ANNUAL: MXG Version 32.32 is  dated Jan  6, 2015, thru Change 32.309    
        MXG Version 32.12 was dated Dec 23, 2014, thru Change 32.304    
        MXG Version 32.11 was dated Dec  2, 2014, thru Change 32.283    
First   MXG Version 32.11 was dated Dec  1, 2014, thru Change 32.281    
        MXG Version 32.10 was dated Oct 16, 2014, thru Change 32.240    
First   MXG Version 32.10 was dated Oct 10, 2014, thru Change 32.237    
        MXG Version 32.09 was dated Sep  9, 2014, thru Change 32.218    
        MXG Version 32.08 was dated Aug 21, 2014, thru Change 32.201    
        MXG Version 32.07 was dated Aug  3, 2014, thru Change 32.181    
        MXG Version 32.06 was dated Jul 21, 2014, thru Change 32.170    
        MXG Version 32.05 was re-dated Jun 18, 2014, thru Change 32.138 
First   MXG Version 32.05 was dated Jun 16, 2014, thru Change 32.136    
Actual  MXG Version 32.04 was dated Apr 27, 2014, thru Change 32.101    
First   MXG Version 32.04 was dated Apr 23, 2014, thru Change 32.099    
        MXG Version 32.03 was dated Apr  3, 2014, thru Change 32.078    
        MXG Version 32.02 was dated Feb 26, 2014, thru Change 32.042    
        MXG Version 32.01 was dated Feb  6, 2014, thru Change 32.025    
ANNUAL  MXG Version 31.31 was dated Jan 20, 2014, thru Change 31.296    
  MXG Newsletter SIXTY-TWO was dated Sep  1, 2013.                      
Instructions for ftp download can be requested by using this form:                          
Your download instructions will be sent via return email.               
Contents of member CHANGES:                                             
I.    Current MXG Software Version 32.32 is available upon request.     
II.   SAS Version requirement information.                              
III.  WPS Version requirement information.                              
IV.   MXG Version Required for Hardware, Operating System Release, etc. 
V.    Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 32.32.                  
VI.   Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
VII.  Changes Log                                                       
  Member NEWSLTRS contains Technical Notes, especially APARs of interest
  and is updated with new notes frequently.  All Newsletters are online 
  at in the "Newsletters" frame.                     
  Member CHANGES contains the changes made in the current MXG version.  
  Member CHANGESS contains all changes that have ever been made to MXG. 
  All MXG changes are also online at, in "Changes".  
I.  MXG Version 32.32 dated Jan  6, 2015, thru Change 32.309.           
  Major enhancement added in MXG 32.32, dated Jan  6, 2015:             
  TYPETMO2 32.309  Support for ASG TMON/CICS Version 4 INCOMPATIBLE.    
  TYPE50   32.307  TYPE50 LENGTH=254, INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED.         
  BLDSMPDB 32.306  RUNDAY=NO incorrectly executed the PDBAUDIT report.  
  Major enhancement added in MXG 32.12, dated Dec 23, 2014:             
  Errors corrected:                                                     
  TYPE112  32.295  Long BY list, HOST SORT CAN NOT BE USED, MXG error.  
  UTILVREF 32.295  QA UTILVREF now detects long BY lists for HOST SORT. 
  TYPENDM  32.284  NDM 'PT' INVALID SUBSTR, A#/C#/D#/S$/U#/UK supported.
  TYPE22   32.288  MXG 32.03-MXG 32.11 Type 22 UNKNOWN SECID=40 error.  
  New Support:                                                          
  TYPE105  32.291  Support for GDPS SMF 105 2-byte fields APAR PI26702. 
  TYPEIMS7 32.290  Larger DLREXTIM time now used for (archaic) IMSCPUTM.
  ASMIMSL6 32.290  Larger DLREXTIM time now used for (archaic) IMSCPUTM.
  VGETJESN 32.296  &MACJESN can delete records by TYPETASK (e.g. OMVS). 
  ASUMDB2A 32.293  Warning when "Rollups" are detected, summarized data.
  AUTOEXEC 32.292  Old MXG SORTSIZE=400M removed, default SORTSIZE used.
  BLDSMPDB 32.299  %PDBAUDIT invocation can capture ALL "PDBs".         
  PDBAUDIT 32.297  %PDBAUDIT can be bypassed with PRINTAUDIT=NO.        
  Major enhancement added in MXG 32.11, dated Dec  2, 2014:             
  MOBILWRK 32.279  MOBWRK02,MOBWRK05 enhanced, STARTHR in all merges.   
  PDBAUDIT 32.274  Report enhanced, SORTEDBYSIZE, commas in numbers.    
  SMFINTRV 32.271  New SMFINTRV member creates PDB.SMFINTRV from SMF.   
  IHDRBVIR 32.270  The IHDRBVIR "BVIR Header" exit was overlooked.      
  ANALDSCK 32.268  New "DSNAME Check" reads all SMF with a DSNAME.      
  ANALID   32.257  ANALID reports 78.2.1 and 78.2.2 VSTORE enabled.     
  TYPEVMXA 32.254  Support for z/VM concatenated MONWRITE mult systems. 
  TYPEEZSM 32.252  Support for EzSM 4.2.0 creates new datasets.         
  ASMRMFV  32.250  Further ASMRMFV parsing/command/filtering updates.   
  TYPEBVIR 32.249  Support for BVIR Version 2 short '32'x Record.       
  TYPECLAR 32.247  Support for EMC's Clarion Flare Firmware V26-V33.    
  UTILEXCL 32.265  Support for 2nd CMODNAME='USER',CMODHEAD='USER'.     
  TYPE119  32.278  TYP11902 TTTTLSxx variables misaligned.              
  TYPE7072 32.277  R7023MEG/R7023CRT were not multiplied by R7024SF.    
  TYPENDM  32.275  Variable NDMRTCPU in NDMRT was incorrectly INPUT.    
  TYPERACF 32.273  ASCII only. Variable LIOBTIME in RACF0200 wrong.     
  TYPEXAM  32.272  ERROR IN XAMSYS, SEGNAME=CMS, MXG coding error.      
  ODS      32.269  Documentation of two common ODS errors on z/OS.      
  TYPE7072 32.267  TYPE70X2 variables CRYAC1U/CRAM3U need mult 100.     
  WEEKBLxx 32.264  WPS ONLY. Test for &SYSVER GE 6 s/b &SASVER GE.      
  Many     32.263  MXG PROC COPY have MEMTYPE=DATA, ITEMSTORE fails.    
  BLDSMPDB 32.262  WTD with WEEKKEEP, or WTD with AUTOALOC, failed.     
  VMACDB2H 32.261  DB2 variable JOB could be incorrect LENGTH $12.      
  VMXGDSNL 32.260  MXG on Linux to process AS400 data, slash issue.     
  TYPE102  32.259  IFCID=220: Invalid Argument corrected.               
  MONTHxxx 32.253  BLDSMPDB,MONTHBLD, z/OS, out of order daily GDGs.    
  TYPE30   32.251  Variables EXCP/IOTM-NODD/TODD/TOTL inconsistent.     
  BLDSMPDB 32.248  WPS, z/OS, BLDSMPDB, RECFM=S370VBS not supported.    
  TYPE7072 32.246  TYPE72GO's PERFINDX can be missing when it's large.  
  MOBWRK73 32.244  MOBWRK73 in 32.10 incorrectly required //PDB DD.     
  TYPEVMXA 32.243  z/VM Interval ENDTIME wrong if first 0.1 not CPU 0.  
  TYPEVMXA 32.243  Each START MONITOR message is a LOST interval.       
  Major enhancement added in MXG 32.10, re-dated Oct 16, 2014:          
  TYPE6    32.240  First 32.10 - OS 2.1 TYPE6 PRINTWAY records caused   
                   INPUT EXCEEDED error.  This is the re-date reason.   
  TYPE120  32.239  WebSphere SMF 120 ST 9 TYP1209E DELTA120TM negative. 
  TYPETAND 32.238  Support for all Tandem records in a single file.     
  Major enhancement added in MXG 32.10, dated Oct 10, 2014:             
  VMACaaaa 32.234  The _IDaaaa=512 detection was removed.               
  TYPE6    32.236  Support for z/OS 2.1 ACCOUNTn in TYPE6 records.      
  TYPEDB2  32.231  Support for DB2 V11 IFCID 225 ILRM STORAGE Info.     
  TYPEBBMQ 32.223  Support for MainView for MQ Version 5.2 (COMPAT).    
  TYPE1415 32.230  TYPE 14 SMF14STY=01 with LEN 81 caused skipped segs  
  TYPEIMS  32.228  IMS Log 01 MSGTEXT INPUT expanded for MOBILE WORK.   
  TYPEIMST 32.222  IMS56FA obs not OUTPUT if NMSGPROC is missing.       
  TYPE38   32.233  Netview SMF 38 Subtype 3 INPUT EXCEEDED error.       
  UTILBLDP 32.226  SPINCNT/SPINUOW/TIMEDIF not correctly created.       
  TYPENDM  32.229  All NDM datasets are now PROC SORTed by TYPSNDM.     
  Major enhancement added in MXG 32.09, dated Sep  9, 2014:             
                   New subtask wakes, writes interval record, sleeps.   
  TYPE50   32.210  Support for SMF 50 z/OS 2.1 INCOMPATIBLE + REDESIGN. 
  TYPE103  32.209  Support for SMF 103 HTTP Apache Subtypes 13 and 14.  
  VMACNDM  32.208  Support for New NDM-CDI CPU CP/zIIP/QUAL times.      
  TYPEDB2  32.214  DB2 V10 var QW0225DMH and V11 var QW0225AR now INPUT.
  TYPEBVIR 32.218  BVIRVERS=04, dataset BVIR301, values were wrong.     
  TYPEZOSA 32.215  Zero observations in TYPEZOSA, incorrect MXG test.   
  PDBAUDIT 32.206  WARNING: Multiple lengths for MEMLABEL CC=4, removed.
  TYPE119  32.204  SMF 119 St 52 fields misaligned after JESDPERC.      
  ANALID   32.203  Protection for 2nd execution of ANALID.              
  ONLYJOBS 32.203  ONLY create PDB.JOBS/etc example, 2nd ANALID removed.
  TYPE102  32.202  DB2 102 IFCID 196 "MORE HOLDERS", only 3 now printed.
  Major enhancement added in MXG 32.08, dated Aug 21, 2014:             
  IMACUOW  32.185  MXG 32.07 only, 180 ERROR: with default IMACUOW.     
                   And only in JCLTESTx if you do NOT use ASUMUOW.      
                   (If you actually use ASUMUOW, you would have had a   
                   tailored IMACUOW).                                   
  PDBAUDIT 32.183  %PDBAUDIT compares today's and yesterday's PDBs.     
                   New audit report of differences and report of all    
                   of today's output LIBNAMEs/DATASETs.                 
  BUILDPDB 32.192  BUILDPDB/PD3/001 now use a VIEW for WORK.ID.         
                   Could be a BIG reduction in //WORK space, for free.  
  VMACSMF  32.191  Using _INFILE_=SMFINFILE allows VIEW with MXGDECOM.  
                   Which is also required for Change 32.192.            
  TYPEOMSM 32.184  Support for Omegamon for SMS Version 510 (INCOMPAT)  
  ANALSET  32.187  OPENTM added for TYPE64, new RECFOUND variable.      
  ANAL116  31.186  Now reports on dataset MQMACCT when it exists.       
  VMACaaaa 32.198  Zero OBS if _IDaaaa has two ID values, false 512.    
  Major enhancement added in MXG 32.07, dated Aug  3, 2014:             
    members in your USERID.SOURCLIB to add other SMF record types to    
    SMF records (i.e., you do NOT set MACRO _IDTMNT 238 %), then ALL    
    of the datasets built AFTER TYPETMNT will have zero observations.   
    This error was introduced in Change 32.149, which incorrectly had   
    added a DELETE statement that should not be there.                  
      CIRCUMVENTIONs for this 32.06-Only ERROR:  (INSTALL 32.07+ !!)    
       -Remove the DELETE; statement in line 265 of VMACTMNT, OR        
       -Add this statement in your //SYSIN at the top:                  
              %LET MACKEEP= MACRO _IDTMNT 999 % ;                       
       -Or: with USERADD= in UTILBLDP, add  TMNT/999                    
  Many     32.180  Correction to Zero OBS in BUILDPDB/UTILBLDP datasets.
  TYPEWECR 32.173  Support for Websphere MQ for z/OS Crypto Audit SMF.  
  TYPE115  32.172  Support for Websphere MQ Version 8.1 115 Subtype 231 
  TYPE116  32.172  Support for Websphere MQ Version 8.1 116 Subtype 10  
  TYPE120  32.171  Support for Websphere Liberty z/CONNECT 120 Subtp 11.
  TYPCTCP  32.178  Support for AES CleverView USER SMF subtypes 30-40.  
  TYPETMD2 32.176  TMON/DB2 compressed records not decoded on ASCII.    
  ANALID   32.175  View used for READSMF=YES, documentation updated.    
  TYPEDB2  32.174  DB2 V11 new QX variables not in DB2STATS.            
    MXG Version 32.06 dated Jul 21, 2014, thru Change 32.170.           
  Major enhancement added in MXG 32.06, dated Jul 21, 2014:             
  MOBILWRK 32.168  Support for MOBILE WORK CSV File to submit to IBM.   
  TYPESTC  32.155  Support for Oracle ELS/VTCS 7.2 HSC SMF changes.     
  ASMTAPEE 32.160  ML-53 MXGTMNT Monitor protects for IODF Activate OC4.
  TYPE102  32.141  Support for IFCID=376.                               
  TYPEPOEX 32.150  Revised support for Informatica POWER EXCHANGE SMF.  
  VMACaaaa 32.149  USER SMF Record Processing enhanced - tells if 512.  
  VMACSMF  32.136  CICS Version SMFPSRVR formatted prints TS5.1 vs 68.  
  ASUM70PR 32.166  31.09-3205. Default CECINTRV=HOUR was not in effect. 
  TYPENDM  32.168  Truncated CT records INPUT STATEMENT circumvention.  
  TYPENDM  32.161  Support for NDM-CDI M2 record, output in NDMMC.      
  ANALRANK 32.165  New GROUPBY parameter allows variable selections.    
  TYPEDB2  32.169  Some DB2STATS QDSTxxxx variables were wrong.         
  VMXGSUM  32.164  FREQ option created lower case variable names.       
  GRAFCEC  32.157  New WIDTRH HEIGHT FOOTNOTE parameters for tailoring. 
  ASUMCICX 32.156  New RESPAVG variable contains average response time. 
  ANALID   32.154  ID parameter with UTILBLDP must be first, for now.   
  IMACICVH 32.153  Support for optional CICS User ADP fields.           
  TYPE74   32.151  BY lists for some TYPE74xx did not remove duplicates.
  VMACDB2H 32.148  DB2 Headers in any order are now processed correctly.
  READDB2  32.148  IFCIDS=BMC worked on ASCII, failed on z/OS.          
  ODS      32.147  ODS doesn't support character variables with $HEX.   
  JMP      32.147  JMP doesn't support variables with TRANSCODE ATTRIB. 
  TYPE110  32.144  Invalid STID=60 CICS TS/2.3 (YES, 2.3!!!).           
  TYPESYNC 32.143  CPUZIPTM for SYNCSORT COPY was a missing value.      
  READDB2  32.142  Failed if user set FIRSTOBS or OBS insufficiently.   
  TYPE113  32.130  *PUTLOG caused error, /* PUTLOG didn't, with BUILDPDB
  Major enhancement added in MXG 32.05, re-dated Jun 18, 2014:          
  MOBILWRK 32.125  Preliminary tools to measure Mobile Work for Discount
                   See MVS Technical Note in Newsletter SIXTY-FOUR or   
                   the same text in MOBILWRK member.                    
  TYPEIMST 32.119  Support for IMS56FA for IMS 13.1 (INCOMPATIBLE).     
  TYPERMFV 32.130  Support for APAR OA35811, GEIRPOOL/GEIRSTRF.         
  TYPE113  32.126  Support for new Subtype 1 HIS SMF TYPE 113 INTERVAL. 
  TYPERSDS 32.123  Support for EOS RSD USER SMF ACCOUNTING Version 2.1. 
  TYPERSDA 32.123  Support for EOS RSD USER SMF AUDIT Version 2.1.      
  TYPE42   32.113  Support for APAR OA44319/OA44322 SMF 42 ST 5/6.      
  TYPEIDMS 32.111  Support/corrections for IDMS Version 18.             
  VMXGSUM  32.133  Support for "concatenated" PDBs as INPUT.            
  TYPEBVIR 32.134  Some POOLs were not output in BVIR322/323/324.       
  TYPERMFV 32.108  RMF III Fixes, Enhancements, Documentation upgrade.  
  TYPEXAM  32.116  XAM CRITICAL ERROR SEGLEN=84 is a false error.       
  TYPE30   32.104  CPUUNITS/SRBUNITS corrected by moving ASRUNITS to SRB
  TYPE119  32.110  Variables FSCIPHER/FCCFIPS140/FCCIPHER4 added.       
  TYPEVMXA 32.106A z/VM MONWRITE divide by zero protection HFCOUNT=0.   
  TYPEDCOL 32.103  DCOLMIGS variable UMLRECL always zero correction.    
  READDB2  32.114  READDB2 with PDBOUT="not //PDB" corrections.         
  READDB2  32.131  %READDB2(IFCIDS=BMC) for APPTUNE failed, _S102BMC.   
  IMACICVG 32.107  Support for optional CICS segment ESIUSER.           
  IMACICMR 32.106  Optional CMRDETL CICS Segment INCOMPATIBLE 384 bytes.
  IMACICSD 32.120  Support for optional CICS user SDA fields.           
  DOCVER   32.124  DOCVER member enhanced to list SORTED BY variables.  
  VMXGDEL0 32.127  New %VMXGDEL0 utility deletes all zero-obs datasets. 
  TYPE7072 32.103  Support for OS/390 RMF data!!! Zero obs after 30.30. 
  Major enhancement added in MXG 32.04, dated Apr 27, 2014:             
  VGETOBS  32.100  Correction to VGETOBS in First 32.04.                
   MXG 32.04 was redated on Monday for VGETOBS change 32.100 to add the 
   possibly-needed RUN; statement, and removal of the FEXIST() function 
   that did not exist in SAS 9.1 and didn't always work with 9.2.       
  TYPE102  32.101  Duplicate DB2 SMF ID=102 Trace records removed.      
   This enhancement was ready, so it's a bonus in the redated 32.04.    
  Major enhancement added in MXG 32.04, dated Apr 23, 2014:             
  VGETOBS  32.091  MXG 32.03 VGETOBS z/OS increased EXCPs, Elapsed time.
    This performance hit on VGETOBS is the primary reason for 32.04; the
    exposure only exists if you have tape device DDs in your MXG job.   
    The increase was VERY significant with lots of tape volsers to read.
  AUTOEZOS 32.090  AUTOEZOS/CONFIGEZ - new "EAZY" MXG JCL for z/OS.     
    A new alternative JCL to run MXG that is quite simple.              
  TYPE120  32.087  Support for SMF 120 Subtype 100 ODM (Oper Decision). 
  TYPENMON 32.088  Support for NMON BBBPMOUNT and BBBPNETSTAT records.  
  TYPE92   32.094  Support for SMF ID=92 Subtypes 16 and 17.            
  NEARTIME 32.099  NEARTIME updates a daily PDB library each SMF dump.  
  TYPE30   32.089  CPUASRTM subtracted from CPUTCBTM added to CPUSRBTM. 
  TYPETMVS 32.092  Initial support for TMON/MVS Version 4.4 (INCOMPAT)  
  TYPE102  32.085  Many QWP1/4/5/9 T102S106 dataset vars overlooked.    
  TYPEDB2  32.082  Some NETEZZA/IDAA Q8ST vars incorrectly DIF()'d.     
  ANALDB2R 32.080  Default Select "Starting With" can be changed.       
  ADOCRMFV 32.093  Major addition to RMF III documentation.             
  ADOCx            All ADOC members are updated with current contents.  
  Major enhancement added in MXG 32.03, dated Apr  3, 2014:             
  TYPE110  32.077  Support CICS/TS 5.2: CICSTRAN COMPATIBLE, STATs NOT. 
  _SMF     32.073  New MXGREADSMF=SMF/LOGGER/BOTH option to read SMF.   
  ANALBVIR 32.063  Hydra TS7700 IBM reports are replicated.             
  GRAFCIPM 32.061  Graphs from SHARE 2014 (SinRam/Enrico) using SGPLOT: 
                   CPU used by importance level and service class level,
                   then service class within importance, and a scatter  
                   plot of service class level within importance.       
  ANALDB2R 32.068  Report from SHARE 2014 (Catterall) DB2 Buffer Pools. 
  TYPE112  32.052  Support for Tivoli Enterprise Mon Server SMF 112-35. 
  TYPE87   32.043  Support for SMF ID=87, GRS Component Information.    
  TYPETMO2 32.070  Support for ASG-TMON CICS v3.4 (NO MXG UPDATE NEEDED)
  TYPEEJES 32.047  Support for (E)JES Version 05.30 SMF record changes. 
  TYPEXCOM 32.046  Support for XCOM R32 - 11.5 (INCOMPATIBLE).          
  TYPEPCF  32.045  Support for MQ PCF Files.                            
  TYPEZOSA 32.059  Support for ZEN 2280 new CSM records (INCOMPAT).     
  TYPETMO2 32.070  Support for ASG-TMON CICS TS 3.4 (NO UPDATE NEEDED). 
  TYPE79   32.062  Variables R791PHTA/PHTI/FLG3 and R792PHTA/PHTI kept. 
  TYPETPMX 32.058  INVALID ARG TPMPI - previous $EBCDIC1 is now PIB1.   
  TYPEXAM  32.057  Doc: FTP: Use TYPE E and MODE BLOCK for z/VM to z/ZOS
  VGETOBS  32.056  CANNOT CLONE BUFFSIZE during PROC COPY could be bad. 
  ASMRMFV  32.055  New RMF III selection/filter options BASIC, MOST etc.
  TYPE7072 32.054  z/OS 2.1 SMF70CPA created with RATIO=SCALING/ACTUAL. 
  TYPE21   32.053  SMF21CRR/CRW compress ratio populated for non-3590s. 
  TYPE102  32.074  IFCID 402 dataset T102S402 now outputs all segs.     
  TYPEDB2  32.072  IDAA/NETEZZA variables added to DB2ACCT/DB2STATS.    
  TYPENDM  32.071  Connect-Direct NDMCPU and other variables added.     
  Major enhancement added in MXG 32.02, dated Feb 26, 2014:             
                   the 2012 DB2 APAR PM62481, is NOT installed.         
                   (Only a FEW sites have hit this missing APAR ABEND.) 
  TYPEBVIR 32.039  MAJOR restructure BVIR/TS7700/HYDRA datasets created.
                   REALLY MAJOR: 10,000 fewer lines, 3000 fewer vars.   
                   The "horizontal" dataset with suffixed variable names
                   are replaced with "vertical" dataset with ONE set of 
                   variable names.  Yes, some minor pain expected as the
                   dataset names and some variable's names were changed.
  TYPE74   32.031  TYPE74 ESS Subtype 8 TYPE748x datasets restructured. 
                   None of the TYPE748x datasets were really valid.     
  TYPE120  32.035  Sort order NODUP support for TYP1209C/E/S/U.         
  TYPEXPTR 32.033  Support for XPTR 5.2 creates 23 new datasets.        
  TYPEIMST 32.038  IMS56FA dataset could have IMSSTCK incorrect.        
  TYPEDB2  32.032  DB2STATS variable QISTWMQM zero, QW0371CL/DA fixed.  
  ASMRMFV  32.037  RMF III Enhancements, filters, RED TABLE error fix.  
  TYPETMVT 32.040  TMON/VTAM vendor maintenance now populates fields.   
  TYPEBETA 32.028  Protection for BETA93 truncated subtype 51 record.   
  Major enhancement added in MXG 32.01, dated Feb  6, 2014:             
  ASMTAPEE 32.010  IBM APAR OA43921/OA44049 cause MXGTMNT ABEND 0E0 RC28
  TYPE21   32.006  PDB.TYPE21/ASUMTAPE BYTEWRIT for 3590s may be too low
  TYPE90A  32.005  Support for SMF ID=90 Subtype 35 TYPE9035 dataset.   
  FORMATS  32.005  Format $MGSMFID 38, 85, 90, 118 IDs decoded.         
  TYPEDB2  32.002  DB2 V10 new var QWHCAACE, QWHCEUTX/EUWN now $128.    
  TYPENTSM 32.001  TCP/TCPV4/TCPV6 and WEBSRVCA, ASPNETAP new variables.
    Please read CHANGESS for the complete list of major enhancements.   
  See member NEWSLTRS or the Newsletters frame at for
  current MXG Technical Notes.                                          
  All of these enhancements are described in the Change Log, below.     
II.   SAS Version requirement information:                              
   SAS Versions                                                         
     The current version nomenclature is SAS 9.4 TS1M2 (9.4M2). That is 
     printed as "SAS 9.4 (TS1M2)" or as "SAS 9.4 (TS04.01M2P07232014)"  
     on the SASLOG if the VERSIONLONG option is enabled.                
     SAS V9.4 M2 Is RECOMMENDED. SAS 9.4 M2 is at LEVEL A SAS Support   
     SAS V9.4 M1 and M0 had no errors and are at LEVEL A SAS Support    
     SAS V9.3   SAS 9.3 TS1M2 was RECOMMENDED. SAS 9.3 TS1M1 works.     
                But SAS 9.3 at TS1M0, the HOT FIX for SAS Note SN-43828,
                see CHANGE 29.169, IS REQUIRED:                         
                  The %MACRO compiler error is in processing %LET       
                  statements. While only two MXG members failed         
                  repeatedly in MXG QA tests on z/OS, there were random 
                  %LET errors in ASCII QA tests, so ANY use of %LET     
                  statement on ANY platform are vulnerable to this      
                  error, as the %MACRO compiler is SAS portable code,   
                  used on all platforms.  So this is NOT just an MXG    
                  error, but impacts ALL SAS programs.                  
                SAS V9.1.3 is NOT supported by SAS on Windows SEVEN.    
                SAS9.3 is LEVEL A support from SAS.                     
     SAS V9.2   Was recommended, prior to 9.3, and was error-free with  
                MXG 26.03 SAS Hot Fix for SAS Note 37166 is required to 
                use a VIEW with the MXG EXITCICS/CICSFIUE CICS/DB2      
                Decompression Infile Exit.  but SAS V9.2 does execute on
                that platform.                                          
                9.2 is LEVEL B Support from SAS, as of Sep 30, 2013.    
     SAS V9.1.3 must be at Service Pack 4.  Additionally, on z/OS 1.10  
                only, 9.1.3 requires SAS Hot Fix for SN-35332.          
                9.1.3 is support level C by SAS Institute, Sep 30, 2013.
                with SAS 8.2.                                           
                SAS 8.2 is Level C Support from SAS as of Dec 31, 2011. 
      JCL in MXGSAS94 or MXGSAS93 can be used, or MXGNAMES can be used  
      As documented in Change 27.356, for SAS V9.2 or later):           
      The standard SAS JCL Procedure can be used for MXG with SAS V9.2+ 
           // EXEC SAS,CONFIG='MXG.SOURCLIB(CONFIMXG)'                  
      or you can continue to use the MXGSAS93 JCL Procedure example.    
      MXG 26.03 thru MXG 32.10 will execute under the previously listed 
      SAS Versions on all supported platforms                           
      Unrelated to the above SAS Note/Hot Fix, ODS users will want to   
      use MXG 29.06+, because SAS V9.3 did expose incompatibilities in  
      MXG code for ODS reporting, that were fixed in MXG Version 29.06. 
      See Changes 29.159 and 29.169.                                    
      And, only for z/OS 1.10 with SAS V9.1.3 with ANY version of MXG,  
      the SAS Hot Fix for SN-35332 is REQUIRED (to be completely safe). 
        Without this Hot Fix, "LIBREF XXXXXXXX IS NOT ASSIGNED" errors  
        can occur even though //XXXXXXXX DD is a valid SAS Data Library.
        This error ONLY occurs with z/OS 1.10 and SAS V9.1.3; it does   
        NOT occur with SAS V9.2, nor with z/OS 1.9.  It can be          
        circumvented by adding a LIBNAME statement that specifies the   
        ENGINE name. See the Technical Note in Newsletters for SN-35332.
        Note that SAS V9.1.3 is now at "Level B" Support from SAS.      
      Old MXG code may continue to execute with SAS V8.2, but V8 is now 
      "Level C" support from SAS Institute, and there are known errors  
      in V8.2 that are only fixed in SAS V9.  I no longer QA with V8.2; 
      While many MXG programs (accidentally) will still execute under   
      V8.2, I cannot guarantee that all of MXG executes error free.     
      PLEASE INSTALL V9.2/V9.3/V9.4, TO AVOID FIXED PROBLEMS!           
         If you are absolutely stuck on V8, you need to copy MXG member 
         V8GETOBS into USERID.SOURCLIB and rename to VGETOBS.           
      MXG Software has not executed under SAS V6 in many years.         
      The "PDB" libraries (i.e., SAS data libraries) must be created by 
      SAS V8 or later, but any of those data libraries can be read or   
      updated by the SAS Versions that MXG Supports, above.             
      For SAS Version V9.3:                                             
        SAS 93 TS1M1 is RECOMMENDED; for TS1M0, SAS Hot Fix in SAS Note 
        SN43828 is REQUIRED.  See text of Change 29.159.                
        With SAS 93 TS1M1, (or TS1M0 with that Hot Fix) MXG             
        Version 26.03 or later execute under SAS V9.3 on all platforms. 
        SAS Data Libraries created by SAS V8.2, V9.1.3, V9.2, V9.3 and  
        SAS V9.4 are interchangeable and can be read/written by any of  
        those versions, provided they are on the same platform.         
          BUT: on ASCII, the 32-bit and 64-bit SAS versions are NOT the 
          same "platform" and attempting to read/use the FORMAT catalog 
          created on one of those "platforms" on the other "platform"   
          will error out to remind you of that difference!              
        SAS V9.4 did change some V9.3 ODS processing defaults and syntax
        that might cause errors with MXG 29.05 or earlier; MXG 29.06,   
        Change 29.160 documents the major revisions made in MXG to fully
        support ODS, and MXG 29.06 is STRONGLY recommended for ODS with 
        SAS V9.3 or SAS V9.4.                                           
      For (Archaic) SAS Version V9.2 (TS1M0):                           
        Big Picture: SAS Version V9.2 is COMPATIBLE with MXG Software.  
        On z/OS, SAS changed the DSNAMES for some of the SAS libraries, 
        so you do need to use the new MXGSAS92 JCL Procedure for MXG,   
        but it still uses the CONFIGV9 configuration file.              
        However, NEW, and documented in Change 27.356, with SAS V9.2+:  
          The standard SAS JCL Procedure can be used for MXG:           
             // EXEC SAS,CONFIG='MXG.SOURCLIB(CONFIMXG)'                
          instead of using the MXGSAS92 JCL Procedure example.          
        SAS Data Libraries are compatible for V8.2, V9.1.3, V9.2, V9.3, 
        and V9.4. "PDBs" can be read/written interchangeably between    
        these SAS versions.                                             
        MXG Versions 26.03+ do execute with SAS V9.2 with NO WARNINGS   
        and with NO ERRORS reported.                                    
          Pre-MXG 26.03, SAS Hot Fix F9BA07 was required to suppress a  
          new SAS V9.2 WARNING, that on z/OS, set CC=4 (condition/return
          code). That warning is harmless (to MXG code) and all MXG     
          created SAS datasets were correct, even with that warning.    
          The ONLY exposure was ONLY on z/OS, and ONLY if condition code
          tests are used in your MXG jobstreams.                        
        SAS Version 9.2 requires z/OS 1.7 or later, both officially as  
        documented by SAS Institute, and actually as V9.2 fails with 0C4
        under z/OS 1.4.                                                 
      For SAS V9.1.3 on z/OS with Service Pack 4:                       
        On z/OS 1.10, Hot Fix SN-35332 is REQUIRED.                     
        CONFIGV9 now specifies V9SEQ instead of V6SEQ.  As V6SEQ does   
        not support long length character variables, it can't be used.  
       SAS V9.1.3 with current Service Pack 4 is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.  
       For (back-level!) SAS V9.1 or V9.1.2 on z/OS:                    
        SN-013514 is REQUIRED to be able to read datasets that were     
          created by V6SEQ (tape) engine.                               
        SN-012437 is REQUIRED to prevent creation of corrupt/unreadable 
          datasets with tape engines V7SEQ, V8SEQ, or V9SEQ.            
        Both fixes ARE included in SAS V9.1.3, but V9.1 or 9.1.2 is NOT 
          SAFE without those two hot fixes, and if you do NOT have those
          two fixes on 9.1 or 9.1.2, you MUST set V6SEQ in CONFIGV9.    
        With MXG 23.02 or later, V9SEQ is the default sequential engine 
        specified in CONFIGV9, but if you are back at SAS V9.1 or V9.1.2
        you MUST install the two hot fixes listed above.                
       For SAS Version 8.2, HotFix Bundle 82BX08 (or later) was required
         as an absolute minimum level when that SAS Version was last    
         supported by MXG Software.  PLEASE INSTALL SAS V9.x ASAP.      
       Sequential Engine Status:                                        
          V9SEQ was fixed in V9.1.3; it has been default in CONFIGV9.   
          V8SEQ was always safe under SAS V8.2, but it wasted CPU time  
            by always compressing when writing in tape format.          
          V6SEQ, if used under V9.1.2, requires SN-013514, but V6SEQ    
                 should no longer be used, as it does not support long  
                 length variables.                                      
      MXG QA tests are executed with V9.3 & V9.4, on z/OS, on Windows   
      Seven (32-bit and 64-bit) and Eight (64-bit) on 64-bit hardware,  
      and on Centos 6.4, but MXG users execute MXG on MANY (ALL??) SAS  
      platforms, including AIX, Linux, and other 'nix' variants, on many
      different hardware platforms, and since they all work we don't    
      need to list them.  If SAS executes so does MXG.                  
      Prior QA tests have been run with all SAS releases available at   
      that time on Linux RH8 on Intel, on Solaris v2.8 on a Model V880, 
      and on HP-UX v11.11 model rp5470, confirming full compatibility.  
      MXG should execute under ALL SUPPORTED SAS VERSIONS on EVERY SAS  
      platform without errors! Each new MXG version is also tested with 
      the SAS ITSV/ITRM product by the ITRM developers.                 
III.  WPS Version requirement information:                              
      WPS Version 3.01  is required for AUTOEZOS.                       
      WPS Version 3.01  is required for MOBILWRK, PICTURE fails in 2.5. 
      WPS Version 3.01  executed MXG 32.03 BUILDPDB with no errors.     
      WPS Version 3.0   requires MXG 31.09 (see Change 31.251).         
      WPS Version 2.4   required MXG 27.09 (see Change 27.239).         
      WPS Version 2.3.5 required MXG 27.05.                             
      See NEWSLETTERS for WPS Support Statement.                        
      WPS prints this message ERROR: COULD NOT CREATE DATA SET "PDB.ID" 
      when the LIBNAME PDB does not exist; there would also have been a 
      prior log message  NOTE: Library PDB does not exist   as the clue.
IV.   MXG Version Required for Hardware, Operating System Release, etc. 
    MXG is usually NOT sensitive to z/OS hardware changes.  However, MXG
    Version 30.07+ was REQUIRED for z/EC12 (for SMF 113, for 95 engines)
    and MXG 31.03+ is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED for the z/EC12 processor for 
    the new zEC12 RMF data metrics added for that new platform.         
    In August 2013, the MXG-L ListServer was abuzz with several postings
    from MXG users and additional references to SHARE papers that all   
    reported that many z/EC12s are 30%-40% better than zPCR projected.  
    Availability dates for the IBM products and MXG version required for
    error-free processing of that product's data records:               
                                       Availability     MXG Version     
      Product Name                     Date              Required       
      MVS/ESA 4.1                      Oct 26, 1990         8.8         
      MVS/ESA 4.2                      Mar 29, 1991         9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.2.2                    Aug 15, 1991         9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.3                      Mar 23, 1993        10.10        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - compatibility    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - Goal Mode        May  3, 1995        13.01        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.0                    Jun 15, 1995        13.05        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.2                    Oct 19, 1995        13.09        
      OS/390  1.1.0                    Feb 22, 1996        14.01        
      OS/390  1.2.0                    Sep 30, 1996        14.05        
      OS/390  1.3.0 Compatibility Mode Mar 28, 1997        14.14        
      OS/390  1.3.0 WLM Goal Mode      Mar 28, 1997        15.02        
      OS/390  2.4.0                    Sep 28, 1997        15.06        
      OS/390  2.5.0                    Feb 24, 1998        15.06        
      OS/390  2.6.0                    Sep 24, 1998        16.04        
      OS/390  2.7.0                    Mar 26, 1999        16.09        
      OS/390  2.7.0 APAR OW41318       Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390  2.8.0                    Aug 24, 1999        16.09        
      OS/390  2.8.0 FICON/SHARK        Aug 24, 1999        17.08        
      OS/390  2.8.0 APAR OW41317       Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390  2.9.0                    Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390 2.10.0                    Sep 15, 2000        18.06        
      OS/390  PAV                      Oct 24, 2000        18.09        
      z/OS 1.1                         Mar 30, 2001        18.11        
      z/OS 1.1 on 2064s                Mar 30, 2001        19.01        
      z/OS 1.1 with correct MSU        Mar 30, 2001        19.02        
      z/OS 1.2                         Oct 31, 2001        19.04        
      z/OS 1.1,1.2 APARs to 78         Oct 31, 2001        19.05        
      z/OS 1.2+ APAR OW52227           Apr 26, 2002        20.02        
      z/OS 1.3+ APAR OW52227           Apr 26, 2002        20.02        
      z/OS 1.2 JESNR Z2 MODE           Apr 26, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.3 JESNR Z2 MODE           Apr 26, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.4 Tolerate                Sep 27, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.4 Support                 Sep 27, 2002        20.06        
      z/OS 1.4 Over 16 CPUs/LPARs      May 29, 2003        21.02        
      z/OS 1.4 DFSMS/rmm, RACF         Aug 29, 2003        21.04        
      z/OS 1.5                         Mar 31, 2004        21.21        
      z/OS IRD ASUM70PR/ASUMCEC        Sep 22, 2003       *24.10        
      z/OS IRD TYPE70PR                Mar 11, 2004       *24.10        
      z/OS IRD TYPE70,RMFINTRV         Mar 22, 2002       *24.10        
      z/OS 1.6 - No IFAs               Sep 30, 2004       *22.09        
      z/OS 1.6 - With IFAs             Sep 30, 2004       *22.11        
      z/OS 1.7 (COMPATIBLE CHANGES)    Sep 30, 2005       *24.10        
      z/OS 1.7 (SPLIT70 CORRECTION)    Sep 30, 2005       *24.10        
      z/OS IFA data in RMF 79s         Sep 30, 2005        23.10        
      z/OS 1.8 - ASMTAPEE assembly     Sep 30, 2005       *25.03        
      z/OS 1.8 - SMF 119 INCOMPAT      Sep 30, 2005       *25.06        
      z/OS More than 32 LPARs          Jan 30, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS SPLIT RMF 70 records        Jan 30, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS Dupe SYSTEMs in a SYSPLEX   Jan 30, 2006       *24.02        
      z/OS IRD errors corrected        May 15, 2006        24.03        
      z/OS ASUMCEC errors corrected    May 15, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS ASUM70LP errors corrected   Jun 13, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS zIIP Processor Support      Jun 22, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS Dedicated zIIP Support      Mar  8, 2008       *26.01        
      z/OS Dedicated zAAP Support      Mar  8, 2008        26.01        
      z/OS 1.8 (COMPATIBLE CHANGES)    Sep 20, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS 1.9 (INCOMPAT, 54 CPs)      Sep 27, 2007        25.10        
      z/OS 1.9 MXGTMNT at ML-39 reASM  Sep 27, 2007        25.10        
      z/OS new z10 variables           Mar  5, 2008        26.01        
      z/OS 1.8 With HiperDispatch      Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.9 With HiperDispatch      Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.10 (INCOMPAT, MXG code)   Sep 15, 2008        26.07        
      z/OS 1.10 With HiperDispatch     Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.10 RMF III, SMF 119       Jul 20, 2009        27.05        
      z/OS 1.11                        Sep  2, 2009        27.08        
      z/OS 1.11 New 30 variables       Apr 14, 2010       *28.02        
      z/OS 1.12                        Aug 17, 2010       *28.05        
      z/OS 1.12 SMF 85 Subtype 79      Aug 17, 2010       *29.03        
      z/OS 1.12 VMGUEST option         Aug 17, 2010       *29.06        
      z/OS 1.13                        Sep 30, 2011        29.03        
      z/OS 1.13 - MXGTMNT only         Dec 15, 2011        29.08        
      z/OS 1.13 SMF 119 ST 6 INCOMPAT  Feb  7, 2012        30.01        
      z/OS 2.1  - Most Records support Jul 23, 2013        30.05        
      z/OS 2.1  - ID=0 ERROR MESSAGE   Jul 23, 2013        31.07        
      z/OS 2.1  - ID=85 INCOMPAT       Jul 23, 2013        32.03        
      z/OS 2.1  - ID=70 SMF70CPA       Jul 23, 2013        32.03        
      z990 CPUs - CPUTYPE '2084'x      Aug 25, 2003        21.04        
      z890 CPUs - CPUTYPE '2086'x      Jun 24, 2004        22.07        
      z9   CPUs - CPUTYPE '2094'x      Jul 20, 2005       *24.24        
      z9EC CPUs - CPUTYPE '2094'x:                                      
             with 64-bit z/OS - no change required        *24.24        
             with 32-bit z/OS only:    Aug 26, 2006        24.06        
      z9BC CPUs - CPUTYPE '2096'x:                                      
             with 64-bit z/OS - no change required         24.01        
             with 32-bit z/OS only:    Jul 27, 2006       *24.24        
      z10  CPUs - CPUTYPE '2097'x      Dec  7, 2008        25.11        
      z10  HiperDispatch/Parked Time   Mar  3, 2008       *26.10        
      z196 (INCOMPAT IF GT 64 ENG)     Aug 17, 2010        28.05        
      CICS/CTG V9 Transaction Gateway  ??  ??  2013        31.31        
      CICS/ESA 3.2                     Jun 28, 1991         9.9         
      CICS/ESA 3.3                     Mar 28, 1992        10.01        
      CICS/ESA 4.1                     Oct 27, 1994        13.09        
      CICS/ESA 5.1 aka CICS/TS V1R1    Sep 10, 1996        14.07        
      CICS-Transaction Server V1R1     Sep 10, 1996        14.07        
      CICS-TS V1R1 with APAR UN98309   Sep 15, 1997        15.06        
      CICS-TS V1R2  CICS/TS 1.2        Oct 27, 1997        15.06        
      CICS-TS V1R3  CICS/TS 1.3        Mar 15, 1999        17.04        
      CICS-TS V2R1  CICS/TS 2.1        Mar 15, 2001        18.11        
      CICS-TS V2R2  CICS/TS 2.2        Feb  9, 2002        19.19        
       CICSTRAN subtype 1 support only                    *19.19        
       CICSTRAN subtype 2 completed                       *19.08        
      CICS-TS V2R3  CICS?TS 2.3        Dec 19, 2003                     
       Using UTILEXCL to create IMACEXCL:                  21.04        
       Reading un-Excluded CICS with TYPE110, no IMACEXCL:*22.04        
      CICS-TS V2R3  CICS/TS 2.3        Aug 13, 2004        22.04        
      CICS-TS V3R1  CICS/TS 3.1        Jan 18, 2005        22.22        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 3.1     Mar 15, 2005                     
       Using UTILEXCL to create IMACEXCL:                  22.13        
       Reading un-Excluded CICS with TYPE110, no IMACEXCL: 22.22        
      CICS-TS V3R2  CICS/TS 3.2        Dec  6, 2007        25.11        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 3.2     Jun 29, 2007        25.03        
      CICS-TS/3.2 Compressed Records   Nov  3, 2007        25.11        
      CICS-TS/4.1 (CICSTRAN INCOMPAT)  Mar 13, 2009        27.01        
      CICS-TS/4.1 (STATISTICS ST=2)    Sep 18, 2009        27.08        
      CICS-TS/4.2 CICSTRAN/STATISTICS  Jun 24, 2011        29.03        
      CICS-TS/4.2 CICSRDS MNSEGCL=5    Jun 24, 2011        29.05*       
      CICS-TS/4.2 INVALID STID=116     Jan 31, 2012        30.01*       
      CICS-TS/5.1 (INCOMPATIBLE)       Dec 14, 2012        30.08*       
      CICS-TS/5.1 for valid TASZIP/ELG Jan 21, 2013        30.30*       
      CICS-TS/5.1 MNSEGCL=5 INCOMPAT   Jun 17, 2013        31.03*       
      CICS-TS/5.2 COMPATIBLE CICSTRAN  Jun 13, 2014        31.03*       
      CICS-TS/5.2 INCOMPAT Statistics  Jun 13, 2014        32.03*       
      DB2 2.3.0                        Oct 28, 1991        10.01        
      DB2 3.1.0                        Dec 17, 1993        13.02        
      DB2 4.1.0 Tolerate               Nov  7, 1995        13.07        
      DB2 4.1.0 Full support           Sep 11, 1996        14.07        
      DB2 5.1.0 Tolerate               Jun 27, 1997        14.14        
      DB2 5.1.0 Full support           Jun 27, 1997        15.02        
      DB2 6.1.0 initial support        Mar 15, 1999        16.09        
      DB2 6.1.0 all buffer pools       Mar 15, 1999        18.01        
      DB2 6.1.0 parallel DB2           Mar 15, 1999        19.19        
      DB2 7.1.0 parallel DB2           Mar 31, 2001        19.19        
      DB2 7.1.0 corrections            Mar 31, 2001        20.06        
      DB2 8.1 Tolerate, no packages    Mar 31, 2004        20.20        
      DB2 8.1 New Data Packages wrong  Mar 31, 2004        21.08        
      DB2 8.1 Support with Packages    Mar 31, 2004        23.09*       
      DB2 8.1 with all zIIP Variables  Sep 30, 2006        24.08        
      DB2 8.1 +PK47659                 Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      DB2 9.1 See Change 25.265.       Dec  7, 2007        25.11        
      DB2 9.1 Full Support +PK/56356   Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      DB2 10.1 Tolerate                Oct  1, 2010        28.06        
      DB2 10.1 New vars + Compressed   Nov  1, 2010        28.07*       
      DB2 10.1 Invalid Header pre APAR Jan 12, 2011        28.28*       
      DB2 10.1 IFCID=225 INCOMPAT      Sep 23, 2011        29.07*       
      DB2 10.1 QWHCCV for QWHCATYP=8   Oct  3, 2011        30.07*       
      DB2 10.1 DBID/OBID decode        Jan 21, 2013        30.30*       
      DB2 10.1 QLSTxxxx vars corrected Jun 21, 2013        31.04*       
               (ONLY IMPACTS DB2STATS)                                  
      DB2 11.1 TOLERATE DB2 V11.1      Jun 21, 2013        30.30        
      DB2 11.1 DB2STATS QLST CORRECT   Jun 21, 2013        31.04        
      DB2 11.1 SUPPORT NEW VARIABLES   Jun 21, 2013        31.08        
      DB2 11.1 IRLM NEW SEGMENT        Jun 21, 2013        32.10        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.1                    Mar 13, 1993        11.11        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.2                    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.3                    Dec 29, 1995        13.09        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.4                    Sep 28, 1997        15.04        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.4 HSM                Sep 23, 1998        16.04        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.5                    ??? ??, 1999        16.04        
      DFSORT SMF V1R5                  Mar  1, 2006        24.02        
      MQM 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4          Apr 25, 1996        14.02        
      MQ Series 1.2.0                  May 26, 1998        16.02        
      MQ Series 2.1.0                  Oct  2, 1999        17.07        
      MQ Series 5.2                    Dec 16, 2000        18.10        
      MQ Series 5.3                    Dec 16, 2002        21.05        
      MQ Series 6.0                    Feb 14, 2006        23.23        
      Websphere MQ Series 7.0          ??? ??, 2009       *28.06        
      Websphere MQ Series 7.1          MAR 12, 2011        29.03        
      Websphere MQ Series 8.0          Jun 24, 2011        29.05        
      NETVIEW 3.1 type 37              ??? ??, 1996        14.03        
      NPM 2.0                          Dec 17, 1993        12.03        
      NPM 2.2                          Aug 29, 1994        12.05        
      NPM 2.3                          ??? ??, 1996        15.08        
      NPM 2.4                          Nov 18, 1998        17.01        
      NPM 2.5                          Feb ??, 2000        18.02        
      NPM 2.6                          Nov ??, 2001        19.06        
      RMDS 2.1, 2.2                    Dec 12, 1995        12.12        
      RMDS 2.3                         Jan 31, 2002        19.11        
      TCP/IP 3.1                       Jun 12, 1995        12.12        
      TCP/IP 3.4                       Sep 22, 1998        16.04        
      WebSphere 5.0 APAR PQ7463        Aug 19, 2003        21.04        
      WebSphere 6.0                    Feb 18, 2006        23.23        
      WebSphere 7.0                    Oct  7, 2010        28.06        
      WebSphere 8.0                    Jul 17, 2011        29.05        
      DOS/VSE POWER V6.3.0             Dec 19, 1998        16.08        
      VM/ESA  2.0                      Dec 23, 1992        10.04        
      VM/ESA  2.1                      Jun 27, 1993        12.02        
      VM/ESA  2.2                      Nov 22, 1994        12.06        
      VM/ESA  2.3                      Jun  1, 1998        16.08        
      VM/ESA  2.4                      Mar  1, 2001        19.03        
      z/VM    3.1                      Mar  1, 2001        19.03        
      z/VM    3.1 DATABYTE=0           May  2, 2002        20.02        
      z/VM    4.2 ??                   May  2, 2002        20.02        
      z/VM    4.4                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      z/VM    5.1                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      z/VM    5.2                      Jan 22, 2006        24.01        
      z/VM    5.3 TOLERATE             Jun  7, 2007        25.05        
      z/VM    5.3 NEW VARIABLES        Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      z/VM    5.4 (COMPATIBLE)         Sep 12, 2008        27.01*       
      z/VM    6.1 (NO CHANGES)         Jul  7, 2008        27.01        
      z/VM    6.2                      Dec  2, 2011        29.04        
      z/VM    6.3 INCOMPATIBLE         Jul 23, 2013        31.05        
      IMS log 4.1                      Jul  4, 1994        12.02        
      IMS log 5.1                      Jun  9, 1996        14.05        
      IMS log 6.1                      ???  ?, 199?        20.03        
      IMS log 7.1                      ???  ?, 200?        20.03        
      IMS log 8.1                      May 21, 2003        21.02        
      IMS log 9.1                      Mar 96, 2004        26.01*       
      IMS log 10.1                     Mar 06, 2007        26.01*       
      IMS log 11.1                     Apr  1, 2010        28.02*       
      IMS log 12.1                     Jan 23, 2012        29.29*       
      IMS log 13.1 (NOT 56FA)          May 25, 2013        31.03        
      IMS log 13.1 (56FA RECORD)       May 27, 2014        32.05        
      AS400 3.7.0                      Nov  1, 1996        15.01        
      AS400 4.1.0                      Dec 30, 1996        15.08        
      AS400 4.2.0                      Apr 27, 1998        16.02        
      AS400 4.4.0                      Sep 27, 1999        17.07        
      AS400 4.5.0                      Jul 27, 2000        18.07        
      AS400 5.2.0 - Most records       Jul 23, 2003        21.03        
      AS400 5.2.0 - QAPMMIOP           Jul 23, 2003        22.04        
      AS400 5.3.0                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      AS400 5.4.0                      Aug 26, 2006        24.06        
      AS400 6.1.0                      Jun 29, 2008        26.05        
    Note: Asterisk by the version number means the Version number       
          was changed (to the MXG version required), after an earlier   
          MXG version was listed as supporting this product release,    
          usually because an APAR modified the product's data records.  
          Or a coding error in MXG could be the reason for the change!  
    Availability dates for non-IBM products and MXG version required:   
                                                        MXG Version     
      Product Name                                       Required       
      Demand Technology                                                 
       NTSMF Version 1 Beta                                14.11        
       NTSMF Version 2.0                                   15.05        
       NTSMF Version 2.1                                   15.06        
       NTSMF Version 2.2                                   16.04        
       NTSMF Version 2.3                                   17.10        
       NTSMF 2.4.4                     Aug  9, 2002        20.04        
       NTSMF 2.4.5   INCOMPAT          Apr  1, 2003        21.02        
       NTSMF 2.4.7                     Sep 30, 2004        22.08        
       NTSMF 3.1.4                     Mar 15, 2009        27.01        
       NTSMF 4.0                       Mar 15, 2011        29.03        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 2                       13.06        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.0                     16.02        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.1                     20.04        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 4.0                     22.10        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 5.0                     30.02        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.2 -                      12.12        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.3 -                      15.01        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 2.0 -                      15.06        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.1 -                      20.04        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.2 - 20.335, 21.134       21.04        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.3 including CICS/TS 3.1  22.08        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.2 (almost all)           25.11        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.2 (almost all)           27.01        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.3 (for CICS/TS 4.1,4.2)  29.07        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.4 (for CICS/TS 5.1)      30.30        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.3  -                      12.05        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.5  -                      12.05        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 2.0  -                      15.09        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 3.0  -                      19.19        
       Omegamon for CICS V200 User SMF                     12.05        
       Omegamon for CICS V300 User SMF                     13.06        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 User SMF                     16.02        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 type 110 segments            16.02        
       Omegamon for CICS V500 User SMF                     18.01        
       Omegamon for IMS V110 (ITRF)                        12.12        
       Omegamon for IMS V300 (ITRF)                        14.04        
       Omegamon for IMS V550/V560 (ITRF)                   25.05        
       Omegamon for MVS V300                               13.05        
       Omegamon for MVS V400                               13.06        
       Omegamon for DB2 Version 2.1/2.2                    13.05        
       Omegamon for VTAM V160                              12.04A       
       Omegamon for VTAM V400                              15.15        
       Omegamon for VTAM V500                              18.08        
       Omegamon for SMS V100/V110                          12.03        
       ACF2 6.2                                            16.04        
       ASTEX 2.1                                           14.04        
       NETSPY 4.7                                          14.03        
       NETSPY 5.0                                          14.03        
       NETSPY 5.2                                          16.05        
       NETSPY 5.3                                          18.03        
       NETSPY 6.0                                          20.10 20.305 
       NETSPY 7.0                                          20.10 20.305 
       SAR/VIEW R11                                        23.07 23.196 
      BMC, was Boole & Babbage                                          
       APPTUNE V6R3 SMF 102                                30.037       
       IMF 3.1 (for IMS 5.1)                               12.12        
       IMF 3.2 (for IMS 6.1 only)                          15.09        
       IMF 3.2 (for IMS 5.1 and 6.1+)                      16.04        
       IMF 3.3 (for IMS 7.1 and 8.1)                       22.08*       
       IMF 4.1 (for IMS 9.1)                               26.02*       
       IMF 4.4 (for IMS 9.1)                               31.08*       
       IMF 4.5 (for IMS 11.1)  (No change since 4.4)       31.08        
       IMF 4.6 a/k/a Mainview IMS                          31.08*       
       IMF 5.1 a/k/a Mainview IMS                          31.08        
       Mainview for MQ Version 4.4                         29.03        
       Mainview for MQ Version 5.1                         30.02        
       Mainview for CICS Version 6.5 (CICS/TS 5.1)         30.30        
       Mainview for CICS Version 6.4 (CICS/TS 4.2)         30.04        
       Mainview for CICS Version 6.1                       26.26        
       Mainview Auto Operator data file                    28.28        
       Mainview for DB2 THRDHIST file                      20.20        
       Mainview for TCP/IP                                 20.20        
       Mainview for Batch Optimizer                        19.19        
       LMS 3.1                                             12.12A       
      Oracle V9, V10                                       24.06        
       APAF 4.1, 4.3                                       16.08        
      Velocity Software                                                 
       XAMAP 3.4                                           22.10        
       XAMAP 3406                                          24.03        
       XAMAP 3.7                                           27.10        
       XAMAP 4.1   Now Renamed to ZVPS 4.1                 29.07        
V.    Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 32.08.                  
 1. Incompatibilities introduced in MXG 32.32:                          
  a- Changes in MXG architecture made between 32.32 and prior versions  
     that can introduce known incompatibilities.                        
 2. Installation and re-installation procedures are described in detail 
    in member INSTALL (which also lists common Error/Warning messages a 
    new user might encounter), and sample JCL is in member JCLINSTT for 
    SAS Version 9.                                                      
    MXG Definitions with regard to MXG Software Changes:                
    COMPATIBLE   A change in a data record which did not alter either   
    COMPAT       the location or the format of all of the previously-   
                 kept MXG variables is COMPATIBLE, and you can continue 
                 to run the old version of MXG software, which will read
                 the new records without error, but none of any new data
                 fields or any new record subtypes will be created/kept 
                 until you install the MXG Version with this change.    
    INCOMPAT     A change in a data record that causes the current MXG  
                 version to fail, visibly or invisibly, with or without 
                 error conditions or messages, and the output datasets  
                 may contain wrong values and incomplete observations,  
                 and/or observations may have been lost.                
                 You MUST install the new MXG Version with this change  
                 to process data records that have been INCOMPATIBLY    
                 changed by their vendor.                               
    TOLERATE     In other words, the old MXG Version TOLERATES the new  
                 data records, if they are COMPATIBLY changed.          
    EXPLOIT      Once you use the new MXG Version to read the changed   
                 records, all of the new fields, subtypes, etc, that are
                 described in this change will be created in the MXG    
                 datasets, so the new MXG Version EXPLOITS the new data,
                 and you have full support of the new data records.     
      An MXG Version never "expires" nor "goes out of Support".  When   
      you put in a new product/subsystem/Release/APAR that incompatibly 
      changed its records then you must install the current MXG Version 
      or at least be using the minimum level of MXG that is currently   
      documented in the preceding list in section IV.                   
VI.   Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
    MXG Documentation is now described in member DOCUMENT.              
    See also member INDEX, but it may be overwhelming.                  
VII.  Changes Log                                                       
--------------------------Changes Log---------------------------------  
 You MUST read each Change description to determine if a Change will    
 impact your site.  All changes have been made in this MXG Library.     
 Member CHANGES always identifies the actual version and release of     
 MXG Software that is contained in that library.                        
 The CHANGES selection on our homepage at            
 is always the most current information on MXG Software status,         
 and is frequently updated.                                             
 Important changes are also posted to the MXG-L ListServer, which is    
 also described by a selection on the homepage.  Please subscribe.      
 The actual code implementation of some changes in MXG SOURCLIB may be  
 different than described in the change text (which might have printed  
 only the critical part of the correction that need be made by users).  
 Scan each source member named in any impacting change for any comments 
 at the beginning of the member for additional documentation, since the 
 documentation of new datasets, variables, validation status, and notes,
 are often found in comments in the source members.                     
Alphabetical list of important changes in MXG 32.32 after MXG 31.31:    
  Member   Change    Description                                        
  ADOCRMFV 32.093  Major addition to RMF III documentation.             
  ANAL116  31.186  Now reports on dataset MQMACCT when it exists.       
  ANALBVIR 32.063  Hydra TS7700 IBM reports are replicated.             
  ANALDB2R 32.019  Extensive validation, ANALDBTR revisions.            
  ANALDB2R 32.080  Default Select "Starting With" can be changed.       
  ANALDBTR 32.019  STRING logic was protected for repeated execution    
  ANALDSCK 32.268  New "DSNAME Check" reads all SMF with a DSNAME.      
  ANALID   32.154  ID parameter with UTILBLDP must be first, for now.   
  ANALID   32.175  View used for READSMF=YES, documentation updated.    
  ANALID   32.203  Protection for 2nd execution of ANALID.              
  ANALID   32.257  ANALID reports 78.2.1 and 78.2.2 VSTORE enabled.     
  ANALRANK 32.165  New GROUPBY parameter allows variable selections.    
  ANALSET  32.187  OPENTM added for TYPE64, new RECFOUND variable.      
  ASMIMSL6 32.290  Larger DLREXTIM time now used for (archaic) IMSCPUTM.
  ASMRMFV  32.009  RMF III Enhancements, Fixes, and Notes               
  ASMRMFV  32.037  RMF III Enhancements, filters, RED TABLE error fix.  
  ASMRMFV  32.055  New RMF III selection/filter options BASIC, MOST etc.
  ASMRMFV  32.250  Further ASMRMFV parsing/command/filtering updates.   
  ASMTAPEE 32.010  IBM APAR OA43921/OA44049 cause MXGTMNT ABEND 0E0 RC28
                   Those z/OS 1.13 APARs changed AR15 on return from IBM
                   console services.  Assemble ASMTAPEE to create the   
                   MXGTMNT monitor now so it doesn't ABEND after those  
                   APARs are installed.                                 
  ASMTAPEE 32.160  ML-53 MXGTMNT Monitor protects for IODF Activate OC4.
  ASUM70PR 32.166  31.09-3205. Default CECINTRV=HOUR was not in effect. 
  ASUMCICX 32.156  New RESPAVG variable contains average response time. 
  ASUMDB2A 32.293  Warning when "Rollups" are detected, summarized data.
  AUTOEXEC 32.292  Old MXG SORTSIZE=400M removed, default SORTSIZE used.
  AUTOEZOS 32.090  AUTOEZOS/CONFIGEZ - new "EAZY" MXG JCL for z/OS.     
  BLDSMPDB 32.248  WPS, z/OS, BLDSMPDB, RECFM=S370VBS not supported.    
  BLDSMPDB 32.262  WTD with WEEKKEEP, or WTD with AUTOALOC, failed.     
  BLDSMPDB 32.299  %PDBAUDIT invocation can capture ALL "PDBs".         
  BLDSMPDB 32.306  RUNDAY=NO incorrectly executed the PDBAUDIT report.  
  BUILDPDB 32.192  BUILDPDB/3/001 now use a VIEW for WORK.ID.           
  DOCVER   32.124  DOCVER member enhanced to list SORTED BY variables.  
  FORMATS  32.005  Format $MGSMFID 38, 85, 90, 118 IDs decoded.         
  GRAFCEC  32.157  New WIDTRH HEIGHT FOOTNOTE parameters for tailoring. 
  GRAFCIPM 32.061  Graphs from SHARE 2014 presentations (SinRam/Enrico) 
  IHDRBVIR 32.270  The IHDRBVIR "BVIR Header" exit was overlooked.      
  IMACICMR 32.106  Optional CMRDETL CICS Segment INCOMPATIBLE 384 bytes.
  IMACICSD 32.120  Support for optional CICS user SDA fields.           
  IMACICVG 32.107  Support for optional CICS segment ESIUSER.           
  IMACICVH 32.153  Support for optional CICS User ADP fields.           
  IMACUOW  32.185  MXG 32.07 only, 180 syntax with default IMACUOW.     
  JMP      32.147  JMP doesn't support variables with TRANSCODE ATTRIB. 
  MOBILWRK 32.125  Preliminary MOBILWRK program to identify Mobile Work.
  MOBILWRK 32.168  Support for MOBILE WORK CSV File to submit to IBM.   
  MOBILWRK 32.279  MOBWRK02,MOBWRK05 enhanced, STARTHR in all merges.   
  MOBWRK73 32.244  MOBWRK73 in 32.10 incorrectly required //PDB DD.     
  MONTHxxx 32.253  BLDSMPDB,MONTHBLD, z/OS, out of order daily GDGs.    
  Many     32.263  MXG PROC COPY have MEMTYPE=DATA, ITEMSTORE fails.    
  NEARTIME 32.099  NEARTIME updates a daily PDB library each SMF dump.  
  ODS      32.147  ODS doesn't support character variables with $HEX.   
  ODS      32.269  Documentation of two common ODS errors on z/OS.      
  ONLYJOBS 32.203  ONLY create PDB.JOBS/etc example, 2nd ANALID removed.
  PDBAUDIT 32.183  %PDBAUDIT compares today's and yesterday's PDBs.     
  PDBAUDIT 32.206  WARNING: Multiple lengths for MEMLABEL CC=4, removed.
  PDBAUDIT 32.274  Report enhanced, SORTEDBYSIZE, commas in numbers.    
  PDBAUDIT 32.297  %PDBAUDIT can be bypassed with PRINTAUDIT=NO.        
  READDB2  32.018  READDB2 didn't always honor LDB2xxx destination      
  READDB2  32.019  READDB2 did not always use LDB2ddd overrides, plus.  
  READDB2  32.114  READDB2 with PDBOUT="not //PDB" corrections.         
  READDB2  32.131  %READDB2(IFCIDS=BMC) for APPTUNE failed, _S102BMC.   
  READDB2  32.142  Failed if user set FIRSTOBS or OBS insufficiently.   
  READDB2  32.148  IFCIDS=BMC worked on ASCII, failed on z/OS.          
  SMFINTRV 32.271  New SMFINTRV member creates PDB.SMFINTRV from SMF.   
  TYPCTCP  32.178  Support for AES CleverView USER SMF subtypes 30-40.  
  TYPE102  32.074  IFCID 402 dataset T102S402 now outputs all segs.     
  TYPE102  32.085  Many QWP1/4/5/9 T102S106 dataset vars overlooked.    
  TYPE102  32.101  Duplicate DB2 SMF ID=102 Trace records removed.      
  TYPE102  32.141  Support for IFCID=376.                               
  TYPE102  32.202  DB2 102 IFCID 196 "MORE HOLDERS", only 3 now printed.
  TYPE102  32.259  IFCID=220: Invalid Argument corrected.               
  TYPE103  32.209  Support for SMF 103 HTTP Apache Subtypes 13 and 14.  
  TYPE105  32.291  Support for GDPS SMF 105 2-byte fields APAR PI26702. 
  TYPE110  32.077  Support CICS/TS 5.2: CICSTRAN COMPAT, STATs NOT.     
  TYPE110  32.144  Invalid STID=60 CICS TS/2.3 (YES, 2.3!!!).           
  TYPE112  32.052  Support for Tivoli Enterprise Mon Server SMF 112-35. 
  TYPE113  32.126  Support for new Subtype 1 HIS SMF TYPE 113 INTERVAL. 
  TYPE113  32.130  *PUTLOG caused error, /* PUTLOG didn't, with BUILDPDB
  TYPE115  32.172  Support for Websphere MQ Version 8.1 115 Subtype 231 
  TYPE116  32.172  Support for Websphere MQ Version 8.1 116 Subtype 10  
  TYPE119  32.110  Variables FSCIPHER/FCCFIPS140/FCCIPHER4 added.       
  TYPE119  32.204  SMF 119 St 52 fields misaligned after JESDPERC.      
  TYPE119  32.278  TYP11902 TTTTLSxx variables misaligned.              
  TYPE120  32.035  Sort order NODUP support for TYP1209C/E/S/U.         
  TYPE120  32.087  Support for SMF 120 Subtype 100 ODM (Oper Decision). 
  TYPE120  32.171  Support for Websphere Liberty z/CONNECT 120 Subty 11.
  TYPE120  32.239  WebSphere SMF 120 ST 9 TYP1209E DELTA120TM negative. 
  TYPE1415 32.230  TYPE 14 SMF14STY=01 with LEN 81 caused skipped segs  
  TYPE21   32.006  PDB.TYPE21/ASUMTAPE BYTEWRIT for 3590s may be too low
  TYPE21   32.053  SMF21CRR/CRW compress ratio populated for non-3590s. 
  TYPE22   32.288  MXG 32.03-MXG 32.11 Type 22 UNKNOWN SECID=40 error.  
  TYPE30   32.089  CPUASRTM subtracted from CPUTCBTM added to CPUSRBTM. 
  TYPE30   32.104  CPUUNITS/SRBUNITS corrected by moving ASRUNITS to SRB
  TYPE30   32.251  Variables EXCP/IOTM-NODD/TODD/TOTL inconsistent.     
  TYPE38   32.233  Netview SMF 38 Subtype 3 INPUT EXCEEDED error.       
  TYPE42   32.113  Support for APAR OA44319/OA44322 SMF 42 ST 5/6.      
  TYPE50   32.210  Support for SMF 50 z/OS 2.1 INCOMPATIBLE + REDESIGN. 
  TYPE50   32.307  TYPE50 LENGTH=254, INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED.         
  TYPE6    32.240  Corrected z/OS 2.1 ACCOUNTn in TYPE6 records.        
  TYPE7072 32.054  z/OS 2.1 SMF70CPA created with RATIO=SCALING/ACTUAL. 
  TYPE7072 32.103  Support for OS/390 RMF data!!! Zero obs after 30.30. 
  TYPE7072 32.246  TYPE72GO's PERFINDX can be missing when it's large.  
  TYPE7072 32.267  TYPE70X2 variables CRYAC1U/CRAM3U need mult 100.     
  TYPE7072 32.277  R7023MEG/R7023CRT were not multiplied by R7024SF.    
  TYPE74   32.031  TYPE74 ESS Subtype 8 TYPE748x datasets restructured. 
  TYPE74   32.151  BY lists for some TYPE74xx did not remove duplicates.
  TYPE79   32.062  Variables R791PHTA/PHTI/FLG3 and R792PHTA/PHTI kept. 
  TYPE87   32.043  Support for SMF ID=87, GRS Component Information.    
  TYPE90A  32.005  Support for SMF ID=90 Subtype 35 TYPE9035 dataset.   
  TYPE92   32.094  Support for SMF ID=92 Subtypes 16 and 17.            
  TYPEBBMQ 32.223  Support for MainView for MQ Version 5.2 (COMPAT).    
  TYPEBETA 32.028  Protection for BETA93 truncated subtype 51 record.   
  TYPEBVIR 32.039  MAJOR restructure of BVIR/TS7700 datasets created.   
  TYPEBVIR 32.218  BVIRVERS=04, dataset BVIR301, values were wrong.     
  TYPEBVIR 32.249  Support for BVIR Version 2 short '32'x Record.       
  TYPECLAR 32.247  Support for EMC's Clarion Flare Firmware V26-V33.    
  TYPEDB2  32.002  DB2 V10 new var QWHCAACE, QWHCEUTX/EUWN now $128.    
  TYPEDB2  32.032  DB2STATS variable QISTWMQM zero, QW0371CL/DA fixed.  
  TYPEDB2  32.072  IDAA/NETEZZA variables added to DB2ACCT/DB2STATS.    
  TYPEDB2  32.082  Some NETEZZA/IDAA Q8ST vars incorrectly DIF()'d.     
  TYPEDB2  32.169  Some DB2STATS QDSTxxxx variables were wrong.         
  TYPEDB2  32.174  DB2 V11 new QX variables not in DB2STATS.            
  TYPEDB2  32.214  DB2 V10 var QW0225DMH and V11 var QW0225AR now INPUT.
  TYPEDB2  32.231  Support for DB2 V11 IFCID 225 IRLM STORAGE Info.     
  TYPEDB2H 32.027  MXG 32.01 only. INVALID DB2 10.1 HEADER DELETED.     
  TYPEDCOL 32.103  DCOLMIGS variable UMLRECL always zero correction.    
  TYPEEJES 32.047  Support for (E)JES Version 05.30 SMF record changes. 
  TYPEEZSM 32.252  Support for EzSM 4.2.0 creates new datasets.         
  TYPEIDMS 32.111  Support/corrections for IDMS Version 18.             
  TYPEIMS  32.228  IMS Log 01 MSGTEXT INPUT expanded for MOBILE WORK.   
  TYPEIMS7 32.290  Larger DLREXTIM time now used for (archaic) IMSCPUTM.
  TYPEIMST 32.038  IMS56FA dataset could have IMSSTCK incorrect.        
  TYPEIMST 32.119  Support for IMS56FA for IMS 13.1 (INCOMPATIBLE).     
  TYPEIMST 32.222  IMS56FA obs not OUTPUT if NMSGPROC is missing.       
  TYPENDM  32.071  Connect-Direct NDMCPU and other variables added.     
  TYPENDM  32.161  Support for NDM-CDI M2 record, output in NDMMC.      
  TYPENDM  32.229  All NDM datasets are now PROC SORTed by TYPSNDM.     
  TYPENDM  32.275  Variable NDMRTCPU in NDMRT was incorrectly INPUT.    
  TYPENDM  32.284  NDM 'PT' INVALID SUBSTR, A#/C#/D#/S$/U#/UK supported.
  TYPENEM  32.168  Truncated CT records INPUT STATEMENT circumvention.  
  TYPENMON 32.088  Support for NMON BBBPMOUNT and BBBPNETSTAT records.  
  TYPENTSM 32.001  TCP/TCPV4/TCPV6 and WEBSRVCA, ASPNETAP new variables.
  TYPEOMSM 32.184  Support for Omegamon for SMS Version 510 (INCOMPAT)  
  TYPEPCF  32.045  Support for MQ PCF Files.                            
  TYPEPOEX 32.150  Revised support for Informatica POWER EXCHANGE SMF.  
  TYPERACF 32.273  ASCII only. Variable LIOBTIME in RACF0200 wrong.     
  TYPERMFV 32.108  RMF III Fixes, Enhancements, Documentation upgrade.  
  TYPERMFV 32.130  Support for APAR OA35811, GEIRPOOL/GEIRSTRF.         
  TYPERMFV 32.130  Support for APAR OA35811, GEIRSTRF replaced GEIRPOOL.
  TYPERSDA 32.123  Support for EOS RSD USER SMF AUDIT Version 2.1.      
  TYPERSDS 32.123  Support for EOS RSD USER SMF ACCOUNTING Version 2.1. 
  TYPESTC  32.155  Support for Oracle ELS/VTCS 7.2 HSC SMF changes.     
  TYPESYNC 32.143  CPUZIPTM for SYNCSORT COPY was a missing value.      
  TYPETAND 32.238  Support for all Tandem records in a single file.     
  TYPETMD2 32.176  TMON/DB2 compressed records not decoded on ASCII.    
  TYPETMO2 32.070  Support for ASG-TMON CICS TS 3.4 (NO UPDATE NEEDED). 
  TYPETMO2 32.309  Support for ASG TMON/CICS Version 4 INCOMPATIBLE.    
  TYPETMVS 32.092  Initial support for TMON/MVS Version 4.4 (INCOMPAT)  
  TYPETMVT 32.040  TMON/VTAM vendor maintenance now populates fields.   
  TYPETPMX 32.058  INVALID ARG TPMPI - previous $EBCDIC1 is now PIB1.   
  TYPEVMXA 32.106A z/VM MONWRITE divide by zero protection HFCOUNT=0.   
  TYPEVMXA 32.243  Each START MONITOR message is a LOST interval.       
  TYPEVMXA 32.243  z/VM Interval ENDTIME wrong if first 0.1 not CPU 0.  
  TYPEVMXA 32.254  Support for z/VM concatenated MONWRITE mult systems. 
  TYPEWECR 32.173  Support for Websphere MQ for z/OS Crypto Audit SMF.  
  TYPEXAM  32.057  Doc: FTP: Use TYPE E and MODE BLOCK for z/VM to z/ZOS
  TYPEXAM  32.116  XAM CRITICAL ERROR SEGLEN=84 is a false error.       
  TYPEXAM  32.272  ERROR IN XAMSYS, SEGNAME=CMS, MXG coding error.      
  TYPEXCOM 32.022  Support for CA XCOM VERSION 1.16: INCOMPATIBLE.      
  TYPEXCOM 32.046  Support for XCOM R32 - 11.5 (INCOMPATIBLE).          
  TYPEXPTR 32.033  Support for XPTR 5.2 creates 23 new datasets.        
  TYPEZOSA 32.059  Support for ZEN 2280 new CSM records (INCOMPAT).     
  TYPEZOSA 32.215  Zero observations in TYPEZOSA, incorrect MXG test.   
  UTILBLDP 32.226  SPINCNT/SPINUOW/TIMEDIF not correctly created.       
  UTILEXCL 32.265  Support for 2nd CMODNAME='USER',CMODHEAD='USER'.     
  UTILVREF 32.295  QA UTILVREF now detects long BY lists for HOST SORT. 
  VGETJESN 32.296  &MACJESN can delete records by TYPETASK (e.g. OMVS). 
  VGETOBS  32.056  CANNOT CLONE BUFFSIZE during PROC COPY could be bad. 
  VGETOBS  32.091  MXG 32.03: VGETOBS on z/OS increased EXCPs, Elapsed. 
  VGETOBS  32.100  Correction to VGETOBS in First 32.04.                
  VMAC112  32.295  Long BY list, HOST SORT CAN NOT BE USED, MXG error.  
  VMACBETA 32.028  Protection for BETA93 truncated SUBTYPE=41 record.   
  VMACBVIR 32.134  Some POOLs were not output in BVIR322/323/324.       
  VMACDB2H 32.148  DB2 Headers in any order are now processed correctly.
  VMACDB2H 32.261  DB2 variable JOB could be incorrect LENGTH $12.      
  VMACNDM  32.208  Support for New NDM-CDI CPU CP/zIIP/QUAL times.      
  VMACSMF  32.073  New MXGREADSMF=SMF/LOGGER/BOTH option to read SMF.   
  VMACSMF  32.136  CICS Version SMFPSRVR formatted prints TS5.1 vs 68.  
  VMACSMF  32.191  Using _INFILE_=SMFINFILE allows VIEW with MXGDECOM.  
  VMACaaaa 32.234  The _IDaaaa=512 detection was removed.               
  VMXGDEL0 32.127  New %VMXGDEL0 utility deletes all zero-obs datasets. 
  VMXGDSNL 32.260  MXG on Linux to process AS400 data, slash issue.     
  VMXGINIT 32.021  Change 31.285 removed (INSTREAM enhancement didn't). 
  VMXGPLCH 32.013  Create $PLOTCHAR to map one character from SYSTEM.   
  VMXGPRNT 32.017  Fails with 180 pointing to LABEL, mis-located RUN.   
  VMXGSUM  32.026  Macro variables compressed with COMPBL and %STR.     
  VMXGSUM  32.133  Support for "concatenated" PDBs as INPUT.            
  VMXGSUM  32.164  FREQ option created lower case variable names.       
  WEEKBLxx 32.264  WPS ONLY. Test for &SYSVER GE 6 s/b &SASVER GE.      
  See member CHANGESS for all changes ever made to MXG Software, or     
  the CHANGES frames at                              
Inverse chronological list of all Changes:                              
NEXTCHANGE: Version 32.                                                 
====== Changes thru 32.309 were in MXG 32.32 dated Jan  6, 2015=========
Change 32.309  Support for ASG TMON/CICS Version 4.0 INCOMPATIBLE due to
EXMONEXT       inserted fields.                                         
EXMONPSB      -New variables in MONITASK 'TA' record dataset.           
VMACTMO2         TACNTHWM='CONTAINER*LENGTH*HWM'                        
Jan  1, 2015     TACNTRCT='CONTAINER REQUEST COUNT'                     
                 TACNTWCT='CONTAINER REQUEST WAIT COUNT'                
                 TAHWMRUL='RULE RECORD'                                 
                 TAIPCNRL='TOTAL IPIC NETWORK BYTES INBOUND'            
                 TASTCODE='TRANSACTION START CODE'                      
              -New dataset MONIEXT from 'TA' EXT SEGMENTs.              
                 TAOAPPL ='ORIGIN*APPLID*FROM*WORK REQUEST'             
                 WKOSTART='ORIGIN*TASK*START TIME'                      
                 TAOTRID ='ORIGIN*TASK*TRANSACTION*ID'                  
                 TAOPORTN='ORIGIN*TCPIPSERV*PORT NR'                    
                 TAOCLIPP='ORIGIN*CLIENT/TELNET*PORT NR'                
                 TAOADID ='ORIGIN*DATA*ADAPTER*ID'                      
                 TAPHNTWK='PREV HOP*DATA CICS*REMOTE TASK'              
                 TAPHAPPL='PREV HOP*DATA*APPLID'                        
                 WKPHSTRT='PREV HOP*DATA*START TIME'                    
                 TAPHTRNO='PREV HOP*DATA REMOTE*TASK NUM'               
                 TAPHTRAN='PREV HOP*DATA REMOTE*TASK TRAN'              
                 TAPHCNT ='PREV HOP*DATA NUM OF*CICS REMOTE'            
              -New dataset MONIPSB from 'TA' PSB SEGMENTs.              
                 TADDBCCT='TOTAL*DL/I*DATA BASE*CALLS'                  
                 TADDLETC='DATA BASE*DLET CALLS*ISSUED'                 
                 TADEBCT ='DEDB*CALLS'                                  
                 TADGHNCT='DATA BASE*GHN CALLS*ISSUED'                  
                 TADGHNPC='DATA BASE*GHNP CALLS*ISSUED'                 
                 TADGHUCT='DATA BASE*GHU CALLS*ISSUED'                  
                 TADGNPCT='DATA BASE*GNP CALLS*ISSUED'                  
                 TADISRTC='DATA BASE*ISRT CALLS*ISSUED'                 
                 TADLGNCT='DATA BASE*GN CALLS*ISSUED'                   
                 TADLGUCT='DATA BASE*GU CALLS*ISSUED'                   
                 TADREPLC='DATA BASE*REPL CALLS*ISSUED'                 
                 TADWEDBC='WAITS FOR*DEDB*BUFFER'                       
                 TADWENQC='WAITS ON*EXCLUSIVE*ENQUEU'                   
                 TADWTNQC='WAITS ON*TEST*ENQUEUES'                      
                 TADWUNQC='WAITS ON*UPDATE*AND ENQUE'                   
                 WKDLDBTM='ELAPSED*TIME FOR*DATABASE I/O'               
                 WKDLLKTM='ELAPSED*TIME FOR*PI LOCKING'                 
                 WKDLPLWT='ELAPSED*WAIT TIME*POOL*SPACE'                
              -New variables in MONITR 'TR' record dataset.             
                 TRASHWM ='ADDRESS*SPACE*HWM'                           
                 TRASPMO ='AUX SLOTS*TO BACK*64 BIT PMO'                
                 TRBAPMO ='BYTES*ALLOCATED TO*PRIVATE MEMORY'           
                 TRBHPMO ='BYTES*HIDDEN IN*PRIVATE MEMORY'              
                 TRBPMOHW='HWM BYTES*USABLE IN*PRIVATE MEM'             
                 TRCDSAL ='CURRENT*DSA*LIMIT'                           
                 TRCDSAT ='CURRENT*DSA*TOTAL'                           
                 TRCMCSU ='CUMULATIVE*COMMON*SUBSPACE*USER'             
                 TRCMUSU ='CUMULATIVE*UNIQUE*SUBSPACE*USER'             
                 TRCRCSU ='CURRENT*COMMON*SUBSPACE*USERS'               
                 TRCRUSU ='CURRENT*UNIQUE*SUBSPACE*USERS'               
                 TRFGFAIL='NO FROM*GUARD*FAILURES'                      
                 TRFGFSZ ='FROMGUARD*FAILURE*SIZE'                      
                 TRNOLMO ='LARGE*MEMORY*OBJECTS'                        
                 TRRFPMO ='REAL*FRAMES*64-B*PMO'                        
                 TRSBFLMO='SHARED*BYTES*FROM*LARGE MEMORY'              
                 TRSBLMHW='HWM*SHARED BYTES*IN LARGE MEMOR'             
                 TRSTGPRO='STATE OF*STORAGE*PROTECT'                    
                 TRTRNISO='STATE OF*TRANISO'                            
               Jan 6: DEBUG 8 _N_= messages eliminated.                 
              -Divide by 4096 for all durations was added.              
Change 32.308  These new-in-XCOM-11.6 variables are now INPUT and some  
FORMATS        are decoded by new $MGXCMxx formats:                     
Change 32.307  TYPE50 with VERSN50=2 ATTCHTYP=4 and LENGTH=254 caused an
VMAC50         INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED error because MXG expected 262  
Dec 29, 2014   bytes.  Now the 8-byte TY50RDQN Read-Queue-Name is INPUT 
               only when there are 8-bytes left.  I presume that field  
               was added by an APAR.                                    
   Thanks to Steven Womer, OCLC, USA.                                   
Change 32.306  If BLDSMPDB was used with RUNDAY=NO, the PDBAUDIT report 
BLDSMPDB       was incorrectly invoked, causing DDNAME NOT FOUND error. 
Dec 29, 2014   Now, PDBAUDIT is not run when RUNDAY=NO is specified.    
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
Change 32.305  DOCUMENTATION.                                           
FORMATS       -Format $MGPROD maps every member in MXG to a product.    
Dec 27, 2014   This is work in progress for Spring, 2015.               
====== Changes thru 32.304 were in MXG 32.12 dated Dec 23, 2014=========
Change 32.304  Support for RMF APAR OA45421 adds new function to the SMF
VMAC74         74 subtype 4 record, new variables in TYPE74ST dataset:  
Dec 19, 2014     R744SISC='INDEX TO*SCM*DATA*SECTION'                   
                 R744SSAC='SCM AR*CONDITION*REQUIRED*RESTART'           
                 R744SOSA='SCM AR*CONDITION*SUCCESSFUL*OP'              
Change 32.303  Support for APAR OA44798, which adds two variables to the
VMAC22         TYPE22 Subtype 10 record, in dataset TYPE22_A:           
Dec 19, 2014     SMF22SMT='MULTI-TARGET*PPRC*STATUS'                    
Change 32.302  MXG 32.06-32.11.  The QAWPS program %INCLUDE of BUIL3005 
QAWPS          text was incorrectly changed to BUIL3206 in 32.06 and    
Dec 19, 2014   then was BUILVVNN for each version instead of BUIL3005.  
   Thanks to Declan Vibert, World Programming, ENGLAND.                 
Change 32.301  MXG 32.11, WPS ONLY. A letter F left in macro _VARWECR   
Dec 22, 2014   SAS did not fail; it added the F to the dataset LABEL.   
   Thanks to Declan Vibert, World Programming, ENGLAND.                 
Change 32.300  MXG 32.11, WPS on ASCII ONLY, INVALID SMF RECFM. A test  
VMACSMF        left from Change 32.258 ("OR %SYSPROD(WPS EQ 1") caused  
               WPS requires RECFM=S370VBS on ASCII). Test is removed.   
   Thanks to Declan Vibert, World Programming, ENGLAND.                 
Change 32.299  The default invocation of PDBAUDIT (contents of today's  
BLDSMPDB       "PDB's", comparison with yesterdays) is at the end of the
Dec 18, 2014   default BUILDPDB (PDB.SPUNJOBS), but that is prior to any
               ASUMxxxx or other members that you added, so those other 
               PDB datasets would not be reported.                      
              -This change adds the PRINTAUDIT parameter to BLDSMPDB    
               to automatically defer the %PDBAUDIT invocation until    
               after all of the INCLAFTR programs have executed.        
              -If you use BUILDPDB and your own includes, you can use   
                 %LET MXGPRINTAUDIT=NO;  /* temp replace default */     
                 %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(BUILDPDB);                           
                 %INCLUDE - all of your stuff - ;                       
Change 32.298  Multiple UTILBLDP executions in a single job could get   
UTILBLDP       errors with missing parens and other nastiness if any    
Dec 18, 2014   of the EXPDB*** parameters were used.  EPDBINC EPDBCDE   
               EPDBVAR EPDBOUT are now all nulled at the end.           
Change 32.297  New argument LIBNAMES to select which LIBNAMEs are used, 
PDBAUDIT       and new options added to PRINTAUDIT= argument:           
Dec 18, 2014     LIBNAME=_ALL_     Default, search all open LIBNAMES:   
                    A LIBNAME is open if:                               
                    -zOS  it has been touched by a DATA or PROC step    
                          or there was a LIBNAME statement used         
                    -ASCII there MUST have been a LIBNAME statement     
                    YES      - default - datasets and reports generated 
                    NO       - PDBBAUDIT becomes a null statement       
                    DATAONLY - only builds datasets and does not print  
                               any reports                              
                    PRINTONLYCHANGE - builds datasets and prints only   
                                        the report of differences       
                    PRINTONLYCONTENTS - prints only the CONTENTS report 
Change 32.296  New macro variable &MACJESN is added in VGETJESN so you  
VGETJESN       can delete records by their TYPETASK values. For example,
VMXGINIT       the large number of SMF 30s written for OMVS tasks can be
Dec 18, 2014   can be deleted from your BUILDPDB datasets, using        
                 //SYSIN DD *                                           
                  %LET MACJESN=                                         
                    %QUOTE( IF TYPETASK EQ 'OMVS' THEN DELETE; ) ;      
                  %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(BUILDPDB);                          
               Note that using MACJESN "instream" in your //SYSIN only  
               impacts this job, so you could separately run TYPE30     
               program and see all those OMVS task records.             
   Thanks to Richard Stuchell, Visa, USA.                               
Change 32.295  Variables XMLSYSTEM/TEMSSEQ in T112TEMS dataset created  
VMAC112        so SAS defaults their length to 32000, when there is no  
Dec 17, 2014   LENGTH statement.  That is a problem ONLY because both   
               are in the BY list for PROC SORT, which then caused      
               because DFSORT/SYNCSORT don't allow a BY list over 32760 
               bytes long. Both are now shortened in a LENGTH statement.
              -An ERROR occurs with the site option SORTPGM=HOST/SORT.  
               Instead, if SORTPGM=BEST is used, SAS issues the WARNING 
               and proceeds to use its internal sort.  Knowing this now,
               I recommend SORTPGM=BEST in your site's CONFIG.          
              -The UTILEXCL program has a long BY list and has noted in 
               comments that you must use OPTIONS SORTPGM=SAS.          
              -But how did this slip thru my QA? Well, it turns out that
               SAS does NOT validate the BY list length if the dataset  
               has zero observations; I don't always have obs for every 
               MXG dataset. I think that lack of validation is a defect,
               but now that I'm aware SAS may not find these errors for 
               me, I've revised the UTILVREF QA program to now calculate
               the length of the BY list for every dataset and report   
               any new exposures so they can be corrected/documented.   
              -Note: There are other HOST SORT CAN NOT BE USED causes.  
   Thanks to Gaetan Martel, Intact Corportation Financiere, CANADA.     
Change 32.294  This analysis example to compare two WEEK's TYPE72GO data
ANALCPU        for each Service Class, matching intervals from midnight 
Dec 17, 2014   had &PDBMXG..TYPE72GO instead of WEEK.TYPE72GO and so it 
               failed with LIBREF PDB IS NOT ASSIGNED.                  
   Thanks to Jerry Schmidt, Northeast Utilities, USA.                   
Change 32.293  Warning added to ASUMDB2A when "Rollups" are detected.   
ASUMDB2A       Created when ACCUMACC is specified, rollups summarize    
Dec 17, 2014   DB2 events, leaving no "detail" event data in DB2ACCT, so
               you need to be aware Rollups impact ANALDB2R reports and 
               makes any summarization of the already summarized data of
               questionable utility.  The new log messages print:       
                 MXGWARN: BE INCORRECT.  USE WITH CAUTION.              
               Note that %ANALID reports tabulate which DB2 Subsystems  
               have enabled ACCUMACC; %ANALID reports are automatically 
               created by BUILDPDB to tabulate your input SMF data, or  
               it can be directly executed to read/report on your SMF.  
               using %ANALID(READSMF=YES,PRINT=YES,PDBOUT=WORK);        
Change 32.292 -ASCII only. The MXG default SORTSIZE=400M is removed so  
AUTOEXEC       the default SORTSIZE is chosen.  No problem was reported,
AUTOEXEU       but this archaic value could negatively impact sorts.    
AUTOEXEW      -Optional ODS and DM commands are now enclosed in comment 
Dec 16, 2014   blocks, rather than enabling by default.                 
Change 32.291  Support for GDPS SMF 105 Record APAR PI26702 (replaced   
VMAC105        PI16853) INPUTS eight new two-byte fields into existing  
Dec 16, 2014   variables SM105LTV/LOV/LPV/LSV/LUV/LCV/LJV/SN195LFV that 
               were previously only one-byte fields.  When the APAR is  
               installed, it's flag bit detects its presence and inputs 
               the new fields transparently.  One byte was too small if 
               a client had an LSS with a full 256 devices defined.     
   Thanks to Dave Clitherow, IBM GDPS Development, UK.                  
Change 32.290  "Archaic" IMS log processing programs, TYPEIMS7 to create
TYPEIMS7       IMS07 IMS07D IMA0A7 IMS0708 IMSUMRY datasets or JCLIMSL6 
VMACIMS        and ASMIMSL6 to create IMSTRAN.IMSTRAN, both now use the 
VMACIMSA       newer and larger (by about 5%) DLREXTIM for the IMSCPUTM 
Dec 12, 2014   value instead of the original CP CPU time field, DLRTIME.
               DLREXTIM was added in IMS 10.1 and recommended by IBM IMS
               support.  DLRTIME is also now kept in those datasets.    
               in JCLIMSTT that creates the IMS56FA IMS Transaction Data
               Set was not changed: IMSCPUTM correctly used TPEXTIME.   
              -IMSCPUTM/DLRTIME/DLREXTIM contain ONLY the CP CPU time   
               and DLRAZAAP/TPEZAAP contain ONLY zIIP/zAAP CPU time.    
   Thanks to David Christianson, State of Wisconsin, USA.               
Change 32.289 -RMF III processing performance enhancements, message     
ADOCRMFV       improvements, fixes, and documentation upgrades.         
ASMRMFV       -Improved ASMRMFV handling of all Return Codes, Reason    
CLRMFV         Codes, and Info Codes into messages eliminating some     
JCLRMFV        instructions.                                            
JCLCRMFV      -Severe error messages RMFV003S and RMFV007S will now     
JCLDRMFV       provide the failing subroutine name for better diagnosis.
Dec 20, 2014   In prior ASMRMFV versions only the general name of the   
               failing service (OPEN, CLOSE, etc.) was shown.           
              -Messages RMFV024I, RMFV025I, RMFV028I, RMFV029*,         
               RMFV031I, RMFV037I, and RMFV999I are modified for better 
               alignments and legibility.                               
              -Message RMFV028I for Indexes is now a multi-line message.
              -Messages RMFV012I with Sample Begin/End Date/Time stamps 
               always be issued even if NODETAIL is in effect.          
              -When the NODUPDSN option is in effect message RMFV101I   
               will include the number of DSNAME COMPARES in both Detail
               and Summary Reports as an indicator of the overhead      
               incurred detecting duplicate data set names.             
              -Message RMFV105I will now show the table name for the RMF
               III Data Set Header as DSI instead of DSH.  This was the 
               only report table id not conforming to the actual RMF III
               internal id which is ERBDSIG3.                           
              -Using the RMF III internal table identifications         
               consistently allows for more efficient table validation. 
               ASMRMFV documentation and source code will still refer to
               this table as the DSH or Data Set Header.                
              -When the POLICY option was specified with the SIZE option
               no Service Policy information was produced.  The SIZE    
               option provides a quick inventory of the space usage,    
               index usage, and attributes of all allocated RMF III data
               sets with no RMFBSAM output.                             
              -When the SIZE option is used now any RMF III data set    
               filters such as NODUPDSN, SYSPLEX=, SYSTEM=, Date/Time,  
               and DOW= (and their aliases) will be honored to provide  
               Index and Space usage for only selected data sets.  In   
               prior ASMRMFV versions all data set filters were ignored 
               when SIZE was specified.                                 
              -The SIZE option will now bypass opens and closes for     
               unneeded non-VSAM data sets RMFBSAM, RMFFILT, and RMFSKIP
               for better performance.                                  
              -Summary messages RMFV100I, RMFV012I, and RMFV014I will   
               now also be issued when SIZE is in effect.               
              -SZ is no longer an alias for the SIZE option, it is now  
               an alias for SHOWZERO.  Please use SI as a SIZE alias    
              -New parameters SHOWZERO (alias SZ) and NOSHOWZERO (alias 
               NOSZ) control display of RMF III table statistics in     
               message RMFV105I when there are zero occurrences of a    
               particular table.  The default is SHOWZERO providing the 
               same behavior as prior ASMRMFV versions.                 
              -These parameters replace the ZEROPRT/NOZEROPRT options   
               and respective aliases since the purpose was unclear from
               the names.  However, the old parameters are still        
               accepted without error.                                  
              -SHOWZERO/NOSHOWZERO parameter documentation is added to  
               Section 6 "Report Control Parameters" in ASMRMFV and     
               ADOCRMFV members.  The SIZE option is also updated.      
              -Updates for revised messages are made to Section 12      
               "Messages" in ASMRMFV and ADOCRMFV members.              
              -Section 25 "Summary" is updated to add new parameters.   
              -REQUIREMENT: In order to implement these features the    
               ASMRMFV utility program from this MXG change must be     
               installed.  See MXG SOURCLIB member JCLASM3 for sample   
               JCL for the assembly and link-edit install steps.        
Change 32.288  SMF Type 22 log message UNKNOWN SECID=40 printed because 
VMAC22         the CPU segment is only 6 bytes, MXG read 7.  Obviously, 
Dec  6, 2014   this is NOT a frequently used SMF record!  Error was     
               introduced by Change 32.064 in MXG 32.03.                
   Thanks to Gerard Bosker, Rabobank Nederland, THE NETHERLANDS.        
Change 32.287  VMXGGETM was checking the length of NRECORDS when it     
VMXGGETM       should have been checking for a value of MAX, when the   
Dec  6, 2014   NRECORD=MAX option was chose, causing log message        
               NOTE: Variable MAX is uninitialized.                     
Change 32.286  A second execution of %VMXGSRCH might do nothing; both   
Dec  3, 2014   but only the first execution executed your search.       
   Thanks to Rodger Foreman, Trans Union, USA                           
Change 32.285  A RNAME (Minor Queue Name) can contain hex characters    
VMACRMFV       so new variable ENTMINNAHEX with $HEX72 format provides  
Dec  3, 2014   the hex values when ENTMINNA contains non-printables.    
               These additional variables will also be updated and this 
               change text will be revised when completed.              
               Dataset Variable                                         
               CMFVEN  ENRERNM                                          
               CMFRV   RVRERNM                                          
               TYPEMIM MIMCMRNM                                         
               TYPEPDL RTYPEU                                           
               TMVSNQ  NQMINOR                                          
               TYPE87  SMF87QSCAN_RNAME                                 
               TYPE796 TYPE796MIN                                       
               TYPE797 TYPE797MIN                                       
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
VMACNDM        record when LOCNULL=1 is corrected by removal of SUBSTR. 
Dec  3, 2014  -Additional NDMRTYPE values of A# C# D# S$ U# UK are now  
               also output in dataset NDMAE.                            
              -Protection for ancient short records added so that now   
               every single NDM record I've ever received is tested.    
   Thanks to Gerard Bosker, Rabobank Nederland, THE NETHERLANDS.        
   Thanks to Michael Oujesky, DTCC, USA.                                
====== Changes thru 32.283 were in MXG 32.11 dated Dec  2, 2014=========
Change 32.283  Debugging PUTLOG removed, printed multi-million lines,   
VMACRMFV       causing a refresh and re-date of 32.11.                  
Dec  2, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 32.282  ASCII only. If the dataset for which you are searching   
VGETOBS        was a VIEW, it was found, but the DSNAME returned was a  
Dec  2, 2014   period and the member type was blank.  The period should 
               have been in the VGETOBS variable and the member type    
               should have been set to VIEW.  The VGETDSN variable was  
               also incorrectly set to period on z/OS, all fixed now.   
   Thanks to Karl Olafsson, Advania, ICELAND.                           
   Thanks to Hreinn C. Hreinsson, Advania, ICELAND.                     
====== Changes thru 32.281 were in MXG 32.11 dated Dec  1, 2014=========
Change 32.281  MXG 32.02-32.10. BUILDPDB fails if //PDB is on tape after
VMAC74         Change 32.031 added code to VMAC74 that caused SAS to try
Nov 28, 2014   to open PDB.TYPE748A and PDB.TYPE748R simultaneously, and
               that can't be done when //PDB is a sequential library.   
               Code revised to create a temporary copy first.  BUT:     
               job, not only because you can't have two datasets open,  
               but because BUILDPDB first writes many datasets to the   
               PDB, but then has to read them back in (e.g.,RMFINTRV has
               to read ALL of the TYPE7xxx RMF datasets to create that  
               summary PDB.RMFINTRV dataset), and since there is no     
               dictionary on sequential libraries, SAS has to read every
               record to find the first dataset, then rewind back to the
               start, read to find the second dataset, etc., causing    
               massive increase in elapsed time.  And consider what     
               happens when it's a five volume tape dataset that has to 
               have each volume mounted, read, dismounted, etc., etc.   
               Instead, make your //PDB DD a temporary DASD file for    
               the building of the PDB data library, but then add       
               a //REALPDB DD UNIT=TAPE,DSN=YOUR.REAL.PDB,. . . and a   
                 PROC COPY IN=PDB OUT=REALPDB MEMTYPE=DATA;             
               to archive the PDB to tape efficiently.                  
              -TYPS74 fails the same way/same reason if PDB is on TAPE. 
   Thanks to Jerry Schmidt, Northeast Utilities, USA.                   
Change 32.280  UNUSED Change Number.                                    
Nov 22, 2014                                                            
Change 32.279  Mobile Workload support was enhanced by adding variables 
MOBWRK02       SMF89IST SMF89EST SMF89ST SMF89UST in MOBWRK02, needed to
MOBWRK05       determine which of the SMF89 starting timestamps should  
Nov 26, 2014   be used to set the STARTHR, and MOBWRK05 was updated to  
               use the STARTHR in all the merges, which is needed for   
               hours when an LPAR was moved to a different CEC.         
   Thanks to Graham Harris, RBS, ENGLAND.                               
Change 32.278  TYP11902 dataset variables TTTTLSSP/NC/ST/FP/UI wrong    
VMAC119        when IBM inserted 16 bytes after TTDUAKRC and before the 
Nov 26, 2014   relocatable OFF11903 segment, but MXG overlooked using   
               OFF11903 in the INPUT (probably because prior iterations 
               of this SMF 119 type record happened to have OFF11903 at 
               the COL after TTDUAKRC.)  Both the OFF11903 and OFF11904 
               segments are now corrected and protected for inserts.    
              -New variable added to TYP11902 dataset, discovered in the
               z/OS 2.1 IP Programmers guide, 2014 edition, which does  
               not show those 16 bytes after TTDUAKRC.                  
   Thanks to Michael Creech, Black Knight Financial Services, USA.      
Change 32.277  Crypto variable execution times R7023MET and R7023CRT are
VMAC7072       now correctly multiplied by the R7024SF Scaling Factor;  
Nov 25, 2014   that needed multiply was overlooked when they were added.
   Thanks to Michael Creech, Black Knight Financial Services, USA.      
Change 32.276  Variables XCODSN2='REMOTE*DSN*WITH*G000V00' is now KEPT  
VMACXCOM       in TYPEXCOM; the adjacent XCODSN1 was also overlooked and
Nov 21, 2014   is now kept, but that Local DSNAME value was also in the 
Dec 16, 2014   variables LCLDSN, XCOLDSN1, and in the FILE= argument in 
Dec 22, 2014   the LASTMSG variable.                                    
              -Dec 16: This support extended back to version 11.5.      
              -Dec 22: Lines longer than 72 characters reduced.         
   Thanks to Rosa Maria Martinez Alonso, Bustia, SPAIN.                 
Change 32.275  Variable NDMRTCPU in NDMRT dataset was incorrectly INPUT.
VMACNDM        The +2 after NDMGPE1D no longer exists.                  
Nov 20, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Michael Oujesky, DTCC, USA.                                
Change 32.274 -The PDBAUDIT report of sizes of datasets in your PDB's is
PDBAUDIT       enhanced with SORTEDBY option so that you can choose     
Nov 27, 2014   the printed report order as deeded.  The default order is
               but you can alter the order any way you wish as:         
                 SORTBY=DESCENDING FILESIZE MEMNAME                     
              -Numeric values are now formatted with commas and a new   
               column is added with FILESIZE in MGBYTES, and labels     
               rather than variable names are printed.                  
Change 32.273  ASCII execution only.  Variable LIOBTIME in RACF0200     
VMACRACF       dataset was incorrect for times from midnight to 1 am.   
Nov 20, 2014   The EBCDIC logic was copied to the ASCII code area.      
   Thanks to Matthew Chappell, QLD Dept Transport Main Roads, AUSTRALIA 
VMACXAM        _N_=1 COL=8987 SEGNAME=CMS SEGSTART=8979 SEGLEN=16448    
Nov 18, 2014   A second INPUT +SKIP in the STOSHR record misaligned.    
   Thanks to Randall Springs, BB&T, USA.                                
Change 32.271  The "true" PDB.SMFINTRV dataset built by BUILDPDB, with  
SMFINTRV       consolidated MULTIDD='Y' observations, ACCOUNTn's added, 
VMAC30         and with the true count of tape devices allocated for    
Nov 19, 2014   each interval, can now be built directly from SMF data,  
               or from these datasets in //WORK and/or //PDB:           
                TYPE30TD TYPE30_1 TYPE30_5 and TYPE30_V=SMFINTRV.       
               Use %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPE30,SMFINTRV); to build ONLY the
               PDB.SMFINTRV dataset from SMF; use TYPS30 to also create 
               all TYPE30xx datasets.  This %UTILBLDP example shows how 
               other SMF records can be added to the processing in one  
               pass of the SMF file, with USERADD= adding SMF type 42,  
               and INCLAFTR=SMFINTRV adding creation of PDB.SMFINTRV:   
                             USERADD=30 42,                             
                   %INCLUDE INSTREAM;                                   
               (The _STY30UV Data Set Sort macro in TYPS30 to sort the  
               WORK.TYPE30_V dataset to the PDB does not name the sort  
               output to PDB.TYPE30_V, but instead, it simply sorts the 
               unconsolidated TYPE30_V dataset, naming it PDB.SMFINTRV. 
               Fortunately, by design, the %VMXGWORL invocation looks   
               first for the _WTY30UV token, which is WORK.TYPE30_V, but
               if that does not exist, then then the _LTY30UV token,    
               which is PDB.SMFINTRV is used, so SMFINTRV can be used   
               with either TYPE30 or TYPS30 programs transparently.)    
               To identify the source of your PDB.SMFINTRV dataset,     
               the PROC CONTENTS DATA=PDB.SMFINTRV; will show           
                    Built By            Data Set Label text             
                  TYPS30(_STY30UV)    TY30UV: TYPE 30 INTERVAL EVENT    
                  SMFINTRV            DB30UV: SMFINTRV FROM SMFINTRV    
                  BUILDPDB/3          DB30UV: BUILDPDB - SMFINTRV       
              -"Missing value" messages during _STY30U6 execution were  
                observed and eliminated with VMAC30 "cosmetic" changes. 
   Thanks to Cesar V. Cocco, Verisk, USA.                               
Change 32.270  The IHDRBVIR "BVIR Header" exit member was overlooked but
IHDRBVIR       it now exists, and is taken after these header variables 
                  TMZOFF   VECDLEVL VECDLEVL                            
               have been input and can be used to select which BVIR data
               records are processed.  As with all IHDRxxxx exits, when 
               EDITed with your criteria, that will apply to ALL jobs   
               that process the BVIR data, but each IHDRxxxx member also
               also defines a unique macro variable, here MACBVIRH, that
               can be used in the //SYSIN text to tailor a specific job.
               See comments in the IHDRBVIR and IMACFILE exit examples. 
   Thanks to Ravi Kumar, Bank of America, USA.                          
Change 32.269  Documentation of two common ODS errors on z/OS:          
                 No output destination was defined so ODS is trying to  
                 create datasets with userid.SGPLO.PNG and will almost  
                 always fail, or ODS LISTING CLOSE; was not used.       
              -ERROR: THE JAVA PROXY IS NOT RESPONDING.                 
                      SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR.                             
                 Region size too small                                  
Change 32.268  The new ANALDSCK ("DSNAME Check") reads all SMF records  
ANALDSCK       (SMF 6 14,15,17,18,42.6,60,61,65,66,62,64) that contain  
Nov 19, 2014   a DSNAME or ENTRNAME and selects the observations that   
               contain the full DSNAME, or the High-Level-Index, or any 
               text you choose, since the INDEX(DSNAME,'text') function 
               is used for the selection criteria. %VMXGPRAL is invoked 
               in this example to print all of the found observations.  
   Thanks to Jack Newburn, Los Angeles County Education, USA.           
Change 32.267  Variables CRYAC1U and CRAM3U (1024/4096 utilizations) in 
VMAC7072       the TYPE70X2 (PCI CRYPTO ACCELERATOR PCICA) need to be   
Nov 19, 2014   multiplied by 100, like the other percentages.           
   Thanks to Michael Creech, Black Knight Financial Services, Inc., USA 
Change 32.266  For CICS, DB2 variable QWHCCV is an alternate source for 
VMXGUOW        the CICS transaction name, so it is now added to the list
Nov 19, 2014   of transaction names in PDB.ASUMUOW dataset.             
Change 32.265  Support for a second CMODNAME='USER' CMODHEAD='USER' CICS
IMACICDV       optional segments for dataset CICSTRAN. The first segment
IMACICVS       will be tailored in the IMACICUS member and the second   
UTILEXCL       segment' CMODNAME/HEAD values are set to CMODNAME='USER2'
Nov 18, 2014   and the new IMACICVS member is listed to be tailored for 
               the second segment.                                      
   Thanks to Tom MacCabe, Dominion Resource Services, USA.              
Change 32.264  WPS ONLY. The ancient test for &SYSVER GE 6 (to ensure   
WEEKBLDD       the "new in V6" CLEAR function was available, to then    
WEEKBLDT       CLEAR the LIBNAME) failed under WPS, with a spurious     
WEEKBL3D       error message about BLKSIZE mismatch with LRECL=133!     
WEEKBL3T       The test needs to use &SASVER which is 8 or greater for  
Nov 18, 2014   both SAS and WPS; SYSVER returns the current SAS version 
               which is also 8 or greater, but WPS returns a 3.         
   Thanks to Simone Niemczura, Sungard, USA.                            
Change 32.263  SAS fails to PROC COPY a DATA library with an ITEMSTORE, 
DOC            to a tape or sequential format library on disk, with:    
         ERROR: An item store cannot be created in a sequential library.
         ERROR: File PDBINTRV.REGSTRY.ITEMSTOR has not been saved       
Nov 14, 2014    because copy could not be completed.                    
               All PROC COPY statements now include the MEMTYPE=DATA    
               option to prevent the error; most COPY's did have either 
               MT=DATA or MEMTYPE specified.                            
   Thanks to Cesar V Cocco, Verisk, USA.                                
Change 32.262 -If you are running BLDSMPDB with Week-To-Date WTD, the   
BLDSMPDB       WEEKKEEP logic in BLDSMPDB failed if you used a wild card
VMXGALOC       syntax (ASUM: for example).                              
Nov 12, 2014  -If you used WTD logic with AUTOALOC on ASCII and used    
Dec 15, 2014   FORCEDAY to do a rerun the data went into the WEEK-1     
               dataset rather than the correct week. Dec 12: Typo fixed.
Change 32.261  If a tailored program compiled _CDE102 first, variable   
VMACDB2H       JOB could be length $12, because there was no LENGTH     
Nov 11, 2014   statement, causing JOB=(SUBSTR(QWHCCV,1,8) to set the    
               length from the length of QWHCCV. A LENGTH statement is  
               added in VMACDB2H to protect the expected length $8.     
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
Change 32.260  Executing MXG on Linux to process AS400 data, a forward  
VMXGDSNL       slash in the path name was fine on windows but was taken 
Nov 12, 2014   to be a divide symbol under linux, causing a numeric     
               operator to be looked for and not found.  The use of the 
               %QUOTE() was required to resolve the intended meaning of 
               the slash, but the code used ONLY for TYPEQACS processing
               has been rewritten to be sensitive to the execution      
   Thanks to H. Sterling James, DST Systems Inc.                        
Change 32.259  DB2 IFCID=220: "NOTE: Invalid Argument to function INPUT"
VMAC102        prints a hex dump of the first two instances. MXG's INPUT
Nov 10, 2014   statement had not been validated with IFCID=220s and its 
               misalignment had not been previously observed.           
   Thanks to Rachel Holt, Fidelity Systems, USA.                        
Change 32.258  Variable SHIFT (the shift of INTBTIME) is now added to   
ASUMSMFI       the PDB.ASUMSMFI dataset which summarizes PDB.SMFINTRV.  
Nov 10, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Frank Lund, EVRY, NORWAY.                                  
Change 32.257  RMF Type 78 Subtype 2 record always contain the Virtual  
FORMATS        Storage Section, and can optionally contain Private Area 
VMACID         and Subpool Statistics (enabled by listing JOB names to  
VMACSMF        be monitored in the VSTORE options in your ERBRMFxx).    
VMAC78         The %ANALID report now recognizes and reports the records
NOV  7, 2014      78.2.1:VIRTUAL STORAGE ACTIVITY                       
                  78.2.2:VIRT+PRIVATE AREA/SUBPOOL                      
               so you can tell if there were any of those JOBS that were
               initiated during this interval.                          
   Thanks to Ray Dunn, CIGNA, USA.                                      
   Thanks to Keith C. Shaffer, CIGNA, USA.                              
Change 32.256  These duration variables in dataset TYPEMVAO             
Nov  7, 2014     SUCCTIME SUCRETTM FAILTIME FAIRETTM                    
               were all incorrectly multiplied by 60; I think the first 
               data in 2010 was in minutes, but now is in seconds, so   
               that multiply is now removed.                            
   Thanks to Christa Neven, KBC Group, BELGIUM.                         
Change 32.255  The HIGHCONTRAST style that was used as the parent for   
MXGSTYL1       MXGSTYLE1 was changed (unexpectedly, unclear when) to    
Nov  6, 2014   have a black background and all of the colors were also  
               modified. Changing the parent to PRINTER resolved the    
   Thanks to Richard Way, Office Depot, USA.                            
Change 32.254  z/VM Variable INTERVAL and HFRATE can be wrong if there  
FORMATS        is no SAMPLE PROFILE (1.09) MONWRITE record written at   
VMACVMXA       startup.  They are missing values if there is only one   
Nov  4, 2014   system's MONWRITE data being read, but if MONWRITE data  
               from multiple systems is concatenated, the variables will
               be non-missing and wrong values, as they were retained   
               from the prior systems 1.09 record.  Now, both variables 
               are set to a missing value in the 1.04 (Monitor Start) to
               clear the retained values.  Fortunately, neither variable
               is used in any MXG processing.                           
              -Cosmetic, in FORMATS, the RECTYPE format MGVXATY had not 
               been updated for recently added MONWRITE records.        
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 32.253  zOS only and only if daily datasets are GDGs, MONTHBLD:  
BLDSMPDB       It is possible that unless the GDGs are in precisely the 
MONTHASC       right order (today is 0, yesterday -1, etc,) that the    
MONTHBL3       MONTHBLD logic could cause you to have duplicate and/or  
MONTHBLD       missing data in your MONTHLY datasets. All of these      
MONTHDSK       members now look for daily data that is in the current   
VSETMNTH       week - that is the last week that started before         
Nov  1, 2014   month-end and if the ZDATE is in that week will continue 
Nov  6, 2014   to process that record.  On zOS, all 7 days are always   
               set by VSETMNTH to ensure we get all of the data from the
               current week into the process.                           
Change 32.252  Support for EzSM 4.2.0 creates two new datasets, one each
EXEZSMT2       from splitting subtype 2 and 3, and subtypes 1, 2, 3, 7  
EXEZSMV3       are all now decoded and variables created.  Only header  
IMACEZSM       variables are output for subtypes 4, 5, and 6, pending   
VMACEZSM       test data for those subtypes.                            
VMXGINIT         dddddd    dataset   description                        
Oct 31, 2014     EZSM02    EZSM02    EZSM02: USER START OR END OR END   
                 EZSMT2    EZSM02T   EZSMT2: TRANSACTION START OR END   
                 EZSM03    EZSM03    EZSM03: MVS CONSOLE COMMAND        
                 EZSMV3    EZSMV3    EZSMV3: MVS VARY COMMAND           
   Thanks to Perry Lim, Union Bank, USA.                                
VMAC30         were inconsistent when NUMDD=0.  MXG set EXCPNODD=0 if   
Oct 30, 2014   it was missing, to prevent MISSING VALUE messages, but   
               when NUMDD=0, there ARE no DD segments, so leaving       
               EXCPNODD=. when NUMDD=0 makes better sense.  And while   
               NUMDD=0 did set IOTMTODD=., that caused the calculated   
               IOTMTOTL to be missing when IOTMTOTL=IOTMTOTL-IOTMTODD   
               was executed.  All are now correct and consistent; when  
               NUMDD=0 the two NODDs will be missing and TOTL correct   
               in both TYPE30_V and PDB.SMFINTRV datasets. While MULTIDD
               observations (30's with ONLY DD segments) don't have a   
               Unit Record segment (so IOTMTOTL in TYPE30_V will be a   
               missing value), the BUILDPDB/ONLYINTV consolidation of   
               all of those MULTIDD='Y' observations from TYPE30_V into 
               the PDB.SMFINTRV observation sums those variables.       
   Thanks to David Campbell, SunTrust, USA.                             
Change 32.250 -RMF III Data Set selection enhancements, fixes, and      
ADOCRMFV       documentation upgrades.                                  
ASMRMFV       -New parameter SYSPLEX= (alias PLEX=) provides for the    
CLRMFV         selection of RMF Monitor III data sets based on the      
JCLRMFV        originating Sysplex Name and is explained more below.    
JCLCRMFV      -New parameter SYSTEM= (aliases SYSID=, SID=) provides for
JCLDRMFV       the selection of RMF Monitor III data sets based on the  
Nov 29, 2014   originating System Id and is explained more below.       
              -New parameters SHOWMATCH (alias SM) and NOSHOWMATCH      
               (alias NOSM) control display results of SYSPLEX= and     
               SYSTEM= value matching.  The default is NOSHOWMATCH.     
              -New parameters NODUPDSN (alias NODUP) and DUPDSN (alias  
               DUP) control detection of duplicate RMF Monitor III data 
               set names as input.                                      
              -The default for NODUPDSN/DUPDSN is DUPDSN that provides  
               the previous ASMRMFV behavior of no duplicate detection. 
              -New parameter DUPERR=ABEND/WARN/IGNORE controls what     
               happens when NODUPDSN is in effect and an RMF III data   
               set name duplicate is detected.  The default is          
               DUPERR=WARN.  DUPERR is ignored with DUPDSN in effect.   
              -SYSPLEX= and SYSTEM= do NOT allocate any RMF Monitor III 
               data sets, but just filter those already allocated       
               whether by JCL or INDSNAME= patterns.                    
              -The SYSPLEX= and SYSTEM= parameters may be useful for    
               large sites with many Sysplexes and/or System Ids that   
               have an established comprehensive set of RMF III data    
               sets used for MXG PDB builds.  But a complete set may not
               be needed for all uses such as for certain ad hoc        
              -Use of SYSPLEX= and/or SYSTEM= avoids having to set up   
               special groups of RMF III data sets in JCL or as         
               INDSNAME= patterns just for special needs.  The standard 
               configuration set of RMF III data sets can always be     
               used, but filtered as needed with SYSPLEX= and/or        
              -Note that SYSPLEX= and SYSTEM= when specified do add some
               overhead because every data set has to be opened to      
               examine the originating Sysplex Name and System Id       
               whether it will be filtered or not.                      
              -However, that drawback is possibly offset with the       
               avoidance of inconvenience and errors associated with    
               tailoring of JCL or INDSNAME= patterns for special PDB   
              -Defaults are SYSPLEX=ALL and SYSTEM=ALL meaning that no  
               RMF Monitor III data set filtering occurs based on       
               Sysplex or Sysid origin as in prior ASMRMFV versions.    
              -SYSPLEX= and SYSTEM= support any of the following formats
               for values:                                              
                 SYSPLEX=Range1                 SYSTEM=Range1           
                 SYSPLEX=Range1:Range2          SYSTEM=Range1:Range2    
                 SYSPLEX=Pattern1               SYSTEM=Pattern1         
                 SYSPLEX=Pattern1:Pattern2      SYSTEM=Pattern1:Pattern2
                 SYSPLEX=Pattern1:Range1        SYSTEM=Pattern1:Range1  
                 SYSPLEX=Range1:Pattern1        SYSTEM=Range1:Pattern1  
              -A Range is one or more alphanumeric (A-Z,0-9) or national
               (@,#,$) characters allowed in a Sysplex Name or System   
              -Range1:Range2 specifies a low/high Range Pair of values  
               where the source Sysplex or Sysid string must be equal or
               greater than Range1 and also equal to or less than Range2
               for the data set to be selected.                         
              -Patterns provide generic matching with the Sysplex and   
               System fields in the Data Set Header (DSH) table for     
              -A Pattern can include any of the characters in a Range   
               and MUST also include at least 1 special pattern         
               character to be recognized as a Pattern.  Otherwise it is
               handled as a Range.                                      
              -Supported pattern characters are:                        
                 Pattern Character   Matches In Source String           
                 -----------------   ------------------------------     
                 '*' (Asterisk)      0 or more    characters            
                 '%' (Percent sign)  1 Non-blank  character             
                 '+' (Plus sign)     1 Numeric    character (0-9)       
                 '_' (Underscore)    1 Alphabetic character (A-Z)       
                 '.' (Period)        1 National   character (@,#,$)     
              -The colon ':' character is a required delimiter when two 
               values are provided for SYSPLEX= or SYSTEM=.             
              -Either or both SYSPLEX= and SYSTEM= parameters may be    
               coded and each repeated as needed (subject to internal   
               table size limits).                                      
              -New severe error message RMFV034S is displayed when a    
               Range or Pattern filter table is exhausted.  The limit   
               for SYSPLEX= Ranges or Patterns is 16 each.  The limit   
               for SYSTEM= Ranges or Patterns is 64 each.  If higher    
               limits are needed please contact MXG Technical Support.  
              -When both SYSPLEX= and SYSTEM= are specified the match   
               results are logically ANDed so that matches must occur   
               for BOTH Sysplex Name and System Id for the data set to  
               be selected.                                             
              -For more details and examples on Range and Pattern usage 
               with SYSPLEX= and SYSTEM= for RMF Monitor III data set   
               selection see the ASMRMFV, ADOCRMFV, JCLRMFV, JCLCRMFV,  
               and JCLDRMFV Sourclib members.                           
              -New information message RMFV034I is displayed when       
               SHOWMATCH is in effect.  If a match occurs for SYSPLEX=  
               and/or SYSTEM= the original source string as well as the 
               Range Pair or Pattern that matched are displayed.        
              -When no matches occur for all Ranges and/or all Patterns 
               this condition is also shown.                            
              -SHOWMATCH can be useful for testing the new SYSPLEX= and 
               SYSTEM= parameters.  SHOWMATCH has very low overhead and 
               can be used freely without concern for a performance     
              -Add new variable severity message RMFV036* (*=I,W,E) when
               a duplicate data set is found and NODUPDSN is in effect. 
              -NODUPDSN adds some CPU overhead because the current RMF  
               III data set name being opened is compared with all the  
               previous data set names already processed.               
              -Although duplicate data set name detection is a simple   
               compare with a basic counter loop, the number of         
               comparisons rises rapidly with the number of RMF III DD  
                  Number RMF III     Duplicate                          
                  Data Sets Input    Comparisons                        
                  ---------------    -----------                        
                          2                    1                        
                          3                    3                        
                          4                    6                        
                          5                   10                        
                         10                   45                        
                         50                1,225                        
                        100                4,950                        
                        500              124,750                        
                      1,000              499,500                        
                      1,500            1,124,250                        
                      1,635            1,335,795   Default 32K TIOT size
                      2,000            1,999,000                        
                      2,500            3,123,750                        
                      3,000            4,498,500                        
                      3,273            5,354,628   Maximum 64K TIOT size
              -Users who are confident they do not have any duplicate   
               RMF III data sets being input to ASMRMFV do not need to  
               code the NODUPDSN option.                                
              -However, new ASMRMFV users may want to use NODUPDSN at   
               least once to insure their ASMRMFV run does not contain  
               duplicate data sets.                                     
              -Duplicates are also more likely using the Dynamic Method 
               with the INDSNAME= parameter due to possible overlapping 
               of data set name patterns.                               
              -With the addition of the NODUPDSN, SYSPLEX=, and SYSTEM= 
               parameters RMF III data set filters are applied in the   
               following order (if coded):                              
                 1) NODUPDSN  Prevent duplicate dsname input            
                 2) SYSPLEX=  Select Sysplex dsname origin(s)           
                 3) SYSTEM=   Select LPAR dsname origin(s)              
                 4) Date/Time FROMDATE=,TODATE=,FROMTIME=,TOTIME=,WINDOW
                 5) DOW=      Day of the Week                           
              -Filter messages RMFV006I have been reordered in the log  
               to correspond with the general order that filters are    
               applied during an ASMRMFV run.                           
              -A new summary RMFV014I message is added with RMF III data
               set filter (bypass) counts for Total, Duplicates, Sysplex
               Name, System Id, Date/Time, and Day of the Week filters. 
              -Options message RMFV036I showing RMF III table selections
               is now an RMFV006I filter message and is now part of that
               multi-line message group.  These are properly filters not
               just options.                                            
              -Several filters in an RMFV037I option message are moved  
               to an RMFV006I message as these are also properly filters
               not just options.                                        
              -Add new Abend Reason code 84 when DUPERR=ABEND and a     
               duplicate data set name is found with NODUPDSN in effect.
              -Message RMFV050S for the internal Dsname Table full      
               condition is now message RMFV079S.                       
              -DDNAMEs dynamically allocated by the TSO Clist CLRMFV    
               will now have a RMFC DDNAME prefix that is also supported
               by ASMRMFV instead of an RMFV DDNAME prefix as before.   
              -Thus the DDNAME prefix in messages now indicates:        
                  Prefix  Allocation Method                             
                  ------  -------------------------------               
                  RMFC    CLRMFV Clist Dynamic Allocation               
                  RMFD    INDSNAME= Dynamic Allocation                  
                  RMFV    Static JCL DD statement                       
              -Split message RMFV049* into RMFV049* for CSI Catalog     
               errors only and RMFV050* for CSI Dsname entry errors     
               only.  Before both errors used the same message skeleton.
              -All variable severity messages with ids RMFVnnn* (*=     
               I,W,E,S) are now initialized only once during ASMRMFV    
               startup according to the settings of the various         
               *ERR=ABEND/WARN/IGNORE options.                          
              -This improves performance because in prior ASMRMFV       
               versions some messages were reused and were reset        
               according to severity multiple times during execution.   
              -There is a new variable severity message RMFV056*        
               (*=I,W,E) issued just for pattern errors.  Before these  
               were part of RMFV004* messages.                          
              -CSI severe error message RMFV043S was not being built    
               with variable error text correctly when the condition    
              -Issue Index messages RMFV028I and RMFV029* only if the   
               RMF Monitor III Data Set is selected to reduce overhead. 
              -Issue Space messages RMFV030I and RMFV031I only if the   
               RMF Monitor III Data Set is selected to reduce overhead. 
              -When ASMRMFV execution methods were mixed in a single run
               (this is supported) the summary message RMFV101I was not 
               reporting statistics by DDNAME prefix correctly.         
              -For example, using a static JCL DD statement for an RMF  
               data set while also using the CLRMFV Clist or using the  
               INDSNAME= parameter would be a mixing of methods.  Now   
               multiple RMFV101I messages will be issued for RMFC*,     
               RMFD*, and RMFV* DDNAME prefixes as required.            
              -Last Open message RMFV017I is now an RMFV008I message and
               is now part of that multi-line display group produced as 
               each RMF III data set is opened.                         
              -Origin message RMFV009I is split into two parts so that  
               the Sysplex and System Id information appears near the   
               point in the ASMRMFV log where SYSPLEX= and SYSTEM=      
               matching occur.                                          
              -The second part of the original RMFV009I message is now  
               message RMFV017I showing RMF and Z/OS versions and the   
               timestamp value when these were first in effect.         
              -The MAXFINDS= parameter limit is lowered to a more       
               reasonable 99,999 maximum down from a 99,999,999,999     
              -Error messages that display an invalid character both in 
               EBCDIC and in hex are now improved for better visibility.
              -Explicit coding of DOW=ALL, SYSPLEX=ALL, or SYSTEM=ALL is
               documented to explain that this resets the corresponding 
               internal table(s) to empty.  Any prior specifications for
               the corresponding table(s) in the current ASMRMFV run are
               lost.  Any subsequent specifications will be added to the
               respective table(s) during the run.                      
              -Definitions for the terms "Keyword", "Range", and        
               "Pattern" are added to Section 2 "Terminology" in ASMRMFV
               and ADOCRMFV member documentation.                       
              -NODUPDSN/DUPDSN, SYSPLEX= and, SYSTEM= parameter         
               documentation is added to Section 5 "Input Data Selection
               Parameters" in ASMRMFV and ADOCRMFV members.             
              -SHOWMATCH/NOSHOWMATCH parameter documentation is added to
               Section 6 "Report Control Parameters" in ASMRMFV and     
               ADOCRMFV members.                                        
              -DUPERR=ABEND/IGNORE/WARN parameter documentation is added
               to Section 8 "Error Handling Parameters" in ASMRMFV and  
               ADOCRMFV members.                                        
              -Updates for new and revised messages are made to Section 
               12 "Messages" in ASMRMFV and ADOCRMFV members.           
              -A new Filter Scope Table is added to Section 13 "Filtered
               Records" in ASMRMFV and ADOCRMFV members.  This shows the
               data filters available in ASMRMFV, to which RMF III      
               tables they are applied, the order of application, and   
               the level of data affected.                              
              -Section 25 "Summary" is updated to add new parameters and
               improve text alignments in ASMRMFV and ADOCRMFV member   
              -Three new examples showing use of SYSPLEX= and SYSTEM=   
               parameters are added to the sample documentation members 
               JCLRMFV, JCLCRMFV, and JCLDRMFV.                         
              -At the ASMRMFV 32.225 level only FROMDATE=TODAY or       
               TODATE=TODAY settings and all related variants and       
               equivalents were creating an invalid date of 01JAN1900   
               for date selection because the current date was not being
               loaded in SETDATE processing for these settings.         
              -REQUIREMENT: In order to implement these features the    
               ASMRMFV utility program from this MXG change must be     
               installed.  See MXG SOURCLIB member JCLASM3 for sample   
               JCL for the assembly and link-edit install steps.        
   Thanks to Rodger Foreman, Trans Union, USA                           
Change 32.249  Support for BVIR Version 2 short 32X History Records that
VMACBVIR       had only 31 Pool Segments, when all 32 pool segments are 
Oct 30, 2014   normally always present.  These records had BVIRLEN=8256,
               but 8545 bytes (32*256+353) are needed for 32 pools.     
               The existing BVIRLEN GE 8512 test was reduced to 3256 as 
               record does contain the LIBxxxxx descriptor variables.   
              -The first three instances of these short records will    
               print a log message.                                     
              -A debugging PUT with _N_= GCNRCLUS= LENLEFT= was removed.
   Thanks to Olivier Bigeon, SOC GEN, FRANCE.                           
   Thanks to Pierre-Pascal Joulin, SOC GEN, FRANCE.                     
   Thanks to Samsla Assanaly, SOC GEN, FRANCE.                          
Change 32.248  Under WPS, BLDSMPDB failed on z/OS because it generated  
BLDSMPDB       RECFM=S370VBS instead of RECFM=VBS because it incorrectly
Oct 28, 2014   changed OPSYS to 'os' with a %LET OPSYS=%LOWCASE(OPSYS). 
               The same code was generated under SAS, but there was no  
               error because SAS has supported both S370VBS and VBS     
               since SAS Version 8, although that was never documented. 
               The low case value was not visible in SYMBOLGEN messages,
               because OPTIONS CAPSOUT is specified in MXG CONFIGxx.    
   Thanks to Scottie Mills, TI, USA.                                    
Change 32.247  Support for EMC's Clarion Arrays data for Flare Firmware 
VMACCLAR       Version 26 thru 33. Most of the changes are new counters.
Oct 24, 2014   The "clarsan" object is really a special case of clarsnap
               so clarsan was repurposed as clarpool.                   
               Instrumentation was added to help build keep lists for   
               the various object's new counters.                       
   Thanks to James Quigley, CONED, USA.                                 
Change 32.246  TYPE72GO's PERFINDX can be a missing value when it should
VMAC7072       be large, for Service Classes with Percentage Goal and   
Oct 24, 2014   a small number of transactions with a high goal objective
               that was NOT met (so PERFINDX must be greater than one). 
               A Service Class with 19 transactions had 18 complete in  
               the first response bucket (.5) but one longer transaction
               was not counted in the thirteenth response bucket (4).   
               So, while 94% of the transactions met their goal, the 97%
               objective goal objective was NOT MET (.97*19=18.43 trans)
               and due to an MXG logic error, PERFINDX was not set.     
               Now, when TRANS GT 0, PERFINDX is set to RTSMAP(13),     
               which for this case was 4.0.  Note that PERFINDX will    
               always be a missing value when TRANS=0, or for R723CRGF= 
               'S' (SYSTEM) or 'D' (DISCRETIONARY) goals.               
   Thanks to Tom Kelman, Xerox, USA.                                    
Change 32.245  Reserved Change Number.                                  
Change 32.244  The MOBILE program MOBWRK73 (to read existing TYPE70s)   
MOBWRK73       incorrectly required //TYPE70 DD statement. Eliminated,  
Oct 21, 2014   but //TYPE70 DD UNIT=SYSDA,SPACE=(CYL,(50)) circumvents. 
   Thanks to Scottie Long, Navy Federal Credit Union, USA.              
Change 32.243  If you use INITIT=Mx where X was the day of the month on 
VMXG2DTE       which you wanted to INIT the output, the first day's data
Oct 21, 2014   would have been missing.  For example, if you specified  
               INITIT=M2 so that all the observations based on ZDATE    
               would be in each month's dataset, the data for the first 
               of each month would be missing because of an incorrect   
               calculation: when Wx is being used, 1 is added to the    
               date since the days of the week start with 0, but using  
               Mx, that +1 caused the data to be missing.               
   Thanks to Tom MacCabe, Dominion Resource Services, USA.              
Change 32.242  z/VM Interval ENDTIME is set from first 0.1 (CPU) record,
VMACVMXA       selecting CPUADDR='0000'x.  But the first 0.1 record is  
Oct 20, 2014   not always CPUADDR zero!  CPUADDR=0001/0002/0003/0000x   
Oct 28, 2014   data records had the MRHDRTOD in the fourth record SEVEN 
               MICROSECONDS later than the time in the first three. This
               caused those first three observations to be output with  
               the (incorrect) prior ENDTIME value, which then caused   
               spurious observations with many missing values in dataset
               VMXAINTV.  Because the z/VM MONWRITE data file is weird, 
               consisting of 4K block containing variable records that  
               span blocks, and because four 0.1 records fill a block,  
               finding that first record requires comparing the stored  
               FOUNDINTBLOCK block number (_N_) with the _N_ of this new
               0.1 and only updating ENDTIME if this block is more than 
               100 blocks later (256 CPUs would need 32 blocks).        
              -Lost Interval Data in VMXAINTV dataset will ALWAYS occur 
               for the first interval (START MONITOR message on the log)
               because the data values are accumulated but there is no  
               prior record for the DIF() function; so if you have many 
               START MONITOR messages, each one is a lost interval.     
               MONWRITE really needs to run for 23.99 hours, STOP and   
               then START (and look at the REXX code in Change 29.101   
               that will synchronize your MONWRITE data to the hour.)   
               and thus lose only that one midnight interval.           
   Thanks to Kim Morrell, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, CANADA         
Change 32.241  Back-Level EXITCICS V1 caused ERROR: DB2 INPUT STATEMENT 
Oct 20, 2014   fields contain text: QWHUCPU='000000'X!!'BCDIC', and the 
               incorrect decompression in V1 also caused INVALID DISTRIB
               HEADER messages (but DB2 APAR PM32425 was installed).    
               All errors were eliminated using the current EXITCICS V3.
               However, protection is added for the EXCEEDED error.     
               On z/OS, EXITCICS decompresses the record before the SAS 
               INPUT statement, so a hex dump of the input record will  
               be the uncompressed record, but on ASCII, where MXGDECOM 
               must be used, after the record has been INPUT, a hex dump
               will be of the compressed records.  See comments in both 
               VMAC110 and VMACDB2 to get an uncompressed hex dump.     
   Thanks to Paul Maradin, HP, USA.                                     
====== Changes thru 32.240 were in MXG 32.10 dated Oct 16, 2014=========
Change 32.240  First 32.10.  INPUT EXCEEDED z/OS 2.1 SMF 6 Printway with
VMAC6          URI but no Accounting fields was not expected, but now is
Oct 16, 2014   protected.                                               
   Thanks to Jennifer D. Ayers, West Virginia State Government, USA.    
Change 32.239  WebSphere SMF 120 Dataset TYP1209E had observations with 
VMAC120        a negative DELTA120TM that should not have been output.  
Oct 15, 2014   They are first instances of a by group, so no deaccum is 
               possible, but the test "IF DELTA120TM GT ." was true for 
               a negative.  "IF DELTA120TM GT 0" is the required test.  
   Thanks to Wayne Bell, UniGroup, USA.                                 
Change 32.238  Support "ALL" Tandem Measure records in a single file.   
IHDRTAND       This new support reads the //TANDALL DD, which can be    
TYPETAND       the ALL record file using this JCL:                      
TYPETANX            // EXEC MXGSAS                                      
VMACTAND            //SYSIN   DD *                                      
VMACTANX             %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPSTAND);                       
VMXGINIT       or can be the individual "TYPE" files, concatenated:     
Oct 16, 2014        //        DD DSN=YOUR.TANDEM.DISC.FILE,DISP=SHR     
                    //        DD DSN=YOUR.TANDEM.PROC.FILE,DISP=SHR     
                    //SYSIN   DD *                                      
                     %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPSTAND);                       
               The CPU, DISC and PROC types (LOADID) have been tested.  
              -The "TAND" Header Exit IHDRTAND invokes &MACTANH which   
               can be used to select which record types are output:     
                 %LET MACTANH= %QUOTE( IF LOADID='CPU'; );              
                 %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPSTAND);                           
               (If the original multiple-file-name program is still     
               needed, use TYPETANX or TYPSTANX.)                       
   Thanks to Paul Bennett, Euroclear, BELGIUM                           
====== Changes thru 32.237 were in MXG 32.10 dated Oct 10, 2014=========
Change 32.237  New variables added to ASUMDBSS for DBAT analysis:       
VMXGDBSS         ID= qdstnads qdstnard qdstqcit                         
Oct 10, 2014     MIN=qdstnqmn                                           
                 MAX=qdstnccw qdstnqmx qdstnqav qdstmard                
   Thanks to Wayne Bell, UniGroup, USA.                                 
Change 32.236 -InfoPrint/Printway SMF 6 SUBSYS='TCPE' Extended Mode File
IMAC6ESS       Transfer INDC=7 variables PAGECNT/NRLINES/OUTDEVCE are   
VMAC6          zero/zero/blank as noted in the SMF Manual.              
Oct  9, 2014  -Variable SMF6URI (VMAC6) was increased from $64 to $128. 
Oct 16, 2014  -Variable ESSFSSDT (IMAC6ESS) increased from $67 to $128. 
              -New in z/OS 2.1, the JOB Accounting fields in SMF6ACCT   
               are now decoded and NRACCTFL, ACCOUNTn, and LENACCTn     
               variables are created in TYPE6 dataset. Both BUILD005 and
               BUIL3005 are also updated to use those values to populate
               the existing account variables in PDB.PRINT when no 30-1,
               30-5, and no type 26 records were found.                 
               SEE CHANGE 32.240, in MXG 32.10 re-dated Oct 16, 2014.   
   Thanks to Teuvo Virsu, TIETO, FINLAND.                               
Change 32.235  Variable QWOBJNAM is now kept in MQMACCTQ dataset.       
Oct  7, 2014                                                            
Change 32.234  The _IDaaaa=512 detection did not work correctly; all of 
VMACXXXX       Changes 32.224, 32.221, 32.198, 32.180 and 32.149 that   
Oct  7, 2014   attempted to detect the un-changed default are removed.  
               Processing a USER SMF with the default MACRO _IDaaaa will
               create zero obs in those datasets, as was always the case
               previously.  This attempt to alert the user why they had 
               zero obs could cause ALL of the USER SMF datasets to have
               zero observations, so it has been removed.               
                 The primary culprit was my choice to include the TMNT  
                 USER SMF record in the default BUILDPDB/UTILBLDP, even 
                 when you had not asked for it.  And the circumvention  
                 if you get the _IDTMNT unchanged log message, is to    
                 request the VMACTMNT from MXG 32.10 to circumvent,     
                 or to install MXG 32.10.                               
Change 32.233  Netview INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED for SUBTYPE=3 because I 
VMAC38         thought S38DSOSN, active spans, described the length of  
Oct  7, 2014   S38DSOSP, but it does not; code was revised.             
   Thanks to Coen Wessels, IBM, Switzerland.                            
   Thanks to Pierre Beda, IBM, Switzerland.                             
Change 32.232  Variables SMF92MSZ and SMF92USZ are MGBYTES formatted.   
Oct  2, 2014                                                            
Change 32.231  Support for DB2 V11 IFCID 225 IRLM STORAGE INFORMATION in
VMACDB2        new section 6 adds these variables to DB2STATS dataset:  
Sep 30, 2014        QW0225I_ABCSA    /*CURRENT*USED 64-BIT*COMMON*/     
                    QW0225I_ABCSH    /*HWM*FOR 64-BIT COMMON*/          
                    QW0225I_BBPVT    /*CURRENT*USED 31-BIT*IRLM*PRIVATE*
                    QW0225I_BBPVH    /*HWM FOR*31-BIT IRLM*PRIVATE*/    
                    QW0225I_ABPVT    /*CURRENT*USED 64-BIT*IRLM*PRIVATE*
                    QW0225I_ABPVH    /*HWM FOR*64-BIT IRLM*PRIVATE*/    
                    QW0225I_BBECSA   /*CURRENT*USED*ECSA IRLM*POOLS*/   
                    QW0225I_BBECSAH  /*ECSA*HWM*IRLM*POOLS*/            
                    QW0225I_BPMAX    /*THRESHOLD*31-BIT*IRLM*NORMAL*/   
                    QW0225I_APMAX    /*THRESHOLD*64-BIT*IRLM*NORMAL*/   
               and QW0225DMH is now correctly INPUT for DB2 V11 when it 
   Thanks to Ralph C. Baechle, Deere & Company, USA.                    
   Thanks to Kerry Sommers, Deere & Company, USA.                       
Change 32.230  Undocumented 81-byte SMF14STY=01 segment caused remaining
VMAC1415       segments to be skipped. SMF Manual only documents 80.    
Sep 29, 2014   Extra byte now input into SMF14UNK while IBM queried, and
               all SMF14STY segments are now protected using SMF30ESL to
               skip future new bytes, documented or undocumented.       
   Thanks to Carl D. Ellis, Wells Fargo, USA.                           
Change 32.229 -Only these NDM _SNDMxxx are PROC SORTs with NODUP to PDB:
Sep 29, 2014   and CT.  All other _SNDMxxx had a DATA step that copied  
Oct  5, 2014   to //PDB, but that doesn't propagate the Dataset Label,  
Oct  7, 2014   nor remove duplicates. (I use a DATA step instead of SORT
Oct  9, 2014   in an _Sdddddd sort macro when I don't have any data, so 
               I can't validate the BY list for the NODUP removal.  When
               a customer provides data, I validate the BY list and use 
               the PROC SORT NODUP in place of the DATA step.)  But, the
               BY list CAN be built from MXG code, so this was done and 
               all NDM _Sdddddd sort macros now use PROC SORT.          
              -The table in comments in VMACNDM was updated to identify 
               the datasets that have been populated with observations. 
              -These datasets _SNDMxxx were updated, but they all still 
               have zero observations, so their new BY list has not been
               data-validated for NODUP:                                
                 CS CX GF HW HW2 CS EI JX LS MF PE PX RE RO S2 SC SH    
                 ST TP TR TX                                            
                 (If you have obs in these datasets, you can use the    
                 UTILNODU program to confirm my BY list is sufficient,  
                 or send your SMF data to support for examination.)     
              -Variables added to the NDMCT dataset:                    
              -Dataset NDMPT variables NDMSUBJOB/NDMSUBJID were always  
               blank because the MXG logic for the Extension segment    
               was not correct.  But there are new PT fields that are   
               NOT documented in the DSECT, in particular, PTDSNAME and 
               several character and numeric fields now INPUT in new    
               PTUNCHx and PTUNNRy character and numeric variables until
               updated documentation is available.                      
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, HP, CANADA.                                  
Change 32.228  Only 240 characters of IMS Log Input Message, MSGTEXT,   
VMACIMS        were kept, but that text can be much longer and may be   
Sep 27, 2014   needed to identify your IMS Mobile Workload transactions.
               So INPUT MSGTEXT $VARYING32000 MSGLEN @; is now used, but
               with LENGTH MSGTEXT $240 added to keep the same length.  
               So if YOU do need to access data in MSGTEXT, you would   
               tailor the EXIMS01/EXIMS01M dataset exit members to test 
               the text and could use existing SMSGTEXT variable ($40)  
               for your flag, perhaps with logic like this:             
               before the OUTPUT statement in those EXdddddd members.   
               Or, you could create your own variable in those exits:   
                    LABEL MYTEXT='ALL*32000*BYTES OF*MSGTEXT';          
               and then use                                             
                   %LET MACKEEP= MACRO _KIMS01  MYTEXT %                
                                 MACRO _KIMS01M MYTEXT % ;              
               to add variable MYTEXT to each of those datasets.        
               Variable MSGSZIN is the actual MSGLEN of MSGTEXT.        
Change 32.227  The ENDTIME in the last obs in NMONINTV can had a value  
VMACNMON       12 hours later than actual, when there were BBBP records 
Sep 26, 2014   after the last ZZZZ, because MXG code incorrectly updated
               ENDTIME when it should have updated variable BBBPEND049. 
   Thanks to Xiaobo Zhang, FIServ, USA.                                 
Change 32.226  SPINCNT SPINUOW and TIMEDIF were not correctly created   
UTILBLDP       when BUILDPDB=YES was used; if they existed in your MXG  
Sep 19, 2014   USERID.SOURCLIB, then they were correctly included, but  
               if they were only specified in your UTILBLDP text, the   
               default members in the SOURCLIB were used.               
   Thanks to Doug Medland, IBM Global Services, USA.                    
Change 32.225 -RMF III Date/Time selection enhancements, fixes,         
ADOCRMFV       and documentation upgrades.                              
ASMRMFV       -New parameter WINDOW (alias WIN) allows selection of     
JCLRMFV        non-contiguous data by time range for multiple days      
JCLCRMFV       and is explained below.                                  
JCLDRMFV      -New parameter NOWINDOW (alias NOWIN) provides the        
Sep 18, 2014   behavior of prior ASMRMFV versions in most cases and is  
Sep 22, 2014   the default.                                             
Nov 25, 2014  -New parameter DOW= allows RMF III data selection by day  
               of the week and is also explained below.                 
              -The FROMTIME= value may now exceed TOTIME= value even for
               a single day selection.  This condition was previously   
               flagged as an error, but will now be handled as an       
               implicit WINDOW request.                                 
              -WINDOW/NOWINDOW processing and interaction with the      
               FROMDATE=, TODATE=, FROMTIME=, and TOTIME= parameters is 
               best explained with the following examples.              
               NOTE: ASMRMFV has always added 59.999999 seconds to all  
               TOTIMEs so that RMF Monitor III Sample Sets that begin in
               any part of a final minute of a time range are selected. 
               For example, TOTIME=1559 becomes 15:59:59.999999 for data
               selection purposes.                                      
               Case 1: FROMTIME= LE TOTIME= for a SINGLE day            
                       and WINDOW or NOWINDOW (default) in effect       
               FROMDATE=01OCT2014 TODATE=01OCT2014                      
               FROMTIME=0800      TOTIME=1559                           
               |     01 OCT 2014      |                                 
               |        Select        |                                 
               0       0      1       0                                 
               0       8      5       0                                 
               :       :      :       :                                 
               0       0      5       0                                 
               0       0      9       0                                 
               Case 2: FROMTIME= GT TOTIME= for a SINGLE day            
                       and WINDOW or NOWINDOW (default) in effect       
                       This is a NEW behavior previously an error.      
               FROMDATE=01OCT2014 TODATE=01OCT2014                      
               FROMTIME=1600      TOTIME=0759                           
               |     01 OCT 2014      |                                 
               |Select          Select|                                 
               0      0        1      2                                 
               0      7        6      3                                 
               :      :        :      :                                 
               0      5        0      5                                 
               0      9        0      9                                 
               Case 3: FROMTIME= LE TOTIME= for MULTIPLE days and       
                       NOWINDOW (default) in effect                     
               FROMDATE=01OCT2014 TODATE=03OCT2014  NOWINDOW            
               FROMTIME=0800      TOTIME=1559                           
               |   01 OCT 2014   |   02 OCT 2014   |   03 OCT 2014   |  
               |        Select   |      Select     |   Select        |  
               0     0     1     0     0     1     0     0     1     0  
               0     8     5     0     8     5     0     8     5     0  
               :     :     :     :     :     :     :     :     :     :  
               0     0     5     0     0     5     0     0     5     0  
               0     0     9     0     0     9     0     0     9     0  
               Case 4: FROMTIME= LE TOTIME= for MULTIPLE days and       
                       WINDOW in effect.   This is a NEW behavior.      
               FROMDATE=01OCT2014 TODATE=03OCT2014   WINDOW             
               FROMTIME=0800      TOTIME=1559                           
               |   01 OCT 2014   |   02 OCT 2014   |   03 OCT 2014   |  
               |      Select     |      Select     |      Select     |  
               0     0     1     0     0     1     0     0     1     0  
               0     8     5     0     8     5     0     8     5     0  
               :     :     :     :     :     :     :     :     :     :  
               0     0     5     0     0     5     0     0     5     0  
               0     0     9     0     0     9     0     0     9     0  
               Case 5: FROMTIME= GT TOTIME= for MULTIPLE days and       
                       NOWINDOW (default) in effect                     
               FROMDATE=01OCT2014 TODATE=03OCT2014  NOWINDOW            
               FROMTIME=1600      TOTIME=0759                           
               |   01 OCT 2014   |   02 OCT 2014   |   03 OCT 2014   |  
               |           Select|      Select     |   Select        |  
               0     0    1      0     0     1     0     0     1     0  
               0     8    6      0     8     6     0     7     6     0  
               :     :    :      :     :     :     :     :     :     :  
               0     0    0      0     0     0     0     5     0     0  
               0     0    0      0     0     0     0     9     0     0  
               Case 6: FROMTIME= GT TOTIME= for MULTIPLE days and       
                       WINDOW in effect.  This is a NEW behavior.       
               FROMDATE=01OCT2014 TODATE=03OCT2014  WINDOW              
               FROMTIME=1600      TOTIME=0759                           
               |   01 OCT 2014   |   02 OCT 2014   |   03 OCT 2014   |  
               |Select         Select           Select         Select|  
               0     0     1     0     0     1     0     0     1     2  
               0     7     6     0     7     6     0     7     6     3  
               :     :     :     :     :     :     :     :     :     :  
               0     5     0     0     5     0     0     5     0     5  
               0     9     0     0     9     0     0     9     0     9  
              -See the documentation in ASMRMFV or ADOCRMFV members for 
               more details on WINDOW/NOWINDOW.                         
              -Five more examples have been added to each of the        
               JCLRMFV, JCLCRMFV, and JCLDRMFV sample JCL members       
               showing use of the new WINDOW parameter.                 
              -Filter messages RMFV006I can now appear as multiple pairs
               showing begin and end time stamps with one set for each  
               day when WINDOW is in effect. Prior to this change only  
               one pair was possible per RMF III data set processed.    
              -However, if the number of days between FROMDATE= and     
               TODATE= exceeds 15 only one RMFV006I pair will be shown  
               to avoid CPU overhead and excessive log message volume.  
               Actual filtering will still occur as requested.          
              -Filter message RMFV006I will now show the number of days 
               as DAYS= between the FROMDATE= and TODATE= values and    
               also the setting of the WINDOW/NOWINDOW option.          
              -ASMRMFV now uses 64-bit Grande z/Architecture            
               instructions in all 64 bit binary TOD date and time      
               calculations for better performance.  Prior versions used
               an older method with two 32 bit registers and            
               carry/borrow logic that was cumbersome with longer       
               instruction paths.                                       
              -Filter message RMFV006* (* = I or E) is now              
               multi-severity.  When the FROMDATE= value exceeds the    
               TODATE= value then message RMFV006E will be issued.  A   
               U0998 abend will then occur as in prior versions.        
              -The FINDGREG subroutine that determines the day of the   
               week (dow) for TOD values will retain the results of the 
               prior dow calculation and as a performance improvement   
               not repeat it if the date has not changed between        
               consecutive calls.                                       
              -Relative date selection will now allow up to             
               FROMDATE=*-999 or TODATE=*-999 for date backup values.   
               Previously 99 was the limit.  However, the need for this 
               larger limit should be extremely rare as 999 days is     
               about 2.7 years.                                         
              -New option SHOWSAMP (alias SS) will display the begin and
               end timestamps for each RMF Monitor III Sample Set       
               selected.  SHOWSAMP is intended for diagnostic use and   
               possible user testing with the new WINDOW or DOW=        
               parameters to verify date and time selection is as       
               NOTE: SHOWSAMP is not appropriate for routine production 
               use due to TOD conversion overhead for each Sample Set   
               and ASMRMFV log output volume.                           
              -When SHOWSAMP is in effect a pair of new messages        
               RMFV039I are issued showing Sample Set begin and end     
               timestamps and the Sample Set number (1-1110).           
              -New option NOSHOWSAMP (alias NOSS) is the default and    
               provides the same ASMRMFV behavior as before with no     
               RMFV039I messages issued.  Normally there should be no   
               need to code this option.                                
              -Options display message RMFV037I will show the setting of
              -Documentation in ASMRMFV and ADOCRMFV members has been   
               updated to include details on WINDOW/NOWINDOW,           
               SHOWSAMP/NOSHOWSAMP parameters as well as for messages   
               RMFV006*, RMFV037I, and RMFV039I.                        
              -A new DOW= parameter allows optional RMF III data        
               selection based on the day of the week. DOW= will be     
               mainly useful for ad hoc studies where only activity on a
               certain set of days is of interest.                      
              -DOW= is coded as DOW=value where value uses one of these 
               dow      dow:dow      WEEKDAYS     WEEKENDS    ALL       
               dow is a 3 character day of the week:                    
               SUN   MON   TUE   WED   THU   FRI   SAT                  
               : is a range operator indicating selection of a group of 
               consecutive days including the first and last dow in the 
               range and all days in between.                           
               The range will automatically wrap as needed to the start 
               of a week on Sunday so that DOW=FRI:MON is perfectly     
               valid selecting FRI, SAT, SUN, and MON.                  
               Coding DOW=WEEKDAYS (or a value alias) is equivalent to  
               coding DOW=MON:FRI .  Value Alias(es) for WEEKDAYS are:  
               WD, WEEKD, WEEKDA, WEEKDAY                               
               Coding DOW=WEEKENDS (or a value alias) is equivalent to  
               coding DOW=SAT:SUN .  Value Alias(es) for WEEKENDS are:  
               WE, WEEKE, WEEKEN, WEEKEND                               
               Coding DOW=ALL is equivalent to coding DOW=SUN:SAT and no
               filtering occurs.  DOW=ALL is the default and so should  
               not needed to be coded.                                  
              -NOTE:  DOW= filtering slightly increases CPU overhead as 
               conversion of the 64 bit binary TOD microseconds value to
               a day of the week occurs for both the RMF III Data Set   
               Header (DSH) and Sample Set Header (SSH) tables.         
              -However, dow determination is not repeated for           
               consecutive table TOD values for the same date.          
              -DOW filtering is applied AFTER all FROMDATE=, TODATE=,   
               FROMTIME=, TOTIME=, and WINDOW data/time filters are     
              -DOW= may be combined with one or more of the             
               these existing date/time selection parameters or may be  
               used exclusively by itself.                              
              -DOW= usage examples:                                     
               Parameter               Selects RMF III Sample Sets for  
               ---------               -------------------------------  
               DOW=MON:FRI             MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI          
               DOW=WD                  MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI          
               DOW=SAT:SUN             SAT, SUN                         
               DOW=WE                  SAT, SUN                         
               DOW=ALL                 SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT
               DOW=SUN:SAT             SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT
               DOW=FRI:MON             FRI, SAT, SUN, MON (dow wraps)   
               DOW=WED                 WED only                         
               DOW=MON DOW=WED DOW=FRI MON, WED, FRI only               
               DOW=MON:TUE DOW=THU:FRI MON, TUE, THU, FRI only          
              -Filter display message RMFV006I will show the setting of 
               the DOW= filter.                                         
              -Six more examples have been added to each of the         
               JCLRMFV, JCLCRMFV, and JCLDRMFV sample JCL members       
               showing use of the new DOW= parameter.                   
              -Documentation in ASMRMFV and ADOCRMFV members has been   
               added to discuss the DOW= parameter in detail.           
              -Null (blank) values for keyword=value type ASMRMFV       
               parameters are now allowed.  The parameter is ignored.   
               For example, FROMDATE= is accepted with no change in the 
               FROMDATE occurring.  Previously zero length keyword      
               values were flagged as an error.                         
              -This feature allows users to provide these keywords in   
               templates for a possible future addition of an actual    
               value.  Also existing keywords can now be nullified by   
               just setting the value to blanks rather than removing    
               the entire keyword.                                      
              -Multi-severity messages RMFV051* through RMFV055* (* = I,
               W, or E) have been updated for consistency and alignment 
               with message RMFV008I for the DSN value.                 
              -A new subroutine WRITESEP will now handle the generation 
               of separator lines used to delineate sections of the     
               ASMRMFV log for visibility.  Prior to this every message 
               id was checked in the WRITEPRT subroutine for separator  
               eligibility before the message was issued.  Now WRITESEP 
               will be called only as needed for specific messages.     
              -A separator line will now be written prior to the final  
               RMFV999I message for better visibility of important      
               ASMRMFV final results.                                   
              -Entries in Section 2 "Terminology" in ASMRMFV            
               documentation have been alphabetized and a few new       
               entries added.                                           
              -All examples in the JCLRMFV, JCLCRMFV, and JCLDRMFV      
               sample JCL members that use date/time parameters now     
               include a small diagram that visually shows what time    
               frames are selected.                                     
              -The RMFV014I RMF III data set bypass message has been    
               reformatted for better clarity and will now indicate     
               whether the data set is excluded due to date/time or DOW=
              -A new RMFV014W warning message is issued at the end of   
               processing if ALL RMF III data sets have been bypassed   
               due to date/time and/or DOW= filtering.                  
              -An invalid value for the DEVTYPE= or any *ERR= parameter 
               could allow ASMRMFV processing to continue instead of    
               abending as intended because the parameter error counter 
               was not being updated for these keywords.                
              -When multiple RMFV004E messages were issued due to       
               parameter errors it was possible some of the descriptive 
               problem text could be garbled.                           
              -Julian years before 2000 in FROMDATE= or TODATE= were    
               not flagged as errors when they should have been.        
              -Message RMFV008I Descriptor Code overlaid when issued    
               as a WTO by the WTO option.                              
              -Messages RMFV017I and RMFV038I should not be issued as   
               WTOs when the WTO option is in effect.                   
              -DOW table entries were not blanked if DOW=ALL coded.     
              -NOTE: When the WTO option is coded it should be the      
               FIRST parameter in the JCL PARM= field or in SYSIN (if   
               no JCL PARM= field).  Otherwise any errors for other     
               parameters will not be shown in JESMSGLG and JESYSMSG    
               until the WTO option is encountered.                     
              -Documentation in ASMRMFV and ADOCRMFV members has been   
               updated as appropriate for the above changes.            
              -REQUIREMENT: In order to implement these features the    
               ASMRMFV utility program from this MXG change must be     
               installed.  See MXG SOURCLIB member JCLASM3 for sample   
               JCL for the assembly and link-edit install steps.        
              -Nov 25: Discovered the TODAY selection did not work      
               correctly, made the correction, and redated ASMRMFV.     
               This error was ONLY in the original 32.225 dated 9/22.   
Change 32.224  The _IDaaaa=512 protection added in Change 32.198/180/149
VMACXXXX       costs 10 CPU secs per 20,000,000 records, caused by the  
Sep 16, 2014   statement ELSE IF LENGTH(COMPRESS(_IDaaaa)) that tests   
Sep 29, 2014   the value of the old-style macro _IDaaaa for 512 and also
               supports the "512 OR ID=513" multi-IDs syntax.  That     
               statement causes a NUMERIC to CHARACTER conversion, for  
               each record, EVEN for the EXPECTED case where _IDaaaa has
               been defined (when the ELSE clause is NOT even executed).
               Since the "512" test only benefits "newbies" who didn't  
               find the doc to define their _IDaaaa macro, it certainly 
               should NOT cost "oldbies" who knew what to do.  That 512 
               default value is only defined internally in MXG VMACaaaa 
               members, so by changing the MXG default ID value for all 
               USER SMF records from 512 to a MISSING VALUE, i.e., using
               MACRO _IDaaaa . % as the internal default definition, the
               test now uses the MISSING(_IDaaaa) function to detect and
               tell this new user why all the datasets have zero obs,   
               and how to correct.  And since no conversion is involved,
               old users see no increase: the MISSING function cost 0.08
               CPU secs per 20,000,000 records.                         
               SEE CHANGE 32.234.                                       
   Thanks to MP Welch, Bank of America, USA.                            
Change 32.223  Update for MainView for MQ Version 5.2.                  
VMACBBMQ       Changes are COMPATIBLE, MANY new variables.              
Sep 16, 2014  -New variables added to BBMQQMGR (RTIN='E1'x) dataset:    
               QMRSUBRR    QMSCBC     QMSCBR      QMSCTLC   QMSCTLR     
               QMSTRTIME   QMSUITEB                                     
              -New variables added to BBMQBUFF (RTIN='E2'x) dataset:    
               SBPLOC SBPPGCLS                                          
              -New variables added to BBMQPAGE (RTIN='E3'x) dataset:    
              -New variables added to BBMQLMGR (RTIN='E4'x) dataset:    
              -New variables added to BBMQCHAN (RTIN='E5'x) dataset:    
               CHLRVER  CHLCRTLBL                                       
              -New variables added to BBMQQUES (RTIN='E6'x) dataset:    
              -New variables added to BBMQCFAC (RTIN='E8'x) dataset:    
              -New variables added to BBMQAPPL (RTIN='E9'x) dataset:    
              -Occasional compressed records were found in uncompressed 
               data files, so the previous STOP on compressed record is 
               replaced by a RETURN so the non-compressed records after 
               a compressed record will be processed.                   
              -All records have VERSREL=6.1, but their VERSION IS 5.2.  
              -Dec 10 Revisions: Records E1x/E5x/E6x don't have all of  
               the fields in the DSECT, causing INPUT STATEMENT EXCEED; 
               logic was inserted to read only what's there, but record 
               E4x's eyecatcher is @89 while all other record's is found
               @85, and E4x record has ENTL=1192 but data visibly shows 
               the repeated segment length is only 1136.  Hardcoded     
               circumvention for these two inconsistencies.             
               Interspersed Compressed records in an uncompressed file  
               are still skipped, but new message prints the first 25   
               so you can see the pattern of these records.             
              -BMC found that PTF BPL2290 caused problems with history  
               record decompression; BPL 2430 fixes for MVMQ 5.1 and    
               BPL2429 fixes for MVMQ 5.2                               
              -Jan 2, 2015: After Installing BMC Mainview PTF's BPL2427 
               and BPL2430, 753 (out of 1003) 'E6' records were missing 
               the last four bytes of the last segment, with 2596 vice  
               2600 bytes visible in that last segment.  These short    
               records are now detected and reported but that last      
               segment will be lost until a subsequent PTF corrects.    
   Thanks to James S. Swinarski, Credit Suisse, USA.                    
Change 32.222  IMS56FA log record is not output if NMSGPROC is missing, 
TYPEIMST       but that MXG decision is now rescinded, and all IMS 56FA 
Sep 15,2014    records are output, having found pairs of records for    
               some transactions, with the second record having a small 
               amount of CPU time (1st 1265 microsec, 2nd 238 microsec) 
               and elapsed/service time, but CALLMSGU=0 so NMSGPROC=.   
               All of these second records have TCPCFLGS='01'x which is 
               a "TERM THREAD SYNCPOINT" reason for the record, so I    
               presume the second record is the CPU time associated with
               the SYNCPOINT and is output so that time is not lost.    
               Now, you must use NMSGPROC to count transactions, as the 
               second syncpoint records are not a new transaction.      
               Note: the test for NMSGPROC GT 0 is in the MACRO _EIMS56G
               overridden in comments in TYPEIMST, so you will need to  
               delete that macro in the SYSIN in your TYPE56FA job.     
Change 32.221  Erroneous "_IDSYNC not set" message for SYNCSORT User SMF
VMACSYNC       record processing when MACRO _SYNCID nnn % was specified.
Sep 14, 2014   That new message only tested _IDSYNC, but the original   
               _ID macro for SYNCSORT was _SYNCID, which is still valid.
               Some early USER SMF _IDaaaa macros syntax was _aaaaID    
               but the "standard" is now _IDaaaa so those with the old  
               _aaaaID were enhanced to support either _ID macro name,  
               but the new "_ID=512" protection didn't support both of  
               the SYNCSort macro names.  Now supports either syntax.   
               SEE CHANGE 32.234.                                       
   Thanks to Betty Wong, Bank of America, USA.                          
Change 32.220 -Documentation revised for TRENDing.  MONTHLY was never a 
BLDSMPDB       valid interval value and has been removed from comments. 
VMXGALOC      -You can now suppress the creation of the DB2 and CICS    
Sep 10, 2014   directories by specifying DB2KEEP=0 and/or CICSKEEP=0.   
Sep 25, 2014  -New parameters BASECICS and BASEDB2 will allow you to    
               route DB2 and/or CICS datasets to a different drive.     
Change 32.219  TMON/CICS variables TAUSRWCT and TAUSRWTM were reversed. 
Sep  9, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Michael Oujesky, DTCC, USA.                                
====== Changes thru 32.218 were in MXG 32.09 dated Sep  9, 2014=========
Change 32.218 -BVIRVERS=04, dataset BVIR301 values were wrong due to two
VMACBVIR       fields not INPUT for that Hydra version.                 
Sep  9, 2014  -DO Loop variable _I_ is replaced by kept variables       
Sep 25, 2014     CACHEPARTNR created in BVIR301                         
                 TDUCONTNR   created in BVIR321                         
                 CSPNR       created in BVIR322                         
               to identify the segment number                           
              -DVAVDTMB/WRMB/RDMB now multiplied by 1048576 vs 1058576. 
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 32.217  Support added for ODS TYPEs CSV CSVALL EXCEL and TAGSETS.
VMXGODSO       Some thoughts on ODS:  Initially, VMXGODSO was thought   
Sep  7, 2014   to be a tool to make use of ODS features easy, but you   
               may do better learning the ODS command set.  VMXGODSO    
               does work, but it does not touch all of the ODS issues   
               and features, and many ODS statements are not supported. 
               But it can be used for simple cases, like wrapping around
               a PROC to send its output to a CSV or EXCEL file, or if  
               you want to send many reports to a single output, a PDF  
               for example.                                             
                  So you could use VMXGODSO, externally, to run GRAFWRKX
                  and GRAFCEC and send both ODS plots to a single PDF:  
                    and not use the parameters for ODS built into those 
                    GRAFXXXX macros.                                    
Change 32.216  Cosmetic.  Some unneeded MXGNOTES are suppressed, unless 
VMXGOPTR       %LET MXGEXIMSG=YES; enables them for diagnostics.        
Sep  7, 2014                                                            
Change 32.215  Zero observations in TYPEZOSA dataset because the test   
VMACZOSA       for ZOSATYPE=32 should have been ZOSATYPE=50.            
Sep  6, 2014   The test for invalid ZOSAXDLN is again bypassed.         
   Thanks to Jerome Vitner, EXPERIAN, ENGLAND.                          
Change 32.214  DB2 V10 variable QW0225DMH is now INPUT and QW0225AR is  
VMACDB2        now INPUT for DB2 V11.  See Change 32.231.               
Sep  3, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Kerry Sommers, Deere & Company, USA.                       
ANALDB2R       is not new; the X1 that shouldn't have been there isn't. 
Sep  1, 2014                                                            
Change 32.212  MXGTMNT ML-54 monitor expands: a new subtask that COPIES 
ASMTAPEE       System-level information each SMF interval, writing new  
EXTMNAS1       subtypes of the existing TMNT SMF record, synchronized.  
EXTMNAS2       The subtask does not "monitor" the system, but sleeps    
EXTMNSYQ       until awoken at each interval end, reads EXISTING data   
IMACTMNT       fields and writes them to SMF, and goes back to sleep.   
VMACTMNT       This FIRST use of the ML-54 "SYSTEM" subtask captures two
VMXGINIT       sets of data:                                            
Sep  9, 2014    - ASM Page Data Set SLOT usage, with total, and by ASID 
                - MSU used by each IMPORTANCE level, IWMWSYSQ data.     
               Two new subtypes create these three new datasets:        
            DDDDDD   MXG       MXG                                      
            DATASET  DATASET   DATASET                                  
            SUFFIX   NAME      LABEL                             SUBTYPE
                          High Virtual counts: Frames in Use, Shared AUX
                          for Non-VIO, for AUX, and for AUX for SCM,    
                          Common Aux, Common AUX SCM, Common in USE.    
                          Shared Non-VIO, Shared AUX, SHARED AUX SCM,   
                          Frames in use, Shared Non-VIO/High Virt Shared
                          High Virt AUX SCM, Shared Non-VIO/High Virtual
                          Aux, HV AUX SDM                               
                               Frames in Use, VIO/non-VIO slots, High   
                               Virtual AUX Slots for each ASID.         
                                MSU consumed last 60, 180, 600 seconds  
                                by each Importance Level and Unused MSU,
                                Free CSA & free ECSA, and SU_SEC value. 
              -ASM subtask is a per-system monitor and must be enabled  
               on ALL systems, creating records on all systems.         
              -SYSQ subtask is a sysplex-wide monitor, so it should only
               be enabled on one SYSTEM in each SYSPLEX; duplicate data 
               would be created if enabled on multiple systems within a 
               SYSPLEX.  However, the number of SYSQ SMF records is very
               small, one per system per SMF interval, so you may want  
               to enable SYSQ to write records on each system, so that  
               you have the identical ASMTAPEE/MXGTMNT on each SYSTEM,  
               and remove the duplicate SYSQ using EXTYSYSQ exit member 
               when you read the SYSQ SMF records.                      
              -The ASM and SYSQ subtasks are enabled by default in ML-54
               ASMTAPEE, by adding them to OPTIONS2, but they can be    
               disabled by removing them from OPTIONS2, or thru PARMs   
               on the // EXEC PGM=MXGTMNT statement, or thru MODIFY     
               commands issued from the console.                        
               Full documentation is in the comments in ASMTAPEE.       
Change 32.211  Cosmetic.  Variable PAGETYPE='SCM' is set when SCMPGTYP  
VMAC75         is true, replacing a blank value in PAGETYPE.            
Aug 28, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Douglas C. Walter, CitiCorp, USA.                          
Change 32.210 -Support for SMF 50 INCOMPATIBLE change in z/OS 2.1 that  
EXTY501        inserted four bytes that corrupted all values after that 
EXTY50R        insertion in the TYPE50 dataset.                         
EXTY50W       -Redesign of TYPE 50 support to create separate datasets  
EXTY50I        with only the relevant variables for that event, now that
EXTY50O        I realize it is no longer a single purpose VTAM record!  
EXTY503        These seven new datasets are created:                    
EXTY504           DDDDDD    DATASET   Description                       
IMAC50            TY501     TYPE501   01 CHANNEL TO CHANNEL             
                                        Table 52 Subtype 1              
VMAC50            TY50R     TYPE502R  02-02 READ MPCNAME                
                                        Table 53 Subtype 2              
VMXGINIT          TY50W     TYPE502W  02-02 WRITE MPCNAME               
                                        Table 53 Subtype 2              
AUG 28, 2014      TY50I     TYPE504R  02-04 READ MPCNAME                
                                        Table 54 Subtype 2              
                  TY50O     TYPE504W  02-04 WRITE MPCNAME               
                                        Table 54 Subtype 2              
                  TY503     TYPE503   03 TCP CONNECTION                 
                                        Table 55 Subtype 3              
                  TY504     TYPE504   04 SNA CONTROLLER                 
                                        Table 51 Subtype 4              
              -Dataset TYPE50 will continue to be created for backwards 
               compatibility, but it is very messy with all possible    
               variables in every observation, so there are always lots 
               of variables with missing value; using these new datasets
               will provide much simpler analysis.                      
   Thanks to Jim Sherpey, Bank of America, USA.                         
Change 32.209 -Support for SMF 103 HTTP Apache Server Subtype 13
EXTY103D       and 14 create new datasets:                              
EXTY103D         DDDDDD  DATASET  Description                           
IMAC103          TY130D  TYPE130D HTTP PROCESS Thread Statistics        
VMXGINIT       The T103ELAP elapsed time units are not documented.      
Aug 27, 2014  -APAR PI24782 reports subtype 14s are only written when   
               SMFLogDebug ON has been specified.                       
   Thanks to Dave Moreau, Royal Bank of Canada, CANADA.                 
Change 32.208  New NDM-CDI CPU TIME variables added to NDMRT dataset:   
VMACNDM          NDMRTSID='SUBMITTER*JCTJOBID'                          
Aug 27, 2014     NDMRTSUB='SUBMITTER*JOB*NAME'                          
                 NDMRTCP0='RUN-TASK*CPU TIME*ON CP'                     
                 NDMRTCP1='RUN-TASK*CPU TIME*ON ZIIP'                   
                 NDMRTCP2='ZIIP*QUALIFIED*PART OF*NDMRTCP0'             
               Dataset NDMDT variables were removed that shouldn't have 
               been kept in that dataset, listed in comments in KEEP.   
   Thanks to Michael Oujesky, DTCC, USA.                                
Change 32.207  "WARNING: Value of QWHCXTYP WILL BE TRUNCATED" in ANAL116
FORMATS        in PROC CHART is harmless and does NOT set a return code.
Aug 26, 2014   Format MG116TY for QWHCXTYP had one 18-character value,  
               but this PROC CHART decided it needed some of that space 
               for other things.  But that format value was reduced to  
               16 characters so this error should not reoccur.          
Change 32.206  PDBAUDIT code can set Return Code 4 due to this message: 
PDBAUDIT        "WARNING: Multiple lengths specified for the variable   
Aug 26, 2014              MEMLABEL by input data set(s).  This can cause
                          truncation of data."                          
               but the message makes no sense; it is in a single data   
               where CONTENTS was created from DICTIONARY.TABLES.       
               Removing that LENGTH statement from this step and adding 
               it in a subsequent new step to reset the MEMLABEL length 
               eliminates the warning and creates expected lengths.     
   Thanks to Robert B. Richards, OPM, USA.                              
Change 32.205  Preliminary update, revised by CHANGE 32.212.            
VMAC50         SMF 50 VERSN50 04 new variables kept in TYPE50:          
Aug 25, 2014     INBDNLPS='INBOUND*NLPS*INLP'                           
               SMF 50 VERSN50 02 new variables kept in TYPE50:          
                 TY50SBCT='OSA-EXPRESS*SBAL*COUNT*READ Q'               
                 TY50PKCT='OSA-EXPRESS*PACKET*COUNT*READ Q'             
                 TY50ACBT='OSA-EXPRESS*ACCEL*BYTE READ Q'               
                 TY50NVCT='OSA-EXPRESS*INVALID*FRAME*READ Q'            
              -The record LENGTH is stored into LENTYP50 to identify    
               the old 262 byte or new 274 byte record.                 
Change 32.204  SMF 119 St 52 dataset TYP11952 variable JESDPERC field   
VMAC119        length in the IP Programmers Guide and Reference was 8   
Aug 24, 2014   which MXG used, but the offset of the next field was only
               4 bytes, and SYS1.MACLIB(EZASMF77) had length 4, which   
               was confirmed by IBM Support, so these fields are now    
               correctly all input as length 4:                         
       SMF119ML_HC_JESWUSED &PIB.4. /*JES WRITER TASKS BUSY*/           
   Thanks to Jon Whitcomb, Great Lakes Educational Loan Service, USA.   
Change 32.203  32.08 Only: two errors related to %ANALID / BUILDPDB:    
ANALID            ERROR: DATASET NOPRINT NOT FOUND                      
Aug 26, 2014   were corrected by this change in MXG 32.09, or they can  
               be circumvented with 32.08 by inserting in your //SYSIN: 
                  %LET VMVMACID=;                                       
              -UTILBLDP with USERADD=ID that also had %ANALID statement 
               got ERROR: DATASET NOPRINT NOT FOUND because a second    
               execution of ANALID was not expected. The ONLYJOBS       
               invokes UTILBLDP, but it already had a %ANALID statement,
               but Change 32.192 to UTILBLDP inserted a %ANALID         
               execution when USERADD=ID was specified, causing the     
               second execution.  The %ANALID; statement is removed from
               ONLYJOBS, and ANALID now bypasses the second or more     
               executions in the same data step/session by default to   
               avoid the error with an accidental second execution, by  
               setting a value of YES for the new macro variable        
              -It's unlikely you will need ANALID twice in the same     
               job-step, but if you do, you can bypass the MXG bypass   
               with  %LET DONEANALID=; to set a blank value, before each
               of your %ANALID executions.                              
              -If you have a locally-tailored BUILDPDB SYSIN code that  
               invokes _RPDBID, and 32.08, its removal would avoid the  
               need for the circumvention to suppress the VIEW.         
   Thanks to Paul Maradin, HP, USA.                                     
   Thanks to MP Welch, Bank of America, USA.                            
Change 32.202  DB2 Trace SMF 102 IFCID 196 "MORE THAN 9 HOLDER/WAITER"  
VMAC102        MXG WARNING log messages will only be printed for the    
Aug 23, 2014   first three instances.                                   
====== Changes thru 32.201 were in MXG 32.08 dated Aug 21, 2014=========
Change 32.201 -New parameter VARSINCL= lets you add non-ranked variables
ANALRANK       to the report that is created.  So (for example) if you  
Aug 21, 2014   were ranking, JOBS based on CPUTM you could also see the 
Sep  4, 2014   total EXCP and IOTM counts by specifying:                
                 VARSINCL=EXCPTOTL IOTMTOTL                             
               In addition, if there is only a single variable being    
               ranked, the report is in RANK order rather and alpha.    
              -New parameters:                                          
               VARSINCL= a list of variables to include in the report   
                that are not being ranked                               
               PAGEBY=Y/N YES/NO if YES or Y then the report is broken  
               into pages using the GROUPBY variable.                   
   Thanks to Tom MacCabe, Dominion Resource Services, USA.              
====== Changes thru 32.200 were in MXG 32.08 dated Aug 19, 2014=========
Change 32.200  Example reports for (archaic) SMF 118/TCP and SMF 119 are
ANAL119        corrected; the average bytes were a rolling average and  
ANAlTCP        did not match the values in the detail records.          
Aug 19, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Jon Whitcomb, Great Lakes Educational Loan Service, USA.   
Change 32.199  The WLM dialog changed how it puts data in its table,    
REXXWLM        with a missing trailing quote on new Application         
Aug 19, 2014   Environments in the generated code for some AESP values. 
               The padding on new AEs on the parms was changed from null
               to blanks; the Rexx code was revised.                    
   Thanks to Michael Oujesky, DTCC, USA.                                
Change 32.198  MXG 32.06-32.07. Protection for _IDxxxx EQ 512 failed    
Many VMACaaaa  if your _IDxxxx had multiple SMF record types, e.g.:     
Aug 19, 2014       MACRO _IDNDM 132 OR ID=133 %                         
Aug 30, 2014   Zero observations were created for that product AND the  
               message was printed that the _IDxxxx macro wasn't set.   
               The 512-detection code was revised to support the two-id 
               syntax by testing both the length and the value, with    
                 IF LENGTH(_IDNDM) EQ 3 AND _IDNDM EQ 512 THEN DO;      
               and this worked for the two-id syntax.  However, only    
               accidentally.  The LENGTH(_IDNDM) was 12 which is what   
               prevented the false positive 512 message.  And, even     
               with MACRO _IDNDM 123 %, the LENGTH(_IDNDM) is still 12! 
               To circumvent this defect, the logic was revised again:  
                 IF LENGTH(COMPRESS(_IDNDM)) EQ 3 AND _IDNDM EQ 512 ... 
               which uncovered yet another defect; the length of the    
               compressed two-id text is ONE, but the length of the     
               compressed one-id text is THREE, so the LENGTH of the    
               COMPRESSED macro text is used to only detect 512 with    
               three characters.  Any other text in _IDxxxx will not    
               have length 3 so those records will be processed.        
               These XXXX product's VMACs were updated:                 
                 ACF2 BE91 BE97 BETA BVIR CTCP EDGS EJES ENDV FTP       
                 HSM  HURN IDMS M204 MIM  NDM  NETM NTCP PROS RSDA      
                 RSDF SHDW STC  SYNC TMNT TPMX X37  ZCOS                
               (There are MANY other user SMF records that have NOT yet 
               had the protection code added; deferred until an actual  
               need/request is received.)                               
              -Notes: "Numeric values have been converted to character  
               string" will be printed, underscoring the "132" value in 
               the _IDxxxx macro; they are unavoidable but are compile  
               time conversion with no cost.                            
               SEE CHANGE 32.234.                                       
   Thanks to Richard Wendland, U.S. Bank, USA.                          
Change 32.197  ANALZIPC (Analysis of CPU times for Ziip Engines) failed 
Aug 18, 2014   to read SMF.  _SMFZIPC still used _STY70PR, which was    
               replaced by _STY70 (Change 23.321, SPLIT 70 processing). 
               Clearly, ANALZIPC users have NOT read SMF data but have  
               instead used the PDB.SMFINTRV and PDB.TYPE70PR datasets  
               from their already-created PDB data library!             
   Thanks to Ian Porter, Nissan-NEDC CO, ENGLAND.                       
Change 32.196  Preliminary summarization of PDB.DB2STATS from its fixed 
ASUMDB2S       one-minute interval to a larger interval of your choice, 
Aug 18, 2014   defaults to 15 minute in this iteration, but this member 
               may be changed into a %macro to externalize options.     
   Thanks to Glenn Bowman, Wakefern, USA.                               
Change 32.195  New program to extract the workloads from your TRNDRMFI  
GRAFWRKT       dataset and linear regresses by SHIFT WORKLOAD SYSTEM,   
Aug 17, 2014   then summarizes by SHIFT and WORKLOAD and uses SGPLOT    
               to display which workloads are growing over time.        
Change 32.194  Support for NDM-CDI 5.2 HW2 subtype creates new dataset. 
EXNDMHW2          DDDDDD   DATASET   DESCRIPTION                        
IMACNDM           NDMHW2   NDMHW2    hw2 highwater mark record          
VMACNDM        This record is not a standard NDM-CDI record as it has   
VMXGINIT       'CDHW' where the record length and record type normally  
Aug 17, 2014   are located.                                             
   Thanks to Rich Wendland, U.S. Bank, USA.                             
Change 32.193 -These ASIxxxxx variables are now divided by ASISMPCT:    
                 ASI1MBFF ASI1MBPF                                      
              -Cosmetic.  Debugging PUTLOG statement in line 5565       
               is now removed.                                          
   Thanks to Art Cuneo, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois, USA.        
Change 32.192  BUILDPDB/BUILDPD3/BUILD001 now use a VIEW for WORK.ID,   
ANALID         which eliminates completely the (potentially large) disk 
BUILD606       space previously required to produce the SMF AUDIT REPORT
BUIL3606       (created by %ANALID, added to PDB in MXG Version 30.02.).
VMXGINIT      -You can suppress the %ANALID invocation and the creation 
UTILBLDP       of the PDB.SMFRECNT dataset with %LET MXGSMFAUDIT=NO in  
Aug 15, 2014   your SYSIN.  (Previously, MACRO _RPDBID % bypassed the   
               report, but that is no longer used; if it exists in      
               your SYSIN it will just be ignored.)                     
               (Only SAS supports Data Step Views.)                     
              -UTILBLDP constraint that ID had to be first with USERADD=
               (Change 32.154) is removed.                              
              -Views are not executed when OPTIONS OBS=0 is in effect,  
               which is sometimes used in QA syntax tests, but since no 
               data will be read with OBS=0, &VWVMACID is nulled when   
               OBS=0 value is detected.                                 
Change 32.191  Adding a View to BUILDPDB processing for the ID dataset  
ANALDUPE       exposed a SAS error (since 9.1) that corrupts the value  
ANALDUPE       of the internal _INFILE_ variable when a View is used.   
ASCISMFC       The error was detected when the MXG decompression logic  
VMAC102        (MXGDECOM/DB2DECOM, for CICS/DB2) incorrectly expanded   
VMAC110        the _INFILE_ internal variable.  SAS confirmed the error,
VMAC112        recommending that the _INFILE_= argument instead of the  
VMACDB2        _INFILE_ internal variable be used to circumvent, which  
VMACSMF        was verified in MXG QA tests.  However, then the WPS QA  
Aug 16, 2014   test failed because WPS doesn't support the _INFILE_=    
               argument, but their _INFILE_ variable is valid with or   
               without a View, so this change splits the logic to use   
               the _INFILE_=SMFINFILE argument for SAS but for WPS uses 
               the SMFINFILE=_INFILE_ statement, so SMFINFILE can then  
               be used in MXGDECOM/DB2DECOM macros in all of the listed 
               members that invoke the internal SAS code algorithms.    
              -MXGDECOM/DB2DECOM are always used on ASCII, and are used 
               on z/OS ONLY if the (recommended) EXITCICS/CICSIFUE exit 
               is not installed.                                        
              -Change 32.192 implemented the use of the VIEW for ID.    
VMACBVIR       is now converted to node notation, so the hex value      
Aug 13, 2014   '0008 001F 0000 0059'X will now contain and print as     
       in character/decimal node notation.           
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 32.189  Cosmetic.  Labels were corrected from CORRECTION to:     
   Thanks to MaryBeth Delphia, Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, USA
Change 32.188  DB2STATS variable QISEKLRU is not accumulated but was not
VMACDB2        detected as such in Change 30.113 because my test data   
Aug 11, 2014   values were all zero.  It is no longer deaccumulated.    
   Thanks to Rachel Holt, Fidelity Systems, USA.                        
   Thanks to Lori Masulis, Fidelity Systems, USA.                       
Change 32.187 -Missing value message for IOTMNOCA when SMF30AIC=. (which
ANALDSET       occurs in MULTIDD='Y' obs), in VMAC30, is now avoided.   
VMAC30        -ANALDSET enhanced with OPENTM calculated for TYPE64 since
Aug 11, 2014   OPENTIME was added after this was originally written.    
               Variables are now ordered for default PROC PRINT, grouped
               with common first, then 1415, 64, and steps variables.   
               New RECFOUND variable identifies which records were found
               for each observation. JESNR kept in both output datasets.
   Thanks to Douglas C. Walter, Citigroup, USA.                         
Change 32.186  The ANAL116 example reports did not report on MQMACCT;   
ANAL116        the new report was contributed by Scott and its absence  
Aug  8, 2014   was noted by David.                                      
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
   Thanks to David Carr, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas, USA.         
Change 32.185  MXG 32.07 only.  180 Syntax error when ASUMUOW is tested 
Aug  7, 2014    180                                                     
               is due to IMACUOW line 226: /* CASE ONE LOGIC BEGIN */ , 
               added by Change 32.178 for the new CASE FIVE example,    
               which was a comment within a comment and must be deleted.
               But MY real error was that I failed to QA test the new   
               IMACUOW. The default IMACUOW doesn't create observations,
               so I have a tailored copy in my QA.PRODTEST library, but 
               as only a new commented block was added (I thought!), I  
               didn't update the new member into QA.prodtest. Mea Culpa.
               Worse, the QA report that compares QA.PRODTEST members   
               flagged IMACUOW as changed, but I also failed to take    
               heed of that notification. Mea Mea Culpa.                
   Thanks to Jack Basile, PCH, USA.                                     
Change 32.184  Support for Omegamon for SMS Version 510 USER SMF RECORD 
EXOMSMTD       (INCOMPATIBLE, INPUT EXCEEDED because the offset to the  
EXOMSMTG       next JOB segment is 112 bytes, but only 96 bytes are     
FORMATS        documented in each segment, requiring MXG protection.)   
IMACOMSM      -Two variables added to OMSMSJOB dataset:                 
VMACOMSM          OMFS2DAO='DEVICE*ACTIVE*ONLY*TIME'                    
VMXGINIT          OMFS2IOQ='IOQ*TIME'                                   
Aug  6, 2014  -BY List macros for OMSMSDEV and OMSMSJOB datasets to     
               remove duplicates.                                       
              -New datasets created from subtype 4 records:             
                 DDDDDD   DATASET   DESCRIPTION                         
                 OMSMTG   OMSMSTPG  TAPE GROUP                          
                 OMSMTD   OMSMSTPD  TAPE DEVICE                         
              -Invalid Subtype 4 records are created with offset greater
               that the record length; the first three instances are    
               printed on the log for pursuit with the vendor.          
              -Several fields with -1 value are now properly decoded.   
              -Some TAPE datasets have lots of blank character variables
               that should be populated.                                
   Thanks to Robert Chavez, Florida Power and Light, USA.               
Change 32.183  New %PDBAUDIT audits all DATASETS in all LIBNAMES created
BUILDPDB       by today's "BUILDPDB" in the "AUDIT" report, and compares
BUILDPD3       today's "PDBs" with yesterday's "PDBs", reporting any    
PDBAUDIT       changes in observation length, number of variables, or   
VMXGINIT       any datasets with zero obs in one PDB and non-zero obs   
Aug  4, 2014   in the other PDB, in the "COMPARE" report.               
Aug 15, 2014  -%PDBAUDIT is automatically called in BUILDPDB/BUILDPD3.  
              -You can use %LET MXGPDBAUDIT=BYPASS; in your SYSIN to    
               bypass that default execution of %PDBAUDIT.              
              -%PDBAUDIT creates the PDB.PDBAUDIT dataset with today's  
               statistics and copies that dataset into SPIN.SPINPDBAUDIT
               which will be used for tomorrow's compare, and then backs
               ups the dataset into PDB.SPINPDBAUDIT.                   
              -If your "Build PDB" creates additional datasets after the
               %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(BUILDPDB), for example, when ASUMs are 
               %INCLUDEd, you would bypass the default execution by     
               adding %LET MXGPDBAUDIT=BYPASS; in your //SYSIN and then 
               by adding the statement %PDBAUDIT; at the end of your    
               "BUILD PDB" step.                                        
              -All of the LIBNAMEs that have been opened/referenced in  
               this SAS step when %PDBAUDIT is invoked will be reported 
               and written to today's PDB.PDBAUDIT dataset.             
              -You can suppress the report printing but still build     
               the PDB.PDBAUDIT and SPIN.PDBAUDIT datasets by using     
               %LET MXGPRINTAUDIT=NO;                                   
              -Macro variables &PDBMXG, &SPININ and &SPINOUT are used   
               to set the output and SPIN input/output, with the normal 
               defaults of PDB/SPIN/SPIN, but can be changed if needed. 
              -It is possible to run %PDBAUDIT in a separate step, but  
               then you must use a LIBNAME statement for each library   
               you want to be audited, so the LIBNAME is referenced.    
               Having just a //DDNAME DD does NOT reference the LIBNAME.
               You must have "PDB" and "SPIN" LIBNAMEs with DISP=OLD for
               the complete COMPARE and AUDIT reports, but those could  
               separate dsnames just for audit:                         
                 // EXEC MXGSAS                                         
                 //PDBAUDIT DD DSN=YOUR.PDBAUDIT.PDB,DISP=OLD           
                 //SPNAUDIT DD DSN=YOUR.PDBAUDIT.SPIN,DISP=OLD          
                 //PDB      DD DSN=YOUR.REAL.PDB,DISP=SHR               
                 //SPIN     DD DSN=YOUR.REAL.SPIN,DISP=SHR              
                 //SYSIN DD *                                           
                   LIBNAME PDBAUDIT 'YOUR.PDBAUDIT.PDB';                
                   LIBNAME SPNAUDIT 'YOUR.PDBAUDIT.SPIN';               
                   LIBNAME PDB      'YOUR.REAL.PDB';                    
                   LIBNAME SPIN     'YOUR.REAL.SPIN';                   
                   LIBNAME CICSTRAN 'YOUR.CICSTRAN.PDB';                
                   LIBNAME IMSTRAN  'YOUR.IMSTRAN.PDB';                 
                   %LET PDBMXG=PDBAUDIT;                                
                   %LET SPININ=SPNAUDIT;                                
                   %LET SPINOUT=SPNAUDIT;                               
              -The default MXGEXCLUDESEQ=YES prevents expensive reading 
               of LIBNAMES that are Sequential Format SAS Data Libraries
               to save resources, since DICTIONARY.TABLES cause the full
               dataset to be read (even then, SAS does not report the   
               number of observations!).  The cost can be significant:  
               processing a day's PDB with a 6,000,000 obs SEQ DB2ACCT: 
                 EXCLUDESEQ     NO (reads)       YES (doesn't read)     
                 CPU            4.8 seconds         1.2 seconds         
                 Elapsed        5.5 minutes         58  seconds         
                 EXCP Count     255,000            3,313                
               If you still want to read sequential libraries, you can  
               use  %LET MXGEXCLUDESEQ=NO;                              
              -ITRM sites can produce the report simply by adding       
                %PDBAUDIT;  at the bottom of the SAS SYSIN stream.      
              -These five variables that are not created by WPS         
               will be missing values in reports and PDBAUDIT datasets. 
ASUM113        caused Return Code 4, but had no other impact. A length  
Aug  4, 2014   statement was added when TYPE70PR does not exist.        
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
====== Changes thru 32.181 were in MXG 32.07 dated Aug  3, 2014=========
Change 32.181 -New MOBWRKX3 member for Mobile Workload Processing uses  
MOBWRK01       the CICDS Dispatcher Interval CPUTCBTM with selection by 
MOBWRKX3       APPLID in MOBWRK01 instead of using CICSTRAN.            
MOBWRK06      -Documentation in MOBWRK06 and MOBILWRK was updated.      
Aug  3, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Michael Marcus, UPS, USA.                                  
Change 32.180  MXG 32.06 ONLY. Zero OBS in user-added SMF type datasets.
VMACTMNT plus  The delete statement discussed below was removed from    
Aug  2, 2014   the new code added by Change 32.149 in these members:    
                 ACF2 BE91 BE97 BETA BVIR EDGS EJES ENDV FTP  HSM       
                 HURN IDMS M204 MIM  NDM  NETM NTCP PROS RSDA RSDF      
                 SHDW STC  SYNC TMNT TPMX X37  ZCOS                     
    members in your USERID.SOURCLIB to add other SMF record types to    
    SMF records (i.e., you do NOT set MACRO _IDTMNT 238 %), then ALL    
    of the datasets built AFTER TYPETMNT will have zero observations.   
    This error was introduced in Change 32.149, which incorrectly had   
    added a DELETE statement that should not be there.                  
      CIRCUMVENTIONs for this 32.06-Only ERROR:  (INSTALL 32.07!!)      
       -Remove the DELETE; statement in line 265 of VMACTMNT, OR        
       -Add this statement in your //SYSIN at the top:                  
              %LET MACKEEP= MACRO _IDTMNT 999 % ;                       
       -Or: with USERADD= in UTILBLDP, add  TMNT/999                    
               Change 32.149 added protection for each User SMF record  
               to detect when the IF ID= _IDxxxx THEN DO code block had 
               the default _IDxxxx value of 512, which would cause those
               datasets to have zero observations, printing an MXGNOTE  
               to alert you to the needed correction to create obs.     
               But these code block for IF _IDxxxx=512 (STUPIDLY) had a 
               DELETE statement, and because the TYPETMNT processing of 
               that user record is inside the "standard" BUILDPDB, if   
               you had not set MACRO _IDTMNT 238 % to tell MXG to read  
               that type in the TMNT code block, then any record type   
               that was not processed in the preceding IBM type blocks  
               was deleted, and never examined by the subsequent code   
               blocks you had added with USERADD= or EXPDBetc.          
               SEE CHANGE 32.234.                                       
   Thanks to Robert Chavez, Florida Power and Light, USA.               
Change 32.179  Cosmetic, confusing.  These variables now have VIRT in   
VMAC71         their label, for VIRTUAL, instead of VERT, which could   
Jul 31, 2014   make you think of VERTICAL Polarized Processors:         
   Thanks to Graham Harris, Royal Bank of Scotland, UK.                 
Change 32.178  Support for AES CleverView USER SMF subtypes 30-40, which
EXCTCP30       are added to the existing CleverTCP User SMF record code:
EXCTCP31         DDDDDD     MXG       MXG                               
EXCTCP32         DATASET    DATASET   DATASET                           
EXCTCP33         SUFFIX     NAME      LABEL                             
EXCTCP35         CTCP30     CTCP30    CTCP CRITICAL RESOURCE            
EXCTCP36         CTCP31     CTCP31    CTCP PORT MONITOR                 
EXCTCP37         CTCP32     CTCP32    CTCP LINK VIEW                    
EXCTCP38         CTCP33     CTCP33    CTCP PROCESS VIEW                 
EXCTCP39         CTCP34     CTCP34    CTCP ICMP STATISTICS              
EXCTCP40         CTCP35     CTCP35    CTCP IP STATISTICS                
FORMATS          CTCP36     CTCP36    CTCP TCP STATISTICS               
IMACCTCP         CTCP37     CTCP37    CTCP UDP STATISTICS               
VMACCTCP         CTCP38     CTCP38    CTCP OSA CHANNEL                  
VMXGINIT         CTCP39     CTCP39    CTCP OSA ETHERNET                 
Jul 31, 2014     CTCP40     CTCP40    CTCP OSA LPAR                     
Change 32.178A Added as a new example, Case 5, for UOW definitions.     
IMACUOW        When there are no CSMI transactions, there is no EXECAPPL
Jul 27, 2014   that IMACUOW expected, so it is located by using byte 3  
               of the PATH(x) variable: If it is T or R, and not DB2,   
               then that CICSTRAN instance is used for EXECAPPL, and for
   Thanks to Tom MacCabe, Dominion Resource Services, USA.              
Change 32.177  Cosmetic.  A NULLFILE/DD DUMMY caused a message that     
VMXGDSNL       VMXGDSNL could not resolve the lower level; the message  
Jul 27, 2014   now simply says a NULLFILE DUMMY was found.              
Change 32.176  Member VMACTMD2 did not process nor detect compressed    
VMACTMD2       records when executed on ASCII, or on z/OS without the   
Jul 25, 2014   EXITMON6 z/OS-only INFILE exit.  Now, the internal SAS   
               algorithm is invoked, but that is VERY CPU intensive and 
               should NOT be used on z/OS.                              
              -Change 31.133 added the second iteration support for V5  
               but it did not note that the 'DB' Thread Detail dataset  
               and dddddd token names were changed from TMDBDB2/TMDDB2  
               to TMD2DB/TMD2DB.                                        
   Thanks to Ernest E. Amador, UC Davis, USA.                           
   Thanks to Mark A. Turner, UC Davis, USA.                             
Change 32.175  Enhancement and documentation for the ANALID reports:    
ANALID        -A Data Step VIEW is used for the (potentially large) ID  
FORMATS        dataset when %ANALID with READSMF=YES specified, or when 
TYPEID         %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPEID); is used, or when  BUILD001 or 
TYPEID         or BUILDPDB or BUILDPD3 is executed, saving LOTS of disk 
TYPSID         space. (Only SAS supports Data Step Views.)              
VMACID        -The DB2 Subsystem is now ALWAYS captured for 100-102s.   
VMACSMF        Originally, the DB2 Subsystem field was read from the    
VMXGINIT       (compressed) Product Section, but all DB2 records have   
Jul 29, 2014   Subsystem in the uncompressed header, which is now used. 
BUILDPDB      -The COMPRESS and ACCUMAC flags now print 'C' and 'A'.    
BUILDPD3      -On z/OS, when SMFEXIT=CICS is used (for compressed DB2 or
BUILD001       CICS SMF records), records have been uncompressed by that
               INFILE exit, before the INPUT, so the COMPRESS=Y flag    
               can't be set, but the DB2 IFCID value is INPUT from the  
               product section, so reports show type 102 IFCIDs.        
              -Instead, when the internal decompression code is used    
               (i.e., either on z/OS without SMFEXIT=CICS, or on ASCII),
               the DB2 IFCID is not available, because IBM does not     
               populate the 102 subtype field in the SMF header, and the
               decompress occurs after SMF header processing; while the 
               COMPRESS=Y flag is set, all 102s will be reported as type
               "102.000: UNKNOWN IFCID COMPRESSED".                     
               REVISED JUL 5, 2015: SEE CHANGE 33.159, MXGDECOMP=DB2    
               will now decompress in the SMF header processing.        
              -Note that if you use IMACFILE/MACFILE (or it is used FOR 
               you, like with READDB2) to select which SMF records are  
               to be processed, those skipped records will NOT be       
               counted in the ANALID reports.                           
              -BMC APPTUNE 102 records printed as 134.772-134.780 but   
               this change revises to print 102.8004-102.800B.          
   Thanks to Wayne Montefiore, CSC, AUSTRALIA.                          
   Thanks to MP Welch, Bank of America, USA.                            
Change 32.174  DB2 V11 added new QX variables, but MXG only added them  
VMACDB2        to DB2ACCT.  These variables are now added to DB2STATS:  
   Thanks to Steve R. Wood, DST Systems, USA.                           
   Thanks to Ramu Nalluri, DST Systems, USA.                            
Change 32.173  Support for Websphere MQ for z/OS Crypto Audit User SMF  
EXWECRAU       record (default 180) creates new dataset:                
IMACWECR         DDDDDD    DATASET    DESCRIPTION                       
VMXGINIT       This code has NEVER been tested with actual SMF records; 
Jul 25, 2014   please send records if they exist at your site.          
Change 32.172  Support for Websphere MQ Version 8.0 CHANNEL/CHANNEL INIT
EXTY115E       new subtypes of the 115 (subtype 231) and 116 (subty 10).
EXTY116A       create these new datasets:                               
FORMATS          DDDDDD    DATASET    DESCRIPTION                       
VMAC115        These new subtype have NOT been tested with data. Please 
VMAC116        send SMF data if you have these new SMF subtypes.        
VMXGINIT       Jun 24, 2015: See Change 33.151, MXG 33.07, which updated
Jul 24, 2014   VMAC115 and VMAC116 and tested with data.                
Change 32.171  Support for Websphere Liberty z/CONNECT SMF 120 subtype  
EXT12011       11 creates new dataset TYP12011.                         
IMAC120          DDDDDD    DATASET    DESCRIPTION                       
VMAC120          T12011    TYP10211   WEBSPHERE 11 LIBERTY z/CONNECT    
Jul 22, 2014                                                            
====== Changes thru 32.170 were in MXG 32.06 dated Jul 21, 2014=========
Change 32.170  Support for CA SYSVIEW 14.0 IMS Records updates (COMPAT).
VMACSVIE      -New variables added to SV34TRAN dataset:                 
               However, no V14 records have yet been available, and     
               there may be other changes in the TIMER records that are 
               under investigation.  This text will be revised.         
VMACDB2        were wrong with DB2 V10. Added by DB2 V11, the input test
Jul 19, 2014   was for QDSTLEN GE 96 instead of GE 114, so they were    
               input when they should have been missing values.         
              -DB2STATS variables QDSTMARD and QDSTNARD were wrongly    
               deaccumulated, causing very large, or zero, values.      
   Thanks to Wayne Bell, UNIGROUP, USA.                                 
Change 32.168  NDM CT truncated record caused INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED. 
VMACNDM        The invalid record has NDMRECLN=1014, which should then  
Jul 18, 2014   have LENGTH=1028, but the record LENGTH is only 1020.    
Jul 23, 2014   The NDMLENPA length of NDMPACCT field in bytes 1017-1018 
               contains 10, but there are only 2 bytes left in the SMF  
               record.  Tests added to detect the truncated record and  
               to print a message on the log for each defective record, 
               and to only input as many bytes as exist.                
              -IBM APAR PM77776/PTF UK83894 for Direct Connect V 5.x    
               corrects the truncated record.                           
   Thanks to Norbert Wagner, Deutsche-Boerse, GERMANY.                  
Change 32.167  ANALDUPE algorithm to remove duplicate records in z/OS   
ANALDUPE       file had typos in S02OF02.  The DSN syntax should  be    
Jul 18, 2014     //FMTDAT DSN=&&KEEPFMT,DISP=(OLD,PASS)                 
               and the correct syntax is OPTIONS FMTSEARCH=(FMTDAT);    
   Thanks to Richard Schwartz, IBM Global Services, USA.                
Change 32.166  MXG 31.09-32.05. The default CECINTRV=HOUR in ASUM70PR   
ASUM70PR       was incorrectly/unintentionally changed to QTRHOUR back  
SAGANAL        in MXG 31.09, but the HOUR default is now (AGAIN!) set.  
Jul 23, 2014   The INTERVAL parameter controls the summarization of the 
               two per-SYSTEM datasets, ASUM70PR and ASUM70LP, and the  
               INTERVAL=QTRHOUR works for data at 5, 10, or 15 min for  
               each individual SYSTEM.                                  
               The CECINTRV parameter controls the summarization of the 
               two per-CEC datasets, ASUMCEC and ASUMCELP, and the HOUR 
               default is used because it is safer: only if ALL systems 
               in the CEC have 15 minute interval data can QTRHOUR be   
               used for CECINTRV, and so using HOUR protects sites with 
               multiple/different intervals, and my intention was to    
               always create these CEC-level datasets hourly.           
               And, most sites have copied ASUM70PR into their tailoring
               library, to set their own values for INTERVAL/CECINTRV,  
               so this incorrect change in default was not observed.    
              -However, SAGANAL did require the CECINTRV=HOUR and that  
               was not previously noted in its comments, hence this     
               discovery.  Now, instead of INCLUDEing ASUM70PR, the     
               _READ70 macro uses %VMXG70PR with CECINTRV=HOUR.         
              -Jul 23: ERROR PDB.TYPE70PR not found was corrected.      
   Thanks to Ian Porter, Nissan, ENGLAND.                               
Change 32.165  New parameter GROUPBY added to let you find the rankings 
ANALRANK       by some variable. So for example, you wanted to find the 
Jul 17, 2014   top 20 JOBS by SYSTEM for CPUTM and EXCPTOTL, you would  
                   VARS=CPUTM EXCPTOTL,HOWMANY=20);                     
               Along the way logic was cleaned up and simplified        
   Thanks to Tom MacCabe, Dominion Resource Services, USA.              
Change 32.164  FREQ created variables with lower case names.  Later code
VMXGSUM        that went looking for the variable could fail if it      
Jul 17, 2014   looked for an upper case name.  FREQ is now upcased as   
               are all the other variable names.                        
Change 32.163  Unused Change Number.                                    
Change 32.162  See Change 33.014.  Required for z13.                    
Change 32.161  Support for NDM-CDI M2 record, which is output in NDMMC  
VMACNDM        dataset.  These M2-only variables are added to NDMMC:    
                 NDMMCSEQ NDMNBLKS NDMNBYTS NDMNRECS                    
   Thanks to Michael Oujesky, DTCC, USA.                                
Change 32.160  ML-53 of MXG Tape Mount/Allocation/SYSLOG Monitor adds a 
ASMTAPEE       check for an I/O configuration change during the device  
Jul 17, 2014   scan loop, which should reduce the chances of logrec     
               entries, which occurred at one site when a new IODF was  
               activated during MXGTMNT's device scan.  Other than the  
               2,000 logrec entries for recovered 0C4 ABENDS for the    
               load module MXGTMNT, and the loss of data for that one   
               interval, MXGTMNT did not fail, and the MXGTMNT job log  
               did report the event was detected:                       
                TMNT060I I/O configuration change detected,             
                         MXGTMNT suspended pending restart              
                TMNT061I I/O configuration restart complete,            
                         MXGTMNT processing resumed                     
   Thanks to Ed Brociek, FMR, USA.                                      
Change 32.159 -A possible error in ANALCAPD caused it to ignore the PDB=
ANALCAPD       parameter, so &PDBMXG was always used.  Since &PDBMXG    
Jul 17, 2014   defaults to PDB, an error was unlikely, but the exposure 
               is removed, and a changed PDB= argument will now be used.
              -Added SGPLOT invocation if you are on SAS 9.3 or higher. 
               Otherwise, if you have SAS/GRAPH, it is used.            
               Otherwise, the ancient PROC PLOT is used, and comments   
               were added to document the meaning of the characters     
               printed when PROC PLOT is used.                          
   Thanks to Andrew Woods, Interactive Data, ENGLAND.                   
Change 32.158  Updates for Mobile Work including CSV-generating program.
MOBMWRT       -%MOBMWRT creates the CSV file for submission to IBM.     
MOBWRK05      -Changes to MOBWRKnn members now consistently have unique 
MOBWRK06       &MOBxxx LIBNAMEs, and both SMF and PDB processing has    
MOBILWRK       been revised and tested.                                 
VMXGINIT      -MOBWRK05 and MOBWRK06 process all five products data if  
Jul 18, 2014   they exist, so they can be used for one or all products. 
Change 32.157  New parameters WIDTH HEIGHT FOOTNOTE added to let you    
GRAFCEC        tailor the appearance of graphs.  Most of these look     
GRAFWRKX       better as landscape so the defaults are WIDTH=10in and   
Jul 13, 2014   HEIGHT=8in.  The 'in' is required.  The footnote         
               parameter will let you add a footnote to the graphs      
               produced that you could use to add the job name that     
               created the graph.  For example - to add a left justified
               footnote with a height of .5 and in red you would        
                 FOOTNOTE=JUSTIFY=L COLOR=RED 'Job name'                
   Thanks to Tom MacCabe, Dominion Resource Services, USA.              
Change 32.156  Variable IRESPTM in the CICS dataset is the SUM of the   
ASUMCICX       response time in all transactions in the BY group. It    
TRNDCICX       probably should have always been the average value but it
Jul 11, 2014   is left as the sum and a new variable RESPAVG is created 
               which is the average value.                              
Change 32.155  Support for Oracle ELS/VTCS 7.2 HSC changes to user SMF  
EXSTCV31       records.                                                 
IMACSTC       -New dataset STCVSM31 created from subtype 31             
VMACSTC       -New variables added to datasets created from Subtypes    
VMXGINIT       STCnnTPX added to 13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,25,26,27,28    
Jul  8, 2014                     29,30                                  
Jul 16, 2014   STCnnTYP added to 16,17,18,19                            
               Subtype 16: STC16LOC STC16MVC                            
               Subtype 17: STC17LOC                                     
               Subtype 18: STC18LOC STC18VPT STC18TND STC18ND           
               Subtype 19: STC19LOC STC19VPT STC189ND STC19ND           
               subtype 26: STC26VPT                                     
              -All but subtypes 27,and 31 have been data tested.        
              -These (archaic) variables are always missing values:     
                 STC13FLG STC13HID STC13SEQ STC13VTI                    
                 STC14FLG STC14HID STC14SEQ STC14VTI                    
                 STC18FLG STC18HID STC18SEQ STC18VTI                    
                 STC19FLG STC19HID STC19SEQ STC19VTI                    
              -One question is open: STC14DSN contains a TODSTAMP and   
               not a 44-character DSNAME.                               
   Thanks to Richard Stuchell, VISA, USA.                               
   Thanks to Bruce MacKay, Oracle, USA.                                 
   Thanks to Merle Sadler, Oracle, USA.                                 
Change 32.154 -This part of the original change:                        
ANALID         "If you want to produce the ANALID report using UTILBLDP,
UTILBLDP       with BUILDPDB=NO specified, then the ID token must be the
Jul  8, 2014   FIRST token in the USERADD= parameter:"                  
Aug 15, 2014   is no longer true; Change 32.192 removed that restriction
               and ID can be anywhere in the USERADD= list.             
              -While only the SELECTED SMF record's datasets will be    
               created, ALL SMF records in the INFILE will be reported  
               by ANALID, UNLESS you also used MACFILE/IMACFILE to      
               delete SMF records; those deleted records will NOT be    
               counted/reported by ANALID.                              
              -If you want to see the code that was created by UTILBLDP,
               it can be printed on the LOG by specifying either the new
               ECHO=YES (or ECHO=Y) argument, or with MXGEXIMSG=YES.    
              -Cosmetic change in ANALID to print 0 for small percentage
               values to eliminate "Note: At least one W.D format was   
               too small for the number to be printed...."              
   Thanks to MP Welch, Bank of America, USA.                            
Change 32.153  Support for Optional CICS User ADP fields in IMACICVH.   
EXUTILEX       The EXUTILEX member is listed here ONLY to note that it  
IMACICVH       is not the correct way to add USER CICS fields to MXG.   
VMAC110        Instead, send your CICS Dictionary SMF records to support
UTILEXCL       and MXG will be enhanced to support your optional data,  
Jul  5, 2014   with a new IMACICxx member just for you!                 
   Thanks to Patricia Hansen, ADP, USA.                                 
Change 32.152  Datetimes in TYPECTLT - CONTROL/T are GMT and there is no
VMACCTLT       way to know what was the GMT Offset when those data were 
Jul  5, 2014   created.                                                 
Change 32.151  BY lists for TYPE74PA/TYPE74ST/TYPE74DU/TYPE74HO/TYPE74TD
VMAC74         and TYPE747C were insufficient to remove duplicates.     
Jul  5, 2014   All of those _BTY74xx macros are extended for removal.   
              -Variable R742PLIN='LIST*NUMBER*WITHIN*STRUCTURE' is now  
               INPUT; it was added to _BTY74PA. However, there are      
               duplicate observations in TYPE74PA.                      
              -Variable R744FNAM was added to _BTY74ST for NODUP sort.  
              -Variable R744FNAM was added to _BTY74DU for NODUP sort.  
              -Variable R744HPCP was added to _BTY74HO for NODUP sort.  
               There are duplicate observations created in TYPE74HO.    
              -Dataset TYPE74ID will always have many more duplicates   
               removed than output observations, by design.             
              -If you use TYPE74PA or TYPE74HO, or TYPE74TD, and want   
               to open a PMR with IBM Support to examine why there are  
               duplicates, please send your data to to  
               verify and to document for your PMR submission.          
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 32.150  Revised support for Informatica's POWER EXCHANGE SMF     
VMACPOEX       records, updated after the original preliminary support  
Jul  3, 2014   in Change 29.134. These issues will be reported and this 
               text updated when resolved:                              
               CHANGES REQUIRED:                                        
               1. In POEXDB2, POEXROWS are accumulated, but POEXSTMT=1  
                  POEXSQLC=0 POEXUPDT=0 POEXDELT=0 POEXINSR=0 in all    
                  fifteen DB2 segments so it is unclear if they too are 
                  accumulated.  BUT: ANY ACCUMULATED FIELDS means that  
                  data is lost; the first instance for EVERY JOB must be
                  deleted since it is impossible to know which is the   
                  FIRST interval record.  Interval records MUST contain 
                  interval values.                                      
               2. POEXUNDO (28-byte field before POEXCPUG CPU Time in   
                  General Section: Undocumented field contains IP       
                  address for IPV4 addresses:                           
                  but IPV6 addresses are truncated at 15 bytes          
               3. CRITICAL:  Subtype 3 Interval records POEXENDT is     
                  always unpopulated (missing value) so the actual      
                  interval duration can never be known.                 
               4. CRITICAL:  Subtype 3 Interval records POEXSTRT is     
                  always the START TIME OF THE JOB and is NOT the START 
                  TIME OF THE INTERVAL.  SO: the interval duration can  
                  NOT be known except in the first interval.            
               5. POEXSECN - Count of sections is ALWAYS ONE in all     
                  records, even though there ARE multiple sections in   
                  many records.                                         
               OTHER ISSUES:                                            
               6. Issues with UNDOCUMENTED DSN1 & DSN2 in File Segments:
                  a. Length 46 rather than 44 in DSN2, both set to 64 to
                  be safe for open system path names.                   
                  b. Contains single quotes around DSN in SOME          
                     POEXACME=NRDB2 records:                            
                     'EDWT.ISG.COMBINED.MO.PRTY.INF' )                  
                  c. Contains DSN2=BLANK, DSN1=CONNECTION               
                  d. Contains DSN2=BLANK, DSN1=TS01295.SHR.S9S.D140626  
                  e. Contains double quotes at start and interval in    
                     some records, i.e., "ZA1P".za1racf1_RACF_RECORD    
               7. Variables ADDL CIPC NODE REAS RTRN SESS SSI are always
               8. Bytes Send and Received Count in CLIENT segment is    
                  ALWAYS 256 bytes.                                     
               9. POEXCLIE (Client):                                    
                  A JOB is identified by SYSTEM POEXJOB POEXTPID, but   
                  POEXSTRT is CONSTANT for each interval.  In each      
                  INTERVAL record, POEXCPUG (General) is Accumulated,   
                  while POEXCPUC (Client) is the interval CPU Time.     
                  But in each END record, POEXCPUG and POEXCPUC are     
                  EQUAL and are the TOTAL for that JOB.  And POEXCPUG   
                  (General) is ACCUMULATED while the POEXCPUC (Client)  
                  is the DELTA                                          
                  UNLESS: In POEXCLIE jobs where there is a DB2 Section:
                   a. The POEXTPID is always zero, so it is NOT possible
                      to group interval/end records for each job.       
                   b. The CPUG and CPUC are accumulated and interval as 
                      for POEXCLIE jobs that have FILE sections, but the
                      CPUD from the DB2 section is ALSO ACCUMULATED in  
                      the interval records, and is the TOTAL in END     
              10. There are four CPU metrics in four segments: CPUG -   
                  General, CPUD - DB2, CPUL - Listener and CPUC -       
                  Client, but no documentation of what is or is not     
                  included in those fields.                             
                  Observing values, it appears:                         
                   POEXLIST - LISTENER - POEXCPUG (General) equal to    
                                         POEXCPUL (Listener)            
                   POEXCLIE - CLIENT   - See Preceding Item 19.         
              11. In the FILE segment, field POEXAMTY is not documented.
                  The values of 01, 0Ax and 19x in POEXAMTY have        
                  POEXACME, Access Method, with  , DB2, SEQ, and NRDB2, 
              12. POEXSTRC - Character datetime value does not contain  
                             fractions of a second, while POEXSTRT      
                             TODSTAMP does have full resolution.        
              13. POEXENDC - Character datetime value does not contain  
                             fractions of a second, while POEXENDT      
                             TODSTAMP does have full resolution.        
              14. Client Segment TODSTAMPS ENDX STRX are always missing 
                  values, but start/end from General Section are valid  
                  and kept.                                             
              15. No GMT OFFSET value in any record, but the character  
                  start time in POEXSTRC is on local while POEXSTRT is  
                  on GMT so the offset value GMTOFFPOEX is calculated   
                  and used to convert GMT datetimes to local.           
              16. Records with lots of nulls (SMF record 43, LENGTH=4928
                  (RDW=4932), but data ends in byte 847, 4181 bytes of  
   Thanks to Eileen F. Van Etten, Bank of America, USA.                 
   Thanks to Christopher D. Carnes, Bank of America, USA.               
Change 32.149  SMF record TYPE can be 0-127 for IBM records or 128-255  
VMACXXXX       for USER SMF records.  Because the TYPE number of a USER 
Jun 26, 2014   record is set by the site's product installer, you must  
Sep 28, 2014   tell MXG the record number that was chosen for USER SMF  
               processing for SMF TYPES 128-255.  MXG sets the default  
               TYPE number to a missing value, a period, in MXG 32.10.  
               Previously, a value of 512 was the MACRO _IDxxxx default.
               The recommended way to specify a User SMF type is to put 
               the defining MACRO in the IMACKEEP member in your USERID 
               Tailoring Library/Directory:                             
                     MACRO _IDxxxx  nnn  %                              
               where the xxxx is the VMACxxxx suffix for the product,   
               (documented in member IMACAAAA), and nnn is the site's   
               chosen record number.  This way, any processing of xxxx  
               will use that definition for that product's SMF record.  
               If you are using %UTILBLDP to create your SYSIN program, 
               the RECOMMENDED tool to process multiple SMF records, and
               especially to add other SMF records, either IBM or USER, 
               with or without executing BUILDPDB, you supply the SMF   
               Record TYPE number in the syntax:                        
                 %UTILBLDP(USERADD=xxxx/nnn yyyy/mmm . . . .);          
               Alternatively, you can supply the _IDxxxx value in the   
               input in the job that processes the USER SMF record:     
                 //SYSIN DD *                                           
                  %LET MACKEEP=  MACRO _IDxxxx nnn  %  ;                
                  %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPSxxxx);                          
               Change text revised.                                     
               SEE CHANGE 32.234.                                       
   Thanks to MP Welch, Bank of America, USA.                            
Change 32.148  Support BMC DB2 Data Sharing Header, QWHSTYP=32 segment, 
READDB2        which is inserted between the QWHSTYP=1 & 2 segments in  
VMACDB2H       BMC records, but is after the other segments in IBM data.
Jun 20, 2014   MXG logic had assumed the segments were in order, the BMC
Jul  9, 2014   insertion of their 32 segment caused the QWAC fields to  
               to be blank/missing, as the insert prevented segment 2   
               being input. Logic is now independent of the order.      
              -Using %READDB2(IFCIDS=BMC); worked fine on ASCII but did 
               not work on z/OS, because the test "IF &IFC GT 3" is true
               on ASCII when &IFC is BMC, but the collating sequence on 
               z/OS causes BMC to be LESS than 3, so BMC subtypes were  
               not read. The test now explicitly tests for 'BMC'.       
              -Observed:  TITLE CREATED BY _T102BMC; created an error;  
               the title must be in quotes to prevent macro _T102BMC    
               from being resolved as code!                             
   Thanks to Janet Smith, BMC, USA.                                     
   Thanks to Tony Curry, BMC, USA.                                      
Change 32.147 -ODS doesn't support character variables with $HEX format:
DOC             SAS development investigated this issue with their XML  
Jun 26, 2014    parser and the problem is caused because the values have
                to be converted to XML, and Unicode values in           
                user-defined formats are not supported by the ODS       
                Graphics procedures.                                    
               Furthermore, ODS does not use the FORMATTED value of a   
               variable that contains hex values:                       
                %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TEST73);                              
                 PROC SGPLOT DATA=TYPE73;;                              
                 SCATTER X=STARTIME Y=PCHANBY/GROUP=SMF73CPD;           
                 FORMAT SMF73CPD $HEXCHAR.;                             
               So it is necessary to create a new variable with the     
               format and use it:                                       
                 DATA PLOT/VIEW=PLOT;                                   
                 SET PDB.TYPE73;                                        
                 PROC SGPLOT DATA=PLOT;                                 
              -JMP doesn't support variables with ATTRIB TRANSCODE=NO.  
               The TRANSCODE= attribute can be changed with a DATA step 
               DATA NEW; ATTRIB variable TRANSCODE=YES; SET OLD;        
               Or with a PROC DATASETS                                  
                 proc datasets lib=work memtype=data;                   
                   modify type73;                                       
                    attrib _all_ TRANSCODE=YES;                         
                 fails with errors:                                     
                           attrib _ALL_ TRANSCODE=YES;                  
                 ERROR 22-322: Syntax error, expecting one of the       
                  a name, -, :, FORMAT, INFORMAT, LABEL, LENGTH, _ALL_, 
                    _CHARACTER_, _CHAR_, _NUMERIC_.                     
                 ERROR 76-322: Syntax error, statement will be ignored. 
   Thanks to MP Welch, Bank of America, USA.                            
Change 32.146  Cosmetic, line "@; PUTLOG _N_= COL= DCVSGLNG=...; INPUT" 
VMACDCOL       left from testing Change 32.103 is now deleted.          
Jun 23, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Clayton Buck, UNIGROUP, USA.                               
Change 32.145  Cosmetic. MXGNOTEs that VMXGSUM is bypassing a step or a 
VMXGSUM        sort that is not needed, are suppressed, unless you have 
Jun 23, 2014   set %LET MXGEXIMSG=YES to print those suppressed notes.  
Change 32.144  MXG 32.03-32.05 INVALID STID=60 CICS/TS 2.3 Statistics   
VMAC110        error was not protected by Change 32.077, which had only 
Jun 23, 2013   protected CICS/TS 3.2-5.1.  The IBM error being protected
               is that DSGLLEN=128, the correct length of the header, is
               not the 136 byte length of each TCB segment.  Previously,
               all 136 bytes were always INPUT without a length test.   
               But CICS/TS 5.2 increased the length to 160, so 32.077   
               reset DSGLLEN to 136, but with data only back to 3.2 for 
               validation, the test was (65 LE SMFPSRVR LE 67).  Now    
               (63 LE SMFPSRVR LE 67) is used to protect both CICS/TS   
               2.3 and 3.1 by resetting DSGLLEN to 136.                 
   Thanks to Craig North, FHG, ENGLAND.                                 
Change 32.143  The CPUZIPTM for SYNCSORT was a missing value for COPY or
VMACSYNC       SORTs that did not use Sort Works DDs.  MXG code was     
Jun 22, 2013   revised, after discovering that the DS H'0' field in the 
               DSECT after then SMFWKEXL DS H'0' field does NOT exist   
               when NRSORTWK=0.                                         
   Thanks to Richard Krueger, Sentry Insurance, USA.                    
Change 32.142  READDB2 failed if FIRSTOBS NE 1 or OBS NE "enough" for   
READDB2        the internal DATA steps needed to build the code, if you 
Jun 22, 2014   asked for individual IFCIDS. Now, the original values for
               FIRSTOBS/OBS are stored, the text for the code and sorts 
               are generated, and then they are restored to control the 
               SMF records read.  Note, however, that you will then need
               to reset FIRSTOBS=1 and OBS=MAX after READDB2 to process 
               the output datasets.  For example, to read a single SMF  
               record for a single IFCID:                               
                  OPTIONS FIRSTOBS=123456 OBS=123456;                   
                  OPTIONS FIRSTOBS=1 OBS=MAX;                           
                  PROC PRINT . . .                                      
Change 32.141  Support for IFCID=376, but the DB2 V11 DSECT shows that  
VMAC102        the last field is QW0376PN, which ends in byte 165 of the
Jun 21, 2014   record which has LENGTH=662, so a PMR is to be opened    
               with IBM DB2 support to determine if those extra bytes   
               are real or trash.  In addition, the QW0376TS value, a   
               timestamp, contains '19871FAF182106A5'x, which I do not  
               recognize as a valid datetimestamp.                      
   Thanks to Paul Walters, Navy Federal Credit Union, USA.              
Change 32.140 -RACF SMF 80 INPUT EXCEEDED error because STATE field for 
Jun 21, 2014   and SAS only INPUTs 16 bytes even when LENVAR is 24.     
               Informat changed to $VARYING32.                          
              -Variable TOKMCARRIER now decoded into TYPE80TK dataset.  
   Thanks to David W. Chambers, Norfolk Southern, USA.                  
Change 32.139 -MXG 32.05 only, ONLY if BUILD606/BUILD3606 logic (or user
VMAC113        program with ELSE _CDE113). MXG 32.05 had this commented 
Jun 20, 2014   debug statement   *PUTLOG // _N_= ID= SUBTYPE= //; after 
               the MACRO _CDE113 statement, which caused a 180 syntax   
               error when preceded by the ELSE statement.               
                 BUT: had I used  /* PUTLOG . . . */ syntax, there was  
                      NO ERROR!                                         
               The commented debug statement is now removed.            
              -If the EXPDBCDE member was used to add SMF 113 to your   
               BUILDPDB or if you used UTILBLDP, there was no error.    
              -But this goes all the way back to Change 15.354, (1998)  
               which was supposed to ensure that all SMF processing     
               members had syntax of IF ID= . . .  immediately following
               their MACRO _CDExxxx statement, so they could be used in 
               BUILD606/BUILD3606. I now find these other members also  
               didn't comply with 15.345; they all had a semicolon ahead
               of their IF statement, which is now removed:             
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
====== Changes thru 32.138 were in MXG 32.05 re-dated Jun 18, 2014======
Change 32.138  First MXG 32.05.  VMACRMFV had a syntax error due to last
VMACRMFV       minute untested update I rushed in at the last minute.   
Jun 18, 2014   Update was an attempt to match Delay Percents in MXG to  
               IBM RMF III reports, but research is still in progress.  
               Four lines with WHEN ( ) AND syntax were incorrect but   
               are now removed.                                         
   Thanks to Robert B. Richards, OPM, USA.                              
   Thanks to Matthew Brooks, OPM, USA.                                  
Change 32.137 -All JCLTESxx members now all test with TESSxxxx members, 
JCLTES91       which invoke all of the PROC SORTs so that the existence 
JCLTES92       of BY variables is validated in testing.  Previously, the
JCLTEST9       TESTxxxx members were used, which did not test SORTs.    
JCLTESS9      -Members JCLTESS9, JCLTEST9, and JCLTES92 are identical;  
TESTOTHR       the multiple names are kept because of prior references. 
Jun 18, 2014  -TESTOTHR had a mislocated %END; statement that is fixed, 
               but any of your code that %INCLUDES SOURCLIB(TESTxxxx)   
               should be changed to use TESSxxxx instead per preceding, 
               but the TESTxxxx members will remain in MXG forever.     
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
====== Changes thru 32.136 were in MXG 32.05 dated Jun 16, 2014=========
Change 32.136  VMACSMF:   CICS version variable SMFPSRVR is formatted   
VMACSMF        with existing MGVERCIC so the version (e.g. TS5.1) is    
UTILEXCL       printed instead of its internal value (e.g. 68).         
Jun 16, 2014   Since SMFPSRVR is not formatted in the other members,    
Jun 19, 2014   the VMACSMF format will apply to all datasets read from  
               infile SMF with a CICS Version value in SMFPSRVR.        
              -UTILEXCL:  Options NOCENTER improves report formatting.  
              -IMACICEZ:  Comments revised: this member always inputs   
               five fields so it is removed from REPORT THREE-A as only 
               its comment block needs to be removed.                   
              -IMACICE1 and IMACICE2: Comments revised to direct you to 
               use REPORT THREE-A to EDIT to find your number of fields.
Change 32.135  Labels for NDM datasets from a single subtype are now    
VMACNDM        explanatory. Multi-subtype datasets are still labeled    
Jun 14, 2014   with the list of subtypes, but comments were updated to  
               list all of the subtypes that are documented.            
   Thanks to MP Welch, Bank of America, USA.                            
Change 32.134  Datasets BVIR322/BVIR323/BVIR324 for some POOLs were NOT 
VMACBVIR       output.  The test for ATLGVOLS=0 that terminated the scan
Jun 14, 2014   on the first instance was invalid as there are many pools
               AFTER that test.  Now, all 32 possible pools are scanned 
               and only those with ATLGVOLS GT 0 are output, so all of  
               the active POOLs are output.                             
   Thanks to Doug Medland, IBM Global Services, USA.                    
Change 32.133 -VMXGSUM is enhanced to support "concatenation" of "PDBs".
VMXGSUM        Existing VGETDDS logic is implemented in VMXGSUM. The new
               input all DDNAMES/LIBNAMES from CICTRN1 up to CICTRN99.  
               INDATA must be set to a SINGLE dataset without a LIBNAME 
               reference, but it may include a (KEEP=VARA VARB ...)     
               modifier.  The DATA step is passed as a view to the SORT.
              -To fully support concatenated PDBs on tape, OPEN=DEFER is
               forced when USEVGETDDS is specified.                     
Change 32.132  CALLEDBY= parameter added for internal use by MXG.       
VGETDDS        NOTES telling you what was allocated are suppressed      
Jun 14, 2014   unless MXGEXIMSG=YES.                                    
Change 32.131 -%READDB2(IFCIDS=BMC) created the 11 BMC APPTUNE datasets 
READDB2        but then failed because _S102BMC macro does not exist.   
Jun 13, 2014   Using IFCIDS=ALL does circumvent this error, but now the 
               individual _Sdddddd macros for the 11 BMC datasets are   
               invoked when IFCIDS=BMC is specified.                    
              -Redundant code block for BMC removed in READDB2.         
   Thanks to Tony Cury, BMC, USA.                                       
Change 32.130  Support for doc APAR OA35811 (replaced, FIN) by OA54385, 
VMACRMFV       for RMF III GEIG3 corrects the length of GEIRSTRF in z/OS
Jun  8, 2014   2.1 to 8 bytes, but actual data records show GEIRSTRF was
               also 8 bytes in 1.13.  But the code changes caused by the
               doc APAR is that GEIRPOOL, the Average Online Real       
               Storage, is no longer used in z/OS 2.1 and GEIRSTRF is   
               the replacement.  So this MXG change stores GEIRSTRF back
               into GEIRPOOL in z/OS 2.1 so your existing reports using 
               GEIRPOOL will be correct without change.                 
               But there appears to be an undocumented change in 2.1, as
               I THINK (TO BE VALIDATED) that the order of subsequent   
               GEILF4K and GEILP4K in 1.13 were reversed in 2.1.  When  
               input as originally documented, these are the values:    
                            GEILF4K    GEILP4K                          
                            (Fixed)   (Pageable)                        
                      1.13    60       316,680                          
                      2.1   108,180       0                             
               which seems to be wrong for 2.1.                         
   Thanks to Victoria Lepak, Aetna, USA.                                
   Thanks to Steven Yucha, Aetna, USA.                                  
   Thanks to Miguel Mercado, Aetna, USA.                                
   Thanks to Micheline Bissell, Aetna, USA.                             
Change 32.129  Protection for zero length data that printed this message
VMAC80A         SMF 80 SEGMENT 301 HAS UNDECODED TOKDANAM=              
Jun  6, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to David Kaplan, DTCC, USA.                                   
Change 32.128  Variable QBGLNW='PAGE-IN*WRITE*AROUND' now INPUT and kept
VMACDB2        in dataset DB2GBPST.  Field was added in DB2 V11.        
Jun  6, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 32.127  New %VMXGDEL0 utility can delete all datasets with zero  
VMXGDEL0       observations, with or without a report of members and    
Jun 11, 2014   their count of obs, or only a report can be generated.   
               While zero-obs datasets take essentially no disk space,  
               some SAS procedures open all datasets in a data library, 
               creating unnecessarily long menu lists.  But, use this   
               tool with care, since if you delete zero observation     
               datasets from a "daily PDB" library, you could easily    
               cause other jobs (that still reference old datasets that 
               are no longer populated) to fail when you delete members.
               This was handy to use after %READDB2(IFCIDS=ALL) so only 
               the populated T102Snnn datasets remained                 
   Thanks to MP Welch, Bank of America, USA.                            
Change 32.126  Support for new Subtype 1 of HIS SMF ID=113 creates new  
VMAC113          DDDDDD   DATASET   DESCRIPTION                         
ASUM113          TY1131   TYPE1131  HIS HARDWARE MONITOR DETAIL         
Jun  2, 2014   IBM will not enhance the original Subtype 2 (accumulated 
               values), and the Subtype 1 contains interval delta values
               so the first observation(s) are not lost in TYPE1131. The
               ASUM113 program creates both ASUM113 (ST=2) and ASUM1131 
               (ST=1), but ASUM1131 should be used if it is populated,  
               as it will have more observations than ASUM113.          
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 32.125  New MGIBMxx formats created to support MOBILE WORK.      
FORMATS        Preliminary MOBILWRK program to identify Mobile Work.    
MOBILWRK       See the MOBILWRK member in MXG 32.05 for documentation.  
JUN 16, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Al Sherkow, I/S Management Strategies, Ltd.                
Change 32.124  The DOCVER member, which documents all variables in all  
UTILVREF       MXG datasets, is enhanced by the addition of the BYLIST  
May 31, 2014   for all datasets that are sorted.  Most "important" MXG  
               datasets are sorted when the TYPSxxxx member is used to  
               SORT from WORK to PDB, but some datasets still have only 
               a DATA step to COPY from WORK to PDB.  Contact support if
               you use a dataset that is not sorted and be prepared to  
               send data, since actual data records are required to find
               the BY list that removes duplicated.                     
   Thanks to MP Welch, Bank of America, USA.                            
Change 32.123  Support for RSD USER SMF ACCOUNTING record Version 2.1   
EXRSDSDS       creates four new datasets:                               
EXRSDSES         dddddd   dataset   description                         
VMACRSDA       Support for RSD USER SMF AUDIT record Version 2.1 is a   
VMACRSDS       complete rewrite with replaced variable names in the     
VMXGINIT       RSDAUDIT dataset.                                        
Jun  8, 2014   Aug 11:  Action Codes 36 and 84 are now recognized and   
Aug 11, 2014   processed.  FORMATS were updated for action codes.       
Dec 10, 2014   Dec 10:  Test for UNKNOWN AUDIT ACTION is removed, so now
Dec 22, 2014   all action codes are output.  New AUDACT records all have
               the same physical structure, the full record has been    
               read, and AUDOBJI is populated so you can split/store it 
               if needed, as done now for some AUDOBJT values.          
               Dec 22: Lines over 72 shortened.                         
   Thanks to Rosa Maria Martinez Alonso, Bustia, SPAIN.                 
   Thanks to Raul Juan Rincon, Bustia, SPAIN.                           
Change 32.122  VMXGPARS did not correctly parse quoted strings if there 
VMXGPARS       was a blank embedded in the quoted string, which caused  
May 29, 2014   UTILBLDP to generate invalid syntax errors.              
Change 32.121  UTILBLDP new option SORTOUT=NEVER prevents output SORT of
UTILBLDP       all datasets, intended for MXG internal use.  SORTOUT=NO 
May 29, 2014   suppressed SORTs of most data, but still sorted these:   
                 7072 DB2 HSM NTCP ROSC TMDB TPX 103 28                 
               because they contain accumulated values that require the 
               sort to deaccumulate.  NEVER prevents even those sorts,  
               but leaves invalid values for those datasets, so use of  
               SORTOUT=NEVER prints a warning message when used.        
Change 32.120  Support for optional CICS user SDA fields.               
May 27, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Trevor Holland, ANZ, AUSTRALIA.                            
Change 32.119  Support for IMS56FA records from IMS 13.1 (INCOMPATIBLE, 
VMACIMS        due to inserted fields).                                 
May 27, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Rudolf Sauer, T-Systems, GERMANY.*                         
Change 32.118  ANALID= parameter added to READDB2 to create SMF Audit   
READDB2        report when set to YES.  Only the SMF records that are   
May 25, 2014   required for the READDB2 request are reported.           
Change 32.117  Incorrect ID Test for ID=140 corrected to ID=104.        
May 23, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Robert A. Obee, IMS Health, USA.                           
Change 32.116  XAM CRITICAL ERROR with SEGLEN=84 was a false error; that
VMACXAM        is a valid length for the SYTSYP segment in zVPS 5.4 so  
May 21, 2014   the MXG "protection" for invalid FTP transfer added in   
               Change 32.057, which tested only for the known mangled   
               100 value now accepts 84 as valid, suppressing the error.
   Thanks to Robert K. Hare, Comerica Bank, USA.                        
Change 32.115  VMXGSRCH failed if there were no datasets in the LIBNAME 
VMXGSRCH       pointed to by the LIBNAME= parameter.                    
May 17, 2014                                                            
Change 32.114  READDB2 with PDBOUT="non-PDB" still wrote to PDB.DB2ACCT 
READDB2        and if there was no //PDB in JCL or no LIBNAME PDB, the  
May 17, 2014   job abended.  Additionally, if STATISTICS was specified  
               (instead of the RECOMMENDED STATS argument), errors in   
               PROC SORTs for STAT0/1/2/4/225 would also fail.  Missed  
               because a LIBNAME PDB always existed in the QA tests.    
               Unrelated, with recommended STATS specified, datasets    
               DB2STAT0 1 2 4 DB2ST225 and T102S225 were left in WORK,  
               but they are now deleted.                                
   Thanks to Frank Bereznay, IBM Global Services, USA.                  
Change 32.113  Support for APAR OA44319/OA44322 for SMF ID=42 ST 5 and 6
VMAC42         statistics to TYPE42SR, TYPE42VT, and TYPE42DS datasets. 
May 17, 2014    TYPE42SR  TYPE42VT  TYPE42DS    Description             
                S42SCB1U  S42VDB1U  S42DSB1U  AVG*DEVICE*BUSY*TIME      
                S42SCC1U  S42VDC1U  S42DSC1U  AVG*I/O*CONNECT*TIME      
                S42SCD1U  S42VDD1U  S42DSD1U  AVG*I/O*DISCONNECT*TIME   
                S42SCHRD  S42VDHRD  S42DSHRD  ZHPF*READ*COUNT           
                S42SCHWR  S42VDHWR  S42DSHWR  ZHPF*WRITE*COUNT          
                S42SCP1U  S42VDP1U  S42DSP1U  AVG*I/O*PENDING*TIME      
                S42SCR1U  S42VDR1U  S42DSR1U  RESPONSE*TIME             
Change 32.112  Documentation.  TYPE113 variable SM1132SP is labelled as 
VMAC113        the processor speed in cycles per microsec, so it has a  
May 15, 2014   value of 5504, while MXG-created variable EFFGHX is the  
               processor speed in GHZ, a value of 5.504.  While SM1132SP
               could be changed, it is pervasively used in many of the  
               calculated ratios, and changing its value now would not  
               only require those calculations to be changed, they would
               then not match the equations in John Burg's many papers. 
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 32.111  Support/corrections/enhancements for IDMS Version 18.    
VMACIDMJ       -PMRHTYPE=4 PMHSEQN=2 record +4 needed for doubleword    
VMACIDMS        alignment; variable INSTTTI created and kept in the     
TYPEIDMJ        IDMSINS dataset.                                        
May 12, 2014   -Variable DBKOWNER no longer kept in IDMSTAS dataset;    
                it exists only in IDMSDBK dataset.                      
               -Variable TASTITI is incorrectly spelled, but so as to   
                prevent current programs from failing, the correctly    
                spelled variable TASTTTI is equated and kept in the     
                IDMSTAS dataset.                                        
               -Members TYPEIDMJ and VMACIDMJ, which reads the INFILE   
                //DCLOG rather than SMF format data, were revised so    
                that they now use the VMACIDMS member, eliminating need 
                for dual maintenance.                                   
   Thanks to Mark S. Miller, APL, USA.*                                 
Change 32.110  Variables FSCIPHER FCCFIPS140 FCCIPHER4 are added to both
FORMATS        TYP11903 and TYPE11970 datasets. Variable FCCFIPS140 and 
VMAC119        existing SMF119ML_CN_TTLSFP TTTTLSFP variables are       
May 12, 2014   decoded with $MG119FP format.                            
   Thanks to Jerome Vitner, Experian, ENGLAND.                          
Change 32.109  Variable STATCTM1, when non-zero, was incorrect; the TU4.
IMACICDB       INFORMAT was replaced by &PIB.8.6/4096 to properly input 
May 11, 2014   the duration value.                                      
   Thanks to Raymond Dunn, CIGNA, USA.                                  
Change 32.108 -RMF III Fixes, Enhancements, Documentation upgrades.     
ADOCRMFV      -Fix for possible S0C4 Abend when processing an ASI table 
ASMRMFV        in the first MINTIME interval after a Service Policy     
Jun 12, 2014   activation.                                              
              -Possible incorrect data for Service Class, Report Class, 
               Workload, or Resource Group extensions in the ASI output 
               record for the MINTIME interval immediately after a      
               Service Policy activation.                               
              -Investigation found that RMF III copies all ASI entries  
               from the prior MINTIME interval to the new MINTIME       
               interval after a Service Policy activation.              
              -If the number of Service Classes, Report Classes,        
               Workloads, or Resource Groups in the Service Policy has  
               changed after Service Policy activation, the indexes for 
               some of those copied ASI entries will not match the      
               corresponding sections in the active Service Policy.     
               This causes the Abend or incorrect extension data        
              -ASMRMFV will now use the prior Service Policy to resolve 
               indexes in the copied ASI entries for this particular    
               MINTIME interval.  Once all of the ASI copied entries are
               processed, normal use of the active Service Policy will  
               resume for the remaining entries and for all other       
               MINTIME intervals.                                       
              -New message RMFV078I will indicate when the new ASI index
               FIND logic is in use after a Service Policy activation   
               and for how many copied entries it was used.             
              -Four new FIND error handling parameters are added:       
               SCERR=, RCERR=, WLERR=, and RGERR=.  These are           
               respectively for Service Class, Report Class, Workload,  
               and Resource Group indexes.                              
              -An ASMRMFV FIND error occurs when the index value for one
               of the above 4 data categories exceeds the number of     
               actual entries for that category in the active Service   
              -Possible setting values for SCERR=, RCERR=, WLERR, and   
               RGERR= are IGNORE, WARN, and ABEND.  Each may be         
               shortened to as few letters as desired down to a single  
               character I, W, or A respectively.                       
               When a setting is IGNORE:                                
                             SCERR=     RCERR=     WLERR=     RGERR=    
                             ------     ------     ------     ------    
               Message(s)    None       None       None       None      
               Return Code   Unchanged  Unchanged  Unchanged  Unchanged 
               When a setting is WARN (default):                        
                             SCERR=     RCERR=     WLERR=     RGERR=    
                             ------     ------     ------     ------    
               Message(s)    RMFV070W   RMFV071W   RMFV072W   RMFV073W  
               Return Code   0004       0004       0004       0004      
               When a setting is ABEND (for diagnostic use):            
                             SCERR=     RCERR=     WLERR=     RGERR=    
                             ------     ------     ------     ------    
               Message(s)    RMFV070E   RMFV071E   RMFV072E   RMFV073E  
               Abend Code    U0998      U0998      U0998      U0998     
               Reason Code   70         71         72         73        
              -An extra RMFV037I message displays the values assigned to
               these FIND error settings at ASMRMFV startup as I, W, or 
              -When an SCERR=, RCERR=, WLERR=, or RGERR= setting is WARN
               and a FIND error occurs ASMRMFV updates the usual 32 byte
               Description field for the Service Policy category in ASI,
               ENC, RCD output records as follows:                      
               Category          Description Field Contents             
               --------------    ---------------------------            
               Service Class     SC: I=nnnnnnn E=eeeee L=lll            
               Report  Class     RC: I=nnnnnnn E=eeeee L=lll            
               Workload          WL: I=nnnnnnn E=eeeee L=lll            
               Resource Group    RG: I=nnnnnnn E=eeeee L=lll            
               nnnnnnn is the invalid index value up to 7 decimal digits
               eeeee   is the actual number of entries in the Service   
                       Policy for this category up to 5 decimal digits  
               lll     is the length of one entry in the Service Policy 
                       for this category up to 3 decimal digits         
               These Descriptions eventually become part of the MXG PDB.
               When a Service Class, Report Class, Workload, or Resource
               Group name variable in an MXG PDB is blank the           
               Description field in this case helps to explain why.     
              -When a setting is WARN AND an index value is ZERO the    
               respective Description field is also updated.            
               In this case NO messages are issued.  An index may       
               validly be zero.                                         
               As examples, in a given Service Policy not all Service   
               Classes belong to a Resource Group nor do they           
               necessarily have a Report Class.  The index for the      
               Resource Group and/or Report Class in these cases would  
               be validly zero.                                         
              -When a SCERR=, RCERR=, WLERR=, or RGERR= setting is      
               IGNORE and the respective index value is either invalid  
               or zero, the corresponding Description field is instead  
               left as blanks.                                          
               This was the behavior of prior ASMRMFV versions for zero 
               index values.  Users who prefer to have the Description  
               field remain blank in the PDB in these cases should use  
               the IGNORE setting for all 4 error parameters (or set    
               MAXFINDS=0 as noted below).                              
              -NOTE: The respective 8 byte Service Class, Report Class, 
               Workload, or Resource Group name variable itself in the  
               PDB remains as blanks for invalid or zero indexes        
               regardless of IGNORE or WARN settings.                   
              -A new parameter MAXFINDS= (aliases MAXFIND=, MAXFI=,     
               MAXF=) specifies the number of FIND warning messages     
               RMFV070W, RMFV071W, RMFV072W, and RMFV073W to be shown   
               for each RMF III data set processed when the WARN setting
               is in effect.  The default is MAXFINDS=10.               
              -With the MAXFINDS= default up to 10 each of RMFV070W,    
               RMFV071W, RMFV072W, and RMFV073W warning messages could  
               be shown for each RMF III data set processed.  The       
               counter is reset for each new RMF III data set.          
              -An extra RMFV037I message displays the numeric value     
               assigned to MAXFINDS= at ASMRMFV startup.                
              -MAXFINDS=0 EXCLUDES all FIND warning messages and has the
               same effect as coding SCERR=IGNORE, RCERR=IGNORE,        
               WLERR=IGNORE, and RGERR=IGNORE.                          
              -MAXFINDS=MAX allows virtually unlimited FIND warning     
               messages to be shown per RMF III data set.               
              -Documentation Section 2 "Terminology" has been expanded. 
              -Documentation Section 6 "Report Control Parameters" is   
               updated for the new MAXFINDS= parameter.                 
              -Documentation Section 8 "Error Handling Parameters" is   
               updated for the new SCERR=, RCERR=, WLERR=, and RGERR=   
              -Documentation Section 9 "JCL and SYSIN Parameter Usage"  
               has been updated.                                        
              -Documentation Section 12 is now called "Messages" and now
               includes ALL possible messages that can be produced by   
               ASMRMFV.  For each message there is a discussion of      
               purpose, whether the message is Multi-Line and/or        
               Multi-Severity, possible action(s) to be taken, and an   
               explanation of all variable fields in the message.       
              -Documentation Section 17 "Abend Reason Codes" is updated.
              -Documentation Section 21 is now called "Extended         
               ASI/ENC/RCD/UWD Record Support" and has been updated.    
              -Documentation Section 24 "Sysplex Master Gatherer" is    
               updated for the new MASTER RMF III option in z/OS 2.1.   
              -Message RMFV032E was missing trailing +++ characters.    
              -Message RMFV034I is now message RMFV017I and message     
               RMFV034I is no longer in use.                            
              -Error message RMFV043E is now a severe error message     
              -Message RMFV052* (* = I,W,A) had an invalid value for    
              -Message RMFV106W was missing trailing * character.       
              -Two new diagnostic only messages for the ASI table       
               RMFV076I and RMFV077I have been added but do not         
               normally appear without a special procedure.             
              -Data ORIGIN message RMFV009I now includes the RMF Version
               Number, z/OS Version and Release Number, and the MINTIME 
               sample time stamp to better identify the source of data  
               being processed for each RMF III data set.               
              -In the event multiple RMF versions have created data in  
               an RMF III data set message RMFV009I will be repeated as 
               needed for each new version detected.                    
              -REQUIREMENT: In order to implement these features the    
               ASMRMFV utility program from this MXG change must be     
               installed.  See MXG SOURCLIB member JCLASM3 for sample   
               JCL for the assembly and link-edit install steps.        
    Thanks to Warren Cravey, Fidelity Institutional, USA.               
Change 32.107  Support for optional CICS segment ESIUSER.               
May  8, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Alfred Holz, Express-Scripts, USA.                         
Change 32.106  Optional CMRDETL CICS segment is now 384 bytes long with 
IMACICMX       unpopulated/useless 128 bytes added to each CICS 110-1,  
UTILEXCL       so UTILEXCL is updated to detect the new length and tell 
May  4, 2014   you to tailor the new IMACICMX member.  The previous 256 
               length is still detected and IMACICMR identified for you 
               to tailor.  IF BOTH IMACICMR and IMACICMX are identified 
               in your data, please send the UTILEXCL output using the  
               first example to and we will return a    
               tailored member that will support both lengths.          
Change 32.106A Protection for divide by zero in VXPRCPRP when HFCOUNT is
VMACVMXA       zero, VMDUSER is removed from VXPRCMFC BY list as it is  
May  4, 2014   not always populated.                                    
Change 32.105  Variable NDMNODET is now labeled DIRECTION*OF*DATA and is
VMACNDM        formatted with $MGNDMNT.                                 
May  1, 2014                                                            
Change 32.104  Change 32.089 subtracted CPUASRTM from CPUTCBTM and added
May  8, 2014   also corrected by moving ASRUNITS from CPU to SRB, since 
               CPUASRTM is SRB, and not TCB, time.                      
   Thanks to Julian Smailes, Experian, ENGLAND.                         
Change 32.103  DCOLMIGS dataset variable UMLRECL was always zero because
VMACDCOL       the DSECT in Access Method Services has the wrong offset 
May  1, 2014   for the 10 reserved bytes, which misled me to incorrectly
               input UMLRECL.                                           
   Thanks to Steve Gormley, UNUM, ENGLAND.                              
Change 32.102  Support for OS/390 RMF data.  MXG changes after MXG 30.30
VMAC7072       caused zero observations in PDB.TYPE70 for records from  
Apr 28, 2014   OS/390. Now, IF VERSNRMF LE 607 THEN OS390='Y' is set and
               used to force output when TYPE70EN has no observations.  
   Thanks to Jeff Fracas, WIPRO, USA.                                   
====== Changes thru 32.101 were in MXG 32.04 dated Apr 27, 2014=========
Change 32.101 -Duplicate DB2 SMF ID=102 Trace records are removed in the
ADOC102        revised _S102nnn dataset sort macros that now correctly  
VMAC102         PROC SORT NODUP DATA=_Wdddddd OUT=_Ldddddd, WORK to PDB.
Apr 26, 2014   (Previously, a DATA _Ldddddd; SET _Wdddddd; was used in  
               the "sort" macro to copy from WORK to PDB data library). 
              -The BY list _V102SRT _B102nnn, where V102SRT is this list
               of common variables used for all T102Snnn sorts          
                QWHCCN   QWHSSTCK QWHSWSEQ                              
               and _B102nnn is the IFCID-specific variables that are    
               also needed for NODUP to work.                           
              -But: NODUP can ONLY be verified with actual data records:
                These IFCIDs had 50% removal with _ALL_ BY List:        
                  004 005 006 007 022 027 053 058 059 060 061 062       
                  063 064 064 066 072 703 074 075 080 081 082 086       
                  090 091 095 096 107 108 109 112 142 173 177 191       
                  199 208 225 247 250 254 261 262 263 267 268 340       
                  342 343 350 359 361 362 366 370 371 377               
                This 1 IFCID needed it's _B102199 BY List Populated:    
                These 24 IFCIDs did not remove 50% with _ALL_:          
                  023 024 025 055 083 087 106 140 141 143 144 145       
                  169 172 192 196 219 220 258 313 319 337 402 SSS       
                All other IFCIDs had zero observations so it is not     
                known if the default _V102SRT BY list is sufficient, but
                you can easily verify, by reading the same SMF input    
                twice with %READB2(IFCID=nnn,PDBOUT=PDB) and observing  
                if the PROC SORT duplicate observation count is equal to
                to the output observations, i.e., 50% of the input.     
              -Obscure: Previously, variable T102RECN was accidentally  
               output with the physical record number in the SMF input  
               file, when it should have been a missing value, as it was
               intended for internal debugging or support diagnostics.  
               But that non-missing value prevents NODUP removal of any 
               duplicate records, since duplicates would have different 
               values in T102RECN.  It can't be dropped without possibly
               causing someone's "perfectly good programs" to fail, so  
               it is now set to a missing value, as intended.           
                 If you needed to know which SMF record created an obs, 
                 you can populate T102RECN by inserting this statement  
                   %LET MXGDEBUG=T102RECN;                              
                 in your //SYSIN input.                                 
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc, USA.                           
Change 32.100  VGETOBS First 32.04: A RUN; statement is REQUIRED, and,  
VGETOBS        only under SAS V9.2, the newly-used-in-32.04 FEXIST()    
Apr 27, 2014   function didn't recognize a valid //PDB DISP=NEW DDNAME  
               that had already been written to; the BUILDPDB failed    
               made the first VGETOBS call to create PDB.CICINTRV.      
              -The RUN; statement is required to be inserted inside the 
               %MACRO VGETOBS definition to force resolution of input   
               %macro variables before their reference, discovered when 
               %ANALZPCR failed to create any output.                   
              -The FEXIST(DDNAME) function replaced a PROC SQL in 32.04 
               (to determine if the DDNAME existed when DDNAME.DATASET  
               didn't exist) because it looked simpler and faster with  
               a large VTABLE, but the measured difference was small and
               large VTABLEs are very uncommon, so the initial test for 
               DDNAME existence is changed to %SYSFUNC(LIBREF(&DDNAME)),
               with code reordered to expect existence, the normal case.
               The fall thru to find if the DDNAME exists but has not   
               been opened/assigned, reverts to use the PROC SQL on     
               DICTIONARY.EXTFILES to avoid 9.2 FEXIST problem.         
              -Why is VGETOBS so pervasively used in MXG?  First, to    
               verify that the DDNAME.DATASET of interest exists. Often 
               in MXG internal code, like VMXGWORL, so MXG can find and 
               copy/delete the WORK/PDB copy transparently, and often in
               ANALxxxx report members that require your names as input,
               VGETOBS is used to verify your request does exist. By    
               finding the non-existence before the reference, the user 
               can be alerted with explanatory MXGNOTES. Otherwise, not 
               only does the job eventually fail, but the failure error 
               messages can be quite confusing (BY VARIABLE NOT FOUND)  
               as they are not the actual cause of the failure. Second, 
               MXG can significantly reduce tape mounts and EXCPs using 
               VGETOBS to detect that tape or sequential format library 
               is in use; since SEQ doesn't have a directory of datasets
               on tape, MXG can bypass the read of each tape volser to  
               find that this DATASET exists.  And third, many of the   
               ANALxxxx/ASUMxxxx members use VGETOBS to bypass execution
               of DATA and PROC steps where there is no data to report  
               or summarize.                                            
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
   Thanks to Robert B. Richards, OPM, USA.                              
====== Changes thru 32.099 were in MXG 32.04 dated Apr 23, 2014=========
Change 32.099  NEARTIME updates a daily PDB library with every SMF dump,
NEARTIME       to provide nearly current time reports throughout a day. 
Apr 21, 2014   You can build a complete PDB each time, or only process a
               few records that you may want to have available during   
               each day. It can create all of the PDB datasets in the   
               LIBNAME of NEARTIME, and after all datasets are created  
               and sorted, it can either APPEND or COPY those datasets  
               from the NEARTIME data library to the PDB data library.  
               It keeps track of its last run in SPIN.LASTRUN and for   
               the first run on a new day, it PROC COPYs to initialize, 
               or PROC APPENDs all datasets found in NEARTIME to PDB.   
               If you choose to run a full BUILDPDB, the standard       
               invocations of RMFINTRV CICINTRV ASUM70PR and ASUM113    
               are suppressed until after the copy process is complete, 
               so that the summarizations include all the data to that  
               point in time and they are redriven with every execution.
               The JOBS/STEPS/PRINT datasets are built by the normal    
               BUILDPDB process, where SPINCNT is incremented for each  
               execution, so you may need to increase the SPINCNT value 
               in your IMACSPIN tailoring to account for the increased  
               number of executions per day.  You could even add an MXG 
               step to your SMFDUMP routine to cause the daily PDB to   
               be as current as the last SMF dump.  This has been tested
               by two sites, so please use with caution and report any  
               problems, and any enhancement suggestions.               
Change 32.098  Variable PCTMVSBY is added to PDB.ASUM70LP dataset.      
Apr 21, 2014                                                            
Change 32.097  The pairing-macros sorts for the TRANSIT report wrote to 
ANALDBTR       T102Snnn dataset names that overlaid the originals and   
Apr 21, 2014   caused SORTED BY errors.  Now, P102Snnn names are used.  
Change 32.096  Change 32.091 corrected VGETOBS performance, but that new
ANALID         design removed a PROC SQL that had (accidentally) caused 
VGETOBS        instantiation of a macro variables, exposing an error in 
Apr 20, 2014   ANALID where a RUN statement should have been used.  The 
               missing RUN; statement is added in ANALID, but a second  
               RUN; statement is added at the top of VGETOBS in case any
               other members needed that accidental protection.         
Change 32.095  UNINITIALIZED variable DB2PARTY message eliminated.      
Apr 20, 2014                                                            
Change 32.094  Support for SMF ID=92 Subtypes 16 and 17 create:         
EXTY9216          dddddd   dataset   description                        
EXTY9217          TY9216  TYPE9216   SOCKET/CHARSPEC FILE CLOSE         
IMAC92            TY9217  TYPE9217   FILE ACCESSES WHILE OPEN           
VMAC92         But, the subtype 16 is NOT documented in the z/OS 2.1 SMF
VMXGINIT       SMF Manual nor in SYS1.MACLIB ember BPXYSMFR, so none of 
Apr 20, 2014   the subtype 16 specific variables are created, pending   
               response from IBM with the documentation.                
              -Reading a subtype 17 record with earlier VMAC92 will     
               print a harmless INVALID READTIME message.               
Change 32.093 -RMF III Documentation Upgrade                            
ADOCRMFV      -There are now 25 sections in the ASMRMFV source          
ASMRMFV        prologue documentation and in the corresponding          
Apr 20, 2014   ADOCRMFV member as follows:                              
               Section     Contents                                     
               -------     --------                                     
                  0        Contents                                     
                  1        Installation                                 
                  2        Terminology                                  
                  3        Execution JCL                                
                  4        RMF III Table Input Selection Parameters     
                  5        Input Data Selection Parameters              
                  6        Report Control Parameters                    
                  7        Output Data Control Parameters               
                  8        Error Handling Parameters                    
                  9        JCL and SYSIN Parameter Usage                
                 10        Parameter Syntax Rules                       
                 11        Parameter Coding Examples                    
                 12        Common Report Messages                       
                 13        Filtered Records                             
                 14        Skipped Records                              
                 15        Program Limitations                          
                 16        Return Codes                                 
                 17        Abend Reason Codes                           
                 18        REGION Size and Memory Usage                 
                 19        Output LRECL                                 
                 20        FREE=CLOSE                                   
                 21        Extended ASI/ENC/UWD Record Support          
                 22        RMF III Data Set Index Usage and Sizing      
                 23        RMF III MONITOR III Options and Effect on    
                 24        RMF III MONITOR III Sysplex Master           
                           Gatherer & CFDETAIL                          
                 25        Summary                                      
              -Section 1. New. "Installation" has been added.           
              -Section 2 "Terminology" has been expanded.               
              -Section 12 "Common Report Messages" is greatly expanded  
               to include most information-only messages in the ASMRMFV 
              -Section 17. New. "Abend Reason Codes" added.  Each Abend 
               Reason Code that can be issued is now unique with no     
               repeat usage.                                            
              -REQUIREMENT: In order to implement the unique Abend      
               Reason Code feature the ASMRMFV utility program from this
               MXG change must be installed.  See MXG SOURCLIB member   
               JCLASM3 for sample JCL for the assembly and link-edit    
               install steps.                                           
Change 32.092  Initial support for TMON/MVS Version 4.4 (INCOMPATIBLE). 
VMACTMVS       This change updated the TMVSSYS dataset.  Contact support
Apr 17, 2014   at MXG to request the next dataset(s) you need updated.  
Change 32.091  MXG 32.03: VGETOBS on z/OS could elongate elapsed time   
VGETOBS        and increase EXCP counts; both effects are now corrected:
Apr 17, 2014  -If there are tape DDs in the step, a loop inside the     
Jul 11, 2014   macro did not use the correct index in VGETTAPES string  
               (contains all detected TAPE data library DDNAMES).  Only 
               the first was found so other tape DDs could be read to   
               look for the needed dataset, causing an increase in EXCPs
               and elapsed times. VGETOBS now uses the %SYSFUNC for the 
               EXIST function that checks for the existence of a SAS    
               dataset, and for the FEIXST function that validates the  
               EXTFILE name, and uses OPEN/CLOSE to get the number of   
               OBS in the dataset, instead of using the (expensive)     
               dictionary tables, unless DATASET=_ALL_ was specified to 
               build the MXGTABLES dataset.                             
              -On zOS, VGETOBS can optionally build a dataset to keep   
               track of all tables it finds. Then, when done, it deletes
               that table, but that destroyed the SYSLAST/_LAST_ value, 
               so a subsequent PROC step without a DATA= argument failed
               with a dataset not found error.  Now, VGETOBS preserves  
               SYSLAST in VGETLAST and resets SYSLAST to VGETLAST.      
               CPU TIME of any job with LOTS of VGETOBS executions.     
               In one case, 29.06 took 20 seconds, while 32.01 took 192.
   Thanks to Betty Wong, Bank of America, USA.                          
Change 32.090  AUTOEZOS/CONFIGEZ provide new "EAZY" methods to execute  
AUTOEZOS       MXG on z/OS with SAS 9.2 and above, using your site's SAS
CONFIGEZ       JCL procedure and your site's default SAS options.       
JCLEZCFG       Jul 19: WPS 3.1.1 is required for AUTOEZOS.              
JCLEZSAS      -The JCLEZSAS example %INCLUDEs the new AUTOEZOS member,  
Apr 17, 2014   which uses the SAS APPEND= option to set the //LIBRARY   
Jul 19, 2014   DDNAME for the MXG Formats, uses the SAS INSERT= option  
               to add SOURCLIB to SASAUTOS, and then invokes %VMXGINIT  
               to set the other options required for MXG execution.     
               This is the simplest way to set up the MXG environment,  
               but it does require that your site's SAS options do not  
               conflict with those needed by MXG's environment.         
               (It is unlikely you would need to tailor AUTOEZOS.)      
              -The JCLEZCFG example would be used if your default SAS   
               options conflict with those required by MXG, where simple
               JCLEZSAS cannot be used.  JCLEZCFG adds a CONFIG= option 
               sets ALL MXG-required options; the JCLEZCFG example also 
               then %INCLUDES AUTOEZOS, as above, to set the LIBRARY and
               SOURCLIB DDNAMEs and to invoke %VMXGINIT.  Since all MXG 
               required options are in CONFIGEZ member, it is unlikely  
               that you would need to tailor it, although those SAS     
               options that must be set at SAS Initialization can only  
               be set in that CONFIGEZ member.                          
   Thanks to MP Welch, Bank of America, USA.                            
Change 32.089  IBM TYPE30 field SMF30CPT (CPUTCBTM) has always included 
VMAC30         CPUASRTM (SMF30ASR), but ASR is time under an SRB, so ASR
Apr 17, 2014   is now subtracted from CPUTCBTM and added to CPUSRBTM so 
Aug  7, 2014   those variables match reality; this has no impact on the 
               total CPUTM variable (which IMO should be used, always). 
               MXG also had subtracted CPUASRTM from CPUTCBTM to create 
               TASKGCPTM, but that subtraction is redundant and removed.
                - I am asking IBM SMF if the new ASR Instruction Counts 
                  are also included in the CPT Instruction Counts.      
                Apr 23: IBM RMF support replied that the WLMGL Report in
                the RMF Report Analysis Book shows under SERVICE, that  
                CPU service includes the task and preemptible-class SRB 
                processor service, and the SRB units contain only the   
                non-preemtible SRB service units.  Unfortunately, in the
                RMF 72 records, there is no "ASR" field with either the 
                service or CPU time of the preemptible-class SRB metric.
                Aug  7: This reduction in CPUTCBTM increased the value  
                of variable AVGWKSET in TYPE30 datasets, calculated as  
                starting with MXG 32.04.                                
   Thanks to Julian Smailes, Experian, ENGLAND.                         
   Thanks to Brent Turner, Citigroup, USA.                              
Change 32.088  Support for NMON BBBPMOUNT and BBBPNETSTAT records create
EXNMONMT       new datasets:                                            
EXNMONNS           DDDDDD   DATASET           DESCRIPTION               
VMXGINIT       The mount record contains only the month and day without 
Apr 17, 2014   a year; if the current month is larger than the mount    
               month, the mount date uses last year's year value.       
              -An INVALID ARGUMENT to FUNCTION INPUT when BBBPEND051 had
               a one-digit hour value was corrected.                    
              -Jul 17: Cosmetic.  _WNMONFR, _WNMONFW and _WNMONFO in the
               MACRO _NNMON were removed; they never existed.           
   Thanks to Len Marchant, Coke-Cola, USA.                              
Change 32.087  Support for SMF 120 Subtype 100 ODM (Operational Decision
VMAC120        Manager record creates new dataset:                      
VMXGINIT         dddddd   dataset   Description                         
EXT1201C       Jun 3 update, in MXG 32.05:                              
Apr 18, 2014  -Only Subtype 100 with non-zero EXN are output; st-100's  
Jun  3, 2014   are written every interval (30 minute default), one for  
               each CICS APPLID in test data, but most have no segment; 
               some records do have multiple EXN segments so each one is
               now output in dataset TY120100.                          
              -IBM offset EXO is strange, required +5 to locate the data
               segment. (-3 is normal, rarely +1, but never +5 before!),
               but it is now used to correctly align each input.        
              -IBM length EXL is also "wrong", as it is the TOTAL length
               rather than the expected length of one segment, so it is 
               now divided by EXN to get the per-segment length for each
               segment's input.                                         
              -GMT Offset is now kept in existing SM1209CD variable.    
              -SM120STM/SM120ETM are now correctly labeled.             
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 32.086  Execution with SAS 9.3 TS1M0 now raises an MXGWARN note: 
                MXGWARN: BETTER STILL:: 9.3 TS1M1 CONTAINS THE FIX.     
               (This need was documented in CHANGE 29.159 in 2011.)     
Change 32.085  These QWP1/4/5/9 variables were overlooked, but are now  
VMAC102        INPUT and kept in T102S106 dataset:                      
Apr 15, 2014     QWP1DATH QWP1DPSS     QWP1DSGN   QWP1DSSZ  QWP1DXAC    
                 QWP1LBIL QWP1LOGM     QWP1LOGR   QWP1ZPNM              
                 QWP4CDSC QWP4CDTSL    QWP4CXDC   QWP4CXMC  QWP4CXSC    
                 QWP4DEGD QWP4DLRU     QWP4FCPY   QWP4HASH  QWP4IAST    
                 QWP4IMWF QWP4IXCU     QWP4KLRU   QWP4MIMTS QWP4MIS7    
                 QWP4MIS8 QWP4MIS9     QWP4MISA   QWP4MISB  QWP4MS4F    
                 QWP4MUSE QWP4N0193A   QWP4N0193B QWP4PELM  QWP4PFLG    
                 QWP4PFUP QWP4PLMR     QWP4PLSF   QWP4PMSC  QWP4QRWD    
                 QWP4RACK QWP4RDVPR    QWP4RMDB   QWP4RSLV  QWP4S1IL    
                 QWP4SECA1_E QWP4SECA1_TYPE QWP4SECADM1                 
                 QWP4SECA2_E QWP4SECA2_TYPE QWP4SECADM2                 
                 QWP5BPM   QWP5APM                                      
   Thanks to Wolfgang von Schumann, Finanz Informatik Tech, GERMANY.    
   Thanks to Norbert Philips, Finanz Informatik Technologie, GERMANY    
Change 32.084  Typo.  If you modified macro _GRAPALNM, an MXGNOTE was   
ASUMTALO       printed that it had been added to the BY LIES instead of 
Apr  9, 2014   BY LIST.                                                 
   Thanks to Jorge Fong, NYC Information Technology, USA.               
Change 32.083  ANALID did not follow MXG conventions with an &Pxxxxxx or
ANALID         a _L/_Wdddddd tokens.  Revised to use the &PDBMXG macro  
Apr  5, 2014   variable so that if the output destination was overridden
               by VMXGINIT SMFRECNT will end up in the right place.     
Change 32.082  These NETEZZA/IDAA PDB.DB2STATS Q8STxxxx variables should
VMACDB2        not have been deaccumulated:                             
Apr  5, 2014    Q8STACTV_64 Q8STCCPU_64 Q8STCORS Q8STCPMU Q8STCQL       
                Q8STDSA     Q8STDSKA    Q8STDSKB Q8STDSKU Q8STMAXA_64   
                Q8STMAXQ    Q8STMNQS    Q8STNMDS Q8STNQCS Q8STTATE      
                Q8STWCPU_64 Q8STWNOD_64                                 
               IBM doesn't always identify which fields are accumulated,
               so the DIF() code is put in place, and then data is read 
               to detect negative values (proof of not accumulated so   
               those variables are removed) but I failed to run the test
               for negative values in Change 32.072.                    
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 32.081  A minor exposure in UTILBLDP.  If IMACKEEP= was not used 
UTILBLDP       (blank) AND BUILDPDB was YES then the substitution macros
Apr  4, 2014   for SPINCNT SPINUOW and TIMEDIF were defined twice which 
               could result in MACRO 0 0 % which is not a valid syntax  
               and produced an error message but did not stop execution.
               Now only generated if BUILDPDB EQ YES.  MACKEEP and      
               MACFILE are now nulled out after execution.              
Change 32.080  ANALDB2R selection parameters use the =: colon modifier  
ANALDB2R       to select "Starting With".  If you used DB2=DSN to select
Apr  3, 2013   only the DSN subsystem, but have subsystems DSN DSNT and 
Apr 15, 2014   DSNP, all three will be selected.                        
               New parameters INCODEACCT and INCODESTAT let you define  
               your own selection criteria.                             
                 INCODEACCT= applies to the accounting reports and many 
                             trace reports, while                       
                 INCODESTAT= applies to the stats reports.  For the     
               For the above single-subsystem selection, you would use: 
                 INCODEACCT=IF QWHSSSID='DSN';                          
              -MXGACC03 could fail on zOS with dataset not found error  
               because SYSLAST was overwritten by VGETOBS but the last  
               dataset created by VGETOBS no longer existed, because the
               TABULATE did not contain a DATA= argument.               
Change 32.079  The _V and _K tokens for TYPE9035 were incorrectly set to
VMAC90A        9036 instead of 9035.                                    
Apr  3, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS ITRM, USA.                               
====== Changes thru 32.078 were in MXG 32.03 dated Apr  3, 2014=========
Change 32.078  Support for OAM SMF 85 record for z/OS 2.1 (INCOMPAT).   
VMAC85         The record VERSION test required an explicit '2010' value
Apr  3, 2014   to prevent INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED RECORD error.        
   Thanks to Joachim Sarkoschitz, DATEV, GERMANY.                       
Change 32.077  Support CICS/TS 5.2 OPEN BETA: CICSTRAN COMPAT, Stat NOT:
VMAC110       -5.2 CICSTRAN has been SUPPORTED since MXG 31.03 (3/2013),
Apr  1, 2014   at least not in the OPEN BETA (so GA could be changed!). 
                 (MXG 31.03 or later is required for CICS/TS 5.1.)      
              -5.2 STID=62 CICDS Dispatcher CPU Statistics (per-TCB CPU)
               records read with MXG 32.02 or earlier are wrong/missing 
               values, due to fields inserted in STID=62 segments.  MXG 
               does detect and report that STID=62 was CHANGED, but only
               in obscure ***MXG WARNING.TYPE110 messages that don't    
               tell you the output was trashed.  MXG did continue to    
               read the rest of your SMF data after those warnings.     
               WITH THIS CHANGE: CPU times are correct.                 
              -STID=62 CICDS dataset has these variables read from the  
               header and kept                                          
                 DSGLXSCN='LAST EXCESS*TCB SCAN'                        
               and 18 sets of these three variables are added, one per  
               TCB, with "DSG" replaced by each TCB's prefix:           
                 DSGTMCDQ='QR TCB*CURR TASKS*DISPATCH*QUEUE'            
                 DSGTMCDQ='QR TCB*PEAK TASKS*DISPATCH*QUEUE'            
                 DSGTMCDQ='QR AVG*PEAK TASKS*DISPATCH*QUEUE'            
              -STID=62 CICSPOOL Pool dataset has these five new varS;   
              -5.2 also changed STID 10, 81 and 105, but COMPATIBLY with
               new data appended rather than inserted, so prior versions
               MXGWARNed there was new data and skipped with no impact. 
              -5.2 new STIDs 36 and 147 were also safely skipped.       
              -STID=10, CICXMG dataset, XMG DSECT, new variables:       
                 XMGATMXT='80X*IF*CURRENTLY*AT MXT'                     
                 XMGGTAT ='GMT*WHEN*LAST*ATTACHED'                      
                 XMGLSMXT='DATETIME*WHEN*MXT WAS*SET'                   
                 XMGLTAT ='DATETIME*WHEN*LAST*ATTACHED'                 
              -STID=81, CICM dataset, MNG DSECT, new variables:         
                 MNGCAUTA='CURR TASKS*AT LAST*ATTACH'                   
                 MNGMXUTA='MXT VALUE*AT LAST*ATTACH'                    
              -STID=105, CICPIR dataset, PIR DSECT, new variables:      
              -New STIDs 36 and 147 are listed as STILDP and STIPGE and 
               listed as PRIVATE LODER and PRIVATE PROGRAMDEF, but the  
               OPEN BETA DATA AREAS does not have LDP nor PGE, yet.     
Change 32.076 -INPUT STATEMENTs EXCEEDED, one due to invalid TOKDANAM   
VMAC80A        'UID' segment with 6 bytes of data but TOK80LN2 only 3;  
Mar 31, 2014   this is detected, an MXG error message printed of the    
               first two instances, and two due to the increased lengths
               of TOKQUEST2 and TOKANS2 fields (where MXG has to pick a 
               max length, but I guessed wrong).                        
              -Variable RACF31DS, RVARY DSN added to TYPE8025 dataset.  
              -TOKDANAM values 'FTEL' 'MTEL' 'EMAIL' are decoded into   
               new TOKFTEK/TOKMTEL/TOKEMAIL variables and 'ADDRESS1' and
               'ADDRESS2' values are output in existing TOKAD1/TOKAD2   
               variables in TYPE80TK dataset.                           
   Thanks to Phil Grasser, Norfolk Southern, USA.                       
Change 32.075  Retrieves current ODS destination into a global variable 
VGETDEST       VGETDEST.  If no ODS destination has been set it will get
Mar 31, 2014   the ODSDEST option value (normally AUTO), which on zOS is
               LISTING and on ASCII is HTML.  Used internally in MXG in 
               new SGPLOT reports.                                      
Change 32.074 -DB2 IFCID 402 dataset T102S402 now outputs all segments; 
VMAC102        previously only the first segment was output.  But obs   
Mar 27, 2014   are only output after deaccumulation if QW0402ACTIVE,    
Mar 31, 2014     QW0402ACTIVE=SUM(QW0402TE,QW0402TQ,QW0402TF,QW0402TW,  
               shows there was activity during this 1-minute interval.  
              -The BY list _B102402 now includes QW0402PI, Profile ID,  
               which is the unique token in each segment.               
   Thanks to Paul Walters, Navy Federal Credit Union, USA.              
Change 32.073  The _SMF processing macro is enhanced to read either the 
VMACSMF        //SMF DD to read dumped SMF VBS data, or the //LOGGER DD 
VMXGINIT       to directly read current SMF logstream data, or to       
Mar 27, 2014   first read //SMF DD (which can be a concatenation of SMF 
               VBS data, and then read the //LOGGER DD.  The default of 
               SMF is unchanged, to read the //SMF DD, but you can use  
                 %LET MXGREADSMF=LOGGER;                                
               to ONLY read the LOGGER file, or you can use             
                 %LET MXGREADSMF=BOTH;                                  
               to read both.                                            
              -For LOGGER read, OFFSMF=0 is now set in VMACSMF, so the  
               macro variable READLSMF (Change 31.235) was removed from 
               VMACSMF as no longer used by this change, which also     
               removed READLSMF from VMXGINIT (in MXG 32.03).           
               Apr 22: I had to send this 32.03 VMXGINIT to a site with 
               the INSTREAM error; using the new VMXGINIT with the old  
               VMACSMF did NOT work, and generated spurious errors of   
               INVALID SMFTIME; removing READLSMF from VMXGINIT caused  
               UNRESOLVED MACRO READLSMF condition, which caused MXG's  
               test for &READLSMF EQ 0 to fail, so VMACSMF fell thru and
               attempted to read the VBS //SMF file with the (correct   
               for Logger) attributes of RECFM=VB,LRECL=32756, which    
               broke logical records and caused INVALID SMFTIME errors. 
               This won't likely occur again, but I put READLSMF back in
               VMXGINIT's %GLOBAL statement.                            
              -Variable READSMF contains 'SMF' or 'LOGGER' to identify  
               the source of each record during processing, variables   
               NDUMPREC and NLOGREC count the records read from //SMF   
               and //LOGGER respectively.  You could hex-dump the first 
               record from each infile with                             
                 %LET MACFILE= %QUOTE(                                  
                   IF NDUMPREC=1 THEN LIST;                             
                   IF NLOGREC=1  THEN LIST; );                          
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, LOWE's Companies, USA.                       
Change 32.072 -DB2ACCT variables QWACAACC and QWACAACW (IDAA statistics)
VMACDB2        are now INPUT and kept.                                  
Mar 28, 2014  -These DB2STATS IDAA/NETEZZA variables added in DB2 V11   
               are now INPUT and kept:                                  
                  Q8STACTV_64 Q8STCQL     Q8STCRL     Q8STCSS           
                  Q8STDSA     Q8STMAXA_64 Q8STMAXQ_64 Q8STMNQS Q8STNDS  
                  Q8STNBA     Q8STNBS     Q8STNDA     Q8STNIA  Q8STNIS  
                  Q8STNLRA    Q8STNLRS    Q8STNLTA    Q8STNLTS Q8STNQCS 
                  Q8STNQFA    Q8STNQSA    Q8STNUA     Q8STNUS  Q8STTART 
                  Q8STTATC    Q8STTCCA    Q8STTCCS    Q8STTCMA Q8STTCMS 
                  Q8STTCQA    Q8STTCQS    Q8STTLSC    Q8STWCPU_64       
               -The data needs validation; many values are zero making  
                determination difficult; most values do look reasonable,
                but there are 8 extra bytes not in the DSECT that are   
                skipped at the top of the segment, which might be the   
                wrong place, but there is consistency with the "ALL DB2"
                variables with "S" suffix that all have values of -1    
                (INPUT as IB8) while their "THIS DB2" variables with "A"
                suffix are populated.                                   
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 32.071  Connect-Direct NDMCPU='CPU TIME*OF STEP' is now added to 
VMACNDM        the NDMPT dataset, along with these new variables:       
Mar 26, 2014      NDMECP0  ='CPU TIME*ON CP'                            
                  NDMECP1  ='CPU TIME*ON ZIIP'                          
                  NDMECP2  ='ZIIP*QUALIFIED*PART OF*NDMECP0'            
                  NDMHQSTA ='QUEUE*STATUS*IF*PTQHOLD'                   
               And these variables are added to NDMCT dataset:          
                  NDMECP0S='SEND*CPU TIME*ON CP'                        
                  NDMECP1S='SEND*CPU TIME*ON ZIIP'                      
                  NDMECP0R='RECV*CPU time*on CP'                        
                  NDMECP1R='RECV*CPU time*on ZIIP'                      
   Thanks to Michael Oujesky, DTCC, USA.                                
Change 32.070  Support for ASG-TMON CICS TS V3.4 (NO MXG UPDATE NEEDED).
TYPETMO2       TMON CICS v3.4 is the toleration support for CICS/TS 5.2,
Mar 24, 2014   which is now in Open Beta, but there were NO changes to  
               their data records so there is no associated update.     
Change 32.069  When trying to reduce the line size of the code being    
VMXGPARS       generated by UTILBLDP to 65 bytes to fit on neat and     
Mar 24, 2014   pretty lines in INSTREAM, VMXGPARS parsing went backwards
               from BYTE 65 to 50 looking for a blank but if it did not 
               find one it arbitrarily stopped, which could be in the   
               middle of a quoted string causing broken syntax and many 
               strange errors.  Now, the search continues until a blank 
               is found.  This error was NOT reported.  It was exposed  
               when testing UTILBLDP with new syntax in MACFILEX=.      
Change 32.068  New DB2 Buffer Pool analysis report, based on SHARE      
ANALDB2R       Anaheim Session 14610, Robert F. Catterall, IBM, "Key    
Mar 23, 2014   Metrics for DB2 for z/OS Subsystem and Application       
               Performance Monitoring", using the DB2STATB dataset.     
               Based on the total read I/O rate, it can suggest if the  
               Buffer Pool is too small, or if perhaps it is too large. 
               With SAS 9.3+, charts are produced, followed by a report 
               identifying BPs these problem criteria:                  
                 Avg read IO rate GE 1000/sec                           
                 Max read IO rate GE 5000/sec                           
                 Total BP size exceeds 50% of available CSTORE          
                 Max used buffers LT 25% of BP                          
               If no BPs fit the exception criteria a message is        
               produced telling you that.                               
               This is report MXGDB2B1 in ANALDB2R.                     
Change 32.067  Cosmetic.  Missing values for OPENTM occur when OPENTIME 
VMAC64         variable is not populated; TYPE64 observations with      
               populate OPENTIME; OPENTM calculation is now protected.  
               Some of these obs have large negative value in UNUSEDCI. 
Change 32.066  Support for selection by DSNAME for all MXG datasets that
IMACDSCK       contain a "DSNAME" value with the new &MACDSCK facility. 
Mar 21, 2014   See the documentation examples in IMACDSCK, but this will
               find all observations in SMF record with DSNAME that     
               starts with SYS1."                                       
                 %LET MACDSCK=                                          
                   %QUOTE (                                             
                           LENGTH DSNAME ENTRNAME $44;                  
                           IF INDEX(DSNAME,'SYS1.') OR                  
                           INDEX(ENTRNAME,'SYS1.') THEN                 
                           USERADD=1415 1718 42 60 6156 62 6            
                 %INCLUDE INSTREAM;                                     
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc., USA.                          
Change 32.065  Support for APAR OA44798 enhancement to SMF ID=22 record,
VMAC22         added the new Subtype 12 Storage Element Extension, adds 
Mar 21, 2014   two variables to the existing TYPE22_3 dataset:          
                  SMF22XGL='BLOCK*NUMBER OF*FIRST*FRAME'                
Change 32.064  Line 77 had an unwanted close-paren and semicolon that   
ANALID         prevented ODS output and are now removed.                
Mar 20, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Sabrina Mandelatz, Provincial, GERMANY.                    
Change 32.063  Hydra TS7700 IBM reports are replicated in ANALBVIR.     
ANALBVIR       These reports are completed:                             
JCLBVIR           REPORT     DESCRIPTION                                
                  H30TVC1    HNODE HSM HISTORICAL CACHE PARTITION       
                  H30TVC2    HNODE HSM HISTORICAL CACHE PARTITION (1)   
   Thanks to Joe Babcock, JPMorgan Chase, USA.                          
Change 32.062  Variables R791PHTA/PHTI/FLG3/FLG3A/R791FLG3S & similarly 
VMAC79         variables R792PHTA/PHTI/FLG3/FLG3A/R792FLG3S are kept in 
Mar 17, 2014   datasets TYPE791 and TYPE792 respectively.  Added in z/OS
               2.1, but the 2.1 SMF manual had no vertical bars to mark 
               the new fields. (IBM acknowledges the error and will fix 
               for the 2.2 SMF manual.)                                 
Change 32.061  Graphs from two SHARE 2014 Anaheim presentations, Session
GRAFCIMP       15214, "WLM Update for z/OS 2.1 and 1.13" by IBM's Horst 
Mar 16, 2014   Sinram, and Session 14745, "WLM - Performing a Quick WLM 
               Performance Checkup", by Peter Enrico are replicated with
               with graphs of CPU resource by importance level and      
               service class level, and then at the service class level 
               within importance, plus a scatter graph of performance   
               index at the importance level with additional scatter    
               graphs at the service class level within importance.  As 
               a side benefit you can also see how many service class   
               periods are active at each importance level.  The graphs 
               are produced by PROC SGPLOT; SAS/GRAPH is NOT used.      
               Example report output can be at viewed at:               
                  Http:// 32.061             
Change 32.060  %INCLUDE of VMXGUOW was needed in these examples to get  
JCLUOW         _SUOW and _BSUOW values, but that could cause errors due 
JCLUOWP        to a conflict executing VMXGUOWC. This change inserts the
JCLUOWV        _SUOWxxx and _BSUUOW macro definitions in these members  
Mar 16, 2014   to eliminate the %INCLUDE and associated exposure.       
Change 32.059  Support for ZEN 2280 product's new CSM records (INCOMPAT,
EXZOSAJB       because existing subtype 32 header had inserts).         
EXZOSAPO       Three new datasets are created:                          
EXZOSASU         dddddd    Dataset   Description                        
IMACZOSA         ZOSASU    ZOSASUMM  CSM Summary                        
VMACZOSA         ZOSAPO    ZOSAPOOL  CSM Per Pool                       
VMXGINIT         ZOSAJB    ZOSAJOB   CSM per JOB                        
Mar 14, 2014  -Outstanding issues with first iteration:                 
                SYSTEM variable is blank.                               
                Intervals drift 2 seconds per hour, and are not SYNC    
                with SMF.                                               
                JOB dataset does not have READTIME nor JESNR.           
Change 32.058  Thruput Manager INVALID ARGUMENT- TPMPI=INPUT(TPMPICH,1.)
VMACTPMX       because the previously expected $EBCDIC1 numeric value of
Mar 13, 2014   importance is now a binary ('03'x) requiring a new test  
               and conditional input of TPMPI, in dataset TPM16J.       
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc., USA.                          
   Thanks to Al Sherkow, I/S Management Strategies, Ltd.                
Change 32.057  z/VM data files for Velocity zXPS, MONWRITE, etc, MUST be
VMACXAM        FTP'd with TYPE E specified, which is NOT the default.   
Mar 13, 2014   Worse, when the default IS used its value is NOT shown   
               on the ftp log.  The ftp default is TYPE A, ASCII text,  
               and I was unaware that when TYPE A FTP transfer goes from
               one EBCDIC system to another EBCDIC system (e.g. z/VM to 
               z/OS), it changes from EBCDIC to ASCII and back to       
               EBCDIC, which leaves the UPPERCASE TEXT unchanged, but   
               the binary data is mangled.  One specific mangle: '64'x  
               original value becomes '3F'x, so the 100 byte length of  
               SYTSYP became 63 which caused MXG ERROR messages.  This  
               change tests for a length of not-100 and issues a USER   
               ABEND 666 to report the wrong FTP TYPE was used.         
               Using MODE BLOCK is also recommended for these ftp's.    
   Thanks to Wang Zahn, AIG, USA.                                       
   Thanks to Rob van der Heij, Velocity Software, EUROPE.               
Change 32.056  CANNOT CLONE BUFFSIZE warnings during PROC COPY might be 
VGETOBS        bad for execution EXCPs and run time, and this could have
Mar 13, 2014   been caused by VGETOBS, under unusual circumstances, when
               it made a bad decision and issued a LIBNAME statement for
               a sequential-format-on-disk instead of normal disk. This 
               could happen on z/OS only, only if the dataset had never 
               been opened for output, and VGETOBS was issued against   
               the DDNAME, AND, there are tape datasets allocated to the
               job, and this can only happen on the very first invoke of
               VGETOBS when it reads all LIBNAMEs to identify those on  
               tape/sequential format.  Now, VGETOBS recognizes that the
               DDNAME is not SAS or at least has not been opened and it 
               does NOT issue a LIBNAME statement.                      
               Note: A SAS data library in sequential format on disk    
                     does not have a directory, so SAS must read all    
                     records from the start to find a dataset.          
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
Change 32.055 -RMF III Enhancements, Fixes, and Notes                   
ADOCRMFV      -A new generic RMF Monitor III table selection parameter  
ASMRMFV        BASIC is supported.  This is a convenient shorthand      
Mar 12, 2014   method to select RMF III tables of most common general   
Mar 14, 2014   interest and usage.  There is no alias for BASIC.        
Mar 30, 2014     BASIC selects these RMF III tables:                    
                 ASI CAT CPC CPU DVT ENC GEI OPD RCD                    
              -A new generic RMF Monitor III table selection parameter  
               MOST is supported.  This is a convenient shorthand method
               to select all possible tables of any practical value.    
               There is no alias for MOST.                              
               MOST includes all the tables selected by BASIC and in    
               addition selects these RMF III tables:                   
                 CFI CPD CSR ENT SPG SVP.                               
              -NOTE: All other RMF III tables may still be selected or  
               filtered even when BASIC or MOST is specified to achieve 
               other useful table selection combinations.               
               For example, these PARM values in JCL (or alternatively  
               in the SYSIN DD file) are all valid:                     
               PARM='BASIC,CPD,CSR'      Add CPD and CSR to BASIC set   
               PARM='BASIC,NODVT'        Exclude DVT from BASIC set     
               PARM='MOST,NOSPG'         Exclude SPG from MOST set      
              -Recent information obtained indicates that the Invalid   
               Resource bit may be set for Processor entries in the RED 
               table in a MINTIME interval due to normal processor      
               change events.  So these are not true RED table errors.  
               Operation is changed for RED Processor entries only so   
               that when the RED table is selected and the Invalid      
               Resource bit is on, then the entry is still skipped, but 
               no error messages are now issued, and the Return Code is 
               left unchanged.  Prior to this change error messages were
               generated and Return Code 0016 would be set.  Error      
               handling for other types of RED entries is unchanged.    
              -The behavior for the 'ALL' table selection parameter was 
               changed in Change 32.037 so that it overrode any NOxxx   
               table filter options regardless of input order.  However,
               this was inconsistent with the operation when 'ALL' was  
               default because only NOxxx filters were coded.  Those in 
               effect did override 'ALL', but this change restores the  
               earlier behavior so that any NOxxx filter parameters will
               be honored even when 'ALL' is coded.  No further behavior
               changes are planned for this condition.                  
              -Change 32.037 also altered the behavior when both NOxxx  
               table filter and table xxx selection parameters were used
               for the same table.   The xxx table selection parameter  
               always overrode the NOxxx table filter parameter         
               regardless of input order.  This change reverses that    
               behavior so the NOxxx filter parameter always overrides  
               the xxx selection parameter for the same table.  No      
               further behavior changes are planned for this condition. 
              -NOTE: Please do not select AND filter on the same RMF    
               Monitor III table in the same ASMRMFV run to avoid       
               unintended results.                                      
              -Documentation in the ASMRMFV source prologue and in the  
               ADOCRMFV member has been updated appropriately.          
              -When validating a large RMF III CFI table and a section  
               offset exceeded X'FFFF', the calculation for the output  
               CFI record length was incorrect. The entire CFI table was
               then skipped because the result record length was over   
               32K.  Message RMFV035S was issued followed by Return Code
               0016.  The register used in the length calculation is now
               cleared prior to inserting each half word section length 
               for validation so that the CFI table is not skipped.     
              -Updated documentation content, and mixed casing as well! 
              -REQUIREMENT: In order to implement this fix the current  
               ASMRMFV utility program from this MXG change must be     
               installed.  See MXG SOURCLIB member JCLASM3 for sample   
               JCL for the assembly and link-edit install steps.        
    Thanks to Warren Cravey, Fidelity Institutional, USA.               
Change 32.054  Variables SMF70CPA_SCALING,SMF70CPA_ACTUAL were input two
VMAC7072       bytes to the right, producing very large numeric values, 
Mar 10, 2014   but the SCALING/ACTUAL ratio, now SMF70CPA_RATIO was the 
               same!  The new z/OS 2.1 RATIO is used instead of raw-CPA 
               to calculate the SMF70CPA Service Unit Per Second value: 
                 New:   SMF70CPA=16000000*SMF70CPA_RATIO                
                 Old:   SMF70CPA=16000000/SMF70CPA-in-Record            
               So the new ratio is the inverse of the RMCTADJC, almost: 
                Raw CPA=423    1/423=.002364066 ==> SMF70CPA= 37825.059 
                SMF70CPA_RATIO      =.002364590.              37833.440 
               The raw-CPA is an integer, which limits the granularity  
               of SMF70CPA value.  Integer 424 sets  SMF70CPA=37914.692 
               so the exact 37833 value cannot be set with raw-CPA. Now,
               since RATIO is a fraction, any numeric value can be set  
               for SMF70CPA in future engines.  The numeric difference  
               is small, but with this change, for z/OS 2.1, SMF70CPA   
               is now calculated using the SMF70CPA_RATIO value.        
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc, USA.                           
Change 32.053  Compression ratios SMF21CRR/SMF21CRW are now calculated  
VMAC21         for non-3590 devices, using these existing variables:    
VMAC21           SMF21CRR=BYTEREAD/SMF21MDR;                            
VMAC21           SMF21CRW=BYTEWRIT/SMF21MDW;                            
VMAC21         For 3590s, note that:                                    
Mar 10, 2014   -Bit SMF21NCT is on ONLY for 3590s and inputs the channel
                and device bytes read/written SMF21BRN/BWN/DBR/SMF21DBR 
                variables, now used for the compression ratio.          
               -Bit SMF21MFV is NOT on for 3590s, so the previous counts
                of bytes read/written/compressed will always be missing 
                for 3590s in variables SMF21MCR/MDR/CRR/MCW/MDW/DRW.    
   Thanks to Jorge Fong, NYC Information Technology, USA.               
Change 32.052  Support for SMF 112-35 Tivoli Enterprise Monitor Server  
EX112TEM       record creates new dataset                               
IMAC112           dddddd   dataset   description                        
VMAC112            112TEM  T112TEMS  Tivoli Enterprise Monitor Server   
VMXGINIT       There are also subtypes 32 thru 37 that may be supported 
Mar 10, 2014   in a later update to this change.                        
   Thanks to Michael Oujesky, DTCC, USA.                                
Change 32.051  Test added to SUOWMQ macro to check for MQMADD value of  
VMXGUOW        NO to bypass reading the CICUOW dataset. This will let   
VMXGINIT       you set _UOWCIC to _NULL_ and save a lot of WORK space by
Mar  9, 2014   eliminating the creation of a dataset that is ONLY used  
               if you also have MQ data and have specified MQMADD=YES.  
Change 32.050  RMF III datasets ZRBRCDS (Service Class) and ZRBRCDR     
VMACRMFV       (Report Class) did not contain the five CPUxxxTM values  
Mar  8, 2014   (TCB/SRB/RCT/HPT/IIP), suggesting these RMF III datasets 
               were seldom used, because the same data exists in RMF I  
               TYPE72GO dataset.  They are now created so that I could  
               compare the CPU times captured by RMF I, RMF III and SMF.
               See MXG Technical Newsletter 64 MVS Technical Note 1.    
Change 32.049  Added a WHERE= parameter for the PRINT, MEANS, FREQ, and 
VMXGPRAL       COMPARE procedure executions so you can insert the SAS   
VMXGPRA1       code in a WHERE clause to select what will be analyzed or
VMXGPRNT       printed.                                                 
Mar  5, 2014                                                            
Change 32.048  Protection for invalid SMF 6 record (JCTJOBID vice JOB)  
VMAC6          that printed INVALID PRINTIME messages, while the source 
Mar  4, 2014   of the invalid records is investigated.                  
Change 32.047  Support for (E)JES Version 05.40 SMF Record, restructured
VMACEJES       to match the standard SMF record structure with triplets 
Mar  4, 2014   (Offset/Length/Number) for the three segments of data.   
Apr 17, 2014   New variables ESMFCNSR ESMFCNCO ESMF5NSF ESMF5NCF added. 
MXGEJES        Member MXGEJES is a standalone MXG code execution that is
Jun 16, 2014   provided to Phoenix International (to encourage their    
               users to consider MXG Software).                         
   Thanks to Ed Jaffe, Phoenix Software International, Inc., USA.       
Change 32.046  Support for XCOM 11.5 AND 11.6 (INCOMPATABLE). Records   
FORMATS        were restructured and MXG code revised to match.  Formats
Mar  3, 2014   A new segment contains the SMS DATA/MGMT/STORE classes.  
Mar 25, 2014   Mar 25: Code corrected, revised for new variables.       
   Thanks to Rosa Maria Martinez Alonso, Bustia, SPAIN.                 
Change 32.045  Support for MQ PCF Files creates new dataset:            
IMACPCF         dddddd   dataset   description                          
TYPEPCF         PCFMD    PCFMD     PCF MD Record                        
Feb 28, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Peter Farrell, Commerce Bank, USA.                         
Change 32.044  Unused Change Number.                                    
Change 32.043  Support for SMF Record ID=87, GRS Component information  
EXTY87         creates new dataset:                                     
IMAC87          dddddd   dataset   description                          
TYPE87          TY87     TYPE87    GRS Component                        
Feb 27, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Graham Harris, Royal Bank of Scotland, ENGLAND.            
====== Changes thru 32.042 were in MXG 32.02 dated Feb 26, 2014=========
Change 32.042  New summary report created if requested. New parameter   
ANALID         PRINTWHAT= added with default of BOTH.  Other possible   
Jan 24, 2014   values are DETAIL for the detail report or SUMMARY to get
               only the SUMMARY report. For the summary report the data 
               is summarized to the SMFIDSUB level.                     
Change 32.041  The OUTPUT MCD; statement was missing; it is now inserted
VMXGHSM        in line 1797.                                            
Feb 26, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Lindsay Oxenham, IBM Global Services, AUSTRALIA.           
Change 32.040  TMON/VTAM vendor maintenance now populates fields so they
VMACTMVT       can be properly decoded/documented. Variables SXORTTD and
Feb 25, 2014   SXORTT are now decoded and formatted as TIME13.3, and the
Feb 27, 2014   SXHRT1D/2D/3D/4D/5D are now labeled INTERVAL vs TIME.    
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
Change 32.039  A MAJOR restructure of BVIR/TS7700/HYDRA support and new 
ANALBVIR       IBM-reports in ANALBVIR/JCLBVIR will likely require you  
EXBVR011       to revise your reporting, but you will no longer have the
EXBVR101       thousands of previous variable names, as the restructure 
EXBVR111       creates the "subtype" dataset (EG: BVIR30) with only the 
EXBVR301       header variables for that subtype, and repeated segments 
EXBVR321       are output in a new dataset (EG: BVIR301), with only ONE 
EXBVR322       set of variable names. A few variables names were changed
EXBVR324       and the new reports have been validated against IBM's.   
EXBVR331      -In an emergency for an old report, member ZMACBVIR is the
IMACBVIR       prior BVIR support structure that can still be used for  
JCLBVIR        now, but it will NOT be updated nor supported for future 
VMACBVIR       changes to the BVIR data records. REMOVED JAN 2015.      
VMXGINIT      -This was a MAJOR update, contributed by Joe; the other   
               cites are for the Early Adopters who helped in testing.  
Feb 25, 2014  -These are now the datasets created from BVIR data:       
Feb 28, 2014                                                            
Mar  2, 2014        DDDDDD     MXG         MXG                          
Mar  8, 2014        DATASET    DATASET     DATASET                      
Mar 11, 2014        SUFFIX     NAME        LABEL DESCRIPTION            
Mar 14, 2014        BVIR01     BVIR01    VNODE VIRTUAL DEVICE PIT       
Mar 17, 2014        BVR011     BVIR011   HNODE GRID (PIT) CLUSTER       
Mar 25, 2014        BVIR02     BVIR02    VNODE ADAPTER POINT IN TIME    
                    BVIR10     BVIR10    HNODE HSM POINT IN TIME        
                    DDDDDD     MXG         MXG                          
                    DATASET    DATASET     DATASET                      
                    SUFFIX     NAME        LABEL DESCRIPTION            
                    BVIR01     BVIR01    VNODE VIRTUAL DEVICE PIT       
                    BVR011     BVIR011   HNODE GRID (PIT) CLUSTER       
                    BVIR02     BVIR02    VNODE ADAPTER POINT IN TIME    
                    BVR101     BVIR101   HNODE HSM PIT PHYSICAL DEVICE  
                    BVIR11     BVIR11    HNODE GRID POINT IN TIME       
                    BVR111     BVIR111   HNODE GRID (PIT) CLUSTER       
                    BVIR20     BVIR20    VNODE VIRTUAL DEVICE HISTORY   
                    BVIR21     BVIR21    VNODE ADAPTER HISTORY          
                    BVIR30     BVIR30    HNODE HSM HISTORY              
                    BVR301     BVIR301   HNODE CACHE CONTAINER/PARTITION
                    BVIR31     BVIR31    HNODE RESERVED                 
                    BVIR32     BVIR32    HNODE LIBRARY HISTORY          
                    BVR321     BVIR321   HNODE LIBRARY DEVICE TYPE      
                    BVR322     BVIR322   HNODE LIBRARY POOLING CSP MEDIA
                    BVR323     BVIR323   HNODE LIBRARY POOLING GUP      
                    BVR324     BVIR324   HNODE LIBRARY POOLING GP MEDIA 
                    BVIR33     BVIR33    HNODE GRID HISTORY             
                    BVR331     BVIR331   HNODE GRID CLUSTER             
               Updates made after MXG 32.02:                            
               Feb 26:                                                  
               -The variable DEVCLASS was renamed DEVCLSID due to       
                conflict with existing 30 and 74 name DEVCLASS, and the 
                variable DVCLASID was renamed to DEVCLSID as only one   
                name is needed.  Format $MGB32DC was merged into and    
                replaced by $MGB10DC.                                   
               -Some formats for BVIR bit map ranges were corrected.    
               -SCRVOLCT added to _BBVR324 BY list.                     
               -ADOCBVIR updated with why NODUP won't 50% remove.       
               -Feb 28:                                                 
                Dateparts in BVIR21 and BVIR31 were two years           
                wrong - I had moved their calculation to the header,    
                but had left the recalcs in those two subtypes.         
               -Mar  2:                                                 
                The loop counter to read the GUP Container Segments only
                read the first four of the thirty-one segments, so obs  
                were not created in BVIR323 and BVIR324.                
               -But dataset BVIR323 was output twice incorrectly!       
               -Lengths of FORMATTED character variables are now set.   
               -Mar  8:                                                 
                Variable POOL was added back into BVIR323 and to its BY 
                list.  I revised Joe's code and used _I_ for loop where 
                the loop variable is not kept, but I messed up this one.
               -Mar 11:                                                 
                Corrections to examine all 32 entries in the POOL loop. 
                Two new fields, POOL to the GUP and POOL and MEDIA to   
                BVIR323 and BVIR324 datasets respectively.              
                A lost pad to the container to bring it to 16 bytes.    
                With this change, all prior problems are resolved!!!    
               -Mar 14:                                                 
                Type 30 code needed to skip some bytes for BVIRVERS=3.  
               -Mar 17:                                                 
                Type 20 records BVIRVERS=5 with only 192 bytes caused   
                INPUT EXCEEDED.  Rest revised to verify data exists     
                for V5 and remainder of skip bytes were removed as there
                is only one 20 record.                                  
               -Mar 25: There are lots of "null" segments ('00'X for the
                ID and/or sum of metrics zero) in BVIR records that not 
                only wasted space but also were the NODUP culprits.  Now
                only segments with activity or valid IDs are output,    
                massively reducing the number of observations. Selection
                code added to EXBVR321-322-324-331 exit members, except 
                that the test for POOLACTV GT 0 is internal to VMACBVIR 
                because it is also used to terminate the pool loop.     
                -POOLACTV is tested for these datasets, plus            
                   BVIR321 when DEVCLSID GT '00'X                       
                   BVIR322 when MEDATYPE GT '00'X                       
                   BVIR324 when PYMDID   GT '00'X                       
                   BVIR323 when POOLACTV (SUM of Metrics) GT 0          
                -BVIR331 output when BVIR331ACTV GT 0 (Sum of Metrics)  
                -Resulting dataset observation counts:                  
                   BVIR20,30,31,32,33,301,321   8826 obs                
                   BVIR322                     44130 obs                
                   BVIR323,324                 26478 obs                
                   BVIR331                      7614 obs                
   Thanks to Joe Babcock, JPMorganChase, USA.                           
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc, USA.                           
   Thanks to Dan Case, Mayo, USA.                                       
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 32.038  The IMS56FA dataset can have IMSSTCK incorrect when there
VMACIMS        was no GMTOFFTM in a prior record; the LINK IMSSTCK in   
Feb 24, 2014   56FA logic was prior to the input of the first 12-byte   
Mar 17, 2014   character timestamp, from which DEC and then GMTOFFTM can
Mar 23, 2014   be decoded.  The LINK for 56FA was located to after that 
               first DEC value is known; once GMTOFFTM has been created,
               its value will be retained.                              
               Mar 17:  IMSSTCK links for log records 01x,03x,06x were  
               mis-located prior to the creation of GMTOFFTM; only if   
               those records were prior to other GMT-Offset-containing  
               records, the GMTOFFTM was missing and IMSSTCK was then   
               not corrected to local time zone.                        
               Mar 23:  END; relocated from IMSSTCK: to before LCODE=55.
   Thanks to Rosa Maria Martinez Alonso, Bustia, SPAIN.                 
Change 32.037 -RMF III Enhancements, Fixes, and Notes                   
ADOCRMFV      -A second RMFV008I message is added for non-VSAM data sets
ASMRMFV        such as the RMFBSAM and SYSIN DD files that will show DCB
CLRMFV         attributes DSORG, RECFM, LRECL, BLKSIZE, BUFNO, and      
DOCLRMFV       BUFSP.                                                   
JCLRMFV       -A second RMFV008I message is added for RMF Monitor III   
JCLCRMFV       VSAM data sets that will show ACB attributes DSORG,      
JCLDRMFV       LRECL, CISIZE, BUFNO, BUFSP, and Record Count.           
Feb 23, 2014  -NOTE: The number of VSAM records read for any one        
Feb 24, 2014   particular RMF Monitor III data set will usually exceed  
Feb 26, 2014   the number of records in the file.  This is because a    
               physical record may contain data from more than one      
               MINTIME interval and data is processed one MINTIME       
               interval at a time.                                      
              -NOTE: The BUFNO and BUFSP values for all RMF Monitor III 
               data sets will be the same because they share a common   
               VSAM LSR buffer pool.                                    
              -Data set and DCB information will now also be shown for  
               the non-VSAM SYSPRINT DD file.                           
              -BUFNO=20 was always assigned for the SYSIN DD file.      
               However, when the SYSIN DD file is blocked this wastes   
               memory because usually this file has few records.  When a
               blocked SYSIN file is detected a value of BUFNO=2 will be
              -When NOxxx table filtering options were mixed with xxx   
               table selection options, ASMRMFV incorrectly turned on   
               selection for all tables when the first xxx table option 
               was encountered.                                         
              -The NONE option to suppress all output is now obsolete.  
               This option was inflexible; it did not allow RMF Monitor 
               III table selection and/or filtering.  Results were also 
               incomplete as no output statistics were shown.  So it    
               was not very useful nor was its usage easily understood. 
               If NONE (or any of its aliases) is coded it is ignored   
               with no action taken and no error messages issued.       
              -The alternative to the defunct NONE option to preview    
               what might be output by ASMRMFV with user specified      
               selections and/or filters in effect is to simply code    
               in JCL:                                                  
               //RMFBSAM DD DUMMY                                       
               //RMFBSAM DD DSN=NULLFILE                                
               Either tells the access method to suppress the RMFBSAM   
               output.  In either case RMFBSAM will be empty and cannot 
               be used for a PDB build.                                 
              -The CLRMFV Clist used in the TSO Clist Method for        
               running ASMRMFV has been upgraded to accept NULLFILE     
               as a value for the OUTHLQ Clist parameter.               
               When OUTHLQ('NULLFILE') is coded the RMFBSAM file will be
               allocated as DSN=NULLFILE thus also providing an         
               alternative to the obsolete ASMRMFV NONE option.         
               OUTHLQ('DUMMY') can also be used.                        
               In this case the SPACE Clist parameter is forced         
               to zero and the OUTMLQ and OUTLLQ Clist parameter        
               settings are irrelevant.                                 
              -With RMFBSAM output suppression the result is useful     
               to determine how many bytes of output will be generated  
               with the selection and/or filter options used.  Also     
               decisions can be made as to which tables should be       
               selected for a future PDB build based on data volume.    
               Then the actual RMFBSAM file can be realistically sized  
               later for allocation.  Be sure to review ASMRMFV messages
               RMFV105I to study the output data statistics including   
               bytes output.                                            
              -JCLRMFV, JCLDRMFV, and JCLCRMFV example members are      
               each updated to include an example with RMFBSAM output   
              -The DOCLRMFV documentation for CLRMFV Clist usage has    
               been updated with current information.                   
              -Documentation in the ASMRMFV source prologue and in      
               the ADOCRMFV member has been updated to note that        
               the NONE parameter is obsolete and to explain the        
               alternative use of DSN=NULLFILE for RMFBSAM.             
              -Removed residual extraneous characters in the first      
               RMFV002I message when no PARM= field existed in JCL.     
              -NOTE: The ASMRMFV SIZE parameter is still supported and  
               also produces no RMFBSAM output regardless of JCL for    
               that file.  When SIZE is coded all selection and/or      
               filtering parameters are ignored.  SIZE shows a          
               snapshot of RMF Monitor III VSAM file allocations as     
               well as space and index usage.                           
              -NOTE: If the ALL table select ASMRMFV option is coded it 
               overrides any other table select or table filter options 
               that may be present regardless of input order.           
               This is a new behavior with this change.  Prior to this  
               change NOxxx table filter options would override the     
               coded 'ALL' value.  This is no longer the case.          
               Please do not code 'ALL' when using NOxxx table filter   
               options to avoid unintended results.                     
              -NOTE: If an xxx table select and an NOxxx table filter   
               are coded for the same RMF III table the table select    
               option for this table now always overrides the filter    
               option regardless of input order.                        
               This is a new behavior with this change.  Prior to this  
               change the last option encountered for the same table    
               would be effective.  This is no longer the case.         
               Please do not select and filter on the same RMF Monitor  
               III table in the same ASMRMFV run to avoid unintended    
              -REQUIREMENT: In order to implement this fix the current  
               ASMRMFV utility program from this MXG change must be     
               installed.  See MXG SOURCLIB member JCLASM3 for sample   
               JCL for the assembly and link-edit install steps.        
   Thanks to H. Sterling James, DST Systems Inc.                        
Change 32.036  MXG developer utility used when creating a new dataset to
UTILNODU       determine the sufficient list of variables needed in the 
Feb 21, 2014   new _Bdddddd By List macro that will remove duplicate    
               observations with the PROC SORT NODUP option (invoked in 
               BUILDPDB, or the TYPSxxxx "sorting" types, or by the use 
               of the _Sdddddd dataset sort macro.)                     
               The initial "logical" _Bdddddd is created based on what  
               seems to be useful order (e.g. READTIME JOB JESNR for a  
               job related dataset). Then, the input data file is read  
               twice, the dataset is created and sorted by _Bdddddd, and
               then the count of observations deleted as duplicate in   
               the PROC SORT log messages must be exactly one-half of   
               the observations read by the sort.  If that is not true, 
               an ad hoc approach was used to find the additional vars  
               needed. This utility sorts the dataset twice, once with  
               the original _Bdddddd and a second time with BY _ALL_,   
               and the unmatched observations, those NOT deleted, are   
               printed for easy identification of needed variables.     
               Unlikely an MXG user will ever need this, but someday    
               someone will be happy to find it if that is their task.  
Change 32.035  Websphere ID=120 Subtype=9 datasets TYP1209C, TYP1209E   
VMAC120        TYP1209S and TYP1209U had incorrect BY variable that     
Feb 18, 2014   did not remove duplicates and caused DELTA120TM to be    
               always missing.  Variables SM1209CR SM1209CS and SM1209CM
               are added to those datasets, and the new sort order are: 
                MACRO _BT1209C                                          
                  SYSTEM   SMFTIME SM1209CR SM1209CS SM1209CY           
                  SM1209EM SM1209CM  %                                  
                MACRO _BT1209E                                          
                  SYSTEM SM1209CR SM1209CS SM1209CH SM1209CM %          
                MACRO _BT1209S                                          
                  SYSTEM   SMFTIME SM1209CR SM1209CS SM1209CY           
                  SM1209EQ SM1209CM  %                                  
                MACRO _BT1209U                                          
                  SYSTEM   SMFTIME SM1209CR SM1209CS SM1209EY           
                  SM1209FA SM1209CM  %                                  
   Thanks to Wayne Bell, UNIGROUP, USA.                                 
Change 32.034  These examples could have failed with SYSTEM 413-18 ABEND
JCLUOWP        because the CICSTRAN DD was being opened for read by     
JCLUOWV        VMXGUOWC before the CICSTRAN had been written.  Relocated
Feb 17, 2014   the %INCLUDE of VMXGUOW to correct.                      
Change 32.033  Support for XPTR 5.2 creates these 23 new datasets:      
EXXPTR23        dddddd    dataset   description                         
EXXPTR24        XPTR23    XPTR23    X/TND USER DISCONNECT               
EXXPTR25        XPTR24    XPTR24    X/NET COMMAND PROCESSED             
EXXPTR26        XPTR25    XPTR25    API TRANSACTION                     
EXXPTR33        XPTR26    XPTR26    API SUMMARY                         
EXXPTR34        XPTR33    XPTR33    MIGRATION DETAIL                    
EXXPTR52        XPTR34    XPTR34    STORAGE POLICY TARGETS              
EXXPT104        XPTR52    XPTR52    USER REQUEST TRACKING               
EXXPT106        XPT104    XPTR104   JOB ACCUMULATION                    
EXXPT109        XPT107    XPTR107   ARCHIVE CREATED                     
EXXPT112        XPT109    XPTR109   REPORT ACCUMULATION                 
EXXPT113        XPT112    XPTR112   REPORT BROWSE                       
EXXPT118        XPT113    XPTR113   USER COMMAND                        
EXXPT120        XPT118    XPTR118   X/PTR DETAIL OUTPUT RECORD          
EXXPT124        XPT120    XPTR120   NEW REPORT                          
EXXPT130        XPT124    XPTR124   XNET COMMAND PROCESSED              
EXXPT132        XPT131    XPTR131   ARCHICE DETAIL                      
EXXPT133        XPT132    XPTR132   TEST FILE SPACE RELEASE             
EXXPT140        XPT133    XPTR133   MIGRATION DETAIL                    
EXXPT152        XPT140    XPTR140   VSAM BUFFER STATISTICS              
EXXPT153        XPT152    XPTR152   USER REQUEST TRACKING               
IMACXPTR        XPT153    XPTR153   REPORT VERSION DELETE               
VMACXPTR       -Some minor issues: there are duplicate records          
VMXGINIT        written for subtype 41 and 50, and the date of the      
Feb 21, 2014    SUBMTIME in subtype 130 is 2005.                        
               -BY lists for earlier datasets have been updated and     
                all datasets with data have been "NODUP" validated.     
   Thanks to Phil Grasser, Norfolk Southern, USA.                       
Change 32.032 -DB2STATS variable QISTWMQM was always zero because it was
VMACDB2        incorrectly deaccumulated when it's a static ZPARM value.
VMAC102       -T102S371 variables QW0371CL and QW0371DA were 1000000 too
Feb 18, 2014   large, as the input was &PIB.8. instead of &PIB.8.6.     
   Thanks to Rachel Holt, Fidelity Systems, USA.                        
Change 32.031  RMF TYPE748 ESS Subtype 8 datasets completely revised.   
EXTY748I      -The existing TYPE748 dataset had an observation for every
EXTY748L       LINK, instead of just one observation per CUSERIAL. R748L
EXTY748P       variables are moved to the new TYPE748L Link dataset.    
IMAC74         IBM print 12 digits for CUSERIAL on RMF reports, but that
VMAC74         field is only 10 characters in the subtype 8 record, so  
VMXGINIT       match on CUSERIAL failed. Extra 00 characters added.     
Feb 14, 2014  -The new TYPE748L Link dataset is created with one obs per
Feb 17, 2014   CUSERIAL and R748LAID Link Adapter ID.                   
              -The TYPE748R RANK dataset and TYPE74A RANK ARRAY dataset 
               are now merged by CUSERIAL R748RRID (Rank Raid ID) to    
               create the new PDB.TYPE748I "ID" dataset with R748rXID   
               (Extent Pool) for the detail ESS RANK STATISTICS report. 
               Unfortunately, the Raid Rank Level can NOT be mapped back
               to the logical VOLSER of the I/O.                        
              -In addition, _STY748I also sums the TYPE748I dataset by  
               CUSERIAL R748XPID to create the Extent Pool Sums in the  
               new PDB.TYPE748P "EXTENT POOL" dataset.                  
              -Dataset TYPE748X is unchanged.                           
   Thanks to Patricia J. Jones, DST Systems, USA.                       
Change 32.030  -ASMRMFV execution could fail with RMFV035S >>>>SEVERE   
Feb 13, 2014    and the program could loop due to an outdated branch in 
                the DETAIL subroutine when one or more RMF III table    
                errors were found.  The errors detection was valid but  
                the recover and notification looped.                    
               -REQUIREMENT: In order to implement this fix the         
                current ASMRMFV utility program from this MXG change    
                must be installed.  See MXG SOURCLIB member JCLASM3 for 
                sample JCL for the assembly and link-edit install steps.
       Thanks to Andre Gustavo Moretto, IBM Global Services, BRAZIL.    
Change 32.029 -VMXGPRAL print utility ERROR 72-322: Expecting a ). after
VMXGPRAL        a DATA _NULL_ step highlighting this statement:         
Feb 12, 2014    SYMPUT("OBS&I",PUT(NOBS,12.); that's missing the paren. 
               is now printed with the DATASET name has a comma.  The   
               commas are removed in VMXGPRAL to circumvent, but See    
               Change 32.005 - commas to be removed with DATASET LABELs 
               added to that planned list.                              
   Thanks to Paul Volpi, UHC, USA.                                      
Change 32.028  Protection for BETA93 truncated SUBTYPE=51 record that   
Feb 10, 2014   (offset plus length) exceeded the record length.  In this
               specific record, there were two valid segments that were 
               output but the third segment was truncated so only the   
               first two segments were output.                          
   Thanks to Andreas Menne, Finanz Informatik, GERMANY.                 
Change 32.027  MXG 32.01.  INVALID DB2 10.1 HEADER RECORDS, DELETED,    
VMACDB2H       if the DB2 APAR PM62481, a 2012 APAR that added the      
Feb 11, 2014   QWHSAACE field to the QWHSTYP=2 Header Segment, is NOT   
               installed, because when Change 32.002 INPUT that field,  
               it was not from the APAR, but last month when I saw that 
               it was in DSNDQWAC for DB2 V10 and had been overlooked,  
               and I assumed it was always present by testing for the   
               QWHSRELN GE 10.2, and ran the MXG DB2 QA with 15 site's  
               data and no errors.  Today, two sites, Australian and    
               USA, reported the error message and sent data with       
               QWHSLEN=156, instead of the 164 byte expected with the   
               field present.                                           
              -May 2014:  This MXG 30.01 ERROR MESSAGE (yes 30.01!!):   
                  YOU MUST INSTALL IBM APARS PN56441 AND PN63234....    
                  was also corrected with this updated VMACDB2H.        
                  (Those APARs were from 1994!).                        
              -MXG input logic was revised to use actual segment lengths
               and not the version number to detect the existence, which
               then required the creation of QWHCEXTRA with the count of
               bytes added for the "truncated" name fields, so it could 
               be subtracted from QWHSLEN to get the actual length of   
               the base segment to know for certain if QWHSAACE exists. 
               With this much time and effort to diagnose and resolve,  
               at least the new QWHCAACE field may be worth it:         
               QWHCAACE is zero if the IFCID is written outside of an   
               accounting interval.  Otherwise it will contain a value  
               that can be correlated to QWHSACE in the IFCID3/DB2ACCT  
               accounting record.  For DDF/RRSAF rollup accounting      
               records, QWHCAACE should be correlated to QWARACE as the 
               record will represent multiple transactions.  For        
               parallel tasks, QWHCAACE will point to the ACE of the    
               parent task.                                             
   Thanks to Andrew Petersen, CSC, AUSTRALIA.                           
Change 32.026  TRNDRMFI could fail if all possible 114 workloads were   
VGETWKLD       defined in your RMFINTRV dataset, because the limit of   
VMXGRMFI       64K bytes of text for a macro variable was exceeded.     
VMXGSUM        Each of these potentially-large macro variables are now  
Feb  7, 2014   created by writing text to FILE INSTREAM as old-style    
Feb 10, 2014   macros so the macro variable only contains the old-style 
Feb 18, 2014   name; see Change 31.288.  Additional macro logic also    
               reduced size of some other macro variables, and to also  
               circumvent the 262-byte limit between quotes.            
              -VMXGSUM was also revised to minimize the size of macro   
               variables it creates, by calling SYSFUNC to invoke COMPBL
               to remove duplicate blanks, but because the argument can 
               be blank, causing a TOO FEW ARGUMENTS FOR COMPBL error,  
                %LET ALLVARS=%SYSFUNC(COMPBL(%STR(&ALLVARS &MIN)));     
               was needed to avoid that (harmless) error message.       
              -VGETWKLD: the lists in WORKLOAD, NEWLABL, STRING are now 
               TRIMed before APPEND to reduce text length, and protect  
               for blank labels added.                                  
====== Changes thru 32.025 were in MXG 32.01 dated Feb  6, 2014=========
Change 32.025  CPUCRPTM, CPU TCB+SRB during CHRONIC CONTENTION was wrong
VMAC30         as the second multiply by 1024 was incorrect. Fortunately
Feb  6, 2014   this is a standalone CPU metric added in Version 26 that 
               has obviously not been examined previously!              
   Thanks to Leonard Jejer, MorganStanley, USA.                         
Change 32.024  RMFINTRV created with a large number of workloads could  
VGETWKLD       cause TRNDRMFI to fail because the wrong dataset was     
Feb  6, 2014   SORTED.  PROC SORT DATA=WORKLOADS corrected this error.  
   Thanks to Wayne Bell, UNIGROUP, USA.                                 
Change 32.023  Support for IMS LOG Record 06 creates IMS06 dataset, to  
ASMIMSL6       track IMS startup/shutdown/other conditions.             
Feb  5, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Rosa Maria Martinez Alonso, Bustia, SPAIN.                 
Change 32.022  Support for CA XCOM Version 11.6 INCOMPATIBLY changed the
VMACXCOM       SMF record.  This updated VMACXCOM supports both 11.6 and
Feb  5, 2014   11.1, transparently.                                     
   Thanks to Claudio Zanon, Phoenix, ITALY.                             
Change 32.021  Change 31.285 was removed.  The FILENAME INSTREAM added  
VMXGINIT       in VMXGINIT, to eliminate the need for //INSTREAM, fails 
Feb  4, 2014   if you used it, for example, to write date macros in one 
               job and then use %INCLUDE INSTREAM in all your report    
               jobs to instantiate that code, a quite reasonable thing  
               to do. Unfortunately, the FILENAME INSTREAM CATALOG fails
               on the %INCLUDE because it was never opened for output so
               it doesn't exist, and using FILENAME INSTREAM TEMP also  
               fails, but without error: the TEMP is included instead of
               the //INSTREAM DD that you wanted to %INCLUDE.           
               Thus an INSTREAM DD/FILENAME is still be required by MXG.
               Another symptom of the need for the new VMXGINIT are     
               these log messages:                                      
                 ERROR: CATALOG WORK.MXGTEMP DOES NOT EXIST.            
                 ERROR: CANNOT OPEN %INCLUDE FILE INSTREAM.             
   Thanks to Arylon Brooks, Verizon Wireless, USA.                      
   Thanks to Nick Bubica, Verizon Wireless, USA.                        
   Thanks to Stephen K. Simon, Verizon Wireless, USA.                   
Change 32.020  MIPFACTR set to a null string and logic was inserted to  
GRAFWRKX       base the MSU to MIPS factor on the CPCFNAME variable so  
Feb  1, 2014   that GRAFWRKX will automatically reflect the MIPS on the 
               current machine.  The MSU chart reflects MSU consumed    
               during the period and the MIP chart reflects the MIPS    
               of capacity consumed during the period. MIPFACTOR can    
               be overridden with a value of your choice.  The values   
               used by default are:                                     
                     2097 - 6.5    2098 - 6.5   2817 - 8                
                     2818 - 8      2827 - 8     2828 - 8                
Change 32.019 -READDB2 did not always use LDB2ddd override, and &PDBOUT 
ANALDB2R       option logic was restructured with better documented     
ANALDBTR       possible values: UNIQUE, YES, PDB/XXXX, NULL/WORK.       
ANALTURN       Now, WANTONLY will be honored when specified for ACCTs.  
READDB2       -Fixing READDB2 uncovered an error in ANALDB2R where the  
Feb  4, 2013   datasets were created in PDB, but report expected data   
               in WORK.                                                 
              -ANALDBTR.  Restructured and revised and corrected, mostly
               preventing spurious "THE STRING" messages that only were 
               printed when there were multiple ANALDBTR invocations    
               (e.g., when ALL POSSIBLE reports are executed).          
              -ANALDB2R.  Similar restructure and cleanup with heavy    
               testing with ALL reports and with DATA for all reports.  
              -ANALDB2R. Reports IOS SQL LOK TRN may not be correct with
               PDB=SMF,PDBOUT=WORK (or no PDBOUT=) but they are fine if 
               PDB=SMF,PDBOUT=PDB (or any XXX DDNAME).  I may choose to 
               leave it this way for these extremely detailed and seldom
               used reports, since the repair would be VERY tedious and 
               there's no cost to using PDBOUT= PDB with PDB temporary. 
              -ANALDB2R.  Requirement for PDBOUT=PDB to be specified for
               PMTRC01 Trace Report was never documented but now is no  
               longer required with revision of the READDB2 logic to set
               the output destination for the T102Snnn based on PDBOUT. 
               Discovered in QA test when ANALTURN created WORK.STATS   
               that was left in WORK, and then 30 steps later, ANALDB2R 
               failed when it tried to create WORK.STATS/VIEW: you CAN  
               NOT create a dataset view named X if there already is a  
               dataset named X.  This has NOT been an actual problem at 
               customer sites, but MXG View names are not documented and
               you could create an accidental conflict in your programs 
               that only shows up when you subsequently execute MXG code
               that happens to use that dataset name.  Fortunately the  
               error message text makes it clear what dataset name YOU  
               have to change in YOUR code.                             
               ANALTURN now deletes WORK.STATS.                         
Change 32.018  Unused Change Number.                                    
Change 32.017  A mislocated RUN; statement cause VMXGPRNT and VMXGPRAL  
VMXGPRNT       to fail with a  180  syntax error pointing to LABEL.     
Jan 29, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to David Schumann, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota, USA.  
Change 32.016  DB2 Netezza variable Q8STNAME, Accelerator Server ID, was
VMACDB2        not kept in PDB.DB2STATS dataset; its offset was read in 
Jan 29, 2014   but then the field was never input.                      
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 32.015  Cosmetic.  Variable ACTHNODE was set to blank or 'Y' but 
VMACBVIR       it incorrectly was formatted $HEX2. so the 'Y' printed as
Jan 29, 2014   'E8'X.  Now the Y will be printed as a Y.                
   Thanks to Keith McWhorter, IBM Global Technology Services, USA.      
Change 32.014  Variable CPUUOWTM incorrectly (now) included DB2TCBTM, as
VMXGUOW        that WAS correct back when VMXGUOW was written, but that 
Jan 29, 2014   changed in CICS/TS 3.2 with the OTE Environment when the 
               DB2TCBTM was added into the TASCPUTM in CICSTRAN, so the 
               equation is now CPUUOWTM=SUM(CPUTM,CPUMQMTM);            
   Thanks to Rick Southby, Insurance Australia Group, AUSTRALIA.        
Change 32.013  Create $PLOTCHAR to map one character from SYSTEM name to
VMXGPLCH       be used as the "Z-AXIS", the third position variable, in 
Jan 28, 2014   PLOT statements so each point is identified to SYSTEM.   
                PROC PLOT DATA=PDB.YOURS;                               
                PLOT X*Y=SYSTEM;                                        
                FORMAT SYSTEM $PLOTCHAR.;  <== add in your report code  
                An example in comments shows how to store the formatted 
                value back into SYSTEM, so that your existing reports do
                not need to have that FORMAT statement inserted.        
   Thanks to Sam Bass, McLane Co., USA.                                 
Change 32.012  Many new spurious MXGWARN: DATASET xxx.yyy DOES NOT EXIST
VGETOBS        messages (BUILDPDB for ALL of the PDB.CICxx statistics   
Jan 28, 2014   datasets read to create CICINTRV, i.e. where VMXGWORL    
               calls VGETOBS first for PDB and then for WORK to find the
               "_L" or "_W" location) are printed after Change 31.180,  
               because VGETOBS did not test for NOEXIMSG=YES in line 282
               causing the unwanted warning to be printed.  Now correct.
   Thanks to Carol Arnold, Brown Brothers Harriman & Co, USA.           
Change 32.011  MXG 31.31-31.06. USER ABEND 1950  CICSTRAN DOES NOT EXIST
Jan 28, 2014   not null the default _LCICTRN DDNAME value of CICSTRAN   
               before it called VMXGUOW.  Previously, when VMXGUOW then 
               called VGETOBS to test for the existence of the CICSTRAN 
               libname, there was only a warning message, and as it was 
               never actually referenced, PDB.ASUMUOWT was created fine.
               In Change 31.180, VGETOBS was changed to USER ABEND 1950 
               so that you cannot overlook it, when you ask MXG to use  
               a non-existent LIBNAME.                                  
               The correction in ASUMUOWT: add  MACRO _LCICTRN _NULL_ ; 
               in the existing %LET MACKEEP= redefinitions, but you can 
               circumvent for ASUMUOWT just by adding a temp //CICSTRAN.
               This was missed in my QA because all ASUMUOWT tests just 
               happened to also have a CICSTRAN LIBNAME allocated.      
   Thanks to Frank Lund, EVRY AS, NORWAY.                               
Change 32.010  IBM APAR OA43921/OA44049 cause MXGTMNT ABEND 0E0 RC28.   
ASMTAPEE       This is ML-52 level MXG Tape Mount Monitor.  With those  
Jan 28, 2014   APARs, on a z/OS 1.13 system, after return from MCSOPMSG,
               Master Console Service, register AR15 returns non-zero,  
               not previously observed, nor expected, nor protected, but
               because MXGTMNT is in AR mode, it fails with ABEND 0E0.  
               MXGTMNT Starts and Shutdown with these messages:         
                 IEA630I OPERATOR MXGC0004 NOW ACTIVE, SYSTEM=SYSX,     
                 MXGC009E Unrecoverable error in Allocation Recovery    
                          Monitor, function is terminated.              
                 MXGC008E Recoverable abend limit reached, monitor      
                          extension subtask is terminated.              
               Register AR15 is now cleared in ML-52, now that we know  
               we need to!                                              
   Thanks to Warren Cravey, Fidelity Institutional, USA.                
   Thanks to Chuck Laurent, Fidelity Institutional, USA.                
Change 32.009 -RMF III Enhancements, Fixes, and Notes                   
ASMRMFV       -FROMDATE=/TODATE= and FROMTIME=/TOTIME= date and time    
ADOCRMFV       selection parameters now have better error detection     
Feb  2,2014    and diagnostics.  Error messages include more detail     
               about what the specific error was.                       
              -FROMDATE=/TODATE= now support Gregorian style dates in   
               the format of FROMDATE= or TODATE= ddmmmyyyy where dd is 
               the day of the month, mmm is a 3 character month name,   
               and yyyy is a 4 digit year.                              
              -Also supported are the following Gregorian style date    
               formats for usability and flexibility: ddmmmyyy, ddmmmyy,
               ddmmmy, ddmmm, and mmm                                   
              -For yyy, yy, and y years 2000 is added to create the     
               year.  When no year is present the current year is used. 
               When no day of the month is present the first day of the 
               month is used.  mmm must always be present and cannot    
               further be shortened.                                    
              -Also supported are the following Gregorian style date    
               formats so that a leading dd day of month zero is not    
               required for days 1-9 of a month: dmmmyyyy, dmmmyyy,     
               dmmmyy, dmmmy, and dmmm.                                 
              -NOTE: Gregorian style dates are validated so that the dd 
               value does not exceed the number of possible days in the 
               month.  29FEB is only allowed for leap years.            
              -NOTE: Similar to Julian style dates, YYYY366 is also     
               only allowed for leap years.                             
              -NOTE: ASMRMFV supports dates from 2000.001 January 1,    
               2000 through and including 2042.259 September 16, 2042.  
               Dates outside this range will be flagged as errors.      
              -NOTE: On 2042.260 September 17, 2042 the 8 byte TOD clock
               will wrap just after 22:53:47.370495 as all bits will be 
               X'FF'.  If RMF Monitor III still exists at that time, IBM
               will need to use the Extended TOD clock or some other    
               mechanism for time stamps in this data.                  
              -Generic values for FROMDATE= and TODATE= such as         
               YESTERDAY and TODAY may now be shortened to as few       
               characters as desired even down to the single characters 
               Y and T.  Before the full length had to always be used   
               which was cumbersome.                                    
              -Processing routines for FROMDATE= and TODATE= are        
               combined into a single routine for better efficiency as  
               are the routines from FROMTIME= and TOTIME=.             
              -A second RMFV041I message is now displayed for each found
               VSAM data set when using the Dynamic Method.  It includes
               the VSAM data set type, volume serial, average and       
               maximum LRECL, Control Interval size, and Creation Date. 
               This is intended to allow better identification that the 
               correct RMF Monitor III VSAM data sets have been pattern 
               selected by this method.                                 
              -When message RMFV002I is displayed showing the JCL PARM= 
               field contents, the length of the PARM field is now      
               displayed.  There is a z/OS limit of 100 characters for  
               the PARM= field.  If you are nearing this limit consider 
               using the SYSIN DD file instead of or in addition to the 
               PARM= field.                                             
              -When execution environment messages RMFV001I are         
               displayed, there is now an additional message showing the
               last IPL date, time, and IPL volume serial.              
              -Parameter end processing was not validating that the     
               FROMDATE= value did not exceed the TODATE= value when    
               other errors had previously been detected.               
              -Parameter end processing was not validating that the     
               FROMTIME= value did not exceed the TOTIME= value when the
               same day had been selected and other errors had          
               previously been detected.                                
              -Documentation in the ASMRMFV source prologue and in the  
               ADOCRMFV member has been updated to discuss the new      
               Gregorian style formats for FROMDATE= and TODATE=.  More 
               examples are added also.                                 
              -REQUIREMENT: In order to receive these improvements the  
               current ASMRMFV utility program from this MXG change must
               be installed.  See MXG SOURCLIB member JCLASM3 for sample
               JCL for the assembly and link-edit install steps         
Change 32.008  Cosmetic.  The text in the file created by UTILBLDP that 
UTILBLDP       identifies the last change still had Change 30.115 after 
Jan 27, 2014   Change 31.276.  A new QA test compares the text with the 
               LAST UPDATED information in line 2 to detect mismatch.   
   Thanks to Clayton Buck, UNIGROUP, USA.                               
VMAC111        because line 659 should be SKIP=SKIP-16; instead of -8.  
Jan 27, 2014                                                            
   Thanks to Flemming Bramsen, SEMLER, DENMARK.                         
Change 32.006 -PDB.TAPES/PDB.ASUMTAPE variable BYTEWRIT for 3590 tapes  
VMAC21         could still be too small, after Change 31.244, when more 
Jan 26, 2014   than 64GB uncompressed bytes were written, i.e., when the
               count of 4K blocks written exceeds the 3-byte 'FFFFFF'x  
               maximum in SMF21BW.  When SMF21BW overflowed, MXG used   
               the compressed count in SMF21DBW when the uncompressed   
               count in SMF21DBW should have been stored instead.       
               The error can only impact DEVICE='3590'.  So far, only   
               SMF21BW has exceeded 64GB, but the error would also be in
               BYTEREAD if SMF21BR had overflowed.                      
              -Variables SMF21BWN & SMF21BRN are now kept in PDB.TAPES. 
   Thanks to Yves Cinq-Mars, IBM Global Services, CANADA.               
Change 32.005 -Support for ID=90 Subtype=35 SETLOAD XX IEASYM Command   
FORMATS        record, overlooked because it is not listed in subtypes  
VMAC90A        on page 734, and the documentation text was located after
EXTY9035       Subtype 33 instead of after Subtype 34 (and before 36).  
VMXGINIT      -Discovered when updating the ANALID $MGSMFID format to   
Jan 25, 2013   describe SMF record IDs 38, 85, 90, and 118 for ANALID.  
              -All MXG FORMAT'S VALUES ARE NOW COMMA-FREE, for ease in  
               exporting SAS datasets with formatted variables to EXCEL,
               since commas can't exist in CSV Comma Delimited files,   
               and blanks read just as well where there were commas.    
              -While far less likely to be exported, over time, I will  
               also replace all commas in the LABELs of MXG variables.  
Change 32.004  Cosmetic.  "Destructive" added to these variable's label:
VMAC116         WQGETA  ='MQGET*DESTRUCTIVE*(ANY)                       
Jan 23, 2014    WQGETS  ='MQGET*DESTRUCTIVE*(SPECIFIC)'                 
   Thanks to Pietro Rosella, Canadian National, CANADA                  
Change 32.003  OUTDATA= parameter added should you wish to preserve the 
ANALCOMP       output dataset created by ANALCOMP.                      
Jan 22, 2014                                                            
Change 32.002 -Support DB2 QWHC Header variable QWHCAACE Initiator ACE, 
VMACDB2H       added in DB2 V10 is now INPUT but only right four bytes  
Jan 22, 2014   are input, as all other ACE fields are 4-bytes and data  
               shows those are the populated bytes. Kept in all DB2 data
               sets that currently have QWHSACE from the QWHS header.   
               Logic to detect that QWHCAACE is present require revision
               because records with only QWHCAACE are created, although 
               the DB2 QWHC DSEC documents that both QWHCAACE and the   
               two 2-byte offsets for EUTX/EUWN were added.             
              -DB2 V10 increased QWHCEUTX Users Transaction Name length 
               from $32 to $128 and QWHCEUWN Users Workstation length   
               from $18 to $128, in two relocated "Truncated" segments. 
Change 32.001 -NTSMF objects TCPV4 and TCPV6 were INCORRECTLY output in 
VMACNTSM       dataset TCP versus the correct TCPV4 and TCPV6 datasets, 
Jan 21, 2014   causing apparent duplicate observations in TCP dataset,  
Jan 25, 2014   because the OBJECT=:'TCP' test should have been changed  
               to be OBJECT=:'TCP ' when the new TCPV4 and TCPV5 objects
               were supported (or the test for those longer object names
               should have preceded the shorter name.)                  
              -WEB SERVICE CACHE object, dataset WEBSRVCA new variables:
                 WBSCOUTH WBSCOUTM                                      
              -ASP.NET APPLICATIONS object, dataset ASPNETAP, new vars: 
   Thanks to Carl Levy, Boeing, USA.                                    
   Thanks to Kenneth R. Jallen, Boeing, USA.                            
LASTCHANGE: Version 32.