        MXG Version 25.25  is dated Jan 28, 2008, thru Change 25.309    
First   MXG Version 25.25 was dated Jan 21, 2008, thru Change 25.302    
        MXG Version 25.12 was dated Jan 21, 2008, thru Change 25.294    
        MXG Version 25.11 was dated Dec  7, 2007, thru Change 25.268    
First   MXG Version 25.11 was dated Nov 22, 2007, thru Change 25.256    
        MXG Version 25.10 was dated Oct  7, 2007, thru Change 25.215    
        MXG Version 25.09 was dated Sep 17, 2007, thru Change 25.199    
        MXG Version 25.08 was dated Sep  5, 2007, thru Change 25.187    
First   MXG Version 25.08 was dated Sep  4, 2007, thru Change 25.182    
        MXG Version 25.07 was dated Aug 10, 2007, thru Change 25.161    
        MXG Version 25.06 was dated Jul  4, 2007, thru Change 25.134    
        MXG Version 25.05 was dated Jun  7, 2007, thru Change 25.107    
        MXG Version 25.04 was dated May  7, 2007, thru Change 25.086    
Second  MXG Version 25.03 was dated Apr 12, 2007, thru Change 25.058    
First   MXG Version 25.03 was dated Apr 10, 2007, thru Change 25.057    
        MXG Version 25.02 was dated Mar 10, 2007, thru Change 25.033    
        MXG Version 25.01 was dated Mar  5, 2007, thru Change 25.025    
        MXG Version 24.24 was dated Feb  5, 2007, thru Change 24.306    
        MXG Newsletter FORTY-NINE was dated Feb 5, 2007                 
MXG 25.25 is the 2008 "Annual Version", dated January 28, 2008.         
Instructions for ftp download of MXG 25.25 were mailed to all licensees,
but you can always request ftp download instructions using the form at                               
Contents of member CHANGES:                                             
  Member NEWSLTRS (and the Newsletters frame at now 
  contain the current MXG Technical Notes that used to be put in member 
  CHANGES between Newsletters.  New Technical Notes are now added (and  
  now dated!) in NEWSLTRS/Newsletters with each new MXG Version.        
I.    Current MXG Software Version 25.25 is available upon request.     
II.   Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 25.25.                  
III.  Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
IV.   Changes Log                                                       
I.  MXG Version 25.25, now re-dated Jan 28, 2008.                       
    Minor cosmetic corrections in MXG 25.25, re-dated Jan 28, 2008      
  TYPEXAM  25.307  Extraneous PUT from testing removed.                 
  ASUM70PR 25.303  Extraneous PROC PRINT from testing was removed.      
    Minor enhancements in MXG 25.25, re-dated Jan 28, 2008              
  TYPERMFV 25.309  Support for RMF III CPD, Channel Path Data Table.    
  TYPE102  25.306  IBM SMF 102 IFCID 22 APAR PK38803 wrong, supported.  
  TYPE30   25.304  Support for APAR OA23679, BLKSIZE might be wrong.    
  COMPINTV 25.302  Capture/Compare ALL CPU times in 30/70/72/100/101/110
    Major enhancements added in MXG 25.25, dated Jan 21, 2008           
  ADOCs    25.296  All ADOCxxxx member's CONTENTS were updated.         
    Major enhancements added in MXG 25.12, dated Jan 21, 2008           
  TYPEDB2  25.265  DB2TCBTM Correction for DB2 V9.1, REQUIRED.          
  TYPEDB2  25.291  DB2ACCT variable QWACUDCP CPU time added in DB2TCBTM.
  TYPE122  25.287  Support for SMF 122, Tivoli Tape Allocation Manager  
  TYPEITRF 25.286  Support for ITRF DCR77/DCR78 additions.              
  TYPENTSM 25.282  Support for new NTSMF Objects, Database Mirroring.   
  TYPEMQLG 25.280  Support for MQ V6 System Admin Accounting Queue Log. 
  TYPE85   25.279  Support for subtypes 38, 39 and 40 for ID=85 OAM.    
  TYPEPSYC 25.277  Support for PSYNCH/390 SMF record.                   
  TYPE22   25.276  Support for APAR OA20043 Dynamic Volume Expansion    
  TYPE102  25.306  Support for APAR PK38803 INCOMPAT SMF 102 IFCID 22.  
  TYPE50   25.269  Support for OSA-MPC VTAM SMF 50 subtype 4 record.    
  TYPETIMS 25.271  Revisions for TMON/IMS support                       
  ASUM70PR 25.270  INTERVAL=DURSET cannot be used.                      
  CONFIGV9 25.267  VALIDVARNAME=V7 added to SAS CONFIGs.                
  ITRMTNG  25.262  233 DDU files to create ITRM definitions for TYPETNG.
    Major enhancements added in MXG 25.11 dated Dec  7, 2007.           
  TYPE111  25.241  Support for CICS CTG 7.1.0 new SMF 111 record.       
  TYPE110  25.240  Full Support for CICS/TS 3.2 Compressed Data         
  EXITCICS 25.240  New "CICS" INFILE EXIT for CICS compressed SMF data. 
  TYPE7072 25.224  CPUTYPE tests are replaced with ZARCHMDE tests.      
                    This means that with MXG 25.11 or later, a new IBM  
                    CPUTYPE will NOT require a new MXG Version.         
  TYPETPMX 25.239  Support for Thruput Manager SLM and DB2 data.        
  TYPE82   25.257  Support for ISCF HCR7750 TKE Logging update.         
  TYPEEVTA 25.255  Support for Action Software's EventAction user SMF.  
  TYPE85   25.234  New variables in OAM subtype 32-35 records.          
  TYPE78   25.236  Zero obs in TYPE78IO with Change 24.171 if z/OS 1.7. 
  TYPEEVTA 25.255  Support for Action Sofware's EventAction SMF record. 
  TYPERMFV 25.246  Updates for CPU Segmentation changes.                
  TYPENTSM 25.253  Support for new NTSMF objects for MSSQL.             
  TYPETNG  25.221  Support for VM Ware VSX Systems in CA NSM records.   
  TYPETNG  25.235  New Solaris, AIX, and many RedHat objects added.     
  VMXGSUM  25.248  New &LNSUMOUT=8 will make all output to length 8.    
  UTILEXCL 25.256  Macro variable &MXGDEBUG revised for IMACEXCL plus!  
  EXITCICS 25.240  MCTSSCRL now tested vs MCTMNOPN for CICS Compressed. 
  TYPE110  25.240  MCTSSCRL now tested vs MCTMNOPN for CICS Compressed. 
  UPRINDOC 25.226  Utility prints NAME and LABEL of all variables.      
  TYPE30   25.260  MXG 25.10, INTRVLTM missing for TYPETASK='OMVS'      
  ANALACTP 25.254  Sample report summarizes DB2 Package data to UOW.    
  CONFIGW2 25.252  MXG updates for testing MXG Execution under WPS.     
    Major enhancements added in MXG 25.10.                              
  TYPE7072 25.205  Support for z/OS 1.9, up to 54 CPUs per MVS, INCOMPAT
  TYPERMFV 25.204  CFI Segmentation eliminates RMF III skipped CF data. 
  ANALDB2R 25.202  VARIABLE QBnTDPIO NOT FOUND error corrected.         
  TYPE70   25.211  ZIPACTTM, PCTZIPBY corrected for Dedicated zIIPs.    
  ASUMCELP 25.209  Duplicate observations in PDB.ASUMCELP eliminated.   
  TIMEBILD 25.209  Optional SYNC59 timeshifting using TIMETABL.         
    Major enhancements added in MXG 25.09.                              
    IMPORTANT CHANGES:                                                  
    Almost none!  Only UTILEXCL in 25.08 had an error, but these other  
                  fixes/enhancements are now ready for prime time:      
  UTILEXCL 25.193  MXG 25.08 ONLY: LABEL IMACICU3 NOT FOUND.            
  TYPERMFV 25.191  Support for RMF Monitor III CFI table enhancements.  
  TYPESRDF 25.195  Support for EMC's SRDF/A user SMF record.            
  READDB2  25.189  New PDBOUT=YES, old PDBOUT= changed, writes to WORK. 
  ANALDB2R 25.189  New PDBOUT=YES, old PDBOUT= changed, writes to WORK. 
  RMFINTRV 25.199  SMF70GIE now reset to 00/15 if SYNC59=YES is used.   
  TYPE89   25.198  SMF89HOF,SMF89DTO were incorrect due to typo.        
  UTILCSV  25.197  %UTILCSV creates a CSV (or TAB) Delimited flat file. 
  UTILBLDP 25.196  Large &MACKEEP string caused strange results.        
  TYPE92   25.192  New ID=92 ST=14 INPUT EXCEEDED if not a RENAME.      
    Major enhancements added in MXG 25.08.                              
    IMPORTANT CHANGES:                                                  
  TYPETNG  25.181  Support for CA NSM RedHat 4.01 Linux perf cube.      
  TYPE7072 25.176  Support for APAR OA18244, Blocked Workload z/OS 1.9. 
  TYPE7072 25.163  Support for Capacity Groups variables in TYPE70.     
  ASUM70PR 25.163  Capacity Group summarization, PDB.ASUM70GC/ASUM70GL. 
  TYPEQACS 25.178  AS400 APAR QAPMDISK with LRECL=456 added new data.   
  ADOCDB2  25.172  Example to process DB2 datasets to separate DDNAMES. 
  TYPEDB2  25.169  _RDB2ACC DB2 Parallel event "analysis" example.      
  Many     25.179  %UPCASE,%LOWCASE,%STR,%BQUOTE,%QUOTE, etc.           
  Doc      25.179  Use %LET MACxxxx= %STR( text ) ; to pass text.       
    Major enhancements added in MXG 25.07.                              
    CRITICAL CHANGE:                                                    
  TYPE78   25.141  APAR OA21799 for HiperPAV, ABEND, SMF78HIX invalid.  
                   Installing HyperPAV can create invalid RMF 78-3's    
                   that cause BUILDPDB to ABEND as it reads RMF 78's.   
                   Change 25.141 will detect bad records and avoid the  
                   ABEND, but you will need to install the IBM PTF for  
                   the APAR to correct the invalid data values.         
    IMPORTANT CHANGES/ENHANCEMENTS:                                     
  Many     25.140  Prelim z/OS 1.9 (fails if 54-CPs, See Ch 25.205)     
  TYPECIMS 25.139  Support for IMF Version 4.3 (INCOMPATIBLE).          
  TYPE74   25.140  APAR OA17070 supports CF Level 15 measurements.      
  TYPE89   25.138  Support for APAR OA20314 new SMF89LPN/SMF89ZNA.      
  TYPE80A  25.137  Support for unknown TOKDANAMs, prevents ABEND.       
  UTILLPDS 25.136  Utility to count used/defined PDS Directory Blocks.  
  TYPE7072 25.135A LCPUCAP/LCPUCAPC Labels include "Hard CAP".          
  TYPE42   25.153  MXG 25.06 only, false INVALID TYPE42 SUBTYPE 5 error.
  TYPEVMXA 25.151  180 Error _MPRCAPC not found, DEBUG prints removed.  
  ASUM70PR 25.150  ASUM70PR created PCTCPUBY GT 100%, final fix?        
  ASUM70PR 25.150  ASUM70PR now supports INTERVAL/CECINTRV=SHIFT.       
  ADOCITRM 25.149  Doc. Maps ITRM dataset names to MXG name.            
  ADOCDB2  25.148  Doc. How to create DB2ACCTB/DB2ACCTP in separate DDs.
  ANALRMFR 25.146  ERROR: NO DATASETS TO LOOKUP correction.             
  TYPERMFV 25.145  RMF III dataset ZRBLCP missing obs for many LPARs.   
  UPCMEMDZ 25.144  ASCII utility to determine memory available to MXG.  
  TYPE71   25.143  SWAPrates were set missing if zero, now can be zero. 
  VMXGINIT 25.143  New MXGMISS macro variable changes TYPE71 SWAPrates. 
    Major enhancements added in MXG 25.06.                              
  TYPE30   25.116  MXG 25.05, negative EXECTM, INTRVLTM, GMTOFF30 wrong.
  TYPE110  25.041  Support for CICS/TS 3.2 (INCOMPATIBLE), Uncompressed.
  TYPEBTE  25.107  Support for CA Brightstor Tape Encryption SMF.       
  TYPE80A  25.131  Support for CRL PUBLISH and SET UID RACFEVNT 52, 79. 
  TYPEFERT 25.133  Support for Williams Data FERRET product user SMF.   
  TYPECLAR 25.130  Support for Clarion Disk Array flat files.           
  TYPE119  25.119  SMF 119 from z/OS 1.8 caused INVALID DATA messages.  
  TYPESYNC 25.117  INVALID ARGUMENT due to incorrect HEX4/HEX3 formats. 
  ASUMUOW  25.121  Enhanced to keep each CICS segment response time.    
  ASUMHSM  25.113  HSM Summary enhanced with "HSM COMPLEX" HSMPLEX.     
  IHDRIDMS 25.112  CA IDMS PerfMon support enhanced with "IHDR" exit.   
  TYPENMON 25.110  Support for DISKBUSYn for all NMON Disk Monitoring.  
  TYPERACF 25.134  Support for IRRDBU00 record types 0560,0561,0562.    
  TYPE80A  25.131  Support for TOP SECRET (INCOMPAT) '90'x,'00'x VRSN.  
    MXG Version 25.05, dated Jun  7, 2007.                              
    Major enhancements added in MXG 25.05.                              
  TYPEITRF 25.103  Support for IBM OMEGAMON TRF ITRF V550 and V560.     
  TYPENMON 25.104  Full support for NMON, Nigel's Monitor for AIX/unix. 
  TYPEDB2  25.090  Support for PK37354 SMF 101 Subtype 4 in DB2 9.      
  TYPEDB2  25.097  Variable THREADTY blank if non-DDF transaction.      
  TYPE30   25.089  GMTOFF30 calculation corrections and problems.       
  CONFIGV9 25.101  MEMLEAVE=10M SORTBLOCKMODE now set in CONFIGV9       
  UTILBLDP 25.098  %UTILBLDP(BUILDPDB=JES3 ... enhancement.             
    Major enhancements added in MXG 25.04.                              
  TYPE21   25.083  Fix for support for APAR OA20077 Device Bytes TYPE21.
  TYPEXAM  25.082  Support for XAM Release 3.6, many new data.          
  TYPENMON 25.073  Support for LPAR and IOADAPTR Nigel's NMON data.     
  SYSLOG   25.070  Support for SYSLOG file enhanced, all records output.
  TYPENDM  25.081  Support for NDM-CD type 'NM' records creates NDMNM.  
  DALYTAPE 25.072  Sample tape reports from STC VTS SMF + MXGTMNT.      
  TYPERMFV 25.079  ZRBLCP dataset had only first LPARs observations.    
  TYPEDB2  25.064  Several QISE variables were wrong.                   
  TYPEDB2  25.075  QBGL variables in DB2 V8.1 now supported, were wrong.
  TYPETMS5 25.084  FILSEQ in TMS.DSNBRECD could be wrong, mult-vol-file.
  ANALDB2R 25.068  SQL Text QW0141TX was not printed, coding error.     
  UTILBLDP 25.071  Products that need deaccumulation now protected.     
  UTILBLDP 25.065  Default list of ASUMxxx to be included, MXGINCL=.    
  VMXGRMFI 25.069  Service Class Names can be "wild-carded"             
  VMXGUSE  25.067  Revised to invoke _STY70; UTILBLDP recommended.      
  FORMATS  25.063  Additional SWAP reason codes added to $MG079SR.      
  Doc      25.078  List of MXG-issued USER ABEND values & source member.
    Major enhancements added in MXG 25.03.                              
  CONFIGV8 25.037  SORTEQUALS should NOT have been in CONFIGV8, V9 only.
  TYPE119  25.035  Support for SMF 119 for z/OS 1.8 (INCOMPATIBLE).     
  TYPE1415 25.047  Support for APAR OA19502, SMF14KET Key Exchange Time 
  TYPE21   25.040  Support for APAR OA20077, uncompress read/write bytes
  TYPEAIXT 25.039  Support for AIX Tapas-C performance data files.      
  TYPESAMS 25.055  Support for SAMS objects 2151,2226,2229 and 2231.    
  TYPETDS  25.052  Support for TDSLink Version 630 ZCOST datasets.      
  TYPECSM  25.050  Support for CrossSysplexManager user SMF record.     
  TYPSCOCR 25.034  Support for CopyCross (now VTF Mainframe 2.1.0) SMF. 
  VMXGDUR  25.044  Interval= QUARTER, SEMIANN, ANNUAL now supported.    
  TYPEHSM  25.042  Process HSM with different SMF IDs/different SYSTEMs.
  ASUMTAPE 25.040  Uncompress read/write SMF21DBR/DBW kept in ASUMTAPE. 
  ASUMUOW  25.054  QWACSPCP,QWACTRET added to PDB.ASUMUOW for OTE.      
  BLDSMPDB 25.048  Corrections to BLDSMPDB, new SORTEDBY= option.       
    Major enhancements added in MXG 25.02.                              
    MXG 25.02 was created to protect sites who set the NOSORTEQUALS     
    option (i.e., changed the SORTEQUALS default). NOSORTEQUALS causes  
    invalid data in ASUM70PR-built datasets.                            
  CONFIGV9 25.028  OPTION NOSORTEQUALS caused errors in ASUM70PR.       
  VMXG70PR 25.028  OPTION NOSORTEQUALS caused errors in ASUM70PR.       
        Other New Support and corrections added in MXG 25.02:           
  ASMTAPEE 25.033  Support for ASMTAPEE ML-40 assembly under z/OS 1.8.  
  ANALRMFR 25.032  IRD corrections to RMF reports.                      
  TYPE42DS 25.030  TYPE42DS had carried-forward IOCOUNT and other vars. 
  TYPE70   25.028  IORATEn per-engine I/Os corrected for IRD.           
  VMXGPRAL 25.028  Print All utility now compares all datasets in LIBs. 
  UCOMPSOE 25.028  Utility to compare SORTEQUALS and NOSORTEQUALS output
  ANALFIOE 25.026  Divide by zero message protected.                    
    Major enhancements added in MXG 25.01.                              
    The MXG 24.24 Annual Version is VERY solid, with only these three   
    relatively minor corrections:                                       
  TYPENTSM 25.015  INCOMPAT MXG CHANGE for NTSM WEEKly requires action. 
  TYPE7072 25.013  PCTMVSBY in PDB.TYPE70PR was wrong if IRD was active.
  ASUM70PR 25.001  NRICFCPU,NRIFLCPU were wrong if you have more than 1.
        Other New Support and corrections added in MXG 25.01:           
  TYPEIMS7 25.006  Support for IMS Version 10 (INCOMPATIBLE) IMS log.   
  TYPEBVIR 25.011A Support for TS7700 SMF records.                      
  TYPE7    25.025  Support for APAR OA19453 for 4-byte LOSTRECS count.  
  TYPE74   25.003  NREXPOSR was wrong for HyperPAV devices.             
  IMACICMR 25.007  Optional CICS CMRDATA, CMDUDATA/CMDDBCCP reversed.   
  IMACICOB 25.008  Optional CICS OMDBDB2LN now spelled as OMBDB2LN.     
  IMACICOM 25.008  Optional CICS OMMLN now spelled as OMMQLN.           
    Please read CHANGESS for the complete list of major enhancements.   
  See member NEWSLTRS or the Newsletters frame at for       
  current MXG Technical Notes that used to be in CHANGES.               
  All of these enhancements are described in the Change Log, below.     
    SAS Version requirement information:                                
      MXG 22.08 or later is REQUIRED for SAS V9.1.2 or V9.1.3; see      
      "Major Enhancements in MXG 22.08" in CHANGES, above, for the major
      items, then search Newsletters for V9 for all of the minor items. 
      MXG executes under SAS V8.2 and SAS V9.1.3, but MXG is no longer  
      supported under SAS V6.  The "PDB" libraries written to by MXG    
      must have been created by V8/V9 (i.e, if ENGINE=V6 is shown in the
      PROC CONTENTS output, you must convert that data library to the   
      current ENGINE=BASE by PROC COPYing it under SAS V8 or V9.        
       For SAS V9.1.3 on z/OS with Service Pack 4:                      
        There are no reported errors, and MXG's CONFIGV9 now specifies  
        V9SEQ instead of V6SEQ.  As V6SEQ does not support long length  
        character variables, it should not be used.                     
       SAS V9.1.3 with current Service Pack 4 is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.  
       For (back-level!) SAS V9.1 or V9.1.2 on z/OS:                    
        SN-013514 is REQUIRED to be able to read datasets that were     
          created by V6SEQ (tape) engine.                               
        SN-012437 is REQUIRED to prevent creation of corrupt/unreadable 
          datasets with tape engines V7SEQ, V8SEQ, or V9SEQ.            
        Both fixes ARE included in SAS V9.1.3, but V9.1 or 9.1.2 is NOT 
          SAFE without those two hot fixes, and if you do NOT have those
          two fixes on 9.1 or 9.1.2, you MUST set V6SEQ in CONFIGV9.    
        With MXG 23.02 or later, V9SEQ is the default sequential engine 
        specified in CONFIGV9, but if you are back at SAS V9.1 or V9.1.2
        you MUST install the two hot fixes listed above.                
       For SAS Version 8.2, HotFix Bundle 82BX08 (or later) is required 
         to be completely safe.  No earlier Version 8's were supported. 
       Sequential Engine Status:                                        
          V9SEQ is fixed in V9.1.3; it is now the default in CONFIGV9.  
          V8SEQ was always safe under SAS V8.2, but it wasted CPU time  
            by always compressing when writing in tape format.          
          V6SEQ, if used under V9.1.2, requires SN-013514, but V6SEQ    
                 should no longer be used, as it does not support long  
                 length variables.                                      
      MXG New-Version QA tests are executed on z/OS with SAS V9.1.3 and 
      V8.2, and on Windows XP with SAS V9.1.3.  But previous QA tests   
      have been run with all SAS releases on z/OS, SAS V8.2 and V9.1 on 
      Linux RH8 on Intel, with V9.1 on Solaris v2.8 on Model V880, and  
      V9.1 on HP-UX v11.11 model rp5470, confirming full compatibility. 
      MXG should execute under SAS V9.1.3 or V8.2 on every possible SAS 
      platform without errors! Each new MXG version is also tested with 
      the SAS ITSV/ITRM product by the ITRM developers.                 
    Availability dates for the IBM products and MXG version required for
    the processing of that product's data records:                      
                                       Availability     MXG Version     
      Product Name                     Date              Required       
      MVS/ESA 4.1                      Oct 26, 1990         8.8         
      MVS/ESA 4.2                      Mar 29, 1991         9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.2.2                    Aug 15, 1991         9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.3                      Mar 23, 1993        10.10        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - compatibility    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - Goal Mode        May  3, 1995        13.01        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.0                    Jun 15, 1995        13.05        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.2                    Oct 19, 1995        13.09        
      OS/390  1.1.0                    Feb 22, 1996        14.01        
      OS/390  1.2.0                    Sep 30, 1996        14.05        
      OS/390  1.3.0 Compatibility Mode Mar 28, 1997        14.14        
      OS/390  1.3.0 WLM Goal Mode      Mar 28, 1997        15.02        
      OS/390  2.4.0                    Sep 28, 1997        15.06        
      OS/390  2.5.0                    Feb 24, 1998        15.06        
      OS/390  2.6.0                    Sep 24, 1998        16.04        
      OS/390  2.7.0                    Mar 26, 1999        16.09        
      OS/390  2.7.0 APAR OW41318       Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390  2.8.0                    Aug 24, 1999        16.09        
      OS/390  2.8.0 FICON/SHARK        Aug 24, 1999        17.08        
      OS/390  2.8.0 APAR OW41317       Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390  2.9.0                    Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390 2.10.0                    Sep 15, 2000        18.06        
      OS/390  PAV                      Oct 24, 2000        18.09        
      z/OS    1.1                      Mar 30, 2001        18.11        
      z/OS    1.1 on 2064s             Mar 30, 2001        19.01        
      z/OS    1.1 with correct MSU     Mar 30, 2001        19.02        
      z/OS    1.2                      Oct 31, 2001        19.04        
      z/OS    1.1,1.2 APARs to 78      Oct 31, 2001        19.05        
      z/OS    1.2+ APAR OW52227        Apr 26, 2002        20.02        
      z/OS    1.3+ APAR OW52227        Apr 26, 2002        20.02        
      z/OS    1.2 JESNR Z2 MODE        Apr 26, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS    1.3 JESNR Z2 MODE        Apr 26, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS    1.4 Tolerate             Sep 27, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS    1.4 Support              Sep 27, 2002        20.06        
      z/OS    1.4 Over 16 CPUs/LPARs   May 29, 2003        21.02        
      z/OS    1.4 DFSMS/rmm, RACF      Aug 29, 2003        21.04        
      z/OS    1.5                      Mar 31, 2004        21.21        
      z/OS    IRD ASUM70PR/ASUMCEC     Sep 22, 2003       *24.10        
      z/OS    IRD TYPE70PR             Mar 11, 2004       *24.10        
      z/OS    IRD TYPE70,RMFINTRV      Mar 22, 2002       *24.10        
      z/OS    1.6 - No IFAs            Sep 30, 2004       *22.09        
      z/OS    1.6 - With IFAs          Sep 30, 2004       *22.11        
      z/OS    1.7 (COMPATIBLE CHANGES) Sep 30, 2005       *24.10        
      z/OS    1.7 (SPLIT70 CORRECTION) Sep 30, 2005       *24.10        
      z/OS    IFA data in RMF 79s      Sep 30, 2005        23.10        
      z/OS    1.8 - ASMTAPEE assembly  Sep 30, 2005       *25.03        
      z/OS    1.8 - SMF 119 INCOMPAT   Sep 30, 2005       *25.06        
      z990 CPUs - CPUTYPE '2084'x      Aug 25, 2003        21.04        
      z890 CPUs - CPUTYPE '2086'x      Jun 24, 2004        22.07        
      z9   CPUs - CPUTYPE '2094'x      Jul 20, 2005       *24.24        
      z9EC CPUs - CPUTYPE '2094'x:                                      
             with 64-bit z/OS - no change required        *24.24        
             with 32-bit z/OS only:    Aug 26, 2006        24.06        
      z9BC CPUs - CPUTYPE '2096'x:                                      
             with 64-bit z/OS - no change required         24.01        
             with 32-bit z/OS only:    Jul 27, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS More than 32 LPARs          Jan 30, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS SPLIT RMF 70 records        Jan 30, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS Dupe SYSTEMs in a SYSPLEX   Jan 30, 2006       *24.02        
      z/OS IRD errors corrected        May 15, 2006        24.03        
      z/OS ASUMCEC errors corrected    May 15, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS ASUM70LP errors corrected   Jun 13, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS    zIIP Processor Support   Jun 22, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS    Dedicated zIIP Support   Oct  5, 2007        25.10        
      z/OS    1.8 (COMPATIBLE CHANGES) Sep 20, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS    1.9 (INCOMPAT, 54 CPs)   Sep 27, 2007        25.10        
      CICS/ESA 3.2                     Jun 28, 1991         9.9         
      CICS/ESA 3.3                     Mar 28, 1992        10.01        
      CICS/ESA 4.1                     Oct 27, 1994        13.09        
      CICS/ESA 5.1 aka CICS/TS V1R1    Sep 10, 1996        14.07        
      CICS-Transaction Server V1R1     Sep 10, 1996        14.07        
      CICS-TS V1R1 with APAR UN98309   Sep 15, 1997        15.06        
      CICS-TS V1R2  CICS/TS 1.2        Oct 27, 1997        15.06        
      CICS-TS V1R3  CICS/TS 1.3        Mar 15, 1999        17.04        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 2.1     Mar 15, 2001        18.11        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 2.2     Jan 25, 2002        19.19        
       CICSTRAN subtype 1 support only                    *19.19        
       CICSTRAN subtype 2 completed                       *19.08        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 2.3     Dec 19, 2003                     
       Using UTILEXCL to create IMACEXCL:                  21.04        
       Reading un-Excluded CICS with TYPE110, no IMACEXCL:*22.04        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 3.1     Mar 15, 2005                     
       Using UTILEXCL to create IMACEXCL:                  22.13        
       Reading un-Excluded CICS with TYPE110, no IMACEXCL: 22.22        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 3.2     Jun 29, 2007        25.03        
      CICS-TS/3.2 Compressed Records   Nov  3, 2007        25.11        
      DB2 2.3.0                        Oct 28, 1991        10.01        
      DB2 3.1.0                        Dec 17, 1993        13.02A       
      DB2 4.1.0 Tolerate               Nov  7, 1995        13.07        
      DB2 4.1.0 Full support           Sep 11, 1996        14.07        
      DB2 5.1.0 Tolerate               Jun 27, 1997        14.14        
      DB2 5.1.0 Full support           Jun 27, 1997        15.02        
      DB2 6.1.0 initial support        Mar 15, 1999        16.09        
      DB2 6.1.0 all buffer pools       Mar 15, 1999        18.01        
      DB2 6.1.0 parallel DB2           Mar 15, 1999        19.19        
      DB2 7.1.0 parallel DB2           Mar 31, 2001        19.19        
      DB2 7.1.0 corrections            Mar 31, 2001        20.06        
      DB2 8.1 Tolerate, no packages    Mar 31, 2004        20.20        
      DB2 8.1 New Data Packages wrong  Mar 31, 2004        21.08        
      DB2 8.1 Support with Packages    Mar 31, 2004        23.09*       
      DB2 8.1 with all zIIP Variables  Sep 30, 2006        24.08        
      DB2 9.1 See Change 25.265.       Dec  7, 2007        25.11        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.1                    Mar 13, 1993        11.11        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.2                    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.3                    Dec 29, 1995        13.09        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.4                    Sep 28, 1997        15.04        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.4 HSM                Sep 23, 1998        16.04        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.5                    ??? ??, 1999        16.04        
      DFSORT SMF V1R5                  Mar  1, 2006        24.02        
      MQM 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4          Apr 25, 1996        14.02        
      MQ Series 1.2.0                  May 26, 1998        16.02        
      MQ Series 2.1.0                  Oct  2, 1999        17.07        
      MQ Series 5.2                    Dec 16, 2000        18.10        
      MQ Series 5.3                    Dec 16, 2002        21.05        
      NETVIEW 3.1 type 37              ??? ??, 1996        14.03        
      NPM 2.0                          Dec 17, 1993        12.03        
      NPM 2.2                          Aug 29, 1994        12.05        
      NPM 2.3                          ??? ??, 1996        15.08        
      NPM 2.4                          Nov 18, 1998        17.01        
      NPM 2.5                          Feb ??, 2000        18.02        
      NPM 2.6                          Nov ??, 2001        19.06        
      RMDS 2.1, 2.2                    Dec 12, 1995        12.12        
      RMDS 2.3                         Jan 31, 2002        19.11        
      TCP/IP 3.1                       Jun 12, 1995        12.12        
      TCP/IP 3.4                       Sep 22, 1998        16.04        
      WebSphere 5.0 APAR PQ7463        Aug 19, 2003        21.04        
      WebSphere 6.0                    Feb 18, 2006        23.23        
      DOS/VSE POWER V6.3.0             Dec 19, 1998        16.08        
      VM/ESA  2.0                      Dec 23, 1992        10.04        
      VM/ESA  2.1                      Jun 27, 1993        12.02        
      VM/ESA  2.2                      Nov 22, 1994        12.06        
      VM/ESA  2.3                      Jun  1, 1998        16.08        
      VM/ESA  2.4                      Mar  1, 2001        19.03        
      z/VM    3.1                      Mar  1, 2001        19.03        
      z/VM    3.1 DATABYTE=0           May  2, 2002        20.02        
      z/VM    4.2 ??                   May  2, 2002        20.02        
      z/VM    4.4                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      z/VM    5.1                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      z/VM    5.2                      Jan 22, 2006        24.01        
      z/VM    5.3                      Jan 22, 2007        25.04        
      IMS log 4.1                      Jul  4, 1994        12.02        
      IMS log 5.1                      Jun  9, 1996        14.05        
      IMS log 6.1                      ???  ?, 199?        20.03        
      IMS log 7.1                      ???  ?, 200?        20.03        
      IMS log 8.1                      May 21, 2003        21.02        
      IMS log 9.1                      Dec ??, 2004        22.08        
      IMS log 10.0                     Feb 27, 2007        25.01        
      AS400 3.7.0                      Nov  1, 1996        15.01        
      AS400 4.1.0                      Dec 30, 1996        15.08        
      AS400 4.2.0                      Apr 27, 1998        16.02        
      AS400 4.4.0                      Sep 27, 1999        17.07        
      AS400 4.5.0                      Jul 27, 2000        18.07        
      AS400 5.2.0 - Most records       Jul 23, 2003        21.03        
      AS400 5.2.0 - QAPMMIOP           Jul 23, 2003        22.04        
      AS400 5.3.0                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      AS400 5.4.0                      Aug 26, 2006        24.06        
    Note: Asterisk before the version number means the Version number   
          was changed (to the MXG version required), after an earlier   
          MXG version was listed as supporting this product release,    
          usually because an APAR modified the product's data records.  
          Or a coding error in MXG could be the reason for the change!  
    Availability dates for non-IBM products and MXG version required:   
                                                        MXG Version     
      Product Name                                       Required       
      Demand Technology                                                 
       NTSMF Version 1 Beta                                14.11        
       NTSMF Version 2.0                                   15.05        
       NTSMF Version 2.1                                   15.06        
       NTSMF Version 2.2                                   16.04        
       NTSMF Version 2.3                                   17.10        
       NTSMF 2.4.4                     Aug  9, 2002        20.04        
       NTSMF 2.4.5   INCOMPAT          Apr  1, 2003        21.02        
       NTSMF 2.4.7                     Sep 30, 2004        22.08        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 2                       13.06        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.0                     16.02        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.1                     20.04        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 4.0                     22.10        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.2 -                      12.12        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.3 -                      15.01        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 2.0 -                      15.06        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.1 -                      20.04        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.2 - 20.335, 21.134       21.04        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.3 including cics/ts 3.1  22.08        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.3  -                      12.05        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.5  -                      12.05        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 2.0  -                      15.09        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 3.0  -                      19.19        
       The Monitor for CICS/TS V2.3 for CICS/TS 3.1        22.08        
       Omegamon for CICS V200 User SMF                     12.05        
       Omegamon for CICS V300 User SMF                     13.06        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 User SMF                     16.02        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 type 110 segments            16.02        
       Omegamon for CICS V500 User SMF                     18.01        
       Omegamon for IMS V110 (ITRF)                        12.12        
       Omegamon for IMS V300 (ITRF)                        14.04        
       Omegamon for IMS V550/V560 (ITRF)                   25.05        
       Omegamon for MVS V300                               13.05        
       Omegamon for MVS V400                               13.06        
       Omegamon for DB2 Version 2.1/2.2                    13.05        
       Omegamon for VTAM V160                              12.04A       
       Omegamon for VTAM V400                              15.15        
       Omegamon for VTAM V500                              18.08        
       Omegamon for SMS V100/V110                          12.03        
       ACF2 6.2                                            16.04        
       ASTEX 2.1                                           14.04        
       NETSPY 4.7                                          14.03        
       NETSPY 5.0                                          14.03        
       NETSPY 5.2                                          16.05        
       NETSPY 5.3                                          18.03        
       NETSPY 6.0                                          20.10 20.305 
       NETSPY 7.0                                          20.10 20.305 
       SAR/VIEW R11                                        23.07 23.196 
      BMC, was Boole & Babbage                                          
       IMF 3.1 (for IMS 5.1)                               12.12        
       IMF 3.2 (for IMS 6.1 only)                          15.09        
       IMF 3.2 (for IMS 5.1 and 6.1+)                      16.04        
       IMF 3.3 (for IMS 7.1 and 8.1)                       22.08*       
       IMF 4.1 (for IMS 9.1)                               22.08        
       LMS 3.1                                             12.12A       
      Oracle V9, V10                                       24.06        
       APAF 4.1, 4.3                                       16.08        
      Velocity Software                                                 
       XAMAP 3.4                                           22.10        
       XAMAP 3406                                          24.03        
       XAMAP 3.7                                           25.04        
II.   Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 25.11.                  
 1. Incompatibilities introduced in MXG 25.11:                          
  a- Changes in MXG architecture made between 25.11 and prior versions  
     that can introduce known incompatibilities.                        
     NTSMF Weekly/Monthly processing will fail on BLKBERRY dataset due  
     to new variable in the BY list.  See Change 25.015 for required    
     actions you must take prior to running the Weekly/Monthly.  The    
     incompatibility was introduced by Change 24.162 in MXG 24.06.      
     Change 25.189 revised %READDB2/%ANALDB2R when PDBOUT=, is null.    
     Now, ALL output datasets are written to //WORK, which was intended 
     when PDBOUT=null, but that did not always happen.                  
       The error corrected was that a simple report with %ANALDB2R      
       failed if there was no //PDB DD name, because MXG tried used the 
       default DDnames, and did not force them to //WORK as desired.    
       That correction created a new exposure if you actually did have  
       a //PDB DD name, if you had changed DDNAME defaults with         
          %LET PDB2ACC or MACRO _LDB2ACC or _WDB2ACC,                   
       and if you did not specify PDBOUT=PDB; Change 25.189 now caused  
       zero observations in PDB.DB2ACCT.                                
     So if you want output datasets created by %READDB2/%ANALDB2R, you  
     must specify                                                       
        PDBOUT=PDB (which works as documented, output all to //PDB), or 
        PDBOUT=YES (which outputs to the (tailored) default DDNames, or 
        PDBOUT=ZZZ (which outputs everything to ZZZ DDname).            
     Change 25.284, in MXG 25.25, corrected the original Change 25.189. 
 2. Installation and re-installation procedures are described in detail 
    in member INSTALL (which also lists common Error/Warning messages a 
    new user might encounter), and sample JCL is in member JCLINST9 for 
    SAS Version 9.1.3 (JCLINST8 for SAS Version 8.2).                   
    MXG Definitions with regard to MXG Software Changes:                
    COMPATIBLE   A change in a data record which did not alter either   
                 the location or the format of all of the previously-   
                 kept MXG variables is COMPATIBLE, and you can continue 
                 to run the old version of MXG software, which will read
                 the new records without error, but none of any new data
                 fields or any new record subtypes will be created/kept 
                 until you install the MXG Version with this change.    
                 A change that alters any previously kept variable is   
                 INCOMPATIBLE, and requires the new version to be used. 
    TOLERATE     In other words, the old MXG Version TOLERATES the new  
                 data records, if they are COMPATIBLY changed.          
    EXPLOIT      Once you use the new MXG Version to read the changed   
                 records, all of the new fields, subtypes, etc, that are
                 described in this change will be created in the MXG    
                 datasets, so the new MXG Version EXPLOITS the new data,
                 and you have full support of the new data records.     
    INCOMPAT     A change in a data record that causes the current MXG  
                 version to fail, visibly or invisibly, with or without 
                 error conditions or messages, and the output datasets  
                 may contain wrong values and incomplete observations,  
                 and/or observations may have been lost.                
                 You MUST install the new MXG Version with this change  
                 to process data records that have been INCOMPATIBLY    
                 changed by their vendor.                               
III.  Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
    MXG Documentation is now described in member DOCUMENT.              
    See also member INDEX, but it may be overwhelming.                  
IV.   Changes Log                                                       
--------------------------Changes Log---------------------------------  
 You MUST read each Change description to determine if a Change will    
 impact your site.  All changes have been made in this MXG Library.     
 Member CHANGES always identifies the actual version and release of     
 MXG Software that is contained in that library.                        
 The CHANGES selection on our homepage at            
 is always the most current information on MXG Software status,         
 and is frequently updated.                                             
 Important changes are also posted to the MXG-L ListServer, which is    
 also described by a selection on the homepage.  Please subscribe.      
 The actual code implementation of some changes in MXG SOURCLIB may be  
 different than described in the change text (which might have printed  
 only the critical part of the correction that need be made by users).  
 Scan each source member named in any impacting change for any comments 
 at the beginning of the member for additional documentation, since the 
 documentation of new datasets, variables, validation status, and notes,
 are often found in comments in the source members.                     
Alphabetical list of important changes in MXG 25.06 after MXG 24.24:    
  Member   Change    Description                                        
  Many     25.140  Support for z/OS 1.9 (COMPAT, minor SMF additions).  
  Many     25.179  %UPCASE,%LOWCASE,%STR,%BQUOTE,%QUOTE, etc.           
  ADOCDB2  25.172  Example to process DB2 datasets to separate DDNAMES. 
  ADOCDB2  25.148  Doc. How to create DB2ACCTB/DB2ACCTP in separate DDs.
  ADOCITRM 25.149  Doc. Maps ITRM dataset names to MXG name.            
  ANALACTP 25.254  Sample report summarizes DB2 Package data to UOW.    
  ANALDB2R 25.202  VARIABLE QBnTDPIO NOT FOUND error corrected.         
  ANALDB2R 25.189  New PDBOUT=YES, old PDBOUT= changed, writes to WORK. 
  ANALDB2R 25.068  SQL Text QW0141TX was not printed, coding error.     
  ANALFIOE 25.026  Divide by zero message protected.                    
  ANALRMFR 25.146  ERROR: NO DATASETS TO LOOKUP correction.             
  ANALRMFR 25.032  IRD corrections to RMF reports.                      
  ASMTAPEE 25.033  Support for ASMTAPEE ML-40 assembly under z/OS 1.8.  
  ASUM70PR 25.303  Extraneous PROC PRINT from testing was removed.      
  ASUM70PR 25.270  INTERVAL=DURSET cannot be used.                      
  ASUM70PR 25.163  Capacity Group summarization, PDB.ASUM70GC/ASUM70GL. 
  ASUM70PR 25.150  ASUM70PR created PCTCPUBY GT 100%, final fix?        
  ASUM70PR 25.150  ASUM70PR now supports INTERVAL/CECINTRV=SHIFT.       
  ASUM70PR 25.001  NRICFCPU,NRIFLCPU were wrong if there was more than 1
  ASUMCELP 25.209  Duplicate observations in PDB.ASUMCELP eliminated.   
  ASUMHSM  25.113  HSM Summary enhanced with "HSM COMPLEX" HSMPLEX.     
  ASUMTAPE 25.300  Blank SYSTEM, missing DEVNR in PDB.ASUMTAPE fixed.   
  ASUMTAPE 25.040  Uncompress read/write SMF21DBR/DBW kept in ASUMTAPE. 
  ASUMUOW  25.121  Enhanced to keep each CICS segment response time.    
  ASUMUOW  25.054  QWACSPCP,QWACTRET added to PDB.ASUMUOW for OTE.      
  BLDSMPDB 25.048  Corrections to BLDSMPDB, new SORTEDBY= option.       
  COMPINTV 25.302  Capture/Compare ALL CPU times in 30/70/72/100/101/110
  CONFIGV8 25.037  SORTEQUALS should NOT have been in CONFIGV8, V9 only.
  CONFIGV9 25.267  VALIDVARNAME=V7 added to SAS CONFIGs.                
  CONFIGV9 25.101  MEMLEAVE=10M SORTBLOCKMODE now set in CONFIGV9       
  CONFIGV9 25.028  OPTION NOSORTEQUALS caused errors in ASUM70PR.       
  CONFIGW2 25.252  MXG updates for testing MXG Execution under WPS.     
  DALYTAPE 25.072  Sample tape reports from STC VTS SMF + MXGTMNT.      
  Doc      25.179  Use %LET MACxxxx= %STR( text ) ; to pass text.       
  Doc      25.078  List of MXG-issued USER ABEND values & source member.
  EXITCICS 25.240  MCTSSCRL now tested vs MCTMNOPN for CICS Compressed. 
  EXITCICS 25.017  SAS INFILE EXIT for compressed CICS SMF 110-1 data.  
  FORMATS  25.063  Additional SWAP reason codes added to $MG079SR.      
  IHDRIDMS 25.112  CA IDMS PerfMon support enhanced with "IHDR" exit.   
  IMACICMR 25.007  CMRDATA, CMDUDATA/CMDDBCCP reversed.                 
  IMACICOB 25.238  OMEGAMON did NOT increase time-duration to 12 bytes. 
  IMACICOB 25.008  OMDBDB2LN now spelled as OMBDB2LN.                   
  IMACICOM 25.008  OMMLN     now spelled as OMMQLN.                     
  ITRMTNG  25.262  233 DDU files to create ITRM definitions for TYPETNG.
  MXGWPSV2 25.252  Revised JCL Procedure for MXG Execution under WPS.   
  READDB2  25.189  New PDBOUT=YES, old PDBOUT= changed, writes to WORK. 
  RMFINTRV 25.199  SMF70GIE now reset to 00/15 if SYNC59=YES is used.   
  SYSLOG   25.070  Major revisions to SYSLOG program, will be renamed.  
  TIMEBILD 25.209  Optional SYNC59 timeshifting using TIMETABL.         
  TYPE102  25.306  Support for APAR PK38803 INCOMPAT SMF 102 IFCID 22.  
  TYPE102  25.306  IBM SMF 102 IFCID 22 APAR PK38803 wrong, supported.  
  TYPE102  25.129  IFCID=224 updated with QW0224PN and QW0224CI.        
  TYPE110  25.240  MCTSSCRL now tested vs MCTMNOPN for CICS Compressed. 
  TYPE119  25.119  SMF 119 from z/OS 1.8 caused INVALID DATA messages.  
  TYPE119  25.119  Support for SMF 119 for z/OS 1.8 (INCOMPATIBLE).     
  TYPE120  25.247  SM120SNT=2 (two heap ids) caused INPUT EXCEEDED.     
  TYPE122  25.287  Support for SMF 122, Tivoli Tape Allocation Manager  
  TYPE1415 25.047  Support for APAR OA19502, SMF14KET Key Exchange Time 
  TYPE21   25.083  Actual support for APAR OA20077 Device Bytes TYPE21. 
  TYPE21   25.040  Support for APAR OA20077, uncompress read/write byte 
  TYPE22   25.276  Support for APAR OA20043 Dynamic Volume Expansion    
  TYPE30   25.304  Support for APAR OA23679, BLKSIZE might be wrong.    
  TYPE30   25.260  MXG 25.10, INTRVLTM missing for TYPETASK='OMVS'      
  TYPE30   25.116  MXG 25.05, negative EXECTM, INTRVLTM, GMTOFF30 wrong.
  TYPE30   25.089  GMTOFF30 calculation corrections and problems.       
  TYPE42   25.153  MXG 25.06 only, false INVALID TYPE42 SUBTYPE 5 error.
  TYPE42DS 25.030  TYPE42DS had carried-forward IOCOUNT and other vars. 
  TYPE50   25.269  Support for OSA-MPC VTAM SMF 50 subtype 4 record.    
  TYPE70   25.211  ZIPACTTM, PCTZIPBY corrected for Dedicated zIIPs.    
  TYPE70   25.028  IORATEn per-engine I/Os corrected for IRD.           
  TYPE7072 25.237  LCPUWAIT was accidentally not kept in TYPE70.        
  TYPE7072 25.227  Variable RPRTCLAS now kept in TYPE72DL dataset.      
  TYPE7072 25.224  CPUTYPE tests are replaced with ZARCHMDE tests.      
  TYPE7072 25.205  Support for z/OS 1.9 54 CP engines per MVS, INCOMPAT 
  TYPE7072 25.176  Support for APAR OA18244, Blocked Workload z/OS 1.9. 
  TYPE7072 25.163  Support for Capacity Groups variables in TYPE70.     
  TYPE7072 25.135A LCPUCAP/LCPUCAPC Labels include "Hard CAP".          
  TYPE7072 25.013  PCTMVSBY in PDB.TYPE70PR was wrong if IRD was active.
  TYPE70PR 25.051  NRIFACPU now populated for z990/2084 CPUTYPE.        
  TYPE71   25.143  SWAPrates were set missing if zero, now can be zero. 
  TYPE71   25.109  UIC variables changed meaning in z/OS 1.8.           
  TYPE74   25.140  APAR OA17070 supports CF Level 15 measurements.      
  TYPE74   25.140  Support for APAR OA17070 RMF 74-4 Coupling Facility  
  TYPE74   25.108  R748CSER/CTYP/CDML now kept in TYPE748 dataset.      
  TYPE74   25.003  NREXPOSR was wrong for HyperPAV devices.             
  TYPE78   25.236  Zero obs in TYPE78IO with Change 24.171 if z/OS 1.7. 
  TYPE78   25.141  APAR OA21799 prevents ABEND, SMF78HIX invalid.       
  TYPE80A  25.137  Support for unknown TOKDANAMs, prevents ABEND.       
  TYPE80A  25.131  Support for CRL PUBLISH and SET UID RACFEVNT 52, 79. 
  TYPE80A  25.131  Support for TOP SECRET (INCOMPAT) '90'x,'00'x VRSN.  
  TYPE80A  25.111  TYPE80xx variable TYPSTRNG wrong after Change 25.024.
  TYPE82   25.257  Support for ISCF HCR7750 TKE Logging update.         
  TYPE85   25.279  Support for subtypes 38, 39 and 40 for ID=85 OAM.    
  TYPE85   25.234  New variables in OAM subtype 32-35 records.          
  TYPE89   25.198  SMF89HOF,SMF89DTO were incorrect due to typo.        
  TYPE89   25.138  Support for APAR OA20314 new SMF89LPN/SMF89ZNA.      
  TYPE92   25.192  New ID=92 ST=14 INPUT EXCEEDED if not a RENAME.      
  TYPE99   25.012  SMF 99 with only Trace, INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED.    
  TYPEAIXT 25.039  Support for AIX Tapas-C performance data files.      
  TYPEBTE  25.107  Support for CA Brightstor Tape Encryption SMF.       
  TYPEBVIR 25.011A Support for TS7700 SMF records.                      
  TYPECIMS 25.230  IMF 4.2 PTF BQI0129 caused INPUT EXCEEDED error.     
  TYPECIMS 25.139  Support for IMF Version 4.3 (INCOMPATIBLE).          
  TYPECLAR 25.130  Support for Clarion Disk Array flat files.           
  TYPECSM  25.050  Support for CrossSysplexManager user SMF record.     
  TYPEDB2  25.291  DB2ACCT variable QWACUDCP CPU time added in DB2TCBTM.
  TYPEDB2  25.265  DB2TCBTM Correction for DB2 V9.1, REQUIRED.          
  TYPEDB2  25.169  _RDB2ACC DB2 Parallel event "analysis" example.      
  TYPEDB2  25.097  Variable THREADTY blank if non-DDF transaction.      
  TYPEDB2  25.090  Support for PK37354 SMF 101 Subtype 4 in DB2 9.      
  TYPEDB2  25.064  Several QISE variables were wrong.                   
  TYPEDB2  25.020  DB2STATS, QWS3, QWS4 may have reversed contents.     
  TYPEEVTA 25.255  Support for Action Software's EventAction user SMF.  
  TYPEEVTA 25.255  Support for Action Sofware's EventAction SMF record. 
  TYPEFERT 25.133  Support for Williams Data FERRET product user SMF.   
  TYPEHSM  25.042  Process HSM with different SMF IDs/different SYSTEMs.
  TYPEIMS7 25.006  Support for IMS Version 10 (INCOMPATIBLE) IMS log.   
  TYPEITRF 25.286  Support for ITRF DCR77/DCR78 additions.              
  TYPEITRF 25.103  Support for IBM OMEGAMON TRF ITRF V550 and V560.     
  TYPEMQLG 25.280  Support for MQ V6 System Admin Accounting Queue Log. 
  TYPENDM  25.242  NDM record 'UC' is now output in NDMAE dataset.      
  TYPENDM  25.081  NDM-CD type 'NM' records now decided into NDMNM.     
  TYPENDM  25.014  No observations in NDMRT due to incomplete comment.  
  TYPENMON 25.229  NMON for AIX CPUnn records vary in number.           
  TYPENMON 25.110  Support for DISKBUSYn for all NMON Disk Monitoring.  
  TYPENMON 25.104  Full support for NMON, Nigel's Monitor for AIX/unix. 
  TYPENMON 25.073  Support for LPAR and IOADAPTR Nigel's NMON data.     
  TYPENTSM 25.282  Support for new NTSMF Objects, Database Mirroring.   
  TYPENTSM 25.253  Support for new NTSMF objects for MSSQL.             
  TYPEORAC 25.127  No change in Oracle Version 10, but data is trash.   
  TYPEPDSM 25.245  CA PDSMAN diagnostic trace records filled //WORK.    
  TYPEPSYC 25.277  Support for PSYNCH/390 SMF record.                   
  TYPEQACS 25.178  AS400 APAR QAPMDISK with LRECL=456 added new data.   
  TYPEQACS 25.132  Revisions to AS400 TYPECONF GDES variables.          
  TYPERACF 25.244  IRRDBU00 Unload '0200' record has two lengths.       
  TYPERACF 25.134  Support for IRRDBU00 record types 0560,0561,0562.    
  TYPERMFV 25.309  Support for RMF III CPD, Channel Path Data Table.    
  TYPERMFV 25.246  Updates for CPU Segmentation changes.                
  TYPERMFV 25.225  Variable ENCCPUT corrected with zIIP time removed.   
  TYPERMFV 25.204  CFI Segmentation eliminates RMF III skipped CF data. 
  TYPERMFV 25.191  Support for RMF Monitor III CFI table enhancements.  
  TYPERMFV 25.145  RMF III dataset ZRBLCP missing obs for many LPARs.   
  TYPERMFV 25.079  ZRBLCP dataset had only first LPARs observations.    
  TYPESAMS 25.055  Support for SAMS objects 2151,2226,2229 and 2231.    
  TYPESRDF 25.195  Support for EMC's SRDF/A user SMF record.            
  TYPESYNC 25.117  INVALID ARGUMENT due to incorrect HEX4/HEX3 formats. 
  TYPETDS  25.052  Support for TDSLink Version 630 ZCOST datasets.      
  TYPETIMS 25.271  Revisions for TMON/IMS support                       
  TYPETMS5 25.126  Circumvention skip new TMC 'FF20'x Vol Def record.   
  TYPETMS5 25.084  FILSEQ in TMS.DSNBRECD could be wrong, mult-vol-file.
  TYPETNG  25.243  Automatic PROC DELETE of UNKNOWN dataset removed.    
  TYPETNG  25.235  New Solaris, AIX, and many RedHat objects added.     
  TYPETNG  25.221  Support for VM Ware VSX Systems in CA NSM records.   
  TYPETNG  25.181  Support for CA NSM RedHat 4.01 Linux perf cube.      
  TYPETNG  25.181  Support for CA Unicenter NSM is in MXG "TNG" product.
  TYPETPMX 25.239  Support for Thruput Manager SLM and DB2 data.        
  TYPEVMXA 25.151  180 Error _MPRCAPC not found, DEBUG prints removed.  
  TYPEVMXA 25.043  Reserved Change Number.                              
  TYPEXAM  25.307  Extraneous PUT from testing removed.                 
  TYPEXAM  25.115  Incorrect memory variables in XMUCDSYS in MXG code.  
  TYPEXAM  25.082  Support for XAM Release 3.6, many new data.          
  TYPSCOCR 25.034  Support for CopyCross (now VTF Mainframe 2.1.0) SMF. 
  UCICSCNT 25.120  CICS record counting separates Resource segments.    
  UCOMPSOE 25.028  Utility to compare SORTEQUALS and NOSORTEQUALS output
  UPCMEMDZ 25.144  ASCII utility to determine memory available to MXG.  
  UPRINDOC 25.226  Utility prints NAME and LABEL of all variables.      
  UTILBLDP 25.196  Large &MACKEEP string caused strange results.        
  UTILBLDP 25.098  %UTILBLDP(BUILDPDB=JES3 ... enhancement.             
  UTILBLDP 25.071  Products that need deaccumulation now protected.     
  UTILBLDP 25.065  Default list of ASUMxxx to be included, MXGINCL=.    
  UTILCSV  25.197  %UTILCSV creates a CSV (or TAB) Delimited flat file. 
  UTILEXCL 25.256  Macro variable &MXGDEBUG revised for IMACEXCL plus!  
  UTILEXCL 25.193  MXG 25.08 ONLY: LABEL IMACICU3 NOT FOUND.            
  UTILLPDS 25.136  Utility to count used/defined PDS Directory Blocks.  
  VMAC110  25.041  Reserved Change Number.                              
  VMACDB2  25.075  QBGL variables in DB2 V8.1 supported, were wrong.    
  VMXG70PR 25.293  SMF70GIE is now set from STARTIME=DURATM after shifts
  VMXG70PR 25.028  OPTION NOSORTEQUALS caused errors in ASUM70PR.       
  VMXGDUR  25.044  Interval= QUARTER, SEMIANN, ANNUAL now supported.    
  VMXGINIT 25.231  Unresolved &ARRAYRMF is SAS V8.1 or WPS was used.    
  VMXGINIT 25.143  New MXGMISS macro variable changes TYPE71 SWAPrates. 
  VMXGPRAL 25.028  Print All utility now compares all datasets in LIBs. 
  VMXGRMFI 25.069  Service Class Names can be "wild-carded"             
  VMXGSUM  25.248  New &LNSUMOUT=8 will make all output to length 8.    
  VMXGUSE  25.067  Revised to invoke _STY70; UTILBLDP recommended.      
  See member CHANGESS for all changes ever made to MXG Software.        
Inverse chronological list of all Changes:                              
NEXTCHANGE: Version 25.                                                 
====== Changes thru 25.309 were in MXG 25.25 dated Jan 28, 2008=========
Change 25.309  Support for RMF III CPD, Channel Path Data Table, creates
ASMRMFV        new ZRBCPD dataset.                                      
ADOCRMFV       The RMFV documentation in DOCRMFV and the documentation  
EXZRBCPD       in the CLRMFV CLIST (without any code changes in CLIST)  
IMACRMFV       have been updated to match ASMRMFV's updated.            
Jan 28, 2008                                                            
   Thanks to Jerry Urbaniak, Acxiom, USA.                               
Change 25.308  SAS V8.2-V9.1 %MACRO compiler accepts  %ELSE %THEN %DO;  
ANALDB2R       syntax, but the documented syntax is only    %ELSE %DO;  
VMACMVCI       The SAS Language compiler never accepted  ELSE THEN DO;  
VMXGSUM        In early tests of SAS V9.2, its %MACRO compiler rejected 
Jan 28, 2008   the extra %THEN, so all three accidental, unintended MXG 
Sep 16, 2008     %ELSE %THEN %DO statements have been corrected.        
               If you have an old member in your "USERID.SOURCLIB", the 
               error message you will get with SAS V9.2 will be:        
                      A DUMMY MACRO WILL BE COMPILED.                   
   Thanks to MP Welch, SPRINT, USA.                                     
Change 25.307  Debugging PUT printed _N_= COL=nnnn PRCAPM for every one 
VMACXAM        of those segments, but had no impact on output data.     
Jan 25, 2008   Remove the PUT statement after WHERE ('PRCAPM').         
   Thanks to Rodger Foreman, TransUnion, USA.                           
Change 25.306  Change was in error, did not support PK38033, and was    
VMAC102        replaced by Change 26.011 which does support the APAR.   
Jan 23, 2008   And the original change text was WRONG, as there was     
Feb  8, 2008   NOTHING wrong with IBM SMF 102 IFCID 22 with PK38803     
               records; the records matched the DSECT which I misread.  
Change 25.305  Error in %UTILBLDP with USERADD=TMNT/nnn + BUILDPDB=YES. 
UTILBLDP       Because TMNT processing is already in BUILDPDB, there was
Jan 23, 2008   special handling in the USERADD= logic, but in this case 
Jan 27, 2008   it incorrectly didn't create the MACRO _IDTMNT nnn % that
               it should have, so, while all TMNT datasets were created,
               they all had zero observations, unless you had defined   
               your TMNT Record ID _IDTMNT in IMACKEEP/IMACTMNT.        
               The logic in UTILBLDP is corrected for all USERADDs,     
               whether or not they are already in BUILDPDB:             
               USERADD=TMNT/nnn, creates   MACRO _IDTMNT nnn %          
                                which will override any IMAC tailoring. 
               USERADD=TMNT,     does not create _IDTMNT, but ensures   
                                 TMNT records are processed.            
              -Jan 27: Added support for USERADD=100 101 alias for DB2. 
              -In testing the UTILBLDP invocation in the new COMPINTV, I
               had %MACRO errors about non-numeric in a %EVAL, (whose   
               clarity may be a separate SAS issue!), but which were the
               result of incorrect code ordering in my COMPINTV program.
               When %UTILBLDP has MACKEEPX= argument text with old-style
               macros that you want to redefine AND execute in this one 
               step, then your   MACRO _XXXXXXX ...  %   statements must
               be located after the %UTILBLDP(); statement and before   
               the %INCLUDE statement that executes the UTILBLDP output:
               statement that executes the UTILBLDP output:             
                 %UTILBLDP(MACKEEPX=  MACRO _ETY70  _SETTIME  %, .... );
                 MACRO _SETTIME  STARTIME=FLOOR(STARTIME/900);  %       
                 %INCLUDE INSTREAM;                                     
               If the old style macros are defined before %UTILBLDP is  
               executed, then they are expanded inside the macro        
               language when the %MACRO UTILBLDP is being compiled,     
               which can result in unexpected failures.  If you move the
               definition to after %UTILBLDP, only the name of the macro
               is passed to the UTILBLDP output which works as expected.
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
Change 25.304  APAR OA23679 documents possible errors in BLKSIZE in SMF 
VMACEXC1       30 records when DDCONS=YES is specified.  Since MXG has  
Jan 23, 2008   ALWAYS recommended DDCONS=NO and NEVER to use DDCONS=YES,
               this shouldn't have impact.  But when YES is specified,  
               IBM now says the consolidated SMF 30 record contains the 
               first non-zero BLKSIZE value from those DDs in SMF30BSZ, 
               the original 4-byte blocksize field, but the newer 7-byte
               SMF30BXS blocksize field, contains the BLKSIZE value from
               the last DD in the consolidation, which could be valid or
               zero.  MXG stored SMF30BSZ into BLKSIZE, but then INPUT  
               BLKSIZE from SMF30BXS when it existed, even when zero.   
               Now, BLKSIZE is set to SMF30BXS ONLY when it is larger   
               than SMF30BSZ.                                           
Change 25.303 -Extraneous PROC PRINT from testing was removed.          
VMXG70PR      -Calculation of LPARCPUS could be non-integer value, for  
Jan 22, 2008   example, 11.99995682 instead of 12.  Algorithm refined.  
Jan 28, 2008                                                            
   Thanks to Clayton Buck, UniGroup, USA.                               
   Thanks to William Wai Lun WONG, HSBC, HONG KONG.                     
====== Changes thru 25.302 were in MXG 25.25 dated Jan 21, 2008=========
Change 25.302  Compare all CPU variables from SMF 30,70,72,100,101,110s.
COMPINTV       Single pass of SMF creates only the needed datasets with 
UTILEXCL       a "fast read" of SMF records keeping only the CPU and key
Jan 21, 2008   variables to minimize the run with a tailored %UTILBLDP  
Jan 27, 2008   and MACKEEPX overrides to create two summary datasets:   
Jan 30, 2008     PDB.INTVSRVC by SYSTEM STARTIME SRVCLASS          30+72
                 PDB.IN307072 by SYSTEM STARTIME                30+70+72
                 PDB.INALLCPU by SYSTEM STARTIME    30+70+72+100+101+110
               Fast read:  6 GB SMF data, 2 Minutes CPU, 10 Min Elapsed 
               The type 30 SMF interval and type 72 RMF service class   
               create the PDB.INTVSRVC with CPU times by service class. 
               Those data and the CPUACVTM from TYPE70 are combined into
               the PDB.IN307072 SMF+RMF CPU time for each interval. Then
               the CICSTRAN and DB2ACCT transaction CPU times plus the  
               interval CICDS dispatcher and DB2STATS statistics CPU    
               times are added from the 100, 101, and 110 records to    
               create the PDB.INALLCPU with ALL possible CPU variables, 
               summed for each SYSTEM for each STARTIME.                
               Several PROC MEANS summary output reports are printed.   
               The SRVCLASS-level SMF30 and RMF72 summary CPU times     
               should match closely for most service classes, but there 
               can be significant differences in which "SRVCLASS" CPU   
               time is recorded.  For example Enclave CPU time in SMF   
               may be in the SRVCLASS of the address space that started 
               the enclave, but in RMF that same enclave CPU time gets  
               put in the SRVCLASS where that enclave was classified.   
               And we've seen enclaves in two SRVCLASS in SMF30 while   
               spread across three SRVCLASS in RMF72.  It can get messy!
               The STARTIME-level interval summary should match RMF and 
               SMF totals, for the CPU fields that we expect to match,  
               and will show how much of that CPU time is captured in   
               the DB2 and CICS interval data as well, but its accuracy,
               and the accuracy of the SRVCLASS-level data is dependent 
               on the synchronization of your SMF and RMF data.         
                 The MACRO _SETTIME default expects 15 minute intervals 
                 and SYNC(0), but can be tailored to your intervals.    
                 You can get the totals of all CPU times for all of SMF 
                 records in a single output observation per SYSTEM by   
                 setting STARTIME to a single value for all records.    
                   But the summary of the CICSTRAN and DB2ACCT times    
                   can always be skewed by a long-running transaction,  
                   or if SYNC59 is in the data (because not all CPU     
                   records obey SYNC - RMF/SMF 30 does, CICS doesn't.   
               Jan 30: If you use COMPINTV and have an IMACEXCL member, 
                       COMPINTV fails when it sees the second _VCICTRN  
                       definition in your IMACEXCL.  If you will insert 
                          MACRO _VCICTRN _VCICTRN %                     
                       immediately before the existing MACRO _VCICTRN,  
                       then COMPINTV will not fail.  And, fortunately,  
                       by accident, the MACRO _VCICTRN defined in the   
                       MACKEEPX in UTILBLDP will be used for CICSTRAN,  
                       (and it's required for the rename of STRTTIME to 
                        STARTIME and to minimize disk space), because   
                       MACKEEPX is instanced after IMACEXCL was read.   
                         Syntax corrected in Change 26.020.             
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Bank of America, USA.                          
Change 25.301  Due to typos that had DB where OB should have been, all  
VMAC102        of the QW1145OB-QWF145OB variables were wrong (they had  
Jan 21, 2008   the DB database value instead of the OB Object value).   
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, E.P.V. Technologies, ITALY.        
Change 25.300  PDB.ASUMTAPE could have blank SYSTEM and VOLSER, DEVNR   
ASUMTAPE       missing when the SYSLOG Mount and Keep messages had the  
Jan 21, 2008   same timestamp, and the Keep was seen first. Adding the  
               variables SMFTIME SYSLTEXT forces the KEEP to be first   
               to complete the prior event, but adding .001 seconds to  
                 IF SYSLTMNT GT . THEN EVENTIME=SYSLTMNG+.001;          
               was also needed to force the correct sequence.           
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc, USA.                           
Change 25.299  Type 42 Subtype 18 CF Cache Partition Summary Section for
EXTY42P3       Directory/Element Ratio Data now creates new dataset:    
IMAC42            DDDDDD  DATASET  Description                          
VMXGINIT       which had been added in z/OS 1.8 but overlooked.         
Jan 21, 2008                                                            
   Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.                   
Change 25.298  ADOCxxxx members that existed have been updated with new 
ADOCs          variables.  New ADOCS member lists the VMACxxxx products 
Jan 20, 2008   for which an ADOC member does not exist.                 
Change 25.297  Change 25.196 caused ERROR: CHAR OPERAND IN THE %EVAL ...
UTILBLDP       when either or both MACFILE and MACKEEP were used and had
Jan 19, 2008   more than 65 characters of text.                         
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc, USA.                           
Change 25.296  All ADOCxxxx members were updated with current CONTENTS. 
Jan 19, 2008                                                            
   Thanks to Freddie Arie, Merrill Consultants, USA.                    
Change 25.295  The COMPALL program compiles all of the VMACs for all SMF
COMPALL        records in a single data step, and is back in MXG's QA   
VMACIPAC       tests, now that it can be compiled!  It was used in early
VMACOMCI       MXG Versions, testing only the IBM SMF records, by about 
VMACSAMS       Version 3 (1987!), it needed more virtual storage than I 
Jan 19, 2008   could get back then, and it was set aside.  It now brings
               in all of the VMACs for all IBM and USER SMF records, and
               it detected numeric-character variable conflicts in one  
               temp variable that was renamed in VMACIPAC, and two kept 
               variables were renamed to avoid the exposure to error,   
               if you were to add these and certain other SMF records to
               your BUILDPDB job:                                       
                 -VMACSAMS.  Variable CLUSTR replaces numeric CLUSTER.  
                 -VMACOMCI.  Variable DIFTYPEF replaces char DIFTYPE.   
               The current COMPALL requires an 1150 MB Region on z/OS.  
====== Changes thru 25.294 were in MXG 25.12 dated Jan 17, 2008=========
Change 25.294  Label PARTNCPU='TOTAL*NUMBER OF*CPUS*IN THE CEC' replaces
VMAC7072       the previous confusing "CPUS IN THE PARTITION" text that 
VMXG70PR       goes back to the days when we "physically partitioned" a 
Jan 17, 2008   "hardware platform". The variables PARTNCPU PLATCPUS,    
               NUCPSCPU and temp variable NRCPSCPU have always counted  
               the CP/CPU engines in this CEC/CPC/platform/box/etc.     
               If there are no LPARNAME='PHYSICAL' records in TYPE70PR  
               (because your outsourcer turned them off?), the variables
               PARTNCPU, PLATCPUS, NUCPSCPU and CPCNRCPU will be zero.  
               And the specialty engine counters NRIFACPU, NRZIPCPU, etc
               will also always be zero.  And, in the ASUM70PR/ASUMCEC  
               datasets, only your own LPARn variables are populated.   
               Finally (?), CPCMSU in PDB.RMFINTRV is also zero.        
   Thanks to Matthew Chappell, Queensland Transport, AUSTRALIA.         
Change 25.293  SMF70GIE is now set from STARTIME+DURATM after SYNC59 to 
VMXG70PR       provide a more stable and consistent value for the       
Jan 17, 2008   expected end of the interval.  See Change 25.270.        
Change 25.292  Internal logic was revised so when INTERVAL= is used, the
ANALRMFR       variables LRDY00-LRDY11 are added to the MEAN= parm for  
Jan 17, 2008   Cpu Reports.                                             
               Dollarsigns were needed in the below array definitions.  
              -ARRAY INICT05 $ STFBIT05(' ') ;                          
              -ARRAY INICT05 $ STFBIT06(' ') ;                          
              -Also, updated for 54 engines z/OS 1.9.                   
   Thanks to Clay Duncan, Toyota, USA.                                  
   Thanks to Jerry Cobb, American Century, USA.                         
Change 25.291  DB2ACCT variable QWACUDCP, CPU time in DB2 User Functions
VMACDB2        is now included in MXG variable DB2TCBTM, as documented  
Jan 17, 2008   in DB2 Technical Note 4 (PAR.TASKS) in Newsletter FIFTY. 
Change 25.290  Variable JOBCLASS is $8 in JES3 and $1 in JES2, but MXG  
BUIL3005       had INPUTs with both lengths, and that caused SAS WARNING
VMAC26J2       messages that the variable's length was CHANGED; these   
VMAC26J3       warnings will set Return Code 4 in SAS Version 9.2, so   
VMAC30         this change revised how MXG handles JOBCLASS for JES3    
Jan 17, 2008   to keep the full 8-byte length.  The contents of the     
Jan 20, 2008   SPIN library are also changed; JOBCLASS is no longer kept
               in SPIN26, and JOBCLAS8 is kept instead of JOBCLASS in   
               SPIN30_1, SPIN30_4, and SPIN30_5.                        
                   Note: This change was revised in MXG 25.25.          
                         Do NOT use MXG 25.12 with JES3 BUILDPD3.       
   Thanks to MP Welch, SPRINT, USA.                                     
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc, USA.                           
Change 25.289 -Nigel's Monitor for AIX/LINUX variable NRCPUS in NMONINTV
VMACNMON       dataset was one-tenth correct; the INFORMAT 6.1 should be
Jan 17, 2008   6.0.  The AAACPU2 count was correct in NMONAAA dataset.  
              -Support for ERROR: records, sort of: they are printed on 
               the log in full when read.                               
   Thanks to Michael W. Wolke, Boeing, USA.                             
   Thanks to Steve Olmstead, Northwestern Mutual Trust, USA.            
Change 25.288  Variable SMF70GJT is already on Local zone, so the adding
VMAC7072       of the GMT offset in MXG created incorrect datetimes.    
Jan 16, 2008   Jan 26: a second instance was removed.                   
Jan 26, 2008                                                            
   Thanks to Al Sherkow, I/S Management Strategies, USA.                
Change 25.287  Support for SMF 122, Tivioli Allocation Record creates   
EXT122IT       six new datasets:                                        
EXT122AL          DDDDDD  DATASET   DESCRIPTION              SUBTYPE    
EXT122FA          T122IT  T122INIT  ATAM ASID INIT/TERM          0,4    
EXT122DY          T122AL  T122ALOC  ATAM SUCCESSFUL ALLOCATE       1    
EXT122ON          T122WA  T122WAIT  ATAM WAIT/NOHOLD/ALOCFAIL  2,3,5    
IMAC122           T122FA  T122FAIL  ATAM VARY ONLINE FAILURE       6    
TYPE122           T122DY  T122DYNA  ATAM UNSUPPORTED DYNALLOC      7    
TYPS122           T122ON  T122VONL  ATAM VARY ONLINE TO WAIT       8    
Jan 16, 2008                                                            
Change 25.286  Support for new ITRF variables in subtype '10'x and '18'x
EXITRCRG       records and new subtype '20'x created by ITRF DCR77/DCR78
EXITRCRG       (PTFs UA36089,UA37073).  New variables added:            
IMACITRF         Dataset  New Variables                                 
VMACITRF         ITRFMSG                                                
VMXGINIT                  RECTOK  ='FULL*RECOVERY*TOKEN'                
Jan 16, 2008              IMSID   ='IMS*ID'                             
                          COMN    ='COMMITS*DURING*THIS*SCHEDULE'       
                          OASN    ='ORIGIN*APPLICATION*SEQUENCE*NUMBER' 
                          SUSEC   ='SERVICE*UNITS*PER*SECOND'           
                          CPUDB2TM='IN DB2*CPU*TIME'                    
               New dataset ITRFCRGN, 'CONTROL REGION CPU TIME', which is
               created once each 24 hours with the daily total CPU Time 
               in the IMS Control Region:                               
                 Dataset  New Variables                                 
                          CPUCRGTM='CONTROL*REGION*DAILY*CPU TIME'      
                          IMSNAME ='IMSID*FOR THE*IMS SYSTEM'           
               The IMSNAME is retained from the prior ITRF record, as   
               the '20'x record contains only the time fields.          
Change 25.285  The VALIDVARNAME=V7 option added by Change 25.267 to WPS 
Jan 15, 2008   so it has been removed from CONFIGW2 member.  That option
               is the internal WPS default, but the option name is not  
               supported by WPS.                                        
Change 25.284  Change 25.189 was not completely implemented.            
ANALDB2R      -Using %ANALDB2R with new PDBOUT=YES printed COPIED TO YES
READDB2        and did not perform as documented; an additional test for
VFMT102        AND &PDBOUT NE YES was required to support the new YES.  
Jan 16, 2008     But then using PDBOUT=YES caused messages:             
                   ERROR: Libname PDB is not assigned.                  
                   ERROR: Libname   _VDB2A is not assigned.             
                 when no //PDB DD or LIBNAME PDB was allocated.         
                 That is an error.  When PDBOUT=YES is specified, it    
                 writes all DB2 output datasets to their default (or the
                 tailored) DDname, and PDB is the default for sorted DB2
                -But then using no PDBOUT operand, which should write   
                 all DB2 output to //WORK, still caused                 
                   ERROR: Libname PDB is not assigned.                  
                 because READDB2 had an old segment of code that should 
                 have been removed by Change 25.189, now corrected, so  
                 that PDBOUT= null does NOW write only to //WORK.       
              -Warnings about T102S017 DOES NOT EXIST are removed with  
               enhancements made in VFMT102.                            
   Thanks to Mike Rounceville, Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC, USA.       
   Thanks to Robert Carballo, Office Depot, USA.                        
Change 25.283  An extraneous ); was inserted in %UTILBLDP output (on a  
UTILBLDP       separate line several lines after %LET EPDBOUT= text) if 
Jan 15, 2008   both EXPDBOUT= and INCLAFTR= were specified.             
   Thanks to Robert Carballo, Office Depot, USA.                        
Change 25.282  Support for seven new NTSMF Objects:                     
EXNTCICP          DDDDDD     DATASET   DESCRIPTION                      
EXNTOPSM          NTHSRV     HEALSERV  HEALTH SERVICE                   
VMACNTSM                           or  MSSQL:DATABASE MIRRORING         
VMXGINIT       The SQLSERVER and MSSQL Database Mirroring records are   
Jan 15, 2008   both output in SQLDATMI dataset.  The MSSQL records will 
               populate variable SQLDBNAM='SQL*SERVER*DATABASE*NAME'    
               while SQLDBNAM will be blank in the SQLSERVER records.   
   Thanks to Roger Zimmerman, Hewitt Associates, USA.                   
Change 25.281  Cosmetic. If RMFINTRV definitions fall thru to create any
VMXGRMFI       work in "OTHER", a new MXG NOTE alerts you to the SYSTEM 
Jan 15, 2008   and SRVCLASS that fell thru your workload definitions.   
Jan 28, 2008   This is not an error, but it is recommended that all of  
               your work be mapped to a unique workload variable in the 
               RMFINTRV dataset.  The first ten workload names that fell
               thru are printed on the SAS log.                         
              -Cosmetic. Some ERROR:NEGATIVE CPU OVERHEAD for RMF 70-72s
               were in intervals in which a Policy Activation occurred, 
               and data for those intervals are always wise to ignore.  
               There is no flag bit that activation occurred during this
               interval, but the time of policy activation, R723MTPA, is
               now printed along with STARTIME and DURATM of the raw RMF
               record, so you can see if there was a policy activation  
               to blame.  Variable CPUOVHTM in PDB.RMFINTRV will be     
               negative, non-missing value. to identify the intervals   
               that printed that log message.                           
               This message may also be seen in intervals in which the  
               number of hardware CPUs was altered.                     
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Bank of America, USA.                          
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, HUK-COBURG, GERMANY.                       
Change 25.280  Support for Websphere MQ V6 System Admin Account Queue   
EXMQLGMD       MQMD Structure in MQ Accounting Log non-SMF file creates 
IMACMQLG       the new MQLGMQMD Dataset with the Descriptor fields for  
TYPEMQLG       each event. This structure is documented on page 51 in   
TYPSMQLG       Chapter 7.                                               
Jan 11, 2008                                                            
Change 25.279  SMF 85 subtypes 38, 39, and 40 now create three datasets 
EXTY85RE       TYPE85RE, TYPE85IB, and TYPE85TR.  Archaic test records  
EXTY85IB       from year 2000 with shorter records were protected.      
Jan 10, 2008                                                            
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, HUK-COBURG, GERMANY.                       
Change 25.278  PDB.TYPE70 variables PCTZIBYx were created in MXG 24.02  
VMAC7072       but were accidentally  not kept after MXG 24.06; they are
Jan 10, 2008   now reinstated.  PCTZIBYx/PCTIFBYx are the "MVS" values, 
               variables PCTCIBYx/IFATYPE are "LPAR" values for zIIP and
               zAAP usage as noted in Change 24.184.                    
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, HUK-COBURG, GERMANY.                       
Change 25.277  Support for PSYNCH/390 SMF Record from M-Tech product    
EXPSYC39       creates PSYNC390 dataset.                                
FORMATS        Only one of the four flag variables will have a value in 
IMACPSYC       one record, but it's now too late to change the MXG code.
TYPEPSYC       May 5:  Formats were updated.                            
Jan 10, 2008                                                            
May  5, 2008                                                            
   Thanks to Joe Faska, Depository Trust, USA.                          
Change 25.276  Support for APAR OA20043 DFSMS DYNAMIC VOLUME EXPANSION  
VMAC22         adds these two variables:                                
Jan  9, 2008     SMF22CYL='DEVICE*HIGH*CYLINDER'                        
               to the TYPE22_A dataset.                                 
Change 25.275 -Strange error messages can occur if you did not update   
VMACTPMX       your IMACTPMX member with your SYSPLEX and SYSTEM names  
Jan  4, 2008   and mapping tables; messages like these:                 
               resulted when data from SYSTEMs not in IMACTPMX was read.
               Adding an entry for each SYSPLEX and for its SYSTEMs in  
               IMACTPMX solved those errors.                            
              -Variable JXJBSJ4 was incorrectly input as $EBCDIC, but it
               is a hex flag field, now input and formatted $HEX8.      
               Jan 9: A debugging PUT was removed, VGETJESN %INCLUDEd to
                      create variable JESNR from JCTJOBID for subtype=5.
                      The current level: TM V6R1.2 at PTF TMT6116; the  
                      fix for the truncated records is APAR TR61390, but
                      you are at PTF TMT6118, the APAR is TR61391.      
   Thanks to James D. Lieser, UHC, USA.                                 
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc, USA.                           
Change 25.274  A GDG member that had DSNAME .VnnnnGOO' (alpha oh) caused
VMAC6156       INVALID DATA warning message when MXG INPUT the oh's as a
Jan  2, 2008   numeric.  Adding the double question mark modifier to the
               INPUT function eliminates the warning and causes GENNO to
               be a missing value:                                      
                   VCK   =SUBSTR(ENTRNAME,GDGLEN-2,1);                  
                   IF DOTGCK='.G' AND VCK='V' THEN DO;                  
                     GENNO=INPUT(SUBSTR(ENTRNAME,GDGLEN-6,4),?? 4.);    
                     VERNO=INPUT(SUBSTR(ENTRNAME,GDGLEN-1,2),?? 2.);    
               Scott had provided this elegant alternative that uses the
               TRANSLATE and SCAN functions, worthy of sharing:         
                   LASTNODE = SCAN(ENTRNAME,-1,'.');                    
                   IF TRANSLATE(LASTNODE,'%%%%%%%%%%','0123456789') =   
                     'G%%%%V%%' THEN DO;                                
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc, USA.                           
Change 25.273  APAR PK38803 incompatibly alters SMF 102 IFCID 22 Record.
VMAC102       -These variables were INPUT as fixed length text, but they
Jan  2, 2008   can be longer, and can be relocated in the SMF record.   
               MXG now detects the new OFFSETs and INPUTs $VARYING32:   
                 Variable  Fixed Length         Label                   
                 QW0022CN   $EBCDIC18.    /*TABLE*CORRELATION*NAME*/    
                 QW0022CR    $EBCDIC8.    /*TABLE*CREATOR*/             
                 QW0022TN   $EBCDIC18.    /*TABLE*NAME*/                
                 QW0022AC    $EBCDIC8.    /*QW0022XC:ACC INDEX CREATOR*/
                 QW0022AN   $EBCDIC18.    /*qw0022XN:INDEX NAME*/       
                   (Note: 22AC and 22AN were original DSECT names)      
               Debugging is enabled for the first 10 instances that have
               varying length fields on the MXG log, so I can validate. 
              -Records with QW0022PL=. have many missing values, and the
               $CHAR vars formatted with $HEX have '20'x vice '00'x. The
               obs was created from a second record, after a legitimate 
               instance with 6 observations, and has only R1O segment.  
              -_S102022 SORT MACRO revised and tested for dupe removal. 
              Jan 23, 2008:  Change 25.306 is now required for PK38803. 
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc, USA.                           
Change 25.272  The Group Capacity Name SMF70GNM is now populated only if
VMAC7072       bit 1 of SMF70PFL is ONE, as that bit indicates this LPAR
Dec 21, 2007   is part of a capacity group of that name.  If bit 1 is   
               zero, SMF70GNM is blanked, because some z/OS 1.8 data had
               non-blank SMF70GNM when bit 1 was zero.  While I could   
               have created a separate variable for bit 1 to identify   
               this LPAR is in a capacity group, with this change there 
               is no need for a second variable; now, IF SMF70GNM GT ' '
               then this LPAR is in that Capacity Group, otherwise not. 
   Thanks to Al Sherkow, I/S Management Strategies, USA.                
Change 25.271  Corrections for TMON/IMS support.                        
VMACTIMS      -CM5612TM is a datetime variable, now format DATETIME21.2.
Dec 21, 2007  -CMCOMP, CPCOMP are formatted HEX8.                       
              -XXTOKN Token variables are LENGTH 5 and HEX8 format.     
              -CMGMTA value's second division by 4096 was removed.      
              -ENDTIME is already on Local time, its GMT correction was 
              -These variables were incorrectly input as &PIB.8.6 vice  
               &PD.8.6, causing too-large values when non-zero:         
               These fields were correctly documented as Packed in the  
               DSECT, but overlooked originally as they all were zero.  
              -Variables input &PIB.8.6 that are NOT GMT offsets are NOT
               then divided by 4096: e.g., CTRSPTME when CTSDATE and    
               CTSPDATE are both non-missing matches their delta.       
                 However, when CTSDATE is missing, CTRSPTME contains    
                 the value of CTSPDATE shifted right by three nybbles,  
                 i.e. a very large and very invalid data.               
                 This problem will be passed to Landmark for correction,
                 but is circumvented by MXG setting CTRSPTME to missing.
              -Five CPU variables are documented on the DSECT as (MILS) 
               for milliseconds and have always been input as &PIB.4.3: 
              -But eleven REGION*CPU*TIME variables have no clue as to  
               their decimal place location:                            
               I have arbitrarily input them as &PIB.4.3 (MIL) but this 
               must be validated.                                       
              -These variables are assumed input of &PIB.4.6 to be like 
               their xxDUR counterparts, but this must be validated:    
                 CMSQ6GM CMACCQ6 CNSQ6TM CNACCQ6 CPSQ6GM CPACCQ6        
                 CUSQ6GM CUACCQ6                                        
   Thanks to Warren Waid, JC Penny, USA.                                
Change 25.270  For ASUM70PR, IMACRMFI tailoring with INTERVAL=DURSET    
ASUM70PR       can NOT be used, and output datasets created with that   
VMXG70PR       tailoring will be invalid if STARTIME is changed in your 
Dec 19, 2007   IMACRMFI member and you used the default ASUM70PR, which 
               specified INTERVAL=DURSET as its default prior to this   
               change.  You must use INTERVAL=HOUR, QTRHOUR, etc. in    
               in your %VMXG70PR invocation in your ASUM70PR member to  
               specify the desired interval.                            
               For RMFINTRV, you can still use IMACRMFI/DURSET, because 
               it is a per-SYSTEM dataset, but I still recommend you use
               INTERVAL=xxxx and not use IMACRMFI, for clarity.         
               Here's the problem with DURSET/IMACRMFI for ASUM70PR:    
                 Because ASUM70PR summarization combines SYSTEMs that   
                 can have different STARTIME, it uses and resets the    
                 value in SMF70GIE.  When I detect INTERVAL=DURSET, I   
                 have to detect if STARTIME was changed in IMACRMFI, and
                 if so, then MXGDURTM (that you added in your IMACRMFI  
                 per Change 25.150) must be added to STARTIME to create 
                 SMF70GIE.  I though I could use this code:             
                     IF STARTIME NE OLDSTART THEN DO;                   
                 and that worked with the first test case.              
                 However, I now discover that the test will always fail 
                 if STARTIME is already exactly on the interval, i.e.   
                 STARTIME=DHMS(DATE,HOUR,0,0); for HOURly intervals will
                 equal OLDSTART when OLDSTART is exactly on the hour.   
                 Since I can only detect some, but not all, changed obs,
                 I cannot support IMACRMFI and DURSET in ASUM70PR.      
                 This is a rare problem; using INTERVAL=value in the    
                 ASUM70PR invocations of %VMXG70PR and RMFINTRV invokes 
                 of %VMXGRMFI is self-documenting and works safely,     
                 so this change is mostly this change text and updates  
                 to the INTERVAL= documentation comments in the cited   
Change 25.269  Support for SMF 50 subtype 4 OSA-MPC VTAM record adds new
EXTY50         observations with ATTCHTYP=4 to TYPE50 dataset, but only 
FORMATS        if this DEV had activity during this interval; the logic 
VMAC50         that deletes zero-activity intervals is in the EXTY50    
Dec 22, 2007   if you should want to output all of those observations.  
   Thanks to Karl Lasecki, Chemical Abstracts Service, USA.             
====== Changes thru 25.268 were in MXG 25.11 dated Dec  7, 2007=========
Change 25.268  The date in MXG 25.11 was typo'ed as year 2006 in several
AAAAAAAA       members, but the member CHANGES was correct with 2007.   
COPYRITE       The dates were corrected and the ftp site was refreshed  
Dec  7, 2007   on Tuesday with the Dec  7, 2007 date.                   
   Thanks to Mike Ryan, Acxiom, USA.                                    
Change 25.267  If the option VALIDVARNAME=V6 is set in your site's SAS  
AUTOEXEC       options, a temporary variable in VMAC78 caused           
AUTOEXEU        ERROR: The variable named N78HCNTCN contains more than  
AUTOEXEW               8 characters                                     
CONFIGV8       because the V6 value restricts the length of variable's  
CONFIGV9       names to be 8 bytes or less.                             
VMAC78         MXG tests with the default VALIDVARNAME=V7, which allows 
Dec  7, 2007   variable names to be up to 32 characters.                
               But almost all MXG variables will always be 8-bytes or   
               less, because I think shorter, encoded, albeit cryptic,  
               variable names are easier for PROGRAMMERs to work with.  
               But because some new open systems code was written with  
               their long names, and because change the default in the  
               MXG members can do no harm but can avoid future errors,  
               VALIDVARNAME=V7 has been added to MXG CONFIGVx and the   
               AUTOEXEx members.                                        
   Thanks to Andreas von Imhof, Rabobank Nederland, THE NETHERLANDS.    
Change 25.266  The MXG ERROR.VMAC110... messages are updated to print   
VMAC110        the CICS/TS 3.2 expected values.                         
Dec  6, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to MP Welch, SPRINT, USA.                                     
Change 25.265  Required for DB2 Version 9.1, DB2TCBTM correction.       
VMACDB2        DB2TCBTM could be significantly less than it should be in
Dec  7, 2007   non-rollup observations in DB2ACCT.  The CPU time delta  
               QWACEJST-QWACBJST was NOT included in DB2TCBTM when      
               QWACBJST was zero (and DB2PARTY NE 'R') in DB2ACCT.      
               And the loss has only been reported at sites with zIIP   
               engines for their DB2 systems.                           
               Prior to DB2 V1.9, IBM DSNWMSGS documentation noted that 
               QWACBJST=0 meant that CPU timing was in error, and so MXG
               had always NOT included that QWACEJST-QWACBJST delta in  
               MXG's DB2TCBTM variable.  Accidentally, DB2TCBTM for the 
               Rollup Records (i.e., DB2PARTY='R") has always included  
               the QWACEJST when QWACBJST=0.                            
               Note that                                                
               is the final value output in DB2ACCT dataset.            
               Now, IBM DB2 Level 2 Support has confirmed in a reply to 
               an MXG site that QWACBJST=0 is valid and the QWACEJST in 
               those records should be included in DB2TCBTM, adding that
               "If we have an agent running 100% on a zIIP, QWACBJST    
               will be zero."  It was only after that reply from IBM DB2
               Support that I looked to see the CPU timing not is not in
               DSNWMSGS in the DB2 V 1.9 Macro Library.                 
               To see if this change impacts your DB2ACCT dataset, you  
               can measure how much DB2TCBTM was lost with              
                  PROC MEANS SUM DATA=PDB.DB2ACCT                       
                    (WHERE= (DB2PARTY NE 'R' AND QWACBJST=0));          
                  VARIABLES QWACEJST;                                   
               If no observations are selected, no CPU time was lost.   
               Several folks at DB2 Support were ultimately involved in 
               the problem, providing this information about PK46171:   
               - Class 1 CP, zIIP, and elapsed times could be incorrect.
                  Because we don't get a 'start accounting' call:       
                  1. QWACBSC would be from the last transaction to see a
                  2. QWACBJST would be the CP time from the last        
                     transaction to see a start -- this can result in   
                     this number being unrelated to QWACEJST            
                  3. QWACCLSL_ZIIP would be effected similarly to       
                     (QWACEJST - QWACBJST) since it is internally       
                     calculated from a start ziip time that can be      
                     unrelated to the end time                          
                  4. QWACAJST and QWACCLS2_ZIIP are probably not        
                     noticeably effected although there could be an     
                     extremely small amount of time that is not counted.
                     Above symptoms only occur in DRDA work when        
                     connection-reuse is in effect.  I can't see any    
                     record said lacking of PK46171 will directly make  
                     qwacbjst to zero.                                  
                - And this note on why QWACBJST can validly be zero.    
                  From dump, we can see CPUTIME is 0 but zIIP time is >0
                  and this is a zIIP eligible distributed SRB.  Thus    
                  this is working as expected.  The CP time can be 0    
                  since all time might be on a zIIP at the time of the  
                  first clocking. As long as either the CP or the zIIP  
                  time > 0, that is normal.                             
   Thanks to Sieghart Seith, FIDUCIA IT AG, GERMANY                     
   Thanks to Derrick Haugan, MetLife, USA.                              
   Thanks to Lisa Ouellette, Wachovia, USA.                             
   Thanks to Jim Lazowski, NAV-INTERNATIONAL, USA.                      
   Thanks to Uncha, DB2 Level 2 Support, GERMANY.                       
   Thanks to Ronald Lobodzinski, DB2 Level 2 Support, USA.              
Change 25.264  For consistency with MXG tailoring macro variables, new  
IMACSPCK       &MACSPCK is defined in VMXGINIT and referenced in the    
VMXGINIT       IMACSPCK tailoring member, though unlikely to be used.   
Dec  5, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Bank of America, USA.                          
Change 25.263  Some DD DUMMY statements for INFILEs for new products    
JCLTEST8       were missing in the TESTOTHR/TESSOTHR steps, and there   
JCLTESS8       were inconsistencies in the TEST vs TESS members that    
JCLTEST9       were corrected in these four test members. The main      
JCLTESS9       purpose of these TEST/TESS jobs is to confirm that your  
Dec  4, 2007   "USERID.SOURCLIB" tailoring did not cause any errors in  
               the TESTIBMx steps, so a failure in a subsequent step due
               to a missing DD statement should not prevent you from    
               moving to JCLPDB8/JCLPDB9 testing.                       
   Thanks to Eric Barnes, Scottish and Southern Energy, SCOTLAND.       
Change 25.262  The 233 DDU files needed for ITRM sites to create ITRM   
TYPETNG        table definitions for each of the 233 datasets built     
Dec  4, 2007   by MXG's TYPETNG (for CA's NSM product, formerly TNG).   
               There is also the program that is used      
               to generate all table definitions,.  You will need to    
               replace &YOUR_PDB_PATH & Your_DDU_PATH in   
               with your paths.  The creation was run under a SAS ITRM  
               interactive session.                                     
               The file contains all 234 files in IEBUPDTE  
               format; the individual files can be created by using the 
               IEBUPDTE.SAS program in the MXG Source Library with the  
      file as it's input.                          
   Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, CheckFree, USA.                              
Change 25.261  Variable LGGLGDEF in CICS dataset CICLGG is the Log Write
VMAC110        Defer Interval, the value specified in the site's LGDFINT
Nov 29, 2007   parameter, but the MXG format only printed 2 decimals;   
               the value is normally in milliseconds, so the format     
               TIME13.3 is now used so a value of 5 ms will print as    
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 25.260  ITRTVLTM in TYPE30_V or PDB.SMFINTRV could be missing    
VMAC30         for TYPETASK='OMVS' record; it is now protected twice,   
Dec  1, 2007   in the SUBSTEP loop, and at the OUTPUT statement.        
   Thanks to Carl Sablon, KBC, BELGIUM.                                 
Change 25.259  VMXGALOC bumped to the next week's PDB one day early, and
VMXGALOC       could do even worse if the week-start-day was not Monday.
Nov 29, 2007   The logic was revised for both errors by this CodeShark. 
   Thanks to Patrick Holloman, Zions Bank Corporation, USA.             
Change 25.258  Intentionally Blank Change (a/k/a skipped).              
Change 25.257  Support for ICSF HCR7750 SMF Logging Update for TKE adds 
FORMATS        these new variables to SMF type 82 subtype 16 TYPE8216:  
VMAC82            SMF82PAL='LENGTH OF*FIXED*AUDIT*DATA*'                
Nov 29, 2007      SMF82PDE='DESCRIPTION'                                
                  SMF82PUS='USER ID*NONCE*TSN'                          
               and incorrectly spelled SMF82PDK is now SMF82PBK.        
               New MG082RC format decodes SMF82PFR.                     
   Thanks to Greg Burt, Fifth Third Bank, USA.                          
====== Changes thru 25.256 were in MXG 25.11 dated Nov 22, 2007=========
Change 25.256  Macro variable &MXGDEBUG is revised for internal debugs. 
TIMEBILD       It's value is now the name of the member, suffixed with a
UTILRMFI       numeric value when multiple values are needed. Previously
VMXGRMFI       tests were for a simple numeric value, which triggered   
VMXGSUM        unwanted debugging diagnostics from other code members.  
VMXGSUME       And, UTILEXCL now exploits &MXGDEBUG with BEFORE/AFTER   
UTILEXCL       location for each of the optional CICS data segments, so 
Nov 21, 2007   diagnosis of user tailoring errors will be faster!       
                 For example, you could use:                            
                    OPTIONS FIRSTOBS=3800 OBS=3800;                     
                    %LET MXGDEBUG=IMACEXCL;                             
                    %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPE110);                         
                 if you had an error after IMACEXCL/IMACICxx members    
                 were tailored, and the error was in _N_=3800th record. 
Change 25.255  Support for Action Software's EventAction SMF User Record
EXEVTA00       creates new datasets:                                    
EXEVTA01         DDDDDD     DATASET   DESCRIPTION                       
EXEVTA04         EVTA01     EVTA01    CHANGESMXSMF)                     
EXEVTA05         EVTA02     EVTA02    REFERENCES MZSMF)                 
EXEVTA06         EVTA03     EVTA03    CHANGE ACTION CONTROLS            
EXEVTA07         EVTA04     EVTA04    TEST ACTION C506)                 
EXEVTA08         EVTA05     EVTA05    COMMAND CONTROL C507)             
EXEVTA0F         EVTA0C     EVTA0C    OPTIONS AT OID LEVEL C40F)        
EXEVTA10         EVTA0D     EVTA0D    GLOBAL PARMS C401)                
EXEVTA12         EVTA0F     EVTA0F    PXC                               
EXEVTA40         EVTA10     EVTA10    UPDATE TO USER GROUP              
EXEVTA50         EVTA11     EVTA11    EXCLUDES NOT REF.TRK)             
EXEVTAF0         EVTA40     EVTA40    CHANGE REQUEST DELETE             
EXEVTAF1         EVTA50     EVTA50    USS CONTROLS                      
IMACEVTA         EVTA51     EVTA51    USS EXCLUDES                      
Nov 18, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Craig Collins, State of Wisconsin DOA DET, USA.            
Change 25.254  New sample report summarizes the DB2 Package data to the 
ANALACTP       UOW level keeping track of total response and CPU,       
Nov 18, 2007   the longest package, the first 10 packages.              
Jan  8, 2008   Jan 8: Typos in the untested code were discovered/fixed. 
                      Example expected UOWIDCHR variable had been added 
                      to your DB2ACCTP dataset, but didn't show how to, 
                      or note it could be removed from ANALACTP example.
   Thanks to Dan Almagro, Automobile Club of Southern California, USA.  
Change 25.253  Support for new NTSMF MSSQL Objects.                     
EXNTQLBA          DDDDDD     DATASET      DESCRIPTION                   
EXNTQLCT          NTQLCL     MSQCLR       MSSQL:CLR                     
EXNTQLTR          NTQLPC     MSQPLANC     MSSQL:PLAN CACHE              
EXNTQLWS          NTQLSR     MSQSQLER     MSSQL:SQL ERRORS              
Nov 18, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Bob Gauthier, Albertsons, USA.                             
Change 25.252  Changes for testing MXG execution under WPS:             
CONFIGW2      -MXGWPSV2. JCL procedure updated for WPS under z/OS       
MXGWPSV2      -VMXGINIT. Test for identification of WPS revised, code   
VMXGINIT                 was relocated to after TAPENGN was set for SAS:
VMXGPRAL           %IF %SYSPROD(WPS) EQ 1 %THEN %DO;                    
ANALDB2K             %LET WPSVER=&SYSVER;                               
ANALHTML             %LET SASVER=8;                                     
ANALMQMC             %LET TAPENGN=WPDSEQ;                               
ASUM42DS           %END;                                                
ASUMCACH      -CONFIGW2.  CONFIG options now specify SEQENGINE=WPDSEQ.  
ASUMHSM      -VMXGPRAL. Tests for ENGINE adds WPDSEQ to list of seqs.   
ASUMTALO               Unrelated, SUM was added to PROC MEANS output.   
CICSTRAN     -VMXGINIT.  WPS does not yet support VIEWS; all members    
DB2PDB                   with /VIEW=XXXXXX were replaced with &VWxxxxxx 
GRAFRAID                 macro variables that are %LET to the correct   
JCLUOWP                  View-NAME under SAS but blanked under WPS.     
JCLUOWV                    This change will be reversed when WPS has    
UTILRMFI                   added support for Views.                     
UTILUOW      -ANALDB2K thru VMXGUOWT listed at left were "View-Revixed".
VMXGCAPT      WPS Level Tested successfully was Build (8460).           
VMXGSUME      MXG Newsletter FIFTY-ONE, VI.A WPS Technical Note reports 
VMXGUOTT      1. Current status of MXG Testing under WPS Betas Nov 2007.
               1.j. MXG Support Position for testing of WPS Release.    
VMXGUOW       2. Run time comparisons.                                  
VMXGUOWT      3. Revision to SAS Clones article in MXG Newsletter FIFTY.
Nov 19, 2007  4. Summary and statistics                                 
Jan 30, 2008  Jan 30: typo VMUM corrected to VWUM.                      
   Thanks to Brian Carter, EDS, UK.                                     
Change 25.251  Several variables starting with R7021xxx had '2048-BIT'  
VMAC7072       in their labels, but those are all '1024-BIT' counts and 
Nov 17, 2007   durations; their labels are now corrected.               
   Thanks to Miguel F. Monferrer Carvajal, SPAIN.                       
Change 25.250  Variable TARCELAP is now FORMATed TIME12.2.              
Nov 17, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Bank of America, USA.                          
Change 25.249  Variable TAUSRDAT was INPUT as $EBCDIC32. but can have up
VMACTMO2       to 240 bytes of data; INPUT statement was revised to use 
Nov 17, 2007   TAUSRLEN to determine the length of user data input.     
   Thanks to Rodger Foreman, Acxiom, USA.                               
Change 25.248  The current VMXGSUM creates output variables with stored 
VMXGINIT       LENGTH of 5 (z/OS) or 6 (ASCII), based on the value of   
VMXGSUM        &MXGLEN (set in VMXGINIT), unless they are used in the   
Nov 18, 2007   SUMLONG=, MAXTIME=, OR MINTIME= arguments, which always  
               create LENGTH 8 variables. You could change those lengths
               with an explicit LENGTH statement in OUTCODE=, or you    
               could change the &MXGLEN value, but that would also      
               change subsequent LENGTHs of all defaulting variables in 
               subsequent steps in the same SAS session/step.           
               The SUMBY= and ID variables are output in the same length
               they were in the input dataset, or in the INCODE= code if
               that is where they were created.  They could be changes  
               in the ORDER= argument.                                  
               This change creates macro variable &LNSUMOUT which will  
               only apply to VMXGSUM and makes all variables on which we
               do mathematical operations to be LENGTH 8.               
               The default value of LNSUMOUT is blank, so the variables 
               will have the original (shorter) length unless you set   
               %LET LNSUMOUT=8; in your //SYSIN stream.                 
                 Apr 2008: DO NOT USE LNSUMOUT.  See Change 26.065.     
   Thanks to MP Welch, SPRINT, USA.                                     
Change 25.247  WebSphere SMF 120 Subtype 3 with two heap ids SM120SNT=2 
Nov 13, 2007   CONTROL error; only SM120SNT=1 records had been read and 
               this condition exposed an MXG logic error, now corrected.
   Thanks to Bjorn Helgestad, VPS ASA, NORWAY.                          
Change 25.246  A CFI record with only a header segment caused ASMRMFV   
ASMRMFV        to burp and die with an 0C4; this revision protects.     
Nov 13, 2007   Additional enhancements are noted in the changes in the  
Nov 17, 2007   ASM source comments.                                     
   Thanks to Jon Whitcomb, Great Lakes Educational Loan Service, USA.   
   Thanks to Jerry Urbaniak, Acxiom, USA.                               
Change 25.245  CA PDSMAN product's SMF record created megabytes of data 
VMACPDSM       when diagnostic trace records (LGRTYPE='D') were enabled,
Nov 12, 2007   and CA's recommendation was to suppress them and also the
               Resource Monitoring (LGRTYPE='M') record processing.     
   Thanks to Sudie Wulfert-Shcickendanz, Anheuser-Busch, USA.           
Change 25.244  The IRRDBU00 RACF DATABASE UNLOAD record '0200' comes in 
VMACRACF       two different lengths, 540 and 549, but MXG expected the 
Nov 12, 2007   549 length record, which caused INPUT RECORD EXCEEDED    
               error when the shorter record was read. Both lengths are 
               now supported.                                           
   Thanks to Sean Angley, IBM, CANADA                                   
Change 25.243  The automatic PROC DELETE of the WORK.UNKNOWN dataset is 
TYPETNG        removed, so that that dataset will exist after TYPETNG or
TYPSTNG        TYPSTNG program is used to process CA NSM (old TNG) data.
Nov  6, 2007   If there are non-zero observations in WORK.UNKNOWN, it is
               very possible that some or all data will not have been   
               output by MXG logic, so leaving WORK.UKNOWN will allow   
               it to be tested for possible unknown data records.       
   Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, CheckFree, USA.                              
Change 25.242  NDM record 'UC' is now output in NDMAE dataset.          
Nov  5, 2007                                                            
Change 25.241  Support for CICS Transaction Gateway 7.1.0 new SMF 111   
EX111CM        statistics record:                                       
EX111CM        datasets:                                                
EX111CS           DDDDDD     MXG       MXG                              
EX111CXE          DATASET    DATASET   DATASET                          
EX111CXI          SUFFIX     NAME      LABEL                            
EX111SE           111CS      T111CX    CICS CTG CICS SERVER             
EX111WT           111CXE     T111CXE   CICS CTG EXCI SERVER INSTANCE    
IMAC111           111CXI     T111CXI   CICS CTG IPIC SERVER INSTANCE    
VMAC111           111GD      T111GD    CICS CTG GATEWAY DAEMON          
VMXGINIT          111PH      T111PH    CICS CTG PROTOCOL HANDLER        
Nov  5, 2007      111SE      T111SE    CICS CTG SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT      
Nov 21, 2007      111WT      T111WT    CICS CTG WORKER THREADS          
Change 25.240  Full Support for CICS/TS 3.2 Compressed Data.            
EXITCICS       MXG incorrectly believed that '20'x bit in MCTMNOPN was  
VMAC110        true when CICS/TS 3.2 SMF 110-1 records are internally   
VMAC112        compressed, but that bit only indicates that the compress
Nov  3, 2007   option was enabled for this CICS region.  This caused MXG
Nov 13, 2007   to falsely report the EXITCICS decompression exit was not
               correctly installed, when Dictionary Records (MNSEGCL=1),
               which are never compressed, were read. MXG now tests for 
               non-zero MCTSSCRL, which is the documented condition for 
               a compressed CICS SMF 110 or 112 record.                 
              -VMAC112 was similarly changed to test for non-zero OMSPCL
               to detect compressed SMF 112 records.                    
              -This incorrect assumption had also been passed in my spec
               for the EXITCICS logic, which had just turned off that   
               '20'x bit in its decompressed output. Now, EXITCICS sets 
               MCTSSCRL or OMSPCL to zero after decompression.          
              -If you previously assembled EXITCICS prior to this change
               you must reassemble with this revised EXITCICS member AND
               use the revised MXG's VMAC to read compressed records.   
Change 25.239 -Support for new THRUPUT MANAGER variables in TYPETPMX:   
EXTPMALG         JXSLMCC ='JXSLM*CONTROL*CENTER'                        
EXTPMDBS         JXSLMCC ='JXSLM*CONTROL*CENTER'                        
EXTPMSLM      -New SLM JOB Statistics subtype 5 creates TPMSLM dataset. 
FORMATS       -New DBS POOL subtype 240 creates two new datasets:       
IMACTPMX         TPMALG - Algorithm data                                
VMACTPMX         TPMDBS - DBS Pool data                                 
VMXGINIT      -Jan 4: Variables JESNR JCTJOBID added to TPMSLM dataset. 
Nov  3, 2007  -Jan 9: GA records have corrected ETP truncation that was 
Jan  4, 2008          originally reported here.                         
Jan  9, 2008                                                            
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc, USA.                           
Change 25.238  Optional OMEGAMON BSC segment for CICS/TS 3.2 did NOT    
IMACICOB       increase time-duration/count fields to the full 12-byte  
IMACICOC       resolution that I had ASS-U-Med, which caused MXG ERROR  
IMACICO2       message INVALID STRTTIME.  I made the same assumption for
Nov  2, 2007   all three Omegamon segments with time/count fields, so I 
               now assumed that the other two segments also have 8-byte 
               fields (IMACICOB for OMEGDB2, IMACICO2 for OMEGAMON), so 
               those two members also are reverted.  And, of course, if 
               Omegamon does increase their fields to full 12-bytes,    
               yet another MXG change will be required.                 
   Thanks to Ray Dunn, CIGNA, USA.                                      
Change 25.237  Variable LCPUWAIT='LCPU 28*WAIT*COMPLETE?' in PDB.TYPE70 
VMAC7072       was not kept after MXG 23.09, but the same named variable
Nov  1, 2007   LCPUWAIT='LPAR*WAIT*COMPLETION?' in PDB.TYPE70PR was, and
               that was the source of the problem.  Now, a rename fixes 
               this error, which was introduced in the infamous SPLIT70 
   Thanks to Enzo Rossi, Demand Technology Software, ITALY.             
Change 25.236  Change 24.141 with z/OS at 1.7 or earlier caused TYPE78IO
VMAC78         dataset to have zero observations; MXG tested SMF78RSQ   
Oct 31, 2007   for zero or one, but SMF78RSQ does not exist when the    
Nov  1, 2007   RMF product segment is only 104 bytes.  The test was     
               revised to output TYPE78 for missing value, zero or one. 
               But then, the duplicate observations created were NOT    
               removed by the NODUP option, because the SMFTIME in the  
               second or third replicates was not exactly the same value
               as the first, so the _STY78IO sort macro was rewritten to
               remove those with identical SMFTIMEs, and an extra DATA  
               step is used to keep only the FIRST.SMFTIME instance.    
               (The additional logic is invoked, but not needed, when   
               the SPLIT 78 records have a valid SMF78RSQ value.)       
   Thanks to Peter B. Hopper, CSC, AUSTRALIA.                           
   Thanks to Steven Olmstead, Northwestern Mutual, USA.                 
Change 25.235 -Support for new Solaris CA CUBE STORE GROUP object and   
EXTSO030       new variables in existing Solaris MIB-2.                 
EXTAI027      -Support for two new AIX Objects.                         
EXTAI028      -Support for 10 new RedHeat Objects, many new Metrics     
EXTRH020       for existing RedHat Objects.                             
Oct 31, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, CheckFree, USA.                              
Change 25.234  New variables added to OAM SMF 85 subtype 32-35 record   
VMAC85         by z/OS 1.7 are now input and kept in TYPE85ST dataset:  
Oct 28, 2007      R85B2ODK='BACKUP2*BYTES*DELETED FROF*OPTICAL'         
                  R85B2ORK='BACKUP2*BYTES*READ FROM*OPTICAL'            
                  R85B2ORO='BACKUP2*OBJECTS*READ FROM*OPTICAL'          
                  R85B2OWK='BACKUP2*BYTES*WRITTEN TO*OPTICAL'           
                  R85B2OWO='BACKUP2*OBJECTS*WRITTEN TO*OPTICAL'         
                  R85B2TDK='BACKUP2*BYTES*DELETED FROF*TAPE'            
                  R85B2TDO='BACKUP2*OBJECTS*DELETED FROM*TAPE'          
                  R85B2TRK='BACKUP2*BYTES*READ FROM*TAPE'               
                  R85B2TRO='BACKUP2*OBJECTS*READ FROM*TAPE'             
                  R85B2TWK='BACKUP2*BYTES*WRITTEN TO*TAPE'              
                  R85B2TWO='BACKUP2*OBJECTS*WRITTEN TO*TAPE'            
                  R85NTE  ='TAPE*VOLUMES*EXPIRED'                       
               and these variables added by z/OS 1.8 are input/kept:    
                  R85LOBD ='ROWS*DELETED*FROM LOB*STRUCTURE'            
                  R85LOBI ='ROWS*INSERTED*INTO LOB*STRUCTURE'           
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, HUK-COBURG, GERMANY.                       
Change 25.233  The COMPRESSED RECORD FOUND error was printed for a CICS 
VMAC110        dictionary record, but the MNSEGCL flag that identifies  
Oct 27, 2007   the record IS a dictionary record was not printed.       
Change 25.232  Change 25.124 added preliminary support for WPS execution
VMXGINIT       but it forced WPSVER=2; now, the actual WPSVER is stored 
Oct 26, 2007   in &WPSVER.                                              
Change 25.231  Change 25.177 created new macro variable &ARRAYRMF, but  
VMXGINIT       the location in VMXGINIT was inside a DO GROUP that was  
Oct 26, 2007   only executed for SAS V8.2, causing UNRESOLVED MACRO when
               MXG executed under SAS Version 8.1.  The statement was   
               relocated so it is always executed, no matter what SAS   
               version is used.                                         
   Thanks to John Compton, ACS, USA.                                    
Change 25.230  MXG support for IMF 4.3 used the new offset field to the 
VMACCIMS       DBD segments when it was non-zero, but PTF BQI0129 for   
Oct 23, 2007   IMF 4.2 populated that previously reserved field, which  
               caused INPUT EXCEEDED error and this error message:      
               48-BYTE DBDS EXPECTED AFTER COL=32765 _N_=1              
               Now, MXG only uses the 4.3 offset to DBDs when the IMF   
               version is 4.3 or greater.                               
   Thanks to Siegfried Trantes, IDG, GERMANY.                           
Change 25.229 -NMON data for AIX for PDB.NMONCPUD records can have the  
VMACNMON       number of CPUnn records increase and decrease as AIX adds
Oct 23, 2007   or subtracts "virtual" CPUs, and when a CPUnn goes away, 
Nov  2, 2007   NMON wrote a short record, which caused INPUT EXCEEDED   
               error.  Now, MXG detects and deletes these short records.
               Note that the PDB.NMONINTV dataset, in NRCPUS variable,  
               has the number of "real" CPUs.  However, in this case,   
               the value of NRCPUS was always 6, even though there were 
               CPUnn segments with CPU14 (i.e., there should have been  
               NRCPUS=7, as there are 2 "virtual" CPUs for each "real". 
              -Temporary variables WORD11-WORD24 were not set to LENGTH 
               $128, so they took the SAS default of 8-bytes for CHARs, 
               causing character variables stored from them to also have
               a stored length of 8 bytes.  Now, all WORDnn are $128,   
               and specific LENGTHs for kept variables are used where   
              -Variables NRCPU, PID, and PPID are now numerics.         
              -NMON data value 'nan' is 'Not a Number' and is stored in 
               the data records, causing INVALID DATA messages until    
               each instance is protected with double question marks!!  
               Sometimes spelled NaN.                                   
   Thanks to Mike Woelke, Boeing, USA.                                  
Change 25.228  Protection for invalid SMF 14 record that had NUCB=2 but 
VMAC1415       only one actual UCB segment.  This record caused ERROR:  
Oct 17, 2007   INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED RECORD LENGTH.  Protection will 
               print error message for first three bad instances.       
   Thanks to William Carrol, Grange Insurance, USA.                     
Change 25.227  Variable RPRTCLAS is now kept in TYPE72DL dataset to flag
VMAC7072       a Service Class versus a Reporting Class observation. It 
Oct 16, 2007   was not kept previously because the SMF manual mentioned 
               only service classes, but actual data shows TYPE72DL can 
               contain both Service and Reporting Class observations.   
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, HUK-COBURG, GERMANY                        
Change 25.226  UPRINDOC will PROC PRINT the NAME and LABEL of variables 
UPRINDOC       and is used to create the example output in the ADOCxxxx 
Oct 16, 2007   members, and it also PROC MEANS all numeric variables.   
               It's been in MXG for years, but never documented.        
Change 25.225  RMF III variable ENCCPUT is labeled 'CP*ENGINE*CPU TIME' 
VMACRMFV       now, because it is recalculated to remove zIIP CPU time: 
Oct 16, 2007     ENCCPUT=ENCCPUT-ENCSUPT;                               
Oct 31, 2007   when it was found (and confirmed by RMF support) that it 
               contained both CP and zIIP Engine CPU time, but MXG will 
               always preserve the CP-Engine CPU times separately from  
               the zIIP and/or zAAP engine CPU times.                   
   Thanks to Rodger Foreman, Acxiom, USA.                               
Change 25.224  The tests for CPUTYPE IN ('2064'X ...) are revised to now
VMAC7072       alternatively test for ZARCHMDE='Y', so that a new value 
VMXGRMFI       for CPUTYPE does NOT have to be added to MXG's table.    
Oct 16, 2007     Previously, an unknown CPUTYPE was INCOMPATIBLE until  
Oct 27, 2007   it was added to the tables in these two members.         
               The tests for CPUTYPE were needed to identify which data 
               exists in some of the early CPU types, but now that IBM  
               has added the bit for ZARCHMDE, it eliminates the need   
               for a new MXG version when IBM has a new CPUTYPE.        
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 25.223  The variable HOST is increased to 32 bytes; the original 
VMACNMON       length of 8 is insufficient for unix/AIX/linux host name.
Oct 15, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Michael W. Wolke, Boeing, USA.                             
Change 25.222  EXIT112 is the enhanced CICS INFILE EXIT for z/OS MXG    
EXIT112        that reads compressed SMF 110 and SMF 112 records, but it
Oct 13, 2007   is temporary, as it will replace EXITCICS when a site    
               reports successful production sites with both records.   
               EXITCICS is running in production at several sites.      
               EXIT112 is an extension to EXITCICS, and EXIT112 has been
               tested, but only with a small SMF file.  I recommend that
               EXIT112 be installed instead of EXITICS, and ask that you
               confirm successful processing compressed 110 and 112 data
               so that I can remove EXIT112 and rewrite this change.    
Change 25.221  Support for CA NSM data from VM Ware VSX Systems creates 
EXTVW001-      ten new datasets.  Many VMW metrics are the same as their
EXTVW010       Solaris and RedHat Linux counterparts, but with different
FORMATS        variable names because not all exist and they are created
IMACTNG        in different orders. While "TNG" still must be the suffix
VMACTNG        for the MXG code members, the dataset labels of all "TNG"
VMXGINIT       datasets are now changed to "NSM".  New VM Ware datasets:
Oct 13, 2007     DATASET    DDDDDD    DESCRIPTION                       
                  VW001     VW001     NSM CA CPU GROUP                  
                  VW002     VW002     NSM CA FILE SYSTEM                
                  VW003     VW003     NSM CA INTERFACE GROUP            
                  VW004     VW004     NSM CA KERNEL CONFIG GROUP        
                  VW005     VW005     NSM CA MEMORY GROUP               
                  VW005     VW005     NSM CA NETWORK GROUP              
                  VW007     VW007     NSM CA PER CPU GROUP              
                  VW008     VW008     NSM CA SWAP GROUP                 
                  VW009     VW009     NSM CA PROCESS GROUP              
                  VW010     VW010     NSM VIRTUALIZED ENVIRONMENT       
   Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, CheckFree, USA.                              
Change 25.220  The LABEL for SMF91OW was correct in TYPE91 datasets, but
ANAL91         it was changed in ANAL91, incorrectly, in an unneeded and
Oct 11, 2007   redundant and now removed LABEL statement.               
   Thanks to Dave Krouse, IBM, USA.                                     
Change 25.219  TYPE74CA variable FWDC was replaced some time ago, but   
VMAC74         the label was not corrected; the variable is labeled now:
Oct 11, 2007     FWDC    ='DASD F/W*BYPASS*COUNT*R745DFWB'              
   Thanks to Ed Woodward, UPS, USA.                                     
Change 25.218  Support for local CICS USER field CMODHEAD,CMODNAME=TRADE
IMACICU5       creates variable TRADEU5 in CICSTRAN, when enabled.      
VMAC110        Jul 3, 2008:  Field was increased to 80 bytes; the test  
UTILEXCL       and INPUT were also increased to 80.                     
Oct 11, 2007                                                            
Jul  3, 2008                                                            
   Thanks to Leendert Keesmaat, UBS, SWITZERLAND.                       
Change 25.217  VMACPRPR was revised, in June, but the Change text was   
VMACPRPR       lost.  Originally support for the '1620' record was added
Oct 10, 2007   June 12, and test records had different delimiters in    
               date/time fields, so INPUTs were changed in MXG, but now 
               I see that no other record's date/times were changed.    
               This change, which was included in MXG 25.10, reverted   
               date/times for all other records to the original format, 
               but created a separate path to decode 1620 subtypes.     
   Thanks to Siegfried Trantes, IDG, GERMANY.                           
Change 25.216  The MXG support for optional CICS EZA01/EZA02 fields has 
IMACICEZ       been enhanced and documentation revised for clarity:     
IMACICE2      -IMACICEZ always has these 5 fields, identified by their  
VMAC110        CMODNAME='EZA01' and CMODTYPE='S':                       
Oct 11, 2007                                                            
Jun 13, 2008      EZA01       S       001      12      ooo     INIT     
                  EZA01       S       002      12      ooo     READ     
                  EZA01       S       003      12      ooo     WRITE    
                  EZA01       S       004      12      ooo     SELECT   
                  EZA01       S       005      12      ooo     OTHER    
               The CMODLENG=12 is from CICS/3.2; earlier CICS had only  
               CMODLENG=8, but IMACICEZ supports both lengths, so you   
               just remove the comment block to tailor IMACICEZ and it  
               will process data with either or both lengths.           
              -IMACICE1 can have up to 13 fields, identified by their   
               CMODNAME='EZA01' and CMODTYPE='A' (yes, CMODNAME is the  
               same 'EZA01' as IMACICEZ, but the CMODTYPE is different):
                  EZA01   A       001       4      ooo     TINIT        
                  EZA01   A       002       4      ooo     TREAD        
                  EZA01   A       003       4      ooo     TWRITE       
                  EZA01   A       004       4      ooo     TSELECT      
                  EZA01   A       005       4      ooo     TOTHER       
                  EZA01   A       006       4      ooo     REUSABLE     
                  EZA01   A       007       4      ooo     ATTACHED     
                  EZA01   A       008       4      ooo     OPENAPI      
                  EZA01   A       009       4      ooo     TCBLIM       
                  EZA01   A       010       4      ooo     TREUSABL     
                  EZA01   A       011       4      ooo     TATTACHE     
                  EZA01   A       012       4      ooo     TOPENAPI     
                  EZA01   A       013       4      ooo     TTCBLIM      
               You will have to examine REPORT THREE (which may have the
               last CMODHEAD field 'EZA01' instead of the names shown)  
               to know how many fields are in your data. If you have the
               expected 13 fields, then you just remove the one comment 
               block.  If you have fewer fields, then:                  
                  - Change the IF xxxx GE 52 THEN DO; statement so its  
                    test value is 4 times the number of fields, e.g.    
                    with seven fields change the "52" to "28".          
                  - Change the INPUT statement's suffix from EZA01A13 to
                    the number of fields you have; if there are seven:  
                       INPUT (EZA01A01-EZA01A07) (&PIB.4.) @;           
                  - Delete the LABELs for variables that don't exist.   
              -IMACICE2 has 22 fields with z/OS 1.7 TCP/IP data, but had
               only 11 fields with z/OS 1.4, which are identified by the
               CMODNAME='EZA02' and CMODTYPE='A:                        
                  EZA02       A       001       4      330     CONN     
                  EZA02       A       002       4      331     STARTED  
                  EZA02       A       003       4      332     INVALID  
                  EZA02       A       004       4      333     DISTRAN  
                  EZA02       A       005       4      334     DISPROG  
                  EZA02       A       006       4      335     GIVESOKT 
                  EZA02       A       007       4      336     SECEXIT  
                  EZA02       A       008       4      337     NOTAUTH  
                  EZA02       A       009       4      338     IOERR    
                  EZA02       A       010       4      339     NOSPACE  
                  EZA02       A       011       4      340     LENERR   
                  EZA02       A       012       4      341     TCONN    
                  EZA02       A       013       4      342     TSTARTED 
                  EZA02       A       014       4      343     TINVALID 
                  EZA02       A       015       4      344     TDISTRAN 
                  EZA02       A       016       4      345     TDISPROG 
                  EZA02       A       017       4      346     TGIVESOK 
                  EZA02       A       018       4      347     TSECEXIT 
                  EZA02       A       019       4      348     TNOTAUTH 
                  EZA02       A       020       4      349     TIOERR   
                  EZA02       A       021       4      350     TNOSPACE 
                  EZA02       A       022       4      351     TLENERR  
               You will HAVE to look at UTILEXCL REPORT THREE to confirm
               if you have 22 or 11 fields, and remove only one of the  
               two comment blocks in IMACICE2 to tailor it.             
              -You create REPORT THREE with the _RPTEXCL macro run      
               with or after your UTILEXCL execution:                   
                    //SYSIN DD *                                        
                     %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(UTILEXCL);                       
              -The only actual change made was to update VMAC110 to keep
               the EXA01A13 13th variable.                              
              -The text of this change was revised in June, 2008.       
   Thanks to Jane Dickerson, PRODUBAN, ENGLAND.                         
====== Changes thru 25.215 were in MXG 25.10 dated Oct  7, 2007=========
Change 25.215  Change 25.179 broke VMXGUOW, some overrides of _LDB2ACC  
Oct  7, 2007   Also, parameter HOWDEEP added to set kept array sizes.   
Change 25.214  An example that finds all TSO and IDMS USERID that logged
TSOIDMS        on,using IBM SMF 30 and IDMS PERFMON USER SMF records.   
Oct  6, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Pat Curren, Supervalu, USA.                                
Change 25.213  Documentation only.  DB2 variable THREADTY shouldn't have
VMACDB2        been added to DB2ACCTP dataset (Change 25.097), because  
Oct  7, 2007   DB2 V8.1 writes all Package data in IFCID=239 (ID=101.1) 
               records, which do not contain a QLAC segment, and IBM's  
               THREADTY definition (in comments for QWHDRQNM field in   
               their DSNWMSGS member of the DB2 Macro Library) compares 
               QWHDRQNM with QLACLOCN.  Since I can never safely remove 
               a variable, it will still exist in DB2ACCTP, but it will 
               always be blank in that dataset.  No code was changed.   
Change 25.212 -SYNCSORT variable SYNCUSET is now documented to be the   
VMACSYNC       sum of VSCORET plus the GDSM Adjustment, so its label    
Oct  6, 2007   is revised to be:                                        
              -SYNCSORT added a new field, which MXG decodes as:        
               where the old HPALLOC/HPUSED ESTORE BLOCKS was located.  
              -All reserved and unknown fields in SYNCSORT SMF record   
               are decoded, but none of these variables are kept:       
                  /* SYNRSV41-SYNRSV45 SYNUNK01-SYNUNK15 */             
                  /* SYNCHFUT SYNCBFUT SYNXXXX1 SYNSPARE */             
Change 25.211  PDB.TYPE70 variables ZIPACTTM, PCTZIPBY, PCTCIBYn are now
VMAC7072       corrected for Dedicated zIIP Engines.  For Shared zIIPs, 
Oct  5, 2007   the LPAR Dispatch time is valid, but Dedicated engines   
               report 100% dispatch.  For TYPE70, the ZIPWAITM is used  
               to correct ZIPACTTM, which corrects the other variables. 
   Thanks to Jerry Cobb, American Century, USA.                         
VMACSFTA       SET under SAS V9 is issued ONLY when a LENGTH statement  
VMACDB2        changes the length of a character variable, and, like all
VMACOPC        WARNING: messages in SAS V9, z/OS sets Condition Code 4. 
VMACBE97         (Under V8, this specific WARNING did NOT set CC=4,     
VMAC7072          but V9 has tightened specs so WARNINGS always CC=4.)  
TRNDDB2S       But it should never occur in MXG code: although there are
ANALCISH       multiple LENGTH statements, they should always set the   
Oct  4, 2007   same value.                                              
               But it did occur when VMACSFTA was executed standalone,  
               because the statement  ACCOUNT1=XPUPNOAC;  was located   
               prior to the %INCLUDE of IMACACCT, which is where the    
               LENGTH of ACCOUNT1 should always be defined.  Relocating 
               that ACCOUNT1=XPUPNOAC; statement eliminated the WARNING.
              -When WARNING for numeric vars (eg. QB1TALX) were printed,
               I discovered there were six members that had hard-coded  
               values for LENGTH DEFAULT=4 that should have been changed
               to LENGTH DEFAULT= &MXGLEN; the were overlooked or added 
               after Change 19.272, but now all are consistent so that  
               numeric variables are stored 5 on z/OS and 6 on ASCII,   
               except for the specific cases where length 8 is required.
   Thanks to Ron van der Zande, KLM Info Services, THE NETHERLANDS.     
   Thanks to MP Welch, SPRINT, USA.                                     
Change 25.209 -TIMEBILD/TIMETABL is enhanced to support the selective   
TIMEBILD       application by SYSTEM of "SYNC59" timeshifting logic:    
TIMETABL       - TIMEBILD now reads columns 71-72 of TIMETABL to INPUT  
VMXGTIME         the (+ or -) number of minutes to be added for SYNC59. 
VMXGINIT         That value is a part of the format built by TIMEBILD.  
VMXG70PR       - %TIMEBILD must be executed first to create the table.  
Oct  5, 2007   - To enable the addition of SYNC59 offset, you must set  
                   %LET MXGTIM59=YES;                                   
                 and then you would run the program whose datetimes     
                 are to be shifted by both TIMEBILD zones and SYNC59.   
               - The "SYNC59" option is intended to be used ONLY with   
                 RMF/CMF data, and in particular, for data from a CEC   
                 that has some systems SYNC59 and some SYNC00.  It may  
                 not work with other programs, including BUILDPDB, as   
                 you may not want all records SYNC59'ed.  And, if you   
                 now use the SYNC59 option in TIMEBILD, you must also   
                 change your ASUMxxx, TRNDxxxx, VMXGxxxx tailored code  
                 to now specify SYNC59=NO to prevent a double shift.    
               - To process only the RMF data with a TIMETABL that has  
                 been updated to include the SYNC59 flag, you could use 
                     %LET MXGTIM59=YES;                                 
                     %UTILBLDP ( BUILDPDB=NO,                           
                                 USERADD=70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78,    
                                 ZEROOBS=74.1 74.5,                     
                                 INCLAFTR=RMFINTRV ASUM70PR,            
                     %INCLUDE INSTREAM;                                 
                 to build you RMF-only PDB Library (which will be small,
                 as that example does NOT create observations in the two
                 big TYPE74 and TYPE74CA datasets due to that ZEROOBS=).
               - TIMEBILD will PROC PRINT the input TIMETABL and the    
                 output TIMEBILD datasets by enabling MXGDEBUG:         
                    //SYSIN DD *                                        
                     %LET MXGDEBUG=1;                                   
                     %LET MXGTIM59=YES;                                 
                     %LET MXGDEBUG=0;                                   
               - You can conditionally reset MXGTIME59 for some SMF data
                 and not for others; for example, to enable for59 add,  
                 and you do NOT have to rerun TIMEBILD.                 
                    %LET MACFILE=%QUOTE(                                
                       IF ID=30 THEN CALL SYMPUT('MXGTIM59','NO');      
                       ELSE CALL SYMPUT('MXGTIM59','YES');              
                    %UTILBLDP(USERADD=7072 30,BUILDPDB=NO);             
                    %INCLUDE INSTREAM;                                  
              -Once TIMEBILD worked to selectively SYNC59, the original 
               problem, duplicate observations in PDB.ASUMCELP, could be
               diagnosed: while BY variable GMTOFFTM is correctly used  
               to creating the "per-SYSTEM" datasets, it can never be   
               used in the "per-CEC" datasets, because they are built   
               from multiple SYSTEM's data, which can have multiple     
               values in GMTOFFTM.  Removing GMTOFFTM from the creation 
               of PDB.ASUMCELP has eliminated the duplicates; I should  
               remove GMTOFFTM where it makes no sense, but instead, I  
               have set GMTOFFTM=. in ASUMCEC and ASUMCELP, so it will  
               not create a VARIABLE NOT FOUND ERROR.                   
   Thanks to Ingegerd Jannson, Volvo, SWEDEN                            
Change 25.208  CICS local user field CMONDNAME DAT008 CMODHEAD ENTRADA  
IMACICU4       creates new variable ENTRADA.                            
Oct  1, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Jane Dickenson, Santander Produban UK, ENGLAND.            
Change 25.207  The NTSMF dataset LOGLDISK had the variables FREESPAC    
VMACNTSM       (FREE MEGABYTES and PCTFRESP (PCT Free space) but the    
Sep 27, 2007   size of the volume did not exist until now, with the     
               new DISKSIZE variable.                                   
   Thanks to Michael Ryan, Acxiom, USA.                                 
Change 25.206  MXG 25.09 only. If the SAS-provided default CONFIG member
FORMATS        was not in your //CONFIG DD statement in your MXGSASV9   
CONFIGV8       JCL procedure, the PROC FORMAT failed to build MXGTNGON, 
CONFIGV9       because lines 12092 thru 12099 in FORMATS were low-case  
Oct  3, 2007   duplicates of preceding lines, that should not have  been
               have been there, but they caused no error when the CONFIG
               member was present.  Since they also caused the error if 
               they were UPPERCASED, I assume the absence of the SAS    
               CONFIG member caused them to be treated as UPCASE.  Also,
               there were Macro Variable error messages because MERROR  
               is a required option that is normally set in SAS CONFIG. 
               To protect, MERROR is now added to CONFIGV9 and CONFIGV9.
   Thanks to Jim Wertenberger, Antares Solutions, USA.                  
Change 25.205  Support for z/OS 1.9 54 CP engines - INCOMPATIBLE.       
VMAC7072       Z/OS 1.9 allows up to 54 CP engines in a single image,   
Sep 27, 2007   but SMF 70 records with CPUID=33 or higer caused ARRAY   
Oct  4, 2007   SIZE EXCEEDED with MXG 25.09 or prior.  Now, CPUs with   
               CPUID=33 thru CPUID=53 are supported in the PDB.TYPE70   
               dataset (the only MXG dataset altered due to 54-CPUs).   
               Each CPUID has a set of variables in PDB.TYPE70; existing
               0-32 CPUIDs variable names were created with suffix 0-9  
               and A thru X.  Now, Y and Z are used for 33-34, and ZA   
               thru ZS suffix are used for CPUIDs 35-53 variables.      
               Where the variable name is 8 characters, that "Za" had   
               to overlay the penultimate character in the name.        
                 To operate on these CPU-specific variable names, they  
                 are all defined in VMAC7072 with an ARRAY statement    
                 that you can cut and paste into your program to avoid  
                 spelling all those names.                              
              -Unrelated, discovered in testing: APAR OA18244 documented
               that the CPUC segment was increased to 116 bytes, but the
               APAR actually increased its length to 160 bytes, causing 
               SMF70GJT and following variables to be missing value, as 
               the MXG test was for EQ 116 (without APAR is EQ 102).    
               Now, the test is for GE 160, as IBM RMF Development has  
               confirmed the correct length, to be documented, is 160,  
               adding 44 unused bytes of zeroes.  This APAR applies to  
               both z/OS 1.8 and z/OS 1.9.                              
   Thanks to Tony Curry, BMC, USA.                                      
Change 25.204  CFI Segmentation feature added for RMF III VSAM support, 
ASMRMFV        which now eliminates the possibility of skipped CF data, 
VMACRMFV       new ASM symbolics for tailoring, and additional items.   
Sep 25, 2007   Issues Resolved:                                         
Oct  3, 2007   -PROCCFI is now a subroutine to conserve the mainline    
Dec  4, 2007    base register.                                          
               -CFI Table output is now segmented in response to        
                reported problems by MXG users.  This removes a long    
                standing restriction that the size of the CFI table     
                could not exceeding the 32K LRECL output maximum without
                data loss.                                              
               -The RMFV005E error message could have overlaid text when
                multiple ASMRMFV parameter errors were detected.        
               -Several problems with index data fields in the CFI table
                output record either not being set or set incorrectly   
                that caused PDB build errors in VMACRMFV have been fixed
                during alpha code testing.                              
               -There are a pair of new option keywords BYTES/NOBYTES.  
                These specify whether ASMRMFV should or should not      
                provide byte counts for 5 categories of data read,      
                decompressed, written, filtered, and skipped.  The      
                counts are provided in each RMF data set detail report  
                and also as totals in the summary report.  This feature 
                is intended to aid users to understand the volume of    
                data being processed by ASMRMFV, as a coarse comparison 
                tool when using different versions of (or sets of       
                keyword options with) ASMRMFV, and finally as a possible
                diagnostic aid.  The alias for BYTES is BY and the      
                aliases for NOBYTES is NOBY or -BY.   The byte counts   
                now appear in message RMFV104I and the former RMFV104I  
                message is now RMFV105I.  The distributed default is    
                BYTES Packed decimal arithmetic is used for these       
                counters to allow up to 15 decimal digits in magnitude  
                or up to a value of 999,999,999,999,999 bytes.  The     
                assembler symbolic variable &BYTES is provided to allow 
                the user to change the default for BYTES/NOBYTES to     
                NOBYTES in the ASMRMFV source code.  The distributed    
                default is 'Y' meaning that BYTES is the default.  These
                counters take little overhead to maintain and display.  
                So there is little benefit in suppressing them except to
                reduce output report volume by 2 lines per data set.    
                But that choice is certainly available.                 
               -A pair of new option keywords CFALL/CFMASTER is added in
                support of the CFI segmentation support.  CFALL         
                specifies that CFI tables from all input RMF III LPARs  
                are to be output as in prior versions of ASMRMFV.       
                CFMASTER specifies that by testing a particular flag    
                that only data from the LPAR designated as RMF III      
                Master Gatherer is to be output.   The distributed      
                default is CFALL.  Effective use of CFMASTER requires   
                that the RMF III parameter CFDETAIL be in effect in all 
                LPARs in the Sysplex.  Due to the IBM usage of this     
                flag, using the CFMASTER option when RMF III NOCFDETAIL 
                is in effect (IBM default) will cause all CFI records to
                be filtered out by ASMRMFV.  CFALL has no alias.        
                Aliases for CFMASTER are CFMAST and CFM.  With CFDETAIL 
                in effect only the single LPAR determined by RMF III to 
                be the Master Gatherer collects all Coupling Facility   
                detail data. So including incomplete CF data from the   
                remaining LPARs may be an unnecessary and redundant     
                overhead.  The intent of CFMASTER is to automatically   
                exclude this extra data.  The &CFALL assembler symbolic 
                is also provided to change the CFALL default in ASMRMFV 
                source code if needed.  The &CFALL symbolic can be      
                changed in the ASMRMFV source to 'N' prior to assembly  
                to permanently enable CFMASTER processing.  The         
                distributed default is 'Y'.  Do not make this change    
                unless using CFDETAIL on all LPARs being input to       
               -When CFMASTER is in effect the CFI table id in          
                the RMFV105I message displays as CFIM instead of the    
                usual CFI to indicate this option is in effect.         
               -When the BUFFERS option is in effect the RMFV102I       
                message will now display a count of both buffers        
                available and used for each buffer pool type.  This     
                feature was intended mainly to enable MXG users to      
                intelligently size the large VSAM LSR buffer pool used  
                to optimize random RMF III data set read access by      
                ASMRMFV.  The distributed default is 5000.              
                   Unfortunately, at this time the VSAM SHOWCB macro    
                   seems to always return a 1 for actual buffers used in
                   the LSR pool.  Given the number of random I/Os       
                   typically issued this value seems suspect and        
                   requires further investigation.                      
               -Program logic for both buffer pool accounting and       
                normal/filtered/skipped record output has been improved.
               -Documentation on the contents of fields for several     
                messages has been improved to provide more details on   
                their content and meaning.                              
               -ASMRMFV program prologue documentation is upgraded to   
                document all related program changes.                   
               -Oct 3: corrected INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED; 1.8 CFI data 
                ends with CFISCCOC in member VMACRMFV.                  
               -Dec 4: VMACRMFV restructured to output only the first   
                CPUG3 segment to ZRBCPU; the ASMRMFV CPU segmentation   
                creates a CPUG3 segment for each LPARNAME, which caused 
                duplicate observations in WORK.ZRBCPU; using TYPSRMFV   
                to sort ZRBCPU did remove those duplicate obs, but this 
                change compares CPUHNAME with LPARNAME an outputs only  
                the first instance for each interval.                   
   Thanks to Jerry Urbaniak, Acxiom, USA.                               
   Thanks to Ben Romano, Hewitt Associates, USA.                        
   Thanks to Lawrence Jermyn of Fidelity Investments, USA.              
Change 25.203  OPTIONS COMPRESS=NO was inserted in ASUMTALO back in 1995
ASUMTALO       by Change 12.273, because the first (temporary) DATA step
Sep 25, 2007   was extremely expensive, but then Change 12.273 was not  
               recalled when MXG set COMPRESS=YES as the default value, 
               so INCLUDEing ASUMTALO turned off compression for any    
               subsequent programs.   Now, VMXGOPTR is invoked to store 
               your current value of the COMPRESS option, which is then 
               reset prior to the creation of PDB.ASUMTALO, so it will  
               be compress based on your choice of the COMPRSS option.  
   Thanks to Patrick Holloman, Zions Bank Corp, USA.                    
Change 25.202  ANALDB2R Statistics Reports VARIABLE QBnTDPIO NOT FOUND  
ANALDB2R       and VARIABLE QLSTCRSR NOT FOUND errors because those     
Sep 22, 2007   variable names should never have been in the VMXGSUM     
Oct  4, 2007   invocation for the statistics reports.                   
   Thanks to Clayton Buck, UniGroup, USA.                               
   Thanks to Yaohua Hu, ISO, USA.                                       
Change 25.201 -Unexpected FILESYSTEM data with characers caused errors  
EXTRH019       INVALID ARGUMENT FOR FUNCTION, temporarily circumvented, 
FORMATS        but the circumvention causes RH017001 to be a mising     
IMACTNG        value until further investigation of the strange data.   
VMACTNG       -Unrelated, Red Hat object USERS is supported in the new  
VMXGINIT       RH019 dataset created by this change.                    
Sep 24,2007                                                             
   Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, CheckFree, USA.                              
Change 25.200  Use of %LET mackeep= whatever ; was not supported.       
Sep 18, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Gary Diehl, Sun MicroSystems/STK, USA.                     
====== Changes thru 25.199 were in MXG 25.09 dated Sep 17, 2007=========
Change 25.199  If SYNC59=YES was specified in your %VMXGRMFI invocation 
VMXGRMFI       to create PDB.RMFINTRV, the STARTIME was reset to 00/15  
Sep 15, 2007   but SMF70GIE was not. Now it is, so PDB.RMFINTRV will be 
               consistent with PDB.ASUM70PR/ASUM70LP/ASUMCEC/ASUMCELP.  
   Thanks to Douglas C. Walter, Citicorp, USA.                          
   Thanks to Brent Turner, Citicorp, USA.                               
   Thanks to Tom Koelle, Citicorp, USA.                                 
Change 25.198  TYPE89 variable SMF89HOF (HYPERVISOR DATATIME OFFSET) and
VMAC89         SMF89DTO were wrong because the comment for SMF89PFL was 
Sep 15, 2007   not present.                                             
   Thanks to Al Sherkow, I/S Management Strategies, USA.                
Change 25.197  %UTILCSV creates a CSV (Comma Separated Values/Variables)
UTILCSV        or TAB or ANY-character-DELIMITED "text file" from any   
Sep 14, 2007   SAS dataset, with the ability to order left-to-right and 
               to use FORMAT statements to control the output text.     
Change 25.196  If you set %LET MACKEEP= %STR( lots of lines of text );  
UTILBLDP       before invoking %UTILBLDP, some of your MACKEEP code may 
Sep 14, 2007   not get executed, leading to strange errors or unexpected
               results.  We now parse the text inside the macro language
               into line-sized chunks to eliminate the exposure.        
               And while we were at it, we've created new arguments that
               you can use for tailoring, as an alternative to using    
               %LET's for these macro variables:                        
                  Macro Variable Name     Macro Argument Name           
                    macfile                  macfilex                   
                    mackeep                  mackeepx                   
                    ihdrdb2h                 macdb2hx                   
                    ihdr110                  mac110hx                   
               One reason to use the Macro Argument in your UTILBLDP    
               rather than a %LET statement is that macro argument are  
               significantly more robust in that they do not need to    
               be wrapped in %STR() and we have NOT been able to find   
               any text string the argument couldn't handle, vs the     
               many combinations that have broken %QUOTE, etc. in %LETs!
               However, you can use both a %LET macxxxx= and macxxxxx=  
               argument; the text in your %LET will preceed any text you
               passed in the corresponding argument.                    
               And, just to be sure, we now "chunk" any EXPDBOUT text.  
   Thanks to Michael Creech, Fidelity National Information Svcs, USA.   
Change 25.195  Support for EMC's SRDF/A user SMF record.                
Sep 13, 2007                                                            
VMAC110        CICS Statistics dataset is now created; while it does not
Sep 13, 2007   exist in CICS/TS 3.2 (resettable JVMs were withdrawn in  
               3.2 because continuous use JVMs save lots of CPU), it is 
               useful for detecting these bad guys in 2.3 and 3.1.      
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 25.193  MXG 25.08 Change 25.182 was incomplete, which caused the 
Sep 13, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Christelle Abily, Groupe Informatique Credit Mutuel, FRANCE
VMAC92         because the SMF92DNR/SMF92DRN Rename Length/Name fields  
Sep 11, 2007   only exist when the file is RENAMEd, and because the SMF 
               manual did not document that feature.  Now, MXG confirms 
               that data exists prior to its INPUT.                     
   Thanks to John Schoenbeck, AT&T Services, Inc, USA                   
Change 25.191  Support for RMF Monitor III CFI table segmentation in the
ASMRMFV        ASMRMFV, and their input in VMACRMFV.  New datasets      
EXZRBCFC       ZRBCFC is created from the CFICONNUS Connection Table,   
IMACRMFV       and the new variables in the CFISTRES Table are created  
VMACRMFV       when they exist (i.e., when CFIDETAIL was specified in   
VMXGINIT       RMF III parameters).                                     
Sep 10, 2007                                                            
Sep 14, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Jerry Urbaniak, Acxiom, USA.                               
Change 25.190  Variable QDBPPFIX='PGFIX*ATTRIBUTE' is now kept in the   
VMACDB2        DB2STAT2 dataset; it was added in DB2 V8.1, in the same  
Sep  8, 2007   location as QDBPVTPT, which is now always blank.         
   Thanks to Lori Masulis, Fidelity Systems, USA.                       
Change 25.189  Revision to PDBOUT= options, when PDB=SMF is specified,  
READDB2        and possible INCOMPATIBILITY when PDBOUT was null.  Now, 
ANALDB2R       these options for PDBOUT= control output destination:    
Sep 11, 2007     PDBOUT=,    All datasets written to //WORK, always.    
Sep 17, 2007     PDBOUT=PDB  All datasets written to //PDB.             
Sep 24, 2007     PDBOUT=YES  All datasets written to their default      
                             destination, with user tailoring honored.  
                 PDBOUT=XXX  ALL datasets written to //XXX.             
               This change could cause perfectly running jobs to fail,  
               if PDBOUT=, was specified and you had tailoring that     
               redirected the output dataset destinations.  Sorry for   
               that, but using PDBOUT=YES instead of PDBOUT=PDB is now  
               the DOCUMENTED and SUPPORTED option to create output.    
               This revision was precipitated when ANALDB2R had been    
               invoked with PDBOUT=, and it failed with DDNAME PDB NOT  
               FOUND and _VDB2A UNDEFINED errors when no //PDB DD       
                Note: Only READDB2's code was changed; ANALDB2R calls   
                      READDB2 with the same possible PDBOUT= argument,  
                      so it is listed here for documentation            
                         (that you'll only find after the error?).      
               Text revised Sep 17 for PDBOUT=PDB description.          
              -MXG 25.08 only, bit test for SADUCL=6 was one bit short; 
               only the list of Audit Trace Classes might be incorrect. 
               This was accidentally corrected in this change. 24Sep07. 
   Thanks to R. Berry, Internal Revenue Service, USA.                   
   Thanks to Clayton Buck, UniGroup, Inc, USA.                          
Change 25.188  If RMFINTRV=NO and BUILDPDB=YES and ASUM70PR included,   
UTILBLDP       the invocation failed because the TYPE70xx datasets were 
Sep  7, 2007   not sorted into the PDB due to the RMFINTRV=NO.  Now, as 
               expected, BUILDPDB=YES sorts them into the PDB library.  
   Thanks to Trevor Holland, ANZ, AUSTRALIA                             
====== Changes thru 25.186 were in MXG 25.08 dated Sep  5, 2007=========
Change 25.187  IBM SMF Manual incorrectly documented SMF92RVN value of 3
VMAC92         but that was corrected in z/OS 1.9 manual to correct 2,  
Sep  5, 2007   so two MXG tests for SMF92RVN GE 3 were change to GE 2.  
               This corrected the bit variables SMF92MFG and SMF92MF2.  
               Variable SMF9PPN is a path name so it was increased to   
               $VARYING1024. with input length set by SMF92PPL.         
   Thanks to Hyrum E. Smith, Charles Schwab & Co., USA                  
Change 25.186  Variable DB2PARTY not found when PMACC02 requested and   
ANALDB2R       PDB.ASUMDB2A existed was corrected with a compiler faker.
Sep  5, 2007                                                            
Change 25.185  New Capacity Group datasets created by Change 25.163 did 
IMACSHFT       not have a DURATM variable for the ASUM70GC and ASUM70GL 
VMXGDUR        datasets; the interval is forced to HOURLY, but interval 
VMXG70PR       datasets should always have a DURATM variable.           
Sep  5, 2007   I tested this change with %VMXG70PR(INTERVAL=SHIFT,...)  
               and found it caused VARIABLE MXGDURTM UNINITIALIZED notes
               because MXGDURTM was not defined in IMACSHFT example, and
               MXGDURTM was not always protected in VMXGDUR.            
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute Cary, USA.                     
Change 25.184  RMF Capacity Group reports added to ANALRMFR. Support for
ANALRMFR       new data was added by MXG Change 25.163.                 
Sep  5, 2007                                                            
Change 25.183  These WORK library datasets are now deleted; several PROC
TYPETMS5       DELETEs commented out for testing are now uncommented.   
                 DSNBRECV DSNBRECW MGTMSVL TMSREC TMSRECS               
   Thanks to John Shuck, Sun Trust, USA.                                
   Thanks to Stan Helms, Sun Trust, USA.                                
   Thanks to Mike Duwve, Sun Trust, USA.                                
====== Changes thru 25.182 were in MXG 25.08 dated Sep  5, 2007=========
Change 25.182  Support for CICS User Field ARZAL (CMODNAME='ARZAL' and  
IMACICU3       CMODHEAD='APPLINFO' is added.                            
Sep  2, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Peter Gschirr, ARZ, AUSTRIA.                               
Change 25.181  Support for CA Unicenter NSM has been in MXG under "TNG" 
EXTAI026       for years, because TNG was NSM's original name, and the  
EXTNT132       "performance cube" format was not changed at name change.
EXTRH001       Support for CA NSM PLATFORM='RHEL401', RedHat 4.01 Linux 
EXTRH002       performance cube is added by this change, which initially
EXTRH003       populates the Solaris "SOnnn" datasets, as they exist and
EXTRH004       have the most objects/metrics in common with Linux, but  
EXTRH005       there are Solaris-only variables that have missing values
EXTRH006       and there are RHEL objects/metrics not yet supported.    
EXTRH008       This change also externalizes the list of PLATFORM names 
EXTRH009       that map to AIX or SOLARIS with new _AIPLAT and _SOPLAT  
EXTRH010       macros (like the existing _NTPLAT macro).  And, that test
EXTRH011       is now IF PLATFORM IN : ( _NTPLAT ) THEN DO; with the    
EXTRH012       "colon modifier" inserted so the test matches only the   
EXTRH013       starting characters of the platform names.  I did this   
EXTRH014       when I thought RHEL was a user-assigned name, which it   
EXTRH015       isn't, but these macros are no-cost tokens that will make
EXTRH016       my testing easier for new PLATFORM names.                
EXTRH018       New variables were added to these existing datasets:     
IMACTNG            Dataset   Description                                
VMACTNG             AI019    AIX - CA MEMORY GROUP                      
VMXGINIT            NT035    NT  - PROCESS                              
Sep  2, 2007   New datasets are created from these new objects:         
                   Dataset   Object Name                                
                   AI026     AIX - PROCESS                              
                   NT132     NT  - CA CUBE STORE GROUP                  
              -New datasets are created from Red Hat Platform Objects:  
                   Dataset   Object Name                                
                   RH001     RH  - CA CPU GROUP                         
                   RH002     RH  - CA INTERRUPT                         
                   RH003     RH  - CA CUBE STORE GROUP                  
                   RH004     RH  - CA PER CPU GROUP                     
                   RH005     RH  - CONTEXT SWITCHING                    
                   RH006     RH  - INTERRUPTS                           
                   RH007     RH  - PAGING                               
                   RH008     RH  - PROCESS CREATION                     
                   RH009     RH  - SWAPPING                             
                   RH010     RH  - CA DISK GROUP                        
                   RH011     RH  - CA FILE SYSTEM GROUP                 
                   RH012     RH  - CA INTERFACE GROUP                   
                   RH013     RH  - CA MEMORY GROUP                      
                   RH014     RH  - CA PROCESS GROUP                     
                   RH015     RH  - CA SWAP GROUP                        
                   RH016     RH  - CPU                                  
                   RH017     RH  - FILESYSTEM                           
                   RH018     RH  - NETWORK                              
   Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, CheckFree, USA.                              
Change 25.180  The Omegamon OMCI subtype 203 is now written in SMF 112s,
VMACOMCI       but can still be created in the old User SMF record; MXG 
Aug 29, 2007   Change 25.099 moved the 203 code into VMAC112, but also  
               disabled subtype 203 in VMACOMCI.  This corrects.        
               But now see Change 26.257, which revised support.        
   Thanks to Tom Kelman, Commerce Bank of Kansas, USA.                  
Change 25.179  Protection for %UPCASE() and %LOWCASE() for literals.    
ANALDBTR       Almost all of the SAS code in MXG is in UPPER CASE, but  
BLDSMPDB       some members are mixed case, with "case sensitive" noted 
GRAFHSM        in their comments, but that did not prevent accidental   
GRAFLPAR       low-case-ing some lines in BLDSMPDB that contained tests 
GRAFTALO          if %upcase(something) eq yes %then %do;               
GRAFTMNT       which failed because the yes value was now lower case.   
GRAFTRND       Macro variable tests are in many MXG members, especially 
GRAFWORK       those that define %MACROS where user-typed input text is 
GRAFWORX       shifted with %UPCASE() for consistent testing, but I had 
GRAFWRKX       never thought to protect the text being compared!        
READDB2        Now, all members were examined that used %UPCASE/%LOWCASE
UTILBLDP       and those that tested for literal text values now use    
UTILDUMP          if %upcase(something) eq %upcase(yes) %then %do;      
VMXGALOC       The DATA step UPCASE() function is also used in even more
VMXGDEL        members, but as those values are not 'human-typed', I did
VMXGGETM       not see the need for also wrapping those text values.    
VMXGSUME       New MXG Recommendation: Use %LET MACxxxx= %STR( text ) ; 
VMXGUOW        with blanks as shown, when storing any text string that  
Aug 28, 2007   can contain semi-colons, into those MXG tailoring macro  
               variables, since those macro variables will be resolved  
               at "compile time", which is where %STR() is to be used.  
               Previously I suggested using %QUOTE() or %BQUOTE() to    
               pass text with semi-colons, but they are not resolved    
               until "execute time", and, while QUOTE/BQUOTE frequently 
               did work, the use of %STR, especially for MACKEEP/MACFILE
               macros is the more appropriate among the many functions. 
   Thanks to Tom kelman, Commerce Bank of Kansas, USA.                  
Change 25.178  Support for V5R4MO QAPMDISK with LRECL=456 adds these 20 
VMACQACS       variables:                                               
Aug 28, 2007      DSBKCT1='BUCKET*1*OPERATIONS'                         
                  DSSRVT ='DISK*SERVICE*TIME'                           
                  DSWT   ='DISK*WAIT*TIME'                              
   Thanks to Clayton Buck, UniGroup, Inc, USA.                          
VMXGINIT       with a month's SMF data from scores of systems.  The     
VMXGRMFI       culprit is the MXG algorithm to calculate MSU4HRAV, the  
Aug 24, 2007   rolling hourly average MSU over the past four hours,     
               created in RMFINTRV before IBM added the SMF70LAC value  
               (and SMF70LAC is the variable to use, not my MSU4HRAV,   
               as SMF70LAC is IBM's calculation that is used in WLM     
               capping decisions, and it is slightly different than the 
               MSU4HRAV, where I used total CPU and IBM didn't, and     
               where I calculate true average even across an IPL and    
               they don't!).                                            
               When MSU4HRAV was created, the size was set for a daily  
               or weekly RMFINTRV creation, so an array size of 9999    
               elements would hold hourly data for:                     
                 over 100 system's daily data at 15 minute intervals    
                 over  14 system's weekly data at 15 minute intervals   
                 only   3 system's monthly data at 15 minute intervals! 
                                (and this site had 5 minute intervals!).
               This is one of the MANY reasons why I avoid ARRAYs; while
               increasing the ARRAY size will hold more system's data,  
               that requires more virtual storage, and that will grow as
               the number of systems increase, exchanging OUT-OF-MEMORY 
               errors for OUT OF RANGE.                                 
                 The immediate user circumvention was to process the SMF
                 data one week at a time, which worked just fine.       
               Though hopefully unneeded, I have externalized the size  
               of the three temporary arrays with new macro variable    
               with default value of  %LET ARRAYRMF=9999;  unchanged.   
               I have also inserted a trap to detect the array size was 
               exceeded and inform you via an ERROR message on the log. 
Change 25.176  Support for APAR OA18244, Blocked Workload metrics, adds 
VMAC7072      -These variables to the TYPE70 dataset:                   
Aug 24, 2007     SMF70PMI='AVG*BLKED*DISPATCH*UNITS*MAY GET'            
                   (Note: The default you type is "5", but that will be 
                     a value of .005 in SMF70PMT, i.e. one-half of a    
                     percent.  RMF reports that a .5% but the variable  
                     is NOT labelled Percent so you need to know that   
                     .005 is one-half percent default.                  
                 STFBIT05='OPT PARM*BLWLTRPCT*CHANGED?                  
                 STFBIT06='OPT PARM*BLWLINTHD*CHANGED?                  
              -This variable, previously added to the TYPE72GO dataset  
               by Change 25.140 is populated by this APAR:              
                 R723TPDP='CPU TIME*AT PROMOTED*DISPATCH*PRTY'          
               and this new flag variable is created by this APAR:      
Change 25.175  Internal logic was revised so when INTERVAL= is used, the
ANALRMFR       variables LPARCPUX and SMF70BDA are added to the ID= parm
Aug 24, 2007   for Cluster Reports.                                     
              -Also, MVSCHRLV and NCYCLE are added to report headings.  
   Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.                   
Change 25.174  Corrections discovered by SAS/ITRM validation during the 
ASUMTAPE       build of their dictionary.                               
VMAC7072      -Variable JBACPU dataset QAPMJOBL now FORMATed TIME13.3.  
VMACQACS      -Variable MAXVLSEQ is no longer created/kept in TYPETMS5. 
VMACTMS5      -Variables for CP/ICF/IFL/IFA/ZIP counts/time are labeled 
VMXG70PR       in VMXG70PR & VMAC7072, PROC DELETEs uncommented to clean
VMAC110        up WORK file. Variables IFAWSTTM,ZIPWSTTM formatted.     
VMACDB2       -ASUMTAPE variables BEGTMNT, ENDTMNT, TOTMNTTM labeled.   
VMACSTC       -CICSDS variables DSGEJST DSGSRBT labeled and formatted;  
Sep  5, 2007   they are the total TCB for all CICS TCBs and total SRB   
               for all SRBs in the interval.                            
              -DB2ACCT variable QWHUCPU formatted.                      
              -TYPESTC variable STC15CTP label corrected.               
               Sep 6 changes, not in 25.08:                             
              -TYPE7072 - variables NRPHYCPX, NRPRCX no longer kept.    
                        - variable GMTOFF70 GMTOFF72 formatted.         
              -TYPE85   - variables R85ST74F, R85ST78F labeled.         
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute Cary, USA.                     
Change 25.173 -Support for NMON "CPU_VP_USE" and "CPU_EC_USE" objects   
VMACNMON       (Virtual Processor and Entitled Capacity) adds these new 
Sep  1, 2007   variables to NMONINTV dataset:                           
              -Support for NMON NETSIZE object adds thes new variables  
               to NMONNETW dataset:                                     
              -The count of JFSFILE fields drops to less than the count 
               in the header record, occasionally, causing MXG to have  
               to delete of that record with an MXG ERROR MESSAGE on the
               log.  Under investigation with NMON support.             
              -The "UNKNOWN RECTYPE=" message for Nigel's Monitor NMON  
               is clarified to indicate it's not an error, but a new    
               monitor record that is not yet supported by MXG, but     
               will be if you send the input data file to MXG support.  
   Thanks to Michael W. Woelke, Boeing, USA.                            
   Thanks to John Keenan, Boeing, USA.                                  
Change 25.172  Example to process DB2 datasets to separate DDNAMES:     
ADOCDB2        libname db2acctp 'c:\mxg\db2acctp\';                     
Aug 20, 2007   libname db2acctb 'c:\mxg\db2acctg\';                     
               libname db2acctg 'c:\mxg\db2acctb\';                     
               libname db2acct  'c:\mxg\db2acct\';                      
               libname db2gbpat 'c:\mxg\db2gbpat\';                     
               libname db2gbpst 'c:\mxg\db2gbpst\';                     
  /* unsorted, written directly to individual DDNAME for parallelism */ 
              %LET WDB2ACP=DB2ACCTP;                                    
              %LET WDB2ACB=DB2ACCTB;                                    
              %LET WDB2ACG=DB2ACCTG;                                    
              %LET WDB2PAT=DB2GBPAT;                                    
              %LET WDB2PST=DB2GBPST;                                    
              %LET PDB2ACC=DB2ACCT;                                     
  /* deflected to work, as they are combined into db2stats */           
              %LET PDB2STO=WORK;                                        
              %LET PDB2ST1=WORK;                                        
  /* sent to pdb, stats, should be small in size */                     
              %LET PDB2ST2=PDB;                                         
              %LET PDB2ST4=PDB;                                         
              %LET PDB2STS=PDB;                                         
              %LET PDB2STB=PDB;                                         
              %LET PDB2STR=PDB;                                         
              %LET MACKEEP=                                             
                         MACRO _SDB2ACp %                               
                         MACRO _SDB2ACb %                               
                         MACRO _SDB2ACg %                               
                         MACRO _SDB2pat %                               
                         MACRO _SDB2pst %                               
                         MACRO _SDB2ACc %                               
              %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPEDB2);                               
                 or could be                                            
              %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(BUILDPDB);                              
                 or could be                                            
Change 25.171  Documentation.  The DOCVER and DOCVERnn text printed only
UTILVREF       3 positions for LENGTHs, causing a 32000-byte variable to
Aug 20, 2007   be printed as 3E4 in exponential format. While I can't   
               expand LENGTH to print 5 digits without truncating LABEL,
               I now detect the TYPE='NUM' and print four positions for 
               those variables to be more accurate where I can.  You can
               always use PROC CONTENTS DATA=whatever; to see the actual
               stored LENGTH of each variable.                          
               See MXG Technical Note 2 in Newsletter FIFTY for a list  
               of "Very Long Stored Length" variables created by MXG.   
Change 25.170  If there no Mount-Related SYSLOG messages were captured  
ASUMTAPE       by ASMTAPEE/MXGTMNT, i.e. TYPESYMT has zero observations 
Aug 20, 2007   then there were no observations created in PDB.ASUMTAPE, 
               even though the TYPETMNT and TYPE21 records matched.     
               The missing SYSLOG records was due to backlevel ASMTAPEE 
               at ML-38 that missed messages now captured in ML-39, but 
               this revision tests for zero obs in TYPESYMT dataset, and
               forces the OUTPUT of PDB.ASUMTAPE in that case.  Note    
               that this only works when all systems do not capture the 
               SYSLOG data; if some systems do and others don't, this   
               revision will NOT work, and only systems with obs in the 
               TYPESYMT dataset will have output in PDB.ASUMTAPE.       
   Thanks to John Doherty, Capita, SCOTLAND.                            
Change 25.169  New DB2 Parallel event "analysis" selects all DB2ACCT obs
VMACDB2        for each "ACE group" that had any parallel activity,     
Aug 18, 2007   (i.e., had one or more DB2ACCT obs with DB2PARTY=O/P/R), 
               keeps a large but manageable set of important variables, 
               and then PRINTs the detail DB2ACCT observations for each 
               "ACE Group", in time sequence, where each unique set of  
               values of these BY variables defines an "ACE Group":     
               and where ACE is either QWHSACE (S/O) or QWACPACE (P/R). 
               BUILDPDB does not sort PDB.DB2ACCT automatically, due to 
               it's size, but that turns out fortunate, as the default  
               sort order defined in MACRO _BDB2ACC in VMACDB2:         
                 QLACLOCN QWHCCN   QWACBSC  QWHSSTCK,                   
               is just fine for duplicate removal, so it's not "wrong", 
               but it is NOT the correct order to group all DB2ACCT obs 
               into their "ACE Group".  Instead, the new report uses    
               uses this sort order (MACRO _XDB2ACC):                   
                 QWACBSC  QWHSSTCK QWHCPLAN QWHCAID                     
               that does correctly sort DB2ACCT into each "ACE Group".  
               This iteration defines old-style MACROs _Q, _X, _Y, _X   
               which are used by the MACRO _RDB2ACC that you execute:   
                   // EXEC MXGSASV9                                     
                   //PDB DD DSN=YOUR.DB2ACCT.PDB,DISP=SHR               
                   //SYSIN DD *                                         
                    %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(VMACDB2);                         
               This report was used for diagnostic understanding of the 
               events in DB2 Parallel, and thus is not likely to be used
               by many MXG users, but it's there if needed.  Also, the  
               structure of selecting all of a group that has one of    
               something (DB2 Parallel Transaction, in this case) could 
               easily be extended to select by some other criteria.     
Change 25.168  Using %ANALDB2R(PDB=PDB,PMSTA02=YES); caused VMXGSUM to  
Aug 17, 2007   one place in ANALDB2R, VMXGSUM was invoked with variable 
               STRTTIME used in the INCODE's internal DATA/PROC steps,  
               and it was in the KEEPIN= list, but STRTTIME was NOT in  
               any of the VMXGSUM output parameters.  Now, variables in 
               the KEEPIN= list are added to the generated KEEP list to 
               protect for this unique VMXGSUM invocation.              
               The problem was introduced in MXG 25.04 VMXGSUM changes. 
   Thanks to Richard Haynes, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas, USA.     
Change 25.167  Variable FCUSERID='LOGIN*USER ID*OR NAME' is INPUT and   
VMAC119        kept in the TYP11903 dataset.                            
Aug 16, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Jim Kovarik, Aegon, USA.                                   
Change 25.166  Trending example for DB2ACCTP dataset.                   
Aug 16, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Bank of America, USA.                          
Change 25.165  The IMF FB Program Record is updated with new variables: 
VMACCIMS        PGMSAD56='SADFLAG5*AND*SADFLAG6'                        
Aug 14, 2007    FLGSPCHR='PROGRAM*SUBTYPE'                              
                  The $MGIMFCS format decodes FLGSPCHR, which is OUTPUT 
                  in both CIMSTRAN and CIMSPROG, but only the first     
                  three values of J, K, or O exist in CICSPROG:         
                     VALUE $MGIMFCS                                     
                     'Q'='Q:PSEUDO WFI'                                 
                     'W'='W:WFI(WAIT FOR INPUT)'                        
                SAPEXIT ='SAP*PGM*USING*SAPEXIT?'                       
               The offset to SRVCLASS was also corrected.               
   Thanks to Doug Johnson, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas, USA.       
Change 25.164  The _VNDMRJ macro token was missing in the _WNDMRJ part  
VMACNDM        of the _VARNDM macro definition, so the NDMRJ datasets   
Aug 14, 2007   kept ALL MXG VARIABLES IN THE DATA STEP, 7062 variables  
               to be exact, when NDM code was added to BUILDPDB in ITRM 
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute, USA.                          
Change 25.163  Support for Capacity Group analysis. z/OS 1.8 added the  
VMAC7072         SMF70GNM='CAPACITY GROUP NAME'                         
VMXGINIT       variables, but Change 24.092 output them in TYPE70, when 
Aug 20, 2007   they should have been output in PDB.TYPE70PR dataset, as 
               they are LPAR-level capacity limits.                     
              -ASUM70PR now creates two new Group Capacity datasets     
                 PDB.ASUM70GC - CEC Totals for each Capacity Group      
                 PDB.ASUM70GL - LPAR Detail within each Capacity Group  
               Dataset ASUM70GL matches the RMF Group Capacity Report,  
               while dataset SUM70GC provides the total MSU usage for   
               each Group, and the percent of Group capacity limit used.
               Both new datasets are created with fixed INTERVAL=HOUR,  
               to match SMF70GMU capacity units of MSU per hour.        
   Thanks to Jim Dammeyer, State Farm Insurance, USA.                   
Change 25.162  The final example in comments was missing a close-paren. 
Aug 12, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Trevor Holland, ANZ, AUSTRALIA                             
====== Changes thru 25.161 were in MXG 25.07 dated Aug 10, 2007=========
Change 25.161  Support for new z/OS 1.9 RMF III and APAR OA17070 fields.
VMACRMFV       New variables INPUT from the CFIG3 Header Section are    
Aug  9, 2007   added to the ZRBCFI dataset:                             
                  CFIPREQS='NOT ALL*STRUCTURES*CONTAINED'               
                  CFIPREQC='NOT ALL*CONNECTIONS*CONTAINED'              
               New variables INPUT from the CFIG3 Entry Section are     
               added to the ZRBCFI dataset:                             
                  CFIENSCT='SUM WAIT*FREE FOR*SYNCH IMMED'              
                  CFIENFOC='COUNT*OF TIMES*FOR UNSUCCESSFUL'            
                  CFIENFOT='SUM OF*SERVICE*FOR*UNSUCCESSFUL'            
               New variables INPUT from the CFIG3 Table Entry Section   
               are added to the ZRBCFI dataset:                         
                  CFISTRBP='REBUILDPERCENT*IN ACTIVE*CFRM'              
                  CFISTPL ='CF*PREFERENCE*LIST'                         
                  CFISTXL ='STRUCTURE*EXCLUSION*LIST'                   
Change 25.160  Sample reports for Velocity Software data.               
Aug  9, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Robert Obee, IMS Health(R), USA.                           
Change 25.159  Support for APAR OA12865 for RMF 79 Subtype 9 Device     
VMAC79         Activity added variable R799PSM='SUCCESSFUL*PAV*SAMPLES' 
Aug  9, 2007   and relabeled variable R799PCT='UNSUCCESSFUL*PAV*SAMPLES'
               and now INPUTs R799NDA as 4 bytes instead of 2, so that  
               variables R799NDA,R799DPB,R799CMR,R799PCT,R799PSM now are
               correct, and variable R799CNX6='HYPERPAV*BASE*DEVICE?' is
              -RMF II 79 subtype 9 records written at 1 minute intervals
               have the accumulated values reset when RMF Monitor I pops
               its interval, which caused MXG to set the DIF()'d        
               values missing; now, only the first observation for each 
               device will have missing values for the deaccumlations,  
               since I don't know the prior value from yesterday!       
              -R799NUX required special handling as it is accumulated   
               if the device is HyperPav, and is not otherwise.         
   Thanks to Mike Romeo, Schwab, USA.                                   
Change 25.158  The %QUOTE function had to be replaced with the %BQUOTE  
UTILBLDP       function, because %QUOTE does not "mask" percent signs,  
Aug  8, 2007   and the user-provided text can contain percent signs     
               that needed to be masked.  When a user sets the  text    
               %LET MACKEEP= MACRO _S110 %;  and executes %UTILBLDP(...)
               this %LET MACBLDP= %QUOTE(&MACKEEP);  created the MACBLDP
               with  MACRO _S110 ) instead of MACRO _S110 % because the 
               %QUOTE function saw the end of the text as  %) and that  
               pair of adjacent characters are a "special character"    
               that is, by design, changed to a single paren by %QUOTE. 
               The %BQUOTE masks these characters that aren't by %QUOTE:
                 unmarked percent signs                                 
                 unmatched, unmarked single and double quotation marks  
                 unmatched, unmarked opening and closing parentheses    
               This issue comes up most often in the %LET MACKEEP= text,
               as its usage can have a wide range of character text.    
               I have previously suggested that when setting MACKEEP to 
               text that can contain a semicolon, you must use %QUOTE(),
               but for old-style macro redefinitions like _S110, there  
               was no need for the complexity of the %QUOTE() syntax.   
               And it appears if there happened to be blanks in the     
               right places, even percent signs could be passed without 
               either function.  Now, if you have semicolons or percents
               depending on the context and state of the macro language,
               %BQUOTEs may be required in your %LET statements.        
               Specifically this is required:                           
                 %LET MACKEEP=%BQUOTE( MACRO _S110 %) ;                 
   Thanks to Carmen Vitullo, Acxiom IT Outsourcing, USA.                
Change 25.157  Change 24.064 added &MXGNOBY operand to circumvent errors
MONTHDSK       NOT SORTED, but the invocation of &MXGNOBY was not added 
MONTHWEK       the WEEKBLDT and MONTHDSK members, where it didn't work! 
Aug  6, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Randy Parker, Trustmark National Bank, USA.                
Change 25.156  The ARRAY LWAI(33) $ LCPUWAI0-9 + were one-byte lengths, 
VMAC7072       but ARRAY LDED(33) $ LCPUDED0-9 + were eight bytes long, 
Aug  6, 2007   and I cannot see why they are different, but as they are 
               one-byte variables, their ARRAY statement now explicitly 
               sets their length with  ARRAY xxxx (33) $1;              
Change 25.155  Variables created with the SCAN() function are set by SAS
VMACCLAR       to character length of $200, even though the input length
VMACNMON       is only $128.  While I believe SAS should set the output 
Aug  6, 2007   length to $128, as WPS does, adding LENGTH statements did
               circumvent this SAS problem.  Other character handling   
               functions, like SUBSTR() do set the new variable's length
               from the input variable's length.                        
Change 25.154  PROC MEANS does not pass variable attributes (LENGTH etc)
VMXG70PR       to the output dataset unless / INHERIT is added to the   
Aug  6, 2007   OUTPUT statement; MXG normally uses %VMXGSUM, which does 
               specify INHERIT, but the two new PROC MEANS added for the
               new IFA/ZIP variables did not specify INHERIT, causing   
               wrong or blank LENGTH/LABEL/FORMATs for those variables. 
VMAC42         were printed because the tests revised by Change 25.095  
Aug  3, 2007   should be OFF+LEN GT LENGTH+1 vice GT LENGTH.  The       
               record was valid, but, as the message stated, it was     
   Thanks to Joachim Mayr, Amadeus, GERMANY.                            
Change 25.152  The analysis of input queue time for Duplicate JOB HOLD  
ANALINIT       used LASTEND=LAG(JINTTIME) for the start of the input    
Aug  3, 2007   queue delay of the next Duplicate JOB NAME, but JINTTIME 
               is the Start Time of the last job, and, as documented in 
               Change 12.274, that LAG() function statement             
                 (which returns the value of that variable from the     
                  prior observation)                                    
               should have been LASTEND=LAG(JTRMTIME), so that this     
               job's delay is calculated from the End of Execution of   
               the prior job.                                           
   Thanks to Larry Riggen, OneAmerica, USA.                             
Change 25.151  The example JCLVMXA invokes PROC MEANS for all datasets, 
VMACVMXA       that would not normally be executed except for the first 
Aug  3, 2007   test, but it failed be cause _MPRCAPC and _MPRCAPM were  
               not defined (those macro names in lines 20396,20397 were 
               misspelled).  The MONWRITE datasets were correctly built;
               Also, MXG 25.06 had a DEBUG=1; statement left from tests 
               that printed a lot of messages on the SAS log, but with  
               no impact on the SAS datasets that MXG created.          
   Thanks to Yaohua Hu, ISO, USA.                                       
Change 25.150  The ASUM70PR summarization could (still!) create PCTCPUBY
VMXG70PR       over 100%, if adjacent intervals being summarized had the
Aug  3, 2007   exact same value of STARTIME SMF70GIE and DURATM after   
               the INTERVAL= operand had reset STARTIME and SMF70GIE.   
               These DURATM was also incorrect (too small) in these bad 
               observations, but ALL OTHER VARIABLES ARE CORRECT.       
               It was the heuristic use of DURATM that seemed to work,  
               but is now recognized as the culprit, as it failed when  
               two adjacent DURATMs were identical.  Now, by instead    
               using the OLDSTART, the original unmodified interval     
               start, and inserting it in internal sorts in place of    
               DURATM, and testing IF FIRST.OLDSTART vice FIRST.DURATM  
               there's a clean algorithm for new intervals and this old 
               recurring problem should be fixed for good.              
              -Summarization with INTERVAL=SHIFT did not work, because  
               MXG can not know the duration of each of your shifts, and
               message VARIABLE MXGDURTM UNINITIALIZED was printed.     
               However, if you will add a statement in your IMACSHFT    
               tailoring member for each shift, that sets then variable 
               MXGDURTM=nnnnn;, where nnnnn is the duration in seconds  
               (e.g., MXGDURTM=28800; for an 8-hour shift), then you can
               INTERVAL=SHIFT to summarize PDB.ASUM70PR & PDB.ASUM70LP  
               to your shift definitions.                               
              -Summarization with CECINTRV=SHIFT is also now supported, 
               proved you tailor IMACSHFT to set MXGDURTM, as above.    
               The MXG note that SHIFT could not be used is removed.    
   Thanks to Debby Blackey, HCA HealthCare, USA.                        
Change 25.149  The SAS/ITRM product (formerly SAS/ITSV) executes MXG to 
ADOCITRM       create its SAS datasets, but the MXG dataset names are   
Aug  2, 2007   changed by ITRM.  This member's table maps the ITRM names
               to the original MXG dataset name.                        
Change 25.148  A tutorial on how MXG normally creates SORTed datasets,  
ADOCDB2        two exceptions, and an MXG tailoring example that writes 
Aug  1, 2007   the DB2ACCTB and DB2ACCTP datasets to separate DDNAMES,  
               also bypassing their SORTs.                              
               MXG normally builds datasets that are PROC SORTed, and   
               the sort order can be exploited in subsequent programs   
               to avoid unneeded sorts.  MXG's SORTs specify the NODUP  
               SAS option, which removes any duplicate SMF records.     
               However, two datasets, DB2ACCT and CICSTRAN have never   
               been SORTed by default, as they were always known to be  
               very large.  So their "dataset sort _Sdddddd" tokens,    
               _SDB2ACC and _SCICTRN, were NOT in the default list of   
               datasets to be sorted in VMACDB2 and VMAC110 defaults.   
               With hindsight, I should also have NOT included SORTs of 
               the DB2 per-buffer (DB2ACCTB) and per-package (DB2ACCTP) 
               datasets, which now can be as large or larger than, their
               DB2ACCT counterpart!                                     
               But now that MXG has sorted those datasets by default,   
               I can not safely remove those SORTs, without high risk   
               of causing a user program to unnecessarily fail. But,    
               you can use this MXG tailoring example to write them     
               to separate DDnames, and bypass their dataset sorts:     
                 // EXEC MXGSASV9                                       
                 //SMF  DD DSN=YOUR.SMF,DISP=SHR                        
                 //DB2ACCT  DD DSN=YOUR.DB2ACCT,DISP=(,CATLG),...       
                 //DB2ACCTB DD DSN=YOUR.DB2ACCTB,DISP=(,CATLG),...      
                 //DB2ACCTP DD DSN=YOUR.DB2ACCTP,DISP=(,CATLG),...      
                 //PDB      DD DSN=YOUR.OTHER.DB2.STUFF,DISP=(,CATLG),..
                 //SYSIN DD *                                           
                  %LET WDB2ACC=DB2ACCT;  /*DDNAME for DB2ACCT */        
                  %LET WDB2ACB=DB2ACCTB; /*DDNAME for DB2ACCTB*/        
                  %LET WDB2ACP=DB2ACCTP; /*DDNAME for DB2ACCTP*/        
                  %LET MACKEEP=                                         
                    MACRO _SDB2ACB  %    /*BYPASS DB2ACCTB SORT*/       
                    MACRO _SDB2ACP  %    /*BYPASS DB2ACCTP SORT*/       
                  %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(BUILDPDB);                          
               This same tailoring, using a  %LET Wdddddd=DDNAME;       
               statement to name the output DDname for the "Work"       
               copy of a dataset, and using %LET MACKEEP= as shown to   
               define MACRO _Sdddddd % (i.e., to a blank value) can be  
               used for any other large dataset that you want written   
               to a separate DDNAME, unsorted, as your SMF data is read.
Change 25.147  Almost cosmetic.  The IMACxxxx/MACxxxx tokens that were  
VMACQACS       defined for VMACQACS were the old IMACQAPM/MACQAPM tokens
VMXGINIT       from when AS/400 support was in VMACQAPM, and I decided  
Aug  1, 2007   to change the VMAC to QACS but still use the QAPM token  
               so existing AS/400 tailoring wouldn't need to be changed.
               However, this is inconsistent for new users, so this     
               change adds the include of IMACQACS and created MACQACS, 
               so the expected token names are found, but the old tokens
               are still invoked, so existing tailoring still works.    
   Thanks to Philip Downes, Fortis Bank, BELGIUM.                       
Change 25.146  Using PDB=SMF could cause ERROR: NO DATASETS TO LOOKUP   
ANALRMFR       because SPLIT70 changes were not fully implemented.      
Aug  1, 2007   A circumvention was to use TYPS7072 first to create the  
               PDB datasets, and then use PDB=PDB in the %ANALRMFR,     
               but this change corrects the error.                      
   Thanks to Mike Rounceville, Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC, USA.       
Change 25.145  RMF III dataset ZRBLCP might have no observations for    
VMACRMFV       many LPARs, due to an MXG error in its "SKIP" logic that 
Aug  1, 2007   prematurely ended the scan over all LPARs.               
               The statement SKIP=CPUCPLEN-32-1280; was replaced with   
               the statement SKIP=CPUCPLEN-LPARPROF-LPARPRLN*LPARPRNR;  
   Thanks to Erik Torp, IMT Nordic IBM, DENMARK.                        
Change 25.144  For ASCII execution, the FULLSTIMER option (MXG default) 
UPCMEMSZ       will print the memory used by each DATA/PROC step.  One  
Jul 31, 2007   way to determine how much virtual memory is available to 
               your MXG programs is to execute this new utility         
                 %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(UPCMEMSZ);                           
               which iterates the number of variables allocated in a    
               temporary array of 32K-length-character-variables so the 
               array size varies from 150MB up to 3GB.  You look on the 
               log for the last successful step prior to the ERRORs:    
                  FATAL: Insufficient memory to execute data step       
                  program.  Aborted during the COMPILATION phase.       
                  NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step     
                  because of insufficient memory.                       
               In my Windows/XP system with SAS 9.1.3, that last step   
               allocated  ARRAY TESTMEMSIZE (30000) $32000 _TEMPORARY_; 
               and used 938,107 kbytes, or 916 MegaBytes                
Change 25.143  MXG sets each of the 135 SWAP rate variables in TYPE71 to
VMAC71         a missing value if that field was zero and the field was 
VMXGINIT       INPUT, but that design is inconsistent with MXG's use of 
Jul 29, 2007   missing values.  Normally, an MXG variable has a missing 
               value, a value different from a "zero", when:            
                - the event didn't happen, like a datetimestamp JSTRTIME
                  for a JCL error - the job never "started".            
                - a new variable is not INPUT, because that new product 
                  is not yet installed at your site.                    
                - an old variable that no longer exists (like PERFGRP)  
                  is no longer INPUT because the record segment is no   
                  longer written.                                       
               This design is not perfect; if the new variable is INPUT 
               because it was added to an already-existing-segment, or  
               if the old variable is still INPUT because it's segment  
               exists, they will have a zero value instead of a missing 
               value, but examination of missing values with PROC MEANS 
               is used in MXG validation and technical support.         
                 Back when these swap rates were added to the TYPE71,   
                 most were zero, but I wanted blanks when PROC PRINTed, 
                 so by setting their zero values to a missing value, and
                 using an OPTIONS MISSING=' '; statement, SAS printed   
                 blanks instead of a sea of zeros or periods.           
               Since TYPE71 always been this way, I'm reluctant to make 
               changes to my default, but new &MXGMISS macro variable is
               now defined in VMXGINIT:                                 
                  %LET MXGMISS = GT 0 ;                                 
               and it referenced in VMAC71 for each swaprate with logic 
                  IF variable &MXGMISS THEN variable=variable*INTTIME;  
                  ELSE                      variable=.'                 
               so you can put this statement in your IMACKEEP or SYSIN  
                     %LET MXGMISS = GE 0 ;                              
               and any zero values will no longer be missing values.    
                 Advanced SAS notes:                                    
                 a. I first defined MACRO _GT0 GT 0 % in VMAC71 member, 
                    so it could be redefined with the MACKEEP, but its  
                    re-execution caused unrelated code with ' GT 0 ' to 
                    be seen as ' GT 0 0 ', causing compiler errors.     
                 b. I tested IF X &MXGMISS THEN ... syntax for the case 
                    when the variable MXGMISS was not defined, which    
                    would happen if your site (unwisely) has a tailored 
                    VMXGINIT member.  Although there are UNRESOLVED     
                    MACRO VARIABLE messages and one NOTE: VARIABLE      
                    MXGMISS IS UNINITIALIZED, the end result            
                    I also discovered that the value of &MXGMISS macro  
                    variable, when it is undefined, is the MXGMISS text,
                    rather than the blank value I had assumed/presumed! 
   Thanks to Jerry Urbaniak, Acxiom, USA.                               
Change 25.142  Change 18.211 identified most _xxxxID macro tokens that  
IMACIPAC       are "reversed" from the normal _IDxxxx syntax, but that  
VMACIPAC       change only updated member UTILBLDP so it would know of  
Jul 29, 2007   those inconsistent _ID macro names.  This change defines 
               new, "correct" _IDxxxx macro names for those products,   
               and modifies the SMF Record ID test syntax to            
                  IF ID=_IDxxxx OR ID=_xxxxID THEN DO;                  
               so that your old definition in your IMACKEEP tailoring   
               with MACRO _xxxxID nnn % does NOT need to be changed, but
               more importantly, so that new users who use the expected 
               MACRO _IDxxxx nnn % will never find out about this MXG   
               inconsistency.  These members were identified:           
                ARB, DLMN, DMON, HBUF, HURN, IPAC, M204, NSPY, PDSM,    
                RMDS, ROSC, RTE, SYNC, TSOM, VVDS, WYLA, WYLB, X37.     
               Thus far, this change has only been made to these xxxx:  
   Thanks to Keith McWhorter, Georgia Technology Authority, USA.        
Change 25.141  IBM APAR OA21799 corrects invalid values for SMF78HIX,   
VMAC78         the offset to the new-with-HYPERPAV (SMF78HPS) segments  
Jul 27, 2007   in RMF 78 Subtype 3 records.  The value in SMF78HIX:     
               -sometimes exceeded the physical record length, causing  
                the MXG job to ABEND with this error message:           
                  INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED RECORD LENGTH                
               -sometimes pointed to the wrong LCUID. MXG compares the  
                LCUID/R783ID2 from the old SMF78ASS segment with the    
                R783HLCU from the new SMF78HPS, and printed messages:   
                ***ERROR.VMAC78 LCUID=002E  DOES NOT MATCH R783HLCU=002F
               HyperPAV support was shipped by IBM with APAR OA12865.   
               This change prevents the ABEND without the APAR installed
               by validating SMF78HIX before the INPUT of the HYPERPAV  
               variables. Also, these new HyperPav variables:           
                 R783HLCU R783HCU R783HNAI R783HTIO R783HAIU            
                 R783HCAD R783HIOQ                                      
               are set missing when LCUID mismatch or beyond-record-HIX 
               is detected.  Only 10 error messages will be printed.    
              -The actual records that contained invalid SMF78HIX values
               happened to also be "SPLIT 78" records, i.e., multiple   
               records written for an interval when the data won't fit  
               in one 32K SMF record.                                   
               But split 78 records are not new; even before HyperPav,  
               records are split if there are more than 80 LCUIDs.      
               Fortunately, MXG has always created observations in the  
               TYPE78CF (Configuration, from the SMF78DCS segments, and 
               TYPE78CU (Control Unit, from the SMF78ASS and SMF78HPS   
               segments), since split records are fully self-contained  
               for each group of LCUIDs for those three segments that   
               create those two datasets.                               
               But, UnFortunately, when 78 records are split, the 588   
               byte I/O Queue Global segment (pointed to SMF78QDS) is   
               repeated in each split record, causing duplicate,        
               triplicate, or more replicas of each interval's data to  
               be output in the TYPE78IO per-IOPIQID dataset.  I think  
               the SMF78QDS data should have been written only in the   
               first split record, but now that I see what IBM does, the
               change now only outputs TYPE78IO when SMF78RSQ is zero or
               one; zero is the value in an un-split record, one is the 
               first record when records are split.                     
                 P.S. Because the split records have slightly different 
                      values in SMFTIME, these duplicates cannot be     
                      automatically recognized as dupes with the NODUP  
                      option in PROC SORT after the fact; they must be  
                      prevented up front.                               
              -No one has noticed/reported the duplicate TYPE78IO data, 
               and only two sites encountered the ABEND in their daily  
               BUILDPDB due to the invalid SMF78HIX, but IBM immediately
               accepted the problem and created the APAR to correct the 
               error.  But RMF 78s are automatically processed by MXG's 
               BUILDPDB job, so the behind-the-scene installation of    
               HyperPAV might cause a fine-running-daily-accounting-JOB 
               to ABEND, so do not overlook this Change and/or APAR.    
   Thanks to Sam Knutson, Geico, USA.                                   
   Thanks to Mike Lewellen, Charles Schwab & Co., USA.                  
Change 25.140  Support for z/OS 1.9 (very minor additions, COMPATIBLE). 
ADOC6          - Variables SMF22ETY and SMF22FNC values are formatted   
EXTY8223         and decoded by existing MG022FN, MG022ET formats.      
IMAC82           is added to TYPE72GO dataset.                          
IMAC92         - Variables                                              
VMAC1718           R742PSTM='MORE*PATH*STATUS*FLAGS'                    
VMAC22             R742PRCT='PATH*RETRY*COUNT'                          
VMAC30             R742PPND='CURR*PENDING*SIGNALS*OUTBOUND'             
VMAC71           are added to the TYPE74PA dataset.                     
VMAC74         - Variables                                              
VMAC79             R742MST1='EXTENDED*MEMBER*STATE*ONE'                 
VMAC82             R742MST2='EXTENDED*MEMBER*STATE*TWO'                 
VMAC92             R742MINT='STATUS*CHECKING*INTERVAL'                  
VMXGINIT           R742MJOB='JOB THAT*JOINED*MEMBER'                    
Jul 26, 2007     are added to the TYPE74ME dataset.                     
               - Variables                                              
                   R744FPSN='NUMBER OF*SHARED*CF*PROCESSORS'            
                   R744FPDN='NUMBER OF*DEDICATED*CF*PROCESSORS'         
                   CFPTYP01='1ST CF*CPU*PROCESSOR*TYPE'  thru           
                   CFPTYP16='16TH CF*CPU*PROCESSOR*TYPE'                
                   CFPWGT01='1ST CF*SHARED*PROCESSOR*WEIGHT' thru       
                   CFPWGT16='16TH CF*SHARED*PROCESSOR*WEIGHT'           
                 are added to the TYPE74CF dataset.                     
               - Variable                                               
                 are added to the TYPE74ST dataset.                     
               - Variable                                               
                 are added to the TYPE791  dataset.                     
               - Variable                                               
                 are added to the TYPE792  dataset.                     
               - Variable                                               
                   SMF82TKS='TKDS NAME'                                 
                 are added to the TYPE8201 dataset.                     
               - New dataset TYPE8223 dataset contains                  
               - New dataset TYPE9214 dataset contains                  
                  SMF92DDN='UNIQUE*DEVICE*NUMBER*FOR FILE'              
                  SMF92DFN='NAME OF FILE*DELETED OR*RENAMED'            
                  SMF92DFT='DATETIME OF*DELETE'                         
                  SMF92DIP='FILE*SERIAL*NUMBER*OF PARENT'               
                  SMF92DNL='LENGTH OF*FILE NAME*FOR DELETE'             
                  SMF92DNR='LENGTH OF*FILE NAME*FOR RENAME'             
                  SMF92DRN='NEW NAME*THAT WAS*RENAMED'                  
                  SMF92DTY='FILE TYPE*AS DEFINED IN*BPXYFTYP'           
                 new variables.                                         
               -APAR OA17070 Additions to RMF 74-4 Coupling Facility CF 
                records provides the RMF support for accounting and the 
                measurement extensions of CF level 15. The COMPATIBLE   
                record change to RMF 74 records added these new data:   
                - Variables                                             
                   R744FPSN='NUMBER OF*SHARED*CF*PROCESSORS'            
                   R744FPDN='NUMBER OF*DEDICATED*CF*PROCESSORS'         
                   CFPTYP01='1ST CF*CPU*PROCESSOR*TYPE'                 
                   CFPTYP16='16TH CF*CPU*PROCESSOR*TYPE'                
                   CFPWGT01='1ST CF*SHARED*PROCESSOR*WEIGHT'            
                   CFPWGT16='16TH CF*SHARED*PROCESSOR*WEIGHT'           
                  are added to the TYPE74CF dataset.                    
                - Variable                                              
                  are added to the TYPE74ST dataset.                    
Change 25.139  Support for IMF Version 4.3 (INCOMPATIBLE).  Part of that
VMACCIMS       incompatibility was because MXG tested IMSVERS LT '13'   
Jul 14, 2007   (because CIMS/Boole made major record format changes when
               IMS 1.3 replaced IMS 1.2 years ago), but now, IMSVERS has
               '1010' for IMS Version 10, causing MXG to try to read the
               current records with ancient 1.2 code.  However, many new
               new fields were inserted by IMF 4.3, which relocated the 
               DBD segments incompatibly; this won't happen again, as   
               one of the new fields added is the OFFDBTRL, the offset  
               to the DBD segments.  These new variables are created    
               in the CIMSTRAN dataset:                                 
   Thanks to Thomas Heitlinger, FIDUCIA IT AG, GERMANY.                 
   Thanks to Sieghart Seith, FIDUCIA IT AG, GERMANY.                    
Change 25.138  Support for APAR OA20314 which adds two variables        
VMAC89           SMF89LPN='LPAR*NAME'                                   
Jul 14, 2007     SMF89ZNA='LICENSE*ZNALC*IN*EFFECT?'                    
               to both TYPE89 and TYPE892 datasets.                     
   Thanks to Al Sherkow, I/S Management Strategies, USA.                
VMAC80A        record that contained new TOKDANAMs CPUTIMEMAX,          
Jul 13, 2007   ASSIZEMAX and FILEPROCMAX segments, because MXG did not  
               protect for unknown tokens.  This fix protects so the    
               record will be read and the new tokens will be skipped.  
               This change and text will be revised to support those    
               three new tokens.                                        
   Thanks to Gerald Nagao, University of California, USA.               
Change 25.136  Two utility programs to count PDS Directory Blocks used  
TYPELPDS       and defined.                                             
UTILLPDS       The first example, in TYPELPDS, uses IBM LISTVTOC and    
Jul  4, 2007   LISTPDS programs to create flatfiles that are then read  
Aug  7, 2007   in a second SAS step (so this could be used by sites with
               SAS only on ASCII), and it captures all PDS on a volume, 
               with no prior knowledge of their DSNAMES.                
               The second example, in UTILLPDS, is a SAS example that   
               gets the blocks for a single dataset.                    
               Christa requested the facility.  Chuck wrote TYPELPDS.   
               Geert contributed UTILLPDS.  I wrote the change/comments.
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Bank of America, USA.                          
   Thanks to Christa Neven, KBC Bankverzekerinngsholding, BELGIUM.      
   Thanks to Geert De Batselier KBC Bankverzekerinngsholding, BELGIUM.  
Change 25.135A The label for TYPE70PR variables LCPUCAP and LCPUCAPC now
TYPE7072       include "Hard CAP" because those flag variables are set  
Jul  4, 2007   'Y' when Hard Capping was specified when the LPAR was    
               defined (LCPUCAP) or if the Hard Capping status of the   
               LPAR was changed during this interval (LCPUCAPC).  Hard  
               Capping tells PR/SM to cap resources delivered to that   
               LPAR at that LPAR's Designated Share (which is derived   
               from the weight given to this LPAR versus the total of   
               the weights you gave all of the other LPARs in the CEC). 
               Once an LPAR specified as hard capped reaches its        
               designated share, that LPAR is then "hard capped" and    
               normally does not receive more than its share of total   
               CEC resources.                                           
               Soft capping of an LPAR is done by WLM in response to    
               license manager determining that the LPAR's rolling      
               4-hour average MSU has exceeded the MSU specified for the
               LPAR.  A Soft Capped LPAR will have PDB.TYPE70PR variable
               LPARNSW='PERCENT*LPAR SOFT*CAPPED' nonzero in soft capped
               intervals (and LPnNSW variables nonzero in PDB.ASUM70xx  
               ASUMCExx summary datasets).                              
               To further confuse the issue, there can be resource group
               capping of service classes based on Resource Group       
               Even more confusing is that Discretionary Management     
               algorithms can cap a service class period that is a      
               candidate for Discretionary Mangement if it significantly
               exceeds its performance goal (PI LT 0.71), and this      
               Discretionary Management cap will show up even though the
               service class is not assigned a Resource Group cap.      
   Thanks to ???, ???, FRANCE, for asking why LCPUCAP was never 'Y'.    
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
               the above answers.                                       
Change 25.135  %ANALRMFR(PDB=PDB,REPORT=DEVC,DEVICEC=20) caused several 
ANALRMFR       errors (variables CPUTYPE CPUVERSN, variable CAIM NOT    
Jul  4, 2007   FOUND).  A list with dashed names CPUSER0-CPUSER9 was    
               enumerated and CAIM was removed (no such variable), and  
               UNINITIALIZED VARIABLES SMF70CPA and SMF70WLA were fixed 
               by their addition to ID statements where needed. But the 
               removal of CPUTYPE and CPUVERSN from the TEMP74 ID list  
               was the correct revision, because the don't exist when   
               a report for only RMF 74 records is requested.           
   Thanks to Esti Sas, Bank Lemui, ISRAEL.                              
====== Changes thru 25.134 were in MXG 25.06 dated Jul  4, 2007=========
Change 25.134  Support for IRRDBU00 record types 0560, 0561, 0562 and   
EXRAC560       05C0 create four new datasets (all of which, unlike prior
EXRAC561       IRRDBU00 records, contain multiple segments per record). 
EXRAC562          dddddd     Dataset   Description                      
IMACRACF          RAC560     RACF0560  GEN RES CERTIFICATE DATA         
VMXGINIT          RAC562     RACF0562  GEN RES KEY RING DATA            
Jul  3, 2007      RAC5C0     RACF05C0  GEN RES CDTINFO DATA             
   Thanks to Aimee Steele, Euroclear, BELGIUM.                          
Change 25.133  Support for Williams Data Systems FERRET product user SMF
EXFERTCP       creates three new datasets:                              
EXFERTRT         DDDDDD     MXG       MXG                               
IMACFERT         DATASET    DATASET   DATASET                           
TYPEFERT         SUFFIX     NAME      LABEL                             
Jun 30, 2007     FERTRT     FERRETRT  FERRET RTP SUBTYPE 3              
Change 25.132  AS400 TYPECONF variables GDESCL,GDESCN,GDESED,GDESET, and
VMACQACS       GDES91 are now kept, GDES2 is formatted TIME8, and GDES3 
Jun 30, 2007   is now INPUT as $7 (Model+System-TYPE - e.g., 8709406).  
               Date/Time variables GDESED, GDESET are character text, so
               they cannot be formatted, but new GDESEDD and GDESETT are
               numeric variables with DATE9 and TIME8 formats.          
   Thanks to Urs Kugler, Zurich Insurance Company, SWITZERLAND.         
Change 25.131 -Support for RACFEVNTs 52 (SET UID) and 79 (CRL PUBLISH)  
EXTY8052       creates two new datasets from SMF 80 records:            
EXTY8079         DDDDDD     MXG       MXG                               
IMAC80A          DATASET    DATASET   DATASET                           
VMAC80A          TY8052     TYPE8052  RACF EVT 52 SET UID               
VMXGINIT         TY8079     TYPE8079  RACF EVT 79 CRL PUBLISH           
Jun 30, 2007  -Support for TOP SECRET records with RACFVRSN '90'x.      
Jul  2, 2007   The '90'x records contain ONLY the "standard" relocate   
               sections (they have SMF80DTP=RACFTYPE values 1-255, there
               are NRSET sections, and they are located at OFFSET), and 
               the header ends at SMF80VER/RACFVRSN, the "short" CA SMF 
               80 header, which is different than the "standard" IBM 80 
               record header; MXG has always detected IBM vs TOP SECRET 
               format based on RACFVRSN and found the short header.     
              -Support for TOP SECRET records with RACFVRSN '00'x is an 
               INCOMPATIBLE change that required new logic to detect the
               new and different format. The '00'x records contain ONLY 
               the "extended" relocate sections (they have segment type 
               SMF80TP2=EXTLNTYP values of 256-65535, there are SMF80OC2
               sections, and they are located at SMF80OC2), but the '00'
               records now have the "full" IBM header (thru SMF80RSV).  
                 And, of course, CA changed the SMF80OC2 offset value in
                 the '00'x, but not in the '90'x, to match the way IBM  
                 has always (incorrectly!) set OFFSET and SMF80OC2:     
                  In all other IBM SMF records, offsets are from the RDW
                  and the INPUT is @OFFSET-3, but the IBM SMF 80s have  
                  always required @OFFSET+1.  The original and '90'x Top
                  Secret records require -3, the new ones require +1.   
              -The MXG code that formerly created TYPE80A and TYPE80CM  
               datasets has been changed, and there now should never be 
               any observations written to those datasets.  Previously, 
               TYPE80A was OUTPUT if NRSET=0 (e.g., RACFEVNT=79 that    
               has only extended relocate segments), and TYPE80CM was   
               OUTPUT when an unknown SMF80DTP segment type was found.  
               TYPE80A now will contain obs only if the SMF 80 records  
               has no segments: OUTPUT only if NRSET=0 AND SMF80OC2=0.  
               TYPE80CM will contain obs only if SMF 80 records contain 
               relocate sections (standard or extended) that MXG does   
               not (yet) decode, but if you send your SMF records to    
     , those segments will be decoded and those
               observations will go away.                               
              -Top Secret Documentation: MXG decodes the Top-Secret-Only
               SMF80DTP segment values of 103, 104, 105, 109, and 114,  
               and outputs one observation in the TYPE80TS for each     
               segment (i.e., multiple observations from one SMF 80     
               record).  MXG also outputs one observation per record to 
               the appropriate TYPE80xx dataset for that RACFEVNT=xx,   
               with all the "IBM" variables from the relocatable DTP/DT2
              -New Top Secret DTP=115 and DTP=116 segments will be      
               decoded and output to TYPE80TS when documentation is     
               received; this text will be updated when completed.      
   Thanks to Greg Burt, Fifth Third Bank, USA.                          
Change 25.130  Support for Clarion Disk Array flat files creates new    
EXCLARDI       datasets:                                                
EXCLARLU         DDDDDD     MXG       MXG                               
EXCLARPO         DATASET    DATASET   DATASET                           
EXCLARRA         SUFFIX     NAME      LABEL                             
Jun 29, 2007   Jul 5: Variable OBJECT removed from BY lists as it is    
Jul  5, 2007   subordinate to their OWNERNAM, and it's parsed pieces    
               are already available in the other BY variables.         
   Thanks to Jim Quigley, ConEd, USA.                                   
Change 25.129  Variable QW0224PN and QW0224CI are now created in the    
VMAC102        T102S224 DB2 Trace IFCID=224 dataset.                    
Jun 29, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Christa Neven, KBC Bankverzekerinngsholding, BELGIUM.      
Change 25.128  Variable UBRECRD is now formatted with $MGDCORF, and is  
VMACDCOL       INPUT as $CHAR1 instead of $EBCDIC1 so it is valid on the
Jun 27, 2007   ASCII platform as well as on EBDIC, and it is set to     
               LENGTH $1 (without the LENGTH set to $1, the length of   
               the format item, $MGDCORF, is used by SAS for the length 
               of the variable, wasting space).                         
   Thanks to Trevor Ede, EDS New Zealand Limited, NEW ZEALAND.          
Change 25.127  Support for Oracle Version 10 has been in place since MXG
VMACORAC       Version 24.06, as there were no changes in the physical  
Jun 27, 2007   contents of their user SMF record.  However, V10 data for
Oct 16, 2008   the Kernel fields (MXG variables LOGREADS PHYREADS       
               LOGWRTS DMLCOMIT DMLROLLS DEADLOCK) is trashed with very 
               large values in the initial test records; a problem has  
               been opened with Oracle Technical Support and this note  
               will be updated when a fix is available from Oracle.     
               Oct 2008 update:                                         
               The incorrect I/O counts appear to have been fixed in    
               Oracle  The SMF fix 6725982 also requires fix  
               6138068 and 6646861.                                     
   Thanks to Sudie Wulfert-Shcickendanz, Anheuser-Busch, USA.           
Change 25.126  Circumvention to skip new TMC 'FF20'x Volume Definition  
VMACTMS5       record, awaiting doc and data to decode.                 
Aug  7, 2007                                                            
Change 25.125  VGETOBS added conditional use a DATA step for testing,   
VGETOBS        but that revision was removed and would not be executed. 
Aug  7, 2007                                                            
Change 25.124  Preliminary changes to support testing of MXG under WPS. 
AUTOEXEW      -Member CONFIGW2 defines the SAS options for WPS execution
CONFIGW2       on z/OS platforms.  Some SAS options do not yet exist in 
MXGWPSV2       WPS, and some are no longer needed or are not changeable.
VMXGINIT       It must be the last dataset in the //CONFIG DD in your   
Jun 25, 2007   MXGWPSV2 JCL procedure.                                  
Aug  8, 2007  -Member AUTOEXEW defines the SAS options for WPS execution
Sep 25, 2007   on ASCII platforms.                                      
VMACSMF       -VMXGINIT set new GLOBALed macro variable &WPSVER=2 when  
               execution under WPS V2 is detected, and sets the existing
               macro variable &SASVER=8, so that MXG will generate code 
               for the SAS V8 environment that WPS V2 replicates.       
               Sep 25: test for SASVER EQ 2.00 in VMXGINIT was changed  
               to LT 6 when WPS changed version to 2.01.                
              -VMACSMF updated to protect FILENAME= option not in WPS.  
Change 25.123  An undetected DIVIDE BY ZERO in VMXGRMFI occurred in the 
VMXGRMFI       PGPERBLK=PGPERBLK/BLKSAUIN calculation, but I do not know
Jun 25, 2007   why SAS did not detect and report the error (which is    
               inside the OUTCODE= of a PROC MEANS inside VMXGSUM).  The
               division is now protected.                               
Change 25.122  If BUILDPDB=NO, USERADD didn't function correctly for the
UTILBLDP       TMNT, 5, 26J2, or 30 "products".                         
Jun 25, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc, USA.                           
Change 25.121  PDB.ASUMUOW dataset is enhanced to keep the response time
VMXGUOW        of each of the CICS segments in the Unit of Work.        
Jun 22, 2007                                                            
Change 25.120  Utility for counting CICS record, bytes, transactions for
UCICSCNT       each region and subtype now separates CICS Resource field
Jun 22, 2007   segments from CICS Transaction segments in counts, and   
               report titles and labels were clarified.                 
Change 25.119  SMF 119 with (new in z/OS 1.8) IPV6 ICMP segments caused 
VMAC119        INVALID DATA error messages due to blanks where &PIB.4.  
Jun 20, 2007   should have been for the INFORMAT of several variables   
               in the TYP11905 dataset (after @OFF11907).               
   Thanks to Marty Rhodes, Hertz Corporation, USA.                      
Change 25.118  DEVMODEL='3380K' caused INVALID ARGUMENT error as noted  
ASUMCACH       in Change 23.073; logic revised to set MODEL=3380 when   
Jun 20, 2007   DEVMODEL=:'3380' to circumvent.                          
   Thanks to Tom Heller, Cincom Systems, Inc, USA.                      
VMACSYNC       records were due to incorrect HEX4 and HEX3 informats    
Jun 19, 2007   that should have been HEX8 and HEX6, and (on ASCII only) 
               SYNSRTOU was input as $CHAR instead of $EBCDIC.  The     
               variables that were wrong were Device Addresses          
               SIDEVNR and SODEVNR.                                     
   Thanks to Patrick Holloman, Zions Management Services Co., USA.      
Change 25.116  MXG 25.05 GMTOFF30 was still wrong because Change 25.089 
VMAC30         for TYPE30U6 GMTOFF30/INTETIME/INTBTIME was still wrong  
VMAC30         in some cases; those variables are now created in the    
Jun 19, 2007   _STY30U6 logic based on SMFTIME and the EXECTM; variable 
               SYNCTIME sometimes exists, and if it does, it is reset   
               from GMT; otherwise, it is set to INTETIME.  With 25.05  
               TYPE30_V/SMFINTRV has negative EXECTM and ITRVLTM values.
               With MXG 25.05,                                          
   Thanks to Rudolf Sauer, T-Systems Enterprise Services, GERMANY.      
Change 25.115  Incorrect values for memory variables in XMUCDSYS were   
VMACXAM        the result of my inability to recognize PL/1 source, so  
Jun 15, 2007   I overlooked several fields in this Linux under VM data. 
   Thanks to Robert Obee, IMS Health, USA.                              
Change 25.114 -The XCOM support is revised to conform to Change 18.338  
VMACNDM        by defining the MACRO _VTYXCOM for this product.  Over   
VMACSOLV       time, all members will be revised to provide this option,
VMACXCOM       but I tend to get motivated only when someone asks.      
Jun 14, 2007  -Jun 27: SOLV enhanced to define _VTYSOLV, _VTYSOL1 macros
Jun 27, 2007  -Jun 27: NDM now defines _VNDMxx macro for all datasets.  
   Thanks to Trevor Ede, EDS, New Zealand.                              
Change 25.113  The HSM support is enhanced to create an "HSM COMPLEX"   
ASUMHSM        variable, HSMPLEX, for the HSM Summarization logic to    
Jun 14, 2007   support sites with multiple DFHSM-managed storage        
               environment. HSMPLEX is blank by default, but the new    
               MACRO _ESUHSM has a commented exmaple on how you might   
               create values in HSMPLEX for your DFHSM data.            
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc, USA.                           
Change 25.112  The CA IDMS Performance Monitor support is enhanced with 
IHDRIDMS       the insertion of an INCLUDE for IHDRIDMS member after the
VMACIDMS       IDMS header variables have been input.  New &MACIDMSH    
VMXGINIT       macro variable is defined so either the IHDRIDMS member  
Jun 14, 2007   or it can be used to access the header variables.        
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc, USA.                           
Change 25.111  A misplaced end comment after PUT 'DEBUG TWO' statement  
VMAC80A        after Change 25.024 caused variable TYPSTRNG to be wrong.
Jun 13, 2007   TYPSTRNG is an MXG-created variable that identifies which
               RACFTYPE subtypes were found for this RACF event.        
   Thanks to John Hammonds, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, USA.  
Change 25.110 -When there are more than some number of disks, NMON will 
VMACNMON       create additional objects DISKBUSY1/DISKREADn etc; they  
Jun 12, 2007   are now supported.                                       
              -Inconsistent sort order BY statement were revised.       
              -JFSFILE name was increased in size to $128 to prevent    
               false duplicates                                         
Change 25.109  z/OS 1.8 changed the meaning of UIC values in SMF71Uxx   
VMAC71         variables to now represent the time for one steal cycle  
Jun 14, 2007   through the whole storage area, with a range of values   
               from 0 to 65535 (18 hours).  As before, low UIC implies  
               higher storage contention. The new UIC metrics for       
               Current UIC are calculated every second, while Min and   
               Max are the lowest/highest UIC during the last walk thru 
               the storage area.  IBM has kept the old form of UIC      
               (values 0-2054) in SMF71LIC/HIC/ACA, MXG variables       
               HIUICMN/MX/AV, but this change now stores the new        
               SMF71Uxx values in the three old UIC MXG variables       
               HIUICMN/HIUICMX/HIUICAV variables, as their value has no 
               meaning with z/OS 1.8.                                   
               See Change 26.069, which corrected HIUICMN and HIUICMX.  
   Thanks to Karl Lasecki, Chemical Abstracts Service, USA.             
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 25.108  Unused Change.                                           
====== Changes thru 25.107 were in MXG 25.05 dated Jun  7, 2007=========
Change 25.107  Support for CA Brightstor Tape Encryption user SMF record
EXBTENCR       creates two new datasets:                                
EXBTEN32        DDDDDD  MXG       MXG                                   
IMACBTE         DATASET DATASET   DATASET                            REC
TYPEBTE         SUFFIX  NAME      LABEL                              St 
VMXGINIT       but this change was not included in MXG 25.05; 25.06+ is 
Jun  7, 2007   needed for these data.  See also Change 25.143.          
Jun 14, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Ray Dunn, CIGNA, USA.                                      
Change 25.106  MXG 25.04 only.  Zero obs in TMSTMS due to a debug test  
Jun  5, 2007   statement that should have been deleted.                 
   Thanks to Jan Bigalke, AGIS Allianz Dresdner Infosys, GERMANY.       
Change 25.105 -Variable PARTNCPU contains the number of CP Engines, but 
VMAC7072       the "in what" is different in different MXG datasets:    
VMXG70PR       In ASUMCEC and ASUMCELP the label now reads:             
Jun  5, 2007       PARTNCPU='NUMBER OF*CP ENGINES*IN CEC'               
               in TYPE70PR, ASUM70PR, and ASUM70LP, the label now reads:
                   PARTNCPU='NUMBER OF*CP ENGINES*IN PARTITION'         
               For example, you could see PDB.ASUMCEC with              
                   NRPRCS=5 NRPHYCPS=4 NRICFCPU=2 PARTNCPU=2            
               and PARTNCPU is thus the correct number of CP engines for
               any "CPU Busy" calculations.                             
              -Variable MXGCIN was not always set correctly for 'ICF's; 
               fortunately, there was no impact on other variables.     
              -If you should accidentally/incorrectly run ASUM70PR with 
               incorrect CECINTRV=QTRHOUR reading DURATM=30 Minute data,
               then, as should be expected, the ASUMCEC output dataset  
               is invalid, and had many PCTCPU's much greater than 100%.
Change 25.104  Full support for NMON, Nigel's Monitor for AIX/unix.  All
EXNMONAA       OBJECTs are now supported; an NMONxxxx dataset is created
EXNMONCD       from each OBJECT that has multiple instances per interval
EXNMONDS       (e.g. NMONDISK has an observation for each DISKNAME), and
EXNMONIO       NMONINTV dataset has all metrics from all OBJECTs that   
EXNMONJF       have only one instance per interval.                     
EXNMONFS       These datasets are now created from NMON records:        
EXNMONTO          DDDDDD  MXG       MXG                                 
EXNMONUA          DATASET DATASET   DATASET                             
EXNMONVG          SUFFIX  NAME      LABEL                      Instance 
Jun  5, 2007      NMONIN  NMONINTV  NIGELS MONITOR INTERVAL     none    
                  NMONIO  NMONIOAD  NMON IOADAPTER              IOADAPTR
                  NMONJF  NMONJFSF  NMON JFSFILE                JFSFIL  
                  NMONNT  NMONNETW  NMON NETWORK                NETNAME 
                  NMONTO  NMONTOP   NMON TOP PROCESS            PID     
                  NMONUA  NMONUARG  NMON UARG PROCESS           PID PPID
                  NMONVG  NMONVG    NMON VOLUME GROUP           VOLGROUP
                  NMONWL  NMONWLM   NMON WLM                    WLMCLASS
               This table maps the objects to each MXG dataset:         
                DDDDDD  MXG       MXG       The OBJECTs that create     
                DATASET DATASET   DATASET   are listed.                 
                SUFFIX  NAME      LABEL                                 
                                    OBJECTS: AAA                        
                NMONCD  NMONCPUD  NMON CPU DETAIL                       
                                    OBJECTS: CPUnn                      
                NMONDS  NMONDISK  NMON DISK                             
                                    OBJECTS: DISKBUSY DISKREAD DISKWRITE
                                    OBJECTS: DISKXFER DISKBSIZE         
                NMONIO  NMONIOAD  NMON IOADAPTER                        
                                    OBJECTS: IOADAPT                    
                NMONJF  NMONJFSF  NMON JFSFILE                          
                                    OBJECTS: JFSFILE JFSINODE           
                NMONNT  NMONNETW  NMON NETWORK                          
                                    OBJECTS: NET NETPACKET NETERROR     
                NMONFS  NMONNFSS  NMON NFS CLIENT AND SERVER            
                                    OBJECTS: NFSCLIV2 NFSCLIV3          
                                    OBJECTS: NFSSVRV2 NFSSVRV3          
                NMONTO  NMONTOP   NMON TOP PROCESS                      
                                    OBJECTS: TOP                        
                NMONUA  NMONUARG  NMON UARG PROCESS                     
                                    OBJECTS: UARG                       
                NMONVG  NMONVG    NMON VOLUME GROUP                     
                                    OBJECTS: VGBUSY VGREAD VGWRITE      
                                    OBJECTS: VGXFER VGSIZE              
                NMONWL  NMONWLM   NMON WLM                              
                                    OBJECTS: WLMCPU WLMBIO WLMMEM       
                NMONIN  NMONINTV  NIGELS MONITOR INTERVAL               
                                    OBJECTS: CPU_ALL                    
                                     VARS: PCPUUSER PCPUSYS PCPUWAIT    
                                     VARS: PCPUIDLE PCPUBUSY NRCPUS     
                                    OBJECTS: MEM                        
                                     VARS: REALFREE VIRTFREE REMBFREE   
                                     VARS: VIMBFREE REMBTOTL VIMBTOTL   
                                    OBJECTS: MEMNEW                     
                                     VARS: MNPROCPC MNFSCAPC MNSYSTPC   
                                     VARS: MNFREEPC MNPINNPC MNUSERPC   
                                    OBJECTS: MEMUSE                     
                                     VARS: MUNUMPPC MUMINPPC MUMAXPPC   
                                     VARS: MUMINFPC MUMAXFPC            
                                    OBJECTS: PAGE                       
                                     VARS: PGFAULTS PGIN PGOUT PGSIN    
                                     VARS: PGSOUT RECLAIMS SCANS CYCLES 
                                    OBJECTS: PAGING                     
                                     VARS: PGMBFREE                     
                                    OBJECTS: LARGEPAGE                  
                                     VARS: FREEPAGE USEDPAGE PAGES      
                                     VARS: HIGHPAGE SIZEMB              
                                    OBJECTS: PROC                       
                                     VARS: RUNNABLE SWAPIN PSWITCH      
                                     VARS: READ WRITE FORK EXEC SEM MSG 
                                     VARS: SYSCALL                      
                                    OBJECTS: PROCAIO                    
                                     VARS: AIOPROCS AIORUNNG AIOCPU     
                                    OBJECTS: FILE                       
                                     VARS: IGET NAMEI DIRBLK READCH     
                                     VARS: WRITECH                      
                                     VARS: TTYRAWCH TTYCANCH TTYOUTCH   
                                    OBJECTS: LPAR                       
                                     VARS: PHYSICPU VIRTCPUS LOGLCPUS   
                                     VARS: POOLCPUS ENTITLED WEIGHT     
                                     VARS: POOLIDLE USEDALL USEDPOOL    
                                     VARS: SHARECPU                     
               The JFSFILE and JFSINODE objects have errors in one file 
               out of many; after many intervals, the number of data    
               fields in those object records is smaller than the number
               of file names in the "dictionary" record.  Logic in MXG  
               detects and reports these bad records on the log, and    
               deletes the defective records.  If a fix from Nigel is   
               forthcoming, this note will be updated.                  
   Thanks to Steve Olmstead, Northwestern Mutual Trust, USA.            
   Thanks to Henry Steinhauer, Northwestern Mutual Trust, USA.          
Change 25.103  Support for IBM OMEGAMON TRF ITRF V550 and V560.         
EXITRMST       -Many new variables added to datasets ITRFMSG & ITRFMSGO.
IMACITRF       -Variables LOCLTIME and PSTNR added to all ITRF datasets.
VMACITRF       -New ITRFMSGT dataset is created from subtype 12 with the
VMXGINIT        text of the DFS554A message.                            
Jun  4, 2007   -There is a known error now fixed in APAR CCnnnnn; a few 
                '10'x records (39 out of 10000) are misaligned, causing 
                very high CPU time (1E13) and missing value in LOCLTIME.
                  Use PROC MEANS N MIN MAX SUM DATA=ITRFMSG; to examine 
                  the maximum value of ACCPU and SRBTIME and LOCLTIME to
                  see if it has any missing values.                     
   Thanks to Guenter Rucks, FinanzIT GmbH, GERMANY.                     
   Thanks to John Maher, IBM Tivoli, USA.                               
   Thanks to Bert Winberg, IBM Nordic Processor, DENMARK.               
Change 25.102  The erase of the old month directory syntax was wrong;   
VMXGALOC       statement %let killmo="&basedir.w%trim(&killmnth)\*.*";  
Jun  2, 2007   is now    %let killmo="&basedir.m%trim(&killmnth)\*.*";  
   Thanks to Patrick Holloman, Zions Management Service Company, USA.   
Change 25.101  MXG 25.04 only. Back in Change 25.085, I added options   
               MEMLEAVE=25M NOSORTBLKMODE in CONFIGV9 because they did  
CONFIGV9       correct an error, but those values were suggested for the
Jun  1, 2007   diagnostics; this change restores SORTBLOCKMODE because  
               it is used by DFSORT for significant improvement in sort 
               performance, and it is the SAS default, so it no longer  
               set in MXG's CONFIGV9.                                   
               MEMLEAVE protects a virtual storage area used only by SAS
               (especially needed when SAS calls an external product,   
               like a host sort program), but MEMLEAVE is taken from the
               REGION size of the JOB; if you had an old job with the   
               prior-recommended-by-MXG of REGION=64M, with MEMLEAVE=25M
               you only had 39M for the MXG job.  Additionally, the SAS 
               recommended value is 10% of the REGION size, and almost  
               all of MXG will execute in a REGION=100M, changing the   
               value to MEMLEAVE=10M is more correct.                   
               But what about REGION=0M, didn't that solve the need to  
               periodically increase any static REGION=nnnM values in   
               your JCL?  Yes, it did, prior to the new Threaded Kernel 
               Memory architecture in SAS V9, which operates independent
               of the prior "SAS Proper" WM Memory architecture, but the
               existence of two independent memory managers in one ASID 
               has uncovered memory exposures if and only if REGION=0M  
               is specified.  While a future version of SAS may resolve,
               the safest recommendation now is to set REGION=100M on   
               your job card, with this revised CONFIGV9 member in use. 
               (MXG also sets NOTHREADS because there are exposures to  
               the use of THREADS on z/OS at this time that need to be  
               understood, so I leave it to you to decide to THREADS,   
               but even with NOTHREADS, the REGION=0M exposure exists,  
               because SAS V9 itself is threaded.)                      
   Thanks to Jim Hayes, Huntington, USA.                                
Change 25.100  Documentation.  References to JCLINSTL were changed to   
INSTALL        JCLINST9 for SAS V9.1.3 or JCLINST8 for SAS V8.2; the    
JCLINSTx       JCLINSTL member no longer exists because it didn't work  
Jun  1, 2007   for both SAS versions, but I failed to update the doc.   
   Thanks to Allan Hardman, Co-Operative Bank, ENGLAND.                 
Change 25.099  Sub-subtype '4000'x (DLI) caused INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED
VMAC112        ERROR and/or incorrect values in T112DLI and T112DLIT    
VMACOMCI       datasets; an 8-byte field was overlooked.                
May 31, 2007  -Jun 28: Detection of unknown TTYPE added for safety.     
Jun 28, 2007  -The SMF 112 record replaced the OMEGAMON for CICS user   
Jun 30, 2007   SMF record, but only the SUBTYPE=203 "ONDV" record is    
               processed by TYPE112, because that is the useful data,   
               because only the subtype 203 can be compressed, and      
               because the existing TYPEOMCI/TYPSOMCI code will read the
               other two subtypes:                                      
                 200 - SYST                                             
                 201 - INTR                                             
               in a standalone job from SMF with this example           
                 // EXEC MXGSASV9                                       
                 //SYSIN DD *                                           
                  %LET MACKEEP=  MACRO _IDOMCI  112  %                  
                  %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPSOMCI);                          
               so you can investigate if the other two subtypes contain 
               data of interest.  You could easily add processing of the
               SMF 112 and OMCI records to your BUILDPDB, using:        
                  %LET MACFILE=                                         
                    %QUOTE(      IF ID=112 THEN DO;                     
                                   INPUT @OFFSMF+19 SUBTYPE &PIB.2. @;  
                                   IF SUBTYPE IN (200,201) THEN ID=299; 
                  %LET MACKEEP=   MACRO _IDOMCI 299 %  ;                
                  %UTILBLDP(BUILDPDB=YES,USERADD=112 OMCI);             
                  %INCLUDE INSTREAM;                                    
               Because the TYPE112 code now processes the subtype 203,  
               VMACOMCI now only reads subtype 200 and 201 records, it  
               was updated to accept V560 version, and the four bytes   
               inserted for compression statistics are skipped.         
               But see Change 26.257, which revised OMCI and 112 code.  
   Thanks to David Schumann, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, USA.  
   Thanks to Ray Dunn, CIGNA, USA.                                      
Change 25.098  %UTILBLDP is enhanced with new option BUILDPDB=JES3 to   
UTILBLDP       generate an %INCLUDE for BUILDPD3 instead of BUILDPDB to 
May 31, 2007   create a PDB library with JES3 instead of JES2 records.  
   Thanks to Julian Smailes, Experian, ENGLAND.                         
Change 25.097  MXG-created DB2-variable THREADTY was blank if there was 
VMACDB2        no QLAC segment (i.e., non-DDF), because the MXG code to 
May 28, 2007   create THREADTY was located inside the QLAC processing,  
Jun  6, 2007   because the logic needs to test QLACLOCN.  The code block
               was relocated to after the QLAC processing, and THREADTY 
               should, now, always be populated.                        
              -THREADTY added to DB2ACCTP dataset default KEEP list.    
   Thanks to Eileen F. Van Etten, Bank of America, USA.                 
Change 25.096  Using an IMAC7072 tailoring that had an old _STY70 caused
May 28, 2007   that was "INVOKED BY VMXGRMFI TYPE70 - R70HOUR", although
               the real error was back when PDB.TYPE70 was created, as  
               it had zero observations because the new "SPLIT70" _STY70
               must be executed, now, to create observations in TYPE70. 
               Removing the IMAC7072 corrected the error; it has been   
               the MXG recommendation to remove all of the old IMACnnnn 
               "product tailoring" members, and use only IMACKEEP to    
               redefine macros you know you want to change.             
                 Long ago, the IMACxxxx members actually defined the    
                 _L, _K, _S, _B etc macros, but those definitions moved 
                 into the VMACxxxx member precisely because of these    
                 exposures when I have to make an incompatible change   
                 in MXG architecture.                                   
   Thanks to Jim Hayes, Huntington, USA.                                
Change 25.095  Reading VSAM SMF with TYPE42 caused false MXG messages   
May 28, 2007        (OFFDSAM=1 confirms it's a false message) and       
                 **ERROR INVALID TYPE42 SUBTYPE 5 RECORD                
                    (COL=229,S42VTVDO=228 confirms false message).      
               and these records were incorrectly deleted, but only when
               the (undumped) VSAM SMF file is read; when the (normal,  
               dumped) BSAM SMF file is read, there are no errors.      
               Logic to handle OFFSMF for subtype 5 and OFFDSAM revised.
   Thanks to Jim Poletti, Edward Jones, USA.                            
Change 25.094  Harmless divide by zero when EXCPDASD was zero; the obs  
ANALBLSR       is now deleted since it can't be a BLSR candidate.       
May 28, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Rodger Foreman, TransUnion, USA.                           
UTILBLDP       was generated, but the prerequisite %INCLUDE for ASUMUOW 
May 22, 2007   was not generated, causing ASUMCICX to fail in a SORT.   
   Thanks to Robert Sample, Atlanta Journal Constitution, USA.          
Change 25.092  Doc only.  The example in the comments to run ASUM70PR   
ASUM70PR       against SMF data was incorrect; the corrected example is:
VMXG70PR         %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPS7072,ASUM70PR);                  
May 21, 2007   Error Dataset PDB.TYPE70PR NOT FOUND resulted if you used
               the example in the comments.                             
   Thanks to Art Cuneo, Health Care Services, USA.                      
Change 25.091  After MXG 25.04 QA completed, but before it was packaged,
TESSOTHR       a untested TESSOTHR member was copied into SOURCLIB; the 
May 15, 2007   PROC COPY that causes the ERROR in JCLTEST9 is removed.  
   Thanks to Randy Parker, Trustmark National Bank, USA.                
Change 25.090 -Support for PK37354 SMF 100 Subtype 4 in DB2 V1.9, which 
EXDB2ST4       will contain the old IFCID=225 (ID=102 Subtype 225) data.
IMACDB2        This makes my head hurt, because I can't safely use the  
VMACDB2        old T102S225 dataset name: combining 100 and 102 records 
VMAC102        in the same DATA step would cause SAS to fail due to the 
VMXGINIT       duplicate output dataset names.  So the old IFCID=225    
May 15, 2007   data will be output in new DB2STAT4 dataset.             
               was also added by this APAR, for both DB2 V1.8 and 1.9,  
               and it is INPUT and kept in T102S225 and DB2STAT4.       
               Apr 8, 2008: QW0225BB was only added to T102S225 by this 
                            change. Change 26.057 added it to DB2STAT4. 
Change 25.089  GMTOFF30 must be calculated because IBM does not put it  
VMAC30         in SMF 30 records; it can only be calculated from the    
May 14, 2007   subtype 2 or 3 interval records, which contain interval  
May 31, 2007   start on both local and GMT clocks (SMF30IST is local and
Jun  1, 2007   SMF3ISS is GMT), and then GMTOFF30 was used to create the
Jun 18, 2007   local zone INTBTIME & INTETIME interval start/end times. 
               It was also RETAINed to convert INTETIME in the subtype 6
               record, which has no local counterpart, and from which   
               INTBTIME will be created when TYPE30_6 is deaccumulated. 
               These problems existed prior to this change:             
                - Subtype 6 logic caused GMTOFF30 to be zero, causing   
                  INTBTIME/INTETIME in TYPE30_6 to be wrong.  Worse,    
                  if the next subtype 2/3 did not have a CPU segment,   
                  (MULTIDD='Y' observations have no CPU segment and     
                  thus SMF30IST is a missing value), that RETAINed zero 
                  GMTOFF30 value was used, causing INTBTIME/INTETIME    
                  in TYPE30_V and PDB.SMFINTRV datasets to be wrong.    
                - Subtype 2 and 3 records for OMVS tasks do NOT have the
                  interval start time in SMF30IST (they appear to have  
                  the original substep initiate time, not the current   
                  interval's start time;  this undocumented feature     
                  caused very large GMTOFF30 values (like -29 hours).   
               This change revised the subtype=6 logic so GMTOFF30=0 is 
               not created, and the OMVS records (SUBSTEP GT 0) are not 
               used to calculate GMTOFF30; instead, they use the RETAIN 
               value of GMTOFF30 to recalculate INTBTIME and INTETIME.  
               There can still be errors in the value of GMTOFF30, or   
               INTBTIME or INTETIME because of the need to RETAIN the   
               GMT offset from prior records, but many records do not   
               have the needed data.  These design errors exist in 30s: 
                 - SMF30IST is wrong in OMVS (SUBSTEP GT 0) records.    
                 - SMF30IST is not populated in subtype 6 records.      
                 - SMF30IST is not populated in records with no CPU     
                   segment, notably MULTIDD='Y' records with only EXCPs,
                   or records with more MULC segments than fit in one   
                   physical SMF 30 record.                              
               The only solution for auditable SMF 30 data is for IBM to
               add the GMT Offset value in EVERY type 30 record.        
              -May 31, 2007: Variable INTRVLTM was missing after May 14 
               change, only for SUBSTEP GT 0 (USS - OMVS) tasks, because
               it wasn't calculated in that revised code block.         
              -Jun  1, 2007: Variables SMF30IET/INTETIME/SYNCTIME with a
               fixed datetime value of '17SEP2042:23:53:47.37' in all   
               subtype 6 records was found at one site; the hex value of
               the field showed it was actually a negative binary value 
               of -22 (the number of leap seconds of offset!) when it   
               was INPUT as &IB.8.6 and then divided by 4096, which is  
               the TODSTAMP algorithm for negative values.              
               IBM's SMF manual only documents SMF30IST/SMF30IET for the
               subtype 2 and 3 records; in subtype 6, SMF30IST is always
               missing, but previously SMF30IET was the valid end time. 
               Now, additional logic detects the duration rather than   
               datetime in SMF30IET, and sets SMF30IET from SMFTIME in  
               those cases in TYPE30_6 observations.                    
              -Jun 18, 2007:  IF TST30IET GT 0 THEN test was corrected  
               of IF TST30IET LT -30 THEN because valid TODSTAMP values 
               have first bit on, which causes TST30IET to be always be 
               negative, but the -30 test detects the invalid values of 
               IET that contained leap seconds and not a valid time.    
   Thanks to Douglas C. Walter, Citicorp, USA.                          
   Thanks to Rudolf Sauer, T-Systems Enterprise Services, GERMANY.      
Change 25.088  The &VMXGVERS as the last line should have been %VMXGVERS
May 10, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
Change 25.087  BROKEN CONTROL RECORD error caused by DMN=10 RC=2 record 
VMACVMXA       for MDGPROD=:'5739A03RM0000000' logic, now corrected.    
May 10, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Tom Draeger, Aurora, USA.                                  
====== Changes thru 25.086 were in MXG 25.04 dated May  7, 2007=========
Change 25.086  New Analysis of CEC-level z/OS Capture Ratio combines PDB
ASUMCAPT       ASUMCEC and RMFINTRV datasets, summing workload CPU & TCB
VMXGCAPT       time for all Service Classes in all z/OS LPARS in the CEC
May  6, 2007   to create new dataset PDB.ASUMCAPT with total CPUACTTM   
               from PDB.ASUMCEC and total CPU72TM from PDB.RMFINTRV for 
               new variable CECAPTRT='CEC*CAPTURE*RATIO' to be created  
               You can simply add %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(ASUMCAPT); after the
               your %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(ASUM70PR); in your BUILDPDB job.  
               The default summarization is by HOUR.                    
               This hour's data shows how 17532 CPU Seconds of CEC Busy 
               time ends up as only 16389 CPU seconds captured in RMF 72
               Service Class records, for a CECAPTRT=93.48 for the CEC: 
           |  17532    |   17500   |   17448   |   17389  |   16389   | 
           |           |           |           |          |           | 
           |           |           |           |          | __16389__ | 
           |           |           |           |          /           | 
           |           |           |           |__17389__/|           | 
           |           |           |          /|          |           | 
           |           |           |__17448__/ |          |           | 
           |           |          /|           |          |           | 
           |           |__17500__/ |           |          | UNCAPTURED| 
           |          /| ??Phys??  | PHYSICAL  | CPUOVHTM |           | 
           |__17532__/ |__   32__  | __   84__ | __  143__|__  1143__ | 
               Of those 16389 CPUTM seconds, only 14086 was CPUTCBTM,   
               showing why you MUST use total CPUTM and not just TCB.   
Change 25.085  Strange V9.1.3 z/OS memory failures in the SAS Internal  
CONFIGV9       SORT (no error message on SAS log nor in JOBLOG, even no 
May  4, 2007   end of step IEF374I message, but SYSLOG shows the job was
               placed in HOLD by JES after a S0F9 ABEND; system couldn't
               acquire storage for an SVRB.  The error was in _BLDEXCL  
               of UTILEXCL's sort to create dataset UNIQUE, which must  
               use internal SAS sort because its BY list is way over the
               4092 character limit of host sort packages.  By using a  
               REGION=256M (not REGION=0M, NO LONGER SAS-RECOMMENDED)   
               and by using these replacement values in CONFIGV9 that   
               were recommended by SAS Technical Support:               
               the error was eliminated.  So I have added those option  
               values to the CONFIGV9 member in this change.            
              -z/OS 1.12 message IEF032I/33I replaced IEF374I/276I.     
   Thanks to Dr. Alexander Raeder, ATOSORIGIN, GERMANY.                 
Change 25.084  Variable FILSEQ was wrong in TMS.DSNBRECD observations   
TYPETMS5       created from the VOL record, for multi-volume, multi-file
VMACTMS5       tapes.  FILSEQ does not exist in the VOL record, but MXG 
May  4, 2007   creates a pseudo-DSNBRECD obs with the DSNAME in the VOL 
May 29, 2007   record; MXG logic did not handle these cases correctly.  
               VMACTMS5 changed only cosmetic DEBUG statements.         
               May 29: TYPETMS5 member in MXG 25.04 did NOT contain this
               correction; the member copied into MXG 25.04 was not the 
               tested member that is now updated and redated May 29.    
   Thanks to Tim Hare, Florida Department of Transportation, USA.       
   Thanks to Paul Naddeo, FiServ, USA.                                  
Change 25.083  MXG 25.03 only. APAR OA20077 SMF 21 new compressed bytes 
VMAC21         SMF21DBR and SMF21DBW were still wrong after two tries.  
May  3, 2007   I missed the 4096 multiplier, and I reversed the label   
               text COMPRESSED/UNCOMPRESSED in all four variables.      
               Worse, the customer actually had to go to IBM Support,   
               who quickly and politely diagnosed my coding errors.     
               These old variables always had correct value:            
               These new variables were wrong prior to this change:     
               These two new compression ratio variables are created:   
   Thanks to Karl Lasecki, Chemical Abstracts Service, USA.             
   Thanks to Ken C. Jobbitt, IBM Support, USA.                          
Change 25.082  Support for new XAMAP segments HSTAPP,VSIAPP,VSINAP,     
EXXMOSCS       XMSTOSCS datasets.  Variables fron new segments SYTSXP   
EXXMVNAP       and SYTSXP are added to XAMCPUBY/XAMCPUTO datasets, new  
EXXMVSFT       variables from old segments SUBSUM,SYTRSG,SYTXSG,MTRMEM, 
EXXMVSYS       STORSG and SYTCPU are added to XAMSYS dataset, variables 
EXXMVUSR       from new segments PRCAPC,PRCAPM,SYTSXG,STOSXG are added  
IMACXAM        to XAMSYS dataset, new vars from IODVSW,USRCON,USRACT    
VMACXAM        will be decoded.                                         
May  1, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Robert Obee, IMS Health, USA.                              
Change 25.081  NDM 'NM' records are now decoded, and output in NDMNM    
VMACNDM        dataset (previously output, but with only the header     
May  1, 2007   variables). Variable NDMTIME is kept but it is not       
               populated in the sample SMF record.                      
   Thanks to Trevor Ede, EDS New Zealand, NEW ZEALAND.                  
Change 25.080  Cosmetic protection for a user syntax error if the user  
VMXGDUR        failed to specify a DATETIME= variable that cause strange
VMXGSUM        syntax errors.  Now, MXG issues USER ABEND 1916 when that
May  1, 2007   required operand is missing.                             
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Bank of America, USA.                          
Change 25.079  MXG RMF III code only output the first LPAR's data in the
VMACRMFV       ZRBLCP dataset, which now has one observation for each   
May  1, 2007   LCPUADDR for each LPARNAME that has engines assigned.    
   Thanks to Jerry Urbaniak, Acxiom, USA.                               
   Thanks to Sam Knutson, Geico, USA.                                   
Change 25.078  Documentation.  These MXG members issue USER ABENDs with 
INSTALL        an ABORT ABEND nnnn; statement, so these programs could  
May  1, 2007   ABEND with the listed User Abend Code:                   
Feb  1, 2015                                                            
                 USER      Member              USER       Member        
                 ABEND                         ABEND                    
                    1      VMACTMV2            1234      VMACTMS5       
                   69      VMACSMF             1911      VMXGRMFI       
                   69      VMACTMV2            1912      VMXGRMFI       
                   69      VMACTMVS            1913      VMXGRMFI       
                   99      VMACCADM            1914      VMACSET        
                   99      VMXGVTOC            1914      VMXGSET        
                   99      VMXGVTOF            1915      VMACSET        
                  111      VMACTNG             1916      VMMXGDUR       
                  666      UTILDUMP            1917      UTILBLDP       
                  666      UTILDUMP            1918      UTILBLDP       
                  666      VGETALOC            1919      UTILBLDP       
                  666      VMACMVCI            1954      BLDSMPDB       
                  666      VMACXAM             2098      VMACTMVT       
                  666      VMXGALOC            2099      VMACTMD8       
                  666      VMXGSUM             2099      VMACTMDB       
                  666      VMXGSUME            2099      VMACTMDC       
                  990      VMACRMFI            2099      VMACTMDQ       
                  991      IHDRTMS5            2099      VMACTMTC       
                  992      IHDRTMS5            8888      VGETOBS        
                 0001      VMACTMV2            8888      VGETOBS        
                 0010      VMACPKSZ            MXGABND   VMAC110        
                 0069      VMACTMV2            MXGABND   VMACSMF        
                 0666      IMACNORM            MXGABND   VMACSMF        
                 1099      TYPEMOND            MXGABND   VMACTMS5       
                 1099      TYPETMON            MXGABND   VMXGRMFI       
                 1099      VMACMON8                                     
                 1099      VMACTIMS                                     
                 1099      VMACTMO2                                     
                 1111      MONTHASC                                     
                 1111      MONTHBL3                                     
                 1111      MONTHBLD                                     
                 1111      MONTHBLS                                     
                 1111      MONTHDSK                                     
               See text of Changes 23.184, 29.290, 29.304, 33.020 36.136
               for syntax/usage of &MXGABND USER ABEND macro variable.  
Change 25.075  DB2 V8.1 incompatibly changed the QBGL Group Buffer Stats
VMACDB2        segment, making these nine fields now reserved:          
                  QBGLSU QBGLXN                                         
               and adding five new variables to PDB.DB2GBPST dataset:   
                  QBGLCM QBGLCR QBGLMW QBGLWP QBGLWS                    
   Thanks to Martin Packer, IBM, WORLDWIDE.                             
Change 25.074  Extraneous DATA; SET; BY ...; statements, left over from 
VMAC7072       debugging the SPLIT70 logic, is removed.                 
Apr 30, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Bank of America, USA.                          
Change 25.073  Enhancement to "Nigel's Monitor for AIX and Linux' adds  
EXNMONAA       variables HOST and INTERVAL to NMONINTV dataset, decodes 
IMACNMON       the IOADAPTR and LPAR data types, and creates new NMONAAA
VMACNMON       dataset with the "AAA" configuration records information.
Apr 29, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Massimo Pugliese, ELSAG Spa, ITALY.                        
Change 25.072  Sample tape statistics reports using STC VTS SMF records 
DALYTAPE       and the MXGTMNT tape mount and allocation records.  Can  
Apr 26, 2007   be used after a modified BUILDPDB, or with the %UTILBLDP 
               example in the comments, the reports can be created from 
               an SMF data file.                                        
Change 25.071  MXG 25.03 only UTILBLDP: did not generate the _Sxxxx sort
UTILBLDP       macros when BUILDPDB=NO was specified due to a typo; the 
Apr 26, 2007   USERADD= datasets were not sorted into the PDB library.  
May  7, 2007   Additionally, these products that need deaccumulation and
               require their _Sxxxx product sort macros to be invoked:  
                 7072  DB2  HSM  NTCP  ROSC  TMDB  TPX  103  28         
               will now have those macros invoked whenever USERADD= is  
               invoked for them.                                        
              -May 7:  Support for SMF ID=102 record, which requires the
               _HDR102, _END102 macros.  With over 300 IFCID/subtypes,  
               you can select which T102Snnn datasets are created using 
               USERADD=102.63 102.106 102.141 102.142 syntax.  The 102  
               tokens must be contiguous in your USERADD= parameter, but
               do not need to be continuously numbered, nor do they need
               to be in numeric order in your USERADD= in you %UTILBLDP.
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Bank of America, USA.                          
Change 25.070 -MXG's SYSLOG-reading program failed, INVALID ARGUMENT TO 
SYSLOG         FUNCTION INPUT, because the final tested changed member  
Apr 25, 2007   was still in my "USERID.SOURCLIB" from Nov, 2005, when it
Apr 28, 2007   should have been moved into the MXG source library.  The 
Apr 29, 2007   output dataset TYPETMSG contains an observation for each 
               SYSLOG event (but not for each physical record in SYSLOG:
               records starting with "S" are continuation records, and  
               their text is appended in the variable TMTGMTXT so that  
               only one output observation is created for these events. 
              -Variable TMTGMTXT was increased to $120 from $80, which  
               caused text for "S" records to be truncated.             
              -In addition to using thid code to read SYSLOG messages,  
               you can also write any SYSLOG message to SMF, using the  
               MXGTMNT Tape Mount Monitor program (in ASMTAPEE), which  
               with then be output in BUILDPDB's TYPESYSL dataset.      
   Thanks to MP Welch, SPRINT, USA.                                     
   Thanks to Stephen Van Scyoc, SPRINT, USA.                            
Change 25.069  Service Class names can be "wild-carded" using the colon 
UTILRMFI       symbol, if you have similarly named Service or Reporting 
VMXGRMFI       Class names to map to workloads in your WORKnn= argument.
Apr 24, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Bank of America, USA.                          
Change 25.068  The SQL text from QW0141TX was not printed if the length 
ANALDB2R       of text was less that 60 bytes, due to a typo; the line  
Apr 23, 2007   ELSE TEXT=QW0141TX; is corrected to ELSE TEXT1=QW0141TX; 
   Thanks to Michael Gebbia, Eddie Bauer, USA.                          
Change 25.067  The VMXGUSE macro is updated to add the _STY70 macro if  
VMXGUSE        processing of the SMF 70 records was requested; VMXGUSE  
UTILBLDP       is still supported, but the newer UTILBLDP is recommended
Apr 20, 2007   as the better tool, as it offers many more options; it   
               was also updated to ensure _STY70 is invoked when needed.
              -MXG25.03 also had double percent instead of %VMXGVERS.   
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc, USA.                           
Change 25.066  DB2 SMF 102 IFCID=225 record with invalid header offset  
VMACDB2H       of '0CB5'x, 3253 decimal, for QWHCEUID_Off, but with its 
Apr 20, 2007   LRECL of only 486 bytes, caused INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED.
               The input now validates that the offset is LE LENGTH.    
   Thanks to Robbie A. McCoy, Salt River Project, USA.                  
Change 25.065  Enhancement to UTILBLDP to select the ASUMxxxx members to
UTILBLDP       be executed when BUILDPDB=YES is specified. The default  
Apr 18, 2007   list of members %INCLUDEd after BUILDPDB is not changed, 
               but they are now set in the new MXGINCL= argument:       
                   ASUMTMNT ASUMTALO ASUMDB2A ASUMDB2B,                 
               so you can now remove any unwanted ASUMs.                
   Thanks to Tom Kelman, Commerce Bank of Kansas, USA.                  
Change 25.064  Several QISE variables should have been DIF()'ed as they 
VMACDB2        contained accumulated values; now all QISE variables are 
Apr 17, 2007   DIF()'d except for those that contain counts of pages or 
               statements, in creating the PDB.DB2STATS dataset from the
               SMF 100 Subtype 1 DB2 Statistics records.  Also, QISExxxx
               labels with "Dataspace" were corrected to "DBD POOLS".   
   Thanks to Lori Masulis, Fidelity Systems, USA.                       
Change 25.063  Additional SWAP resaons codes were added to $MGO79SR     
ADOC71         format and in the ADOC71 member documentation.           
FORMATS            VALUE $MG079SR                                       
Apr 17, 2007        '00'X='00X:UNKNOWN'                                 
                    'AS ='AS:AUXSTOR SHORTAGE (VERY UNLIKELY)'          
                    'AW'='AW:APPC WAIT'                                 
                    'DW'='DW:DETECTED WAIT'                             
                    'EX'='EX:CAP EXCHANGE'                              
                    'IC'='IC:IMPROVE CSTORE'                            
                    'IP'='IP:IMPROVE PAGING'                            
                    'IW'='IW:OMVS INPUT'                                
                    'LW'='LW:LONG WAIT'                                 
                    'MR'='MR:MAKE ROOM'                                 
                    'NQ'='NQ:CAP ENQUEUE'                               
                    'NS'='NS:TRANSITION TO NON-SWAPPABLE'               
                    'OW'='OW:OMVS OUTPUT'                               
                    'RQ'='RQ:REQUEST SWAP'                              
                    'RS'='RS:REAL STORAGE SHORTAGE'                     
                    'TI'='TI:TERMINAL INPUT'                            
                    'TO'='TO:TERMINAL OUTPUT'                           
                    'US'='US:CAP UNILATERAL'                            
                    'VR'='VR:VIRTUAL REAL REQUEST'                      
                    'WT'='LW:LONG WAIT'                                 
                    'XS'='XS:AUX STORAGE SHORTAGE'                      
   Thanks to Warren Hayward, TJX, USA.                                  
Change 25.062  Protection for truncates RMF ID=72 SUBTYPE=7 LENGTH=78.  
VMAC7072       while the site examines logs for x37 ABENDS and/or opens 
Apr 16, 2007   a problem report with IBM.                               
   Thanks to Ravi Kumar, CSC, USA.                                      
Change 25.061  Variable SMF12WIC is padded with '00'x instead of blanks;
VMAC120        those '00'x are now translated to blanks.                
Apr 15, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Stan Dylnicki, Royal Bank of Canada, CANADA                
Change 25.060  Using TYPSTPF invoked very old PROC SORTs that still had 
VMXGTPFI       invocations of %VMXGFOR, long ago archaic and no longer  
VMXGFOR        needed, but they caused a 180 Syntax error for "FORCE".  
Apr 12, 2007   The %VMXGFOR calls were removed from VMXGTPFI, and that  
               member was revised to "FORCE" is only created for SAS    
               V5 and V6 where it was originally required.              
               Change 20.327 in 2003 documented the removal of FORCE.   
   Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.                   
Change 25.059  All %VMXGVERS(25.03,MEMBER) invocations were typo'ed as  
DOC            %VMXGVERS(25.03MEMBER);. Wrong syntax, but, fortunately  
Apr 12, 2007   there was no error; the old macros would still be noted  
               in the messages to the log, which still had the right    
               information, albeit slightly different than expected.    
   Thanks to Dr. Alexander Raeder, ATOSORIGIN, GERMANY.                 
====== Changes thru 25.058 were in MXG 25.03 dated Apr 12, 2007=========
Change 25.058  Variable NDMSNODE appeared twice in the _BNDMCT by list. 
Apr 12, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Trevor Ede, EDS New Zealand, NEW ZEALAND.                  
====== Changes thru 25.057 were in MXG 25.03 dated Apr 10, 2007=========
Change 25.057  The 9672x CPUTYPE without APAR OW37565 does not populate 
VMAC7072       SMF70CIN, causing PARTNCPU to be zero.  Now, MXG forces  
Apr 10, 2007   SMF70CIN='CP' when CPUTYPE='9672'X and NRCIXGTO=0.       
   Thanks to Dr. Alexander Raeder, ATOSORIGIN, GERMANY.                 
Change 25.056  DB2STATS SMF 100 Subtype 1 Language Environment QLExxxxx 
VMACDB2        LE variables have always been wrong, partially due to MXG
Apr 10, 2007   code errors (I assumed the 8-byte fields contained both a
               duration and a count, and deaccumulated some fields that 
               were not accumulated), and partially because IBM's record
               is incorrectly written and does not agree with the DSECT.
               The 8-byte header (normally has the 'QLES' eye catcher)  
               doesn't exist, but LENQLES=168, and visual examination of
               hex dumps showed the extra 8 bytes are inserted between  
               QLELOWIM and QLESTG1M fields.  DB2 Versions 1.6 thru 1.8 
               SMF records all have LENQLES=168 and the inserted field. 
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 25.055  Support for SAMS objects 2151,2226,2229 and 2231 has been
EXSAM151       validated and new datasets created.                      
EXSAM226      -Many variables in many of the existing SAMSnnnn datasets 
EXSAM229       were renamed to avoid conflict with same-named variables 
EXSAM231       created from other SMF records.                          
Apr  8, 2007                                                            
VMXGUOW        CPU times, but with OTE, the DB2TCBTM includes some of   
Apr  6, 2007   the CPU time already recorded in the CICSTRAN's TASCPUTM;
               using PDB.ASUMUOW, the correct CPU metric would be the   
               sum of TASCPUTM from CICSTRAN and QWACSPCP and QWACTRET  
               from DB2ACCT.  This change SUMs QWACSPCP and QWACTRET    
               into PDB.ASUMUOW so that you can add those DB2 CPU times 
               to the CICS CPU times with no overlap.                   
Change 25.053  Variable PCTCPUBY greater than 100% in PDB.ASUMCEC, but  
VMXG70PR       only in hour intervals when LPARs were started/stopped,  
Apr  5, 2007   and only if the DURATM of the last LPAR (alphabetically) 
               was less than the full hour.  DURATM was intended to be  
               set to CECINTRV, but MXG set it only for FIRST.SMF70GIE; 
               it was then being output from the DURATM of that last    
               LPARNAME. DURATM=CECINTRV is now set unconditionally.    
   Thanks to David Bixler, FISERV, USA.                                 
   Thanks to Randy Shumate, Lexus-Nexus, USA.                           
Change 25.052  Support for TDSLink Version 630 adds new ZCOST datasets  
EXTDS16        from subtypes 16x, 17x, 18x and 19x:                     
EXTDS17           dddddd    dataset   description                       
EXTDS18           TDS16     TDSL16    ZCOST CPC                         
EXTDS19           TDS17     TDSL17    ZCOST LPAR                        
IMACTDSL          TDS18     TDSL18    ZCOST SYSPLEX                     
VMACTDSL          TDS19     TDSL19    ZCOST SYSPLEX/CPC                 
Apr  5, 2007                                                            
Change 25.051  Change 24.116 reported NRIFACPU for z990/2084 CPUTYPE was
VMAC7072       not countable - SMF70CIN='ICF' in LPARNAME='PHYSICAL' in 
Apr  6, 2007   RMF 70 records instead of 'IFA' - and created the macro  
               variable CECIFANR so you could set NRIFACPU if needed.   
               Now, Al has found a way using the non-PHYSICAL-LPARNAME  
               segments (that do have SMF70CIN='IFA' for IFAs!) to count
               and populate variable NRIFACPU for z990s with IFAs.      
              -New field SMF70CTN, the total count of engines of that   
               SMF70CIN type (CP,IFL,etc), in the CEC was incorrectly   
               INPUT, but it was not kept nor used. It still is not used
               for NRxxxCPU in ASUM70PR, but now it is input correctly  
               and kept in PDB.TYPE70PR dataset.  It will have the same 
               value in all obs of that engine type, so a 27-engine CEC 
               will have SMF70CTN=27 in all obs with SMF70CIN='CP', both
               in both the LPARNAME='PHYSICAL' and LPARNAME='real' obs. 
   Thanks to Al Sherkow, I/S Management Strategies, USA.                
Change 25.050  Support for CrossSysplexManager user SMF record (Skill   
EXCSMDDN       Software) creates two new datasets:                      
IMACCSM          CSMJOB     CSMJOB    CROSS SYSPLEX JOB                 
Apr  4, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to ???, ???, Italy.                                           
Change 25.049  Format $MGSASPR, which maps SAS Procedure Name in the SAS
FORMATS        "USER" SMF record, has new QUANTREG and ROBUSTRE values  
Apr  2, 2007   added for SAS STAT product.                              
   Thanks to Len Rugen, University of Missouri, USA.                    
Change 25.048  Corrections to MXG 25.02 included correction for the     
BLDSMPDB       libname=PDB operand, the CALL SYMPUT('SRTDSN',SORTDBY)   
DOC            spelling, and logic related to VGETSORT invocation.      
Apr  1, 2007   References to WEEK1 were replaced with WEEK.             
Apr 17, 2007   New SORTEDBY= option can be set to sortedby=no to bypass 
               the requirement for input weekly/daily datsets to be     
               sorted. 17Apr07: Null input library protected with msg.  
   Thanks to Loren Mitchell, Los Angeles Couty Office of Education,USA. 
Change 25.047 -Support for APAR OA19502, adds SMF14KET, the Key Exchange
FORMATS        Time (Encryption Overhead).  This time is only recorded  
VMAC1415       in SMF 15 output records and only for a CLOSE processing 
Apr  1, 2007   after a non-parallel OPEN writing file sequence one from 
               the loadpoint.  Otherwise, SMF14KET is zero.  This is the
               elapsed "wall clock" duration, and is NOT a CPU time     
               metric.  A "non-parallel OPEN" is when the parameter list
               passed to OPEN includes only 1 DCB or ACB.               
              -New $MG014CD format decodes the SMF14CD1 and SMF14CD2    
               Encoding Mechanisms:                                     
               L:LABEL - the key label itself is to be stored as part   
                         of the EEDK structure on the tape cartridge.   
               H:HASH  - "Public Key HASH" - a hash of the public key   
                         referenced by the key label is to be stored    
                         on the cartridge rather than the key label     
                         itself. Storing the hash value rather than the 
                         key label itself allows for greater flexibility
                         when tapes are exported to another location,   
                         especially if that location may be using a     
                         different key label (than the originating site)
                         to refer to the same key.                      
   Thanks to Jack Muehl, CitiGroup, USA.                                
Change 25.046  Cosmetic.  INVALID DATA FOR MDY message and hex dumps of 
VMACSTC        the first two instances are printed when the LSBTIME date
Mar 31, 2007   field contains zeros.  Now, LSBTIME is only created when 
               the data exists.  These records with no date also have   
               zeros in all other fields, and so the defective records  
               were not output into the STCLMU dataset, either before or
               after this change.                                       
   Thanks to David Kaplan, Depository Trust, USA.                       
Change 25.045  Variable TTTOD was not kept in TPFDH, TPFKC, or TPFSB    
VMACTPF        datasets, but were referenced in BY statement in _STPFKC.
Mar 30, 2007   Now, that retained variable is kept in those datasets.   
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS Institute, USA.                          
Change 25.044  New intervals (obviously for TRENDing, and not tactical!)
VMXGDUR        of QUARTER, SEMIANN, and ANNUAL will create summary data 
VMXGSUM        when those arguments are used.  The code change was in   
Mar 28, 2007   VMXGDUR; only comments were changed in VMXGSUM.          
   Thanks to Nalini Elkins, Inside Products, USA.                       
Change 25.043  Support for z/VM 5.3.                                    
EXIODHPC       (Apr 12 changes were moved Apr 17, were not in 25.03.)   
Mar 28, 2007                                                            
Apr 12, 2007                                                            
Change 25.042  Enhancement to support HSM records with different SMF IDs
VMACHSM        perhaps from different systems.  HSM writes 2 SMF records
Mar 28, 2007   with and ID and ID+1 architecture, and MXG defined two ID
               macros that you tailored with your SMF TYPE numbers:     
                  MACRO _IDHSMDS  224   %                               
                  MACRO _IDHSMDS1 225   %                               
               But I have redefined the second ID macro to now be       
                  MACRO _IDSHMDS1  _IDHSMDS+1   %                       
               which has no impact on your existing IMACKEEP tailoring, 
               but now, you could use this logic to redefine them:      
                  MACRO _IDHSMDS  512 OR (ID=224 AND SYSTEM='SYS1')     
                                      OR (ID=229 AND SYSTEM='SYS2') %   
                  MACRO _IDHSMDS1 512 OR (ID=225 AND SYSTEM='SYS1')     
                                      OR (ID=230 AND SYSTEM='SYS2') %   
               and MXG will process both pairs of HSM records.          
               This works because the reference syntax in VMACHSM is    
                 IF _IDHSMDS THEN DO;    IF _IDHSMDS1 THEN DO;          
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Bank of America, USA.                          
Change 25.041  Support for CICS/TS 3.2 (INCOMPATIBLE).                  
EXCICDHD      -Major Change: All CICS CPU times are expanded to 8 bytes 
EXCICISR       with significant increase in captured TASCPUTM possible. 
EXCICLDB      -CICS Transaction Segments in SMF 110 subtype 1 can be    
EXITCICS       compressed; the new MXG member EXITCICS is the ASM code  
IMAC110        to create a SAS Infile Exit (named "CICS") that will read
UTILEXCL       the compressed (or uncompressed) records.  To install,   
VMAC110        you ASM and LinkEdit the EXITCICS code into a load module
VMXGINIT       that you put in a load library you add to the //STEPLIB, 
Apr  7, 2006   and tell MXG using  %LET SMFEXIT=CICS;  in your //SYSIN. 
Sep 19, 2006   Test records were reduced from 32K to about 6K bytes, but
Oct 14, 2006   only the 110-1 records are compressible.                 
Mar 27, 2007  -UTILEXCL updated with new CICSTRAN fields added in 3.2.  
Apr 12, 2007  -Updates for the changed Statistics Subtypes:             
Jun 29, 2007           (INCOMPATIBLE except for DST, DSR, and MNG):     
                       STID   DSNAME    New Variables added.            
                      -  2       SMS                                    
                              ==> Nothing New in DSECT.                 
                      - 64    CICDST   DSTCIUHI DSTCIULO DSTNIUHI       
                              ==> But 20 bytes added are not doc'd.     
                      - 65    CICDSR   DSRCIULO DSRCIUHI                
                              ==> But 20 bytes added are not doc'd.     
                      - 67    CICFCR   DFHA17DS DSECT.                  
                              ==> Nothing New in DSECT                  
                      - 74       MQG   MQ Connection Statistics Global  
                              ==> DFHMQGDS DSECT does not exist         
                      - 81       MNG   New Compression Variables        
                              ==> DFHMNGDS DSECT is not current.        
                      -109       ISR   IP Connection (Resource)         
                              ==> DFHUSRDS DSECT does not exist         
                      -117       SJG                                    
                              ==> Nothing New in DSECT.                 
                      -117       SJR                                    
                              ==> Nothing New in DSECT.                 
               MXG 25.03 contained the critical compatibility changes,  
               but MXG 25.07 contains the full support for compressed   
               ID=110 Subtype=1 CICS/TS 3.2 SMF records.                
Change 25.040  Support for APAR OA20077, adds UNCOMPRESSED tape device  
VMAC21         read/write bytes to TYPE21/PDB.TAPES, complementing the  
ASUMTAPE       existing COMPRESSED tape channel read/write bytes that   
Mar 21, 2007   have always been in SMF type 21 records:                 
Apr 10, 2007     BYTEREAD='COMPRESSED*CHANNEL*BYTES*READ'               
              -Apr 10: ASUMTAPE updated to keep SMF21DBR/SMF21DBW.      
Change 25.039  Support for AIX Tapas-C performance data creates these   
EXAXTCPS       datasets:                                                
EXAXTCPU         dddddd     DATASET   Description                       
EXAXTDSK         AXTCPS     AIXTCPUS  CPUS                              
EXAXTFS          AXTCPU     AIXTCPU   CPU INTERVAL                      
EXAXTFSS         AXTDSK     AIXTDSK   DISK                              
EXAXTIP          AXTFS      AIXTFS    FS                                
EXAXTIPS         AXTFSS     AIXTFSS   FS-S                              
EXAXTLAN         AXTIP      AIXTIP    IP                                
EXAXTLPA         AXTIPS     AIXTIPS   IPS                               
EXAXTMEM         AXTLAN     AIXTLAN   LAN                               
EXAXTNFS         AXTLPA     AIXTLPA   LPARS                             
EXAXTPGI         AXTMEM     AIXTMEM   MEM                               
EXAXTPGS         AXTNFS     AIXTNFS   NFS                               
EXAXTPRO         AXTPGI     AIXTPGI   PAGSP-S                           
EXAXTSYC         AXTPGS     AIXTPGS   PAGSP                             
EXAXTSYI         AXTPRO     AIXTPRO   PROC                              
EXAXTTCP         AXTSYC     AIXTSYC   SYSCALL                           
EXAXTUDP         AXTSYI     AIXTSYI   SYSIO                             
EXAXTWLM         AXTTCP     AIXTTCP   TCP                               
EXAXTWLS         AXTUDP     AIXTUDP   UDP                               
VMACAIXT         AXTWLM     AIXTWLM   WLM                               
IMACAIXT         AXTWLS     AIXTWLS   WLMS                              
Mar 16, 2007                                                            
Change 25.038  TMON/DB2-created SMF 101 Subtype 1 caused INPUT STATEMENT
VMACDB2        ERROR because the record is defective; LENQPAC=390 but   
Mar 16, 2007   there were only 358 bytes of data in the segment.  This  
               INPUT EXCEEDED error is now protected, but the data in   
               second and subsequent observations in DB2ACCTP dataset   
               will be trashed.                                         
   Thanks to Robert McElhaney, Texas Workers Commission, USA.           
Change 25.037  SORTEQUALS option should NOT have been added to CONFIGV8,
CONFIGV8       (MXG 25.02 only, Change 25.028) as that option was added 
Mar 16, 2007   in SAS V9, and did not exist in SAS V8.                  
   Thanks to Alan Gray, CareFirst, USA.                                 
Change 25.036  INPUT EXCEEDED for SMF 1415 in MXG 24.24, when subtype=7 
VMAC1415       encrypted tape segment exists; line 743 should have been 
Mar 14, 2007   -130 and not -32.  And now, with data, I can see that the
               Encoding Mechanism Key 1 and 2 fields, SMF14CD1/SMF14CD2 
               actually contain EBCDIC characters (L, H), although IBM  
               still has not answered my queries as to how to decode the
               field or what it contained.  Also, the Key Label 1/2,    
               SMF14KL1/KL2 are now FORMATed $HEX128.                   
               See Change 24.047 additions in MXG 25.03.                
   Thanks to Douglas C. Walter, Citicorp, USA.                          
Change 25.035  Support for SMF 119 for z/OS 1.8 (INCOMPATIBLE, because  
VMAC119        MXG INPUT statements for subtype 70 were missing OFF119xx
Mar 14, 2007   to relocate the pointer).  New fields were added to many 
               datasets by z/OS 1.8, as noted in the comments.          
   Thanks to Marty Rhodes, The Hertz Corporation, USA.                  
Change 25.034  Support for CopyCross SMF event record, with mounted and 
EXCOPYCR       unloaded datetimestamps, VOLSER, data volumes in and out,
IMACCOCR       in the CPYCROSS dataset.  CopyCross was formerly an EMC  
VMACCOCR       product, but now is a Diligent product which is named    
TYPECOCR       VTF Mainframe 2.1.0 (Virtual Tape Facility Mainframe     
TYPSCOCR       Systems.                                                 
Mar 14, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Brian Felix, Wachovia, USA.                                
   Thanks to James Bentley, Wachovia, USA.                              
   Thanks to Lana McCormick, Wachovia, USA.                             
====== Changes thru 25.033 were in MXG 25.02 dated Mar 10, 2007=========
Change 25.033  Support for ASMTAPEE assembly under z/OS 1.8.  IBM has   
ASMTAPEE       deleted fields in internal macro definitions that caused 
Mar 10, 2007   "NOT FOUND" errors when assembled under z/OS 1.8.  This  
               revision only removed those references, but had no impact
               on the actual execution of MXGTMNT.                      
Change 25.032  RMF-like "CPU Activity" report was incorrect when IRD was
ANALRMFR       active (ONLINE TIME, MVS BUSY TIME, CPU NUM), in the     
Mar 10, 2007   "Partition Data" report, WGT PROCESSOR NUM, LOGICAL      
Apr 10, 2007   Processors effective were incorrect, and in the "LPAR    
               Cluster" report, LPARCPUS was incorrect.                 
              -Missing comma in 25.02 after MAX=NRICFCPU ... , added.   
   Thanks to David Klein, DOITT City of New York, USA.                  
Change 25.031  Variable CA7INID was not kept, because it was misspelled 
VMACTPMX       as CAC7IDID in the KEEP list.                            
Mar  7, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc, USA.                           
Change 25.030  TYPE42DS variables from Data Set I/O Statistics Section, 
VMAC42         input when OFFDSIO is non-zero for this observation:     
                  WRITCAND WRITHITS                                     
               were incorrectly carried forward into the next physical  
               TYPE42DS observation, if it did not have a Data Set I/O  
               Statistics Section.  Now, IF OFFDSIO=0, those variables  
               are set missing.  Note that these variables TYPE42DS     
                  S42AMSRB S42AMSRR S42AMSWB S42AMSWR S42AMDRB          
                  S42AMDRR S42AMDWB S42AMDWR S42AMZRB S42AMZRR          
                  S42AMZWB S42AMZWR                                     
               are only populated when the Access Method Statistics     
               Section exists, i.e., when OFFDSAM is non-zero.          
               I do not know why some DSNAME observations contain both  
               or only DSIO, or only DSAM data, but this sample had:    
                  DSIO and DSAM       15808                             
                  DSAM only             914                             
                  DSIO only            6112                             
   Thanks to Diane Eppestine, AT&T Services, Inc, USA                   
Change 25.029  The individual IORATEn per-engine I/O rates in PDB.TYPE70
VMAC7072       were divided by DURATM, but IBM Reports use the SMF70ONT 
Mar  7, 2007   UpTime as the denominator, so the IORATEn variables are .
               now changed to match the RMF Reports.  The total IORATE  
               variable, however, is NOT changed, and is still divided  
               by the DURATM, to be consistent with total IORATE data   
               in TYPE74, TYPE78, and other data sources that don't have
               and idea about individual CPU engine up times.           
   Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.                   
Change 25.028  Changing the SAS default option to NOSORTEQUALS created  
AUTOEXEC       incorrect values in PDB.ASUM70PR/PDB.ASUMCEC datasets for
CONFIGV9       DURATM,PCTCPUBY,plus, but there was no error message.  A 
VMXG70PR       code change in MXG 24.07 in ASUM70PR is the real culprit,
VMXGPRAL       but the code works perfectly with the default SORTEQUALS.
UCOMPSOE       Please run PROC OPTIONS to confirm you have SORTEQUALS.  
Mar 10, 2007   If not, then you should use this IMMEDIATE CIRCUMVENTION:
Mar 13, 2007     Change the option for the MXG job that runs ASUM70PR.  
Mar 16, 2007     You can change the option:                             
                    - on the // EXEC statement:                         
                   //MXGSTEP EXEC MXGSASV9,OPTIONS='SORTEQUALS'         
                 or you can change the option                           
                    - in your SYSIN stream, with an OPTIONS statement;  
                   //SYSIN DD *                                         
                     OPTIONS SORTEQUALS;                                
                     %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(....);                           
               I didn't really know any of this stuff until this error: 
               When SORTEQUALS is specified, SAS ensures that the input 
               order is preserved when BY variables have equal values.  
               In the SPLIT70 redesign, I added logic that depended on  
               LCPUADDR to be ascending order, but I failed to made sure
               it was; with SORTEQUALS, since the original PDB.TYPE70PR 
               was in LCPUADDR order, the new logic worked just fine.   
               However, when NOSORTEQUALS is specified, you have told   
               SAS to not spend any more resources to preserve the input
               order, and, in this case, the output data was no longer  
               in LCPUADDR order when NOSORTEQUALS was specified.       
               The MXG coding error is now corrected, by adding LCPUADDR
               to the BY LISTs for the CPS70PRn sorts, so the ASUM70PR  
               logic works with SORTEQUALS or NOSORTEQUALS.             
              -However, now that I have seen this error, and even though
               it's extremely unlikely to occur elsewhere in MXG code,  
               since MXG has always used only the SORTEQUALS option, I  
               have added SORTEQUALS to CONFIGV9 and AUTOEXEC members,  
               to protect for any other exposures.  At worst, changing  
               NOSORTEQUALS to SORTEQUALS might make the SORT use a few 
               more CPU cycles and do a few more I/O.                   
              -Since the error results in very bad values, it looks like
               most sites still have the SAS default of SORTEQUALS, or  
               this error would have surfaced during earlier testing.   
              -Summary of MXG setting of SAS options:                   
               For z/OS execution of MXG, CONFIGV9 sets MXG SAS options:
                  MXG's CONFIGV9 member still specifies NOTHREADS due to
                    old SAS 9.1.2 errors; see Change 22.207.  However,  
                    THREADS is primarily useful in non-z/OS; running    
                    multiple z/OS jobs in parallel on multi-engine boxes
                    is essentially what THREADS is all about!           
                  MXG's CONFIGV9 member now specifies SORTEQUALS.       
               For ASCII execution, AUTOEXEC sets MXG SAS options:      
                  MXG's AUTOEXEC member has never specified THREADS, so 
                    you get your site's default.                        
                  MXG's AUOTEXEC now specifies SORTEQUALS;              
              -An unrelated, harmless DIVIDE BY ZERO message if PARTNCPU
               was zero is now protected.  Only occurred with old 1999  
               test data that was itself defective, but the exposure is 
              -The VMXGPRAL ("Print ALL") utility was revised to invoke 
               PROC COMPARE on all datasets in two libraries.           
              -Why choose NOSORTEQUALS?  It might save a few CPU cycles 
               and a few I/Os, since it just merges the final sort segs,
               instead of sorting, but, according to informal feedback  
               from SAS folks, it's only really required if you are use 
               the THREADS option on ASCII platforms where you have more
               than one CPU.  So what to do if your SAS folks demand you
               don't change NOSORTEQUALS?  The new UCOMPSOE utility will
               run two PDB-builds, with NOSORTEQUALS & SORTEQUALS, and  
               then uses the (enhanced) VMXGPRAL to PROC COMPARE each   
               datasets in the two PDB's for differences. Unfortunately,
               PROC COMPARE will report all datasets with different sort
               order, even though the two dataset's values are the same.
               You use the PROC COMPARE output to identify differences, 
               and then use PROC MEANS N MIN MAX SUM DATA= OLD/ NEW to  
               verify that the numeric contents are the same.           
               For example, MXG 25.02 found these datasets were built   
               in different order with the two options in effect:       
                  TYPE70 TYPE70PR TYPE74CO TYPE74DU TYPE74PA            
                  TYPE74ST TYPE77                                       
               but the PROC MEANS showed no actual value differences.   
               Mar 16: Find four lines with BWM.  Delete the line which 
               has PROC PRINT and printed lots of useless output.       
   Thanks to Salis Gross Curdin, Credit-Suisse, SWITZERLAND.            
   Thanks to MP Welch, SPRINT, USA.                                     
VMACMONI       error in no-longer-used VMACMONI due to missing second   
Mar  7, 2007   period; the correct syntax is                            
                    MACRO _LMONDBD &PMONDBD..MONIDBDS %                 
   Thanks to Urs Kugler, Zurich Insurance Company, SWITZERLAND.         
Change 25.026  Cosmetic.  DIVISION BY ZERO message if IORATE was zero;  
ANALFIOE       now, that denominator is tested prior to the division.   
Mar  6, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to James Majeski, AT&T Services, Inc, USA                     
====== Changes thru 25.025 were in MXG 25.01 dated Mar  5, 2007=========
Change 25.025  Support for APAR OA19453, which adds a new 4-byte counter
VMAC7          (SMF7NROX) that is now used instead of the 2-byte SMF7NRO
Mar  6, 2007   count of lost SMF records when SMF 7 data lost record is 
               written.  The MXG Variable LOSTRECS is populated from the
               new SMF7NROX field if it is present and SMF7FL1 bit is   
               set that NROX is populated.                              
Change 25.024  INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED for RACF 80 WHEN (301) Extension
VMAC80A        segment for OMVS and PROXY, but neither had any of the   
Mar  2, 2007   expected data segments.  Now, LENLEFT is calculated and  
               tested prior to the INPUT.                               
   Thanks to Robert Sample, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, USA.          
Change 25.023  The two examples that construct datetime ranges from one 
ANAL16         dataset, to build a format for selection from a second   
ANAL30         dataset used DATETIME21.2 characters in the format, but  
Mar  2, 2007   that failed when months were crossed due to month names. 
               This redesign uses PUT(datetime,13.2) to create the text 
               (number of seconds since 1/1/1960) for the format item.  
               Less pretty when printed, but it will always work.       
   Thanks to Tom Elbert, Assurant, USA.                                 
Change 25.022  The RMF III ENC extension was usually not INPUT because  
VMACRMFV       the ENCG3XEO offset does not point to the extension that 
Mar  1, 2007   was added to the end of the record ASMRMFV creates.  That
               extension is located at ENCG3XEO=ENCG3DEO+ENCD3DEL which 
               is now used to INPUT Service and Reporting Class         
               information from the ENC Extension.                      
   Thanks to Brenda Rabinowitz, Merrill Lynch, USA.                     
Change 25.021  UTILEXCL messages are enhanced if the IMACICEZ EZA fields
UTILEXCL       are found, to point you to read the text of Change 24.033
Mar  1, 2007   because there are multiple EZA segments created, and that
Apr 17, 2007   change text has tailoring instructions.  IMACICE2 message
               for EZ2 fields now also point you to read Change 24.033. 
Change 25.020  The QWS3xxxx and QWS4xxxx variables are labeled IRLM and 
VMACDB2        DDF (DIST), but the data could be reversed, with the DIST
Feb 28, 2007   data values in the QWS3xxxx variables and IRLM in the 4th
               set of variables, because IBM has changed which data is  
               in which segment.  This change tests the QWSnPROC name to
               determine which data is present, so that the QWS3xxxx are
               now ALWAYS the IRLM and QWS4xxxx is now ALWAYS the DDF   
               data, so the data always matches the variable labels, no 
               matter which segment had that ASID's data.  Variables    
               QWSnASCB,ASID,EJST,PROC,PSRB,SRBT,QWSnZSRB are created   
               in PDB.DB2STATS from QWSA segments in SMF 100 records.   
   Thanks to Rachel Holt, Fidelity Systems, USA.                        
   Thanks to Lori A. Masulis, Fidelity Systems, USA.                    
Change 25.019  The RACF 0900-series IRRHFSU Unix System Services unload 
VMACRACF       fields all contain EBCDIC, rather than ASCII text.  The  
Feb 28, 2007   test data had been converted to ASCII when it was sent;  
               all of the $ASCII inputs are changed to $EBCDIC now.     
Change 25.018  Support for eleven more optional CICS EZA02 fields with  
IMACICE2       these similar names:                                     
Feb 28, 2007       EZA0TGIV EZA0TSEC EZA0TA08 EZA0TA09 EZA0TA10         
Apr 16, 2007       EZA0TA11                                             
               because I assumed they were now the default set of fields
               in that optional segment.  However, as I have not seen   
               them at other sites, I suspect they were accidentally    
               created at this site, and thus not likely to exist in    
               your EZA02 fields.  As documented in Change 24.033, you  
               must look at the output report from UTILEXCL to see what 
               EZAxxxxx fields exist in your data, and then EDIT the    
               IMACICE2 to only INPUT and LABEL those in your records.  
               Text was revised Apr 16, 2007.  No code change.          
   Thanks to Paul C. Gordon, Bank of America, USA.                      
   Thanks to Peter Krijger, ANZ National Bank, NEW ZEALAND.             
Change 25.017  EXITCICS is the Assembly code for a SAS INFILE EXIT that 
EXITCICS       will read and uncompress SMF 110 subtype 1 records as    
Feb 28, 2007   they are read.  You assemble/link edit the ASM code in   
Mar  7, 2007   the EXITCICS member to create a load module CICSIFUE in  
MaR 10, 2007   a Load Library, concatenate that DSNAME to //STEPLIB DD  
               in your MXGSASV9 JCL procedure, and then tell MXG you    
               have the INFILE exit installed, using the (new in 24.24) 
               SMFEXIT macro variable:                                  
                  //SYSIN DD *                                          
                  %LET SMFEXIT=CICS;                                    
                  %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPE110);                           
               and MXG will read compressed and/or uncompressed records 
               transparently.  You can alternatively use ENGINE=CICS in 
               your FILENAME statement to invoke the INFILE exit.       
                 - The LOAD MODULE must be named CICSIFUE.              
                 - The INFILE EXIT/ENGINE name is CICS.                 
               You need EXITCICS dated Mar 7. the Feb 28 didn't work.   
   Thanks especially:                                                   
   Thanks to Rich Anderson, SAS Technical Support, USA, for             
          his extensive testing and investigation that made this work!  
Change 25.016  Cosmetic.  Variable SMFTIME was added to EXCLUDED FIELDS 
VMAC110        FOUND error message to identify when the record was      
Feb 27, 2007   written, so it could be compared with the time when the  
               CICS Dictionary Records had been written.                
   Thanks to Shirly Fung, HSBC, HONG KONG.                              
VMACNTSM       is an INCOMPATIBILITY created by MXG Change 24.162, when 
Feb 25, 2007   the new variable BLKBINST was added to the BY list for   
               the NTSM dataset BLKBERRY.  The error only occurs in your
               WEEKly or  MONTHly PDB build, and only when you have one 
               or more PDBs that were created with the prior MXG version
               (i.e., the variable does not exist in the old datasets). 
               Mini-tutorial on BY list variables in MXG:               
               Adding a new variable to the BY list for an existing MXG 
               dataset is done ONLY when it is absolutely needed.  The  
               primary reason MXG has a BY list for each dataset is to  
               protect for duplicate records in the input file, When MXG
               uses the NODUP option in PROC SORTing from the "WORK" to 
               the "PDB" library.  The BY list must be complete so that 
               duplicate observations are adjacent.  A secondary reason 
               is for retrieval performance; by creating datasets in    
               sorted order, an extra SORT can be avoided in your report
               Error correction techniques:                             
              -Fix it permanently now, by adding the new variable to all
               of the old, existing DAYly and/or WEEKly PDBs that will  
               be needed to build the new WEEKly and/or MONTHly PDBs,   
               creating the variable with blanks for Character or a     
               missing value for Numeric variables.  You will need to   
               look up the variable in the DOCVER member to find its    
               DATASET, then the variable name in the listing to find   
               the CHAR/NUM type and the LENGTH of the new variable,    
               and then add that variable to all of the prior-built PDBs
               using this syntax:                                       
                 For a character variable:                              
                   DATA OLDPDB.BLKBERRY;                                
                    SET OLDPDB.BLKBERRY;                                
                    LENGTH BLKBINST $32;                                
                    BLKBINST=' ';                                       
                 or for a numeric variable:                             
                   DATA OLDPDB.BLKBERRY;                                
                    SET OLDPDB.BLKBERRY;                                
                    LENGTH BLKBNUMR 4;                                  
                 You will need to point "OLDPDB" to one of the prior PDB
                 libraries that does not contain the new variable and   
                 run the datastep, then change "OLDPDB" to the next PDB,
                 until all of the INPUT PDBs (dailies for WEEKBLD, or   
                 weeklies and dailies for MONTHBLD).                    
                   And if the OLDPDB is a data library on TAPE media,   
                   it gets more complicated; you cannot have a TAPE     
                   PDB open for both INPUT and OUTPUT, and you cannot   
                   replace-in-place a dataset in a Tape media library,  
                   so you would need to use this syntax for each "PDB": 
                     PROC DELETE DATA=WORK._ALL_;                       
                     PROC COPY IN=OLDTAPE OUT=WORK;                     
                     DATA WORK.BLKBERRY;                                
                      SET WORK.BLKBERRY;                                
                      LENGTH BLKBINST $32;                              
                      BLKBINST=' ';                                     
                     PROC DELETE DATA=OLDTAPE._ALL_;                    
                     PROC COPY IN=WORK OUT=OLDTAPE;                     
               Once you have added the new variable to all of the INPUT 
               PDB libraries, you can then rerun the WEEKBLD/MONTHBLD.  
              -Fix it temporarily by redefining the _Bdddddd macro so it
               does not reference the variable for the WEEKBLD/MONTHBLD 
                 -Look in the IMACxxxx member to find the "dddddd" text 
                  for the dataset with the error.  In IMACNTSM, it lists
                  that dddddd=NTBLKB for BLKBERRY dataset.              
                 -Then, look in he VMACxxxx member for _Bdddddd to find 
                  the BY list variables.  In VMACNTSM, _BNTBLKB has     
                 -Then, in the //SYSIN for the WEEKly/MONTHly job, you  
                  would redefine the _Bdddddd macro with that variable  
                     //SYSIN DD *                                       
                       %LET MACKEEP=                                    
                         MACRO _BNTBLKB DOMAIN SYSTEM STARTIME %        
                       %BLDNTPDB(your arguments for WEEKly/MONTHly);    
               Since the new variable does exist in one of the INPUT    
               data sets, it will be propagated into the new WEEKly     
               PDB, so you would only need to use this circumvention for
               a maximum of five weeks, and then all of your Weekly PDBs
               will contain the new variable, and the redefintion of the
               MACRO _Bdddddd can be removed from your Monthly Job.     
               However, this circumvention might fail due to NOTSORTED  
               condition, (only if the "PDB" dataset had more than one  
               value in BLKBINST variable); in that case, you would need
               to re-SORT those datasets using the _Sdddddd dataset SORT
               macro with the new _Bdddddd BY list definition:          
                   //SYSIN DD *                                         
                     %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(VMACNTSM);/*get _Sdddddd def*/   
                     %LET MACKEEP=                                      
                       MACRO _BNTBLKB DOMAIN SYSTEM STARTIME %          
                     DATA WORK.BLKBERRY;                                
                      SET PDB.BLKBERRY;                                 
               NOTE BENE: It is always STRONGLY recommended that you    
               install a new version of MXG on the first day of your    
               week, so that all of that week's daily PDBs are built    
               with the same MXG Version.  It just works better!        
   Thanks to Terry Hein, ECOLAB, USA.                                   
Change 25.014  No observations were output in NDMRT because of a missing
VMACNDM        end of comment */ text.                                  
Feb 23, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Michael Creech, Fidelity National Information Svcs, Ind.   
Change 25.013  The PCTMVSBY in PDB.TYPE70PR when IRD was active and the 
VMAC7072       engine was not online for the entire interval were wrong;
Feb 23, 2007   This also impacted the SHORTCPS value as well.  Now, the 
               SMF70ONT is used instead of DURATM for PCTMVSBY.         
   Thanks to John A. Doan, T-SYS, USA.                                  
Change 25.012  INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED RECORD for IBM ID=99 Subtype=1  
VMAC99         because MXG thought there would always be a System State 
Feb 21, 2007   Information Section, but this record had none. The offset
               and segment length fields were populated, but the number 
               of segments contained zero.  Now, MXG tests segment count
               non-zero before reading that segment, and before OUTPUT  
               of the TYPE99_1 dataset.  This record contained Trace    
               Table entries, so was thus a legitimate record.          
   Thanks to Lawrence Jermyn, Fidelity Systems, USA.                    
   Thanks to Warren Cravey, Fidelity Systems, USA.                      
Change 25.011A IBM Virtualization Engine TS7700 Series Statistics data  
TYPEBVIR       can now be created as a RECFM=U or RECFM=VB History file,
TYPSBVIR       or those data can be written to SMF; this change supports
VMACBVIR       both the SMF and History file records.  By default, MXG  
Feb 19, 2007   reads SMF data, but you must add  MACRO _IDBVIR nnn % in 
Feb 26, 2007   IMACKEEP tailoring member to define your SMF record ID.  
               To process the History File, change _SMF to _HISTFI in   
               your TYPEBVIR or TYPSBVIR member.  The Point in Time     
               subtypes (01,02,10,11) are not written to the SMF file.  
Change 25.011  The preliminary ANALMQMC member should no longer be used;
ANALMQMC       it was preliminary and was replaced by revisions to the  
Feb 21, 2007   ASUMUOW program.  The dataset MQMUOW is no longer created
               by ANALMQMC, as that logic is in a comment block, and now
               only ASUMUOW is executed with ANALMQMC is executed.      
               Comments in the member were revised.                     
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, HUK-COBERG, GERMANY.                       
Change 25.010  Support for TELEVIEW Release 4.4 was already in place;   
VMACTELE       there were no changes to their SMF record.               
Feb 21, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Lawrence Hogg, NYU, USA.                                   
Change 25.009  The new ERASEPDB option was not set to a default; it is  
BLDSMPDB       now set to YES.                                          
Feb 15, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Tom Kelman, Commerce Bank of Kansas City, USA.             
Change 25.008 -In IMACICOB, OMDBDB2LN should have been spelled OMBDB2LN.
IMACICOB      -In IMACICOM, QMMLN should have been spelled OMMQLN.      
Feb 15, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Tom Kelman, Commerce Bank of Kansas City, USA.             
Change 25.007  The optional CICS BMC CMRDATA has variables CMDUDATA and 
IMACICMR       CMDDBCCP reversed; the correct order is CMDUDATA first.  
Feb 15, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Bill Keezer, SAS Institute, USA.                           
Change 25.006  Support for MXG IMS Log processing for IMS Version 10:   
VMACIMS       -For users of TYPEIMS7, members VMACIMS and TYPEIMS7 with 
TYPEIMS7       this Change 25.006 (in MXG 25.01) are required, and you  
ASMIMSL6       must update the _IMSVERS to 10.0 in IMACIMS7 in your     
JCLIMSL6       "USERID.IMSV10.SOURCLIB(IMACIMS7)" tailoring.            
Feb 19, 2007  -For users of ASMIMSL6,TYPEIMSA,JCLIMSL6 job stream, you  
Feb 27, 2007   reassemble ASMIMSL6 with the IBM IMS V10 macro library to
               create the "USERID.IMSV10.LOADLIB(MXGIMSL6)" for the     
               PGM=MXGIMSL6 for your V10 jobstream.                     
              -Because there is no Version number in IMS log records,   
               separate job streams for each IMS version's log file is  
               required, so creating V10-only "USERID" and "LOADLIB"    
               datasets is required, along with associated JCL DSNAME=  
               changes will, unfortunately, also be required.           
               Updates were required to support new fields INCOMPATIBLY 
               that were inserted in IMS log 07 and 08 records, and new 
               variables are created in IMS0708 and IMSSUMRY datasets.  
                 There is a new CPU metric, DLREXETM, that is documented
                 as the total CPU time from 08 to 07, but in test data, 
                 it was very close to IMSCPUTM in three BMP transactions
                 but on BMP that ABENDed had much smaller DLREXETM than 
                 the IMSCPUTM value, so it is somewhat suspect.         
               Other IMS log records will be validated shortly.         
   Thanks to Curdin Salis Gross, Credit-Suisse, SWITZERLAND.            
Change 25.005  SQLServer:Replication objects now have instance names, so
Feb 19, 2007   are now created.  Labels for four cachxxxx were added.   
   Thanks to Bob Gauthier, Albertsons, USA.                             
Change 25.004  Change 24.159 added TWOHOUR, FOURHOUR, EIGHTHR arguments 
VMXGDUR        to VMXGCICI for CICS summarization; those INTERVAL values
VMXGSUM        are now also supported in VMXGSUM and VMXGDUR %macros.   
Feb 11, 2007                                                            
   Thanks to Tom Kelman, Commerce Bank of Kansas City, USA.             
Change 25.003  Variable NREXPOSR is INCOMPATIBLY changed by IBM for HPAV
VMAC74         to contain the accumulated product of UCBs and samples in
Feb  8, 2007   SMF74PSM.  Now, MXG recalculates for HyperPav using:     
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc, USA.                           
   Thanks to Gilles Lachassagne, CA, FRANCE.                            
Change 25.002  VMACMWUX in MXG 24.24 was restored from the last changed 
VMACMWUX       member from MXG 22.22; somehow, I replaced MWUX with an  
Feb  8, 2007   older and archaic member.                                
   Thanks to Roman Gudz, Penske, USA.                                   
Change 25.001  Correction to NRICFCPU and NRIFLCPU in ASUM70PR/ASUMCEC  
VMXG70PR       datasets, if you had more than one.  The MAX= statement  
Feb  8, 2007   in line 295 should have been                             
                    SUM=X NRICFCPU NRIFACPU NRIFLCPU NRZIPCPU;          
               The counts in NRIFACPU and NRZIPCPU were correct because 
               they are recalculated to be the Average number based on  
               those engines UP-time, in case IRD takes control         
LASTCHANGE: Version 25.