Annual  MXG Version 28.28 is  dated Jan 18, 2011, thru Change 28.331.   
        MXG Newsletter FIFTY-SEVEN is dated Jan 18, 2011.               
Prelim  MXG Version 28.28 was dated Jan 12, 2011, thru Change 28.326.   
Interim MXG Version 28.09 was dated Jan 11, 2011, thru Change 28.325.   
        MXG Version 28.08 was dated Dec 13, 2010, thru Change 28.297.   
        MXG Version 28.07 was dated Nov  5, 2010, thru Change 28.265.   
        MXG Version 28.06 was dated Oct  7, 2010, thru Change 28.239.   
        MXG Version 28.05 was dated Aug 18, 2010, thru Change 28.187.   
        MXG Newsletter FIFTY-SIX was dated Aug 18, 2010.                
First   MXG Version 28.05 was dated Aug 17, 2010, thru Change 28.186.   
        MXG Version 28.04 was dated Jul  5, 2010, thru Change 28.152.   
        MXG Version 28.03 was dated May 25, 2010, thru Change 28.114.   
        MXG Version 28.02 was dated Apr 14, 2010, thru Change 28.081.   
        MXG Version 28.01 was dated Mar  9, 2010, thru Change 28.047.   
        MXG Version 27.27 was dated Jan 20, 2010, thru Change 27.361.   
        MXG Version 27.27 was the   2010 "Annual Version".              
        MXG Newsletter FIFTY-FIVE was dated Jan 20, 2010.               
Instructions for ftp download can be requested by using this form:                          
Your download instructions will be sent via return email.               
Contents of member CHANGES:                                             
I.    Current MXG Software Version 28.28 is available upon request.     
II.   SAS Version requirement information.                              
III.  WPS Version requirement information.                              
IV.   MXG Version Required for Hardware, Operating System Release, etc. 
V.    Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 28.28.                  
VI.   Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
VII.  Changes Log                                                       
  Member NEWSLTRS contains Technical Notes, especially APARs of interest
  and is updated with new notes frequently.  All Newsletters are online 
  at in the "Newsletters" frame.                     
  Member CHANGES contains the changes made in the current MXG version.  
  Member CHANGESS contains all changes that have ever been made to MXG. 
  All MXG changes are also online at, in "Changes".  
I.  MXG Version 28.28 dated Jan 18, 2011, thru Change 28.331.           
    Major enhancements added in MXG 28.28, dated Jan 18, 2011           
  TYPEDB2  28.326  Invalid DB2 V10 Distributed Header protected in MXG. 
                   There will be an IBM APAR, but this change is needed 
                   to avoid the ABEND with earlier MXG versions, so, now
                      MXG 28.28 IS NOW REQUIRED FOR DB2 V10.1           
                   to ensure your daily jobs doesn't ABEND.             
                   APAR PM32425 has been opened, no PTF as of Feb 21.   
  WEEKBLD  28.324  Weekly exposure to DATASET TYPE72DL NOT SORTED.      
  MONTHBLD 28.324  Monthly exposure to DATASET TYPE72DL NOT SORTED.     
                  -If you have tailored those members and TYPE72DL is   
                   built, you need to EDIT those members per the text   
                   in that Change to avoid the possible ABEND of your   
                   weekly or monthly build jobs.                        
  EXITCICS 28.298  EXITCICS decompresses SMF 100,101,102,110 and 112.   
                   MXG enhanced INFILE exit for CICS now supports DB2.  
  TYPE89   28.331  INVALID DATA FOR SMF89CZT if APAR OA31615 installed. 
  TYPE111  28.329  CTG records had zero observations in TY111CXI "IPIC".
  JCLINSTT 28.328  Complete JCL example to ftp/unterse/install on z/OS. 
  TYPENDM  28.327  Connect Direct/NDM 'RT' record INCOMPATIBLY changed. 
  TYPE102  28.325  DB2 SQL-text variables only 100 bytes if COMPRESS=NO.
  TYPEIMSA 28.311  Support for IMS/DBCTL transactions in IMSTRAN.       
  TYPEIMS7 28.310  Support for IMS/DBCTL transactions in IMS0708.       
  TYPE0    28.313  Variable CVTTZ in TYPE0 could be one second wrong.   
  BUILDPDB 28.305  PDB.NJEPURGE did not contain all NJE-variables.      
  ANALDUPE 28.308  Removal of Duplicate SMF (or any) records.           
  TYPEVMXA 28.307  Short LINUXKRNL MONWRITE record caused errors.       
  UTILGETM 28.312  No Reporting Class data in SMFSMALL with NRECORD=10. 
  TYPE89   28.304  SMF 89 with no usage segment INPUT EXCEEDED error.   
  TYPE30   28.302  TYPE30MU duplicate records exist, non-dupes removed. 
  TYPETCP  28.300  TYPETCP (SMF 118) Port Numbers (Dec) wrong on ASCII. 
  TYPE70EN 28.299  Wrong values for CPUID=0 in PDB.TYPE70EN.            
    Major enhancements added in MXG 28.08, dated Dec 13, 2010           
  TYPE119  28.293  Support for OpenSSH SMF 119 subtypes 96-98.          
  TYPE113  28.279  "Near duplicate" ASUM113 intervals are corrected.    
  TYPE89   28,282  Support for APAR OA31615, adds zIIP/zAAP CPU times.  
  TYPETNG  28.273  Support for more than 9999 instances in CA NSM/TNG.  
  TYPETMVT 28.287  Support for ASG-TMON for VTAM subtype 'SX' record.   
  TYPE110  28.285  CICS Statistics Subtype 2 STID=143 corrected.        
  ASUMUOWT 28.284  ASUMUOWT (for ASG-TMON MRO) revised to use VMXGUOW.  
  ASUMCICR 28.281  Count/average response time by DATE for each APPLID. 
  DB2ACCT  28.277  NETSNAME/UOWTIME only created for QWHCATYP=4 (CICS). 
  TYPE89   28.272  SMF89HOF/SMF89DTO for SCRT don't use last 3 nybbles. 
  WEEKBLD  28.269  TYPE72DL NOT SORTED after Clock Set Back.            
  ANALDBJS 28.290  DB2 analysis adds JESNR and REAdTIME to DB2ACCT.     
  TYPE6156 28.289  Variables GATLIMIT and GATCNT added to TYPE6156.     
  UTILNPRT 28.268  Identify non-print chars, for SAS Enterprise Guide.  
    Major enhancements added in MXG 28.07, dated Nov  5, 2010           
  TYPEDB2  28.264  Support for DB2 Version 10. COMPLETELY INCOMPATIBLE: 
                    MXG 28.06 was required to process the V10 data, but 
                    now, MXG 28.07 has full support plus the below      
  TYPEOMMQ 28.263  Support for IBM/OMEGAMON XW MQ flat file (INCOMPAT)  
  TYPEMIM  28.262  Support for CA MIM RESOURCE SHARING R11.7 (COMPAT)   
  GRAFCEC  28.261  SAS/GRAPH example charts CEC Utilization by engine   
  TYPETPX  28.260  IP address and Port Number now decoded in TPX SMF.   
  UTILEXCL 28.259  Spurious "WRONG LENGTH OF 200 FOR CMRDATA"           
  TYPE120  28.258  Support for WebSphere ID=120 SUBTYPE=20 records      
  EXITCICS 28.251  ASMA144E Begin-to-continue due to char in col 72.    
  READDB2  28.250  COPYONLY logic now works.                            
  VMXGSUM  28.249  VMXGSUM enhanced with MODE and MEDIAN statistics     
  TYPE110  28.247A Example using _Kdddddd to create new datasets revised
  TYPE30   28.246  New CPITCxTM/CPISRxTM wrong in MXG 28.06.            
  TYPE7072 28.246  CP eng 64-95 vars shouldn't have been kept in TYPE70.
  TYPESTC  28.244  STC/STK/Oracle VSM user SMF records support revised. 
  TYPE7072 28.242  In-Ready Work Unit SMF70U00-U15, etc were all wrong. 
    Major enhancements added in MXG 28.06, dated Oct  7, 2010           
  TYPEWSMQ 28.233  Support for WebSphere MQ Version 7 Accounting Data   
  TYPEDB2  28.222  ITRM only, DB2STAT4 NOT SORTED ERROR.                
  ASUMDB2- 28.220  DB2 Summary ASUMDBxx and Trending TRNDDBxx revisions.
  TRNDDB2- 28.220  DB2 Summary ASUMDBxx and Trending TRNDDBxx revisions.
  EXITCICS 28.223  Support for DB2 V10 Compressed SMF records.          
  DFH$MOLS 28.223  JCL example to use IBM CICS decompression utility.   
  TYPEIMFS 28.193  Full support for IMF records in SMF format.          
  TYPE113  28.226  Variable LPBUSY,LPARBUSY replaced LPARCPU.           
  TYPE74   28.212  TYPE74ID (small) created, saves pass of TYPE74CA.    
    Major enhancements added in MXG 28.05, dated Aug 18, 2010           
    The z196 processor with more than 64 engines REQUIRES MXG 28.05.    
    A z196 with LESS THAN 64 engines DOES NOT require MXG 28.05, as     
    long as the operating system is z/OS 1.11 or earlier.               
    z/OS 1.12 REQUIRES MXG 28.05.                                       
    DO NOT USE MXG 28.04 WITH z/OS 1.12 RMF data records.               
    IBM Maintenance APARs OA30563,OA33976 REQUIRES MXG 28.05.           
  Many     28.175  Support for z/OS 1.12 (REQUIRES MXG 28.05).          
                   DO NOT USE MXG 28.04 WITH z/OS 1.12 DATA - INCOMPAT. 
  TYPE70   28.175  Support for z196: REQUIRED ONLY WITH GT 64 ENGINES.  
                   (Lots of new data added compatibly.)                 
  TYPE113  28.166  Major revision - TYPE113 - John Burg's SHARE 2010.   
                   (Calculation of RNI, new z196 fields, new metrics).  
  TYPE119  28.175  Support for SMF 119 new subtypes 32-37 and 48-52.    
  TYPEITRF 28.162  Support for ITRF V420 IF2 (COMPATIBLE).              
  TYPECTCP 28.160  Support for CleverView GMT offset, CTCPIPAD fixed.   
  TYPE42   28.158  Support for APAR OA31648 TYPE42D1/D3 buff get retries
  TYPEVM   28.157  Support for VM ACCOUNT ID='09' ISFC record.          
  TYPE102  28.156  Support for IFCID=27 specific variables.             
  TYPENMON 28.176  Support for SARMON - Solaris SAR in NMON format.     
  IMACCADI 28.172  Support for CA-Dispatch V11 SMF 6 INCOMPATIBLE.      
  TYPETPFC 28.152  Support for zTPFC TPF Continuous Monitoring updates. 
  TYPEZCOS 28.151  Support for zCost AutoSoftcapping V 1.5.00 SMF.      
  UTILPDSL 28.179  Utility to read PDS/PDSE directories of a concat.    
  BLDSMPDB 28.177  Continued minor enhancements.                        
  IMACZDAT 28.174  Example to set ZDATE when you rebuild a past PDB.    
  ANALCAPD 28.169  Estimate the impact of a Defined Capacity Limit.     
  MULTIPDB 28.168  Create a PDB library with all datasets from many PDBs
  TYPE110  28.154  Improved detection of EXCLUDED CICS fields.          
  TYPEXAM  28.153  XAM TCP dataset's TOTCPU incorrectly divided by 100. 
  TYPE42   28.150  Type 42 subtype 15 correction for TYPE42S1 dataset.  
    Major enhancements added in MXG 28.04, dated Jul  5, 2010           
  TYPE113  28.140  Major revision to SMF 113 support, TYPE70PR vars add.
  ANALDB2R 28.146  Major enhancement to DB2PM-like reporting.           
  TYPESVIE 28.138  Support for SysView Subtype 3 records.               
  TYPEIMFS 28.137  Support for BMC IMF records written in SMF format.   
  TYPE120  28.133  Support for WebSphere SMF 120 Subtype 20, untested.  
  TYPESAVR 28.127  Support for revised CA $AVERS SMF record (INCOMPAT). 
  TYPEMXI  28.126  Support for Rocket Software MXG User SMF record.     
  TYPENTSM 28.119  Support for Performance Sentry NTSMF Version
  TYPEMVAO 28.118  Support for BMC Mainview Auto Operator data file.    
  TYPE102  28.116  Support for SMF 102 IFCID 263 decodes unique fields. 
  BLDSMPDB 28.125  Support for Week/Month if first-day-of-week NOT MON. 
  VMXGSRCH 28.147  Kewl Tool. Find all instances of VARIABLE='VALUE'.   
  BUILDPDB 28.139  Recently added SMF30xxx variables kept in PDB.STEPS. 
  UTILWORK 28.123  Utility for TYPE72GO to assist workload definitions. 
    Major enhancements added in MXG 28.03, dated May 25, 2010           
  TYPEWPMO 28.086  Support for Windows Performance Monitor PERFMON file.
  TYPECTCP 28.108  Support for CleverView for TCP/IP TN3270 SMF subtype.
  TYPE92   28.106  SMF92PPN, Path Name, was blank.                      
  TYPE7072 28.099  Variable CPULHKTM, CPU TIME Lock Promoted, TYPE72GO. 
  VMXGSET  28.098  DSETOPT= optional argument for data set options.     
  SMFRECNT 28.089  BUILDPDBs PDB.SMFRECNT now has bytes and counts.     
  TYPE110  28.087  Internal Decompression Algorithm use now ERROR:'d.   
  TYPECIMS 28.084  BMC IMF INPUTCLS and LASTCLAS variables restored.    
  READDB2  28.083  READDB2/ANALDB2R did not honor MACDB2H/MACKEEP.      
  FORMATS  28.082  UDDDDDD, all and $MGDDDSN updated.                   
    Major enhancements added in MXG 28.02, dated Apr 14, 2010           
  TYPE113  28.075  John Burg formulas for TYPE113 HIS data are added.   
  VMXGINIT 28.079A Test for NOWORKINIT and USER ABEND 990 were REMOVED. 
  TYPE84   28.077  Support for all JES3 JMF TYPE84 subtypes.            
  ASMIMSL6 28.066  Support for IMS Version 11 (INCOMPATIBLE).           
  TYPEIMS7 28.066  Support for IMS Version 11 (INCOMPATIBLE).           
  TYPEMVCI 28.065  Support for BMC CICS CMRDETL C660 for CICS/TS 4.1    
  TYPEDB2  28.051  Support for DB2 APAR PK62161 new SQL Counters.       
  TYPEDB2  28.073  DB2STATS had missing values for QW0225 variables.    
  TYPE42   28.072  TYPE42X4 Above the BAR LRU dataset variables wrong.  
  BUILDPDB 28.071  PDB.STEPS/PDB.JOBS duplicates if FLUSHED steps.      
  MXGSAS92 28.070  SAS 9.2 TS2M2 DSNAMES may have changed               
  TYPERMVV 28.048  RMFV CPUG3 was misaligned in z/OS 1.11               
    Major enhancements added in MXG 28.01, dated Mar  9, 2010           
 Error circumvention:                                                   
  EXIT112  28.027* Do NOT assemble EXIT112 for SMF 110/112, use EXITCICS
 Errors fixed:                                                          
  ASMTAPEE 28.041  Do NOT use ASMTAPEE ML-45/46, CPU SPIKE: ML-47 fixed.
  TYPEVMXA 28.025  MXG CPU Loop in TYPEVMXA, new CEX3C PRCAPMCT=9 crypto
  TYPECIMS 28.028  BMC IMF INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED, short record.      
  TYPEEDGR 28.029  RMM datetime vars have always been wrong time zone.  
  ANALZPCR 28.021  Major fixes/enhancements for complex zPCR models.    
  TYPE0    28.009  INVALID DATA FOR CVTTZ in z/OS 1.11 Type 0 fixed.    
  ASUMTAPE 28.008  SPIN.SPINSYSL dataset could grow forever.            
 New stuff:                                                             
  VMXGFIND 28.012  Kewl tool, find all obs in all datasets meeting test,
                   (like all obs with JOB='CICS' in all PDB datasets).  
  TYPESTC  28.005  Support for Sun StorageTek VSM Version 6.2 and 7.0.  
  TYPE89   28.015  Support for z/TPM SMF 89 record, subtype wrong byte. 
  TYPENTSM 28.042  New Sentry VM adds VMWARE objects/metrics.   
  TYPE30   28.031  z/OS 1.11 GA added variables to SMF 30 and SMF 71.   
  VMXGINIT 28.023  New MXGERROR/USER ABEND 990 if NOWORKINIT is enabled.
  TYPEZTPF 28.043* zTPF has major revisions in Performance Data         
  TYPETMS  28.040  CA-1 Retention and VMRECORD extensions, need data.   
  TYPE74   28.039  R7451RID now one byte, R7451FLG/TYPE74CA overlays.   
  BUILDPDB 28.037  PDB.SMFINTRV will have EXCP/IOTM counts for FLUSHED. 
  TYPE103  28.036  TYPE1032 deaccum needed PORTNR, label changed.       
  VGETOBS  28.034  %TRIM() references here removed, still in VMXGSUM.   
  IMACICMR 28.032  Protect 200-byte CMRDATA on CICS/TS 3.2 (s/b 256).   
  VGETDDS  28.014  Colon in DDNAMES= worked only with DDNAMES=PDB:)     
  TYPEDB2  28.010  Variable SHIFT (from QWHSSTCK, END) kept in datasets.
    Please read CHANGESS for the complete list of major enhancements.   
  See member NEWSLTRS or the Newsletters frame at for
  current MXG Technical Notes.                                          
  All of these enhancements are described in the Change Log, below.     
II.   SAS Version requirement information:                              
      MXG 28.28 executes best with SAS V9.2, or with SAS V9.1.3 with    
      Service Pack 4, on any supported SAS platform.                    
        SAS Hot Fix for SAS Note 37166 is required to use a VIEW with   
        the MXG EXITCICS/CICSFIUE CICS/DB2 Decompression Infile Exit.   
      And, only for z/OS 1.10 with SAS V9.1.3 with ANY version of MXG,  
      the SAS Hot Fix for SN-35332 is REQUIRED (to be completely safe). 
        Without this Hot Fix, "LIBREF XXXXXXXX IS NOT ASSIGNED" errors  
        can occur even though //XXXXXXXX DD is a valid SAS Data Library.
        This error ONLY occurs with z/OS 1.10 and SAS V9.1.3; it does   
        NOT occur with SAS V9.2, nor with z/OS 1.9.  It can be          
        circumvented by adding a LIBNAME statement that specifies the   
        ENGINE name. See the Technical Note in Newsletters for SN-35332.
      Old MXG code may continue to execute with SAS V8.2, but V8 is now 
      "Level B" support from SAS Institute, and there are known errors  
      in V8.2 that are only fixed in SAS V9.  I no longer QA with V8.2; 
      While many MXG programs (accidentally) will still execute under   
      V8.2, I can not guarantee that all of MXG executes error free.    
      MXG Software has not executed under SAS V6 in many years.         
      The "PDB" libraries (i.e., SAS data libraries) must be created by 
      SAS V8 or later, but any of those data libraries can be read or   
      updated by the SAS Versions that MXG Supports, above.             
      For SAS Version V9.2 (TS1M0):                                     
        Big Picture: SAS Version V9.2 is COMPATIBLE with MXG Software.  
        On z/OS, SAS changed the DSNAMES for some of the SAS libraries, 
        so you do need to use the new MXGSAS92 JCL Procedure for MXG,   
        but it still uses the CONFIGV9 configuration file.              
        However, NEW, and documented in Change 27.356, with SAS V9.2:   
          The standard SAS JCL Procedure can be used for MXG:           
             // EXEC SAS,CONFIG='MXG.SOURCLIB(CONFIMXG)'                
          instead of using the MXGSAS92 JCL Procedure example.          
        SAS Data Libraries are compatible for V8.2, V9.1.3, and V9.2.   
        V9.2-created "PDBs" can be read/written by SAS V8.2 or V9.1.3,  
        and vice versa.                                                 
        MXG Versions 26.03+ execute with SAS V9.2 with NO (new) WARNINGS
        and with NO ERRORS reported.                                    
          Pre-MXG 26.03, SAS Hot Fix F9BA07 was required to suppress a  
          new SAS V9.2 WARNING, that on z/OS, set CC=4 (condition/return
          code). That warning is harmless (to MXG code) and all MXG     
          created SAS datasets were correct, even with that warning.    
          The ONLY exposure was ONLY on z/OS, and ONLY if condition code
          tests are used in your MXG jobstreams.                        
        SAS Version 9.2 requires z/OS 1.7 or later, both officially as  
        documented by SAS Institute, and actually as V9.2 fails with 0C4
        under z/OS 1.4.                                                 
      For SAS V9.1.3 on z/OS with Service Pack 4:                       
        On z/OS 1.10, Hot Fix SN-35332 is REQUIRED.                     
        CONFIGV9 now specifies V9SEQ instead of V6SEQ.  As V6SEQ does   
        not support long length character variables, it can't be used.  
       SAS V9.1.3 with current Service Pack 4 is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.  
       For (back-level!) SAS V9.1 or V9.1.2 on z/OS:                    
        SN-013514 is REQUIRED to be able to read datasets that were     
          created by V6SEQ (tape) engine.                               
        SN-012437 is REQUIRED to prevent creation of corrupt/unreadable 
          datasets with tape engines V7SEQ, V8SEQ, or V9SEQ.            
        Both fixes ARE included in SAS V9.1.3, but V9.1 or 9.1.2 is NOT 
          SAFE without those two hot fixes, and if you do NOT have those
          two fixes on 9.1 or 9.1.2, you MUST set V6SEQ in CONFIGV9.    
        With MXG 23.02 or later, V9SEQ is the default sequential engine 
        specified in CONFIGV9, but if you are back at SAS V9.1 or V9.1.2
        you MUST install the two hot fixes listed above.                
       For SAS Version 8.2, HotFix Bundle 82BX08 (or later) was required
         as a absolute minimum level when that SAS Version was last     
         supported by MXG Software.  PLEASE INSTALL SAS V9.x ASAP.      
       Sequential Engine Status:                                        
          V9SEQ was fixed in V9.1.3; it has been default in CONFIGV9.   
          V8SEQ was always safe under SAS V8.2, but it wasted CPU time  
            by always compressing when writing in tape format.          
          V6SEQ, if used under V9.1.2, requires SN-013514, but V6SEQ    
                 should no longer be used, as it does not support long  
                 length variables.                                      
      MXG QA tests are executed on z/OS with SAS V9.1.3 and V9.2 and    
      on Windows XP with 32-bit INTEL, and on Windows Seven Ultimate    
      both 32-bit and 64-bit OS on 64-bit hardware, but MXG is installed
      on many more hardware and software platforms: since they all work,
      we don't need to list them.  If SAS executes so does MXG.         
      Prior QA tests have been run with all SAS releases available at   
      that time on Linux RH8 on Intel, on Solaris v2.8 on a Model V880, 
      and on HP-UX v11.11 model rp5470, confirming full compatibility.  
      MXG should execute under SAS V9.1.3 or V9.2 on every possible SAS 
      platform without errors! Each new MXG version is also tested with 
      the SAS ITSV/ITRM product by the ITRM developers.                 
III.  WPS Version requirement information:                              
      WPS Version 2.4   requires MXG 27.09 (see Change 27.239).         
      WPS Version 2.3.5 required MXG 27.05.                             
      See NEWSLETTERS for "MXG Support for WPS Software"                
IV.   MXG Version Required for Hardware, Operating System Release, etc. 
    Availability dates for the IBM products and MXG version required for
    error-free processing of that product's data records:               
                                       Availability     MXG Version     
      Product Name                     Date              Required       
      MVS/ESA 4.1                      Oct 26, 1990         8.8         
      MVS/ESA 4.2                      Mar 29, 1991         9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.2.2                    Aug 15, 1991         9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.3                      Mar 23, 1993        10.10        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - compatibility    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - Goal Mode        May  3, 1995        13.01        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.0                    Jun 15, 1995        13.05        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.2                    Oct 19, 1995        13.09        
      OS/390  1.1.0                    Feb 22, 1996        14.01        
      OS/390  1.2.0                    Sep 30, 1996        14.05        
      OS/390  1.3.0 Compatibility Mode Mar 28, 1997        14.14        
      OS/390  1.3.0 WLM Goal Mode      Mar 28, 1997        15.02        
      OS/390  2.4.0                    Sep 28, 1997        15.06        
      OS/390  2.5.0                    Feb 24, 1998        15.06        
      OS/390  2.6.0                    Sep 24, 1998        16.04        
      OS/390  2.7.0                    Mar 26, 1999        16.09        
      OS/390  2.7.0 APAR OW41318       Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390  2.8.0                    Aug 24, 1999        16.09        
      OS/390  2.8.0 FICON/SHARK        Aug 24, 1999        17.08        
      OS/390  2.8.0 APAR OW41317       Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390  2.9.0                    Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390 2.10.0                    Sep 15, 2000        18.06        
      OS/390  PAV                      Oct 24, 2000        18.09        
      z/OS 1.1                         Mar 30, 2001        18.11        
      z/OS 1.1 on 2064s                Mar 30, 2001        19.01        
      z/OS 1.1 with correct MSU        Mar 30, 2001        19.02        
      z/OS 1.2                         Oct 31, 2001        19.04        
      z/OS 1.1,1.2 APARs to 78         Oct 31, 2001        19.05        
      z/OS 1.2+ APAR OW52227           Apr 26, 2002        20.02        
      z/OS 1.3+ APAR OW52227           Apr 26, 2002        20.02        
      z/OS 1.2 JESNR Z2 MODE           Apr 26, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.3 JESNR Z2 MODE           Apr 26, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.4 Tolerate                Sep 27, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.4 Support                 Sep 27, 2002        20.06        
      z/OS 1.4 Over 16 CPUs/LPARs      May 29, 2003        21.02        
      z/OS 1.4 DFSMS/rmm, RACF         Aug 29, 2003        21.04        
      z/OS 1.5                         Mar 31, 2004        21.21        
      z/OS IRD ASUM70PR/ASUMCEC        Sep 22, 2003       *24.10        
      z/OS IRD TYPE70PR                Mar 11, 2004       *24.10        
      z/OS IRD TYPE70,RMFINTRV         Mar 22, 2002       *24.10        
      z/OS 1.6 - No IFAs               Sep 30, 2004       *22.09        
      z/OS 1.6 - With IFAs             Sep 30, 2004       *22.11        
      z/OS 1.7 (COMPATIBLE CHANGES)    Sep 30, 2005       *24.10        
      z/OS 1.7 (SPLIT70 CORRECTION)    Sep 30, 2005       *24.10        
      z/OS IFA data in RMF 79s         Sep 30, 2005        23.10        
      z/OS 1.8 - ASMTAPEE assembly     Sep 30, 2005       *25.03        
      z/OS 1.8 - SMF 119 INCOMPAT      Sep 30, 2005       *25.06        
      z/OS More than 32 LPARs          Jan 30, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS SPLIT RMF 70 records        Jan 30, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS Dupe SYSTEMs in a SYSPLEX   Jan 30, 2006       *24.02        
      z/OS IRD errors corrected        May 15, 2006        24.03        
      z/OS ASUMCEC errors corrected    May 15, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS ASUM70LP errors corrected   Jun 13, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS zIIP Processor Support      Jun 22, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS Dedicated zIIP Support      Mar  8, 2008       *26.01        
      z/OS Dedicated zAAP Support      Mar  8, 2008        26.01        
      z/OS 1.8 (COMPATIBLE CHANGES)    Sep 20, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS 1.9 (INCOMPAT, 54 CPs)      Sep 27, 2007        25.10        
      z/OS 1.9 MXGTMNT at ML-39 reASM  Sep 27, 2007        25.10        
      z/OS new z10 variables           Mar  5, 2008        26.01        
      z/OS 1.8 With HiperDispatch      Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.9 With HiperDispatch      Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.10 (INCOMPAT, MXG code)   Sep 15, 2008        26.07        
      z/OS 1.10 With HiperDispatch     Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.10 RMF III, SMF 119       Jul 20, 2009        27.05        
      z/OS 1.11                        Sep  2, 2009        27.08        
      z/OS 1.11 New 30 variables       Apr 14, 2010       *28.02        
      z/OS 1.12                        Aug 17, 2010       *28.05        
      z990 CPUs - CPUTYPE '2084'x      Aug 25, 2003        21.04        
      z890 CPUs - CPUTYPE '2086'x      Jun 24, 2004        22.07        
      z9   CPUs - CPUTYPE '2094'x      Jul 20, 2005       *24.24        
      z9EC CPUs - CPUTYPE '2094'x:                                      
             with 64-bit z/OS - no change required        *24.24        
             with 32-bit z/OS only:    Aug 26, 2006        24.06        
      z9BC CPUs - CPUTYPE '2096'x:                                      
             with 64-bit z/OS - no change required         24.01        
             with 32-bit z/OS only:    Jul 27, 2006       *24.24        
      z10  CPUs - CPUTYPE '2097'x      Dec  7, 2008        25.11        
      z10  HiperDispatch/Parked Time   Mar  3, 2008       *26.10        
      z196 (INCOMPAT IF GT 64 ENG)     Aug 17, 2010        28.05        
      CICS/ESA 3.2                     Jun 28, 1991         9.9         
      CICS/ESA 3.3                     Mar 28, 1992        10.01        
      CICS/ESA 4.1                     Oct 27, 1994        13.09        
      CICS/ESA 5.1 aka CICS/TS V1R1    Sep 10, 1996        14.07        
      CICS-Transaction Server V1R1     Sep 10, 1996        14.07        
      CICS-TS V1R1 with APAR UN98309   Sep 15, 1997        15.06        
      CICS-TS V1R2  CICS/TS 1.2        Oct 27, 1997        15.06        
      CICS-TS V1R3  CICS/TS 1.3        Mar 15, 1999        17.04        
      CICS-TS V2R2  CICS/TS 2.2        Feb  9, 2002        19.19        
      CICS-TS V2R3  CICS/TS 2.3        Aug 13, 2004        22.04        
      CICS-TS V3R1  CICS/TS 3.1        Jan 18, 2005        22.22        
      CICS-TS V3R2  CICS/TS 3.2        Dec  6, 2007        25.11        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 2.1     Mar 15, 2001        18.11        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 2.2     Jan 25, 2002        19.19        
       CICSTRAN subtype 1 support only                    *19.19        
       CICSTRAN subtype 2 completed                       *19.08        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 2.3     Dec 19, 2003                     
       Using UTILEXCL to create IMACEXCL:                  21.04        
       Reading un-Excluded CICS with TYPE110, no IMACEXCL:*22.04        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 3.1     Mar 15, 2005                     
       Using UTILEXCL to create IMACEXCL:                  22.13        
       Reading un-Excluded CICS with TYPE110, no IMACEXCL: 22.22        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 3.2     Jun 29, 2007        25.03        
      CICS-TS/3.2 Compressed Records   Nov  3, 2007        25.11        
      CICS-TS/4.1 (CICSTRAN INCOMPAT)  Mar 13, 2009        27.01        
      CICS-TS/4.1 (STATISTICS ST=2)    Sep 18, 2009        27.08        
      DB2 2.3.0                        Oct 28, 1991        10.01        
      DB2 3.1.0                        Dec 17, 1993        13.02A       
      DB2 4.1.0 Tolerate               Nov  7, 1995        13.07        
      DB2 4.1.0 Full support           Sep 11, 1996        14.07        
      DB2 5.1.0 Tolerate               Jun 27, 1997        14.14        
      DB2 5.1.0 Full support           Jun 27, 1997        15.02        
      DB2 6.1.0 initial support        Mar 15, 1999        16.09        
      DB2 6.1.0 all buffer pools       Mar 15, 1999        18.01        
      DB2 6.1.0 parallel DB2           Mar 15, 1999        19.19        
      DB2 7.1.0 parallel DB2           Mar 31, 2001        19.19        
      DB2 7.1.0 corrections            Mar 31, 2001        20.06        
      DB2 8.1 Tolerate, no packages    Mar 31, 2004        20.20        
      DB2 8.1 New Data Packages wrong  Mar 31, 2004        21.08        
      DB2 8.1 Support with Packages    Mar 31, 2004        23.09*       
      DB2 8.1 with all zIIP Variables  Sep 30, 2006        24.08        
      DB2 8.1 +PK47659                 Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      DB2 9.1 See Change 25.265.       Dec  7, 2007        25.11        
      DB2 9.1 Full Support +PK/56356   Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      DB2 10.1 Tolerate                Oct  1, 2010        28.06        
      DB2 10.1 Full plus Compressed.   Nov  1, 2010        28.07*       
      DB2 10.1 Invalid Header pre APAR Jan 12, 2011        28.28        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.1                    Mar 13, 1993        11.11        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.2                    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.3                    Dec 29, 1995        13.09        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.4                    Sep 28, 1997        15.04        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.4 HSM                Sep 23, 1998        16.04        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.5                    ??? ??, 1999        16.04        
      DFSORT SMF V1R5                  Mar  1, 2006        24.02        
      MQM 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4          Apr 25, 1996        14.02        
      MQ Series 1.2.0                  May 26, 1998        16.02        
      MQ Series 2.1.0                  Oct  2, 1999        17.07        
      MQ Series 5.2                    Dec 16, 2000        18.10        
      MQ Series 5.3                    Dec 16, 2002        21.05        
      MQ Series 6.0                    Feb 14, 2006        23.23        
      MQ Series 7.0                    ??? ??, 2009       *28.06        
      NETVIEW 3.1 type 37              ??? ??, 1996        14.03        
      NPM 2.0                          Dec 17, 1993        12.03        
      NPM 2.2                          Aug 29, 1994        12.05        
      NPM 2.3                          ??? ??, 1996        15.08        
      NPM 2.4                          Nov 18, 1998        17.01        
      NPM 2.5                          Feb ??, 2000        18.02        
      NPM 2.6                          Nov ??, 2001        19.06        
      RMDS 2.1, 2.2                    Dec 12, 1995        12.12        
      RMDS 2.3                         Jan 31, 2002        19.11        
      TCP/IP 3.1                       Jun 12, 1995        12.12        
      TCP/IP 3.4                       Sep 22, 1998        16.04        
      WebSphere 5.0 APAR PQ7463        Aug 19, 2003        21.04        
      WebSphere 6.0                    Feb 18, 2006        23.23        
      WebSphere 7.0                    Oct  7, 2010        28.06        
      DOS/VSE POWER V6.3.0             Dec 19, 1998        16.08        
      VM/ESA  2.0                      Dec 23, 1992        10.04        
      VM/ESA  2.1                      Jun 27, 1993        12.02        
      VM/ESA  2.2                      Nov 22, 1994        12.06        
      VM/ESA  2.3                      Jun  1, 1998        16.08        
      VM/ESA  2.4                      Mar  1, 2001        19.03        
      z/VM    3.1                      Mar  1, 2001        19.03        
      z/VM    3.1 DATABYTE=0           May  2, 2002        20.02        
      z/VM    4.2 ??                   May  2, 2002        20.02        
      z/VM    4.4                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      z/VM    5.1                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      z/VM    5.2                      Jan 22, 2006        24.01        
      z/VM    5.3 TOLERATE             Jun  7, 2007        25.05        
      z/VM    5.3 NEW VARIABLES        Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      z/VM    5.4 (COMPATIBLE)         Sep 12, 2008        27.01*       
      z/VM    6.1 (NO CHANGES)         Jul  7, 2008        27.01        
      IMS log 4.1                      Jul  4, 1994        12.02        
      IMS log 5.1                      Jun  9, 1996        14.05        
      IMS log 6.1                      ???  ?, 199?        20.03        
      IMS log 7.1                      ???  ?, 200?        20.03        
      IMS log 8.1                      May 21, 2003        21.02        
      IMS log 9.1                      Mar 96, 2004        26.01*       
      IMS log 10.0                     Mar 06, 2007        26.01*       
      IMS log 11.0                     Apr  1, 2010        28.02*       
      AS400 3.7.0                      Nov  1, 1996        15.01        
      AS400 4.1.0                      Dec 30, 1996        15.08        
      AS400 4.2.0                      Apr 27, 1998        16.02        
      AS400 4.4.0                      Sep 27, 1999        17.07        
      AS400 4.5.0                      Jul 27, 2000        18.07        
      AS400 5.2.0 - Most records       Jul 23, 2003        21.03        
      AS400 5.2.0 - QAPMMIOP           Jul 23, 2003        22.04        
      AS400 5.3.0                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      AS400 5.4.0                      Aug 26, 2006        24.06        
      AS400 6.1.0                      Jun 29, 2008        26.05        
    Note: Asterisk by the version number means the Version number       
          was changed (to the MXG version required), after an earlier   
          MXG version was listed as supporting this product release,    
          usually because an APAR modified the product's data records.  
          Or a coding error in MXG could be the reason for the change!  
    Availability dates for non-IBM products and MXG version required:   
                                                        MXG Version     
      Product Name                                       Required       
      Demand Technology                                                 
       NTSMF Version 1 Beta                                14.11        
       NTSMF Version 2.0                                   15.05        
       NTSMF Version 2.1                                   15.06        
       NTSMF Version 2.2                                   16.04        
       NTSMF Version 2.3                                   17.10        
       NTSMF 2.4.4                     Aug  9, 2002        20.04        
       NTSMF 2.4.5   INCOMPAT          Apr  1, 2003        21.02        
       NTSMF 2.4.7                     Sep 30, 2004        22.08        
       NTSMF 3.1.4                     Mar 15, 2009        27.01        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 2                       13.06        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.0                     16.02        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.1                     20.04        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 4.0                     22.10        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.2 -                      12.12        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.3 -                      15.01        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 2.0 -                      15.06        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.1 -                      20.04        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.2 - 20.335, 21.134       21.04        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.3 including CICS/TS 3.1  22.08        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.2 (almost all)           25.11        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.2 (almost all)           27.01        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.3  -                      12.05        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.5  -                      12.05        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 2.0  -                      15.09        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 3.0  -                      19.19        
       The Monitor for CICS/TS V2.3 for CICS/TS 3.1        22.08        
       Omegamon for CICS V200 User SMF                     12.05        
       Omegamon for CICS V300 User SMF                     13.06        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 User SMF                     16.02        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 type 110 segments            16.02        
       Omegamon for CICS V500 User SMF                     18.01        
       Omegamon for IMS V110 (ITRF)                        12.12        
       Omegamon for IMS V300 (ITRF)                        14.04        
       Omegamon for IMS V550/V560 (ITRF)                   25.05        
       Omegamon for MVS V300                               13.05        
       Omegamon for MVS V400                               13.06        
       Omegamon for DB2 Version 2.1/2.2                    13.05        
       Omegamon for VTAM V160                              12.04A       
       Omegamon for VTAM V400                              15.15        
       Omegamon for VTAM V500                              18.08        
       Omegamon for SMS V100/V110                          12.03        
       ACF2 6.2                                            16.04        
       ASTEX 2.1                                           14.04        
       NETSPY 4.7                                          14.03        
       NETSPY 5.0                                          14.03        
       NETSPY 5.2                                          16.05        
       NETSPY 5.3                                          18.03        
       NETSPY 6.0                                          20.10 20.305 
       NETSPY 7.0                                          20.10 20.305 
       SAR/VIEW R11                                        23.07 23.196 
      BMC, was Boole & Babbage                                          
       IMF 3.1 (for IMS 5.1)                               12.12        
       IMF 3.2 (for IMS 6.1 only)                          15.09        
       IMF 3.2 (for IMS 5.1 and 6.1+)                      16.04        
       IMF 3.3 (for IMS 7.1 and 8.1)                       22.08*       
       IMF 4.1 (for IMS 9.1)                               26.02*       
       IMF 4.4 (for IMS 9.1)                               27.07*       
       LMS 3.1                                             12.12A       
      Oracle V9, V10                                       24.06        
       APAF 4.1, 4.3                                       16.08        
      Velocity Software                                                 
       XAMAP 3.4                                           22.10        
       XAMAP 3406                                          24.03        
       XAMAP 3.7                                           27.10        
V.    Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 28.28.                  
 1. Incompatibilities introduced in MXG 28.28:                          
  a- Changes in MXG architecture made between 28.28 and prior versions  
     that can introduce known incompatibilities.                        
    1. -The WEEKBLD/MONTHBLD may fail with TYPE72DL NOT SORTED if you   
        have a tailored WEEKBLD/MONTHBLD that references TYPE72DL.  The 
        only prevention is to change the sort order in WEEKBLD/MONTHBLD 
        BEFORE you create your weekly with 28.28 to this order:         
           MACRO _DSET TYPE72DL %                                       
        to eliminate the exposure to this rare possible error.          
       -Or, the WEEKBLD/MONTHBLD sort order testing can be disabled     
        (as documented in comments) using:                              
          //SYSIN DD *                                                  
           %LET MXGNOBY=  MACRO _BY  %    MACRO _SORTBY  %  ;           
           %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(MONTHBLD);                                 
       -Or with BLDSMPDB, specify SORTEDBY=NO to disable the sort test. 
       See Change 28.324.                                               
    2. -If you use ASUMDB2x or ASUMDBSx datasets, see Change 28.220.    
    3. -If you have tailored MXG DB2 Processing using _NDB2 and then    
        invoke _SDB2STS (to create PDB.DB2STATS), you must also have    
        MACRO _WDB2ST4  DB2STAT4  %   inserted AFTER the _NDB2 so that  
        the PDB.DB2STAT4 dataset exists when PDB.DB2STATS is created.   
 2. Installation and re-installation procedures are described in detail 
    in member INSTALL (which also lists common Error/Warning messages a 
    new user might encounter), and sample JCL is in member JCLINST9 for 
    SAS Version 9.                                                      
    MXG Definitions with regard to MXG Software Changes:                
    COMPATIBLE   A change in a data record which did not alter either   
    COMPAT       the location or the format of all of the previously-   
                 kept MXG variables is COMPATIBLE, and you can continue 
                 to run the old version of MXG software, which will read
                 the new records without error, but none of any new data
                 fields or any new record subtypes will be created/kept 
                 until you install the MXG Version with this change.    
    INCOMPAT     A change in a data record that causes the current MXG  
                 version to fail, visibly or invisibly, with or without 
                 error conditions or messages, and the output datasets  
                 may contain wrong values and incomplete observations,  
                 and/or observations may have been lost.                
                 You MUST install the new MXG Version with this change  
                 to process data records that have been INCOMPATIBLY    
                 changed by their vendor.                               
    TOLERATE     In other words, the old MXG Version TOLERATES the new  
                 data records, if they are COMPATIBLY changed.          
    EXPLOIT      Once you use the new MXG Version to read the changed   
                 records, all of the new fields, subtypes, etc, that are
                 described in this change will be created in the MXG    
                 datasets, so the new MXG Version EXPLOITS the new data,
                 and you have full support of the new data records.     
VI.   Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
    MXG Documentation is now described in member DOCUMENT.              
    See also member INDEX, but it may be overwhelming.                  
VII.  Changes Log                                                       
--------------------------Changes Log---------------------------------  
 You MUST read each Change description to determine if a Change will    
 impact your site.  All changes have been made in this MXG Library.     
 Member CHANGES always identifies the actual version and release of     
 MXG Software that is contained in that library.                        
 The CHANGES selection on our homepage at            
 is always the most current information on MXG Software status,         
 and is frequently updated.                                             
 Important changes are also posted to the MXG-L ListServer, which is    
 also described by a selection on the homepage.  Please subscribe.      
 The actual code implementation of some changes in MXG SOURCLIB may be  
 different than described in the change text (which might have printed  
 only the critical part of the correction that need be made by users).  
 Scan each source member named in any impacting change for any comments 
 at the beginning of the member for additional documentation, since the 
 documentation of new datasets, variables, validation status, and notes,
 are often found in comments in the source members.                     
Alphabetical list of important changes in MXG 28.28 after MXG 27.27:    
  Member   Change    Description                                        
  Many     28.175  Support for z/OS 1.12 (COMPATIBLE)                   
  ANALCAPD 28.169  Estimate the impact of a Defined Capacity Limit.     
  ANALDB2R 28.004  Extreme Detail DB2 Trace Report PMTRC01 revised.     
  ANALDB2R 28.146  Major enhancement to DB2PM-like reporting.           
  ANALDB2R 28.214  ANALDB2R report select did not honor BEGTIME/ENDTIME.
  ANALDBJS 28.290  DB2 analysis adds JESNR and REAdTIME to DB2ACCT.     
  ANALDUPE 28.308  Removal of Duplicate SMF (or any) records.           
  ANALZPCR 28.021  Major fixes/enhancements for complex zPCR models.    
  ASMIMSL6 28.066  Support for IMS Version 11 (INCOMPATIBLE).           
  ASMTAPEE 28.041  Do NOT use ASMTAPEE ML-45/46, CPU SPIKE: ML-47 fixed.
  ASUMCICR 28.281  Count/average response time by DATE for each APPLID. 
  ASUMDB2- 28.220  DB2 Summary ASUMDBxx and Trending TRNDDBxx revisions.
  ASUMTAPE 28.008  Large size SPIN.SPINMOUN,SPIN.SPINSYSL found, shrunk.
  ASUMTAPE 28.008  SPIN.SPINSYSL dataset could grow forever.            
  ASUMUOW  28.124  WTIRIOTM in PDB.ASUMUOW could be larger than IRESPTM.
  ASUMUOWT 28.284  ASUMUOWT (for ASG-TMON MRO) revised to use VMXGUOW.  
  BLDSMPDB 28.125  Support for Week/Month if first-day-of-week NOT MON. 
  BLDSMPDB 28.177  Continued minor enhancements.                        
  BLDSMPDB 28.218  Includes ASUMDBAA/TRNDDBAA caused errors, replaced.  
  BUILDPDB 28.037  PDB.SMFINTRV will have EXCP/IOTM counts for FLUSHED. 
  BUILDPDB 28.071  PDB.STEPS/PDB.JOBS duplicates if FLUSHED steps.      
  BUILDPDB 28.139  Recently added SMF30xxx variables kept in PDB.STEPS. 
  BUILDPDB 28.305  PDB.NJEPURGE did not contain all NJE-variables.      
  DB2ACCT  28.277  NETSNAME/UOWTIME only created for QWHCATYP=4 (CICS). 
  DFH$MOLS 28.223  JCL example to use IBM CICS decompression utility.   
  EXIT112  28.027* Do NOT assemble EXIT112 for SMF 110/112, use EXITCICS
  EXITCICS 28.223  Support for DB2 V10 Compressed SMF records.          
  EXITCICS 28.251  ASMA144E Begin-to-continue due to char in col 72.    
  EXITCICS 28.298  EXITCICS decompresses SMF 100,101,102,110 and 112.   
  FIXTRNCD 28.049  TRANSCODE attribute can be added to old PDBs         
  FORMATS  28.082  UDDDDDD, $MGDDDDD and $MGDDDSN updated.              
  GRAFCEC  28.261  SAS/GRAPH example charts CEC Utilization by engine   
  IMACCADI 28.172  Support for CA-Dispatch V11 SMF 6 INCOMPATIBLE.      
  IMACICMR 28.032  Protect 200-byte CMRDATA on CICS/TS 3.2 (s/b 256).   
  IMACZDAT 28.174  Example to set ZDATE when you rebuild a past PDB.    
  JCLINSTT 28.328  Complete JCL example to ftp/unterse/install on z/OS. 
  JCLTEST9 28.330  Prelim 28.28 only, default ASUMUOW could fail.       
  MULTIPDB 28.168  Create a PDB library with all datasets from many PDBs
  MXGSAS92 28.070  SAS 9.2 TS2M2 DSNAMES may have changed               
  READDB2  28.083  READDB2/ANALDB2R did not honor MACDB2H/MACKEEP.      
  READDB2  28.211  COPYONLY argument wrote ALL SMF records.             
  READDB2  28.250  COPYONLY logic now works.                            
  SASAUTOS 28.194  Invalid 'BA'x in TRIM member on z/OS ERROR 22.       
  SMFRECNT 28.089  BUILDPDBs PDB.SMFRECNT now has bytes and counts.     
  TRNDDB2- 28.220  DB2 Summary ASUMDBxx and Trending TRNDDBxx revisions.
  TYPE0    28.009  INVALID DATA FOR CVTTZ in z/OS 1.11 Type 0 fixed.    
  TYPE0    28.313  Variable CVTTZ in TYPE0 could be one second wrong.   
  TYPE102  28,206  APPTUNE SMF 102 IFCID 8133 invalid offset ERROR.     
  TYPE102  28.116  Support for SMF 102 IFCID 263 decodes unique fields. 
  TYPE102  28.156  Support for IFCID=27 specific variables.             
  TYPE102  28.325  DB2 SQL-text variables only 100 bytes if COMPRESS=NO.
  TYPE103  28.036  TYPE1032 deaccum needed PORTNR, label changed.       
  TYPE110  28.087  Internal Decompression Algorithm use now ERROR:'d.   
  TYPE110  28.134  INVALID STIDLEN=0 after STID=116 was harmless, fixed.
  TYPE110  28.154  Improved detection of EXCLUDED CICS fields.          
  TYPE110  28.247A Example using _Kdddddd to create new datasets revised
  TYPE110  28.285  CICS Statistics Subtype 2 STID=143 corrected.        
  TYPE111  28.329  CTG records had zero observations in TY111CXI "IPIC".
  TYPE113  28.075  John Burg formulas for TYPE113 HIS data are added.   
  TYPE113  28.140  Major revision to SMF 113 support, TYPE70PR vars add.
  TYPE113  28.166  Major revision - TYPE113 - John Burg's SHARE 2010.   
  TYPE113  28.226  Variable LPBUSY,LPARBUSY replaced LPARCPU.           
  TYPE113  28.279  "Near duplicate" ASUM113 intervals are corrected.    
  TYPE116  28.221  WebSphere MQ 7.01 INVALID WQ SEGMENT error messages. 
  TYPE119  28.175  Support for SMF 119 new subtypes 32-37 and 48-52.    
  TYPE119  28.293  Support for OpenSSH SMF 119 subtypes 96-98.          
  TYPE120  28.133  Support for WebSphere SMF 120 Subtype 20, untested.  
  TYPE120  28.258  Support for WebSphere ID=120 SUBTYPE=20 records      
  TYPE30   28.031  z/OS 1.11 GA added variables to SMF 30 and SMF 71.   
  TYPE30   28.246  New CPITCxTM/CPISRxTM wrong in MXG 28.06.            
  TYPE30   28.302  TYPE30MU duplicate records exist, non-dupes removed. 
  TYPE42   28.072  TYPE42X4 Above the BAR LRU dataset variables wrong.  
  TYPE42   28.150  Type 42 subtype 15 correction for TYPE42S1 dataset.  
  TYPE42   28.158  Support for APAR OA31648 TYPE42D1/D3 buff get retries
  TYPE6156 28.289  Variables GATLIMIT and GATCNT added to TYPE6156.     
  TYPE70   28.175  Support for z196: INCOMPAT ONLY WITH GT 64 ENGINES.  
  TYPE7072 28.099  Variable CPULHKTM, CPU TIME Lock Promoted, TYPE72GO. 
  TYPE7072 28.242  In-Ready Work Unit SMF70U00-U15, etc were all wrong. 
  TYPE7072 28.246  CP eng 64-95 vars shouldn't have been kept in TYPE70.
  TYPE70EN 28.224  TYPE70EN PCTCPUBY was 100% for a parked CP engine.   
  TYPE70EN 28.299  Wrong values for CPUID=0 in PDB.TYPE70EN.            
  TYPE74   28.039  R7451RID now one byte, R7451FLG/TYPE74CA overlays.   
  TYPE74   28.208  R7451TIM wrong, R7451CT3/CT4/PRT/PWT also wrong.     
  TYPE74   28.212  TYPE74ID (small) created, saves pass of TYPE74CA.    
  TYPE84   28.077  Support for all JES3 JMF TYPE84 subtypes.            
  TYPE89   28,282  Support for APAR OA31615, adds zIIP/zAAP CPU times.  
  TYPE89   28.015  Support for z/TPM SMF 89 record, subtype wrong byte. 
  TYPE89   28.272  SMF89HOF/SMF89DTO for SCRT don't use last 3 nybbles. 
  TYPE89   28.304  SMF 89 with no usage segment INPUT EXCEEDED error.   
  TYPE89   28.331  INVALID DATA FOR SMF89CZT if APAR OA31615 installed. 
  TYPE92   28.106  SMF92PPN, Path Name, was blank.                      
  TYPECIMS 28.028  BMC IMF INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED, short record.      
  TYPECIMS 28.084  BMC IMF INPUTCLS and LASTCLAS variables restored.    
  TYPECTCP 28.108  Support for CleverView for TCP/IP TN3270 SMF subtype.
  TYPECTCP 28.160  Support for CleverView GMT offset, CTCPIPAD fixed.   
  TYPEDB2  28.010  Variable SHIFT (from QWHSSTCK, END) kept in datasets.
  TYPEDB2  28.051  Support for DB2 APAR PK62161 new SQL Counters.       
  TYPEDB2  28.073  DB2STATS had missing values for QW0225 variables.    
  TYPEDB2  28.222  ITRM only, DB2STAT4 NOT SORTED ERROR.                
  TYPEDB2  28.264  Support for DB2 Version 10. COMPLETELY INCOMPATIBLE. 
  TYPEDB2  28.326  Invalid DB2 V10 Distributed Header protected in MXG. 
  TYPEEDGR 28.029  RMM datetime vars have always been wrong time zone.  
  TYPEIMFS 28.137  Support for BMC IMF records written in SMF format.   
  TYPEIMFS 28.193  Full support for IMF records in SMF format.          
  TYPEIMS  28.131  IMS Log 56X record subtype 15x INVALID DATA/STOPOVER.
  TYPEIMS7 28.066  Support for IMS Version 11 (INCOMPATIBLE).           
  TYPEIMS7 28.310  Support for IMS/DBCTL transactions in IMS0708.       
  TYPEIMSA 28.311  Support for IMS/DBCTL transactions in IMSTRAN.       
  TYPEITRF 28.162  Support for ITRF V420 IF2 (COMPATIBLE).              
  TYPEMIM  28.262  Support for CA MIM RESOURCE SHARING R11.7 (COMPAT)   
  TYPEMVAO 28.118  Support for BMC Mainview Auto Operator data file.    
  TYPEMVCI 28.065  Support for BMC CICS CMRDETL C660 for CICS/TS 4.1    
  TYPEMXI  28.126  Support for Rocket Software MXG User SMF record.     
  TYPENDM  28.327  Connect Direct/NDM 'RT' record INCOMPATIBLY changed. 
  TYPENMON 28.176  Support for SARMON - Solaris SAR in NMON format.     
  TYPENTSM 28.042  New Sentry VM adds VMWARE objects/metrics.   
  TYPENTSM 28.119  Support for Performance Sentry NTSMF Version
  TYPEOMMQ 28.263  Support for IBM/OMEGAMON XW MQ flat file (INCOMPAT)  
  TYPERMVV 28.048  RMFV CPUG3 was misaligned in z/OS 1.11               
  TYPESAVR 28.127  Support for revised CA $AVERS SMF record (INCOMPAT). 
  TYPESTC  28.005  Support for Sun StorageTek VSM Version 6.2 and 7.0.  
  TYPESTC  28.005  Support for Sun StorageTek Version 6.2 and 7.0       
  TYPESTC  28.244  STC/STK/Oracle VSM user SMF records support revised. 
  TYPESVIE 28.138  Support for SysView Subtype 3 records.               
  TYPETCP  28.300  TYPETCP (SMF 118) Port Numbers (Dec) wrong on ASCII. 
  TYPETMS  28.040  CA-1 Retention and VMRECORD extensions, need data.   
  TYPETMS5 28.148  TMS DEVTYPE was blank for TRTCH 'F0'x thru 'FF'x.    
  TYPETMVT 28.287  Support for ASG-TMON for VTAM subtype 'SX' record.   
  TYPETNG  28.216  NSM RH018 defective records with zero values.        
  TYPETNG  28.273  Support for more than 9999 instances in CA NSM/TNG.  
  TYPETPFC 28.152  Support for zTPFC TPF Continuous Monitoring updates. 
  TYPETPX  28.260  IP address and Port Number now decoded in TPX SMF.   
  TYPEVM   28.157  Support for VM ACCOUNT ID='09' ISFC record.          
  TYPEVMXA 28.025  MXG CPU Loop in TYPEVMXA, new CEX3C PRCAPMCT=9 crypto
  TYPEVMXA 28.307  Short LINUXKRNL MONWRITE record caused errors.       
  TYPEWPMO 28.086  Support for Windows Performance Monitor PERFMON file.
  TYPEXAM  28.153  XAM TCP dataset's TOTCPU incorrectly divided by 100. 
  TYPEZCOS 28.151  Support for zCost AutoSoftcapping V 1.5.00 SMF.      
  TYPEZTPF 28.043* zTPF has major revisions in Performance Data         
  UTILBLDP 28.209  INCLAFTR=BUILD005,BUILDPDB=NO failed.                
  UTILEXCL 28.259  Spurious "WRONG LENGTH OF 200 FOR CMRDATA"           
  UTILGETM 28.312  No Reporting Class data in SMFSMALL with NRECORD=10. 
  UTILNPRT 28.268  Identify non-print chars, for SAS Enterprise Guide.  
  UTILPDSL 28.179  Utility to read PDS/PDSE directories of a concat.    
  UTILWORK 28.123  Utility for TYPE72GO to assist workload definitions. 
  VGETDDS  28.014  Colon in DDNAMES= worked only with DDNAMES=PDB:)     
  VGETOBS  28.034  %TRIM() references here removed, still in VMXGSUM.   
  VMXGFIND 28.012  Kewl tool, find all obs in all datasets meeting test.
  VMXGINIT 28.023  MXGERROR/USER ABEND 990 if NOWORKINIT is enabled.    
  VMXGSET  28.098  DSETOPT= optional argument for data set options.     
  VMXGSRCH 28.147  Kewl Tool. Find all instances of VARIABLE='VALUE'.   
  VMXGSUM  28.249  VMXGSUM enhanced with MODE and MEDIAN statistics     
  See member CHANGESS for all changes ever made to MXG Software.        
Inverse chronological list of all Changes:                              
NEXTCHANGE: Version 28.                                                 
====== Changes thru 28.331 were in MXG 28.28 dated Jan 18, 2011=========
Change 28.331  INVALID DATA FOR SMF89CZT if APAR OA31615 is installed.  
VMAC89         Change 28.282 claimed support, but without test data, and
Jan 15, 2011   the error was because MXG input SMF89CNO as two bytes but
               it is a four byte field, causing the misalignment.       
               Jan 19: I didn't get records in time for 28.28 and this  
               change did NOT correct this error, but Change 29.002 did.
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, USA.                                
Change 28.330  Prelim 28.28 default ASUMUOW in JCLTEST9 (does NOT read  
VMXGUOW        ANY input) failed, on all platforms with SAS V9.1.3 or on
Jan 15, 2011   SAS V9.2 on z/OS.  There is NO error if you have IMACUOW 
               tailored to create observations in PDB.ASUMUOW.  The     
               error message is a NO BY VARIABLES ERROR, but the actual 
               error was a DATA SET NOT FOUND error that was masked by  
               the OPTIONS NODSNFERR in VMXGUOW.  Changes 28.316/28.284 
               added logic to print an MXGWARN when there was no input, 
               by creating a second dataset in an existing DATA step,   
               but that second dataset is NOT created when OPTIONS OBS=0
               is set and the first dataset is a /VIEW, unless SAS V9.2 
               on Windows/Unix is used.  The SAS defect was fixed only  
               for ASCII V9.2, but is now reopened by SAS Tech Support. 
               But MXG code was revised to eliminate the second dataset,
               and tests now are for dataset existence rather than for  
               non-zero observations.                                   
               And why didn't MXG QA catch the error? Because we tailor 
               IMACUOW to create observations, which didn't fail.       
   Thanks to Mike Rounceville, Blue Cross Blue Shield of NC, USA        
Change 28.329  CTG records had zero observations in TY111CXI "IPIC"     
VMAC111        because MXG's length test was incorrect.  The Version 8  
Jan 14, 2011   documentation has several new fields that are now input  
Jan 19, 2011   if the record length test is satisfied.                  
               Jan 19: The VMAC111 was NOT updated in time for MXG 28.28
               because I had no test data for validation; this update is
               now made, but there are still no observations in either  
               TY111CXI or TY111CXE datasets because there are no SMF   
               data with values CTGRECID=2 being created.               
   Thanks to Jim Poletti, Edward Jones, USA.                            
Change 28.328  New JCLINSTT member is the recommended z/OS install JCL  
JCLINSTT       with these four steps to "drop-in" the new version       
INSTALL         FTPMXG                                                  
                   UNTERSE THE DOWNLOADED TER2828.TER FILE.             
Change 28.327 -Connect Direct 'RT' record's format was changed; while   
VMACNDM        offsets for the PACCT and SACCT exist and are populated, 
Jan 12, 2011   the ACCT fields do NOT exist, and instead a text string  
Jan 13, 2011   inside double quotes ('7F'x) is at the end of the record.
               This change detects the quote pair and stores that text  
               in new NDMRTDAT text variable.  However, some 'RT' don't 
               have the quote pair, so a length test will skip over the 
               data at the end but will still output the RT record.     
              -And short RT records, less than the 216 bytes have been  
               found and are printed on the log and skipped.            
              -The 'AE' family of records UID and XUSER fields are now  
               input $EBCDIC64 as they were expanded.                   
   Thanks to Thomas Heitlinger, FIDUCIA IT AG, GERMANY.                 
   Thanks to Sieghart Seith, FIDUCIA IT AG, GERMANY.                    
   Thanks to G. Bosker, Rabobank Nederland, THE NETHERLANDS.            
====== Changes thru 28.326 were in Prelim MXG 28.28 dated Jan 12, 2011==
Change 28.326  Invalid DB2 Distributed Header has QWHDPRID shifted right
VMACDB2H       by two bytes, causing INPUT EXCEEDED error when QWHDPRID 
Jan 12, 2011   had non-null value in the last two bytes, as those bytes 
               were expected to contain the OFFSET to QWHDRQNM when they
               are non-zero.  The defective records are now detected by 
               '0000'X value in the first two bytes of QWHDPRID, the    
               header is skipped, new variable QWHDBAD is set to one,   
               and an error message is printed for the first three.     
               IBM has accepted a PMR and will have an APAR to correct. 
               This change protects the Invalid Header so the APAR is   
               NOT required for MXG.                                    
               APAR PM32425 corrected the problem.                      
   Thanks to Joe Babcock, JPMC, USA.                                    
Change 28.325  Since Change 22.108, DB2 SQL-text variables are only 100 
VMAC102        bytes if COMPRESS=NO is specified.  The normal length of 
Jan 11, 2011   32000 with YES must be reduced with NO because massive   
               disk space could be required.                            
               But you can change this behavior by using                
                  //SYSIN DD *                                          
                   %LET SASCHRLN=32000;                                 
               even if you have specified COMPRESS=NO.                  
              -Two variables had default lengths of 4000 and 5000 set by
               &SASC4000 and &SASC5000, but they now use &SASCHRLN to be
              -The list of variables was updated in the text of 22.108. 
   Thanks to Joachim Sarkoschits, DATAEV eG, GERMANY.                   
Change 28.324 -WEEKBLD/MONTHBLD dataset TYPE72DL NOT SORTED ERROR, if a 
              -Inserted Jan 24, 2011, after MXG 28.28 was created:      
               Similar DB2STATS NOT-SORTED ERROR in Change 29.008, but  
               you can Circumvent/eliminate sorting as shown below.     
MONTHASW       The TYPE72DL wasn't reported by a user, but was found in 
MONTHBL3       in QA tests when PDBs built by old and new versions were 
MONTHBLD       combined, because the sort order in WEEKBLD/MONTHBLD for 
MONTHBLS       TYPE72DL was erroneously different in VMAC7072/BUILDPDB. 
MONTHDSK       The only prevention, if WEEKBLD/MONTHBLD exists in your  
MONTHWEK       USERID.SOURCLIB, is to change the _BYLIST, before you run
WEEKBL3        WEEKBLD or MONTHBLD with MXG 28.28, to this order        
WEEKBL3D          MACRO _DSET TYPE72DL %                                
WEEKBLD        which is the new default in MXG's WEEKBLD/MONTHBLDs.     
WEEKBLDD       -Alternatively, you can disable sort order and tests in  
WEEKBLDT        WEEKBLD/MONTHBLD using this example (from comments):    
Jan 10, 2011        //SYSIN DD *                                        
Jan 15, 2011        %LET MXGNOBY= MACRO _BY %  MACRO _SORTBY %  ;       
Jan 16, 2011        %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(WEEKBLD);                         
               -With BLDSMPDB, add SORTEDBY=NO, to bypass sort test.    
              -MONTHWEK was updated Jan 15 with a RUN; added.           
Change 28.323 -New SX record support caused DIVISION BY ZERO because of 
VMACTMVT       a typo that caused SXHRTA to be a missing value.         
Jan 10, 2011  -SXBV1/BV2/BV3/BV4/HRTD/NRTTD/HRT/SXNRTT variable were    
               incorrectly input as PIB4 vs PIB4.6 and were incorrectly 
               converted (i.e., the 1024 multiplier to convert those    
               durations into seconds/fractions was nonexistent for SX, 
               but was in place for the existing SI variables.)         
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
Change 28.322  z/TPF records SB, DB, and DE had incorrect length for    
VMACZTPF      reserved fields that are now corrected and validated      
Jan 10, 2011  with data records.                                        
   Thanks to Bob Wilcox, HP, USA.                                       
Change 28.321  Harmless DIVIDE BY ZERO in a 7-second-long RMF interval  
VMAC7072      when there was a WLM Policy switch that causes SMF70DSA   
Jan  9, 2011  sample count to be zero; all divides are now protected.   
              Harmless because the created variable was not used in a   
              subsequent calculation, and is missing either way.        
   Thanks to Matthew Chappell, Dept. of Transport Main Roads, AUSTRALIA 
Change 28.320 -LPARBUSY calculation in PDB.ASUM113 was wrong if the CPs 
ASUM113        are slower than your zAAPs/zIIPs, because the SM1132CP   
Jan  7, 2011   (speed) of the last engine (the zIIP or zAAP) was used.  
               And with multiple engine types, even at same speed, it   
               makes more sense to create separate observations for     
               each SMF70CIN/SM113CPT engine type for each interval.    
               But SM113CPT is only populated in 113s from z196, and    
               SMF70CIN is only populated if there's PDB.TYPE70PR data, 
               so the actual separation is by SM113CPT and SM1132SP to  
               ensure the correct speed is used to calculate LPARBUSY.  
              -For z10, SMF70CIN in PDB.ASUM113 is populated from the   
               TYPE70PR data, but the logic was not always correct. Now 
               SYSTEM=SMF70STN is used to select the correct LCPUADDR,  
               the sort order was changed to match correctly, and then  
               the SMF70CIN value is used to populate SM113CPT for the  
               z10 processors. (For z196 SM113CPT is already there.)    
   Thanks to Matthew Chappell, Dept. of Transport Main Roads, AUSTRALIA 
Change 28.319  Support for IODQDS segment in Velocity Software XAM data 
EXXAMQDS       creates new XMIODQDS dataset.                            
Jan  6, 2011                                                            
   Thanks to Francois VanCoppenolle, PVGROUP, BELGIUM                   
Change 28.318  MXGs test for EXCLUDEd fields in CICS/TS 4.1 tested for  
VMAC110        LT 330 fields OR LT 2640 bytes, but since the default    
Jan  5, 2011   record has 337 fields and 2668 bytes, a false detection  
               of EXCLUDED fields was not possible.  Additionally, the  
               primary flag of EXCLUDEd fields is an invalid TASKNR, as 
               it is a packed decimal field whose shift is detectable.  
               But, the MXG test and comments were corrected.           
   Thanks to Patricia Hansen, ADP, USA.                                 
Change 28.317  In analysis of the impact of possible capping values, if 
ANALCAPD       the desired CAP was exceeded, those excess MSU had to go 
Jan  5, 2011   somewhere: this modification keeps track of the excess   
               MSU and spreads them out across the following intervals  
               up to the level of the desired CAP until they are all    
               used up.                                                 
   Thanks to Dick Arnold, Commerce Bank of Kansas, USA.                 
Change 28.316  If you fail to reset the _NOOBS and _YESOBS tokens before
VMXGUOW        you run ASUMUOW, no observations were processed, but with
Jan  5, 2011   no explanation.  Now, when zero observations are detected
               an MXGWARN message is printed to explain why there was no
               output observations created in ASUMUOW.                  
Change 28.315 -The "CPU ADDRESS" PFXCPUAD in dataset VXSYTCUM is not the
VMACVMXA       "VM" CP address of 00-0Fx, but is the LCPUADDR in the CEC
Jan  5, 2011   causing VXSUMCPU to contain many spurious observations.  
               This correction for the unexpected PFXCPUAD values is to 
               deaccumulate by PFXCPUAD, but then sum by ENDTIME for the
               merge to create VMXAINTV.  Fortunately, the only variable
               in VXSYTCUM is the LPAR Management Time LCUMGTM, and in  
               spite of the spurious observations, the value in VMXAINTV
               was correct before and after this change; the increase in
               observations during summarization just looked wrong!     
              -Division by zero in creating VXAPLTCB was because the BY 
               list did not include SUBTASKN.                           
   Thanks to Frank Bright, MEDCO, USA.                                  
   Thanks to Nick Said, MEDCO, USA.                                     
Change 28.314 -%UTILBLDP(SUPPRESS= 6 26 30 110 DB2,BUILDPDB=YES) caused 
Jan  4, 2011   now protected when SUPPRESS 30 is requested.             
              -If SMF 6 26J2/26J3 AND 30 are suppressed, BUILD005 is not
              -If 26 (instead of 26J2/26J3) is specified, 26J2 is used, 
               with a note.                                             
              -A new QA report now compares the suppressed records list 
               of dddddd tokens with the list of datasets created by the
               SMF record to ensure UTILBLDP is updated when needed.    
   Thanks to Charles Savikas, DCF, State of Florida, USA.               
Change 28.313 -Variable CVTTZ in TYPE0 could be one second wrong, for   
TYPE0          some time zones, because the CEIL/FLOOR functions that   
TYPE28         are needed in MXG to create integer Time Zone deltas were
TYPEEPIL       omitted when CVTTZ was added to the record.  The CVTTZ   
TYPEHPDM       field is documented in the CVT as if it is the actual GMT
TYPEMVCI       offset, but its value of 1.048576 seconds per binary bit 
TYPENTCP       is not an integer value; IBM actually uses the 8-bytes in
TYPEOMCI       CVTLDTO with 1 microsecond resolution for the GMT offset.
TYPETIMS      -The CVTTZ field is the first 4 bytes of CVTLDTO, so those
TYPETMDB       CEIL/FLOOR functions are used to create exact GMT Offset;
TYPETPX        their absence in TYPE0 caused a search for all MXG code  
Jan  3, 2011   with CVTTZ-based GMT offset, which found some members    
               needed corrections.  Luckily, some of the vendor records 
               store an integer value, so MXG's use of CEIL/FLOOR is not
               always required, but MXG now uses them consistently.     
               Fortunately, in most cases below, the GMT Offset was not 
               used to convert (when all timestamps are already LOCAL), 
               so only the GMT Offset variable might have been wrong.   
               And by only one second:                                  
              -VMAC0:   CVTTZ    had no CEIL/FLOOR.                     
              -VMAC28:  NPMGMTTZ had only (wrong) PIB.4., no floor.     
              -VMACEPIL OMGMTOFF CEIL/FLOOR functions reversed.         
              -VMACHPDM SOVHTZOS no 1.048576 multiply, no CEIL/FLOOR    
              -VMACMVCI T6ECVTTZ CEIL/FLOOR functions reversed.         
              -VMACNTCP MONCVTTZ only PIB.4, no multiply, no CEIL.      
              -VMACOMCI SMCVTTZ  CEIL/FLOOR functions reversed.         
              -VMACTIMS CHGMTA   no CEIL/FLOOR                          
              -VMACTMDB GMTOFFTM no CEIL/FLOOR                          
              -VMACTPS  TPXCVTTZ CEIL/FLOOR functions reversed.         
               Note: CVTLDTO is not externalized; APAR OA23267 listed a 
               value of FFFE6053 1927B4DE for a 31 hour offset, but that
               value is 30.99500413 hours, .005 hours or 0.35 seconds   
               instead of the one microsecond resolution expected.  But,
               the error in that APAR apparently impacted both the hour 
               and the seconds; examination of current CVTLDTO values   
               FFFFAF88 -6 hours  FFFFAF88 A2800000    -21600.000000    
               FFFFBCF1 -5 hours  FFFFBCF1 DCC00000    -18000.000000    
               FFFFCA5B -4 hours                                        
               show full microsecond resolution produces exact integers.
   Thanks to Al Sherkow, I/S Management Strategies, Ltd., USA.          
Change 28.312  The default "SMFSMALL" file for testing SMF processing   
UTILGETM       created by UTILGETM writes only 10 records for each SMF  
Dec 31, 2010   ID and SUBYTPE, so the TYPE72GO dataset had only the     
               first 10 service classes and NO reporting classes.  The  
               default NRECORD=50 is now set so there should be at least
               some Reporting Class observations in SMFSMALL (which was 
               increased from 4 to only 19 cyl, so it's still SMALL).   
   Thanks to Ken Jones, Xwave, CANADA.                                  
Change 28.311  Support for IMS/DBCTL transactions made in Change 28.310 
TYPEIMSA       are implemented in the JCLIMSL6/ASMIMSL6 IMS processing. 
TYPEIMSB      -TYPEIMSA was revised to split and separately process the 
VMACIMSA       IMS/TM from the IMS/DBCTL transactions.                  
Dec 31, 2010  -TYPEIMSB was corrected to correctly work on ASCII SAS,   
               and ancient code blocks were removed for IMS Version 5!  
              -VMACIMSA revised to create IMS07D/IMS08D for DBCTL.      
              -Some code blocks for _IMSVERS LE 6.1 were removed.       
   Thanks to Ojnan Lindholm, Volvo, SWEDEN.                             
Change 28.310  Support for IMS/DBCTL transactions created by TYPEIMS7 in
EXIMS07D       IMSTRAN.IMS0708 is revised.  While IMS/DBCTL transactions
EXIMS08D       were correct, identifiable by PROGTYPE='D', DBCTL records
FORMATS        also created thousands of spurious observations that had 
TYPEIMS7       PROGTYPE=' ', but, fortunately, had no resources, so they
TYPEIMSD       only wasted disk space!  Now, VMACIMS splits the 07/08   
VMACIMS        records (DLRUSSN GT 0 for DBCTL) to create separate pairs
VMXGINIT       in IMS07/IMS08 and IMS07D/IMS08D datasets that are then  
Dec 31, 2010   separately sorted and combined by different algorithms to
               eliminate the spurious observations. TYPEIMS7 can create 
               datasets for all IMS log records, or you can select which
               records are read to populate only desired IMS datasets.  
               These tailoring macros allow you to define the LIBNAMEs  
               that will be used; all default to WORK.  See examples in 
               the comments in TYPEIMS7 member.                         
                &WIMS78    IMS0708.IMS0708     IMS/TM,IMS/DBCTL TRANS   
                &WIMSBMP   IMSBMPS.IMSBMPS     BMP EXECUTIONS           
                &WIMSA78   IMS0A78.IMS0A78     IMS/TM CPIC TRANSACTIONS 
              -VMACIMS creates the new IMS07D and IMS08D datasets from  
               which the IMSDBCTL dataset is created by TYPEIMSD.       
              -FORMAT $MGIMFPT adds ' '='BLANK:UNMATCHED', because the  
               mismatched 08/07s can exist and now will be output and   
               can be seen with that value if you print PROGTYPE.       
                 However, if you want to tabulate PROGTYPE, because it  
                 is a character variable, you must add the /MISSING     
                 option to see the formatted value tabulated:           
              -Some code blocks for _IMSVERS LE 6.1 were removed.       
              -Member TYPEIMSD is replaced by TYPEIMS7 and contains only
               comments.  The original TYPEIMSD had the IMS/DBCTL logic 
               for the 07/08, but it did not handle IMS/TM transactions.
   Thanks to Ojnan Lindholm, Volvo, SWEDEN.                             
Change 28.309  The Raid Rank ID variables R745RRID and R748RRID are now 
VMAC74         formatted with HEX4. as both RMF and HDS internals show  
Dec 27, 2010   the hex value in printed reports.                        
   Thanks to Ron Hawkins, HDS, USA.                                     
Change 28.308  Removal of duplicate SMF records (now, ANY non-VSAM z/OS 
ANALDUPE       data file). See MXG Newsletter FIFTY-SEVEN, MXG TECH NOTE
UNDUPSMF       TWO for benchmarks of the four alternatives, and read the
Dec 23, 2010   ANALDUPE discussion of why MP's discovery that the SAS   
               MD5 Hash Function is an elegant and efficient solution to
               remove duplicates from ANY z/OS file, not just SMF data. 
               For comparison, see the timings in UNDUPSMF, the original
               de-dupe program.                                         
   Thanks to MP Welch, Aprize, Inc, USA.                                
Change 28.307  A short LINUXKRNL'02'x20101 MONWRITE segment caused error
VMACVMXA       messages on the log of broken data, but MXG recovery was 
Dec 23, 2010   successful.  The invalid segment had MRHDRLEN=140 with   
               NRCPUS=2, so it had only 44 bytes for the two sets of 9  
               4-byte per-CPU counters. The short record is detected and
               the second CPU observation is not output, but there are  
               no MXG messages on the log; if/when a user notices the   
               same problem we'll then pursue a problem report with IBM.
   Thanks to MP Welch, Aprize, Inc, USA.                                
Change 28.306  Change 28.277 corrected NETSNAME from QWHCTOKN when there
VMAC116        was no period in QWHCTOKN; that same correction is now   
Dec 21, 2010   made in SMF 116 when there is no period in QWHCNID.      
   Thanks to Nick Varvarigos, IBM Global Services, CANADA.              
Change 28.305 -PDB.NJEPURGE did not contain all NJE-related SMF 26 Purge
BUILD005       records; MXG only output INREASON=JR or JT records into  
VMAC26J2       that dataset, so INREASON=SR records were not output.    
Dec 21, 2010   Now, all TYPE26J2 with SYSEXEC blank and any JES2 Offload
Jan  3, 2010   Purge Records are output in PDB.NJEPURGE.                
              -All TYPE26J2 variables are now kept in PDB.NJEPURGE.     
              -Variable INREASON='RD' is now set for purge records that 
               have INDEVICE of INTRDR, STCIRDR and TSOINRDR; previously
               INREASON was blank.                                      
              -Blank INREASON will now print the first three instances. 
              -Jan 3:  BUILD005 revised; it had added all of the _NJE26 
               variables to the PDB.JOBS dataset, wasting space, and the
               dataset SPIN26 had also kept RDRTM SUBSYS.               
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
Change 28.304  SMF 89 subtype 1 with no usage segment had INPUT EXCEEDED
VMAC89         RECORD LENGTH error, because Change 28.282 added test for
Dec 20, 2010   new data in line 390, but the test was GE 195 but should 
               have been GE 205.  Only one record with no usage occurred
               in 160,000+ records, but MXG now detects and output these
               records in TYPE89.  They can be identified because both  
               PRODTCB and PRODSRB are missing values.  If a problem is 
               opened with IBM and a response is received, this note    
               will be updated.                                         
   Thanks to Al Sherkow, I/S Management Strategies, Ltd., USA.          
Change 28.303  Printed output location was shifted to accommodate longer
ANAL119        host names and URLs, and to avoid print overlay of the   
Dec 17, 2010   remote IP address on detail reports when reading IPHOSTS.
   Thanks to Dave Ireland, USDA National IT Center, USA.                
Change 28.302  The BY list for dataset TYPE30MU was insufficient and it 
VMAC30         removed some non-duplicated observations.  Adding vars   
               BY list eliminates the false duplicate removal, and by   
               adding after SMFTIME, they won't cause NOTSORTED errors. 
               However, there ARE duplicate TYPE30MU segments from the  
               same SMF record that are now kept only because MULCEGNR, 
               (segment position in each record) are different.  You can
               examine these duplicated segments with this example:     
                 %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPE30);                             
                 PROC SORT DATA=TYPE30MU OUT=SORT30MU;                  
                  BY READTIME JOB JESNR INITTIME SUBTYPE                
                     PRODOWNR PRODNAME PRODQUAL PRODID                  
                     SMFTIME  STEPNR   STEPNAME PRODTCB PRODSRB;        
                 DATA DUPES;                                            
                  SET SORT30MU;                                         
                  BY READTIME JOB JESNR INITTIME SUBTYPE                
                     PRODOWNR PRODNAME PRODQUAL PRODID                  
                     SMFTIME  STEPNR   STEPNAME PRODTCB PRODSRB;        
                 PROC PRINT;                                            
                 TITLE DUPLICATE SEGMENTS IN TYPE30MU;                  
   Thanks to Christa Neven, KBC Global Services, BELGIUM.               
Change 28.301  WPS does not provide the %DATATYP %macro, added in 28.06 
VMXGGETM       to detect non-numeric typed values for NRECORD argument  
Dec 20, 2010   in %VMXGGETM call.  VMXGGETM is used only to create the  
               SMFSMALL file or to count records/bytes in an SMF file.  
               That change was only to replace an obscure failure with  
               a successful run by forcing NRECORD to the OBS value.    
               That enhancement is now bypassed when executed under WPS.
   Thanks to Matt Henson, McMaster-Carr Supply Co., USA.                
Change 28.300  TYPETCP (SMF 118) Port Numbers (IN DECIMAL) were wrong if
VMACTCP        MXG was executed on ASCII because the input was PIB2. but
Dec 14, 2010   must be the &PIB.2. macro variable to resolve correctly. 
               Having found this one exposure precipitated a search of  
               all MXG members and these members also had to be fixed;  
               fortunately, almost all of these members are ancient and 
               no longer used so there was no impact except consistency:
               IDMSLOG IDMSLO57 IDMSJRLN ANALCM29 ANALCM27              
   Thanks to Cristian Molero, MConsulting Bvba, BELGIUM                 
Change 28.299  Wrong values (neg PCTCPUBY +) in PDB.TYPE70EN for CPUID=0
VMAC7072       if SMF70PAT was non-zero in any engine, because SMF70PAT 
Dec 14, 2010   was kept in both TYPE70EC and TYPE70EL, which are MERGEd 
               to create PDB.TYPE70EL, but it only should have been kept
               in TYPE70EC.  Having the same named variables in datasets
               that are merged can have unintended consequences if they 
               are not in the BY list for the merge.                    
               Fortunately, the PDB.TYPE70EN (one obs per engine) is not
               (yet) used to create the per-engine values in PDB.TYPE70.
               And, only software developers like Don are even likely to
               ever need the level of detail from RMF 70s in TYPE70EN.  
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 28.298 -EXITCICS decompresses SMF 100,101,102,110 & 112 records, 
EXITCICS       The previously reported errors with SMF 112s and EXIT112 
EXIT112        were not in the CICSIFUE exit code, but in VMAC112 due to
VMAC112        IBM's change of FOCVER='V560' backwards to FOCVER='V420' 
Dec 18, 2010   (with NO change in the record itself), which caused MXG's
               tests for GE 'V560' to fail and misalign the decompressed
               record. With the exit, the ABEND was incorrectly blamed  
               on the Exit, or, processing uncompressed records caused  
               zero observations in the T112xxxx datasets.              
               Member EXITCICS invokes the CSRCESRV function; this note 
               here so a search for it will find this change text.      
              -VMAC112 was revised for FOCVER='V420'.                   
              -The EXIT112 member is now only comments to use EXITCICS. 
              -EXITCICS added DB2 100,101,102s support in MXG 28.06.    
   Thanks to Dick Arnold, Commerce Bank of Kansas City, USA             
   Thanks to Tom Kelman, Commerce Bank of Kansas City, USA              
====== Changes thru 28.297 were in MXG 28.08 dated Dec 13, 2010=========
Change 28.297  WANTONLY=DB2ACCT, now works; it worked fine if there was 
READDB2        a blank before the comma. Now in QA TESTREAL. Found this 
TESTREAL       when I tried to use it in ANALDBUT, so Tom gets 2nd cite!
Dec 12, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Tom Glaser, MasterCard, USA.                               
Change 28.296  Analysis of DB2 DSNUTIL executions, by combining DB2ACCT 
ANALDBUT       observations with QWHSPLAN='DSNUTIL' with DB2 Trace data 
Dec 12, 2010   IFCIDs 23,24,25 to add UTILNAME, UTILPHAS, and UTILID    
               variables to the DB2ACCT observation for each DSNUTIL    
               execution.  The output WORK.DSNUTIL dataset is created.  
   Thanks to Tom Glaser, MasterCard, USA.                               
Change 28.295  Analysis of WHO deleted your DB2 data, combining TYPE6156
ANALWHO        and DB2ACCT. If you have the DDL Audit Trace its easy:   
Dec 10, 2010   %ANALDB2R(PMACC01=NO,PMACC02=NO,                         
               and this program would not be needed.                    
               However, ANALWHO selects the z/OS Dataset name from      
               the TYPE6156 datasets, from which you can find the time  
               when the z/OS dataset was deleted, but those records will
               have only the job name of the DB2 DBM1 address space.    
               By adding DB2ACCT you can narrow in on who did it to the 
               DB2 table in that time period, with QXDRPDB or QXDRPTA or
               QXDRPIC GT 0.                                            
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.                   
Change 28.294  Variables CPUZIETM and CPUIFETM added to summarization   
ASUMSMFI       of PDB.SMFINTRV to create PDB.ASUMSMFI.                  
Dec 10, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.                   
Change 28.293 -Support for OPENSSH SMF 119 subtypes 96-98 creates new   
VMAC119         dataset   ddddd    description                          
VMACSMF         TYP11996  T11996   OpenSSH Server Transfer Complete     
Dec  9, 2010    TYP11997  T11997   OpenSSH Client Transfer Complete     
                TYP11998  T11998   OpenSSH Login Failure                
              -Technically, these new subtypes are INVALID SMF records  
               because BIT 1 in SMFxFLG, which is the IBM indicator that
               the record contains subtypes, is not ON, causing VMACSMF 
               to see these as SUBTYPE=0.  Now, VMACSMF forces the input
               of SUBTYPE for ALL SMF ID=119 records.                   
   Thanks to John McKown, Health Markets, USA.                          
Change 28.292  New MODATE option PROC PRINTs the found datasets in order
VMXGSRCH       of the Modify date, so the search results are printed in 
Dec  8, 2010   the same order they appear on the SAS log.  The MODATE=NO
               default prints the datasets alphabetically, as before.   
               MODATE=YES was used to debug the multi-step TYPETMS5 code
               by selecting a VOLSER to follow, especially since the    
               variable name that contains "volser" is different in     
               different temporary WORK datasets.                       
               Additional parameters were also added to allow you to    
               limit which datasets and which variables to be searched  
               and printed, if you don't want to see all of them.       
               New parameters:                                          
                MODATE=NO   Change to YES to sort on modify datetime    
                DATASET=    A list of full or partial datasets to be    
                            searched for the string                     
                VARS=       A list of full or partial variable names    
                            to be searched/printed                      
Change 28.291 -Cosmetic. SUBTYPE for DB2 ID=102 can be greater than 255,
VMACSMF        but previously they were set to missing value so UTILGETM
Dec  8, 2010   did not report them.  For actual ID=102 processing, MXG  
               uses the IFCID value so this had no real impact.         
              -Cosmetic. Back-to-back ID=2 did not print the LAST RECORD
               IN GROUP message.  SMFHDRCN now keeps track.             
              -Reminder for reading only part of an SMF file:           
               While using OPTIONS FIRSTOBS=100 OBS=500; can sometimes  
               used, to read only those input records, if there is any  
               post-processing (deaccumulate, sort, etc.) it won't work!
               Instead, use %LET SMFEXIT= FIRSTOBS=100 OBS=500; which   
               will used those on the INFILE and thus only impact which 
               records are read, not touching the global options.       
Change 28.290  New DB2 analysis adds JESNR and READTIME to DB2ACCT by   
ANALDBJS       reading PDB.JOBS and PDB.JESNR and sequencing DB2ACCT    
Dec  8, 2010   by JOB and SMFTIME to propagate those variables.         
   Thanks to Jane Stock, USPS, USA.                                     
Change 28.289  Variables GATLIMIT and GATCNT are now KEPT in TYPE6156 so
VMAC6156       that changes in GDG limits can be observed.              
Dec  8, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Jorge Fong, NYC Information Technology, USA.               
Change 28.288  Cosmetic.  If no observations are found with the searched
VMXGSRCH       values, now, a note that no observations were found is   
Dec  7, 2010   printed on the log.                                      
Change 28.287  Support for ASG-TMON for VTAM subtype 'SX' creates new   
ANALTMVT       TMVTSX dataset with the "Session Extended Information".  
EXTMVTSX       New member ANALTMVT replicates for ASG-TMON VTAM reports.
Dec  6, 2010                                                            
Change 28.286  Variables QAINTS and QAINTE, interval start/end datetimes
VMACTMMQ       should have been kept in TMMQQAA dataset, and now are.   
Dec  6, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Homayoun Riazi, United Health Group, USA.                  
Change 28.285  CICS STID=143 sub-subtype printed message that six bytes 
VMAC110        of new data was skipped, but there was no new data;  MXG 
Dec  3, 2010   incorrectly input ECCEVCAP as only 4 bytes, when it is 8,
               so ECCEVCAP/ECCCAPFA/ECCEMIFA in CICECC Statistics Data  
               set were wrong, and the subtract of 146 is now 152 after 
               that correction.                                         
   Thanks to Tom Kelman, Commerce Bank of Kansas City, USA.             
Change 28.284 -VMXGUOW was enhanced to detect that all input tokens     
ASUMUOWT       (_LCICTRN _LMONTSK _LDB2ACC) do not exist, or it will    
VMXGUOW        construct the macros based on the presence or absence    
VGETENG        of the corresponding &P****** macro.  If for example     
Dec  3, 2010   &PCICTRN is empty or the DDNAME is not found, the        
               _LCICTRN macro is set to CICSTRAN.  If it is found,      
               the macro is set to &PCICTRN..CICSTRAN.  If neither      
               CICSTRAN nor MONITASK exist, a warning is printed,       
               but the output ASUMUOW dataset is created with OBS=0.    
              -ASUMUOWT (for TMON instead of CICSTRAN input) will now   
               call VMXGUOW, so there is only one macro to maintain;    
               this obsoletes VMXGUOWT as no longer required.           
              -VGETENG NOEXIMSG=YES added as a default. NOEXIMSG=NO     
               suppresses the MXGNOTE on the log as it does in the      
               other %VGET macros.                                      
   Thanks to Ken Goodis, Emblem Health, USA.                            
Change 28.283  Many RACF segments have a variable containing CLASS*NAME 
VMAC80A        for that specific RACFTYPE/SMF80DTP, but some had only   
Dec  2, 2010   "CLASS*NAME" for their label value.  Now, the RACFTYPE   
               value is included to make the LABEL value unique.        
   Thanks to John Matson, EPSON, USA.                                   
Change 28.282 -Support for APAR OA31615 which adds zIIP & zAAP CPU TIME 
EXTY89I        to dataset TYPE89, and which adds new Intersect Data that
IMAC89         creates new TYPE89I dataset for Measured Usage reporting.
VMAC89        -Variable SMF89SYN is added to each of the BY lists as the
VMXGINIT       last variable; if you have duplicate SYSTEM names in your
Dec  2, 2010   SYSPLEX, then SMF89SYN will be different than SYSTEM.    
Change 28.281  PDB.ASUMCICR dataset contains the count/average response 
ASUMCICR       time by DATE for each REGION/APPLID, and can be created  
Dec  1, 2010   from transaction detail MONITASK or CICSTRAN or ASUMUOW  
               datasets, or the summary PDB.CICS dataset (built by      
               ASUMCICS/ASUMCICX), or, if the input is WEEK.ASUMCICR or 
               if INDATA= MON.ASUMCICR ... SUN.ASUMCICR, the prior sums 
               will be re-summed to include partial days for each DATE. 
               And, if NODATE=YES, is specified, whatever input is in   
               the INDATA= argument will be summarized only by APPLID,  
               (in case your manager thinks a weekly average of all of  
               the week's transactions in a region is a useful metric!).
               The PDB.ASUMCICR dataset also summarizes TASCPUTM.       
                 Note: These values may be of little use, if your site  
                 uses Multi-Region-Option MRO and you read transaction  
                 detail datasets (MONITASK/CICSTRAN), where the counts  
                 will be inflated and false, since each one of the      
                 multiple observations of an MRO transaction (one TOR,  
                 one-to-many AOR, one-to-many DOR/FOR obs) will each be 
                 counted as a separate "transaction", which they aren't!
                 On the other hand, if there are very few MRO trans, and
                 your APPLIDs are stable, these counts/averages might be
                 useful for tracking quantity and response.             
   Thanks to Ken Goodis, Emblem Health, USA.                            
Change 28.280  The XCF Path report added the TRANSFER TIME column, and  
ANALRMFR       some BY lists with repeats of SYSNAME were corrected.    
Nov 30, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Bruce Hewson, Citibank N.A., SINGAPORE.                    
Change 28.279  ASUM113 used SMFTIME to define each interval, but SMFTIME
VMAC113        can have multiple values in the records for an interval; 
Nov 29, 2010   it can take a second to write all of the records for one 
               interval.  If SMFTIME had different .01 second values,   
               ASUM113 incorrectly created "near duplicate" observations
               with wrong values.  As no "start of interval" flag exists
               in SMF 113 records, this revision uses the time value in 
               the SM113CPU=0 and SM113CST=1 and SM113CPT=0 observation 
               to populate SM113STM, the Interval Start Time, for each  
               interval.  An additional error when the GMT OFFSET was   
               was positive that could cause a one-second error in the  
               converted timestamps was corrected.                      
   Thanks to Adnan Can, Garanti Teknoloji, TURKEY.                      
Change 28.278  Cosmetic.  Variable CPGRPJOI is FORMATed DATETIME21.2.   
Nov 28, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Matthew Chappell, Dept. of Transport Main Roads, AUSTRALIA 
Change 28.277  Variables NETSNAME and UOWTIME are created in DB2ACCT so 
VMACDB2H       that DB2 observations with QWHCATYP=4, i.e., CICS, can be
Nov 25, 2010   merged with CICSTRAN to create PDB.ASUMUOW.  Those vars  
Nov 29, 2010   are now populated ONLY for DB2ACCT observations from CICS
               (i.e. QWHCATYP=4).  Changes to NETSNAME creation in DB2  
               in MXG 28.05 caused non-CICS DB2ACCT obs to have changed 
               values in last 4 characters that caused no harm except   
               to show up as differences in PROC COMPARE, but as there  
               is no value in creating NETSNAME for these observations, 
               to avoid confusion, they are no longer populated.        
              -However, some values of NETSNAME were not correctly      
               created, if the last four characters happened to contain 
               a period in those hex values.  The logic was revised to  
               only scan the first 16 bytes of QWHCTOKN for the period. 
              -Also, if there WAS a period in the first 16 bytes, then  
               the resultant NETSNAME value was non-blank in the last   
               four bytes; now it is populated with only the first 16   
               bytes of QWHCTOKN in that instance.                      
              -These MXG errors could cause PDB.ASUMUOW to have fewer   
               observations than it should.                             
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
   Thanks to Matthew Chappell, Queensland Dept of Transport, AUSTRALIA. 
Change 28.276  ASUMHSM enhanced with optional macro to select HSM data  
ANALHSM        to be summarized, and ANALHSM also enhanced to support   
ASUMHSM        selection with BEGTIME/ENDTIME.                          
Nov 18, 2010                                                            
Dec 11, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Doug Medland, IBM Global Services, USA.                    
Change 28.275 -Support for NMON FCREAD/FCWRITE/XFERIN/XFEROUT records   
EXNMONFC       creates new dataset PDB.NMONFC for the Fibre Channel data
VMACNMON       for AIX and Linux.                                       
VMXGINIT      -Support for NMON DISKXRFER (disk transfer reads per sec) 
Nov 17, 2010   creates new variable DISKXRFR in PDB.NMONDISK.           
Dec  2, 2010  -Support for DISKBUSY/READ/WRITE/XFER/BSIZE/SERV/WAIT with
Dec  9, 2010   suffixes thru 21.                                        
              -Invalid UARG record with only four fields and the fourth 
               containing text of  PPID COMMAND THCNT USER GROUP COMMAND
               is detected and printed on the log and deleted.          
   Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, FISERV, USA.                                 
Change 28.274  NMON variables COMMMAND and FULLCOMD lengths increased to
VMACNMON       512 bytes to capture the full text of commands, and the  
Nov 17, 2010   elements of the WORDS array are also increased to $512.  
   Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, FISERV, USA.                                 
Change 28.273  MXG support for CA NSM/TNG only output 4-digit values in 
VMACTNG        the generated %LET statements with number of Instances,  
Nov 13, 2010   creating %LET xxxxxx=12E3; which is not valid syntax for 
               the macro language.  The %LET counters now put 6 digits. 
   Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, FISERV, USA.                                 
Change 28.272  SMF fields SMF70HOF/SMF89HOF/SMF89DTO for SCRT are NOT   
VMAC7072       documented that the last 3 nybbles of those 8-byte TOD   
VMAC89         Clock fields can be non-zero but are NOT used by SCRT.   
Nov 13, 2010   MXG input those fields, which caused fractional seconds  
               that did not exactly match SCRT reports.  Now knowing the
               idiosyncrasy of these fields, MXG now zeros those last   
               three nybbles prior to their input to match SCRT.        
   Thanks to Al Sherkow, I/S Management Strategies, Ltd., USA.          
   Thanks to Charles E. Hackett, SCRT-IBM, USA.                         
Change 28.271  Site tailoring created temporary variable named COUNTER  
VMAC113        in CICS exit years ago, but when they added SMF 113 to   
Nov 11, 2010   their daily BUILDPDB, it died because that name was used 
               as an ARRAY name in VMAC113, an unacceptable use.        
               While the site easily renamed their temporary variable to
               avoid the conflict, I changed COUNTER to CNTR113.        
Change 28.270  Documentation.  The successful JCLTEST9 execution prints 
JCLTEST9       UNINITIALIZED variable messages in two places.  There are
Nov 11, 2010   335, mostly with variable names AD0nnxxx immediately     
               prior to NOTE: Dataset WORK.SV01EV01 has 0 observations. 
               There are 120 more with various names before the         
               NOTE: Dataset WORK.AIXPTXIN has 0 observations.          
   Thanks to Andrew Woods, Interactive Data, ENGLAND.                   
Change 28.269  TYPE72DL NOT SORTED error after setting the Clock Back   
WEEKBL3        for DST, combining daily PDBs all created by the same MXG
WEEKBL3D       Version!  Discovered GMTOFF72 was in BY list in VMAC7072 
WEEKBLDD       for TYPE72DL/TYPE72GO/TYPE72MN/TYPE72SC datasets, but not
WEEKBLDT       in the WEEKBLDs.  Have now added GMTOFF72 after STARTIME 
WEEKBLD        in all WEEKBLDs.                                         
Nov  8, 2010   Jan 16,2011: Now, see Change 28.324.                     
Change 28.268  Utility program identifies all non-printable characters  
UTILNPRT       in the formatted value of all character variables in all 
Nov  8, 2010   SAS datasets in a SAS data library.  SAS Enterprise Guide
               before 4.22 failed on non-printable DB2 data, so this was
               written to examine what variables could cause problems.  
                  Most variables that contain hex data in characters    
                  are formatted with $HEX precisely to eliminate the    
                  non-printables, or $EBCDIC field's '00'x are changed  
                  by MXG to blanks.  But some variables have mixtures of
                  EBCDIC and HEX; while these could be formatted $HEX,  
                  sometimes that EBCDIC text is useful in PROC PRINTs,  
                  and it would be lost in hex characters with $HEX, so  
                  I leave the variable unformatted, leading to this kind
                  of exposure, hence the utility.                       
               If you have a problem, just add a FORMAT vvvvvvvv $HEXnn.
               statement in the EXdddddd exit for the dataset, where nn 
               is twice the length of the character variable.           
   Thanks to Stephen Hughes, Excellus, USA.                             
Change 28.267  Optional argument NOEXIMSG=YES added so that messages    
VGETENG        could be suppressed when not wanted, used internally by  
Nov  5, 2010   other MXG programs that use VGETENG.                     
Change 28.266  MXG's IEBUPDTE-for-ASCII SAS program to create a source  
IEBUPDTE       directory of files from an IEBUPDTE-format input file now
Nov  4, 2010   looks for either './ ' or '.XY' in columns 1-3 to flag a 
               new "member", so the PRODTEST member can be read directly
               without EDITing those '.XY' into the './ ' that is needed
               by the z/OS PGM=IEBUPDTE.                                
                 The MXG source library has to have '.XY' inside these  
                 members that contain a PDS in IEBUPDTE-format, because 
                 there might still be someone actually using            
                 PGM=IEBUPDTE on z/OS to create their MXG.SOURCLIB PDS, 
                 if they chose to download the (ARCHAIC) ebcvvnn.ebc    
                 EBCDIC MXG install file to z/OS, as those './ ' would  
                 create unwanted new PDS members on z/OS.               
               On z/OS the tervvnn.ter tersed-PDS MXG Install File      
               should be downloaded instead.                            
              -The SHAREBUFFERS options caused no harm but no value as  
               it's for performance when writing in-place, so it was    
              -The INFILE option TERMSTR=CRLF is now in comments, as it 
               doesn't exist in SAS V9.1.3 nor WPS, and it is only      
               needed if this IEBUPDTE program is executed on unix to   
               read a windows-created CRLF-terminated text file.        
               On unix, TERMSTR=LF is the default text line terminator. 
   Thanks to MP Welch, Aprize, Inc, USA.                                
====== Changes thru 28.265 were in MXG 28.07 dated Nov  5, 2010=========
ASUMCACH       DEVMODEL='3380K' (i.e., with alpha character) when the   
Nov  4, 2010   new statement MODEL=INPUT(DEVMODEL,HEX8.) was executed.  
               Now, that statement is protected if DEVMODEL is not a hex
               value (e.g., MODEL=3380x for DEVMODEL='3380K'.           
   Thanks to Tom Heller, CINCOM, USA.                                   
Change 28.264  Support for DB2 Version 10. COMPLETELY INCOMPATIBLE:     
EXDB2ACR       MXG 28.06 was required to process the V10 data, but now, 
EXDB2ACW       MXG 28.07 has full support plus the below documentation. 
IMACDB2       -DB2 V10 Records can be compressed.  Member EXITCICS is   
VMACDB2        updated to decompress SMF 110-1 and SMF 100,101,102s.    
VMACSMF       -INVALID DATA FOR QWHSRELN is proof you have DB2 V10 SMF; 
VMXGINIT       QWHSRELN is not a valid "PK" value; it now has 'A1'x, so 
VMXGWORL       VMACDB2H was revised.  The value is 10.1, not 10.0.      
Jun 16, 2010  -And INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDS RECORD error ABENDs may occur
Jun 19, 2010   because fields were inserted rather than added at the end
Jun 21, 2010   where MXG would have automatically skipped them.         
Nov  4, 2010                                                            
              -Subtype in SMF Header INCOMPATIBLY increased from one to 
               two bytes (because that's what it should have been all   
               along.  However, only SMF 100 and 101 records populate   
               the subtype in the SMF Header. VMACSMF was updated to get
               the DB2 version and then input the subtype correctly.    
               (MXG has always stored the IFCID value in SUBTYPE for the
               DB2 102 trace records, since they don't have a subtype.) 
              -New DB2ACCGW dataset is created for each QWAR segment,   
               which can be used to correlate rollup records.           
              -Multiple SMF 100 Subtype 1 (DB2STAT1) IFCID=2 records are
               now supported.  These records contain only QBST or QBGL  
               segments and are written when more than 25 buffer pools  
               are used in an interval.                                 
              -Macro _SDB2STS was redesigned to correct DUPLICATE MERGE 
               VALUES errors that occurred only if DB2 was restarted, by
               removing QWHSACE QWHSMTN from the _BDB2STS "BY list", by 
               interleaving the four input datasets to create STATSGROUP
               to use as merge variable (QWHSSTCK cannot be used as it  
               not exact in all four records for each interval), and by 
               conditionally merging T102S225 (DB2 V8) if it exists.    
               The _SDB2STY macro is now a null macro and no longer     
               used.  The new sort order for the PDB.DB2STATS dataset is
               now SYSTEM QWHSSSID QWHSSTCK.  A cosmetic enhancement to 
               VMXGWORL, NOWARN=YES, is used to suppress the MXGNOTEs   
               when a tested dataset is known to not always exist (used 
               for T102S225 in this change).                            
              -Many new variables added to DB2ACCTx/DB2STATx by V10:    
                QLACRLNU QWACPCTT                                       
                QXSTCWLP QXSTCWLR QXSTCWLM QXSTCWLD                     
                QPACAWLH QPACANLH QPACRLNU                              
                QWACPQRY QWACAWLH QWACARLH                              
                QWACPCTT QWACPQRY QWACAWLH QWACARLH                     
                QPACAWLH QPACANLH QPACRLNU                              
                QWACPCTT QWACPQRY QWACAWLH QWACARLH                     
                QWACPCTT QWACPQRY QWACAWLH QWACARLH                     
                Q9STCDMD QDSTNQWC QDSTNARD QDSTMARD                     
                D64POST  A64POST  A64WAIT  M64DISNU M64DISPG SGETR64    
                QWS1MCPU QWS2MCPU QWS3MCPU QWS4MCPU                     
                QXSTCWLP QXSTCWLR QXSTCWLM QXSTCWLD                     
                QISESQCA QISESQKA                                       
                QISTW4K QISTW32K                                        
                QXSTCWLP QXSTCWLR QXSTCWLM QXSTCWLD                     
              -SMF 102 IFCIDs 172 and 196 were compatibly updated.      
              -SMF 102 IFCIDs 267, 268, 317, and 337 are now decoded.   
               New formats are created by the updated FORMATS member.   
              -These other IFCIDs in user-sent SMF files are presumably 
               the trace records that are normally written or needed.   
               They have been examined and none were change in V10:     
              -See the text of Change 28.146, which made changes to DB2 
               processing that were independent of the Beta.            
   Thanks to IBM DB2 V10 Beta for both EARLY DATA AND DOCUMENTATION!!   
Change 28.263  Support for IBM/OMEGAMON XW MQ flat file (INCOMPAT) adds 
VMACOMMQ       new formats for UTF-8 data, and MXG only tested for up to
Nov  2, 2010   20 datasets, but there can be 26 in total.               
   Thanks to Michael Reffler, Credit-Suisse, USA                        
Change 28.262  Support for CA MIM RESOURCE SHARING R11.7 (COMPAT) adds  
VMACMIM        new variables to several datasets, and many variables    
Nov  2, 2010   are now correctly input and formatted, especially times  
               in MIMCF dataset. Subtypes 0/1/2/4/5/7/8/9/256 and 256   
               have been tested.                                        
   Thanks to Tony Curry, BMC, USA.                                      
Change 28.261  SAS/GRAPH example that uses PDB.ASUMCELP (LPAR-CEC level)
GRAFCEC        (built by ASUM70PR) to create charts of CEC Utilization  
Nov  1, 2010   for each of the engine types (CP,IFA,ZIP,IFL).           
Change 28.260  IP address (45 character text) and IP Port Number were in
VMACTPX        TPX Version 4.0 but were overlooked; now they are input  
Oct 29, 2010   in 05/06/07/08 subtypes, when possible:                  
              -Invalid subtype 7 records, LENGTH=101, LRECL=104, with   
               LEN07=93 in bytes 58-59 of the data portion indicating   
               the record should contain IP Address and Port, but the   
               record has only 44 bytes remaining in the record, i.e.   
               the IP Address/Port field are not present.               
              -Subtype 8 record with a IP Port field that is not a valid
               EBCDIC numeric (>?01) with an IP Address with manually   
               typed all text characters (ABCDEFGHI...) caused hex dump 
               and error message, now both suppressed with ?? modifier. 
              -These records were supposedly created by TPX 5.3, but the
               Version value in the records is 4.0.                     
   Thanks to Dennis Longnecker, State of Washington Courts, USA.        
Change 28.259  Pairs of spurious "WRONG LENGTH OF 200 FOR CMRDATA" log  
UTILEXCL       messages were printed by _BLDEXCL because only the first 
Oct 29, 2010   to the three repeated (for emphasis) PUT statements was  
               conditional; the 2nd-3rd PUTs always printed a pair of   
               this warning message.  Only if there are THREE adjacent  
               warning messages (then and now) does the warning apply.  
               The three PUTs are now inside a conditional DO-Group.    
   Thanks to Mrs. Brigitte Wallbaum, FINANZ INFORMATIK GMBH, GERMANY.   
   Thanks to Mr. Dieter Haak of FINANZ INFORMATIK GMBH, GERMANY.        
Change 28.258 -Support for WebSphere ID=120 SUBTYPE=20 records has now  
VMAC120        been validated (and rewritten) with actual data records. 
VMACSMF       -ID=120 SUBTYPE=20 records are INVALID because they do NOT
Nov  1, 2010   set the "RECORD CONTAINS SUBTYPES" bit in Byte One of the
               SMF header (all other 120 subtypes DO set that bit), so  
               VMACSMF had a missing value for SUBTYPE for ID=120-20s.  
               Now, VMACSMF always reads the 2-byte subtype for 120s,   
               whether or not the bit is enabled.                       
              -Dataset TY12020 is now populated, and the Start and Last 
               Datetimes are converted from GMT to Local Time Zone.     
              -There is an undocumented duration field SM120XZ at the   
               end of the subtype 20 record, following SM120XP; its has 
               a value about a third of the CPU duration in SM120XP.    
              -The offset values in the documentation are bogus; they   
               implied the character variables were fixed length, but in
               fact, the data shows the fields are only as long as the  
               value in their preceding length field                    
              -There are pairs of duplicate Subtype 20 records with all 
               fields except SMFTIME identical. They are not adjacent,  
               with 8 subtype 9 records and 3.34 seconds between them.  
              -Variable SM120SMF is the delay from XL Last Referenced   
               datetime to SMFTIME, and is as much as 10 seconds, which 
               is a VERY significant and unexplained delay.             
                  The problem with a big delta is that SMFTIME must be  
                  compared with XL to calculate the GMT Offset, because 
                  there is no GMT Offset value in WebSphere SMF 120s.   
   Thanks to Paul Gordon, Bank of America, USA.                         
Change 28.257  ERROR: VARIABLE IDANDSUB ... with BUILDPDB will occur if 
ANALID         you reuse the same DSNAME with DISP=OLD for your //PDB,  
Oct 28, 2010   and your old PDB library was created before MXG 27.27,   
               and there is a dataset PDB.ID in your old PDB library.   
               You need to delete that old PDB.ID dataset, e.g.:        
                 // EXEC MXGSASV9                                       
                 //PDB DD DSN=YOUR.PDB,DISP=OLD                         
                 //SYSIN DD *                                           
                  PROC DELETE DATA=PDB.ID;RUN;                          
               Prior to MXG 27.01, BUILDPDB created the PDB.ID dataset  
               to count SMF records, but Change 27.005 instead created  
               the new PDB.SMFRECNT (smaller but more information), and 
               left the ID dataset (which now had new variables) in the 
               WORK file by default. But Change 28.148 created ANALID   
               member to externalize the creation of PDB.SMFRECNT, which
               uses %VMXGWORL to locate the ID dataset, since you could 
               could have tailored MXG to still keep the new ID dataset 
               in your PDB library.  Unfortunately, if the old PDB.ID   
               dataset exists, the above error occurs.                  
              -Initially, I said:                                       
                  While it would be possible to detect and delete the   
                  old PDB.ID dataset, that would require you to install 
                  at one new MXG code member, so the simple delete above
                  is far simpler and safer.  That the error has only    
                  occurred once suggests that most MXG sites create a   
                  new DSNAME (GDG or date-in-name) for each daily PDB   
                  library (required for some job sked pkgs), or that    
                  sites that do use DISP=OLD on their //PDB also use    
                  PROC DELETE DATA=PDB._ALL_; before each BUILDPDB.     
              -However, this Change looks first for WORK.ID and variable
               IDANDSUB or second for PDB.ID with that variable to build
               PDB.SMFRECNT; otherwise a zero obs PDB.SMFRECNT is built.
               P.S. Change 28.148 for ANALID/BUILD001/BUIL3001 was never
               written up in CHANGES; a separate change got that number.
   Thanks to Alan Gray, CareFirst, USA.                                 
Change 28.256  You should not use a variable named "DATETIME" in MXG    
ASUMDB2A       reports, because there is always a named variable, like  
ASUMDB2B       QWACBSC, that is self-documenting and code-clarifying.   
ASUMDB2G       Variable DATETIME was intended to be a temporary token   
ASUMDB2P       and shouldn't have been kept, but where it slipped thru  
Oct 27, 2010   and ended up being kept in MXG-built datasets, it now has
               to be kept and populated.  The quick fix, added in       
               MXG 28.06, to insert a "compiler faker" to suppress an   
               uninit warning, caused DATETIME to be a missing value.   
               The first three member's faker was replaced by code to   
               create/populate DATETIME, and the faker was removed from 
               ASUMDB2P where it was never kept.                        
               Feb 4: Cosmetic. Variable DATETIME is now length 8.      
   Thanks to Jim Kovarik, AEGON USA, USA.                               
VMAC30         was INPUT but not kept.  EXCP segments can be suppressed 
Oct 27, 2010   with EMPTYEXCPSEC(SUPPRESS) option in SYS1.PARMLIB, or   
               by DB2 V10 APAR PM17542 which enables S99DASUP.          
Change 28.254  The protection for OFF42S3 NE 108 added in Change 28.093 
VMAC42         was no protection as it caused misalignment and is now   
Oct 26, 2010   removed.  With that protection removed, reading the old  
               data, I now detect, legitimately, an invalid S4 record   
               with 21 segments totaling 27888 starting at 4053 for an  
               expected 31944 bytes but the record LENGTH is only 31832.
   Thanks to Karl Lasecki, Chemical Abstracts Service, USA.             
Change 28.253  Variables R85STOUT, R85OLRD and R85NLRD are created in   
VMAC85         TYPE85AC dataset.                                        
Oct 26, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, Huk-Coburg, GERMANY.                       
   Thanks to Jens Mohring, Huk-Coburg, GERMANY.                         
Change 28.252  Missing semicolon after PROC DATASETS caused Accounting  
ANALDB2R       reports fields AUTHID DB2 CONNID CORRED to not be        
Oct 26, 2010   correctly translated and propagated, and caused attempt  
               to delete dataset named RUN;                             
               ACCTSORT option added.                                   
Change 28.251 -Assembly of MXG 28.06 EXITCICS fails with this message:  
EXITCICS        346 *    DC  XL2'0000'  For Debug purposes           RHA
Oct 26, 2010             JZ  OPENX      no...                           
                 ** ASMA144E Begin-to-continue columns not blank - JZ   
               because I had accidentally moved that RHA text in source 
               line 361 in EXITCICS into column 72, making the statement
               a continuation.                                          
               code and the decompression exit, when storing into the   
               MXG Source Library.                                      
              -SYSLIB DD needed a third concatenation for the site's    
               CICS Macro Library.                                      
   Thanks to Ken Goodis, Emblem Health, USA.                            
Change 28.250 -COPYONLY= logic was still dysfunctional. Change 28.211   
READDB2        did not proper locate the selection by IFCID, and now the
Oct 26, 2010   SUBTYPE, decoded by VMACSMF, is used for COPYONLY.       
              -NOTE: VARIABLE QWHCCCN UNINITIALIZED because it should   
               have been spelled QWHCCN.  If CONNID=xxxxxxx selection   
               was requested in ANALDB2R, this error caused zero obs    
               to be selected.                                          
              -Option UNIQUE will write each DB2 dataset to its unique  
               DDNAME (e.g., DB2ACCTP to DB2ACCTP.DB2ACCTP) for all of  
               the datasets that would likely be kept.                  
   Thanks to Larry Stahl, IBM Global Services, USA.                     
Change 28.249  VMXGSUM is enhanced with MODE= and MEDIAN= added so those
VMXGSUM        statistics can be created.  The complete list of all of  
OCT 20, 2010   the statistics that VMXGSUM can be created:              
                 MEAN      MEAN (AVG)           P1        PERCENTILE 1% 
                 MIN       MINIMUM              P5        PERCENTILE 5% 
                 MINLONG   MINIMUM 8 BYTE       P10       PERCENTILE 10%
                 MAX       MAXIMUM              P25       PERCENTILE 25%
                 MAXLONG   MAXIMUM 8 BYTE       P50       PERCENTILE 50%
                 SUM       SUM     4 BYTES      P75       PERCENTILE 75%
                 SUMLONG   SUM     8 BYTES      P90       PERCENTILE 90%
                 FREQ      NUMBER OBS           P95       PERCENTILE 95%
                 STD       STANDARD DEVIATION   P99       PERCENTILE 99%
                 VAR       variance             T         Students T    
                 CV        coeff of Variation   STDERR    Standard Error
                 MEDIAN    median               KURTOSIS  Kurtosis      
                 MODE=     mode                                         
               With AUTONAME=YES the variables will be named            
                 variable-name_statistic-name e.g.,  XXXXXXXX_SUM       
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.                   
Change 28.247A The DOCMXG example using _Kdddddd to create a new dataset
VMAC110        is revised so it works, and its exceptions documented:   
Oct 20, 2010   1. The %QUOTE(text) function is needed around text that  
                  contains semicolons (which would otherwise end the    
                  %LET statement).                                      
               2. But %QUOTE(text) cannot be used if a close paren is in
                  the text.                                             
               3. So the macros with no semicolons are first, followed  
                  by those that contain semicolons in the %QUOTE(text). 
               4. When redefining MACRO _Edddddd you can use syntax of  
                   a. %%%INCLUDE of the EXdddddd member, and whatever   
                      logic is in that Exit member will then determine  
                      which obs are output.  I can't explain why THREE  
                      percent signs are required here, but they are.    
                   b. OUTPUT ddname.dataset syntax to output all obs    
                      to both datasets, or you can use the IF condition 
                      DO group to select which obs to output.           
                   c. NEVER use a DELETE; statement in _Edddddd exits.  
                      Always use a positive IF condition THEN DO; group.
                      The DELETE statement terminates reading of the SMF
                      record, which would prevent the reading of any of 
                      the additional repeated segments.                 
               5. You can also specify COMPRESS=NO in the _Kdddddd to   
                  override the MXG COMPRESS=YES default, by putting     
                  COMPRESS=NO before the close paren for that dataset.  
               6. The example uses _N110 to null all of the 110 datasets
                  so that ONLY the datasets "reinstated" by defining    
                  their _Wdddddd macro will be created.                 
                 %LET MACKEEP=                                          
                    MACRO _KCICTRN COMPRESS=NO)                         
                         &PDB..NEWDS (KEEP=ABCODE   APPLID   ENDTIME    
                                           FCTOTCN  PROGRAM  SYSTEM     
                                           STRTTIME TASCPUTM TDTOTCN    
                                           TRANNAME TSTOTCN             
                    MACRO _WCICTRN CICSTRAN.CICSTRAN %                  
                      MACRO _ECICTRN                                    
                        %%%INCLUDE SOURCLIB(EXCICTRN);                  
                        IF CONDITION THEN DO;                           
                          OUTPUT &PDB..NEWDS;                           
                     %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPE110);                        
              -The _N110 macro in VMAC110 was updated in this change to 
               also null the CICSBAD dataset, which had been overlooked.
   Thanks to Brian A. Harvey, HCL America, USA.                         
Change 28.247  GRAPHICS=NO/YES added as an option. If you do not have   
ANALCAPD       SAS/GRAPH it will automatically be set to NO, but if we  
OCT 19, 2010   detect SAS/GRAPH but you only want a printer plot, you   
Oct 26, 2010   can specify GRAPHICS=NO.  For readable non-graphics plots
               the values being generated by the PROC FORMAT for TYPE   
               now use the first character.                             
              -Oct 26: Uninitialized LQxLAC, LQxMSU & LQxMSU70 variables
               were harmless variables that didn't exist in ASUMCEC.    
   Thanks to Michael Marcus, ATOS Origin, USA.                          
   Thanks to Karl Lasecki, Chemical Abstracts Service, USA.             
Change 28.246 -ITRM Validation of MXG 28.06 for their next dictionary   
VMAC30         precipitated these discoveries and corrections:          
VMAC7072      -VMAC30: New Initiator CPU time at INIT and TERM variables
VMACIMSA       were wrong in 28.06; they were INFORMATed and FORMATed   
VMACNTSM       incorrectly with PIB4.6 instead of PIB4.2 and TIME12.2.  
Oct 22, 2010   The wrong FORMAT caused their values to print as trash,  
ASUMMIPS       the wrong INFORMAT caused their value to be wrong, too   
Oct 28, 2010   small by a factor of 10**4.                              
Nov 14, 2010   These four new CPI CPU times are important and discussed 
               in Change 28.175.                                        
              -VMAC7072: Counter NBKDUPE should not have been kept in   
               dataset TYPE70EN, and now isn't.                         
               And all of these variables for Engines 64-95 should never
               have been kept in PDB.TYPE70 and are now DROPped:        
                   CAIVA   -CAIVI    CAIYD   -CAIYZ                     
                   CPUEDTVA CPUEDTVI CPUEDTYD-CPUEDTYZ                  
                   CPUPATVA-CPUPATVI CPUPATYD-CPUPATYZ                  
                   CPUPDTVA-CPUPDTVI CPUPDTYD-CPUPDTYZ                  
                   CPUWAIVA-CPUWAIVI CPUWAIYD-CPUWAIYZ                  
                   IFATYPVA-IFATYPVI IFATYPYD-IFATYPYZ                  
                   IFAWAIVA-IFAWAIVI IFAWAIYD-IFAWAIYZ                  
                   IORATEVA-IORATEVI IORATEYD-IORATEYZ                  
                   MVSWAIVA-MVSWAIVI MVSWAIYD-MVSWAIYZ                  
                   PCTCIBXD-PCTCIBxz PCTCIBUa-PCTCIBUi                  
                   LCPUDEXD-LCPUDExz LCPUDEUa-LCPUDEUi                  
                   LCPUWAXD-LCPUWAxz LCPUWAUa-LCPUWAUi                  
                   PCTCPBXD-PCTCPBxz PCTCPBUa-PCTCPBUi                  
                   PCTONLVA-PCTONLVI PCTONLYD-PCTONLYZ                  
                   ZIPWAIVA-ZIPWAIVI ZIPWAIYD-ZIPWAIYZ                  
                   If OPTIONS DKROCOND=WARN is used, there will be      
                   messages on the log:                                 
                   WARNING: variable LCPUDExx in the DROP KEEP...       
                   WARNING: variable LCPUWAxx in the DROP KEEP...       
                   that are not errors and are normal.                  
              -VMACDB2: Variables QWARACE/QWARBSC/QWARESC are Labeled in
               new in Version 10 dataset DB2ACCTW. Variable DB2START is 
               now labeled, and STA0DUR and STA1DUR are formatted.      
              -SAPIMSBA, SAPIMSON, SAPIMSSP datasets created by TYPEIMSA
               processing in JCLIMSLx/ASMIMSLx IMS Log Processing kept  
               ALL-POSSIBLE 937 variables instead of 31/33/30 kept; MXG 
               Change 28.066 updated VMACIMSA to use the three _VSAPxxx 
               macro tokens for their KEEP=list, but then failed to fill
               them with the KEEP= syntax and the list of variables to  
               be kept.  Now, only the intended SAP variables are kept  
               in the three (optional) datasets.  And variable IMSRECCH 
               is now labeled IMS*RECORD*NUMBER*AS HEX CHAR.            
              -VMACNTSM: Variable VWGRACQP was corrected to VWGRAC1P.   
              -ASUMMIPS: Datasets/variables were labeled/formatted.     
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS ITRM Development, USA.                   
Change 28.245  MXG 28.06 added ASUMDB2G/ASUMDB2P/ASUMDBSB/ASUMDBSS to   
WEEKBLD        WEEKBLD, but are now removed. None of those optional data
BLDSMPDB       sets should have been added, since neither was previously
Oct 19, 2010   created by prior JCLPDB6 examples.  If your BUILDPDB JOB 
               didn't create them, then WEEKBLD in 28.06 failed with    
              -I had presumed you would EDIT your WEEKBLD to remove     
               datasets you don't want weekly, and would use EXPDBWEK   
               exit to add any new datasets to your WEEKBLD output.     
              -But henceforth, I will NOT add any new optional datasets 
               to the defaults in WEEKBLD and MONTHBLD examples.        
              -There is an alternative to WEEKBLD and MONTHBLD to use:  
               The BLDSMPDB example can EASILY be set up to run daily   
               to create your daily PDB, and it dynamically creates your
               weekly PDB from whatever datasets exist in your daily PDB
               libraries, and similarly creates your monthly PDB from   
               whatever datasets are found in its weekly/daily PDBs.    
               And you can drop unwanted datasets easily as well.       
   Thanks to William Edwards, Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, USA
Change 28.244  STC/STK/Oracle VSM "user" SMF records support revised.   
VMACSTC       -Most datetime variables are changed from GMT to LOCAL.   
Oct 19, 2010   These were overlooked.  MXG always converts datetimes on 
               GMT to LOCAL zone, when the GMT offset is known or can be
               determined (i.e., when the records have a GMT END time to
               match with the always-LOCAL-zone SMFTIME).               
                  Dataset   Variables now on LOCAL                      
                  STCVSM13  STC13MET STC13MST STC13TIM                  
                  STCVSM14                    STC14TIM STC14RUN         
                  STCVSM16  STC16MET STC13MST                           
                  STCVSM18  STC18MET STC13MST                           
                  STCVSM19                    STC19TIM STC19RET STC19RST
                  STCVSM20  STC20MET STC20MST                           
                  These variables are now in %VMXGTIME with GMT=YES.    
               But these datetimes are for events that can be days or   
               weeks earlier, and the GMT Offset can't be known from the
               SMF record, so they are left on GMT, but their LABEL now 
               contains "ON GMT" to flag them as still on GMT:          
                  Dataset   Variables                                   
                  STCVSM15  STC15LTR STC15TIM                           
                  STCVSM25  STC25LUT STC25LWT                           
                  STCVSM27  STC27LUS STC27TIM                           
                  These variables are now in %VMXGTIME with GMT=YES.    
               Yes, this is INCOMPATIBLE, if your reporting code changes
               the time zone for those former GMT-containing variables. 
              -STC/STK/Oracle VSM SMF records' _SSTCvvv macros are now  
               correctly implemented with PROC SORT NODUP and with BY   
               lists that remove duplicates (and datasets STCVSM25 and  
               STCVSM27 appear to have occasional fully duplicated SMF  
               records that are detected and deleted).                  
              -Datasets STCVSM10, STCVSM11, and STCVSM20 are interval   
               datasets, and their _S Sort Macros create new variables  
              -But Dataset STCVSM20, the Interval RTD utilization data, 
               which was the actual purpose of this examination of STC  
               data, has serious holes.  The STC20ATM Device Available  
               time is frequently zero for several 15-minute intervals  
               but then the next interval record has what appears to be 
               the total Available Time since the last interval record  
               with a non-zero value.  This means that individual hour  
               intervals can't be safely analyzed, but by summing the   
               interval data to the SHIFT or DATE level should provide  
               reasonable valid data.  A problem report will be opened  
               with Oracle technical support.                           
Change 28.243  Cosmetic.  The MXGNOTE that a SEQUENTIAL or EXPORT format
VGETOBS        dataset was found by VGETOBS was revised; that note is   
VMXGSUM        harmless and is only printed to be in the log in case of 
Oct 15, 2010   a subsequent error; in some reports with multiple inputs,
               "TAPE" data libraries cannot be used, and this message is
               useful to diagnose those (rare) problems.  But also, the 
               call to VGETOBS in VMXGSUM suppresses the message for the
               many cases where we know it doesn't matter.              
   Thanks to Robbie A. McCoy, Salt River Project, USA.                  
Change 28.242  The New-in-z/OS 1.12 "In-Ready Work Unit" SMF70U00-U15   
VMAC7072       distribution variables (which include ALL engine types)  
VMXGRMFI       and the three average variables for each engine type     
Oct 26,2010       SMF70CTT='AVG*WORK UNITS*FOR CP-S'                    
                  SMF70DTT='AVG*WORK UNITS*FOR ZAAPS'                   
                  SMF70ETT='AVG*WORK UNITS*FOR ZIIPS'                   
               were not divided by SMF70SRM (sample count) in TYPE70.   
               These should replace the old READYAVG metrics, per Don:  
                 Be aware that READYAVG deals only with ready address   
                 spaces.  The number of ready address spaces can present
                 a seriously misleading impression of the work on the   
                 system and work being delayed, because READYAVG does   
                 not measure total dispatachable work units.  Both the  
                 ready address spaces and the ready enclaves must be    
                 included to count the total dispatachable work units,  
                 and new-in-z/OS-1.12, the above variables provide the  
                 min/max/avg number of work units for CP-s,zAAPs/ZIIPS  
                 and the new PCTWUQWT and SMF70U00-SMF70U15 metrics for 
                 dispatchable work units, quite similar to the original 
                 measures for ready ASIDs.                              
               In addition to correcting the values, this change adds   
               those min/max/avg Work Unit variables to RMFINTRV, and   
               three percentage waiting variables are now created from  
               the three distributions (READYxx, SMF70Qxx, SMF70Uxx)    
               and are kept in both TYPE70 and RMFINTRV datasets.       
               These new work unit distributions are only kept in TYPE70
               and they include the waiting and active work units for   
               all engine types, so my labels are revised.  The N value 
               is the count of ALL online engines, except that when     
               HyperDispatch is active, only the non-parked engines of  
               ALLl types are included in the N being compared.         
                  SMF70U00='PCT WHEN*WORK UNITS*WAS LE N ONLINE'        
                  SMF70U01='PCT WHEN*WORK UNITS*WAS N+1 ONLINE'         
                  SMF70U02='PCT WHEN*WORK UNITS*WAS N+2 ONLINE'         
                  SMF70U03='PCT WHEN*WORK UNITS*WAS N+3 ONLINE'         
                  SMF70U04='PCT WHEN*WORK UNITS*WAS N+4-5 ONLINE'       
                  SMF70U05='PCT WHEN*WORK UNITS*WAS N+6-10 ONLINE'      
                  SMF70U06='PCT WHEN*WORK UNITS*WAS N+11-15 ONLINE'     
                  SMF70U07='PCT WHEN*WORK UNITS*WAS N+16-20 ONLINE'     
                  SMF70U08='PCT WHEN*WORK UNITS*WAS N+21-30 ONLINE'     
                  SMF70U09='PCT WHEN*WORK UNITS*WAS N+31-40 ONLINE'     
                  SMF70U10='PCT WHEN*WORK UNITS*WAS N+41-60 ONLINE'     
                  SMF70U11='PCT WHEN*WORK UNITS*WAS N+61-80 ONLINE'     
                  SMF70U12='PCT WHEN*WORK UNITS*WAS N+81-100 ONLINE'    
                  SMF70U13='PCT WHEN*WORK UNITS*WAS N+101-120 ONLINE'   
                  SMF70U14='PCT WHEN*WORK UNITS*WAS N+121-150 ONLINE'   
                  SMF70U15='PCT WHEN*WORK UNITS*WAS GT N+150 ONLINE'    
               They can be compared with the existing distributions in  
               READY00-READY15,SMF70Q00-SMF70Q12 in TYPE70 dataset.     
              -VMXGRMFI was also corrected to support R70MIN, which has 
               been defined, but as it had a null value, the absence of 
               its invocation was never noticed until now.              
              -In testing this change, Jim noticed SMF70NCA needed to be
               multiplied by 100 as it is 'PCT WHEN*CAPPING*LIMITED...'.
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
Change 28.241 -Variable CPUWAIYA (CPU WAIT*DURATION*CPU 61) was wrong.  
Oct 14, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Heimir Hauksson, Barclays, ENGLAND.                        
Change 28.240 -UTILEXCL could create wrong values in PDB.CICSDICT if    
IMACICUN       CICS dictionary entries with the same "triplet" values   
IMACICUO       RVR/DCN/DRL have the same CMODIDNT (field number) in     
IMACICUP       different orders (could be in different or same APPLID). 
UTILEXCL       These wrong values were then used to create the IMACEXCL 
VMAC110        tailoring member, but that caused no execution error.    
Oct 13, 2010   But the wrong variable(s) in CICSTRAN were populated or  
IMACICUQ       had missing values when they should have been populated. 
Oct 14, 2010                                                            
Dec 22, 2010   But even after installing this change, and rerunning the 
               new UTILEXCL's _BLDDICT to build the correct PDB.CICSDICT
               observations, your IMACEXCL could still be wrong, because
               _BLDDICT appends the new dictionary records to the old in
               its replacement of PDB.CICSDICT, so both good and bad    
               records were still being used, causing that same error.  
               If you have the SMF records for all your current CICSs,  
               then you can simply use PROC DELETE DATA=PDB.CICSDICT;   
               to delete that dataset, and then rerun _BLDDICT, etc.    
                 PROC DELETE DATA=PDB.CICSDICT;                         
               and then  _BLDDICT  _BLDEXCL  _RPTEXCL                   
               to use only the fixed PDB.CICSDICT records to build your 
               tailored IMACEXCL.                                       
               Dec 22: Above paragraph was added, no code was changed.  
              -Dictionary records with duplicate RVR/DCN/DRL. but with  
               different field order are now detected and printed by the
               macro _BLDEXCL when it creates the IMACEXCL, but UTILEXCL
               cannot support two different records differently; as only
               the RVR/DCN/DRL exist in the CICSTRAN records.  UTILEXCL 
               can only create one "do group" from the first dictionary 
               record and that IMACEXCL will create CICSTRAN for all SMF
               records that RVR/DCN/DRL, with no execution errors, but  
               all variables from the fields/segments that are different
               in the second dictionary record will be wrong.  MXG can't
               fix this error because only the RVR/DCN/DRL exist in the 
               CICSTRAN records. Your CICS guru will have to correct the
               DFHMCT text so all structures with the same number and   
               length of fields have their fields in the same order.    
              -Support for more Optional CICS fields, UTILEXCL Error.   
                  Member   Variable   Label                             
                 IMACICUN  SCBKPOUN   Application*USER*AREA*ONE         
                 IMACICUO  SCBKNUMB   Application*USER*AREA*TWO         
                 IMACICUP  CIBIZID    Application*USER*AREA*THREE       
              -Support for another optional CICS field                  
                  Member   Variable    Label                            
                  IMACICUQ CANUE1      CANUE1                           
   Thanks to Tony Hirst, Wells Fargo, USA.                              
   Thanks to Henry Steinhauer, Northwestern Mutual, USA.                
   Thanks to James Hein, Erie Indemnity Company, USA.                   
====== Changes thru 28.239 were in MXG 28.06 dated Oct  7, 2010=========
Change 28.239  Documentation Notes only.  Using the _N7072 "null" macro 
VMAC7072       to create ONLY the PDB.TYPE70 dataset caused errors      
Oct  7, 2010     NO DATA SET OPEN TO LOOK UP VARIABLES                  
               when PROC SORT DATA=_NULL_ (were _NULL_ replace TYPE70EC)
               caused SAS to error (in spite of _NULL_, PROC SORT still 
               looked for BY variables).  Recent changes in SMF 70s now 
               requires datasets TYPE70SP/EC/EL to be created when the  
               SMF data is processed, the TYPE70PR data values are used 
               to create TYPE70, and the new TYPE70EN dataset must be   
               created from the (temporary) TYPE70EN/EL data if you have
               more than 64 engines, since only the first 64 engine's   
               per-engine-detail is kept in TYPE70.                     
               But the below tailoring example shows how these old-style
               substitution macros are used to create only the datasets 
               PDB.TYPE70 and PDB.TYPE70EN, by reinstating the _Wdddddd 
               dataset tokens to be created when SMF is read, and the   
               two _Ldddddd output dataset tokens for clarity.          
                   %LET MACKEEP=%QUOTE(                                 
                     MACRO _WTY70 TYPE70 %                              
                     MACRO _WTY70PR TYPE70PR %                          
                     MACRO _WTY70SP TYPE70SP %                          
                     MACRO _WTY70EC TYPE70EC %                          
                     MACRO _WTY70EL TYPE70EL %                          
                     MACRO _LTY70   PDB.TYPE70 %                        
                     MACRO _LTY70EN PDB.TYPE70EN%                       
                   %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(VMACSMF,VMAC7072,IMACKEEP);        
               Or, you could use the %UTILBLDP macro to generate and    
               execute the code to create only those two datasets:      
                   %LET PTY70PR =WORK; %LET PTY7002 =WORK;              
                   %LET PTY70X2 =WORK; %LET PTY70Y2 =WORK;              
                   %LET PTY72   =WORK; %LET PTY72DL =WORK;              
                   %LET PTY72GO =WORK; %LET PTY7204 =WORK;              
                   %LET PTY72MN =WORK; %LET PTY72SC =WORK;              
               The %UTILBLDP macro is STRONGLY recommended for any SMF  
               processing that needs tailoring.                         
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.                   
Change 28.238  MXG 28.03-28.05. THE SMF FILE CONTAINED xxx BYTES note on
VMACSMF        the SAS log was wrong if BUILDPDB was used; Change 28.089
Oct  7, 2010   modified VMACID to output SMFBYTES, but that variable was
               used internally in VMACSMF to total the byte count for   
               that log message.  The byte counter in VMACSMF is changed
               to SMFBYTOT to correct the message and not impact ID.    
               When wrong, xxx had the record length of the LAST record.
   Thanks to Rudol Sauer, T-Systems International GmbH, GERMANY.        
Change 28.237  Variable R792PRFX was labeled FRAMES (MB) but was not    
VMAC79         converted from frames. While the (MB) in the LABEL should
Oct  7, 2010   document when frame counts are converted to bytes, those 
               variables must also have MGBYTES. format to confirm that 
               the contents of the variable is bytes and "prints pretty"
               with K/M/G/T suffix with that format.                    
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, Inc, USA.                  
Change 28.236  With some of the features of Thruput Manager, some shops 
ANALINIT       run all jobs in the same job class.  That makes ANALINIT 
Oct  5, 2010   by jobclass mostly meaningless since TPM will prioritize 
               work based on service class and other criteria given it  
               via parameter.  This change allows you to choose the     
               variable to use for breaking the report down. The default
               value for SORTBY is JOBCLASS but you might find in these 
               cases that SRVCLASS or RPTCLASS have more meaning.       
              -HTMLDEST is also added as a parameter to send the output 
               to HTML and the MEAN/MAX input queue delays are added to 
               the final report.                                        
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.                   
Change 28.235  Using %VGETDDS(GOOVOO=gdgbase) caused ERROR: LIBRARY DOES
VGETDDS        NOT EXIST.  The wrong macro variable &GDGBASE was used   
Oct  4, 2010   where &GOOVOO was required.                              
   Thanks to Brian A. Harvey, HCL America, USA.                         
   Thanks to Rhonda Martin, USAA, USA.                                  
Change 28.234  Variables input with $EBCDIC informat that contain $HEX  
VMAC102        data are corrected to $CHAR informat, but that is only   
VMACCIMS       impacting if MXG is executed on ASCII platforms to read  
VMACORAC       SMF data.  Detected in Freddie's final QA tests.         
Oct  4, 2010  -VMAC102:  QW0022LM QW0022PA QBMCRLIR                     
              -VMACCIMS: RECSTAT                                        
              -VMACORAC: ORALOGON                                       
   Thanks to Freddie Arie, Merrill Consultants, USA.                    
Change 28.233  Support for WebSphere MQ Version 7 Accounting Records.   
EXWSMQMQ       Two datasets are created:                                
EXWSMQQ          dddddd  Dataset   Description                          
IMACWSMQ         WSMQMQ  WSMQMQI   Accounting MQI                       
TYPEWSMQ         WSMQQ   WSMQQ     Accounting Q                         
TYPSWSMQ       See Monitoring WebSphere MQ Version 7, SC34-6937, for the
VMACWSMQ       documentation on these data, which are written to the    
VMXGINIT       SYSTEM.ADMIN.ACCOUNTING.QUEUE.                           
Oct  2, 2010                                                            
Change 28.232 -ANALRMFR failed when PDB=SMF was use with some reports;  
ANALRMFR       Change 28.155 revised token names for TYPE70EN, and some 
Oct  6, 2010   resets of _WTY70PR were missing.                         
              -While PDBOUT=PDB worked, PDBOUT=XXXX failed because the  
               new TYPE70EN dataset was written to PDB instead of XXXX. 
   Thanks to Russ Alexander, OIT Service Delivery, USA.                 
VMACNDM        error when NDMOFFPA was non-zero, a condition not seen   
Oct  1, 2010   before, and my guess about the order of the optional     
               segments was wrong.                                      
   Thanks to Douglas C. Walter, Citigroup, USA.                         
   Thanks to Brent Turner, Citigroup, USA.                              
Change 28.230  FORMAT MG070CR decodes SMF70CCR to identify the Capacity 
FORMATS        Change Reason:                                           
VMAC7072          SMF70CCR    Formatted Value                           
Oct  1, 2010         0        0:NO CHANGE                               
                     1        1:POWERSAVE                               
                     2        2:CYCLE STEERING                          
                     3        3:EXTERNAL                                
                     4        4:EXTERNAL                                
Change 28.229  MXG Search tool did not select CHAR variables because the
VMXGSRCH       TYPE field was not UPCASED, and if the last variable in a
Sep 30, 2010   dataset is numeric, the generated code did not wrap to   
               close the continuation correctly; these are now fixed.   
               Also, MXG 28.05 updates added the capability to search   
               for text in Labels and for format names.                 
               On a positive note, Scott commented:                     
                 I really do get a lot of benefit using VMXGSRCH when   
                 looking for evidence of a dataset or USERID or a CICS  
                 terminal-name.  It's a great tool, particularly where I
                 needed to find evidence of a CICS terminal in some CICS
                 PA report, but looking in MXG for it CICS STATS.       
               And VMXGSRCH is not only for MXG built datasets. VMXGSRCH
               will search ALL of the SAS datasets in ANY data library, 
               searching ALL variables in those datasets for ANY value, 
               printing the found observations.  See Change 28.147.     
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, USA.                                
Change 28.228  Variable NRCPUS wrong in PDB.RMFINTRV with HiperDispatch.
VMXGRMFI       It had the number of installed processors because parked 
Sep 29, 2010   time, CPUPATTM, was not kept nor subtracted from SMF70ONT
               when NRCPUS, the average number of ONLINE CP engines was 
   Thanks to Richard Schwartz, State Street Bank, USA.                  
   Thanks to Brian Kruse, State Street Bank, USA.                       
VMACITRF       because Change 28.197 didn't correctly INPUT these fields
Sep 27, 2010    CORDBI CORDBP CORDBT  that were added.                  
   Thanks to Lindholm Orjan, Volvo, SWEDEN.                             
Change 28.226 -TYPE113 variable LPBUSY replaces wrong-named LPARCPU, as 
ASUM113        percent busy in TYPE113 is for each Logical Processor.   
VMAC113       -ASUM113 variable LPARBUSY replaces LPARCPU since there,  
Sep 23, 2010   the percent busy is for the LPAR.  New variable LPARCPUS 
Oct  4, 2010   counts the number of LPs active in this LPAR.            
                 Normally, I'm reluctant to change variable names, but  
                 the SMF 113 is new so only a few "early adopters" will 
                 be effected, and the old names were deceptively wrong. 
              -LPARCPUS is the true Average Number of ONLINE Engines, as
               it is calculated as SMF70ONT/DELTATM.                    
              -Variables from TYPE70PR that were added to the dataset   
               PDB.TYPE113 are also now added to PDB.ASUM113.           
              -ASUM113 corrected to not fail when PDB.TYPE70PR doesn't  
               exist, but all variables that are merged in from 70PR    
               will always exist in PDB.ASUM113, with missing values if 
               there was not 70PR dataset.                              
              -SM113CPT is only populated if SM113VN2 GE 2, i.e., z196. 
               (See Change 30.123 for revision).                        
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 28.225  Macro variable VGETCRDT is created, contains the datetime
VGETOBS        in character when the SAS dataset was created, and macro 
Sep 23, 2010   variable VGETMTYP is the type of dataset (data/view/etc).
Oct  5, 2010   VGETCRDT is only populated under SAS; it is not in WPS.  
   Thanks to MP Welch, Aprize, Inc, USA.                                
Change 28.224  New TYPE70EN dataset (per-Engine TYPE70 detail) had 100% 
VMAC7072       PCTCPUBY for Parked Engines; PCTCPUBY is now recalculated
Sep 23, 2010   using SMF70PAT.  Also, SMF70CIN was blank, now is not.   
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 28.223  Support for DB2 V10 Compressed SMF records has been added
DFH$MOLS       inside the existing EXITCICS member, which is the ASM    
EXITCICS       source that creates a SAS INFILE EXIT named CICSIFUE.    
Sep 23, 2010   Once assembled into a load module placed in //STEPLIB,   
               and enabled with   %LET SMFEXIT=CICS;  in your //SYSIN,  
               the exit will be used for either CICS or DB2 records,    
               processing either compressed or uncompressed SMF records.
               Full documentation is in the comments in EXITCICS member.
               While IBM CICS provides their DFH$MOLS program that will 
               decompress CICS records (JCL example in that MXG member),
               IBM initially chose NOT to provide a DB2 decompression   
               utility, but in Feb, 2011, APAR PM27872 announced that   
               the DSNTSMFD sample program was available to decompress. 
                       MXG messages warn you to instead use EXITCICS.   
                 Note: See MXG Newsletter FIFTY-SEVEN for comparisons   
                       processing compressed and uncompressed CICS data 
                       with DFH$MOLS versus EXITCICS versus SAS code.   
   Thanks to Rich Anderson, SAS Institute, USA.                         
Change 28.222  ITRM only, MXG 28.04-later, DB2STAT4 NOT SORTED ERROR.   
VMACDB2        The circumvention is to insert this statement in SYSIN:  
Sep 22, 2010      %LET EPDBOUT= _SDB2ST4 ;                              
               so that the DB2STAT4 dataset is sorted before _SDB2STS   
               is executed.  _SDB2STS creates DB2STATS from STAT0/1/4;  
               The MXG logic in _SDB2STS was revised in 28.04, and the  
               PROC SORT DATA=_LDB2ST4 that had been in _SDB2STS was    
               removed, because MXG executes _SDB2ST4 before _SDB2STS,  
               so that sort was no longer needed.  But ITRM did not     
               execute the _SDB2ST4 macro.  In ITRM, the dataset tokens 
               _WDB2ST4 and _LDB2ST4 are the same dataset when _SDB2STS 
               is executed, so that old PROC SORT DATA=_LDB2ST4 had put 
               DB2STAT4 in the right order, so there was no error, but  
               without MY sort, the unsorted DB2STAT4 exposed my error. 
              -ITRM Support will have a Hot Fix to insert the _SDB2ST4  
               sort prior to the _SDB2STS execution; fortunately, this  
               circumvention AND that hot fix insertion can coexist.    
Change 28.221  MXG 28.05-minus, an INCORRECT note "INVALID WQ SEGMENT"  
VMAC116        is harmless and there is no loss of data when the records
Oct  7, 2010   originally described below are found.  IBM MQ Support has
               confirmed Qsegment records with no WQ Segments can       
                  happen in V6 and V7 if a thread has exactly 9 queues. 
                  The next overflow SMF record/segment is allocated in  
                  anticipation of the transaction a 10th queue. With    
                  exactly 9, a 10th wasn't opened, so the second segment
                  was left empty.                                       
               Oct 20, IBM APAR PM24302 confirms that statement, quoting
               from my original change text in the problem description. 
               Below is the Sep 22 original change text on this message:
               WebSphere MQ 7.01 INVALID WQ SEGMENT error messages were 
               due to SMF 116 subtype 2 records that contained only the 
               WTID (thread identification) segment and did NOT contain 
               any WQ (queue-level accounting) segments.  The ONLY      
               purpose of subtype 2 records is for additional WQ        
               segments that wouldn't fit in previous subtype 1 record. 
               In addition, the QWHCXTYP field contained a zero, which  
               is not a documented connecting system type code.  But,   
               MXG printed that message because it expected the WQ      
               triplet in the subtype 2 and unconditionally input it.   
               The code was restructured to input the common header and 
               use QWHSNSDA, the number of triplets, to conditionally   
               now input the triplets.  Subtype 2 records with no WQ    
               segment can be detected because all WQxxxxxx variables in
               dataset MQMACCTQ will be blank or missing values, but the
               "INVALID"  "INVALID WQ SEGMENT" message is gone.         
   Thanks to Victoria Lepak, Aetna, USA.                                
Change 28.220  DB2 Summary ASUMDBxx and Trending TRNDDBxx members are   
ANALDB2R       revised to create consistent names, as well as adding    
ASUMDB2A       new DB2 V9 and DB2 V10 variables and externalizing the   
ASUMDB2B       interval value:                                          
ASUMDB2G      -Default interval for both statistics and accounting is   
ASUMDB2P       now set by macroUvariable &INTASUM (default=HOUR), so    
ASUMDB2R       youTcanDchangeTthatBdefaultSinterval externally, without 
ASUMDB2S       EDITing the ASUMxxxxSinto yourDUSERID.SOURCLIB, using    
ASUMDBAA          %LET INTASUM=yourchoice;SUtoBset your chosen interval.
ASUMDBSB      -Statistic dataset changes:                               
TRNDDB2A        created by members ASUMDB2S/ASUMDB2G/ASUMDB2B/ASUMDBSB  
TRNDDB2B        no longer exist; datasets TRNDDB2X/TRDDDBBS/TRNDDB2S    
TRNDDB2G        no longer exist.                                        
TRNDDB2P       -Members ASUMDBSS/TRNDDBSS create these sets of the three
TRNDDB2R        statistics summary datasets:                            
TRNDDB2S           Member    Dataset    Created from                    
TRNDDBAA          ASUMDBSS   ASUMDBSS    DB2STATS                       
TRNDDBSS             "       ASUMDBSB    DB2STATB                       
Oct  3, 2010         "       ASUMDBSG    DB2GBPST                       
Dec 28, 2010      TRNDDBSS   TRNDDBSS    ASUMDBSS                       
                     "       TRNDDBSB    ASUMDBSB                       
                     "       TRNDDBSG    ASUMDBSG                       
              -Accounting dataset changes:                              
               -Members ASUMDB2S/ASUMDBSB contain only comments that the
                member ASUMDBSS should be used in place of both members.
               -Members ASUMDB2G/ASUMDB2B were a mess. Previously they  
                summed DB2GBPST/DB2STATB into ASUMDB2G/ASUMDB2B datasets
                but those names were also used for DB2ACCTG/DB2ACCTB    
                summarization.  Now they process only Account datasets. 
               -WEEKBLD's BY list for these three DB2 Stat ASUMs have   
                SHIFT removed; those datasets are summarized by HOUR so 
                SHIFT was not used, but was inconsistently kept, so its 
                removal prevents NOT SORTED errors.                     
               -Accounting dataset changes:                             
                -Member VMXGDBAA, previously used in ASUMDBAA/ANALDB2R  
                 no longer is used and is archaic.  Member ASUMDBAA can 
                 still be used, if you want ALL of the DB2ACCTx datasets
                 summarized, but it now is only a series of individual  
                 %INCLUDEs of these members:                            
                   Member    Dataset    Created from                    
                  ASUMDB2A   ASUMDB2A    DB2ACCT                        
                  ASUMDB2B   ASUMDB2B    DB2ACCTB                       
                  ASUMDB2G   ASUMDB2G    DB2GBPST                       
                  ASUMDB2P   ASUMDB2P    DB2ACCTP                       
                  ASUMDB2R   ASUMDB2R    DB2ACCTR                       
                -Trending of individual ASUMDB2x Account datasets:      
                   Member    Dataset    Created from or                 
                  TRNDDB2A   TRNDDB2A    ASUMDB2A DB2ACCT               
                  TRNDDB2B   TRNDDB2B    ASUMDB2B DB2ACCTB              
                  TRNDDB2G   TRNDDB2G    ASUMDB2G DB2GBPST              
                  TRNDDB2P   TRNDDB2P    ASUMDB2P DB2ACCTP              
                  TRNDDB2R   TRNDDB2R    ASUMDB2R DB2ACCTR              
              -Additional corrections:                                  
               -ASUMDB2A. Two variables QTXANPL and QXCASCDP were in the
                SUM list are moved to the MAX list.  They were incorrect
                in datasets built by the old ASUM/TRND members.         
               -TRNDDB2A. Looked for DB2ACCT first, but now it uses     
                ASUMDB2A first if it exists.                            
               -VMACDB2 common variables added to new DB2ACCTR "Remote".
               -Dec 28: ASUMDB2R INTERVAL now set by &INTASUM.          
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.                   
Change 28.219  Cosmetic.  If DATETIME argument was missing, the ABORT   
VMXGDUR        statement blew away a Windows session so you never saw   
VMXGSUM        the error message.  Now, the error is printed and the    
Sep 22, 2010   invocation is ended without the ABORT.  This error can   
Oct  7, 2010   only occur when testing a new VMXGSUM invocation; that   
               DATETIME argument is always required, except when the    
               INTERVAL=NONE argument is specified.                     
               -VMXGDUR, Oct 7:                                         
                 WARNING message for invalid interval= values updated   
                 To include all possible valid values.                  
Change 28.218  Includes of ASUMDBAA/TRNDDBAA added in MXG 28.05 caused  
BLDSMPDB       errors and were replaced by includes of ASUMDB2A/TRNDDB2A
Sep 21, 2010   and ASUMDB2B/TRNDDB2B.                                   
Oct  5, 2010  -Oct 5:  If AUTOALOC EQ NO and FIRSTRUN EQ YES then all of
               the directories needed are tested and created if the do  
               not already exist.                                       
   Thanks to Cletus McGee, ALFA Insurance, USA.                         
   Thanks to Mary Kay Pettengill, MSI, USA.                             
Change 28.217  The CPUID section is now protected for a truncated ID=70 
VMAC7072       subtype 1 record (created by B37 ABEND in SMF dumping).  
Sep 21, 2010   Other sections were already protected.                   
Change 28.216  Invalid raw data for RH018 with zero values caused very  
VMACTNG        large positive or negative values.  While the error is in
Sep 16, 2010   the NSM cube itself, a possible circumvention is to us   
                  IF RH018001 GT 0 AND RH018002 GT 0 THEN DO;           
                    OUTPUT _WTRH018;  /* RH018 , DEFINED IN VMACTNG*/   
               in the EXTRH018 exit member; this will cause the DELTATM 
               between intervals calculated by MXG to be twice DURATM,  
               so these intervals can be identified.                    
   Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, FISERV, USA.                                 
Change 28.215  NOTES: FIRST/LAST UNINITIALIZED with BAR=TIME had no     
GRAFLPAR       impact as they are not used with that option, but they   
Sep 15, 2010   are no longer printed.  Arguments DEVICE/DISPLAY were    
               removed, as your current site defaults will be used.     
   Thanks to Cletus McGee, ALFA Insurance, USA.                         
Change 28.214  ANALDB2R report selection didn't honor BEGTIME/ENDTIME.  
ANALDB2R       Starting with MXG 28.05, ANALDB2R passed those selection 
Sep 14, 2010   criteria to READDB2 so that if PDB=SMF was used (so that 
               READDB2 was called) BEGTIME/ENDTIME were used for select.
               Now, PDB=PDB or PDB=SMF honors BEGTIME/ENDTIME selection.
   Thanks to Betty Wong, Bank of America, USA.                          
Change 28.213  This Change was replaced by 28.220.                      
Change 28.212 -New (very small) TYPE74ID dataset is now created when the
ANALRAID       TYPE74 or TYPE74CA are output, so the mapping format that
ASUMCACH       ASUMCACH requires can be automagically built in ASUMCACH,
EXTY74ID       eliminating a full pass of TYPE74CA dataset.             
VMAC74        -PDB.ASUMCACH now contains variables character DEVMODEL   
VMXGINIT       and its numeric version in variable MODEL.               
VMXGSUM       -ANALRAID now uses 8-character DEVMODEL, instead of MODEL 
Sep 13, 2010   with 3-byte numeric in HEX6 formatted value, to support  
Oct 29, 2010   newer, longer (3390A) control unit model names.          
              -If TYPE74ID is does not exist, ASUMCACH uses TYPE74CA, as
               before, but DEVMODEL will contain 3390??.                
              -In testing this change, numerous Missing Value messages  
               were printed on the SAS log, all from VMXGSUM  NORMn=    
               arguments that had valid missing values. VMXGSUM was     
               revised to test and suppress those cosmetic messages.    
              -In testing this VMXGSUM revision for the NORMn arguments:
               -It was discovered that NORMn=A/B syntax, with only one  
                variable A that had only one character name, was never  
                being normalized.  Fortunately, there was no instance   
                of this syntax in MXG code, but it is now corrected.    
               -Also, if B was missing or zero (with any length "A"),   
                so the division was never executed, the value output for
                "A" output was SUM(A).  Now, A is a missing value.      
              -Oct 29: %VMXGOPTR relocated to prevent warning message.  
Change 28.211  Using COPYONLY argument wrote ALL SMF records; the       
READDB2        selection criteria were not used for the COPYONLY writes.
Sep 11, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Larry Stahl, IBM Global Services, USA.                     
Change 28.210  DB2 V8.1-DB2 V9, MXG 28.02-28.05, DB2ACCT and DB2ACCTP,  
VMACDB2        these variables added by APAR PK62161, MXG Change 28.051:
Sep 10, 2010    QXRWSFET QXRWSINS QXRWSUPD QXRWSDEL                     
               were wrong because the prior field, QXSTXMLV, was        
               increased to 8 bytes but that increase was overlooked,   
               causing the subsequent fields to be misaligned/trashed.  
   Thanks to Betty Wong, Bank of America, USA.                          
Change 28.209  If INCLAFTR=BUILD005,BUILDPDB=NO is used to build only   
Sep  9, 2010   the TYPE30xx,TYPE6,TYPE26J2 inputs for BUILD005 were     
Jul  7, 2011   sorted into the PDB library, which caused BUILD005 to    
               fail, as it expected inputs to be in WORK library.       
               But since the purpose of INCLAFTR=BUILD005 should be to  
               create the above PDB datasets, this change removes the   
               sort of those input datasets into the PDB data library.  
               Jul 2011:  If you really do want any or all of those raw 
               TYPE30xx, TYPE6, and/or TYPE26J2 to be kept in the PDB,  
               you can add these PROC SORTs to the EXPDBOUT= argument:  
                 PROC SORT NODUP  DATA= _WTY30U1 OUT= _LTY30U1 ;        
                 BY _BTY30U1 ;                                          
                 PROC SORT NODUP  DATA= _WTY30U4 OUT= _LTY30U4 ;        
                 BY _BTY30U4 ;                                          
                 PROC SORT NODUP  DATA= _WTY30U5 OUT= _LTY30U5 ;        
                 BY _BTY30U5 ;                                          
                 PROC SORT NODUP  DATA=_WTY6 OUT=_LTY6 ;                
                 BY _BTY6 ;                                             
                 PROC SORT NODUP  DATA= _WTY26J2 OUT= _LTY26J2 ;        
                 BY _BTY26J2 ;                                          
               Or, if INCLAFTR=BUIL3005, for TYPE26J3, use:             
                 PROC SORT NODUP  DATA=_WTY25 OUT=_LTY25 ;              
                 BY _BTY25 ;                                            
                 PROC SORT NODUP  DATA= _WTY26J3 OUT= _LTY26J3 ;        
                 BY _BTY26J3 ;                                          
Change 28.208  MXG incorrectly set R7451TIM to 16 microseconds when     
VMAC74         it should have been 16 milliseconds; the variables       
Sep  9, 2010   R7451CT3, R7451CT4, R7452PRT, R7452PWT are divided by    
               R7451TIM, and thus were wrong.                           
   Thanks to Rick Southby, Insurance Australia Group, AUSTRALIA.        
Change 28.207  Unused Change.                                           
Change 28.206  Invalid APPTUNE SMF 102 IFCID 8133 record had invalid    
VMAC102        offset of '7532'x for QBMCRQLO in APPTUNE Segment 9 for  
Sep  7, 2010   Long Names, causing INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED ERROR.      
   Thanks to Christa Neven, KBC Global Services, BELGIUM.               
Change 28.205  Julian Date variables with FORMAT 6. were increased to 7.
VMACACF2       so the full seven digits can be seen (e.g. 2010099):     
VMACEPIL      -VMACEPIL - OMJULDAT                                      
VMACHSM                 - LIDATIME is now a datetime variable when both 
Sep  6, 2010              LIDADATE and LIDATIME are GT 0.               
Sep 18, 2010  -VMACHSM  - MCDJDATE                                      
              -VMAC6367 - DSCRDT   DSEXTD                               
Change 28.204  Support for local installation optional USERSTR field in 
IMACICUM       CICSTRAN dataset from SMF 110 subtype 1 modified records.
Sep  3, 2010                                                            
Change 28.203  Variable LIDATIME was not formatted, but now contains    
VMACACF2       the datetimestamp value (DATETIME21.2) of last access.   
Sep  1, 2010   Date variables LIDCDATE LIDIPDAT LIDADATE LIDDXPDT all   
               contain Julian Dates YYYYDDD and are cannot be formatted 
               as a SAS Date variable.                                  
Change 28.202  Support for RACF EVENT 82 (PTCREATE) creates TYPE8082    
EXTY8082       dataset.                                                 
Sep  1, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Bill Arrowsmith, EuroClear, BELGIUM.                       
Change 28.201  MXG 28.05 only. GOPTIONS DEVICE=GIF was added in VMXGINIT
VMXGINIT       but could change the size of your graphs.  Now, GOPTIONS 
Aug 31, 2010   only sets default COLORs and PATTERNs.                   
Change 28.200  z/OS utility to construct VBS blocks in RECFM=U format   
UDEBLOCK       from a PC/ASCII VBS file failed when only one byte was   
Aug 31, 2010   left at the end of a block, since that would be the first
               byte of the two-byte length field.  MXG logic worked with
               zero or two-or-more, but not one; an extensive rewrite of
               the program was required. This uploaded file had a series
               of 32760 byte blocks, but then one block of 32759 bytes  
               that contained parts of three blocks, with only one byte 
               of the next block at the end, which exposed the error.   
   Thanks to Carl Sommer, SAS Institute, USA.                           
Change 28.199 -Variables added from PDB.TYPE70PR are now populated ONLY 
ASUM113        when the SM113CTM end time is within one hour of STARTIME
VMAC113        of the RMF data; previously, any 70 from the same SYSTEM 
Sep  2, 2010   was used.  APAR OA30486 will synchronize 113 intervals   
               with SMF, so eventually an exact merge can be used.      
              -LPARNAME is added to PDB.TYPE113, but will be populated  
               only if matching PDB.TYPE70PR observations exist.        
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 28.198 -CA-NSM/TNG datasets RH021 thru RH030 had only variables  
VMACTNG        from the header and RH020xxx, because of incorrect KEEP= 
Aug 26, 2010   arguments.                                               
Sep  1, 2010  -Variable INSTANCE was not kept nor in BY list for AI010. 
              -Packet counters in AI010 and RH018 are accumulated, so   
               the SORT macros _STAI010 and _STRH018 are rewritten to   
               deaccumulate those four variables.  You will need to use 
               %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPSTNG); to create PDB.AI010/RH018 to 
               contain the interval (deaccumulated) values, or use      
                  %LET PTAI010=WORK;                                    
                  %LET PTRH018=WORK;                                    
                  %INC SOURCLIB(TYPESTNG);                              
               if you want the interval datasets in the //WORK library. 
   Thanks to Xiabo Zhang, FISERV, USA.                                  
VMACITRF       The INPUT of VER with $CHAR1 was corrected to $CHAR1.    
Aug 26, 2010   (i.e., missing period was added to the informat) in two  
               places.  But Change 28.227 is also needed for VER='01'x. 
   Thanks to David J. Schumann, Blue Cross of Minnesota, USA.           
Change 28.196  If you asked for IFCIDS=STATISTICS and WANTONLY a list of
READDB2        DB2STA* datasets, macro variable KILLSORT showed up as   
Aug 25, 2010   unreferenced in DB2PST where it did not belong.          
   Thanks to Dan Case, Mayo Foundation, USA.                            
Change 28.195  If NRECORD was a null value or an alpha string, VMXGGETM 
VMXGGETM       failed with an invalid numeric value.  Now, if an invalid
Aug 24, 2010   string is detected, NRECORD is set to the then current   
               value of the OBS option. This change uses the %DATATYP   
               macro provided by SAS, in their autocall library.        
Change 28.194  Using ONLY the MXG-supplied CONFIGV9 and NOT having the  
SASAUTOS       caused the SAS default LOCALE=ENGLISH_UNITEDSTATES to be 
TRIM           used, instead of the LOCALE=ENGLISH_UNITEDKINGDOM that   
Aug  2, 2010   was required for this English Site.  The result was that 
Sep 24, 2010   MXG saw an invalid 'BA'x character (for NOT symbol) in   
Sep 30, 2010   the TRIM member of the SAS-supplied SASAUTOS PDS, that   
               had been built with the UNITEDKINGDOM LOCALE, instead of 
               the expected '5F'x with LOCALE=ENGLISH_UNITEDSTATES.     
               MXG's CONFIGV9 intentionally does NOT specify LOCALE, as 
               that should be picked up from the site's BAT&YY member.  
               The error was in the %TRIM macro (now used in VMXGSUM),  
               but it caused this completely-off-the-wall error:        
                       &WORD = &WORD * &BY ;                            
                  (Long ago, problems with character conversion of the  
                   NOT symbol caused me to NEVER use that symbol, and   
                   instead MXG uses NE or NOT character text.)          
              -SAS did detect the incorrect LOCALE setting, printing    
                 WARNING: There is an incompatibility between session   
                 encoding and the SASHELP encoding.  When such a        
                 mismatch occurs, some features may not behave as       
                 expected. For additional information, contact your Site
              -The original text of this change INCORRECTLY blamed the  
               error on the DSN=*.NULLPDS syntax in their //SASAUTOS DD 
                  //SASAUTOS DD DSN=*.NULLPDS,DISP=SHR                  
                  //         DD DSN=SAS.yadayada.SASAUTOS               
               which was INCORRECTLY thought to have prevented the %TRIM
               macro from being resolved.  While *.NULLPDS in MXGSASxx  
               JCL examples was removed in Change 27.108 in MXG 27.05,  
               because it was no longer needed and MIGHT cause errors,  
               in fact its removal, while recommended, is not required. 
   Thanks to George Canning, Produban UK, ENGLAND.                      
   Thanks to Mark Dawson, SAS Institute, ENGLAND.                       
Change 28.193 -Full support for IMF records in SMF format, so IMF SMF   
VMACCIMS       records can be processed with BUILDPDB. Change 28.137    
TYPEIMFS       created TYPEIMFS to process IMF-SMF data, but was only   
Aug 23, 2010   for "stand-alone" execution.  This update to VMACCIMS    
               moved the "IMF-SMF-unique" logic inside the _CDECIMS code
               and (transparently) recognizes the input file is SMF or  
               IMSLOG.  Member TYPEIMFS was then updated/simplified.    
              -To add IMF processing to your BUILDPDB, you use the four 
               EXPDBxxx exit members, with this syntax:                 
                 EXPDBINC:   %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(VMACCIMS);               
                 EXPDBVAR:   MACRO _VARUSER _VARCIMS ...  %             
                 EXPDBCDE:   MACRO _CDEUSER _CDECIMS ...  %             
                 EXPDBOUT:   _CHAIN                                     
               and you must define the output DDNAME/DDNAMES for the    
               one or four data libraries where you want your output    
               datasets written, before the include of BUILDPDB?        
                 - If you output to Disk, the same DDNAME can be used   
                   for all four datasets, but,                          
                 - if you want to write your IMF data to tape, you must 
                   have a separate DDNAME and DSNAME for each dataset   
                   (because, internally, for performance run times, MXG 
                   must open two of those datasets simultaneously, and  
                   z/OS does not allow more than one dataset opened on  
                   tape media).                                         
                 %LET PIMFDB2=CIMSDB2;                                  
                 %LET PIMFPGM=CIMSPROG;                                 
                 %LET PIMFTRN=CIMSTRAN;                                 
   Thanks to Denise Willers, Infocrossing, USA.                         
   Thanks to Ken Steiner, Infocrossing, USA.                            
Change 28.191  Cosmetic cleanup when ITRM validated MXG 28.05:          
ASUM113       -VMAC84 variables R84FN, R84DMA and R84GMSMIN are now     
CREATEBC       spelled R84FNFW, R84DMAV and R84_GMSMIN in the KEEP=. Two
PROCSRCE       instances of '97'x (ASCII) or '00'x (EBCDIC) are removed.
VMAC7072      -Detection of ASCII '97'x (long dash) added in PROCSRCE.  
VMAC84        -And, detection of '00'x in the EBCDIC output created by  
Aug 23, 2010   CREATEBC converts it to blank (in case the PROCSRCE error
               messages added above were overlooked!).                  
              -Temporary datasets ZxTYxxx created by TYPE113/ASUM113 are
               deleted. Temporary dataset BADINTRV is left intentionally
               in case you need to see which intervals were dropped.    
              -Temporary TYPE70EC/TYPE70EL datasets are deleted; they   
               are used to create the new PDB.TYPE70EN.                 
              -TYPE80A variable RACF329 is now spelled RACF320.         
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS ITRM Development, USA.                   
Change 28.190  MXG 28.05, QLACLOCN wrong if it is longer than 16 bytes. 
VMACDB2        There is a fixed 16-byte field for QLACLOCN, but if that 
Aug 20, 2010   remote location address is longer, it is "truncated", and
               a non-zero offset to the full "un-truncated" field exists
               but 28.05 incorrectly INPUT that longer field.  This has 
               ONLY been seen with DB2 V9 with IPV6 IP addresses, which 
               are usually 17-20 bytes long, but can be up to 39 bytes. 
               2012: Not noted in 2010, QLACLOCN/QWHDSVNM were increased
               to $128.                                                 
Change 28.189  The COMPALL program requires REGION=1700MB to compile all
COMPALL        MXG members that process SMF records (to verify that they
VMACCMHM       can all be combined without conflicts for any temporary  
Aug 20, 2010   variables). The program contained 407,097 source lines.  
               It also exposed an error in VMACCMHM that did not have an
               IF ID=_IDCMHM THEN DO; code block.                       
Change 28.188  RMM INVALID NUMERIC DATA NE notes are produced when the  
VMACEDGR       expiration date is "PERMANENT".  The DATE fields will be 
Aug 19, 2010   missing values, like other non-date-expiration-dates, but
               the variables RDEXPDCH,RVEXPDTO, the "ORIGINAL*CHARACTER"
               expiration dates will contain PERMANENT, with no NOTES.  
   Thanks to Sam Bass, McLane Co., USA.                                 
====== Changes thru 28.187 were in MXG 28.05 dated Aug 18, 2010=========
Change 28.187 -First 28.05, JCLTESTx jobs only, VARIABLES NOT FOUND in  
ASUM113        ASUM113 which is included automatically by TYPE113.      
Aug 18, 2010   The ASUM113 member adds data from TYPE70PR when it is    
               found, but incorrect logic in the new ASUM113 failed when
               there was no TYPE70PR dataset found. ASUM113 was revised.
               SMF records. The error was missed because JCLQASAS is the
               primary z/OS QA job now, and it (accidentally) always had
               a PDB.TYPE70PR created when the ASUM113 was executed.    
                 I'll now ensure JCLTESTx is also tested for z/OS QA.   
              -NEWSLETTER FIFTY-SIX is now dated August 18, 2010, as it 
               should have been.                                        
====== Changes thru 28.186 were in MXG 28.05 dated Aug 17, 2010=========
Change 28.186  Support for ThruPut Manager V6.2(PTF 6209) adds these    
VMACTPMX       variables to dataset TYPETPMX:                           
               Other new fields could be created, but I can only        
               update MXG for the data fields that exist in sample      
               SMF records.                                             
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, USA.                                
   Thanks to Rick Ralston, Humana, USA.                                 
Change 28.185  Cosmetic.  TYPETMNT records with unexpected MSGID printed
VMACTMNT       log messages for every instance; now, only the first 10  
Aug 17, 2010   instances will be printed.                               
   Thanks to Linda S. Berkley, DISA, USA.                               
Change 28.184  The syntax LIBNAME TYPE30 'D:\MXG\ANALDSET\TYPE30  \'; is
ANALDSET       not valid on PC SAS; the blanks before the back-slash    
Aug 17, 2010   must be removed.                                         
   Thanks to Sarel Swanepoel, South African Revenue, South Africa       
Change 28.183  Documentation and cosmetic changes to DB2 102 data.      
VMAC102       -QWP1IXPX contains the name of the default Buffer Pool; it
Aug 16, 2010   is $EBCDIC6 and replaced QWP1IXPL which was only $EBCDIC4
Aug 24, 2010  -QWP9MISC is now formatted $HEX2.                         
              -QWP1SCER, QWP4STHT, QWP4STRL, QWPBDB2S are now $EBCDIC1. 
               instead of $CHAR1. and no longer formatted $HEX2., and   
               their labels now contain ? to indicate they are Y/Ns.    
               variables with $HEX format, but they contain numbers.    
               Rather than create a conflict of CHAR vs NUM variables,  
               they are expanded to 3 bytes and the numeric value is now
               carried in the character variable.                       
              -QWP4ESC now formatted $HEX2. instead of $HEX4.           
              -QWP4RMAX is the maximum number of RID blocks, for example
               147.  TMON reported QWP4RMAX=4,816,896, which (I think)  
               is the number of bytes, because 147*32768=4,816,896.     
              -IFCID=106 fields that are now input:                     
   Thanks to Rachel Holt, Fidelity Systems, USA.                        
Change 28.182  MXG 28.05 is REQUIRED for APAR OA30563 and APAR OA33976, 
VMAC30         which increased Service Unit fields in SMF 30 records to 
Aug 16, 2010   8-bytes, but MXG 27.10 thru MXG 28.04 were in error and  
Sep  9, 2010   caused VERY LARGE SERVUNIT values and in these variables 
                 IFEUNITS IFAUNITS ZIPUNITS ZIEUNITS                    
               and the CPU times that are calculated from Service Units 
               to all be extremely wrong when those APARs are installed.
               The variables are in TYPE30_4/TYPE30_5/TYPE30_V/TYPE30_6 
               and PDB.JOBS/PDB.STEPS/PDB.SMFINTRV datasets.            
               MXG 28.05 is required to support OA30563 and OA33976.    
               FORTUNATELY: the SRVTCBTM/SRVSRBTM/CPUTOTTM time that are
               calculated from Service Units were created in MXG only   
               for comparison with the real CPUTM/CPUTCBTM/CPUSRBTM time
               and are not used in any MXG reporting                    
               -because long ago it was claimed that using service units
                to calculate CPU times (TCB and SRB and TOTAL) was more 
                accurate than the CPUTCBTM/CPUSRBTM/CPUTM variables that
                are in the SMF 30 record, a claim I have never been able
                to verify, as I have only seen VERY small differences   
                between CPUTM and CPUTOTTM.                             
               Only these three calculated CPU times are wrong:         
               ALL other CPU time variables are correct and are NOT     
               impacted by this error in service units in TYPE30.       
               Originally, APAR OA26832 added 8-byte service unit fields
               to the PERF segment, increasing LENPERF to 192, but MXG  
               Change 27.122 was wrong, testing for LENPERF GE 196, so  
               that new code block was never being executed, and the    
               new, longer service unit fields were never being input.  
               But when OA30563/OA33976 added more fields that increased
               LENPERF to 211, so the code block was now executed, that 
               exposed a second error in Change 27.122, where a +3 was  
               coded instead of +6 to skip reserved field SMF30RS6,     
               causing all variables after that +3 to be misaligned,    
               with VERY large values in those service unit fields,     
               which are used to calculate the service-unit-based CPU   
               time variables CPUTOTTM, SRVTCBTM, and SRVSRBTM.         
               The original change text cited RSU1006 as the cause, but 
               that is not true; the two APARs happened to be installed 
               along with RSU1006, causing the incorrect citation.      
   Thanks to Jerry Urbaniak, Acxiom, USA.                               
   Thanks to Cheryl Watson, Watson and Walker, USA.                     
Change 28.181  Updates made as a result of MXG 28.05 QA jobstream:      
ANALCAPD      -CLEARDB2 updated for new datasets created from DB2 SMF.  
ANALRAID      -READDB2 suppresses sorts when PDBOUT=WORK, suppressed    
ASUMCACH       sort of DB2GBPST, and some of the variables needed by the
ASUMDBAA       ANALDB2R program are created in the _S macros.           
CLEARDB2      -ASUMCACH did not support DEVMODEL='3390A'; to avoid full 
EXZCO02        sort of both TYPE74 and TYPE74CA, variable MODEL was     
READDB2        created as a numeric, MAXed to carry thru in lieu of ID. 
TRNDDBAA       But '3390A' caused INVALID ARGUMENT as it's not numeric. 
VMAC42         Conflict resolved internally by making MODEL a HEX value 
VMAC7072       and that will work until '3390G' DEVMODEL shows up.      
VMAC74        -ANALRAID had site-specific ODS token                     
VMXGSRCH       VMXGSRCH/VMAC42/EXZCO02 and updates to VMAC7072/VMAC74.  
Aug 15, 2010                                                            
Change 28.180 -Support for user-created MQNAME segment that creates the 
IMACICUL       optional MQNAMECI variable in CICSTRAN dataset.          
Aug 13, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Leendert Keesmaat, UBS, SWITZERLAND.                       
Change 28.179  Utility to read PDS/PDSE directories of a concatenation, 
UTILPDSL       assigning the level from 1 to X (x being the number of   
Aug 11, 2010   libraries in the concatenation) to each member of each   
               library, so a pair (for example, two JES2 PROCLIBs or    
               two STEPLIBs, etc.) can be compared for member matches.  
               Place your concatenation in the JCL (in the example it   
               is a PROCLIB concatenation copied from SYS1.PROCLIB      
               member JES2) and point the PDS= parameter at that DD.    
               If you want the second report to contain ONLY those      
               cases where a member first appears in a specific PDS,    
               count down from the top of the concatenation to that     
               PDS and use that as the LEVEL= parameter.  If that       
               LEVEL= is empty, all members will be listed in the       
               second of the two reports.  This could be used to        
               determine if a PROCLIB (for example) has members that    
               are being used.  If you specify LEVEL= and the second    
               report is not there, then no members in that PDS are     
               being referenced  in this particular concatenation.      
                 1) The datasets in the concatenation                   
                 2) The PDS members, the dataset, and the level in      
                    concatenation from whence they came.                
   Thanks to Tom Kelman, Commerce Bank of Kansas City, USA.             
Change 28.178  Comments had the correct output FILENAME UOUT but the    
UDEBLOCK       actual code had the FILENAME misspelled as UOW.  ALL of  
Aug  9, 2010   the references are now corrected to UOUT.                
   Thanks to Carl Sommer, SAS Institute, USA.                           
Change 28.177 -Modified to carry the SORTEDBY values into the output    
BLDSMPDB       datasets. In addition, now uses the datasets in the      
VMXGALOC       MON LIBNAME to determine which datasets will be kept     
Aug  9, 2010   and the sort orders, and uses the WEEK1 LIBNAME for      
ASUMDBSS       monthly processing.                                      
ASUMDBAA      -If you need to build old data, you can use BLDSMPDB      
Sep  9, 2010   but you need to specify RUNDAY=PDB,RERUN=ddmmmyy         
               where ddmmmyy is the SAS date value you want to have     
               in ZDATE. ZTIME will be set to midnight of that day.     
              -ASUMDB2A and ASUMDB2B members have ASUMDBAA and          
               ASUMDBSS alternates.                                     
              -VMXGALOC did not allocate CICSTRAN and DB2ACCT libs      
               as the doc said they did.  Now it does.  They are        
               allocated as:                                            
                 CICSTRAN is allocated as basedir\cicsddmmmyy           
                 DB2ACCT as basedir\db2ddmmmyy                          
               both are retained based on the number of days specified  
               by DB2KEEP and CICSKEEP, with defaults of 14.            
Change 28.176  Support for SARMON, a free tool that converts SOLARIS SAR
EXNMONIS       data into the NMON format.  The home page of the tool is:
VMXGINIT       Some changes were required to MXG to support SARMON data:
Aug  8, 2010   -TOP record with 'NaN' (a UNIX unique "NOT A NUMBER")    
                which required protection with double question marks.   
               -Array size of WORDS increased from 255 to 1024 because  
                the SARMON 'IOSTATxxxx' records all contained 340 words.
               -NMON or SARMON data could be incorrectly processed if   
                "descriptor records" were longer than 2048 bytes; the   
                NMONTEXT INPUT was increased to $VARYING32000.          
               -DISNAME was increased from $20 to $64 because SARMON    
                DATA had longer "disk" names for the IOSTAT data.       
               -SARMON RECTYPE=DISKSVCTM and DISKWAITTM are the same as 
                NMON DISKSERV and DISKWAIT, with different WORD2 names. 
               -Other SARMON DISKxxxx RECTYPEs have same spelling for   
                both RECTYPE and WORD2 so they were automatically output
                and combined to create PDB.NMONDISK dataset.            
              -Seven IOSTAT (BUSY/READ/WRITE/XFER/BSIZ/SERV/WAIT) data  
               are supported and create new PDB.NMONIOST dataset with   
               I/O statistics for the non-disk I/O.                     
               WLMZONEMEM, and PROCSOL are supported and those variables
               are output in the PDB.NMONINTV dataset.                  
   Thanks to Marc-Antoine Gouillart, AMF, FRANCE.                       
Change 28.175 -Support of z196 WITH MORE THAN 64 ENGINES REQUIRES 28.05.
EXT11904        (Earlier MXGs will NOT contain any CPU data for engines 
EXT11932         64-95 in TYPE70 and RMFINTRV datasets.                 
EXT11933      -A z196 with LESS THAN 64 engines with z/OS 1.11-1.09 does
EXT11934       NOT require MXG 28.05.                                   
EXT11935      -Support of z/OS 1.12 enhancements requires MXG 28.05.    
EXT11935      -DO NOT USE MXG 28.04 to read z/OS 1.12 RMF data, due to  
EXT11936       errors (including ARRAY SUBSCRIPT OUT OF RANGE in ID=70),
EXT11937       and other errors in VMAC74 processing with MXG 28.04.    
EXT11948      -MXG 28.03 and earlier MXG Versions that support 1.11 data
EXT11949       TOLERATE z/OS 1.12 records, but with no new data fields. 
EXT11951      -The TYPE70 architecture is revised for z196s with 64 plus
EXT11952       engines.  Sixty-four sets of variables for CPUs 0-63 are 
EXT11973       still in TYPE70, but no new variables for CPUs 64+ were  
EXT11974       created in this change.  Instead, the new PDB. YPE70EN   
EXT11975       "CPU Engine" dataset is created with one set of names and
EXT11976       with one observation for EACH engine, with no limit to   
EXT11977       the number of engines, ever, should you actually need to 
EXT11978       know the metrics for a specific MVS TYPE70 CPUID.        
EXT11979      -The PDB.TYPE70PR dataset will also contain an observation
EXT11980       for every LCPUADDR.                                      
EXTY9033       All of the z/OS 1.12 changes are COMPATIBLY made.        
FORMATS       -TYPE7    New variables:                                  
VMAC113          SMF7DTYP SMF7LSD  SMF7DRP  SMF7LSN                     
VMAC30        -TYPE30   New variables:                                  
VMAC42           The CPITCBTM and CPISRBTM "Initiator" CPI CPU times    
VMAC64           are split into their "INIT" versus "TERM" events in    
VMAC7            four new CPI variables in TYPE30_4/STEPS data:         
VMAC7072           CPISRITM='CPI*SRB*STEP*INIT'                         
VMAC74             CPISRTTM='CPI*SRB*STEP*TERM'   (Sum is CPISRBTM)     
VMAC89             CPITCITM='CPI*TCB*STEP*INIT'                         
VMAC90A            CPITCTTM='CPI*TCB*STEP*TERM'   (Sum is CPITCBTM)     
VMACDCOL           SMF30CAI='CAPACITY*ADJUSTMENT*IND'                   
VMXGINIT           SMF30CCR='CAPACITY*CHANGE*REASON'                    
Aug  8, 2010       SMF30CHC='CAPACITY*CHANGE*CNT'                       
Aug 15, 2010       SMF30ACR='RCTPCPUA*ACTUAL'                           
                 Note that these CPI times are NOT captured in RMF 72s, 
                 and previously the INIT/TERM CPU times were lumped into
                 one bucked.  Now, you can assign the "INIT" CPU time   
                 to the INITTIME interval and the "TERM" CPU time to the
                 TERMTIME interval and improve the capture ratio.       
              -TYPE42  New Dataset: TYPE4226 NFS CREATE/DELETE/RENAME   
                 The documentation of the subtype 7 and 8 and the new 26
                 are in the Network File System Guide and Reference.    
              -TYPE42   New variables:                                  
                 Dataset: TYPE42VS:                                     
                          SMF42VNL='VOLUME NAME LIST'                   
                 Dataset: TYPE42NF and TYPE42NU:                        
                          SMF42CI6='IPV6*ADDRESS*OF CLIENT HOST'        
              -TYPE64   New variables:                                  
                 SMF64FD1 SMF64FD2 SMF64DAU                             
              -TYPE70   New variables:                                  
                 SMF70CR  SMF70ZEI                                      
                 SMF70NCR SMF70NPR SMF70NTR SMF70CAI SMF70CCR           
                 SMF70SRM SMF70CMN SMF70CMM SMF70CTT SMF70DMN SMF70DMM  
                 SMF70DTT SMF70EMN SMF70EMM SMF70ETT SMF70U00-SMF70U15  
              -TYPE70PR New variables:                                  
                 SMF70TCB SMF70SRB SMF70NIO SMF70SIG SMF70WTD           
                 APAR OA29820 also added SMF70WTD "LPAR Overhead"       
              -TYPE70X2 New variables:                                  
                 R7024MSK R7023MET R7023MEC                             
              -TYPE72GO New variables:                                  
                 R723NADJ R723CECA                                      
              -TYPE74CA New variables:                                  
                 R7451CT5 R7451CT6                                      
              -TYPE747P New variables:                                  
              -TYPE748  New variables:                                  
                 R748LFLF R748LFLY R748LFLS R748LFPQ R748LFIT R748LFCR  
                 R748LFR1 R748LFR2 R748LFIF R748LFOD R748LFOA R748LFDF  
                 R748LFIO R748LFTC R748LFBC                             
              -TYPE748A New variables:                                  
                 R748AAS0 R748AAS2 R748AAS3 R748AAS4                    
              -TYPE748R New variables:                                  
              -TYPE748X New variables:                                  
              -TYPE89   New variables:                                  
                 SMF89CHC SMF89ACR SMF89NCR SMF89SCF SMF89CAI           
                 SMF89CCR SMF89PCF                                      
              -TYPE9033  New dataset with variables                     
                 SMF9033T SMF9033N SMF9033S                             
              -TYPE9034  New dataset with variables                     
                 SMF9034T SMF9034F SMF9034A SMF9034N SMF9034S SMF9034I  
                 SMF9034R SMF9034F                                      
              -TYPE113  New variables, but see also Change 28.166.      
              -TYPE119  New Datasets:                                   
                 T11904  TYP11904  TCP PROFILE INFORMATION FOR STACK    
                 T11932  TYP11932  DVIPA STATUS CHANGE                  
                 T11933  TYP11933  DVIPA REMOVED                        
                 T11934  TYP11934  DVIPA TARGET ADDED                   
                 T11935  TYP11935  DVIPA TARGET REMOVED                 
                 T11936  TYP11936  DVIPA TARGET SERVER STARTED          
                 T11937  TYP11937  DVIPA TARGET SERVER ENDED            
                 T11948  TYP11948  CSSMTP CONFIGURATION DATA            
                 T11949  TYP11949  CSSMTP TARGET SERVER CONNECTION      
                 T11950  TYP11950  CSSMTP MAIL                          
                 T11951  TYP11951  CSSMTP SPOOL                         
                 T11952  TYP11952  CSSMTP STATISTICS                    
                 T11973  TYP11973  IPSEC IKE TUNNEL ACTIVATE            
                 T11974  TYP11974  IPSEC IKE TUNNEL DEACTIVATE          
                 T11975  TYP11975  IPSEC DYNAMIC TUNNEL ACTIVATE        
                 T11976  TYP11976  IPSEC DYNAMIC TUNNEL DEACTIVATE      
                 T11977  TYP11977  IPSEC DYNAMIC TUNNEL ADDED           
                 T11978  TYP11978  IPSEC DYNAMIC TUNNEL REMOVED         
                 T11979  TYP11979  IPSEC MANUAL TUNNEL ACTIVATE         
                 T11980  TYP11980  IPSEC MANUAL TUNNEL DEACTIVATE       
                 -TYP11904 dataset is NOT decoded, it has 21 sections   
                  and I hope NO ONE EVERY wants it decoded, but if you  
                  REALLY do, then please send an example SMF record.    
                 -TYP11948-TYP11952 CSSMTP common segments are decoded  
                  but not all subtype-specific segments are, since I    
                  have no data records.                                 
                 -TYP11948-TYP11952 IPSEC common segments are decoded   
                  but not all subtype-specific segments are, since I    
                  have no data records.                                 
              -Many of the new 119 datasets contain IPV6 IP addresses,  
               which are a $CHAR16. field with hexadecimal values that  
               are expanded to a 39-byte text field with colons.        
               This 16-byte hex value in the SMF record                 
               is printed in ftp connection messages as                 
                       0123 4567 89ABCDEF  cdef                         
               is expanded to this 39-character text field in MXG:      
               This code creates the 39-byte recognizable text value:   
                INPUT CHAR16IP $CHAR16. @;                              
              -TYPE119  New Variables:                                  
                 TYP11902: TTTTLSFP                                     
                 TYP11903: FCCCONID FCDCONID                            
              -DCOLLECT:  Added to DCOLDSET:                            
                 DCDDS9F1 DCDJBNMC DSCSTNMC DCDTIMEC                    
              -DCOLLECT:  Added to DCOLDC:                              
                 DDCFCT   DDCBLMT  DDCCFS   DDCDVCS  DDCFSCAL           
                 DDCFVORD DDCFCAR                                       
                 DDCKYCD1 DDCKLBL2 DDCKLBN2 DDCKYCD2                    
              -Internally, in VMAC7072, thirty-two sets of variables ARE
               created for engines 64-95 and used to create the TYPE70  
               measurements, with these variable name suffixes:         
               Variables   CPUID  SUFFIX   CPUID  SUFFIX   CPUID  SUFFIX
               (All other) 00-09  D0-D9    10-21  DA-DL    22-34  DN-DZ 
                           35-60  ZA-ZZ    61-86  YA-YZ    87-95  VA-VI 
                PCTxxxBss  00-09  Y0-Y9    10-21  YA-YL    22-34  YN-YZ 
                  where xxx= CPB CIB IFB ZIB (all other PCT are above). 
               And four new formats are created that map these pairs of 
               suffix and CPU numbers (but probably will never be used):
                $MG070SC  maps suffix to "all other" variable CPU Number
                $MG070CS  maps CPU number to "all other" suffix         
                $MG070SP  maps suffix to "four PCT" variable CPU Number 
                $MG070PS  maps CPU Number to "four PCT variable suffix  
Change 28.174  The variable ZDATE in all MXG datasets is "ZEE DATE WHEN 
IMACZDAT       ZEE OBS WAS CREATED" and it is used as both an audit date
Aug  6, 2010   and for selection of which observations are kept in MONTH
               PDB's in MONTHBLD and BLDSMPDB.  If you have to rebuild  
               a PDB library, you must change the ZDATE to have the     
               correct date, or data can be lost when in the MONTH PDB. 
               Previously, you had to EDIT the IMACZDAT member, but you 
               can instead use this DATA step to set the ZDATE value:   
                  DATA _NULL_;                                          
                  CALL SYMPUT('ZDATE',DATEC);                           
                  CALL SYMPUT('ZTIME',TIME);                            
                  %LET MXGZDATE=%QUOTE(                                 
                  %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(BUILDPDB);                          
           Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.           
Change 28.173  Variable ZIPTM was used in GRAFWRKX to carry the zIIP    
GRAFWRKX       time, but it already existed in RMFINTRV as the total of 
Aug  5, 2010   the TYPE72GO zIIP time, it was included as uncaptured    
               zIIP time on the bar charts.  Now the uncaptured zIIP and
               IFA/zAAP times are correctly calculated for the charts.  
Change 28.172  CA-Dispatch Version 11 type SMF 6 INCOMPATIBLY CHANGED by
IMACCADI       the insertion of fields, causing INVALID JESNR messages. 
VMAC6          There is no "version" field in CA's record, so a test for
Aug  5, 2010   LENGTH=347 AND SMF6LN1=287 is used to identify V11 data. 
               These new variables are created:                         
   Thanks to Glenn Bowman, Wakefern, USA.                               
Change 28.171  IFLs only, MXG 28.01+, STARTIME was a missing value in   
VMXG70PR       the PDB.ASUM70LP dataset.                                
Aug  3, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to William Edwards, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, USA.   
   Thanks to Bob Maple, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Florida, USA.         
Change 28.170  Cosmetic.  LOG=NO and NOEXIMSG=NO added to VGETOBS to    
VMXGFIND       suppress unneeded/unwanted log messages, and MXGNOTE     
Jul 29, 2010   added at the end to report how many datasets were found  
               with matching values.                                    
Change 28.169 -New ANALCAPD analysis will estimate the impact of setting
ANALCAPD       a Defined Capacity limit, at the CEC level, with both a  
Jul 29, 2010   text report and a graph (if SAS/GRAPH is found) or plot  
Aug 14, 2010   (if no SAS/GRAPH) of the intervals which might be limited
               by a cap, i.e., intervals where the rolling four hour    
               average exceeded the Cap value that you specified.       
                 PDB=PDB     Libname where the ASUMCEC dataset is found 
                 DEFCAP=130  MSU Value of the CAP you want to examine   
                 INTERVAL=HOUR  Must match the ASUMCEC interval         
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.                   
Change 28.168 -New MULTIPDB utility will creates a new SAS DATA library 
MULTIPDB       with ALL of the datasets that exist in the list of input 
VGETSORT       data libraries to be read.  If a dataset is sorted in all
VGETLIBS       of the input data libraries, the output dataset will also
Jul 27, 2010   be sorted. Options for KEEPing or DROPing datasets by    
Aug  9, 2010   name is supported, and the input list can use a colon as 
               a wildcard to read all DDs starting with that string.    
                 // EXEC MXGSAS                                         
                 //PDB1 DD DSN=PDB(0),DISP=SHR                          
                 //PDB2 DD DSN=PDB(-1),DISP=SHR                         
                 //PDB3 DD DSN=PDB(-2),DISP=SHR                         
                 //PDB4 DD DSN=PDB(-3),DISP=SHR                         
                 //MON  DD DSN=PDB.MON,DISP=SHR                         
                 //TUE  DD DSN=PDB.TUE,DISP=SHR                         
                 //NEW  DD DSN=PDB.COMBINED,DISP=(,CATLG)......         
                   %MULTIPDB(INLIBS=PDB: MON TUE,OUTLIB=NEW);           
               will create all datasets found in all of the INLIBS= into
               the //NEW data library.                                  
              -VGETSORT added parameters for efficiency and to reduce   
               the number of messages written to the SAS log.           
              -New VGETLIBS %MACRO will take a list of LIBNAMEs and see 
               if they exist and what engine they were created by.      
               The list of libnames and engines are returned, and used  
               by MULTIPDB to determine if the INLIBS= libnames exist.  
               If none of the LIBNAMES in INLIBS= are found, MULTIPDB   
Change 28.167  Variables NDMCERT and NDMCERI are added to NDMCT dataset.
Jul 27, 2010                                                            
Change 28.166  Revised, enhanced support for TYPE113 SMF records, based 
ASUM113        on John Burg's SHARE Boston 2010 Presentation.           
FORMATS       -PDB.TYPE113 dataset contains the complete detail level,  
VMAC113        with an observation for each CPU Address, while the new  
TYPS113        PDB.ASUM113 dataset, created by revised ASUM113, has all 
TYPS113E       of the counters summed for each LPAR for each interval;  
Jul 27, 2010   This PDB.ASUM113-level is used to calculate the RNI for  
Aug 12, 2010   each LPAR for zPCR; while all the new variables are also 
               created in TYPE113 dataset, IBM recommends that the LPAR 
               summary PDB.ASUM113 data be normally used.               
              -The ASUM113 program will look for PDB.TYPE70PR dataset in
               the same PDB library as TYPE113, and if found, it is used
               to add variables CPUTYPE CECSER LPARWLMG and SMF70HDM in 
               both PDB.TYPE113 and PDB.ASUM113.                        
              -The TYPS113E "Enhanced" standalone program reads 70 & 113
               SMF to create both PDB.TYPE113 and PDB.ASUM113 with the  
               TYPE70PR variables added.                                
             - New RNI metric is created in TYPE 113, additional metrics
               are calculated, and SM113VN2 is formatted to identify if 
               the processor type is z10 or a new z196.                 
              -SM113VN2=1 for z10, SM113VN2=2 for z196; new MG113VN     
               format will print z10 or z196.                           
              -Relative Nest Intensity calculations for the z10 and z196
               are added to dataset TYPE113 using these two algorithms, 
               but only the new variable RNI is actually created:       
                 Z10RNI =(1.0*L2LP+2.4*L2RP+7.5*MEMP)/100.              
              -Users will need to know the RNI to determine the correct 
               LSPR workload for the latest LSPRs, which is documented  
               in the new LSPR Manual on ResourceLink:                  
              -New variables are created in TYPE113:                    
                z196 only:                                              
                 L2P ='PERCENT*SOURCED*FROM*L2*CACHE'                   
                 L3P ='PERCENT*SOURCED*FROM*L3*CACHE'                   
                 L4LP='PERCENT*SOURCED*FROM*L4*SAME BOOK'               
                z10 and z196, but different equations for each CEC:     
                 RNI     ='RELATIVE*NEST*INTENSITY'                     
                 TLB1MISS='TLB*CPU MISS*PERCENT OF*TOTAL CPU'           
                 PTEPCTMI='PAGETABLE*ENTRY*PCT OF TLB*MISSES'           
              -These z10-only variables have missing values (i.e., not  
               calculated for z196): L15P L2LP L2RP. (Added 26Aug2011). 
              -SM113CPT was not kept in the TYPE113 dataset.            
              -If a counter reset is found in one counter, that entire  
               interval from that SYSTEM/LPAR is deleted.               
              -The original logic attempted to correct when counters    
               wrapped, by creating the value of a full 8-bytes 'FF'x,  
               to add when wrap was detected:                           
                  IF EIGHTFFF=. THEN DO;                                
                    RETAIN EIGHTFFF;                                    
                    DROP CHAR8FFF;                                      
               and that worked fine on PC SAS. But on z/OS, the value of
               EIGHTFFF is ZERO, instead of the expected 1.8E+19 value. 
               SAS Support has recognized this as a defect (that has    
               been that way since SAS V6 on z/OS), so this iteration   
               will just delete intervals if the counter wrapped.       
              -John's SHARE paper had some missing counters for the z196
               equations that are included in this MXG update and will  
               be in his final version of that paper:                   
                 L4LP adds EXTND152 and EXTND155                        
                 L4RP adds EXTND134 and EXTND143                        
                 MEMP subtracts EXTND134 and EXTND143                   
              -The ANAL113 program print's the report on page 26 of his 
               paper, and also prints the counters that are used to     
               create that report for each LPAR for each interval, using
               the PDB.ASUM113 dataset as input.                        
              -I will update MXG ANALZPCR to use RNI in a later change. 
              -APAR OA30486 became available in Oct, 2010, back to z/OS 
               1.10, adding SMFINTVAL=SYNC so that SMF 113 records can  
               be synchronized with your SMF and RMF interval data.     
   Thanks to Cheryl Watson, Watson & Walker, USA.                       
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, USA.                                
   Thanks to John Burg, IBM, USA.                                       
   Thanks to Tony Hirst, Wells Fargo, USA.                              
   Thanks to Richard Schwartz, State Street Bank, USA.                  
Change 28.165  IMS Statistics Log Record LCODE=56x TPCPSSTY='09'X record
Jul 26, 2010   group for the '09'x subtype was incorrectly located.     
   Thanks to David Schumann, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, USA.  
Change 28.164  Support for SMF 119 new subtypes 32-37 and 48-52.        
EXT11932       Nineteen new datasets are created (but not yet data'd).  
EXT11934          dddddd  Dataset   Description                         
EXT11935          T11932  TYP11932  DVIPA STATUS CHANGE                 
EXT11936          T11933  TYP11933  DVIPA REMOVED                       
EXT11937          T11934  TYP11934  DVIPA TARGET ADDED                  
EXT11948          T11935  TYP11935  DVIPA TARGET REMOVED                
EXT11949          T11936  TYP11936  DVIPA TARGET SERVER STARTED         
EXT11950          T11937  TYP11937  DVIPA TARGET SERVER ENDED           
EXT11951          T11948  TYP11948  CSSMTP CONFIGURATION DATA           
EXT11952          T11949  TYP11949  CSSMTP TARGET SERVER CONNECTION     
EXT11973          T11950  TYP11950  CSSMTP MAIL                         
EXT11974          T11951  TYP11951  CSSMTP SPOOL                        
EXT11975          T11952  TYP11952  CSSMTP STATISTICS                   
EXT11976          T11973  TYP11973  IPSEC IKE TUNNEL ACTIVATE           
EXT11977          T11974  TYP11974  IPSEC IKE TUNNEL DEACTIVATE         
EXT11978          T11975  TYP11975  IPSEC DYNAMIC TUNNEL ACTIVATE       
EXT11979          T11976  TYP11976  IPSEC DYNAMIC TUNNEL DEACTIVATE     
EXT11980          T11977  TYP11977  IPSEC DYNAMIC TUNNEL ADDED          
VMAC119           T11978  TYP11978  IPSEC DYNAMIC TUNNEL REMOVED        
Jul 25, 2010      T11980  TYP11980  IPSEC MANUAL TUNNEL DEACTIVATE      
Change 28.163  The code for TMON/DB2 has been updated to "standard" MXG 
VMACTMDB       structure; the original code did not define the _Vdddddd 
Jul 23, 2010   macros, and the _Sdddddd dataset sort macros were DATA   
               steps rather than PROC SORTS.                            
   Thanks to Ernie Amador, UC Davis Health System, USA.                 
Change 28.162  Support for ITRF adds variables to ITRFDATA and ITRFSUM  
VMACITRF       datasets to support ITRF V420 IF2.                       
Jul 22, 2010                                                            
Change 28.161  Example 3 was missing the second close-paren in both of  
TIMEBILD       the %TIMEBILD invocations.  The execution just hung with 
Jul 21, 2010   no error message nor clue, except for an astute user.    
   Thanks to Graham Cornwall, Donovan Data Systems, ENGLAND.            
Change 28.160 -CleverView for TCP/IP TN3270 variable CTCPIPAD was wrong,
VMACCTCP       with constant value of, now corrected.       
Jul 21, 2010  -The CVTTZ GMT Offset field was added to the SMF record,  
               and when it exists is used to correct the CTCPTIME STCK  
               value to the local clock.  CTCPTIME is the Start Time of 
               the session and will be constant for all intervals for   
               that session.                                            
              -The interval records cannot be SYNC'd with SMF intervals.
              -The CTCPHOST (HOST APPLICATION NAME) can be blank, when  
               the user has not yet logged on.                          
   Thanks to John Howard, Florida Northwood Shared Center, USA.         
Change 28.159  This example to use BLDSMPDB to write daily PDBs to a GDG
GDGDAILY       did not pick up yesterday's SPIN data library.           
Jul 20, 2010                                                            
Change 28.158  Support for APAR OA31648 adds new counters to show how   
VMAC42         many retries were performed to obtain buffer latches to  
Jul 19, 2010   satisfy record management requests.  From APAR text:     
                -If a client has a serious application contention issue 
                 while accessing buffers to read data, there is no      
                 external indication or measurement data to show this   
                 reason for delay.                                      
                -While primary serialization in RLS is at the record    
                 level, there is still a need for SMSVSAM to perform    
                 very short term serialization of the local buffer      
                 containing the CI in order to maintain integrity of the
                 local buffer pool.                                     
                -When contention is excessive, a single record          
                 management request may need to retry an obtain for the 
                 buffer latch many times.  A small amount of contention 
                 is normal, so displaying latches at a given point in   
                 time does not give an indicator of how long a request  
                 may have been delayed.                                 
               Variables SMF42GRW and SMFA2GRW are added to datasets    
               TYPE42D1 and TYPE42D3 respectively.                      
Change 28.157  Support for VM ACCOUNT ID='09' for ISFC (Inter-System    
EXVMISFA       For Communications) record creates five datasets:        
EXVMISFI          dddddd    Dataset    Description                      
Jul 19, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Greg Reed, Travelport GDS, USA.                            
   Thanks to Rick Stuchell, Travelport GDS, USA.                        
Change 28.156  Support for IFCID=27 decodes QW0027SP and QW0027NR and   
FORMATS        decodes and formats QW0027OZ.                            
Jul 18, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Victoria Lepak, Aetna, USA.                                
Change 28.155  MXG 28.04, only if _N7072 is used.  The output of the new
VMAC7072       temporary TYPE70EC and TYPE70EL datasets now names their 
Jul 17, 2010   _WTY70EC and _WTY70EL tokens so that _N7072 can be used. 
   Thanks to Kim Westcott, State of New York, USA.                      
Change 28.154 -MXG detection of inserted or excluded fields in CICS 110 
VMAC110        is enhanced by test for CPUTM GT 2*ELAPSTM that prints   
Jul 18, 2010   error messages if true.  Previous IF TASKNR=. tested the 
Jul 21, 2010   only Packed Decimal field, which is a missing value if   
               MXG was out of alignment, but that could overlook new    
               inserted fields after the location of Task Number.       
              -Spurious message that STID=110 had skipped data removed; 
               the SKIP=SKIP-604 should have been SKIP=SKIP-652, but the
               CICW2R dataset was correct in spite of that message.     
              -Variable PGDPGM, Program Name, was not kept in dataset   
               CICPGD, nor was it labeled, a major oversight as all of  
               the information in CICPGD Statistics are for the program!
   Thanks to Victoria Lepak, Aetna, USA.                                
   Thanks to Gerard Bosker, Rabobank Nederland, THE NETHERLANDS.        
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 28.153  XAM TCP datasets TOTCPU were incorrectly divided by 100. 
Aug 15, 2010                                                            
====== Changes thru 28.152 were in MXG 28.04 dated Jul  5, 2010======== 
Change 28.152  Support for zTPFC, TPF Continuous Monitoring has a few   
EXTPFC92       fields added to existing datasets and two new datasets   
EXTPFC98       added by this change                                     
VMACTPFC          DDDDDD    DATASET   Description                       
Jul  2, 2010                                                            
Jul 21, 2010      TPFC92    TPFC92    LPAR UTILIZATION                  
                  TPFC98    TPFC98    DASD SERVICE TIME                 
   Thanks to Bob Wilcox, HP, USA.                                       
Change 28.151  Support for zCost AutoSoftCapping V 1.5.00 user SMF      
EXZCO01        record, which replaces the TDSL product with these three 
EXZCO02        new datasets:                                            
IMACZCOS          dddddd    dataset   description                       
TYPSZCOS           ZCO01     ZCOS01    ZCOST CPC                        
VMACZCOS           ZCO02     ZCOS02    ZCOST LPAR                       
VMXGINIT           ZCO03     ZCOS03    ZCOST SYSPLEX/CPC                
Jul  2, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Alan Delaroche, zCostServices, FRANCE.                     
Change 28.150  Type 42 subtype 15 did not protect for new data, and the 
VMAC42         addition of variables SMF42FAI and SMF42FAJ caused the   
Jul  1, 2010   second and subsequent segments to be misaligned with bad 
               data values resulting in TYPE42S1 dataset.               
   Thanks to Michael Friske, FMR, USA.                                  
Change 28.149  Sample reports had typos, corrected.                     
Jun 30, 2010                                                            
Change 28.148  TMS DEVTYPE was blank for TRTCH 'F0'X thru 'FF'x, which  
VMACTMS5       are now decoded as 3592 or Titanium devices.             
Jun 28, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, USA.                                
Change 28.147  Another kewl tool.  Will search data libraries for all   
VMXGSRCH       variables that match a specific character string.        
Jul  4, 2010   You can:                                                 
               -PRINT X OBS of every dataset where any variable has     
                 a match                                                
               -PRINT X OBS of every dataset where any variable has     
                 a match and copy all of the OBS to some other DD       
               -or just get a count of the number of variables and      
                datasets and obs that have a match.                     
               Example 1: PRINT ALL OBS IN ALL DATASETS WHERE           
                 the value of any variable is CHUCK.                    
               Example 2: PRINT/copy ALL OBS IN ALL DATASETS WHERE      
                 the value of any variable is CHUCK.                    
               Example 3: PRINT/copy ALL OBS IN ALL DATASETS WHERE      
                 the value of any variable is CHUCK, but suppress       
                 the NOTES on the log (and there are LOTS of them).     
               Example 4: COUNT just tell me how many variables         
                 in how many datasets and obs have a match.             
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.                   
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, USA.                                
Change 28.146 -Major enhancement to DB2PM-like reporting in ANALDB2R    
ANALDB2R       which has been upgraded to support DB2 V9 data, and is   
ASUMDBAA       internally completely revised to make maintenance simple 
EXDB2ACR       in the future.                                           
FIXDB2A       -And, a MAJOR change in PDB.DB2ACCT Buffer Pool data:     
TRNDDBAA       Four sets of DB2 Buffer Pool variables QBnCxxx in DB2ACCT
VGETOBS        DB2ACCTP and DB2STATS are redefined and contents changed.
VMACDB2        QB1Cxxx variables contain the 4K Buffer Size counters,   
VMACDB2H       QB2Cxxx variables contain the 8K Buffer Size counters,   
VMXGDBAA       QB3Cxxx variables contain the 16K Buffer Size counters   
VMXGDBSS       and QB4Cxxx variables now contain 32K Buffer counters.   
Jul  4, 2010   Originally, the four sets of counters were for BP0, BP1, 
Aug 14, 2010   all 4K, and all 32K, but then 8K and 16K counters were   
               added into the QB4Cxxx variables, making a real mess.    
                 Individual Buffer Pool Statistics for EACH Buffer Pool 
                 are available in the DB2ACCTB and DB2STATB datasets.   
              -New DB2ACCTR dataset is created with an observation for  
               each QLAC segment (for each Remote Location) in the      
               Accounting Records.  The QLACxxxx variables in DB2ACCT   
               were previously from the first QLAC segment, but with    
               this change, those variables will be from the last one.  
               With hindsight, had I known there could be multiple QLACs
               in an accounting record, I would have created ONLY this  
               DB2ACCTR dataset and would have not kept any QLACxxxx    
               variables in DB2ACCT.  If there was only one Remote QLAC 
               segment, then there is no change in DB2ACCT.             
             *-All summarization of DB2ACCTx datasets now performed by  
               new VMXGDBAA internal macro, called by ANALDB2R and      
               ASUMDBxx and TRNDDBxx, replacing ASUMDB2A and ASUMDB2B.  
             *-All summarization of DB2STATx datasets now performed by  
               new VMXGDBSS internal macro, called by ANALDB2R and      
               ASUMDBSS and TRNDDBSS.                                   
             *-If you use the new ANALDB2R against old PDBs that do not 
               contain ASUMDBAA or ASUMDBSS datasets, the FIXDB2A can   
               be used to report from old ASUMDB2A/TRNDDB2A datasets, as
               close as possible to the new architecture, but many new  
               report fields will be missing.                           
              -Correction to PDB.DB2STATS interval logic.               
              -Number of SORTBY= variables for PMACC02 increased to 12. 
              -Reports now as close to current as V7 DB2PM documents.   
              -Future maintenance greatly simplified.                   
              -In prior releases if you asked for both PMACC01 and      
               PMACC02 the input data was summarized twice.  Now only   
               one summarization is needed.                             
              -PMACC01/PMACC02 will look for the ASUMDBAA or ASUMDBSS   
               datasets and use them instead of the detail DB2ACCTx or  
               DB2STATS dataset if they exist.                          
              -The original version of the accounting long report was   
               written to output a full line at a time with a _NULL_    
               data step.  But, DB2PM was written in sections and IBM   
               could insert lines in different sections with each new   
               release making maintenance a real nightmare.  Inserting a
               line in one section could result in touching hundreds of 
               lines of the code.  PMACC02 is completely rewritten using
               the same structure - in sections - and outputs a page at 
               a time rather than a line, which should make future      
               enhancements much simpler.  Code comments indicate what  
               section is being invoked.                                
              -And PMACC01 was rewritten, although it remains a line    
               mode coding and report.  All four Accounting reports     
               PMACC01/PMACC02/PMACC03/PMACC04 use the same inputs, and 
               new VMXGDBAA summarizes all accounting data with datasets
               held in work to avoid an unneeded, now, resummarization. 
              -Numerous glitches were found in the logic to create the  
               PDB.DB2STATS dataset (from DB2STAT0/1/4/T102S225) that   
               have been corrected.                                     
               - GMTOFFDB calculation occasionally returned -14399.99   
                 instead of -14400 due to the different resolutions of  
                 QWHSSTCK (microseconds) and SMFTIME (10 milliseconds)  
                 and truncation in the floating point representation.   
                 GMTOFFDB algorithm enhanced to force exact hour.       
                 This error caused the Local Time QWHSSTCK in DB2STAT0  
                 to be later than the Local Time QWHSSTCK in DB2STAT1,  
                 which caused me to believe that was an IBM error,      
                 until I was corrected by DB2 Support that the subtype 0
                 is ALWAYS written first in each interval (when QWSDRINV
                 is '10'x, timer caused record to be written).          
               - Logic in VMACDB2H to force QWHSSTCK to be the same for 
                 each interval as SMF records were read was invalid when
                 multiple subsystems records were simultaneously written
                 with all the subtype 0's in a group, then their 1's.   
                 Logic was removed, so the PDB.DB2STAT0/1/4 QWHSSTCK are
                 now the actual value in those datasets. In PDB.DB2STATS
                 the value from DB2STAT0 is propagated, and DB2START is 
                 created with the "start time" of each stat interval.   
                -NETSNAME construction was revised to test for FIRST8 to
                 also test LOCPERIO EQ 0 to populate NETSNAME correctly 
                 when there was no period in the QWHCTOKN.              
              -VMACDB2 corrected: DB2 V9.1 data with more than one QLAC 
               segment caused "BAD TMON SUBTYPE 101 RECORD" message but 
               the record was IBMs and the error was mine.  Length when 
               there length in header was zero was not handled correctly
               for the second and subsequent QLAC sections.             
Change 28.145  Cosmetic.  Enabling SAS Option MSGLEVEL=I printed four   
VMAC7072       INFO: messages that are now eliminated just to avoid     
VMXG70PR       confusion, as, (fortunately) there was no actual problem.
Jun 28, 2010   I have also added MSGLEVEL=I to the QASAS job.           
   Thanks to Al Sherkow, I/S Management Strategies, Ltd., USA.          
Change 28.144  The VMXGPRNT utility that prints a single dataset with   
VMXGPRNT       variable name and variable label as headers is enhanced  
Jul  4, 2010   to allow you to select which variables are printed.      
   Thanks to Tom Kelman, Commerce Bank of Kansas City, USA.             
Change 28.143  Support for z196 processor.  This Change is REQUIRED FOR 
VMAC7072       more than 64 engines, and the support was in MXG 28.04.  
Jul  4, 2010   See Change 28.175 for full documentation, and more.      
Change 28.142  Variable                                                 
Jun 23, 2010   is now kept in TYPE70 dataset.                           
   Thanks to Deb Soricelli, CIGNA, USA.                                 
Change 28.141  Cosmetic.  The Last Updated Date/Change of UTILEXCL will 
UTILEXCL       now be in a comment in the IMACEXCL member it creates.   
Jun 23, 2010                                                            
Change 28.140  Major revision to SMF 113 support.                       
ASUM113       -TYPE113 now creates one obs per interval, with all four  
VMAC113        sets of counters in one observation (instead of four obs,
Jun 23, 2010   each with one set of BASIC/PROGST/CRYPTO/EXTND counters).
Jun 28, 2010  -With all four counter sets in one obs, missing values in 
               variables added in Change 28.075 are eliminated.         
              -New variable SM113STM, Interval Start Time is created.   
              -New variable MIPSEXEC, Executed Million Instructions/sec 
               is created (but don't expect it to match published MIPS  
               "speed" values). (Thanks: Peter Enrico).                 
              -The _STY113 dataset sort macro now tests //WORK and //PDB
               and if TYPE70PR exists, adds variables CPUTYPE (2098),   
               SMF70CIN (Engine Type), CECSER, LPARWLMG (IRD FLAG),     
               SMF70CPA (SU_SEC), SMF70HDM (HiperDispatch Active?), and 
               SMF70CIX (Pool Number) to enhance PDB.TYPE113 dataset.   
              -New ASUM113 accomplishes the same enhancement as _STY113,
               enhancing PDB.TYPE113 with those variables from TYPE70PR,
               if you have old TYPE113 and TYPE70PR in the same PDB.    
              -The TYPE113 records are not synchronized with RMF/SMF so 
               the Polarity value of each engine is not yet added, nor  
               NRCPUS nor other non-static variables (i.e. can vary with
               time), but IBM plans an APAR that will sync the 113's    
               with RMF/SMF, and MXG will add other TYPE70 variables and
               new TYPE73 variable to TYPE 113 when that APAR is GA.    
              -The sort order of the PDB.TYPE113 dataset is now BY      
                SYSTEM READTIME JOB SM113STM.                           
              -Occasional counter reset without a new interval flag have
               been observed and are now protected (by deletion of that 
               interval) and detected (by printing an error message).   
               This error can be the result of two known causes:        
                1) Down level on the z10 micro-code.                    
                   The z10 needs to be at Driver 76 (GA2) and at least  
                   at Bundle 20, as documented in John Burg's SHARE     
                   paper.  Bundle 20 also fixed some counter errors.    
                2) When IRD gets involved and varies off a CPU.  Varying
                   off by IRD does NOT cut a final record; instead, when
                   it is finally varied back on you get an Intermediate 
                   record for that interval, and over an hour elapsed   
                   has been observed before that intermediate record was
                   written when the CP came back online.                
                   (Thanks: John Burg).                                 
              -If you want create the enhanced PDB.TYPE113 dataset, and 
               only create that one output dataset in the //PDB library:
                // EXEC MXGSASV9                                        
                //SMF DD DSN=YOUR.SMF,DISP=SHR                          
                //       SPACE=(CYL,(25,25))                            
                //SYSIN DD *                                            
                  %LET PTY70=WORK;   %LET PTY70PR=WORK;                 
                  %LET PTY7002=WORK; %LET PTY70X2=WORK;                 
                  %LET PTY70Y2=WORK; %LET PTY72=WORK;                   
                  %LET PTY72DL=WORK; %LET PTY72GO=WORK;                 
                  %LET PTY7204=WORK; %LET PTY72MN=WORK;                 
                  %LET PTY72SC=WORK;                                    
                            USERADD=7072 113,                           
                            ZEROOBS=70.2 72,                            
                  %INCLUDE INSTREAM; RUN;                               
                  PROC DATSETS DDNAME=WORK MT=DATA NOLIST;              
                  DELETE TYPE7:;RUN;                                    
   Thanks to Richard Schwartz, State Street Bank, USA.                  
Change 28.139  These "recently" added SMF30xxx variables are now kept in
BUILD005       the PDB.STEPS dataset (but are not carried forward into  
BUIL3005       the PDB.JOBS dataset, but might be in the future, based  
Jun 23, 2010   on feedback from this change).                           
                  SMF30AIC='DASD CONNECT*ASID PLUS*DEPENDENT'           
                  SMF30AIS='DASD SSCH*ASID PLUS*DEPENDENT'              
                  SMF30AIW='DASD PEND+CU*ASID PLUS*DEPENDENT'           
                  SMF30EIC='DASD CONNECT*INDEPENDENT*ENCLAVES'          
                  SMF30EIS='DASD SSCH*INDEPENDENT*ENCLAVES'             
                  SMF30EIW='DASD PEND+CU*INDEPENDENT*ENCLAVES'          
                  SMF30HSH='HWM*USABLE BYTES*IN 64-BIT*SHARED'          
                  SMF30HSO='BYTES IN*64-BIT*SHARED*STORAGE'             
                  SMF30HVH='HWM*USABLE BYTES*IN 64-BIT*OBTAINED'        
                  SMF30HVO='BYTES IN*64-BIT*STORAGE*OBTAINED'           
                  SMF30SNF='ZIIP NORMALIZATION FACTOR'                  
                  SMF30ZNF='ZAAP NORMALIZATION FACTOR'                  
   Thanks to Jerry Urbaniak, Acxiom, USA.                               
Change 28.138  Support for SysView Subtype 3 record creates new dataset 
Jun 21, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Mike Paladino, Progressive Insurance, USA.                 
Change 28.137  Support for BMC IMF records written in SMF Format in new 
TYPEIMFS       member TYPEIMFS, which handles the SMF header, and sets  
VMACCIMS       OFFIMS, and in updates to VMACCIMS, as not all of its    
Jun 20, 2010   INPUTs and LENGTH tests included OFFIMS.  This iteration 
               will ONLY process IMF 'FA'x and 'F9'x SMF record IDs in  
               the infile SMF dataset.  TYPEIMFS creates the same MXG   
               datasets in the same default LIBNAMEs as member TYPECIMS.
   Thanks to Denise Willers, Infocrossing, USA.                         
   Thanks to Ken Steiner, Infocrossing, USA.                            
Change 28.136  Variable R748CSER, the Controller Serial Number is now   
VMAC74         kept in TYPE74A, TYPE748R and TYPE74X datasets.          
Jun 24, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Pat Jones, DST, Inc, USA.                                  
Change 28.135  Cosmetic.  MXG Error messages when bad EXCP segments are 
VMAC30         found now print the ABEND, CONDCODE, and ABNDRSNC values.
VMACEXC2       Precipitated by a series of error messages with bad EXCP 
Jun 17, 2010   and MULC segments for jobs with SYSTEM 0D5 ABENDS.       
Jun 24, 2010   The PUT of ABNDRSNC caused it to be defined as numeric   
               when ANALALL was executed, because the VMACEXC2 was used 
               first in SMF 4 record code, before ABNDRSNC was INPUT.   
               Using PUT ... ABNDRSNC= $8; resolved that weird error.   
   Thanks to Trevor Ede, HP, NEW ZEALAND.                               
Change 28.134  CICS Statistics Record INVALID STILEN=0 fortunately was  
VMAC110        harmless, as it occurred after the STID=116 segment had  
Jun 16, 2010   been output CICSJS.  MXG had read only 156 bytes of the  
               164 bytes of STID=116, causing the error, now fixed.     
   Thanks to Tom Buie, Southern California Edison, USA.                 
Change 28.133  Support for WebSphere SMF 120 Subtype 20 Job Usage data. 
EXT12020       Has only been coded, records skipped until test data     
VMAC120        exists for validation.                                   
Jun 16, 2010   See Change 28.258.                                       
Change 28.132  Replaced by Change 28.146.                               
Change 28.131  IMS Log 56x record subtype 15x caused INVALID DATA or    
VMACIMSA       relocated. Only the 15x variables are now kept in IMS56F 
Jun 14, 2010   dataset.  STIMSID removed from all IMS56x datasets.      
   Thanks to Lindholm Orjan, Volvo, SWEDEN.                             
Change 28.130  Correction to calculation of index space; value in the   
ASMRMFV        RMFV018I message was slightly low, as 1111 was used in   
Jun 10, 2010   the denominator instead the correct value of 1110.       
   Thanks to Jerry Urbaniak, Acxiom, USA.                               
Change 28.129  Support for DB2 Version 10. COMPLETELY INCOMPATIBLE:     
EXDB2ACR      -All three DB2 records (100,101,102) can be compressed;   
EXDB2ACW       For z/OS execution, the EXITCICS member's INFILE exit    
FORMATS        now decompresses both DB2 and the original CICS records. 
IMACDB2        For ASCII SAS, where there are no INFILE exits, or for   
VMACDB2        z/OS without the exit installed, records are decompressed
VMACDB2H       with internal SAS code, but that is EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE  
VMACSMF        on z/OS compared with using the INFILE exit, so MXG warns
VMXGINIT       that you should install the exit to save CPU time.       
Jun 16, 2010                                                            
Jun 19, 2010                                                            
Jun 21, 2010                                                            
              -INVALID DATA FOR QWHSRELN is proof you have DB2 V10 SMF; 
               QWHSRELN is not a valid "PK" value; it now has 'A1'x, so 
               VMACDB2H was revised.  The value is 10.1, not 10.0.      
              -And INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDS RECORD error ABENDs may occur
               because fields were inserted rather than added at the end
               where MXG would have automatically skipped them.         
              -Subtype in SMF Header INCOMPATIBLY increased from one to 
               two bytes (because that's what it should have been all   
               along.  However, only SMF 100 and 101 records populate   
               the subtype in the SMF Header. VMACSMF was updated to get
               the DB2 version and then input the subtype correctly.    
               (MXG has always stored the IFCID value in SUBTYPE for the
               DB2 102 trace records, since they don't have a subtype.) 
              -New DB2ACCGW dataset is created for each QWAR segment,   
               which can be used to correlate rollup records.           
              -Multiple SMF 100 Subtype 1 (DB2STAT1) IFCID=2 records are
               now supported (Jun 21 2010).  These records contain only 
               QBST or QBGL segments and are written when more than 25  
               buffer pools are used in an interval.                    
              -Macro _SDB2STS was redesigned to correct DUPLICATE MERGE 
               VALUES errors that occur only if DB2 was restarted, by   
               removing QWHSACE QWHSMTN from the _BDB2STS "BY list", by 
               interleaving the four input datasets to create STATSGROUP
               to use as merge variable (QWHSSTCK cannot be used as it  
               not exact in all four records for each interval), and by 
               conditionally merging T102S225 (DB2 V8) if it exists.    
               The _SDB2STY macro is now a null macro and no longer     
               used.  The new sort order for the PDB.DB2STATS dataset is
               now SYSTEM QWHSSSID QWHSSTCK.  A cosmetic enhancement to 
               VMXGWORL, NOWARN=YES, is used to suppress the MXGNOTEs   
               when a tested dataset is known to not always exist (used 
               for T102S225 in this change).                            
              -Many new variables added to DB2ACCTx/DB2STATx by V10:    
                QXSTCWLP QXSTCWLR QXSTCWLM QXSTCWLD                     
                QPACAWLH QPACANLH QPACRLNU                              
                QWACPCTT QWACPQRY QWACAWLH QWACARLH                     
                QWACPCTT QWACPQRY QWACAWLH QWACARLH                     
                QPACAWLH QPACANLH QPACRLNU                              
                QWACPCTT QWACPQRY QWACAWLH QWACARLH                     
                QWACPCTT QWACPQRY QWACAWLH QWACARLH                     
                Q9STCDMD QDSTNQWC QDSTNARD QDSTMARD                     
                D64POST  A64POST  A64WAIT  M64DISNU M64DISPG SGETR64    
                QWS1MCPU QWS2MCPU QWS3MCPU QWS4MCPU                     
                QXSTCWLP QXSTCWLR QXSTCWLM QXSTCWLD                     
                QISESQCA QISESQKA                                       
                QISTW4K QISTW32K                                        
                QXSTCWLP QXSTCWLR QXSTCWLM QXSTCWLD                     
              -SMF 102 IFCIDs 172 and 196 were compatibly updated.      
              -SMF 102 IFCIDs 267, 268, 317, and 337 are now decoded.   
               New formats are created by the updated FORMATS member.   
              -These other IFCIDs in user-sent SMF files are presumably 
               the trace records that are normally written or needed.   
               They have been examined and none were change in V10:     
              -See the text of Change 28.146, which made changes to DB2 
               processing that were independent of the Beta, including  
               fixing the PDB.DB2STATS interval issue that was first    
               discussed in this change text, but was not V10 related.  
CONFIGV9       Other:   References to MACRO DATATYP in an EVAL statement
Jun  9, 2010   which may be followed by                                 
                ERROR: A character operand was found in %EVAL function  
                   or %IF where a numeric operand is required ....      
               There are several "opportunities" for this error:        
              -These options must be in effect to resolve %TRIM:        
                They are normally set in MXG CONFIGVn, but we have seen 
                instances in which (typically very old) user code has   
                changed those options, causing the error.               
              -The //SASAUTOS DD must point to the "AUTOCALL" dataset   
                (SAS-provided PDS) that contains the TRIM member.       
              -Ancient MXGSASxx JCL procs defined &SASAUTOS which was   
                &NULLPDS, and also had  //SASAUTOS DD &SASAUTOS         
                                        //         DD DSN=....          
                but that was replaced years ago; look at MXGSAS92 for   
                SAS V9.2 or MXGSASV9 for SAS V9.1.3 for correct JCL.    
              -OPTIONS S2=0 must be specified; it is set in CONFIGV9,   
                but I just discovered that CONFIGV8 still had S2=72;    
                that was corrected to S2=0 by this change.              
              -Additionally, the incorrect LOCALE can cause failures    
               with entirely different error messages when %TRIM is     
               used, due to the NOT symbol's mis-translation with the   
               wrong LOCALE.  See Change 28.194 documentation.          
              -To diagnose, use // EXEC MXGSASV9,OPTIONS='VERBOSE'      
                as the first //SYSIN DD statement, and send the FULL    
                job log.                                                
Change 28.127  Support for revised CA $AVERS SMF record (INCOMPATIBLE)  
VMACSAVR       increased field lengths, and added new data.  Dataset    
Jun  8, 2010   contains new variables JCTJOBID, TYPETASK, SAVRACCT.     
   Thanks to Clement Turner, DC Government, USA.                        
   Thanks to Edouard A. Myers, DC Government, USA.                      
   Thanks to Roger B. Legerwood, DC Government, USA.                    
Change 28.126  Support for Rocket Software MXI User SMF record creates  
EXMXIST1       three datasets:                                          
EXMXIST3         dddddd     Dataset   Description                       
TYPEMXI          MXIST1     MXIONE    MXIST1: INITIALIZED               
TYPSMXI          MXIST2     MXITWO    MXIST2: TERMINATED                
Jun  8, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, HUK-COBURG, GERMANY.                       
Change 28.125  Enhancement to support building weekly and monthly PDBs  
BLDNTPDB       when your first-day-of-week is not the MXG "MON" default.
BLDSMPDB      -VSETMNTH utility correctly determines which daily PDBs   
MONTHASC       are to be read in building week/month; the decision is   
MONTHBL3       based on TODAY() and the "STARTDAY" of your week.        
MONTHDSK      -New macro variable STARTDAY sets the "first day of week" 
VMXG2DTE       default to MON (no change), and is now used internally in
VMXGDUR        all MXG programs, so that you can externally change that 
VMXGLBIN       first day of week if you do not build your WEEKLY/MONTLY 
VMXGSUM        with MONDAY as the first day.                            
Jun 17, 2010  -However, the %BLDSMPDB can be used as your "MONTHBLD" or 
Jun 28, 2010   WEEKBLD program, and its WEEKSTRT argument can specify   
               the different start day of week if desired:              
               Weekly job:                                              
                          WEEKKEEP=list of datasets);                   
                add WEEKTAPE=YES, if WEEK PDB is to be written to tape. 
               Monthly job:                                             
                          MNTHKEEP=list of datasets);                   
                add MNTHTAPE=YES, if MONTH PDB is to be written to tape.
               WEEKKEEP/MNTHKEEP are only necessary if you wish to      
               keep only specific datasets in the WEEK/MONTH PDB (the   
               default is _ALL_.) There is also WEEKDROP/MNTHDROP to    
               drop specific datasets (and it defaults to dropping any  
               SPIN* SPUN* datasets).  BLDSMPDB will use the SORTEDBY   
               option in the dataset directory to construct a BY list   
               if present but can also parametrically be told to        
               ignore the SORTEDBY.                                     
   Thanks to Jim Agrippe, Cleveland Clinic, USA.                        
   Thanks to Ron Wells, American General Finance, USA.                  
Change 28.124  The WTIRIOTM in PDB.ASUMUOW could be larger than IRESPTM.
VMXGUOW        Change 17.324 corrected the problem (WTIRIOTM was the sum
VMXGUOWT       of WTIRIOTM's from ALL of the CICSTRAN obs in the UOW),  
VMXGUOTT       but a subsequent update in Change 18.204 lost that fix.  
Jun  4, 2010   It is now the MAXIMUM value from all of the CICSTRAN obs.
   Thanks to Tom Kelman, Commerce Bank of Kansas City, USA.             
Change 28.123  Utility program to examine TYPE72GO dataset to assist in 
UTILWORK       creating or investigating workload definitions for the   
Jun  7, 2010   RMFINTRV.                                                
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.                   
Change 28.122  Logic revised to use DATEJUL to parse the date, but if   
ASUMHSM        the FSRDATR field is not a valid Julian Date, it is left 
Jun  7, 2010   as a missing value.                                      
   Thanks to Tobias Cafiero, DTCC, USA.                                 
Change 28.121 -ANALRANK is enhanced to add an output dataset option. By 
ANALRANK       using this you can get the top 10 each day, by appending 
VGETLABL       daily data you can quickly get the top 10 for the month  
VGETFMT        by pushing the daily top 10 back thru ANALRANK.  Using   
Jun  4, 2010   VGETLABL, the labels in ANALRANK are enhanced so that the
               label of RANKxx variable contains the original variable's
               label plus the word rank.  So the label for CPUTM would  
               become 'TOTAL*CPU TIME*CAPTURED*RANK'.                   
              -VGETLABL - New utility to GET the LABEL of a variable.   
              -VGETFMT  - New utility to GET the FORMAT of a variable.  
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.                   
Change 28.120 -Variable QBACPID, Buffer Pool ID, is removed from dataset
VMACDB2        DB2ACCTP where it never belonged; packages can use many  
Jun  3, 2010   buffer pools. The other QBACxxxx variables exist, but are
               only non-missing (i.e., populated) if DB2 Accounting     
               Class 10 is enabled.                                     
              -DB2ACCTB - QLACCNVR didn't belong in KEEP list.          
              -DB2ACCTG - QLACCNVR didn't belong in KEEP list.          
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.                   
Change 28.119  Support for Performance Sentry NTSMF Version    
EXNTGENE      -Existing objects were modified:                          
EXNTIPA4        Dataset  - Object Name                                  
EXNTIPA6        IPSECDRI - IPsec Driver           - fields removed      
EXNTIPK4        VMGUESTA - VMWARE.Guest.Aggregate - fields added        
EXNTIPK6        VMGUUCPU - VMWARE.Guest.CPU       - field  added        
IMACNTSM        VMGUUMEM - VMWARE.Guest.Memory    - fields added        
VMACNTSM        VMHOSTAG - VMWARE.Host.Aggregate  - fields added        
VMXGINIT        VMWHOCPU - VMWARE.Host.CPU          fields added        
JUN  7, 2010    VMWHOMEM - VMWARE.Host.Memory       fields added        
                VMWHONET - VMWARE.Host.Net          fields added        
                VMWHOSYS - VMWARE.Host.SYS          fields added        
              -New objects supported:                                   
                 dddddd     Dataset   Object Name                       
                 NTGENE     GENERIKE  GENERIC IKE AND AUTHIP            
                 NTIPA4     IPAUTHV4  IPSEC AUTHIPV4                    
                 NTIPA6     IPAUTHV6  IPSEC AUTHIPV6                    
                 NTIPK4     IPSECIK4  IPSEC IKEV4                       
                 NTIPK6     IPSECIK6  IPSEC IKEV6                       
              -These xxxxINST variables were increased to $64:          
Change 28.118  Support for BMC Mainview Auto Operator data creates nine 
EXMVAOAC       datasets:                                                
EXMVAOEV        dddddd  Dataset   Description                           
VMACMVAO       Aug 5: TAKETOTL removed from KEEP=, second "HANDLED" was 
VMXGINIT       removed from LABEL, and all %VMXGDEL(DDDDDD= corrected.  
May 31, 2010                                                            
Aug  5, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Christa Neven, KBC Global Services, BELGIUM.               
Change 28.117  Change 28.039 changed R7451RID to be the first byte due  
VMAC74         to values observed in SMF 74 Subtype 5 records from IBM  
Jun  1, 2010   sites, but those observed values are not consistent in   
               other records from other sites, which have the RID in the
               second byte and a zero in the first byte so this change  
               sets R7451RID to the second byte of that 2-byte field, if
               if the first byte is zero. Additionally, fields listed in
               notes 2 and 3 of the SMF manual are set missing based on 
               the value in R7451FLG.                                   
   Thanks to Melanie Hitchings, BT, ENGLAND.                            
Change 28.116  Support for SMF 102 IFCID 263 now decodes the unique data
VMAC102        fields; previously, only Header variables were output    
May 27, 2010                                                            
Jun 11, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Christa Neven, KBC Global Services, BELGIUM.               
Change 28.115  ANAL42DS failed with Data Set _NULL_ Not Found, because  
ANAL42DS       an _NULL_ is needed after the DATA statement.            
May 26, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Sam Bass, McLane Co., USA.                                 
====== Changes thru 28.114 were in MXG 28.03 dated May 25, 2010======== 
Change 28.114  Additional diagnostics to show which service classes and 
UTILRMFI       which reporting classes have missing data using SMFINTRV 
May 25, 2010   dataset.                                                 
Change 28.113  New analysis of each DB2 Buffer Pool in DB2ACCTB dataset 
ANALDB2B       including a buffer hit ratio calculation.                
May 25, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Santosh Kandi, JC Penney, USA.                             
Change 28.112  UTILRMFI failed because macro variable VWDUPES has been  
VMXGINIT       truncated to WDUPES in the %GLOBAL statement in VMXGINIT.
May 25, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to David Young, University of California Office of Pres, USA. 
Change 28.111  ThruPut Manager field REGIONSZ and $JXDBSPR/WW/UU fields 
VMACTPMX       were reported as UNKNOWN due to typo's in text tests,    
May 24, 2010   and $JXDBSUN is now created.                             
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
Change 28.110  The last "response" bucket created by VMXGRESP utility   
ASUMDB2        (number specified plus 1) was never right, because every 
VMXGRESP       count that was GT was already put in the last bucket.    
May 22, 2010  -Enhancement to include bucket values in labels, and a new
               UNITS parameter describes the units (seconds/jobs/mounts)
               that are being measured.                                 
              -ASUMDB2 implements the new UNITS= parameter.             
   Thanks to Wayne Bell, UniGroup, Inc, USA.                            
Change 28.109 -WPS %MACRO Language Compiler Error in READDB2, the error 
ANALINIT       cites a problem with %INCLUDE, but the statement that is 
EMAIL          flagged is the percent sign in  %STR(MACRO _Edddddd .... 
READDB2         (The _Edddddd generates  %%INCLUDE SOURCLIB(EXDDDDDD);.)
UTILCONT       A guess, to replace %STR() with %QUOTE() in statements   
VFMT102        with that syntax DID circumvent the WPS compiler error!  
May 21, 2010  -This same error can occur with ANALDB2R if (PDB=SMF,...) 
               is used, since ANALDB2R calls READDB2 to "READ" DB2 SMF. 
              -But, since READDB2 generates MACRO _Edddddd references   
               only when one of the optional/rare dataset sub-tokens is 
               used to select the observations, for example /DB2ACCT in 
               so it was safer to replace  %%INCLUDE SOURCLIB(EXDDDDDD);
               statements with     OUTPUT _WDDDDDD;  to both circumvent 
               the Compiler error, and because the EXDDDDDD should not  
               have been created in READDB2 in the first place.         
              -An unrelated error when the dataset sub-token was used is
               also corrected.                                          
              -The WANTONLY subarguments were further validated.        
              -In validating this READDB2 change, additional exposures  
               were corrected:                                          
               -VFMT102: If T102S105 and T102S107 did not exist, logic  
                to build OBIDS/DBIDS dataset failed: the &VGETOBS NE 0  
                test was changed to VGETDSN=datasetname, as it is the   
                existence of, and not the number of observations in,    
                that is the needed conditional test.                    
                But this caused investigation of other &VGETOBS NE 0:   
                -ANALINIT: VGETOBS test changed to VGETDSN.             
                -EMAIL:  VGETOBS NE 0 changed to GE 0.                  
                -UTILCONT: VGETOBS NE 0 change to GT 0                  
Change 28.108  Support for CleverView for TCP/IP TN3270 Performance Data
EXCTCPTN       in new SUBTYPE=21 SMF User Record, creates new CTCPTN32  
IMACCTCP       dataset with the existing TYPECTCP/TYPSCTCP programs.    
May 20, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to John Howard, Florida Northwood Shared Center, USA.         
VMAC80A        in TOKDANAM; MXG coded for only a 32-byte LDAP Host Name,
May 19, 2010   but length was 35.  Now protected for any length.        
              -In records with LDAPHOST, new TOKDANAM BINDDN and BINDPW 
               were found and decoded into variables TOKBINDD TOKBINPW. 
               Yes, "PW" is a Password, but, no, it doesn't appear to be
               an exposure, as the value is populated with asterisks.   
              -TOKDANAM='APPLNAM ' text is now decoded into TOKAPLNM.   
              -TOKDANAM='UTYPE', 'JPNUM', numerics in TOKUTYPE/TOKJPNUM.
   Thanks to Phil Grasser, Norfolk Southern, USA.                       
Change 28.106  The offset SMF92MPF to the Path name length SMF92PPL was 
VMAC92         incorrect, causing SMF92PPN, Path Name to be blank and   
May 19, 2010   SMF92PPL contained a large and wrong value.              
   Thanks to David Young, University of California Office of Pres, USA. 
Change 28.105 -Optional TRENDing enhancement lets you tell VMXGSUM how  
May 19, 2010   kept in TREND output, or KEEPAFTR=01JAN2010 can be used  
               to output only observations GE that DATE.                
              -The KEEPxxxx options are only valid when DATETIME= is    
               used, and the value of the DATETIME= variable is tested  
               for each observation if it is to be output.              
              -A KEEPxxxx argument forces an INCODE= to be created if   
               one was not present; all MXG TRNDxxxx members already    
               have an INCODE= argument, and INCODE normally VIEWs, so  
               this should have minimal impact.                         
              -Messages are not written that obs were not output.       
   Thanks to Diane Eppestine, IBM Global Services, USA.                 
Change 28.104  Support for field inserted at start of NDM-CD record.    
VMACNDM        New MACRO _NDMADD defaults to 0, but you can use MACKEEP 
May 17, 2010   to change _NDMADD to 8 to skip 8 bytes after SYSTEM (and 
               to set the SMF TYPE of your NDM-CD record in _NDMID):    
                  %LET MACKEEP=                                         
                       MACRO _NDMADD   8 %                              
                       MACRO _NDMID 0FAX %                              
                  %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPSNDM/BUILDPDB);                  
               Eight bytes can't just be added to OFFSMF in MACFILE for 
               NDM-CD SMF because VMACSMF RETAINs OFFSMF, so new OFFNDM 
               replaced OFFSMF in VMACSMF after the first INPUT.        
   Thanks to Fred Buerger, Visa, Inc, USA.                              
Change 28.103  Support for TOKDANAM='SHARED' token, output in TYPE80TK. 
May 12, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Jacky Kwoka, SNCF, FRANCE.                                 
Change 28.102  Support for user-created ECPAUDIT optional CICS variable.
May 12, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Matt Feeney, DoD, AUSTRALIA.                               
Change 28.101 -IMS56xx datasets were not output because the variable for
VMACIMS        subtype test should have been TPCPSSTY, and not TPCPSBCD,
VMACIMSA       and the subtype test is for only one byte.               
May 11, 2010  -Subtype 56x SSTY 11x INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED exposed MXG
May 18, 2010   mis-alignment; the +(-16) before TPIMSID does not exist, 
               and the +36 segment after the "NID" is conditionally read
               as it doesn't exist in SSTY=0FAx records.                
              -In validating the printed output, the SYNCTIME in TYPE59x
               datasets was not converted to local time.                
              -Multiple separate code stubs to calculate IMSSTCK were   
               replaced with LINK IMSSTCK; statements.                  
   Thanks to Lars-Olof Thellenberg, Handelsbanken, SWEDEN.              
Change 28.100  MXG 27.07 removed 13 duplicates in TYPE30_1 for an STC   
BUILDPDB       that were (correctly!) NOT removed by MXG 28.02. Variable
May 10, 2010   ASID has been added to TYPE30_1, and 'pseudo' duplicates 
               had different ASIDs and thus were not duplicates.        
               Oct 2010: See MXG Newsletter 57, DUPLICATE JESNR.        
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
Change 28.099  Variable CPULHKTM, CPU Time When Promoted due to Lock    
VMAC7072       HOLD, is now INPUT and kept in TYPE72GO; it was added by 
May 10, 2010   z/OS 1.11 as IBM field R723LPDP.                         
   Thanks to Bruce Widlund, Merrill Consultants, USA.                   
Change 28.098  The %VMXGSET macro is enhanced with DSETOPT= argument so 
VMXGSET        SAS Data Set Options (DROP/KEEP/RENAME/etc) can be added 
May  4, 2010   to each data set that will be "SET".  This example syntax
               will keep only those four variables when xxx.JOBS dataset
               is read.  Surprisingly, using a KEEP= on a SET statement 
               has minimal impact on CPU time, saving 7 out of 86 secs. 
               But using DSETOPT to RENAME variables could be useful.   
   Thanks to George Pandzik, USAA, USA.                                 
   Thanks to Brian A. Harvey, HCL America, USA.                         
Change 28.097  Type 74 subtype 8 R748LERT,R748LEWT,R748LPST variables   
VMAC74         are correct in MXG; they are documented as accumulated   
May  4, 2010   values in the SMF manual, but actual data values are not.
               Variable R748LAID, the Interface ID is added at the end  
               of the _BTY748 BY list to ensure NODUP works when sorted.
               To verify non-accumulation, it was necessary to insert   
               R748LAID before STARTIME, to group the observations to   
               see if the values were always-increasing, and that is    
               where it really belongs in the BY list, but inserting a  
               variable in an existing BY list is LETHAL for someone,   
               somewhere, who's already (accidentally?) combining days  
               and weeks PDBs, so it is added at the end for NODUP, as  
               that doesn't create a not-sorted exposure.               
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.                   
Change 28.096  When the LIB is in sequential or xport format, that type 
VGETOBS        was identified, but only now is the dataset name printed.
Apr 30, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.                   
Change 28.095  Elegant logic using the FINDW() function to parse the    
VMACAIX        AIX record's changed format for the HOSTNAME field       
May 21, 2010      UPCRECRD=UPCASE(RECORD);                              
                  LOCHOST=FINDW(UPCRECRD,'HOSTNAME:',' ','E') +1 ;      
                  HOSTNAME=SCAN(RECORD,LOCHOST,' ');                    
                  HOSTNAME=TRANSLATE(HOSTNAME,' ','"');                 
               cannot be used with SAS 9.1.3 nor with WPS,      
               because the FINDW() function only exists in SAS V9.2.    
               The old SCAN() function was used with less elegance.     
Change 28.094  XAMSYS variables CALAVGM1 CALTOTM1 CALAVGM2 CALTOTM2     
VMACXAM        record units are 16 microseconds, so they are now INPUT  
Apr 29, 2010   by &RB4.6 and multiplied by 16, so they are seconds and  
               fractions of a second, and are FORMATed with TIME16.6, an
               MXG convention so you know these are duration variables, 
               and so full resolution is printed, so 416 microseconds is
               printed as 0:00:00.000416.                               
               Variable SRMTSLIC is in TOD duration record units, so it 
               is now INPUT by &PIB.8.6 and divided by 4096 into seconds
               and fractions and also FORMATed with TIME16.6.           
               Variable SRBABSDL is a percentage, but scaled by 65536,  
               so it is now divided by 65535.                           
   Thanks to Dave Sadler, United Health Group, USA.                     
   Thanks to Rob van der Heij, Velocity Software, THE NETHERLANDS.      
Change 28.093  Circumvention for SMF 42 Subtype 15 INVALID OFFSETS. The 
VMAC42         record has OFF42S3=216 and OFF42S4=4056, but the data are
Apr 28, 2010   at 108 and 3948.  MXG forces S3=108 and calculates S4.   
   Thanks to Michael Friske, FMR, USA.                                  
Change 28.092  This ancient program to create a z/OS PDS from the MXG   
IEBUPDTE       IEBUPDTE-format source file had defined values for the   
Apr 28, 2010   input and output, which required you to EDIT and SAVE    
               and then %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(IEBUDTE); to execute, but     
               those three macro variables are no longer set to any     
               value, so you can set them to your choice and then run.  
   Thanks to Bernhard Babblok, Allianz ASIC SE, GERMANY.                
Change 28.091 -MXG 28.02. IMS record 55x subtype 01x from IMS 9.1 caused
Apr 26, 2010   was added, but only tested with IMS 10 and 11.  The 55x  
               record is for External Subsystems.  The 01x record isn't 
               described in the DSECT, so it is now deleted.            
              -The 35X record with ENQFLAG=2F and FLAG2=00X or 08X is   
               now output in IMS35P dataset.                            
   Thanks to David Schumann, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, USA.  
Change 28.090  Variable FIXEDSTO was incorrectly input as &RB.4.  It is 
VMACXAM        a &PIB.4. INFORMAT now.  Variable MONEVNTS is an address 
Apr 25, 2010   so it is now formatted HEX8.                             
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
Change 28.089  The PDB.SMFRECNT dataset and its report only counted SMF 
BUIL3001       records; this enhancement provides both the record count 
BUILD001       and the byte count for each SMF record and Subtype for   
BUILDPD3       each SYSTEM, in both PDB.SMFRECNT and the report.        
BUILDPDB       If you want to revert to the count-only report, use      
TYPSID           %LET MACKEEP=  MACRO _RPDBID  _RPDBIDO  %  ;           
VMACID         Variable SMFBYTES was added to the TYPEID dataset and is 
Apr 24, 2010   the bytes variable in PDB.SMFRECNT summary dataset.      
   Thanks to Diane Eppestine, IBM Global Services, USA.                 
Change 28.088  MXG 28.01-28.02, z/OS 1.9 and 1.10, INPUT EXCEEDED ERROR.
VMACRMFV       Change 28.048 inserted temp skip of +192 for z/OS 1.11 to
Apr 25, 2010   align, but should have been skipped only if CPUHOLEN=672;
               earlier z/OS have CPUHOLEN=480.  Now, SKIP=CPUHOLEN-480. 
   Thanks to Stephen Hoar, Lloyds TSB, ENGLAND.                         
Change 28.087 -Cosmetic. Spurious message for STID=110 "SKIPPED FIELDS" 
VMAC110        because SKIP=SKIP-580 should have been SKIP=SKIP-612. No 
Apr 23, 2010   fields were skipped and dataset CICRLR was just fine.    
              -Use of internal SAS decompression code on z/OS instead of
               the ASM code in the INFILE exit in member EXITCICS caused
               CPU time to increase from .5 to 6 HOURS with 45 GB of SMF
               records, so the "MXGNOTE" that the SAS code was used is  
               now elevated to a repeated "ERROR:" message under z/OS.  
               Under ASCII, a single note that compressed data was found
               is printed.  Change 27.260 documented a smaller increase!
   Thanks to Joachim Sarkoschits, DATAEV eG, GERMANY.                   
Change 28.086  Support for Windows Performance Monitor PERFMON csv/tab  
ADOCWPMO       log file creates 123 new datasets, each named WPMOddd, to
EXWPMddd       correspond with the DDDDDD=WPMddd token for each dataset.
IMACWPMO       The DataSet Label is the Object Name, and member IMACWPMO
MAKEWPMO       has the full list of DDDDDD, DATASET, and Object Name and
TYPEWPMO       will be updated as new Objects are supported.            
TYPSWPMO       The PERFMON data files can be concatenated, and can have 
VMACWPMO       different sets of fields.  The ADOCWPMO member documents 
VMXGINIT       how Glenn has set up his PERFMON data management.        
May 22, 2010                                                            
               With all possible objects were enabled, with all threads 
               and instances captured, on a Small Business Server, the  
               PERFMON descriptor record was 861,481 bytes long, way too
               long to be read on z/OS with its 32760 maximum LRECL, so 
               MXG PERFMON support may require execution on ASCII, where
               SAS V9.1.3 allows LRECL=1024000, and SAS V9.2, LRECL=4GB.
               This design is also another significant MXG enhancement: 
               The new MXG code that you execute to process PERFMON data
               was generated by MXG's MAKEWPMO program, which reads the 
               header record field descriptions, parses/translates them 
               to create open-systems-friendly, 32-byte variable names, 
               with underscore-connectors, builds variable labels from  
               those variable names, changing underscores to asterisks, 
               uses the Object Name for the Dataset Label, and writes   
               out the dozen text files that are then manually cut/paste
               into VMACWPMO or the other MXG code members.             
               While still a two-step process, this automation makes it 
               easy for MXG to support new objects.  MAKExxxx programs  
               have been used for some time to create chunks of MXG code
               for product XXXX, but only for the static statements that
               defined or referenced the XXXX product suffix, the DDDDDD
               dataset suffix token, or that contained the DATASET name.
               Programmatically creating variable names, labels, and the
               INPUT code is a BIG step forward in minimizing MY effort 
               to support future "open systems" data or sources that    
               have similar data structures.  Since these data don't    
               have a construct of a short field name, but only the long
               description, using the descriptions as variable name does
               make sense for this audience, and REALLY saves me TIME!! 
               Each "item" in the header description has this format:   
               and there can be tens of thousands of items.  SERVER is  
               variable SERVER, the server name, OBJECT maps to the MXG 
               dataset, and the Object Name (PROCESS) is the Label of   
               the MXG Dataset Name (WPMOPRO), INSTANCE is the instance 
               (e.g., process EXPLORER.EXE), and each separate METRIC   
               item (e.g. HANDLE_COUNT) is a variable in the WPMOOBJ    
               While ASCII's max LRECL is 4GB, records cannot be stored 
               in a character variable, with SAS's 32K limit, so the    
               record is brute-force read, byte-by-byte, and parsed for 
               the delimiters to create each "item".                    
                 Microsoft claims to create comma-delimited data, but a 
                 single comma cannot be safely used to parse because    
                 the "items" can contain embedded commas!               
                 And, while each item is bounded by double quotes, the  
                 double quote also cannot be used as a delimiter, as    
                 "items" can also contain embedded double quotes!       
                 So the MXG default "comma-separated-value" delimiter is
                 the three-character-string  ","   set in VMXGINIT with 
                             %LET DLMWPMO='","';                        
                 If you have "tab-delimited" PERFMON files, then you    
                 need to use %LET DLMWPMO='09'x;  before your %INCLUDE. 
               Once an "item" is parsed, normal SAS character functions 
               are used to create the SERVER, OBJECT, INSTANCE and the  
               METRIC values, and output the WINPERFMON dataset that is 
               subsequently read to output all of the WPMOddd datasets. 
                 If there are obs in OBJUNKNOWN or METUNKNOWN datasets, 
                 please send the PERFMON file to,       
                 so MXG can be updated to support the new data.         
               Some characters in the descriptions have to be converted 
               because blanks, back-slashes, dashes, parens, periods,   
               pound-signs, etc., can't be used in SAS variable names;  
               underscores are used in the variable name to connect the 
   Thanks to Glenn Bowman, Wakefern, USA.                               
Change 28.085  Obscure.  VMXGSUM is protected if you had parenthesis in 
VMXGSUM        the OUTDATA= argument (for a LABEL= or SORTEDBY=).  If a 
Apr 20, 2010   last data step wasn't needed, parens caused an even more 
               obscure ABEND.  While now protected, using the DSNLABEL= 
               or SORTEDBY= argument in the VMXGSUM invocation is safer.
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.                   
Change 28.084  BMC IMF product's INPUTCLS and LASTCLAS variables are now
VMACCIMS       restored to one-byte length with $HEX2. format, and new  
Apr 20, 2010   variables INPUTCL2 and LASTCLA2 are two-bytes with $HEX4.
               While IMS 9.1 and later define Input Class as two bytes, 
               it appears that no one is using that length, and MXG's   
               changes (27.230,26.058) that expanded the length of those
               original INPUTCLS/LASTCLAS variables caused existing     
               reports to be incorrect.                                 
   Thanks to Jim Dammeyer, State Farm Mutual Insurance, USA.            
   Thanks to Mike Stogsdill, State Farm Mutual Insurance, USA.          
Change 28.083  MXG 28.02-03.   READB2/ANALDB2R didn't honor %LET MACDB2H
ANALDB2R       nor %LET MACKEEP tailoring: Change 28.055 added %CLEARDB2
READDB2        (to reset old-style macros for multiple executions, used 
Apr 17, 2010   previously only in the MXG QA), but CLEARDB2 also clears 
Apr 21, 2010   both MACDB2H and MACKEEP.  The %CLEARDB2; statement was  
Apr 22, 2010   removed from both members by this change.                
Apr 24, 2010   Circumvention with 28.02:  Create a member named CLEARDB2
Apr 25, 2010   in your "USERID.SOURCLIB" with a blank line.             
Apr 26, 2010     No one has asked to execute READDB2/ANALDB2R twice,    
Jun 17, 2010     but it can still be done, by invoking %CLEARDB2;       
                 externally, between the multiple executions:           
                   %READDB2 ( WHATEVER );                               
                   %LET MYKEEP=%BQUOTE(&MACKEEP);                       
                   %LET MYDB2H=%BQUOTE(&MACDB2H);                       
                   %LET MACKEEP=%BQUOTE(&MYKEEP);                       
                   %LET MACDB2H=%BQUOTE(&MACDB2H);                      
                   %READDB2 (WHATEVER DIFF);                            
              -MXG 28.01-28.02 only.  Short Trace report failed with    
               in Change 28.004 that revised that report DOES NOT FAIL, 
               but removing the CONNTYPE=4 selection exposes the missing
               BY statement that was added by this change.              
              -Audit report corrections, all prior versions:            
                -The BIND code was inside the loop for DML (should not  
                 have been).                                            
                -PMAUD02/PMAUD03 reports did not agree with doc; they   
                 were only produced when you used the AUDIT= subparm,   
                 but now, as documented, ALL possible Audit classes     
                 will be reported with the default AUDIT=, value.       
                -SQL Text printed for 141 and 145x Audit records.       
              -Divide by ZERO when GETS=0 is now protected.             
              -Cosmetic:  SUDIT now correctly spelled AUDIT.            
               MXGWARN that PDB.ASUMDB2x NOT FOUND have been removed.   
               ANALDB2R first looks for the ASUMDB2x dataset for a      
               report request, as that saves I/O and CPU time, but      
               warning that it wasn't found was confusing, especially   
               when you knew nothing about that internal design.        
              -Jun 17: MACDB2H was not honored until this date.         
   Thanks to Jim Kovarik, AEGON USA, USA.                               
   Thanks to Stephen Root, Harry and David, USA.                        
Change 28.082  MXG Formats $MGDDDDD and $MGDDDSN map the "dddddd" token 
FORMATS        to each "dataset" and vice versa, but the UDDDDDD program
UDDDDDD        missed some of the "dddddd" values, in particular, CICTRN
Apr 18, 2010   and DB2ACC, and not all datasets were identified, as that
               old logic read selected source members for the _Wdddddd, 
               which doesn't exist for all datasets.  Now, UDDDDDD reads
               DOCVER to capture ALL dataset names, and labels for all  
               datasets now contain "DDDDDD:" in their dataset label.   
               UDDDDDD is also added to QASAS so those formats will be  
               updated with each new version; DOCVER is already heavily 
               validated in post-QA reports.  These members were updated
               to revise/add unique DDDDDD: to their dataset labels:    
                  VMAC0    VMAC110  VMAC21   VMAC30   VMAC84   VMACCIMS 
                  VMXGDBSS VMXGHSM VMXGRMFI                             
   Thanks to Francine Gheyle, Dexia Bank, BELGIUM.                      
====== Changes thru 28.081 were in MXG 28.02 dated Apr 14, 2010======== 
Change 28.081B PRO/SMF dataset PRORECOV was misaligned after the INPUT  
VMXGINIT       of variable GWMSGED.                                     
Apr 14, 2010                                                            
Change 28.081A PRO/SMF dataset PRORECOV was misaligned after the INPUT  
VMACPROS       of variable GWMSGED.                                     
Apr 14, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Perry Lim, Union Bank, USA.                                
Change 28.081  OPTIONS VARLENCHK=NOWARN is reinstated in VMXGINIT if the
VMXGINIT       SAS Version is 9.2 TS2M0 or later to eliminate the new   
               that is discussed MANY times in several NEWSLTRS.  While 
               MXG 26.03 eliminated the warning in internal code,       
               user code is now protected, and future changes in lengths
               of IBM fields (e.g., CLIPADDR increased from 16 to 40 to 
               support IPV6) will not produce that WARNING, nor a Return
               Condition Code of 4.  (One cause of the warning is the   
               use of PROC MEANS to create an output dataset without the
               option /INHERIT at the end of its OUTPUT statement.)     
   Thanks to John Kim, ATCO I-tek, CANADA.                              
Change 28.080  z/OS 1.11 adds new variable to TYPE70 dataset            
VMAC7072          SMF70GAU='CAPACITY GROUP AVAILABLE MSU                
Apr 12, 2010   which is documented as                                   
                 -Long-term average of CPU service in millions of       
                  service units which would be allowed by the limit of  
                  the capacity group but is not used by its members.    
                 -If the value is negative, the group is capped.        
               So, this variable is input with &IB.4. since in this rare
               case, a negative value is not only possible, it is now   
               very useful as an indication that the Capacity Group is  
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, USA.                                
Change 28.079A This change WAS included in MXG 28.02, but this text was 
VMXGINIT       not: the test for NOWORKINIT was removed in MXG 28.02.   
Apr 14, 2010     Change 28.023 added that test and a USER ABEND 990 if  
                 OPTION NOWORKINIT was enabled, but my cure was worse   
                 than the disease.  There IS a serious exposure in MXG  
                 if NOWORKINIT is enabled, but I know now it is ONLY in 
                 a second MXG step, and only after a first-step error,  
                 and the real exposure is only MY time in diagnosing!.  
                 Some SAS sites have now ABENDed (unnecessarily) because
                 that option is enabled in their SAS tailoring, and WPS 
                 set NOWORKINIT as default (when WORK was temporary and 
                 did not need to be INIT, and their INIT process was    
                 inefficient, but their INIT is improved and WORKINIT is
                 to be the default in their next GA), and now that I    
                 know that NOWORKINIT, of itself, does not create a     
                 problem for MXG code, my test and USER ABEND 990 were  
                 removed in MXG 28.02.                                  
Change 28.079  MXG 27.11-28.01, ONLY with the MXGTMNT Tape Monitor data:
VMACTMNT       SAS has had a limit on the length of an observation of   
Apr 12, 2010   32760 bytes, which prevents the Host Sort from being used
               if exceeded, with this SAS Warning printed on the log:   
                 The total length of all variables must be less than or 
                 equal to 32760 bytes.  The host sort cannot be used.   
                 The internal SAS sort will be used; this may impact    
                 performance.  Adjacent to TYPESYSL dataset references. 
               (An increase in CPU time of about 37% was observed.)     
               Change 27.336 increased the length of variable SYSLTEXT, 
               the SYSLOG Message Text, from 1024 to 32384, but that was
               needed/intended ONLY for the TYPESYSL dataset (which can 
               OPTIONALLY capture any SYSLOG message); that length is   
               for the largest possible multi-line SYSLOG message.  BUT:
               variable SYSLTEXT was also accidentally increased in the 
               TYPESYMT dataset, used ONLY for Tape-Mount-Event-Related 
               SYSLOG messages, needing a SYSLTEXT length of only $256. 
               Even worse, new variable SYSLENCR, to identify Encrypted 
               Tapes, was created as SYSLENCR=SUBSTR(SYSLTEXT,x,16), but
               because I failed to put the new variable in a LENGTH $16 
               statement, it got the 32384 byte length of SYSLTEXT.  So 
               with SYSLTEXT and SYSLENCR, TYPESYMT had an observation  
               length of 65183, causing the preceding WARNING message.  
               This change restores the length of SYSLTEXT to $256, and 
               the TYPESYSL dataset's variable is now named SYSLLONG.   
               Note that the SPINSYSL dataset created with 27.11-28.01  
               by the %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(ASUMTAPE); that should always be
               used to create the PDB.ASUMTAPE Tape Mount Event dataset 
               also exceeded 32760, with observation length 65198, but  
               it is not sorted, and its observation length is corrected
               when this change is implemented.                         
   Thanks to Siegfried Trantes, Gothaer-Systems, GERMANY.               
   Thanks to Richard Sabine, Gothaer-Systems, GERMANY.                  
   Thanks to Willi Weinberger, Gothaer-Systems, GERMANY.                
Change 28.078  VMXGGETM reports SMF record counts and bytes by SUBTYPE  
VMXGGETM       and ID, but DB2 100 and 101 records subtypes were changed
VMACSMF        to their IFCID; now their actual SMF SUBTYPE is printed. 
Apr 11, 2010   (For the DB2 102 record, which does NOT have a SUBTYPE in
               the SMF Header, the IFCID is still used for SUBTYPE.)    
              -The setting of SUBTYPE logic was removed to VMACSMF.     
   Thanks to Tom White, Dell, USA.                                      
Change 28.077  Support for JES 3 JMF TYPE84 records; previously only the
VMAC84         header was supported for subtype 5; this update supports 
Apr 10, 2010   all ten subtypes.                                        
Change 28.076  Variable CECSER is now added to PDB.RMFINTRV, but this   
VMXGRMFI       change was NOT moved into MXG 28.02.                     
Apr 18, 2010                                                            
Change 28.075  IBM's John Burg presentation at 2010 Seattle SHARE in    
VMAC113        session 2113 provided insight into the new TYPE113 HIS   
Apr  9, 2010   monitor data, and these new variables are created:       
                L2LP='PERCENT*SOURCED*FROM*L2*SAME BOOK'                
             -John's presentation is also available at Techdocs:     
             -Using %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPE113); _RPT113 ; RUN;          
              will replicate his example report.                        
             -Variable SM1132CP, CPU Speed, was INPUT but not carried   
              into the TYPE113 dataset.                                 
             -A subsequent update will look for PDB.TYPE70 dataset, and 
              will use it to identify the type of each CPU in TYPE113.  
   Thanks to John Burg, IBM, USA.                                       
   Thanks to Graham Harris, Royal Bank of Scotland, SCOTLAND.           
Change 28.074  Support for CA-Dispatch Audit User SMF record creates:   
EXCADISP         dddddd   dataset   description                         
IMACCADS         CADISP   CADISPCH  CA Dispatch User SMF Record.        
TYPECADS       Note this is NOT the modified type 6 that can be created 
TYPSCADS       with the IMACCADI optional member enabled.               
Apr 14, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Glenn Bowman, Wakefern, USA.                               
Change 28.073  In new DB2 V9.1 data records, QWHSISEQ in SMF 100 Subtype
VMACDB2        0 and 1 records no longer matches QWHSISEQ in Subtype 4  
Apr  8, 2010   records, causing all of the QW0225xx variables to have a 
               missing value in PDB.DB2STATS when DB2STAT4 is merged.   
               The use of QWHSISEQ was previously "safe", but must have 
               been a fortunate accident, since IBM documentation for   
               ISEQ implies it is a sequence number for the IFCID, and  
               not, as I had assumed, the interval's sequence number.   
               This change creates TEMPISEQ dataset with QWHSISEQ taken 
               from the DB2STAT0/DB2STAT1/DB2STATB merge, renames the   
               ENDTIME to QWHSSTCK, so that TEMPISEQ is then interleaved
               with DB2STAT4 to store that "interval" QWHSISEQ, which   
               is then used in the original merge using _BDB2STS.       
               (Since the problem has only occurred with DB2STAT4 and   
               not with the T102S225 that was created in DB2 V8., that  
               logic was not revised).                                  
   Thanks to Fabio Massimo Ottaviani, DTS Italia, ITALY.                
Change 28.072  Dataset TYPE42X4 (Above the Bar LRU Statistics) variables
VMAC42         SMFA2JQG-SMFA2JQN (Buffer Size Goal and Buffer Sizes) are
Apr  8, 2010   now correctly INPUT as &PIB.8., instead of &PIB.4.  This 
               caused variables SMFJQO01-SMFJQO16, SMFA2JSA-SMFA2JSP to 
               also be mis-aligned and wrong, and the IF test for 864 is
               corrected to test for GE 896 due to the misalignment.    
              -In addition, new variables SMF42JP6 and SMFA2JP6 (Write  
               Requests) are INPUT and kept in datasets TYPE42X2 (Below)
               and TYPE42X4 (Above) as they too had been overlooked.    
              -Note that MXG variable names SMFA2xxx correspond to IBM  
               field names of SMF2Axxx.                                 
   Thanks to Ambat Ravi Nair, CitiGroup, SINGAPORE.                     
Change 28.071  PDB.STEPS could contain duplicate observations, and the  
BUILD005       resources in those duplicates were summed into PDB.JOBS, 
BUIL3005       if two steps had the same TERMTIME (because the first was
ANAL30DD       a FLUSHED step).  Change 18.344 corrected this error in  
Apr  7, 2010   TYPS30, by adding INITTIME to the _BTY30U4 BY list, but  
               that change was also needed in BUILD001/BUILD001, which  
               have their own BY list in the NODUP step.                
               All other programs that SORT the TYPE30_4 data were now  
               examined; ANAL30DD's BY list was updated, but it was the 
               only one that sorts all variables; these other programs  
               currently do NOT protect for duplicate SMF records       
                 TAPEVENT UTILRMFI                                      
               because they do not keep all of the variables that are   
               required for duplicate removal, and adding that logic    
               would be very expensive: unneeded variables and an extra 
               PROC SORT would be required and the report program would 
               have to be restructured.  Since the TYPS30 program WILL  
               remove ANY duplicates, the solution would be to use it to
               create the TYPE30xx datasets first, and then those report
               programs will not need revisions.                        
   Thanks to Michael Oujesky, Bank of America, USA.                     
   Thanks to Betty Wong, Bank of America, USA.                          
Change 28.070  SAS Version 9.2 TS2M2 may have changed DSNAMEs/MEMBERs in
MXGSAS92       their //CONFIG DD.  As always, you MUST look at the SAS  
Apr  2, 2010   JCL procedure example that was created by your SAS       
               Installer to know what DSNAME/MEMBERs were created; those
               DDs must be the first in the //CONFIG DD, then the MXG   
               CONFIG member must be the last "real" DD, followed by the
               // DD DSN=&CONFIG as the final DD in the //CONFIG concat.
               These two variants are listed in the MXGSAS92 example.   
                //       DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&MXGHLQ..MXG.SOURCLIB(CONFIGV9)
                //       DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&CONFIG                        
                //       DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&SASHLQ.M92M2.CONFIG(COMMON)   
                //       DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&SASHLQ.M92M2.CONFIG(&XX.&YY.) 
                //       DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&SASHLQ.M92M2.CONFIG(SITE)     
                //       DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&MXGHLQ..MXG.SOURCLIB(CONFIGV9)
                //       DD DISP=SHR,DSN=&CONFIG                        
   Thanks to Ernie Amador, UC Davis Health System, USA.                 
Change 28.069  Two instances of -60 were changed to -56 for the SMF 112,
EXIT112        but the exit to decompress SMF 112s does not work and can
Apr  1, 2010   not be used.  IBM does not provide a utility program that
May 17, 2010   will decompress the SMF 112s (DFH$MOLS only reads 110s), 
               so I have no way to correct and validate the MXG Exit.   
               DO NOT USE EXIT112.                                      
Change 28.068  Change 27.111 added support for multiple CA-1/TMS catalog
TYPETMS5       inputs, but inadvertently changed the length of VOLSER to
Apr  1, 2010   $20, whereas it should have been $6.  There was no error 
               in the contents of variable VOLSER, but if you tried to  
               combine new and old datasets, you receive a SAS WARNING  
               of the dissimilar lengths.  This change restores VOLSER  
               to the original $6 length.                               
   Thanks to DJ Chen, Florida Department of Corrections, USA.           
Change 28.067  The final example invocation of %VMXGRMFI(....) failed   
RMFINTRV       because there was a comma prior to the close-paren. All  
Apr  1, 2010   %MACRO invocations have commas separating arguments,     
               but there can not be a comma after the last argument.    
   Thanks to Carolyn E. Saul, West Virginia Office of Technology, USA.  
Change 28.066  Support for IMS Version 11 (INCOMPATIBLE), support for   
ASMIMSL6       55x/56x Statistics Log Records, validation of 45x log    
TYPEIMS7       records, and TYPSIMS7 removes duplicate log records.     
TYPSIMS7      -Insertion of 16-byte LINTUTKN field in 08x log record    
VMACIMS        in IMS 11 makes this change required to eliminate error  
VMACIMSA       that YYYY has invalid value, in VMACIMS and VMACIMSA.    
VMXGINIT      -ASMIMSL6 is updated to pass the 55x and 56x log records. 
Apr  4, 2010  -45x Statistics records have been validated with data,    
               except for IMS4513 which had zero observations.          
              -55x and 56x records are now supported and validated; the 
               "56" names contain "55x" and "56x" records:              
                 DDDDDD  DATASET   CREATED FROM SUB-SUBTYPE             
                 IMS560  IMS5600    00x-08x,10x,12x-14x,37x-38x         
                 IMS569  IMS5609    09x                                 
                 IMS56B  IMS5611    11x,16x                             
                 IMS56F  IMS5615    15x                                 
                 IMS56G  IMS56FA    FAx                                 
              -The 45x and 55/56x datasets are left in //WORK so you can
               decide to copy them, or not.                             
              -TYPSIMS7 now uses PROC SORT NODUP to remove duplicates,  
               and outputs ALL datasets to the //IMSTRAN DD name.       
                 This required creation of variable IMSRECCH $CHAR8. to 
                 contain the IMS Logical Sequence Number as character to
                 use in NODUP sorts.  IMSRECNO was input with PIB8., but
                 it failed in NODUP sorts, because values were truncated
                 if the first byte was non-zero.  IBM stores a value of 
                 'F1'x in the 1st byte for the 1st merged file, a 'F2'x 
                 for the 2nd merged file, etc., but when a numeric field
                 is INPUT with PIB8, if the field contains a non-zero   
                 first byte, the result is truncated because SAS needs  
                 one byte for exponent, leaving only 7 bytes for        
                 mantissa, which caused duplicate values for IMSRECNO,  
                 which caused the NODUP to fail to recognize true       
                 duplicates.  Now, the 8-byte Character variable        
                 IMSRECCH is used in all BY-lists to successfully remove
                 duplicates and the numeric IMSRECNO is now input from  
                 only the last seven bytes, with PIB7.                  
              -35x record has undocumented bits in QLNQFLGS/ENQFLAG.    
               IMS 11 DSECT only document '10'x,'02'x,' 01'x bits,      
               but data contains '80'x,'40'x,'08'x,and '04'x bits on.   
               QLNQFLGS values '0C'x,'4C'x,'8C'x,'8E'x, and '9C'x bits. 
              -01x record now conditionally inputs Extended Segment,    
               eliminating missing value messages.                      
   Thanks to Lars-Olof Thellenberg, Handelsbanken, SWEDEN.              
   Thanks to Lars Fleischer, SMT Data A/S, DENMARK.                     
Change 28.065  Support for BMC CICS CMRDETL C660 for CICS/TS 4.1 adds   
VMACMVCI       these new variables COMPATIBLY:                          
                 T6EWSSFC T6EWSVCN TESTC660 UDAT2                       
Change 28.064  A semicolon was missing at the end of the statement      
JCLIMSL6         %LET MACKEEP= MACRO _IMSVERS 10 %  ;                   
Mar 26, 2010   causing the job to stop after MXG initialization.        
   Thanks to Urs Kugler, Zurich Insurance Company, SWITZERLAND          
   Thanks to Brian Sanger, Zurich Insurance Company, SWITZERLAND        
Change 28.063  ASUM70LP and ASUMCELP had IFLACTTM,PCTIFLBY missing if   
VMXG70PR       the IFL was Dedicated, LCPUDED='Y' because ORIGWAIT was  
Mar 25, 2010   subtracted from LCPUPDTM even when ORIGWAIT was missing. 
               Now, MAX(ORIGWAIT,0) is subtracted.                      
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.                   
Change 28.062  NetSPY percentage calculations use TOTRSPNO or NETSRPNO  
VMACNSPY       in the denominator, based on the '.1.....'B XDOMAIN value
Mar 25, 2010   for Host-Only or Not, respectively. New TARGRESP variable
               is now set by that XDOMAIN value to make it clearer which
               denominator was used for the TnRSPPC calculations.       
   Thanks to Charles Savikas, DFS State of Florida, USA.                
Change 28.061  MXG changes the TMS variable BLKCNT to a missing value,  
VMACTMS5       when it detects an invalid BLKCNT value.  Previously, the
Mar 25, 2010   BLKCNT value was output as 4,294,967,xxx decimal, because
               the value in the TMS record was 'FFFFFFFC'x, which MXG   
               INPUT with PIB4. INFORMAT, because Block Count must be a 
               positive value, and I feel leaving that large value means
               it can't be easily overlooked as an error.  For a field  
               that can be positive or negative, then the first bit is  
               a sign bit, and the above, when INPUT with IB instead PIB
               is a decimal -4, still a clearly wrong negative value.   
               The TMS Report prints a +4 for BLKCNT for that value!    
               And, from TMS Support, they confirm that:                
                - There is no logic in TMS-Reporting, but if the        
                  high-orderbit is on, they interpret the negative      
                  value as a positive number in their print routine.    
                - The record seems to be wrong, they had some few       
                  similar cases in the past                             
               In fairness to TMS, I don't think these large BLKCNT     
               values are their fault; I think they just pick up that   
               counter and output it.  Occasionally, fields with values 
               'FFFF...'X have shown up in SMF I/O fields like EXCP     
               BLOCK, SIO, etc. whose counters are in the address space.
               They result from the subtraction of a counter with a     
               larger value from a counter with a smaller value, and    
               thus ultimately are the result of a programming error    
               deep in whatever system-level code used the wrong        
               internal counters.  Some of these errors have been       
               tracked down, and fixed, but it can take significant     
               effort, multiple vendors, and even SLIP traps.           
               And many of these "bad" values can be traced back to an  
               ABEND in the address space that overwrote one or both of 
               the subtraction input counters!                          
              -So I've changed the input for BLKCNT so the value is set 
               to a missing value instead of that large value when the  
               first byte is an 'FF'x.  This way, you can use           
                 PROC MEANS N NMISS DATA=TMS.DSNBRECD;                  
               to count the number of DSNs with invalid BLKCNT values.  
   Thanks to Thomas Heitlinger, FIDUCIA IT AG, GERMANY.                 
   Thanks to Sieghart Seith, FIDUCIA IT AG, GERMANY.                    
Change 28.060  Change 27.289 added CPUZIPTM for SYNCSORT that was added 
VMACSYNC       in an existing reserved area, but SYNCSORT 1.2 did not   
Mar 24, 2010   have that expected reserved area, causing MXG to ERROR:  
               conditionally when the reserved area exists.  Note that  
               the current SYNCSORT version is 1.3; they renumbered.    
   Thanks to David Bixler, FISERV, USA.                                 
Change 28.059 -RMF III variable ASIASSTA (ADDITIONAL*SRB*TIME) is now   
VMACRMFV       correctly divided by 1000 in its INFORMAT.               
Mar 24, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Stephen Hoar, Lloyds TSB, ENGLAND.                         
Change 28.058  AS400 Version 5.4.0 creates invalid records that do not  
VMACQACS       contain the "Century" value and a 2-byte POOL Number that
Mar 24, 2010   caused MXG to be misaligned, and all values were wrong!  
               The missing Century value is now forced for 5.4.0 records
               so that dates and values are correct in QAPMPOLB dataset.
   Thanks to Karen Florup, Bank of America, USA.                        
Change 28.057  MXG 28.01, SAS V8.2 ONLY: ERROR: MACRO KEYWORD ABORT IS  
VMXGINIT       NOT YET IMPLEMENTED. Change 28.023 added %ABORT statement
Mar 22, 2010   for obscure NOWORKINIT detection, but we no longer QA MXG
               under SAS V8.2 so the omission was missed.  This change  
               replaced %ABORT with a DATA STEP for sites still stuck in
               that ancient and archaic version of SAS.                 
               See Change 28.079A, which removed NOWORKINIT detection.  
                 Note: This MACRO KEYWORD error also caused FORMATS to  
                 error with ' 22 ' under the OTHER= argument, but the   
                 VMXGINIT correction eliminated that spurious error.    
                    Note: As a reminder, MXG does not fully support V8; 
                    there are other errors that require SAS V9, but this
                    is not one of them.                                 
   Thanks to Teuvo Virsu, Tieto, FINLAND.                               
Change 28.056  Format MG099TC for variable S99TCOD had spelling errors: 
FORMATS        Action Code 3560:  Change REV to REC.                    
Mar 22, 2010   Action Code 8975:  Change NO to NA.                      
   Thanks to Dick Arnold, Commerce Bank, USA.                           
Change 28.055  Using PDB=GTF to read DB2 GTF data did not always work.  
ANALDB2R       Multiple includes of VMACDB2 and VMAC102 could occur,    
READDB2        the logic of which records were to be read was not always
Mar 22, 2010   correct, an unneeded data step was eliminated, and the   
               old-style macros are cleared with %CLEARDB2 so that you  
               can execute ANALDB2R multiple times (which also protects 
               PDB=SMF and PDB=PDB).                                    
               Apr 17: See Change 28.083.  CLEARDB2 REMOVED.            
   Thanks to Tony Curry, BMC, USA.                                      
Change 28.054  Variables TSQIOSTM and TSQIOWTM in CICSRDQU dataset from 
VMAC110        Resource Class SMF 110 SUBTYPE=1 MNSEGCL=5 records were  
Mar 20, 2010   wrong, and the count portion of those two "clocks" is now
               input into new variables TSQIOSCN and TSQIOWCN.          
   Thanks to Danny Sun, IBM Global Services, AUSTRALIA.                 
   Thanks to Tony Delmenico, IBM Global Services, AUSTRALIA.            
Change 28.053  Executing TYPEQACS on ASCII caused OPTION JFCB UNKNOWN.  
VMXGDSNL       The VMXGDSNL macro is revised so that                    
Mar 19, 2010    - It works without referencing a JFCB                   
                - Works on ASCII to find the part of the dataset between
                  the . and the / or the \.                             
                - Continues to function as before to capture the        
                  penultimate token of a GDG DSNAME.                    
   Thanks to Paul Naddeo, FISERV, USA.                                  
Change 28.052  Cosmetic.  Fourteen misspellings of CONTENTION corrected.
Mar 16, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Miguel A. Fernandez, CitiGroup, USA.                       
Change 28.051  DB2 APAR PK62161 adds four important SQL counters that   
VMACDB2        are output in DB2ACCT, DB2ACCTP, and DB2STATS:           
Mar 16, 2010      QXRWSFET='ROWS*FETCHED'                               
               The APAR adds the fields to both DB2 V8 and DB2 V9.      
   Thanks to Terry L. Berman, DST Systems, USA.                         
Change 28.050  Documentation.  If you want to reset the value of the    
VMXGINIT       OPTIONS USER=xxx;, then you MUST reinvoke VMXGINIT after 
Mar 16, 2010   setting your desired LIBNAME:                            
                  OPTIONS USER=MYPDB;                                   
                  %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPEDB2,ASUMDB2A);                  
   Thanks to Lars Fleischer, SMT Data, SWEDEN.                          
Change 28.049 -If you APPEND PDB datasets, you may receive warnings that
FIXTRNCD       the old dataset did not have TRANSCODE attribute set.    
Mar 16, 2010   These warnings are only cosmetic, and will go away when  
Apr 29, 2010   you reset the MTD or WTD dataset with only the new MXG.  
               But, those warnings can be eliminated with the attached  
               FIXTRNCD program which adds the TRANSCODE=NO attribute to
               all $HEX-formatted CHAR variables in the OLD MDT/WTD.    
              -MXG 28.01/28.02. Original FIXTRNCD program did not work. 
               Revised and tested Apr 29, 2010.                         
   Thanks to Jan Hess, USAirways, USA.                                  
   Thanks to Doug Medland, IBM Global Services, USA.                    
Change 28.048  RMFV CPUG3 record has +192 bytes in z/OS 1.11.           
VMACRMFV       Temporary skip realigns data.                            
Mar 15, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Miguel Barrios, SSA, USA.                                  
====== Changes thru 28.047 were in MXG 28.01 dated Mar  9, 2010======== 
 Change Numbers with an asterisk are still OPEN, their text may change, 
 and the listed members might not have been updated yet in this release.
 Contact for current status of those changes.           
Change 28.047  User defined CICS segment supported.  Names similar to   
IMACICUJ       the expected names for IMACICDL caused this particular   
UTILEXCL       user segment to not be recognized, causing ERRORs when   
Mar  9, 2010   SMF data was processed.                                  
   Thanks to Paul Baquet, Duke University, USA.                         
Change 28.046  Documentation.  The summarization INTERVAL= request must 
ASUM70PR       be GREATER THAN OR EQUAL TO the RMF interval duration.   
Mar  9, 2010   The default ASUM70PR has INTERVAL=QTRHOUR, but if that is
               used with data that was created HOURLY, the output       
               ASUM70PR dataset(s) can have PCTCPUBY,PCTLnBY, etc.      
               percentages greater than 100, and there's nothing I can  
               do to correct those values with the incorrect INTERVAL=. 
Change 28.045  The TIMEBILD table was arbitrarily limited to 99 entries;
TIMEBILD       keeping ancient systems in the table caused an error when
Mar  8, 2010   the limit was exceeded; the limit is increased to 999.   
   Thanks to Betty Wong, Bank of America, USA.                          
   Thanks to Michael Oujesky, Bank of America, USA.                     
Change 28.044  WPS failed with a compiler error in VGETOBS, reported as 
VGETOBS        UNRESOLVED MACRO %TRIM, but the error, documented in WPS 
Mar  6, 2010   item 8385, was not in %TRIM, but was in the parsing of a 
Mar  8, 2010   %VGETOBS value that had a plus sign (e.g. 1234e+56).  WPS
               maintenance 14690 corrected the compiler error, but now  
               we understand the code syntax that exposes the problem,  
               by adding %QUOTE() function around the %VGETOBS text, the
               exposure is circumvented, without installing WPS 14690.  
                 (First attempt using %STR() around %VGETOBS failed;    
                  %STR is evaluated at compile time, %QUOTE is evaluated
                  at execute time, which is required here.  Two other   
                  %STR were changed to %QUOTE just for consistency.)    
                 (Second attempt did not correctly parse a period that  
                  was returned when the SAS Data Library was in XPORT   
                 (Third attempt used %INDEX to solve the problem.)      
   Thanks to Atle Mjelde, ErgoGroup, NORWAY.                            
Change 28.043  zTPF has major revisions in Performance Data, with many  
EXTPFCC        old variables removed and new record types; while the new
EXTPFCF        support is in new members TYPEZTPF/TYPSZTPF/VMACZTPF and 
EXTPFCL        not an updated TYPETPF, old DATASET and VARIABLE names   
EXTPFCW        that exist are unchanged, and TPF is still the prefix for
EXTPFCY        the new dataset names.                                   
EXTPFCZ         Status                                                  
EXTPFHP            CC      NO        YES            NO                  
EXTPFMT            CF      YES       YES            NO                  
EXTPFMT            CL      YES       YES            NO                  
EXTPFSF            CW      COMPLETED                                    
EXTPFSI            CY      NO        YES            NO                  
EXTPFTH            CZ      NO        YES            NO                  
EXTPFUC            GL      YES       YES            NO                  
EXTPFVC            HP      YES       YES            NO                  
EXTPFVF            MT      COMPLETED                                    
TYPEZTPF           MU      NO        NO             NO                  
VMACZTPF           SF      NO        YES            YES                 
VMXGZTPF           SI      COMPLETED                                    
Mar  5, 2010       TH      NO        YES            NO                  
Mar 30, 2010       UC      YES       YES            NO                  
Apr  5, 2010       VC      NO        NO             NO                  
                   VF      NO        YES            YES                 
   Thanks to Bob Wilcox, HP, USA.                                       
Change 28.042  New Sentry VM adds new objects and metrics:      
EXNTAPOW         dddddd   Dataset Name    Object                        
EXNTEVFW         NTAPOW   APOOLWAS        APP_POOL_WAS                  
EXNTPPAC         NTIPDR   IPSECDRI        IPSEC DRIVER                  
EXNTPPIC         NTIPGL   IPHTTPSG        IPHTTPS GLOBAL                
EXNTTESE         NTTECL   TERECLIE        TEREDO CLIENT                 
EXNTVWGA         NTTECL   TERERELY        TEREDO RELAY                  
EXNTVWHA         NTTESE   TERESERV        TEREDO SERVER                 
EXNTWPFV4        NTWFP    WFP             WFP                           
EXNTWSMAN        NTWFPV6  WFPTV6          WFPV6                         
IMACNTSM         NTWPFV4  WFPV4           WFPV4                         
Mar  7, 2010                                                            
Change 28.041  Do NOT use ASMTAPEE ML-45/46; it caused CPU spikes in the
ASMTAPEE       in the MXGTMNT address space (minutes vs fractions of a  
Mar  9, 2010   second) that are now corrected by this new ML-47 release.
               ML-45 was in MXG 27.10, ML-46 was in MXG 27.11/MXG 27.27.
               Just in case, member ASMTAP44 contains ML-44.            
Change 28.040  This original change text was wrong and replaced in 2011.
VMACTMS5       The new TMS Extended Format TMC did NOT change ANY size  
Mar  5, 2010   of the TMC 340 byte records.  The new Extended Format is 
               See Change 29.274.                                       
Change 28.039 -Dataset TYPE74CA variable R7451RID, the Rank ID, is input
VMAC74         from two bytes, but that produced values in the thousands
Mar  5, 2010   while the values in R748ARID and R748RRID in TYPE748A and
               TYPE748R have values up to only 15.  The observed values 
               in the first byte of R7451RID are between 1 and 15, and  
               and the second byte is 1 or 2, so (guessing), R7451RID is
               now input from only the first byte and new R7451RI2 has  
               the value in the second byte, perhaps the Rank Group.    
               IBM RMF support observed the same values, but they only  
               get the two bytes from the interface.                    
              -The Raid Rank segment has fields overlaid that populated 
               multiple variables, but variable R7451FLG is now used to 
               set missing values for the variables that don't exist.   
               This table identifies which R7451xxx variables have value
               for each value of R7451FLG, which should be used to group
               these three different sets of metrics in TYPE74CA.       
                0=No Information, 1=Raid Rank Data, 2=Extent Pool Data  
                               0        1           2                   
                                       RID         XID                  
                              HDD      HDD         XTY                  
                                       RTY         XFL                  
                              RRQ      RRQ         PRO                  
                              WRQ      WRQ         PWO                  
                              SR       SR          PBR                  
                              SW       SW          PBW                  
                              RRT      RRT         PRT                  
                              WRT      WRT         PWT                  
              -Documentation. The three type 74 subtype 5 LSA Segments  
               (LO,RO,VO) added in OS/390 Release 2.10 in Change 18.134 
               were removed by IBM in z/OS 1.1, so these variables will 
               always be a missing value:                               
                 R745DCIR R745LFRE R745LKBF R745LKBR R745RBYF R745RBYS  
                 R745RRID R745VBYW R745VFLG R745VNTR R745VNUM R745VSER  
   Thanks to Deb Soricelli, CIGNA, USA.                                 
VMAC120        because MXG thought variable SM1209ES was 128 bytes long,
Mar  3, 2010   when it should have been INPUT as 64 bytes long.         
   Thanks to Clayton Buck, UniGroup, USA.                               
Change 28.037  PDB.SMFINTRV will have EXCP/IOTM counts for FLUSHED steps
BUILD005       that have ZERO elapsed time (for example, steps bypassed 
BUIL3005       execution due to JCL Condition Code Tests) if this causes
BUIL3005       the flushed step and the NEXT step to have identical time
Mar  3, 2010   in INITTIME and INTBTIME (step init, interval begin, to  
               .01 second resolution).  Those NEXT step EXCPs/IOTMs were
               incorrectly output in that FLUSHED step observation, and 
               the NEXT step observation had zero EXCP/IOTM counts.     
               The PDB.STEPS and PDB.JOBS datasets were correct, because
               they don't use interval data.                            
               And, in PDB.SMFINTRV, since those EXCPs were valid, but  
               just in the wrong step, both the JOB and INTERVAL totals 
               were always just fine.                                   
              -Adding INTETIME, the interval end time, in the BY lists  
               in SORTS and MERGES and KEEP= and in FIRST. and LAST. in 
               the MULTIDD algorithm corrects the error; it's now clear 
               they were always required for uniqueness.                
   Thanks to Rachel Holt, Fidelity Systems, USA.                        
Change 28.036 -TYPE1032 from SMF 103 subtype 2 did not deaccumulate     
VMAC103        correctly if PORTNR was not unique; variable JOB was     
Mar  2, 2010   added to the BY list for uniqueness to correct.          
              -"SINCE*STARTUP" removed from label of variable TIMEOUTS, 
               as it is now the interval value, after deaccumulation.   
   Thanks to Matthew Chappell, Queensland Dept of Transport, AUSTRALIA. 
Change 28.035  Cosmetic, a numeric to character conversion note was     
VMXG2DTE       eliminated.                                              
Feb 28, 2010                                                            
Change 28.034  The references to %TRIM() function are not required, and 
VGETOBS        their removal may avoid UNRESOLVED MACRO TRIM errors.    
Feb 28, 2010                                                            
Change 28.033  Incorrect MXG test for SEGLEN=220 for XAMSYS records in  
VMACXAM        the SUBSUM segment caused alignment ERRORS on the log.   
Feb 28, 2010   Correct tests are for 224 and 228.                       
   Thanks to Frank Bereznay, IBM Global Services, USA.                  
   Thanks to Raff Rushton, IBM Global Services, USA.                    
Change 28.032 -IBM/CANDLE/OMEGAMON optional CMRDATA segment (IMACICMR)  
IMACICMR       was increased to 256 bytes in CICS/TS 3.2 (SMFPSRVR=65), 
UTILEXCL       and MXG tests that CICS version in IMACICMR, but records 
Feb 27, 2010   from CICS/TS 3.2 with the old 200-byte length are still  
               created (presumably, the OMEGAMON exit for that segment  
               was not reassembled with CICS/TS 3.2 macros).  While the 
               segment length of an optional CICS segment is not in the 
               CICSTRAN SMF record, if the MR segment happens to be the 
               LAST segment, this change invokes the old short-record   
               INPUT when less than 256 bytes are left and it's 3.2.    
               If the CMRDATA segment is not the last segment, the short
               segment ultimately (hopefully) causes some sort of ERROR 
               (in this case, INVALID TASKNR DETECTED with a VERY large 
               value, due to the misalignment of the short record).     
              -While I can't tell segment length when creating CICSTRAN,
               UTILEXCL will now detect the short CMRDATA segment under 
               CICS/TS 3.2 and print error messages on its log.         
   Thanks to Atle Mjelde, ERGO Group, NORWAY.                           
Change 28.031  z/OS 1.11 GA added variables to SMF 30 and SMF 71, but I 
VMAC30         had not re-examined the final SMF manual. Now added:     
VMAC71          Dataset TYPE71:                                         
Feb 25, 2010      SMF711RN='FIRST*REFERENCE*FAULTS'                     
                Datasets TYPE30_4,TYPE30_5,SMFINTRV,TYPE30_6:           
                  SMF30HSH='HWM*USABLE BYTES*IN 64-BIT*SHARED'          
                  SMF30HSO='BYTES IN*64-BIT*SHARED*STORAGE'             
                  SMF30HVH='HWM*USABLE BYTES*IN 64-BIT*OBTAINED'        
                  SMF30HVO='BYTES IN*64-BIT*STORAGE*OBTAINED'           
   Thanks to Don Deese, CPExpert, Computer Management Sciences, USA.    
Change 28.030  Support for IMS Log 55x Statistics records, may not      
VMACIMS        have been tested with actual records.                    
Feb 24, 2010                                                            
Change 28.029  RMM datetime vars have always been wrong time zone. MXG  
VMACEDGR       assumed that the existence of a GMTOFF value in a Header 
Feb 24, 2010   record extracted by EDGHSKP meant that the values in the 
Mar  5, 2010   records were on GMT, so MXG added the GMTOFF, intending  
Mar  8, 2010   to convert to local, but that incorrectly converted times
               back to GMT time zone values.  IBM rmm support confirms  
               that, since z/OS 1.8, extract records ALMOST ALWAYS have 
               the local time zone, even if the new Common Time UTC(YES)
               option is enabled.  However, if the RHTZNAME field in the
               header record is non-blank, then the user specified the  
               TZ operand of the RPTEXT command, and times IN the record
               were created on that time zone; in this case, MXG does   
               use the GMTOFF to convert record times to local time zone
               and MXG prints a message when this is detected.          
              -The MXG support for all possible data formats added in   
               Change requires a Header Record to define the date
               formats (Julian, American, European, etc.), but if there 
               was no Header record, all of the date/times were missing.
               This change prints an error message if no "H" Header was 
               found as the first record in the file, and sets the date 
               format to the Julian (arbitrary, but most common), with  
               no guarantee that valid times will be created.           
   Thanks to Jorge Fong, NYC Information Technology, USA.               
   Thanks to Phillip Moore, UHC, USA.                                   
   Thanks to Robert Chavez, Florida Power and Light, USA.               
VMACCIMS       shorter than expected TRNEXTEN segment of only 16 bytes  
Feb 24, 2010   was found; MXG expected 52 bytes.  What's sad is that    
               I only input that segment, and didn't keep it, so it is  
               not even important, but now, the length remaining is     
               validated prior to the INPUT of that segment. BMC support
               has acknowledge the error: "MVIMS should clear TRNEXTEN  
               and TRNEXTLN when it strips off the extension. A PTF will
               be created to correct the problem.                       
   Thanks to Lorena Ortenzi, UniCredit Global Info Services, ITALY.     
   Thanks to Paolo Uguccioni, UniCredit Global Info Services, ITALY.    
Change 28.027  Do not use the EXIT112 ASM program to decompress CICS SMF
EXIT112        110 records: instead, use the EXITCICS ASM program to    
Feb 23, 2010   create the CICSIFUE infile exit to process CICS/TS 3.2   
VMAC110        compressed SMF records.  As noted in the original change 
               text, EXIT112 was supposed to handle both 110 and 112    
               compressed records, and it was tested in 2007, but it now
               fails with either 110 or 112 compressed records.         
               I thought you could use the IBM DFH$MOLS program to      
               decompress the 112 Omegamon records, but you can't.      
              -MXG VMAC110 was updated to print a message when the      
               internal SAS decompression code was executed because the 
               CICSIFUE exit was not installed.                         
Change 28.026  Only for consistency, SUMBY= argument changed to STARTIME
TRND71         in place of the now-archaic DATETIME symbol.             
Feb 23, 2010                                                            
Change 28.025  New Crypto Type CEX3C PRCAPMCT=9 caused MXG to CPU LOOP  
FORMATS        on the DM=5 RC=10 PRCAPM segment, with no clue unless you
VMACVMXA       enabled DEBUG=2 to see the last record before the loop.  
Feb 22, 2010  -MXG now protects any unknown PRCAPMCT value with MXGERROR
               messages for the first 3 records, and no CPU loop!       
              -PRCAPMCT values 3,5,7,9 have one structure, and 4,6,8    
               have a second structure (and 4 has 5 engines, while 6,8  
               have only one engine).  All seven values are now decoded.
              -Variable PRCAPMCT is now formatted with new MGVXACX      
               to map the value to the Crypto Type processor:           
   Thanks to Jim Kovarik, AEGON USA, USA.                               
Change 28.024  Variable BYTESIN is now MGBYTES formatted, rather than   
VMACAIX        MGBYTRT formatted, as it contains bytes, not a rate.     
Feb 18, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Glenn Bowman, Wakefern, USA.                               
Change 28.023 -New MXGERROR and USER ABEND 990 if NOWORKINIT is enabled.
VMXGINIT       Unlikely/obscure, but if //WORK is a Permanent DSNAME and
Feb 18, 2010   has DISP=OLD, that NOWORKINIT option skips initialization
               of the (normally temporary) //WORK library, so whatever  
               temporary stuff (macros, catalogs, tables, datasets) was 
               left from the last SAS step will be used for this step.  
               While there may be some applications that can use this   
               "feature", MXG is NOT one of them.  When an ITRM site    
               with that environment upgraded to 27.27, the SAS Compiler
               initially had UNRESOLVED MACRO VARIABLE TEMP1ENG errors  
               in the first execution of VMXGSUM in BUILDPDB, but a job 
               to enable diagnostics had a typo that caused an error,   
               but when fixed and diagnostics were enabled, yet another 
               compiler error was encountered, and three subsequent runs
               all failed with different errors.  It was only when one  
               error reported CORRUPTED MACROs that we spotted the reuse
               of the //WORK DD in the JCL, and only because diagnostic 
               option VERBOSE had been turned on that we saw the CONFIG 
               in use had specified the NOWORKINIT option.              
               That original unresolved macro error was false; there was
               no error in MXG code, but was the result of a conflict   
               between the old, compiled, %VMXGSUM macro in //WORK that 
               was compiled from the old MXG, with the invocation in the
               new MXG that expected the new definition.  Changes were  
               made to VMXGSUM between the two versions.                
               This change causes a USER ABEND 990 and MXGERROR messages
               if the NOWORKINIT is enabled at MXG Initialization.      
              -All VMXGxxxx members that define volatile %MACROs print a
               single MXGNOTE: VMXGxxxx LAST UPDATED...., when the macro
               is compiled; this will avoid a rerun just to determine if
               an old macro is in use when there are errors.            
              -But, see Change 28.079A                                  
Change 28.022 -ML-47 of ASMTAPEE/MXGTMNT protects for diagnostic ABEND. 
ASMTAPEE       If diagnostic trap IEAINITREGSTASK is enabled, it causes 
Feb 13, 2010   a recoverable ABEND 0E0-28 for each XMEM Cross-Memory    
               call, with a loss of data fields in some MXGTMNT records,
               and the unwanted overhead of triggering that trap.       
               Diagnostic traps like this are enabled, usually only on  
               test systems, but especially on new z/OS system tests,   
               to expose existing or potential coding errors.  The fact 
               that this trap caused an abend doesn't necessarily mean  
               there is an error.                                       
               The idea behind this one is that if a program does not   
               properly set a register, then any use of that register   
               could potentially lead to a storage overlay.  Storage    
               overlays are some of the most difficult problems to      
               diagnose because you don't get an abend when the storage 
               is overlaid: the abend only comes later when subsequent  
               code attempts to use that storage and comes across that  
               now-corrupted area.  The abend could happen immediately, 
               or hours later.                                          
               This trap places x'FF' in all registers, including access
               registers, at task initialization, with the expectation  
               that the task will clear all access registers before it  
               goes into AR cross memory mode.  The 'FF'x will cause the
               code that is using the register without clearing it to   
               immediately abend, making this storage overlay error much
               easier to find.  There are several IBM APARs for various 
               products that had identical S0E0 ABENDS.                 
               Newer sections of MXGTMNT do clear all ARs, but the older
               code, pre ML-29, only cleared the ARs that were actually 
               used, leaving the unused ARs with the x'FF' value.       
               What is the exposure for MXGTMNT?  There isn't any.  This
               trap exposes, at most, a bad programming practice, maybe!
               The trap ABEND is caused by the access registers being   
               set to x'FF's.  Access registers are used for access via 
               cross memory, and the trap sets them when the task is    
               first created and entered.                               
               Since MXGTMNT is the first task there is no chance that a
               previous task left any unwanted data in the access       
               registers.  But even though there is no exposure, we have
               no choice but to add code to clear all ARs; otherwise    
               anyone who runs MXGTMNT with that diagnostic trap enabled
               will encounter these abends.                             
               See Change 28.041 text for ML-47 status.                 
   Thanks to Ginny Nugent, SAS Institute, USA.                          
   Thanks to Ed Webb, SAS Institute, USA                                
   and to my "asmguy", who provided the explanations and the update.    
Change 28.021  The zPCR program works fine for simple configurations,   
ANALZPCR       but with missing data, or multiple, complex, sysplexes   
Feb 13, 2010   the ANALZPCR program could fail, the MXG-created .zpcr   
Feb 16, 2010   file load could fail, or a model that would load without 
Feb 25, 2010   an error could have SYSTEMs in the wrong SYSPLEX.        
Feb 28, 2010  -The SYSPLEX value in PDB.TYPE70PR is NOT the SYSPLEX of  
Mar  4, 2010   the LPARNAME, but, rather, is the SYSPLEX on which that  
Mar  5, 2010   SMF record was written, a fact overlooked in ANALZPCR,   
               which needs to correctly associate LPARNAME to SYSPLEX.  
               Depending on the alphabetical ordering of your SYSTEM and
               SYSPLEX names, ANALZPCR sometimes accidentally had the   
               right SYSTEM in the right SYSPLEX, but not always.       
               Now, PDB.TYPE70, whose SYSTEM-SYSPLEX pairing is always  
               right, is read to create a format mapping SYSTEM to its  
               SYSPLEX (in addition to the existing format that maps the
               SYSTEM to MVSLEVEL). Then, PDB.TYPE70PR is read, values  
               of MVSLEVEL/SYSPLEX are set from SMF70STN format lookups,
               and the WORK.TYPE70PR dataset has correct SYSPLEX and    
               MVSLEVEL for LPARNAME, so ANALZPCR now always is right.  
              -zPCR load fails with MXG-created .zpcr file if incomplete
               SMF/PDB data input was read and SCP created. 
               The input SMF or PDB must have TYPE70 observations for   
               every SYSTEM to get the MVSLEVEL, which is used to set   
               the SCP tag from SMF70STN in TYPE70PR.  If a system's    
               data doesn't have TYPE70 data and is only in the TYPE70PR
               LPAR data, the SCP tag value 'z/OS-MXG**' has always been
               created in the .zpcr file, but not documented, and that  
               tag value must be changed for zPCR to load the text file.
               Now, there are ERROR messages when you have missing data 
               telling you MUST change those SCP tag values before using
               the .zpcr file. Output reports also are enhanced to show 
               the MVSLEVEL and SMF70STN for each LPAR.                 
              -ANALZPCR program fails with overlapping FORMAT values if 
               the SMF/PDB input has data with multiple MVSLEVELS from  
               the same SYSTEM.  ANALZPCR will now detect and continue  
               to execute, and will use the LAST MVSLEVEL for SCP tag,  
               but will also print ERROR messages when this is detected.
                  ANALZPCR can't easily be redesigned to support this   
                  multiplicity, but you can split your input and run the
                  ANALZPCR twice to create each of the two .zpcr files. 
              -When ANALZPCR is run on ASCII, to read a PDB.TYPE70 that 
               was CIMPORTed from z/OS and that had been created on z/OS
               "before" the TRANSCODE attribute was added by MXG 27.01  
               (Change 27.014) to all HEX-containing-$CHAR-variables,   
               variable CPUTYPE will have been converted to '886D'x for 
               a true CPUTYPE='2094'x.  ANALZPCR now tests CPUTYPE for  
               these "wrong" values: 886D/886F/8870/8871x in CPUTYPE    
               and corrects them to: 2094/2096/2097/2098x so that the   
               NAME tag that zpcr expects is created in the .zpcr file. 
              -When PDB=SMF was used, DASDIORT counted only DASD I/O by 
               selecting only DEVCLASS=20X when SMF was read. But when  
               PDB=PDB was used, but only if your PDB.TYPE74 dataset had
               other DEVCLASS's captured, DASDIORT was the total I/O.   
               Now, the PDB=PDB logic selects only DEVCLASS=20X counts. 
              -MXG uses LCPUSHAR, the Initial Shared LPAR Weight, but if
               IRD is active (LPARWLMG='Y'), zPCR expects SMF70ACS, the 
               Current Shared Weight.                                   
              -The message for Linux LPARs that you have to manually put
               the SCP type printed the SYSTEM instead of the LPARNAME. 
              -When PDB=CECTIME was used, specialty engine and ICF's    
               could have been miscounted.                              
              -SELECT PEAKTIME or PEAKPCT only summarize zOS SYSTEMs,   
               and they do NOT contain IFLs, nor ICF partitions, and    
               thus are unlikely to be used.  CECTIME is DEFAULT.       
              -Mar 4, 2010. zPCR Release 6.3a failed to load a model    
               with CPUTYPE 2094-722; IBM zPCR support      
               created an updated zPCR program with same-day-service!   
               With that new release, the Book Configuration, which is  
               now VERY important, can be specified in the pull-down.   
   Thanks to Frank Bereznay, IBM Global Services, USA.                  
   Thanks to Raff Rushton, IBM Global Services, USA.                    
   Thanks to Karl Lasecki, Chemical Abstracts Service, USA.             
Change 28.020  Variable QAQSGDSP, Sharing Group Dispositions, in dataset
FORMATS        TMMQQAA is now decoded by new FORMAT $MGTMQDI.           
Feb 12, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
Change 28.019  INVALID DATA FOR RVTRERR in EDGHSKP records is caused by 
VMACEDGR       IBM writing a question-mark character instead of a count 
Feb 10, 2010   of errors as an &NUM4. field.  This change eliminates    
               that NOTE and the HEX record dump for all four xxxxERR   
               variables (by changing the INPUT to use ?? &NUM.4.), but 
               IBM will be contacted for an explanation; perhaps they   
               store a question mark when the error count is larger than
               the maximum of 99999 that fits in that 4-byte field.     
               These instance of invalid data values can be identified  
               because RVTRERR will be a missing value in the EDGRXEXT  
               or EDGRVEXT dataset.                                     
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
Change 28.018  All of the duration/clock values are in 1024 microsecond 
VMACTMVT       units and not the 64 microsecond units MXG had coded; the
Feb 10, 2010   correct 1024 multiplier is now used. The FORMAT TIME13.3 
               will still display decimals the maximum resolution of one
               millisecond (0.001 seconds), since 1024 microseconds is  
               just at teeny bit more than one millisecond.             
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
Change 28.017  CICS Optional 'PSB SCHL', a mis-spelling of the expected 
UTILEXCL       'PSB SCHD' field name, is now recognized and supported.  
Feb  8, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Thomas E. Porta, TYCO Electronics, USA.                    
Change 28.016  SAS Version 9.2 changed the PROC GCHART's PATTERN default
DOC            to a terrible choice that produces unreadable patterns.  
Feb  6, 2010   Feb: Investigating alternatives.                         
Aug  9, 2010   Aug: Better definition of color/patterns now defined as  
                    default in VMXGINIT, but if you choose your own,    
                    yours will instead be used.                         
Change 28.015  Support for z/TPF SMF 89 record; z/TPF put the subtype in
VMAC89         byte 19 rather than bytes 19-20 as documented for z/OS.  
Feb  3, 2010   MXG protects either z/OS or z/TPF SMF ID=89 records now. 
   Thanks to Paul J. Westerhout, KLM, THE NETHERLANDS.                  
Change 28.014  MXG 27.10-MXG 27.27.  The wildcard colon-suffix in the   
VGETDDS        DDNAMES= argument, to allocate all DDNAMEs starting with 
Feb  3, 2010   those characters (%VGETDDS,DDNAMES=PDB:); worked ONLY for
               DDNAMES=PDB:).  Any OTHER prefix characters ahead of that
               colon caused syntax errors.  And, DDNAMES=ALLDAYS or even
               a list of specific DDNAMES=MON TUE WED names also failed,
               with LIBNAME PDBx NOT ASSIGNED because a separate error  
               sent VMXGDDS to try to allocate LIBNAMES starting with   
               PDBn, no matter what names you used in your DDNAMES=.    
                 Note: If the DATASET you will look for in VMXGSET might
                       not exist in all of the LIBNAMES you specify, you
                       can use  OPTIONS NODSNFERR; and only the found   
                       datasets will be read by VMXGSET, and the SAS log
                       will indicate which DDnames had the DATASET.     
   Thanks to Paul Naddeo, FISERV, USA.                                  
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
Change 28.013  Variables QW0127FG/QW0127PG/QW0128FG/QW0128PG are INPUT  
FORMATS        and kept in T102S127 and T102S128 datasets.  The "PG"    
VMAC102        variables are four-byte replacements for the three-byte  
Jan 30, 2010   existing "PN" page number variables.                     
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.                   
Change 28.012  Very kewl tool, %VMXGFIND searches a SAS data library to 
VMXGFIND       FIND all observations in all datasets that meet your test
VGETVAR        criteria, outputs those selected obs into a separate SAS 
VMXGPRNT       data library, and prints all selected obs (all variables,
Jan 31, 2010   with the variable's name AND label as heading).          
               For example:                                             
                           FIND= IF JOB='MXGBUILD'; ,                   
               finds all obs with JOB='MXGBUILD' in all of the datasets 
               in the PDB input library, and outputs those obs into     
               their datasets in the PDBOUT data library, and prints.   
               In your KEEPIN= argument, you list all of the variables  
               that will be used in the SAS code in your FIND= argument.
               Only the datasets with one or more of those variables are
               read, and the FIND= logic is used to output the selected.
               You can test with complex logic with multiple variables  
               that don't exist in all of the dataset.  For example:    
                       KEEPIN=STARTIME STRTTIME INTBTIME,               
                       FIND= IF ('31JAN2010:15:00:00'DT LE STARTIME LT  
                                 '31JAN2010:16:00:00'DT )               
                             OR ('31JAN2010:15:00:00'DT LE STRTTIME LT  
                                 '31JAN2010:16:00:00'DT )               
                             OR ('31JAN2010:15:00:00'DT LE INTBTIME LT  
                                 '31JAN2010:16:00:00'DT ) ;,            
               selects all interval observations that started in the 3PM
               hour, from RMFINTRV plus all detail RMF datasets, from   
               CICINTRV and any other CICxxxxx interval datasets, from  
               DB2STATx interval datasets, from the SMFINTRV dataset,   
               and from ANY other PDB dataset with ANY of those three   
               variables meeting the test.  There will be log messages  
               UNINITIALIZED VARIABLE printed when a dataset being read 
               doesn't contain all KEEPIN= variables, but they are      
               harmless and unavoidable.                                
               Or, this example                                         
                           KEEPIN=RACFUSER QWHCAID FSRUID,              
                           FIND=IF RACFUSER=::'JOE" OR                  
                                   QWHCAID=:'JOE' OR                    
                           PRINT=YES );                                 
               will find all observations from user "JOE".              
               New %VGETVAR(DDNAME=,DATASET=,VARNAME=), used in VMXGFIND
               determines if variable VARNAME exists in DDNAME.DATASET. 
               VMXGPRNT now deletes WORK.TMPPRNT (previously WORK.SP_L).
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.                   
Change 28.011  Reading VSAM SMF for type 119 records failed; the OFFSMF 
VMAC119        was not added to all of the offsets.                     
Jan 29, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Kim Westcott, State of New York, USA.                      
Change 28.010  Variable SHIFT is created from the QWHSSTCK (END TIME) in
VMACDB2H       the DB2 Header for all DB2 records, and SHIFT is now kept
VMACDB2        in all of the datasets created from SMF 100 and 101 data.
Jan 28, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Atle Mjelde, ErgoGroup, NORWAY                             
Change 28.009  INVALID DATA FOR CVTTZ in z/OS 1.11 Type 0 record is due 
VMAC0          to absence of &IB.4. in its INPUT statement, but as this 
Jan 28, 2010   new variable is not used elsewhere, this had no impact,  
               except the waste of your time chasing this message down. 
               I missed this because there were no IPL records in any of
               my z/OS 1.11 test SMF data, and because the absence of an
               INFORMAT in an INPUT statement is not a syntax error.    
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
Change 28.008  The SPIN.SPINMOUN and SPIN.SPINSYSL dataset could grow to
ASUMTAPE       massive size (1.8 million obs in SPINSYSL) because there 
Jan 26, 2010   was no test to stop their spinning after some number of  
               days.  Now, IMACSPIN is read and its value of _SPINCNT is
               used to determine when a still-unmatched syslog message  
               should be "spun" again.  When observations are deleted   
               due to their age, the count is printed on the SAS log.   
                  The default IMACSPIN has _SPINCNT of zero, because if 
                  you failed to read INSTALL's instructions on how to   
                  EDIT your IMACSPIN member, at least then when you run 
                  your first BUILDPDB, all of the jobs in SMF are output
                  to the PDB library, with none output to SPIN, so you  
                  will find all your jobs, complete and incomplete, in  
                  that first PDB.  Then, when you ask about all those   
                  incomplete jobs, tech support will point you back to  
                  read INSTALL and IMACSPIN to set _SPINCNT.            
                  But for ASUMTAPE, I will always spin the incomplete   
                  mount events at least one day, using _SPINCNT+1, which
                  should allow most incomplete mounts today to match up 
                  tomorrow, even if you haven't changed IMACSPIN.       
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, Inc, USA.                  
Change 28.006  An example Ranking analysis, a PROC RANK on steroids.    
Jan 25, 2010                                                            
Change 28.005 -Support for Sun StorageTek Enterprise Library Software   
VMACSTC        Version 6.2 and Version 7.0.  Version 6.2 adds new field 
Jan 25, 2010   STC14N4K, the number of 4K blocks, used to re-calculate  
Feb  2, 2010   STC14VSZ, which was previously limited to a max of 4GB.  
Sep 16, 2010   Variables marked with * below, are only in Version 7.    
              -New variables added to STCVSM13 dataset;                 
                 *STC13PLX='TAPEPLEX*FROM WHICH*VTV RECEIVED'           
              -New variables added to STCVSM14 dataset;                 
                 *STC14PLX='TAPEPLEX*FROM WHICH*VTV RECEIVED'           
              -New variables added to STCVSM16 dataset;                 
              -New variables added to STCVSM17 dataset;                 
              -New variables added to STCVSM18 dataset;                 
              -New variables added to STCVSM19 dataset;                 
              -New variables added to STCVSM25 dataset;                 
                  STC25TUS='SPACE*USED BY*CURRENT*VTVS'                 
                  STC25NDV='NUMBER*OF HOLES*DELETED*VTVS'               
              -New variables added to STCVSM26 dataset;                 
              -New variables added to STCVSM27 dataset;                 
                  STC27MV3='VOLSER OF*MVC3*CONTAINING*THE VTV'          
                  STC27MV4='VOLSER OF*MVC4*CONTAINING*THE VTV'          
              -New variables added to STCVSM28 dataset;                 
              -Sep 16: No code change, but with this change there were  
               obs created from subtype 7 records in STCHSC dataset     
               with the Oracle SL8500 hardware, whereas MXG 27.05       
               created zero observations in STCHSC.                     
   Thanks to  Davide Marone, SGS S.p.a. ITALY                           
   Thanks to  Carlo Gavinelli, SGS S.p.a. ITALY                         
   Thanks to Gianvittorio Negri, SAS Institute, ITALY.                  
Change 28.004  The EXTREMELY DETAIL DB2 Trace Report PMTRC01 is revised 
ANALDB2R       for efficiency, keeping track of which of 350 possible   
Jan 25, 2010   trace datasets are actually populated, and only using    
Feb 22, 2010   their variables.  Some uninitialized variables messages  
               and character to numeric conversions were eliminated.    
               Note that your DBA needs to enable all of these IFCIDs to
               cover all I/O and SQL calls:                             
                IO    6 7 8 9 10 29 30 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 105 107  
                      114 115 116 119 120                               
                SQL   6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 44 45 53 55 
                      58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 68 69 70 71 73 74 75 76
                      77 78 79 86 87 88 89 95 96 105 107 125 157 158 159
                      160 163 174 175 177 183 ACCOUNT                   
               With CONNTYPE=4 in the argument list, only records from  
               CICS Connection will be reported, so if both I/O and SQL 
               traces are enabled, you can see what DB2 Tables/DBIDs are
               touched for each transaction, and can what types of SQL  
               calls were made for each transaction.  Unfortunately, you
               can NOT map SQL calls to each DB2 Table that was used.   
               See correction in Change 28.083.                         
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
Change 28.003  Summary of (archaic) SMF 118 records in ANALTCP and of   
ANALTCP        current SMF 119 records failed if PDB was on TAPE.       
Jan 21, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.                   
Change 28.002  Variables CPUZIPTM and CPUIFATM added to this example    
ASUMSMFI       summarization of PDB.SMFINTRV.                           
Jan 21, 2010                                                            
   Thanks to Frank Lund, EDB Business Partner Norge AS, NORWAY          
Change 28.001  Unused Change.                                           
LASTCHANGE: Version 28.