        MXG Version 30.30 was dated Jan 21, 2013, thru Change 30.292.   
  MXG Newsletter SIXTY-ONE was dated Jan 21, 2013.                      
        MXG Version 30.10 was dated Jan  3, 2013, thru Change 30.274.   
        MXG Version 30.09 was dated Dec  4, 2012, thru Change 30.253.   
First   MXG Version 30.09 was dated Dec  3, 2012, thru Change 30.252.   
        MXG Version 30.08 was dated Nov  7, 2012, thru Change 30.235.   
First   MXG Version 30.08 was dated Nov  5, 2012, thru Change 30.230.   
        MXG Version 30.07 was dated Oct  3, 2012, thru Change 30.200.   
Second  MXG Version 30.07 was dated Oct  2, 2012, thru Change 30.199.   
DONTUSE MXG Version 30.07     dated Oct  1, 2012, thru Change 30.198.   
        MXG Version 30.06 was dated Sep  1, 2012, thru Change 30.177.   
Second  MXG Version 30.05 was dated Aug  8, 2012, thru Change 30.153.   
First   MXG Version 30.05 was dated Aug  6, 2012, thru Change 30.151.   
     MXG Newsletter SIXTY is  dated Aug  6, 2012.                       
        MXG Version 30.04 was dated Jul  4, 2012, thru Change 30.124.   
First   MXG Version 30.04 was dated Jul  2, 2012, thru Change 30.122.   
        MXG Version 30.03 was dated May 30, 2012, thru Change 30.096.   
        MXG Version 30.02 was dated Apr 15, 2012, thru Change 30.062.   
        MXG Version 30.01 was dated Feb 13, 2012, thru Change 30.021.   
Annual  MXG Version 29.29 was dated Jan 23, 2012, thru Change 29.307.   
Instructions for ftp download can be requested by using this form:                          
Your download instructions will be sent via return email.               
Contents of member CHANGES:                                             
I.    Current MXG Software Version 30.30 is available upon request.     
II.   SAS Version requirement information.                              
III.  WPS Version requirement information.                              
IV.   MXG Version Required for Hardware, Operating System Release, etc. 
V.    Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 30.30.                  
VI.   Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
VII.  Changes Log                                                       
  Member NEWSLTRS contains Technical Notes, especially APARs of interest
  and is updated with new notes frequently.  All Newsletters are online 
  at in the "Newsletters" frame.                     
  Member CHANGES contains the changes made in the current MXG version.  
  Member CHANGESS contains all changes that have ever been made to MXG. 
  All MXG changes are also online at, in "Changes".  
I.  MXG Version 30.30 dated Jan 21, 2013, thru Change 30.292.           
  Major enhancements/corrections added in MXG 30.30, dated Jan 21, 2013:
  ANALCOMP 30.286  Graphic comparison of values over time.              
  TYPE110  30.278  TASZIPTM and TASELGTM documented, TASELGTM corrected.
  TYPETMO2 30.277  Support for TMON CICS 3.4 for CICS/TS 5.1 INCOMPAT.  
  TYPEMVCI 30.276  Support for Mainview CICS 6.5 for TS 5.1 COMPATIBLE. 
  TYPEBETA 30.285  Support for BETA93 subtype 51.                       
  TYPETAPR 30.284  Support for additional PHYSVOL/VOLUME file fields.   
  UTILEXCL 30.278  MXGNOTE on log identifies create date of IMACEXCL.   
  JCLSPLIT 30.287  Examples DECOMPRESS CICS/DB2 on z/OS for ASCII MXG.  
  UTILEXCL 30.283  Better support for UNKNOWN FIELDS to prevent 180.    
  READDB2  30.280  MXG 30.10 IFCID=STATS could still fail.              
  VFMT102  30.279  VFMT102 mapping DBID/OBID/PSID safer algorithm.      
  MXGNAMES 30.275  MXGNAMES/CONFIMXG supports a USER FORMAT library.    
  Major enhancements/corrections added in MXG 30.10, dated Jan  3, 2013:
  TYPE7072 30.264  Support for APAR OA39562 new TYPE70Y3 PKCS11 CEX4P.  
  TYPE99   30.259  Support for SMF 99 Subtype 12 and 14 HiperDispatch.  
  TYPEVMXA 30.254  Support for zVM new CRYPTO TYPE PRCAPMCT=10.         
  TYPEVMXA 30.254  Support for zVM new HIS (SMF113) counters, zEC12.    
  TYPE102  30.265  Support for DB2 Trace IFCIDs 361 and 362 populated.  
  TYPEIDMS 30.270  Support for IDMS PERFMON Version 17 and 18.          
  READDB2  30.257  IFCIDS=STATS fixed, use instead of IFCIDS=STATISTICS.
  BUILDPDB 30.260  PDB.JOBS variable ABENDS count included some RETURNs.
  BLDSMPDB 30.255  WEEKKEEP, WEEKDROP now work as documented.           
  ASUM70PR 30.266  Variable LFARIFLS added to ASUM70PR datasets.        
  TYPE113  30.274  Correction to DWINSORM/DWDASORM for one book CEC.    
  SMFSRCH  30.269  Incorrectly tried to write to USERID.SMFOUT.DATA.    
  TYPE80A  30.268  RACF317 detect BPX.DEFAULT.USER, invalid in z/OS 2.1.
  Major enhancements/corrections added in MXG 30.09, dated Dec  3, 2012:
  TYPE120  30.244  Support for WebSphere Version 8 ID=120 Subtype 10.   
  TYPECIMS 30.245  Support for BMC Mainview IMS 4.6 a/k/a IMF, CIMS.    
  TYPEEJES 30.238  Support for Phoenix Software (E)JES SMF record.      
  TYPEBETA 30.237  Support for BETA93/97 Version 4.3.0 (INCOMPATIBLE).  
  TYPEDB2  30.246  DB2STATS QWOSxxxx wrong if ZOSMETRICS=YES not set.   
  VMXG2DTE 30.242  New CRITERIA= parameter inserts selection SAS code.  
  ANALDB2R 30.241  Revised mapping of DBID and OBID objects to names.   
  VFMT102  30.241  Revised mapping of DBID and OBID objects to names.   
  GRAFDB2B 30.240  Graphic/tabular DB2 Buffer Size reports, ODS or GRAPH
  VMXGCOPY 30.243  VMXGCOPY copies SAS datasets from multiple LIBNAMEs. 
  TYPE113  30.236  Spurious DEACCUMULATION RESET message not printed.   
  Major enhancements/corrections added in MXG 30.08, dated Nov  7, 2012:
  If you downloaded MXG 30.08 dated Nov  5, please refresh with Nov 7:  
  Change 30.234 is REQUIRED with APAR OA37826 (z/EC12 TYPE74); it was   
  NOT in MXG 30.08 dated Nov 5.  Use only the Nov 7 Version 30.08 if    
  you have installed that APAR:                                         
  TYPE110  30.228  Support for CICS/TS 5.1 INCOMPATIBLE - 30.08 REQUIRED
  TYPEDB2  30.229  Support for DB2 NETEZZA optional data corrections.   
  TYPE113  30.201  Support for HIS zEC12 new Extended Counters, calcs.  
  TYPE7072 30.212  Support for zEC12 CRYPTO EXPRESS4S APAR OA37016.     
  TYPE74   30.209  Support for APAR OA37826 Channel Path Types CIB, CFP.
  TYPE70   30.208  Support for APAR OA37803 Warning Track Interrupt.    
  TYPE74   30.207  Support for APAR OA39993 Interrupt Delay Time        
  TYPE79   30.207  Support for APAR OA39993 Interrupt Delay Time        
  TYPE71   30.206  Support for APAR OA38660 eC12 SCM and Pgbl Large.    
  TYPE78   30.206  Support for APAR OA38660 TYPE78PA additions.         
  TYPEDCOL 30.204  Support for APAR OA38980 ZFS dataset flag, FREEs.    
  ASUMTAPE 30.203  Support for JES3 Main Device Scheduler IAT5210/5918. 
  TYPENMON 30.226  Support for MEMAMS Memory Object, French text.       
  TYPENDM  30.220  Support for NDM-CD Subtype CX creates NDMCX dataset. 
  TYPE110  30.213  MXG 30.07 only. CICS STID=30 WARNING message fixed.  
  TYPEDB2  30.210  DB2 V10 APAR PN29124 detects IBM BIF INCOMPATIBLE.   
  TYPETPMX 30.216  MVS Solutions Thruput Manager SMF subtype 5 updates. 
  ASMRMFV  30.202  RMF III Enhancements and Fixes.                      
  TYPERMFV 30.217  Reading RMF III data on ASCII - INVALID date message.
  TYPEVMXA 30.215  z/VM BROKE CONTROL record when MONWRITE concatenated.
  TYPEDB2  30.211  QISTCOLS now deaccumulated again.                    
  VFMT102  30.219  NODUPKEY temp circumvention for overlapped range.    
  TYPE70   30.233  TYPE70 CPUWAITM incorrect, greater than CPUUPTM      
  TYPETMS5 30.205  Variable ACTVOL added to TMS.TMS dataset.            
  ANALDB2R 30.219  Mapping of dBID/OBID values to names revised.        
  ANALDB2R 30.218  INTERVAL=xxxx wasn't supported, VMXGUM MXGERROR.     
  VMXGFIND 30.214  VMXGFIND to print all datasets had wrong title.      
  Many     30.225  New MXGEXIMSG macro variable for diagnostics.        
  Major enhancements/corrections added in MXG 30.07, dated Oct  3, 2012:
  TYPE7072 30.182  Support for zNEXT EC12 processors with 101 engines.  
  ASMTAPEE 30.193  MXGTMNT Tape Mount Monitor no longer PINs UCBs.      
  TYPEVMXA 30.192  z/VM Linux Processor VXAPLSL0 dataset wrong values.  
  TYPEVMXA 30.190  z/VM 6.1 BROKEN CONTROL RECORD if STSI is 152 bytes. 
  TYPEDB2  30.194  QMDAACCT field LENACCT=246 caused INVALID 3rd SUBSTR.
  TYPE119  30.188  Support for SMF 119 subtype 48 thru 52 (SMTP).       
  ANALDB2R 30.185  Redesign to execute VFMT102 only once per ANALDB2R.  
  ANALDB2R 30.186  New "MXG" DB2 reports MXGACC01 and MXGACC02.         
  VFMT102  30.183  30.05/30.06 VFMT102 could have overlapped range.     
  VMAC113  30.179  Formula changes from John Burg's SHARE presentation. 
  BLDFORMT 30.191  JCL Example using CONFIMXG to create FORMAT library. 
  VMXGSUM  30.189  Use of %CMPRES replaced by %SYSFUNC which is in base.
  Major enhancements/corrections added in MXG 30.06, dated Sep  1, 2012:
  TYPE120  30.155  Support WebSphere Asynchronous Section 120 Subtype 9.
  TYPETAPR 30.164  Support for Tandem Prognosis data files.             
  TYPEZVPS 30.154  Support XAM/ZVPS VCPU Virtual CPU segment XMUSVCPU   
  TYPE102  30.175  Support for IFCID=271 DB2 AUDIT PERMISSIONS trace.   
  TYPE102  30.169  Invalid IFCID=145 QWT02R1L=0 caused ABEND & LOOP.    
  TYPENTSM 30.159  Support MicroSoft Exchange 2010 incompat changes.    
  TYPENMON 30.137  Updates to NMON/TOPAS Monitor for AIX and LINUX.     
  TYPE120  30.155  Variable SM1209CX incorrect in TYP1209E.             
  ASUMUOW  30.166  Optional add PROGRAM and PROG1-PROGnn to PDB.ASUMUOW.
  TYPEWWW  30.163  Windows IIS Server Log, strange URIQUERY, looped.    
  TYPENTSM 30.156  Terminal Service object fields reversed, 2003vs2008R.
  ASMRMFV  30.161  RMF III protection/messages for VSAM read I/O error. 
  TYPERMFV 30.172  RMF III Enhancements.                                
  TYPEDB2  30.173  Spurious INVALID QMDA SEGMENT message eliminated.    
  VMXGINIT 30.171  Macro variables &PCICMNR and &WCICMNR reinstated.    
  TYPE110  30.170  Obs count in CICLDR reduced from 1.7M to 70,000.     
  VGETOBS  30.177  SAS 9.2 z/OS ONLY VGETOBS didn't recognize tape dset.
  Major enhancements/corrections added in MXG 30.05, dated Aug  8, 2012:
  EXITCICS 30.130  DB2 V10 compressed records "enhanced": NOW WORKS!    
                  (And this VERSION 3 DOES NOT NEED CICS MACRO LIBRARY).
  ANALDB2R 30.147  DB2 AUDIT reports updated for DB2PM Version 4.2      
  TYPE102  30.140  Support for IFCID 269,270 Audit, decodes uniques.    
  TYPEDB2  30.133  Support for (optional) DB2 Netezza Accelerator data. 
  TYPEDB2  30.138  ASG TMON/DB2 PTF TE03737 corrects INVALID DB2 RECORD.
  VGETALOC 30.135  Dynamic allocation of AUTOALOC=YES LIBNAMEs.         
  VMXGALOC 30.131  New READONLY and CLEARLL parameters.                 
  TYPE21   30.132  Corrections to SMF 21 calculations of compression.   
  ANALGRID 30.126  Date range selection did not work.                   
  TYPERMFV 30.151  Additional Enhancements for RMF III processing.      
  Major enhancements/corrections added in MXG 30.04, dated Jul  4, 2012:
  UTILEXCL 30.100  DO NOT USE UTILEXCL in MXG 30.03, "NON-FIRST" error. 
  TYPE30   30.119  Support for APAR OA39629 HICPUPCT/HICPUPGM TYPE30.   
  TYPEMVCI 30.109  Support for Mainview CICS v64 CICS/TS 4.2 (COMPAT).  
  TYPETMD2 30.107  Support for ASG/Landmark TMON DB2 PTFs TE03699/03718.
  ASMRMFV  30.105  Support for RMF III ASIG3 segments '13'x and '14'x.  
  TYPE119  30.099  Support for CO:Z SMF 119 Subtypes 192 and 193.       
  TYPE1415 30.103  Support for z/OS 1.13-added RAS segment (COMPATIBLE).
  TYPERACF 30.120  Support for RACF database Record 02G1.               
  TYPEDB2  30.113  Support for DB2 V10 restructured QIST statistics.    
  TYPEZPRO 30.116  Support for Voltage SecureData for z/OS z/Protect.   
  ASUM70PR 30.106  zIIP SHARE WEIGHTS calculated for each LPAR.         
  TYPEDCOL 30.098  DCOLLECT BKUP fields added by z/OS 1.11 supported.   
  TYPE70EN 30.104  Variable SMF70CIN in TYPE70EN was 'ZIP', now 'IIP'.  
  TYPE119  30.121  Additional formats to decode TYPE119 SSH fields.     
  TRNDRMFI 30.115  Revisions for TRNDRMFI using VGETWKLD.               
  TYPESASU 30.114  SAS User Records with SASPROC='SQL (63)' protected.  
  TYPEPMX  30.112  Variables TPMAJCT/TPMSCT too large by 100.           
  TYPE80A  30.111  Debugging PUT 'DEBUG 1' is now disabled.             
  TYPEWPMO 30.110  Windows PERFMON data now supports any delimiter.     
  Major enhancements/corrections added in MXG 30.03, dated May 30, 2012:
  ASMRMFV  30.095  Major RMF Enhancements.                              
  TYPEDB2  30.089  Support for DB2 V10 APAR PM24723 adds data IFCID=225.
  TYPE105  30.080  Support for GDPS SMF 105 now validated with SMF data.
  TYPESAMS 30.073  Support for CA Vantage Stor Resc MGR 12.6.00 INCOMAT.
  TYPE74   30.072  Support for RMF 74 APAR OA36831 (COMPAT) SMF74NSS.   
  TYPECMA  30.070  Support for CA-Spool Subtype 12 (partial).           
  TYPEFERT 30.066  Support for new subtype 1 and 4 FERRET SMF records.  
  TYPE115  30.064  Support for MQ QJST 7.01B Statistics Block.          
  TYPE117  30.063  SMF 117 IMFL subtype SM17ACCT kept in WS SMF.
  UTILEXCL 30.092  WMQGETTM, others, incorrectly multiplied by 16.      
  TYPE60   30.082  INPUT EXCEEDED for ID=60 with no VVR segment.        
  BLDSMPDB 30.081  Enhancement adds rundays=mon tue ... to list days.   
  TYPE110  30.078  SMSxxxxx variables were 1024 times large.            
  READDB2  30.077  Cleanup of WANTONLY, IFCID=STATS, 106, etc.          
  TYPETPMX 30.075  READTIME kept in all, JOB/JESNR/JBL24 in TPMJBL24    
  TYPE7072 30.069  New 1.13 CPUPDPTM/R723RTDM/RTDC/RTDT now populated.  
  DAILYDSN 30.068  DAILYDSN now uses EDGRXEXT instead of EDGRDEXT.      
  TYPE71   30.083  ERROR: DOMAIN ERROR, SAS 9.1.3 SP4 Only.             
  Major enhancements/corrections added in MXG 30.02, dated Apr 15, 2012:
  BUILDPDB 30.042  SMF AUDIT REPORT                                     
  Many     30.012  RUN STATEMENT HAS NO EFFECT message is removed.      
  READDB2  30.031  Requesting IFCIDS=ACCOUNT with IFCIDS from SMF 102   
  TYPE0    30.040  Variable DOWNTM was a missing value in PDB.IPLS.     
  TYPE102  30.037  Support for BMC APPTUNE V6R3 SMF 102 records INCOMPAT
  TYPE102  30.038  Support for DB2 IFCIDs 357 and 358.                  
  TYPE102  30.055  Support for DB2 APAR PM37956 to SMF 102 IFCID 25     
  TYPE110  30.008  CICS/TS 4.2 INVALID STILEN STID=116, zero obs STISJS 
  TYPE119  30.009  Support for SMF 119 ST 6 z/OS 1.13 (INCOMPAT).       
  TYPE21   30.014  Support for APAR OA33947 for TS1140 Tape Drive       
  TYPE71   30.058  New vars added to RMF TYPE71 dataset by z/OS 1.13    
  TYPE73   30.004  Some FICON-related variables were wrong values.      
  TYPE73   30.054  ERROR: Zero divide in SMF 73 records, new FICON data.
  TYPE85   30.050  Support for SMF 85 records from z/OS 1.13 (INCOMPAT, 
  TYPEBBMQ 30.047  Support for BMC Mainview for MQ Version 5.1 (INCOMPAT
  TYPEBVIR 30.057  Support for TS7700 Version 2.0a (INCOMPATIBLE)       
  TYPEDB2  30.032  DB2 variable QWHDRQNM can contain an ipv6 address.   
  TYPEEZSM 30.041  Support for EMC EzSM z/OS Storage Manager SMF record 
  TYPEHSM  30.006  Support for HSM SMF z/OS 1.12 changes (COMPATIBLE)   
  TYPEM204 30.002  MODEL 204 records could be output to wrong dataset.  
  TYPENDM  30.039  NDM-CDI record 'XO' caused "UNKNOWN SUBTYPE" message.
  TYPENTSM 30.044  Updates to D062, D063, D060, VWRP, D059, D057, VWVS. 
  TYPERMFV 30.043  Updates for RMF III RCD records without....          
  TYPERSDA 30.035  RSD/FOLDERS name fields were increased to $250.      
  TYPESVIE 30.051  Support for SYSVIEW PTF Test APAR TSD0145, for IMS.  
  TYPETMD2 30.060  Support for TMON/DB2 V5, INCOMPATIBLE, for DB2 V10.  
  TYPETMMQ 30.025  Support for TMON for MQ Version 2.2/2.3/2.4 INCOMPAT 
  TYPEXAM  30.003  Spurious XAM INVALID CPU RECORD messages.            
  UTILCPLG 30.026  %UTILCPLG will copy your .LOG and .LST files.        
  VMACSMF  30.023  A third-party product creates invalid DB2 ID=101     
  VMXGGETM 30.034  VMXGGETM only supported 512 subtypes.                
  Major enhancements/corrections added in MXG 30.01, dated Feb 13, 2012:
                   PDB.JOBS incorrectly built with 29.29. JES 3 ONLY.   
                   This change motivated the release of MXG 30.01.      
  TYPE119  30.009  Support for SMF 119 ST 6 z/OS 1.13 (INCOMPAT).       
                   No execution error, but data in TYP11906 is wrong.   
  TYPE110  30.008  CICS/TS 4.2 INVALID STILEN STID=116, zero obs STISJS 
                   Possible loss of subsequent statistics subtypes.     
  TYPE21   30.014  Support for APAR OA33947 for TS1140 Tape Drive       
  TYPE73   30.004  Some FICON-related variables were wrong values.      
  TYPE102  30.001  QW0319FL, Encryption Type, format AES/DES reversed.  
  ANALDB2R 30.007  PMSTA01/PMSTA02 DB2 Statistics, INTERVAL=DATE fixed. 
  TYPEM204 30.002  MODEL 204 records could be output to wrong dataset.  
  TYPEHSM  30.006  Support for HSM SMF z/OS 1.12 changes (COMPATIBLE)   
    Please read CHANGESS for the complete list of major enhancements.   
  See member NEWSLTRS or the Newsletters frame at for
  current MXG Technical Notes.                                          
  All of these enhancements are described in the Change Log, below.     
II.   SAS Version requirement information:                              
      SAS Version 9.3 TS1M1 is RECOMMENDED for all PLATFORMS, because   
      SAS Version 9.3 TS1M0 REQUIRES THE HOT FIX in SAS NOTE SN43828    
      (for all platforms), and TS1M1 contains that Hot Fix.             
      As documented in Change 27.356, with SAS V9.3):                   
        The standard SAS JCL Procedure can be used for MXG:             
           // EXEC SAS,CONFIG='MXG.SOURCLIB(CONFIMXG)'                  
      or you can continue to use the MXGSAS93 JCL Procedure example.    
      MXG 26.03 thru MXG 30.30 will execute under SAS Version 9.3, on   
      all supported platforms, but as noted above, you need TS1M1.  With
      TS1M0, then the Hot Fix in SAS Problem Note SN43828 is REQUIRED to
      correct an error in the %MACRO compiler, which is SAS portable    
      code, so that Hot Fix is required for ALL platforms.              
       The %MACRO compiler error is in processing %LET statements. While
       only two MXG members failed repeatedly in MXG QA tests on z/OS,  
       there were random %LET errors in ASCII QA tests, so ANY use of   
       %LET statement on ANY platform are vulnerable to this error, as  
       the %MACRO compiler is SAS portable code, used on all platforms. 
       So this is NOT just an MXG error, but impacts ALL SAS programs.  
      With the Hot Fix on TS1M0, the full MXG QA test stream executed,  
      and there were no new warnings on z/OS.                           
      Unrelated to the above SAS Note/Hot Fix, ODS users will want to   
      use MXG 29.06+, because SAS V9.3 did expose incompatibilities in  
      MXG code for ODS reporting, that were fixed in MXG Version 29.06. 
      See Changes 29.159 and 29.169.                                    
      MXG 26.03 thru MXG 30.30 will execute under SAS V9.2, or with     
      SAS V9.1.3 with Service Pack 4, on all supported SAS platform.    
        SAS Hot Fix for SAS Note 37166 is required to use a VIEW with   
        the MXG EXITCICS/CICSFIUE CICS/DB2 Decompression Infile Exit.   
        SAS V9.1.3 is NOT supported by SAS on Windows SEVEN platform,   
        but SAS V9.2 does execute on that platform.                     
      And, only for z/OS 1.10 with SAS V9.1.3 with ANY version of MXG,  
      the SAS Hot Fix for SN-35332 is REQUIRED (to be completely safe). 
        Without this Hot Fix, "LIBREF XXXXXXXX IS NOT ASSIGNED" errors  
        can occur even though //XXXXXXXX DD is a valid SAS Data Library.
        This error ONLY occurs with z/OS 1.10 and SAS V9.1.3; it does   
        NOT occur with SAS V9.2, nor with z/OS 1.9.  It can be          
        circumvented by adding a LIBNAME statement that specifies the   
        ENGINE name. See the Technical Note in Newsletters for SN-35332.
        Note that SAS V9.1.3 is now at "Level B" Support from SAS.      
      Old MXG code may continue to execute with SAS V8.2, but V8 is now 
      "Level C" support from SAS Institute, and there are known errors  
      in V8.2 that are only fixed in SAS V9.  I no longer QA with V8.2; 
      While many MXG programs (accidentally) will still execute under   
      V8.2, I can not guarantee that all of MXG executes error free.    
      MXG Software has not executed under SAS V6 in many years.         
      The "PDB" libraries (i.e., SAS data libraries) must be created by 
      SAS V8 or later, but any of those data libraries can be read or   
      updated by the SAS Versions that MXG Supports, above.             
      For SAS Version V9.3:                                             
        SAS 93 TS1M1 is RECOMMENDED; for TS1M0, SAS Hot Fix in SAS Note 
        SN43828 is REQUIRED.  See text of Change 29.159.                
        With SAS 93 TS1M1, (or TS1M0 with that Hot Fix) MXG             
        Version 26.03 or later execute under SAS V9.3 on all platforms. 
        SAS Data Libraries created by SAS V8.2, V9.1.3, V9.2 and V9.3   
        are interchangeable and can be read/written by any of those     
        versions, provided they are on the same platform.               
          BUT: on ASCII, the 32-bit and 64-bit SAS versions are NOT the 
          same "platform" and attempting to read/use the FORMAT catalog 
          created on one of those "platforms" on the other "platform"   
          will error out to remind you of that difference!              
        SAS V9.3 did change ODS processing defaults and syntax that     
        might cause errors with MXG 29.05 or earlier; MXG 29.06,        
        Change 29.160 documents the major revisions made in MXG to fully
        support V9.3 ODS, and MXG 29.06 is STRONGLY recommended for ODS 
        with SAS V9.3.                                                  
      For SAS Version V9.2 (TS1M0):                                     
        Big Picture: SAS Version V9.2 is COMPATIBLE with MXG Software.  
        On z/OS, SAS changed the DSNAMES for some of the SAS libraries, 
        so you do need to use the new MXGSAS92 JCL Procedure for MXG,   
        but it still uses the CONFIGV9 configuration file.              
        However, NEW, and documented in Change 27.356, with SAS V9.2+:  
          The standard SAS JCL Procedure can be used for MXG:           
             // EXEC SAS,CONFIG='MXG.SOURCLIB(CONFIMXG)'                
          instead of using the MXGSAS92 JCL Procedure example.          
        SAS Data Libraries are compatible for V8.2, V9.1.3, and V9.2.   
        V9.2-created "PDBs" can be read/written by SAS V8.2 or V9.1.3,  
        and vice versa.                                                 
        MXG Versions 26.03+ execute with SAS V9.2 with NO (new) WARNINGS
        and with NO ERRORS reported.                                    
          Pre-MXG 26.03, SAS Hot Fix F9BA07 was required to suppress a  
          new SAS V9.2 WARNING, that on z/OS, set CC=4 (condition/return
          code). That warning is harmless (to MXG code) and all MXG     
          created SAS datasets were correct, even with that warning.    
          The ONLY exposure was ONLY on z/OS, and ONLY if condition code
          tests are used in your MXG jobstreams.                        
        SAS Version 9.2 requires z/OS 1.7 or later, both officially as  
        documented by SAS Institute, and actually as V9.2 fails with 0C4
        under z/OS 1.4.                                                 
      For SAS V9.1.3 on z/OS with Service Pack 4:                       
        On z/OS 1.10, Hot Fix SN-35332 is REQUIRED.                     
        CONFIGV9 now specifies V9SEQ instead of V6SEQ.  As V6SEQ does   
        not support long length character variables, it can't be used.  
       SAS V9.1.3 with current Service Pack 4 is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.  
       For (back-level!) SAS V9.1 or V9.1.2 on z/OS:                    
        SN-013514 is REQUIRED to be able to read datasets that were     
          created by V6SEQ (tape) engine.                               
        SN-012437 is REQUIRED to prevent creation of corrupt/unreadable 
          datasets with tape engines V7SEQ, V8SEQ, or V9SEQ.            
        Both fixes ARE included in SAS V9.1.3, but V9.1 or 9.1.2 is NOT 
          SAFE without those two hot fixes, and if you do NOT have those
          two fixes on 9.1 or 9.1.2, you MUST set V6SEQ in CONFIGV9.    
        With MXG 23.02 or later, V9SEQ is the default sequential engine 
        specified in CONFIGV9, but if you are back at SAS V9.1 or V9.1.2
        you MUST install the two hot fixes listed above.                
       For SAS Version 8.2, HotFix Bundle 82BX08 (or later) was required
         as an absolute minimum level when that SAS Version was last    
         supported by MXG Software.  PLEASE INSTALL SAS V9.x ASAP.      
       Sequential Engine Status:                                        
          V9SEQ was fixed in V9.1.3; it has been default in CONFIGV9.   
          V8SEQ was always safe under SAS V8.2, but it wasted CPU time  
            by always compressing when writing in tape format.          
          V6SEQ, if used under V9.1.2, requires SN-013514, but V6SEQ    
                 should no longer be used, as it does not support long  
                 length variables.                                      
      MXG QA tests are executed on z/OS with SAS V9.1.3 and V9.2 and    
      on Windows XP with 32-bit INTEL, and on Windows Seven Ultimate    
      32-bit and 64-bit OS on 64-bit hardware, but MXG is installed     
      on many more hardware and software platforms: since they all work,
      we don't need to list them.  If SAS executes so does MXG.         
      Prior QA tests have been run with all SAS releases available at   
      that time on Linux RH8 on Intel, on Solaris v2.8 on a Model V880, 
      and on HP-UX v11.11 model rp5470, confirming full compatibility.  
      MXG should execute under SAS V9.1.3 or V9.2 on every possible SAS 
      platform without errors! Each new MXG version is also tested with 
      the SAS ITSV/ITRM product by the ITRM developers.                 
III.  WPS Version requirement information:                              
      WPS Version 2.4   requires MXG 27.09 (see Change 27.239).         
      WPS Version 2.3.5 required MXG 27.05.                             
      See NEWSLETTERS for "MXG Support for WPS Software"                
IV.   MXG Version Required for Hardware, Operating System Release, etc. 
    Availability dates for the IBM products and MXG version required for
    error-free processing of that product's data records:               
                                       Availability     MXG Version     
      Product Name                     Date              Required       
      MVS/ESA 4.1                      Oct 26, 1990         8.8         
      MVS/ESA 4.2                      Mar 29, 1991         9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.2.2                    Aug 15, 1991         9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.3                      Mar 23, 1993        10.10        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - compatibility    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - Goal Mode        May  3, 1995        13.01        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.0                    Jun 15, 1995        13.05        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.2                    Oct 19, 1995        13.09        
      OS/390  1.1.0                    Feb 22, 1996        14.01        
      OS/390  1.2.0                    Sep 30, 1996        14.05        
      OS/390  1.3.0 Compatibility Mode Mar 28, 1997        14.14        
      OS/390  1.3.0 WLM Goal Mode      Mar 28, 1997        15.02        
      OS/390  2.4.0                    Sep 28, 1997        15.06        
      OS/390  2.5.0                    Feb 24, 1998        15.06        
      OS/390  2.6.0                    Sep 24, 1998        16.04        
      OS/390  2.7.0                    Mar 26, 1999        16.09        
      OS/390  2.7.0 APAR OW41318       Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390  2.8.0                    Aug 24, 1999        16.09        
      OS/390  2.8.0 FICON/SHARK        Aug 24, 1999        17.08        
      OS/390  2.8.0 APAR OW41317       Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390  2.9.0                    Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390 2.10.0                    Sep 15, 2000        18.06        
      OS/390  PAV                      Oct 24, 2000        18.09        
      z/OS 1.1                         Mar 30, 2001        18.11        
      z/OS 1.1 on 2064s                Mar 30, 2001        19.01        
      z/OS 1.1 with correct MSU        Mar 30, 2001        19.02        
      z/OS 1.2                         Oct 31, 2001        19.04        
      z/OS 1.1,1.2 APARs to 78         Oct 31, 2001        19.05        
      z/OS 1.2+ APAR OW52227           Apr 26, 2002        20.02        
      z/OS 1.3+ APAR OW52227           Apr 26, 2002        20.02        
      z/OS 1.2 JESNR Z2 MODE           Apr 26, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.3 JESNR Z2 MODE           Apr 26, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.4 Tolerate                Sep 27, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.4 Support                 Sep 27, 2002        20.06        
      z/OS 1.4 Over 16 CPUs/LPARs      May 29, 2003        21.02        
      z/OS 1.4 DFSMS/rmm, RACF         Aug 29, 2003        21.04        
      z/OS 1.5                         Mar 31, 2004        21.21        
      z/OS IRD ASUM70PR/ASUMCEC        Sep 22, 2003       *24.10        
      z/OS IRD TYPE70PR                Mar 11, 2004       *24.10        
      z/OS IRD TYPE70,RMFINTRV         Mar 22, 2002       *24.10        
      z/OS 1.6 - No IFAs               Sep 30, 2004       *22.09        
      z/OS 1.6 - With IFAs             Sep 30, 2004       *22.11        
      z/OS 1.7 (COMPATIBLE CHANGES)    Sep 30, 2005       *24.10        
      z/OS 1.7 (SPLIT70 CORRECTION)    Sep 30, 2005       *24.10        
      z/OS IFA data in RMF 79s         Sep 30, 2005        23.10        
      z/OS 1.8 - ASMTAPEE assembly     Sep 30, 2005       *25.03        
      z/OS 1.8 - SMF 119 INCOMPAT      Sep 30, 2005       *25.06        
      z/OS More than 32 LPARs          Jan 30, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS SPLIT RMF 70 records        Jan 30, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS Dupe SYSTEMs in a SYSPLEX   Jan 30, 2006       *24.02        
      z/OS IRD errors corrected        May 15, 2006        24.03        
      z/OS ASUMCEC errors corrected    May 15, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS ASUM70LP errors corrected   Jun 13, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS zIIP Processor Support      Jun 22, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS Dedicated zIIP Support      Mar  8, 2008       *26.01        
      z/OS Dedicated zAAP Support      Mar  8, 2008        26.01        
      z/OS 1.8 (COMPATIBLE CHANGES)    Sep 20, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS 1.9 (INCOMPAT, 54 CPs)      Sep 27, 2007        25.10        
      z/OS 1.9 MXGTMNT at ML-39 reASM  Sep 27, 2007        25.10        
      z/OS new z10 variables           Mar  5, 2008        26.01        
      z/OS 1.8 With HiperDispatch      Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.9 With HiperDispatch      Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.10 (INCOMPAT, MXG code)   Sep 15, 2008        26.07        
      z/OS 1.10 With HiperDispatch     Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.10 RMF III, SMF 119       Jul 20, 2009        27.05        
      z/OS 1.11                        Sep  2, 2009        27.08        
      z/OS 1.11 New 30 variables       Apr 14, 2010       *28.02        
      z/OS 1.12                        Aug 17, 2010       *28.05        
      z/OS 1.12 SMF 85 Subtype 79      Aug 17, 2010       *29.03        
      z/OS 1.12 VMGUEST option         Aug 17, 2010       *29.06        
      z/OS 1.13                        Sep 30, 2011        29.03        
      z/OS 1.13 - MXGTMNT only         Dec 15, 2011        29.08        
      z/OS 1.13 SMF 119 ST 6 INCOMPAT  Feb  7, 2012        30.01        
      z990 CPUs - CPUTYPE '2084'x      Aug 25, 2003        21.04        
      z890 CPUs - CPUTYPE '2086'x      Jun 24, 2004        22.07        
      z9   CPUs - CPUTYPE '2094'x      Jul 20, 2005       *24.24        
      z9EC CPUs - CPUTYPE '2094'x:                                      
             with 64-bit z/OS - no change required        *24.24        
             with 32-bit z/OS only:    Aug 26, 2006        24.06        
      z9BC CPUs - CPUTYPE '2096'x:                                      
             with 64-bit z/OS - no change required         24.01        
             with 32-bit z/OS only:    Jul 27, 2006       *24.24        
      z10  CPUs - CPUTYPE '2097'x      Dec  7, 2008        25.11        
      z10  HiperDispatch/Parked Time   Mar  3, 2008       *26.10        
      z196 (INCOMPAT IF GT 64 ENG)     Aug 17, 2010        28.05        
      CICS/ESA 3.2                     Jun 28, 1991         9.9         
      CICS/ESA 3.3                     Mar 28, 1992        10.01        
      CICS/ESA 4.1                     Oct 27, 1994        13.09        
      CICS/ESA 5.1 aka CICS/TS V1R1    Sep 10, 1996        14.07        
      CICS-Transaction Server V1R1     Sep 10, 1996        14.07        
      CICS-TS V1R1 with APAR UN98309   Sep 15, 1997        15.06        
      CICS-TS V1R2  CICS/TS 1.2        Oct 27, 1997        15.06        
      CICS-TS V1R3  CICS/TS 1.3        Mar 15, 1999        17.04        
      CICS-TS V2R2  CICS/TS 2.2        Feb  9, 2002        19.19        
      CICS-TS V2R3  CICS/TS 2.3        Aug 13, 2004        22.04        
      CICS-TS V3R1  CICS/TS 3.1        Jan 18, 2005        22.22        
      CICS-TS V3R2  CICS/TS 3.2        Dec  6, 2007        25.11        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 2.1     Mar 15, 2001        18.11        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 2.2     Jan 25, 2002        19.19        
       CICSTRAN subtype 1 support only                    *19.19        
       CICSTRAN subtype 2 completed                       *19.08        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 2.3     Dec 19, 2003                     
       Using UTILEXCL to create IMACEXCL:                  21.04        
       Reading un-Excluded CICS with TYPE110, no IMACEXCL:*22.04        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 3.1     Mar 15, 2005                     
       Using UTILEXCL to create IMACEXCL:                  22.13        
       Reading un-Excluded CICS with TYPE110, no IMACEXCL: 22.22        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 3.2     Jun 29, 2007        25.03        
      CICS-TS/3.2 Compressed Records   Nov  3, 2007        25.11        
      CICS-TS/4.1 (CICSTRAN INCOMPAT)  Mar 13, 2009        27.01        
      CICS-TS/4.1 (STATISTICS ST=2)    Sep 18, 2009        27.08        
      CICS-TS/4.2 CICSTRAN/STATISTICS  Jun 24, 2011        29.03        
      CICS-TS/4.2 CICSRDS MNSEGCL=5    Jun 24, 2011        29.05*       
      CICS-TS/4.2 INVALID STID=116     Jan 31, 2012        30.01*       
      CICS-TS/5.1 (INCOMPATIBLE)       Dec 14, 2012        30.08        
      CICS-TS/5.1 for valid TASZIP/ELG Jan 21, 2013        30.30        
      DB2 2.3.0                        Oct 28, 1991        10.01        
      DB2 3.1.0                        Dec 17, 1993        13.02A       
      DB2 4.1.0 Tolerate               Nov  7, 1995        13.07        
      DB2 4.1.0 Full support           Sep 11, 1996        14.07        
      DB2 5.1.0 Tolerate               Jun 27, 1997        14.14        
      DB2 5.1.0 Full support           Jun 27, 1997        15.02        
      DB2 6.1.0 initial support        Mar 15, 1999        16.09        
      DB2 6.1.0 all buffer pools       Mar 15, 1999        18.01        
      DB2 6.1.0 parallel DB2           Mar 15, 1999        19.19        
      DB2 7.1.0 parallel DB2           Mar 31, 2001        19.19        
      DB2 7.1.0 corrections            Mar 31, 2001        20.06        
      DB2 8.1 Tolerate, no packages    Mar 31, 2004        20.20        
      DB2 8.1 New Data Packages wrong  Mar 31, 2004        21.08        
      DB2 8.1 Support with Packages    Mar 31, 2004        23.09*       
      DB2 8.1 with all zIIP Variables  Sep 30, 2006        24.08        
      DB2 8.1 +PK47659                 Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      DB2 9.1 See Change 25.265.       Dec  7, 2007        25.11        
      DB2 9.1 Full Support +PK/56356   Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      DB2 10.1 Tolerate                Oct  1, 2010        28.06        
      DB2 10.1 Full plus Compressed.   Nov  1, 2010        28.07*       
      DB2 10.1 Invalid Header pre APAR Jan 12, 2011        28.28*       
      DB2 10.1 IFCID=225 INCOMPAT      Sep 23, 2011        29.07*       
      DB2 10.1 QWHCCV for QWHCATYP=8   Oct  3, 2011        30.07*       
      DB2 10.1 DBID/OBID decode        Jan 21, 2013        30.30*       
      DFSMS/MVS 1.1                    Mar 13, 1993        11.11        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.2                    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.3                    Dec 29, 1995        13.09        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.4                    Sep 28, 1997        15.04        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.4 HSM                Sep 23, 1998        16.04        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.5                    ??? ??, 1999        16.04        
      DFSORT SMF V1R5                  Mar  1, 2006        24.02        
      MQM 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4          Apr 25, 1996        14.02        
      MQ Series 1.2.0                  May 26, 1998        16.02        
      MQ Series 2.1.0                  Oct  2, 1999        17.07        
      MQ Series 5.2                    Dec 16, 2000        18.10        
      MQ Series 5.3                    Dec 16, 2002        21.05        
      MQ Series 6.0                    Feb 14, 2006        23.23        
      Webshpere MQ Series 7.0          ??? ??, 2009       *28.06        
      Websphere MQ Series 7.1          MAR 12, 2011        29.03        
      Websphere MQ Series 8.0          Jun 24, 2011        29.05        
      NETVIEW 3.1 type 37              ??? ??, 1996        14.03        
      NPM 2.0                          Dec 17, 1993        12.03        
      NPM 2.2                          Aug 29, 1994        12.05        
      NPM 2.3                          ??? ??, 1996        15.08        
      NPM 2.4                          Nov 18, 1998        17.01        
      NPM 2.5                          Feb ??, 2000        18.02        
      NPM 2.6                          Nov ??, 2001        19.06        
      RMDS 2.1, 2.2                    Dec 12, 1995        12.12        
      RMDS 2.3                         Jan 31, 2002        19.11        
      TCP/IP 3.1                       Jun 12, 1995        12.12        
      TCP/IP 3.4                       Sep 22, 1998        16.04        
      WebSphere 5.0 APAR PQ7463        Aug 19, 2003        21.04        
      WebSphere 6.0                    Feb 18, 2006        23.23        
      WebSphere 7.0                    Oct  7, 2010        28.06        
      WebSphere 8.0                    Jul 17, 2011        29.05        
      DOS/VSE POWER V6.3.0             Dec 19, 1998        16.08        
      VM/ESA  2.0                      Dec 23, 1992        10.04        
      VM/ESA  2.1                      Jun 27, 1993        12.02        
      VM/ESA  2.2                      Nov 22, 1994        12.06        
      VM/ESA  2.3                      Jun  1, 1998        16.08        
      VM/ESA  2.4                      Mar  1, 2001        19.03        
      z/VM    3.1                      Mar  1, 2001        19.03        
      z/VM    3.1 DATABYTE=0           May  2, 2002        20.02        
      z/VM    4.2 ??                   May  2, 2002        20.02        
      z/VM    4.4                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      z/VM    5.1                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      z/VM    5.2                      Jan 22, 2006        24.01        
      z/VM    5.3 TOLERATE             Jun  7, 2007        25.05        
      z/VM    5.3 NEW VARIABLES        Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      z/VM    5.4 (COMPATIBLE)         Sep 12, 2008        27.01*       
      z/VM    6.1 (NO CHANGES)         Jul  7, 2008        27.01        
      z/VM    6.2                      Dec  2, 2011        29.04        
      IMS log 4.1                      Jul  4, 1994        12.02        
      IMS log 5.1                      Jun  9, 1996        14.05        
      IMS log 6.1                      ???  ?, 199?        20.03        
      IMS log 7.1                      ???  ?, 200?        20.03        
      IMS log 8.1                      May 21, 2003        21.02        
      IMS log 9.1                      Mar 96, 2004        26.01*       
      IMS log 10.0                     Mar 06, 2007        26.01*       
      IMS log 11.0                     Apr  1, 2010        28.02*       
      IMS log 12.0                     Jan 23, 2012        29.29*       
      AS400 3.7.0                      Nov  1, 1996        15.01        
      AS400 4.1.0                      Dec 30, 1996        15.08        
      AS400 4.2.0                      Apr 27, 1998        16.02        
      AS400 4.4.0                      Sep 27, 1999        17.07        
      AS400 4.5.0                      Jul 27, 2000        18.07        
      AS400 5.2.0 - Most records       Jul 23, 2003        21.03        
      AS400 5.2.0 - QAPMMIOP           Jul 23, 2003        22.04        
      AS400 5.3.0                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      AS400 5.4.0                      Aug 26, 2006        24.06        
      AS400 6.1.0                      Jun 29, 2008        26.05        
    Note: Asterisk by the version number means the Version number       
          was changed (to the MXG version required), after an earlier   
          MXG version was listed as supporting this product release,    
          usually because an APAR modified the product's data records.  
          Or a coding error in MXG could be the reason for the change!  
    Availability dates for non-IBM products and MXG version required:   
                                                        MXG Version     
      Product Name                                       Required       
      Demand Technology                                                 
       NTSMF Version 1 Beta                                14.11        
       NTSMF Version 2.0                                   15.05        
       NTSMF Version 2.1                                   15.06        
       NTSMF Version 2.2                                   16.04        
       NTSMF Version 2.3                                   17.10        
       NTSMF 2.4.4                     Aug  9, 2002        20.04        
       NTSMF 2.4.5   INCOMPAT          Apr  1, 2003        21.02        
       NTSMF 2.4.7                     Sep 30, 2004        22.08        
       NTSMF 3.1.4                     Mar 15, 2009        27.01        
       NTSMF 4.0                       Mar 15, 2011        29.03        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 2                       13.06        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.0                     16.02        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.1                     20.04        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 4.0                     22.10        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 5.0                     30.02        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.2 -                      12.12        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.3 -                      15.01        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 2.0 -                      15.06        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.1 -                      20.04        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.2 - 20.335, 21.134       21.04        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.3 including CICS/TS 3.1  22.08        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.2 (almost all)           25.11        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.2 (almost all)           27.01        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.3 (for CICS/TS 4.1,4.2)  29.07        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.4 (for CICS/TS 5.1)      30.30        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.3  -                      12.05        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.5  -                      12.05        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 2.0  -                      15.09        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 3.0  -                      19.19        
       Omegamon for CICS V200 User SMF                     12.05        
       Omegamon for CICS V300 User SMF                     13.06        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 User SMF                     16.02        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 type 110 segments            16.02        
       Omegamon for CICS V500 User SMF                     18.01        
       Omegamon for IMS V110 (ITRF)                        12.12        
       Omegamon for IMS V300 (ITRF)                        14.04        
       Omegamon for IMS V550/V560 (ITRF)                   25.05        
       Omegamon for MVS V300                               13.05        
       Omegamon for MVS V400                               13.06        
       Omegamon for DB2 Version 2.1/2.2                    13.05        
       Omegamon for VTAM V160                              12.04A       
       Omegamon for VTAM V400                              15.15        
       Omegamon for VTAM V500                              18.08        
       Omegamon for SMS V100/V110                          12.03        
       ACF2 6.2                                            16.04        
       ASTEX 2.1                                           14.04        
       NETSPY 4.7                                          14.03        
       NETSPY 5.0                                          14.03        
       NETSPY 5.2                                          16.05        
       NETSPY 5.3                                          18.03        
       NETSPY 6.0                                          20.10 20.305 
       NETSPY 7.0                                          20.10 20.305 
       SAR/VIEW R11                                        23.07 23.196 
      BMC, was Boole & Babbage                                          
       APPTUNE V6R3 SMF 102                                30.037       
       IMF 3.1 (for IMS 5.1)                               12.12        
       IMF 3.2 (for IMS 6.1 only)                          15.09        
       IMF 3.2 (for IMS 5.1 and 6.1+)                      16.04        
       IMF 3.3 (for IMS 7.1 and 8.1)                       22.08*       
       IMF 4.1 (for IMS 9.1)                               26.02*       
       IMF 4.4 (for IMS 9.1)                               27.07*       
       IMF 4.5 (for IMS 11.1)  (No change since 4.4)       27.07        
       IMF 4.6 a/k/a Mainview IMS                          30.09        
       Mainview for MQ Version 4.4                         29.03        
       Mainview for MQ Version 5.1                         30.02        
       Mainview for CICS Version 6.5 (CICS/TS 5.1)         30.30        
       Mainview for CICS Version 6.4 (CICS/TS 4.2)         30.04        
       Mainview for CICS Version 6.1                       26.26        
       Mainview Auto Operator data file                    28.28        
       Mainview for DB2 THRDHIST file                      20.20        
       Mainview for TCP/IP                                 20.20        
       Mainview for Batch Optimizer                        19.19        
       LMS 3.1                                             12.12A       
      Oracle V9, V10                                       24.06        
       APAF 4.1, 4.3                                       16.08        
      Velocity Software                                                 
       XAMAP 3.4                                           22.10        
       XAMAP 3406                                          24.03        
       XAMAP 3.7                                           27.10        
       XAMAP 4.1   Now Renamed to ZVPS 4.1                 29.07        
V.    Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 30.30.                  
 1. Incompatibilities introduced in MXG 30.30:                          
  a- Changes in MXG architecture made between 30.30 and prior versions  
     that can introduce known incompatibilities.                        
 2. Installation and re-installation procedures are described in detail 
    in member INSTALL (which also lists common Error/Warning messages a 
    new user might encounter), and sample JCL is in member JCLINSTT for 
    SAS Version 9.                                                      
    MXG Definitions with regard to MXG Software Changes:                
    COMPATIBLE   A change in a data record which did not alter either   
    COMPAT       the location or the format of all of the previously-   
                 kept MXG variables is COMPATIBLE, and you can continue 
                 to run the old version of MXG software, which will read
                 the new records without error, but none of any new data
                 fields or any new record subtypes will be created/kept 
                 until you install the MXG Version with this change.    
    INCOMPAT     A change in a data record that causes the current MXG  
                 version to fail, visibly or invisibly, with or without 
                 error conditions or messages, and the output datasets  
                 may contain wrong values and incomplete observations,  
                 and/or observations may have been lost.                
                 You MUST install the new MXG Version with this change  
                 to process data records that have been INCOMPATIBLY    
                 changed by their vendor.                               
    TOLERATE     In other words, the old MXG Version TOLERATES the new  
                 data records, if they are COMPATIBLY changed.          
    EXPLOIT      Once you use the new MXG Version to read the changed   
                 records, all of the new fields, subtypes, etc, that are
                 described in this change will be created in the MXG    
                 datasets, so the new MXG Version EXPLOITS the new data,
                 and you have full support of the new data records.     
VI.   Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
    MXG Documentation is now described in member DOCUMENT.              
    See also member INDEX, but it may be overwhelming.                  
VII.  Changes Log                                                       
--------------------------Changes Log---------------------------------  
 You MUST read each Change description to determine if a Change will    
 impact your site.  All changes have been made in this MXG Library.     
 Member CHANGES always identifies the actual version and release of     
 MXG Software that is contained in that library.                        
 The CHANGES selection on our homepage at            
 is always the most current information on MXG Software status,         
 and is frequently updated.                                             
 Important changes are also posted to the MXG-L ListServer, which is    
 also described by a selection on the homepage.  Please subscribe.      
 The actual code implementation of some changes in MXG SOURCLIB may be  
 different than described in the change text (which might have printed  
 only the critical part of the correction that need be made by users).  
 Scan each source member named in any impacting change for any comments 
 at the beginning of the member for additional documentation, since the 
 documentation of new datasets, variables, validation status, and notes,
 are often found in comments in the source members.                     
Alphabetical list of important changes in MXG 30.30 after MXG 29.29:    
  Member   Change    Description                                        
  ANALCOMP 30.286  Graphic comparison of values over time.              
  ANALDB2R 30.007  PMSTA01/PMSTA02 DB2 Statistics, INTERVAL=DATE fixed. 
  ANALDB2R 30.147  DB2 AUDIT reports updated for DB2PM Version 4.2      
  ANALDB2R 30.176  New AUDIT= parms, PMACC02 standalone error fixed.    
  ANALDB2R 30.185  Redesign to execute VFMT102 only once per ANALDB2R.  
  ANALDB2R 30.186  New "MXG" DB2 reports MXGACC01 and MXGACC02.         
  ANALDB2R 30.218  INTERVAL=xxxx wasn't supported, VMXGUM MXGERROR.     
  ANALDB2R 30.219  Mapping of dBID/OBID values to names revised.        
  ANALDB2R 30.241  Revised mapping of DBID and OBID objects to names.   
  ANALGRID 30.126  Date range selection did not work.                   
  ASMDBLKU 30.168  Enhancement to ASM program that recreates VB & VBS.  
  ASMRMFV  30.105  Support for RMF III ASIG3 segments '13'x and '14'x.  
  ASMRMFV  30.161  RMF III protection/messages for VSAM read I/O error. 
  ASMRMFV  30.202  RMF III Enhancements and Fixes.                      
  ASMTAPEE 30.193  MXGTMNT Tape Mount Monitor no longer PINs UCBs.      
  ASUM70PR 30.106  zIIP SHARE WEIGHTS calculated for each LPAR.         
  ASUM70PR 30.266  LPARIFLS variable counts IFL engines in each LPAR.   
  ASUM70PR 30.266  Variable LFARIFLS added to ASUM70PR datasets.        
  ASUMDBSS 30.282  Revised comments and examples.                       
  ASUMTAPE 30.203  Support for JES3 Main Device Scheduler IAT5210/5918. 
  ASUMUOW  30.166  Optional add PROGRAM and PROG1-PROGnn to PDB.ASUMUOW.
  BLDFORMT 30.191  JCL Example using CONFIMXG to create FORMAT library. 
  BLDSMPDB 30.005  Using MXGINCL parameter was ignored.                 
  BLDSMPDB 30.081  Enhancement adds rundays=mon tue ... to list days.   
  BLDSMPDB 30.255  WEEKKEEP, WEEKDROP now work as documented.           
  BUILDPDB 30.042  SMF AUDIT REPORT                                     
  BUILDPDB 30.260  PDB.JOBS variable ABENDS included some RETURNs.      
  DAILYDSN 30.068  DAILYDSN now uses EDGRXEXT instead of EDGRDEXT.      
  EXITCICS 30.130  DB2 V10 compressed record SUPPORT - "enhanced"-works!
  FORMATS  30.024  New format MG073FE decodes SMF73GEN and R79CGEN FICON
  GRAFDB2B 30.240  Graphic/tabular DB2 Buffer Size reports, ODS or GRAPH
  JCLSPLIT 30.287  Examples DECOMPRESS CICS/DB2 on z/OS for ASCII MXG.  
  MXGNAMES 30.275  MXGNAMES/CONFIMXG supports a USER FORMAT library.    
  Many     30.012  RUN STATEMENT HAS NO EFFECT message is removed.      
  Many     30.225  New MXGEXIMSG macro variable for diagnostics.        
  READDB2  30.031  Requesting IFCIDS=ACCOUNT with IFCIDS from SMF 102.  
  READDB2  30.077  Cleanup of WANTONLY, IFCID=STATS, 106, etc.          
  READDB2  30.144  PDBOUT with specific IFCIDS did not copy T102Sxxx.   
  READDB2  30.257  IFCIDS=STATS fixed, use instead of IFCIDS=STATISTICS.
  READDB2  30.280  MXG 30.10 IFCID=STATS could still fail.              
  SMFSRCH  30.269  Incorrectly tried to write to USERID.SMFOUT.DATA.    
  TRNDRMFI 30.115  Revisions for TRNDRMFI using VGETWKLD.               
  TYPE0    30.040 -Variable DOWNTM was a missing value in PDB.IPLS.     
  TYPE102  30.001  QW0319FL, Encryption Type, format AES/DES reversed.  
  TYPE102  30.037  Support for BMC APPTUNE V6R3 SMF 102 records INCOMPAT
  TYPE102  30.038  Support for DB2 IFCIDs 357 and 358.                  
  TYPE102  30.055 -Support for DB2 APAR PM37956 to SMF 102 IFCID 25.    
  TYPE102  30.140  Support for IFCID 269,270 Audit, decodes uniques.    
  TYPE102  30.169  Invalid IFCID=145 QWT02R1L=0 caused ABEND & LOOP.    
  TYPE102  30.175  Support for IFCID=271 DB2 AUDIT PERMISSIONS trace.   
  TYPE102  30.265  Support for DB2 Trace IFCIDs 361 and 362 populated.  
  TYPE105  30.080  Support for GDPS SMF 105 now validated with SMF data.
  TYPE110  30.008  CICS/TS 4.2 INVALID STILEN STID=116, zero obs STISJS.
  TYPE110  30.078  SMSxxxxx variables were 1024 times large.            
  TYPE110  30.170  Obs count in CICLDR reduced from 1.7M to 70,000.     
  TYPE110  30.213  MXG 30.07 only.  CICS STID=30 WARNING message.       
  TYPE110  30.278  TASZIPTM and TASELGTM documented, TASELGTM corrected.
  TYPE113  30.179  Formula changes from John Burg's SHARE presentation. 
  TYPE113  30.201  Support for HIS zEC12 new Extended Counters, calcs.  
  TYPE113  30.236  Spurious DEACCUMULATION RESET message not printed.   
  TYPE113  30.274  Correction to DWINSORM/DWDASORM for one book CEC.    
  TYPE115  30.064  Support for MQ QJST 7.01B Statistics Block.          
  TYPE117  30.063  SMF 117 IMFL subtype SM17ACCT kept in WS SMF.
  TYPE119  30.009  Support for SMF 119 ST 6 z/OS 1.13 (INCOMPAT).       
  TYPE119  30.099  Support for CO:Z SMF 119 Subtypes 192 and 193.       
  TYPE119  30.121  Additional formats to decode TYPE119 SSH fields.     
  TYPE119  30.188  Support for SMF 119 subtype 48 thru 52 (SMTP).       
  TYPE120  30.155  Support WebSphere Asynchronous Section 120 Subtype 9.
  TYPE120  30.155  Variable SM1209CX incorrect in TYP1209E.             
  TYPE120  30.244  Support for WebSphere Version 8 ID=120 Subtype 10.   
  TYPE1415 30.103  Support for z/OS 1.13-added RAS segment (COMPATIBLE).
  TYPE21   30.014  Support for APAR OA33947 for TS1140 Tape Drive.      
  TYPE21   30.132  Corrections to SMF 21 calculations of compression.   
  TYPE30   30.045  Debugging PUT _N_= CPUUNITS= CPUTCBTM= removed.      
  TYPE30   30.119  Support for APAR OA39629 HICPUPCT/HICPUPGM TYPE30.   
  TYPE60   30.082  INPUT EXCEEDED for ID=60 with no VVR segment.        
  TYPE70   30.208  Support for APAR OA37803 Warning Track Interrupt.    
  TYPE7072 30.069  New 1.13 CPUPDPTM/R723RTDM/RTDC/RTDT now populated.  
  TYPE7072 30.182  Support for zNEXT EC12 processors with 101 engines.  
  TYPE7072 30.212  Support for eC12 CRYPTO EXPRESS4S APAR OA37016.      
  TYPE7072 30.264  Support for APAR OA39562 new TYPE70Y3 PKCS11 CEX4P.  
  TYPE70EN 30.104  Variable SMF70CIN in TYPE70EN was 'ZIP', now 'IIP'.  
  TYPE71   30.058 -New variables added to RMF TYPE71 dataset by z/OS 1.1
  TYPE71   30.083  ERROR: DOMAIN ERROR, SAS 9.1.3 SP4 Only.             
  TYPE71   30.206  Support for APAR OA38660 eC12 SCM and Pgbl Large.    
  TYPE73   30.004  Some FICON-related variables were wrong values.      
  TYPE73   30.054 -ERROR: Divide by zero in SMF 73 records, new FICON   
  TYPE74   30.072  Support for RMF 74 APAR OA36831 (COMPAT) SMF74NSS.   
  TYPE74   30.207  Support for APAR OA39993 Interrupt Delay Time        
  TYPE74   30.209  Support for APAR OA37826 Channel Path Types CIB, CFP.
  TYPE79   30.207  Support for APAR OA39993 Interrupt Delay Time        
  TYPE80A  30.111  Debugging PUT 'DEBUG 1' is now disabled.             
  TYPE80A  30.268  RACF317 detect BPX.DEFAULT.USER, invalid in z/OS 2.1.
  TYPE85   30.050  Support for SMF 85 records from z/OS 1.13 (INCOMPAT) 
  TYPE99   30.259  Support for SMF 99 Subtype 12 and 14 HiperDispatch.  
  TYPEBBMQ 30.047  Support for BMC Mainview for MQ Version 5.1 INCOMPAT 
  TYPEBETA 30.237  Support for BETA93/97 Version 4.3.0 (INCOMPATIBLE).  
  TYPEBETA 30.285  Support for BETA93 subtype 51.                       
  TYPEBVIR 30.057  Support for TS7700 Version 2.0a (INCOMPATIBLE).      
  TYPECIMS 30.245  Support for BMC Mainview IMS 4.6 a/k/a IMF, CIMS.    
  TYPECMA  30.070  Support for CA-Spool Subtype 12 (partial).           
  TYPEDB2  30.032  DB2 variable QWHDRQNM can now contain an ipv6 address
  TYPEDB2  30.089  Support for DB2 V10 APAR PM24723 adds data IFCID=225.
  TYPEDB2  30.113  Support for DB2 V10 restructured QIST statistics.    
  TYPEDB2  30.128  DB2 v10 QPACFLGS bit map revisions.                  
  TYPEDB2  30.133  Support for (optional) DB2 Netezza Accelerator data. 
  TYPEDB2  30.138  ASG TMON/DB2 PTF TE03737 corrects INVALID DB2 RECORD.
  TYPEDB2  30.145  Variables CORRNAME/CORRNUM incorrect for QWHCATYP=4. 
  TYPEDB2  30.173  Spurious INVALID QMDA SEGMENT message eliminated.    
  TYPEDB2  30.194  QMDAACCT field LENACCT=246 caused INVALID 3rd SUBSTR.
  TYPEDB2  30.210  DB2 V10 APAR PN29124 detects IBM BIF INCOMPATIBLE.   
  TYPEDB2  30.211  QISTCOLS now deaccumulated again.                    
  TYPEDB2  30.246  DB2STATS QWOSxxxx wrong if ZOSMETRICS=YES not set.   
  TYPEDCOL 30.098  DCOLLECT BKUP fields added by z/OS 1.11 supported.   
  TYPEDCOL 30.204  Support for APAR OA38980 ZFS dataset flag, FREEs.    
  TYPEEJES 30.238  Support for Phoenix Software (E)JES SMF record.      
  TYPEEZSM 30.041  Support for EMC EzSM z/OS Storage Manager SMF record.
  TYPEFERT 30.066  Support for new subtype 1 and 4 FERRET SMF records.  
  TYPEHSM  30.006  Support for HSM SMF z/OS 1.12 changes (COMPATIBLE)   
  TYPEIDMS 30.270  Corrections for IDMS PERFMON Version 17 and 18.      
  TYPEM204 30.002  MODEL 204 records could be output to wrong dataset.  
  TYPEMVCI 30.109  Support for Mainview CICS v64 CICS/TS 4.2 (COMPAT).  
  TYPEMVCI 30.276  Support for Mainview CICS 6.5 for TS 5.1 COMPATIBLE. 
  TYPENDM  30.039  NDM-CDI record 'XO' caused "UNKNOWN SUBTYPE" message.
  TYPENDM  30.220  Support for NDM-CD Subtype CX creates NDMCX dataset. 
  TYPENMON 30.137  Updates to NMON/TOPAS Monitor for AIX and LINUX.     
  TYPENMON 30.226  Support for MEMAMS Memory Object, French text.       
  TYPENTSM 30.044 -Updates to D062, D063, D060, VWRP, D059, D057, VWVS. 
  TYPENTSM 30.156  Terminal Service object fields reversed, 2003vs2008R.
  TYPENTSM 30.159  Support MicroSoft Exchange 2010 incompat changes.    
  TYPEPMX  30.112  Variables TPMAJCT/TPMSCT too large by 100.           
  TYPERACF 30.120  Support for RACF database Record 02G1.               
  TYPERMFV 30.043  Updates for RMF III RCD records.                     
  TYPERMFV 30.151  Additional Enhancements for RMF III processing.      
  TYPERMFV 30.172  RMF III Enhancements.                                
  TYPERMFV 30.217  Reading RMF III data on ASCII - INVALID date message.
  TYPERSDA 30.035  RSD/FOLDERS name fields were increased to $250.      
  TYPESAMS 30.073  Support for CA Vantage Stor Resc MGR 12.6.00 INCOMAT.
  TYPESASU 30.114  SAS User Records with SASPROC='SQL (63)' protected.  
  TYPESVIE 30.051  Support for SYSVIEW PTF Test APAR TSD0145, for IMS.  
  TYPETAPR 30.164  Support for six Tandem Prognosis data files.         
  TYPETAPR 30.284  Support for additional PHYSVOL/VOLUME file fields.   
  TYPETMD2 30.060  Support for TMON/DB2 V5, INCOMPATIBLE, for DB2 V10/  
  TYPETMD2 30.107  Support for ASG/Landmark TMON DB2 PTFs TE03699/03718.
  TYPETMMQ 30.025  Support for TMON for MQ Version 2.2/2.3/2.4 INCOMPAT 
  TYPETMO2 30.277  Support for TMON CICS 3.4 for CICS/TS 5.1 INCOMPAT.  
  TYPETMS5 30.205  Variable ACTVOL added to TMS.TMS dataset.            
  TYPETPMX 30.075  READTIME kept in all, JOB/JESNR/JBL24 in TPMJBL24    
  TYPETPMX 30.216  MVS Solutions Thruput Manager SMF subtype 5 updates. 
  TYPEVMXA 30.190  z/VM 6.1 BROKEN CONTROL RECORD if STSI is 152 bytes. 
  TYPEVMXA 30.192  z/VM Linux Processor VXAPLSL0 dataset wrong values.  
  TYPEVMXA 30.215  z/VM BROKE CONTROL record when MONWRITE concatenated.
  TYPEVMXA 30.254  Support for zVM new CRYPTO TYPE PRCAPMCT=10.         
  TYPEVMXA 30.254  Support for zVM new HIS (SMF113) counters, zEC12.    
  TYPEWPMO 30.110  Windows PERFMON data now supports any delimiter.     
  TYPEWWW  30.163  Windows IIS Server Log, strange URIQUERY, looped.    
  TYPEXAM  30.003  Spurious XAM INVALID CPU RECORD messages.            
  TYPEZPRO 30.116  Support for Voltage SecureData for z/OS z/Protect.   
  TYPEZVPS 30.154  Support XAM/ZVPS VCPU Virtual CPU segment XMUSVCPU   
  VMXGCOPY 30.243  VMXGCOPY copies SAS datasets from multiple LIBNAMEs. 
  UTILCPLG 30.026  %UTILCPLG will copy your .LOG and .LST files.        
  UTILEXCL 30.092  WMQGETTM, others, incorrectly multiplied by 16.      
  UTILEXCL 30.100  DO NOT USE UTILEXCL in MXG 30.03, "NON-FIRST" error. 
  UTILEXCL 30.278  MXGNOTE on log identifies create date of IMACEXCL.   
  UTILEXCL 30.283  Better support for UNKNOWN FIELDS to prevent 180.    
  VFMT102  30.183  30.05/30.06 VFMT102 could have overlapped range.     
  VFMT102  30.241  Revised mapping of DBID and OBID objects to names.   
  VFMT102  30.279  VFMT102 mapping DBID/OBID/PSID safer algorithm.      
  VGETALOC 30.135  Dynamic allocation of AUTOALOC=YES LIBNAMEs.         
  VGETOBS  30.177  SAS 9.2 z/OS ONLY VGETOBS didn't recognize tape dset.
  VMACSMF  30.023  A third-party product creates invalid DB2 ID=101.    
  VMXG2DTE 30.242  New CRITERIA= parameter inserts selection SAS code.  
  VMXGALOC 30.131  New READONLY and CLEARLL parameters.                 
  VMXGFIND 30.214  VMXGFIND to print all datasets had wrong title.      
  VMXGGETM 30.034  VMXGGETM only supported 512 subtypes.                
  VMXGINIT 30.148  FIXORDER dataset only created for dynamic allocate.  
  VMXGINIT 30.171  Macro variables &PCICMNR and &WCICMNR reinstated.    
  VMXGSUM  30.189  Use of %CMPRES replaced by %SYSFUNC which is in base.
  See member CHANGESS for all changes ever made to MXG Software.        
Inverse chronological list of all Changes:                              
NEXTCHANGE: Version 30.                                                 
====== Changes thru 30.292 were in MXG 30.30 dated Jan 21, 2013=========
Change 30.292 -JCL Proc Examples and Config members were added/aligned. 
CONFIGN9       JCL Proc Examples MXGSAS92 and MXGSAS93 invoke CONFIGV9, 
CONFIG9N       which has set option NLSCOMPATMODE for many years, but   
CONFIGV9       now, SAS prints a warning when that option is enabled:   
                         CONTACT YOUR SAS ADMMINISTRATOR. ETC.          
              -Instead of MXGSASxx JCL PROC, using MXGNAMES/CONFIMXG in 
               Change 27.356 has been the MXG JCL recommendation since  
               that change, as it executes the site's SAS JCL procedure 
               and uses the site's default options, and it does not     
               print that warning message.  But MXGNAMES/CONFIG text    
               must be used around // EXEC SAS in every MXG Job's JCL.  
              -So you may still have to EDIT the MXGSAS92/MXGSAS93 JCL  
               Proclib members to use the desired CONFIGxx member:      
                  CONFIGV9 which sets   NLSCOMPATMODE, unchanged.       
                  CONFIGN9 which doesn't set that option, new in 30.30. 
                  CONFIG9N which sets NONLSCOMPATMODE, new in 31.01.    
              -So why set NONLSCOMPATMODE?  Because SAS V9.2 ABENDED    
               underscoring CALL SYMPUT$ text that is CALL SYMPUT( in   
               code (deep inside VMXGSUM deep inside VMXGRMFI) and SAS  
               Technical Support identified the error as documented in  
               SAS Note 37974 (for SAS V9.2 only) which documents:      
                 "NLSCOMPATMODE causes some CALL routines to generate   
                  errors on MVS in some non-English environments. To    
                  reproduce the error invoke SAS using the command below
                  and submit the statements that follow it.             
                   ===> THE EXAMPLE IS A CALL SYMPUT <===               
                  Currently the only fix for this is to issue the option
               So the new CONFIG9N member exists to set that option if  
               you encounter this error.  The failure occurred at a site
               which had specified default values of:                   
               and all NLS issues to date impacted only sites outside   
               the US that do not have LOCALE=EN_US.                    
VMAC6          because SMF6RST/SMF6RSD contain 'C540404000000000'x which
Jan 18, 2013   isn't a valid SMFSTAMP8 value (time and julian date).    
               The error message and the hex dump of the SMF record is  
               now prevented by adding the double question mark to the  
               informat side of the INPUT function in VMAC6. The value  
               in variable READTIME in TYPE6 and PDB.PRINT datasets will
               be a missing value until a fix is available from VPS.    
               This text will be update when that happens.  Discovered  
               late on Friday, too late for VPS response for MXG 30.30. 
   Thanks to William M. Orrach, LMCo, USA.                              
Change 30.290A Variable LSPRWKLD='LSPR*WORKLOAD*MATCH' created and kept 
ASUM113        in ASUM113 dataset.                                      
Jan 16, 2013                                                            
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
Change 30.290  Corrections after ITRM review for MXG 30.30:             
VMAC90        -VMAC90 variable DOWNTM and IPLTIME labeled and formatted.
VMAC119       -VMAC119 TYP11997 variable SSH_FCRIPV6 kept in place of   
VMACVMXA       incorrectly spelled/kept SSH_FSRIPV6.                    
VMACBETA      -VMACVMXA STOLMODE is labeled.                            
ASUMTAPE      -VMACBETA Dataset Labels clarified for BETA7, BETA8 and   
ASUM113        BETA22. Variable BETARTIME is now the datetime value with
Jan 16, 2013   BETARDATE no longer kept in BETA51 dataset.              
              -ASUMTAPE Temporary dataset JES3MNTS is now deleted.      
              -VMAC99 Variable S99CCCCECUTIL label, asterisk removed.   
              -ASUM113 Variables SMF70CIN/CIX/CPA/HDM/ONT/PAT/CECSER    
               CPUTYPE LPARWLMG are labeld, PAT and ONT formatted.      
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS ITRM, USA.                               
Change 30.289 -RMF III Performance Enhancements, blocking, and Fixes    
ASMRMFV       -INCOMPATIBLE.  ASMRMFV & VMACRMFV should always be used  
EXZRBUWX       from the same MXG Version.  Using a new VMACRMFV to read 
IMACRMFV       data created by an old ASMRMFV may not work. Specifically
JCLCRMFV       with this change, to populate the new variables in the   
JCLRMFV        UWD files, you must use ASMRMFV and VMACRMFV with 30.289.
VMACRMFV       See MXG SOURCLIB member JCLASM3 for the example JCL to   
VMXGINIT       assemble and link-edit the ASMRMFV program. Skipping this
Jan 20, 2013   action will result in many missing UWD file variables and
               is not recommended.                                      
              -The SHD (Sample Header), RED (Resource Data), and UWD    
               (USE/WAIT) RMF III tables are now blocked in the RMFBSAM 
               output file by ASMRMFV for improved I/O performance.     
              -UWD records are now extended with related data based on  
               type to make them useful.  In the past these records had 
               no identification of the address space, device, nor the  
               enqueue that related to the USE/WAIT counts.  The table  
               name now displays as UWDX in ASMRMFV output.             
              -VMACRMFV has been changed to support these new blocked   
               tables and the new UWD extended data.                    
              -NOTE: VMACRMFV will no longer accept old unblocked UWD   
               records.  If found, these are deleted and an MXGERROR    
               message issued once.  Processing continues.  The old     
               records had no information to show which address space   
               the USE/WAIT record was for and so had no practical      
              -There is a new ZRBUWXCF dataset for UWD type X'0A' XCF   
               Message entries that includes new variables:             
                 UWDXCDEV='DEV NUM*OF PATH*W MSG PENDING'               
                 UWDXCMAS='ASID OF*MEMBER*SENDING*MSG'                  
                 UWDXCHAS='ASID THAT*INITIATED*MSG OUT'                 
              -Validation of UWD entry flags and entry types is         
               improved.  The UWD entry will be skipped for invalid data
               and no Abend will occur.                                 
              -All ZRBUW* files include the following new variables:    
                 UWDREDID='PARENT*RED ID'                               
                 UWDSSN  ='UWD*SAMPLE*SEQUENCE*NUMBER'                  
              -All ZRBUW* files now have the following address space    
               variables from the related ASI table entry added:        
                 ASIJESID ASIMSTS  TYPETASK                             
              -ZRBUWDEV, ZRBUWSTO, and ZRBUWMNT files now have the      
               following variables from the related DVT table entry     
              -The ZRBUWENQ file now has the following variables from   
               the related ENT table entry added:                       
              -The ZRBASI file has two new variables for Memory Object  
                 ASITMO  ='TOTAL*MEMORY*OBJECTS'                        
              -The ZRBASM file has four new variables added in support  
               of UWD extensions:                                       
                 ASMUWDAL='UWD ASI*EXTENSION*LENGTH'                    
                 ASMUWDDL='UWD DEV*EXTENSION*LENGTH'                    
                 ASMUWDEL='UWD ENQ*EXTENSION*LENGTH'                    
              -The RMFBASM file version is raised to X'02' from X'01';  
              -A new final message RMFV999I is now issued at the end of 
               ASMRMFV processsing.  The message shows the total number 
               of WARNINGS, ERRORS, SEVERES (severe errors), and the    
               final Return Code.  In the case of an abend the Abend    
               Code and Reason Code are also shown.  The message appears
               in both SYSPRINT and in the JES JOB log.  This provides  
               one message to check to get the final status of ASMRMFV. 
              -A BYTES WRITTEN column is added to all ASMRMFV RMFV105I  
               messages for each combination of DATA ACTION and RMF III 
               table.  The column is displayed regardless of the        
               BYTES/NOBYTES parameter setting. This shows what tables  
               are contributing most to the RMFBSAM output file size.   
               The byte count doesn't include the 4 bytes for each BDW  
               (block descriptor word).                                 
              -Support for the RMF III ARCHAIC PGP table is suppressed, 
               but could be enabled if needed.  The PGP does NOT appear 
               in ASMRMFV detail and summary reports when disabled.  The
               PGP is only generated and available in z/OS Compatibility
               Mode.  IBM support for Compatibility Mode ended in March 
               2002 with the release of z/OS 1.3 as Goal Mode became    
               required.  But it was safer to just suppress than to     
               remove code that will never be executed.                 
              -ASMRMFV no longer abends when an invalid RED entry is    
               found.  Instead the record is skipped.                   
              -ASMRMFV message RMFV014I is now always issued regardless 
               of the DETAIL/NODETAIL setting.                          
              -New ASMRMFV message RMFV035E is now issued when errors   
               are detected processing the SPG, RED, UWD, DSH, or SSH   
               tables.  These are intended to attract the attention of  
               the support person who might otherwise overlook the less 
               obvious record SKIP counts.                              
              -NOTE: Message RMFV035E can occur when the ERBRMFxx       
               PARMLIB member for RMF Monitor specifies a non-existent  
               Storage Group in the SGSPACE ADD parameter.  RMF Monitor 
               III message ERB329I indicates this condition: ERB329I    
               SMS.  In this case the entire SPG table is skipped as the
               integrity of the entries cannot be trusted as confirmed  
               by RMF Support.  Correct the ERBRMFxx start up member for
               RMF III as soon as possible and modify or restart RMF III
               to restore SPG table processing.  Corrupted SPG tables   
               cannot be processed by TYPERMFV.                         
              -ASMRMFV message RMFV033E is now RMFV033S to indicate a   
               severe error when an I/O error occurs.                   
              -The handling of unsigned halfword binary integers in RMF 
               III table fields by ASMRMFV is corrected when the high   
               order bit is on.                                         
              -Prologue documentation in the ASMRMFV source has been    
               updated to provide detail on BYTES WRITTEN column and the
               skipping of UWD records.                                 
              -Member JCLRMFV in MXG SOURCLIB now shows examples of     
               building an RMF Monitor III PDB by the Direct JCL method.
              -Member JCLCRMFV in MXG SOURCLIB now shows examples of    
               building an RMF Monitor III PDB by the Batch TSO CLIST   
    Thanks to Steve Dyck, The Canadian Depository for Securities, Canada
    Thanks to Neil Ervin, Wells Fargo, USA                              
Change 30.288  Velocity Software zVPS (a/k/a XAM) records are Variable  
UXAMNRDW       Length CMS files but when first copied to their ftp site 
Jan 15, 2013   so I could ftp to ASCII to test new data, the two-byte   
               CMS record length field had been stripped, so I wrote    
               this heuristic that uses the structure of the first 16   
               bytes of each XAM logical record to create a readable    
               "z/OS" VB file.  However, here is the correct way to     
               create a "RECFMU" file from a CMS variable file.  This   
               note has been added to the MXG member FTPING:            
               23. Syntax to copy the XAM z/VM CMS Variable File to     
                   RECFMU on z/VM:                                      
               z/VM exec to pipe the XAM CMS Variable data file (which  
               contains a two-byte record length) thru the BLOCK command
               to create a file with the two four-byte z/OS BDW and RDW 
               fields; that output file can then be downloaded by ftp as
               BINARY to an ASCII system where the file can be read with
               SAS INFILE with RECFM=S370VBS and LRECL=32760.  The      
               output filetype "RECFMU" is used as this data is the same
               date with preserved BDW/RDW on z/OS created with         
               parse arg fn ft fm                                       
               'ACC FTPPOOL:MXG.XAMDATA x (FORCERW'                     
               'pipe < 'fn ft fm,                                       
                 ' | block 32760 V',                                    
                 ' | >' fn 'RECFMU X'                                   
                1) The Parse arg fn ft fm is actual code.               
                   It assumes you would start executing the EXEC with:  
                     inputfilename inputfiletype inputfilemode
                   Parse arg pulls in the filename/type/mode that you   
                   specified when you started the EXEC.                 
                2) Looking at FTPPOOL:MXG.XAMDATA,                      
                      FTPPOOL is the SFS filepool name.                 
                      MXG     is the filespace name (USERID)            
                      XAMDATA is the subdirectory under the FTPPOOL root
                    Maybe a good PC analogy would be                    
                      filepool name = drive letter (such as C:);        
                      USERID = a directory under C:(such as MXG)        
                      subdirectory something under MXG (C:\MXG\XAMDATA) 
   Thanks to Dewayne Thomas, Velocity Software, USA.                    
Change 30.287  Executing MXG on ASCII to read compressed CICS/DB2 SMF is
JCLSPLIT       generally much faster if you FIRST decompress SMF records
JCLSPLT2       and EXITCICS - all call IBM's CSRCESRV ASM service to do 
DFH$MOLS       the decompression) and then SECOND, you run MXG on ASCII 
DSNTSMFD       to read that uncompressed SMF file.  The simpler process 
Jan 19, 2013   of running MXG on ASCII to directly both read compressed 
               SMF data AND to uncompress it is MUCH slower because the 
               CSRCESRV doesn't exist on ASCII and the ASCII alternative
               byte-by-byte SAS code decompress algorithm is functional 
               but it is VERY CPU intensive (by a factor of MANY times).
               Newsletter SIXTY-ONE had execution comparison results.   
               Only if you have network contention when MXG reads the   
               uncompressed data might your results be different; you   
               should at least test this alternative.                   
               These members provide examples of how to parallelize     
               the MXG "BUILDPDB" process and first decompress on z/OS. 
               JCLSPLIT - changes are primarily comments but the split  
                          of IO and MQ data is commented out as well as 
                          the SYSIN for those datasets                  
               JCLSPLT1 - the same as JCLSPLIT but also contains steps  
                          for DFH$MOLS and DSNTSMFD                     
               JCLSPLT2 - the same as JCLSPLT1 but uses temp dataset    
                          names for the outputs, runs DFH$MOLS, DSNTSMFD
                          and then combines all the temp datasets with  
                          IFASMFDP to be fed to MXG                     
               DFH$MOLS - JCL to run DFH$MOLS                           
               DSNTSMFD - JCL to run DSNTSMFD                           
Change 30.286  A new program that graphically compares values over time.
ANALCOMP       Any number of variables from any number of SAS datasets  
Jan 14, 2013   are aligned for starting days, weeks, months, or years,  
               with ODS Graphic's PROC SGPLOT (included in Base V9.3).  
               V9.2 SGPLOT does require SAS/GRAPH. One of many examples:
                 Compare hourly CPU time for each Service and Reporting 
                 Class, for two weeks in November, from MONTH.TYPE72GO: 
                        COMPARE=11NOV12 18NOV12,                        
                        SORTBY=SYSTEM RPRTCLAS SRVCLASS);               
Change 30.285  Support for BETA93 subtype 51 which had been overlooked. 
EXTYBETJ       This record has 10 possible field formats, so there are  
IMACBETA       ten variables BETAFIELDC/H/I/V/D/T/S/B/F/P created for   
VMACBETA       Character/Hex/Integer/Variable/Date/Time/Small/Byte/Flag/
VMACBETA       Pool which are populated based on BETAFTYPE value.  But, 
Jan 14, 2013   the Character type has both EBCDIC and HEX values so it  
               must be displayed as a hex string, since the vendor does 
               not identify which Field Names are text versus hex.      
Change 30.284  Support for additional fields in PHYSVOL and VOLUME file.
VMACTAPR       Now, PHYSVOL has 67 variables and VOLUME has 71.         
Jan 11, 2013                                                            
   Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, Fiserv, USA.                                 
Change 30.283  When UTILEXCL found an UNKNOWN FIELD, the circumvention  
UTILEXCL       to skip over that field could generate 180 syntax errors,
Jan 11, 2013   depending on the syntax generated for the prior and/or   
               the subsequent field.  This update revises the logic to  
               provide a more reliable circumvention.  UNKNOWN FIELD    
               message can occur when a back-level of UTILEXCL is used  
               to process a new CICS version's dictionary, or when there
               are "user" fields created by the site with names other   
               than "USER".  Sending the UTILEXCL log executed with     
                _BLDDICT; _BLDEXCL; _RPTEXCL ;   to     
               is the correct "circumvention", as that allows MXG to    
               add support for a user field or detect back-level.       
   Thanks to Victoria Lepak, Aetna, USA.                                
Change 30.282  Comments updated to document all parameters.  The default
ASUMDBSS       SUMBY list includes SHIFT, so if you change the interval 
VMXGDBSS       value to DATE, wanting one observation per day, you get  
Jan 10, 2013   multiple observations for each SHIFT value.  You need to 
               remove SHIFT from the SUMBY list to get daily output:    
                    D2BPSIN =&PDBMXG..DB2STATB,                         
                    D2BPSOT =&PDBMXG..ASUMDBSB,                         
                    SUMBY=QWHSSSID BEGTIME,                             
   Thanks to Stu Samuels, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, USA.      
Change 30.281 -BUILD005/BUIL3005 used in ONLYJOBS (create only PDB.JOBS)
BUILD005       set a return/condition code four for a PROC COPY message 
BUIL3005       "WARNING: IN= and OUT= are the same" that is eliminated  
ONLYJOBS       by this change that creates an internal %SPINCOPY macro  
ONLYJOBZ       that conditionally issues the PROC COPY only when they   
Jan 19, 2013   are different (as they are in all other uses of BUILD005)
               For ONLYJOBS, they are correctly the same and the COPY   
               is not needed nor wanted.                                
              -The original ONLYJOBS is now stored as ONLYJOBZ as a fine
               example of how to tailor BUILDPDB using the old-style    
               macros, because the new ONLYJOBS now uses the newer and  
               more powerful %UTILBLDP macro (but still needing some of 
               those old-style macros) to create ONLY the datasets that 
               are actually needed by BUILD005.                         
   Thanks to DJ Chen, Florida Department of Corrections, USA.           
Change 30.280 -MXG 30.10 iteration, IFCIDS=STATS still failed even after
READDB2        Change 30.257, generating DB2STAT4 NOT SORTED ERROR, due 
Jan  9, 2013   to my insufficient testing with only OBS=0.  You can use 
               IFCIDS=STATISTICS with 30.10 to circumvent this error.   
              -And the intended change to NOT create T102S106 unless it 
               was requested went too far, since it was NOT created when
               106 was in the list of requested IFCIDS.  (30.01 can be  
               circumvented by adding T102106=YES as an argument).      
   Thanks to Rachel Holt, Fidelity Systems, USA.                        
Change 30.279  The VFMT102 mapping of DBID/OBID/PSID value to the DB2   
VFMT102        name has been reset to the safer algorithm that uses     
Jan  8, 2013   PROC SORT to remove duplicate values; recent attempts to 
               construct the format and/or to use a MERGE have never    
               completely removed the overlap in values; that code is   
               kept in ZFMT102 from the last try until time and more    
               guidance from IBM DB2 support is available.              
Change 30.278 -The MXG-created TASZIPTM/TASELGTM variables in CICSTRAN, 
VMAC110        CICS/TS 5.1, were only populated when UTILEXCL was used  
UTILEXCL       to create an IMACEXCL, but are now populated in default  
VMXGUOW        5.1 VMAC110 code, from IBM CPUTONCP/OFFLCPUT fields also 
Jan  7, 2013   used to create CPUTONTM/CPUTONCN/OFFLCPUTM/OFFLCPCN in   
Jan 13, 2013   Change 30.228 (CICS/TS 5.1 and APAR OA38409 is required).
               Labels are corrected to provide clearer documentation:   
                 CPUTONTM='TASK TOTAL*CPU TCB TIME*ON CP ONLY'          
                 CPUTONCN='TASK TOTAL*DISPATCHES*ON CP ONLY'            
                    (This is NOT NEW - has always been the sum of       
                     CP and (normalized) zIIP CPU time).                
                 TASZIPTM='TASK*ZIIP ONLY*CPU TCB*TIME'                 
              -The calculation of TASZIPTM and TASELGTM were not shown, 
               and TASELGTM WAS WRONGLY CALCULATED prior to this change;
               TASELGTM is equal to OFFLCPTM, but having created it, I'm
               now compelled to keep the two identical variables:       
              -UTILEXCL now creates a new MXGNOTE in the IMACEXCL that  
               identifies the creation date of that IMACEXCL on the SAS 
               log when it is included, to confirm there is a tailored  
               IMACEXCL in use.                                         
              -ASUMUOW now keeps TASZIPTM TASELGTM and CPUTONTM.        
Change 30.277  Support for TMON for CICS Release 3.4 for CICS/TS 5.1    
EXMONTV        INCOMPATIBLY adds variables to existing datasets and     
IMACTMO2       creates one new dataset:                                 
VMACTMO2          DDDDDD   DATASET   DESCRIPTION                        
Jan  6, 2013  -Dataset MONITASK new variables:                          
                 TAU64HWM='USER 64 POOL HWM'                            
                 TAC64HWM='CICS 64 POOL HWM'                            
              -Dataset MONISYST new variables:                          
                 TISTCPUC TISTCPOT TISTCPOC                             
              -Dataset MONIPA new variables:                            
                 PASC64CH PASC64FS PASC64GS PASC64SC PASC64UC PASC64UH  
              -Dataset MONIPI new variables:                            
                 PISC64GS PISC64SC PISC64UC PIWMQREC                    
              -The SMF format SMF 110 "CICSTRAN" records that can be    
               created by TMON don't contain the eight DFHRMI S001-S008 
               fields, previously optional, now created by default in   
               the IBM CICS/TS 5.1 SMF 110 records and thus expected in 
               the default MXG VMAC110 code for 5.1, so you will need to
               use the UTILEXCL program to create a tailored IMACEXCL to
               process these SMF records from TMON Version 3.4.         
Change 30.276  Support for Mainview for CICS Release 6.5 for CICS/TS 5.1
EXMVCITD       COMPATIBLY adds variables to CMRDETL and creates these   
EXMVCITS       two new datasets:                                        
IMACMVCI          DDDDDD   DATASET   DESCRIPTION                        
VMACMVCI          MVCITD   MVCITDQU  TD QUEUE                           
VMXGINIT          MVCITS   MVCITSQU  TS QUEUE                           
Jan  6, 2013  -New variables in CMRDETL for CICS/TS 3.2 and later:      
                  T6EXLBC ='LSR*BUFFER*WAIT*COUNT'                      
                  T6EXLBT ='LSR*BUFFER*WAIT*TIME'                       
                  T6EXLSC ='LSR*STRING*WAIT*COUNT'                      
                  T6EXLST ='LSR*STRING*WAIT*TIME'                       
                  T6EXTBC ='TS*BUFFER*WAIT*COUNT'                       
                  T6EXTBT ='TS*BUFFER*WAIT*TIME'                        
               and new CMRDETL variables populated only in CICS/TS 5.1: 
                  T6ECTSKS='CURRENT*TASKS AT*TRAN*ATTACH'               
                  T6EFCSWC='FC VSAM*STRING*WAIT*COUNT'                  
                  T6EFCSWF='FC VSAM*STRING*WAIT*FLAG'                   
                  T6EFCSWT='FC VSAM*STRING*WAIT*TIME'                   
                  T6EOFCPC='ELIGIBLE*CPU TIME*COUNT'                    
                  T6EOFCPF='ELIGIBLE*CPU TIME*FLAG'                     
                  T6EOFCPT='ELIGIBLE*CPU TIME'                          
                  T6EONCPC='STD*PROC*CPU TIME*COUNT'                    
                  T6EONCPF='STD*PROC*CPU TIME*FLAG'                     
                  T6ESC64S='SHARED*STORAGE*GET MAINS'                   
              -An existing INVALID DATA error for T6ECNCNT, was found in
               MXG code and corrected; it did not affect anything else. 
Change 30.275  MXGNAMES/CONFIMXG adds support for a USER FORMAT library.
VMXGCNFG        %LET MXGFMTU=DSNAME; dynamically allocates //USRFORMAT  
Jan  5, 2013   and sets OPTIONS FMTSEARCH=(USRFORMAT LIBRARY) to search 
               the user formats first, before the MXG format library.   
               If you use CONFIMXG and you have an MXGNAMES DD in a PROC
               pointed pointed at a dataset AND you override the        
               MXGNAMES DD  with //MXGNAMES DD * the following message  
               will be in the JOBLOG - but it is not a failure          
====== Changes thru 30.274 were in MXG 30.10 dated Jan  3, 2013=========
Change 30.274  Variables DWINSORM & DWDASORM are set to zero in TYPE113 
ASUM113        if this is a one book machine, if L4RP LE 0 (one book) or
VMAC113        SM1132MM='M10' (2818 - z114).                            
Jan  2, 2013                                                            
   Thanks to Karl Lasecki, Chemical Abstracts Service, USA.             
Change 30.273  MXG 30.05-30.09.  VMXGALOC with MONTH argument did not   
VMXGALOC       correctly calculate the preceding month; when run with   
Jan  2, 2013   normal _TODAY, on Jan 1, 2013, the monthly data was      
               written to November instead of December.  Using FORCEDAY 
               of 1JAN2013 with MONTH did copy correctly.               
   Thanks to Richard Krueger, Sentry Insurance, USA.                    
Change 30.272  MXG 30.09 only.  ERROR 48-59 FORMAT EBCDIC WAS NOT FOUND,
VMAC102        flagging the input of QWHSSSID.  This occurred only in a 
VMACDB2        user-constructed program that %INCLUDEd VMAC102 alone, or
Jan  2, 2013   before VMACDB2 (but that SHOULD have worked correctly!). 
               QWHSSSID and QWHSRELN were added to a PUT in DB2DECOM    
               to identify the system/release, but they had not been    
               input until after DB2DECOM.  In VMACDB2 there happened to
               be a LENGTH QWHSSSID $4 statement that avoided the error 
               when it was %INCLUDEd first.  But now, both variables are
               removed from that diagnostic PUT statement.              
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
Change 30.271 -Most of the _S102nnn dataset sort macros didn't delete   
VMAC102        the _Wdddddd dataset after _Ldddddd dataset was built;   
Jan  2, 2013   the %VMXGDEL(DDDDDD=102nnn) invocation was added to each 
               of the _S102nnn macros.  Note that most of these "sort"  
               macros for ID=102 DB2 Trace don't actually sort the data;
               most only copy the dataset with a DATA step, because the 
               NODUP duplicate-removal that is normal in _Sdddddd macros
               requires data and time to validate the completeness of   
               the BY list, but over time, all _S102nnn dataset sort    
               macros will be changed to use PROC SORT NODUP.           
Change 30.270  IDMS PERFMON Version 18 has a second segment subtype=4   
VMACIDMS       record which was previously unknown and was creating an  
Dec 27, 2012   additional observation in IDMSINS that had all of the    
Jan  2, 2013   variable names from the first segment.  Second segment   
               is now decoded and new variables kept in IDMSIMS dataset:
                 INSSYTI ='CPU*TIME'                                    
                 INSCPTI ='SRB*TIME*ON CP'                              
                 INSZPTI ='SRB*TIME*ON ZIP'                             
                 INSUSTI ='USER*MODE*CPU*TIME'                          
                 INSENTI ='TOTAL*ENCLAVE*SRB*CPU*TIME'                  
              -Short third segment (PMHRLEN=68) from IDMS Version 17 is 
               now protected.                                           
   Thanks to Kim Westcott, NYS Office of Technology, USA.               
Change 30.269 -SMFSRCH failed, writing to USERID.SMFOUT.DATA due to an  
SMFSRCH        error in VMXGGETM introduced in Change 30.224 which lost 
VMXGGETM       lost the & ahead of &SMFOUT, and testing of that change  
VMXGSRCH       overrode SMFOUT= so the missing & was not detected.      
Dec 27, 2012  -Then, an extraneous PUT statement in VMXGSRCH caused a   
               22-322 syntax error (but the program continued to run).  
               The PRINTIT parameter was not correctly implemented, with
               both a PROC PRINT and VMXGPRAL of the data found being   
               printed.  Now only VMXGPRAL is printed if PRINTIT=YES.   
   Thanks to Dan Case, Mayo Clinic, USA.                                
Change 30.268  RACF317='BPX*DEFAULT*USER*USED?' is added to TYPE8028    
VMAC80A        thru TYPE8065 to identify if the FACILITY class profile  
Dec 25, 2012   BPX.DEFAULT.USER is being used; that facility will NOT   
               exist in z/OS 2.1 (because it allowed many users of UNIX 
               system services to share a UID and GID, no longer a good 
               idea and FACILITY class profile BPX.UNIQUE.USER or other 
               alternatives are REQUIRED with z/OS 2.1). RACF317 will be
               Y/N if a SMF80DTP=317 segment exists, otherwise, blank.  
               Note that APAR OA37164 added detection in the Health and 
               Migration Checks, for an alternative to determine if the 
               profile is being used.                                   
   Thanks to Randy Shumate, Reed Elsevier Technology Services, USA.     
Change 30.267 -New IFCID 361 Audit Admin Authority (new with DB2 V10)   
ANALDB2R       added to Audit reports with new AUDIT= parameter value   
Dec 24, 2012   of ADMIN.                                                
              -A fault in the logic for the multiple possible database  
               and object names in the IFCID 145 records was fixed.     
Change 30.266 -New variable LPARIFLS in PDB.ASUM70LP and PDB.ASUMCELP   
VMXG70PR       and variables LPnIFLS in PDB.ASUM70PR and PDB.ASUMCEC now
Dec 23, 2012   counts the number of IFL engines allocated to each LPAR. 
Dec 28, 2012   The existing NRIFLCPU variable is the number of IFLs     
               in the CEC.                                              
               ALWAYS 100% BUSY IN RMF TYPE 70 (TYPE70PR/ASUM70PR) DATA.
               For those environmens, z/VM MONWRITE (MXG TYPEVMXA) must 
               be used to measure IFL utilization.                      
               For SHARED IFL with WAITCOMPLETE=NO, RMF 70 does capture 
               actual utilization of IFL engines.                       
               See Newsletter FIFTY-EIGHT "1. MONWRITE" for comparison. 
               The Wait Complete=YES is set when the box "Do not end    
               time slice if a partition enters a wait state" was       
   Thanks to Andrew Petersen, CSC, AUSTRALIA.                           
Change 30.265  Support for DB2 Trace IFCIDs 361 and 362 populates the   
FORMATS        existing T102S361 and T102362 datasets.                  
Dec 22, 2012                                                            
Change 30.264  Support for APAR OA39562 creates new TYPE70Y3 dataset for
EXTY70Y3       zEC12 processors new PKCS11 Crypto Co-Processor providing
VMAC7072       CEX4P measurements.  (Input statement corrected Jan 3    
VMXGINIT       after IBM support finally clarified the 10 was 10'x.)    
Jan  3, 2013                                                            
Change 30.263  For CICS records with multiple USER segments that are no 
IMACICUS       longer populated nor needed, you can cause them to be    
UTILEXCL       skipped (so variable USERCHAR will be blank) simply by   
Dec 21, 2012   creating an IMACICUS member in your "USERID.SOURCLIB"    
               that has only a comment to document that you are skipping
               over the USER segments.  This is only documentation.     
   Thanks to James Olson, Dominion Resource Services, Inc, USA.         
Change 30.262  TYPE1052 variable SM105LID is now converted to a one-byte
VMAC105        numeric hex value; IBM documented the two bytes as binary
Dec 19, 2012   but the actual field contains two EBCDIC characters for  
               a one byte hex value (e.g., 'F1C1'x for 1Ax; the original
               MXG input as PIB2 created SMF105LID=61889 from 'F1C1'x.  
   Thanks to Jeffrey A. Johns, UHC, USA.                                
Change 30.261  TMON/MQ latency variables QAMINLAT/MAXLAT/TOTLAT are now 
VMACTMMQ       correctly input as STCK time values, and formatted with  
Dec 19, 2012   TIME13.3, now that TMON support informed me they are STCK
Jan 17, 2013   units (so the values input with PIB8.6 informat are now  
               divided to 4096 to convert from STCK).                   
   Thanks to Homayoun Riaza, United Health Group, USA.                  
Change 30.260  The count in variable ABENDS in PDB.JOBS was incorrect as
BUILD005       it could include jobs that ended with ABEND='RETURN'.  It
BUIL3005       now contains the correct count of STEPS that had either  
Dec 13, 2012   a 'SYSTEM' or a 'USER' ABEND code, plus a count of one is
               added for jobs that had a PRE-EXECUTION error in a step  
               (i.e., the step initiated but either was not allocated or
               was not program-loaded, ALOCTIME or LOADTIME are missing)
               and for this instance, variable ABEND='PREEXEC' is set.  
   Thanks to Louis Deledalle, BNP Paribas, FRANCE.                      
Change 30.259A Formats $MG119ME and $MG119PM did not decode the         
FORMATS        FCMechanism value A='A:AT_TLS' and $MG119ME value of 'T' 
Dec 13, 2012   is corrected to T:TLS.                                   
   Thanks to Richard Wendland, USBank, USA.                             
Change 30.259  Support for SMF 99 Subtype 12 and 14 HiperDispatch data. 
EXTY99CC       New datasets created:                                    
EXTY99CI        Subtype  DDDDDD   DATASET   DESCRIPTION                 
EXTY99CP          12     TY99CI   TYPE99CI  HD INTERVAL                 
EXTY99EH          12     TY99CC   TYPE99CC  HD CAPACITY                 
EXTY99EM          12     TY99CP   TYPE99CP  HD PROCESSOR                
EXTY99EN          14     TY99EH   TYPE99EH  HD HEADER                   
EXTY99EP          14     TY99EP   TYPE99EP  HD PROCESSOR                
EXTY99EQ          14     TY99EN   TYPE99EN  HD NODES                    
IMAC99            14     TY99EM   TYPE99EM  HD MQWP                     
VMAC99            14     TY99EQ   TYPE99EQ  HD MPWQ HNODE               
VMXGINIT       These datasets have been tested with z/OS 1.12 data.     
Dec 12, 2012   Every 10 seconds, five subtype 12 records are written    
Jan  2, 2013   with the same SMFTIME but each is a 2 second duration    
               with S99CCITOD containing the start of each interval.    
              -Initially, a pair of subtype 14 records are written every
               five minutes, but APAR OA39058 changes that architecture 
               to write only one record each interval.  Until I have    
               test data with that APAR, the duplicate removal for      
               TYPE99EH/EM/EQ in their _Sdddddd macro is not validated. 
              -The IBM labels for S99EEPNL1/NL2 are reversed, so the MXG
               labels are now corrected to match data vs documentation: 
                 S99EEPNL1   ='TOPOLOGY*NESTING*LEVEL 1*BOOK'           
                 S99EEPNL2   ='TOPOLOGY*NESTING*LEVEL 2*CHIP'           
   Thanks to Dave Cogar, Wells Fargo, USA.                              
Change 30.258  Duplicate obs were not removed from BVIR21 dataset by the
VMACBVIR       NODUP option in the PROC SORT in macro _SBVIR21 because  
Dec 11, 2012   the BY list did not include ADHBAD and ADHSLOT.          
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY                     
Change 30.257 -If you specified IFCIDS=STATS, the sorts of the datasets 
READDB2        input to the DB2STATS dataset were suppressed and steps  
Dec 11, 2012   failed with variables not in order. You SHOULD use the   
Jan  1, 2013   IFCIDS=STATS instead of IFCID=STATISTICS because STATS   
               creates ONLY DB2STATS/DB2STATR/DB2STATB/DB2GBPST whereas 
               IFCID=STATISTICS also writes these redundant datasets    
               DB2STAT0/DB2STAT1/DB2STAT4/DB2ST225/DB2STATB) that are   
               completely contained in PDB.DB2STATS; IFCIDS=STATS is now
               set as default instead of IFCID=STATISTICS.              
              -READDB2 now invokes the _S102nnn sort macros so that the 
               work copy is deleted after copy to minimize disk space.  
               But this creates 23 lines of log messages for each data  
               set instead of proc copy's two lines per data set.       
               See Change 30.271.                                       
              -Comments document where data is written for combinations 
               of PDBOUT= and ACCTSORT= and IFCIDS=.                    
              -If you asked for IFCIDS=261, sorts on statistics caused  
               errors when those dataset did not exist.  The test on the
               macro variable was checking the length and should have   
               been checking the value.                                 
   Thanks to Alyona Bertneski, JPM Chase, USA.                          
Change 30.256  Briefly, this change created variable MSUHARD, but that  
VMAC30         was removed as a bad idea.                               
Dec 10, 2012                                                            
Dec 16, 2012                                                            
====== Changes thru 30.256 were in MXG 30.09 dated Dec  8, 2012=========
Change 30.255  If you used WEEKKEEP or WEEKDROP parameters and the      
BLDSMPDB       length of the dataset name(s) specified was longer than  
Dec  7, 2012   the current dataset name being checked (for example you  
               said TYPE64: and the current dataset was IPLS) then the  
               length of the first was greater than the second and an   
               invalid substr length message was created.  Everything   
               still ran correctly since it created a FALSE on the      
               condition being tested but it did generate a bad return  
               code when run in the background. A check on the length is
               now used in addition to comparing the values.            
   Thanks to Robb Hermes, Sentry Insurance, USA.                        
Change 30.254 -Support for new CRYPTO TYPE PRCAPMCT=10 in VXPRCAPM.  The
VMACVMXA       UNDECODED message was printed, but then MXG failed with  
Dec  5, 2012   INVALID BLOCK messages because the undecoded detection   
Dec 19, 2012   didn't properly set the SKIP value, so subsequent INPUTs 
Dec 20, 2012   were misaligned.  There are three sub-subtype values in  
               PRCAPMMT of 8, 9, and 10, but only 10 has new variables  
               now kept in VXPRCAPM dataset, and only sub-subtype 9 has 
               been "data-tested".                                      
               Previous Crypto cards have names for values in PRCAPMCT: 
                PCICC PCICA PCIXCC CEX2A CEX2C CEX3A CEX3C              
                  3     4     5      6     7     8     9                
               but no names are identified for the new Crypto Type 10   
               nor its three sub-subtypes in PRCAPMMT.                  
               The new PRCAPMCT=10 was observed on zEC12 processors and 
               is thought to be a Crypto Express 4S.                    
              -Dec 20: PRCAPM support for PRCAPML4=0 records corrected a
               program loop.                                            
              -Support for new HIS (SMF113) counters in zEC12 processor,
               eliminates "ERROR. PRCMFC HARDWARE COUNTER UNEXPECTED",  
               message with CFVN=1 and CXVN=3, which fortunately was    
               harmless to the rest of zVM processing.                  
   Thanks to Kim Morrell, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, CANADA.        
   Thanks to Jim Dammeyer, State Farm Mutual Auto Insurance, USA.       
====== Changes thru 30.253 were in MXG 30.09 dated Dec  4, 2012=========
Change 30.253  ONLY Dec 3 ASCII MXG 30.09, ONLY if MXG runs on AIX/unix.    That DIR3009.ZIP distribution file dated Dec 3 has files 
Dec  4, 2012   that end with a single X'1A (EOF) character.  While that 
               character is ignored on Windows, when that unzipped 30.09
               directory's files were copied from Windows to unix, those
               X'1A' characters were preserved, and when read on unix by
               SAS %INCLUDE, they caused SAS 180 SYNTAX errors (and may 
               have printed a left-arrow for that character).  All X'1A'
               characters were removed from this Dec 4 DIR3009.ZIP file.
               Those X'1A characters are ERRORS in MY EDITing and should
               NOT exist (created when I mix up LF and CRLF profiles),  
               and since I have done this before, the PROCSRCE program  
               that creates the other MXG distribution files has a test 
               for X'1A' characters, so those files are not exposed, but
               that file is a direct zip of the .sas files  
               in the MXG Sourclib directory.                           
               But, how did they slip thru?                             
               X'1A' are usually created AND detected when I email ASCII
               new/updated code to a z/OS test site, and that test fails
               when the translated X'1A' on EBCDIC is read by %INCLUDE. 
               I correct these updated files, and then search all of MXG
               files for any others overlooked since the last search.   
               But why didn't PROCSRCE's test find them in 30.09 QA?    
               Because I've just discovered that X'1A'  is IGNORED by   
               SAS V9 on Windows, whether read by %INCLUDE or an INFILE.
                  (And, since they ARE End Of File Markers, on Windows, 
                   when found at the END of the file, they should be.)  
               I cannot prove that PROCSRCE ever found a match; perhaps 
               that test was added for safety, not realizing it wouldn't
               ever be true on Windows SAS.                             
               So I now searched all 30.09 files using SPF/PRO, and it  
               DID find 5 files, but did NOT find EXTY74HO that caused  
               the error!  BUT: EDITing EXTY74HO in that same session   
               showed there WAS an X'1A' at the end of that file.  Now, 
               it was clear that SPF/PRO can not be trusted to find all 
               instances of '1A'x in a large directory.  But SPF/PRO is 
               ancient, so I searched with nearly-as-old SPF/SE and it  
               found these files in that all ended with     
               an X'1A' character, and which were all removed Dec 4:    
                 aaaaaaaa achap32  achap99  asmrmfv  asmtapee copyrite  
                 copywrit docver   docver30 doqa9364 ex102366 exty74ho  
                 imac102  jcltes92 jcltess8 jcltess9 jcltest6 jcltest8  
                 jcltest9 qa9364   qa93641  qa93642  qa93643  qa93644   
                 qa93645  qa93646  qa93647  qa93648  qa93649  qadoc     
                 qawps    qawps1   qawps2   qawps3   qawps4   qawps5    
                 qawps6   qawps7   qawps8   tessothr tessusr1 testothr  
                 testusr1 typetmo2 typetms5 vmac79   vmacbbmq vmacdb2   
                 vmacdcol vmacommq vmactmnt vmactms5 vmacvmxa           
   Thanks to Sterling James, DST Systems, USA.                          
====== Changes thru 30.252 were in MXG 30.09 dated Dec  3, 2012=========
Change 30.252  Variable R748AAS0 was created from R748AAST but was not  
VMAC74         formatted with $MG0748C, nor was it LENGTH $1 nor was it 
Dec 03, 2012   in the &MXGNOTRA list of character hex variables.        
   Thanks to Patricia J. Jones, DST Systems, USA.                       
Change 30.251  ANALCPU compares two different week's TYPE72GO CPU time, 
ANALCPU        creating one plot for each Service and Reporting Class,  
Dec 03, 2012   with one line for each week, showing CPUTM vs STARTIME,  
               which is aligned to midnight Sunday of each week.  These 
               plots could show which service class CPU time increased  
               or decreased, and show if he shape of the daily profile  
               had changed between the two weeks.                       
               SAS/GRAPH is not used, but SAS Version 9 is because the \
               plots are created with PROC SGPLOT in Base SAS V9.       
Change 30.250  Hardcoded PDB. in ANALZIPC caused ITSV with %CPSTART to  
ANALZIPC       fail. Change 15.320 stated all hardcoded "PDB." LIBNAMEs 
Nov 30, 2012   were to be replaced with "&PDBMXG.." to interface with   
               ITSV, but these members have been overlooked and are now 
               revised with no hardcoded PDB libnames:                  
               ANAL113  ANAL120  ANAL307X ANAL4HRS ANAL72GO ANAL80A     
               MRGDB2   NEWSLTRS VMXGINIT                               
   Thanks to Christelle Abily, Groupe Informatique Credit Mutuel, FRANCE
Change 30.249  SMF ID=119 Subtype=51 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED RECORD due
VMAC119        to 80 byte fifth segment when MXG expected 88 bytes.  The
Nov 28, 2012   last two fields are now conditionally input.             
   Thanks to Robert B. Richards, US Office of Personal Management, USA. 
Change 30.248  Cosmetic.  SMF Header Messages didn't clearly identify   
VMACSMF        back-to-back header/trailer nor header-to-trailer with no
Nov 27, 2012   intervening SMF record; text in messages was clarified.  
Change 30.247 -Variable SMF70NRM (zIIP Normalization Factor) is now kept
VMAC7072       in TYPE70PR dataset.                                     
VMAC78        -Variables R783PB, R783CUB, R783zzz in TYPE78CF are kept  
Nov 22, 2012   so those raw values are available.                       
   Thanks to Erling Andersen, SMT Data A/S, DENMARK.                    
Change 30.246 -DB2STATS QWOSxxxx variables have value 4294967295 decimal
VMACDB2        ('FFFFFFFF'x) and variable QWOSFLG='F2'x, but IBM did not
Nov 22, 2012   document those bit values nor document the FFFFx values. 
Nov 28, 2012   Change 26.201 has IBM notes about the proper APAR install
               to capture this RMF data, but it didn't note that you    
               must set the DB2 option ZOSMETRICS=YES to populate them. 
              -This change tests the first variables for the large value
               and if both are found, all 14 QWOSxxxx are set missing.  
              -The four utilization values have values greater than 100 
               as input, and there is no IBM documentation that the must
               be divided by ten, but now they are.                     
   Thanks to Charles Savikas, DCF, State of Florida, USA.               
Change 30.245 -Support for BMC Mainview IMS 4.6, a/k/a IMF, a/k/a CIMS, 
VMACCIMS       adds new zIIP and zAAP metrics to the CIMSTRAN dataset:  
VMACIMS           TRXZTCPU='TOTAL*DEP RGN*APPL CPU'                     
Nov 21, 2012      TRXZONCP='TOTAL*DEP RGN*APPL CPU*ON CP'               
                  TRXZAOCP='DEP RGN*ZAAP ELIGIBLE*RAN ON CP'            
                  TRXZIOCP='DEP RGN*ZIIP ELIGIBLE*RAN ON CP'            
                  TRXZFL1 ='TRXZFL1*FLAG'                               
                  TRXZTCPU='TOTAL*DEP RGN*APPL CPU'                     
                  TRXZONCP='TOTAL*DEP RGN*APPL CPU*ON CP'               
                  TRXZAOCP='DEP RGN*ZAAP ELIGIBLE*RAN ON CP '           
                  TRXZIOCP='DEP RGN*ZIIP ELIGIBLE*RAN ON CP'            
              -The zIIP/zAAP values are NORMALIZED to the speed of the  
               CP engines if your CPs are slower than Specialty Engines.
              -Note that ZTIME=YES must be specified in BBPARM IMFECP00 
               member to populate zIIP/zAAP fields in the IMF records;  
               the default value is NO.                                 
              -Some missing value calculations observed in testing that 
               could be protected in VMACCIMS and VMACIMS now are.      
   Thanks to Sieghart Seith, FIDUCIA IT AG, GERMANY.                    
Change 30.244  Support for WebSphere Version 8 ID=120 Subtype 10 record 
EXT12010       creates new TYP12010 dataset.                            
Nov 20, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to Mark Wittie, Fidelity Systems, USA.                        
Change 30.243  VMXGCOPY copies SAS datasets from MULTIPLE input LIBNAMES
VMXGCOPY       whereas PROC COPY only allows from a single input ddname.
Nov 20, 2012   Parameters:                                              
               LIBNAMES=  One or more SAS data libraries to be read.    
                          Each value is a "starting with" string, so PDB
                          reads ALL LIBNAMEs starting with PDB.         
                          On zOS each libname must have been opened with
                          either a LIBNAME statement or a data step, or 
                          it will not be found.                         
               OUTDD=     The output LIBNAME where output is written.   
                          Default is WORK.                              
               DATASETS=  One or more SAS dataset names to be copied.   
                          Each value is a "starting with" string, so the
                          string TYPE will select ALL datasets starting 
                          with TYPE.  If a dataset is in multiple inputs
                          the output will contain ALL observations from 
                          ALL of those datasets.                        
               NOBS=      the number of OBS to copy                     
               ZEROOBS    YES, all datasets are copied.  NO, datasets   
                          with zero observations are NOT copied and     
                          won't exist in the output LIBNAME.            
               INCODE=    Optional argument with your SAS code to select
                          which observations to copy, PROVIDED THAT THE 
                          variable(s) you use exist in ALL datasets.    
                          For example,                                  
                             INCODE=  IF SYSTEM=:'ABCD';                
Change 30.242  New parameter CRITERIA= inserts SAS code for selection.  
VMXG2DTE       For example, if you want to keep SMFINTRV data ONLY for  
Nov 15, 2012   your started tasks, at a weekly or monthly level, and you
               want APPEND the new data, you would use:                 
               or, if you want to use GDGs and a DATA step, use:        
               In either case, you don't supply the IF or the ending    
               semi-colon; the text of CRITERIA= just needs to be a SAS 
               expression that is TRUE for observations you want kept.  
Change 30.241  There are cases where the object name can change within  
ANALDB2R       a database ID and object ID and possibly cases where     
VFMT102        the database name might change so timestamps are needed  
Nov 21, 2012   to correctly build the formats to extract the correct    
               database name and object name from the IFCID 105 and 107 
               records.  This can create a massive format that requires 
               a large amount of memory.  In one case on zOS with 16M   
               input records it required 862MB to create the format     
               and nearly as much to load it.  But, the only time you   
               might need all of the records is when you are running    
               an IO trace.  In the case of an Audit trace, you have    
               to build an Audit table to tell DB2 which things you     
               want to audit.  So, selection criteria for DBNAME and    
               OBNAME are added to ANALDB2R to reduce the volume of     
               records input to VFMT102.  You can select based on:      
                 SYSTEM DB2 DBNAME and OBNAME                           
               By selecting only the needed DBNAMEs, the virtual storage
               needed for the format was less than 50 MB, so selection  
               is ALWAYS wise to do.                                    
               In addition, SYSTEM (z/OS execution system) is added as a
               criteria for ALL ANALDB2R reports (DBNAME and OBNAME are 
               only available to VFMT102 datasets with DBID or OBID).   
               Don't know what DBNAME/OBNAME(s) you have?  New report   
               MXGDBIDS=ONLY provides the list of all combinations      
              -Unrelated, new parameter MXGACC01OUT creates an output   
               dataset that you name in that parameter from the MXGACC01
               PROC TABULATE.                                           
Change 30.240  Graphic and tabular reports of DB2 buffer size and max   
GRAFDB2B       usage, by DB2 Subsystem and Buffer Pool.  Will use either
NOV 10, 2012   SAS/GRAPH or ODS GRAPHICS for graphs and PROC TABULATE to
               create a tabular report.                                 
               Documentation of parameters:                             
                 PDB=PDB             One or more PDB DD NAMES (LIBNAMEs)
                 SASGRAPH=NO         Create bar charts with SAS/GRAPH   
                 ODSGRAPH=YES        Create bar charts with ODS Graphics
                 TABULATE=NO         Create a tabular report            
                 INTERVAL=QTRHOUR    Any valid interval value           
               SAS versions 9.2 and earlier will not work for ODS; 9.3  
               is required for ODS graphics. If you are at 9.2 and don't
               specify SASGRAPH=YES, the tabulate report will be created
               instead.  If you specify SASGRAPH=YES but it is not      
               installed, on SAS 9.3 or above, ODS GRAPHICS are used.   
               Otherwise, only the PROC TABULATE report is created.     
Change 30.239 -VMACIMS IMS Eyecatcher variables STREQxxxx had $HEX40.   
VMACIMS        format but were correctly input as $EBCDIC4; the format  
VMACRMFV       and listing in NOTRAN were removed.  Purely cosmetic.    
VMAC120       -VMACRMFV variable ASMVER00 is now correctly INPUT $CHAR1 
Nov 10, 2012   instead of $EBCDIC1 as it contains HEX text characters.  
              -VMAC120 variable SM1209GS is now correctly INPUT $CHAR8  
               instead of $EBCDIC1 as it contains HEX text characters.  
               (Note: $CHARn is REQUIRED only for MXG execution on ASCII
               platforms - on z/OS $CHAR and $EBCDIC are identical.)    
Change 30.238  Support for Phoenix Software International (E)JES SMF    
EXTYEJES       Accounting Record creates new EJESSMF dataset.  MXG reads
IMACEJES       either the unique date format for ESMFTBGN or, after     
TYPEEJES       EJES/14242 update, in (E)JES V5R3, the SMFSTAMP format,  
TYPSEJES       transparently.                                           
VMACEJES       New dataset:                                             
VMXGINIT        dddddd   dataset   description                          
Nov 11, 2012    TYEJES   EJESSMF   (E)JES SMF ACCOUNTING                
   Thanks to Mike Moyne, HHSYS, USA.                                    
Change 30.237  Support for Version 4.3.0 BETA93/BETA97 (INCOMPATIBLE).  
EXTYB97M      -BETA93: New variables added to BETA1 dataset:            
EXTYB97N          BETAATYP='SEND*AS'                                    
EXTYB97O          BETABODY='BODY*TEMPLATE*MEMBER'                       
EXTYB97P          BETABTYP='OUTPUT*TYPE'                                
EXTYBET7          BETABUFS='MAXIMUM*BUFFER*SIZE'                        
EXTYBET8          BETADCR ='DCR*NAME'                                   
EXTYBETH          BETAFILE='MAIL*FILE*NAME'                             
EXTYBETI          BETAFROM='MAIL*FROM'                                  
FORMATS           BETAIPAD='IP*ADDRESS'                                 
IMACBE97          BETALINK='LINK*TEMPLATE*MEMBER'                       
IMACBETA          BETALTKN='LTOKEN*LIST*TOKEN'                          
VMACBE97          BETAMAXA='MAXIMUM*MAIL*ADDRESSES'                     
VMACBETA          BETAPORT='PORT*NUMBER'                                
VMXGINIT          BETARPLY='MAIL*REPLYTO'                               
Nov 13, 2012      BETASEXT='SOURCE*EXTENSION*NAME'                      
              -BETA93: New $MGBETPT format maps these values of BETAPTYP
               in BETA1 dataset, which describes which of the sets of   
               variables exist in this record:                          
                  '80'X='80X:DCR OF TYPE SYSOUT'                        
                  '40'X='40X:DCR OF TYPE MAIL'                          
                  '20'X='20X:DCR OF TYPE CLIST'                         
                  '10'X='10X:PRE-ALLOCATED DD NAME'                     
                  '08'X='08X:DCR OF TYPE VTAM/APPC'                     
                  '04'X='04X:DCR OF TYPE SUBSYS'                        
                  '02'X='02X:DCR OF TYPE TCP/IP'                        
              -BETA93: New Subtypes 7, 8, and 22 are documented but only
               the header variables exist in the new BETA7 BETA9 BETA22 
               datasets until actual records are available.             
              -BETA93: New Subtype 49 creates BETA49 dataset for Batch. 
              -BETA97: New Subtype 25 creates BETA9725 dataset.         
              -BETA97: New Subtype 50 creates BETA9750 dataset.         
              -BETA97: New Subtypes 49 and 51 create BETA0751 but only  
               header variables are created, awaiting test records.     
   Thanks to Mrs. Karen Sendelback, Finanz Informatik, GERMANY.         
Change 30.236  Cosmetic, spurious messages.  TYPE113 processing printed 
Nov  8, 2012   sampling was enabled for one minute every five minutes,  
               because MXG did not use the SM113CF1 Start of Interval   
               flag to bypass the test for negative deltas that printed 
               these messages.  However, both TYPE113 and ASUM113 were  
               correctly created because MXG's test for the output did  
               work as designed. Now, SM1113CF1 flag is used to bypass  
               the creation of these messages.                          
   Thanks to Erling Andersen, SMT Data A/S, DENMARK.                    
====== Changes thru 30.235 were in MXG 30.08 dated Nov  7, 2012=========
Change 30.235  Variable CFWAITTO='TOTAL CF*CPU*WAIT TIME' is created in 
VMAC74         dataset TYPE74CF as the SUM OF(CFWAIT01-CFWAIT15) to     
Nov  7, 2012   match existing CFBUSYTO total CPU busy time.             
   Thanks to Joe Faska, Depository Trust, USA.                          
Change 30.234  First MXG 30.08, zEC12 ONLY, and ONLY with APAR OA37826, 
VMAC74         which added the HO segment to the RMF 74 subtype 4 record
Nov  7, 2012     ERROR: INVALID DATA FOR CHAR4                          
                 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED RECORD LENGTH.                
               because that code was only syntax checked, awaiting data 
               with that APAR installed, and CHAR4/ passed syntax but   
               failed when data was read, as it should have been CHAR4. 
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
Change 30.233 -TYPE70 variable CPUWAITM was wrong and was larger than   
ADOC7072       CPUUPTM when HiperDispatch was active (SMF70PAT GT 0) but
VMAC7072       IRD was not active (SMF70ONT=DURATM for all engines).    
Nov  7, 2012   MXG did not subtract parked time from CPUWAITM, BUT ONLY 
Apr  1, 2013   CPUWAITM was wrong, and since CPUWAITM is NOT used in any
               other metrics, they WERE correct.  Only if you compared  
               CPUUPTM with CPUWAITM would the error have been observed.
               This error was only significant at low utilizations when 
               CP engines were parked; during peak intervals when all CP
               engines were NOT parked, the CPUWAITM value was correct. 
              -But in examining the 70 records, observations in TYPE70PR
               have been found with SMF70PAT greater than SMF70ONT and  
               DURATM by over 5 seconds; new code detects and resets    
               SMF70PAT to SMF70ONT and zeros CPUWAITM when a small     
               negative value (less than 0.10 seconds) is calculated.   
               So both NEWWAIT and SMF70PAT in TYPE70PR are different.  
               RMF development has confirmed that because ONT and PAT   
               are retrieved independently with DIAGNOSE instructions,  
               the can have different values, and RMF Reports use the   
               same heuristic I implemented, to store ONT in PAT when   
               PAT is greater than ONT.                                 
              -Inserted Apr 2013:  A "WARNING. SMF70PAT GT ONT" message 
               was previously printed, but since there is nothing that  
               you can do with that information, as of MXG 31.02, it is 
               no longer printed.                                       
              -Variable CPUUPTM is now documented in ADOC7072:          
                "Originally the CPU "UP" duration for calculation of    
                 available capacity of all CP engines, and was the      
                 product of NRCPUS*DURATM, but that was back when the   
                 number of CP engines were static, at least between     
                 IPLs.  Now, with IRD and HiperDispatch "varying" or    
                 "parking" engines, NRCPUS is the AVERAGE (and          
                 fractional) number of CP engines that were ONLINE      
                 during this interval, i.e., that that were made        
                 available to this z/OS system during this interval, so 
                 the CPUUPTM=NRCPUS*DURATM now will vary and it is no   
                 longer the "available for static capacity" up time."   
   Thanks to Mark Cohen, EPVTECH, ITALY                                 
Change 30.232  Hiperdispatch introduces some vagaries into percent CPU  
GRAFWRKX       measurements.  PCTCPUBY in RMFINTRV is calculated based  
Nov  6, 2012   on the average number of CPUs online but that may be     
               something less than the actual number of CPs assigned    
               to the LPAR. GRAFWRKX now produces 3 different CPU busy  
               by workload charts.                                      
                 % of the average number of CPUs online                 
                 % of the CPUs assigned to the LPAR                     
                 % of the LPAR SHARE (this can exceed 100% if an LPAR   
                   is 'stealing' from other LPARs.)                     
   Thanks to Mark WIlliams, Marks and Spencer                           
Change 30.231 -Support for IFCID 219 populates existing T102S219 dataset
VMAC102        with new QW0219xx IFCID-specific variables.              
Nov  5, 2012  -Support for IFCID 220 populates existing T102S220 dataset
Nov  8, 2012   with new QW0220xx IFCID-specific variables, but there are
               discrepancies between the IBM DSECT and the actual DATA  
               and a PMR is opened with IBM to resolve. See Ch 33.064.  
              -Support for IFCID 402 populates existing T102S402 dataset
               with new QW0402xx IFCID-specific variables, but IFCID 402
               is a statistics interval record with accumulated values, 
               so you MUST invoke TYPS102 or use %READDB2 with PDBOUT=, 
               or invoke _S102402 after dataset T102S402 is created, to 
               do the deaccumulation.  And unlike the other DB2 V10     
               interval statistics records, IFCID=402 is written at 15  
               minute instead of 1 minute intervals.                    
              -Support for 4TH Waiter in T102S196 dataset added Nov 8.  
====== Changes thru 30.230 were in MXG 30.08 dated Nov  5, 2012=========
Change 30.230  Variables LPnPAT were missing in PDB.ASUM70PR,PDB.ASUMCEC
VMXG70PR       (but SMF70PAT parked time was valid in PDB.ASUM70LP and  
Nov  3, 2012   PDB.ASUMCELP datasets).  The LPnPAT variables were not in
               the RETAIN statements for the two datasets, so they have 
               always been missing; this is not a new error!            
   Thanks to Wayne Bell, UniGroup, USA.                                 
Change 30.229  Support for DB2 NETEZZA Optional data has been read and  
IMACDBNZ       some corrections were made in the DB2STATS/DB2NETZA.     
VMACDB2       -These DB2STATS variables                                 
               were not divided by 4096.                                
              -These DB2STATS variables                                 
                 Q8STACTV Q8STCCPU Q8STWCPU Q8STQUEM                    
               were incorrectly de-accumulated.                         
              -The Q8AC triplet was incorrectly input, causing all of   
               the Q8ACxxxx variables in DB2ACCT (when enabled by the   
               removal of the comment block in IMACDBNZ) to be wrong.   
               And, the Q8ACNAME field is now INPUT and populated.      
               IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator IDAA uses Netezza.         
   Thanks to Victoria Lepak, Aetna, USA.                                
   Thanks to William E. Howard, Aetna, USA.                             
Change 30.228  Support for CICS/TS 5.1, INCOMPATIBLE CHANGES, INSERTS.  
UTILEXCL      -CICSTRAN has new fields inserted at the end of each      
VMAC110        segment. The RMI fields that were formerly optional      
Dec 30, 2011   are now created by default.                      CMODIDNT
Apr 25, 2012     TDILWTTM='TDILWTT*DURATION'                         403
May 28, 2012     TDILWTCN='TDILWTT*COUNT'                            403
Sep 25, 2012     TDELWTTM='TDELWTT*DURATION'                         404
Oct 15, 2012     TDELWTCN='TDELWTT*COUNT'                            404
Nov  1, 2012     ROMODDTM='ROMODDLY*DURATION'                        348
                 ROMODDCN='ROMODDLY*COUNT'                           348
                 SOMODDTM='SOMODDLY*DURATION'                        349
                 SOMODDCN='SOMODDLY*COUNT'                           349
                 ISALWTTM='ISALWTT*DURATION'                         319
                 ISALWTCN='ISALWTT*COUNT'                            319
                 TCALWTTM='TCALWTT*DURATION'                         343
                 TCALWTCN='TCALWTT*COUNT'                            343
                 SOCIPHER='SOCIPHER*COUNT'                           320
                 CECMCHTP='CECMCHTP*NAME'                            430
                 CECMDLID='CECMDLID*NAME'                            431
                 MAXTASKS='MAXTASKS*COUNT'                           433
                 CURTASKS='CURTASKS*COUNT'                           434
                 SC64CGCT='64-BIT*C*GETMAINS'                        441
                 SC64CHWM='64-BIT*C*STORAGE*HWM'                     442
                 SC64UGCT='64-BIT*USER*STORAGE*GETMAINS'             443
                 SC64UHWM='64-BIT*USER*STORAGE*HWM'                  444
                 SC64SGCT='64-BIT*SHARED*GETMAINS'                   445
                 SC64GSHR='64-BIT*SHARED*BYTES*GETMAINED'            446
                 SC64FSHR='64-BIT*SHARED*BYTES*FREEMAINED'           447
                 TASZIPTM='TASK*ZIP*CPU*TIME'                MXG-Created
                 TASELGTM='TASK*ZIP*ELIGIBLE*CPU TIME'       MXG-Created
                 CPUTONTM='TASK*TOTAL*CPU TIME*ON ZIP'               436
                 CPUTONCN='TASK*TOTAL*DISPATCHES*ON ZIP'             436
                 MPPRTXCD='MPPRTXDC'                                 449
                 FCXCWTTM='WAIT TIME*FOR EXCLUSIVE*VSAM CI'          426
                 FCXCWTCN='WAIT COUNT*FOR EXCLUSIVE*VSAM CI'         426
                 FCVSWTTM='WAIT TIME*FOR*VSAM*STRING'                427
                 FCVSWTCN='WAIT COUNT*FOR VSAM*STRING'               427
              -TASCPUTM has always included the CPU time on zIIP/zAAPs, 
               and thus can EXCEED the elapsed time when the specialty  
               engine is faster than the CP engines, as documented in   
               Change 29.076, and because previously the TASZIPTM was   
               not separately recorded in CICSTRAN. Even though 5.1 DOES
               have the separate field, I chose to NOT change TASCPUTM, 
               even though that is inconsistent with the "normal" MXG   
               implementation of keeping the CP and zIIP/zAAP times in  
               separate variables, because it seemed changing the value 
               in TASCPUTM would have caused more impact to you.        
              -CICSTRAN fields not created in 5.1 (are missing values)  
                 DB2WAITM/DB2WAICN  189                                 
                 J8CPUTM/J8CPUCN    260                                 
                 J9CPUTM/J9CPUCN    267                                 
                 MAXJTDTM/MAXJTDCN  277                                 
                 CBSRVRNM           311                                 
                 EJBSACCT           312                                 
                 EJBSPACT           313                                 
                 EJBCRECT           314                                 
                 EJBREMCT           315                                 
                 EJBMTHCT           316                                 
                 EJBTOTCT           317                                 
                 MLXSSCTM/MLXSSCCN  411 (not documented as gone by IBM) 
              -CICSTRAN fields in 5.1 that have altered meaning:        
               These fields now include the new GET64 CONTAINER and the 
               PUT64 CONTAINER data values:                             
                 PGGETCCT               323                             
                 PGPUTCCT               324                             
                 PGGETCDL               326                             
                 PGPUTCDL               327                             
                 PGCRECCT               328                             
              -CICSEXCE dataset has two new values of EXCMNRIX of       
                 GUDSA - Wait for GUDSA Storage                         
                 GSDSA - Wait for GSDSA Storage                         
              -CICS Statistics Interval now defaults to 1 hour versus 3.
              -CICLDG variables added:                                  
                 LDGLLRRO='LIBRARY*LOAD*REQUESTS*RO TCB'                
                 LDGLLTRO='TOTAL*LOADING*TIME*RO TCB'                   
              -CICM variables added:                                    
              -New STID=62, same as STID=60, outputs CICDS dataset.     
               Eighteen TCBs exist in TS/5.1, but none are new.  The MXG
               TCB variables in CICDS dataset all have the two-character
               "TCB Name" text in their labels, and the MXG variable's  
               suffixes (DSG, DS1, DS2 ... for QR, RO, CO ...) are      
               listed in this table mapping the IBM 5.1 TCB Numbers:    
    TCB Name:  QR RO CO SZ RP FO SL SO SP EP TP D2 S8 L8 L9 X8 X9 T8    
  IBM TCB NR:   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18    
  MXG Suffix:   G  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  H  M  N  D  B  A  I  J  K  L    
              -STID=101 adds two new variables to dataset CICWBG:       
Change 30.227  Documentation updates, to give better examples of how to 
ADOCRMFI       define workloads in RMFINTRV.                            
Oct 31, 2012                                                            
Change 30.226 -Support for AIX/LINUX NMON data with FRENCH language text
VMACNMON       and with fractional numbers with commas instead of the   
Nov  1, 2012   expected period, found (so far ONLY) in "BBBP" records.  
              -Support for MEMAMS Memory Object adds MSxxxxxx variables 
               to the NMONINTV dataset.                                 
   Thanks to Atsou Toulabo, GMF, FRANCE.                                
   Thanks to Giles Fontanini, GMF, FRANCE.                              
   Thanks to Olivier Fy, GMF, FRANCE.                                   
Change 30.225  With more than about 40 workloads defined in RMFINTRV,   
ANAL72GO       VMXGRMFI could fail due to macro variable string length  
ANALDB2R       limits on list of variables.  And, if you workload prefix
ANALID         was too long, VMXGSUM (called by VMXGRMFI) could fail on 
ASUM113        truncated variable names, causing variable not FOUND.    
MULTIPDB       New MXGEXIMSG macro variable replaces all hardcoded      
READDB2        arguments so that, when directed by, you 
SMFSRCH        can use this syntax                                      
UTILNPRT          %LET MXGEXIMSG=YES;                                   
VGETENG        to enable (logs) of print lines for diagnostics.         
Oct 30, 2012                                                            
Change 30.224 -Documentation note on SMF backup when execution on ASCII.
ChangeS        Change 23.090 provided this technique to back up the SMF 
VMXGGETM       file when executing MXG on ASCII (and note the file name 
Nov  1, 2012   of the backup has the date/time):                        
                 DATA _NULL_;                                           
                  CALL SYMPUT('DATETXT',DATETXT);                       
                 FILENAME SMF FTP ("'SYS4.SMF.YOUR.DAILY(0)'")          
                  RCMD='SITE RDW READTAPEFORMAT=S BUFNO=35' /*for tape*/
                 FILENAME SMFBKUP                                       
                 %LET MACFILE=                                          
                      FILE SMFBKUP RECFM=N LRECL=32760;                 
                      PUT BDW &PIB.2. '0000'X RDW &PIB.2. '0000'X       
                          SMFINFILE @;                                  
                 %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(BUILDPDB);                           
               That is STILL the correct (and only SAFE way) to back up 
               the file being read, in spite of a post to MXG-L that    
               reported this error message using that technique:        
                 "ERROR: The '/' INPUT/PUT statement option is          
                 inconsistent with binary mode I/O.  The execution of   
                 the DATA STEP is being terminated".                    
                 And, that text was found in SAS Note 3404, an ancient  
                 note that was fixed in SAS Version 8.2.                
               That error message was NOT due to the backup technique;  
               there was a prior and unrelated syntax error that was the
               true cause of that binary mode I/O error message.        
               But, a subsequent post suggested that RECFM=S370VBS could
               be used to create the ASCII backup file, BUT:            
                 YOU CAN NOT USE RECFM=S370VBS on ASCII for OUTPUT.     
               While you can write with that RECFM with no errors on the
               log, THE OUTPUT FILE CANNOT RELIABLY BE READ.  Sometimes 
               it is valid, sometimes it is not, and there is no clue,  
               until you try to read the backup file.                   
              -VMXGGETM is revised to support RECFM=N write of VBS data 
               when it is executed on ASCII, so you could use           
                 FILENAME SMFBKUP                                       
               as a standalone program to create a backup of your SMF.  
   Thanks to Michael Mayne, HHSYS, USA.                                 
Change 30.223  Support for user-created CICS variables TRANSU, PGMU,    
UTILEXCL      USERU and USERDATU.  UTILEXCL must be executed to create  
VMAC110       the IMACEXCL to input those fields, and the four IMACICxx 
IMACICUW      members must be copied into your "USERID.SOURLIB" and the 
Oct 26, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to Randall R. Schlueter, FirstData, USA.                      
   Thanks to Joan E. Nielsen, FirstData, USA.                           
Change 30.222  IFCID=239 DB2ACCTP observations did not set DB2PARTY nor 
VMACDB2        QPACROLL nor QPACRUSM for the ID=101 SUBTYPE=1 records.  
Oct 26, 2012                                                            
Change 30.221  Example HSM reports 3 and 4, Concurrent HSM Activity and 
ANALHSM        Concurrent HSM Queued, are now sorted by datetime within 
Oct 25, 2012   each HSM Function.                                       
   Thanks to Rick Ralston, Humana, USA.                                 
Change 30.220  Support for NDM-CD Subtype CX Certificate Expire subtype 
EXNDMCX        creates new NDMCX dataset.                               
Oct 24, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to Douglas C. Walter, CitiBank, USA.                          
   Thanks to Brent Turner, CitiBank, USA.                               
Change 30.219  The mapping of DBID/OBID hex values to the actual name of
ANALDB2R       the database or table were not always decoded correctly  
VFMT102        by the format created by VFMT102. In some cases IFCID 105
Oct 21, 2012   was written up to 30 seconds AFTER the trace record that 
Nov  5, 2012   needed the 105 values, so a format based on timestamps   
               cannot be used.  This iteration creates the format based 
               on variables SYSTEM DB2SSSID QWHSACE DBID (or DBID OBID).
               NOTE: REGION=200M or larger may be required because this 
               format is MUCH larger; the size is related to the number 
               of observations in T102S105 and T102S107 datasets.       
               Nov 4:  The Oct 21 iteration could cause duplicate values
               error when building the format; NODUPKEY replaced NODUP  
               to circumvent the error, but this could cause some DBID  
               and OBID values to remain HEX (i.e., unmapped).  We are  
               still redesigning the entire mapping algorithm but not   
               in time for today's MXG 30.08. Contact if
               you want the redesigned mapping when it's ready.         
   Thanks to Alyona Bertneski, JPM Chase, USA.                          
Change 30.218  In ANALDB2R, INTERVAL=xxxx wasn't supported, causing     
Oct 19, 2012      MXGERROR: AND DATETIME=QWACBSC BUT THAT               
                  MXGERROR: VMXGSUM TERMINATED EXECUTION                
               if you were using MXG 30.05 or earlier.  With later MXG  
               versions INTERVAL= was ignored for the Accounting reports
               with no error message.  Now, if INTERVAL= is specified,  
               but the correct datetime variable is not in your SORTBY= 
               parameter, the datetime variable is added to SORTBY list.
              -But for DB2ACCTP, intervals are still calculated based on
               QWHSSTCK (the end of the interval), because QPACSCB did  
               not exist originally.  While it could be now used, that  
               would require significant updates to the ASUM and TRND   
               members, and it is still possible for the PLAN/PACKAGE   
               to fall into different intervals.                        
              -Statistic data is always summed using QWHSSTCK; since the
               interval duration for statistics in DB2 V10 is now fixed 
               at one minute, changing to start versus end would not    
               make much difference.                                    
   Thanks to Ron Wells, Springleaf Financial Services, USA.             
Change 30.217 -Reading RMF III data on ASCII platform generated INVALID 
VMACRMFV       data messages when the (new) MXG00 record (created by the
Oct 18, 2012   new ASMRMFV to document its version) was read, but there 
               were no errors in the other MXG-build RMF III datasets.  
              -Unrelated, new variable INFILENX contains the DSNAME or  
               ASCII filename of the input RMFBSAM file being read.     
              -Macro variable &VMXGJFCB is created to extract the JFCB  
               when TYPERMFV is executed on z/OS and to specify the     
               RECFM=S370VBS and LRECL=3270 when executed on ASCII so   
               those DCB attributes are not required on the FILENAME.   
   Thanks to James Sterling, DST Systems, USA.                          
Change 30.216  Updates to MXG code for MVS Solutions Thruput Manager SMF
VMACTPMX       subtype 5 record added new fields to the SLMSLPER dataset
Oct 16, 2012   with SLM Job statistics, and corrected the input and the 
               format for some duration variables that were resolved to 
               seconds (TIME8. instead of my TIME12.2).                 
   Thanks to Ken Deering, MVS Solutions, Inc, USA.                      
Change 30.215  z/VM BROKEN CONTROL record error only when MONWRITE input
VMACVMXA       files were concatenated (but not always!) due to logic   
Oct 16, 2012   error in MTREPR record's SKIP bytes handling.            
   Thanks to David Campbell, SunTrust, USA.                             
   Thanks to Shannon Collinson, SunTrust, USA.                          
Change 30.214  Using VXMGFIND to print all datasets obs with found value
VMXGFIND       (e.g., all observations with JESNR=12345) selected all of
Oct 11, 2012   the desired observations, but the name of the dataset in 
               title of each output were off by one dataset - the first 
               didn't have a dataset name, and the name in the second   
               title was the name of the first dataset, etc., due to a  
               mislocated RUN; statement.                               
Change 30.213  MXG 30.07 only. CICS STID=30 WARNING messages were caused
VMAC110        by incorrectly inserted code, which also corrupted the   
Oct 10, 2012   CICLDG statistics dataset.                               
   Thanks to Leonard DiCristofano, Anixter Inc, USA                     
Change 30.212  Support for APAR OA37016 for zEC12 CRYPTO EXPRESS4S adds 
FORMATS        a new value 10 for Crypto Processor Type CEX4C, which is 
VMAC7072       added to be decoded by the existing $MGRMFCX format, and,
Oct 11, 2012   unrelated, two instances of 'F5'x were changed to dashes.
              -New variable R7023MSK='VALIDITY*BIT*MASK' is created in  
               dataset TYPE7002.                                        
Change 30.211  Change 30.113 accidentally removed the de-accumulation of
VMACDB2        DB2STATS variable QISTCOLS in MXG 30.04, when three other
Oct  9, 2012   QISTxxxx variables were correctly removed.  QISTCOLS is  
               now again de-accumulated.                                
   Thanks to Glenn Bowman, Wakefern, USA.                               
Change 30.210  Support for APAR PN29124 adds IFCID=366 BIF INCOMPATIBLE.
EX102366       The CHAR(decimal) function in DB2 V10 returns different  
FORMATS        data than the same function in DB2 V9, and the IFCID=366 
IMAC102        records identify SQL source code that MUST be changed to 
VMAC102        support the new format.  The BIF INCOMPATIBLE option will
VMXGINIT       restore the CHAR function to its V9 behavior while your  
READDB2        SQL guru's change their code for DB2 V10.                
Oct 10, 2012  -READDB2's previous max IFCID of 350 raised now to 450.   
   Thanks to Tony Anderson, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama, USA.     
   Thanks to David McGrady, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alabama, USA.     
Change 30.209  Support for APAR OA37826 adds Channel Path Types CIB and 
EXTY74HO       CFP Coupling Facility data in new TYPE74HO dataset with  
FORMATS        both Local and Remote Channel Path Data for CIB & CFP.   
VMAC74        -New Data Set TYPE74HO:                                   
VMXGINIT         R744HAID='HOST*CHANNEL*ADAPTER*ID'                     
Oct  7, 2012     R744HAPN='HOST*CHANNEL*ADAPTER*PORT'                   
                 R744HSAP='FOUR*I/O PROCESSOR*ACCESSIBLE'               
Change 30.208  Support for APAR OA37803 which adds Warning Track        
VMAC7072       Interrupt Facility.                                      
Oct  6, 2012  -TYPE70EC and TYPE70PR new variables:                     
                 SMF70WTI='DURATION*LP WAS YIELDED*DUE TO WTI'          
                 SMF70WTU='WTI-S*UNABLE*TO RETURN*IN GRACE'             
Change 30.207  Support for APAR OA39993 which adds Interrupt Delay Time 
VMAC74         Facility duration.                                       
VMAC79        -TYPE74 new variable:                                     
Oct  6, 2012     SMF74IDT='INTERRUPT*DELAY*TIME*DURATION'               
              -TYPE79 new variable:                                     
Change 30.206  Support for APAR OA38660 which adds Storage Class Memory 
VMAC71         (SCM) and Pageable Large Pages on EC12 (zEC12) Server,   
VMAC75         which are also called "FLASH MEMORY".                    
VMAC78        -TYPE71 new variables:                                    
Oct  6, 2012     SMF71ASM='MIN*AVAILABLE*NOT USED*SCM BLOCKS'           
Nov 13, 2012     SMF71ASV='AVG*AVAILABLE*NOT USED*SCM BLOCKS'           
Dec 25, 2012     SMF71ASX='MAX*AVAILABLE*NOT USED*SCM BLOCKS'           
                 SMF71BSA='AVG*BAD*SCM BLOCKS'                          
                 SMF71BSM='MIN*BAD*SCM BLOCKS'                          
                 SMF71BSX='MAX*BAD*SCM BLOCKS'                          
                 SMF71C1A='AVG*HIGH VIRTUAL*COMMON*MEM PAGES'           
                 SMF71C1M='MIN*HIGH VIRTUAL*COMMON*MEM PAGES'           
                 SMF71C1X='MAX*HIGH VIRTUAL*COMMON*MEM PAGES'           
                 SMF71C4A='AVG*HIGH VIRTUAL*COMMON*ON SCM'              
                 SMF71C4M='MIN*HIGH VIRTUAL*COMMON*ON SCM'              
                 SMF71C4X='MAX*HIGH VIRTUAL*COMMON*ON SCM'              
                 SMF71L1A='AVG*1MB FRAMES*CANBE*USED*FIXED MEMOBJ'      
                 SMF71L1M='MIN*1MB FRAMES*CANBE*USED*FIXED MEMOBJ'      
                 SMF71L1X='MAX*1MB FRAMES*CANBE*USED*FIXED MEMOBJ'      
                 SMF71L2A='AVG*1MB FRAMES*NOT USED*IN LFAREA'           
                 SMF71L2M='MIN*1MB FRAMES*NOT USED*IN LFAREA'           
                 SMF71L2X='MAX*1MB FRAMES*NOT USED*IN LFAREA'           
                 SMF71L5A='AVG*1MB FRAMES*NOT USED*PAGEABLE/DREF'       
                 SMF71L5M='MIN*1MB FRAMES*NOT USED*PAGEABLE/DREF'       
                 SMF71L5X='MAX*1MB FRAMES*NOT USED*PAGEABLE/DREF'       
                 SMF71L6A='AVG*1MB FRAMES*USED BY*PAGEABLE/DREF'        
                 SMF71L6M='MIN*1MB FRAMES*USED BY*PAGEABLE/DREF'        
                 SMF71L6X='MAX*1MB FRAMES*USED BY*PAGEABLE/DREF'        
                 SMF71S1A='AVG*HIGH VIRTUAL*SHARED*MEM PAGES'           
                 SMF71S1M='MIN*HIGH VIRTUAL*SHARED*MEM PAGES'           
                 SMF71S1X='MAX*HIGH VIRTUAL*SHARED*MEM PAGES'           
                 SMF71S5A='AVG*AUX SLOTS*HIGH*SHARED MEM ON DASD'       
                 SMF71S5M='MIN*AUX SLOTS*HIGH*SHARED MEM ON DASD'       
                 SMF71S5X='MAX*AUX SLOTS*HIGH*SHARED MEM ON DASD'       
                 SMF71S6A='AVG*HIGH VIRTUAL*SHARED MEM*ON SCM'          
                 SMF71S6M='MIN*HIGH VIRTUAL*SHARED MEM*ON SCM'          
                 SMF71S6X='MAX*HIGH VIRTUAL*SHARED MEM*ON SCM'          
                 SMF71TSA='AVG*4K SCM*BLOCKS AVAIL*TO ASM'              
                 SMF71TSM='MIN*4K SCM*BLOCKS AVAIL*TO ASM'              
                 SMF71TSX='MAX*4K SCM*BLOCKS AVAIL*TO ASM'              
                 SMF71USA='AVG*SCM BLOCKS*IN USE'                       
                 SMF71USM='MIN*SCM BLOCKS*IN USE'                       
                 SMF71USX='MAX*SCM BLOCKS*IN USE'                       
              -TYPE75 new flag variables are created for bits, but only 
               SCMPGTYP was added by this APAR - the other bits had not 
               been previously decoded into flag variables:             
                 DEVVALID='DEVMODEL*IS VALID?'                          
                 SCMPGTYP='PAGE*SPACE*TYPE IS*SCM?'                     
                 Nov 13: The four variables were added to the KEEP list.
              -TYPE78PA dataset, new variables added Dec 25:            
                 R782FIFRNTME='TIME STAMP*OF MIN*FIXED*MEMOBJ'          
                 R782FIFRXTME='TIME STAMP*OF MAX*FIXED*MEMOBJ'          
                 R782PAFRMIN ='MIN FRAMES*ARE USED*PAXED*MEMOBJ'        
              -TYPE78PA dataset, these new AVG value variables should   
               have been created, instead of their TOTL value variables,
               but their TOTL variables are still kept, to be safe.     
                 SHBYAVG ='AVG*SHARED*ABOVE 2GB'                        
                 TOBYAVG ='AVG*ABOVE 2GB'                               
                 COBYAVG ='AVG*64BIT COMMON 2GB'                        
                 COMOAVG ='AVG*64BIT*COMMON'                            
                 LGMOAVG ='AVG*LARGE*MEMOBJ'                            
                 SHBYAVG ='AVG*SHARED*ABOVE 2GB'                        
                 SHMOAVG ='AVG*SHARED*ABOVE 2GB'                        
                 TOBYAVG ='AVG*ABOVE 2GB'                               
                 TOFRAVG ='AVG*1MB*FRAMES'                              
                 TOMOAVG ='AVG*64 BIT PRIVATE'                          
              -The APAR lists 79.11 as changed, but the APAR did not    
               provide any details at that time.  This text will be     
               revised when the APAR text has been updated by IBM.      
Change 30.205  Variable ACTVOL is added to TMS.TMS dataset:             
VMACTMS5       The '20'x bit in FLAG5 is also set when ACTVOL is        
Oct  6, 2012   populated, but as that is redundant I did not create a   
               new variable for that bit.                               
   Thanks to DJ Chen, Florida Department of Corrections, USA.           
Change 30.204  Support for APAR OA38980 adds new variable to DCOLCLUS:  
VMACDCOL         DCAZFS  ='ZFS*DATA*SET?'                               
Oct  6, 2012   and two new variables to DCOLVOLS dataset:               
                 DCVFCYLS='FREE*CYLINDERS*ON VOLUME'                    
   Thanks to Michael R. Mayne, Huntsville Hospital System, USA.         
Change 30.203  Support for JES3 Main Device Scheduler IAT5210 & IAT5918 
ASMTAPEE       mount messages adds these new variables to PDB.ASUMTAPE  
ASUMTAPE         FIRST5210='FIRST*JES3*IAT5210*DATETIME'                
VMACTMNT         LAST5210='LAST*JES3*IAT5210*RECORD'                    
Oct  8, 2012     NR5210  ='NUMBER*OF JES3*IAT5210*MESSAGES'             
Nov 30, 2012     VOLF5210='FIRST*JES3*IAT5210*VOLSER'                   
Apr 10, 2013     VOLL5210='LAST*JES3*IAT5210*VOLSER'                    
                 NR5918  ='NUMBER*OF JES3*IAT5918*MESSAGES'             
               to measure the delay from JES3 MDS Mount/Allocate and the
               dismount event for those pre-execution JES3 tape mounts. 
               The MXGTMNT monitor itself never sees those mounts, which
               occur prior to the job's execution on z/OS, but the above
               SYSLOG messages, plus the TYPE21 dismount records provide
               improved tracking of JES3 mount events.                  
              -ASMTAPEE was updated to create SMF subtype 8 records for 
               these messages in this enhancement, which is ML-50.      
              -Only data from the first and last of these JES3 messages 
               are kept in PDB.ASUMTAPE, but you can create subtype 9   
               records for each of these records if you need to see all 
               of them, using the //MXGMSGID DD documented in ASMTAPEE. 
              -Debugging PROC PRINTs in ASUMTAPE were removed Nov 30.   
              -Added April 2013:                                        
               INCOMPATIBLE: SORT ORDER OF PDB.ASUMTAPE was changed     
               from BY DEVNR EVENTIME to BY JESNR DEVNR EVENTIME which  
               could cause WEEKBLD/MONTHBLD to NOTSORTED fail, but only 
               if your WEEKBLD/MONTHBLD is prior to Change 29.008, 20.01
               which made the NOBY option the default to eliminate all  
               BY statements in those programs).  Just remove the       
               BY statement in your tailored WEEKBLD/MONTHBLD.          
   Thanks to Jim Dammeyer, State Farm Mutual Auto Insurance, USA.       
   Thanks to Doug Medland, IBM Canada, CANADA.                          
   Thanks to Paul Williams, The Capital Group, USA.                     
Change 30.202 -RMF III Enhancements and Fixes                           
ASMRMFV       -Fix for invalid I/O error with messages RMFV033E and     
Oct  3, 2012   RMFV007S and subsequent U0998 Abend.  There is a time    
Oct  6, 2012   window where RMF III has opened a VSAM data set but not  
               yet written the first sample set.  In this situation the 
               number of sample sets is zero, but ASMRMFV did not       
               correctly handle the condition and attempted to read a   
               non-existent sample set causing the error.  In this      
               condition the first and last sample timestamps are zero  
               indicating a date of 1900.001.  ASMRMFV will now         
               correctly issue message RMFV014I as it does for all      
               date/time selection mismatch conditions and proceed      
               without error to the next RMF III data set.              
              -A new parameter SIZE (alias SZ) is added.  This option   
               provides all the features of the existing NONE option    
               that suppresses all output but in addition avoids reading
               any RMF III tables as input (except the DSH table).  The 
               purpose of SIZE is to provide both RMF III index and disk
               space usage to allow optimum sizing of RMF III VSAM data 
               sets.  Options INDEXES and SPACE are forced when SIZE is 
               coded. The I/O activity and reporting with SIZE is much  
               less compared to use of NONE.  NONE was intended to also 
               provide a table contents inventory and so may still be   
               useful in some scenarios.                                
              -The entire DSH table of 32756 bytes is now output not    
               just the 256 byte header.  There is just one DSH record  
               for each RMF III VSAM data set.                          
              -The Create Date is now added to message RMFV008I for     
               non-VSAM data sets.  The JFCB (Job File Control Block)   
               that is the source of this data always has the current   
               date for all VSAM files and so Create Date is suppressed 
               for them.                                                
              -A new message RMFV034I will be produced to show the date 
               and time of the LAST CLOSE for each RMF III VSAM file.   
               Although the source field DSIGTODC in the DSH table is   
               documented as "Time data set was created", it is clear   
               from the begin and end sample time stamps that this date 
               stamp is always later than end sample time stamp and so  
               is consistent with a file being closed, not one that was 
               just created.                                            
              -The SAMPLES FILTERED count in message RMFV103I could be  
               incorrect when an entire data set was filtered by date   
               and time selection.                                      
              -Prologue documentation in the ASMRMFV source has been    
               updated to provide detail on the NONE and SIZE           
              -Oct 6: Cosmetic: Message RMFV034I shows OPEN timestamp in
               the local time zone, and imbedded blanks in 9 other date 
               and time fields.                                         
     Thanks to Rodger Foreman, Trans Union, USA                         
     Thanks to Susan Graham, CapGemini, USA                             
Change 30.201  Variables SM1132MT and SM1132MM were blank because a test
VMAC113        for debugging (IF SYSTEM='MVSA' ...) was not removed, but
Oct  4, 2012   they were also not kept until now!                       
Oct  9. 2012  -Oct 9: Change 30.129 text is now available.              
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY                     
====== Changes thru 30.200 were in MXG 30.07 dated Oct  3, 2012=========
Change 30.200  DB2 V10 variable QWHCCV was incorrectly replaced by the  
VMACDB2        value in new variable QWHCCTKN when the CTKN offset was  
VMACDB2H       non-zero. QWHCCTKN is an IP address in this format with  
Oct  2, 2012   an IP address, Port Number, and a timestamp:             
                 -------------- ----- ------------                      
                   |             |     |                                
                   |             |     |-- Unique field ( timestamp real
                   |             |                                      
                   |             |-- Port address                       
                   |- Requester IP Address                              
              -Only QWHCATYP=8 (REMOTE UOW) obs have QWHCCTKN in several
               test SMF files, and many of those =8 observations do not 
               have a value, so MXG's incorrect value in QWHCCV does not
               appear to have been pervasive.                           
              -Previously, there was no "truncated offset" field for    
               QWHCCV, the Correlation ID, and when IBM added the       
               truncated offset field for QWHCCTKN, I misread the DSECT 
               and thought that offset was for the Correlation ID so I  
               INPUTed the new field at that offset into QWHCCV.  I now 
               realize that that INPUT was for the new Correlation TOKEN
               field, QWHCCTKN, which is now correctly INPUTed and KEPT.
              -Now that QWHCCV has no truncated offset, it's length is  
               restored to $12 instead of $128.                         
   Thanks to Sieghart Seith, FIDUCIA IT AG, GERMANY.                    
====== Changes thru 30.199 were in MXG 30.07 dated Oct  2, 2012=========
               The EXTY70PR member OUTPUT to _WTY70SP incorrectly; that 
               should have been (AND IS NOW) OUTPUT to _WTY70PR.        
====== Changes thru 30.198 were in MXG 30.07 dated Oct  1, 2012=========
Change 30.198  These labels for these variable in VMACNMON are          
VMACNMON       misleading and incorrect: they indicate "percentages"    
Oct  1, 2012      APCPUUSER='PCPU_ALL*USER*PERCENT'                     
                  APCPUSYS ='PCPU_ALL*SYSTEM*PERCENT'                   
               but they are PHYSICAL CP counts: Their labels are now    
               corrected to:                                            
                  APCPUSYS ='PHYSICAL*CP*SYSTEM'                        
   Thanks to Lennon L. Marchang, Coca-Cola Company, USA                 
Change 30.197  Support for user-created CICS variables TRANSU, PGMU,    
UTILEXCL      USERU and USERDATU.  UTILEXCL must be executed to create  
VMAC110       the IMACEXCL to input those fields, and the four IMACICxx 
IMACICUR      members must be copied into your "USERID.SOURLIB" and the 
IMACICUT      comment block therein removed.                            
Sep 25, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to Alex B. Nielsen, KMD, DENMARK.                             
   Thanks to Noach Holger, KMD, DENMARK.                                
Change 30.196  Variable QW0247DA was truncated to 8 bytes because it was
VMAC102       assigned $HEX16. format and only the first 200 bytes were 
Sep 24, 2012  input with $VARYING200., but actual data length can be up 
              to 4096, so the INPUT and FORMAT were revised.            
    Thanks to Matthew Chappell, Dept. of Transport Main Roads, Australia
Change 30.195  Optional DB2 variable CORRNAME is created in the _DB2CORR
VMACDB2       macro defined in VMACDB2, with CORRNAME=SUBSTR(QHWCCV) so 
Sep 24, 2012  its length was $12 when QWHCCV is $12. But Change 30.032  
              (incorrectly!) increased QWHCCV to $128, causing CORRNAME 
              to increase, which then could print warning messages      
              about MULTIPLE LENGTHs.  Adding a LENGTH CORRNAME $8;     
              statement to the MACRO _DB2CORR definition in VMACDB2     
              corrected.  However, you should copy that definition into 
              your IMACKEEP member so the same definition is always     
              used at your site, and because some sites have needed to  
              tailor the actual substringing.                           
             -Change 30.200 restored QWHCCV to the correct $12 length.  
   Thanks to Alyona Bertneski, JP Morgan, USA.                          
Change 30.194  DB2 QMDAACCT field LENACCT1=246 caused the error message:
Sep 21, 2012   because the QMDAACCT INPUT was $VARYING200. LENACCT1 so  
               the length of QMDAACCT was restricted by the $VARYING200.
   Thanks to Stephen Donahue, Fidelity Investments, USA.                
Change 30.193  The MXGTMNT (ASMTAPEE) Tape Mount and Tape Allocation    
ASMTAPEE       and SYSLOG monitor program has been enhanced.  The ML-49 
Sep 20, 2012   level removes the requirement of having the tape UCBs    
               PINNed.  This eliminates the previous requirement that   
               your operators had to stop and restart the monitor when  
               your tape drive configuration changed, and it eliminates 
               the need for documenting that procedure for operators.   
               The new monitor will now detect that a configuration     
               change has been successfully completed and determine     
               whether or not a tape device was involved.  If so, the   
               monitor will automatically suspend processing, rescan the
               tape device's UCBs, and restart monitoring without user  
               intervention.  Old and new levels of MXGTMNT can exist on
               multiple z/OS systems that share tape devices.  Systems  
               with ML-49 will automatically detect the change, systems 
               with prior versions will still need operator intervention
               when the tape device configuration is changed.           
Change 30.192  zVM MONWRITE dataset VXAPLSL0 Linux Processor Utilization
Sep 19, 2012   all incorrect, because the right-hand variable for each  
Sep 20, 2012   of those percent calculations was NICEMODE instead of the
               individual xxxxMODE variable.                            
              -Variables PCTUSER/PCTNICE/USERMODE/NICEMODE were reversed
               in the INPUT statement so they too were wrong.           
              -New PCTSTOL/STOLEMODE is created with the time when the  
               z/VM Hypervisor had stolen the clock ticks.              
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc, USA.                            
Change 30.191  JOB to create/update the MXG FORMAT library when you use 
BLDFORMT       CONFIMXG configuration with // EXEC SAS93, needed because
Sep 18, 2012   CONFIMXG sets DISP=SHR for LIBNAME LIBRARY:              
                //S1  EXEC SAS93,CONFIG='MXG.SOURCLIB(CONFIMXG)'        
                //SYSIN   DD *                                          
                 LIBNAME LIBRARY CLEAR;                                 
                 LIBNAME LIBRARY "&MXGFORMT" DISP=OLD;                  
                 %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(FORMATS);                            
Change 30.190  z/VM 6.1 data caused BROKEN CONTROL RECORD error because 
VMACVMXA       the length of STSI in VXMTRTOP was increased from 40 to  
Sep 17, 2012   at least 152 and MXG had $VARYING40., now $VARYING255.   
Change 30.189  Use of %CMPRES in VMXGSUM was removed by Change 29.154 to
Sep 17, 2012   but unfortunately Change 30.158 (MXG 30.06) slipped its  
               use back in VMXGSUM, so this change was going to just    
               remove it and live with lots of blank in the error text  
               we were compressing.  However, we have discovered that   
               the %CMPRES macro can be replaced using %SYSFUNC:        
                  %LET MESSAGE=%SYSFUNC(COMPBL(&MESSAGE));              
               which eliminated the reference to SASAUTOS.              
               However, the actual cause of this error is that your MXG 
               was incorrectly installed; either your JCL or your CONFIG
               options are preventing MXG from accessing that macro from
               the SAS-provided SASAUTOS library.  Change 28.128 lists  
               the many ways to correct this install error, but you MUST
               correct your JCL/CONFIG, as many other MXG programs      
               depend on SASAUTOS.  VMXGSUM is protected ONLY because   
               %CMPRES again was not required and could be removed, and 
               because VMXGSUM is used in BUILDPDB and ASUMxxxx members 
               that build PDBs.                                         
Change 30.188  Support for SMF 119 Subtypes 48 thru 52 populate the SMTP
FORMATS        variables in those existing datasets.                    
VMAC119       -Oct 1: some datetime variables were not length 8.        
Sep 16, 2012                                                            
Oct  1, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to Randy Shumate, Reed Elsevier Technical Services, USA.      
   Thanks to Tom Erwin, Reed Elsevier Technical Services, USA.          
Change 30.187  Variables CMF06SPL & CMF06SPH are input &PIB.2.1 because 
VMACCMF        they were ten times too large in CMF06GDA dataset.       
Sep 15, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to Alfred Sau, TJX, USA.                                      
   Thanks to Kevin Luey, TJX, USA.                                      
Change 30.186  Two "MXG" DB2 reports are added that are not in DB2PM.   
ANALDB2R      -MXGACC01 is an interval summary report with your choice  
Sep 15, 2012   of selection criteria that provides total and average    
Sep 17, 2012   values for the important CPU and suspend and get-page    
               variables for the buffer pools with average and max      
               elapsed times.  MXGACC01=YES creates a summary by        
               QWHSSTCK QWHSSSID QWHCATYP and QWHCAID. The datetime     
               value will reflect the value in the interval parameter.  
               If you use an interval of DATE/WEEK/MONTH the format of  
               QWHSSTCK is adjusted to DATETIME7. and any other interval
               value it is adjusted to DATETIME13. If no interval is    
               specified it is adjusted to datetime16.                  
                 Example 1:                                             
                  creates a summary of all DB2ACCT records in the input 
                  PDB.DB2ACCT dataset, at date interval.                
                 Example 2:                                             
                  %ANALDB2R(MXGACC01= IF QWHCATYP=4; ,INTERVAL=DATE,    
                  creates a summary of all CICS DB2 account records with
                  an interval of date.                                  
              -MXGACC02=YES creates an unsorted detail report for every 
               record in DB2ACCT.  Given the volume this is most likely 
               NOT what you want to do, without some selection criteria.
                 Example 1:                                             
                  %ANALDB2R(MXGACC02=IF ELAPSTM GT 60 AND QWHCATYP=4;,  
                  creates the detail report, but only for CICS DB2 that 
                  executed for over 60 seconds.                         
   Thanks to Ron Wells, Springleaf Financial Services, USA.             
   Thanks to Richard Brooks, Springleaf Financial Services, USA.        
Change 30.185 -VFMT102 is invoked by READDB2/ANALDB2R to build formats  
ANALDB2R       to decode the hex DBID and OBID values in the DB2 IFCID  
READDB2        105/107 records, but it could be executed many times if  
VFMT102        multiple IFCIDS or multiple reports were requested.  This
VMXGINIT       change prevents multiple executions within a single pass 
Sep 15, 2012   of data by setting the global macro variable VFMT102 when
               it is run the first time, and testing it to prevent the  
               re-execution.  If ANALDB2R/READDB2 is restarted in the   
               same SAS session (possibly pointing to different data),  
               VFMT102 will be re-executed.                             
              -Variable QW0145LN is printed instead of QW0145LO and $4. 
               format is added for QW0145SC in ANALDB2R audit reports.  
Change 30.184  New INCODE= parameter added to permit input selection.   
ANALINIT       For example:                                             
               would report on only jobs submitted since yesterday.     
Change 30.183  MXG 30.05/30.06.  PROC FORMAT overlapping range error can
DOC            occur with READDB2/ANALDB2R.  Change 30.140 removed the  
Sep 15, 2012   datetime from the format, but duplicates can exist if the
               input spans a very large time frame.  VFMT102 in 30.04 or
               earlier can be used, so it is stored in the new VFMT102X,
               created ONLY so that can send that one   
               (renamed) member if you encounter the error.  The VFMT102
               was altered in Change 30.185 so it cannot be sent without
               sending additional members to circumvent this error.     
                 But: VFMT102X was removed in MXG 30.30.                
Change 30.182  Support for zNEXT EC12 processors with 101 engines.      
VMAC7072       There are no new variables kept in TYPE70 since all of   
Sep  8, 2012   the CPU-specific variables for CPU 64 or higher have been
               output in TYPE70EN dataset since Change 28.175.          
Change 30.181  The "Split 70" logic did not provide exits for four data 
EXTY70EC       sets TYPE70EC, TYPE70EL, TYPE70EN, and TYPE70SP because  
EXTY70EL       they were thought to be internal and temporary, but they 
EXTY70EN       now have exits implemented so that users can make changes
EXTY70SP       to those four datasets if needed.                        
Sep  7, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to Ruth Leonhardt, Xerox, USA.                                
Change 30.180 -Two problems both found in testing that does not impact  
VMXGSUM        the output but can improve efficiency of execution.      
Sep 7, 2012    Case 1:                                                  
               In this case, the MXGSUM1 dataset contained all 500+     
               variables from DB2ACCT when only 3 were needed, because  
               the KEEP= list was not being applied to the output       
               dataset.  Now, all variables in the parameter lists is   
               added as a KEEP statement to reduce DASD space required. 
               Case 2:                                                  
               In this case, the MXGSUM2 dataset was created by the     
               SORT and since there was no INCODE, the MAXCPU variable  
               did not exist so the PROC MEANS failed with a variable   
               not found error.  Now, the KEEP logic after the SORT is  
               NOT suppressed when there is no first DATA step.         
              -Cosmetic.  Deletion of temporary datasets used during the
               course of VMXGSUM moved from the end to the points in the
               code where they are no longer needed avoiding confusion  
               of the programmer on when/where they should be deleted.  
Change 30.179  Formula changes from John Burg's SHARE presentation.  For
ASUM113        the z196 (VN=2) 0.59 replaced 0.57, 1.67 replaced 1.6, & 
VMAC113        0.61 replaced 1.00; the z10 (VN=1) 0.31 replaced 1.00.   
Sep  3, 2012                                                            
Sep 17, 2012                                                            
Change 30.178 -Using a numeric variable in your SORTBY= tailoring option
ANALDB2R       caused ERROR 48-59 citing PUT @1 &SORT $CHAR16 text. That
Sep  2, 2012   $CHAR format is not only NOT needed here (prints SORTBY= 
Sep  4, 2012   variable's value, format not needed because all possible 
               variables here are MXG-formatted), it is THE PRESENCE of 
               the $CHAR format that causes this error, so its REMOVAL  
               eliminates this unintended consequence and oversight, and
               now numeric variables like CONNTYPE and QWHCATYP that    
               exposed the error can be used in your SORTEDBY list, and 
               they will be added in a new QA test of ANALDB2R.         
              -In testing this change it was discovered that if you     
               ran PMACC03 without all of the input datasets (DB2ACCTP, 
               DB2ACCTB, DB2ACCTG) it would fail calling ASUMDB2p/b/g   
               members for those datasets.  If the datasets do not exist
               now, there will be an MXGNOTE printed on the log telling 
               you what was found, with processing to continue without  
               the missing datasets.                                    
   Thanks to Howard L. Curtis, Duke Energy, USA.                        
====== Changes thru 30.177 were in MXG 30.06 dated Sep  1, 2012=========
Change 30.177  SAS 9.2 z/OS ONLY VGETOBS didn't recognize tape datasets.
VGETOBS        On z/OS, SAS 9.2 returns a blank in DICTIONARY.TABLES for
Aug 30, 2012   the number of OBS in a tape dataset, which caused VGETOBS
               to return a blank value, but both SAS 9.1.3 and SAS 9.3  
               returned a bogus set of non-blank characters that proved 
               there was a tape dataset, so VGETOBS returned a one value
               (it found a tape dataset), and VGETOBS could print a log 
               message that it had detected non-blank non-numeric text, 
               (but only if the NOEXIMSG internal option was enabled to 
               print suppressed log notes). Now, a blank value invokes a
               new test (VGETDSN length GT 0) for the dataset name that 
               is used to return a value of one for a tape dataset.     
   Thanks to Robert Stoffregen, Great Lakes Educational Loan Svcs, USA. 
Change 30.176 -Some cosmetic changes to better document the records that
ANALDB2R       are being reported, and new options for the AUDIT= parm: 
Aug 28, 2012     AUDIT=DML < runs as it currently does uses 143 and 144 
Aug 31, 2012     AUDIT=DMLREAD - processes only IFCID 144 for DML       
                 AUDIT=DMLWRIT - processes only IFCID 143 for DML       
               and a missing semicolon was found.                       
              -Requesting PMACC02=YES by itself, after reading SMF plus 
               executing the ASUMDB2x members, resulted in overlaying   
               many old-style macros that caused error messages.  Those 
               old-style substitution macros are now cleared in PMACC02.
Change 30.175  Support for IFCID=271 DB2 AUDIT PERMISSIONS trace record.
VMAC102        Dataset existed but none of the IFCID-specific fields    
Aug 28, 2012   were input.                                              
Change 30.174 -Allocation utilities VMXGALOC & VGETALOC permitted 8-byte
VGETALOC       dates formats for mmddyy, ddmmyy, and yymmdd, but mmddyy 
VMXGALOC       and ddmmyy generate slashes in the constructed directory 
Aug 28, 2012   names; this change allows 6 8 and 10 byte formats for the
Sep 16, 2012   mmddyy and ddmmyy but will replace them with the formats 
               mmddyyd and ddmmyyd that use a - rather than a /, like   
               the yymmdd format that already uses a - as documented.   
              -VGETALOC uses %LEFT %macro supplied by SAS in SASAUTOS   
               directory and MXG options in AUTOEXEU.SAS or AUTOEXEC.SAS
               include SASAUTOS and MAUTOSOURCE to "autocall" it, but   
               %LEFT was not actually required in VGETALOC, so it was   
               removed so VGETALOC would not fail even if the site did  
               not have their SASAUTOS correctly allocated in AUTOEXEU. 
              -GETDATERANGE= parameter will now accept a number of days 
               relative to today to search.  For example:               
                 %VGETALOC(GETDATERANGE=-5 -9,BASEDIR=C:\MXG,           
                 will look for directories in C:\MXG with dates of      
                 12-09-06 thru 12-09-02 inclusive.                      
               There is now also an MXGNOTE if any directories are not  
   Thanks to Patricia J. Jones, DST Systems, USA.                       
Change 30.173  WARNING: "INVALID QMDA SEGMENT ACCOUNT values are blank" 
VMACDB2        for records with QMDALEN=258, but QMDAASLN=110 (so there 
Aug 27, 2012   really were only 110-56=54 possible data bytes remaining)
               were printed because MXG incorrectly used QMDASFLN=247 as
               the length of accounting data.  But these records don't  
               contain JOB accounting data: text after QMDASFLN is an   
               exact repeat of the first 28 bytes of the QMDA segment,  
               Now, MXG uses QMDAASLN instead of QMDASFLN to print any  
               warnings (so these false positives won't print), and the 
               text that follows QMDASFLN is INPUT into QMDAACCT based  
               on QMDAASLN.  But, since QMDAACCT has never been KEPT in 
               PDB.DB2ACCT this change was really just cosmetic so the  
               false warning won't be printed on the log.               
   Thanks to Paul Billick, QVC, USA.                                    
Change 30.172 -RMF III Enhancements, more:                              
VMACRMFV      -New variables are added to the ZRBCPU file:              
                 CPUCAPRS CAPACITY*CHANGE*REASON                        
                 CPUDTIME TIME*DELTA*BETWEEN 2*DIAG CALLS               
                 CPUIMMSU IMAGE*CAPACITY*MSU*LIMIT                      
                 NOTE: CPUDTIME will be missing for LPARs running as VM 
              -New variables are added to the ZRBLCP file:              
                 LPARCLUS LPAR*CLUSTER*NAME                             
                 LPARGRPM GROUP*MAXIMUM*LICENSE*UNITS                   
                 LPARGRPN CAPACITY*GROUP*NAME*FOR*LPAR                  
                 LPARONCS CENTRAL*STORAGE*ONLINE*IN MB                  
                 LPAROSNA OS*INSTANCE*NAME                              
                 LPARUPID USER*PARTITION*ID                             
                 require RMF Monitor III data at the z/OS 1.12 Level to 
                 be populated.                                          
              -Change 29.013 for CPCGRPLM, text and the INPUT statement,
               were both reversed; the four byte variable is input first
               and then the reserved four bytes are skipped.            
Change 30.171  I had removed references to CICS stats dataset CICMNR, as
VMXGINIT       IBM had never externalized that DSECT, so MXG had never  
Aug 27, 2012   created any observations, and because it kept showing up 
               as an exception on QA reports.  However, I also removed  
               the dataset token macro variables &PCICMNR and &WCICMNR  
               from VMXGINIT, which cause UNRESOLVED MACRO ERROR when   
               the new VMXGINIT was used with MXG 30.02 or earlier.     
               I should never have removed those macro variables and so 
               they are restored to be defined in VMXGINIT.             
   Thanks to Pat Hansen, ADP, USA.                                      
   Thanks to Mike Chaves, ADP, USA.                                     
Change 30.170  Large increase in CICLDR observations count, 1,700,000,  
EXCICLDR       with only 70,000 CICSTRAN observations; there is one obs 
Aug 27, 2012   for each program that has been active, but almost all of 
               the observations have zero Fetch Count (LDRFC) so this   
               change now output CICLDR observations ONLY if LDRFC is   
               no zero; that test is located in the EXCICLDR exit member
               in case you ever want to change and output them all.     
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.                   
Change 30.169 -Dataset T102S083, IFCID=83, always had zero observations 
FORMATS        due to an LE test for QWHSRELN that should have been GE. 
VMAC102       -IFCID=145 record with unexpected QWT02R1L=0 ABENDed with 
Aug 25, 2012   invalid DO loop value. The records are continuations for 
Oct 12, 2012   an SQL command with a total of 98,567 characters, so that
               multiple SMF record are written, and the continuation SMF
               records do not contain the expected R2O segment, so MXG's
               logic was revised.  However, a problem has been opened   
               with DB2 Support because the QW0145LE length-field is not
               correct, and there is no explicit offset field to the SQL
               text in both the initial and continuation records, so the
               MXG input is heuristic based on the available records and
               the actual SQL text length in each observation is in the 
               MXG-calculated QW0145LNTXT variable.                     
              -Oct 12: IBM APAR PM74186 corrects the SQL length error.  
              -These new-in-DB2-V10 QW0145 fields are INPUT and kept:   
                 QW0145IS QW0145SI QW0145OBNUM QW0145ACNUM              
                 QW0145LL QW0145LNTXT                                   
               and format $MGD145I decodes the Isolation Level QW0145IS.
   Thanks to Chuck Hopf, Independent Consultant, USA.                   
Change 30.168  Enhancement to ASM program that recreates RECFM=VB or VBS
ASMDBLKU       data from downloaded ASCII "RECFM=U" that is now reloaded
Aug 24, 2012   back to z/OS into 32760 byte chunks that ASMDBLKU reads  
Aug 29, 2012   to reconstruct the original VB/VBS file (perhaps so you  
               can terse it and send it on to a vendor), for sites that 
               don't have SAS on z/OS (when you would instead use the   
               MXG UDEBLOCK program to recreate valid VB/VBS files).    
              -JCL PARM field values of PARM=VB or PARM=VBS are now     
               supported.  The default is VBS if no PARM field is coded.
               PARM=VB creates RECFM=VB,LRECL=32756,BLKSIZE=0, while    
               PARM=VBS creates  RECFM=VBS,LRECL=32760,BLKSIZE=0 as in  
               prior versions of ASMDBLKU.  Any other PARM field values 
               will result in error message DBLKU29S and termination    
               with Return Code 16.                                     
              -New message DBLKU29I shows PARM field value if present.  
              -Message DBLKU25I now also shows the average LRECL of the 
               input SMFIN file.                                        
              -Message DBLKU26I now also shows the average LRECL of the 
               output SMFOUT file.                                      
              -New message DBLKU27I shows the number of input SMFIN file
               records that were read at the minimum and maximum LRECL  
               values.  This provides an idea if the record lengths on  
               input were biased toward these values.                   
              -New message DBLKU28I shows the number of output SMFOUT   
               file records that were written at the minimum and maximum
               LRECL values.  This provides an idea if the record       
               lengths on output were biased toward these values.       
              -Maximum LRECL value for the output SMFOUT file was       
               incorrect in message DBLKU26I.                           
Change 30.167  MXG 30.04-30.05. The Debugging PUT _N_= YYYYDDD= at line 
VMACIMS        3826 is deleted, to eliminate the unwanted log messages. 
Aug 24, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to David J. Schumann, Blue Cross of Minnesota, USA.           
Change 30.166  Change 30.153 supported keeping PROGRAM and PROG1-PROGnn 
ASUMCICX       variables in PDB.ASUMUOW, but its tailoring instructions 
ASUMUOW        were incomplete, and you may need this updated IMACUOW.  
IMACUOW        To add PROGRAM (and optional PROG1-PROGnn variables):    
VMXGUOW        - you must update ASUMUOW to add (only) variable PROGRAM 
Aug 24, 2012     to the MACRO _KUOWIDC definition,                      
               - you must update ASUMUOW to add PROGRAM, plus any of the
                 PROG1-PROGnn variables that you want kept, into your   
                 MACRO _KUOWPTH definition,                             
               - if the PROGRAM name you want/need isn't the PROGRAM in 
                 that last CICSTRAN in this UOW, then you will need to  
                 use this new IMACUOW tailoring and start with Case 5 as
                 your MACRO _TRANUOW selection, but be aware there still
                 could be additional site-dependent mods required.      
               This example adds PROGRAM and PROG1-PROG3:               
                 %LET MACKEEP=%QUOTE(                                   
                   MACRO _YESOBS %                                      
                   MACRO _NOOBS %                                       
                   MACRO _KUOWPTH                                       
                       EXECAPPL PROGRAM PROG1-PROG3 %                   
                   MACRO _KUOWIDC                                       
                 %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(VMXGUOW);                            
                 OPTIONS NODSNFERR NOVNFERR;                            
                 _SUOWCIC  /*SORT CICSTRAN DATA */                      
                 _SUOWDB2  /*SORT DB2 DATA */                           
                 _SUOWMQ   /*SORT MQ SERIES DATA */                     
                 _SUOWSPN  /* CREATE ASUMUOW DATASET */                 
                 OPTIONS DSNFERR VNFERR;                                
               If you use ASUMCICX to summarize the PDB.ASUMUOW CICS in 
               PDB.CICS output dataset, you may need to add PROGRAM to  
               the _BSUxxxx macro, as also now documented in comments.  
               The only code changed in this change was in IMACUOW, but 
               that is only the addition of the new Case 5 example.     
   Thanks to Charles Savikas, DCF, State of Florida, USA.               
Change 30.165  Cosmetic.  Existing $MGTMDAC format assigned to QW0142AC,
VMAC102        to decode A/C/D to ALTER/CREATE/DROP. Note that when an  
Aug 23, 2012   MXG $MGxxxxx character format is assigned to a variable, 
               that variable must be in a LENGTH statement with the     
               input length; in the absence of a LENGTH statement, the  
               old $1 character variable is changed to the length of the
               longest text in the $VALUE statement for that format.    
Change 30.164  Support for six Tandem Prognosis data files creates these
EXTAPCPU       six datasets;                                            
EXTAPJOB         DDDDDD  MXG         MXG                       CREATED  
EXTAPOBJ         DATASET DATASET     DATASET                   FROM     
EXTAPPHY         SUFFIX  NAME        LABEL                     INFILE   
Aug 26, 2012   The TYPETAPR or TYPSTAPR members will create all six MXG 
Aug 31, 2012   datasets, reading each of the six input files, but the   
Sep 25, 2012   individual datasets can be created with the _Tdddddd     
               to create and the _Sdddddd token to sort each one.  See  
               examples in comments in VMACTAPR.                        
              -Sep 25: DD MON YYYY HH:MM:SS format for CPU001 supported.
              -These problems need to be resolved by Prognosis vendor:  
               JOBS fields: 014,034,040-044,082,083:                    
               a.  Invalid values in 014 - IR_ELAPTIME_STRING           
               b.  Invalid values in 034 - IR_STARTTIM_STRING           
                     Values of 19 AUG 2012 and 02 MAY 2012 but the      
                     IR_STARTTIM_TIMESTAMP is the same these records.   
               c.  What are the units, where's the decimal, one obs has:
                     040 IR_SENDRESP value 0.0185                       
                     042 IR_PERFORM  value 0.0104                       
                     043 IR_RESPTIME value 0.0185                       
                     044 IR_CPUSECS  value 133877 - if in microseconds, 
                                 then 0.133877 is larger than response. 
               d.  Range of values are strange:                         
                     082 IR_SEQNUM -   1617862657, 8, and 1628929       
                     083 IR_ANCSEQNO - 1617861633, 0, and 1895169       
               VOL  fields: 061,062,063                                 
               e.  061 IR_FULLTIME_STRING     21 OCT 2605: 20:52:57     
                   062 IR_FULLTIME_TIMESTAMP                      0     
                   063 IR_FULLTIME_GMT_OFFSET                     0     
               CPU fields 001/002 string and timestamp inconsistency:   
               f.  CPU has IR Time String format 8/20/12 with the time  
                   0:00 (no seconds), but format 20 Aug 2012 0:00:00 is 
                   used in the other records.                           
               g.  CPU has IR Timestamp value 2.12212E+17, which doesn't
                   have enough digits to decode correctly; other records
                   have 212212195260000000 microseconds, which does have
                   enough digits and after adding the Tandem constant to
                   convert from proleptic time, is a valid GMT datetime.
              -Notes on data structure issues that are circumvented:    
               -The record delimiter in the tandem file is the unix "LF"
                but that is changed to "CRLF" if the file is copied to a
                Windows platform.  Macro variable MXGCRLF transparently 
                sets the TERMSTR option of the INFILE statement to use  
                the correct delimiter.  It is set to TERMSTR=CRLF on WIN
                platforms, to TERMSTR=LF on all other ASCII platforms,  
                and it is blank on z/OS.  It can be changed with %LET.  
               -The clue you have the wrong record delimiter is an error
                "ARRAY EXCEEDED" that prints the first two records where
                you can see the text date field after the last IR header
                name is listed as another field in that first record.   
               -The JOBS "comma-delimited" file has double quotes around
                all character fields, and some contain embedded commas, 
                which required special handling due to MXG's use of SCAN
                function which has no DSD option.  A vendor option to   
                to change the delimiter to a tab would have been nice.  
                Double quotes were removed, and the commas restored.    
               -GMT Offset is not provided in the IPU record.           
               -All fields with "PERC" are labeled (MXG-style) "PCT".   
Change 30.163  Windows IIS Server Log record with strange URIQUERY value
VMACWWW          C63BCB3DB05CA94A1ECF2B1C13C048097E3456C966691FE6EEB4168
Aug 21, 2012     D55EB32905A6221CB8CA5C525                              
Sep 28, 2012   that did not contain the expected equal sign caused MXG  
               to loop; that unexpected text value is now protected.    
              -Data records with ^M (CR) were created when IIS file was 
               moved to AIX could be stripped using DOS2UNIX command,   
               but can also be read with MXG using                      
                %LET MXGCRLF = TERMSTR= CRLF ;                          
               before the %INCLUDE of TYPEWWW, because this change added
               &MXGCRLF in the INFILE statement in VMACWWW.             
   Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, FISERV, USA.                                 
Change 30.162  Documentation. The RACF field AUDITFID is MXG variable   
VMAC80A        RACF264 in RACF event datasets TYPE8028/29/30/44/45/8055,
VMACRACF       created from SMF 80 records, a 16-byte $HEX32 formatted  
Aug 21, 2012   variable because it contains both hex and text:          
                   e.g.: 'C8C6E2F0F0F93D0B00000000004D385B'X.           
               and the RACF field AUDITFID is MXG variable AUDITID in   
               dataset RACF0900 from IRRDBU00 RACF UNLOAD UTILITY data, 
               a $32 character variable with the above hex as text.     
               Both variables have been in MXG for years, but I have    
               added "AUDITFID" text to both variable's label.          
   Thanks to Mark Jacobs, Time Customer Service, USA.                   
Change 30.161 -RMF III Further Enhancements:                            
ASMRMFV       -A new message RMFV033E is issued when a VSAM Read Error  
Aug 19, 2012   occurs to show the current and maximum Relative Record   
               Number, RRN, of the RMF III record being read, and the   
               return/reason codes from the failed read operation.  This
               message will aid in the investigation of sporadic VSAM   
               read I/O errors that go away when ASMRMFV is rerun.  We  
               will use these messages to circumvent the error.         
              -NOTE: We have never had a VSAM Read error repeat with a  
               rerun; if you error with ABREAD please add a //SYSUDUMP, 
               and send the dump to so we can resolve.  
              -The SHOWCB macro calls that collect RMF III VSAM file    
               attributes have been consolidated to a single call to    
               reduce code path length.                                 
              -New parameter ABREAD/NOABREAD lets you control ASMRMFV's 
               action when a VSAM read I/O error does occur:            
               -ABREAD is the default and duplicates the current ASMRMFV
                behavior: a USER 0998 abend occurs on the first instance
                of a VSAM read I/O error and no further data is written 
                to the RMFBSAM output file by ASMRMFV.  Alias is ABR.   
               -NOABREAD suppresses the above abend and the action taken
                depends on the data being read.  Alias is NOABR.  On the
                first read of an RMF III VSAM data set the action is to 
                close this VSAM dataset and then open the next RMF VSAM 
                file (if any).  Otherwise, if the error occurs on a     
                subsequent read for sample set data, the problem sample 
                set is skipped and ASMRMFV attempts to read the next    
                sample set from the same data set (if any).             
               -ASMRMFV ends with Return Code=12 if NOABREAD is in      
                effect and a read I/O error has occurred.               
               -Program prologue documentation is updated to discuss    
                ABREAD and NOABREAD and new Return Code 12.             
               -With either ABREAD or NOABREAD, the output RMFBSAM file 
                is likely to be missing data after a read I/O error.    
               -NOTE: When ASMRMFV is being executed under the CLRMFV   
                CLIST, the abend (if ABREAD in effect) is trapped, and  
                with either ABREAD or NOABREAD, CLRMFV will eventually  
                end with Return Code=12 after a VSAM read I/O error.    
                You could use the JCL COND parm to test for RC=12 in the
                subsequent PDB build, if you want to also terminate the 
                creation of the RMF III PDB datasets after a VSAM error.
    Thanks to Rodger Foreman, TransUnion, USA                           
    Thanks to Betty Wong, Bank of America, USA                          
Change 30.160 -ASMIMSL7: ASMIMSL6, to bypass 0C7 ABEND due to ARRVDATE  
ASMIMSL7       containing invalid Packed Decimal data, by skipping the  
ASMIMSL8       0C7'ing-records so the rest of the log can be read.  If  
Aug 18, 2012   invalid ARRVDATE is found, a new error "NOPD" message    
Aug 30, 2012   will be written to the job log with the first 25 bytes of
               the record in hex.  Since we have added this diagnostic, 
               no reports of NOPD messages have been reported.          
              -ASMIMSL8: ASMIMSL7 ABEND 0C4 occurred when an INQUEUE    
               record had zero record length in the first four bytes, in
               a record that was to be discarded due to other errors    
               (dupe key).  This iteration deletes the defective record 
               without the 0C4 ABEND.                                   
              -We have been unable to replicate either the 0C4 or 0C7   
               condition with files from three runs, so it appears the  
               source is a corrupted INQUEUE file, and since a VERY     
               small number of records are being recycled, the safest   
               solution now would be to eliminate the use of INQUEUE    
               for a few cycles to confirm that was the culprit, and    
               then it can be reintroduced while watching the job logs  
               for MXG error messages, in case the corruption reoccurs. 
Change 30.159  Support for Microsoft Exchange 2010 incompatible changes 
Aug 18, 2012   variables MSIS0001-MSIS0051 MSISCQTH in MSEXCHIS dataset,
               and in dataset MSEXCHPU variables MSPU0001-MSPU0074 and  
               new per-second rate variables MSGDLVPS MSGRECPS MSGSNTPS 
               MSGSUBPS (whose new per-sec values are also converted to 
               per-minute and stored in the existing per-minute         
               variables MSGDLVPM MSGRECPM MSGSNTPM MSGSUBPM).          
   Thanks to Stan Dylnicki, Royal Bank of Canada, CANADA.               
Change 30.158 -VMXGSUM in 30.05 could leave temporary datasets KEEPDATA 
VMXGSUM        KEEPERS VAR1 VARS or VAR2 in the //WORK library, which   
Aug 15, 2012   had no impact on your MXG programs, but as they were also
Sep  4, 2012   left behind in the MXG QA job, they were seen as "real"  
               MXG datasets and created DOCVER entries.                 
              -New handling of error conditions when interactive: rather
               than terminating the SAS Session, global macro MXGOPTKILL
               that is set in VMXGOPTK (the macro that drives the keep  
               logic and is part of VMXGSUM) gracefully shuts down the  
               VMXGSUM execution but preserves the interactive session. 
              -Messages about too-long-text were revised.               
Change 30.157  New REPORT THREE-A for IMACICEZ, IMACICE1, and IMACICE2  
UTILEXCL       tailoring members now identifies the number of fields and
Aug 13, 2012   the lengths that must be updated in those three members. 
               It may be necessary to use the MCTSSDRL field in the DO  
               groups for these three optional segments.                
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc, USA.                            
Change 30.156 -Variables TOTLSESS ACTVSESS INACSESS in TERMSERV dataset 
EXNTICAS       for the Terminal Services object were input in that order
IMACNTSM       in Windows Server 2003 (NTVERSN='5.2'). In Windows Server
VMACNTSM       2008-R2 (NTVERSN='6.1') the order was changed to ACTVSESS
VMXGINIT       INACSESS TOTLSESS, so now, one of two INPUT statements is
Aug 10, 2012   executed, based on NTVERSN.                              
              -Support for ICA Session object creates ICASESSN dataset. 
                 dddddd   dataset   description                         
                 NTICAS   ICASESSN  ICA Session                         
   Thanks to ???, ???, ???                                              
   Thanks to Mark Friedman, Demand Technology, USA.                     
Change 30.155 -Support for the WebSphere Asynchronous Section in subtype
EXT1209A       nine records creates new TYP1209A dataset                
IMAC120          dddddd  dataset   description                          
VMAC120          T1209A  TYP1209A  WebSphere Subtype 9 ASYNC            
VMXGINIT       These variables in TYP1209A and TYP1209E correspond and  
Aug  9, 2012   can be used to compare observations in those datasets:   
Oct 16, 2012       TYP1209A   TYP1209E                                  
                   SM1209GP   SM1209CG                                  
                   SM1209GQ   SM1209CR                                  
                   SM1209GR   SM1209CS                                  
                   SM1209GT   SM1209CU                                  
                   SM1209GV   SM1209CV                                  
              -Unrelated, variable SM1209CX was found to have been      
               incorrectly divided by 4096, in TYP1209E dataset.        
              -Oct 16: The August change also corrected variables       
               SM1209DL, SM1209DM, and SM1209DN service units.          
   Thanks to Joseph L. Babcock, JPM Chase, USA.                         
   Thanks to Tom Bubnash, SSA, USA.                                     
   Thanks to Babatunde Ashiru, SSA, USA.                                
   Thanks to Jim Hare, Shared Services, CANADA.                         
Change 30.154  Velocity Software ZVPS (a/k/a XAM) new User Record with  
EXXAMUSV       with USERTYPE='VCPU' creates new dataset:                
FORMATS          dddddd  dataset   description                          
IMACXAM          XAMUSV  XMUSVCPU  Virtual CPU per User Statistics      
VMACXAM        Dataset XMUSVCPU contains the USEACT and USEINT variables
VMXGINIT       plus Virtual CPU Address (VMDCPUAD) and Engine Type in   
Aug  9, 2012   VMDPUTYP, decoded by new MGXAMTY format (CP, ZIIP, etc), 
               so there is one observation for each USERID and VMDCPUAD 
               for each MONWRITE interval.                              
   Thanks to Patricia Hansen, ADP, USA.                                 
   Thanks to Mike Chaves, ADP, USA.                                     
====== Changes thru 30.153 were in MXG 30.05 dated Aug  8, 2012=========
Change 30.153 -See Change 30.166. Documentation updated.                
VMXGUOW       -PROGRAM names PROG1-PROGnn are created (TRAN1-TRANnn),   
Aug  8, 2012   with the HOWDEEP= argument (default 10) setting the "nn" 
               to be created, but you must also use KUOWIDC to list the 
               variables you want to be kept.  You can put the statement
                 MACRO _KUOWIDC PROG1=PROG9 %  in IMACKEEP tailoring, or
               use %LET MACKEEP= MACRO _KUOWIDC PROG1-PROG9 %; in SYSIN.
              -Documentation of CICS transaction counts:                
                An observation in CICSTRAN cay be only one of many CICS 
                "segments" that make up a "unit of work", UOW, a "real" 
                transaction. Counting the number of observations in the 
                CICSTRAN dataset does NOT tell you how many actual CICS 
   Thanks to Charles Savikas, DCF, State of Florida, USA.               
                "transactions", or "units-of-work" were executed.       
                MRO trans typically have at least two observations in   
                  the CICSTRAN dataset for a unit of work: one is from  
                  the TOR region/applid and one is from the AOR region. 
                In ASUMCICS dataset (summarized CICSTRAN), the variable 
                  NUMTRANS is the number of CICSTRAN observations, i.e.,
                  the inflated count of MRO CICS segments.              
                In ASUMCICX dataset (summarized ASUMUOW), the variable  
                  NUMTRANS is the number of ASUMUOW observations, i.e., 
                  the "correct" count of transactions/units-of-work).   
                In ASUMUOW dataset, (created from CICSTRAN/DB2ACCT/MQ): 
                  MROTRAN - Count of CICSTRAN observations in this UOW, 
                            inflated segment count.                     
                  DB2TRAN - Count of DB2ACCT observations in this UOW.  
                  MQTRAN  - Count of MQMACCT/MQMACCTQ obs in this UOW.  
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc, USA.                            
Change 30.152  A strange SAS compiler error, if you used the _KDCODSN   
VMACDCOL       "KEEP= exit" for dataset DCOLDSET, intending to add some 
Aug  6, 2012   new variables and to DROP= some existing variables:      
               This compiler error is unique to the VMACDCOL structure, 
               and is circumvented by relocating the &MXGFILNM macro    
               variable to a different place in the source code.        
              -The SAS compiler erroneously expanded that _KDCODSN macro
               token TWICE, causing the first instance of DROP= to apply
               to all of the NEW variables in the second instance of the
               expansion, so NONE of the new variables were kept.  This 
               error was precipitated by Change 29.296, which added a   
               new-style macro variable token, &MXGFILNM, at the end of 
               each KEEP= list (so you could add variable INFILENM to   
               all DCOLLECT datasets).  Apparently, even when &MXGFILNM 
               is blank, when it is the last token before the _KDCODSN  
               token, then if _KDCODSN is not blank, the SAS old-style  
               macro compiler expanded that macro token TWICE.  But, by 
               relocating that &MXGFILNM text to a separate line, before
               the last variable line in the MACRO _VDCODSN KEEP= list, 
               so it is no longer immediately prior to _KDCODSN token,  
               that second unwanted expansion is avoided and your normal
               _Kdddddd tailoring works as expected.  The error was in  
               both SAS 9.2 and 9.3 on Windows and z/OS SAS 9.1.3 SP4.  
   Thanks to Paul Maradin, HP, USA.                                     
====== Changes thru 30.151 were in MXG 30.05 dated Aug  6, 2012=========
Change 30.151  Additional Enhancements for RMF III processing.          
VMACRMFV      -ZRBASM file was not output to the PDB when TYPSRMFV      
Aug  4, 2012   member was used to build an RMF Monitor III PDB.         
              -Macro call to _SZRBASM was missing from _SRMFV macro.    
              -_BZRBASM macro for ZRBASM file misspelled ASMJESID       
               variable as ASIJESID causing SAS error during PDB build. 
              -Change 27.100 altered the EXZRBLCP macro to conserve disk
               space for inactive logical processors by suppressing     
               output to the ZRBLCP file when LCPUPDTM was zero (which  
               includes LPARs that are categorized as PHYSICAL).        
               However, all processor entries for PHYSICAL LPARs are    
               required to determine the number of physical engines on a
               CEC for an engine type such as a ZAAP or ZIIP.  One or   
               more of these can legitimately be inactive during an RMF 
               III MINTIME interval.  The number of physical engines for
               each engine type is required to compute Physical % UTIL  
               as in the RMF III CPC panel.  Entries for PHYSICAL       
               LPARs are now always output regardless of activity.      
              -Variable SSHRMFVN (RMF version number) added to these MXG
               created RMF III "PDB" SAS datasets:                      
              -Variable SSHSMPNR (number of valid MINTIME samples) added
               to these RMF III PDB datasets:                           
               ZRBGEI,   ZRBCFC,   ZRBCFI,   ZRBCPD,   ZRBCPU,          
               ZRBLCP,   ZRBCSR,   ZRBDVT,   ZRBENC,   ZRBENT,          
               ZRBSHD,   ZRBPGP,   ZRBRED,   ZRBRCDB,  ZRBRCDS,         
               ZRBRCDR,  ZRBOPD,   ZRBSPG,   ZRBSVPP,  ZRBSVPW,         
               ZRBSVPC,  ZRBSVPZ,  ZRBSVPR,  ZRBSVPG,  ZRBUWDEV,        
              -Variable SSHGOMNT (Gatherer MINTIME option) added to     
               these RMF III PDB files:                                 
               ZRBGEI,   ZRBASI,   ZRBCFC,   ZRBCFI,   ZRBCPD,          
               ZRBCPU,   ZRBLCP,   ZRBCSR,   ZRBDVT,   ZRBENC,          
               ZRBENT,   ZRBSHD,   ZRBPGP,   ZRBRED,   ZRBRCDB,         
               ZRBRCDS,  ZRBRCDR,  ZRBRCDT,  ZRBRCDX,  ZRBRCDD,         
               ZRBOPD,   ZRBSPG,   ZRBSVPP,  ZRBSVPW,  ZRBSVPC,         
    Thanks to Randy Hewitt, HP Canada, Canada                           
Change 30.150  NDM-CDI record 'EX' caused "UNKNOWN SUBTYPE" log messages
VMACNDM        and no DSECT is yet received to decode the 40 bytes of   
Aug  3, 2012   hex zeros at the end of the record, but the front end has
               the same fields as the NDMDT record so the 'EX' record is
               output in NDMDT, pending receipt of documentation.       
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
Change 30.149  The KEEPALL=YES default is used in most MXG code because 
VMXGSUM       it is usually safer, as it protects if there is an INCODE=
Aug  3, 2012  argument that can reference a variable that is not in one 
Aug  7, 2012  of the parameter lists.  However, in some invocations of  
              VMXGSUM, it caused a VARIABLE NOT FOUND error that caused 
              PROC MEANS to fail, when a variable did not exist, due to 
              an error in the VMXGSUM logic that only rebuilt the KEEP  
              list after the first data step when KEEPALL=NO.  Now, that
              rebuild is always executed with either NO or YES.         
             -VMXGSUM was redated Aug 7; the above logic was revised.   
   Thanks to Robert Kirkland, MedMutual, USA.                           
Change 30.148  The %SYMEXIST() function now detects that macro variable 
VMXGINIT       MXGSOURC exists ("MXGNAMES" dynamic allocation was used, 
Aug  1, 2012   which requires FIXORDER dataset to be created to print   
               the //SOURCLIB DSNAMEs messages at MXG startup), so the  
               FIXORDER creation can be bypassed for static allocation. 
               And FIXORDER is not compressed when it is created, to    
               suppress a cosmetic warning messages about size increase.
Change 30.147  The DB2 AUDIT reports were reformatted to match reports  
ANALDB2R       in OMEGAMON XE for DB2 Performance Monitor Version 4.2.  
VFMT102        Since the detail and trace formats are essentially the   
Jul 31, 2012   same, PMAUD03 now simply invokes PMAUD02.                
               AUDIT= parameter is expanded to support these options:   
                 DDFTRAN - DDF TRANSLATION   .                          
                 ESTTRST - Establish Trusted Context                    
                 CRTTRST - Create Trusted Context                       
                 KERBERO - KERBEROS/ENCRYPTED Connection                
               Change 30.140 revised VFMT102 to eliminate time; this    
               change removes the timestamp when VFMT102 is called.     
               The LINESIZE option is now set to 200 at the beginning   
               and then reset to the original value at the end of       
               ANALDB2R, as some of the reports can get very wide.      
   Thanks to Alyona Bertneski, JPMorgan, USA.                           
Change 30.146  Cosmetic/maybe.  The %DO loop variable &I was changed to 
VMXGDSNL       the more "unique" &DSNL to possibly avoid conflict with  
Jul 31, 2012   user code that was wrapped around VMXGDSNL in TYPEQACS.  
   Thanks to Stephen Hoar, Lloyds Banking, ENGLAND.                     
Change 30.145  Variable CORRNAME and CORRNUM were incorrectly decoded   
VMACDB2        for QWACATYP=4 (CICS) connections.                       
Jul 31, 2012                                                            
Change 30.144 -If you specified PDBOUT=PDB and asked for specific IFCIDS
READDB2        e.g. IFCIDS=ACCOUNT 105 107 269, the T102Sxxx datasets   
Jul 31, 2012   were not copied to the PDBOUT= destination.              
              -If you used the LDB2xxx parameters to limit the variables
               kept or dropped and used the syntax:                     
               the // did not work as documented; a space was required, 
               but this change now properly supports // or / / as the   
               null argument.                                           
Change 30.143 -These variables, which should have been a MAX value, were
VMXGDBSS       incorrectly summed:                                      
                            QB2TCBA QB3TCBA QB4TCBA                     
                 ASUMDBSB - QBSTVPL QBSTCBA                             
               They now contain the MAX value of the end-of-interval    
               values, across each summary interval.                    
              -In addition, because DB2 V10 writes fixed one-minute data
               and so those variables are end-of-interval values, these 
               average value variables are now created:                 
                            AVG2CBA AVGTCBA AVGTCBA                     
                 ASUMDBSB - AVGTVPL AVGTCBA                             
              -Labels were created for these four variables:            
                  ASUMDBSS -  THRDFTPT THRDUSE TOTTHRD                  
                  ASUMDBSB -  READS                                     
Change 30.142  %VMXGPRNT, which "PROC PRINTs" with both the LABEL and   
VMXGPRNT       VARIABLE as heading, is enhanced to allow FMTLST= option 
Jul 31, 2012   to specify the printed format.  See ANAL113 for example. 
Change 30.141 -XAM/ZVPS XAMTCP record contains for IPADDR in all
VMACXAM        observations as that is what is in the record.           
Jul 31, 2012  -Values in AVERAGTM='TOTALTIME/TOTALACKED IN FAL' and the 
               values in TOTALTIM='TOT ROUND TRIP TIME(MS)' in XMTCPAPP 
               dataset are large negative values in many records.       
              -Both problems will be forwarded to the vendor.           
              -Variable NAMENODE is now kept in XMTCPAPP dataset.       
   Thanks to Andrew Petersen, CSC, AUSTRALIA.                           
Change 30.140 -Support for IFCID 269 and 270 populates existing T102S269
FORMATS        and T102S270 datasets with QW0269xx/QW0270xx variables.  
VFMT102       -Formats created for some QW0269xx/QW0270xx variables.    
VMAC102       -VFMT102 revised to eliminate the time values.            
Jul 31, 2012  -SQL Text long-variables have multiple blanks removed with
               COMPBL function.                                         
   Thanks to Alyona Bertneski, JPMorgan, USA.                           
Change 30.139  The label for PIRSHELF is corrected to "SHELF", which I  
VMAC110        now know is a z/OS Unix name for a directory, primarily  
Jul 30, 2012   used for Web service binding files.                      
   Thanks to Dale Slaughter, Transamerica, USA.                         
Change 30.138  ASG TMON/DB2 creates invalid DB2 101 records that causes 
VMACDB2H       MXG to print ERROR: INVALID DB2 101 RECORD messages, but 
Jul 27, 2012   since the ASG records have their header segment at the   
Aug  3, 2012   start of the record, whereas IBM's header segment is at  
               the end of the record, I've updated these error messages 
               to identify "ASG-CREATED" and to identify the ASG fix of 
               TE03737 in the error messages. These records are DELETED.
               Change 30.023 detected these errors, but printed ALL of  
               the defective records; this change limits printing to 3. 
   Thanks to Marty Pruden, Purina Nestle, USA.                          
Change 30.137  Updates to NMON/TOPAS Monitor for AIX and LINUX.         
EXNMONDF      -All BBBP single-value-per-line configuration entries for 
EXNMONEN       the lsconf, lparstat, lsattr EL, vmstat V, and vmstat S  
EXNMONLP       subtypes are now output in NMONBBBP dataset.  All labels 
EXNMONMP       now contain the subtype name. Variables from each subtype
EXNMONVM       are grouped in the LABEL statement so they are adjacent  
IMACNMON       when printed.  Variables BBBP001-BBBP0146 now exist.     
VMACNMON      -These "BBBP,ending" multi-value-per-line entries are     
VMXGINIT       output in these new datasets:                            
Jul 28, 2012     DDDDDD  DATASET          DESCRIPTION                   
Aug 17, 2012     NMONDF  NMONBBBPENDDF    BBBP,ending df m              
Sep 13, 2012     NMONLP  NMONBBBPENDLP    BBBP,ending lparstat h        
                 NMONMP  NMONBBBPENDMP    BBBP,ending mpstat d          
                 NMONVM  NMONBBBPENDVM    BBBP,ending vmstat i          
              -The "BBBP,ending" single-value-per-line entries from the 
               "ending vmstat v" and "ending vmstat s" subtypes are     
               output in this new dataset:                              
                 DDDDDD  DATASET          DESCRIPTION                   
                 NMONDF  NMONBBBPENDING   BBBP,ending vmstat v and s    
              -Entries PCPUnn and SCPUnn create TEMPCPUNP and TEMPCPUNS 
               that are merged into existing NMONCPUD, detail CPU       
               metrics by CPUNR.                                        
              -Entries PCPU_ALL and SCPU_ALL_ are input and variables   
               retained and added to NMONINTV.                          
              -Entries DISKRIO, DISKWIO, DISKAVGRIO, DISKAVGWIO are now 
               supported, and variables of the same name are added to   
               the NMONDISK dataset.                                    
              -The internal logic for the DISKxxxxN "suffixed" records, 
               written when there are more disk devices than will fit on
               a single record, is restructured to use a 2-elment array 
               instead of a separate explicit DO group for each suffix. 
               These arrays support 50 suffixed records with 512 devices
               per record, versus the original fixed 21 suffixes.       
              -ERROR: ARRAY Subscript Out Of Range - DISKSERV DISKSVCTM 
               DISKWAIT DISKWAITTM objects corrected, and protection for
               "NANQ" text for "not a number" for BBBPENDLP04, Aug 17.  
              -Sep 13: BBBPENDVM05 increased to 64 bytes.               
Change 30.136  These TYPE50 OSA/Express READ variables (ATTCHTYP=4 only)
VMAC50           TY50PCIR TY50PCIV TY50PCIT TY50PCIU TY50PDFR           
Jul 25, 2012  are missing if SUBCHPOL is not 'READ'; IBM had changed    
               the value to "RD/n" without documentation. The MXG test  
               is now revised to detect READ if SUBCHPOL starts with RD.
   Thanks to John McLaughlin, Bank of America, USA.                     
Change 30.135  %VGETALOC is a new macro for use with AUTOALOC=YES (that 
VGETALOC       VMXGALOC option creates directory names containing date) 
Jul 24, 2012   that lets you select (getdaterange=,typeofdata=) a group 
               of "PDBs"/directories that are to be read, constructing  
               a "SET" statement in a DATA-step using VMXGSET.          
               For example:                                             
                 %vgetaloc(getdaterange=01jul12 24jul12,                
                 data jobs;                                             
               will search the c:\mxg directory for all directories with
               a name that contains a date in ddmmmyy format, selects   
               those with date between 01Jul12 and 24Jul12 inclusive,   
               and allocates them as PDB1- PDB24 as there are 24 dates  
               in your selection criteria.  These libnames are passed to
               VMXGSET which build the logical SET statement to read all
               24 LIBNAMEs for the JOBS dataset you requested in VMXGSET
                 set ...;      
               (i.e., the number of libnames found by vgetaloc).        
Change 30.134  Cosmetic/Spurious.  ANALDB2R printed note from VMXGVERS  
ANALDB2R       that you were using a backlevel ANALDB2R, because that   
Jul 24, 2012   statement at the bottom of ANALDB2R still had 30.02 in   
               both 30.03 and 30.04.  While the MXG QA stream has a test
               for VMXGVERS value, the line was in lower case and the QA
               test expected upper case.  Now, the QA test looks first  
               for lower case and then for version number.              
               Since there is a %PUT with the ANALDB2R last update date,
               the currency of this ANALDB2R member was confirmed on the
               SAS log, so this was only a cosmetic error.  But it gets 
               this change text because the user had to waste his time  
               to report the potential problem due to my error!         
   Thanks to R. van der Zande, KLM, THE NETHERLANDS.                    
Change 30.133  Support for (optional) DB2 Netezza for Accelerator data. 
IMACDBNZ       IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator IDAA product uses Netezza. 
VMACDB2       -Similar to MXG support for optional CICS data segments,  
Jul 23, 2012   support for optional Q8AC DB2 Accounting variables is in 
               a comment block in the new IMACDBNZ member that contains 
               the code, labels, and formats, so none of the Netezza    
               variables will exist in DB2ACCT, until you copy IMACDBNZ 
               into your "USERID.SOURCLIB tailoring library and then    
               remove that comment block.                               
              -Because the volume of DB2 statistics records is small,   
               the Netezza Q8ST DB2 Statistics variables are created in 
               the DB2STATS dataset (so you can tell if the Netezza APAR
               PM50434 has been installed!) as well as in DB2NETZA.     
              -See Change 30.229.                                       
   Thanks to Jan Tielmans, KBC, BELGIUM.                                
   Thanks to Christa Neven, KBC, BELGIUM.                               
Change 30.132  Corrections to SMF 21 calculations for compression ratios
VMAC21         and circumvention for records with byte count fields that
Jul 22, 2012   unexpectedly contain zeros.  When the compressed bytes in
Aug  7, 2012   SMF21MDR or SMF21MDW are zero, the compression ratio can 
               not be calculated. In some records, uncompressed bytes in
               SMF21BR/DBR/MCR and SMF21BW/DBW/MCW are zero, which also 
               caused confusion as to which variable should be used.    
               This was circumvented by calculating the uncompressed    
               byte counts as:                                          
               and using those values as the numerator of SMF21CRR/CRW, 
               when SMF21MDR/SMF21MDW are nonzero.                      
               A problem is opened with IBM to understand the zeroes.   
              -Aug 7: Variable OPEN is always blank may not be new.     
               Sites have DCBOFLG='00'X in ID=21 SMF records, but the   
               ID=14/15  DCBOFLGS field is valid.  The 14/15 is written 
               at z/OS CLOSE, but your CA-1/RMM/TLMS tape management    
               product still owns the DCB, so they may be clearing the  
               DCB byte before the type 21 record is written (which can 
               be HOURS later than the CLOSE event). The type 21 write  
               only copies control block values with no logic/changes.  
               In TYPE21 DCBOFLG is only used to populate variable OPEN 
               with INPUT or OUTPUT, so now, the BYTEWRIT and BYTEREAD  
               counts are compared and OPEN is populated based on the   
               larger of the two values.  Zero or equal will blank OPEN.
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc, USA.                            
   Thanks to Michael Creech, Lender Processing Services, USA.           
Change 30.131  Two new parameters are added to enhance VMXGALOC:        
VMXGALOC        READONLY - if set to YES the code that deletes old      
BLDSMPDB                   directories is suppressed.                   
IMACINIT        CLEARALL - if set to YES, ALL previously allocated      
Jul 22, 2012              LIBNAMEs are cleared. YES is the default.     
Sep 16, 2012                                                            
               With these changes, you can do reporting for multiple    
               days/weeks in a single SAS session.                      
               -To run reports based on today's runs:                   
                which allocates all of the current LIBNAMES that were   
                created with today's run, then you can run your reports.
               -To go back to an earlier date, like June 11, 2012:      
                which clears all of "todays" allocation and the correct 
                LIBNAMEs for June 11, are then allocated.               
               FORCEDAY will now accept a relative number of days as    
                TODAY()-NN where NN is the number of days to go back.   
               BLDSMPDB - z/OS only, if you asked to WTD or MTD and also
               asked to use WEEKTAPE or MNTHTAPE, an ABEND will now be  
               generated since this structure is not supported by the   
               sequential engine on z/OS. Also, if you were running WTD,
               BLDSMPDB incorrectly tried to start the week one day too 
               early; that has been corrected.  No data was lost but the
               data may not have been in the week where you expected to 
               find it for the first day of the week.                   
               IMACINIT - applies only if you are running BLDSMPDB with 
               AUTOALOC=YES.  A new example VMXGALOC invocation is in   
               comments in the IMACINIT member.  Copy IMACINIT into your
               "USERID.SOURCLIB" tailoring library, REMOVE the comments 
               around that VMXGALOC invocation, EDIT it to match your   
               BLDSMPDB arguments, and then, since IMACINIT is always   
               invoked at MXG startup, all of these "PDB" LIBNAMEs      
                 PDB MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN SPIN                   
                 WEEK1-WEEK5 MONTH TREND SPIN CICSTRAN DB2ACCT          
               will always be allocated.                                
              -Sep 16: Comments updated, no code was changed.           
   Thanks to Mynard Holloway, Spectrum Health, USA.                     
   Thanks to Robb Hermes, Sentry Insurance, USA.                        
Change 30.130 -EXITCICS Version 3 correctly decompresses DB2 compressed 
EXITCICS       SMF records (which version 1 didn't always do), continues
Jul 19, 2012   to also decompress CICS SMF records, and this version no 
Aug  4, 2012   longer needs the IBM CICS macro library for the assembly.
              -EXITCICS is the z/OS ASM source code and ASM/LKED steps  
               that create the CICSIFUE "Infile Exit" load module that  
               decompresses DB2 V10 and/or CICS/TS 3.2+ compressed SMF  
               records.  It has never failed for CICS records, and while
               many DB2 sites have used it successfully, a small number 
               of DB2 sites had errors reading compressed records; those
               errors are corrected in this updated EXITCICS member. The
               complete instructions for creating and installing the    
               exit are in the comments in the EXITCICS member.         
              -Version 2 briefly existed and it corrected the DB2 errors
               but it still needed the DFHSMFDS macro.                  
   Thanks to Richard Anderson, SAS z/OS Technical Support CARY, USA.    
Change 30.129  Support for new zNEXT CPU MF counters EXTEND157-EXTND207 
ASUM113        and revised calculations for all of the formulas.        
VMAC113        There were 48 EXTEND counters initially and now there are
Jul 20, 2012   80 EXTEND counters, thru EXTND207.                       
Aug 31, 2012  -Calculations updated from JP Burg's August 29 2012 text. 
Sep 17, 2012  -Corrections made Sep 17:                                 
Oct  9, 2012   1. Line 271 in VMAC113 was missing the 0.65.             
               2. Labels in VMAC113 for EXTND159-162 are now L4 vs L$.  
               3. The 151- and 148= typos in both ASUM113 and VMAC113   
                  for the MEMP calculation are corrected.               
               4. The LPBUSY in ASUM113 was changed to LPARBUSY; LPBUSY 
                  is the variable in VMAC113 but it's LPARBUSY in       
                  ASUM113 as documented in Change 28.226.               
               Oct 9 update:                                            
              -Labels for the EXTNDnnn counters were revised based on   
               SA23-2261-02.  Note that there are three sets of labels  
               for the z/10, z/196 and z/114, and the zEC12, but SAS can
               only use the last label for a variable, the active labels
               are now for the zEC12, but the other labels can be seen  
               in the VMAC113 LABEL statement.                          
              -z/EC12 only defines counters thru counter 179, but MXG   
               was misled to create counters up to 207, but since they  
               will likely exist sometime, variables thru EXTND207 are  
               created by this change, IN 30.05 AND REQUIRED FOR z/EC12 
               processors - an "ARRAY SUBSCRIPT OUT OF RANGE" error will
               occur without this change.                               
Change 30.128 -DB2 V10 changed the QPACFLGS bit map; variables QPACDBRM 
VMACDB2        and QPACPACK no longer exist (so they are always blank in
Jul 16, 2012   QWHSRELN GE 10 observations), and new flag variable, only
               in Version 10 and later are created and populated:       
                 Variable   Label                        from QPACFLGS  
                 QPACROLL='THIS IS A*ROLLUP*QPAC?'          01X bit     
                 QPACRUSM='THIS IS A*SUMMARY*ROLLUP*QPAC?'  02X bit     
              -Documented in DB2 Macro Library member DSNDQWAS:         
                 If QPACROLL is on, the Package Record contains ONLY    
                 the QPKG and QPAC segments, but the QXPK, QBAX and QTXA
                 segments do not exist, so a ROLLUP record will always  
                 have missing values for these SQL/DML QXPK variables   
                    QPOPEN   QPCLOSE QPFETCH QPLOCK  QPCALL             
                 and QBAC and QTXA fields will also be missing values in
                 the DB2ACCTP dataset.                                  
              -Documented in DB2 Macro Library member DSNDQPAC:         
                 If QPACRUSM = ON, the following fields are invalid:    
                  QPACAANM QPACAAFG                                     
                 IF QPACRUSM = OFF, the following fields are invalid:   
                 IF QPACRUSM = OFF, the following fields are the last   
                 non-zero value for a thread rolling data into this QPAC
                  QPACASCH QPACAANM QPACAAFG                            
   Thanks to Jane Stock, USPS, USA.                                     
Change 30.127  Variable BLKSIZE was missing when SMF21LB bit was not on.
Jul 13, 2012                                                            
Change 30.126  Selection of data by a range of explicit DATE values did 
ANALGRID       not work, but all of the keywords for date selection were
Jul 12, 2012   correct.                                                 
   Thanks to Raff Rushton, Kaiser Permanente, USA.                      
Change 30.125  Variable UMLRECL in dataset DCOLMIGS, LRECL of the       
VMACDCOL       migrated dataset, is now INPUT and kept.  It was         
Jul 10, 2012   added by z/OS 1.12 but overlooked.                       
   Thanks to Brian Harvey, HCL America, USA.                            
====== Changes thru 30.124 were in MXG 30.04 dated Jul  4, 2012=========
Change 30.124  z/VM variable VMDFLREO should not have been divided by   
VMACVMXA       DELTATM (which is normally 60 seconds, so the values in  
Jul  3, 2012   VMDFLREO were 1/60th, or 1/DELTATM too small).           
   Thanks to Sam Bass, McLane Company, USA.                             
Change 30.123 -Change 28.226 noted that TYPE113 variable SM113CPT is    
VMAC113        only populated if SM113VN2 GE 2 (i.e., z196 or later) but
VMAC7072       that change did not note that as a result, SMF70CIN is   
Jul  3, 2012   also blank when SM113VN2 is not 2.  However, if both 113 
               and RMF 70 records are processed together, (or as long as
               PDB.TYPE70PR exists when ASUM113 is executed), then the  
               merge of the 70 data with the 113 data will populate both
               SMF70CIN and SM113VN2.                                   
              -In investigating the above, TYPE113 variable DELTATM was 
               found to sometimes be too small; MXG must calculate the  
               interval duration from adjacent records because IBM does 
               not create it, and the incorrect use of FLOOR(DIF(x)) was
               found to be the culprit; DELTATM is now correct but is no
               longer "made pretty" with an integer value.  The small   
               value for DELTATM caused both the count in LPARCPUS to be
               grossly wrong in some cases (12 vs 2!) and LPBUSY could  
               also be incorrect.                                       
              -But, "valid" small values of DELTATM have been observed  
               in some as-yet-not-fully-understood cases where SMF 113  
               records are written extremely close in time. While the   
               deaccumulated counters look to be correct in these cases,
               as they are not full intervals, I recommend that all of  
               your observations in PDB.ASUM113 that have DELTATM less  
               than the expected interval duration (e.g., DELTATM LT 890
               if the expected data is 15 minute interval) be deleted   
               before you analyze the HIS data. USE TYPS113E vs TYPS113.
              -VMAC7072: Cosmetic.  Change 30.106 typo in the LABEL for 
               ZIPSHARE caused UNINIT VARIABLE ZPTSHARE that is fixed.  
   Thanks to Roger Lowe, Northern Territory Government, AUSTRALIA       
====== Changes thru 30.122 were in MXG 30.04 dated Jul  4, 2012=========
Change 30.122  NRECORD=MAX generated an error; the code was looking for 
VMXGGETM       a null value but now accepts MAX and either null or MAX  
Jul  2, 2012   will set the counter to the value of MXGOBS.             
Change 30.121  Enhancements/Additions to $MG119xx FORMATS for TYPE119.  
FORMATS        New formats $MG119CI $MG119CO $MG119MA $MG119MO $MG119TY 
VMAC119        are created and assigned to appropriate variables.  Some 
Jun 29, 2012   old formats $MG119AM $MG119CC $MG119PL $MG119ST $MG119RF 
               were defined, but not assigned to all variables.  Formats
               $MG119CC and $MG119PL are identical, but as they were    
               assigned separately to different variables, they have to 
               be kept in FORMATS.  $MG119FA and $MG119RF were also     
               identical, but neither was assigned so $MG119FA has been 
               removed from FORMATS.                                    
   Thanks to Martyn Jones, Deutsch Bank, GERMANY.                       
Change 30.120  Support for RACF Database Record 02G1 creates RACF02G1   
EXRAC2G1       dataset with Custom User Data.                           
Jun 28, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to Steve Carlson, Univ of California Office of President, USA.
Change 30.119  Support for APAR OA39629 adds two variables to SMF 30    
BUILD005       subtypes 2,3,4,5 (kept in TYPE30_V/TYPE30_4/TYE30_5 and  
BUIL3005       in PDB.SMFINTRV, PDB.STEPS and PDB.JOBS datasets):       
VMAC30           HICPUPCT='HIGH*TASK*CPU*PECENT'                        
Jun 28, 2012     -For interval records, the largest percentage of CPU   
                  time used by any task in this address space, rounded  
                  to the nearest integer. A value of 25 indicates that  
                  the most CPU intensive task in this address space was 
                  dispatched on a physical processor for 25% of the SMF 
                  interval time.                                        
                 -For step-end, the value is the largest reported       
                  interval if the step crosses an interval boundary.    
                 -For job-end, the value is the largest reported        
                  interval value for any step.                          
                 -The percentage value in the record is calculates as:  
                     TCB time * 100/ interval time.                     
                 -Program name running in the task that used the largest
                  percentage of CPU time in this address space. This    
                  field corresponds to HICPUPCT.                        
                 -A value of blanks indicates that no task reported any 
                  CPU time in the address space, or that the CPU time   
                  could not be obtained.                                
                 -A value of '????????' indicates that the program name 
                  could not be obtained for the task that reported the  
                  highest percentage of CPU time.                       
                 -Additional information from IBM in the APAR text:     
                   -These new fields are intended to identify the       
                    largest consuming task when multiple tasks are      
                    active in an address space. One may compute the     
                    address space task percentage from existing fields  
                    in the SMF 30 record but one has no insight         
                    currently into usage within the address space. If   
                    the total CPU percentage is on the order of 50%, the
                    task may struggle to be served well particularly if 
                    it has a mediocre dispatching priority or the system
                    is running in horizontal mode (HiperDispatch not    
                    enabled). If the address space percentage is 50% and
                    the largest task percentage is 15%, there is little 
                    concern that the task will be unable to progress as 
                    long as it is properly classified in WLM.           
                   -IBM will provide guidance to our customers that     
                    establishing a list of candidates to monitor and    
                    determining any increase in percent dispatched for  
                    the evolving list over time (perhaps every six to   
                    twelve months) should be part of the capacity       
                    planning process.  Our current recommendation is to 
                    take note of address spaces with programs that are  
                    dispatched at least 25% of an interval for intervals
                    of at least 5 minutes.                              
Change 30.118  Unused Change Number.                                    
Change 30.117  Documentation of MXG internal syntax.  The example code  
UDDDDDD        in VMACXXXX shows this syntax for the dataset label      
UTILVREF         (LABEL='dddddd: description of dataset'                
VMACXXXX       but it was never documented that the "dddddd" token in   
Jun 25, 2012   the label can NOT contain a blank (a blank causes the    
               UDDDDDD program to fail building $MGDDDDD and $MGDDDSN   
               formats).  A comment was added in the VMACXXXX example,  
               test for a blank was added to both UDDDDDD and UTILVREF, 
               but as these programs are ONLY used internally during the
               MXG QA process to create documentation, these errors     
               won't be observed by MXG users.                          
Change 30.116  Support for Voltage SecureData for z/OS z/Protect SMF.   
EXZPR01        These new datasets are created:                          
EXZPR03          DDDDDD  MXG     MXG                                    
EXZPR04          DATASET DATASET DATASET                                
EXZPR05          SUFFIX  NAME    LABEL                                  
TYPSZPRO         ZPR04   ZPRO04  ZPR04: Z/PROTECT ABEND EVENT           
Jun 30, 2012   In dataset ZPRO16, variable ZPRTTYPE identifies which of 
               the seven possible aggregates is reported:               
                  1='1:OVERALL TOTALS'                                  
                  2='2:TOTALS BY USER'                                  
                  3='3:TOTALS BY CRYPTID'                               
                  4='4:TOTALS BY JOBNAME'                               
                  5='5:TOTALS BY USERID AND CRYPTID'                    
                  6='6:TOTALS BY JOBNAME AND CRYPTID'                   
                  7='7:TOTALS BY USERID AND JOBNAME'                    
Change 30.115 -VMXGRMFI - The TRENDING section of VMXGRMFI now uses     
ADOCTRND       VGETWKLD to ensure that all workloads, old and new, are  
GRAFTRND       preserved. This allows you to add new workloads but then 
GRAFWRKX       remove or rename old workloads, while preserving your    
MNTHRMFI       historical data for the old workloads that may no longer 
TRNDRMFI       exist in RMFINTRV, but will still exist in TRNDRMFI.     
UTILBLDP      -VGETWKLD - Now will get the workload names, labels and   
UTILCPLG       periods for use in VMXGRMFI from multiple sources.  New  
VGETWKLD       parameter datasets lets you specify as many datasets for 
VMXGALOC       input as may be needed, but the purpose is to allow the  
Jun 21, 2012   that if you have added or deleted or renamed workloads,  
Jun 26, 2012   the old ones in TREND will be carried forward, rather    
Jul  2, 2012   than being dropped.  New design is also used in GRAFWRKX,
               but this is intended for internal MXG usage.             
              -ADOCTRND - New documentation section 4 showing how to    
               backload past RMFINTRV data into TRNDRMFI.               
              -GRAFTRND now is only an invocation of GRAFWRKX with      
               appropriate arguments.                                   
              -GRAFWRKX - sort order for TRNDRMFI was incompatible with 
               the SORT order for GRAFWRKX so a PROC SORT was added.    
              -MNTHRMFI now is only an invocation of VMXGRMFI with      
               appropriate arguments.                                   
              -TRNDRMFI now is only an invocation of VMXGRMFI with      
               appropriate arguments.                                   
              -TRNDRMFN now is only an invocation of VMXGRMFI with      
               appropriate arguments.                                   
              -UTILBLDP - COSMETIC ONLY - realign code to make it easier
               to understand                                            
              -UTILCPLG - did not correctly parse out the LOG/LIST names
               and if not preceded by a RUN; statement it could execute 
               at unexpected times because of timing issues in the macro
               If the directory pointed to did not contain a \ or a /   
               (os dependent) it was not added and could result in an   
               error during the copy process.                           
              -VMXGALOC - If you specified FIRSTRUN=YES and also were   
               trying to run with WTD processing, the allocation of the 
               WEEK libname for the current week did not happen.        
   Thanks to Mynard Holloway, Spectrum Health                           
Change 30.114  SAS User SMF Records with SASPROC='SQL (63)', 'APPEND (' 
VMACSASU       values were unexpected (and unknown to SAS Support) and  
Jun 19, 2011   caused SASPROD='UNKNOWN'.  Now, the paren is detected and
               only the SAS Procedure text name is stored in SASPROC, so
               the SASPROD will be "known".                             
   Thanks to Erling Andersen, SMT, DENMARK.                             
Change 30.113 -DB2 V10 restructured the DB2STATS (100-1) QIST segment,  
VMACDB2        but this was overlooked (perhaps because there are no    
Jun 19, 2011   vertical change bars in IBM DB2 DSECTS!) causing invalid 
               values for QIST variables.  The restructure removed these
               QIST variables so they will have missing value in V10:   
                 QISTWF32 QISTW32T                                      
               and V10 created these new variables in PDB.DB2STATS:     
                 QISTSIAH QISTSISH QISTWFRHIG QISTWFRCUR                
              -In validating this change, these QIST and QISE variables 
               should not have been deaccumulated:                      
                 QISTWCTO QISTW32K QISTW4K                              
               The IBM DB2 DSECTs don't always identify which fields are
               accumulated; only actual data driven thru the DIF() logic
               will prove or disprove field contents (a negative value  
               or 4x10**9 value prove the field is NOT accumulated), so 
               data with non-zero values are required to validate MXG.  
   Thanks to Victoria Lepak, Aetna, USA.                                
   Thanks to Valerie J. Chisholm, Aetna, USA.                           
Change 30.112 -Thruput Manager datasets TPM16S and TPM16J, variables    
VMACTPMX       TPMAJCT and TPMSCT were too large by 100; they were INPUT
Jun 19, 2012   as PIB4. but are now input as PIB4.2.                    
              -In addition, TPMAJCT in TYPE16S is an accumulated value, 
               but the value in TPMSCT will be the step value (with PTF 
               TMT6218) so there is no real need to deaccumulatate      
               TPMAJCT to get the individual step CPU time in TPMSCT.   
               However, now realizing TPMAJCT is accumulated, if you use
               TYPSTPMX or _STPM16S to sort dataset TPM16S, this change 
               will deaccumulate TPMAJCT, and the TPM16S label will     
               indicate that its value is deaccumulated.                
Change 30.111  RACF TYPE801 debugging PUT 'DEBUG 1' was not disabled.   
Jun 19, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, Huk-Coburg, GERMANY.                       
   Thanks to Jens Mohring, Huk-Coburg, GERMANY.                         
Change 30.110  Only Windows PERFMON data that was comma-delimited was   
VMACWPMO       correctly decoded; a hard-coded ',' is now &DLMWPMO so   
Jun 17, 2012   that your delimiter is always used in parsing text.      
   Thanks to Florent Boulesteix Inovans, Ca-Caagis, FRANCE.             
Change 30.109  Support for Mainview CICS v64 CICS/TS 4.2 (COMPATIBLE).  
EXMVCICP      -New variables added to dataset CMRDETL dataset:          
Jun 16, 2012  -New dataset decoded for File Segment for PROGRAM:        
                 dddddd    dataset     description                      
Change 30.108  Reading RMM EDGS records on ASCII caused INPUT STATEMENT 
Jun 15, 2012   The $EBCDIC8 input set the value '000000000000'X, so now 
               a separate input with $CHAR8 is used for those tests.    
   Thanks to Rick Raiton, US Airways, USA.                              
Change 30.107  Support for ASG/Landmark TMON DB2 PTFs TE03699/TE03718   
EXTMD2XB       which add segments to the PK, TB, and TG records creating
EXTMD2XG       these three new datasets:                                
EXTMD2XK         DDDDDD     Dataset   Description                       
IMACTMD2         TMD2XK     TMD2PKS   Thread Package Accounting Segments
VMACTMD2         TMD2XB     TMD2TBS   Thread BP Accounting Segments     
VMXGINIT         TMD2XG     TMD2TGS   Thread GBP Accounting Segments    
Jun 10, 2012                                                            
Change 30.106  zIIP SHARE WEIGHTS are now calculated for each LPAR in   
VMAC7072       all four datasets created by ASUM70PR.                   
VMXG70PR      -For the ASUM70PR and ASUMCEC datasets, with different    
Jun  9, 2012   variable names for each LPAR, the variable names are     
                  LPnZHARC ='LPAR  n*ZIP SHARE*CURRENT*WEIGHT*PCT'      
                  LPnZHARE ='LPAR  n*ZIP SHARE*INITIAL*WEIGHT*PCT'      
              -For the ASUM70LP and ASUMCELP datasets, with only one    
               set of variables, the names are:                         
               Since SMF70ACS is currently always zero for zIIPs, the   
               two variables have the same value, but logic is in place 
               that will use SMF70ACS if it is non-zero.                
   Thanks to Rodger Foreman, TransUnion Corp, USA.                      
   Thanks to Lindholm Orjan, VOLVO, SWEDEN.                             
Change 30.105  Support for RMF III ASIG3 segments with '13'x and '14'x  
ASMRMFV        segment level that is undocumented and added 376 bytes.  
VMACRMFV       This caused  MXG variables for Service Class, Report     
Jun  8, 2012   Class, Workload, and Resource Group data extensions to be
              -ASMRMFV space message RMFV030I could have invalid values 
               for HARBA, HURBA, and AVAIL fields when the input RMF    
               Monitor III VSAM data set was non-EF and exceeded 2 GB in
               size.  Subsequent message RMFV031I would have invalid    
               percentages for USED and AVAIL fields possibly exceeding 
               100 percent.  NOTE: Assembly and link-edit of ASMRMFV is 
               optional for MXG users with only EF RMF III VSAM data    
               sets or only non-EF data sets not exceeding 2 GB in size.
               Otherwise, reinstall of ASMRMFV is strongly recommended  
               to resolve this issue.  o Warren Cravey, Fidelity        
   Thanks to Warren Cravey, Fidelity, USA.                              
Change 30.104 -Variable SMF70CIN in TYPE70EN was incorrectly set to the 
VMAC7072       value 'ZIP', but that is now SMF70CIN='IIP', consistent  
Jun  8, 2012   with SMF70CIN in other MXG datasets.                     
              -For zIIP engines, in dataset PDB.TYPE70PR, the variable  
               NEWWAIT contains the CPUWAITM for SMF70CIN='IIP'.        
              -In PDB.TYPE70EN, variable CPUWAITM is valid for CP and   
               IIP engine's wait time.                                  
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
Change 30.103 -Support for z/OS 1.13-added (COMPAT) RAS (Reliability,   
VMAC1415       Availability, Serviceability) segment adds flag variables
Jun  5, 2012   that are $HEX2. formatted.  Because I don't expect these 
               new variables to be of great import, separate bit-level  
               variables aren't created, but these are the values:      
                '1.......'B='DCBE reject flags present'                 
                '.1......'B='PARTREL flags present'                     
                '1.......'B='DCBE invalidated because EXCP and no       
                             foundation extension present.              
                '.1......'B='DCBE invalidated because DSORG is not PS,  
                             PO OR DA.                                  
                '..1.....'B='DCBE invalidated because storage is not    
                '...1....'B='DCBE invalidated because DCBE storage is   
                             not in key of caller.                      
                '....1...'B='DCBE invalidated because the DCBEID is not 
                '.....1..'B='DCBE invalidated because it is not at least
                             the minimum length required (56 bytes)     
                '......1.'B='DCBEHIARC flags set but DCBDCBE is zeros.  
                '1.......'0=Partial release not called by CLOSE because 
                            VIO data set                                
                '.1......'1=Partial release not called by CLOSE because 
                            task is abending.                           
                '..1.....'2=Partial release not called by CLOSE because 
                            not opened for output                       
                '...1....'3=Partial release not called by CLOSE because 
                            EXCP DCB but no direct access device section
                '....1...'4=Partial release not called by CLOSE because 
                            even though opened for output, last I/O was 
                            not output                                  
                '.....1..'5=Partial release had an I/O error            
   Thanks to Karl Lasecki, Chemical Abstracts Service, USA.             
Change 30.102  These DB2xxxxx variables were not MGBYTES formatted, and 
VMACDB2        had incorrect labels.                                    
   Thanks to Robert M. Dahlia, SunTrust, USA.                           
Change 30.101  The TITLE7 statement was repeated, so the title line that
ANALDDCN       should have reported duplicate bytes DUPBYTES was not    
Jun  4, 2012   printed.                                                 
   Thanks to Tom White, Dell, USA.                                      
Change 30.100  UTILEXCL in MXG 30.03 was defective and the IMACEXCL that
UTILEXCL       it created did not input JMVTIMCN which caused errors,   
Jun  4, 2012   usually the "NON-FIRST-TRANSACTION RECORD NUMBER" error. 
   Thanks to Victoria Lepak, Aetna, USA.                                
Change 30.099  Support for CO:Z SMF 119 Subtypes 192 and 193 records.   
EXT119X2       Four new datasets are created:                           
EXT119X3         DDDDDD  DATASET   DESCRIPTION                          
EXT119M2         T119X2  TY119192  CO:Z SFTP SERVER LOG                 
EXT119M3         T119M2  TY119M92  CO:Z SFTP SERVER LOG MESSAGES        
IMAC119          T119X3  TY119193  CO:Z SFTP CLIENT LOG                 
VMAC119          T119M3  TY119M93  CO:Z SFTP CLIENT LOG MESSAGES        
VMXGINIT       Jun 18: RACFUSER added to KEEP for T119M2/T119M3 as it is
Jun  3, 2012   in the BY list for both datasets.                        
Jun 18, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, Huk-Coburg, GERMANY.                       
Change 30.098  New fields added to DCOLLECT BKUP records (COMPATIBLY) by
VMACDCOL       z/OS 1.11 are now created in DCOLBKUP dataset:           
Jun  2, 2012    UBLFS  ='LARGE*FORMAT*SEQ*DATASET?'                     
   Thanks to Karl Lasecki, Chemical Abstracts Service, USA.             
Change 30.097  Velocity Software XAMCPUTO dataset contains totals, but  
VMACXAM        did not contain a count of CPUS.  Variable NRCPUS is now 
Jun  2, 2012   created, and forced to be an integer using               
   Thanks to Andrew Petersen, CSC, AUSTRALIA.                           
====== Changes thru 30.096 were in MXG 30.03 dated May 30, 2012=========
Change 30.096  Support for ZEN OSA MONITOR PTF ZOM1322 that INCOMPATIBLY
VMACZOSA       increased the length of ZOSALINK from 13 to 17 bytes.    
May 29, 2012                                                            
Jun  1, 2012                                                            
Change 30.095  RMF III Enhancements.                                    
ASMRMFV       -A new table called MXG is now created which contains     
VMACRMFV       ASMRMFV assembly and execution data.  The MXG table is   
EXZRBASM       created internally by ASMRMFV and is not a true RMF      
VMXGINIT       Monitor III table.  The MXG table contains 49 variables  
May 29, 2012   that describe both the assembly and the execution        
               environment of ASMRMFV.  This data can be used either as 
               an audit trail or as a problem diagnostic aid.  VMACRMFV 
               can also use this data for conditional logic decisions.  
               Only 1 MXG table observation will appear in the new      
               ZRBASM file for each run of ASMRMFV, so there is minimal 
              -Two new extensions are added by ASMRMFV to the ASI       
               (address space) and ENC (enclave) table records with     
               WORKLOAD and RESOURCE GROUP information.   These are in  
               addition to existing extensions for SERVICE CLASS and    
               REPORT CLASS data.   VMACRMFV adds a total of 14         
               variables for this new information to the ZRBASI and     
               ZRBENC files.                                            
              -New ZRBASI variables are: ASIWNM  ASIWDE  ASIGNM ASIGDE  
               ASIGMN  ASIGMX  ASIGLT.                                  
              -New ZRBENC variables are: ENCWNM  ENCWDE  ENCGNM ENCGDE  
               ENCGMN  ENCGMX  ENCGLT.                                  
              -All ASMRMFV added data extensions now only include the   
               part of the information that is actually documented.  In 
               some cases internal control block values specified a much
               greater length and caused problems in VMACRMFV.          
              -ASMRMFV message RMFV000I now contains information on the 
               environment at the time of assembly.                     
              -ASMRMFV message RMFV001I now contains information on the 
               environment at the time of execution.                    
              -Corrected ASMRMFV comments to note that the optional     
               RMFFILT output data set can NOT be used as input to a MXG
               PDB build.  RMFFILT does not contain any DSH or SSH      
               records that would be needed.                            
              -ASI table data extensions for very old releases of RMF   
               Monitor III V4.3.0 or below (pre 1994) will no longer be 
               attempted by ASMRMFV.  ASI table data will still be      
               output but without the extensions in this case.  The     
               header structure of these ancient records is not         
               compatible with the data extension process.              
              -Corrected a problem where SERVICE CLASS or REPORT CLASS  
               extensions for ASI or ENC table were incorrect when the  
               respective data indexes were zero.  These values should  
               have been missing, but instead were populated with data  
               from the prior ASI entry.  This was a limited condition. 
              -Code path length reductions were made to two subroutines 
               for ASI and ENC table processing in ASMRMFV by using     
               existing FINDxx subroutines.                             
              -The ASIENTMX and ASIENTLN fields are now corrected in    
               ASMRMFV to show the true count and length in an ASI table
              -The ENCG3TLN field is now corrected in ASMRMFV to show   
               the true total length in an ENC table record.            
              -ASMRMFV now validates that input data sets are VSAM RRDS 
               with warning message RMFV017W issued if a data set is    
               non-VSAM or is VSAM but a non-RRDS type.  In this case no
               abend occurs, but final return code CC=4 is set, and     
               processing of the next input data set continues.         
              -ASMRMFV now issues warning message RMFV017W if an input  
               VSAM data set has a non-standard CISIZE or RECSIZE.  IBM 
               intends that RMF Monitor III data sets be allocated with 
               the ERBVSDEF Clist which specifies the correct CISIZE and
               RECSIZE values of 32768 and 32752 respectively.  Use of  
               other values can result in a file that is unusable by RMF
               Monitor III.                                             
              -A S0C4 Abend in ASMRMFV CPU table processing is corrected
               that occurred when no other LPAR data was present.  This 
               was most likely when a z/OS guest was running under z/VM.
              -VMACRMFV did not correctly input the OSDKASID and        
               OSDPLIST fields from Summary Information section in the  
               OPD table.                                               
              -The following RMF Monitor III table records are now      
               blocked for efficiency in ASMRMFV output: CPD, CSR, ENT, 
               OPD, and SPG.  This improvement results in up to 90%     
               reduction or more in output record count.  However, this 
               means there are multiple data segments in each record    
               which can affect existing logic in any user modified     
               EXZRBxxx exit routines for the respective table.         
               VMACRMFV is upgraded to handle the additional data       
               entries in the blocked tables.                           
              -Tutorial: Your tailoring logic in EXdddddd dataset exits 
               to control output of an MXG dataset needs this structure 
               to always be safe:                                       
                 IF something THEN DO;                                  
                   OUTPUT _Wdddddd;                                     
               and can't use a DELETE, RETURN, nor "IF something;" logic
               because when "something" is true, they stop the read of  
               this current record, skipping any un-read segments from  
               being tested for "something".                            
              -Validity checking for the CPD, CSR, DVT, ENT, OPD, and   
               SPG tables in ASMRMFV for excessive or invalid header and
               entry length is improved.  When anomalies are detected   
               the entire table will be skipped. This should be a very  
               rare event.                                              
              -Prologue documentation in ASMRMFV source code has been   
               updated as needed including more discussion on skipped   
               records and entry blocking.                              
              -NOTE: An assembly and link of each new ASMRMFV member is 
               ALWAYS STRONGLY recommended, keeping ASMRMFV and VMACRMFV
               in sync, to create AND populate the new variables, enable
               table record entry blocking, and implement other related 
               fixes/enhancements in this change.                       
              -HOWEVER: Using the new VMACRMFV to process RMFBSAM data  
               created with the prior ASMRMFV program should not fail   
               unless invalid records are found, but all new variables  
               will have missing values.                                
Change 30.094 -SMF 113 counters were stored in the MXG DEFAULT=5 length,
ASUM113        but the four sets of counters can contain very large data
VMAC113        values, so variables BASICnn,PROBSTnn,CRYPTOnn,EXTNDnnne 
May 28, 2012   are now stored in LENGTH 8, and the PROC MEANs in both   
               VMAC113 and ASUM113 now specify /INHERIT so the longer   
               length attribute will be preserved; comparison of short  
               and long length showed the longer length was needed as   
               there were some (smaller) values with shorter length.    
              -Variable SM113CST is removed from BY macro _BTY113 and   
               that macro matches the final sort order of PDB.TYPE113.  
               SM113CST was needed in the BY list for the intermediate  
               sorts but did not exist in the final PDB.TYPE113.        
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc, USA.                            
Change 30.093  If production jobs create reports that are sent to a data
ANALDB2R       set or a report archive facility, but there was no data  
May 28, 2012   matching your selections, the result is an empty file or 
               a nonexistent report.  While MXG's SASLOG tells you that 
               happened (obscurely?), now, a message that no report was 
               produced is written to the output destination for these  
               reports: PMACC01 PMACC02 PMSTA02 PMAUD01 PMAUD02 PMAUD03 
Change 30.092  If you have IMACEXCL in your "USERID.SOURCLIB", these new
UTILEXCL       CICSTRAN duration variables were 16 times too large:     
                 RMIMQMTM RMICPSTM RMITCPTM                             
               because UTILEXCL had generated incorrect code to convert.
                 Durations input as &PIB.4.6 use  X=16*X;               
                 Durations input as &PIB.8.6 use  X=X/4096;             
                 The incorrect syntax was         X=16*X/4096; for 8.6. 
   Thanks to Victoria Lepak, Aetna, USA.                                
Change 30.091  Typoed character P in column one caused INPUT EXCEEDED in
VMACSVIE       SVSUBTYP=27 records that had segment 21 data.            
May 24, 2012                                                            
Jun  5, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to Sam Knutson, GEICO, USA.                                   
Change 30.090  Variable FERTREMI incorrectly contained the Local instead
VMACFERT       of the Remote IP Address.                                
May 22, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to Terry Back, Experian, USA.                                 
   Thanks to Jerome Vitner, Experian, USA.                              
Change 30.089  Support for DB2 V10 APAR PM24723 for IFCID=225 SMF ID=100
VMACDB2        Subtype=4, which COMPATIBLY adds new storage metrics that
May 22, 2012   are output in both DB2ST225 and DB2STATS datasets.       
   Thanks to Kerry J. Sommers, John Deere, USA.                         
   Thanks to Ralph Baechle, John Deere, USA.                            
Change 30.088  MQMLOG datetime variables were on GMT clock; there is no 
VMAC115        offset field, but these maximum values must be less than 
May 17, 2012   the SMFTIME, so the variable GMT115TM is calculated from 
               SMFTIME-QJSTIOMAXIOT1 and used to adjust datetimestamps  
               to the local time zone.                                  
   Thanks to Joe Faska, Depository Trust, USA.                          
Change 30.087  Variable TOTDEVHR in TYPE74CA had non-missing values that
VMAC74         were wrong when CACHIOTT was zero or missing; an MXG typo
May 14, 2012   set non-existent variable name TOTDEVNR to missing when  
               variable TOTDEVHR should have been set to missing value. 
   Thanks to Sharon Moir, JP Morgan Chase Bank, USA.                    
Change 30.086  Change 28.276 added BEGTIME= ENDTIME= parameters to      
ANALHSM        ANALHSM but, in the first step, the BEGTIME and ENDTIME  
May 12, 2012   MACRO variables were set to the beginning of the data    
               and the end of the data so that those values could be    
               placed in the title lines of the reports.  So all        
               subsequent use of those macro variables and checks for   
               their existence would be based on the timespan of the    
               actual data.  To make matters worse, in REPORT 5 and     
               REPORT 6, the BEGTIME and ENDTIME datetime values were   
               being compared to TIME values for FSRTIMR and FSRTIME    
               so no data could ever be selected for those reports.     
               With this change the date/times for the report headings  
               are changed to BEGREPT and ENDREPT avoiding the          
               conflict with BEGTIME and ENDTIME selection and in       
               reports 5 and 6 datetime values are constructed as       
               they are in ASUMHSM so that the correct data can be      
               selected for the reports. There are also now MXGNOTEs    
               that will tell you when you have started processing the  
               data for each report and another if no data was found    
               for the report.                                          
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
Change 30.085  Cosmetic.  UNMODSMF time is now aligned under SMFTIME to 
VMACSMF        make comparisons easier, and the _N_ value of LAST RECORD
May  9, 2012   IN GROUP message is no longer a missing value.           
Change 30.084  ODS operator RS=NONE added to prevent wrapping of HTML   
VMXGODSO       statements (specific to z/OS but causes no problem for   
May  9, 2012   ASCII ODS operations; only set for HTML output).         
Change 30.083 -MXG 30.02, z/OS Only, SAS 9.1.3 SP4 Only:                
VMAC71           ERROR: DOMAIN ERROR.                                   
               occurred in a PROC MEANS of DATA=TYPE71 in JCLTEST9.     
               This error did NOT occur with SAS 9.3 nor on ASCII SAS.  
               The Floating Point Exception resulted from MXG INPUTing  
               SMF71TLS field as RB4 when the field is binary (PIB4),   
               and a value of '00000AD1'x read as RB4 produced a value  
               that was a negative with E75 exponent, but it was only   
               when that value was subsequently read by PROC MEANS that 
               the error surfaced.                                      
   Thanks to John Loch, HP, USA.                                        
Change 30.082  Type 60 record with no VVR segment (for a VVDS) caused an
VMAC60         INPUT EXCEEDED RECORD LENGTH error on 3 days, and then   
May  7, 2012   didn't. MXG now tests to verify a VVR segment exists (and
               VVRLEN will be a missing value in these observations) but
               why these records were created is unknown.               
   Thanks to Peter Krijger, ANZ National, NEW ZEALAND.                  
Change 30.081  Enhancement adds rundays=mon tue wed ... to list the days
BLDSMPDB       of the week when BLDSMPDB is to actually be executed; on 
May  7, 2012   any other day, the program will terminate with MXGNOTEs. 
               The default, daily, is unchanged.                        
   Thanks to Mynard Holloway, Spectrum Health, USA.                     
Change 30.080  Actual GDPS records exposed wrong guesses I made when I  
VMAC105        wrote code from the documentation: GDPS datetimestamps in
May  4, 2012   SM105STM/DTM/SST/SCT are reversed-SMFSTAMP8 with DATE    
Jun  4, 2012   first, so simple SMFSTAMP8 format can't be used; DURATM  
               field is packed decimal not binary and needs divide by an
               undocumented 10; the two RPO duration variables SM105SAR 
               and SM105SIR also needed an undocumented divide by ten;  
               the Product section's two variables are input and kept.  
              -Jun 4: IBM stored blanks for SM105SCD and SM105SCT which 
               caused INVALID data error. Test for blanks circumvents,  
               while a PMR is opened for the invalid data.              
   Thanks to Jeffrey A. Johns, UHC, USA.                                
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
Change 30.079  Cosmetic. Using EXEC SAS,CONFIG=CONFIMXG and MXGNAMES,   
VMXGINIT       DSNAMES in the //SOURCLIB concatenation are dynamically  
May  4, 2012   allocated in reverse order to their concatenated order,  
               and dataset SASHELP.VEXTFL, which MXG reads to print the 
               DSNAMES on the log at initialization, is also reversed.  
               A PROC SORT of VEXTFL by DESCENDING LEVEL was inserted to
               get the MXG list in correct order when CONFIMXG was used.
               When MXGSAS93 and "static" allocation is done in JCL, the
               value of LEVEL is zero and the DSNAMES are in the right  
               order; the sort doesn't alter that correct listing order.
Change 30.078  CICS Statistics storage variables in Change 29.221 were  
VMAC110        thought to be in GB, and were multiplied by 1073741824,  
May 28, 2012   but they are in MB, so they were 1024 times too large.   
               These variables are now multiplied by only 1048576 to    
               convert MB to bytes for the MGBYTES format:              
   Thanks to Homayoun Riaza, United Health Group, USA.                  
Change 30.077 -READDB2 internal parsing was revised to correctly process
READDB2          %LET MACKEEP=                                          
May  3, 2012       MACRO _WDB2ACP DB2ACCTP.DB2ACCTP %                   
                   MACRO _SDB2ACP                   %                   
                 %READDB2(IFCIDS=ACCOUNT STATS,                         
                          WANTONLY=DB2ACCT DB2ACCTP DB2STATS DB2STATB,  
               to create only DB2ACCT.DB2ACCT, DB2ACCTP.DB2ACCTP,       
               PDB.DB2STATS and PDB.DB2STATB datasets in those LIBNAMEs.
              -IFCID=STATS creates only/both PDB.DB2STATS & PDB.DB2STATB
               but Change 27.322 incorrectly listed only DB2STATS so the
               comments in READDB2 were clarified.                      
              -Minor logic changes: DB2STATB routing was suppressed with
               STATS, and SMF IDs to be read message only showed 101.   
              -Cleanup 106 message, detritus in WORK when IFCID=STATS is
               used (newish STATS creates ONLY the PDB.DB2STATS dataset)
               with PDBOUT=YES.                                         
Change 30.076  If USERADD= specified, but the length of xxx was 
UTILBLDP       less than 3 (e.g. 102.23 instead of 102.023), incorrect  
May  2, 2012   macro token _C10223 instead of _C102023 was created which
               caused unreferenced macro error.  Not reported by a user.
               Correction was when &LENGTH(&STRING2) was 1 or 2.        
Change 30.075 -Variables JOB JESNR JBL24 are now kept in TPMJBL24.      
VMACTPMX      -Variable READTIME is now kept in all TPMJBLxx datasets,  
May  2, 2012   since READTIME as well as JOB and JESNR are required to  
               uniquely identify a "JOB".                               
              -Variable TPMPCSDIFFER is now input as IB because it can  
               contain negative values.                                 
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc, USA.                            
ANALFIOE       is removed with LENGTH DEFAULT=&MXGLEN added in the DATA 
Apr 28, 2012   step that creates LCU from LCUID in TYPE78CF.  There was 
               no error because the two lengths were 5 and 8 and LCU is 
               only a 2-byte binary number.                             
   Thanks to Dan Case, Mayo Clinic, USA.                                
Change 30.073  Support for CA Vantage Storage Resource Manager 12.6.00, 
VMACSAMS       INCOMPAT: SAMSLGVR='X' in new records; MXG tested GE '6' 
May 29, 2012   when SAMS code was last updated.  SAMSPOOL fields were   
               restructured, from 4 to 8 bytes, some from PD to PIB.    
               New variables created in SAMSPOOL dataset:               
                 SAMSLPAR='LPAR NAME*WHERE*VANTAGE*RUNS'                
   Thanks to Robert Brosnan, Goldman Sachs & Co., USA.                  
Change 30.072  Support for RMF 74 APAR OA36831 which COMPATIBLY adds new
Apr 21, 2012   to TYPE74 dataset.                                       
Change 30.071  VMACTPX, written before _Vdddddd old-style macro were    
VMACTPX        designed, is updated to define and use those alternative 
Apr 21, 2012   tokens to control what's kept in MXG datasets.           
   Thanks to Erling Andersen, SMT Data, DENMARK.                        
Change 30.070  Support for CA-Spool Subtype 12 creates CNA9CX dataset,  
EXCMA0CX       but only creates the seven variables that were recognized
IMACCMA        by format and content with the subtype 11.  Additional   
VMACCMA        data fields will be decoded when documentation received. 
Apr 21, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to Orjan Lindholm, Volvo, SWEDEN.                             
Change 30.069  These new in z/OS 1.13 TYPE72GO vars were not populated  
VMAC7072        CPUPDPTM R723RTDM R723RTDC R723RTDT                     
Apr 20, 2012   because the test was 32 when only 24 bytes were added.   
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 30.068  RMM dataset EDGRDEXT was expected, but the "D" and "V"   
VMXGDSN        records were combined into the "X" record, so DAILYDSN   
Apr 20, 2012   was revised to use EDGRXEXT instead of EDGRDEXT.         
   Thanks to Jeff Dyke, USDA, USA.                                      
Change 30.067  LUNAME added where possible to SMF ID=119 example report.
Apr 19, 2012                                                            
Change 30.066  New version of Ferret record is supported for subtype 1  
VMACFERT       and 4, based on test data without the vendor's DSECT.    
Apr 20, 2012  -FERRET subtype 1 record with length of third triplet 80  
               caused INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED because that segment was 
               82 bytes in prior records. A LENLEFT test to protect was 
               added, but removing the +2 appears to realign subtype 1. 
              -FERRET subtype 4 record removed the +6 bytes at start.   
   Thanks to Bruce Sloss, PNC Bank, USA.                                
Change 30.065  Vendor segment for ETFR ID=80 SMF record caused MXG to   
Apr 18, 2012   had an extra byte (in 2004 when ETFR segment was last    
               updated!) that is not there now, DO Group bypassed.      
   Thanks to J. Grasing, Metropolitan Life, USA.                        
Change 30.064  Support for new MQ QJST 7.01B Stats Block adds 4 sets of 
VMAC115        ten variables with log statistics for each of up to four 
Apr 18, 2012   logs in the MQLOG dataset.                               
   Thanks to Joe Faska, Depository Trust, USA.                          
Change 30.063  The SMF 117 subtype 'IMFL' new variable SM17ACCT with the
VMAC117        'ACCOUNT*ORIGIN' is input and kept when it exists in the 
Apr 17, 2012   WebSphere SMF record.                            
   Thanks to Fabio Ottaviani, EPVTECH, ITALY.                           
====== Changes thru 30.062 were in MXG 30.02 dated Apr 15, 2012=========
Change 30.062  TYPE70 variable ENHDATAR='ENHANCED*DAT*ARCHITECTURE?" is 
VMAC7072       now created from Bit 7 of SMF70PRF.                      
Apr 12, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 30.061  BETA93 subtype 25 records support is revised to match the
VMACBETA       data records. The documentation for 4.1 release is wrong,
Apr 12, 2012   as there are not 256 reserved bytes at the end, which    
               caused INVALID DATA FOR BETASTRT messages, and support   
               for the 4.2 was wrong, causing INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED  
               RECORD LENGTH errors.                                    
Change 30.060  Support for TMON/DB2 V5, INCOMPATIBLE, only for DB2 V10. 
EXTMD2BA       Completely restructured records with new dataset names   
EXTMD2BB       and new variable names, so your reports will have to be  
EXTMD2BC       revised to use new MXG dataset names and variable names. 
EXTMD2BD       The new product suffix is TMD2, replacing TMDB, so you   
EXTMD2BE       will need to change your input DDname to //TMD2IN and    
EXTMD2BF       your MXG %INCLUDEd program to TYPETMD2 or TYPSTMD2.      
EXTMD2BH        DDDDDD   MXG     MXG                          SIMILAR TO
EXTMD2BJ        DATASET  DATASET DATASET                        OLD TMDB
EXTMD2BK        SUFFIX   NAME    LABEL                           DATASET
EXTMD2DA        TMD2BA   TMD2BA  SET CURRENT SQLID                      
EXTMD2DB        TMD2BB   TMD2BB  End of Identify                        
EXTMD2DC        TMD2BC   TMD2BC  End of Signon                          
EXTMD2DE        TMD2BD   TMD2BD  Authorization Failure                  
EXTMD2DW        TMD2BE   TMD2BE  Explicit GRANT/REVOKE                  
EXTMD2IB        TMD2BF   TMD2BF  DDL on Audited Object                  
EXTMD2ID        TMD2BG   TMD2BG  Write on Audited Object                
EXTMD2IG        TMD2BH   TMD2BH  Read on Audited Object                 
EXTMD2II        TMD2BJ   TMD2BJ  Utility started                        
EXTMD2IP        TMD2BK   TMD2BK  Utility Change                         
EXTMD2IT        TMD2BL   TMD2BL  Utility End                            
EXTMD2QS        TMD2DB   TMD2DB  Thread Accounting Data          TMDBDB 
EXTMD2SD        TMD2DC   TMD2DC  DB2 Command Activity                   
EXTMD2SL        TMD2DE   TMD2DE  Exception Definition/Event             
EXTMD2ST        TMD2DW   TMD2DW  DB2/IRLM Messages                      
EXTMD2TB        TMD2IB   TMD2IB  Interval BP Statistics          TMDBDAB
EXTMD2TD        TMD2ID   TMD2ID  Interval DDF Statistics         TMDBDAF
EXTMD2TG        TMD2IG   TMD2IG  Interval GBP Statistics                
IMACTMD2        TMD2II   TMD2II  Interval IFCID Statistics              
TYPETMD2        TMD2IP   TMD2IP  Interval Data Set Statistics           
TYPSTMD2        TMD2IT   TMD2IT  Interval IFI Trace Dest                
VMACTMD2        TMD2PK   TMD2PK  Thread Package Accounting       TMDBDBK
VMXGINIT        TMD2QS   TMD2QS  SQL Analyzer Statistics                
Apr 10, 2012    TMD2SD   TMD2SD  System Deadlock Detail                 
                TMD2SL   TMD2SL  System Deadlock/Timeout Victim         
                TMD2ST   TMD2ST  System Timeout Detail                  
                TMD2TB   TMD2TB  Thread BP Accounting            TMDBDBB
                TMD2TD   TMD2TD  Thread DDF Accounting           TMDBDBF
                TMD2TG   TMD2TG  Thread GBP Accounting                  
               All datasets have been extensively validated with test   
               data records, but with 10,000 new lines of source code,  
               there is some possibility of overlooked items.           
                  The original VM/XA MONWRITE support was also 10K lines
                  and took 150 hours across 10 days.  This project took 
                  only 5 days and about 50 hours, in part because you   
                  can teach an old dog new tricks, but also because the 
                  vendor "$$" aggregation file was used to generate each
                  INPUT line for each variable, with its INFORMAT and   
                  LABEL; most of the rest of the time was spent         
                  comparing each line with the DSECTS to find the       
                  reserved fields that were not in the $$ file and to   
                  find the undocumented bytes added for fullword        
               MXG previous support for pre-V5 TMON/DB2 did not support 
               any of the 'Bx' records (because no one sent sample data 
               records indicating they wanted those records supported!),
               but since ASG Technical Support provided samples of EVERY
               record type, ALL records, including the records that are 
               new in V5 (DB2 Command, Deadlock/Timeout, DataSet Status,
               and the new Interval and Thread data) are supported and  
               ALL have been data-tested (so hex-containing strings, the
               times and datetimes should be correctly formatted).      
               Check with ASG Customer Support that you have all PTF's  
               installed; not all datetimestamps were converted to the  
               local time zone, and some alignment corrections in new   
Change 30.059 -BLDSMPDB uses an execution of VGETSORT to build a list of
BLDSMPDB       the datasets for weekly and monthly processing.  In the  
Apr  9, 2011   case of monthly it was looking at the WEEK LIBNAME rather
               than the WEEK1 LIBNAME.  On ASCII this was not a problem 
               since both WEEK and WEEK1 existed albeit pointing at the 
               same directory, but on zOS that was not necessarily the  
               case.  VGETSORT was changed to point at WEEK1.           
              -When monthly/weekly was not being run and AUTOALOC was   
               set to NO, BLDSMPDB displayed a message that WEEK and    
               month LIBNAMES contained a date range that could have    
               been in error or not even existence.  Message is now     
               suppressed when AUTOALOC=NO.                             
              -Value of SORTEDBY is forced to NO when the length of     
               MXGNOBY is greater than 0 to suppress the BY statements  
               in WEEKLY/MONTHLY processing to optimize performance.    
               Change 29.008 removed BY processing for WEEK/MONTH in    
               old WEEKBLD/MONTHBLD logic, so BLDSMPDB is consistent.   
Change 30.058 -New variables added to RMF TYPE71 dataset by z/OS 1.13   
VMAC71         that were overlooked:                                    
Apr  2, 2012      SMF71L7M='MIN 1MB*FIXED*FRAMES*NOT IN USE'            
                  SMF71L7X='MAX 1MB*FIXED*FRAMES*NOT IN USE'            
                  SMF71L7A='AVG 1MB*FIXED*FRAMES*NOT IN USE'            
                  SMF71TLS='TOTAL*NUMBER OF*LOGICAL*SWAPS'              
              -SMF71LFA, added in MXG 30.01 was incorrectly aligned.    
              -And, starting with z/OS 1.13 the Swap Placement Section  
               does not exist, so the below 66 variables won't exist, so
               you could DROP them all from your TYPE71 dataset when all
               your systems are at that level, with this statement in   
               the //SYSIN stream that builds your TYPE71 dataset:      
                 %LET MACKEEP=  MACRO _KTY71  DROP=                     
                 % ;                                                    
   Thanks to Don Deese, (CPExpert), Computer Management Sciences, USA.  
Change 30.057  Support for TS7700 Version 2.0a (INCOMPATIBLE, due to    
FORMATS        insertion of new fields and increases in lengths of some 
VMACBVIR       existing fields, impacting BVIR30 and BVIR32 datasets).  
Apr  1, 2012  -New variable in dataset BVIR30:                          
              -New variables in dataset BVIR33:                         
                    5 more new variables                                
                    254 more new variables                              
              -FORMATS was updated for new media types JC, JY and JK.   
   Thanks to Louis Deledalle, BNPPARIABAS, FRANCE                       
   Thanks to Perry Lim, Union Bank, USA.                                
Change 30.056 -The DSNBRECD observation for a VOLSER created from the   
TYPETMS5       first DSNB record could have wrong values for variables  
Apr  4, 2012     DSNBWSCA DSNBDFLT                                      
               because those variables had values from the TMSREC-DSNB. 
               Now, the DSNB values are temporarily stored, the DSNB for
               the TMSREC DSN is created with those variables populated 
               from the corresponding TMSREC variables, and then the    
               DSNB variables are restored from temp storage.           
              -The values for DSNBECAT and DSNBWSCA in the DSNB created 
               from the TMSREC were reversed.                           
              -Value for TRTCH 'D0'x set DEVTYPE of 3590 but it's 9840, 
               and some additional DEVTYPE values were enhanced to show 
               the EF3/EF3M/EF3X/EE3/EE3M/etc descriptor text.          
              -In diagnosing the error, I also observed an inconsistency
               in MXG logic for TMSREC observations that have SCR='Y',  
               i.e., Scratch List VOLSERs: MXG did not create the pseudo
               DSNB observation for the TMSREC DSN for scratched volumes
               but all of the real DSNB observations are output, with no
               flag they are on a Scratch Volume, as that is a TMSREC   
               and not a DSNBREC attribute.  Now, that pseudo DSNB obs  
               is created for SCR='Y' volumes, and new variable SCRFLAG 
               is created in DSNBRECD so DSNBs on Scratch volumes can   
               be identified.                                           
   Thanks to Scott Rowe, Social Security Administration, USA.           
Change 30.055 -Support for DB2 APAR PM37956 to SMF 102 IFCID 25 added   
FORMATS        several new variables, two of which are decoded by new   
VMAC102        formats.                                                 
VMACDB2H      -Cosmetic: VMACDB2H updated to prevent two "MISSING" value
Mar 28, 2012   calculation messages.                                    
   Thanks to Paul J. Larsson, Aetna, USA.                               
   Thanks to Victoria Lepak, Aetna, USA.                                
Change 30.054 -ERROR: Divide by zero in SMF 73 records occurred in the  
VMAC73         new FICON Extended Data segment when SMF73PTI=0, which   
Mar 29, 2012   occurs for CHPIDs that are not ONLINE.  The new MXG code 
               failed to test SMF73PTI before the division (even though 
               all other divides where!).  Because TYPE73 observations  
               WERE only output if ONLINE='Y' and VALIDPTH='Y', these   
               segments that caused the divide by zero were not output, 
               so there was no impact on the contents of TYPE73 dataset.
               All SMF73PTI divides are now protected.                  
              -HOWEVER: The IBM Channel Path report does list CHPIDs    
               that are OFFLINE but have VALIDPTH='Y', so the logic in  
               VMAC73 is changed so that observations with EITHER the   
               ONLINE='Y' OR the VALIDPTH='Y' are output, in case you   
               actually need to see that a CHPID is offline.  This will 
               cause a small increase in the number of observations that
               are output in TYPE73 (256 CHPIDs are possible; in this   
               site's data, 59 were online and valid path, and 7 more   
               were valid path only that are now also output).          
   Thanks to Christine Ya DeClercq, DEXIA, BELGIUM.                     
Change 30.053 -Two variables were named CALTYPE, one in dataset VXSYTSPT
VMACVMXA       that is a one-byte flag, and one in VXMTRPAG & VXSTOATC  
Mar 21, 2012   which is a four byte field containing PAGE or SPOL, but  
Apr  2, 2012   the second was truncated to one byte by the first.  Since
               CALTYPE in VXSYTSPT is a flag that is unlikely to be used
               I have renamed it to CALTYPEP to eliminate truncation.   
              -Variable HFQUCT in VXBYUSR wasn't properly deaccumulated.
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 30.052  Some packed decimal variables notably TPTDBIO were not   
VMACIMS        protected for a full hex-zero field value; the needed    
VMACIMSA       "double question mark" has been inserted in each INPUT.  
Mar 21, 2012   Where the value is hex zero (because IBM did NOT prime   
               the field as a valid PD field) there is no impact on the 
               value of those variables as they will be a missing value 
               with or without the ??, but this change will eliminate   
               the INVALID DATA message and associated hex record dump. 
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
Change 30.051  Support for SYSVIEW PTF Test APAR TSD0144, for IMS data. 
EXSV34ES       Only SYSVIEW IMS records with that APAR can be read with 
EXSV34SU       this update; revisions to subtypes 34 and 35 were made.  
IMACSVIE      -New SV34ESS and SV34SUMM datasets are created.           
VMACSVIE      -Change 29.273 found LTERM names 'FDFFFFFF'x, which is the
VMXGINIT       indicator the transaction originated in MQ and entered   
Mar 30, 2012   IMS via OTMA: in this case, there isn't an LTERM, but the
Apr  2, 2012   next 8 bytes is the TPIPE name (e.g. CSQ800B9, which is  
Apr 26, 2012   in LUNAME field), so that TPIPE name is now used for the 
Jun  4, 2012   LTERM name.  Some records for OTMA transactions have the 
               LTERM name for TCP/IP port number.  MXG keeps the hex    
               value in IMTR_TRN_LTERM_HEX and stores LUNAME into LTERM.
              -In IMS V9, DBIOTIME and LOCKTIME fields are only valid in
               records from DBCTL subsystems, so those fields are set to
               a missing value when they are not valid.                 
              -Jun 4: two variables are no longer divided by /4096 :    
   Thanks to Martin Trinkler, CSC, ENGLAND                              
   Thanks to Arthur G. Hurlston, CSC, ENGLAND                           
Change 30.050  Support for SMF 85 records from z/OS 1.13 (INCOMPAT, due 
VMAC85         to new value of R85PVRM='1130'.                          
Mar 20, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to Joachim Sarkoschits, DATAEV eg, GERMANY.                   
Change 30.049  An extra semi-colon in the non-graphics PROC PLOT caused 
ANALCNCR       an error and was removed.                                
Mar 19, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to Steve Dyck, Canadian Depository, CANADA.                   
Change 30.048  If you specified a 9-character SAS date literal value, eg
VGETDDS        12MAR2012, only the first 7 characters were used, causing
Mar 19, 2012   the constructed Julian Date to be incorrect as 2020072.  
   Thanks to Brian Harvey, HCL America, USA.                            
Change 30.047  Support for BMC Mainview for MQ Version 5.1 (INCOMPAT).  
EXBBMQAL       MXG did not protect for changed segment lengths so this  
IMACBBMQ       update is required to read 5.1 data records.  The new    
VMACBBMQ       RTIN='EA'x record has not been tested, but it will create
VMXGINIT       observations in new dataset BBMQALTS; some variables will
Mar 18, 2012   be changed to datetime variables instead of character    
               when test data is available.                             
Change 30.046 -If you specified SUPPRESS=110, that did not suppress the 
UTILBLDP       creation of CICSTRAN, which requires //CICSTRAN to exist.
Mar 18, 2012  -If CICSTRAN was suppressed, ASUMUOW/ASUMCICX were still  
               invoked, causing errors.                                 
              -New values for suppress of DB2STAT CICSSTAT were added so
               you can separately suppress the statistical datasets.    
   Thanks to Chip Parsons Ingram Books, USA.                            
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
Change 30.045  Debugging PUT _N_= CPUUNITS= CPUTCBTM= removed; added for
VMAC30         testing of Change 29.025.                                
Mar 14, 2011                                                            
   Thanks to Murali K. Inuguru, CSC, India.                             
Change 30.044 -Updates to D062, D063, D060, VWRP, D059, D057, VWVS.     
VMACNTSM      -VMware.Guest.CPU                                         
EXNTDTAL        VWGCUSPC doesn't exist, removed.                        
EXNTDIRS        VWGCSWTM /*SWAP*WAIT*(MILLISECONDS) */ added.           
EXNTSRMD      -VMware.Host.CPU - the two Core utilization fields        
IMACNTSM        VWHCCORA and VWHCCORB were mislabeled as CPU utilization
VMACNTSM       Pending newdata/newnames updates to QLSS QLSE            
VMXGINIT        QLSS: MSSQL:SQL STATISTICS                              
Mar 11, 2012    QLSE: MSSQL:USER SETTABLE                               
Apr 15, 2012   New objects are now supported in Apr 15 iteration:       
                NTDTAL DTS.ALERTEVENT               -   4 DTAL.... vars 
                NTDIRS DIRECTORYSERVICES            - 164 DIRS.... vars 
                NTSRMD SERVICEMODELSERVICE  -  33 SRMD.... vars 
               User-found corrections after Mar 11 iteration:           
                vmware_guest_virtualdisk - keep D0590007-13.            
                vmware_host_storagepath - length of D0630009            
                  changed to $128. This is actually the concatenation of
                  three 32+ byte worldwide names (WWN). In my data they 
                  are delimited by periods but I'm not sure that will   
                  always be the case so let the user parse.             
                VMware.Host.Aggregate -  Add VWGCVMGU to keep list      
                VMWARE.GUEST.RESCPU - ELSE removed, dropped host/guest. 
                VMware.Host.CPU - Changed VWHCCPU to integer            
                VMWARE.HOST.MEMORY - vwhmtotc was too large             
   Thanks to Jim Quigley, ConEd, USA.                                   
Change 30.043  RMF III dataset ZRBASI Report Class Name/Description vars
VMACRMFV       ASIRNM and ASIRDE can have hex zero values, because IBM  
Apr 13, 2012   relocated the fields; SVPDCL is now 144 vs the documented
               and expected length of 76.  Now, ASIRNM is tested for hex
               zero and the INPUT moved when found true.                
              -Same change made for ZRBENC for ENCRNM and ENCRDE.       
              -Compatibility fix for RCDSDI field in RCD table record.  
               In older versions of ASMRMFV the offset to the RCDSD     
               (Subsystem Delay) section of the RCD record can be       
               incorrect causing an INPUT LENGTH EXCEEDED error and     
               VMACRMFV termination.  This fix recalculates the value of
               RCDSDI using other known valid fields.                   
              -RCD table flag variable RCDEFLAG is input as character,  
               but is actually a hexadecimal value.  Format $HEX2.  is  
               added for this variable for a correct display.  NOTE:    
               Variable RCDSDPH contains the decoded value of RCDEFLAG  
               for ease of use.                                         
              -Compatibility fix for ASIRNM/ASIRDE variables in ZRBASI  
               file and ENCRNM/ENCRDE variables in the ZRBENC file.  The
               Service Class data extension used to build these files   
               can have a length of 144 bytes instead of the documented 
               length of 76 bytes.  This caused VMACRMFV to input the   
               following Report Class data extension incorrectly so that
               these fields had bad values.  This fix accommodates a    
               length of 144 or 76 for the Service Class extension.     
              -The indexing variable to input the RCDSD array entries   
               was _I_ when it should have been _J_.  The _I_ subscript 
               was already being actively used.                         
              -Length checks used to validate input for the Service     
               Class and Report Class data extensions in the RCD table  
               were too short.                                          
    Thanks to Matthew Chappell, Dept. of Transport Main Roads, Australia
Change 30.042 -SMF AUDIT REPORT.  The existing _RPTID report in BUILDPDB
ANALID         is significantly enhanced, and new variables are created 
FORMATS        in the PDB.SMFRECNT to provide more detail of counts and 
IMACSMFF       percentages of records and bytes in your SMF data.  Each 
VMACID         obs summarizes an ID.SUBTYPE (described by new $MGSMFID  
VMACSMF        format), but records with Subsystem or Product Version   
VMXGINIT       (DB2A V10, CICSPROD TS4.2, RMF 1.12) are reported at that
Apr 14, 2012   level of detail. Plus, all obs have the min/max SMF time,
May 12, 2012   and any compressed records (DB2,CICS) are flagged!       
May 28, 2012  -The temporary WORK.ID dataset is created and summarized  
Jul  4, 2012   to create the PDB.SMFRECNT used for the report, and the  
May  6, 2013   new variables increase its size, but it is temporary, so 
               only //WORK space is used.  For BUILDPDB, the INCREASE in
               work space required is 25 CYL per Million SMF records.   
               When %ANALID(PDB=SMF) is executed standalone, 60 CYL of  
               //WORK space is needed per Million SMF records.          
               That small increase in BUILDPDB is because the old ID    
               dataset was compressed by default when it should not     
               have been; compression doubled its size (due to the small
               number of variables), but even the new ID is 9% larger if
               compressed, so the COMPRESS=NO Dataset Option is used for
               the WORK.ID dataset to minimize its space requirement.   
              -If work space is an issue, you can disable creation of   
               the WORK.ID dataset with %LET SMFAUDIT=ZEROID in //SYSIN.
              -If you want the original ID dataset without new variables
               and you are not changing the MACRO _KTYID, then you would
               use %LET SMFAUDIT=NO; in //SYSIN.                        
              -If you want to add new or drop existing variables in the 
               ID dataset, or you want to change the MACRO _KTYID, you  
               MUST use the SMFAUDIT=YES default, and use MACRO _KTYID  
               to KEEP new or DROP old variables, and you must add the  
               COMPRESS=NO option in your replacement MACRO _KTYID as   
               shown below.  To create new variables, your SAS code to  
               create them would be in MACRO _ETYID, as shown in this   
               syntax example (and as documented in member DOCMXG):     
                  %LET MACID=                                           
                    %QUOTE(MACRO _KTYID                                 
                                 DATE TIME                              
                           MACRO _ETYID                                 
                                 FORMAT DATE DATE9. TIME TIME12.2;      
                                 OUTPUT _WTYID;                         
                  %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPEID);                            
               Note that %QUOTE() must be used; %STR() fails.           
              -The new Audit Report goes to PRINT by default, but it can
               be redirected to ODS, on ASCII with this //SYSIN syntax: 
                %LET MACKEEP=%QUOTE(                                    
                  MACRO _RPDBID                                         
                 %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(BUILDPDB);                           
               or on z/OS, you would use this syntax:                   
                %LET MACKEEP=%QUOTE(                                    
                  MACRO _RPDBID                                         
                 %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(BUILDPDB);                           
              -You can also produce the SMF AUDIT REPORT directly from  
               an SMF file using:                                       
               to create all reports and the PDB.SMFRECNT dataset, and  
               additional arguments ODSTYPE=,ODSPATH=,ODSFILE= can be   
               specified on the %ANALID invocation for ODS/HTML output. 
              -VMACSMF was revised to create variable SUBSYSTEM for DB2,
               CICS, MQ records (100-102,110,115-116), for 26's (JES2/3)
               for 30s (JES3,TSO,STC,OMVS,etc.), for 6's (JES2/JES3/EXTW
               DB2 (V10), CICS (TS/4.2), RMF (ZV011300), and MQ (7.10). 
               This means that those variables are populated when the   
               IMACFILE/&IMACFILE exit is taken, so you can use them to 
               select those records by SUBSYSTEM/PRODVERSION either for 
               MXG processing, or if you want to write SMF records out  
               to a separate SMF file; see comments in IMACFILE.        
               Note May 6 2013: other attributes, such as COMPRESSED and
               DB2 ACCUMAC status have been added to the report but this
               text may not always be timely.                           
              -Format $MGSMFID maps IBM SMF TYPE numbers and Subtype to 
               describe each record/subtype.  User SMF records will be  
               counted by ID and subtype (if the subtype bit is on in   
               the USER record's SMF header), but with no explanation,  
               or counted just by ID if the subtype bit is NOT on in the
               USER SMF record, but you can create your own description 
               of USER SMF record that will be added to $MGSMFID format 
               by using the IMACSMFF member in your tailoring library,  
               following it's comments for syntax of your USER records. 
               After you SAVE your IMACSMFF member into your tailoring  
               library, you then need to update the MXG format library  
               by running                                               
                   //LIBRARY DD DISP=OLD                                
                   %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(FORMATS);                          
               which will update the MXG Format Library.                
               If you can not update the site's format library, you     
               can create this new format in a separate dataset and     
               use OPTIONS FMTSEARCH=(MYLIB LIBRARY); in the ANALID job.
              -Macro variable SMFAUDIT is defined in VMXGINIT.          
              -To summarize the overall options:                        
                 READSMF=YES  read SMF, create WORK.ID or PDB.ID, create
                              PDB.SMFRECNT, delete WORK.ID or keep      
                 READSMF=NO   read WORK.ID/PDB.ID, create PDB.SMFRECNT, 
                              delete WORK.ID or keep PDB.ID.            
                 PRINT=ONLY   read only PDB.SMFRECNT to print report.   
              -This rewrite of the _RPTID report was precipitated by:   
                 The previously posted error that caused LARGE INCREASE 
                 in elapsed run time when BUILDPDB had any output "PDB" 
                 data libraries (//PDB, //CICSTRAN, //DB2ACCT, etc.) on 
                 on tape or in sequential format.                       
                 That error is corrected in this change.                
                 But, to document the error and a circumvention:        
                 VERY long elapsed times in BUILDPDB if output PDB data 
                 libraries (//PDB, //CICSTRAN, //DB2ACCT) are on TAPE:  
                 PROC SQL reads the DICTIONARY.COLUMNS internal dataset,
                 but if any LIBNAME is on tape, the ENTIRE tape is read.
                 Site with 35 million CICSTRAN observations on tape took
                 3.5 hours to read SMF and then spend 3.1 hours in this 
                 PROC SQL, just to create the report of ID counts; this 
                 problem was introduced in MXG 29.03, Change 28.089.    
                 If you do not have MXG 30.02 with this Change 30.042,  
                 this Circumvention eliminates long elapsed times:      
                   Insert this statement                                
                     %LET MACKEEP=  MACRO _RPDBID  _RPDBIDO  %  ;       
                   in your //SYSIN DD input, or this macro definition   
                     MACRO _RPDBID  _RPDBIDO  %                         
                   in your IMACKEEP tailoring member. This will revert  
                   the SMF TYPE report to only count records.           
              -This change replaced PROC SQL with %VMXGOBS to correct   
               the elapsed run time error, and all other uses of PROC   
               SQL with DICTIONARY.COLUMNS have a specific LIBNAME, so  
               they had no exposure.                                    
   Thanks to Jim Hayes, Huntington National Bank, USA.                  
   Thanks to Marty Pruden, Purina Nestle, USA.                          
   Thanks to Michael Rhoades, Purina Nestle, USA.                       
   Thanks to Michael Oujesky, Bank of America, USA.                     
   Thanks to MP Welch, SAS Institute, USA.                              
Change 30.041  Support for EMC EzSM (z/OS Storage Manager) SMF record.  
EXEZSM01       Preliminary support - problems in record have opened a   
EXEZSM02       discussion with the vendor, but still no response when   
EXEZSM03       MXG 30.02 was created.                                   
Mar  7, 2012                                                            
Change 30.040 -Variable DOWNTM was a missing value in PDB.IPLS dataset  
VMAC0          after Change 29.032 used only ID=90 ST=8/10 to identify  
VMAC90A        a true system IPL; the DOWNTM=IPLTIME-PREVTIME was not   
VMACSMF        calculated for subtype 10 and the operator entered DTIME 
Mar  9, 2012   value was incorrectly used for the subtype 8 IPL PROMPT. 
              -Examination of events at a true IPL show that SMF records
               0 8 22 90 are written prior to the IPL event, and ID 2,3 
               can be written on other systems at other times, so these 
               records are all NOT used to set PREVSYS/PREVTIME.        
              -VMAC90A was updated to contain DOWNTM and IPLTIME in the 
               TYPE9008 and TYPE9010 datasets, for consistency.         
              -Dataset PDB.IPLS was revised to contain the old variables
               from the ID=0, even though it is created from ID=90/8-10.
   Thanks to Jorge Fong, NYC Information Technology, USA.               
Change 30.039  NDM-CDI record 'XO' caused "UNKNOWN SUBTYPE" log messages
VMACNDM        because 'XO' was not in the test for supported subtypes, 
Mar  6, 2012   but code was in place to output them in NDMDT dataset, as
               it is the same record structure.  Now, they are output.  
   Thanks to Betty Wong, Bank of America, USA.                          
Change 30.038  Support for DB2 IFCIDs 357 and 358; those datasets are   
VMAC102        now populated with the IFCID-specific variables.         
Mar  6, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to Terry L. Berman, DST Systems, USA.                         
Change 30.037  Support for BMC APPTUNE V6R3 SMF 102 records (INCOMPAT). 
VMAC102        These numeric variables were increased from 2 to 4 bytes 
Mar  6, 2012   causing mis-alignment of all subsequent variables:       
                 QBMCSCTN QBMCSTMT QBMCSOPN QBMCOPNN                    
               and these two new variables are inserted and now input:  
               and QBMCSQID QBMCIMPQ contain ASCII rather than EBCDIC.  
               BMC APPTUNE ID=102 IFCIDS are 8004x-800Bx & 8133x-8136x. 
               Only the 8133x record has been validated.                
   Thanks to Christa Neven, KBC, BELGIUM.                               
Change 30.036  On the first day of the month, the MTD value was         
VMXGALOC       calculated correctly but the MONTH value was the prior   
Mar  2, 2012   month.                                                   
   Thanks to Ruth Larsen, Computer Associates, USA.                     
Change 30.035  RSD/FOLDERS name fields were increased to $250, causing  
VMACRSDA       the AUDDNAME and other AUDDxxxx fields to be missing as  
Mar  2, 2012   those fields were located after the AUDFxxxx variables.  
   Thanks to Christa Neven, KBC, BELGIUM.                               
   Thanks to Marc Heremans, KBC, BELGIUM.                               
Change 30.034  VMXGGETM is used to select SMF records by ID and SUBTYPE,
VMXGGETM       but only supported 512 subtypes; BMC's APPTUNE product   
Mar  2, 2012   creates SMF 102 records with IFCIDS 8000x to 8136x which 
               caused VMXGGETM to fail with ARRAY ERROR.  This change   
               increases the array to support 33078 (8136x) to protect  
               the BMC records, keeping the REGION size to about 84MB.  
               (VMXGGETM is also used in JCLTESTx to create SMFSMALL, so
               I don't want new users to die with insufficient REGION in
               their first MXG test job.  Setting the array size to the 
               max possible 65536 for the two-byte field needed 150MB.) 
   Thanks to Christa Neven, KBC, BELGIUM.                               
   Thanks to Wim Hermans, KBC, BELGIUM.                                 
Change 30.033  Cosmetic.  Missing value calculation for PHSTARTM when it
VMAC110        was missing is protected for ID=110 MNSEGCL=5 Resource   
Mar  1, 2012   Record (dataset CICSRDS).                                
   Thanks to Tom Buie, Southern California Edison, USA.                 
Change 30.032 -Stored LENGTH of QWHxxxxx variables now $128 in DB2ACCT. 
VMACDB2        This text was re-written Mar 27, but no code was changed.
VMACDB2H       These DB2 Variables are all now stored as LENGTH $128:   
Oct  3, 2012   because IBM has increased those lengths (history below)  
Mar 28, 2013   and now many of these variables do contain more than     
               eight bytes, especially if you have distributed systems  
               with those long open-system name fields.                 
               But with the (MXG DEFAULT) COMPRESS=YES option enabled,  
               these stored lengths can be increased, so no data values 
               are truncated, without significant DASD space increase,  
               since most of those nine-plus bytes are still blank.     
              -However, you can change those lengths if, for example,   
               the CPU cost of compress is more expensive than the DASD 
               disk space cost. See NEWSLETTER SIXTY, Section VI.7,     
               in member NEWSLTRS for the complete documentation in     
               "Changing the length of MXG variables", which shows      
               this syntax can be used (only) for character variables.  
                 //SYSIN DD *                                           
                  %LET MACFILE=                                         
                    %QUOTE( LENGTH                                      
                            VAR1 VAR2 VAR3                              
                            $8 ;                                        
                  %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(whatever);                          
               Some History:                                            
               In 2004, IBM increased the length of several fields and  
               MXG Change 22.196 in 2004 increased INPUT to $128 for    
               but that change noted that they were not stored as $128, 
               because in 2004 some MXG sites still had SAS V6 that did 
               not support COMPRESS=YES, which is required to increase  
               stored length without DASD increases (as most bytes are  
               still blanks).                                           
               Sometime after 2004, IBM increased header variables      
                 QWHSLOCN and QWHDSVNM and MXG increased INPUT length.  
               MXG Change 24.136 in 2006 increased these INPUTs to $128 
                 QLACLOCN QLSTLOCN QMDALOCN QWACNID                     
               This change, 30.032 increased these INPUTs to $128       
                 QPACASCH QPACAANM                                      
               This change, 30.032 increased the stored lengths of all  
               of the DB2 variables listed above that were not already  
               kept as $128.                                            
              -Note added Jun 8:  Some DB2 fields can contain an IP     
               address, Port Number, and a timestamp in this format:    
                 -------------- ----- ------------                      
                   |             |     |                                
                   |             |     |-- Unique field ( timestamp real
                   |             |                                      
                   |             |-- Port address                       
                   |- Requester IP Address                              
               One example is QWHCCTKN the new Correlation Token in V10.
              -Note added Oct 3, 2012: QWHCCV was restored to $12 by    
               Change 30.200.                                           
              -DB2 variable QWHDRQNM can now contain an ipv6 address,   
               which is longer than the default kept $16 length, causing
               right-most characters to be truncated.  Change 22.196 in 
   Thanks to Fred Wondra, Balboa Insurance, USA.                        
   Thanks to Mark Nakatani, WiPRO, USA.                                 
   Thanks to Jim Meurer, Transamerica, USA.                             
Change 30.031  Requesting IFCIDS=ACCOUNT with IFCIDS from SMF 102 could 
READDB2        cause zero observations in some or all of the T102Snnn   
VMXGDEL        datasets that were requested.  This error was in 29.29   
Feb 24, 2012   and probably earlier MXG READDB2s.                       
Mar  4, 2012  -Cosmetic.  READDB2 accepts IFCIDS=1 or 2 for STATISTICS  
               and 3 for ACCOUNT and prints all selected IFCIDS in its  
               feedback list of what will be selected by READDB2.       
               Requesting ACCOUNT processes IFCIDs 3 and 239.           
               Requesting Statistics processes IFCIDs 1 2 202 225 230.  
              -A strange compiler error, only in SAS V9.2, inserted a   
               blank when MACRO _LDB2PAT &PDBOUT..DB2GBPAT % was at the 
               bottom of that list of macro definitions, causing compare
               of WORK .DB2GBPAT with WORK.DB2GBPAT to be different, so 
               VMXGDEL incorrectly deleted that dataset. Relocating that
               one line to the top of the list of MACROs happened to    
               circumvent the error, but that was far too fragile, since
               another line relocation could reinstate the error, and as
               VMXGDEL is the only part of MXG that does exact compares 
               of dataset macro tokens that could be impacted by a blank
               after the DDNAME/LIBNAME, it now removes the blank.      
   Thanks to Christopher Bray, Experian Information Solutions, USA.     
Change 30.030  Variable VMDSTATE is now decoded by $MGVXADS format.     
FORMATS            VALUE $MGVXADS                                       
VMACVMXA           '00'X='00X:IDLE'                                     
Feb 23, 2012       '08'X='08X:SUSPENDED'                                
                   '37'X='37X:TEST IDLE'                                
                   '42'X='42X:READY FOR SELECTION'                      
                   '4D'X='4DX:SELECTED FOR PROCESSING'                  
                   '58'X='58X:REVIEW IDLE'                              
                   '63'X='63X:REVIEW SUSPENDED'                         
                   OTHER=?< $HEX2. ?>                                   
   Thanks to Joe Faska, Depository Trust, USA.                          
Change 30.029  ODS macro enhanced with USERTEXT= argument so you can add
VMXGODSO       options to the generated ODS statement.                  
Feb 23, 2012                                                            
Change 30.028  RMF III dataset ZRBASI Report Class Name/Description vars
VMACRMFV       ASIRNM and ASIRDE can have hex zero values, because IBM  
Feb 23, 2012   relocated the fields; SVPDCL is now 144 vs the documented
               and expected length of 76.  Now, ASIRNM is tested for hex
               zero and the INPUT moved when found true.                
              -Same change made for ZRBENC for ENCRNM and ENCRDE.       
Change 30.027  Variable SM1209BM, WebSphere Version Number, defaulted to
VMAC120        length $7 from the original equation, but as it can now  
Feb 22, 2012   have a value of '', its length is now set to $8. 
   Thanks to Rudolf Sauer, T-Systems International GmbH, GERMANY        
Change 30.026  %UTILCPLG will copy your .LOG and .LST files, adding the 
UTILCPLG       date-time into the new file name, when you run MXG on    
Feb 17, 2012   Windows or Unix platforms in BATCH execution, so you can 
               archive and identify each MXG job's log/list files.      
               The %UTILCPLG; statement must be the last statement in   
               your batch program; the log filename will be
               xxxxxxxx-16FEB12-19-51.LOG.  The new named files are kept
               in the execution directory by default, but arguments let 
               you store them in other destinations.                    
   Thanks to Chip Parsons, Ingram Books, USA.                           
Change 30.025  Support for TMON for MQ Version 2.2/2.3/2.4 INCOMPATIBLE.
VMACTMMQ       All three version's LMRKVRSN field changed from binary to
Feb 16, 2012   EBCDIC.  Version 2.4 changed the fixed offset of @37 to  
Feb 24, 2012   @81 but that was NOT documented. The actual data segments
Mar  1, 2012   content was not changed in these three iterations, and   
Mar  5, 2012   only Version 2.2 and 2.4 have been validated with data.  
               and QACLOSTM were all on the GMT clock, while all other  
               datetimestamps are on the LOCAL clock.  This change uses 
               the ENDTIME (LOCAL) and the REGNTIME (GMT) to calculate  
               the GMT offset (REGNTIME can be scores of milliseconds   
               later than ENDTIME due to differing resolutions):        
               and then the GMT datetimes are converted to LOCAL using  
              -The label for REGNTIME was wrong; it is corrected to be: 
                 REGNTIME='DACLK*WHEN RECORD*WAS WRITTEN'               
   Thanks to Homayoun Riazi, UHC, USA.                                  
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
   Thanks to Michael Ellingson, UHC, USA.                               
   Thanks to James D. Lieser, UHC, USA.                                 
Change 30.024  New format MG073FE decodes SMF73GEN and R79CGEN FICON    
FORMATS        Express "Generation", precipitated by Martin's MXG-L post
VMAC73         and Pat's update request and Brian's reminder to include 
VMAC79         79's, with some values below provided by Cathy.          
Feb 17, 2012   Dec 2:  IBM confirmed reports print the hex value, so MXG
Nov  5, 2012   now formats SMF73GEN as hex to be consistent with that   
Dec  2, 2012   undocumented-by-IBM design, but RMF Level 2 has NOT been 
               able to document if any of the unknown values below exist
                  01X='01X:FEX OP@1GBPS'                                
                  02X='02X:FEX OP@2GBPS'                                
                  03X='03X:FEX2/FEX4 AUTO@1GBPS'                        
                  04X='04X:FEX2/FEX4 AUTO@2GBPS'                        
                  05X='05X:FEX4 OP@4GBPS'                               
                  07X='07X:FEX8 AUTO@2GBPS'                             
                  08X='08X:FEX8 AUTO@4GBPS'                             
                  09X='09X:FEX8 OP@8GBPS'                               
                  13X='13X:FC_S*FICON EXPRESS8S'                        
               Nov 5: Decimal value 17 and 19 were found by IBM's Martin
               Packer although others in IBM support are apparently not 
               aware of those undocumented values.                      
               Dec 2: APAR OA40204 reports 'FC_?' or blank value may be 
               printed for channels dynamically added; restart of the   
               RMF address space will correct to FC_S.                  
               Dec 11: IBM RMF Level 2 confirmed that RMF reports show  
               value '13' unexplained for FICON Express 8S so the MXG   
               format was expanded to include that descriptions in the  
               FORMATS member and above.                                
   Thanks to Dr. H. Pat Artis, Performance Associated, USA.             
   Thanks to Brian Currah, Independent Consultant, CANADA.              
   Thanks to Martin Packer, IBM, ENGLAND.                               
   Thanks to Cathy Cronin, IBM, USA.                                    
   Thanks to Linda Berkeley, DISA, USA                                  
Change 30.023  A third-party product creates invalid DB2 ID=101 records.
VMACDB2        MXG's error message cites 1994's Change 12.220 and APARs,
VMACSMF        because IBM made the same error (IFCID=239 as subtype 0  
Feb 14, 2012   versus correct subtype=1) back then.  This change reads  
               the DB2 Header and uses the IFCID to set the SUBTYPE for 
               ID=101 to circumvent the product's error, so the customer
               won't have to wait for their vendor to fix their record. 
               The error occurs in both DB2 V9.1 and DB2 V10.1 records; 
               in V10.1, IBM (finally!) populates the first byte of the 
               SMF header for ID=100/101 with the "record has subtypes" 
               bit, but that enhancement was not made in this product.  
               The MXG customer chose to not identify the third-party.  
               March 7: MXG customer reports vendor corrected the error.
               But this change is robust and will be left in place.     
               July 27: See Change 30.137.  This change was NOT robust! 
Change 30.022  Cosmetic.  Format $MGDB2PK was associated with variable  
VMACDB2        QPACAAFG but was lost in 29.29 and 30.01.  It is restored
Feb 14, 2012   now but FORMAT QPACAAFG $MGDB2PK.; can be used in your   
               DB2 reports to "print pretty".                           
   Thanks to Matthew Chappell, Dept. of Transport Main Roads, AUSTRALIA 
====== Changes thru 30.021 were in MXG 30.01 dated Feb 13, 2012=========
Change 30.021 -Numerous updates for processing RACF Unload under ASCII. 
EXRAC130       Variables input as $EBCDIC should have been $CHAR in 0500
EXRAC207       and later records; double-question-mark protection for   
EXRAC208       missing values has been added.                           
EXRAC280      -New ACCOUNT variable is created in RACF0220 and RACF0260 
EXRAC2B0       as length $40 containing both ACCOUNT1 and ACCOUNT2.     
EXRAC508      -Structural support for new RECTYPE values defines all the
EXRAC5B0       macros and creates/updates the members to create datasets
IMACRACF       for 0130,0207,0208,0280,02B0,0508 and 05B0, but in this  
VMACRACF       iteration, none of those records are yet decoded; only   
VMXGINIT       variable ZDATE is kept in those new datasets.            
Feb 12, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to Matthew Chappell, Dept. of Transport Main Roads, AUSTRALIA 
Change 30.020  Support for MacKinney Systems VTAM SWITCH USER SMF RECORD
EXVTSW01       creates these four datasets:                             
EXVTSW02         DDDDDD     DATASET   DESCRIPTION                       
EXVTSW04         VTSW01     VTAMSW01  USER SIGNON EVENT                 
IMACVTSW         VTSW02     VTAMSW02  USER SIGNOFF EVENT                
TYPEVTSW         VTSW03     VTAMSW03  SESSION START EVENT               
TYPSVTSW         VTSW04     VTAMSW04  SESSION STOP EVENT                
VMACVTSW       This support has not yet been data-validated.            
Feb 10, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to Eric R. Carlson, Kroger                                    
Change 30.019  Cosmetic.  Both members incorrectly had RACFIN as the DD 
TYPERACF       name, but the correct DDNAME was always IRDBU00 to read  
TYPSRACF       the unloaded RACF Database, as that is also the program  
Feb 10, 2012   name used to create the unloaded file.                   
   Thanks to Donald Williams, UNC Health Care System, USA.              
Change 30.018 -Cosmetic, but confusing.  The label for TYPE4224 variable
VMAC42         AORMEMNM contained "RENAMED" but the corrected label and 
Feb  9, 2012   events are AORMEMNM='ADDED OR*REPLACED*MEMBER*NAME'.     
              -New variable ADDREPLA contains A or R for ADD/REPLACED.  
              -Dataset TYPE4225 is created for RENAMEs.                 
   Thanks to Joe Kimberly, Yellow Freight, USA.                         
Change 30.017  MXG 29.29 ITRM.  ERROR: DATASET DB2ST225 IS NOT SORTED.  
DOC            ITRM SAS Note 45583 documents the error and ultimate fix,
Feb  9, 2012   but it is circumvented, simply, by inserting             
                 %LET EPDBOUT=_SDB2225;                                 
               as the first statement in your //SYSIN DD.               
Change 30.016  RMF III dataset ZRBLCP did not remove duplicates when it 
VMACRMFV       was sorted; variables LPARNAME LPARNUM LCPUADDR were     
Feb  8, 2012   added at the end of MACRO _BZRBLCP to correct.           
   Thanks to Wayne Bell, UniGroup, USA.                                 
Change 30.015  MXG 29.29.  JCL Proc examples had a trailing comma on the
MXGSAS         new (unused, for the future) //MXGTEMP DD statement that 
Jan 24, 2012   needed to be removed.                                    
Change 30.014 -Support for APAR OA33947/OA339448 which adds four fields 
ASUMTAPE       to the TYPE21/PDB.TAPES (tape dismount) dataset:         
VMAC21            SMF21MCR='BYTES*READ*BY*CHANNEL'                      
Feb  8, 2012      SMF21MCW='BYTES*WRITTEN*BY*CHANNEL'                   
              -ASUMTAPE was enhanced to also add these four variables,  
               plus SMF21CRR and SMF21CRW to PDB.ASUMTAPE.              
              -These fields exist with the APAR (record is longer), but 
               they are only populated for IBM System Storage TS1140    
               Tape Drive, device type 3592 Model E07, which has three  
               new 3592 media types (MEDIA11/12/13) and two new         
               recording formats EFMT4 (enterprise format 4) and EEFMT4 
               (enterprise encrypted format 4).  MEDIA11/MEDIA12 have a 
               non-compressed capacity of 4000 GB and MEDIA13 500 GB.   
   Thanks to Scott S. Throckmorton, SPRINT, USA.                        
   Thanks to John A. Napuarno, SPRINT, USA.                             
Change 30.013  If you specified RUNWEEK=YES on zOS you may have gotten  
BLDSMPDB       an MXGWARN message about overlaying weekly datasets. If  
Feb  8, 2012   you are using fixed allocations for your weekly datasets 
               this is normal and can be ignore but, if you are using   
               GDGs (recommended) and/or putting the weekly to tape it  
               is not needed.  BLDSMPDB now looks (on zOS) to see if    
               you specified WEEKTAPE=YES or are writing to a GDG and   
               then suppresses the copying of the weekly PDBs.          
   Thanks to Peter Farrell, Commerce Bank of Kansas, USA.               
Change 30.012  Cosmetic.  Removal of the annoying and useless SAS note  
Feb  8, 2012   of a QUIT statement after each PROC SQL. Members touched:
                  VMXGUOW  ANALID                                       
   Thanks to Nick Johns, Sainsbury's Supermarkets Ltd, ENGLAND.         
Change 30.011  CRITICAL ERRROR FOR JES3 BUILDPD3 users with MXG 29.29:  
BUIL3005       Line 483 in BUIL3005 MUST BE CHANGED TO (MULTIDD=' ').   
Feb  8, 2012   That line in 29.29 had MULTIDD='Y' which caused the PDB  
               library datasets PDB.JOBS/PDB.STEPS/PDB.PRINT to all be  
               COMPLETELY WRONG. Change 29.263 correctly made the change
               to the BUILD005 member for JES2 but was reversed in the  
               JES3 BUIL3005 member.                                    
   Thanks to Rob Hermes, Sentry Insurance, USA.                         
Change 30.010  Variable STFBIT06 was incorrectly set equal to STFBIT05. 
VMAC7072       Variable STFBIT07='SMF70GAU*VALID?' is created and kept. 
Feb  8, 2012                                                            
   Thanks to Karl Lasecki, Chemical Abstracts Service, USA.             
Change 30.009 -Support for SMF 119 Subtype 6 z/OS 1.13 INCOMPAT. Doesn't
VMAC119        cause an error, but values in 2nd and subsequent segments
VMXGIPV6       are trashed because MXG did not protect for a change in  
Jan 31, 2012   length of the subtype 6 record.                          
Feb  7, 2012  -Subtype 2 TTAPLDAT variable supported.                   
Jul 12, 2012  -Support for all IPV6 addresses in TYPE119 datasets, using
               the VMXGIPV6 %macro to convert the $CHAR16 hex field into
               the 39-character format. Some IPV6 addresses did exist in
               variables with names ending in 6, but this new suite of  
               variable's names end with IPV6.                          
              -Only these SMF 119 subtypes have been validated with data
                  1,2,3,5,6,7,10,20,21,70 and 72.                       
              -The subtype 2 record has an old note suggesting that     
                 Because this information duplicates all information    
                 contained in the TCP connection initiation (subtype 1) 
                 record, only collect the TCP connection termination    
                 record (subtype 2).                                    
              -Jul 13:  Variable UCLIPV6 was not kept until now; it was 
               incorrectly spelled UCLIPB6 but could be added using     
   Thanks to Karl Lasecki, Chemical Abstracts Service, USA.             
   Thanks to Robert Hamilton, Chemical Abstracts Service, USA.          
   Thanks to Jose Neto, Public Authority Civil Info, KUWAIT.            
   Thanks to Arylon Brooks, Verizon Wireless, USA.                      
   Thanks to Scott S. Throckmorton, SPRINT, USA.                        
Change 30.008  CICS/TS 4.2 ERROR INVALID STILEN for STID=116 Statistics 
VMAC110        record was an MXG coding error exposed by the 156 bytes  
Jan 31, 2012   of new data that MXG had overlooked, causing the CICSJS  
               dataset to have no observations created, and possible MXG
               skipping subsequent statistics segments in that record.  
               New variables added to CICSJS dataset are:               
                 SJSMAJCP='TOTAL*CPU IN*MAJOR*GC'                       
                 SJSMAJFR='STORAGE*FREED*BY*MAJOR GC'                   
                 SJSMINCP='TOTAL*CPU IN*MINOR*GC'                       
                 SJSMINFR='STORAGE*FREED*BY*MINOR GC'                   
                 SJSSYTHN='NR WAITING*ON*SYS*THREAD'                    
                 SJSSYTHP='PEAK*WAITING*ON SYS*THREAD'                  
                 SJSSYTCN='WAITS ON*SYSTEM*THREAD'                      
   Thanks to Thomas H. Puddicombe, CSC, USA.                            
Change 30.007  PMSTA01/PMSTA02 DB2 Statistics reports with INTERVAL=DATE
ANALDB2R       created multiple observations for each date because SHIFT
VMXGDBSS       was in the SUMBY= list in VMXGDBSS.  That SUMBY argument 
Jan 29, 2012   is now a parameter with the current default values and   
               uses the new parameter in ANALDB2R when required by the  
               requested INTERVAL value. Also, errors in page numbering 
               were cosmetic - no data was skipped - just page numbers  
               were, due to an extra LINK in the heading routine.       
   Thanks to Charles Savikas, DCF, State of Florida, USA.               
Change 30.006  Support HSM USER SMF changes (COMPATIBLE) in z/OS 1.12.  
VMACHSM       -Dataset HSMDSRST:                                        
Jan 29, 2012    DSRFRBKT DSRFRBKF DSRFRRCT DSRFRRCF                     
              -Dataset HSMFSRBO:                                        
                FSRDATRD FSRDLMD  DSRDATED                              
              -Dataset HSMFSRST:                                        
                FSRF9ATT FSRSRCDV FSRRETDY                              
              -Dataset HSMVSRST:                                        
              -Dataset HSMWWFSR:                                        
                WFSRRETS WFSRXMNT WFSRHOST WFSRF9AT                     
              -These existing variables still contain julian date values
               but new corresponding SAS DATE variables are now created 
               with DATE9. format (prints 29JAN2012) for prettiness and 
               so they can be directly subtracted for delta-days:       
               These date variables were never kept; they are now kept  
               and are now SAS Date Variables with DATE9. format.       
                 WFSRDATR WFSRDATS WFSRDATE                             
               Variable FSRDATE is always missing; it was sometimes     
               missing and sometimes 0 (which printed 01JAN1960).       
              -Datasets HSMFSRTP and HSMWWVOL had no observations so    
               they have not been validated.                            
   Thanks to Randall R. Schlueter, First Data Corporation, USA.         
Change 30.005  If you used UTILBLDP to create your BUILDPDB code and    
UTILBLDP       you used the MXGINCL parameter to include members that   
BLDSMPDB       were not in the default list, they were ignored.  Now    
Jan 29, 2012   they will not be ignored.  They can alternatively be in  
               the INCLAFTR= parameter (where they wouldn't have been   
               ignored).  When BLDSMPDB used the output of UTILBLDP as  
               as the source of the BUILDPDB code, it didn't use the    
               AUTOINC= parameter, but now it does.  With this change   
               members can be included after the BUILDPDB step from one 
               one of these three parameters:                           
               UTILBLDP - MXGINCL or INCLAFTR                           
               BLDSMPDB - AUTOINC                                       
               But, if the same member appears in more than one it will 
               be executed more than once.                              
              -MXGINCL should primarily be used to remove these members 
               that are automatically included:                         
                 ASUMTMNT ASUMTALO ASUMDBAA ASUMDBSS                    
               One or more can be removed if you choose.  The same is   
               true of the AUTOINC parameter in BLDSMPDB, but when you  
               build the BUILDPDB code with UTILBLDP, that parameter is 
               not used.                                                
   Thanks to Peter Farrell, Commerce Bank of Kansas, USA.               
Change 30.004  Some FICON-related variables values were wrong in TYPE73.
VMAC73         RMF documentation implied that DURATM should be used for 
Jan 27, 2012   the interval duration, but the Channel Path Measurement  
               Interval SMF73PTI should have been used, and subtraction 
               from EOC and ETC were also wrong. Fortunately, the input 
               variables to these calculated variables are in dataset   
               TYPE73 so they can be recalculated with this SAS code:   
                 IF SMF73EOC GT 0 THEN CHFACTV=SMF73EOS/SMF73EOC;       
                 ELSE SMF73EOC=.;                                       
                 IF SMF73ETC GT 0 THEN CHFXACTV=SMF73ETS/SMF73ETC;      
                 ELSE SMF73ETC=.;                                       
               without rebuilding the TYPE73 dataset from SMF records.  
               And the RMF documentation will (hopefully) be revised.   
   Thanks to Steve Olenik, IBM System z Processor Performance, USA.     
Change 30.003  Spurious XAM INVALID CPU RECORD messages were due to a   
VMACXAM        mislocated SKIP=0; statement if SEGLEN=100.  This MXG    
Jan 27, 2012   error caused XAMCPUBY to have only one observation.      
   Thanks to Robert Obee, IMSHealth, USA.                               
Change 30.002  Change 29.238 typo in line 250:                          
VMACM204        IF ID= _M204LOG OR _IDM204L  THEN DO;                   
Jan 27, 2012   was corrected to                                         
                IF ID= _M204LOG OR ID= _IDM204L  THEN DO;               
               So that the correct Model 204 dataset was output.        
   Thanks to Steve Bagshaw, Marks & Spencer, ENGLAND.                   
Change 30.001  MXG Format MGD319F had reversed decoding the Encryption  
FORMATS        type.  The correct values are: '00'X:DES, '40'X:AES.     
VMAC102       -Variable QW0319UR is created from first bit of QW0319FL, 
Jan 25, 2012   QW0319FLL is now used for the input of QW0319FL (so that 
               any new bits are available), and QW0319FL will be either 
               '00'X or '40'X (unless IBM changes its definition).      
   Thanks to Jason Bierman, Great Lakes Educational Loan Services, USA. 
LASTCHANGE: Version 30.