        MXG VERSION 37.37 is  dated Jan  6, 2020, thru Change 37.272.   
        MXG VERSION 37.09 was dated Dec 20, 2019, thru Change 37.268.   
EarlyA  MXG VERSION 37.09 was dated Dec 20, 2019, thru Change 37.267.   
        MXG VERSION 37.08 was dated Nov 26, 2019, thru Change 37.256.   
        MXG VERSION 37.07 was dated Oct 22, 2019, thru Change 37.239.   
Third   MXG VERSION 37.07 was dated Oct 14, 2019, thru Change 37.236.   
Second  MXG VERSION 37.07 was dated Oct 12, 2019, thru Change 37.235.   
First   MXG VERSION 37.07 was dated Oct  9, 2019, thru Change 37.234.   
        MXG VERSION 37.06 was dated Aug 30, 2019, thru Change 37.190.   
First   MXG VERSION 37.06 was dated Aug 22, 2019, thru Change 37.184.   
        MXG VERSION 37.05 was dated Jul  8, 2019, thru Change 37.154.   
Second  MXG VERSION 37.05 was dated Jul  6, 2019, thru Change 37.153.   
First   MXG VERSION 37.05 was dated Jul  5, 2019, thru Change 37.152.   
        MXG VERSION 37.04 was dated Jun  5, 2019, thru Change 37.124.   
        MXG VERSION 37.03 was dated Apr 19, 2019, thru Change 37.091.   
        MXG VERSION 37.02 was dated Mar 11, 2019, thru Change 37.057.   
Updated MXG VERSION 37.01 was dated Feb  3, 2019, thru Change 37.031.   
First   MXG VERSION 37.01 was dated Feb  1, 2019, thru Change 37.029.   
Annual  MXG Version 36.36 was dated Jan  4, 2019, thru Change 36.255.   
        The Last MXG Newsletter SIXTY-NINE was dated Jan  3, 2018.      
        New TECHNOTES for NEWSLTRS are now in CHANGESS.                 
Instructions for ftp download can be requested by using this form:                          
Your download instructions will be sent via return email.               
Contents of member CHANGES:                                             
I.    Current MXG Software Version 37.37 is available upon request.     
II.   SAS Version requirement information.                              
III.  WPS Version requirement information.                              
IV.   MXG Version Required for Hardware, Operating System Release, etc. 
V.    Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 37.37.                  
VI.   Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
VII.  Changes Log                                                       
  Member NEWSLTRS contains Technical Notes, especially APARs of interest
  and is updated with new notes frequently.  All Newsletters are online 
  at in the "Newsletters" frame, although there are  
  no new NEWSLTRS updates; they are now found in CHANGESS as TECHNOTEs. 
  Member CHANGES contains the changes made in the current MXG version.  
  Member CHANGESS contains all changes that have ever been made to MXG. 
  All MXG changes are also online at, in "Changes".  
I.  MXG VERSION 37.37 DATED Jan  6, 2020, THRU CHANGE 37.272.           
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 37.37, DATED Jan  6, 2020 THRU 37.272.     
  BUILDIMS 37.271  %BUILDIMS creates all possible IMS data plus report. 
  CONFIMXG 37.267  DO NOT USE ENCODING=EBCDIC1047, use OPEN_ED-1047.    
                   Data values are corrupted with EBCDIC1047.           
  ADOCABND 37.270  A TECHNOTE documenting recovery from MXG ABENDS,     
  TYPE71   37.269  TYPE71 variables SMF72PIS/POS now deaccumulated.,    
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 37.09, DATED Dec 20, 2019 THRU 37.268.     
  which is the z/OS default. EBCDIC1047 corrupts output SAS dataset.    
ABENDS CORRECTED                                                        
  TYPE42   37.261  SMF 42 Subtype 1 TYPE42DS INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED.  
  ASUMMSUS 37.265  ERROR PARM OPTNE NOT DEFINED, typo.                  
NEW SUPPORT                                                             
  TYPE99   37.264  SMF 99 Subtype 2 TYPE99_2 new variables added.       
  TYPEIMS  37.259  IMS SYNCPOINT Log Records IMS5937/5938 keeps all vars
  TYPEIDMS 37.260  IDMS dataset IDMSTAS USER Fields were misaligned.    
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 37.08, DATED Nov 26, 2019 THRU 37.256.     
  TYPE42   37.250  SMF 42 ABEND due to SRLEN=208, now all protected.    
  VMACSMF  37.249  Using FTP ACCESS from z/OS fails with JFCB issue.    
ERRORs CORRECTED                                                        
  TYPERMFV 37.246  Variables PCIFTET/PCIFTQT in ZRBPCI incorrect.       
  VMXGSUM  37.245  KEEPALL=NO with INCODE= could cause UNINIT message.  
  TYPE82   37.241  Several MG082xx formats had wrong hex value.         
  TYPE102  37.240  Variable QWP4STPGS=STASTPGSAMP/N/Y/S is now INPUT.   
NEW SUPPORT                                                             
  TYPE79   37.242  Support for BMC SMF 70 Subtype 255 creates TYPE70FF. 
  TYPE70PR 37.243  Vars SMF70LACM/LACA/LACB are now kept in TYPE70PR.   
  ASMRMFV  37.255  RMF III FDF support for PCIE and SCMG3 tables.       
  TECHNOTE 37.247  Example RACF analysis, why USERID was revoked.       
  TYPE119  37.244  Subtype 3 SMF 119 not written, USERID no SMF access. 
  DIFFROSC 37.256  New ROSCOE dataset ROSCOMON with all MONITORS.       
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 37.07, DATED Oct 22, 2019 THRU 37.239.     
ERROR CORRECTED                                                         
  TYPE113  37.239   Support for new SMF 113 CRYPTO17-20 for z/15,       
                    caused ABEND: ARRAY SUBSCRIPT OUT OF RANGE,         
                    only if HIS CRYPTO counters are enabled, and.       
                    only on z/15.                                       
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 37.07, DATED Oct 14, 2019 THRU 37.236.     
ERROR CORRECTED                                                         
  TYPE113  37.236   Support for new SMF 113 EXTND255-287 for z/15.      
                    Caused ABEND: ARRAY SUBSCRIPT OUT OF RANGE,         
                    only on z/15.                                       
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 37.07, DATED Oct 12, 2019 THRU 37.235.     
                   (only on ASCII) due to an extra comma in line 949.   
                   "ERROR:All positional parameters must precede ..."   
                   LIBNAME PDB NOT FOUND.                               
                   Remove that comma on line 949 in BLDSMPDB.           
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 37.07, DATED Oct  9, 2019 THRU 37.234.     
  ASUMMIPS 37.228  Warning message DURATM=INTERVAL conflict.            
  ANALMSUS 37.217  EXCELDEST not protected for length 0 Warning.        
  CICINTRV 37.210  Warning if CICINTRV INTERVAL requested can't be used.
  IMACICDB 37.200  Optional CICS DBCTL var STATCTM1 too large.          
  ASUMDB2A 37.199  Correct count of THREADS in DB2 ASUMDB2A/B/G/P/R.    
  TYPEBETA 37.198  BETA 93 Subtypes 12/17/30/31/55 are now output.      
  TYPEBE97 37.197  BETA 97 Subtype 51 did not input "New Area" fields.  
  BUILD005 37.195  PDB.PRINT only populated ACCOUNTn in first obs.      
  VMXGDSN  37.191  RMM/EDGR in VMXDSN had zero obs for TAPES/TAPEDSNS.  
  VMACEDGR 37.225  RMM/EDGR dataset EDGRXEXT RDPHYSIZE too small.       
NEW SUPPORT                                                             
  TYPESAPZ 37.222  Support for SAP Z Connector USER SMF record.         
  TYPE123A 37.221  Support for z/OS Connect EE SMF 123 Version 2.       
  TYPECADK 37.219  Support for CA-DISK/Sterling DMS DSINDEX file.       
  TYPEFOCU 37.215  Support for FOCUS Version 7.7 USER SMF Record.       
  TYPE80A  37.213  Support for RACF TYPE80TK TOKDANAM=AUTOLOGIN.        
  TYPE113  37.212  Support for z15 Processor SMF 113 RNI equation.      
  ASMRMFV  37.204  Support for RMF III CRYG3 and XCFG3 and more FDF.    
  TYPETLMS 37.192  Support for TLMS creates two new datasets.           
  TYPE0203 37.216  Support SMF Type 2 ST 1/2 GSIG/ISIG variable length. 
  TYPE42   37.194  TYPE42DS variables S42DSENT/DSCMT identify zEDC.     
  ANAL82AU 37.214  ANAL82AU combines SERV and USER obs for TYPE82AU.    
  VMXGALOC 37.224  Note if you added VMXGALOC to your IMACINIT.         
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 37.06, DATED AUG 30, 2019 THRU 37.190.     
 TYPEAAM  37.186   Support for IBM Tivoli Advanced Allocation SMF       
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 37.06, DATED AUG 22, 2019 THRU 37.184.     
  ASMRMFV  37.178  Possible S0C4 (37.05) or S0C7 (using FDF)            
  TYPE82   37.165  TYPE8201 variables SMF82ITE/CKD/LML/USR/PKD wrong.   
  TYPEBETA 37.160  BETA 93 610 (back level) subtype 40/49 wrong.        
  TYPE72GO 37.179  Variables METGOAL and PCTMETGOL were wrong.          
NEW SUPPORT                                                             
  TYPERMFV 37.167  z/OS 2.4 Updates for RMF MONITOR III datasets        
  TYPE74   37.166  z/OS 2.4 Updates for TYPE7402 dataset.               
  TYPE82   37.183  Support for SMF 82 new Audit TYPE82AU & subtypes.    
  TYPEMAR  37.181  Support for Hitachi MAR Mainframe Analytics 9.1      
  TYPEIMS  37.176  Support for IMS LOG TYPE '02'x.                      
  TYPE1415 37.172  Variable SMF14DEF='Y' if dataset is encrypted.       
  TYPE110  37.168  CICS "identity" variables not kept with UTILEXCL.    
  DODSCRDT 37.161  New z/OS-ONLY CREATDATE variable can be created.     
  ANALMSUS 37.157  MSU Consumption from TYPE89 and TYPE30 charts etc.   
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 37.05, DATED Jul  8, 2019 THRU 37.154.     
 TYPE110  37.154   SMF 110 Subtype 1 MNSEGCL=5 INPUT EXCEEDED error.    
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 37.05, DATED Jul  6, 2019 THRU 37.153.     
 TYPE120  37.153   SMF 120 Subtype 3 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED error.    
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 37.05, DATED Jul  5, 2019 THRU 37.153.     
FLASH: 37.144: MISSING PERIOD 2/3 OBS IN TYPE72GO MXG 36.07 or prior    
       after IBM RMF Maintenance for SCM and CRYPTO are applied.        
       There is NO ERROR with MXG 36.08 (Oct 2018) or later. See Text.  
NEW SUPPORT                                                             
  ANALMSUS 37.157  Powerful set of reports of SOFTWARE MSUs consumption.
  READRATE 37.142  New analysis of Read Rate MB/Sec reading SMF data.   
  TYPEVM   37.130  New VM Account datasets supported.                   
  TYPE42   37.135  Eight more invalid LENSR= TYPE42 subtype 5.          
  TYPE119  37.127  New variables in datasets TYP11902/TYP11994/TYP11995.
  TYPE123A 37.125  Variable/format changes z/OS Connect EE 3.0 SMF 123. 
  MXGSTEP  37.152  MXGSTEP tailoring identifies MXG executions.         
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 37.04, DATED Jun  5, 2019 THRU 37.124.     
ERRORS CORRECTED                                                        
  TYPENDM  37.113  NDM-CDI 24 byte short record INPUT EXCEEDED.         
  TYPETPX  37.107  Misaligned TPXETIME reported as 8a Oct 27, 1935.     
  TYPE102  37.100  DB2 zPARM T106S102 variables misaligned.             
NEW SUPPORT                                                             
  TYPEBETA 37.114  Support for updated BETA 93 V6R2 (INCOMPATIBLE).     
  TYPE7072 37.109  Support for z/OS 2.4 SMF Manual 04Mar19 changes.     
  TYPE120  37.105  Support for SMF 120 WAS and LIBERTY (COMPATIBLE).    
  TYPEIMS  37.103  Support for IMS Log Records 5607/5610/5904/5950.     
  TYPE110  37.102  Support for CICS/TS 5.5 new Statistics (COMPAT).     
  TYPE110  37.102  All _SCICxxx Statistic SORTS deaccumulate.           
  TYPE29   37.093  Support for IMS ODBM Accounting SMF 29 Subtype 1.    
  TYPETMPX 37.121  Support for ThruPut Manager Release 18.02 v7r1.0.    
  TYPEWSF  37.111  Final revisions for WSF/EOS WSFAUDIT AUDACT/OBJN.    
  BLDSMPDB 37.106  Updated features and documentation.                  
  TYPE7072 37.104  Variables CECSER/CPCMODEL added to TYPE72GO.         
  TYPECIMS 37.095  New variables in TYPEDBDS (IMF from BMC).            
  TECHNOTE 37.110  Difference between TYPExxxx and TYPSxxxx.            
  TECHNOTE 37.097  APAR OA65762 NEGATIVE SMF30_TIME z/OS 2.2 only.      
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 37.03, DATED Apr 19, 2019 THRU 37.091.     
ERRORS CORRECTED                                                        
  TYPE92   37.085  SMF 92 Subtype 52 INPUT EXCEEDED, TRSN doc 52 bytes. 
  TYPEVMXA 37.084  z/VM VXPRCAPM dataset vars CMB10C0-X4 wrong values.  
  TYPEBE97 37.080A Datasets BETA9706/BETA9706D were not output to PDB.  
  TYPE74   37.078  TYPE748S var R748SIID fmt $HEX4, no dupes now.       
  TYPE125  37.075  INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED, period missing.            
  TYPEDB2  37.074  QBSTBPIN always incorrectly calculated before DIF.   
  VMAC82   37.060  INPUT EXCEEDED SMF 82 ST 31, incorrect length.       
NEW SUPPORT                                                             
  TYPERMFV 37.067  Support for RMF III PCI/SCM/ZFX segments 4 datasets. 
  TYPEHSM  37.076  Support for HSM FSR Record, Unix filename added.     
  TYPE99   37.082  SMF 99 ST 12 Capacity Incr/Decr individual decodes.  
  ANALRMF3 37.068  CF Activity Report, Structure Level, in ANALRMF3.    
  TYPEDCOL 37.069  zEDC Compression type values revised DCOLDSET/DCOLDC.
  TYPE102  37.059  Final corrections for IFCIC 319 support.             
  TYPEXAM  37.081  Analyzing VPS USER dataset, must use INTORSUM='SU'.  
  TYPEWSF  37.083  Logic revised to use OBJT/ACT for Input choice.      
  TYPERMFV 37.080  SVPCNM and RPRTCLAS added to all RCD datasets.       
  TYPEBBMQ 37.073  UNEXPECTED RTIN messages, BBMQ Version 5.4 no change.
  ANALID   37.063  Report now shows 26.002 or 26.003 for JES2/JES3.     
  GRAFWLM  37.061  Bar charts of ZIP and ZIP Eligible added.            
  TYPE30   37.058  Cosmetic: Uninitialized variable CBPERROR no impact. 
  TECHNOTE 37.072  ODS Stat graphics procs use JAVA, memory intensive.  
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 37.02, DATED Mar 11, 2019 THRU 37.057.     
ERRORS CORRECTED                                                        
  TYPENDM  37.047  NDM-CDI dataset NDMCT var NDMCPU 256 times too large.
  READDB2  37.042  MXG 37.01.  Blank WANTONLY Cosmetic %SYSFUNC message 
  TYPE74   37.040  TYPE749 variable R7491DEFCOMPRATIO wrong value.      
  TYPE42   37.034  Two more ABENDS invalid SMF 42 LENSR 520/592 protect.
  TYPE74   37.032  TYPE749 z/EDC Divide by ZERO protection failed.      
  TYPE7072 37.044  BMC CMF VERSNRMF values 792 and 794 for z/OS 2.3.    
NEW SUPPORT                                                             
  TYPEDCOL 37.041  Support for APAR OA54897, DCDEXFLG not used FOR zEDC.
  MANY     37.037  Support for SMF Manual Changes in Jan 14, 2019 Doc.  
  TYPEAXW  37.033  Support for Axway V3.3.2 2018/06/27 restructure.     
  UTILMISS 37.053  Utility to remove all variables that are all missing.
  TYPEDB2  37.035  DB2 V12 overlooked Package variables in DB2ACCTP.    
  TYPE102  37.051  IFCID 319 new variables created and kept.            
  JCLPDBJB 37.048  Example "BUIDPDB" creates only JOB-related datasets. 
  TYPERMFV 37.055  CFACT Coupling Facility Structure Activity Report.   
  ANALMQ   37.039  MQ Reports replicating IBM's MQSMF program.          
  ANALHSM1 37.038  Combined TYPE6156+HSMFSRST report, thrashing pri-mig?
  TYPE70PR 37.046  SMF70BPS/SMF70ACS expanded for each engine type.     
  TECHNOTE 37.043  Executing MXG on ASCII, WORK needs to be local.      
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 37.01, DATED Feb  3, 2019 THRU 37.030.     
  ASMRMFV  37.030  ASMRMFV 36.12-37.01 NOZEROCPU filter didn't.         
                   Caused out of space condition.  Typically, NOZEROCPU 
                   filters out 3/4 of the ZRBASI records.               
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 37.01, DATED Feb  1, 2019 THRU 37.030.     
ABEND Avoidance                                                         
  TYPEVMXA 37.012  ABEND: ZVM MONWRITE NEW 40061802 Service Level.      
  TYPEVMXA 37.028  ABEND: ZVM MONWRITE new z/VM 7.1 (INCOMPAT).         
ERRORS CORRECTED                                                        
  TYPE92   37.002  TYPE9208 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED, manual wrong.     
  TYPERMFV 37.001  Some RMF III ZRBASI fields blank/wrong in 36.36.     
  TYPE119  37.003  TYP11952 SMF119ML_IP_IPV4 wrongly compressed TIRIP.  
  VMXGPRAL 37.006  Unbalanced parens in variable label, non fatal.      
  TYPE92   37.017  Many non-fatal corrections were made to type 92.     
  TYPEEDGR 37.015  RMM variable EDGRTIME had missing values.            
  ANALCNCR 37.013  New Concurrency example counts steps and tapes.      
NEW SUPPORT                                                             
  TYPEBETA 37.007  Support for Beta93 V6.2 Subtypes 1-3.                
  TYPE102  37.005  Support for DB2 102 Trace IFCID 404.                 
  TYPESTC  37.018  Support for STC HSC Subtype 32 and 33 new datasets.  
  TYPE26J2 37.026  Local SubSystem TYPE26J2 not output, SMF6SBS NE 2.   
  VMXGALOC 37.021  New parms YR2KEEP and BASEYEAR for Yearly PDB.       
  EMAIL    37.027  Example added to email SAS CondCode from ASCII SAS.  
  ANALID   37.016  New report showing total/min/max for each SYSTEM.    
  VMXGUOW  37.011  Enhanced for easy CICSTRAN-only PDB.ASUMUOW.         
  ANAL89   37.029  Reference line SMF70LAC (4HRAV) added to MSU plots.  
  TECHNOTE 37.004  Reading z/OS DATA with SAS FTP Access needs RCMD     
    Please read CHANGESS for the complete list of major enhancements.   
  See member NEWSLTRS or the Newsletters frame at for
  current MXG Technical Notes.                                          
  All of these enhancements are described in the Change Log, below.     
II.   SAS Version requirement information:                              
   SAS Versions                                                         
     The current version nomenclature is SAS 9.4 TS1M6 (9.4M6), "M6",   
     or "SAS 9.4 (9.04.01M6P110718)" if the OPTION VERSIONLONG is       
     Only on z/OS, SAS 9.4 "M5" requires MXG 35.36+ because it adds the 
     NOERRORSTOP option to protect all MXG PROC SQLs from the M5 defect 
     described in SAS Note 61672.  But SAS apparently does not plan for 
     a defect correction since the MXG Circumvention solves for MXG and 
     the text of 61672 simply describes the circumvention needed because
     MXG's use of OPTIONS OBS=0 without NOERRORSTOP exposed the defect. 
     See Change 35.309 for more details on using NOERRORSTOP for your   
     own PROC SQLs.                                                     
     SAS V9.4 M6 is RECOMMENDED, but MXG executes without error         
     using SAS Version 9.4 M0-M2 or M4-M6 or SAS Version 9.3 M0-M2.     
     SAS V9.4 M5 is REQUIRED with z/OS 2.3 with Eight-Byte USERIDs      
                for Interactive TSO (DMS) SAS Sessions. SAS Note 61339. 
     SAS V9.4 M3 is NOT RECOMMENDED.  See Change 36.128 SAS Note 61906  
                that reports 40% Increase in CPU time with M3.          
     SAS V9.4 (ALL) and SAS V9.3 (ALL) are at LEVEL A SAS Support.      
     SAS V9.3   SAS 9.3 TS1M2 was RECOMMENDED. SAS 9.3 TS1M1 works ok.  
                But SAS 9.3 at TS1M0, the HOT FIX for SAS Note SN-43828,
                see CHANGE 29.169, IS REQUIRED:                         
                  The %MACRO compiler error is in processing %LET       
                  statements. While only two MXG members failed         
                  repeatedly in MXG QA tests on z/OS, there were random 
                  %LET errors in ASCII QA tests, so ANY use of %LET     
                  statement on ANY platform are vulnerable to this      
                  error, as the %MACRO compiler is SAS portable code,   
                  used on all platforms.  So this is NOT just an MXG    
                  error, but impacts ALL SAS programs.                  
                SAS9.3 is LEVEL A support from SAS.                     
     SAS V9.2   Was recommended, prior to 9.3, and was error-free with  
                MXG 26.03 SAS Hot Fix for SAS Note 37166 is required to 
                use a VIEW with the MXG EXITCICS/CICSFIUE CICS/DB2      
                Decompression Infile Exit.  but SAS V9.2 does execute on
                that platform.                                          
                9.2 is LEVEL B Support from SAS, as of Sep 30, 2013.    
     SAS V9.1.3 on z/OS 1.10 requires SAS Hot Fix for SN-35332 and is at
                Support level C by SAS Institute, Sep 30, 2013.         
                SAS V9.1.3 is NOT supported by SAS on Windows SEVEN.    
                with SAS 8.2.                                           
                SAS 8.2 is Level C Support from SAS as of Dec 31, 2011. 
      JCL in MXGSAS94 or MXGSAS93 can be used, or MXGNAMES can be used  
      As documented in Change 27.356, for SAS V9.2 or later):           
      The standard SAS JCL Procedure can be used for MXG with SAS V9.2+ 
           // EXEC SAS,CONFIG='MXG.SOURCLIB(CONFIMXG)'                  
      But CONFIMXG is required for sites with NLS issues, and you must  
      use JCLCONFI to create/update the MXG.FORMATS catalog if you use  
      For no NLS, you can  use the MXGSAS94 JCL Procedure example.      
      MXG 26.03 thru MXG 36.11 will execute under the previously listed 
      SAS Versions on all supported platforms                           
      Unrelated to the above SAS Note/Hot Fix, ODS users will want to   
      use MXG 29.06+, because SAS V9.3 did expose incompatibilities in  
      MXG code for ODS reporting, that were fixed in MXG Version 29.06. 
      See Changes 29.159 and 29.169.                                    
      And, only for z/OS 1.10 with SAS V9.1.3 with ANY version of MXG,  
      the SAS Hot Fix for SN-35332 is REQUIRED (to be completely safe). 
        Without this Hot Fix, "LIBREF XXXXXXXX IS NOT ASSIGNED" errors  
        can occur even though //XXXXXXXX DD is a valid SAS Data Library.
        This error ONLY occurs with z/OS 1.10 and SAS V9.1.3; it does   
        NOT occur with SAS V9.2, nor with z/OS 1.9.  It can be          
        circumvented by adding a LIBNAME statement that specifies the   
        ENGINE name. See the Technical Note in Newsletters for SN-35332.
        Note that SAS V9.1.3 is now at "Level B" Support from SAS.      
      Old MXG code may continue to execute with SAS V8.2, but V8 is now 
      "Level C" support from SAS Institute, and there are known errors  
      in V8.2 that are only fixed in SAS V9.  I no longer QA with V8.2; 
      While many MXG programs (accidentally) will still execute under   
      V8.2, I cannot guarantee that all of MXG executes error free.     
      PLEASE INSTALL V9.2/V9.3/V9.4, TO AVOID FIXED PROBLEMS!           
         If you are absolutely stuck on V8, you need to copy MXG member 
         V8GETOBS into USERID.SOURCLIB and rename to VGETOBS.           
      MXG Software has not executed under SAS V6 in many years.         
      The "PDB" libraries (i.e., SAS data libraries) must be created by 
      SAS V8 or later, but any of those data libraries can be read or   
      updated by the SAS Versions that MXG Supports, above.             
      For SAS Version V9.3:                                             
        SAS 93 TS1M1 is RECOMMENDED; for TS1M0, SAS Hot Fix in SAS Note 
        SN43828 is REQUIRED.  See text of Change 29.159.                
        With SAS 93 TS1M1, (or TS1M0 with that Hot Fix) MXG Versions    
        26.03 or later execute under SAS V9.3 on all platforms.         
        SAS Data Libraries created by SAS V8.2, V9.1.3, V9.2, V9.3 and  
        SAS V9.4 are interchangeable and can be read/written by any of  
        those versions, provided they are on the same platform.         
          BUT: on ASCII, the 32-bit and 64-bit SAS versions are NOT the 
          same "platform" and attempting to read/use the FORMAT catalog 
          created on one of those "platforms" on the other "platform"   
          will error out to remind you of that difference!              
        SAS V9.4 did change some V9.3 ODS processing defaults and syntax
        that might cause errors with MXG 29.05 or earlier; MXG 29.06,   
        Change 29.160 documents the major revisions made in MXG to fully
        support ODS, and MXG 29.06 is STRONGLY recommended for ODS with 
        SAS V9.3 or SAS V9.4.                                           
      For (Archaic) SAS Version V9.2 (TS1M0):                           
        Big Picture: SAS Version V9.2 is COMPATIBLE with MXG Software.  
        On z/OS, SAS changed the DSNAMES for some of the SAS libraries, 
        so you do need to use the new MXGSAS92 JCL Procedure for MXG,   
        but it still uses the CONFIGV9 configuration file.              
        However, NEW, and documented in Change 27.356, with SAS V9.2+:  
          The standard SAS JCL Procedure can be used for MXG:           
             // EXEC SAS,CONFIG='MXG.SOURCLIB(CONFIMXG)'                
          instead of using the MXGSAS92 JCL Procedure example.          
        SAS Data Libraries are compatible for V8.2, V9.1.3, V9.2, V9.3, 
        and V9.4. "PDBs" can be read/written interchangeably between    
        these SAS versions.                                             
        MXG Versions 26.03+ do execute with SAS V9.2 with NO WARNINGS   
        and with NO ERRORS reported.                                    
          Pre-MXG 26.03, SAS Hot Fix F9BA07 was required to suppress a  
          new SAS V9.2 WARNING, that on z/OS, set CC=4 (condition/return
          code). That warning is harmless (to MXG code) and all MXG     
          created SAS datasets were correct, even with that warning.    
          The ONLY exposure was ONLY on z/OS, and ONLY if condition code
          tests are used in your MXG jobstreams.                        
        SAS Version 9.2 requires z/OS 1.7 or later, both officially as  
        documented by SAS Institute, and actually as V9.2 fails with 0C4
        under z/OS 1.4.                                                 
      For SAS V9.1.3 on z/OS with Service Pack 4:                       
        On z/OS 1.10, Hot Fix SN-35332 is REQUIRED.                     
        CONFIGV9 now specifies V9SEQ instead of V6SEQ.  As V6SEQ does   
        not support long length character variables, it can't be used.  
       SAS V9.1.3 with current Service Pack 4 is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED.  
       For (back-level!) SAS V9.1 or V9.1.2 on z/OS:                    
        SN-013514 is REQUIRED to be able to read datasets that were     
          created by V6SEQ (tape) engine.                               
        SN-012437 is REQUIRED to prevent creation of corrupt/unreadable 
          datasets with tape engines V7SEQ, V8SEQ, or V9SEQ.            
        Both fixes ARE included in SAS V9.1.3, but V9.1 or 9.1.2 is NOT 
          SAFE without those two hot fixes, and if you do NOT have those
          two fixes on 9.1 or 9.1.2, you MUST set V6SEQ in CONFIGV9.    
        With MXG 23.02 or later, V9SEQ is the default sequential engine 
        specified in CONFIGV9, but if you are back at SAS V9.1 or V9.1.2
        you MUST install the two hot fixes listed above.                
       For SAS Version 8.2, HotFix Bundle 82BX08 (or later) was required
         as an absolute minimum level when that SAS Version was last    
         supported by MXG Software.  PLEASE INSTALL SAS V9.x ASAP.      
       Sequential Engine Status:                                        
          V9SEQ was fixed in V9.1.3; it has been default in CONFIGV9.   
          V8SEQ was always safe under SAS V8.2, but it wasted CPU time  
            by always compressing when writing in tape format.          
          V6SEQ, if used under V9.1.2, requires SN-013514, but V6SEQ    
                 should no longer be used, as it does not support long  
                 length variables.                                      
      MXG QA tests are executed with V9.4, on z/OS, on Windows TEN and  
      Linux on 64-bit hardware, but MXG users execute MXG on MANY       
      (ALL??) SAS platforms, including AIX, Linux, and other 'nix'      
      variants, on many different hardware platforms, and since they all
      work we don't need to list them. If SAS executes so does MXG.     
      Prior QA tests have been run with all SAS releases available at   
      that time on Linux RH8 on Intel, on Solaris v2.8 on a Model V880, 
      and on HP-UX v11.11 model rp5470, confirming full compatibility.  
      MXG should execute under ALL SUPPORTED SAS VERSIONS on EVERY SAS  
      platform without errors! Each new MXG version is also tested with 
      the SAS ITSV/ITRM product by the ITRM developers.                 
III.  WPS Version requirement information:                              
      WPS Version 3.02 ( is required Change 34.266.  
         and other errors with 3.00 or 3.01 have been corrected in the  
         current WPS version.                                           
      WPS Version 3.01.1 maintenance level 731 required for PDB to tape 
      WPS Version 3.01 (also shows 3.1.1) is required for AUTOEZOS.     
      WPS Version 3.01  is required for MOBILWRK, PICTURE fails in 2.5. 
      WPS Version 3.01  executed MXG 32.03 BUILDPDB with no errors.     
      WPS Version 3.0   requires MXG 31.09 (see Change 31.251).         
      WPS Version 2.4   required MXG 27.09 (see Change 27.239).         
      WPS Version 2.3.5 required MXG 27.05.                             
      See NEWSLETTERS for WPS Support Statement.                        
      WPS prints this message ERROR: COULD NOT CREATE DATA SET "PDB.ID" 
      when the LIBNAME PDB does not exist; there would also have been a 
      prior log message  NOTE: Library PDB does not exist   as the clue.
IV.   MXG Version Required for Hardware, Operating System Release, etc. 
   MXG is usually NOT sensitive to z/OS Hardware changes, but:          
     The z15 did INCOMPATIBLY change the SMF 113 records by adding 32   
     new EXTEND and 4 CRYPTO counters, and those fields were supported  
     in MXG 37.07 dated Oct 22, 2019. The z/14 also INCOMPATIBLY changed
     the SMF 113 record, and that was supported way back in MXG 36.07.  
     The z/13 with 61+ LPARs requires MXG 32.05 IF NON-SMT MODE.        
     The z/EC12 with 85+ engines required MXG 30.07.                    
     Support for 255 engines was added in MXG 31.04.                    
     MXG 37.07 supports the new z/OS 2.4 SMF manual fields, COMPATIBLY. 
   The z13 processor INCOMPATIBLY CHANGED, the new SMT-MODE RMF 70, and 
   MXG 34.03 was REQUIRED (PCTCPUBY WRONG!), to read the SMT-format RMF 
   (which are written if you have zIIP engines AND have enabled the new 
   PROCVIEW CORE option for Multi-Threading, even if only one thread is 
   The new zEDC compression hardware requires MXG 33.07 to support the  
   new metrics.                                                         
   For z/VM, MXG REQUIRES MXG 33.02 to support the z/13 changes.        
    Availability dates for the IBM products and MXG version required for
    error-free processing of that product's data records:               
                                       Availability     MXG Version     
      Product Name                     Date              Required       
      MVS/ESA 4.1                      Oct 26, 1990         8.8         
      MVS/ESA 4.2                      Mar 29, 1991         9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.2.2                    Aug 15, 1991         9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.3                      Mar 23, 1993        10.10        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - compatibility    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - Goal Mode        May  3, 1995        13.01        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.0                    Jun 15, 1995        13.05        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.2                    Oct 19, 1995        13.09        
      OS/390  1.1.0                    Feb 22, 1996        14.01        
      OS/390  1.2.0                    Sep 30, 1996        14.05        
      OS/390  1.3.0 Compatibility Mode Mar 28, 1997        14.14        
      OS/390  1.3.0 WLM Goal Mode      Mar 28, 1997        15.02        
      OS/390  2.4.0                    Sep 28, 1997        15.06        
      OS/390  2.5.0                    Feb 24, 1998        15.06        
      OS/390  2.6.0                    Sep 24, 1998        16.04        
      OS/390  2.7.0                    Mar 26, 1999        16.09        
      OS/390  2.7.0 APAR OW41318       Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390  2.8.0                    Aug 24, 1999        16.09        
      OS/390  2.8.0 FICON/SHARK        Aug 24, 1999        17.08        
      OS/390  2.8.0 APAR OW41317       Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390  2.9.0                    Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390 2.10.0                    Sep 15, 2000        18.06        
      OS/390  PAV                      Oct 24, 2000        18.09        
      z/OS 1.1                         Mar 30, 2001        18.11        
      z/OS 1.1 on 2064s                Mar 30, 2001        19.01        
      z/OS 1.1 with correct MSU        Mar 30, 2001        19.02        
      z/OS 1.2                         Oct 31, 2001        19.04        
      z/OS 1.1,1.2 APARs to 78         Oct 31, 2001        19.05        
      z/OS 1.2+ APAR OW52227           Apr 26, 2002        20.02        
      z/OS 1.3+ APAR OW52227           Apr 26, 2002        20.02        
      z/OS 1.2 JESNR Z2 MODE           Apr 26, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.3 JESNR Z2 MODE           Apr 26, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.4 Tolerate                Sep 27, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.4 Support                 Sep 27, 2002        20.06        
      z/OS 1.4 Over 16 CPUs/LPARs      May 29, 2003        21.02        
      z/OS 1.4 DFSMS/rmm, RACF         Aug 29, 2003        21.04        
      z/OS 1.5                         Mar 31, 2004        21.21        
      z/OS IRD ASUM70PR/ASUMCEC        Sep 22, 2003       *24.10        
      z/OS IRD TYPE70PR                Mar 11, 2004       *24.10        
      z/OS IRD TYPE70,RMFINTRV         Mar 22, 2002       *24.10        
      z/OS 1.6 - No IFAs               Sep 30, 2004       *22.09        
      z/OS 1.6 - With IFAs             Sep 30, 2004       *22.11        
      z/OS 1.7 (COMPATIBLE CHANGES)    Sep 30, 2005       *24.10        
      z/OS 1.7 (SPLIT70 CORRECTION)    Sep 30, 2005       *24.10        
      z/OS IFA data in RMF 79s         Sep 30, 2005        23.10        
      z/OS 1.8 - ASMTAPEE assembly     Sep 30, 2005       *25.03        
      z/OS 1.8 - SMF 119 INCOMPAT      Sep 30, 2005       *25.06        
      z/OS More than 32 LPARs          Jan 30, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS SPLIT RMF 70 records        Jan 30, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS Dupe SYSTEMs in a SYSPLEX   Jan 30, 2006       *24.02        
      z/OS IRD errors corrected        May 15, 2006        24.03        
      z/OS ASUMCEC errors corrected    May 15, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS ASUM70LP errors corrected   Jun 13, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS zIIP Processor Support      Jun 22, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS Dedicated zIIP Support      Mar  8, 2008       *26.01        
      z/OS Dedicated zAAP Support      Mar  8, 2008        26.01        
      z/OS 1.8 (COMPATIBLE CHANGES)    Sep 20, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS 1.9 (INCOMPAT, 54 CPs)      Sep 27, 2007        25.10        
      z/OS 1.9 MXGTMNT at ML-39 reASM  Sep 27, 2007        25.10        
      z/OS new z10 variables           Mar  5, 2008        26.01        
      z/OS 1.8 With HiperDispatch      Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.9 With HiperDispatch      Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.10 (INCOMPAT, MXG code)   Sep 15, 2008        26.07        
      z/OS 1.10 With HiperDispatch     Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.10 RMF III, SMF 119       Jul 20, 2009        27.05        
      z/OS 1.11                        Sep  2, 2009        27.08        
      z/OS 1.11 New 30 variables       Apr 14, 2010       *28.02        
      z/OS 1.12                        Aug 17, 2010       *28.05        
      z/OS 1.12 SMF 85 Subtype 79      Aug 17, 2010       *29.03        
      z/OS 1.12 VMGUEST option         Aug 17, 2010       *29.06        
      z/OS 1.13                        Sep 30, 2011        29.03        
      z/OS 1.13 - MXGTMNT only         Dec 15, 2011        29.08        
      z/OS 1.13 SMF 119 ST 6 INCOMPAT  Feb  7, 2012        30.01        
      z/OS 2.1  - Most Records support Jul 23, 2013        30.05        
      z/OS 2.1  - ID=0 ERROR MESSAGE   Jul 23, 2013        31.07        
      z/OS 2.1  - ID=85 INCOMPAT       Jul 23, 2013        32.03        
      z/OS 2.1  - ID=70 SMF70CPA       Jul 23, 2013        32.03        
      z/OS 2.1  - INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED ERROR SMF 74    33.10        
      z/OS 2.2  COMPATIBLE CH 33.189   Aug 19, 2015        33.08        
      z/OS 2.2 MXGTMNT ABEND S0E0-28   Sep 15, 2015        33.09        
               REQUIRES ASMTAPE ML-55  Sep 15, 2015        33.09        
      z/OS 2.2 OAM SMF 85 ABEND 33.067 Apr  5, 2016        34.02        
      z/OS 2.2 SPLIT 73, ABEND 33.068  Apr  5, 2016        34.02        
      z/OS 2.2 JES2 8-char JOBCLASS    Oct  7, 2016        34.07        
      z/OS 2.2 NEW SMF 124 IOS Spvr    Oct  7, 2016        34.07        
      z/OS 2.3 Many new variables      Sep 24, 2017 35.166 35.09*       
      z/OS 2.3 RMF III Support         Sep 24, 2017 35.190 35.09*       
      z/OS 2.3 type 2 st 2 STOPOVER    Sep 24, 2017 35.190 35.09*       
      z/OS 2.3 type 90 st 38 STOPOVER  Sep 24, 2017 35.199 35.09*       
      z/OS 2.4 Compatible from SMF Manual Sep 2019 37.166  37.07.       
      z990 CPUs - CPUTYPE '2084'x      Aug 25, 2003        21.04        
      z890 CPUs - CPUTYPE '2086'x      Jun 24, 2004        22.07        
      z9   CPUs - CPUTYPE '2094'x      Jul 20, 2005       *24.24        
      z9EC CPUs - CPUTYPE '2094'x:                                      
             with 64-bit z/OS - no change required        *24.24        
             with 32-bit z/OS only:    Aug 26, 2006        24.06        
      z9BC CPUs - CPUTYPE '2096'x:                                      
             with 64-bit z/OS - no change required         24.01        
             with 32-bit z/OS only:    Jul 27, 2006       *24.24        
      z10  CPUs - CPUTYPE '2097'x      Dec  7, 2008        25.11        
      z10  HiperDispatch/Parked Time   Mar  3, 2008       *26.10        
      z196 (INCOMPAT IF GT 64 ENG)     Aug 17, 2010        28.05        
      zEC12                            Nov 14, 2012        30.07        
      z13   non-SMT Mode               May 27, 2014        32.05        
      z13   SMT Mode Change 33.217     Sep 15, 2015       *33.09        
      z13   SMT Mode NRZIPCPU 34.106   May 10, 2016        34.03        
      z13   SMT MT=2 CPUZIPTM TYPE70   Mar 21, 2016        35.03        
      z14   SMF 113 INCOMPAT, ABEND    Oct  2, 2017        35.11        
      z14   113 LPARBUSY missing value Aug  8, 2018        36.07        
      z14 ZR1 New SMF70MAXPU variable  May  8, 2018        36.04        
      z15   New SMF fields (COMPAT)    Oct 22, 2018        37.07        
      CICS/CTG V9 Transaction Gateway  ??  ??  2013        31.31        
      CICS/ESA 3.2                     Jun 28, 1991         9.9         
      CICS/ESA 3.3                     Mar 28, 1992        10.01        
      CICS/ESA 4.1                     Oct 27, 1994        13.09        
      CICS/ESA 5.1 aka CICS/TS V1R1    Sep 10, 1996        14.07        
      CICS-Transaction Server V1R1     Sep 10, 1996        14.07        
      CICS-TS V1R1 with APAR UN98309   Sep 15, 1997        15.06        
      CICS-TS V1R2  CICS/TS 1.2        Oct 27, 1997        15.06        
      CICS-TS V1R3  CICS/TS 1.3        Mar 15, 1999        17.04        
      CICS-TS V2R1  CICS/TS 2.1        Mar 15, 2001        18.11        
      CICS-TS V2R2  CICS/TS 2.2        Feb  9, 2002        19.19        
       CICSTRAN subtype 1 support only                    *19.19        
       CICSTRAN subtype 2 completed                       *19.08        
      CICS-TS V2R3  CICS?TS 2.3        Dec 19, 2003                     
       Using UTILEXCL to create IMACEXCL:                  21.04        
       Reading un-Excluded CICS with TYPE110, no IMACEXCL:*22.04        
      CICS-TS V2R3  CICS/TS 2.3        Aug 13, 2004        22.04        
      CICS-TS V3R1  CICS/TS 3.1        Jan 18, 2005        22.22        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 3.1     Mar 15, 2005                     
       Using UTILEXCL to create IMACEXCL:                  22.13        
       Reading un-Excluded CICS with TYPE110, no IMACEXCL: 22.22        
      CICS-TS V3R2  CICS/TS 3.2        Dec  6, 2007        25.11        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 3.2     Jun 29, 2007        25.03        
      CICS-TS/3.2 Compressed Records   Nov  3, 2007        25.11        
      CICS-TS/4.1 (CICSTRAN INCOMPAT)  Mar 13, 2009        27.01        
      CICS-TS/4.1 (STATISTICS ST=2)    Sep 18, 2009        27.08        
      CICS-TS/4.2 CICSTRAN/STATISTICS  Jun 24, 2011        29.03        
      CICS-TS/4.2 CICSRDS MNSEGCL=5    Jun 24, 2011       *29.05        
      CICS-TS/4.2 INVALID STID=116     Jan 31, 2012       *30.01        
      CICS-TS/5.1 (INCOMPATIBLE)       Dec 14, 2012       *30.08        
      CICS-TS/5.1 for valid TASZIP/ELG Jan 21, 2013       *30.30        
      CICS-TS/5.1 MNSEGCL=5 INCOMPAT   Jun 17, 2013       *31.03        
      CICS-TS/5.2 COMPATIBLE CICSTRAN  Jun 13, 2014       *31.03        
      CICS-TS/5.2 INCOMPAT Statistics  Jun 13, 2014       *32.03        
      CICS-TS/5.3 INCOMPAT CICSTRAN    Apr 29, 2015        33.04        
      CICS-TS/5.3 RESOURCE SEGCL=5     Sep 31, 2015        33.09        
      CICS-TS/5.3 CICSTRAN INCOMPATIBL Oct 29, 2015        33.11        
      CICS-TS/5.3 GA date              Dec 11, 2015        33.33        
      CICS-TS/5.3 MNSEGCL=5 INPUT ERR  Mar 21, 2016        34.02        
      CICS-TS/5.4 OPEN BETA  Aug       Aug 11, 2016        34.06        
      CICS-TS/5.4 OPEN BETA  Nov       Nov 11, 2016        34.09        
      CICS-TS/5.4 GA                   Jun 17, 2017        35.03        
      CICS-TS/5.5 GA (COMPAT)          Jan 29, 2018        37.01        
      DB2 2.3.0                        Oct 28, 1991        10.01        
      DB2 3.1.0                        Dec 17, 1993        13.02        
      DB2 4.1.0 Tolerate               Nov  7, 1995        13.07        
      DB2 4.1.0 Full support           Sep 11, 1996        14.07        
      DB2 5.1.0 Tolerate               Jun 27, 1997        14.14        
      DB2 5.1.0 Full support           Jun 27, 1997        15.02        
      DB2 6.1.0 initial support        Mar 15, 1999        16.09        
      DB2 6.1.0 all buffer pools       Mar 15, 1999        18.01        
      DB2 6.1.0 parallel DB2           Mar 15, 1999        19.19        
      DB2 7.1.0 parallel DB2           Mar 31, 2001        19.19        
      DB2 7.1.0 corrections            Mar 31, 2001        20.06        
      DB2 8.1 Tolerate, no packages    Mar 31, 2004        20.20        
      DB2 8.1 New Data Packages wrong  Mar 31, 2004        21.08        
      DB2 8.1 Support with Packages    Mar 31, 2004       *23.09        
      DB2 8.1 with all zIIP Variables  Sep 30, 2006        24.08        
      DB2 8.1 +PK47659                 Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      DB2 9.1 See Change 25.265.       Dec  7, 2007        25.11        
      DB2 9.1 Full Support +PK/56356   Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      DB2 10.1 Tolerate                Oct  1, 2010        28.06        
      DB2 10.1 New vars + Compressed   Nov  1, 2010       *28.07        
      DB2 10.1 Invalid Header pre APAR Jan 12, 2011       *28.28        
      DB2 10.1 IFCID=225 INCOMPAT      Sep 23, 2011       *29.07        
      DB2 10.1 QWHCCV for QWHCATYP=8   Oct  3, 2011       *30.07        
      DB2 10.1 DBID/OBID decode        Jan 21, 2013       *30.30        
      DB2 10.1 QLSTxxxx vars corrected Jun 21, 2013       *31.04        
               (ONLY IMPACTS DB2STATS)                                  
      DB2 11.1 TOLERATE DB2 V11.1      Jun 21, 2013        30.30        
      DB2 11.1 DB2STATS QLST CORRECT   Jun 21, 2013        31.04        
      DB2 11.1 SUPPORT NEW VARIABLES   Jun 21, 2013        31.08        
      DB2 11.1 IRLM NEW SEGMENT        Jun 21, 2013        32.10        
      DB2 12.1 COMPATIBLE              Oct  5, 2016        34.08        
      DB2 12.1 NETEZZA CORRECTIONS     Oct  5, 2016        34.08        
      DB2 12.1 QLAC INSERTS DB2ACCT    May 15, 2017        35.05*       
      DFSMS/MVS 1.1                    Mar 13, 1993        11.11        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.2                    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.3                    Dec 29, 1995        13.09        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.4                    Sep 28, 1997        15.04        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.4 HSM                Sep 23, 1998        16.04        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.5                    ??? ??, 1999        16.04        
      DFSORT SMF V1R5                  Mar  1, 2006        24.02        
      MQM 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4          Apr 25, 1996        14.02        
      MQ Series 1.2.0                  May 26, 1998        16.02        
      MQ Series 2.1.0                  Oct  2, 1999        17.07        
      MQ Series 5.2                    Dec 16, 2000        18.10        
      MQ Series 5.3                    Dec 16, 2002        21.05        
      MQ Series 6.0                    Feb 14, 2006        23.23        
      Websphere MQ Series 7.0          ??? ??, 2009       *28.06        
      Websphere MQ Series 7.1          MAR 12, 2011        29.03        
      Websphere MQ Series 8.0          Jun 24, 2011        29.05        
      Websphere MQ Series 9.1          Mar 20, 2017        35.03        
      NETVIEW 3.1 type 37              ??? ??, 1996        14.03        
      NPM 2.0                          Dec 17, 1993        12.03        
      NPM 2.2                          Aug 29, 1994        12.05        
      NPM 2.3                          ??? ??, 1996        15.08        
      NPM 2.4                          Nov 18, 1998        17.01        
      NPM 2.5                          Feb ??, 2000        18.02        
      NPM 2.6                          Nov ??, 2001        19.06        
      RMDS 2.1, 2.2                    Dec 12, 1995        12.12        
      RMDS 2.3                         Jan 31, 2002        19.11        
      TCP/IP 3.1                       Jun 12, 1995        12.12        
      TCP/IP 3.4                       Sep 22, 1998        16.04        
      WebSphere 5.0 APAR PQ7463        Aug 19, 2003        21.04        
      WebSphere 6.0                    Feb 18, 2006        23.23        
      WebSphere 7.0                    Oct  7, 2010        28.06        
      WebSphere 8.0                    Jul 17, 2011        29.05        
      DOS/VSE POWER V6.3.0             Dec 19, 1998        16.08        
      VM/ESA  2.0                      Dec 23, 1992        10.04        
      VM/ESA  2.1                      Jun 27, 1993        12.02        
      VM/ESA  2.2                      Nov 22, 1994        12.06        
      VM/ESA  2.3                      Jun  1, 1998        16.08        
      VM/ESA  2.4                      Mar  1, 2001        19.03        
      z/VM    3.1                      Mar  1, 2001        19.03        
      z/VM    3.1 DATABYTE=0           May  2, 2002        20.02        
      z/VM    4.2 ??                   May  2, 2002        20.02        
      z/VM    4.4                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      z/VM    5.1                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      z/VM    5.2                      Jan 22, 2006        24.01        
      z/VM    5.3 TOLERATE             Jun  7, 2007        25.05        
      z/VM    5.3 NEW VARIABLES        Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      z/VM    5.4 (COMPATIBLE)         Sep 12, 2008       *27.01        
      z/VM    6.1 (NO CHANGES)         Jul  7, 2008        27.01        
      z/VM    6.2                      Dec  2, 2011        29.04        
      z/VM    6.3 INCOMPATIBLE         Jul 23, 2013        31.05        
      z/VM    6.3 z/13                 Jan 23, 2016        33.33        
      z/VM    6.4 SYTLCK Incompat      Apr 26, 2016        34.04        
      z/VM    6.40061802 ABEND         Jan 17, 2019        37.02        
      z/VM    7.1        ABEND         Feb 14, 2019        37.02        
      IMS log 4.1                      Jul  4, 1994        12.02        
      IMS log 5.1                      Jun  9, 1996        14.05        
      IMS log 6.1                      ???  ?, 199?        20.03        
      IMS log 7.1                      ???  ?, 200?        20.03        
      IMS log 8.1                      May 21, 2003        21.02        
      IMS log 9.1                      Mar 96, 2004       *26.01        
      IMS log 10.1                     Mar 06, 2007       *26.01        
      IMS log 11.1                     Apr  1, 2010       *28.02        
      IMS log 12.1                     Jan 23, 2012       *29.29        
      IMS log 13.1 (NOT 56FA)          May 25, 2013        31.03        
      IMS log 13.1 (56FA RECORD)       May 27, 2014        32.05        
      IMS log 14.1 COMPATIBLE          Dec 19, 2015        33.07        
      IMS log 15.1 NO CHANGES          Mar  1, 2018        35.07        
      AS400 3.7.0                      Nov  1, 1996        15.01        
      AS400 4.1.0                      Dec 30, 1996        15.08        
      AS400 4.2.0                      Apr 27, 1998        16.02        
      AS400 4.4.0                      Sep 27, 1999        17.07        
      AS400 4.5.0                      Jul 27, 2000        18.07        
      AS400 5.2.0 - Most records       Jul 23, 2003        21.03        
      AS400 5.2.0 - QAPMMIOP           Jul 23, 2003        22.04        
      AS400 5.3.0                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      AS400 5.4.0                      Aug 26, 2006        24.06        
      AS400 6.1.0                      Jun 29, 2008        26.05        
    Note: Asterisk by the version number means the Version number       
          was changed (to the MXG version required), after an earlier   
          MXG version was listed as supporting this product release,    
          usually because an APAR modified the product's data records.  
          Or a coding error in MXG could be the reason for the change!  
    Availability dates for non-IBM products and MXG version required:   
                                                        MXG Version     
      Product Name                                       Required       
      Demand Technology                                                 
       NTSMF Version 1 Beta                                14.11        
       NTSMF Version 2.0                                   15.05        
       NTSMF Version 2.1                                   15.06        
       NTSMF Version 2.2                                   16.04        
       NTSMF Version 2.3                                   17.10        
       NTSMF 2.4.4                     Aug  9, 2002        20.04        
       NTSMF 2.4.5   INCOMPAT          Apr  1, 2003        21.02        
       NTSMF 2.4.7                     Sep 30, 2004        22.08        
       NTSMF 3.1.4                     Mar 15, 2009        27.01        
       NTSMF 4.0                       Mar 15, 2011        29.03        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 2                       13.06        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.0                     16.02        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.1                     20.04        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 4.0                     22.10        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 5.0                     30.02        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.2 -                      12.12        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.3 -                      15.01        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 2.0 -                      15.06        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.1 -                      20.04        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.2 - 20.335, 21.134       21.04        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.3 including CICS/TS 3.1  22.08        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.2 (almost all)           25.11        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.2 (almost all)           27.01        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.3 (for CICS/TS 4.1,4.2)  29.07        
       TMON/CICS 3.4 (for CICS/TS 5.1)               30.30-32.12        
        (Do not use 32.13,32.32,33.01,33.02,33.03 for 3.4)              
       TMON/CICS 3.4 (for CICS/TS 5.1 - Change 33.099)     33.04        
       TMON/CICS 4.0 (for CICS/TS 5.2 - Change 33.195)    *33.09        
       TMON/CICS 4.1 (for CICS/TS 5.3 - Change 34.257      34.08        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.3  -                      12.05        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.5  -                      12.05        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 2.0  -                      15.09        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 3.0  -                      19.19        
       TMON/MVS Version 4.4                                32.04        
       Omegamon for CICS V200 User SMF                     12.05        
       Omegamon for CICS V300 User SMF                     13.06        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 User SMF                     16.02        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 type 110 segments            16.02        
       Omegamon for CICS V500 User SMF                     18.01        
       Omegamon for IMS V110 (ITRF)                        12.12        
       Omegamon for IMS V300 (ITRF)                        14.04        
       Omegamon for IMS V550/V560 (ITRF)                   25.05        
       Omegamon for MVS V300                               13.05        
       Omegamon for MVS V400                               13.06        
       Omegamon for DB2 Version 2.1/2.2                    13.05        
       Omegamon for VTAM V160                              12.04A       
       Omegamon for VTAM V400                              15.15        
       Omegamon for VTAM V500                              18.08        
       Omegamon for SMS V100/V110                          12.03        
       ACF2 6.2 was 16.04 but ABEND, ACSMFREL=0 May 2018   36.05        
       ASTEX 2.1                                           14.04        
       IDMS 18                                             32.05        
       IDMS 19 (INCOMPAT after PTF R084146 Change 34.164)  33.05        
       NETSPY 4.7                                          14.03        
       NETSPY 5.0                                          14.03        
       NETSPY 5.2                                          16.05        
       NETSPY 5.3                                          18.03        
       NETSPY 6.0                                          20.10 20.305 
       NETSPY 7.0                                          20.10 20.305 
       SAR/VIEW R11                                        23.07 23.196 
      BMC, was Boole & Babbage                                          
       APPTUNE V11R2 SMF 102                               33.11 33.264 
       IMF 3.1 (for IMS 5.1)                               12.12        
       IMF 3.2 (for IMS 6.1 only)                          15.09        
       IMF 3.2 (for IMS 5.1 and 6.1+)                      16.04        
       IMF 3.3 (for IMS 7.1 and 8.1)                      *22.08        
       IMF 4.1 (for IMS 9.1)                              *26.02        
       IMF 4.4 (for IMS 9.1)                              *31.08        
       IMF 4.5 (for IMS 11.1)  (No change since 4.4)       31.08        
       IMF 4.6 a/k/a Mainview IMS                         *31.08        
       IMF 5.1 a/k/a Mainview IMS                         *34.01        
       IMF 5.2 a/k/a Mainview IMS                          34.01        
       IMF 5.3 a/k/a Mainview IMS                          35.03        
       Mainview for MQ Version 4.4                         29.03        
       Mainview for MQ Version 5.1                         30.02        
       Mainview for MQ Version 5.2, 5.3, 5.4               33.01        
       Mainview for CICS Version 6.5 (CICS/TS 5.1)         30.30        
       Mainview for CICS Version 6.4 (CICS/TS 4.2)         30.04        
       Mainview for CICS Version 6.1                       26.26        
       Mainview Auto Operator data file                    28.28        
       Mainview for DB2 THRDHIST file                      20.20        
       Mainview for TCP/IP                                 20.20        
       Mainview for IP                                     34.??        
       Mainview for Batch Optimizer                        19.19        
       LMS 3.1                                             12.12A       
      Oracle V9, V10                                       24.06        
       2.1                                                 33.05        
       1.4                                                 33.08        
       APAF 4.1, 4.3                                       16.08        
      Velocity Software                                                 
       XAMAP 3.4                                           22.10        
       XAMAP 3406                                          24.03        
       XAMAP 3.7                                           27.10        
       XAMAP 4.1   Now Renamed to ZVPS 4.1                 29.07        
       XVPS  4.2                                           31.06        
       ZVPS  5.4                                          *33.07        
V.    Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 37.37.                  
 1. Incompatibilities introduced in MXG 37.37:                          
  a- Changes in MXG architecture made between 37.37 and prior versions  
     that can introduce known incompatibilities.                        
 2. Installation and re-installation procedures are described in detail 
    in member INSTALL (which also lists common Error/Warning messages a 
    new user might encounter), and sample JCL is in member JCLINSTT for 
    SAS Version 9.                                                      
    MXG Definitions with regard to MXG Software Changes:                
    COMPATIBLE   A change in a data record which did not alter either   
    COMPAT       the location or the format of all of the previously-   
                 kept MXG variables is COMPATIBLE, and you can continue 
                 to run the old version of MXG software, which will read
                 the new records without error, but none of any new data
                 fields or any new record subtypes will be created/kept 
                 until you install the MXG Version with this change.    
    INCOMPAT     A change in a data record that causes the current MXG  
                 version to fail, visibly or invisibly, with or without 
                 error conditions or messages, and the output datasets  
                 may contain wrong values and incomplete observations,  
                 and/or observations may have been lost.                
                 You MUST install the new MXG Version with this change  
                 to process data records that have been INCOMPATIBLY    
                 changed by their vendor.                               
    TOLERATE     In other words, the old MXG Version TOLERATES the new  
                 data records, if they are COMPATIBLY changed.          
    EXPLOIT      Once you use the new MXG Version to read the changed   
                 records, all of the new fields, subtypes, etc, that are
                 described in this change will be created in the MXG    
                 datasets, so the new MXG Version EXPLOITS the new data,
                 and you have full support of the new data records.     
      An MXG Version never "expires" nor "goes out of Support".  When   
      you put in a new product/subsystem/Release/APAR that incompatibly 
      changed its records then you must install the current MXG Version 
      or at least be using the minimum level of MXG that is currently   
      documented in the preceding list in section IV.                   
     COSMETIC     Some Changes will start with COSMETIC.  This indicates
                  that that change only alters a displayed value or may 
                  be a spelling error in a label, but it is "cosmetic"  
                  in that it ONLY affected the display, and the output  
                  data sets created are NOT impacted by this change.    
VI.   Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
    MXG Documentation is now described in member DOCUMENT.              
    See also member INDEX, but it may be overwhelming.                  
VII.  Changes Log                                                       
--------------------------Changes Log---------------------------------  
 You MUST read each Change description to determine if a Change will    
 impact your site.  All changes have been made in this MXG Library.     
 Member CHANGES always identifies the actual version and release of     
 MXG Software that is contained in that library.                        
 The CHANGES selection on our homepage at            
 is always the most current information on MXG Software status,         
 and is frequently updated.                                             
 Important changes are also posted to the MXG-L ListServer, which is    
 also described by a selection on the homepage.  Please subscribe.      
 The actual code implementation of some changes in MXG SOURCLIB may be  
 different than described in the change text (which might have printed  
 only the critical part of the correction that need be made by users).  
 Scan each source member named in any impacting change for any comments 
 at the beginning of the member for additional documentation, since the 
 documentation of new datasets, variables, validation status, and notes,
 are often found in comments in the source members.                     
Alphabetical list of important changes in MXG 37.08 after MXG 36.36:    
  Member   Change    Description                                        
  ANAL82AU 37.214  ANAL82AU combines SERV and USER obs for TYPE82AU.    
  ANALCNCR 37.013  New Concurrency example counts steps and tapes.      
  ANALHSM1 37.038  Combined TYPE6156+HSMFSRST report, thrashing pri-mig?
  ANALID   37.016  New report showing total/min/max for each SYSTEM.    
  ANALID   37.063  Report now shows 26.002 or 26.003 for JES2/JES3.     
  ANALMQ   37.039  MQ Reports replicating IBM's MQSMF program.          
  ANALMSUS 37.136  Powerful set of reports of SOFTWARE MSUs consumption.
  ANALMSUS 37.157  MSU Consumption from TYPE89 and TYPE30 charts etc.   
  ANALMSUS 37.217  EXCELDEST not protected for length 0 Warning.        
  ANALRMF3 37.068  CF Activity Report, Structure Level, in ANALRMF3.    
  ASMRMFV  37.030  ASMRMFV 36.12-37.01 NOZEROCPU filter didn't.         
  ASMRMFV  37.178  Possible S0C4 (37.05) or S0C7 (using FDF)            
  ASMRMFV  37.204  Support for RMF III CRYG3 and XCFG3 and more FDF.    
  ASMRMFV  37.254  MXG 37.05-37.07 CPC parameter PARMS KEYWORD NULL     
  ASMRMFV  37.255  RMF III FDF support for PCIE and SCMG3 tables.       
  ASUMDB2A 37.199  Correct count of THREADS in DB2 ASUMDB2A/B/G/P/R.    
  ASUMMIPS 37.228  Warning message DURATM=INTERVAL conflict.            
  BLDSMPDB 37.106  Updated features and documentation.                  
  BUILD005 37.195  PDB.PRINT only populated ACCOUNTn in first obs.      
  CICINTRV 37.210  Warning if CICINTRV INTERVAL requested can't be used.
  DIFFROSC 37.256  New ROSCOE dataset ROSCOMON with all MONITORS.       
  DODSCRDT 37.161  New z/OS-ONLY CREATDATE variable can be created.     
  EMAIL    37.027  Example added to email SAS CondCode from ASCII SAS.  
  GRAFWLM  37.061  Bar charts of ZIP and ZIP eligible added.            
  IMACICDB 37.200  Optional CICS DBCTL var STATCTM1 too large.          
  JCLPDBJB 37.048  Example "BUIDPDB" creates only JOB-related datasets. 
  MANY     37.037  Support for SMF Manual Changes in Jan 14, 2019 Doc.  
  READDB2  37.042  MXG 37.01.  Blank WANTONLY Cosmetic %SYSFUNC message 
  TECHNOTE 37.004  Reading z/OS DATA with SAS FTP Access needs RCMD     
  TECHNOTE 37.043  Executing MXG on ASCII, WORK needs to be local.      
  TECHNOTE 37.072  ODS Stat graphics procs use JAVA, memory intensive.  
  TECHNOTE 37.097  APAR OA65762 NEGATIVE SMF30_TIME z/OS 2.2 only.      
  TECHNOTE 37.110  Difference between TYPExxxx and TYPSxxxx.            
  TECHNOTE 37.247  Example RACF analysis, why USERID was revoked.       
  TYPE0203 37.216  SMF Type 2 Subtypes 1/2 GSIG/ISIG variable length.   
  TYPE102  37.005  Support for DB2 102 Trace IFCID 404.                 
  TYPE102  37.051  IFCID 319 new variables created and kept.            
  TYPE102  37.059  Final corrections for IFCIC 319 support.             
  TYPE102  37.100  DB2 zPARM T106S102 variables misaligned.             
  TYPE102  37.240  Variable QWP4STPGS='STASTPGSAMP/N/Y/S is now INPUT.  
  TYPE110  37.102  All _SCICxxx Statistic SORTS deaccumulate.           
  TYPE110  37.102  Support for CICS/TS 5.5 new Statistics (COMPAT).     
  TYPE110  37.168  CICS "identity" variables not kept with UTILEXCL.    
  TYPE113  37.212  Support for z15 Processor SMF 113 RNI equation.      
  TYPE119  37.003  TYP11952 SMF119ML_IP_IPV4 wrongly compressed TIRIP.  
  TYPE119  37.127  New variables in datasets TYP11902/TYP11994/TYP11995.
  TYPE119  37.244  Subtype 3 SMF 119 not written, USERID no SMF access. 
  TYPE120  37.105  Support for SMF 120 WAS and LIBERTY (COMPATIBLE).    
  TYPE123A 37.125  Variable/format changes z/OS Connect EE 3.0 SMF 123. 
  TYPE123A 37.221  Support for z/OS Connect EE SMF 123 Version 2.       
  TYPE125  37.075  INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED, period missing.            
  TYPE1415 37.172  Variable SMF14DEF='Y' if dataset is encrypted.       
  TYPE26J2 37.026  Local SubSystem TYPE26J2 not output, SMF6SBS NE 2.   
  TYPE29   37.093  Support for IMS ODBM Accounting SMF 29 Subtype 1.    
  TYPE30   37.058  Cosmetic: Uninitialized variable CBPERROR no impact. 
  TYPE42   37.034  Two more invalid SMF 42 LENSR 520 and 592 added.     
  TYPE42   37.135  Eight more invalid LENSR= TYPE42 subtype 5.          
  TYPE42   37.194  TYPE42DS variables S42DSENT/DSCMT identify zEDC.     
  TYPE42   37.250  SMF 42 ABEND due to SRLEN=208, now all protected.    
  TYPE7072 37.044  BMC CMF VERSNRMF values 792 and 794 for z/OS 2.3.    
  TYPE7072 37.104  Variables CECSER/CPCMODEL added to TYPE72GO.         
  TYPE7072 37.109  Support for z/OS 2.4 SMF Manual 04Mar19 changes.     
  TYPE70PR 37.046  SMF70BPS/SMF70ACS expanded for each engine type.     
  TYPE70PR 37.243  Vars SMF70LACM/LACA/LACB are now kept in TYPE70PR.   
  TYPE72GO 37.179  Variables METGOAL and PCTMETGOL were wrong.          
  TYPE74   37.032  TYPE749 z/EDC Divide by ZERO protection failed.      
  TYPE74   37.040  TYPE749 variable R7491DEFCOMPRATIO wrong value.      
  TYPE74   37.078  TYPE748S var R748SIID fmt $HEX4, no dupes now.       
  TYPE74   37.166  z/OS 2.4 Updates for TYPE7402 dataset.               
  TYPE79   37.242  Support for BMC SMF 70 Subtype 255 creates TYPE70FF. 
  TYPE80A  37.213  Support for RACF TYPE80TK TOKDANAM=AUTOLOGIN.        
  TYPE82   37.060  INPUT EXCEEDED SMF 82 ST 31, incorrect length.       
  TYPE82   37.165  TYPE8201 variables SMF82ITE/CKD/LML/USR/PKD wrong.   
  TYPE82   37.183  Support for SMF 82 new Audit TYPE82AU dataset.       
  TYPE82   37.241  Several MG082xx formats had wrong hex value.         
  TYPE92   37.002  TYPE9208 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED, manual wrong.     
  TYPE92   37.017  Many non-fatal corrections were made to type 92.     
  TYPE92   37.085  SMF 92 Subtype 52 INPUT EXCEEDED, TRSN doc 52 bytes. 
  TYPE99   37.082  SMF 99 ST 12 Capacity Incr/Decr individual decodes.  
  TYPEAAM  37.186  Support for IBM Tivoli Advanced Allocation SMF       
  TYPEAXW  37.033  Support for Axway V3.3.2 2018/06/27 restructure.     
  TYPEBBMQ 37.073  UNEXPECTED RTIN messages, BBMQ Version 5.4 no change.
  TYPEBE97 37.080A Datasets BETA9706/BETA9706D were not output to PDB.  
  TYPEBE97 37.197  BETA 97 Subtype 51 did not input "New Area" fields.  
  TYPEBETA 37.007  Support for Beta93 V6.2 Subtypes 1-3.                
  TYPEBETA 37.007  Support for Beta93 Version 6.2 subtypes 2 and 3.     
  TYPEBETA 37.114  Support for updated BETA 93 V6R2 (INCOMPATIBLE).     
  TYPEBETA 37.160  BETA 93 610 (back level) subtype 40/49 wrong.        
  TYPEBETA 37.198  BETA 93 Subtypes 12/17/30/31/55 are now output.      
  TYPECADK 37.219  Support for CA-DISK/Sterling DMS DSINDEX file.       
  TYPECIMS 37.095  New variables in TYPEDBDS (IMF from BMC).            
  TYPEDB2  37.035  DB2 V12 overlooked Package variables in DB2ACCTP.    
  TYPEDB2  37.074  QBSTBPIN always incorrectly calculated before DIF.   
  TYPEDB2  37.251  DB2 Storage Contraction new vars DELTAAV0/AVA/AVB.   
  TYPEDCOL 37.041  Support for APAR OA54879, DCDEXFLG not used FOR zEDC.
  TYPEDCOL 37.069  zEDC Compression type values revised DCOLDSET/DCOLDC.
  TYPEEDGR 37.015  RMM variable EDGRTIME had missing values.            
  TYPEFOCU 37.215  Support for FOCUS Version 7.7 USER SMF Record.       
  TYPEHSM  37.076  Support for HSM FSR Record Unix filename added.      
  TYPEIMS  37.103  Support for IMS Log Records 5607/5610/5904/5950.     
  TYPEIMS  37.176  Support for IMS LOG TYPE '02'x.                      
  TYPEMAR  37.181  Support for Hitachi MAR Mainframe Analytics 9.1      
  TYPEMDM  37.015  RMM variable EDGRTIME had missing values.            
  TYPENDM  37.047  NDM-CDI dataset NDMCT var NDMCPU 256 times too large.
  TYPENDM  37.113  NDM-CDI 24 byte short record INPUT EXCEEDED.         
  TYPERMFV 37.001  Some RMF III ZRBASI fields blank/wrong in 36.36.     
  TYPERMFV 37.055  CFACT Coupling Facility Structure Activity Report.   
  TYPERMFV 37.067  Support for RMF III PCI/SCM/ZFX segments 4 datasets. 
  TYPERMFV 37.080  SVPCNM and RPRTCLAS added to all RCD datasets.       
  TYPERMFV 37.167  z/OS 2.4 Updates for RMF MONITOR III datasets        
  TYPERMFV 37.246  Variables PCIFTET/PCIFTQT in ZRBPCI incorrect.       
  TYPESAPZ 37.222  Support for SAP Z Connector USER SMF record.         
  TYPESTC  37.018  Support for STC HSC Subtype 32 and 33 new datasets.  
  TYPETLMS 37.192  Support for TLMS creates two new datasets.           
  TYPETPX  37.107  Misaligned TPXETIME reported as 8a Oct 27, 1935.     
  TYPEVM   37.130  New VM Account datasets supported.                   
  TYPEVMXA 37.012  ABEND: ZVM MONWRITE NEW 40061802 Service Level.      
  TYPEVMXA 37.028  Support for z/VM 7.1 (INCOMPAT, BROKEN CONTROL).     
  TYPEVMXA 37.084  z/VM VXPRCAPM dataset vars CMB10C0-X4 wrong values.  
  TYPEWSF  37.083  Logic revised to use OBJT/ACT for Input choice.      
  TYPEWSF  37.111  Final revisions for WSF/EOS WSFAUDIT AUDACT/OBJN.    
  TYPEXAM  37.081  Analyzing VPS USER dataset, must use INTORSUM='SU'.  
  UTILMISS 37.053  Utility to remove all variables that are all missing.
  VMACEDGR 37.225  RMM/EDGR dataset EDGRXEXT RDPHYSIZE too small.       
  VMACSMF  37.249  Using FTP ACCESS from z/OS fails with JFCB Issue.    
  VMXGALOC 37.021  New parms YR2KEEP and BASEYEAR for Yearly PDB.       
  VMXGALOC 37.224  Note if you added VMXGALOC to your IMACINIT.         
  VMXGDSN  37.191  RMM/EDGR in VMXDSN had zero obs for TAPES/TAPEDSNS.  
  VMXGOPTR 37.252  Restores ORIGINAL, used to always reset if changed.  
  VMXGPRAL 37.006  Unbalanced parens in variable label, non fatal.      
  VMXGSUM  37.245  KEEPALL=NO with INCODE= could cause UNINIT message.  
  VMXGUOW  37.011  Enhanced for each CICSTRAN-only PDB.ASUMUOW.         
  CONFIMXG 37.267  DO NOT USE ENCODING=EBCDIC1047, use OPEN_ED-1047.    
  ASUMMSUS 37.265  ERROR PARM OPTNE NOT DEFINED, typo.                  
  TYPE99   37.264  SMF 99 Subtype 2 TYPE99_2 new variables added.       
  TYPE42   37.261  SMF 42 Subtype 1 TYPE42DS INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED.  
  TYPEIDMS 37.260  IDMS dataset IDMSTAS USER Fields were misaligned.    
  TYPEIMS  37.259  IMS SYNCPOINT Log Records IMS5937/5938 keeps all vars
  See member CHANGESS for all changes ever made to MXG Software, or     
  the CHANGES frames at                             
Inverse chronological list of all Changes:                              
====== CHANGES THRU 37.272 WERE IN MXG 37.37 DATED Jan  6, 2020 ========
Change 37.272  If you did not specify EXCELDEST you could get WARNINGs: 
ANALMSUS         Argument 2 to macro function %SUBSTR is out of range   
Jan  5, 2020     Argument 3 to macro function %SUBSTR is out of range   
Change 37.271  %BUILDIMS can create all current MXG IMSLOG datasets and 
BUILDIMS       REPORT=YES (default) prints counts of bytes/records for  
FORMATS        each LSUBCODE; REPORT=ONLY will produce only the report. 
VMACCIMS       Not all IMS Log Records create MXG datasets; many records
VMACIMS        are for database recovery with no performance metrics,   
VMXGINIT       but support will be added upon request and test data.    
Jan  5, 2020     // EXEC MXGSASV9                                       
                 //IMSLOG DD DSN=YOUR.IMS.LOG.DATA,DISP=SHR             
                 //PDB    DD DSN=YOUR.IMS.PDB,DISP=(,CATLG),SPACE=....  
                 //SYSIN DD *                                           
                            WANT= F9 FA 56FA,                           
                            START= '01JAN2020:08:00:00'DT,              
                            END  = '01JAN2020:10:00:00'DT);             
               Note: REPORT=YES reports all IMS Log Records in input and
               is not impacted with WANT/START/END/IMSSYSTEM selections.
               See comments in member BUILDIMS for documentation.       
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC. USA.                                    
Change 37.270  A TECHNOTE documenting how to recover from MXG ABENDS.   
Jan  1, 2020                                                            
Change 37.269  TYPE71 variables SMF71PIS/SMF71POS, 4K TO/FROM SCM are   
VMAC71         accumulated fields, so they are correct only when TYPS71 
Dec 23, 2019   (or BUILDPDB) is used, since the deaccumulation is done  
               in the _STY71 Data Set Sort Macro, and will always be    
               missing values in the first obs from each SYSTEM.        
   Thanks to Graham Harris, RBS, ENGLAND.                               
====== CHANGES THRU 37.268 WERE IN MXG 37.09 DATED Dec 20, 2019 ========
Change 37.268  Variable SM116EVT in MQMACCTQ and MQMQUEUE datasets was  
VMAC116        not set for Task Terminated; test for '21'x was wrong and
Dec 20,2019    changed to four byte test for '200800000'x for Terminate 
               and '00080000'x for Initiate.                            
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWORKS, INC, USA.                           
====== CHANGES THRU 37.267 IN EARLY ADOPTER MXG 37.09 DATED Dec 20, 2019
Change 37.267  z/OS: ENCODING=EBCDIC1047 corrupts data;  OPEN_ED-1047 is
CONFIMXG       and has been REQUIRED for MXG, and is the z/OS Default.  
VMXGINIT       With ENCODING=EBCDIC1047 character variables with '15'x  
Dec 12, 2019   byte value are changed to '25'x, and byte values of '25'x
               are changed to '15'x! Those are the New Line & Line Feed 
               characters that swap.  You can display your options with:
                  PROC OPTIONS OPTION=ENCODING;                         
                  PROC OPTIONS OPTION=LOCALE;                           
                  PROC OPTIONS OPTION=NLSCOMPATMODE;                    
              -You can add an  ENCODING=OPEN_ED-1047  statement in your 
               CONFIGV9/CONFIMXG/CONFIGxx tailoring member, or you can  
               set with  // EXEC SAS94,OPTIONS='ENCODING=OPEN_ED-1047'  
              -Not only can character bit tests and formatted values be 
               wrong, some numeric TODSTAMP datetime fields are created 
               from character variables when shorter than 8-bytes, using
                Changing the second byte from '15'x to '25'x is 30 days.
              -VMXGINIT is enhanced to print error message if ENCODING  
               option is not OPEN_ED-1047.                              
              -And, OPEN_ED-1047 does work with NONLSCOMPATMODE, And SAS
               in 2016 without documenting it, said they were NOT going 
               to remove NLSCOMPATMODE nor NONLSCOMPATMODE options.     
              -If you depend on NLS characters, the CONFIMXG option was 
               created by SAS to support NLS sites, see that member.    
   Thanks to Andrew Gadsby, SAS UK, ENGLAND.                            
   Thanks to Andy Knight, SAS UK, ENGLAND.                              
   Thanks to Stephen Hoar, Lloyds Banking, ENGLAND.                     
   Thanks to Mark Tomlinson, Lloyds, ENGLAND                            
Change 37.266  Parameters DATETIME= and INTERVAL= were not specified in 
TRNDDB2P       VMXGSUM invocation, causing little or no summarization.  
Dec 11, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Marybeth Delphia, CPA.TEXAS.GOV, USA.                      
Change 37.265  If you did not specify PDBOUT the correct dataset(s)     
ANALMSUS       names were not generated.                                
Dec 11, 2019  -The use of substitution macros in IMACKEEP made ANALMSUS 
               fail if you tried to run it twice in a single SAS        
               session. Those affected macros are now nulled out.       
              -OPTIONS NOBYLINE was set but there were no BY values     
               in the TITLE statements - there are now.                 
               now correctly spelled as OPTNAME.                        
              -Eliminated a WARNING about SUBSTR out of range when      
               EXCELDEST was NULL.                                      
   Thanks to Jan Tielemans, KBC, BELGIUM                                
Change 37.264  SMF 99 Subtype 2 TYPE99_2 dataset did not input the many 
VMAC99         variables that had been added in z/OS 2.3.               
Dec 15, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Betty Wong, Bank of America, USA.                          
Change 37.263  READDB2 didn't create the T102SSSS and T102S000 datasets 
READDB2        when a numeric IFCID was in the IFCIDS= parameter. Now,  
Dec 10, 2019   it does unless T102SSS/T102000 are set to NO.            
               Logic to parse strings for each dataset was simplified   
               and relocated to a separate macro to simplify ongoing    
Change 37.262  Replaced by Change 37.271.                               
Jan  1, 2020                                                            
Change 37.261  TYPE42 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED subtype 6 due to a short 
VMAC42         S42DSSNL=72 segment when SMF manual had 80, probably due 
Dec  7, 2019   one of the APARs in Change 37.250.                       
              -Subtype 5, LENSR=208 records were deleted (Change 37.260)
               with log message, but now they are output and the extra  
               48 bytes are skipped.                                    
   Thanks to Richard Haynes, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas, USA.     
Change 37.260  IDMS dataset IDMSTAS fields were misaligned because the  
VMACIDMS       new variable TASBJBID was inserted in the record.        
Dec  6, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Paola Rosero, Government of Quebec, CANADA                 
Change 37.259  IMS SYNCPOINT Log Records IMS5937 and IMS5938 only kept a
VMACIMS        small number of variables, now all fields in the record  
Dec 16, 2019   are kept.                                                
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC. USA.                                    
Change 37.258  Earlier releases of the %SCAN function of the %MACRO     
READDB2        COMPILER returned the input string if there was only     
Dec  1, 2019   a single string for the delimiter that was used, which   
               required extra MXG logic to correct, and which could fail
               if AAAA was used, with no BBBB, and there was a CCCC but 
               no space between the two slashes, causing CCCC to be seen
               as the BBBB argument, raising a WORD2 macro error.  Now, 
               SAS returns the string correctly so the excess MXG logic 
               could be removed along with this (rare) exposure.        
              -If all you requested with WANTONLY was DB2ACCT DB2ACCTW  
               was also produced.                                       
   Thanks to Ervin Claxon, CSX, USA.                                    
Change 37.257  This member will work but is obsolete and has been       
TRNDRMFN       replaced by TRNDRMFI. The biggest difference is in the   
Nov 29, 2019   input dataset. This member uses PDB.RMFINTRV which would 
               only get a single days PDB as input while the TRNDRMFI   
               member uses WEEK.RMFINTRV which would be all of the days 
               of the week.                                             
   Thanks to Wayne Bell, UNIGROUP, USA.                                 
====== CHANGES THRU 37.256 WERE IN MXG 37.08 DATED Nov 26, 2019 ========
Change 37.256  ROSCOE new dataset PDB.ROSCOMON contains an observation  
DIFFROSC       for each of these MONITOR values:                        
Nov 19, 2019      ALL AMS ATT CON CPL DIS DSF ETS HEX IMP               
                  JCL LIB LOO OTH OUT PUR SOR UTI VTO ZAP               
               and variable MONITOR contains the monitor acronym.       
               The Monitors AUD AWS RPS SHU STA VPE are not included,   
               as they have always had a separate ROSCOxxx dataset.     
   Thanks to Linda S. Berkley, DISA, USA.                               
Change 37.255 -FDF support added for the RMF Monitor III PCIG3 (PCIE    
ADOCRMFV       Activity Data Table) and SCMG3 (Storage Class Memory Data
ASMRMFV        Table).  General ASMRMFV support for these tables already
Nov 19, 2019   existed.                                                 
              -Improved ASMRMFV FDF handling of 16 byte binary          
               Fields using Extended Floating Point arithmetic.         
              -Minor corrections made to ASI, CPD, GEI, OPD, SPG, and   
               SSHG3 FDF Variable Name Tables.                          
              -Main storage reduction made for FDF Alias and True       
               Name entries in Variable Name Tables.                    
              -FDF now uses only 1 pattern table for all character      
               Fieldnames instead of a pattern table for every character
               Fieldname when a user character pattern compare occurs.  
              -Message RMFV088I now shows XFP (Extended Floating Point) 
               tag for 16 byte quadword fields during FDF processing.   
              -Floating point fields were not always scaled by FDF      
               when required prior to comparisons to a user value.      
              -When the maximum 32K LRECL output length to RMFBSAM would
               be exceeded in PROCCPU, PROCCFI, and PROCRCD subroutines 
               the entire RMF III table will now be skipped. This should
               be a very rare event.                                    
              -Section 12 Messages updated in ADOCRMFV.                 
              -These documentation sections in member ADOCRMFV are      
               added for new FDF support:                               
                 40 Filtering The PCIG3 Table                           
                 41 Filtering The SCMG3 Table                           
               Remaining existing section numbers are incremented by 2. 
Change 37.254 -MXG 37.05-37.07.  When CPC parameter was specified,      
ASMRMFV        Message RMFV057I PARMS KEYWORD VALUE IS NULL printed     
Nov 16, 2019   and neither CPCDB nor CPUG3 tables were selected.        
              -PCIG3 table support was not checking the z/OS release.   
               Only z/OS 2.3 and higher releases are supported.         
               Inputting a PCI table from a lower release results in an 
               MXG build failure.  PCIG3 tables from older releases will
               now be ignored.  Applies to MXG Releases 37.03 and up.   
Change 37.253  Cosmetic.  Labels were blank for these variables/datasets
ASUM70PR       STCVSM32 variable SMLSSMF32                              
VMAC102        ASUMCEC  variable CPUICFTM                               
VMAC113        TYPE1131 EXTND22x variables had COUNTER 225 UNDEFINED    
VMAC120        FOCUSMSO variables FOCUMEMA,FOCUMEMB                     
VMAC26J2       TYPE26J2 variable SUBS                                   
VMAC82         TYPE82   variable SMF82_TAK_KEY_EVENT                    
VMACSTC        TYPE120  variable SMF1209HW                              
Nov 18, 2019   T102S106 variable QWO4ADM2-QWO4SADM                      
   Thanks to Chris Weston, SAS ITRM Development, USA.                   
Change 37.252  During QA testing we found that 250 members changed a    
VMXGOPTR       SAS system option but did not return that option to its  
MANY           original value, which could impact subsequent programs   
Nov 18, 2019   in that SAS job step or SAS Session.  Previously, with   
               NEWVALUE=ORIGINAL, VMXGOPTR reset the option to its      
               value PRIOR to the LAST VMXGOPTR invocation, but now     
               it is restored to the original value of the SAS Session  
               or batch STEP, and all 250 members now have pairs of     
               VMXGOPTR to change and to then reset options to their    
               ORIGINAL value.                                          
                 Example of use of VMXGOPTR with this change with the   
                 original option DSNFERR having value DSNFERR:          
                      this code executes with NODSNFERR                 
                      this code executes with NODSNFERR                 
                      subsequent code executes with DSNFERR.            
                 With the original VMXGOPTR, the subsequent code was    
                 executed with NODSNFERR, which was wrong.              
              -The report members also set TITLE and FOOTNOTEs to null  
               to prevent carry-forward for following program reports.  
Change 37.251  New DB2STATS variables DELTAAV0/AVA/ACB are negative when
VMACDB2        storage contraction starts, and the value is the number  
Nov  7, 2019   of pages needed. Values for Available, DBM1 and DIST are 
               created. IBM reports, with this ZPARM (xxxxxxxx) "AUTO", 
               contraction will begin when paging is detected and DB2   
               will try to bring a system to a point where paging is    
               minimal or non-existent.  DB2 will enter a full          
               contraction mode if 100% of REALSTORAGE_MAX is hit, when 
               message DSNS0003I is issued, and the discard will start, 
               if PM99575 is applied. DB2STATS variable QSST_RSMAX_WARN 
               counts the number of times the REALSTORAGE_MAX Warning   
               was reached in each interval.                            
   Thanks to Sieghart Seith, FICUCIA, GERMANY.                          
Change 37.250  SMF 42 Subtype 5 APAR OA52133 causes ABEND with LENSR=208
VMAC42         in SMF42SRL and a 208 byte segment, APAR OA54663 corrects
Nov  7, 2019   setting SMF42SRL=160 with only a 160 byte segment.  New  
               length was introduced by the usermod ++APAR for OA52133, 
               when it was still in development, and before OA54663.    
              -Below Change Text was insufficient to protect for 208,   
               and logic was completely revised in Change 37.261, 37.09.
                  To protect for future invalid lengths to avoid ABENDs,
                  MXG logic first tests for a delta of 160 bytes between
                  Storage Class Name fields and uses LENSR=160 if true, 
                  or the SMF42SRL value is tested for a valid delta, and
                  uses that value if true. Otherwise, the record is     
                  skipped with an MXGNOTE on the log.                   
   Thanks to Hiroshige Koshigoe, FTB CA, USA.                           
   Thanks to Sarel Swanepoel, SARS, SOUTH AFRICA.                       
Change 37.249A The FTP ACCESS method executing on z/OS to read z/OS data
CHCK4FTP       fails because the expected JFCB/DSCB tokens do not exist 
Nov 22, 2019   with the SAS FTP Access method.                          
              -Most MXG use of the FTP ACCESS method executes on ASCII  
               to read z/OS SMF data, which does not have this exposure.
              -There are two ways to use z/OS to z/OS ftp:              
               Using SMF as an example DDNAME/INFILE name:              
                 FILENAME SMF FTP "'MYSMFDATA'" HOST='IP ADDRESS'       
                    USER='USERNAME' PASS='PASSWORD' S370VBS LRECL=32760 
                    RCMD='SITE RDW';                                    
                 %LET MXGJFCB=;                                         
                 %LET MXGDSCB=;                                         
                 %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(BUILDPDB);                           
                 FILENAME SMF FTP "'MYSMFDATA'" HOST='IP ADDRESS'       
                    USER='USERNAME' PASS='PASSWORD' S370VBS LRECL=32760 
                    RCMD='SITE RDW';                                    
                 %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(BUILDPDB);                           
              -The %CHCK4FTP(DDNAME=yourdd); in example two validates   
               that that DDNAME is allocated and then detects the engine
               type, and for FTP, MXGJFCB and MXGDSCB macro variables   
               are blanked to prevent the JFCB/DSCB error.              
   Thanks to Mike Martin, NC State Employee's Credit Union, USA.        
Change 37.249  %DSCRDT now defaults to a null value and is enabled by   
DODSCRDT       using %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(DODSCRDT); in your //SYSIN.      
VMXGINIT      -These INFILE names can be enabled for these TYPExxxx:    
                  INFILE:  CONTROLT  DCOLLECT  EDGHSKP   RMFBSAM        
                 TYPExxxx  TYPETMS5  TYPEIMS                            
                  INFILE:  TMC       IMSLOG                             
               See change 37.161 for the original addition.             
Change 37.248  Unused Change Number.                                    
Nov  4, 2019                                                            
Change 37.247   Example analysis to track down why USERID was revoked.  
Nov  4, 2019                                                            
   SUMMARY: Userid for an inbound FTP process had the wrong password,   
   eventually userid was revoked, but the MVS RACF SYSLOG message was   
   misleading, as it was expected to be a VTAM LU, but it is the value  
   "A86CF325" in message that matches the RACFTERM:                     
   MVS SYSLOG excerpt                                                   
   MXG TYPE8001                                                         
    RACF*USER*NAME [RACFUSER] FCADOU4                                   
    RACF/VTAM*TERMINAL*NAME USED [RACFTERM] A86CF325                    
   MXG VMAC80A: INPUT   RACFTERM     $EBCDIC8.   /*@43 SMF80TRM*/       
   RACF MACROS and INTERFACES  Documentation                            
   SMF80TRM 8 EBCDIC Terminal ID of foreground user (zero if not avail) 
   MXG TYP11902                                                         
   CONNECTION*ESTABLISHMENT [TTSTIME] 26OCT2019:09:03:17.99             
   TIMEWAIT OR*LASTACK [TTETIME] 26OCT2019:09:03:18.22                  
   REMOTE*IPV6*ADDRESS [TTRIPV6] 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:FFFF:A86C:F325
   (matches RACFTERM from Type 80, and the MVS RACF ICH408I message)    
Change 37.246  Dataset ZRBPCI variables PCIFTET and PCIFTQT were input  
VMACRMFV       incorrectly as milliseconds (PIB8.3) units, but they are 
Oct 31, 2019   both microseconds (PIB8.6), with TIME13.3 print format.  
Change 37.245  If you KEEPALL=NO or %LET MXGKEEP=NO and your VMXGSUM    
VMXGSUM        invocation had an INCODE= you might have gotten an       
Oct 30, 2019   UNINIT message on one or more variables in the INCODE    
               that were not also referenced in one of the parameters.  
               This change modifies KEEPALL to YES if INCODE is used.   
Change 37.244  Observations from Subtype 3 SMF 119 records were not     
VMAC119        output because some of the Production UserIds did not    
Oct 30, 2019   have read access to the SMF unix Facility, which is      
               required for SMF record to be written.                   
   Thanks to Aslyona Bertneski, Express-Scripts, USA.                   
Change 37.243  Variables SMF70LACM SMF70LACA and SMF70LACB are now kept 
VMAC7072       in TYPE70PR dataset to aid in SCRT comparisons.  They    
Oct 28, 2019   have been in TYPE70 since Version 33.                    
   Thanks to Ken Deering, Compuware, USA.                               
Change 37.242  Support for BMC SMF79 Subtype 255 creates new dataset:   
EXTY79FF          DDDDDD   Dataset     Description                      
FORMATS           TY79FF   TYPE79FF    BMC SMF 79 SUBTYPE 255           
Oct 28, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 37.241  Several MG082xx format for SMF 82 records had wrong  hex 
FORMATS        value displayed, but the text description was correct.   
Oct 27, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Ron Rust, Worldpay, USA.                                   
Change 37.240  DB2 Variable QWP4STPGS='STATPGSAMP/N/Y/S' was not INPUT  
VMAC102        in T102S106 dataset.                                     
Oct 24, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Lai Fai Wong, Bank of America, USA.                        
====== CHANGES THRU 37.239 WERE IN MXG 37.07 DATED Oct 22, 2019 ========
Change 37.239  Support for z/15 SMF113 records new CRYPTO17-CRYPTO20    
Oct 22, 2019   only if you had enabled the HIS CRYPTO counters.         
   Thanks to Steven W Erkkila, USBANK, USA.                             
Change 37.238  Support for NDM-CDI 'S#' record type is now output in    
VMACNDM        existing NDMAE dataset.                                  
Oct 16, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Rob D'Andrea, Royal Bank of Scotland, ENGLAND.             
Change 37.237  Cosmetic. STARTIME syntax modified to eliminate notes    
ASUM42DS       from VMXGSUM internal invocation.                        
Oct 15, 2019                                                            
====== CHANGES THRU 37.236 WERE IN MXG 37.07 DATED Oct 14, 2019 ========
Change 37.236  Support for z/15 SMF 113 records new EXTEND256-EXTEND287 
ANALSIIS       counters, with corresponding ARRAY size increases, CAUSED
Oct 14, 2019   SORT order was corrected.                                
   Thanks to Tony Curry, BMC, USA.                                      
====== CHANGES THRU 37.235 WERE IN MXG 37.07 DATED Oct 12, 2019 ========
Change 37.235  CRITICAL ERROR if BLDSMPDB+VMXGALOC is used on ASCII.    
BLDSMPDB       An ending comma in line 949 of BLDSMPDB caused           
Oct 12, 2019   ERROR: All positional parameters must precede keyword.   
               Remove the comma in line 949 of BLDSMPDB.                
====== CHANGES THRU 37.234 WERE IN MXG 37.07 DATED Oct  9, 2019 ========
Change 37.234  DB2 variables added to DB2ACCT and DB2STATS datasets:    
VMACDB2          QXSTEHLST='EXECUTION*HISTORY.LOST'                     
Oct  8, 2019     QXSTHVLST='HV*RECORDING*HISTORY*LOST'                  
                 QXRFMIAP='RID*LIST*PROCESSING*NOT USED'                
   Thanks to Warren Cravey, Fidelity, USA.                              
Change 37.233  CICS variable ABCODE created by UTILEXCL was the concat  
Oct  8, 2019   eliminated the need for that statement, which caused     
             ERROR: The name ABCOD113§§ABCOD114 is not a valid SAS name 
               when UTILEXCL was run on Linux.  A track with SAS will be
               opened to resolve that error, because double exclamation 
               points are used 6900 times in MXG for concatenation, but 
               this code matches the VMAC110 code and should have been  
               there some time ago, just for consistency, but now for   
Change 37.232 -If CICS Dynamic Transaction Routing, DTR is used, the    
VMAC110        CICSTRAN has PROGRAM='########' which historically was   
VMXGINIT       ONLY used when there was an invalid transaction name     
Oct  9, 2019   typed in by the user, which caused many fields to be     
               missing values, so MXG instead output the transaction    
               to the CICSBAD dataset.  But now, if you enable DTR,     
               the observation count in CICSTRAN may drop dramatically  
               by the number of obs output in CICSBAD.  There does not  
               appear to be a flag that identifies DTR was used.        
               You will need to set                                     
                 %LET MXGCICSDTR=YES;                                   
               to cause MXG to output ALL transactions with '########'  
               values to CICSTRAN instead of to CICSBAD.                
              -The original test for CICSBAD also tested TRANFLAG for   
               a bit that indicated invalid times in the record, but    
               IBM removed that bit, so that bit test was removed.      
              -Changes 23.312 and 24.155 document PROGRAM='########';   
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWORKS, INC, USA.                           
Change 37.231  z/VM BROKEN CONTROL RECORD in IODVSW extended   
VMACVMXA       INPUT for SKIP GE 20 was missing the @ at the end.       
Oct  7, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Rob D'Andrea, Royal Bank of Scotland, ENGLAND.             
Change 37.230  If you specified DURATM=INTERVAL with INTERVAL= values of
VMXGSUM        TWOMIN THREEMIN or TWENTYMIN the DURATM was not created. 
Oct  6, 2019                                                            
Change 37.229  Doc only change - corrected spelling and syntax.         
Oct  5, 2019                                                            
Change 37.228 -Format $MGRMIPS is updated for the z/15 processor type   
ASUMMIPS       8561 to map the CPCFNAME ('8561-401') to the MIPS per MSU
FORMATS        value (267), used in ASUMMIPS and other 'MIPS' calcs.    
Oct  5, 2019  -Protection for CPCFNAME not found in $MGRMIPS format now 
               gracefully terminates with a message from ASUMMIPS.      
Change 37.227  QLACRLNU was not added to DB2ACCTB nor DB2ACCTG causing  
VMACDB2        UNINIT messages in ASUMDB2B and ASUMDB2G.                
Oct  4, 2019                                                            
Change 37.226  TYPE 120 dataset TY120100 variables SM120RULEXCALLS (was 
VMAC120        always -1) and SM120RULEXFSUM were in the wrong order in 
Oct  3, 2019   the INPUT statement.                                     
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, Inc., USA.                          
Change 37.225  RMM/EDGR dataset EDGRXEXT variable RDPHYSIZE was not     
VMACEDGR       multiplied by the RDFACTOR(KB/MB/GB) so it was too small.
Oct  1, 2019   The value was correct in the other EDGR datasets.        
   Thanks to Bradley Leis, TELUS, CANADA.                               
Change 37.224  If you correctly added VMXGALOC to your IMACINIT so that 
VMXGALOC       you would always have the current PDBs allocated to each 
BLDSMPDB       SAS/MXG session and changed the number of PDBs (daily,   
Oct  1, 2019   weekly, monthly, etc.) in BLDSMPDB you could possibly    
               wipe out old directories unintentionally. VMXGALOC now   
               detects that it has already run and unless the new       
               INVOKEBY= parameter is set to bldsmpdb sets the READONLY 
               parameter to YES to prevent deletion of old directories. 
               VMXGALOC in IMACINIT should always specify READONLY=YES  
               so this is only insurance that will produce and MXGWARN  
               message and set condition code 8.                        
Change 37.223  DB2 IFCID 376 variable QW0376SINR (statement count) was  
VMAC102        not kept in 8 bytes, causing small differences in the    
Sep 30, 2019   MXG value (222986880) vs IBM (222986962) = 82 smaller.   
               With stored length of 8 bytes, the values match.         
   Thanks to Warren Cravy, FMR, USA.                                    
Change 37.222  Support for SAP Z Connector USER SMF Record creates      
EXSAPZCO         DDDDDD   DATASET   DESCRIPTION                         
IMACSAPZ         SAPZCO   SAPXCO    SAP Z CONNECTOR                     
Sep 30, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Nestor D Rossi, BancoGalica, ARGENTINA.                    
Change 37.221  Reserved Change.                                         
Change 37.220  If you specified SYNC59=NO (the default) the intervals   
VMXGDUR        always landed (for example with INTERVAL=QTRHOUR) on the 
Sep 26, 2019   quarter at 0 15 30 45 minutes. If you wanted to keep the 
               actual intervals you would have needed to subtract 1     
               minute. VMXGDUR will now do that for you with the new    
               USE59 parameter. YES will subtract 60 seconds from the   
               calculated value and get the QTRHOUR back to 59 14 29 44 
               minutes. You can implement this globally be inserting in 
               IMACINIT: %LET SYNCTO59=YES;                             
               The purpose of SYNC59 was always to put the start of     
               intervals on the hour since that usually makes more sense
               on management reports and graphs. But if you choose to   
               use this on interval data without modifying the FLORCEIL 
               parameter to CEIL and you use SYNC59=NO you will be      
               getting the STARTIME of the prior interval rather than   
               the current interval since 12:59 with the FLORCEIL=FLOOR 
               set resolves to 12:45:                                   
               Examples using default of SYNC59=NO                      
               TIMESTMP=29AUG18:12:59:00 datetime=29AUG2018:12:45:00    
                 FLORCEIL=FLOOR USE59=YES                               
               TIMESTMP=29AUG18:12:59:00 datetime=29AUG2018:12:44:00    
               TIMESTMP=29AUG18:12:59:00 datetime=29AUG2018:13:00:00    
                 FLORCEIL=CEIL USE59=YES                                
               TIMESTMP=29AUG18:12:59:00 datetime=29AUG2018:12:59:00    
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 37.219  Support for CA-DISK/Sterling DMS file DSNINDEX.          
EXCAARCH       INFILE is CADISK, creates two new dataset:               
EXCADISK         DDDDDD  DATASET   DESCRIPTION                          
TYPECADK       -Invalid LEAP YEAR dates (year 2025, day 366) can't be   
TYPSCADK        set to a numeric value, variable DSNDS1EDLEAP will now  
VMACCADK        have the invalid date as character (2026366).           
OCT  2, 2019                                                            
OCT 30, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Pierre-Pascal Joulin, SOCGEN, FRANCE.                      
Change 37.218  DURATM=INTERVAL conflicted with DURATM in the SUM=       
ASUMMIPS       parameter which raised an MXGWARN message.  DURATM       
SEP 26, 2019   was removed from the SUM= list.                          
                MXGWARN: IN THE OUTPUT DATA IS:    0:15:00.00           
Change 37.217  A test of EXCELDEST was not protected for length of 0    
ANALMSUS       and generated a WARNING message but still ran albeit     
Sep 26, 2019   with condition code 4.                                   
   Thanks to Robert Sample, TOMY, USA.                                  
Change 37.216  SMF Type 2 Subtypes 1 and 2 fields SMF2GSIG and SMF1ISIG 
TYPE0203       were documented as 512 bytes long, but IBM updated their 
Sep 26, 2019   doc that they are variable length fields, so the INPUT   
               is revised to use the SMF2GSIGLEN and SMF2ISIGLEN fields 
               to input the variable length data.                       
Change 37.215  Updates for FOCUS USER SMF record changes version 7.7.   
ADOCFOCU      -VMACFOCU was changed to accommodate a change by IBI in   
FORMATS        their SMF records somewhere around version 7.7 of        
VMACFOCU       WebFOCUS (vendor support wasn't clear about when the     
Sep 25, 2019   change happened).                                        
Nov 14, 2019  -User ID fields were changed from 8 to 20 bytes and a     
               'security provider' value was prepended to each user ID  
               with a '\' as separator. These changes caused other      
               fields in the SMF record to be in different columns than 
               they were previously. Fields were also added for zIIP    
               time and zIIP-on-CP time.                                
              -There is no version field in the SMF record, so this code
               uses the record subtype and the length of the record to  
               determine which record format to use. There are four     
               subtypes - 1,2,4, and 5, which are Logon, Logoff, Begin  
               Query, and End Query, respectively. Old format records   
               are shorter than new format records, so the code checks  
               to see if a record is shorter than the new format, and if
               it is, uses the old format. Older format records will    
               have missing or blank values for old variables that no   
               longer exist in the new records.                         
              -Each user ID variable (Logon User ID, Security User ID,  
               Pooled User ID) now has a corresponding security provider
               variable. The provider will be blank if an older format  
               record was used.                                         
              -zIIP time and zIIP-on-CP time variables are normalized,  
               according to the vendor. We are not sure of the accuracy 
               of these fields, and would not count on them for serious 
              -Members ADOCFOCU and VMACFOCU were changed to reflect    
               these changes. Some labels were changed to reflect that  
               these records are produced by the vendor's WebFOCUS      
               product in addition to the FOCUS MSO (Multi-System       
               Option). In addition two new values are added in the     
               new MGFOCTY format to reflect subtypes 4 (Begin Query)   
               and 5 (End Query).                                       
   Thanks to Tim Hare, Hare Systems, USA.                               
Change 37.214  ANAL82AU combines the separate SERV and USER observations
ANAL82AU       into one observation with two sets of variable names.    
Sep 25, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Alexander Bitter, Worldpay, USA.                           
   Thanks to Rib Rust, Worldpay, USA.                                   
   Thanks to Brian Bowling, Worldpay, USA.                              
Change 37.213  Support for RACF 80A TOKDANAM=AUTOLOGIN creates new      
VMAC80A        variable TOKAUTOLOGIN in TYPE80TK dataset.               
Sep 24, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Andrew Krink, Northern Territory Government, AUSTRALIA.    
Change 37.212  Support for z15 processor SMF 113 RNI equation changed to
ASUM113            RNI=2.9*(0.45*L3P+1.5*L4LP+3.2*L4RP+6.5*MEMP)/100;   
Sep 23, 2019                                                            
Change 37.211  Updates to TYPERMFV.                                     
IMACRMFV      -Variable PCIFTYPHEX added to ZRBPCI dataset.             
VMACRMFV      -Support for XCFG3 segment creates three datasets         
Oct  2, 2019   that contain the same data as RMF I XCF records:         
                 DDDDDD   DATASET   DESCRIPTION         SAME DATA       
                 ZRBXCG   ZRBXCG    RMF III XCF GROUP   TYPE74ME        
                 ZRBXCP   ZRBXCP    RMF III XCF PATH    TYPE74PA        
                 ZRBXCS   ZRBXCS    RMF III XCF SYSTEM  TYPE74SY        
Change 37.210  If the default requested INTERVAL=_CICINTRV (HALFHOUR)   
CICINTRV       doesn't match your actual CICS Statistics interval, or   
Sep 20, 2019   isn't an exact integer multiple, MXG printed a warning   
               that the resultant CICINTRV dataset was invalid, as it   
               built using your _CICINTRV value.                        
               Now, your _CICINTRV value is compared with the maximum   
               DURATM in your data, and if your requested _CICINTRV can 
               be honored it will be; otherwise the interval of your    
               data is used, and a warning of the change is printed.    
Change 37.209  Spurious log messages INVALID VALUE FOR INPUT FUNCTION   
DODSCRDT       that occur only if INFILE is on TAPE are harmless with no
Sep 19, 2019   impact on the output MXG datasets. Thought removed by the
               Aug 30 MXG 37.06 Change 37.189, they weren't until this. 
   Thanks to Betty Wong, Bank of America, USA.                          
Change 37.208  ID & 89 added to the list of product suffix found in your
UTILBLDP       USERADD= argument that are already in BUILDPDB=YES and   
Sep 19, 2019   would have caused an error if honored.                   
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 37.207 -New format MG110XL is created for UCICSCNT report so you 
QA9464         can choose the display of the CICS STID variable:        
UCICSCNT         MG110XN - IBM Description:   2:Storage Manager DSA     
UTILVREF         MG110XD - MXG Dataset Name    2:CICSMDSA               
FORMATS          MG110XL - MXG Dataset + Label 2:CICSMDSA:SMS STATS     
VMXGINIT       The existing default MG110XN format is unchanged.        
Sep 18, 2019   In your SYSIN   %LET UCICSFMT=MG110XD.; sets your choice.
              -New format $MGDSNLAB maps MXG Dataset Name to the Dataset
               Label for all MXG datasets.                              
   Thanks to MP Welch, Bank of America, USA.                            
Change 37.206  BUILDPDB PDB.STEPS & PDB.JOBS are enhanced with variable 
BUILD005       CPUZIPTM_CPUIFATM_INST to count zIIP instructions; the   
BUIL3005       CP instruction count is already in variable CPU_INST.    
Sep 13, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
Change 37.205  TYPE71 LFAREA 1Mb FRAMES can be broken up into smaller   
VMAC71         pages, and the number of BrokenUP frames is in the new   
Sep 13, 2019   variable SMF71BRKUP='PGBL 1MB*BREAKUP*FRAMES', calculated
               as the delta between installed 1MB Pageable frames and   
               the used 1MB frames.                                     
   Thanks to Joe Faska, DTCC, USA.                                      
   Thanks to Toni Skrajnar, IBM Support, USA.                           
Change 37.204 -z/OS 2.4 MXG RMF Monitor III support.                    
ADOCRMFV      -New MXG Support for RMF III XCRG3 table:                 
ASMRMFV       -New ASMRMFV Field Data Filtering (FDF) support for       
VMACRMFV       4 more RMF III tables: CPDG3 ENTG3 GEIG3 OPDG3.          
Sep 12, 2019  -15 ASMRMFV corrections for conditions found during       
Sep 20, 2019                                                            
Sep 26, 2019                                                            
Oct  3, 2019                *** New Support ***                         
Oct  8, 2019                                                            
              -Support for the RMF Monitor III Cryptographic Hardware   
               Data table (CRYG3) table new with z/OS 2.4 .  The CRYG3  
               table does not exist for prior z/OS releases.            
              -The CRYG3 selection option is CRY (alias K).             
               The CRYG3 filtering option is NOCRY (aliases -CRY, -K).  
               CRYG3 is also selected if the MOST option is used.       
              -Support for the RMF Monitor III XCF Activity Data table  
               (XCFG3) which has existed at least since z/OS 1.13 but   
               was undocumented.                                        
              -The XCFG3 selection option is XCF (alias X).             
               The XCFG3 filtering option is NOXCF (aliases -XCF, -X).  
               XCFG3 is also selected if the MOST option is used.       
              -FDF support added for the RMF III Channel Data table     
               CPDG3.  Information on CPD FDF filtering appears in      
               Section 33 Filtering The CPD Table in the ADOCRMFV       
               documentation member.  There is a data dictionary listing
               all the CPDG3 field names supported by FDF.              
              -FDF support added for the RMF III Enqueue Name table     
               ENTG3.  Information on ENT FDF filtering appears in      
               Section 37 Filtering The ENT Table in the ADOCRMFV       
               documentation member.  There is a data dictionary listing
               all the ENTG3 field names supported by FDF.              
              -FDF support added for the RMF III OMVS Process Data table
               OPDG3.  Information on OPD FDF filtering appears in      
               Section 39 Filtering The OPD Table in the ADOCRMFV       
               documentation member.  There is a data dictionary listing
               all the OPDG3 field names supported by FDF.              
              -FDF support added for the RMF III General Information    
               table GEIG3.  Information on GEI FDF filtering appears in
               Section 38 Filtering The GEI Table in the ADOCRMFV       
               documentation member.  There is a data dictionary listing
               all the GEIG3 field names supported by FDF.              
              -Support for new release z/OS 2.4 RMF III fields added to 
               existing FDF Variable Name Tables.                       
                            *** Enhancements ***                        
              -FDF support expanded for up to 256 byte character fields 
               raised from 8 bytes.  But FDF IF expressions for         
               character field filtering may still not exceed the actual
               size of the field or an error is flagged.                
              -Pattern matching subroutine MATCH now supports up to 256 
               characters in a pattern.                                 
              -FDF now translates X'00' to blank X'40' for selected     
               character field source data fields similar to what the   
               VMACRMFV SAS member does during a PDB build.             
              -Messages RMFV080I and RMFV088I now support character     
               string displays up to 105 characters.  Longer character  
               strings are either output as a separate message or a '+' 
               flag is shown in the last byte of the message to indicate
               the message has been truncated.                          
              -Messages RMFV080I and RMFV088I now show tags of 'SFP' for
               short floating point fields or 'LFP' for long floating   
               point fields instead of only showing 'FP'.               
              -Messages RMFV080I and RMFV088I now show the full IF      
               expression used if space allows.                         
              -The SHOWBYTE subroutine now supports formatting of       
               storage byte values in kibibytes (kilobytes) 1024 through
               yobibytes (yottabytes) 1024**8 in message RMFV088I.      
               However, current implementation restrictions at this time
               limit values to a maximum of 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 or
               about 1.22 pebibytes (petabytes).                        
              -These documentation sections in member ADOCRMFV are all  
               updated for new support, enhancements, z/OS 2.4 and      
                2 Terminology                                           
                3 Execution JCL                                         
                4 RMF III Table Selection Parameters                    
                5 Input Data Selection Parameters                       
                6 Report Control Parameters                             
                7 Output Data Control Parameters                        
                8 Error Handling Parameters                             
                9 JCL and SYSIN Parameter Usage                         
               12 Messages                                              
               13 Filtered Records                                      
               15 Program and IBM Limitations                           
               21 Extended ASIG3/ENCG3/RCDG3/UWDG3 Record Support       
               22 RMF III VSAM Data Set Index Usage and Sizing          
               23 RMF III Options That Effect Data                      
               24 RMF III Sysplex Master Gatherer                       
               25 Ranges and Patterns                                   
               26 ASMRMFV and MXG PDB Data Relationships                
               31 Field Data Filtering (FDF)                            
               32 Filtering The ASI Table                               
               33 Filtering The CPD Table                               
               34 Filtering The CSR Table                               
               35 Filtering The DSI Table                               
               36 Filtering The DVT Table                               
               37 Filtering The ENT Table                               
               38 Filtering The GEI Table                               
               39 Filtering The OPD Table                               
               40 Filtering The SPG Table                               
               41 Filtering The SSH Table                               
               42 Summary                                               
               43 Bibliography                                          
                            *** Corrections ***                         
              -All of these possible corrections apply to ASMRMFV in    
               MXG Versions 37.03-37.06.                                
              -The last character of the 3 character day name in message
               RMFV041I was truncated.                                  
              -Hex characters used in IF expressions for character      
               fields were not handled correctly.                       
              -FDF IF expression numeric values with both a fraction and
               exponent were not correctly scaled in subroutine IFNUM.  
              -Possible S0C7 Abend with large IF expression numeric     
               value and a Scale Multiplier in FDF IFNUM subroutine.    
              -Possible S0C7 Abend in FDF IFNUM subroutine processing   
               short or long floating point values.                     
              -Possible Abend S0C4 in FDF SETIF subroutine because VNT  
               extension length was not added to base VNT entry length  
               to determine when IF entry array expansion was required. 
              -Incorrect formatting for a fixed binary number with a    
               fraction in FDF RMFV088I message.                        
              -Incorrect digit shifting for fixed binary numbers in FDF 
               IF expression coded with a fractional part.              
              -Abend S0C4 in FDF SETIF subroutine when NOSHOWARR option 
               (default) was in effect and an IF array expansion        
              -Possible S0C4 Abend in FDF SETIF subroutine when the     
               fieldname in an FDF IF expression was an alias.          
              -Incorrect formatting of some fractional numbers by       
               SHOWDEC subroutine in RMFV088I messages.                 
              -Message RMFV088I after a FDF floating point precision    
               loss is detected incorrectly showed the original user IF 
               expression value instead of the true floating point value
               actually in effect for comparisons.                      
              -FDF subroutine IFNUM did not shift out any fractions from
               the original user value in the IF expression to create an
               integer when determining whether a floating point        
               precision loss had occurred.                             
              -Possible incorrect byte display in FDF RMFV088I message  
               from SHOWBYTE subroutine for large values.               
              -Possible S0C1 Abend if a Fieldname entry in a FDF        
               Variable Name Table incorrectly has an alias equal to    
                            *** FDF Limits ***                          
               These are the current FDF supported limits for Change    
               37.204 as FDF IF expression values.                      
               In no case may the IF expression value exceed the size of
               the RMF III source field whether numeric or character.   
               Field Type    Value range                                
               ----------    -------------------------------------------
               Fixed Binary                                             
                  1 byte     0-255                                      
                  2 byte     0-65,535                                   
                  4 byte     0-4,294,967,295                            
                  8 byte     0-9,223,372,036,854,775,807 *              
                             X'0000000000000000'-X'7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' *  
               * the limit for a 8 byte binary number is imposed by the 
               need for ASMRMFV to convert the input number to binary.  
               A grande 64-bit register only holds X'7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF'  
               as a high order sign bit is required.                    
               Floating Point **                                        
                  4 byte     0-9,223,372,036,854,775,807                
                  8 byte     0-9,223,372,036,854,775,807                
               ** the limit for a floating point number is imposed by   
               the need for ASMRMFV to convert the input number to      
               binary before conversion to floating point.  A grande    
               64-bit register only holds X'7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' as a high 
               order sign bit is required.                              
               Bit String                                               
                  1 byte     0-255                                      
                             X'00'-X'FF'       without don't cares      
                  1 byte     .......0-1111111. with don't cares         
               Percentage    0.0-100.0                                  
               Time of Day   01JAN2000:00:00:00-17SEP2042:23:53:46 ***  
               *** The of day limit is imposed by the 64 bit TOD clock  
               which wraps to all binary ones in September 2042.  The   
               addition of leap seconds may affect this value.          
               Time ****                                                
                  4 byte     0-4,294,967,295                            
                  8 byte     0-9,223,372,036,854,775,807                
               **** Time units depend on the default time unit for the  
               RMF III field or the explicit time unit coded by the     
               user.  They can range from microseconds to days.         
               TOD date only 01JAN2000-17SEP2042                        
               TOD Time only 00:00:00-23:59:59                          
Change 37.203  Unused Change Number.                                    
Sep 11, 2019                                                            
Change 37.202  Support for truncated SMF 61 catalog record from z/OS 2.3
VMAC6156       causing INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED error.                  
Sep  9, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Mike Jacques, BB&T, USA.                                   
Change 37.201  The MGBYTES format is extended to decode storage units in
FORMATS        zettabytes and yottabytes.                               
Sep 27, 2019                                                            
Change 37.200  Optional CICSTRAN DBCTL segment variable STATCTM1 was    
IMACICDB       10 times too large (4 usec should be 0.4 usec)  due to   
Sep 9, 2019    incorrect STCK informat, corrected to TU4.               
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, INC., USA.                          
Change 37.199 -Variables QWACPCTT/QLACRLNU are used to get the correct  
VMACDB2        count of THREADS when ROLLUPS (DB2PARTY=R) are in use:   
ASUMDB2A        DB2ACCT  variable QWACPCTT is summed into THREADS in    
ASUMDB2B           ASUMDB2A unless QLACRLNU is GT 0 and used instead.   
ASUMDB2G        DB2ACCTP variable QPACRLNU is summed into PACKCNT in    
ASUMDB2P           ASUMDB2P                                             
ASUMDB2R        DB2ACCTB variable QWACPCTT is summed into THREADS in    
Sep  7, 2019       ASUMDB2B unless QLACRLNU is GT 0 and used instead.   
Sep 16, 2019    DB2ACCTG variable QLACPCTT is summed into THREADS in    
                   ASUMDB2G unless QLACRLNU is GT 0 and used instead.   
                DB2ACCTR variable QLACRLNU is summed into THREADS       
              -Previously THREADS in DB2ACCT and COUNT in DB2ACCTP      
               counted each record; so counts will be larger and        
               correct in the ASUMs and in ANALDB2R which uses them,    
               unless the count is one, which does happen.              
              -This change means that the average values reported in    
               ANALDB2R will be more accurate but it still precludes    
               detail problem analysis from rolled up records since     
               the best you can get is an average value.                
               Variable QWACPCTT is now kept in DB2ACCTB/DB2ACCTG/      
               DB2ACCTR so it can be used in those ASUMs.               
Change 37.198  BETA 93 Subtypes 12,17,30,31,55 were not input because   
VMACBETA       they weren't added to the IF SUBTYPE IN list of subtypes,
Sep 11, 2019   and they were not sorted to the PDB data library.        
   Thanks to Andreas Menne, Finanz Informatik, GERMANY.                 
Change 37.197  BETA 97 Subtype 51 Dataset BETA9751D did not input the   
VMACBE97       "New Area" fields for BETA9751REC='U', UPDATE records.   
Sep 11, 2019   An undocumented test to skip U records was removed.      
   Thanks to Andreas Menne, Finanz Informatik, GERMANY.                 
Change 37.196  Member IMACTIME and CHANGESS had references to "OKJOB"   
IMACTIME       that should be OKFLAG for consistency; no impact as the  
CHANGESS       member is optional and "OKJOB" is in comments.           
Sep  5, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, INC., USA.                          
Change 37.195  The PDB.PRINT dataset ACCOUNT variables were populated   
BUILD005       only in the first observation for each job, and TYPETASK 
Sep  5, 2019   had the SUBSYS6 value (PSF/VPS) instead of TYPETASK (JOB)
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, INC., USA.                          
Change 37.194  Formats added for TYPE42DS variables S42DSENT/S42DSCMT to
FORMATS        decode the Encryption Type and Compression TYPEs.        
VMAC42         ET=AES-256,CT=None/Generic/Tailored/zEDC.                
Sep  3, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Luis Mendoza, BKFS, USA.                                   
Change 37.193  Format $MG110EX for dataset CICSEXCE variable EXCMNTYP   
FORMATS        did not map value '0004'X to 04:POLICY THRESHOLD instead 
Sep  3, 2019   printing a confusing '00'X value.                        
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, Huk-Coburg, GERMANY.                       
Change 37.192  TLMS dataset TYPETLMS from the "B" record is updated and 
EXTYTLMC       two new TLMS datasets TYPETLMC/TYPETLMD are now created  
EXTYTLMD       from the "C" and "D" TLMS records:                       
IMACTLMS           DDDDDD   DATASET   DESCRIPTION                       
Sep 25, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Pierre Pascal Joulin, SOCGEN, FRANCE.                      
Change 37.191  RMM/EDGR processing in VMXGDSN had zero obs for TAPES and
VMXGDSN        TAPEDSNS MXG 37.03-MXG 37.06; the SORT input dataset was 
Sep  2, 2019   incorrectly changed to EDGRDEXT instead of EDGRXEXT.     
   Thanks to Wayne Bell, UNIGROUP, USA.                                 
   Thanks to John Fulton, UNIGROUUP,USA                                 
====== CHANGES THRU 37.190 ARE IN MXG 37.06 DATED AUG 30, 2019 =========
Change 37.190  New macro %MXGFINFO creates dataset EXTFILES with these  
MXGFINFO       variables for every external filename (INFILE)           
Aug 30, 2019    -z/OS: FILEREF DSNAME DEVICE and CREATEDATE             
                -ASCII FILEREF XPATH and CREATEDATE.                    
               CREATEDATE will be missing if the ftp access method is   
Change 37.189  Spurious INVALID VALUE FOR INPUT FUNCTION in first 37.06 
DODSCRDT       had no impact, except for lots of lines on the log. It   
Aug 30, 2019   occurs when the INFILE is on TAPE, because the DSCB that 
               SAS returns is the VOL2HDR instead of the date-containing
               DSCB, so the CREATEDATE variable is always missing for   
               INFILE on Tape.                                          
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
Change 37.188  Example 2 had a Missing "END;" statement                 
Aug 29, 2019                                                            
Change 37.187  Labels for Tennant TRG_SUCP,TRG_SUIFA,TRG_SUSP variables 
VMAC7072       are changed from *MSU* to *HDW MSU* because those values 
Aug 29, 2019   are NOT the Software MSU (4HR AV) we normally use when   
               discussing MSU. This link shows IBM uses the "Hardware"  
               SU_SEC value to convert those service units to engine    
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 37.186  Support for IBM Tivoli Advanced Allocation Management SMF
EXTYAAM1       record; this product replaces the old X37 product.       
EXTYAAM3          DDDDDD   DATASET   DESCRIPTION                        
FORMATS           TYAAM1   TYPEAAM1  SUBSYSTEM ACTIVITY                 
TYPEAAM        Subtype 3 have been data tested; IBM provided additional 
TYPSAAM        bit values for DNV/DST/ADP and reported SPCF incorrectly 
VMACAAM        sets '80'x bit causing 'C0'x for TRACKS, to be corrected,
VMXGINIT       but MXG's format maps both 'C0'x and '40'x to TRACKS.    
Aug 28, 2019   Subtype 3 event records have only SMFTIME & JOB (AAMJBN),
Sep 24, 2019   no READTIME nor JCTJOBID/JESNR, so they can not be easily
               interleaved/merged with other JOB-related records.       
  Thanks to Cha Kihun, Navy Federal, USA.                               
  Thanks to Richard Champouillon, Navy Federal,USA                      
Change 37.185  Warning: APPARENT SYMBOLIC REFERENCE LDB and LDB@ACG has 
READDB2        no impact on the results, DB2ACCTG is correctly sent to  
Aug 23, 2019   your LDB2ACG= argument with correct message text.        
   Thanks to Douglas C. Walter, CITIGROUP,USA.                          
====== CHANGES THRU 37.184 ARE IN MXG 37.06 DATED AUG 22, 2019 =========
Change 37.184  Delete of temp dataset SRTIRC was relocated so it is     
VMXGCICI       always deleted (to free WORK space).                     
Aug 14, 2019                                                            
Change 37.183  Support for SMF 82 subtypes 30 and 40-48 new datasets    
FORMATS          DDDDDD  DATASET  DESCRIPTION                           
EXTY82AU         TY8230  TYPE8230 KDS ARCHIVE/CRYPTOPERIOD              
EXTY8248         TY8240  TYPE8240 CCA SYMMETRIC KEY LIFECYCLE           
IMAC82           TY8241  TYPE8241 CCA ASYMMETRIC KEY LIFECYCLE          
VMAC82           TY8242  TYPE8242 PKCS#11 KEY LIFECYCLE EVENT           
VMXGINIT         TY8243  TYPE8243 RCS CONFIGURATION CHANGE (not decoded)
Aug 21, 2019     TY8244  TYPE8244 CKDS KEY USAGE                        
Aug 27, 2019     TY8245  TYPE8245 PKDS KEY USAGE                        
Oct 30, 2019     TY8246  TYPE8246 PKCS#11 KEY USAGE                     
                 TY8247  TYPE8247 PKCS#11 NOKEY USAGE                   
                 TY8248  TYPE8248 WARN MODE                             
               Subtype 43 is not decoded, pending test data records.    
               Subtypes 40,41,44,45,48 have been tested.                
               Subtypes 42,46,47 are decoded but not tested.            
   Thanks to Alexander Bitter, Worldpay, USA.                           
   Thanks to Lethika Panicker, Worldpay, USA.                           
   Thanks to Ron Rust, Worldpay, USA.                                   
Change 37.182  Variable SMF74SCMR was incorrectly spelled SMF74SKCR.    
Aug 14, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 37.181  Support for Hitachi MAR Mainframe Analytics Recorder 9.1 
EXMAR07        creates new MARST07 PARM Section Dataset.                
Aug 13, 2019                                                            
Change 37.180  MXG DB2 Formats $MGTMDOB, $MGTMDRM, $MGTMDRE, MGTMDRC are
FORMATS        updated with new values.                                 
Aug 13, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 37.179  TYPE72GO variables METGOAL and PCTMETGO were wrong, now: 
VMAC7072         IF TRANS GT 0 THEN DO M=1 TO 6;                        
Aug  9, 2019      METGOAL=SUM(METGOAL,RTSTRN(M));                       
                 ELSE PCTMETGO=.;                                       
   Thanks to James Peddycord, Northern Trust, USA.                      
   Thanks to Karl S. Huf, Northern Trust, USA.                          
   Thanks to Arati Khodaskar, IBM Global Services, USA.                 
Change 37.178 -MXG 37.05 only, possible S0C4 Abend in ASMRMFV PROCSSH   
ASMRMFV        subroutine when comparing current RMF Version to a z/OS  
Aug  9, 2019   2.3 Version number, after Change 37.140.                 
Aug 20, 2019  -That PROCSSH code was redundant with similar code in the 
               FINDPOL subroutine that is RMF Version independent and   
               has been removed to eliminate the S0C4 possibility.      
              -MXG 37.03-37.05, ONLY if you use FDF IF expressions.     
               ABEND S0C7 when a hex value is coded for a numeric field 
               in an FDF IF expression. For example: IF=(ASIDP EQ X'FF')
              -Incorrect handling of exponents when coded for a numeric 
               field in an FDF IF expression causing an incorrect       
               compare value to be calculated.                          
               For example: IF=(ASI1MBFF GT 1E2)                        
              -Invalid hex value can be shown in RMFV080I and RMFV088I  
       Thanks to Kurt Gramling, GTS Tech-Support: CRM, USA              
Change 37.177  Variables R745BYTR/BYTW/RTIR/RTIW were never populated by
VMAC74         IBM, as they were replaced by R7451CT1-R7451CT4, but they
Aug  8, 2019   are now populated by those replacement values rather than
               being missing values.  See Change 23.314.                
   Thanks to Otto Burgess, OPM, USA.                                    
Change 37.176  Support for IMS LOG '02'x record creates IMS02 dataset or
EXIMS02        prints a message if a multi-segment command record is    
VMACIMS        found to send your IMSLOG so it can be supported.        
Aug  7, 2019                                                            
ANALSIIS       is added to TYPE1131 and ASUM1131 datasets, to identify  
VMAC113        potential timeframes based on percent of certain I writes
Aug  6, 2019   vs D Writes sourced, to identify when it happens, but NOT
               who is causing it.                                       
              -ANALSIIS identifies intervals with SIISPCT GT 10 percent 
               and identifies what programs were running in descending  
               CPUTM or CPUZIPTM depending on CPU type during that high 
               SIISPCT interval.                                        
   Thanks to Kathy Walsh, IBM zSystems, USA.                            
   Thanks to John Burg, IBM zSystems, USA.                              
Change 37.174  Non-fatal Divide By Zero when QBSTVPL=0 was corrected.   
Aug  5, 2019                                                            
   Ron van der Zande, KLM Information Systems, THE NETHERLANDS.         
Change 37.173  Support for TPMX $JCL_JJR, variable JCLJJR in TYPETPMX.  
VMACTPMX       Only 9 lines of "new field" messages are now printed.    
Aug  4, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Jack Hyde, Optum Technology, USA.                          
Change 37.172  Dataset Encryption Variable SMF14DEF='Y' identifies data 
VMAC1415       sets that are encrypted, and SMF14DET='0100'x to indicate
Aug  4, 2019   AES ('01'x) and 256 Bits ('00'x). INPUT was corrected.   
Change 37.171  Variables R723GGTI, R723GGTN, R723GGKY and R723MFLG are  
VMAC7072       kept in dataset TYPE72GO, and variable R723GGKY is now   
Aug  4, 2019   INPUT correctly as $EBCDIC64 instead of 32.              
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 37.170  Variable DESTNATN is added to PDB.TYPE6 dataset.         
Aug  2, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, INC., USA.                          
Change 37.169  Variable INITTIME in dataset TYPE30_6 is created using   
VMAC30           INITTIME=SMFTIME-ACTIVETM;                             
Aug  2, 2019   which can then be used to count unique step executions.  
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, INC., USA.                          
Change 37.168  Four CICS "identity" variables weren't kept in CICSTRAN  
VMAC110        these new "identity" variables MVSLEVEL LOCLINFO MCTSSCRL
Aug  2, 2019   are added to CICSTRAN whether UTILEXCL is used or not.   
               All could be deleted with                                
                 %LET MACKEEP=                                          
                   MACRO _KCICTRN                                       
                     DROP=APPLID JOB SMFPSSPN SMFPSRVR                  
                          MVSLEVEL LOCLINFO MCTSSCRL                    
                in your SYSIN.                                          
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks, INC., USA.                          
Change 37.167  z/OS 2/4 updates for RMF MONITOR III:                    
VMACRMFV      -VMACRMFV in MXG 37.05 (only) fails with z/OS 4.2 CSR data
Aug  2, 2019   and was corrected in 37.06 by this change (which changed 
               only line 6871, from /48 to /CSRENTLE).                  
              -New RUCSA variables added to ZRBCSR dataset:             
               CSRRUCSA ='RUCSA*AMOUNT'                                 
              -New RUCSA variables added to ZRBGEI dataset:             
               GEIRUCSASZ='IPL SIZE*RU CSA*BELOW 16MB'                  
               GEIERUCSAZ='IPL SIZE*RU CSA*ABOVE 16MB'                  
               GEIRUCSAMX='MAX RUCSA*BELOW 16MB'                        
               GEIERUCSAX='MAX RUCSA*ABOVE 16MB'                        
               GEIRUCSASP='ALLOCATED RUCSA*BELOW 16MB'                  
               GEIERUCSAP='ALLOCATED RUCSA*ABOVE 16MB'                  
               GEIRUCSAAV='ACCUM RUCSA*BELOW 16MB'                      
               GEIERUCSAV='ACCUM RUCSA*ABOVE 16MB'                      
               GEIRUCSARE='UNALLOCATED*RUCSA BELOW 16MB'                
               GEIRUCSAAS='ACCUM RUCSA*BELOW 16MB*BY SYSTEM'            
               GEIERUCSAS='ACCUM RUCSA*ABOVE 16MB*BY SYSTEM'            
               GEIBATRUCSA='ACCUM RUCSA*BELOW 16MB*BY BATCH'            
               GEIBATERUCSA='ACCUM RUCSA*ABOVE 16MB*BY BATCH'           
               GEIASCRUCSA='ACCUM RUCSA*BELOW 16MB*BY ASCH'             
               GEIASCERUCSA='ACCUM RUCSA*ABOVE 16MB*BY ASCH'            
               GEIOMVRUCSA='ACCUM RUCSA*BELOW 16MB*BY OMVS'             
               GEIOMVERUCSA='ACCUM RUCSA*ABOVE 16MB*BY OMVS'            
              -New variables with time to LPAR/Group Capping in ZRBCPU: 
               CPC_TIME_TO_CAPL='TIME TO*LPAR*CAPPING'                  
               CPC_TIME_TO_CAPG='TIME TO*GROUP*CAPPING'                 
   Thanks to Kurt Gramling, TSYS, USA.                                  
Change 37.166  z/OS 2/4 updates:                                        
VMAC74        -Type 74 Subtype 2 additions to dataset TYPE74PA, virtual 
VMAC78         storage for the optional Private Address Space data:     
Aug  2, 2019    R742PUTM1 ='PATH1*TIME USED*AT PCT UTIL'                
                R742PUTMS1='PATH1*SQRD TIME USED*AT PCT UTIL'           
                R742PUCN1 ='PATH1*COUNT USED*AT PCT UTIL'               
                R742PUSCN1='PATH1*SIGNAL COUNT SENT'                    
                R742PUPCT1='PATH1*PCT UTIL'                             
                R742PUTM2 ='PATH2*TIME USED*AT PCT UTIL'                
                R742PUTMS2='PATH2*SQRD TIME USED*AT PCT UTIL'           
                R742PUCN2 ='PATH2*COUNT USED*AT PCT UTIL'               
                R742PUSCN2='PATH2*SIGNAL COUNT SENT'                    
                R742PUPCT2='PATH2*PCT UTIL'                             
                R742PUTM3 ='PATH3*TIME USED*AT PCT UTIL'                
                R742PUTMS3='PATH3*SQRD TIME USED*AT PCT UTIL'           
                R742PUCN3 ='PATH3*COUNT USED*AT PCT UTIL'               
                R742PUSCN3='PATH3*SIGNAL COUNT SENT'                    
                R742PUPCT3='PATH3*PCT UTIL'                             
                R742PUTM4 ='PATH4*TIME USED*AT PCT UTIL'                
                R742PUTMS4='PATH4*SQRD TIME USED*AT PCT UTIL'           
                R742PUCN4 ='PATH4*COUNT USED*AT PCT UTIL'               
                R742PUSCN4='PATH4*SIGNAL COUNT SENT'                    
                R742PUPCT4='PATH4*PCT UTIL'                             
                R742PNIBCN='PATH COUNT*NO INBOUND BUFFER'               
                  /* XCFMGD */                                          
               -Type 78 subtype 2 dataset TYPE78VS Virtual Storage new: 
                R782RUCA ='RUCSA ADDRESS*BELOW 16MB'                    
                R782RUCS ='RUCSA SIZE*BELOW 16MB'                       
                R782ERUCA='RUCSA ADDRESS*ABOVE 16MB'                    
                R782ERUCS='RUCSA SIZE*ABOVE 16MB'                       
   Thanks to Kurt Gramling, TSYS, USA.                                  
Change 37.165  Dataset TYPE8201 (Initialization) variables SMF82ITE/CKD/
VMAC82         IML/USR/PKD were misaligned by a one byte reserved field.
Jul  29, 2019                                                           
   Thanks to Matthew T Chappel,CQueensland Dept Transport, AUSTRALIA    
Change 37.164  Variable TTTTLSSP in dataset TYP11902 is decoded by new  
FORMATS        $MG119PT format:.                                        
VMAC119         VALUE $MG119PT   /*TTTTLSPP*/                           
Jul 28, 2019     '0200'X='0200X:SSL V2'                                 
                 '0300'X='0300X:SSL V3'                                 
                 '0301'X='0301X:TLS 1.0'                                
                 '0302'X='0302X:TLS 1.1'                                
                 '0303'X='0303X:TLS 1.2'                                
               Variable TTTTLSNC documents '4X'x='USE TTTTLSNC4 instead'
               but values of '0A'x '35'x and '6B'x  are found in data   
               but are not documented.                                  
   Thanks to Joe Faska, DTCC, USA.                                      
Change 37.163  Labels for these variables were made consistent          
Aug  2, 2019    SMF71L4A='AVG*1MB*PAGEABLE*FRAMES*IN DREF'              
                SMF71L4M='MIN*1MB*PAGEABLE*FRAMES*IN DREF'              
                SMF71L4X='MAX*1MB*PAGEABLE*FRAMES*IN DREF'              
                SMF71L5A='AVG*1MB*AVAILABLE*FRAMES*IN DREF'             
                SMF71L5M='MIN*1MB*AVAILABLE*FRAMES*IN DREF'             
                SMF71L5X='MAX*1MB*AVAILABLE*FRAMES*IN DREF'             
                SMF71L6A='AVG*1MB*PAGEABLE*FRAMES*USED*IN DREF'         
                SMF71L6M='MIN*1MB*PAGEABLE*FRAMES*USED*IN DREF'         
                SMF71L6X='MAX*1MB*PAGEABLE*FRAMES*USED*IN DREF'         
                SMF71L8A='AVG 1MB*PAGEABLE*FRAMES*IN CSTORE'            
                SMF71L8M='MIN 1MB*PAGEABLE*FRAMES*IN CSTORE'            
                SMF71L8X='MAX 1MB*PAGEABLE*FRAMES*IN CSTORE'            
                SMF71L9A='AVG 1MB*AVAILABLE*FRAMES*IN CSTORE'           
                SMF71L9M='MIN 1MB*AVAILABLE*FRAMES*IN CSTORE'           
                SMF71L9X='MAX 1MB*AVAILABLE*FRAMES*IN CSTORE'           
Aug   2, 2019                                                           
   Thanks to Joe Faska, DTCC, USA.                                      
Change 37.162  ANALSIZE failed due to a missing semicolon in VMXGSIZE.  
Jul  25, 2019                                                           
   Thanks to Richard Haynes, BCBSKS, USA.                               
Change 37.161 -New z/OS-Only SAS Date Variable CREATEDATE can be created
VMACCTLT       EDGHSKP IMSLOG OPCLOG, and is that variable is available 
VMACDCOL       the IHDRxxxx exit for your selection criteria, and/or it 
VMACEDGR       can be kept using the _Kdddddd dataset KEEP macro.       
IHDRTMS5      -You must enable its creation with %LET DSCRDT=YES; in the
VMACIMS        SYSIN or %DSCRDT can be added for any z/OS INFILE by     
VMACSMF        adding JFCB=MXGJFCB DSCB=MXGDSCB to the INFILE statement 
VMACRMFV       and inserting %DSCRDT after the first INPUT statement:   
VMACTMS5          DATA MYSTUFF;                                         
Aug  7, 2019      INPUT ;                                               
Aug 11, 2019     %DSCRDT(JFCB=MXGJFCB);                                 
Nov 26, 2019   SAS automatically prints the Create Date on the SAS log  
               in its "INFILE IS " message, but DSCRDT can print its    
               own log message if you use %LET MXGEXIMSG=YES;           
               SEE CHANGE 37.249 FOR REVISION.                          
   Thanks to Linda S. Berkley, DISA, USA                                
Change 37.160  Unused Change Number.                                    
Change 37.159  BETA 93 610 Subtype 40 and 49 misaligned, INVALID DATA   
VMACBETA       messages for variables BETASTME and BETAETME in 49 and   
Jul 18, 2019   BETAALT in subtype 40.                                   
Change 37.158  BLDSMPDB adds SPIN: SPUN: to WEEKDROP MNTHDROP if they   
BLDSMPDB       are not present. New parameters added WEEKBASE MNTHBASE  
Jul 15, 2019   that both default to blanks which will then become       
               yesterday and used to determine which datasets will be   
               included in the weekly and monthly PDBs. This ensures    
               that your most current PDB is used to build the          
               weekly/monthly datasets. So if you decided to add        
               something on the day before it will be propagated into   
               the weekly/monthly jobs. The fact that it may not exist  
               in all of the input PDBs is not a problem. These should  
               only be used if you wish to force a specific PDB to be   
               the basis for the weekly/monthly PDBs and if it does not 
               exist via either a LIBNAME or a DD the job will fail.    
Change 37.157  A new macro that will drill down through MSU consumption 
ANALMSUS       from the TYPE89 records and the type 30 interval data. It
Jul 13, 2019   can produce bar charts, tabular reports, and EXCEL       
Aug 27, 2019   spreadsheets as you choose.                              
Change 37.156  Variables ABEND CONDCODE added to PDB.SMFINTRV and the   
VMAC30         TYPE30_V datasets. The values will only be populated from
Jul 13, 2019   the subtype 3 records.                                   
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 37.155  Support for CICS Optional field USER/AGENCY.             
   Thanks to Mark Hiltbruner, State of South Dakota, USA.               
====== CHANGES THRU 37.154 ARE IN MXG 37.05 DATED Jul  8, 2019 =========
Change 37.154  SMF 110 Subtype 1 MNSEGCL=5 INPUT EXCEEDED ERROR due to  
VMAC110        8 byte reserved field inserted in DPL ENTRY segment. Skip
Jul  8, 2019   the records (causing zero obs in CICSRDPL dataset) with: 
                %LET MAC110H= %QUOTE(IF MNSEGCL=5 THEN DELETE; ) ;      
               This was added in CICS/TS 5.5 to these (seldom used) CICS
               Resource segment.                                        
   Thanks to Jack Hyde, Optum Technology, USA.                          
====== CHANGES THRU 37.153 ARE IN MXG 37.05 DATED Jul  6, 2019 =========
Change 37.153  SMF 120 Subtype 3 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED ERROR due to  
VMAC120        incorrect MXG logic that has accidentally worked: there  
Jul  6, 2019   were only three ABENDS since Dec 2018. One circumvention 
               which usually skips over the failing record was tried:   
               OPTIONS STOPOVER MISSOVER %  but because the code error  
               was a loop on the same INPUT location, MXG created 500   
               million observations in TYP120SR filling fifteen WORK    
               volumes before dying with a B37 no more extents error.   
               The alternative circumvention was to skip that subtype:  
                 %LET MACFILE=%QUOTE(IF ID=120 AND SUBTYPE=3;);         
               until this update corrected the MXG code error.          
               I think not related, but site had WebSphere 8.5.5 FP12.  
====== CHANGES THRU 37.152 ARE IN MXG 37.05 DATED Jul  5, 2019 =========
Change 37.152  MXGSTEP populates new variable MXGSTEP='Y' in SMF 30's to
MXGSTEP        identify job steps that execute MXG programs, populating 
Jul  5, 2019   TYPE30_V and TYPE30_4 with (TYPE30) and in PDB.SMFINTRV  
               and PDB.STEPS with (BUILDPDB), or any MXG program that   
               processes SMF 30 records, if PROGRAM='SAS' and DDNAMES   
               SOURCLIB and LIBRARY are in this STEP, as both are       
               required for MXG Execution.                              
   Thanks to Deepa Rajendran, DXC, SINGAPORE.                           
Change 37.151  ASUMMIPS now uses the $MGRMIPS format built from the IBM 
ASUMMIPS       LSPRITR table to lookup CPCFNAME (eg 3906-716) for the   
VMXGINIT       MIPSFACT (eg 8.34), the MIPS per MSU.  Previously you    
Jul  4, 2019   had to provide your own MIPSFACT.                        
Jul  5, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 37.150  Support for DATACOM log file.                            
Jul  2, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Linda S. Berkley, DISA, USA.                               
Change 37.149  If you add ID to USERADD it must be the last entry       
UTILBLDP       in the list.  If you happened to make it first the       
Jul  2, 2019   list will be adjusted.                                   
Change 37.148  BLDSMPDB adds SPIN: SPUN: to WEEKDROP MNTHDROP if they   
BLDSMPDB       are not present. New parameters added WEEKBASE MNTHBASE  
Jun 23, 2019   that both default to &WEEKDATE (yesterday) are used to   
               decide which datasets can be included in the weekly and  
               monthly PDBs. This ensures that your most current PDB is 
               used to build the weekly/monthly datasets. So if you     
               decided to add something on the day before it will be    
               propagated into the weekly/monthly jobs. The fact that it
               may not exist in all of the input PDBs is not a problem. 
Change 37.147  CICS Statistics datasets CICMPR and CICSJN were not in   
VMAC110        the _N110_, _S110, and _S110ST optional tailoring macros.
Jul  1, 2019                                                            
Change 37.146  Macro variable &MACSPIN added to IMACSPIN for "instream" 
IMACSPIN       tailoring of SPINCNT.                                    
Jul  1, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 37.145  The "PROC PRINT" output with Label and Name column heads 
VMXGPRA1       VMXGPRA1 and VMXGPRAL utilities now protect if you have  
VMXGPRAL       changed the OBS option.  Their temp dataset has one obs  
Jun 28, 2019   per variable, but if your OBS was too small, some heads  
               were wrong and missing parens. Now the OBS value is held.
               the print is accomplished and your original OBS restored.
   Thanks to Scott Wiig, US Bank, USA.                                  
Change 37.144  FLASH: MISSING PERIODS 2/3 TYPE72GO if MXG 36.07 or prior
VMAC7072       is used and IBM RMF APARs for SCM and Crypto are applied.
Jul  1, 2019                                                            
               There is no error with MXG 36.08 (Sept 2018) or later.   
               One z/OS 2.3 site reported these were applied:           
                  UA98434 APAR OA56461                                  
                  UA98529 APAR OA56672                                  
                  UA98759 APAR OA56826                                  
                  UA98999 APAR OA56860                                  
               and one z/os 2.2 site reported this was applied          
                  UA98433 APAR OA56747                                  
               but there may be other maintenance involved.             
               You can examine your SMF 72 Subtype 3 period data with   
                  PROC FREQ DATA=PDB.TYPE72GO;                          
                  TABLES SYSTEM*PERIOD;                                 
                  TITLE TABLE OF PERIOD VALUES IN SMF 72 SUBTYPE 3;     
               to see if you are missing values for your periods.       
               These missing periods will cause the system Capture      
               Ratio to decrease significantly, and the workload that   
               normally have period data will have reduced CPU time in  
               TYPE72GO and RMFINTRV datasets, and reports from them.   
Change 37.143  Expanded Storage doesn't exist in all z/OS systems so the
IMAC71         56 ESTORE variables in TYPE71 can be dropped by removing 
Jun 28, 2019   the comment block when you EDIT the IMAC71 tailoring     
               member into your "USERID.SOURCLIB" tailoring library.    
               You do need to examine any reporting programs that use   
               the TYPE71 dataset to see if those variables are used.   
   Thanks to Arnold Kim, UPS, USA.                                      
Change 37.142  New READRATE %MACRO will measure the Read Rate (MiB/Sec) 
READRATE       of MXG processing SMF data records, printing an interval 
VMACSMF        trace on the log, a PLOT of READRATE vs RUNTIME, and PROC
VMXGINIT       TABULATE report with 1 sec default interval.  Additional 
               options are in the comments in READRATE. Syntax:         
Jul  1, 2019      %READRATE(READRATE=1,RESULTS=BOTH);                   
                  %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPE30); RUN;                       
Change 37.141  Format MG119CD 17:UCP corrected to 17:UDP.               
Jun 26, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Jenny Chen, DXC Technology, AUSTRALIA.                     
Change 37.140 -More RMF Monitor III tables are supported by FDF (Field  
ADOCRMFV       Data Filter) in ASMRMFV:  DSI, SPG, SSH                  
ASMRMFV       -New CDF (Character Data Filters) added for RMF III VSAM  
Jun 26, 2019   data set level filtering:                                
               CPCNAME=  (aliases CPC=, CECNAME=, CEC=)                 
               LPARNAME= (alias LPAR=)                                  
              -LPAR names and CPC names are validated for correct syntax
               when these filters are used.                             
              -FDF now supports character patterns for character fields.
               Only Equal (= EQ) and Not Equal (^= =^ NE NEQ NOT NOTEQ  
               NOT=) operators may be used in an IF expression with a   
               character pattern.  A pattern either matches or it does  
               not.  Other FDF operators are flagged as an error.       
              -New DSIAND/DSIOR parameters which have the same function 
               as the prior SYSAND/SYSOR parameters which are now       
               respective aliases.                                      
              -RMFV014I message now shows counts for RMF III data sets  
               bypassed by CPCNAME= and/or LPARNAME= CDF keywords.      
              -Duplicate counts are no longer shown in RMFV014I message 
               if DUPDSN option is in effect (no duplicate checking).   
              -Space analysis messages RMFV030I, RMFV031I are no longer 
               issued for filtered RMF III VSAM data sets.              
              -MAXDSNS= added as a further alias of MAXDSNAMES=.        
              -Always force upper case for these CDF keyword values     
               because lower case letters are always invalid and        
               would be flagged as an error otherwise:                  
               CPCNAME=    SYSPLEX=     LPARNAME=   SYSTEM=             
               CSRJOBNAME= CSRJESID=    DVTDEVNUM=                      
               OPDJOBNAME= OPDPROCNAME= OPDUSERNAME=                    
              -Support validation for all characters allowed for CDF    
               Workload Names, Service Classes, Report Classes, and     
               Resource Groups                                          
              -Field descriptions in data dictionary entries in ADOCRMFV
               for FDF supported RMF III table expanded for better      
              -TRUENAME Fieldnames in FDF data dictionary entries in    
               ADOCRMFV documentation now show all possible aliases.    
              -GMT offset value in Summary First Sample Begin Date/Time 
               selected message RMFV013I could be incorrect.            
              -RMFV013I selection messages were incorrectly displayed in
               Summary report when all RMF III data sets were filtered. 
              -CDF keywords and aliases may now be used as Fieldnames   
               in FDF IF expressions (minus the = suffix).              
              -Message RMFV014I now includes a counter for FDF filters. 
              -Negative values are now supported in FDF, but only for   
               GMT offset fields xxxSTDIF and xxxGMTOFF where xxx is a 3
               character RMF table id.                                  
              -For example this is a valid IF expression:               
               IF=(ASISTDIF EQ -5H)                                     
              -New second RMFV103I message is added to Detail and       
               Summary reports to display Sample Set filter reason      
              -New options AUTOSEL (alias AUTO) and NOAUTOSEL (alias    
               NOAUTO) added.                                           
              -AUTOSEL is the default and will result in the RMF III    
               table being automatically selected with any CDF or FDF   
               filter if the table was not already selected.  This is a 
               convenience feature.                                     
              -New message RMFV082I appears when a table is auto        
               selected.  In addition in message RMFV105I Y* will       
               appear in the SELECT column for auto selected tables.    
              -NOAUTOSEL provides the prior ASMRMFV behavior and the    
               unselected table condition generates an error.  However, 
               it may be helpful if JCL with CDF and/or FDF filters is  
               routinely reused to avoid the PDB build overhead of      
               automatically selecting a table that is no longer wanted.
              -For tables not referenced by CDF and/or FDF it is still  
               necessary to select the RMF III tables of interest.      
              -The SPGVOLSER= CDF filter could have incorrect results.  
              -Following documentation sections in ADOCRMFV are added or
               Section      Description                                 
                   0        Contents                                    
                   2        Terminology                                 
                   3        Execution JCL                               
                   4        RMF III Table Selection Parameters          
                   5        Input Data Selection Parameters             
                   6        Report Control Parameters                   
                   8        Error Handling Parameters                   
                   9        JCL and SYSIN Parameter Usage               
                  12        Messages                                    
                  13        Filtered Records                            
                  16        Return Codes                                
                  20        FREE=CLOSE For VSAM Data Sets               
                  21        Extended ASI/ENC/RCD/UWD Record Support     
                  25        Ranges and Patterns                         
                  26        ASMRMFV and MXG PDB Data Relationships      
                  31        Field Data Filtering (FDF)                  
                  32        Filtering The ASI Table                     
                  33        Filtering The CSR Table                     
                  34        Filtering The DSI Table                     
                  35        Filtering The DVT Table                     
                  36        Filtering The ENT Table (Future)            
                  37        Filtering The GEI Table (Future)            
                  38        Filtering The OPD Table (Future)            
                  39        Filtering The SPG Table                     
                  40        Filtering The SSH Table                     
                  41        Summary                                     
Change 37.139  Reserved Change.                                         
Change 37.138  The label for variable QW0199TRS in DB2 102 IFCID 199 was
VMAC102        corrected to 'END TIME*OF*INTERVAL', which is strange as 
Jun 24, 2019   the SMFTIME was available for the end time.              
   Thanks to Xing Su, DXC Technology, AUSTRALIA.                        
   Thanks to Peter J. Gray, DXC Technology, AUSTRALIA.                  
Change 37.137 -Variables INDXUSEP and POLYUSEP percentages are created  
VMACRMFV       in dataset ZRBDISH to track index usage.  The 1110 is the
Jun 21, 2019   maximum number of sample indexes in a 32K DSI table and  
               50 is the maximum number of policy indexes.              
              -Strange RMF III intervals can be created if the values   
               in SMFPRMxx don't match ERBRMFxx options.  A site had    
               SMF INTVAL(10) SYNCVAL(59) with RMF MINTIME(300) SYNC(0) 
               for RMF III, which created a 4 minute interval (:55 -:59)
               when the RMF III MINTIME expired, a one minute (:59-:00) 
               interval when the SMF Interval Expired, and a five minute
               (:00-:05) when the RMF Interval Expired.                 
Change 37.136  ANALMSUS is a powerful set of reports of SOFTWARE MSUs   
ANALMSUS       from ASUMCELP, SMFINTRV, TYPE72GO, TYPE89 records, that  
Jun 21, 2019   has many different bar charts, tabular reports, and EXCEL
               spreadsheets as you choose, with report examples in the  
               comments, and with numerous report examples available    
               online at         
               (Don't be confused with archaic ASUMMSUS member.)        
Change 37.135  Type 42 Subtype 5 Invalid LENSR values were individually 
VMAC42         detected and LENSR=160 set, but now there are a total of 
Jun 21, 2019   22 different values for records, because IBM populates   
Jun 24, 2019   the total length and not the 160 first segment length.   
               But with 22 tests, I'm now forcing LENSR=160 always, as  
               that will ONLY fail if IBM actually changes that first   
               segment size in the future, you won't be ABENDing on     
               each new LENSR value.  These are the known invalids:     
               IF LENSR IN (232,240,320,376,400,480,448,304,520,560,592,
                  THEN LENSR=160;                                       
   Thanks to Robert Obee, Ensono, USA.                                  
Change 37.134  CHART option changed to NONE because DSIG option is no   
ANALACTM       longer supported after SAS 9.3. The four coefficients    
Jun 15, 2019   (CPU SRB MSO IOC) are added to WLM definitions report.   
Change 37.133  TYPE42HI dataset, variables S42VSXST/S42VSXRT/S42VSXID   
VMAC42         added in MXG 37.02 and MXG 37.03 incorrectly as character
Jun 17, 2019   variables with $EBCDIC8 informat. Change 37.019 in 37.04 
               corrected them to &PIB.4. numeric variables, but if you  
               build WEEKLY PDBs with some days created by 37.02/03 and 
               other days by 37.04 or later, you will need to either    
               DROP those variables from the 02/03 day's PDB, or just   
               remove the creation of TYPE42HI for that week.           
               It is always best if a new version of MXG is installed   
               to run on the first day of your week, so that all of     
               those daily PDBs will have identical structure.          
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
Change 37.132  Addition of a semi-colon following &OUTCODEx argument in 
ASUM4HRS       %VMXGSUM invocations to prevent rare errors.             
Jun 14, 2019                                                            
Change 37.131  ANALCNCR fails with multiple errors if there are 0 OBS in
ANALCNCR       the input datasets.  Now detected and ANALCNCR ends.     
Jun 21, 2019                                                            
Change 37.130 -New VM Account datasets supported.                       
EXVMCAPD          dddddd   Dataset    Description                       
TYPEVM        -Under investigation with IBM Support:                    
VMXGINIT       -Records with blank RECID (bytes 79-80).                 
Jun 25, 2019   -VMSESSN records overlap, with ACCTTIME greater than the 
                STARTIME=ACCTTIME-CONECTTM of the next record for the   
                User TCPIP, trying to use this data for availability    
   Thanks to William Marshall, Ensono, USA.                             
Change 37.129  Member INSTALL and the listed members were updated with  
INSTALL        more consistent names in the examples.                   
MXGWPSV4      -The WPS V4 JCL Procedure need a new DD for 4.1:          
JCLINSTW         //MAPS DD DSN=&WPSHLQ..MAPS,DISP=SHR                   
Jun 12, 2019                                                            
Change 37.128  SMF 82 ICSF updates from ICN1633 for a future release:   
FORMATS       -New variable SMF82CSF in TYPE8201 identifies source of   
VMAC82         the startup member name, formatted MG082CS.              
Jun 12, 2019  -Variable SMF82UCB, SMF82TKF bits are decoded in TYPE8209.
              -Variable SMF82TKF bits are decoded in TYPE8209           
              -Variable SMF82BOT bits are decoded in TYPE8213.          
Change 37.127 -Formats created for TYP11902 dataset variables TTTTLSCS, 
FORMATS        TTTLSPD, TTTERMCD, TTSMCSTATUS, and values updated in    
VMAC119        format $MG119RE for variable T119REAS.                   
Jun 11, 2019  -New TYP11902 variables:                                  
                 TTLCLSMCBUFSZ='LOCAL RMB*BUFFER*SIZE KB'               
                 TTRMTSMCBUFSZ='REMOTE RMB*BUFFER*SIZE KB'              
              -New TYP11994/TYP11995 OPENSSH new variables.             
                 SSH_FIPSMODE  ='RUNNING*IN*FIPS*MODE?'                 
                 SSH_KEXMETHOD ='KEY*EXCHANGE*METIOD*USED'              
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 37.126  z/VM MONWRITE deaccumulated field deltas are sometimes a 
VMACVMXA       negative value, especially in user fields like VMDTTIME, 
Jun  7, 2019   usually related to a VM system event, but the original   
               assumption was that the negative value was due to a wrap 
               of the 4-byte accumulated value, so 4294967296 is added, 
               a guess at the full word wrap value, but these negatives 
               are not due to a wrap, and you get a very large value.   
               This change now sets the variable to a MISSING VALUE when
               a negative delta is found, so those spikes won't impact. 
   Thanks to Terry Chao, DC Government, USA.                            
Change 37.125  Reserved Change.                                         
====== CHANGES THRU 37.124 ARE IN MXG 37.04 DATED Jun  5, 2019 =========
Change 37.124  Variable ID added to the TYPE60,TYPE6156,TYPE62,TYPE64,  
VMAC60         TYPE6367,TYPE68,TYPE69 datasets so a direct merge can be 
Jun  5, 2019   made without added data passes.                          
   Thanks to Tony Curry, BMC, USA.                                      
Change 37.123  MXG calculation of TYPE70 variable CPUMVSTM/PCTMVSBY was 
VMAC7072       too small because Parked Time was incorrectly subtracted 
Jun  5, 2019   from CPUUPTM which already has Parked Time removed.      
               Variables PLCPRDYQ (Ready Queue Delay Percent) and       
               SHORTCPS were also too small and corrected.  Impact was  
               typically less than ten percent.                         
   Thanks to Ken Deering, COMPUWARE, USA.                               
   Thanks to Selby Shanly, COMPUWARE, USA.                              
Change 37.122  Support for two new variables in RACF OFFLOAD RACF0200   
VMACRACF       dataset, with values of YES or NO:                       
Jun  3, 2019      USBD_ROAUDIT ='USER*HAS*ROAUDIT*ATTRIBUTE?'           
                  USBD_MFA_FALLBACK='USE*PASSWORD*MFA UNAVAIL?'         
   Thanks to Karl Laseki, American Chemical Society, USA.               
Change 37.121  Support for ThruPut Manager Release 18.02 v7r1.0.        
VMACTPMX      -New variables added to TPM10 dataset:                    
May 30, 2019     TPMCMLFL='TPMCMLFL*FLAG*BYTE'                          
                 TPMCMLCP='CAPPED*PERCENT*LAST 5*MINUTES'               
                 TPMCMLAG='AVG GS*JOBS*LAST*5 MIN'                      
                 TPMCMLAP='AVG PCS*JOBS*LAST*5 MIN'                     
                 TPMCMLAT='AVG GS+PCS*JOBS*LAST*5 MIN'                  
                 TPMCMSCL='LPAR*SET*CMP LIMIT*MSU/HR'                   
                 TPMCMSBA='CATEGORY A*4HRAV*MSU/HR'                     
                 TPMCMSMI='CATEGORY B*4HRAV*MSU/HR'                     
                 TPMCMSAI='CATEGORY A*INTERVAL*MSU/HR'                  
                 TPMCMSBI='CATEGORY B*INTERVAL*MSU/HR'                  
              -New variable added to TPMSLM dataset                     
Change 37.120  Mobile Service Units on GP and IIP ARE included in the   
VMAC7072       CPUTM and ZIPCPUTM variables in TYPE72GO and TYPE72TR.   
May 28, 2019   The comments in Change 36.253 are wrong and the proposed 
               and labeled EQUAL*TO*CPUTM.  Using a WLM Policy that     
               classified the entire workload for a service class as    
               MOBILE, the Service Units were the same  in the sum of   
               R723CCPU and R723CSRB (CPUTCBTM and CPUSRBTM), and in    
               R723TSUCP and in R723MSUCP (Total GP and Total Mobile).  
   Thanks to Ken Deering, Compuware, USA.                               
   Thanks to Selby Shanly, Compuware, USA.                              
Change 37.119  Label for PTECP2 is 'CPU TIME*ZIP*ELIGIBLE' instead of   
VMACNDM        "QUALIFIED".                                             
May 28, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Joe Faska, DTC, USA.                                       
Change 37.118  Sites with NLS issues must use CONFIMXG, but to build the
JCLCONFI       new FORMATS catalog, you must use the JCLCONFI example.  
May 27, 2019                                                            
Change 37.117  The optional CICS DBCTL SMF 110 segment can be 164 or 256
IMACICDB       but the order was the 164 first, so if you opened both of
May 23, 2019   the comment blocks, the 256 segment was misaligned. Now, 
               the 256 segment is first and both blocks can be opened to
               support both lengths.                                    
   Thanks to Steven W. Erkkila, USBank, USA.                            
Change 37.116 -WPS U4087 ABEND in WPS 4.1 but not in WPS 4.0 due to the 
CONFIGW4       new data copier added in 4.1, can be circumvented with   
AUTOEXEW       OPTIONS NOWPSSCATTERCOMP; which turns off the facility.  
May 22, 2019  -This correction also fixed a CPU Loop in WPS 4.1.        
Jun 17, 2019  -CONFIGW4 for z/OS and AUTOEXEW for ASCII have the option 
               added, but commented out, and for WPS 4.1 you must remove
               the comment block.  That option did not exist in 4.0.    
               Jul 3:  Corrected in WPS                  
Change 37.116A Variable OPENTIME was repeated in _BTY1415 By List macro,
May 22, 2019   removed.  Change 35.166 revised the BY list.             
   Thanks to Douglas C. Walter, CITIGROUP, USA.                         
Change 37.115  Wrong SMF record types for the example IFASMFDP step when
UTILBLDP       BUILDJCL=YES was specified. 23 should have been 25 and   
May 22, 2019   26J2/26J3 should be 26.                                  
Change 37.114  Support for updated BETA 93 V6R2 (INCOMPATIBLE changes). 
EXTYBET9       Offset to data was changed for some records.             
EXTYBETP       New subtypes create new datasets:                        
EXTYBETQ          DDDDDD  DATASET  Description                          
EXTYBETS          TYBETP  BETA12   PRINT HEADER PAGES                   
VMXGINIT       Only BETA12 & BETA55 new datasets have been data tested. 
May 22, 2019   Variable SYSUSRJOBCORR is INPUT and KEPT for subtypes    
May 27, 2019   that contain it.                                         
   Thanks to Andreas Menne, Finanz Informatik-Sicherheitshinweis,GERMANY
   Thanks to Martina Ruminski, Fin Informatik-Sicherheitshinweis,GERMANY
Change 37.113  NDM-CDI 24-byte record INPUT EXCEEDED ERROR; the header  
VMACNDM        length is 28 bytes, so a test for length is added and an 
May 19, 2019   error message printed and the record deleted.            
   Thanks to Kurt Gramling, T-SYS, USA.                                 
Change 37.112  New options CLEARALL=ONLY will clear any normal MXG      
VMXGALOC       associated LIBNAMEs allocated to your session without    
May 19, 2019   trying to allocate new libnames.                         
               Clears these libnames:                                   
                 PDB SPIN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN WEEK              
                 WEEK1-WEEK5 WTD MONTH MTD TREND                        
               only if they are allocated.                              
Change 37.111   Final revisions for WSF/EOS WSFAUDIT variables AUDACT   
FORMATS         and AUDOBJN and their FORMATS, replaces Change 37.083.  
VMACWSF        -Dataset WSFACCT will always have zero observations; it  
May 14, 2019    was never correct and is replaced by the four datasets  
                WSFDSN, WSFERD, WSFEVTSC, and WSFEVTPR.                 
Change 37.110  MXG Members TYPExxxx create output datasets in //WORK,   
TECHNOTE       MXG Members TYPSxxxx always SORT from WORK to PDB, and   
May 11, 2019   the _Sxxxx sort macro all datasets for product xxxx and  
               deaccumulates those datasets with accumulated fields.    
               Exception: TYPEDB2 invokes the _SDB2 macro that sorts    
                          all DB2 datasets except for DB2ACCT, and _SDB2
                          deaccumulates the DB2 datasets listed below   
                          that need deaccumulation. They are also listed
                          in member DIFFDB2 lists sort/nonsort datasets.
                          NOTE: DB2ACCTP is sorted by _SDB2, but if you 
                                only want Stats sorted, use _S100.      
               Exception: TYPE110/TYPE110S _S110 never sort these:      
                      SUBTYPE=1, CICS MONITOR DATASETS:                 
                      _SCICTRN - CICSTRAN IS NOT SORTED, HIGH VOLUME    
                      _SCICRDS - CICSRDS  IS NOT SORTED, HIGH VOLUME    
                      _SCICRDD - CICSRDPL IS NOT SORTED, HIGH VOLUME    
                      _SCICRDF - CICSRDFI IS NOT SORTED, HIGH VOLUME    
                      _SCICRDQ - CICSRDQU IS NOT SORTED, HIGH VOLUME    
                      _SCICIDN - CICIDNTY IS NOT SORTED, HIGH VOLUME    
                      _SCICIDD - CICIDNDD IS NOT SORTED, HIGH VOLUME    
                 28   028IN7/NPMINPMT                                   
                 30   TY30U6/TYPE30_6                                   
                 50   DIF() ONLY FOR INTERVAL DELTA                     
                 79   TY791/TYPE791 TY792/TYPE792 TY799/TYPE799         
                 99   TY99BG/TYPE99BG                                   
                102   102380/T102S380 102402/T102S402                   
                103   TY1032/TYPE1032 TY103D/TYPE103D                   
                108   TY1083/TYPE1083                                   
                110   INTTC/CICTC     INTTSR/CICTSR   INTDMG/CICDMG     
                      INTVT/CICVT     INTAUT/CICAUTO  INTLDS/CICLDG     
                      INTDTB/CICDTB   INTTCR/CICTCR   INTDQR/CICDQR     
                      INTDQG/CICDQG   INTTSQ/CICTSQ   INTDS/CICDS       
                      INTST/CICST     INTFCR/CICFCR   INTM/CICM         
                      INTLS1/CICLSRR  INTSDR/CICSDR   INTSMD/CICSMD     
                      INTSMT/CICSMT   INTTC1/CICTCLR  INTTDR/CICTDR     
                      INTXMC/CICXMC   INTUSG/CICUSG   INTXMG/CICXMG     
                113   TY113/TYPE113   TY1131/TYPE1131                   
                AIX   ALL AIX Datasets                                  
                DB2   DB2PST/DB2PSTXX DB2NET/DB2NETXX DB2ST5/DB2STAT5   
                      DB2ST0/DB2STAT0 DB2ST1/DB2STAT1 DB2STS/DB2STATS   
                      DB2SBP/DB2STSBP DB2STB/DB2STATB DB2STR/DB2STATR   
                      HSMVSF/HSMVSRFU HSMVSR/HSMVSRST                   
                IMS   IMS452/4/6/7/8/9/C/D/E/F/O/P/G/H/I/J/K/L/M/N      
               MPLX   MPLXIN/XSE/XGA/XRT/XPE/XPM/XPO                    
                NDM   NDMCT                                             
                ASI   CPUTA_LF,TCBTA_LF,IOCNT_S,TRCA_S,TET,TRT          
                TCP   TYTCPS/TYPETCPS                                   
                TPX   TPXINT/TPXINTRV                                   
Change 37.109  Support for z/OS 2.4 SMF Manual 04MAR19 are already in   
VMAC7072       place in MXG 37.02+, Change 37.037 from 14JAN19 Manual,  
VMAC74         except for                                               
May 10, 2019  -SMF70CPC_TYPE, listed in "Summary of Changes" page xxii, 
               but the field is not found in in the manual,query raised.
              -New SMF70PRTCTV='SMF70OS*PRTCT*IS VALID?' flag in TYPE70.
               compatibly added in this change.                         
Change 37.108  Bit mapping documentation for NDN-CDI CNF1/CNF2 fields:  
VMACNDM          NDMCNF1  $CHAR1. /*SECURE*COPY*FLAG1*/                 
May  9, 2019       /*  BIT MAPPINGS FOR NDMCNF1 AND CISECNF1            
                    PCEF EQU  X'80' PNODE ENCRYPT.DATA                  
                    SCSI EQU  X'40' SNODE SECURE.SIGNATURE              
                    PCSI EQU  X'20' PNODE SECURE.SIGNATURE              
                    CCSI EQU  X'10' COPY SECURE.SIGNATURE               
                    SCEF EQU  X'08' SNODE ENCRYPT.DATA                  
                    SSL  EQU  X'04' SSL.ENABLED=Y                       
                    TLS  EQU  X'02' TLS.ENABLED=Y                       
                    STS  EQU  X'01' STS.ENABLED=Y      */               
                 NDMCNF2  $CHAR1. /*SECURE*COPY*FLAG2*/                 
                   /*  BIT MAPPINGS FOR NDMCNF2                         
                    CSIN EQU  X'80' SIGNATURE = CURRENT KEY             
                    PSIN EQU  X'40' SIGNATURE = PREVIOUS KEY            
                    TLS  EQU  X'20' TLSV10 ENABLED                      
                    STS  EQU  X'10' STS.ENABLED                         
                    IPV6 EQU  X'08' IPV6 ADDRESS                        
                    TLS1 EQU  X'04' TLSV11 ENABLED                      
                    TLS2 EQU  X'02' TLSV12 ENABLED                      
                    ZFBA EQU  X'01' ZFBA WAS USED    */                 
                 NDMCPEA    $CHAR1. /*MERGED*SECURE*ENCRYPT*NUMBER*/    
Change 37.107  A change in the length of TPX05LEN misaligned TPXETIME & 
VMACTPX        TPXATIME; they incorrectly INPUT blanks, which TODSTAMP8 
May  9, 2019   reported as 8am on Oct 27, 1935.                         
   Thanks to Craig Bigler, Progressive, USA.                            
   Thanks to Ann Knapik, Progressive, USA.                              
Change 37.106  A check of SYSFILRC that should have been inside a DO    
BLDSMPDB       loop checking SMFIN could cause a spurious critical error
May  8, 2019   saying that the allocation of the SMF file failed if some
May 13,2019    other earlier FILENAME statement had failed. FILENAME    
May 19, 2019   statements don't tell us when they have a problem until  
               you try to use them unless you check the SYSFILRC macro  
               variable for a non-zero value.                           
              -If you run a weekly job independently of a daily job and 
               are using AUTOALOC=YES and need to rerun the week using  
               FORCEDAY it pointed at the incorrect day and did not     
               recognize the start of the week. FORCEDAY should always  
               be the date of the data being processed so if your week  
               starts on Monday FORCEDAY should point at Sundays date.  
               If you are running a weekly or monthly job the code      
               validating parameters still looks at the value in        
               BUILDPDB and if it did not match what was expected could 
               cause a failure. Now you can either omit the parameter   
               and allow it to default or you can specify BUILDPDB=NO.  
              -If you run TREND daily and needed to rerun a WEEK, the   
               trending ran as if it were daily. If you are using       
               AUTOALOC this just repeats what was already done and     
               there will be no duplication of data. Now BLDSMPDB checks
               to see that RUNDAY is NE NO.                             
              -BLDSMPDB now sets SYSCC=16 if it detects any errors, and 
               displays that condition code value at the end.           
Change 37.105  Support for SMF 120 WAS and LIBERTY COMPATIBLE new data: 
VMAC120       -Subtype 11. TYP120BL.  SM120BDL='ON IF*CVTZCBP*IS ON?'   
May  6, 2019  -Subtype 09. TYP1209N.  SM1209HW='ON IF*CVTZCBP*IS ON?'   
              -Subtype 12. TYP12012.  SM120CEJ='ON IF*CVTZCBP*IS ON?'   
Change 37.104  Variables CECSER and CPCMODEL are added to TYPE72GO data 
VMAC7072       set, retained from prior 70. However, they are set blank 
May  6, 2019   if the PREVVSYS system is not the SYSTEM of this record, 
May 19, 2019   which could happen if the SMF data was sorted before MXG 
               or if an SMF Dump happens to start with type 72 records. 
   Thanks to Andrew Petersen, DXC Technology, AUSTRALIA.                
Change 37.103  Support for IMS Log Records 5607/5610/5904/5950 creates  
EXIMS567       new datasets:                                            
EXIMS56A          DDDDDD    DATASET   DESCRIPTION                       
EXIMS594          IMS567    IMS5607   MCS/PICOS                         
EXIMS595          IMS56A    IMS5610   START PHASE 1 SYNCPOINT           
IMACIMS           IMS569    IMS5609   CCTL DISCONNECT FROM DBCTL        
VMACIMS           IMS56B    IMS5611   END OF PHASE 1 SYNCPOINT          
VMXGINIT          IMS56F    IMS5615   RRS RESTART DONE                  
May 15, 2019      IMS594    IMS5904   REGION OCCUPANCY RECORD           
                  IMS595    IMS5950   DATA BASE LOG RECORD              
Change 37.103A FORMAT $MGFSMFID updated for DB2 102 IFCIDS for ANALID.  
May 15, 2019                                                            
Change 37.102  Support for CICS/TS 5.5 new Statistics, COMPATIBLE, two  
EXCICMPR       new datasets, and all _SCICxxx sorts now deaccumulate.   
EXCICSJN       For 5.5, fields were inserted into reserved areas.       
FORMATS       -New Dataset CICMPR for STID=145 CICS Policy statistics.  
IMAC110          MPR_POLICY_NAME   ='POLICY*RESOURCE*NAME'              
VMAC110          MPR_RULE_NAME     ='POLICY*RULE*NAME'                  
May  6, 2019     MPR_BUNDLE_NAME   ='POLICY*BUNDLE*NAME'                
May 18, 2019     MPR_BUNDLE_DIR    ='POLICY*BUNDLE*DIR'                 
Jun  2, 2019     MPR_RULE_TYPE     ='RULE*TYPE'                         
                 MPR_RULE_SUBTYPE  ='RULE*SUB*TYPE'                     
                 MPR_ACTION_TYPE   ='ACTION*TYPE'                       
                 MPR_ACTION_COUNT  ='RULE*ACTION*COUNT'                 
                 MPR_ACTION_TIME   ='RULE*LAST*ACTION*TIME'             
              -New Dataset CICSJN for STID=150 NODEJSAPP statistics.    
                 SJN_NAME           ='NODEJSAPP*NAME'                   
                 SJN_LE_RUNOPTS     ='NODEJSAPP*LE*RUNOPTS'             
                 SJN_STATE          ='NODEJSAPP STAT'/                  
                 SJN_DEFINE_SOURCE  ='GROUP*INSTALLED*FROM'             
                 SJN_CHANGE_TIME    ='CHANGE*CREATE*TIME'               
                 SJN_CHANGE_USERID  ='CHANGE*USERID'                    
                 SJN_CHANGE_AGENT   ='CHANGE*AGENT'                     
                 SJN_INSTALL_AGENT  ='INSTALL*AGENT'                    
                 SJN_INSTALL_TIME   ='INSTALL*CREATE*TIME'              
                 SJN_INSTALL_USERID ='INSTALL*USERID'                   
                 SJN_CREATION_LCL   ='CREATION*TIME*LOCAL'              
                 SJN_PID            ='NODEJSAPP*PID'                    
                 SJN_BUNDLE_NAME    ='BUNDLE*NAME'                      
                 SJN_CPU            ='TOTAL*CPU*TIME'                   
                 SJN_HEAP_CURRENT   ='ALLOCATED*HEAP'                   
                 SJN_HEAP_RUNTIME   ='HEAP*USED BY*RUNTIME'             
                 SJN_HEAP_APP_DATA  ='HEAP*USED FOR*DATA'               
                 SJN_HEAP_MAX       ='MAX*POSSIBLE*HEAP'                
                 SJN_INVK           ='COMPLETED*INVOKES'                
                 SJN_INVK_ERR       ='COMPLETED*INVOKES*IN ERROR'       
                 SJN_INVK_CUR       ='CURRENT*INVOKES*IN PROGRESS'      
                 SJN_INVK_PEAK      ='PEAK*INVOKES IN*PROGRESS'         
                 SJN_NODEHOME       ='NODEHOME*PROFILE*ENTRY'           
                 SJN_PROFILE        ='PROFILE'                          
                 SJN_STARTSCRIT     ='ENTRY*JAVASCRIPT'                 
                 SJN_STDERR         ='STDERR*FILE'                      
                 SJN_STDOUT         ='STDOUT*FILE'                      
                 SJN_TRACE          ='TRACE*FILE'                       
                 SJN_LOG            ='LOG*FILE'                         
              -Dataset CICDB2GL STID=102 new variable                   
              -Dataset CICCONSR STID=52 new variables.                  
                 A14EALL expanded to 4 bytes, used reserved area.       
              -Dataset CICMNG STID=81 new variables                     
                 MNGIR   ='IDENTITY*RECORDS'                            
                 MNGIRS  ='IDENTITY*RECORDS*SUPP BY EXIT'               
              -Dataset CICXMR STID=11 variable                          
              -Previously _SCICddd Statistic Dataset Sort Macros only   
               PROC SORTed from WORK to PDB; there was no deaccumulation
               so fields with accumulated values were wrong.  Now, all  
               _SCICddd macros de-accumulate correctly into the PDB.    
               The _S110 macro sorts account and all statistics datasets
               the _S110ST macro sorts only the statistics datasets.    
              -By DEFAULT, TYPE110 & BUILDPDB do NOT invoke _S110ST. All
               datasets are left in work, where you can tailor EXPDBOUT 
               to sort all or individual datasets.  You can use         
                %LET EPDBOUT= _S110ST ;  in your SYSIN to sort the stats
                datasets AND deaccumulate to correct errors in CICINTRV.
              -But if UTILBLDP is used to create your tailored BUILDPDB,
               and if CICS data was requested, then _S110 is invoked, so
               your PDB.CICINTRV will be valid as soon as you use 37.04.
              -TYPS110 invokes _S110, TYPE110 does not.                 
              -Revised deaccumulation logic needed JOB READTIME added   
               to the BY list, and logic NOT FIRST.READTIME used to     
               eliminate large values created when back-to-back regions 
               had forward times.                                       
              -A new _SCICxxx sort macros option  MXGCICRQTSORT can be  
               used to only read and use the SMFSTRQT='INT' interval    
               records with this statement in your //SYSIN:             
                  This needs testing when you have multiple RQTs.       
               The MXG default continues to use ALL record types.       
              -A new macro variable &MXGCICSORTED is set to YES in      
               _S110 and _S110ST macros so that the logic in VMXGCICI   
               knows to use the PDB deaccumulated data. You would only  
               need to set it to YES if you are building CICINTRV in    
               a separate job from the one that created the stats PDB.  
Change 37.101  MXG 37.03, if you used USERADD=102.nnn syntax for DB2    
UTILBLDP       IFCID subtype, and used BUILDPDB=YES, the generated code 
May 6, 2019    was wrong and failed with 455-185 W102nnn error.         
   Thanks to Tim Hare, Florida Department of Transportation, USA.       
Change 37.100  DB2 zPARM T102S106 vars were wrong in V11/V12 because    
VMAC102        QWP4CYR input $EBCDIC8 but it is only one byte:          
               These zPARM variables in DB2 V12 are now supported:      
                 QWP4RTNP        ='REORG*TS_NOPAD*DEFAULT?'             
                 QWP4DYNPFSW     ='QWP4DYNPFSW'                         
                 QWP4NIDX        ='QWP4NIDX'                            
                 QWP4IXMC        ='INDEX_MEMORY_CONTROL'                
                 QWP4UHMDH       ='UTILS*HSM_MSGDS*HLQ'                 
                 QWP4DINA        ='DEFAULT*INSERT*ALGORITHM'            
                 QWP4MISD        ='QWP4MISD'                            
                 QWP4FLT         ='QWP4FLT'                             
                 QWP4IXMT        ='QWP4IXMT'                            
                 QWP4AUTC        ='AUTH*COMPATIBILITY'                  
                 QWP4TSCT        ='QWP4TSCT'                            
   Thanks to Lai Fai Wong, Bank of America, USA.                        
Change 37.099  Two formats for CICS Version variable SMFPSRVR displayed 
FORMATS        72 instead of 'TS5.5' or '5655-Y04 in MOBILE data.       
May  2, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 37.098 -Possible Abend S0C7 when using the CDF Filter SYSPLEX=   
ASMRMFV        after ASMRMFV change 36.241.  Affects MXG releases       
May  1, 2019   36.12-37.03.  HAS NOT OCCURRED, exposure was observed.   
              -Options message RMFV037I incorrectly shows SHOWASI,      
               but SHOWASI option is not actually in effect.  Affects   
               MXG release 37.03 only.                                  
Change 37.097  APAR OA56762 NEGATIVE SMF30_TIME_ZIIP_ON_CP zOS 2.2 only,
TECHNOTE FLASH caused LARGE CPU time of 42,949,672 seconds because MXG  
Apr 30, 2019   input as PIB4 expecting positive values.  The INVALID    
               DATA BIT in SMF30TF2 for this time field WAS NOT ON.     
               This is variable CPUZIETM='ZIP-ELIGIBLE*CPU TIME*ON CP'  
               in MXG TYPE30 datasets, and the defect was in eight      
               subtype 3 interval termination records in this SMF file  
   Thanks to Jutta Gleixner-Schmid, ALLIANZ. GERMANY.                   
Change 37.096  RMF III dataset ZRBASI variables ASIFRXB_LF,ASIFRXA_LF   
VMACRMFV       and ASIFRXH_LF are the sum variables that should have    
Apr 26. 2019   been divided by ASISMPCT to report their average value.  
               The labels are also corrected. Variables CPC_CECNAME     
               and LPARNAME are added to dataset ZRBBDSIH.              
   Thanks to Karl Laseki, American Chemical Society, USA.               
Change 37.095  New variables added to TYPEDBDS (IMF from BMC):          
VMACCIMS       DBTNOI DBTNOO DBTBFSTK DBTBFSTN                          
VMACIMS       -Formats for DBTFLAG2 and DBTFLAG3 created.               
Apr 25, 2019  -IMS07 ENDTIME could be missing due to 8 bytes            
May  3, 2019   found but not documented; detection/protection           
               was added.                                               
              -Variable BHTOON is added to CIMSTRAN and CIMSDBDS;       
               it was already kept in CIMSPROG.                         
              -Variable ALPCPTRN was incorrectly formatted $HEX8 and    
               incorrectly used to create UOWTIME.                      
              -UOWTIME was incorrectly created like CICS UOWTIME with   
               only 6-bytes of datetime, but IMS UOWTIME is 8-bytes in  
               UOWTRANS, now used to create the IMS UOWTIME.            
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 37.094  CICS 110 Stats CICLSRR dataset accumulated variables that
VMAC110        end with BFF/CRF/CRS/CWF/CWS/FRD/UIW are now correctly   
Apr 24. 2019   deaccumulated in _SCICLS1 sort macro when TYPS110 is used
Apr 26, 2019   or it can be added after TYPE110 is included.            
               See Change 37.102, all CICS Statistics are deaccumulated.
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 37.093  Support for IMS ODBM Accounting SMF Type 29 Subtype 1    
EXTY29OD       record creates the new TY29ODBM dataset.                 
Apr 24, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Kurt Gramling, T-SYS, USA.                                 
Change 37.092  TRENDINCODE= parameter added to both macros to allow you 
VMXGRMFI       to limit the trend datasets.  You could limit the amount 
VMXGDBSS       of data retained by specifying (using VMXGDBSS here) by: 
Apr 20, 2019     TRENDINCODE=IF DATEPART(BEGTIME) GE TODAY()-732;       
               to impose a 2 year limit on the data.                    
====== CHANGES THRU 37.091 ARE IN MXG 37.03 DATED Apr 19, 2019 =========
Change 37.091 -TYPE42 Subtype 5 INPUT EXCEEDED when new MCO/SYO/BGO data
VMAC42         segments exist, MXG miscoded the new segments, MXG 37.02.
VGETUTKN      -Hex 00 protection for UTKNPOE/UTKNSCL/SMF42GAO/SMFA2GAO/ 
               ST 5 Error caught by Early Adopter tester in MXG 37.03EA.
              -Jun 17: Variables S42VSXST and S42VSXRT were created in  
               MXG 37.02-03 incorrectly with $EBCDIC8 informat. This    
               change corrected them to &PIB.4. numeric variables in    
               TYPE42HI dataset, but if you build WEEKLY PDBs with some 
               days 37.02/37.03, and some 37.04 or later, you will need 
               to DROP those variables from the 02/03-built PDB.        
Change 37.090  When BUILDPDB=YES is used with %UTILBLDP, the SMF 113    
UTILBLDP       records are automatically processed, and ASUM113 is run  
Apr 15, 2019   after BUILDPDB.  Now, SUPPRESS=113 can be used if you    
               don't want those datasets.                               
Change 37.089 -Major enhancements to ASMRMFV and VMACRMFV.              
ADOCRMFV      -New Field Data Filter (FDF) feature supports field level 
ASMRMFV        data selection for the RMF III ASI, CSR, and DVT tables. 
VMACRMFV      -The ANDIF=, ORIF=, IF= keywords are used to specify a    
Apr 16, 2019   FDF filter called an IF expression.                      
              -FDF complements the existing Character Data Filter (CDF) 
               feature.  CDF has no numeric data filtering capability.  
              -If both CDF and FDF filters are used, then CDF filtering 
               occurs first.  Entries filtered by CDF are never passed  
               to FDF.                                                  
              -FDF supports character, fixed point, floating point,     
               percent, bit string, hex string, time, and time of day   
               fields for filtering depending on the format and content 
               of each field.                                           
              -FDF uses IF expressions with 3 components enclosed in    
               required matched left/right parentheses in this order:   
               1.  RMF III field name or MXG variable name when         
               2.  Comparison operator                                  
               3.  Character, numeric, bit string, hex string, percent, 
                   time, or time of day value as appropriate to the     
                   field being filtered.                                
              -See documentation Sections 31-34 for full details on the 
               use of FDF.                                              
              -New RMFV080I-RMFV088I messages added for FDF support.    
              -New options SHOWARR (alias SHARR) and NOSHOWARR (alias   
               NSHARR) added to display IF expression memory storage    
               array activity.  Default is NOSHOWARR.  see Section 6    
               Report Control Parameters for more details.              
              -New options SHOWIF (alias SHIF) and NOSHOWIF (alias      
               NOSHIF) added to display IF expression compare results   
               in both Detail and Summary reports in message RMFV080I.  
               Default is SHOWIF.  see Section 6 Report Control         
               Parameters for more details.                             
              -New option IFERR= controls handling of errors detected   
               while processing ANDIF=/IF=/ORIF= expressions.  Possible 
               settings are ABEND, ERROR, WARN, IGNORE.  Default is     
               IFERR=ERROR.  See Section 8 Error Handling Parameters    
               For more details.                                        
              -Three recently documented RMF Monitor III tables are now 
               supported for PDB builds: PCI, SCM, and ZFS.             
              -The PCIE Activity Data Table may be selected with the    
               PCI, P, MOST, or ALL table select options.               
              -The Storage Class Memory Data Table may be selected with 
               the SCM, MOST, or ALL table select options.              
              -The ZFS Performance Data Table may be selected with the  
               ZFS, Z, MOST, or ALL table select options.               
               RMF III data set.                                        
              -ASMRMFV will now detect quoted strings and not apply any 
               translations regardless of UPCASE/NOUPCASE settings.     
              -ASMRMFV will no longer check for Control Unit Busy or    
               Switch Port Busy when filtering DVT entries with the     
               NOZEROIO option.  These DVT fields became obsolete and   
               unused with z/OS 1.4 in September 2002.                  
              -Almost all documentation for ASMRMFV now resides only    
               in the ADOCRMFV member.                                  
              -ADOCRMFV has been reformatted to take advantage of full  
               72 column width for better legibility.                   
              -Message RMFV033* showed an incorrect value for index     
               count if an I/O error occurs reading the first or last   
               MINTIME interval.                                        
              -Many documentation sections have been updated and 4 new  
               sections are added:                                      
               Section 31 Field Data Filtering (FDF)                    
               Section 32 Filtering The ASI Table                       
               Section 33 Filtering The CSR Table                       
               Section 34 Filtering The DVT Table                       
Change 37.088   DB2 102 IFCID 106 truncated variables longer lengths are
VMAC102         now supported:                                          
   Thanks to Lai Fai Wong, Bank of America, USA.                        
Change 37.087   SMF 50 VTAM Tuning record subtypes 02 and 05 don't match
VMAC50          the record documentation and IBM has acknowledged and   
Apr 15, 2019    will revise their doc, when this text will be updated.  
                This change only reverses the order of RDUX/REDE.       
   Thanks to Svend Zaunick, Finanz Informatik, GERMANY.                 
Change 37.086   MXG Support for the new Japanese Reiwa era dates is in  
TECHNOTE        place as MXG does not use any Japanese informats, but   
Apr 10, 2019    SAS Note 63973 reports an update is needed to provide   
                support in NENGO and JNENGO informats/formats.          
Change 37.085   SMF 92 Subtype 52 INPUT  EXCEEDED. because SMF92TRSN was
VMAC92          documented as 52 EBCDIC on page 846, but there are only 
Apr 10, 2019    8 bytes at the end of the record for the name, and the  
                segment length is 48 to match a final 8-byte field.     
                But I believed the SMF manual and INPUT 52 without an   
                extra test to see if the bytes were there.              
   Thanks to Joe Faska, DTCC, USA.                                      
Change 37.084   Variables CMB10C0-CMB10C4 in VXPRCAPM are wrong because 
VMACVMXA        their DIF() calls had the wrong variable.               
Apr 10, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Graham Harris, RBS, ENGLAND.                               
Change 37.083  -Ignore the first two sections of this original text.    
VMACWSF        -WSF/EOS revisions corrected misalignment in WSFAUDIT    
VMACWSF         dataset, but AUDOBJT values of '6C'x and 'B4'x are not  
Apr 10, 2019    documented, and the order of AUDACT and AUDOBJT is NOT  
Apr 19, 2019    consistent with the documentation, which has always has 
May 14, 2019    ACT then OBJT, but for ACT values of '60'x or higher,   
                I've observed OBJT is first, and the value of OBJT has  
                to be used to decode the multiple uses of the AUDOBJI   
                field into the correct variable.                        
               -Also, OBJT values of '6C'x,'B4'x are found but not      
                documented in the DSECT.                                
               -Dataset WSFACCT will always have zero observations; it  
                was never correct and is replaced by the four datasets  
                WSFDSN, WSFERD, WSFEVTSC, and WSFEVTPR.                 
               -May 14, 2019.  See Change 37.111.                       
Change 37.082   SMF 99 ST 12 dataset TYPE99CC Capacity Increase/Decrease
VMAC99          bit variables S99CCCCAPINCR/S99CCCCAPDECR/S99_VCM_D2-4  
Apr  9, 2019    are decoded into individual variables:                  
                  S99CCCCAPDEC05='VL*EFFECT*TOO LOW?'                   
                  S99CCCCAPDEC10='PR/SM*CAPPED*PARK ALL?'               
                  S99CCCCAPDEC11='PR/SM*CAPPED*PARK ALL*HI CEC UTIL?'   
                  S99CCCCAPDEC12='PR/SM*CAPPED*VH UTIL*LOW?'            
                  S99CCCCAPDEC13='PR/SM*CAPPED*VL*EFFECT*TOO LOW?'      
                  S99CCCCAPDEC14='PR/SM*CAPPED*MVS BUSY*TOO LOW?'       
                  S99CCCCAPDEC16='PARK ALL*REQUEST*unpark*threshold?'   
                  S99CCCCAPDEC17='PR/SM CAPPED*NO DECR*LOW CEC UTIL?'   
   Thanks to Jan Tielemans, KBC, BELGIUM                                
Change 37.081   Velocity VPS USER records are either Interval or Summary
VMACXAM         but only the top ten users get Interval records, so when
Apr  5, 2019    analyzing the USER data,you MUST select IF INTORSUM='SU'
                to see the total resource usage.                        
   Thanks to Deeresh Naidoo, First Rand Bank of South Africa.           
Change 37.080A  Datasets  BETA9706 and BETA9706D were not output to PDB 
VMACBE97        when TYPSBE97 was used to sort from work to PDB.        
Apr  4, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Andreas Menne, Finanz Informatik, GERMANY.                 
Change 37.080   Variables SVPCNM Service Class and RPRTCLAS Report class
VMACRMFV        are added to all the RCD datasets.                      
Apr  4, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Claudio A. Rodriguez, BancoGFalicia, ARGENTINA             
Change 37.079   New variables DBS_DD and DBS_D are created in TYPETPMX. 
VMACTPMX        Variables SYSTEM,SMFTIME added to ERROR messages.       
Apr  2, 2019    Variable $JCL_S decoded and output, Apr 19.             
Apr 19, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Jack Hyde, OPTUM, USA.                                     
Change 37.078   BY variable R748SIID in dataset TYPE748 format is now   
VMAC74          HEX4 (was HEX2), and there are no duplicate observations
Apr  2, 2019    in TYPE748S as R748SIID is unique to each record, due   
                to that too-short format, false duplicates could have   
                been deleted in the past.                               
   Thanks to Douglas C. Walter, CITRIBANK, USA.                         
Change 37.077   Enhanced to sort and remove intervals where a SYSTEM is 
SAGANAL         on multiple CECs, as when it was moved from one CEC to  
Apr  3, 2019    another.  New time range report of input SMF 30/70s.    
   Thanks to Bob Berg, American Family, USA.                            
Change 37.076   Support for HSM FSR Record addition of Unix filename in 
VMACHSM         dataset HSMFSRBO variable FSR2_UNAM because FSRDSN is   
Apr  2, 2019    only 44 bytes, When FSR2_UNML is greater than 44, FDRDSN
                will contain the first part of the name, then ...  and  
                then the last part of the name, while FSR2_UNAM will    
                contain the full name (up to 128 char).                 
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, Huk-Coburg, GERMANY.                       
VMAC125         because INFORMAT &PIB.2. was missing the final period.  
Mar 30, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to MP Welch, Bank of America, USA.                            
Change 37.074   QBSTBPIN was always incorrectly calculated before the   
VMACDB2         variables used in the calculation had been DIF()'d      
Mar 30, 2019    yielding unrealistically high values. The calculation is
                now done in DIFFDB2 after the DIF() calls are done.     
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 37.073   BBMQ processing reported UNEXPECTED RTINs, when you have
VMACBBMQ        multiple BMC products writing to a common history file. 
Mar 29, 2019    MXG BBMQ now selects only E1x-E8x, skipping other values
                eliminating those log messages.  There were no changes  
                to BBMQ 5.3 records in 5.4.                             
   Thanks to James Wajda, Credit-Suisse, USDA.                          
Change 37.072   ODS Statistical graphics procedures make extensive use  
TECHNOTE        of JAVA, which can be very memory intensive on zOS. This
Mar 28, 2019    is any procedure starting with SG or any ODS HTML or ODS
                PDF outputs. SAS recommends REGION=512M minimum but the 
                MXG recommendation is always REGION=0M on the JOB card  
                on zOS.  We have seen REGION usage as high as 900M+ for 
                jobs running the ANAL9914 Topology report with HTML.    
Change 37.071   %MACRO variables INTIME70,INTIME70EN,INTIME70PR can be  
VMXG70PR        used by ASUM70PR to convert time zones of LPARs to a    
VMXGINIT        common timezone. This example shifts all times to GMT.  
Mar 27, 2019                                                            
                   %LET INTIME70=                                       
                   %LET INTIME70EN=                                     
                   %LET INTIME70PR=                                     
                     %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(ASUM70PR);                       
                This is an initial design, which may be revised.        
   Thanks to Berthold Willing, AXA, GERMANY.                            
Change 37.070  Unused Change Number.                                    
Mar 25, 2019                                                            
Change 37.069   zEDC Compression types for DCOLLECT datasets revised:   
FORMATS         Dataset DCOLDSET, variable DCDCTYPE formated values     
VMACDCOL          0=0:Not Compressed                                    
Mar 25, 2019      1=1:Generic                                           
                  DCDCTYPE replaced DCOLMTYP, now always missing.       
                Dataset DCOLDC,   variable DDCCT  format MGDCOCT:       
Change 37.068  CF Activity Report Structure Level is moved to ANALRMF3  
ANALRMF3       from VMACRMFV.  Additional RMF III report examples will  
Mar 21, 2019   be added in ANALRMF3.                                    
Change 37.067  Support for RMF III PCI, SCM, ZFX segments create four   
EXZRBPCI       datasets ZRBPCI, ZRBSCL, ZRBZFX (System Data) and        
EXZRBSCL       ZRBZFS (File Server Data).  ZRBSCL was used for SCM      
EXZRBZFX       because there already is a ZRBSCM dataset (for CFISSCMS).
Mar 29, 2019                                                            
Change 37.066  New TOKEN variables added to TYPE80TK dataset:           
Mar 21, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Mark Kerr-Delworth, Express ICS, ENGLAND.                  
Change 37.065  Major rewrite of this macro to eliminate repeating the   
VMXGDSN        same logic 3 different times. New parameter added to ID  
Mar 19, 2019   your HSM managed tape volumes with a default of HSM.     
               Labels on VOLUMES and TAPE variables corrected to show   
               that they are actually counts of datasets and not a      
               count of volumes.                                        
Change 37.064  Doc ONLY. Examples add to suppress 110.1 or 101 or both  
UTILBLDP       when BUILDPDB=YES.                                       
Mar 20, 2019                                                            
Change 37.063 -The ANALID report showed only IDANDSUM=26.000 for either 
ANALID         JES2 or JES3; now the SUBS (2 for JES2, 5 for JES3) is   
VMACID         stored in SUBTYPE to create 26.002:JES2 or 26.005:JES3.  
Mar 16, 2019  -A non-impacting note about DELETE SMFREC01/02 removed.   
Change 37.062  Faulty logic prevented creation of zip eligible chart.   
Mar 15, 2019                                                            
Change 37.061  Bar charts of ZIP and ZIP eligible added.                
Mar 15, 2019                                                            
Change 37.060  SMF Type 82 subtype 31 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED for      
VMAC82         TAG='0204' because MXG incorrectly expected 8 bytes when 
FORMATS        that TAG only has 8 bytes.  FORMAT MG082SN revised to    
Mar 20, 2019   include SERVER name.                                     
   Thanks to Randy Springs, BB&T, USA.                                  
Change 37.059  Further corrections for IFCID 319 support.               
Mar 10, 2019                                                            
Change 37.058  Cosmetic: Uninitialized variable CBPERROR.               
Mar 11, 2019                                                            
====== CHANGES THRU 37.057 ARE IN MXG 37.02 DATED Mar 11, 2019 ======== 
Change 37.057  Analysis of what your WLM Classification Rules do, using 
ANALRULE       SMF 30, 101 and 110 to produce three reports for where   
Mar 10, 2019   work is sent by SYSTEM and TYPETASK, routing for CICS    
               transactions by SYSTEM and APPLID, and routing for DDF.  
Change 37.056  Unused Change.                                           
Change 37.055  RMF III dataset ZRBCFI, CFACT Coupling Facility Activity 
FORMATS        Report, which is actually a CF per-Structure report, is  
VMACRMFV       printed by invoking _CFACT after TYPSRMFV.  Macro _CFACT 
Mar  9, 2019   is defined at the bottom of VMACRMFV.                    
               Mar 21:  MOVED TO NEW ANALRMF3 Report Member.  CH 37.068.
   Thanks to Ervin Claxon, CSX, USA.                                    
Change 37.054  Using report classes to define workloads in RMFINTRV is a
UTILWORK       good way to group workloads but will only work if all    
Mar  9, 2019   workloads have a default report class, UTILWORK now      
               detects this condition and warns that the use of report  
               classes should not be attempted until this can be        
Change 37.053  New utility contribution, UTILMISS, will create a data   
UTILMISS       set from an existing dataset, removing all variables that
Mar  8, 2019   have all numeric missing values, and characters blank.   
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's Companies, USA.                       
Change 37.052  Variable CPUERROR in TYPE30 datasets is a two-byte field 
VMAC30         but was accidentally made length $4 some time ago due to 
Mar  7, 2019   a blank that gave it $HEX8 format which forced length 4. 
               The correct $HEX4. format is now applied, but LENGTH $4  
               is also forced, since a change in length will cause PROC 
               APPEND to fail if the user didn't specify FORCE.  These  
               TYPE30xx datasets are too critical to not protect.       
              -Flag variables SMF30T32 and SMF30T33 are now kept.       
Change 37.051 -IFCID 319 variable QW0319FL is replaced by a variable    
VMAC102        for each bit:                                            
Mar  7, 2019    QW0319UR='CALLER*PASSED*USER*REG*NAME?'                 
               -Variable QW0319RI is INPUT and Kept.                    
               -Variables QW0319AE QW0319IY QW0319SC QW0319SE kept.     
               -New variable QW0319LU='LUNAME*IF*SNA' is created        
   Thanks to Warren Cravey, FMR, USA.                                   
Change 37.050  UTILBLDP now accepts USERADD=100 or 101 or both, and     
UTILBLDP       invokes USERADD=DB2, but if only 100 or 101 alone are    
Mar  6, 2019   requested, the other record's datasets are _NULL_ed.     
               UTILBLDP now accepts USERADD=CICS (to read SMF 110)      
Change 37.049  Variable ASIQSCANREQ is kept in RMF III ZRBASI dataset.  
Mar  6, 2019                                                            
Change 37.048  Example to "BUILDPDB" only JOB-related Datasets enhanced 
JCLPDBJB       to support both JES2 and JES3.                           
Mar  5, 2019                                                            
Change 37.047  NDM-CDI dataset NDMCT variable NDMCPU was 256 times too  
VMACNDM        large and character NDMRIUP6/NDMTYPFK shifted because of 
Mar  1, 2019   a 1 byte misalignment in the MXG Input Statement.        
   Thanks to Mike Creech, BKFS, USA.                                    
   Thanks to Roger Foreman, BKFS, USA.                                  
   Thanks to Glenn Halligan, BKFS, USA.                                 
   Thanks to David Kelley, BKFS, USA.                                   
Change 37.046  Variables SMF70BPS/SMF70ACS for each SMF70CIN engine     
VMAC7072       type are variables CP70BPS/IFA70BPS/ZIP70BPS/IFL70BPS    
Mar  5, 2019   and CP70ACS/IFA70ACS/ZIP70ACS/IFL70ACS in PDB.TYPE70PR.  
               and PDB.ASUMCELP (recommended LPAR analysis) and ASUM70LP
               (which is BY SYSTEM and has duplicate data.              
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBWorks Inc., USA.                           
Change 37.045  The CTG Version, CTGRVN was added to each of the CTG     
VMAC111        datasets created from SMF 111 Records and variables      
Mar  5, 2019   CTGIALRQ CTGLCNFA are kept in dataset TY111CXI.          
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 37.044  The BMC CMF Product generally updates VERSNRMF only on a 
VMAC7072       CMF Release Boundary; values of both 792 (2.2) and 794   
VMAC71         (2.3) exist on z/OS 2.3.  MXG does NOT use VERSNRMF for  
VMAC73         any logic, but this correction for CMF records sets the  
VMAC74         VERSNRMF=794 if it was 792 and RMFSRCL Record Level is   
VMAC75         81 or 82 depending on subtype.                           
Mar  1, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Joe Faska, DTCC, USA.                                      
Change 37.043  Executing MXG on ASCII under a VM product, or with WORK  
TECHNOTE       on a network drive, bad things can happen. We SRONGLY    
Feb 21, 2019   recommend keeping the WORK file local to the system on   
               which you are executing SAS.                             
               Two Known Errors:                                        
               -This error was found with WORK on a network drive:      
                 ERROR: Unable to obtain valid utility file pathname.   
               -This error was found under VM with WORK on a network    
                 ERROR: A lock is not available for WORK.OPTVAR.DATA.   
                 This one can be circumvented by adding                 
                    -filelockwait 30                                    
                 to your SAS command or as an OPTION in SAS.CFG file.   
Change 37.042  Change 37.024 did not protect for a blank WANTONLY, but  
READDB2        only generated a cosmetic error that %SYSFUNC did not    
Feb 19,2019    have right number of arguments.                          
Change 37.041  DCOLLECT APAR OA54879 reports that DCDEXFLG is NOT USED  
VMACDCOL       for zEDC compression and is now "DATA SIZES NOT VALID'   
Feb 19,2019    and is for non-VSAM Extended Format Data Sets.           
               Data set sizes that are not valid in either or both of   
               DCDUDSIZ or DCDCUDSZ variables, which might contain non  
               zero values, but should not be used.                     
   Thanks to Robert Chavez, FPL, USA.                                   
Change 37.040  Dataset TYPE749 variable R7491DEFCOMPRATIO wrong value   
VMAC74         is corrected to                                          
Feb 19,2019       IF R7491IOB GT 0 THEN                                 
                  ELSE R749INFCOMPRATIO=.;                              
               Variables were reversed in the calculation.              
   Thanks to Jan Tielemans, KBC, BELGIUM.                               
Change 37.039  Three MQ reports matching IBM's MQSMF program. Currently 
ANALMQ         the reports are a queue summary, a detail report of PUTS,
Feb 14,2019    and a detail report of GETS.  The GETS/PUTS reports can  
               be output to either or both SYSOUT or CSV files.         
   Thanks to Jan Tielemans, KBC, BELGIUM.                               
Change 37.038  Simple report that combines catalog records (TYPE6156)   
ANALHSM1       with HSM activity (HSMFSRST) to generate a report of     
Feb 14, 2019   datasets that may be thrashing between primary and       
   Thanks to Richard Way, Office Depot, USA.                            
Change 37.037  Updates found in the Jan 14, 2019 SMF Manual,            
FORMATS        with more changes to come in 37.03 when validated.       
VMAC124       -New Datasets                                             
VMAC41          TYPE42VO='PER-VOLUME STATISTICS'                        
VMAC42          TYPE42HI='HIGH RESPONSE TIME JOBS'                      
VMAC7072      -TYPE70 New variables                                     
VMAC74          SMF70_IPL_TIME   ='IPL*DATETIME*OF*PARTITION'           
Feb 19, 2019  -TYPE70TR New variable                                    
                TRG_MEM          ='TENANT*MEMORY*CONSUMPTION*MGBYTES'   
              -TYPE7002 New variables                                   
                R7023SCOPE='80X=CPC SCOPE*40X=SYSTEM*SCOPE'             
              -TYPE70X2 New variables                                   
                R7024SCOPE='80X=CPC SCOPE*40X=SYSTEM*SCOPE'             
              -TYPE70Y3 New variables                                   
                R7025SCOPE='80X-CPC SCOPE*40X=SYSTEM*SCOPE'             
                R7025DID  ='DOMAIN*ID'                                  
              -TYPE749 New Variables                                    
              -TYPE78IO Change                                          
                R783DSTX relocated.                                     
              -TYPE41 Change                                            
                SKIP LOGIC protection for future, no impact now.        
              -TYPE 42 SUBTYPE 5 New Variables                          
                S42VRID1='DELAYS*TIME*1-10 MICROSEC'                    
                S42VRID3='DELAYS*TIME*100-10000 MICROSEC'               
                S42VRID4='DELAYS*TIME*1-10 MILLISEC'                    
                S42VRID5='DELAYS*TIME*10-100 MILLISEC'                  
                S42VRID6='DELAYS*TIME*OVER*100 MILLISEC'                
                S42VRIDM='MAXIMUM*I/O*INTERRUPT*DELAY TIME'             
                S42VRIDT='DATETIME*OF THE*MAXIMUM'                      
                S42VRIDA='AVERAGE*I/O*INTERRUPT*DELAY TIME'             
              -TYPE 42 SUBTYPE 6 New Variables                          
                S42DXMXI         ='STORAGE*SUBSYSID*FOR S42DSMXR'       
              -TYPE124 New variable                                     
Change 37.036  Some IFA variables were not populated in the four output 
VMAC7072       datasets created by ASUM70PR; all IFA variable names are 
VMXG70PR       unchanged, but all "ZAAP" text in labels is now "ZCBP".  
Mar  5, 2019                                                            
Change 37.035  DB2 V12 overlooked Package Variables now INPUT and KEEP: 
VMACDB2         QPACAWLH         ='LATCH*WAIT*TIME'                     
Feb  7, 2019    QPACANLH         ='WAITS*TRACE*EVENTS*LATCH'            
Mar  5, 2019    QPACRLNU         ='THREADS*TO ROLL DATA'                
                QPACAACC         ='WAITS*TRACE*EVENTS*ACCELERATOR'      
                QPACAACW         ='WAIT TIME*ACCELERATOR*REQUESTS'      
                QPAC_PIPE_WAIT   ='WAIT TIME*PIPE'                      
                QPAC_PIPE_COUNT  ='WAITS*FOR*PIPE'                      
                QPAC_COPYID      ='PACKAGE*COPY*ID'                     
              -Macros _N100/N101/_S100/_S101 defined for UTILBLDP.      
Change 37.034  Two more SMF 42 subtype 5 ABENDING invalid LENSR=520/592 
VMAC42         length values added to the test. APAR OA54668 corrects.  
Feb  7, 2019   LENSR IN(232,240,320,376,400,480,448,304,520,560,592,640)
Change 37.033  Support for Axway V3.3.2 2018/06/27 restructured User    
VMACAXWY       SMF record.                                              
Feb  6, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Warren Cravey, FMR, USA.                                   
Change 37.032  TYPE749 z/EDC data, DIVIDE BY ZERO protection failed if  
VMAC74         both R7491DCT and R7491ICT were zero; R741BPS had been   
Feb  5, 2019   included in the test, but it's always non-zero so the    
               test now is IF SUM(R7491DCT,R7491ICT) GT 0 THEN          
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, Huk-Coburg, GERMANY.                       
====== CHANGES THRU 37.031 WERE IN MXG 37.01 DATED Feb  3, 2019=========
Change 37.031  Bar charts of MIPS and % CPU added to the analysis work  
GRAFWLM        by IMPORTANCE, originally based on Peter Enrico's paper. 
Feb  3, 2019                                                            
Change 37.030  MXG 36.12-37.01 ASMRMFV ASI NOZEROCPU filter stopped     
ASMRMFV        filtering which could cause a significant increase in the
Feb  3, 2019   size of the RMFBSAM file and the PDB.ZRBASI dataset.     
               ASICPUTA_LF was added by Change 36.241 to that filter,   
               but it is an accumulated field that can not be used as it
               is always non-zero. NOZEROCPU is supported for z/OS 2.2+ 
              -Section 5 "Input Data Control Parameters" is updated.    
====== CHANGES THRU 37.029 WERE IN MXG 37.01 DATED Feb  1, 2019=========
Change 37.029  A reference line of the values for SMF70LAC (overall     
ANAL89         rolling 4 hour avg MSU) added to interval MSU charts.    
Feb  1, 2019                                                            
Change 37.028  Support for z/VM 7.1 (INCOMPAT, BROKEN CONTROL RECORD)   
VMACVMXA       due to insert in VXPRCDHF plus the change in HCPCPEID    
Jan 31, 2019   value for the Service Level test from '40061802 for 6.4  
Feb 14, 2019   to '10071802' for 7.1 that failed when tested for 'GE'.  
               New variable ZVMVERS='' is created so GE can be 
               used for IF ZVMVERS GE tests.  There were 32 bytes added 
               to PRCDHF, but the 7.1 DSECT only shows on byte added.   
              -Heuristic (ZZQUCT+1) test revised, false positive caused 
               large VMDTTIME value.                                    
   Thanks to Graham Harris, RBS, ENGLAND.                               
Change 37.027  Example added to email the final condition code of a SAS 
EMAIL          job running in the background on ASCII.                  
Jan 31, 2019                                                            
Change 37.026  If you create your own SUBSYSTEM that handles JES2 output
VMAC26J2       the SUBS value in SMF 26 records is not the expected 0002
Jan 30, 2019   for JES2 (or 0003 for JES3), but instead is a two byte   
               character field.  Previously, MXG TYPE26J2 only output   
               SUBS=2 execution purge records.  Now, if the SUBS is 3,  
               the JES3 record is deleted with MXGERROR messages that   
               TYPE26J3/BUILDPD3 must be used for JES3. If the SUBS is  
               other than 2, the records are presumed to be valid JES2  
               records, but MXGWARN messages print the SUBSYSTEM name.  
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 37.025  CICS variable A11ACTCI in CICS Statistics dataset CICDQG 
VMAC110        was INPUT but not KEPT.                                  
Jan 29, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Giuseppe Giacomodonato, EPVTECH, ITALY.                    
Change 37.024  Using READDB2 with WANTONLY arguments DB2ST/DB2PST caused
READDB2        ERROR: Char Operand in the %EVAL, due to a superfluous   
Jan 29, 2019   AND in an %IF statement that also exposed that PDBOUT=YES
Feb  1, 2019   failed in the PROC SORT of the DB2STATx datasets.        
               The WANTONLY doc has been updated to note that           
                 DB2STATB DB2SDTSBP AND DB2STAT5 DATASETS.              
   Thanks to Keith C. Shaffer, Cigna, USA.                              
   Thanks to James Cyr. Cigna, USA.                                     
Change 37.023  Unused Change Number.                                    
Change 37.022  The new $MGRMIPS format that maps IBM processor model to 
GRAFWRKX       MSU and MIPS capacity (created in 37.001) is now used in 
GRAFCEC        these Graphs, which use PDB.ASUMCELP which has variable  
Jan 28, 2019   CPCFNAME so MIPS can be calculated from percent busy:    
               The CPCFNAME is constructed from CPU TYPE and MODEL as   
               programmatically, or manually as '3906-420' for that z14.
   Thanks to Ervin Claxon, CSX, USA.                                    
Change 37.021  If you run on ASCII with autoaloc=yes and did not put an 
VMXGALOC       execution of VMXGALOC in your IMACINIT (strongly our     
Jan 28, 2019   recommendation) but added a second execution of VMXGALOC 
               and the parameters did not precisely match those you used
               in BLDSMPDB and did not specify READONLY=YES to suppress 
               the aging off of old directories you could potentially   
               lose data as it deleted old directories. This change now 
               looks to see it you specified READONLY as NO and the     
               current days PDB has already been created it will        
               generate an MXGNOTE and set READONLY to YES.             
              -YR2KEEP and BASEYEAR parameters are added to let you     
               allocate a yearly PDB, Defaults to 0, so it won't be     
               created or allocated unless you enable it, and you will  
               need to update your BLDSMPDB to add the dataset names    
               you want created in the yearly directories.  Contact     
      if you need help.                        
Change 37.020  Unused Change Number.                                    
Change 37.019  Documentation note for VMXGUOW/ASUMUOW.  If you have a   
VMXGUOW        tailored CICSTRAN dataset and have dropped any variables,
Jan 25, 2019   you may get an UNITIALIZED message for those variables in
               ASUMUOW. While this is an expected and non-critical error
               you can remove the error by editing the _KUOWIDC _KUOWCIC
               or _Kuowcix macros where the variables appear and simply 
               remove the variable(s) from the list.                    
Change 37.018  Support for STC HSC Subtype 32 & 33 create new datasets  
EXSTCV32          STCVSM32='RESERVED,INTERNAL USE'                      
EXSTCV33          STCVSM33='MVCPOOL USAGE'                              
Jan 27, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 37.017  Many non-fatal corrections were made to type 92:         
VMAC92        -Several 16-byte STCKE datetimes inputs were wrong:       
Jan 24, 2019   SMF92CCT,SMF92MCT,SMF92CCT,SMF92FSMN                     
              -GMT92OFF had to be relocated around the STCKE INPUT.     
              -Subtype 50+ have 72 byte data section, 32 for LT 50.     
              -Subtype 50 variables LRP-LRN only in SMF92EVENT=1,       
               and INPUT changed from &PIB.4.3 to &PIB.4.0.             
              -Subtype 50 variables OVS/OCH only in SMF92EVENT=4        
              -Poor Labels SMF92EVENT/SMF92VOL/SMF92CCHH/SMF92VCN       
               were enrichened.                                         
              -Subtype 50 SMF92OCH corrected format to HEX for CCHH.    
              -Variable SMF92ADN only kept in TYPE9217 dataset.         
              -Subtype 59 only the first instance was output.           
              -Subtype 52 and 54 had incorrect SKIP values.             
              -Subtype 58 SMF92TRL relocated outside the loop.          
              -Subtype 59 2 byte filler removed with STCKE fix.         
               This demonstrates the difficulty in writing new code     
               with no SMF records to test. SMF 92 code was updated     
               in Aug 2017 in Change 35.180, expecting a user to send   
               SMF data if problems were observed, and that didn't      
               happen until January 2019, with most of the above fixes  
               mostly done by these two users:                          
   Thanks to John Compton, World Programming Ltd, ENGLAND.              
   Thanks to Steve Bagshaw, ITMetrics, ENGLAND.                         
Change 37.016  Report showing total bytes/counts and min/max datetimes  
ANALID         for each SYSTEM is added as the second report.           
Jan 19, 2019                                                            
Change 37.015  Variable EDGRTIME had missing values with DATEFORM=E/A/I;
FORMATS        RHDTFORM logic moved ahead of EDGRTIME for H record and  
VMACEDGR       label corrected to EDGRTIME='REPORT*DATE TIME'           
Jan 20, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Lindsay Oxenham, Department of Defence, AUSTRALIA.         
Change 37.014  INPUT EXCEEDED DB2STAT1 SMF 100 Subtype 1 NETEZZA/IDAA   
VMACDB2        record because IBM changed the length of OFFQ8ST segment 
Jan 18, 2019   but couldn't change LENQ8ST because it is a single field 
               in the header that should apply to all segments. But the 
               correct length is now set with LENQ8ST=Q8STNAME_OFF+8;   
               using the end of the name field for the actual length.   
   Thanks to Graham Harris, RBS, ENGLAND.                               
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 37.013  New example to count both TAPEDRVS and STEPS, and the    
ANALCNCR       Concurrency with only one pass of the data.              
Jan 20, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Randy Hewitt, DXC, USA.                                    
Change 37.012  z/VM Service Level 40061802 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED due 
VMACVMXA       to VMMTRSYS inserting 60 bytes in the 1.04 record.       
Jan 17, 2019                                                            
   Thanks to Craig S. Bigler, Progressive Insurance, USA.               
Change 37.011  Variables QXFETCH/QWACSPEB UNINITIALIZED due to misspell.
VMXGUOW        Enhanced to make it easy to only process CICSTRAN data:  
Jan 19, 2019     IF  _LDB2ACC=_NULL_, DB2 data will not be read.        
Jan 25, 2019     IF  _INMQ=_NULL_ MQ data will not be read.             
               Counts of OBS before and after are created and if the    
               OBS reduction is LT 2, an MXGNOTE advises you to skip    
               using ASUMUOW which can be very CPU intensive and is     
               really needed for heavy CICS MRO sites, to consolidate   
               those multiple CICSTRAN observations into one UOW,       
               Unit of Work observation.                                
   Thanks to Gary Keeres, Indianapolis Power & Light, USA.              
Change 37.010  Reserved Change Number.                                  
Jan 16, 2019                                                            
Change 37.009  The $%VGETOBS(DDNAME=&PDBMXG should be (DDNAME=&PDBMXG1  
GRAFCEC        although no error occurred unless you had set a value    
Jan 14, 2019   other than "PDB" for the location of the input PDB.      
   Thanks to Tom MacCabe, Dominion Energy, USA.                         
Change 37.008  Enhancement, addition of INCODE= parameter to allow      
GRAFWRKX       selection by date or system with your inserted code.     
Jan 11, 2019   Suppressed a no longer needed graphics catalog note.     
Change 37.007 -Support for Beta93 Version 6.2 subtypes 2 and 3, which   
VMACBETA       both have a lot of undocumented data: subtype 2 docs 140 
Jan 22, 2019   but length is 208 and subtype 3 docs 156 with 224 length.
Change 37.006 -If MXGDEBUG has length GT 0 and DSNSTRING or DATASET are 
VMXGPRAL       zero, debugging messages are created by VMXGPRAL.        
VMAC102       -Unmatched parens in data set labels read by VMXGPRAL     
Jan 11, 2019   caused non-fatal error messages for datasets with obs:   
                 ERROR: Expected close parenthesis after macro function.
               All MXG dataset's labels were examined and VMAC102 for   
               IFCIDs 84 85 86 87100 101 174 AND 175 were corrected.    
Change 37.005   Support for DB2 102 Trace IFCID/SUBTYPE 404 populates   
VMAC102         T102S404 (Authorization Compatibility) dataset with     
Jan 10, 2019    QW0404xx variables.                                     
   Thanks to Warren Cravey, FMR, USA.                                   
Change 37.004  Reading z/OS DATA using the SAS FTP Access method needs  
TECHNOTE       the RCMD='SITE RDW' argument:                            
Jan  9, 2019      FILENAME SMF FTP ("'SYS1.SMF'" "'SYS2.SMF'" ... )     
                          USER='XXXXXX' HOST='YYYYYYY' DEBUG            
                          S370VS RCMD='SITE RDW' LRECL=32760            
                          PASS='XXXXXXXX' PASSIVE;                      
               If RCMD is not used, the transfer will time out when     
               PASSIVE is specified, or will produce a RACF ERROR       
               if PASSIVE was not specified.                            
Change 37.003  SMF119 dataset TYP11952 variable SMF119ML_IP_IPV4 was    
VMAC119        wrongly compressed of blanks from variable TIRIP instead 
Jan  8, 2019   of from SMF119ML_IP_IPV4 in line 4519.                   
    Thanks to Randy Shumate, RELX Group, USA                            
Change 37.002 -SMF92 Subtype 8 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED because the     
VMAC92         documented length of SMF92GDD in the SMF Manual is 4,    
Jan  8, 2019   but the length in the record is 8 bytes.                 
              -There were also numerous non-fatal corrections:          
              -SMF92 Subtype 50, SMF92STHCL missing period, and names   
               SMF90OIOCCL/SMF82VCX were corrected to SMF92.            
   Thanks to Miroslav Kubik, IBM Corporation, CZECH REPUBLIC.           
   Thanks to John Compton, World Programming Ltd, ENGLAND.              
Change 37.001 -Improve ability to propagate variables of interest to    
ADOCRMFV       multiple SAS data sets during RMF III PDB build.         
ASMRMFV       -RMF III CPCDB table fields CPC_CecMSU, CPC_LparMSU, and  
FORMATS        CPC_HomeLPName, are added to MXG01 record from the first 
VMACRMFV       MINTIME interval for each RMF III VSAM dataset at open,  
Jan  6, 2019   but those MXG01 values are the values only at start.     
Jan 14, 2019  -Format $MGRMIPS is created to map GEIMODEL/GEIIMDL to    
Jan 29, 2019   create the CPC_CECMIPS using IBM's LSPRITR table:        
Feb  2, 2019   IBM Resource Link: Large Systems Performance Reference   
              -RMF III GEI table fields GEIMODEL and GEIMDL added to    
               MXG01 record from the first MINTIME interval for each    
               RMF III VSAM data set, but the MXG01 value is only the   
               RMF III start. But by RETAINing these fields from the    
               GEI and CPU records, and by relocating the write of the  
               GEI, CPU, and CPCDB records before the ASI records for   
               each interval, the CEC MODEL/Speed and MSU/MIPS capacity 
               variables CPC_CECNAME CPUCEMSU CPUCEMIPS CPULPMSU        
               GEIMODEL GEIIMDL and LPARNAME are populated in ZRBASI    
               and several other datasets.                              
              -NOTE: Not all the fields mentioned above are always      
               static.  Use the RMF III DATASET SWITCH option to force  
               RMF III to overwrite the oldest data set whenever it is  
               started if separation of configuration changes by data   
               set is desired.                                          
              -CSVQUERY macro added to show load module size in Change  
               36.241 for ASMRMFV destroyed pointer to SCT (Step Control
               Table).  This caused ASMPGM and ASMSTEPN fields in MXG00 
               record to be garbage and also in message in VMACRMFV.    
              -Section 12 "Messages" is updated.                        
              -In MXG 36.36 the fields GEIIMDL/GEIMODE were added to    
               ZRBASI, but they could be incorrect, precipitating       
               this change in logic in VMACRMFV.                        
LASTCHANGE: Version 37.