4.0 added (compatibly) new variables WFSCPUTM and
VMACHSM        WFSRACCT in HSMWWFSR dataset, so you can measure CPU time
Jun 26, 1998   used by HSM for ABARS ABACKUP/RECOVERY processing.  If   
               you can figure out how to populate that WFSRACCT account 
               field, it might be useful too!                           
   Thanks to Michael E. Friske, Fidelity Investments, USA.              
Change 16.135  VTS variables SMF94VBA and SMF94VLA were mis-documented  
VMAC94         by IBM.  They are not the "Midnight" values of data bytes
Jun 26, 1998   and virtual volumes, but are the "End of Interval" values
               so their label was corrected.                            
   Thanks to Joseph G. Ogurchak, Westfield Companies, USA.              
Change 16.134 -The new &MACKEEP and IMACKEEP MXG architecture is here!  
BUILDPDB        "MACKEEP" Architecture of MXG-built SAS "Datasets"      
DOCMXG          Everything about the creation of an MXG dataset is now  
                fully externalized, and all dataset tailoring can now be
IMACXXXX        EDITed into a single member, IMACKEEP (instead of using 
TYPEXXXX        each product's IMAC), or dataset tailoring can be done  
TYPSXXXX        "instream" using %LET MACKEEP=   syntax, with no EDIT!  
VMACXXXX        All MXG datasets can be referenced using the new syntax 
VMXGDEL         &Pdddddd.DATASET  and you can use   %LET Pdddddd= MYDD; 
VMXGINIT        to change the destination to which a dataset is written 
VMXGINV         or the library from which it is to be read from.        
VMXGSUM         Member DOCMXG contains the following description, and   
Jul  4, 1998    additional discussion of the new architecture, and will 
Sep  3, 1998    be the primary documentation of MXG syntax and design.  
            "MACKEEP" Architecture of MXG-built SAS "Datasets"          
                         Fifth Draft Sep  3, 1998                       
            "Product Suffix"                                            
                  The xxxx suffix of the TYPExxxx/VMACxxxx/IMACxxxx/    
                  ASUMxxxx/GRAFxxxx/ANALxxxx members for a "product":   
                     Product        xxxx     Datasets                   
                     SMF Type 0     0        TYPE0                      
                     SMF Type 30    30       TYPE30_1,TYPE30_4,..       
                     SMF Type 74    74       TYPE74,TYPE74CA,TYPE74CF,..
                     SMF 110 SMF    110      CICSTRAN,CICINTRV,CICFCR,..
                     NTSMF          NTSM     PROCESS,NTINTRV,PROCESOR,..
                  An MXG "Product" is defined by its VMACxxxx member,   
                  which defines all of the macros for product xxxx, and 
                  defines all datasets MXG builds from that product.    
                  You run  %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPExxxx); syntax to read a
                  product's records and create all MXG SAS datasets in  
                  the //WORK file.  You run %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPSxxxx);
                  to read the records and create SORTED output, normally
                  into the //PDB file.  TYPSxxxx instead of TYPExxxx is 
                  now the recommended program to use for a product.     
                  IMACxxxx product members are now used only to override
                  the macros that you want to change.  Definitions of   
                  the Product Macros (_IDxxxx, _Nxxxx, and _Sxxxx) and  
                  Dataset Macros (_Ldddddd, _W, _K, _E, _B, _Sdddddd)   
                  were moved from the IMACxxxx into the VMACxxxx member.
                  Product IMACxxxx members are now only comments listing
                  the product's xxxx and its dddddd and DATASET names.  
                  Even better and also new, all tailoring changes can   
                  now be EDITed into only one place, member IMACKEEP,   
                  instead of having to EDIT a separate IMACxxxx member  
                  for each product.  (Your old IMACxxxx's will still be 
                  honored, but IMACKEEP is called after the IMACxxxx, so
                  existing IMACxxxx changes can still be overridden.    
                  And still even better and also new, especially if you 
                  don't like having to EDIT and SAVE a member to tailor,
                  you can now do it "on the fly", in your SYSIN stream, 
                  by %LETting the new "&MACKEEP" macro to change any of 
                  the dataset macros, including the Exit Member code to 
                  select which observations are written!                
                  And best of all, if you only want to change the DDNAME
                  to which a sorted DATASET is written, there is a new  
                  &Pdddddd macro for each DATASET that you can %LET in  
                  your SYSIN with this syntax:                          
                      %LET PTY74CA=TAPE74CA ;                           
                      %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(BUILDPDB);                      
                  to create your normal PDB, except that the TYPE74CA   
                  dataset would be written to TAPE74CA.TYPE74CA instead 
                  of being written to the default of PDB.TYPE74CA.      
                  SAS "Table Name" or SAS DATASET NAME, 8-characters,   
                  are defined in the dataset's _L macro.  Examples are  
                  TYPE0, TYPE30_1, TYPE74CA, CICSTRAN, PROCESS, NTINTRV.
            "Dataset Macros"                                            
                  _L, _W, _K, _E, _B, _S, one set for each DATASET, are 
                  defined in the VMACxxxx member for the product:       
                     _L - "&P OUTPUT/SORT Destination LIBREF" macro     
                     _W - "Work Library Dataset Name" macro             
                     _K - "Keep/DROP Dataset Tailoring" macro           
                     _E - "Dataset Exit" macro                          
                     _B - "BY List of Variables" macro                  
                     _S - "Dataset PROC Sort" macro                     
                  They can be overridden in &MACKEEP/IMACKEEP/IMACxxxx. 
            "Dataset Suffix"                                            
                  The six character "dddddd" dataset suffix is a unique 
                  string for each dataset.  It is used in the old-style 
                  "dataset macros", is the suffix of the EXdddddd exit  
                  member name, and is the suffix of the new &Pdddddd.   
                  The dddddd values are encoded.  For datasets starting 
                  with TYPE (TYPE0, TYPE70PR, TYPE74CA) the dddddd is   
                  TYaaaa (TY0, TY70PR, TY74CA).  Other datasets encode  
                  dddddd= yyzzzz/yyyzzz/yyyyzzz value with y= product   
                  and z= dataset. CICS 110's have dddddd=CICTRN/CICINT  
                  for CICSTRAN/CICINTRV datasets where yyy=CIC.         
                  Similarly, NTSMF encodes dddddd as NTzzzz, so NTBROW  
                  and NTPROR are dddddd for BROWSER and PROCESOR.       
                  The dddddd value of each MXG dataset is defined in the
                  VMACxxxx members, but the IMACxxxx for the product is 
                  the documentation of the dddddd and DATASET values.   
            "&PDB/&P macros"                                            
                  The seven-character Pdddddd macro variable name, one  
                  for each DATASET, defines the DDNAME/LIBREF to which  
                  that sorted DATASET will be written.  First, MXG      
                  writes each DATASET to the //WORK file, using the     
                  old-style substitution macro _Wdddddd:                
                     MACRO _Wdddddd  DATASET  %                         
                  MXG then SORTs from the _Wdddddd to the _Ldddddd macro
                  that contains the new-style &Pdddddd macro variable:  
                     MACRO _Ldddddd  &Pdddddd..DATASET %                
                  The default Pdddddd value, usually "PDB", is set by   
                  VMXGINIT at MXG initialization, so now you can use a  
                  %LET statement in you program to change the output    
                  destination DDname for a dataset:                     
                      //SYSIN DD *                                      
                      %LET  PTY74CA = MYDD74CA  ;                       
                      %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPE74);                        
                  and you no longer have to EDIT into an IMAC member.   
                  Most sites should never need to change much else!     
                  (Note that while references use &Pdddddd syntax, the  
                  ampersand is not used in the %LET statement.)         
            "Product Macros"                                            
                  _IDxxxx, _Nxxxx, _Sxxxx, _VARxxxx, _CDExxxx members   
                  are defined in the VMACxxxx member for the product:   
                   _IDxxxx  - "Record ID macro for user SMF records"    
                   _Nxxxx   - "_NULL_ all datasets in this product"     
                   _Sxxxx   - "SORT all datasets in this product"       
                   _VARxxxx - "Variables/Datasets structure macro"      
                   _CDExxxx - "Code to Decode structure macro"          
                  The _VARxxxx and _CDExxxx macros should NEVER be      
                  changed, as they are the heart and soul of MXG code;  
                  all tailoring macros exist precisely so that you can  
                  change MXG without changing the _VAR or _CDE macros!  
                  The _IDxxxx macro sets the record number for user SMF 
                  records, and must be changed in IMACxxxx/IMACKEEP or  
                  with MACKEEP= logic to read product xxxx records.     
                  The new _Sxxxx and _Nxxxx macros make tailoring easy. 
                  The _S Sorts all datasets, the _N Nulls all datasets: 
                      MACRO _S74           MACRO _N74                   
                        _STY74               MACRO _WTY74   _NULL_ %%   
                        _STY74CA             MACRO _WTY74CA _NULL_ %%   
                         ...                  ...                       
                      %                    %                            
                  If you %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPS74) or run BUILDPDB, all 
                  eleven TYPE74zz datasets are created and sorted.  Now,
                  if you only want the TYPE74 dataset, and you want to  
                  write it to the "TY74TAPE" DD name (perhaps, a tape?):
                    //SYSIN DD *                                        
                      %LET PTY74=TY74TAPE;                              
                      %LET MACKEEP=                                     
                           MACRO _WTY74    TYPE74   %                   
                           MACRO _S74      _STY74   %                   
                      %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPS74);                        
                  and only dataset TY74TAPE.TYPE74 would be created, in 
                  the WORK file, then sorted into the "PDB" default, and
                  then WORK.TYPE74 is automatically deleted.            
                  The %LET PTY74 sets the Pdddddd macro variable value  
                  with the output LIBREF/DDNAME of the desired dataset. 
                  In the %LET MACKEEP=, the _N74 invocation changes the 
                  default _Wdddddd dataset names to _NULL_, and then the
                  MACRO _WTY74 override "un-_NULL_'s" that dataset so   
                  TYPE74 will be created, and the MACRO _S74 definition 
                  contains only the _Sdddddd sort macro for the TYPE74  
                  dataset that you want created!  It's that simple.     
                  "Old-Style Macro"                                     
                  All MXG Old-Style macros start with an underscore.    
                  The definition   MACRO   _oldstyl   whatever    %     
                  will have "whatever"  substituted when SAS sees  the  
                  string "_oldstyl" at compile time.  "Whatever" can    
                  contain characters and symbols to be used as parts of 
                  SAS statements, or can be entire blocks of SAS code.  
                  If "whatever" contains a percent-sign it must be a    
                  double-percent in the MACRO definition.  As SAS uses  
                  the last MACRO definition encountered, any old-style  
                  macro can be redefined with &MACKEEP, or in IMACKEEP. 
            "Macro Variable"                                            
                  SAS Macro Variables are also used to substitute stored
                  text, but with different syntax.  They start with &   
                  when they are referenced, but that ampersand is not   
                  used when defined with %LET or CALL SYMPUT statements:
                     %LET  PDByyyy  =  value     ;                      
                     or inside a DATA step, you can use SYMPUT:         
                     CALL SYMPUT('Pdddddd','value');                    
                  For MXG's &Pdddddd macros, "value" is a LIBREF/DDNAME 
                  for the output DATASET, which can always be %LET.     
                  But for &MACKEEP macro, "value" can be anything from  
                  the (most likely) redefinition of an old-style macro: 
                    %LET MACKEEP =   MACRO _IDHSMDS = 240 %  ;          
                  to the (less likely) lines of SAS statements to create
                  new variables, select observations to be output, etc.,
                  (as when you tailor a "Dataset Exit" _Edddddd macro). 
                  If the text does not contain a semicolon, the simple  
                  syntax of      %LET MACKEEP =  value  ;    is used,   
                  even when there are % or %% in the value text.        
                  But if MACKEEP= value contains any semicolons, then   
                  syntax of   %LET MACKEEP= %QUOTE(  value  ) ;         
                  must be used:                                         
                    And, if the value contains single-percent signs,    
                    they must be doubled inside the %QUOTE function.    
                    And, in a new quirk of the SAS macro language,      
                    if the text contains double-percent-signs (as in    
                    %%INCLUDE in the _Edddddd Dataset Exit macros),     
                    those double-precents must be triple-percents!!     
                  CICSTRAN Example.                                     
                  You want to read type 110 CICS records but only create
                  CICSTRAN observations for a specific APPLID, and you  
                  want to write them (unsorted) to the CICSTRAN DDNAME. 
                  The product IMACxxxx member documents which dddddd to 
                  use for which dataset, but in the expected IMAC110    
                  member, it admits that the IMACxxxx for SMF type 110  
                  is the inconsistently-named IMACCICS member, and there
                  you find out that the dddddd value for the CICSTRAN   
                  dataset is "CICTRN".  Then you can use:               
                   //  EXEC MXGSAS                                      
                   //SMF      DD,DISP=SHR                  
                   //CICSTRAN DD DSN=output,DISP=(,CATLG)               
                   //SYSIN DD *                                         
                     %LET MACKEEP=                                      
                        MACRO _WCICTRN  CICSTRAN.CICSTRAN %             
                        MACRO _ECICTRN                                  
                          IF APPLID='CICP' AND TRANNAME='XYZ1' THEN DO; 
                           %%%INCLUDE SOURCLIB(EXCICTRN)                
                      %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPE110);                       
                  The _N110 invocation nulls out all type 110 datasets, 
                  so we then re-instate MACRO _WCICTRN so that it's data
                  is created, and by prefixing the dataset name CICSTRAN
                  with "CICSTRAN.", that dataset will be written to the 
                  //CICSTRAN DD instead of //WORK, so its "full" name is
                  The %QUOTE ( ) syntax is used to add a DO group around
                  the %%%INCLUDE, and any number of SAS statements could
                  be used inside the _ECICTRN macro in this better way: 
                     Note that percent-signs were increased by one due  
                     to the QUOTE ( ).  Also, don't use  "DELETE" logic 
                     in your "Dataset Exit" logic, because records can  
                     contain multiple transaction segments, and the     
                     DELETE would prevent MXG from looking at the rest  
                     of the transactions in the record.  Instead, always
                     cause an OUTPUT of observations you want and skip  
                     past the ones you don't want to output.            
               The preceding example was revised April, 1999.           
               The following text describes additional changes that were
               made in this redesign, and that is followed by discussion
               of possible compatibility issues with past tailoring.    
              -VMXGINV will "Inventory" a DDNAME with PROC CONTENTS and 
               will extract the "dddddd" dataset suffix from the LABEL  
               of every dataset in that library, so we can know which   
               datasets exist, with their "dddddd" values, so we can    
               auto-drive additional processing.                        
              -VMXGLBIN will initialize a SAS data library to match the 
               contents of an existing library, but all datasets in the 
               new library will have zero observations.  This is used in
               the first-time logic in WEEKLY/MONTHLY processing.       
              -VMXGDEL will delete a _W dataset by its dddddd token if  
               the library pointed to by the _Wdddddd value is NOT the  
               same as the _Ldddddd (output) library and dataset. This  
               is used after the PROC SORT to delete its input, but not 
               when you sort the output back into the input dataset!    
              -BUILDPDB/BUILDPD3 phases are externalized with new macros
               _DIFFDB2, _INTRMF, _INTCICS, and _BLD005 that can be set 
               to blank to bypass processing.  The JOBS/STEPS/PRINT     
               logic was externalized to BUILD005/BUIL3005, and all of  
               the _PDB macros are defined in BUILD005/BUIL3005 rather  
               than in the BUILDPDB/BUILDPD3/BUILD001 members.          
              -MULTIDD logic in old BUIL3005 was corrected (BUILDPD3 had
               been correct all along, and now BUILDPD3 calls BUIL3005).
              -New formats $MGDDDDD and $MGDDDSN map dddddd to dataset  
               and dataset to dddddd values.                            
              -New macro variables MXGTMP1 thru MXGTMP5 are GLOBALed,   
               defined in VMXGINIT, and default to WORK.  Their names   
               &MXGTMP1, &MXGTMP2, etc., are the "Standard" macro names 
               for temporary work space that you can set globally.  You 
               used to have to code TEMP01= on the %VMXGSUM invocation, 
               and VMXGSUM still honors TEMP01 if coded, but now you can
               use  %LET  MXGTMP1 = MYTEMPDD ; and VMXGSUM will use that
               destination instead of the //WORK default.               
              -LIMITATION:  If you use %LET MACKEEP= logic to redefine  
               old-style macros, you can't use %LET MACKEEP= again in   
               the same SAS execution, unless you reset the old-style   
               macro to itself before the second %LET MACKEEP= logic:   
                 %LET MACKEEP= MACRO _WTY0 FIRSTDSN % ;                 
                 %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPE0);RUN;                          
                 MACRO _WTY0 _WTY0 %                                    
                 %LET MACKEEP= MACRO _WTY0 SECNDDSN % :                 
                 %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPE0);RUN;                          
               If you did not have that MACRO _WTY0 _WTY0 % reset, the  
               second %LET would have used "FIRSTDSN" for the _WTY0 and 
               you would have %LET MACKEEP= MACRO FIRSTDSN SECNDDSN %;  
               and the second MACKEEP would not have changed _WTY0!     
               COMPATIBILITY NOTES:                                     
              -If you used a %INC SOURCLIB(TYPExxxx); program and you   
               also used the IMACxxxx to change the _Ldddddd macro, the 
               old version wrote to your modified _L destination, while 
               the new version writes to the _W (work) destination.     
               Circumvention/workaround/the way to do it now include:   
               a. Use:   %LET MACKEEP= MACRO _Wdddddd _Ldddddd %  ;     
                  to use your _L definition from your IMAC for the _W   
                  destination of the unsorted dataset.                  
               b. Change your IMACxxxx to override _W instead of _L.    
               c. Use new TYPSxxxx instead of TYPExxxx, to write to _W  
                  first and then SORT to your _L destination.  Since the
                  _S SORTS eliminate duplicate records, it is now MXG's 
                  recommendation to use TYPSxxxx instead of TYPExxxx.   
               d. See notes in member INSTALL, with examples of errors. 
               Status in MXG 16.04:                                     
              -Except for five products, (CRAY,FRYE,RSxx,SNIF,VMXP), all
               VMACxxxx members and TYPExxxx members have been revised. 
              -Some _Sdddddd "sort" macros still have a DATA step rather
               then the PROC SORT because I don't know the unique set of
               variables that will eliminate duplicates for that data.  
              -IMACs now contain only comments that define the dddddd   
               and DATASET names.                                       
              -No Beta site has had any real problems with this change! 
Change 16.133 -The summarization of NETWSEGM into NTINTRV was wrong if  
NTINTRV        there was more than one network segment instance.  Now   
VMACNTSM       the rate variables are summed and the maximum percent of 
Jun 24, 1998   any segment is added to NTINTRV dataset as NETSxxxx.     
              -The number of Physical Disks is counted and added into   
               NTINTRV as variable NRPDISK.                             
              -The instance field NETWSEGM was missing in the _BNTNETS  
               definition in VMACNTSM.                                  
Change 16.132  Revised utility that reconstructs VB or VBS data on MVS  
UDEBLOCK       that was uploaded from a PC file.  This utility creates  
Jun 24, 1998   one record per block, so if you intend to re-read the    
               output file multiple times, it would be worthwhile to    
               reblock the output file by copying with IEBGENER or SAS. 
               The earlier version did not always work correctly.       
Change 16.131  On UNIX, VMXGSUM fails because of UNIX forward slashes.  
VMXGSUM        The failure produces these messages:                     
Jun 22, 1998    ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL....   
                ERROR: The macro VMXGSUM will stop executing.           
               The failing statement is part of MXG housekeeping:       
                 %IF &SASSWORK NE WORK %THEN ....                       
               where &SASSWORK is a macro variable filled in by SAS     
               from SASHELP.VOPTION table that under MVS contains the   
               value of the WORK= option, which is a DDNAME or libref.  
               If your WORK= option is 'WORK' we do housekeeping and    
               delete work files, but if your WORK= is anything else,   
               then we don't delete anything in your library.           
               This statement fails under UNIX, because under UNIX, the 
               &SASSWORK value does not contain a libref, but instead   
               has a full UNIX directory pathname, with forward slashes 
               that here are interpreted by the SAS %Macro Compiler as  
               divide-by signs, which is invalid in this context, so    
               VMXGSUM fails to compile under UNIX!                     
               It might be argued that the error is in the SAS macro    
               compiler, but the real error was in not knowing that what
               is returned by SAS in &SASSWORK depends on the platform  
               on which MXG is executing.  For PC SAS, $SASSWORK also   
               contains a pathname, but since PC pathnames use reverse  
               slashes, so SAS had no problems in compiling under UNIX. 
               Although the underlying logic will never be satisfied as 
               written for PC or UNIX SAS, adding the %QUOTE() function 
               around the &SASSWORK string tells SAS to ignore those    
               strange characters, so this change:                      
                IF %QUOTE(&SASSWORK) NE WORK %THEN ....                 
               allows VMXGSUM to execute anywhere!                      
               I did test most of MXG in 1995 under UNIX, but that was  
               with an earlier VMXGSUM.  I do not run MXG QA stream on  
               UNIX, as I do not have nor intend to have a UNIX system, 
               and believe that testing under PC SAS, plus many happy   
               users running MXG under UNIX with no errors, is enough.  
               This is the first and hopefully the last incompatibility 
               between ASCII SAS platforms that has had any impact on   
               MXG, and it's because no one had used the VMXGSUM utility
               under UNIX yet.                                          
               Chris detected, diagnosed, and provided this solution.   
               July 9, 1998: See MXG Change 16.146.                     
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute ITSV, USA.                     
Change 16.130 -Type 70 RMF records contain an unexpected segment for    
VMAC7072       CPUs that were varied offline.  The segment does have    
Jun 22, 1998   CAI=0 (SMF70CNF) that flags that this CPU was neither    
               online at the end of the interval nor reconfigured, and  
               has invalid VOLSER ('E00000'x).  The unexpected segment  
               populated variables CPUSERn, CPUWAITn, IORATEn, where n  
               is the CPUID that the offline processor had when it was  
               last online.  Now, MXG protects for this segment by only 
               populating the n-th variables when CAI is non-zero.  The 
               PCTTPIn value was also wrong for the nth segment, but the
               cause was a missing ELSE PCTTPI=.;  clause to protect its
               value when the IOINT denominator is zero, as was found in
               these segments.  Fortunately, this segment had little    
               impact on important type 70 measurements, because all of 
               the CPU-busy variables were already missing or zero.  I  
               intend to suggest that IBM not write this unexpected and 
               wrong segment in type 70 records.                        
   Thanks to Martyn A. Jones, Chase Manhattan Bank, ENGLAND.            
Change 16.129 -A major revision to TMS/CA-1 processing was precipitated 
ADOCTMS5       by the discovery that the DSN in the VOL records is not  
TYPETMS5       always the true dataset name on that VOLSER:  for multi- 
VMACTMS5       volume, multi-file sets, the DSN in the VOL record of the
Jun 23, 1998   second and subsequent volumes is the dsname of the first 
Aug 11, 1998   dataset in the set of multiple files.  This meant there  
               were observations in TMS.DSNBRECD with the wrong DSN for 
               some VOLSERS.  If you tried to select all VOLSERs for a  
               specific DSN, you would miss all of the interior VOLSERs 
               as well as the final VOLSER that contained that dataset. 
               Fortunately, this past error probably had little, if any,
               impact on tape chargeback using TMS.DSNBRECD, for at     
               least two reasons.  First, these sets are usually backups
               of groups of common files for an application, so all of  
               the DSNs are usually owned by the same department that   
               you billed.  Second, since the BLKCNT in these bad VOL   
               records is always zero, calculated FEET or BYTES would be
               zero, so you probably zero billed the wrong DSN anyhow!  
               The Block Count must be zero in these VOL records (i.e., 
               for datasets that start with a DSNB) because the total   
               block count for the entire dataset across all of its     
               volumes is recorded in the BLKCNT in the DSNB record.    
               Unless CA-1 is redesigned to break the total dataset     
               Block Count into the count per VOLSER, we will never know
               how much of one volume is occupied by each piece of these
               datasets, but at least now you have the correct DSN for  
               each VOLSER which contains any part of that DSN.         
               The final SORT order of TMS.DSNBRECD is                  
                 BY ZDATE OVOLSER VOLSEQ FILSEQ CURR;                   
               where OVOLSER is the "Original, or first VOLSER of a set"
               and is blank for single-volume tapes, where VOLSEQ and   
               FILESEQ have been propagated/created by the new logic,   
               and where CURR is the (current) DSNB number for the      
               DSNBRECD observations created from DSNB records.  CURR   
               has a missing value in DSNBRECD obs created from VOL     
               records, and is used as a discriminate in MXG logic.     
               Additionally, the size of each dataset in TMS.DSNBRECD in
               bytes, calculated as Block Size times Block Count, (as   
               was TAPEFEET) is now created in variable DSNBYTES, and   
               the total size of each VOLSER in TMS.TMS is now created  
               in variable TAPEBYTE; both are formatted MGBYTES.        
               This is a major revision of the logic for TMS processing,
               and the gory details of the problem and its solution,    
               (which took three full days to figure out and implement),
               complete with example, is now in member ADOCTMS5.        
               The before and after runs with a 194MegaByte TMC show:   
                        TMS.TMS     TMS.DSNBRECD   Elapsed Duration     
                          obs       obs     vars    (PENTIUM II 350)    
               BEFORE   510,000     203,772   42    12 minutes          
               AFTER    510,000     203,765   46    14 minutes          
               so the added cost of the new sorts and data steps seems  
               minimal.  The smaller number of observations in the new  
               DSNBRECD is the result of removing the VOL records which 
               have blanks or " IO ERROR" as their DSN values.          
               The AFTER run with same data on an Amdahl millennium took
               15 minutes elapsed (and 9 minutes CPU) under OS/390!     
   Thanks to John Rosewarne, Telstra, AUSTRALIA.                        
Change 16.128  For NTSMF Version 2.1.0 running under NT 3.51, the error 
Jun 18, 1998   NTSMF record is missing the CPU Speed field in the 0,0   
               CONFIG record.  This change only inputs the new sections 
               if both VERSION GE '2.1' AND NTVERSN GT '3.51'.          
   Thanks to Jim Quigley, Con Ed, USA.                                  
Change 16.127  This member is still in testing, but now at least it has 
BLDNTPDB       been debugged and corrected and works.  More is planned. 
Jun 18, 1998                                                            
   Thanks to J. Wayne Holzbach, Reynolds Metal Company, USA.            
Change 16.126  Unused Change Number.                                    
Change 16.125  IMACKEEP was added at the end of the %INCLUDE list, where
TYPEIMS7       it had been overlooked.  Member IMACKEEP was part of the 
Jun 12, 1998   original MXG architecture, designed to let you override  
               the _VAR macros to change the contents of MXG datasets,  
               but that turned out to be the wrong way to tailor MXG,   
               because your _VAR override died when I had to add a new  
               dataset for that product, so Change 10.175 introduced the
               new way, by defining _L and _K macros in each IMAC for   
               each product.  However, I kept the IMACKEEP INCLUDE in   
               all members, just in case it might be useful to have a   
               common exit in the future, and its future is now!        
               That future is described in Change 16.134, but it was a  
               conversation with Peter that triggered the realization   
               that IMACKEEP will again be the right place, and that led
               to the &MACKEEP architecture.                            
   Thanks to Peter Enrico, Watson and Walker, USA.                      
Change 16.124  Variables SELAPSTM, the step elapsed time, and JOBCLASS  
ANALDSET       are now kept in both DSETOPNS and DSETSUMS datasets, so  
Jun 12, 1998   the OPENTM can be compared to SELAPSTM, for candidate    
               analysis for HiperBatch and BatchPipes, and so JOBCLASS  
               can be used to filter unwanted job observations.         
   Thanks to Lawrence Jermyn, Fidelity Investments, USA.                
Change 16.123  ROSCOE code revised to execute under ASCII SAS; several  
VMACROSC       $EBCDIC1. fields were changed to $CHAR1. and formatted to
Jun 12, 1998   $HEX2.  Fields used in binary tests, for example,        
               IF ROSREC EQ '60'X THEN ... failed when TYPEROSC was run 
               under ASCII sas with $EBCDIC informat, because SAS change
               the '60'X to '2D'x with that informat.  Using the correct
               $CHAR informat for these binary values fixed the error.  
   Thanks to Martha Wearen, Department of Agriculture & Food, IRELAND.  
Change 16.122 -Variables SYSID, APPLID, and SYSPLEX were blank in most  
VMACTMO2       datasets.  Change TMSYSID to SYSID, TMENAPLD to APPLID,  
Jun 12, 1998   TMSMFSID to SYSTEM, and TMMVSID to SYSPLEX.              
Jun 17, 1998  -The GMT offset variables TMENGMTO and TDENGMTO are now   
               input as &IB.8. rather than &PIB.8., like TAENGMTO, but  
               while the TAENGMTO value is almost correct, the other    
               two GMT offsets are wrong in Landmark's records:         
                Record    Hex Value In Record     Input as &IB8.6 value 
                  TA        FFFFFFFB CF100000         -5:00:00.90       
                  TI        FFFFBCF1 DCC00000     -20480:00:00:00.00    
                  TD        FFFFBCF1 DCC00000     -20480:00:00:00.00    
               Note that the TI and TD values are clearly shifted left  
               three nybbles, causing their invalid value, but also note
               that the TA value is truncated on the right, so it is not
               exactly five hours.  The correct 8-byte value should be: 
                            FFFFFFFB CF1DCC00         -5:00:00.00       
               Landmark has opened Activity 111176 to correct the GMT   
               offset; until a fix is available, the GMT offsets are not
   Thanks to Brian Sanger, Eagle Star,  ENGLAND.                        
   Thanks to Mike Wroot, SAS UK Customer Support, ENGLAND.              
Change 16.121  New NTSMF objects "Caching Manager" creates CACHEMGR and 
EXNTCAMG       "Packet Filtering" creates PACKTFLT datasets, and revised
EXNTPKFL       object "Web Proxy Server Service" increased the data from
IMACNTSM       37 to 56 fields, which are now supported.                
Jun 11, 1998                                                            
   Thanks to Leigh Ann Payne,Wachovia Operational Services, USA.        
======Changes thru 16.120 were in MXG 16.02 dated Jun  8, 1998======    
Change 16.120  New ERASEOUT parameter was added so that the output data 
VMXGSUM        set can be erased before creation.  For the TREND system 
Jun  8, 1998   this will reduce the size of the TREND library, since the
               old design created the new TREND dataset while the old   
               TREND dataset still existed, so the library needed to be 
               exactly twice the size of the TREND dataset.  Making the 
               change in VMXGSUM will not change the TREND dataset sizes
               until a later change adds the ERASEOUT parameter to the  
               TRND members.  The options are NO, YES, or DDNAME, and if
               DDNAME is specified, a copy of the old TREND library is  
               made in that DDNAME before replacement by the new data.  
   Thanks to Diane Eppestine, Southwestern Bell, USA.                   
Change 16.119  Preliminary support for IMS 6.1 Log Records has tested   
IMACIMS        the 07 and 08 records, so that member TYPEIMS7 is now    
IMACIMS7       supported (it counts transactions and total resources,   
VMACIMS        without response time, for resource accounting of IMS).  
Jun  8, 1998   There were massive changes in all IMS log records, with  
               new information as well, and more work will be done in   
               the next few weeks to the other parts of MXG IMS code,   
               notably there will be an ASMIMSL6 for the JCLIMSLG code. 
               This change includes the 01, 03, 31x and 35x log records,
               but none of the new variables have been added and there  
               is still much validation needed.                         
   Thanks to Dario Franceschi, Nordbanken, NORWAY.                      
Change 16.118  Tandem variables C0BLKS, C1BLKS, C2BLKS, and C3BLKS are  
VMACTAND       the cache blocks of 512/1024/2048/4096 bytes allocated,  
Jun  4, 1998   and should not have been divided by DURATM.  Variable    
               C1BLKSAV, average entried in the dirty queue should have 
               been divided by DURATM (like the other three measures).  
   Thanks to David Foster, Norwest Services, Inc.                       
Change 16.117  CODEPCT=150 is now the default, replacing CODEPCT=134.   
CONFIG         This is a compiler option that controls how much virtual 
Jun  4, 1998   storage is set aside for the generated program in a DATA 
               step.  If SAS's original guess is too small, it prints a 
               message suggesting a larger value of CODEPCT (usually one
               unit higher!).  By setting MXG's default to 150, that SAS
               message and user questions about it are eliminated, and  
               you may save a couple of CPU seconds during the compile  
               phase of BUILDPDB's SMF processing step.  You can also   
               eliminate the message (which is seen only if you have    
               modified your BUILDPDB to process additional SMF record  
               types) by passing CODEPCT as an option in your JCL:      
                // EXEC SAS,OPTIONS='CODEPCT=150'                       
   Thanks to Thierry Van Moer, COMPAREX, BELGIUM.                       
Change 16.116  Support for Candle Omegamon for CICS V400 SMF record 255 
VMACOMCI       subtype 203 sub-subtypes 1 and 2 (INCOMPATIBLE) added no 
Jun  4, 1998   new information but inserted blanks and FFFFs.  Other    
               sub-subtypes are probably affected, but only these two   
               were available at this time for validation.              
   Thanks to Steve Smith, BMC Systems, USA.                             
Change 16.115  The support for Landmark DB2 Version 3.1 (Change 16.097) 
VMACTMDB       worked fine with 3.1, but failed with 3.0 'DA' record,   
Jun  4, 1998   INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED, because MXG read in a number of
               fields in the 3.0 logic that are not in the 3.0 records! 
               This change deleted those fields and their INPUTs.       
   Thanks to Robin Tremblay, Regie des Rentes du Quebec, CANADA.        
Change 16.114  Processing ICEBERG and XCOM SMF records together cause an
VMACXCOM       error because variable REQTYPE is numeric in ICEBERG but 
Jun  4, 1998   was Character in XCOM.  Hoping that changing XCOM has    
               less impact than changing ICEBERG, I have change the name
               in the XCOM datasets from REQTYPE to REQTYPEX.           
   Thanks to Sharon Hindle, EDS Australia, AUSTRALIA.                   
Change 16.113  Landmark DB2 Version 3.1 INVALID DATA FOR HSRN is printed
VMACTMDB       on the log for record 'DE', but the output datasets built
Jun  2, 1998   are not affected.  MXG incorrectly tried to read the     
               "standard header" but the 'DE' record doesn't have one!  
               To eliminate the message and hex dump, change the line   
                 IF LMRKREC NOT IN ('DC','DD','DF','DW') THEN DO;       
               to read                                                  
                 IF LMRKREC NOT IN ('DC','DD','DE','DF','DW') THEN DO;  
   Thanks to Robin Tremblay, Regie des Rentes du Quebec, CANADA.        
======Changes thru 16.112 were in MXG 16.02 dated Jun  2, 1998======    
Change 16.112  Cosmetic.  If you drop variables from DB2ACCT and use the
ASUMDB2A       ASUMDB2A to summarize, UNINITIALIZED VARIABLE messages   
Jun  2, 1998   are printed on the log during the ASUMDB2A execution of  
               VMXGSUM.  These have no impact on the end results, and   
               are printed for those variables that are used in INCODE= 
               logic, but cannot be eliminated because VMXGSUM cannot   
               parse the INCODE or OUTCODE arguments for variable names.
               However, additional UNINIT messages that were printed due
               to the LABEL statement in the OUTCODE= argument are now  
               eliminated, by moving that LABEL statement into INCODE.  
   Thanks to Diane Eppestine, Southwestern Bell, USA.                   
Change 16.111 -MQ Series SMF 115 MQMBUFER dataset misspelled QPSTDWT as 
VMAC115        as QPSTDTW, so now (for a while) both variables exist,   
VMAC116        but the DTW spelling will go away in a future version.   
Jun  2, 1998   Variables QPSTID, QPSTLL and QPSTEYEC are dropped, as    
               they are always constant and should not have been kept.  
              -MQ Series SMF 116 MQMACCT dataset variable QWHCXTYP is   
               named ATYPE in MQ SMF documentation, but the values that 
               MQ chose for their ATYP are not at all the same as the   
               DB2 values for ATYP, and so MXG had to spell ATYP XTYP   
               in the MQMACCT dataset so that it could be formatted     
               for its values instead of the DB2 ATYP values.  This is  
               not a code change, but rather explanation as to why the  
               ATYP variable is spelled XTYP in MQMACCT.                
   Thanks to Richard Tsujimoto, Chase Manhattan, USA.                   
Change 16.110  Cosmetic.  The input data can only be the _LIDMTAS data  
ASUMIDMS       from the IDMS Perfmon SMF data, and this eliminates      
Jun  1, 1998   UNINITIALIZED errors in my QA stream.  Previously, there 
               were MXG-created SMF records for IDMS, and this report   
               would use either, but the old MXG monitor only ran under 
               IDMS Version 10 and earlier, and those records no longer 
Change 16.109  IBM has trashed the IODF Creation Date field in RMF type 
VMAC73         73-1, 74-1, and 78-3 records at least in OS/390 R1.3.    
VMAC74         All three records have two separate IODF Creation Date   
VMAC78         fields, and both have exactly the same character strings:
Jun  1, 1998        Field Names                format     data value    
                 SMF73TDT, SMF74TDT, R783TDT  mm/dd/yy     19/98/04     
                 SMF73TDY, SMF74TDY, R783TDY  mm/dd/yyyy   19/98/2004   
              This OS/390 R1.3 production system had never been tested  
              with a year 2000 IPL - I think the 2004 is an accidental  
              value.  Several APARs document the IODF format starting in
              back in 1993 (OY64585) and in 1996/1997 (OW15406/OW27552) 
              but there is currently no open APAR about bad values.     
              This error was seen in an RMF record, but CMF could have  
              the same problem, if IODF is creating a bad value and both
              RMF and CMF are simply copying that bad value.            
              The nasty symptom of these bad date fields are two SAS    
              messages, hex dumps of the several thousand bytes of the  
              bad record, the PUT _ALL_ lists of VARIABLE=VALUE for     
              about 30-40 pages of printed output.                      
              While we research the problem with IBM, I have changed    
              each  IF YY GT 0 THEN IODFDATE=MDY(MO,DD,YY) to now read: 
               IF 1 LE MO LE 12 AND 1 LE DD LE 31 AND YY GT ) THEN .... 
              (or YYYY for the TDY fields) to validate the arguments of 
              the MDY() function to prevent print of the hex dump/list. 
              Either way, with or without this print-prevention, the end
              result is the same: variable IODFTIME will be missing     
              until IBM corrects their records, but everything else in  
              the MXG-built datasets is just fine and dandy!            
   Thanks to Jean Murphy, Capital Group, USA.                           
Change 16.108  This "NTSMF PDB Build" example is still not in its final 
BLDNTPDB       state, but it is getting there.  This change removed the 
Jun  1, 1998   PROC COPY INDD=WORK OUTDD=PDB that was left from testing 
               (it copied unsorted datasets over top of sorted datasets 
               and caused DATASET NOT SORTED errors).                   
   Thanks to Carl Kyonka, Consumers Gas, USA.                           
Change 16.107  The PDB now PROC SORT's the other six TYPE74xx datasets  
BUILDPDB       into the daily PDB library.  Four XCF datasets (TYPE74CO,
BUILDPDB       TYPE74ME,TYPE74PA, and TYPE74SY), the OMVS Kernel dataset
BUILDPD3       TYPE74OM, and the IRLM Long Lock dataset TYPE74LK that   
BUILD003       should have been put in your daily PDB library now are!  
VMXGINIT       VMXGINIT was updated to define the &PDB74xx macro name   
May 29, 1998   for each PDB dataset.  See Change 15.320 for discussion. 
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 16.106  Enclave CPU and transaction variables CPUASRTM CPUENCTM  
IMACPDB        and ENCLTRAN from TYPE30_4 step termination records are  
May 29, 1998   now kept in PDB.STEPS and summed into PDB.JOBS datasets  
               with this enhancement.                                   
   Thanks to Brenda Rabinowitz, Prudential Securities, USA.             
Change 16.105  Support for the Web Proxy logs in Common Log Extended    
TYPEWWW        format adds new variables to TYPEWWW:                    
                 PRRESHDR PRRQSIZE RMRESHDR TOTALTM                     
               The left and right square brackets on UNIX have hex value
               of '5B'x and '5D'x, but when FTP'd to MVS, they become   
               'AD'x and 'BD'x, and if IND$FILE'd to MVS they then are  
               '4A'x and '4F'x, so MXG now tests for all three values   
               that have been encountered when these ASCII logs are     
               sent thru different ASCII to EBCDIC translation tables.  
   Thanks to Brian J. Farley, Reliastar Life Insurance Co., USA         
Change 16.104 -ANALCISH CICFCR report can cause ERROR: MORE THAN 32,767 
ANALCISH       VARIABLES.  The PROC TRANSPOSE and array logic that was  
May 29, 1998   used (so that one pass of the CICFCR dataset could       
               generate four reports) breaks that SAS limit when there  
               are thousands of CICS files. This redesign eliminates the
               array and transpose logic, with one pass of CICFCR for   
               each report requested.  We will enhance the redesign so  
               that only a single pass will be required, but that change
               is more extensive, and this change solves the immediate  
               problem of getting the reports printed.                  
              -CICJCR report can cause ERROR: MORE THAN 10 LINK         
               STATEMENTS HAVE BEEN EXECUTED.  The LINK HEAD;           
               logic was eliminated.                                    
   Thanks to Eain Aronott, Toronto Dominion Bank, CANADA.               
   Thanks to Ian Mackay  ,Royal Bank of Scotland, SCOTLAND.             
Change 16.103  Deleted change.                                          
Change 16.102  Support for Raptor Systems' Eagle V4.0 Log Message 121   
EXEAG121       is decoded into dataset EAGLE121 with information on the 
IHDREAGL       individual connections thru that UNIX firewall product.  
IMACEAGL       EAGLE121 contains duration, type of service, source and  
TYPEEAGL       destination IP addresses (with port number), url and the 
VMACEAGL       filename accessed, and bytes sent and received, etc.  The
May 28, 1998   other log messages are output into dataset EAGLEOTH with 
               the MSGID and LOGTIME and other header variables.        
               The MXG support reads the Version 4.0 records that were  
               created by Raptor Systems' FLATTEN program.  While those 
               records are created on UNIX, MXG can read them either as 
               native ASCII records if you run MXG under ASCII SAS, or  
               you can ship the records to your MVS system (translating 
               them to EBCDIC in the process) and run MXG there.        
               FLATTEN records have a header of fixed fields that are   
               delimited by '09'x on ASCII (which becomes '05'x on MVS) 
               and then a series of field1=value1 field2=value2 ...     
               that are delimited by blanks, and then an undocumented   
               set of six numeric fields containing one byte of zero    
               in ASCII/EBCDIC that is delimited by '09'x/'05'x.  While 
               the SAS NAMED INPUT technique is meant to handle data    
               like the field1=value1 series, it could not be used here 
               for two reasons: a) one of the data fields (ARG, which is
               the full url and filename) can contain equal signs, which
               would prematurely terminate its input and truncate its   
               value, and b) once SAS starts NAMED INPUT in a record,   
               there can be no following fields.  So MXG instead must   
               parse and test the name field for each field.            
               These records look useful for tracking firewall accesses 
               but there are some quirks in the data.  First, not all of
               the fields in Table 6 in the Eagle Configuration Guide   
               V4.0 are in each record.  In particular, USER and AUTH   
               appear infrequently (only 98 of 1658 records had them),  
               and there are some blank values for OP(10), PROTO(59),   
               RESULT(124), and SRCIF(7).                               
               Most records end with the two fields RESULT and PROTO and
               the six numeric fields:                                  
                           result="200 OK" proto=http.      
               but some records instead have a date value following the 
               result= field, and there is no proto= field:             
                           result="200 OK" 05/18/1998. 320  
                    ZONE  2767767323332442233233233330303030303030      
                    NUMR  02535C4D22000FB2005F18F19989090909090909      
               and some records seem to have trashed the second quote:  
                     280  result="200 Docume05/18/1998. 320 
                    ZONE  76776732333246676633233233330303030303030     
                    NUMR  2535C4D220004F35D505F18F19989090909090909     
               MXG has additional logic to handle these anomalies.      
               These values for RESULT have been found in data.  Note   
               the real joy of UNIX programmers who have five different 
               case sensitive spellings for RESULT 304 and conflicting  
               meanings for RESULT 200 and other RESULT values!         
                           RESULT value                    Count        
                     blank or incomplete double-quote        124        
                     "200 Document follows"                   36        
                     "200 File data follows"                   2        
                     "200 OK"                                881        
                     "204 No content"                         28        
                     "302 Found"                               4        
                     "302 Moved Temporarily"                  12        
                     "302 Object Moved"                        3        
                     "302 Object moved"                        5        
                     "302 Redirection, oh yay"                 1        
                     "304 File Has Not Been Modifed"           8        
                     "304 NM"                                 40        
                     "304 Not Modified"                      183        
                     "304 Not modified"                        2        
                     "304 Use local copy"                    186        
                     "403 Forbidden"                           3        
                     "404 File not found"                      3        
                     "404 Hostname lookup failure"             5        
                     "404 Not Found"                           2        
                     "404 Not found"                           3        
                     "404 Object Not Found"                    6        
                     "500 Internal Server Error"               2        
                     "500 Unable to connect to remote          6        
                     "Not HTTP/1.0 response"                 113        
   Thanks to Brian Harvey, Navistar International, USA.                 
Change 16.101  Support for TME 10 NetView for OS/390 V1 R1 SMF type 38  
EXTY3801       record creates these new datasets:                       
EXTY3802        TYPE3801 Command Authorization Table       subtype 1    
EXTY3803        TYPE3802 Task Resource Utilization Data    subtype 2    
IMAC38          TYPE3803 Span Authorization Table          subtype 3    
VMAC38         but only the TYPE3802 has been tested with data.  The    
Jun  1, 1998   NAME column is missing in tables 45-50 for subtype 3 in  
Jul 16, 1998   IBM's "Application Programmers Guide" SC31-8223-01, but  
               IBM provided the DSECT so MXG variable names match!      
               In addition, this product is NOT Year 2000 Compliant,    
               as the date fields in the subtype 1 and 3 are in the     
               MM/DD/YY HH:MM:SS format!  As usual, however, MXG will   
               protect the YY using the 1959 windowing technique.       
               Note that many of the raw data fields contained units of 
               KB per minute, but they have been converted to bytes per 
               second and formatted with MGBYTES format so they will    
               print rates in bytes, KB, MB, etc, per second, to be more
               consistent with the rest of MXG than this narrow world   
               that measures per minute.  Also, I/O rates were converted
               to rates per second versus per minute, and all rates have
               "per sec" in the label to make it clear.                 
   Thanks to Leo Meyer, Humana, Inc, USA.                               
Change 16.100  The NON-FATAL STRUCTURE MISMATCH message that I thought  
VMAC74         I had eliminated in Change 16.032 can still show up.  The
May 27, 1998   tests R744SFLG EQ '00......'B and R744SFLG NE '00......'B
               was added because that value was observed in data, but   
               those tests must be changed to                           
                     R744SFLG EQ '0.......'B and R744SFLG NE '0.......'B
               because when the structure is not online (EQ 0) there    
               never will be a match, so there is no message to print.  
               Only if there is a mismatch AND the structure was online 
               at the end of interval, will the message now print.      
   Thanks to Gary L. Beers, Boeing Information & Support Services, USA. 
Change 16.099  Support for MQ Series Version 1 Release 2 (INCOMPATIBLE, 
VMAC115        but only for dataset MQMLOG, Log Manager Statistics,     
May 26, 1998   which will have missing values for all of the QJSTxxxx   
               variables without this change).  New variable QJSTLLCP   
               was added to dataset MQMLOG by the new version.          
               There were no changes to the type 116 SMF record in 1.2. 
               Note that previous MQM Version numbers were 1.2 and 1.4, 
               but those were really 1.1.2 and 1.1.4 and this new one,  
               Version 1 Release 2, is really MQ Series 1.2.0.          
   Thanks to ???, ???, ???.                                             
Change 16.098  ANALSRVC reports CPU Percentage by Service Class for Goal
ANALSRVC       Mode from TYPE72GO (like ANALPGNS for Performance Groups 
May 21, 1998   in Compatibility Mode from TYPE72).  Two percentages are 
               SVPCTCAP - Pct of total Interval Capacity (NRCPUS*DURATM)
               SVPCTUSE - Pct of total CPU Used (CPUACTIV during Intvrl)
               For example, a SRVCLASS that recorded 1 hour of CPU time 
               in a 1 hour interval on a 2-engine CEC that was 75% busy 
               (TYPE70 was 1.5 hours) would have its SVPCTCAP= 50% and  
               SVPCTUSE= 66.6%.  This report was incomplete in MXG 14.14
               so Glen cleaned it up so it actually works!              
   Thanks to Glenn Bowman, Wakefern Food Corporation, USA               
Change 16.097  Support for Landmark's Monitor for DB2 Version 3.1 is    
VMACTMDB       INCOMPATIBLE (i.e., you must have this update to read    
May 21, 1998   the 3.1 records) because fields were inserted in their   
Jun  1, 1998   records.  New variables were added to these datasets:    
                   TMDBDA2 - 26   TMDBDAB - 18    TMDBDAF - 1           
                   TMDBDB2 - 19   TMDBDBB -  1    TMDBDBR - 1           
               The headers are now decoded for all records, but there   
               are additional data in some record segments (notably     
               the BB-BL family, and the DC, DE, DD, and DF) that are   
               not decoded until someone wants to use that detail data. 
               Jun 1: INPUT for DABGLCK comment line was shortened.     
   Thanks to Robin Tremblay, Regie des Rentes du Quebec, CANADA.        
Change 16.096  The Structure Type Identifier, variable R744STYP is now  
VMAC74         formatted with $MG074TT format:                          
May 19, 1998     '01'X='01X:UNSERIALIZED LIST STRUCTURE'                
                 '02'X='02X:SERIALIZED LIST STRUCTURE'                  
                 '03'X='03X:LOCK STRUCTURE'                             
                 '04'X='04X:CACHE STRUCTURE'                            
               and IBM has agreed to update the SMF manual to document  
               the values for that field.                               
   Thanks to Yanara Perez, UPS, USA.                                    
Change 16.095  The TYPE74 variable IORATE has been calculated by divide 
VMAC74         of SSCHSAMP (SMF74MEC) by DURATM.  SSCHSAMP is the number
May 15, 1998   of SSCH instructions for which pending, connect, and     
               actives were stored, and is returned by the hardware to  
               RMF.  But IBM uses SIO74CNT (SS74SSC), which is the      
               number of requests to the device and it includes SSCH and
               RSSCH instructions, to calculate IORATE in RMF reports.  
               I have changed to use SIO74CNT in the numerator of IORATE
               not only to match IBM, but because this will provide the 
               IORATE even if SSCHSAMP is zero (which Diane discovered  
               and is investigating with IBM and her hardware vendor).  
   Thanks to Diane Eppestine, Southwestern Bell, USA.                   
Change 16.094  The test IF &LOMONTH LE ZDATE LE HIMONTH; must be changed
BLDNTPDB       to read IF "&LOMONTH"D LE ZDATE LE "&HIMONTH"D; to avoid 
May 15, 1998   a 73-222 error when BLDMNTH=YES (the default) is used.   
               This member is undergoing revisions and enhancements,    
               and a new option FIRSTRUN= has been implemented to init  
               initialize the PDB, daily, weekly, etc., libraries.      
               but this will not be completed in time for MXG 16.02.    
   Thanks to Bob Gauthier, American Stores, USA.                        
Change 16.093  The test IF LENGTH EQ 1464 THEN DO; in the Interval CICS 
TYPEMON8       record is now IF LENGTH-COL+1 GE 212, because the fields 
May 15, 1998   starting with TIAPREQ are present but were not input (so 
               they had missing values in dataset MONISYST) in records  
               of different lengths.                                    
   Thanks to ???, ???, GERMANY.                                         
Change 16.092  CICS Statistics (type 110 subtype 2) dataset CICDS has   
VMAC110        four divides by 5096 should have been divide by 4096.    
May 15, 1998   The four variables for the fifth TCB, DS5TWT, DS5TDD,    
               DS5TCT and DS5ACT would have been about 20% smaller than 
               they really were. DS5ACT is a included in CPUTCBTM, so   
               it too was a little bit low.  Fortunately, although there
               are now six TCBs in a CICS region, almost all of the CICS
               CPU time is still in the first TCB (762 second out of 765
               seconds, for example), so the impact of this error in the
               fifth TCB is minimal on this CICS statistics dataset.    
   Thanks to Tony P. Steward, Post Office, ENGLAND.                     
Change 16.091  Landmark TMON for CICS V2 Converted Records do not set   
TYPEMON8       TAFLAG6 bits to "Detail" (because V2 no longer has the   
May 14, 1998   History or Summary records - all V2 records are "D"),    
               but MXG sets MONIRECD=' ' and then tests TAFLAG6 to set  
               MONIRECD to D,S, or H.  But with no bits set in V2,      
               MONIRECD remained blank.  The correction is to initialize
               MONIRECD='D' instead of MONIRECD=' ' so that the V2      
               records will always be "D" and older version's with      
               TAFLAG6 bits will set the "S" or "H" if appropriate.     
               Only if you have added logic using MONIRECD that expects 
               the 'D' will this problem cause you an error (but this   
               site had IF MONIRECD='D' THEN OUTPUT MONITASK; in their  
               EXMONTSK exit, to discard the old History/Summary data,  
               so they had zero observations in MONITASK dataset due to 
               the blank value in MONIRECD in V2 records!               
   Thanks to Tim Downs, CSC TMG Warren, USA.                            
Change 16.090  Four additional fields were added to the type 42 st 14   
VMAC42         ADSM SMF record that are now output as MXG variables     
May 14, 1998   in dataset TYPE42AD:                                     
               and the conversion of kilo-bytes to bytes now uses the   
               factor of 1024 instead of 1000.                          
   Thanks to David Ehresman, University of Louisville, USA.             
Change 16.089  Zero observations occurred, apparently because the INPUT 
TYPEVLFC       of RESTOFIT $CHAR80.  needs to be  RESTOFIT $CHAR72.     
May 13, 1998   The actual change was more extensive, calculating LENLEFT
               in the record and INPUTting with $VARYING72.             
   Thanks to Martin Lee, Safeway, UK.                                   
Change 16.088  Magstar drives have 0E8x for both DENX and TRTCH, but    
VMACTMS5       MXG failed to decode those values, causing variable DEN  
May 13, 1998   to be missing, and DEN is used to create observations in 
               DSNBRECD records, so datasets were not reported, and DEN 
               is also used to estimate the number of feet of tape).    
               This fix sets DEN=99000 for MAGSTAR so that observations 
               will be created, but a better density estimate may be    
               needed if length of tape is important.  However, with    
               compressed data on tape, the ability to measure the feet 
               used is non-existent, since CA-1 provides only the       
               uncompressed size.                                       
   Thanks to Trevor Holland, Telstra, AUSTRALIA.                        
Change 16.087  The &MAC50 statement was misspelled as &MAC40 in MXG     
VMAC50         15.15, but has now been corrected to &MAC50.             
May 11, 1998                                                            
   Thanks to Bill Shanks, BRBS Sema Group, UK.                          
Change 16.086  The UDKSCONT utility reads the output of PC DIR commands 
UDSKCONT       to measure PC filespace and estimate PC diskspace needed 
May  9, 1998   (considering FAT cluster waste per file), but the MXG    
               algorithms (which assume the space in the last cluster   
               is lost) are not exact.  My C: drive has 1546MB capacity,
               129MB free and 1413MB in use, according to Properties.   
               Issuing these five DIR commands:                         
                    DIR *.* /S         >> DISKFARM                      
                    DIR *.* /S /AH     >> DISKFARM                      
                    DIR *.* /S /AR     >> DISKFARM                      
                    DIR *.* /S /AS     >> DISKFARM                      
                    DIR *.* /S /AA     >> DISKFARM                      
               to get Hidden/Read-only/System files/Archive files.      
Change 16.085  The new support for Mobius InfoPac RDS View Direct 6.1   
VMACIPAC       in change 16.052 was validated, and minor changes were   
May  8, 1998   made to deal with the changed records: subtype 1 and 2   
               are same length but 2-byte century field was added at the
               beginning and a 2-byte filler at the end was deleted; the
               subtype 3 and 4 was increased by 4-bytes, and the revised
               code has been tested with both 5.2 and 6.1 releases.     
   Thanks to Clark Jennings, Reynolds Metals Company, USA.              
Change 16.084  The new calculation of RESPSTD should have used RESPAVG  
TRND72         instead of AVGELPTM.                                     
May  8, 1998                                                            
Change 16.083  The new OS/390 R2.5 Job queueing durations in TYPE72GO   
VMAC7072       variables R723CQDT, R723CADT, R723CCVT, and R723CIQT were
May  8, 1998   incorrectly multiplied by 128 when they should have been 
               multiplied by 1024.  They are in 1024 microsecond units, 
               but I carried down the 128 from R723CIOT, which is in 128
               microsecond units.  Also, R723CQDT was incorrectly       
               spelled as R723CDQT, but now matches the DSECT name.     
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 16.082  This ABEND report uses PDB.STEPS (because programs ABEND,
ANALABND       jobs don't) to produce a report similar to the example in
May  8, 1998   Table 27.5 in the MXG Guide (see member ACHAP27).  This  
               report tabulates ABENDs by Group, where you define the   
               groupings by EDITing the PROC FORMAT statements.  In this
               example, the variable JOBCLASS is used to define groups, 
               but any variable in PDB.STEPS (including ACCOUNT1, JOB,  
               etc.) could be used to group the tabulation.             
               This is also a good example of how to build table lookups
               with PROC FORMAT and report with PROC TABULATE.          
   Thanks to Kevin Clark, Amtrak, USA.                                  
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 16.081  The JCL parameter TAILORNG in the MXGSAS JCL Procedure   
MXGSAS         causes a JCL error with JES 3.1.3, because the symbol is 
May  8, 1998   more than seven characters, so it has been changed to    
               TAILOR to avoid the error.  However, one other site had  
               to remove both references to the TAILOR parameter to     
               eliminate a strange SAS 180 error, after the SAS         
               Initialization but before the MXG initialization         
               messages, that was followed by another SAS message that  
               the USERID.SOURCLIB was not a PDS when it most definitely
               was.  TAILOR is an MXG optional JCL parameter that is not
               explicitly used anywhere in MXG and can be removed       
               without causing a problem.                               
   Thanks to Tom Marchant, Wayne State University, USA.                 
Change 16.080  Multiple purge records can be created for JES3 jobs,     
BUILDPD3       but MXG logic in BUILDPD3/BUIL3005 did not expect more   
BUIL3005       than one purge record.  These JES3 purge records are     
May  7, 1998   identical with same READTIME, JOB, and JESNR values, and 
               only these variables are different in the three records: 
                    .     04:46:29            Y      STC      780       
                 07:53:00 07:53:00    Y              JOB      468       
                 07:53:48 07:53:48    Y              JOB      468       
               Most triplets had STC in the first record, JOB in the    
               second and third record, and came from started tasks that
               had run for a week, were taken down, apparently had their
               SYSOUT "dumped" and later had it "entered".  There were  
               also pairs of purge records with TYPETASK='TSU' followed 
               by TYPETASK='JOB', and there were many pairs with both   
               first and second records containing TYPETASK='JOB'.  It  
               looks like when JES3 "enters" the SYSOUT, it uses the    
               same JOB and JESNR, but sets TYPETASK='JOB' in those     
               subsequent purge records, even when the original "job"   
               was a STC or a TSO USer.                                 
               In all cases of multiple JES3 purge records, the first   
               record had LEFTDJ='Y', indicating the job left the system
               by way of DJ (dump job), and the subsequent records have 
               ENTERDJ='Y', indicating the job entered the system by way
               of DJ, so perhaps if you never use JES3 DJ, you never had
               a problem.  (There were purge records with LEFTDJ='Y'    
               and/or ENTERDJ='Y' that did not have multiple records,   
               but I only looked at part of a day's data.)              
               The problem with these multiple purge records is that    
               they cause multiple observations to be built in the      
               PDB.JOBS dataset, so I had to add logic to ensure that   
               only one purge record, the first one (i.e. earliest      
               JPURTIME) will be used to create PDB.JOBS, and the other 
               purge records create a new dataset DJPURGE for further   
               The actual change was                                    
              -add DJPURGE to the DATA statement that creates           
               TYPE26J3 from SETS TYPE26J3 and SPIN26,                  
              -after the END; statement, insert:                        
                 IF FIRST.JESNR THEN OUTPUT TYPE26J3;                   
                 ELSE                OUTPUT DJPURGE;                    
   Thanks to Brian Harvey, Navistar, USA.                               
Change 16.079  New format MGDECSR had extra quotes which caused a SAS   
FORMATS        "WARNING: At least one string was over 98 characters long
May  6, 1998   and had special characters and had to be truncated to    
               98 characters" that was overlooked (perhaps because that 
               warning did not set a condition code - I am now revising 
               the MXG QA stream to automatically detect any warnings in
               the PROC FORMAT step, even if it set no condition code.  
               (SAS does not always set a condition code for a WARNING).
   Thanks to Scott Wiig, US Bank, USA.                                  
Change 16.078  All variables with format MGBYTES are now stored in 8    
DOC            bytes rather than 4 bytes.  There were 2051 variables    
May  6, 1998   in 332 MXG-built SAS datasets with that format, but by   
               searching all members of MXG for MGBYTES, there were     
               only about 220 that had to be scanned and only 105 that  
               were actually changed.  Typically, the lines of the      
               FORMAT statement were copied into the LENGTH statement   
               and set to length 8.  It is the DEFAULT=4 operand in     
               the LENGTH statement that sets the stored length.  Some  
               report members that had no length statement did not have 
               to be changed, and code that only used MGBYTES in a PUT  
               statement in a DATA step were not changed, because all   
               SAS numeric variables are length 8 during the data step  
               that creates them; it is only when output to DASD that   
               the variable is truncated into four floating point bytes.
               See MXG Technical Note on this subject.                  
Change 16.077 -Under SAS V7, when you create an output dataset using    
VMXGSUM        the PROC CONTENTS OUT= operand, the lengths of some of   
May  5, 1998   the created variables are changed.  In particular, NAME  
Sep  9, 1998   will be 32 bytes long in the V7 output dataset, whereas  
               NAME was only 8 bytes long in the V6 output dataset.  In 
               VMXGSUM, we create a list of names in your arguments as  
               length 8, but when we merge that list with the output of 
               PROC CONTENTS (to verify the variables you listed are    
               actually there to summarize), SAS V7 raised a warning    
               message.  This change forces the length of NAME to 8 s   
               bytes, but was not actually made until Sep 9, 1998.      
Change 16.076 -Using the new ASUMTALO summarization with a version of   
ASUMTALO       MXGTMNT/ASMTAPES earlier than MXG 14.01 (ML-10, which    
May  5, 1998   was the first version that created the End-of-Interval   
               allocation records) created zero observations in ASUMTALO
               because the new logic did not validate that there were   
               any interval records to use.  Now the logic only uses    
               interval records when they are found in your SMF records,
               so ASUMTALO observations will always be created now.     
              -The LENGTH of variable DEVICE defaulted to 8 if there was
               no SPIN.SPINTALO (i.e., for the initial run of ASUMTALO),
               but the length of DEVICE in TYPETALO is 7.  Under SAS V7 
               this raised a WARNING message about unmatched lengths    
               of character variables when the new and old datasets are 
               interleaved, so now DEVICE is set to length 7 to avoid   
               the warning and its associated return code of four.      
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 16.075 -DB2 variables CLASS3WT and CLASS3TM (DB2 Class 3 wait    
ANALUOW        counts and wait durations) are added to ASUMUOW and      
ASUMCICS       TRNDUOW datasets.  These are the sum for all of the      
ASUMUOW        twenty individual class 3 wait buckets, for a high       
TRNDCICS       level view of DB2 waits in the ASUMUOW dataset.          
TRNDUOW       -The new wait variables added by CICS TS 1.2 (see text    
May  5, 1998   of change 15.274) are included in the ASUMUOW and the    
               TRNDUOW datasets.                                        
              -CICS variables SSQELAP, RESPSTD and MAXRESP are now      
               created in TRNDUOW.                                      
              -ANALUOW analysis reports now have MAXRESP on report 2 and
               both MAXRESP and RESPSTD on report 3 to show how tightly 
               clustered response times are.  New option PLOTIT= sets   
               the number of minutes between tickmarks on the X axis for
               plots of response time versus time of day (and uses the  
               specified STARTIME= and ENDTIME= values on the x axis).  
               If PLOTIT is not specified, no plot is produced.  If both
               PLOTIT= and GRAFOUT are specified and you have SAS/GRAPH,
               a graphics catalog named ANALUOW will be built in the DD 
               pointed to by GRAFOUT.                                   
              -Variables SSQELAP and RESPSTD were added to ASUMCICS and 
               TRNDCICS output datasets.                                
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 16.074  Change 15.320 replaced hardcoded PDB DDname references   
ANALBLSR       with &PDBMXG macro variables to externalize the DDname,  
VMACFRYE       but these members had wrong syntax.  In ANALBLSR &PDBMXG 
XDB2LOCK       was changed back to &PDB because the usage was inside a  
XNALCACH       %MACRO with a PDB= operand, while VMACFRYE had PDBMXG    
ZGRAFRMF       changed to &PDBMXG; the other three disused members were 
May  5, 1998   corrected for consistency but are not actively used.     
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 16.073  INVALID DATA FOR TMMDMODL message is printed because the 
TYPEMON8       INPUT  TMMDMODL   &NUM.2. should be TMMDMODL ?? &NUM.2.  
May  5, 1998   Add the ?? modifier to suppress printing of the message  
               and hex dump when invalid data is attempted to be INPUT. 
               MXG's logic to detect whether this Landmark record has YY
               or YYYY dates knows that TMMDMODL will be invalid (and   
               hence set to missing value) for the non-Y2K compliant    
               records, and so it rereads TMMDMODL as &PIB.2.  when     
               TMMDMODL is missing, and so the datasets built by        
               TYPEMON8 were just fine.  I just forgot to add the ??    
               modifier to eliminate the unnecessary print messages.    
   Thanks to Diane DePasquale, CSC TMG Warren, USA.                     
Change 16.072  Old variables FSPCBTRP FSPCBTRT FSPCCOLP and FSPCCOLT in 
VMACICE        dataset ICEBRGSY are renamed to FSBYxxxx because the FSPC
May  5, 1998   prefix is was intended for percentages, not storage size,
               and FSPCCOLP and FSPCCOLT already existed in ICEBRGUT,   
               and their label and format was overlaying the ICEBRGSY   
               variables.  The FSBYxxxx variables are formatted MGBYTES.
   Thanks to Ken Williams, Sun Life of Canada, ENGLAND.                 
Change 16.071  This new program merges VSAM type 62 and 64 SMF records  
ANAL6264       to add OPENTIME to each CLOSE record.  Dataset VSAMOPEN  
May  4, 1998   has an observation for each open from each job for each  
               VSAM ENTRNAME.                                           
               The ENTRNAME in the OPEN record will end with blanks,    
               'CLUSTER', 'CL', or 'BASE', but its corresponding CLOSE  
               records for that open end will end with blanks, 'DATA',  
               'DT', 'INDEX', or 'IX'. MXG strips the "last" part of the
               ENTRNAME, merging on the stripped name, and stores the   
               "last" part in variable LAST.                            
               For CLOSE (64s) without an OPEN, the OPENTIME is set to  
               the minimum SMF time of the 62/64s on that system, and   
               for OPEN (62s) without a matching CLOSE, their SMFTIME is
               set to the maximum SMF time found.  Variable OPENTM is   
               created only for a match-up.  Close-without-open will    
               have OPENTM=. and ID=64, while open-without-close will   
               have OPENTM=. and ID=62 in the VSAMOPEN dataset.         
               There are often four close records for each open; I guess
               the Data and Index are closed, and then when the Cluster 
               is closed, there is a second pair for the Data and Index.
               This is work in progress, and the efficiency of the merge
               will be enhanced.  One consideration is using the output 
               dataset to measure availability of VSAM production       
               datasets, so there will likely be revisions to ANAL6264. 
   Thanks to Rachel Quiroz Holt, Fidelity Systems, USA.                 
Change 16.070  New utility likely to be needed only by me. UTILBHEX will
UTILBHEX       build a file of readable SMF records from an email of the
May  4, 1998   SYSOUT print file of the SAS log that contains the hex   
               dump of SMF record(s) that were printed by the "LIST"    
               statement, or were printed when "INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED
               RECORD" errors occur.  That automatic hex dump on the SAS
               log has been invaluable in resolving errors, incompatible
               records and new product validation, and I still rely on  
               the dump, but debugging a problem in CICS type 110 SMF   
               records with excluded fields plus optional segments was  
               made much easier by writing this utility to create the   
               record and then enabling the debugging logic in MXG code.
               While member SENDDATA provides instructions by which you 
               can re-read the SMF data and create an SMF file on MVS to
               then be downloaded, zipped, and emailed, now, if you have
               an error and I need to see the record, you can simply    
               save the SYSOUT as a file on MVS, download it and zip it 
               on your PC, and then email it to me for diagnosis.  Also,
               member SENDDUMP shows how to produce a hex dump of select
               SMF records, and now its output can also be converted to 
               readable records by this utility.                        
Change 16.069  IMS log processing datasets now have _L, _K macros for   
IMACIMS        the additional datasets created by JCLIMSLG's TYPEIMSA,  
VMACIMSA       so you can control the contents of all IMS log datasets. 
Apr 30, 1998   New exit members EXIMSTRN, EXIMSBMP, EXIMSUNM, EXIMSMRG  
               EXIMS07I, EXIMSFAS, and EXIMS598 (and similarly named    
               _L and _K macros) exist for the IMSTRAN, BMPS, UNMATCHED,
               IMSMERGE, IMS07, IMSFASTP, and IMS5938 datasets.         
Change 16.068  Macro variables &PCICTRN, &PDB2ACC, &PIMFTRN and &PIMSTRN
VMXGINIT       created and GLOBALed to continue the externalization of  
Apr 30, 1998   DDnames for datasets created by BUILDPDB. I have decided 
Jun 25, 1998   on the naming conventions for dataset LIBNAME macros:    
                 Exit Member Name       Dataset Name     Dataset &Macro 
                   EXTYxxxx               TYPExxxx          &PDBxxxx    
                   EXdddddd               All others        &Pdddddd    
               All VMACs that process SMF records will have their       
               &PDBxxxx or &Pdddddd "Dataset &Macro" defined and set    
               with a %LET in VMXGINIT member.  All resolve to "PDB" by 
               default, except for the CICSTRAN and DB2ACCT (high       
               volume) datasets that are not sorted by MXG's BUILDPDB.  
               See Change 15.320 for further discussion.                
Change 16.067  Candle's Omegamon Version V400 for CICS/ESA 4.1 and      
IMACICDA       CICS TS 1.2 have two new optional segments added to their
IMACICOC       type 110 record, CANMQ with MQ Series counts and duration
IMACICOM       and CANWLMSC with WLM Service Class names.  These new    
IMACICOW       segments are now supported in new members IMACICOM and   
VMAC110        IMACICOW respectively, and member IMACICDA was updated to
Apr 30, 1998   add their include in the default order (MQ before WLMSC),
               and the new variables were added to the KEEP= list in the
               VMAC110 member (but no new variables are created unless  
               you remove the comment block in IMACICOM or IMACICOW).   
               As always, you need to run UTILCICS to find out which of 
               the segments exist and in what order in each region, and 
               and might have to update IMACICDA if UTILCICS shows the  
               order is different in your records than MXG expects.     
               Since I now have the DSECTS, I found that there are two  
               bytes of flags in the OMEGBSC segment that are now two   
               variables, OMDBWRN (DB Warnings) and OMGENWRN (General   
               warnings) added to CICSTRAN if you enable IMACICOC.      
   Thanks to Melanie Floyd, UPS, USA.                                   
   Thanks to Jon Taf, UPS, USA.                                         
   Thanks to Dennis Hancock, UPS, USA.                                  
Change 16.066  The MXG CONFIG option SASAUTOS=(SOURCLIB SASAUTOS) is now
CONFIG         used so that sites that have their own macro libraries in
Apr 28, 1998   their SASAUTOS collection can be found under MXG.        
               The earlier option was just SASAUTOS=SOURCLIB, which     
               prevented you from finding your macros in your SASAUTOS. 
               (Many sites concatenated their macro libraries and/or    
               the SAS.MACRO library to their //SOURCLIB DD.)           
   Thanks to Alfred Mueller, ABN - Amro, USA.                           
Change 16.065  The NPM format MG028VA decoded an undocumented '0A'x     
FORMATS        value.  IBM has confirmed the '10'x documented for the   
Apr 28, 1998   LVMATYP field should be '0A'X, so FORMATS now contains:  
                 10='0AX:PCT TIME IN BLOCKED RATE'  instead of          
                 16='10X:PCT TIME IN BLOCKED RATE'.                     
   Thanks to Paul Hill, Midland Bank, ENGLAND.                          
Change 16.064  In dataset TYPE72GO, variable RESPAVG is kept and EXETTM 
VMAC7072       is created and kept. RESPAVG is equal to AVGELPTM, but   
Apr 28, 1998   keeping RESPAVG, which was the name in TYPE72, will help 
Aug 14, 2001   sites migrating to Goal Mode.  The Total Transact        
               Execution time, R723CXET, is now kept in new variable    
               EXETTM.  Previously, only the average value AVGXETTM was 
               kept in TYPE72GO, and it was calculated only if TRANSEXC 
               was non-zero (because I thought EXETTTM was updated only 
               when TRANSEXC - when a transaction in execution phase had
               ended).  But Brenda found non-zero EXETTM with zero count
               in TRANSEXC, and Don Deese's current paper confirms that 
               EXETTM is non-zero for batch service classes, even though
               TRANSEXC is always zero for batch.  So now, not only is  
               EXETTM a kept variable, but also AVGXETTM is calculated  
               as EXETTM/TRANSEXC if there were subsystem transactions  
               terminating, or else AVGXETTM=ELAPSTM/TRANS if there were
               no TRANSEXC but TRANS was non-zero.                      
               For non subsystem transaction service classes (like batch
               and TSO), variable EXETTM now measures in Goal Mode what 
               was measured in ELAPSTM in Compatibility Mode.           
                  In debugging my change, (examining the missing value  
                  notes on the log), I found a line with PCTUSNDI that  
                  did no harm but is now deleted, and I discovered that 
                    SUMPTRAN=SUMPTRAN+RTSTRN(M);       /*ADDING*/       
                  not only eliminated the missing value notes on the    
                  log, but also saved CPU time!  While SUMPTRAN (the    
                  accumulated transaction count as I loop across the    
                  thirteen response count buckets) was always set to    
                  zero before the loop, if a service class had no       
                  response buckets, RTSTRN(M) was missing, and the loop 
                  ran thru all thirteen buckets, because the ADDING zero
                  to missing is still missing.  Instead, using the SUM  
                  function, zero plus missing is zero, so the test that 
                  follows (IF SUMPTRAN GE NRPTRANS) is now satisfied on 
                  the first iteration, so we bail out of the loop,      
                  instead of DOing it thirteen times!                   
   Thanks to Brenda Rabinowitz, Prudential Securities, USA.             
   Thanks to Carole Storby, LMCO, USA.                                  
Change 16.063  Support for OS/400 Version 4.2.0 (COMPATIBLE).           
VMACQAPM      -New QAPMCONF configuration GKEY values of 'CI' and 'SJ'. 
Apr 27, 1998  -New QAPMJOBS variables JBTCPU,JBTHDF,JBTHID,JBTHAC,      
               JBTHCT,JBMTXT, and JBSTSF were added.  The QAPMJOBS file 
               is now LRECL=812 vice 617.                               
              -The +52 after JBSJFG was changed to +58.  This change    
               corrects 4.1.0 variables after JBSJFG.                   
              -New QAPMDISK variables DSBGDR,DSBGDW,DSBGS,DSCOMP,       
               DSPBCO and DSPBU were added.  The QAPMDISK file is now   
               LRECL=346 vice 267. The variable PCTIOPBY seems to be    
               invalid, as the DSIDLC field contains very large values. 
               This needs to be examined further, and will be updated   
               if I learn more.                                         
              -New QAPMECL variable EMDUP was added.                    
              -New QAPMETH variable ETMDUP was added.                   
              -New variable XIADRN was added to QAOMIOP1-4 datasets.    
               Except for possible LRECL changes in your JCL, the 4.2   
               records were compatibly changed.                         
   Thanks to Clark Jennings, Reynolds Metal, USA.                       
   Thanks to Stuart Burnett, Reynolds Metal, USA.                       
Change 16.062  This revision to the RMF III VSAM assembly program adds  
ASMRMFV        support for the CSR, the Common Storage Remaining data   
May 10, 1998   segments.  This level 002 of ASMRMFV has been tested, but
               I have not yet updated the TYPERMFV code for the CSR.    
Change 16.061  The UTILCICS output listed UN98309 for any region, but   
UTILCICS       that APAR only applied to CICS 4.1; the fields added by  
Apr 27, 1998   that APAR are in CICS TS by default, so the test to set  
               PTF='UN97309' now also tests SMFPSRVR=41.0.  This CICS   
               dictionary-reading utility also now knows about the new  
               CANMQ and CANWLMSC sections and sets the ERRMQ=64 error  
               if CANMQ segments of only 64 bytes are found.  The early 
               Candle documentation showed 64 bytes, but the correct    
               length is 76; if you get ERRMQ=64, then your CICS guru   
               needs to correct the MCT length for CANMQ to be 76 bytes.
   Thanks to Melanie Floyd, UPS, USA.                                   
   Thanks to Jon W. Taff, UPS, USA.                                     
Change 16.060  Sterling's Connect Direct (formerly NDM) subtype "PT"    
VMACNDM        process termination data is trashed; timestamp variables 
Apr 27, 1998   NDMSUBTM and NDMSKDTM get INVALID VALUES messages, and   
               other PT variables are also wrong.  Sterling has an open 
               problem report, item PI-754129, but no fix yet, but now  
               called Sterling CASE 7916.  In 1994 there was a similar  
               error in "PT" in Change 11.326, but this time I found    
               Sterling Tech Support and received same-day service!.    
               But there was also an MXG error, as the INPUT for the PT 
               segment was off by two bytes, and there was a new        
               variable, NDMSEQ, added at the end that was overlooked.  
               Also, to prevent those INVALID VALUE messages before you 
               get a fix from Sterling, I inserted the ?? modifier for  
               each packed PT field.  The MXG fix to the PT input:      
               change LOC=LENGTH-21; to LOC=LENGTH-23;.                 
   Thanks to Brian Crow, BT, ENGLAND.                                   
Change 16.059 -Variable NWMSINRT was not kept in dataset MSEXCHIS due to
VMACDECS       mispelling as NWMSINRJ in the KEEP=list.                 
VMACNTSM      -Repeats of six variables in KEEP= list in VMACDECS were  
Apr 27, 1998   removed, though they caused no problem.                  
   Thanks to Freddie Arie, Lone Star Gas, USA.                          
Change 16.058  Changes made in MXG 15.15 caused ASMIMSL5 to fail during 
ASMIMSL5       assembly were corrected and the revised member was tested
Apr 27, 1998   with IMS 5.1 log records without error.                  
   Thanks to George Ellard, FEDEX, USA.                                 
Change 16.057 -The label for variable OMVSOPR in dataset TYPE30OM built 
VMAC74         by BUILDPDB was wrong, because dataset TYPE74OM also has 
VMAC78         a variable OMVSOPR, and the 74's label replced the 30's. 
Apr 27, 1998   To resolve the conflict, the type 74 variable OMVSOPR was
               renamed to OMVSOPRP to protect the TYPE30OM variable,    
               which could cause VARIABLE OMVSOPR NOT FOUND, but only if
               you use the TYPE74OM data set AND explicitly referred to 
               OMVSOPR in your SAS report code.                         
              -The label for variable SYSNAME in member VMAC78 was used 
               for all BUILDPDB datasets, but it had a typo.  The       
               correct spelling is IEASYSXX and not IESAYSXX.           
   Thanks to Randy Shumate, LEXIS-NEXIS, USA.                           
Change 16.056  Comments and INVOKEBY= were changed to ASUMCICX in this  
ASUMCICX       optional replacement for ASUMCICS (see Change 15.205).   
Apr 25, 1998                                                            
   Thanks to Jim Ray, Branch Banking and Trust, USA.                    
Change 16.055  Archaic FMXGUCBL failed under SAS 6.09, but re-assembly  
FMXGUCBL       of the member with the SETSSI AF010000 (as mentioned in  
Apr 25, 1998   Change 12.015), eliminated the 0C4, and by changing      
               TXTUC15 DC X'0015',X'0001',X'0003' CODE 15 - UNIT ADDRESS
               to increase its length from three to five bytes:         
               TXTUC15 DC X'0015',X'0001',X'0005' CODE 15 - UNIT ADDRESS
               eliminated the DYNAMIC ALLOCATION FAILURE FOR VOLUME xxxx
               with REASON-021C error on each volume.                   
               The SETSSI statement now sets AF010000 vice AF000000.    
               This member is archaic in that DCOLLECT is now the MXG   
               recommendation, and before that, ASMVTOCs had replaced   
               the very old FMXGUCBL.  However, it still works and      
               fixing it with a re-assembly was easier than re-writing  
               the existing reports to use ASMVTOC or DCOLLECT!         
   Thanks to Karl Schlichting, CSC New Zealand, NEW ZEALAND.            
Change 16.054  Cosmetic.  Now, if you try to use TYPETMO2 to read TMON  
VMACTMO2       records that were converted to V 8.1 format, member      
Apr 25, 1998   TYPETMO2 (which is for native V 2.0 unconverted format)  
               will tell you that you should be using member TYPETMO8.  
   Thanks to Diane DePasquale, CSC TMG Warren, USA.                     
======Changes thru 16.053 were in MXG 16.01 dated Apr  9, 1998======    
Change 16.053  Minor errors corrected after first MXG 16.01 tapes:      
ASUMPRTR       ASUMPRTR now %INCLUDEs IMAC6 and IMAC7072 to protect the 
TRND72         _LTY6 and _LTY72 macro names when ASUMPRTR is run as part
VMACIPAC       of the MXG QAJOB.  TRND72 had RESPSTD located after the  
VMACTRSN       the ending parenthesis, causing syntax error.            
Apr  9, 1998   VMACIPAC syntax error.    IF CC=. THEN IF .... changed to
               IF CC=. AND IF .... in four lines.                       
               VMACTRNS was deleted again; it was a misspelling that was
               removed from 15.15 but crept back into the first 16.01.  
======Changes thru 16.052 were in MXG 16.01 dated Apr  8, 1998======    
Change 16.052  Another INCOMPATIBLE Year 2000 change, the RDS 6.1 SMF   
VMACIPAC       record inserted two bytes to change YY to YYYY in four of
Apr  8, 1998   their five subtypes.  This change tests variable VERSION 
               to be NE 'V-1', but I have not been able to verify if the
               record version is actually going to be useable to detect 
               the changed record format.  At worst, you might have to  
               use a different SMF record number for the RDS 6.1 record,
               and change the MXG test in VMACIPAC that reads IF VERSION
               NE 'V-1' in four places to IF ID=nnn.  V-1 is in current 
               version records, but is also shown in the Mobius copybook
               for 6.1, so I don't know if they actually changed the    
               VERSION field or not.  Look for an update to this change 
               text on our homepage once 6.1 records have been created. 
               View Direct 6.1 is the new name of RDS / IPAC product.   
               See revisions in Change 16.085.                          
   Thanks to Clark Jennings, Reynolds Metal, USA.                       
Change 16.051  Variable RESPSTD, the standard deviation of the average  
TRND72         response of ended SRM transactions, is now created in the
TRND72GO       TRND72 and TRND72GO trending.  The default MXG summary   
Apr  8, 1998   level of PERFGRP or SRVCLASS can be changed to break out 
               each PERIOD, by simply adding variable PERIOD at the end 
               of the SUMBY= statement in those members, if you want to 
               see individual periods' data (so you can trend TSO period
               one, for example).  I cannot safely change my default to 
               a lower level without potentially destroying somebodys   
               reports, but you can change it for your site and then    
               add PERIOD to your reports.                              
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 16.050  PROC PRINT's that have multiple pages per BY group are   
ANALCNCR       messed up due to a SAS problem, a conflict between the   
Apr  8, 1998   NOBYLINE parameter (which permits us to make reports     
               prettier) and the existence of an ID statement with the  
               same list of variables as the BY statement (and we used  
               BY &SUMBY; ID &SUMBY; to make the reports even prettier).
               SAS Usage note V6-PRINT-6788 discusses the error, found  
               in SAS 6.07, but there will be no fix sooner than SAS    
               Version 7.  So, while the reports are prettier still with
               both the NOBYLINE parameter and the ID statement, I have 
               commented the two ID &SUMBY; statements, so you still get
               pretty reports, but now they will print All report pages!
   Thanks to Glenn Bowman, Wakefern Food Corporation, USA               
Change 16.049  Landmark's TMON Version 2 records that are converted to  
TYPEMON8       Version 8.1 format by TMON utility program TMONCNVT are  
Apr  7, 1998   now Year 2000 compliant, but the change was INCOMPATIBLE 
               so you will need MXG 16.01 or later is you still convert 
               your new TMON records to the old format.  Landmark also  
               replaced the TMMDCCLK field which was a series of packed 
               fields (0962821314185700 was 96282 13:14:18.57) with a   
               new value (B043AA3E81B0F701 now for April 6, 1998),      
               which causes INVALID DATA FOR D12 messages because D12 is
               no longer a valid packed field, and since I have no clue 
               from Landmark documenting this change (I have only a dump
               of the record causing that message), and since it is late
               at night and I want to wrap up MXG 16.01 before I sleep, 
               variable TMMDCCLK will be a missing value in these new   
               Y2K-compliant-8.1-format records, and the INVALID DATA   
               message is eliminated.  Fortunately, TMMDCCLK is an      
               internal datetimestamp that was not even kept by MXG.    
   Thanks to Tim Downs, WCI/CSC Warren Ohio, USA.                       
   Thanks to Mike Cezarro, City of Rochester, USA.                      
   Thanks to Kumar Thavakumar, City of Rochester, USA.                  
Change 16.048 -Support for NTSMF new Object SNA Logical Unit Sessions   
EXNTMSES       creates new SNALUSES dataset with the same variables as  
EXNTSNAL       in the SNA Connection Object (dataset SNACONN).          
EXNTSNAR      -Support for NTSMF new Object SNA 3270 Response Times     
EXNTWIDE       creates new SNARSPTM dataset with five response buckets  
IMACNTSM       R3270TH1-R3270TH5 with percentage of responses (whatever 
VMACNTSM       that is) in each bucket.  However, the values are the    
Apr  8, 1998   same for each SNACONNM value, so I believe these data    
               are still wrong in NTSMF 2.1.0 (which had to deal with   
               the people writing this object not following the rules   
               to write data correctly!).                               
              -Support for new MS Exchange Event Services object        
               creates new MSEXCHES dataset.                            
              -Support for the SNA Adapter SnaDlC1  (yep, that's a      
               lower case l, a upper case C and the numeral one!)       
               outputs to the existing SNAADAPT, but there is no        
               longer an SNAADAPT name field.  I reused the same        
               dataset because there never were any NTSMF records       
               created with the original name field + counters.         
              -Support for the WideToMBErr object creates new dataset   
              -The _BNT macros needed these variables added to the BY   
               list for the dataset sorts:  _BNTPROC has PID added,     
               _BNTNETI has INTRNAME added, and _BNTMSMC has CONNNAME   
   Thanks to Jim Quigley, Con Ed, USA.                                  
Change 16.047  Variable JCSPTOD in CICS Journal Segment was validated   
VMAC110        for Shared Medical System's journal data, but only with  
Apr  7, 1998   CICS Version 2 data. The CICS/ESA logic in VMAC110 still 
               had  JCSPTOD  ??  PDTIME4., which produced wrong values. 
               The logic from V2 journal was copied into the CICS/ESA   
               journal processing logic.  This error impacts you        
               only if you were decoding your own journal segments.     
   Thanks to John Croasdale, Barclays Bank Group, UK.                   
Change 16.046  New ASUM member to summarize TYPE42DS (SMS Interval      
ASUM42DS       I/O activity) by dataset to report total I/O to each     
Apr  6, 1998   dataset from all users, counting the number of users     
               using that dataset during each interval.                 
   Thanks to Simone Niemczura, FISERV, USA.                             
Change 16.045 -Support for Internet Information Services Global Object  
EXNTSMTP       Version 4.0 in INCOMPATIBLE with Version 3.0; the two    
EXNTWEBS       counter objects Cache Size and Cache Used, MXG variables 
IMACNTSM       CACHSIZE and CACHUSED in dataset IISG, were removed by   
VMACNTSM       the new 4.0 version of IIS.                              
Apr  3, 1998  -Support for Active Server Pages object's nearly complete 
               restructure, with 14 fields kept from prior version,     
               with 19 new fields added, and these 10 fields deleted:   
              -Support for new FTP Service Object replaced the previous 
               FTP Server Object, but MXG outputs into the same FTPSERV 
               dataset that was built from the prior FTP Server Object. 
               The only difference between the old and new objects is   
               that the new FTP Service Object has an instance field,   
               new MXG variable FTPSERVR (name of the FTP Server), that 
               did not exist in the old FTP Server object.              
              -Support for new Web Service Object creates new WEBSERV   
               dataset; this new Web Service Object logically replaces  
               the previous HTTP Service object that created MXG HTTP   
               dataset, but as many HTTP fields no longer exist in the  
               new Web Service Object, and as there are many new fields,
               the new WEBSERV dataset must be used in place of HTTP.   
              -Support for new SMTP Server Object creates new SMTPSERV  
   Thanks to Leigh Ann Payne, Wachovia Operational Services, USA.       
Change 16.044  The JCL example had //DB2ACCT DD pointing to the DB2ACCT 
ANALDB2C       dataset, but the default in IMACDB2 creates PDB.DB2ACCT, 
Apr  2, 1998   so the example now has //PDB instead of //DB2ACCT.       
               The newer combination of ASUMUOW and ANALUOW are really  
               the better tools for matching CICS and DB2 transactions. 
   Thanks to Alfred Holtz, Merck Medco, USA.                            
Change 16.043 -ASUMIDMS was touched up. Variable TASTTYPE and TASKTYPE  
ASUMIDMS       now have their length set as $1 and @26 respectively, in 
TESTUSER       LENGTH statements instead of FORMAT statements.  The     
TRNDIDMS      -TESTUSER was touched up. The hardcoded IDMSxxx dataset   
Apr  2, 1998   names were replaced by the _LIDMxxx macro names.         
Jan 19, 1999  -TRNDIDMS is a new contribution from Alan, based on the   
               TRNDCICS member of MXG, and provides IDMS trending.      
              -Updated Jan 19, 1999:  In ASUMIDMS, the line that read   
               TSKTIMUS=TASTIMWT; was changed to TSKTIMUS=TASTIMUS;     
   Thanks to Alan Deepe, Perot Systems, ENGLAND.                        
   Thanks to Richard S. Ralston, Whirlpool, USA.                        
Change 16.042  Using TYPERACF to read the unloaded RACF database that is
VMACRACF       created by IBM utility IRRDBU00, variable OMVSPROG was   
Apr  2, 1998   not created in dataset RACF0270, but now it is, being    
               INPUT @1050 as a $CHAR200 variable.                      
   Thanks to Randy Shumate, LEXIS-NEXIS, USA.                           
Change 16.041  Change 15.320 inadvertently changed the PDB to PDBMXG in 
UTILCONT       two places and lost an &, so this new utility to print   
Apr  2, 1998   the contents (in mega-bytes and obs) of SAS datasets in  
               a SAS Library fails.  Change both PDBMXG to PDB, and     
               add the missing & to  %LET PDB=%UPCASE(&PDB); .          
   Thanks to Rick Salazar, City of Long Beach, USA.                     
Change 16.040  Corrupted type 42 subtype 6 caused INPUT EXCEEDED error. 
VMAC42         The record has SMF42PDL=DFSMSV1R and SMFPDN='DF TP' but  
Apr  2, 1998   the rest of the product section is trash and the record  
               is longer than its triplets indicate is should be!       
               The INPUT EXCEEDED occurs because MXG did not validate   
               that the offset field in the PRODUCT section was less    
               than the record length.  To detect and delete these      
               corrupted records, insert this circumvention:            
                  IF OFFJDDS+LENJDDS GT LENGTH+1 THEN DELETE;           
               after the statement  LOOP42:                             
               The actual MXG change was more extensive, and will       
               produce a diagnostic message on the SAS log that the bad 
               record is being skipped.                                 
   Thanks to Melanie Floyd, United Parcel Service, USA.                 
Change 16.039  Year 2000 only.  READTIME in TYPE6 will be 1900 for a job
VMAC6          read in year 2000.  MXG's protection for CA-Dispatch's   
Apr  2, 1998   corruption of the first byte of julian date was resetting
May 14, 1998   the century bit to zero.  The statement in VMAC6 could   
               have been changed from                                   
                 IF SUBSTR(READCADI,5,1) GT '00'X THEN                  
                    /*CA-DISPATCH CORRUPTION FIX*/                      
                 IF SUBSTR(READCADI,5,1) GT '01'X THEN                  
               so both year 2000 and CA corrupt records can be processed
               correctly.  Following text revised May 14, 1998.         
               However, the actual change that I made was to remove the 
               protection for the CA corruption, since their current    
               versions must be installed for year 2000 anyhow, and the 
               MXG heuristic protection is just another opportunity for 
               a future error! This error would also have affected      
               BUILDPDB; the print records would not match the READTIME 
               of the other job records, so they will create separate   
               obs in PDB.JOBS with the 1900 date and only print        
               resources, while the real PDB.OBS with 2000 date will    
               have no print resources counted.                         
   Thanks to Arzina Merali, Alberta Public Works, CANADA.               
   Thanks to Joe Zelyas, Alberta Public Works, CANADA.                  
       Taught 3-day class in Dallas, Mar 30 - April 1, 1998.            
Change 16.038  Cosmetic.  Messages about INVALID SUBTYPE VALUES that    
VMXGGETM       seemed endless are now printed only for the first five   
Mar 27, 1998   records in this utility used to create SMFSMALL file.    
   Thanks to Joe Zubras, Pennsylvania Hospital, USA.                    
Change 16.037  Cosmetic.  Format $MG028ST was created by Change 13.072, 
VMAC28         but was supposed to be used for variable LSCDSTYP, but   
Mar 27, 1998   that was only accomplished now, with this change.        
Change 16.036  Nine instances of "=F" must be changed to "@" in this    
ANALMULT       example report; different character translation tables   
Mar 27, 1998   were used during transmission of this member.            
Change 16.035  Year 2000 Support for AS/400 was incorrect.  There are 44
VMACQAPM       instances of  IF YY GT 0 THEN ... that must be changed to
Mar 27, 1998                 IF YY GE 0 THEN ....                       
               and the four lines preceding GDES1=MDY(MO,DD,.... that   
               input variables YY MO DD and CC with informat &NUM.n.    
               need double-questionmarks between the variable and the   
               informat, eg., YY   ??   &NUM.2.                         
               Without this fix, the date variables in the year 2000    
               (only) will have 1960 dates (Because their value is zero 
               and the zero SAS date is 1960.                           
   Thanks to Mike Wroot, SAS UK Customer Support, ENGLAND.              
   Thanks to Paul Hill, Midland Bank, ENGLAND.                          
Change 16.034  Support for DECnet/SNA DTF SMF records creates nine new  
EXDECS01       MXG datasets:                                            
EXDECS03        Subtype Dataset     Description                         
EXDECS05         03x   *DECSBEGN    DECNET/SNA SESSION BEGIN            
EXDECS06         04x   *DECSEND     DECNET/SNA SESSION END              
EXDECS09         07x    DECSOPEN    DECNET/SNA FILE OPEN                
EXDECS0C         08x   *DECSCLOS    DECNET/SNA FILE CLOSE               
EXDECS0d         09x   *DECSERAS    DECNET/SNA FILE DELETE              
TYPEDECS       The six datasets prefixed with '*' above have been       
VMACDECS       tested with data records.                                
Mar 26, 1998                                                            
   Thanks to Brian Harvey, Navistar International Transportation, USA.  
Change 16.033  IDMS 10.2 records were not output, so all seven lines    
VMACIDMS       with IF 'xxxx' LE SMFHVER LT '1400' THEN DO;  were       
Mar 25, 1998   changed to  IF SMFHVER LT '1400' THEN DO;                
   Thanks to Ron Larue, FDISG Boston, USA.                              
VMAC74         should no longer occur.  The message was printed when a  
Mar 25, 1998   structure in the Request Data Section was not found in   
               the Structure Data Section, and the only impact was that 
               variable R744QSIZ in TYPE74ST would be missing for that  
               structure name in that observation.  But now, having     
               examined sample mismatches, I find that there is an entry
               for the Structure in the Request Data Section, but there 
               is no corresponding entry in the Structure Data Section, 
               and the Request Data Section has R744SFLG='00000000'B, so
               this structure neither was Online at End of Interval, nor
               did it Become Active during the interval, but it had been
               connected at the start of the interval, hence the Request
               Data Section.  But IBM explains that the Structure data  
               is a snapshot at interval end of all allocated structures
               in the coupling facility (returned by IXCQUERY), and as  
               the structure was not allocated at interval end, there is
               no structure data.  This accounts for the mismatch, so   
               now, the mis-match message won't be printed when R744SFLG
               is zero.                                                 
   Thanks to Steve Smith, BGS, USA.                                     
Change 16.031  CICS UNEXPECTED STATISTICS RECORD with STID=0 or = large 
VMAC110        was caused by incorrect processing of STID=94 record. The
Mar 25, 1998   +11 after LGSAUTOP was INPUT must be +7. This also caused
               zero observations in dataset CICLGS.                     
   Thanks to Steve Smith, BGS, USA.                                     
Change 16.030  Variable ABENDUSR in dataset CIMSPROG has never been     
VMACCIMS       right.  The equation ABENDUSR=MOD(ABENDSYS,16)+ABENDUSR; 
Mar 24, 1998   must be replaced with ABENDUSR=MOD(ABENDUSR,4096); and   
               ABENDUSR must be removed from the HEX4 format statement  
               as IMS User Abends range from 0 to 4095, not 0 to FFFx,  
               so they will now print as decimal by default.            
   Thanks to Karen Sherman, Franklin-Templeton, USA.                    
   Thanks to Wayne Collins, Franklin-Templeton, USA.                    
Change 16.029  Variable R723CIMP (Importance Level) was in the SUM=     
TRND72GO       argument, making it meaningless in non-zero CPU Dispatch 
Mar 24, 1998   times and non-zero Percent CPU Busy values.              
Change 16.028  MXG 15.15-15.07 Only. For PR/SM Deactivated Partitions,  
ASUM70PR       observations were created that had non-zero CPU Dispatch 
VMAC7072       times and non-zero Percent CPU Busy values, which when   
Mar 24, 1998   summed into ASUM70PR could record more than 100% CPU Busy
               for the CEC.  Fortunately, very few sites have Partitions
               Deactivated, but if you have this error, there will be   
               observations in TYPE70PR with LPARCPUS=0, as that is the 
               Deactivated Partition flag.                              
               If you do have LPARCPUS=0 obs, you can correct the old   
               PDB.TYPE70PR data simply by deleting TYPE70PR obs with   
               LPARCPUS=0, and then re-run ASUM70PR (which reads the    
               corrected TYPE70PR dataset) to re-create the corrected   
               PDB.ASUM70PR dataset:                                    
                    DATA PDB.TYPE70PR; SET PDB.TYPE70PR;                
                     IF LPARCPUS=0 THEN DELETE;                         
                    %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(ASUM70PR);                        
               You can prevent the creation of LPARCPUS=0 observations  
               in tomorrow's PDB by adding an IF test before the OUTPUT 
               statement in member EXTY70PR:                            
                 IF LPARCPUS GT 0 THEN   OUTPUT ....;                   
               until you install this change or MXG 16.01 or later.     
               The Permanent Fix.  Change 15.299 created observations   
               for the Deactivated Partitions (for availability         
               reporting) but it failed to reset the variables from the 
               previous segment in this record.  The permanent fix is to
               insert these lines immediately after the existing IF:    
                   IF LPARCPUS=0 THEN DO;                               
                     LPARVPF =.;                                        
                     LCPUDED =' ';                                      
                     LCPUWAIT=' ';                                      
                     LCPUCHST=' ';                                      
                     LCPUCHWT=' ';                                      
                     LCPUCAP =' ';                                      
                     LCPUCAPC=' ';                                      
   Thanks to Wayne Lauck, State of South Dakota, USA.                   
Change 16.027  While Change 15.273 mentioned that JES3 APAR UW41108     
VMAC26J3       was required to fix an IBM error in the JES3 type 26     
Mar 23, 1998   purge record, it did not protect the absence of that     
               APAR.  By inserting  IF LENGTH-COL+1 GE 10 THEN          
               immediately before the  INPUT SMF27LN7  &PIB.2.          
               statement, even if the APAR is not installed, MXG won't  
   Thanks to Pete Gain, SAS Software, ENGLAND.                          
Change 16.026  New subtype 6 SMF type 99 record caused INVALID SERVER   
VMAC99         SECTION TRIPLET because SMF99CPO=SMF99CPO+SMF99CPN;      
Mar 22, 1998   should have been        SMF99CPO=SMF99CPO+SMF99CPL;      
               This also caused truncated values for SRVCLASS.          
   Thanks to Steve Smith, BGS Systems, USA.                             
Change 16.025  "SHORT ABAR" warning messages about deleted records could
VMACHSM        be erroneously created.  Insert the INPUT statement below
Mar 22, 1998   between the ELSE DO; and the LENGTH-COL test so it reads:
                 ELSE DO;                                               
                   INPUT @15+OFFSMF @;                                  
                   IF LENGTH-COL+1 LT 274 THEN DO;                      
               The COL value was still @40 as a result of the prior     
               INPUT, so records that were sufficiently long were       
               incorrectly deleted, but with the warning message.       
   Thanks to Don Friesen, B.C. Government, CANADA.                      
Change 16.024 -Support for new object "Database" creates new MXG dataset
EXNTDATA       named DATABASE.  This object has 104 fields in the record
IMACNTSM       but only 16 are populated with field names and data.     
VMACNTSM      -Support for EXCHANGE 5.5 (INCOMPATIBLE) inserted data in 
Mar 21, 1998   seven MS Exchange objects (IMC, IS Private, IS Public,   
               IS, Internet Protocols, MTA, and MTA Connections), which 
               caused INVALID TRIPLET warnings and skipped records until
               this change is installed.  Scores of variables were added
               and some no longer exist in the Exchange records.        
              -Messages INVALID DATA FOR DURATM for Discovery Records   
               (Discovery Records have OID=0) occurs with NTSMF 2.1.4   
               records, but it has no impact on the real datasets that  
               MXG creates.  The format of the Discovery Records was    
               changed, causing the MXG message.                        
              -In addition, the _UNTDISC utility to print the Discovery 
               Records no longer worked with Release 2.0.h, which has a 
               NRNAMES field only in the 0.5 and not in the 0.6 or 0.6, 
               and there is an extra field at the end of each 0.7 record
               that contains a repeat of the penultimate field.  Also,  
               records from NTSMF 2.1.4 have still different Discovery  
               records, but the NTSMF Version is still 2.0.h, so logic  
               based on whether DURATM is missing or not (because the   
               new format has OBJECT name where DURATM was) is used to  
               decode which Discovery Format is in place, so that       
               _UNTDISC is now functional.                              
   Thanks to Jim Quigley, Con Edison, USA.                              
Change 16.023  Change 15.368 added the DURATM=INTERVAL parameter to the 
ASUMJOBS       VMXGSUM invocations in most ASUM members, but ASUMJOBS   
Mar 20, 1998   was overlooked until now.                                
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute ITSV, USA.                     
Change 16.022  Only for those few who use the &DEBUGMXG symbolic during 
VMXGSUM        testing is this minor fix needed.  The three lines       
Mar 20, 1998    %IF &MXGDEBUG GE 2 ...;   %ELSE %IF &MXGDEBUG GE 3 ...; 
May 14, 1998   and  %ELSE %IF &MXGDEBUG GE 4 ....;   need the %ELSE     
               removed from the second and third lines.                 
               This Change was not included in MXG 16.01, but was in    
               MXG 16.02.                                               
   Thanks to Graham Bell, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas, USA.        
Change 16.021  The TRENDing of TYPE70 dataset had not been updated for  
TRND70         more than 8 CPUs.  While TYPE70 contained sixteen buckets
Mar 20, 1998   for CPU's (variables suffixes 0-9,A,B,C,D,E,F), but the  
               TRND70 member was overlooked when variables 9 and above  
               were added to TYPE70.  The lists of these variables were 
               expanded: CPUWAITn, IORATEn, PCTCPBYn, PCTTPIn, VFAFFTMn,
               and logic added for PCTTPIn, PCTCPBYn and PCTRDYWT       
   Thanks to Graham Bell, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas, USA.        
Change 16.020  Support for Software Engineering's SpaceManager's two    
EXSPMGSP       flat files, Space Records and Volume Records create two  
EXSPMGVL       new datasets:                                            
FORMATS          SPMGSPAC - SpaceManager Space Records                  
IMACSPMG         SPMGVOL  - SpaceManager Volume Records                 
TYPESPMG       MXG requires both a //SPMGSPAC DD and a //SPMGVOL DD and 
VMACSPMG       will read both files with member TYPESPMG.  If you only  
Mar 20, 1998   want to process one file, simply DD DUMMY the unwanted.  
Apr  7, 1998   Several new $MGSPMxx formats are created, so you will    
               need to update your MXG Format library using this new    
               FORMATS member.                                          
   Thanks to Hans Juergen-Beck, DVG, GERMANY.                           
Change 16.019 -Variables TPXBYTI and TPXBYTO have always been wrong, due
VMACEPIL       to an error in CA's documentation.  Instead of being two 
VMACOMAU       8-byte fields, they are now input as &PIB.4. and a line  
VMACOMCI       with   +4   follows each to skip over the unused 4-bytes.
VMACTPX       -It was also noted that all of the internal TPX datetimes:
VMAC39         TPXETIME, TPXSTIME, TPXUTIME were on the GMT clock, while
Mar 20, 1998   the SMFTIME is on the local clock, but there is a GMT    
Apr  6, 1998   offset in the record, so now, MXG converts those three   
               timestamps into local.  The CVTTZ field in the record is 
               the high four-bytes of the GMT offset, which is not an   
               exact value, so the following algorithm is required to   
               get the GMT offset in seconds into TPXCVTTZ:             
                 INPUT TPXCVTTC $CHAR4. @;                              
                 ELSE                       TPXCVTTZ=CEIL(TPXCVTTZ);    
               For example values, the raw TPXCVTTC is '00000D69'x for  
               a +1 hour (3600 seconds) European offset, and for a -5   
               hour (-18000 seconds) USA EST is 'FFFFBCF2'x.            
               Then to correct timestamps to local, you add TPXCVTTZ:   
              -In validating this change, I looked at all of the members
               that contain CVTTZ and I discovered that in four members,
               VMACEPIL, VMACOMAU, VMACOMCI, and VMAC39, I had reversed 
               the FLOOR and CEIL functions, which caused a one second  
               error in value of the GMT offset, so those four members  
               were also corrected by this change.                      
   Thanks to Harry Olschewski, DeTeCSM, GERMANY.                        
Change 16.018  Member DOCGRAF is updated with examples of getting graphs
DOCGRAF        from the mainframe to your PC.  The new examples were    
Mar 20, 1998   originally postings on our MXG-L ListServer.             
   Thanks to Bob Hare, Comerica, INC, USA.                              
   Thanks to Neal Musitano, Jr., Department of Veterans Affairs, USA.   
Change 16.017  The three DSORG fields in DCOLLECT (DCDSORG,UMDSORG, and 
VMACDCOL       UBDSORG) are increased to three bytes long from two, and 
Mar 19, 1998   the suffix "U" will be added (e.g., DSORG='PSU') for the 
               files that "contain location dependent information, the  
               old "Unmoveable" attribute.  I had erroneously set the   
               DSORT='U' for the Unmoveable attribute.                  
   Thanks to Dr. Alexander Raeder, Karstadt AG, GERMANY.                
Change 16.016  Change 15.356 introduced the &MACxxxx macros, but member 
IMACFILE       IMACFILE was overlooked.  Now, &MACFILE is initialized as
VMXGINIT       blank in VMXGINIT and a line with only &MACFILE now ends 
Mar 18, 1998   member IMACFILE (which is included after the SMF header  
               has been input), so that any tailoring of member IMACFILE
               (formerly done EDIT and SAVE into your USERID.SOURCLIB)  
               and now be done inline by setting the &MACFILE variable. 
               Because this &MACFILE variable will be inserting actual  
               SAS statements with semi-colons, the always-safe-syntax  
               to use to insert statements in &MACFILE is:              
                 %LET MACFILE= %QUOTE(                                  
                     LINE OF CODE TO BE EXECUTED ;                      
                     LINE OF CODE TO BE EXECUTED ;                      
                     LINE OF CODE TO BE EXECUTED ;                      
                                   ) ;                                  
               For a specific example, your //SYSIN program could be:   
                 %LET MACFILE= %QUOTE(                                  
                     IF ID=110 AND SUBTYPE=2 THEN DELETE;               
                                     ) ;                                
                  %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPE110);                           
               would delete the CICS subtype 2 (Statistics) records so  
               no //WORK space would be needed by them, but would read  
               the CICS subtype 1 transaction records to create CICSTRAN
               observations.  Note that while the references are        
               &MACFILE, the %LET syntax does not use the ampersand.    
               If you have an-already-tailored IMACFILE member, you must
               either add &MACFILE to the end of your tailored member   
               (so that any code added inline with &MACFILE will be     
               executed AFTER the code in member IMACFILE), or you must 
               remove your tailored IMACFILE member and do all your     
               tailoring in the %LET MACFILE=  statements.              
               For reasons that are still unclear, it was necessary to  
               add a semicolon after the &MACFILE  statement in the     
               IMACFILE member to satisfy the SAS compiler under MS     
               Windows, but not under MVS!                              
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, MBNA, USA.                                     
Change 16.015  Documentation.  Variable JCSPTIME had been INPUT but not 
VMAC110        kept, but was re-spelled as JCSPTOD when it was added to 
Mar 17, 1998   the KEEP= list for dataset CICSSMED in Change 15.157.    
   Thanks to Jens Schlatter, Independent Consultant, GERMANY.           
Change 16.014  Variables XMGMXT and XMGTNUM were not kept in CICINTRV   
CICINTRV       dataset (in CICS 4.1 XMGMXT replaced DSGTL's MAXTASK     
Mar 16, 1998   limit; DSG fields for AMAXTASK no longer exist in 4.1).  
               In the last VMXGSUM invocation in member CICINTRV, add   
               XMGTNUM to the SUM= argument and XMGMXT to the MAX=.     
   Thanks to Steve Donahue, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas, USA.   
Change 16.013  Cosmetic.  Variable WTSCWTCN was given FORMAT TIME12.2,  
VMACTMO2       but the variable that should have been in the FORMAT     
Mar 16, 1998   statement was WTSCWTTM.                                  
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute ITSV, USA.                     
Change 16.012  IDMS Version 10.2.1 PMHRTYPE=1 records caused error INPUT
Mar 16, 1998   of the line reading:                                     
                 ELSE IF '1201' LE SMFHVER LT '1400' THEN DO; and change
               it to read:  ELSE IF '1021' LE SMFHVER LT '1400' THEN DO;
   Thanks to Alan Deepe, SBC Warburg Dillon Read, ENGLAND.              
Change 16.011  Variable SRHCRWRT is now SRCHRWRT to be consistent with  
VMACNTSM       the other spelling of other SRCHxxxx variables in dataset
Mar 15, 1998   FULCRUM built from NTSMF records.                        
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute ITSV, USA.                     
Change 16.010  Member YEAR2000 now warrants that MXG is (in IBM terms)  
YEAR2000       "Year 2000 Ready", and the cover letter that is normally 
Mar 15, 1998   sent in reply to year 2000 requests is now included at   
               the beginning of member YEAR2000.                        
Change 16.009  Variable MXGVERSN in dataset TYPE70 was blank in 15.15.  
VMAC7072       Originally  MXGVERSN=SYMGET('MXGVERS');  was before the  
Mar 13, 1998   IF (ID=70 OR ID=72) AND NOT MVSXA THEN DO; logic, but    
               Change 15.354's relocation of IF tests (for BUILDPDB's   
               performance) inadvertently caused the SYMGET to only be  
               executed for pre-XA RMF records.  The simple fix is to   
               just copy the three lines:                               
                 IF MXGVERSN='      ' THEN DO;                          
               to immediately follow the IF ... AND MVSXA THEN DO;....  
               statement, so the SYMGET statement is executed once for  
               either type of record.  However, Don Deese showed me that
                   RETAIN  MXGVERSN "&MXGVERS" ;                        
               will initialize a RETAINed character variable to the     
               value of a macro variable, so the actual change replaced 
               the existing RETAIN MXGVERSN '      ' statement with the 
               above syntax, deleted the three-line DO group on MXGVERSN
               and added a line with MXGVERSN $6 to the LENGTH statement
               to define MXGVERSN's length.                             
               Users of CPExpert will need to install this change or get
               a one-line fix from Don Deese to circumvent my error.    
               The PROC COMPARE that should have caught this error that 
               was not run for MXG 15.15 has been reinstated in MXG QA! 
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
   Thanks to Lynn Meyer, Storage Tek, USA.                              
   Thanks to David Ehresman, University of Louisville, USA.             
Change 16.008  Duplicate observations in TYPE30_V might not be deleted. 
BUILDPDB       Change 15.235 discussed the addition of MULTIDD EXTRADD  
BUILDPD3       to the BY list for TYPE30_4 and TYPE30_5, but those two  
BUILD005       variables were not added to the TYPE30_V sort until this 
BUIL3005       change.                                                  
Mar 13, 1998                                                            
   Thanks to Allan Winston, MBNA, USA.                                  
Change 16.007  Cosmetic.  Format MGILKAT had repeated 4: for the RETR,  
FORMATS        APPE, and STOR actions, instead of having 8:RETR, 16:APPE
Mar 13, 1998   and 32:STOR for the format values.                       
   Thanks to Ken Mazer, Internal Revenue Service WVA, USA.              
Change 16.006  The ARRAY statement permitted only 10 LCUIDs, causing the
ANALPATH       SUBSCRIPT OUT OF RANGE error.  The array statement was   
Mar 11, 1998   increased to 16, the LCU1-LCU9 instances were change to  
               LCU1-LCU16 and variables LCU10 thru LUC16 were added to  
               the initialization logic.                                
   Thanks to Tobias Cafiero, Mercedes Benz of North America, USA.       
Change 16.005  Variable PCTDLSSW was added by Change 14.318, but its    
VMAC7072       value was incorrect because it was never divided by the  
Mar  5, 1998   variable VALDSAMP due the misspelling as PCTLDSSW in the 
               line in which it should have been divided by VALDSAMP.   
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute CARY, USA.                     
Change 16.004  Change 15.293 discussed why YEARSECS and YEARDAYS can not
TYPEDMS        be used to protect non-Y2K-compliant date fields, but the
TYPEMON8       code in these four non-compliant products was not changed
TYPETMON       until this change, which uses smart logic to protect.    
Mar  5, 1998                                                            
Change 16.003  IBM's NPM product now creates a "century" value in their 
VMAC28         unique date fields, but the new and unexpected format of 
YEAR2000       'CYYMMDDF'x is still not documented by IBM.  APAR II10481
Mar  4, 1998   does make the following statement:                       
Mar  9, 1998     "97/04/30  NPM will support the year 2000.  User's do  
                  not need to do anything special.                      
                  Further details provided by NPM development:          
                  NPM's SMF record header contains the date (SMF28DTE)  
                  in the form 0CYYDDDF, where the '0C' represents the   
                  century.  This byte contains '00' in this century     
                  (the 20th century) and will contain '01' in the 21st  
                  century.  Therefore, for any NPM record, it is always 
                  possible to identify the century"                     
               but nothing in that Informational APAR said that the 99  
               internal date values (like start and stop times!) were   
               changed to CYYMMDDF, which is a new brand new date format
               that exists in no other SMF record, and that new format  
               causes an INVALID ARGUMENT error when MXG 15.15 read NPM 
               records with year 2000 dates.  So NPM users do in fact   
               have to do something special - they now have to install  
               (unnecessarily) a new version of MXG because the NETVIEW 
               NPM product did not document their INCOMPATIBLE changes  
               to type 28 SMF records!                                  
               And in addition, one field in NPM, LXETTMST, has yet     
               another unique date format of "MM/DD/YY.DDDHH.MM.SS"     
               which does not have room for a "century" nybble, so NPM  
               is still NOT YEAR 2000 READY.  However, by adding MXG    
               windowing protection (YY LE 59) for LXETTMST, I have now 
               changed member YEAR2000's NPM entry to move NPM from the 
               "IS NOT" to "NOW IS" YEAR2000 compliant, even though NPM 
               really is not compliant without help from MXG logic.     
               Finally, the implication in the Informational APAR that  
               only the date field in the SMF header needs a century bit
               to be "YEAR 2000 READY" is inaccurate.  To truly be YEAR 
               2000 READY requires that each date value be complete and 
               self-described.  A record that requires programming logic
               to test one date field to then set the date of another   
               date field (which may or may not have been on the same   
               date as the first date value) is not YEAR 2000 READY.    
               That IBM ultimately had to change all 99 internal fields 
               shows that setting only the century bit in the SMF header
               was not sufficient!                                      
               By the way, NPM APAR, OW28971 is also required to correct
               an error in NPM's computation of leap years; without that
               APAR, NPM incorrectly thinks 2000 is not a leap year.    
               This extensive MXG change inserted seven new lines for   
               each of the ninety-nine date values to decode the new    
               format, and exists only because CIGNA found the data     
               values in their year 2000 test partition's type 28 data. 
   Thanks to Steve Colio, CIGNA, USA.                                   
Change 16.002  IDMS 14.0 new variables TASNINS,TASNUPD,TASNDEL,TASNSRT  
VMACIDMS       TASNSRR,TASNSMI,and TASNSMX had incorrect labels, and new
Mar  3, 1998   variable TASNAMC was not created.  TASNAMC is now INPUT  
               as &PIB.4. following TASNSMX and the labels corrected.   
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute Cary, USA.                     
Change 16.001  Variable PKSENOUN was renamed PKSENONU in NTSMF dataset  
VMACNTSM       NETWINTR for consistency with PKRCNONU, but variable     
Mar  3, 1998   PKSENOUN is still built, so your old programs won't fail.
   Thanks to Marti Henley, MatriDigm, USA.                              
LASTCHANGE: Version 16