        MXG VERSION 41.41 was dated Jan 10, 2024, thru Change 41.122.   
        MXG VERSION 41.06 was dated Dec 15, 2023, thru Change 41.117.   
        MXG VERSION 41.05 was dated Nov 16, 2023, thru Change 41.108.   
        MXG VERSION 41.04 was dated Sep 20, 2023, thru Change 41.086.   
        MXG VERSION 41.03 was dated Aug 11, 2023, thru Change 41.069.   
        MXG VERSION 41.02 was dated Jun  5, 2023, thru Change 41.038.   
        MXG VERSION 41.01 was dated Mar 24, 2023, thru Change 41.015.   
ANNUAL  MXG VERSION 40.40 was dated Feb  3, 2023, thru Change 40.162.   
        New TECHNOTES previously in NEWSLTRS are now in CHANGESS.       
Instructions for ftp download can be requested by using this form:                          
Your download instructions will be sent via return email.               
Contents of member CHANGES:                                             
I.    Current MXG Software Version 41.41 is available upon request.     
II.   SAS Version requirement information.                              
III.  WPS Version requirement information.                              
IV.   MXG Version Required for Hardware, Operating System Release, etc. 
V.    Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 41.41.                  
VI.   Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
VII.  Changes Log                                                       
  Member NEWSLTRS contains old Technical Notes. many of which are still 
  valid, but the last was in 2018.  Now, TECHNOTES and FLASHes are in   
  CHANGES/CHANGESS. which are also online.                              
  Member CHANGES contains the changes made in this current MXG version. 
  Member CHANGESS contains all changes that have ever been made to MXG. 
  CHANGESS and NEWSLTRS are also online at,          
I.  MXG ANNUAL VERSION 41.41 DATED Jan 12, 2024, THRU CHANGE 41.112.    
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 41.41, DATED Jan 12, 2024 THRU 41.112.==== 
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 41.06, DATED Dec 15, 2023 THRU 41.117.==== 
  VMXG70PR  41.107  ASUMCELP MSU variables for each CPU type added.     
  ANALCEC   41.105  CEC Analysis new SORTBYADDS to control reports.     
  VMACDB2H  41.102  ASUMUOW merge of CICSTRAN and DB2ACCT fewer SPUN.   
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 41.05, DATED Nov 16, 2023 THRU 41.108.==== 
NEW SUPPORT                                                             
Change 41.092  Support for z/OS 3.1 SMF Manual changes (COMPATIBLE).    
VMAC26J2       We and several customers have tested z/OS 3.1 records    
VMAC30         with back levels of MXG that support z/OS 2.5 (39.08)    
VMAC7072       with no errors reported, and we expect no issues.        
VMAC79         Change 41.096 added the new AI data in TYPE99 and        
Oct 26, 2023   there were other APARs in 3.1, but we expect no issues.  
               New variables were added, see Change 41.092 full text.   
               This change was in MXG Version 41.05.                    
  VMAC123A  41.094  Support for z/OS Connect V3.0.74.0 new variables.   
  VMAC26J2  41.092  Support for z/OS 3.1 SMF Manual Changes COMPATIBLE  
  VMAC110   41.081  Support for CICS/TS 6.2 BETA16 INCOMPATIBLE inserts.
  VMACVIRS  41.080  Support for VIRTEL/VIRSTAT versions 640/641.        
  VMAC99    41.096  Support for AI Data Section WLM AI Batch INITs.     
ERRORS CORRECTED                                                        
  VMACMARS  41.099  Corrections to Hitachi Mainframe Analysis Recorder  
  VMAC110   41.095  CICSTRAN variable WBURISCN spelled WBIRISCN.        
  VMAC99    41.090  TYPE99_6 variables SERVER01-05 SERVPN01-05 wrong.   
  VMXG70PR  41.107  ASUMCELP MSU variables for each CPU type added.     
  ANALCEC   41.105  CEC Analysis new SORTBYADDS to control reports.     
  VMACDB2H  41.102  ASUMUOW merge of CICSTRAN and DB2ACCT fewer SPUN.   
  CICINTRV  41.087  CICINTRV now supports a ONEMINUTE value for _CICINTV
  ANALAVAI  41.098  Availability report can now grouped on program name 
  JAVA      41.091  Two JAVA memory options were found needed in z/OS.  
  FORMATS   41.097  CICS 6.1 dynamic storage areas not in $MGCICLO.     
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 41.04, DATED Sep 20, 2023 THRU 41.086.==== 
NEW SUPPORT                                                             
  VMAC110   41.081  Support for CICS/TS 6.2 BETA 16 INCOMPATIBLE        
                    New field inserted in SMF CICSTRAN record.          
ERROR CORRECTED:                                                        
  UTILEXCL  41.075  UTILEXCL error in Change 41.063 ABCODE (MXG 41.03). 
                    Caused CPUTM GT ELAPSED Msgs if both ABCODEs kept.  
  VMACSARR  41.073  SARR/CAVIEW Subtype 36 datasets now populated       
  TYPE7072  41.071  Variable CECSER6 is added to TYPE70/70PR/RMFINTRV   
  TYPEXAN   41.071  Variable CECSER6 is added to XAMSYS                 
  TYPE119   41.070  TYP11906 added 5th Home Address variables.          
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 41.03, DATED Aug 11, 2023 THRU 41.069.==== 
ABENDS CORRECTED:                                                       
  VMAC74    41.052  BMC CMF Only Subtype 9 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED.    
  VMAC98    41.049  SMF 98 CICS Subtype 1024 ABEND, only ST 1 supported 
ERRORS CORRECTED:                                                       
  UTILBLDP  41.068  %CLEARDB2 addition caused VARIABLE STARTHR errors.  
  VMAC116   41.067  DB2H Header Variables QWHCAID/QWHCOPID in TYPE116.  
  VMACDB2   41.065  DB2 IDAA variables Q8STINSC-Q8STVLCS shifted, wrong.
  VMAC119   41.064  Dataset TYP11910 UCLIPV6 was wrong, had blanks.     
  VMAC74    41.064  TYPE74CA storage variables CSCONF+ are GB not MB.   
  VMAC71    41.041  Correction to CSTORE which was too small.           
  UTILEXCL  41.063  Protection for EXCLUDEd CICS Field 114 ABCODEC.     
  VMAC30    41.053  Support for APAR OA62355 new TYPE30 Containers.     
  VMACRMFV  41.043  Support for z/OS 3.1 RMF III variables in ZRBASI/GEI
  VMAC71    41.042  Support for z/OS 3.1 Dedicated memory variables.    
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 41.02, DATED Jun  5, 2023 THRU 41.038.==== 
ERRORS CORRECTED:                                                       
Change 41.038 -Support for CICS/TS 6.2  INCOMPATIBLE, FIELDS INSERTED,  
VMAC110        but no error messages. Tested now with OPEN BETA BUILD12.
May 31, 2023  -CORRECTION for CICS/TS 6.1 with default VMAC110 but was  
               ok if UTILEXCL was used to create an IMACEXCL for 6.1.   
               Default VMAC110 in 41.01 and earlier was misaligned, with
               possible error message "CPUTM 10X LARGER THAN ELAPSED".  
               This change is in MXG 41.02 dated Jun 5, 2023.           
  VMAC7072  41.025  LARGE VALUE FOR LCPUPDTM IBM Error protected.       
  VMACXAM   41.021  zVPS VSICPU misaligned, floating point error.       
  VMAC102   41.016  SMF 102 IFCID 389 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED error.   
  TYPE83    41.019  Support for TYPE 83 Subtype 7 Multi-Factor record   
  TYPE113   41.033  Support for HIS SMF 113 MT Diagnostic Counters      
  VMAC80A   41.036  Support new TOKDANAM values and EV944 ERROR fixed.  
  VMAC102   41.035  Support for DB2 TRACE IFCIDS 411 and 412            
  VMACEREP  41.034  JCL Examples to create EREP History File.           
  VMAC113   41.033  Support for HIS SMF 113 MT Diagnostic Counters      
  VMACNDM   41.029  Dataset NDMRT enhanced with Parameter values.       
  ASMRMFI   41.028  Version 2 of ASMRMFI for SPLIT70 processing         
  VMACTRMS  41.026  Support for TRMS Version 7.02 subtypes 6 and 7      
  VMAC90A   41.023  Support for SMF 90 Subtype 42 BOOT VALIDATION.      
  VMACRACF  41.020  New RACF Unload IRRDBU00 datasets.                  
  VMAC93    41.019  Support for TYPE83MF Multi Factor Authentication    
==MAJOR CHANGES ADDED IN MXG 41.01, DATED Mar 24, 2023 THRU 41.015.==== 
ERRORS CORRECTED:                                                       
  VMACDB2  41.013  DB2 Subtype 1 EXCEEDED LENGTH if Q8STNAME length LT 8
  TYPE113  41.005  TYPE1131 for z/15 L2P variable was wrong             
  TYPE89   41.004  TYPE89 variable SMF89SOLUTION ID off by 1 byte.      
  TYPE99   41.001  SMF 99 Subtype 1 INPUT EXCEEDED, S99SLLN=80 not doc. 
  ASMRMFX  41.003  Revision to Change 40.140 SPLIT70 and CICSIFUE.      
  VMAC71   41.008  TYPE71 CSFRLSAV missing value                        
  SPLIT70   41.011  New ASMRMFI using IBM GRBSMFR z/OS 2.5 SPLIT70      
  VMACDB2   41.010  Support for DB2 V13 100/101 (COMPATIBLE, New Vars)  
  VMAC102   41.010  Support for DB2 V13 102 (New IFCID 396)             
  FORMATS   41.007  $MGRMIPS format updated for z/16 processor types.   
  SPLIT70   41.011  New ASMRMFI using IBM GRBSMFR z/OS 2.5 SPLIT70      
  ASMRMFX   41.003  Revision to Change 40.140 SPLIT 70s and CICSIFUE.   
  VMAC30    41.015  More new Direct Memory (z/OS 3.1) variables added.  
  SPLIT70   41.012  SAS HOT FIX 69871 on ASCII for LRECL GT 32756.      
  SPLIT70   41.011  ASMRMFI using IBM BRBSMFR for LRECL GT 32756.       
  VMACRMFV  41.009  New RMF III variables added Data Gatherer Pgmr Guide
  TYPE113   41.005  TYPE1131 for z/15 L2P variable was wrong            
  TYPE89    41.004  TYPE89 variable SMF89SOLUTION ID off by 1 byte.     
  ASMRMFX   41.003  Revision to Change 40.140 SPLIT 70s and CICSIFUE.   
  TYPE99    41.001  SMF 99 Subtype 1 INPUT EXCEEDED, S99SLLN=80 not doc.
  FORMATS   41.007  MIPS values for z/16 Processor Format $MGRMIPS.     
II.   SAS Version requirement information:                              
   SAS Versions                                                         
    The current version nomenclature is SAS 9.4 TS1M8 (9.4M8),          
     "M8", or with options  VERSIONLONG;                                
      "SAS 9.4 (9.04.01M8P080520)" on z/OS                              
           9.4 (TS04.01M8P08052020)"  on ASCII.                         
     SAS V9.4 M8 is RECOMMENDED, but MXG executes without error         
     using SAS Version 9.4 M0-M2 or M4-M6 or SAS Version 9.3 M0-M2.     
     SAS V9.4 M5 is REQUIRED with z/OS 2.3 with Eight-Byte USERIDs      
                for Interactive TSO (DMS) SAS Sessions. SAS Note 61339. 
     Only on z/OS, SAS 9.4 "M5" requires MXG 35.36+ because it adds the 
     NOERRORSTOP option to protect all MXG PROC SQLs from the M5 defect 
     described in SAS Note 61672.  But SAS apparently does not plan for 
     a defect correction since the MXG Circumvention solves for MXG and 
     the text of 61672 simply describes the circumvention needed because
     MXG's use of OPTIONS OBS=0 without NOERRORSTOP exposed the defect. 
     See Change 35.309 for more details on using NOERRORSTOP for your   
     own PROC SQLs.                                                     
     SAS V9.4 M3 is NOT RECOMMENDED.  See Change 36.128 SAS Note 61906  
                that reports 40% Increase in CPU time with M3.          
     SAS V9.4 (ALL) and SAS V9.3 (ALL) are at LEVEL A SAS Support.      
     SAS V9.3   SAS 9.3 TS1M2 was RECOMMENDED. SAS 9.3 TS1M1 works ok.  
                But SAS 9.3 at TS1M0, the HOT FIX for SAS Note SN-43828,
                see CHANGE 29.169, IS REQUIRED:                         
                  The %MACRO compiler error is in processing %LET       
                  statements. While only two MXG members failed         
                  repeatedly in MXG QA tests on z/OS, there were random 
                  %LET errors in ASCII QA tests, so ANY use of %LET     
                  statement on ANY platform are vulnerable to this      
                  error, as the %MACRO compiler is SAS portable code,   
                  used on all platforms.  So this is NOT just an MXG    
                  error, but impacts ALL SAS programs.                  
                SAS9.3 is LEVEL A support from SAS.                     
     SAS V9.2   Was recommended, prior to 9.3, and was error-free with  
                MXG 26.03 SAS Hot Fix for SAS Note 37166 is required to 
                use a VIEW with the MXG EXITCICS/CICSFIUE CICS/DB2      
                Decompression Infile Exit.  but SAS V9.2 does execute on
                that platform.                                          
                9.2 is LEVEL B Support from SAS, as of Sep 30, 2013.    
                FOR COUNTW() requires SAS Version 9.2 so 9.1.3 can NOT  
                safely be used for MXG. See CHANGE 41.046, Jun 21, 2023.
     SAS V9.1.3 on z/OS 1.10 requires SAS Hot Fix for SN-35332 and is at
                Support level C by SAS Institute, Sep 30, 2013.         
                SAS V9.1.3 is NOT supported by SAS on Windows SEVEN.    
                with SAS 8.2.                                           
                SAS 8.2 is Level C Support from SAS as of Dec 31, 2011. 
      JCL in MXGSAS94 or MXGSAS93 can be used, or MXGNAMES can be used  
      As documented in Change 27.356, for SAS V9.2 or later):           
      The standard SAS JCL Procedure can be used for MXG with SAS V9.2+ 
           // EXEC SAS,CONFIG='MXG.SOURCLIB(CONFIMXG)'                  
      But CONFIMXG is required for sites with NLS issues, and you must  
      use JCLCONFI to create/update the MXG.FORMATS catalog if you use  
      For no NLS, you can  use the MXGSAS94 JCL Procedure example.      
      MXG 26.03 thru MXG 41.41 will execute under the previously listed 
      SAS Versions on all supported platforms                           
      Unrelated to the above SAS Note/Hot Fix, ODS users will want to   
      use MXG 29.06+, because SAS V9.3 did expose incompatibilities in  
      MXG code for ODS reporting, that were fixed in MXG Version 29.06. 
      See Changes 29.159 and 29.169.                                    
      And, only for z/OS 1.10 with SAS V9.1.3 with ANY version of MXG,  
      the SAS Hot Fix for SN-35332 is REQUIRED (to be completely safe). 
        Without this Hot Fix, "LIBREF XXXXXXXX IS NOT ASSIGNED" errors  
        can occur even though //XXXXXXXX DD is a valid SAS Data Library.
        This error ONLY occurs with z/OS 1.10 and SAS V9.1.3; it does   
        NOT occur with SAS V9.2, nor with z/OS 1.9.  It can be          
        circumvented by adding a LIBNAME statement that specifies the   
        ENGINE name. See the Technical Note in Newsletters for SN-35332.
        Note that SAS V9.1.3 is now at "Level B" Support from SAS.      
      Old MXG code may continue to execute with SAS V8.2, but V8 is now 
      "Level C" support from SAS Institute, and there are known errors  
      in V8.2 that are only fixed in SAS V9.  I no longer QA with V8.2; 
      While many MXG programs (accidentally) will still execute under   
      V8.2, I cannot guarantee that all of MXG executes error free.     
      PLEASE INSTALL V9.2/V9.3/V9.4, TO AVOID FIXED PROBLEMS!           
         If you are absolutely stuck on V8, you need to copy MXG member 
         V8GETOBS into USERID.SOURCLIB and rename to VGETOBS.           
      MXG Software has not executed under SAS V6 in many years.         
      The "PDB" libraries (i.e., SAS data libraries) must be created by 
      SAS V8 or later, but any of those data libraries can be read or   
      updated by the SAS Versions that MXG Supports, above.             
      For SAS Version V9.3:                                             
        SAS 93 TS1M1 is RECOMMENDED; for TS1M0, SAS Hot Fix in SAS Note 
        SN43828 is REQUIRED.  See text of Change 29.159.                
        With SAS 93 TS1M1, (or TS1M0 with that Hot Fix) MXG Versions    
        26.03 or later execute under SAS V9.3 on all platforms.         
        SAS Data Libraries created by SAS V8.2, V9.1.3, V9.2, V9.3 and  
        SAS V9.4 are interchangeable and can be read/written by any of  
        those versions, provided they are on the same platform.         
          BUT: on ASCII, the 32-bit and 64-bit SAS versions are NOT the 
          same "platform" and attempting to read/use the FORMAT catalog 
          created on one of those "platforms" on the other "platform"   
          will error out to remind you of that difference!              
        SAS V9.4 did change some V9.3 ODS processing defaults and syntax
        that might cause errors with MXG 29.05 or earlier; MXG 29.06,   
        Change 29.160 documents the major revisions made in MXG to fully
        support ODS, and MXG 29.06 is STRONGLY recommended for ODS with 
        SAS V9.3 or SAS V9.4.                                           
      For (Archaic) SAS Version V9.2 (TS1M0):                           
        Big Picture: SAS Version V9.2 is COMPATIBLE with MXG Software.  
        On z/OS, SAS changed the DSNAMES for some of the SAS libraries, 
        so you do need to use the new MXGSAS92 JCL Procedure for MXG,   
        but it still uses the CONFIGV9 configuration file.              
        However, NEW, and documented in Change 27.356, with SAS V9.2+:  
          The standard SAS JCL Procedure can be used for MXG:           
             // EXEC SAS,CONFIG='MXG.SOURCLIB(CONFIMXG)'                
          instead of using the MXGSAS92 JCL Procedure example.          
        SAS Data Libraries are compatible for V8.2, V9.1.3, V9.2, V9.3, 
        and V9.4. "PDBs" can be read/written interchangeably between    
        these SAS versions.                                             
        MXG Versions 26.03+ do execute with SAS V9.2 with NO WARNINGS   
        and with NO ERRORS reported.                                    
          Pre-MXG 26.03, SAS Hot Fix F9BA07 was required to suppress a  
          new SAS V9.2 WARNING, that on z/OS, set CC=4 (condition/return
          code). That warning is harmless (to MXG code) and all MXG     
          created SAS datasets were correct, even with that warning.    
          The ONLY exposure was ONLY on z/OS, and ONLY if condition code
          tests are used in your MXG jobstreams.                        
        SAS Version 9.2 requires z/OS 1.7 or later, both officially as  
        documented by SAS Institute, and actually as V9.2 fails with 0C4
        under z/OS 1.4.                                                 
      For SAS V9.1.3 on z/OS with Service Pack 4:                       
        On z/OS 1.10, Hot Fix SN-35332 is REQUIRED.                     
        CONFIGV9 now specifies V9SEQ instead of V6SEQ.  As V6SEQ does   
        not support long length character variables, it can't be used.  
       SAS V9.1.3 with current Service Pack 4 was STRONGLY RECOMMENDED. 
       For (back-level!) SAS V9.1 or V9.1.2 on z/OS:                    
        SN-013514 is REQUIRED to be able to read datasets that were     
          created by V6SEQ (tape) engine.                               
        SN-012437 is REQUIRED to prevent creation of corrupt/unreadable 
          datasets with tape engines V7SEQ, V8SEQ, or V9SEQ.            
        Both fixes ARE included in SAS V9.1.3, but V9.1 or 9.1.2 is NOT 
          SAFE without those two hot fixes, and if you do NOT have those
          two fixes on 9.1 or 9.1.2, you MUST set V6SEQ in CONFIGV9.    
        With MXG 23.02 or later, V9SEQ is the default sequential engine 
        specified in CONFIGV9, but if you are back at SAS V9.1 or V9.1.2
        you MUST install the two hot fixes listed above.                
       For SAS Version 8.2, HotFix Bundle 82BX08 (or later) was required
         as an absolute minimum level when that SAS Version was last    
         supported by MXG Software.  PLEASE INSTALL SAS V9.x ASAP.      
       Sequential Engine Status:                                        
          V9SEQ was fixed in V9.1.3; it has been default in CONFIGV9.   
          V8SEQ was always safe under SAS V8.2, but it wasted CPU time  
            by always compressing when writing in tape format.          
          V6SEQ, if used under V9.1.2, requires SN-013514, but V6SEQ    
                 should no longer be used, as it does not support long  
                 length variables.                                      
      MXG QA tests are executed with V9.4, on z/OS, on Windows TEN and  
      Linux on 64-bit hardware, but MXG users execute MXG on MANY       
      (ALL??) SAS platforms, including AIX, Linux, and other 'nix'      
      variants, on many different hardware platforms, and since they all
      work we don't need to list them. If SAS executes so does MXG.     
      Prior QA tests have been run with all SAS releases available at   
      that time on Linux RH8 on Intel, on Solaris v2.8 on a Model V880, 
      and on HP-UX v11.11 model rp5470, confirming full compatibility.  
      MXG should execute under ALL SUPPORTED SAS VERSIONS on EVERY SAS  
      platform without errors! Each new MXG version is also tested with 
      the SAS ITSV/ITRM product by the ITRM developers.                 
III.  WPS Version requirement information:                              
      WPS Version 4.04 ( has been tested.             
      DO NOT USE 4.03.01 nor 4.04.00, INVALID CPU BUSY in TYPE70.       
      Error was introduced in 4.03.01  and 4.04.00. See Change 39.171.  
      Must be at or                  
      WPS Version 4.01 USER 4037 ABEND, See Change 37.116.              
      WPS Version 4.0 reportedly fixed version 3 problems.              
      WPS Version 3.02 ( is required Change 34.266.  
         and other errors with 3.00 or 3.01 have been corrected in the  
         current WPS version.                                           
      WPS Version 3.01.1 maintenance level 731 required for PDB to tape 
      WPS Version 3.01 (also shows 3.1.1) is required for AUTOEZOS.     
      WPS Version 3.01  is required for MOBILWRK, PICTURE fails in 2.5. 
      WPS Version 3.01  executed MXG 32.03 BUILDPDB with no errors.     
      WPS Version 3.0   requires MXG 31.09 (see Change 31.251).         
      WPS Version 2.4   required MXG 27.09 (see Change 27.239).         
      WPS Version 2.3.5 required MXG 27.05.                             
      See NEWSLETTERS for WPS Support Statement.                        
      WPS prints this message ERROR: COULD NOT CREATE DATA SET "PDB.ID" 
      when the LIBNAME PDB does not exist; there would also have been a 
      prior log message  NOTE: Library PDB does not exist   as the clue.
IV.   MXG Version Required for Hardware, Operating System Release, etc. 
   MXG is usually NOT sensitive to z/OS Hardware changes, but:          
   -Support for z16 processor data.                                     
    SMF: Only SMF 113 records were incompatibly changed, but there is no
         execution error as only counter labels and values were changed,
         causing coefficients for the calculated variables (RMI,etc) to 
         also be changed and default coefficients are changed to z16,   
         You should use separate SAS steps for each processor type; MXG 
         will OUTPUT only the processor type you requested in //SYSIN,  
         and will skip other processor type records, so you do NOT need 
         to pre-process SMF records to select processor type. You will  
         want to rename one pair of datasets if you want to put them in 
         the same PDB Data Library.                                     
          For z/15 you would use                                        
                 //SYSIN DD *                                           
                   %LET MACKEEP= MACRO _XLA113  _XLA11F %               
                   %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPS113,ASUM113);                  
          and for z/16 you would use                                    
                 //SYSIN DD *                                           
                   %LET MACKEEP= MACRO _XLA113  _XLA11G %               
                   %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPS113,ASUM113);                  
         to get correct values in TYPE1131 and ASUM1131 datasets.       
         MXG Support for z/16 for SMF 113 requires 40.05 for z/OS and   
         40.03 for zVM.                                                 
         MXG 40.01 will ABEND due to a TYPE30 error exposed by the z16. 
         with z/OS 2.5 or APAR61511.  You can correct by changing the   
         line 1812 in VMAC30 from 192 to 220, or ask support for the    
         current VMAC30 member with Change 40.050.                      
         Many other SMF and Data Gatherer records were updated in 40.04.
    RMF  ASMRMFV processes RMF III data with no errors, Change 40.068   
         added some new fields. New DNG3 table support was in 40.05.    
   -Support for z15 processor data.                                     
     The z15 and z15 T02 processors INCOMPATIBLY changed the SMF 113    
     records by inserting 32 new EXTEND and 4 CRYPTO counters, causing  
     ARRAY SIZE EXCEEDED with BUILDPDB which processes the SMF 113s.    
     Support for counter changes for both models was in MXG 37.08.      
        If you use MIPS in reports, the format $MGRMIPS provides the    
        MIPS/MSU value for each processor; the z15 values were updated  
        in MXG 37.08, and the z15 TO2 values were updated in MXG 38.04. 
        These MXG programs use $MGRMIPS: ASUMMIPS GRAFCEC GRAFWLM       
        GRAFWRKX and TYPERMFV (RMF III).                                
     The z/14 also inserted SMF 113 fields, supported in MXG 36.07.     
     The z/13 with 61+ LPARs requires MXG 32.05 IF NON-SMT MODE.        
     The z/EC12 with 85+ engines required MXG 30.07.                    
     Support for 255 engines was added in MXG 31.04.                    
     And z/VM on the z15 requires MXG 38.02, PRCMFC/MFM COUNTERS caused 
     HARDWARE COUNTER messages, PRCMFC/PRCMFM no obs.  Change 38.048.   
   The z13 processor INCOMPATIBLY CHANGED, the new SMT-MODE RMF 70, and 
   MXG 34.03 was REQUIRED (PCTCPUBY WRONG!), to read the SMT-format RMF 
   (which are written if you have zIIP engines AND have enabled the new 
   PROCVIEW CORE option for Multi-Threading, even if only one thread is 
    SMF Back Levels: MXG 37.08 or later is required for both z15 & z16  
         SMF 113 change, but those back level versions could fail due   
         to other records changed by subsystem updates you made for the 
         z16 (e.g.CICS TS/6.1 which requires MXG 40.02) that didn't     
         exist when that back=level was created..                       
   The new zEDC/EADM compression hardware requires MXG 38.05 to support 
   new metrics.                                                         
    Availability dates for the IBM products and MXG version required for
    error-free processing of that product's data records:               
                                       Availability     MXG Version     
      Product Name                     Date              Required       
      MVS/ESA 4.1                      Oct 26, 1990         8.8         
      MVS/ESA 4.2                      Mar 29, 1991         9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.2.2                    Aug 15, 1991         9.9         
      MVS/ESA 4.3                      Mar 23, 1993        10.10        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - compatibility    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      MVS/ESA 5.1.0 - Goal Mode        May  3, 1995        13.01        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.0                    Jun 15, 1995        13.05        
      MVS/ESA 5.2.2                    Oct 19, 1995        13.09        
      OS/390  1.1.0                    Feb 22, 1996        14.01        
      OS/390  1.2.0                    Sep 30, 1996        14.05        
      OS/390  1.3.0 Compatibility Mode Mar 28, 1997        14.14        
      OS/390  1.3.0 WLM Goal Mode      Mar 28, 1997        15.02        
      OS/390  2.4.0                    Sep 28, 1997        15.06        
      OS/390  2.5.0                    Feb 24, 1998        15.06        
      OS/390  2.6.0                    Sep 24, 1998        16.04        
      OS/390  2.7.0                    Mar 26, 1999        16.09        
      OS/390  2.7.0 APAR OW41318       Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390  2.8.0                    Aug 24, 1999        16.09        
      OS/390  2.8.0 FICON/SHARK        Aug 24, 1999        17.08        
      OS/390  2.8.0 APAR OW41317       Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390  2.9.0                    Mar 31, 2000        18.03        
      OS/390 2.10.0                    Sep 15, 2000        18.06        
      OS/390  PAV                      Oct 24, 2000        18.09        
      z/OS 1.1                         Mar 30, 2001        18.11        
      z/OS 1.1 on 2064s                Mar 30, 2001        19.01        
      z/OS 1.1 with correct MSU        Mar 30, 2001        19.02        
      z/OS 1.2                         Oct 31, 2001        19.04        
      z/OS 1.1,1.2 APARs to 78         Oct 31, 2001        19.05        
      z/OS 1.2+ APAR OW52227           Apr 26, 2002        20.02        
      z/OS 1.3+ APAR OW52227           Apr 26, 2002        20.02        
      z/OS 1.2 JESNR Z2 MODE           Apr 26, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.3 JESNR Z2 MODE           Apr 26, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.4 Tolerate                Sep 27, 2002        20.03        
      z/OS 1.4 Support                 Sep 27, 2002        20.06        
      z/OS 1.4 Over 16 CPUs/LPARs      May 29, 2003        21.02        
      z/OS 1.4 DFSMS/rmm, RACF         Aug 29, 2003        21.04        
      z/OS 1.5                         Mar 31, 2004        21.21        
      z/OS IRD ASUM70PR/ASUMCEC        Sep 22, 2003       *24.10        
      z/OS IRD TYPE70PR                Mar 11, 2004       *24.10        
      z/OS IRD TYPE70,RMFINTRV         Mar 22, 2002       *24.10        
      z/OS 1.6 - No IFAs               Sep 30, 2004       *22.09        
      z/OS 1.6 - With IFAs             Sep 30, 2004       *22.11        
      z/OS 1.7 (COMPATIBLE CHANGES)    Sep 30, 2005       *24.10        
      z/OS 1.7 (SPLIT70 CORRECTION)    Sep 30, 2005       *24.10        
      z/OS IFA data in RMF 79s         Sep 30, 2005        23.10        
      z/OS 1.8 - ASMTAPEE assembly     Sep 30, 2005       *25.03        
      z/OS 1.8 - SMF 119 INCOMPAT      Sep 30, 2005       *25.06        
      z/OS More than 32 LPARs          Jan 30, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS SPLIT RMF 70 records        Jan 30, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS Dupe SYSTEMs in a SYSPLEX   Jan 30, 2006       *24.02        
      z/OS IRD errors corrected        May 15, 2006        24.03        
      z/OS ASUMCEC errors corrected    May 15, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS ASUM70LP errors corrected   Jun 13, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS zIIP Processor Support      Jun 22, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS Dedicated zIIP Support      Mar  8, 2008       *26.01        
      z/OS Dedicated zAAP Support      Mar  8, 2008        26.01        
      z/OS 1.8 (COMPATIBLE CHANGES)    Sep 20, 2006       *24.24        
      z/OS 1.9 (INCOMPAT, 54 CPs)      Sep 27, 2007        25.10        
      z/OS 1.9 MXGTMNT at ML-39 reASM  Sep 27, 2007        25.10        
      z/OS new z10 variables           Mar  5, 2008        26.01        
      z/OS 1.8 With HiperDispatch      Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.9 With HiperDispatch      Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.10 (INCOMPAT, MXG code)   Sep 15, 2008        26.07        
      z/OS 1.10 With HiperDispatch     Sep 15, 2008       *26.10        
      z/OS 1.10 RMF III, SMF 119       Jul 20, 2009        27.05        
      z/OS 1.11                        Sep  2, 2009        27.08        
      z/OS 1.11 New 30 variables       Apr 14, 2010       *28.02        
      z/OS 1.12                        Aug 17, 2010       *28.05        
      z/OS 1.12 SMF 85 Subtype 79      Aug 17, 2010       *29.03        
      z/OS 1.12 VMGUEST option         Aug 17, 2010       *29.06        
      z/OS 1.13                        Sep 30, 2011        29.03        
      z/OS 1.13 - MXGTMNT only         Dec 15, 2011        29.08        
      z/OS 1.13 SMF 119 ST 6 INCOMPAT  Feb  7, 2012        30.01        
      z/OS 2.1  - Most Records support Jul 23, 2013        30.05        
      z/OS 2.1  - ID=0 ERROR MESSAGE   Jul 23, 2013        31.07        
      z/OS 2.1  - ID=85 INCOMPAT       Jul 23, 2013        32.03        
      z/OS 2.1  - ID=70 SMF70CPA       Jul 23, 2013        32.03        
      z/OS 2.1  - INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED ERROR SMF 74    33.10        
      z/OS 2.2  COMPATIBLE CH 33.189   Aug 19, 2015        33.08        
      z/OS 2.2 MXGTMNT ABEND S0E0-28   Sep 15, 2015        33.09        
               REQUIRES ASMTAPE ML-55  Sep 15, 2015        33.09        
      z/OS 2.2 OAM SMF 85 ABEND 33.067 Apr  5, 2016        34.02        
      z/OS 2.2 SPLIT 73, ABEND 33.068  Apr  5, 2016        34.02        
      z/OS 2.2 JES2 8-char JOBCLASS    Oct  7, 2016        34.07        
      z/OS 2.2 NEW SMF 124 IOS Spvr    Oct  7, 2016        34.07        
      z/OS 2.3 Many new variables      Sep 24, 2017 35.166 35.09*       
      z/OS 2.3 RMF III Support         Sep 24, 2017 35.190 35.09*       
      z/OS 2.3 type 2 st 2 STOPOVER    Sep 24, 2017 35.190 35.09*       
      z/OS 2.3 type 90 st 38 STOPOVER  Sep 24, 2017 35.199 35.09*       
      z/OS 2.4 Compatible from SMF Manual Sep 2019 37.166  37.07.       
      z/OS 2.4 Compatible from SMF Manual May 2020 38.105  38.05.       
      z/OS 2.4 Compatible from SMF Manual Apr 2021 39.075  39.03.       
      z/OS 2.4 Compatible RMF III PGMR Apr  1 2021 39.074  39.03.       
      z/OS 2.5 Compatible from SMF     Aug 12,2021         39.06.       
      z/OS 2.5 Compatible RMF III      Aug 12,2021         39.08.       
      z/OS 2.5 RMF III 4 new tables    Aug 12,2021         39.08.       
      z/OS 2.5 Protects Possible New 72.3 fields (40.078)  40.04.       
      z990 CPUs - CPUTYPE '2084'x      Aug 25, 2003        21.04        
      z890 CPUs - CPUTYPE '2086'x      Jun 24, 2004        22.07        
      z9   CPUs - CPUTYPE '2094'x      Jul 20, 2005       *24.24        
      z9EC CPUs - CPUTYPE '2094'x:                                      
             with 64-bit z/OS - no change required        *24.24        
             with 32-bit z/OS only:    Aug 26, 2006        24.06        
      z9BC CPUs - CPUTYPE '2096'x:                                      
             with 64-bit z/OS - no change required         24.01        
             with 32-bit z/OS only:    Jul 27, 2006       *24.24        
      z10  CPUs - CPUTYPE '2097'x      Dec  7, 2008        25.11        
      z10  HiperDispatch/Parked Time   Mar  3, 2008       *26.10        
      z196 (INCOMPAT IF GT 64 ENG)     Aug 17, 2010        28.05        
      zEC12                            Nov 14, 2012        30.07        
      z13   non-SMT Mode               May 27, 2014        32.05        
      z13   SMT Mode Change 33.217     Sep 15, 2015       *33.09        
      z13   SMT Mode NRZIPCPU 34.106   May 10, 2016        34.03        
      z13   SMT MT=2 CPUZIPTM TYPE70   Mar 21, 2016        35.03        
      z14   SMF 113 INCOMPAT, ABEND    Oct  2, 2017        35.11        
      z14   113 LPARBUSY missing value Aug  8, 2018        36.07        
      z14 ZR1 New SMF70MAXPU variable  May  8, 2018        36.04        
      z15 New SMF 113 fields INCOMPAT  Nov 18, 2020        37.08        
      z15 z/VM MFC counters, INCOMPAT  Mar 23, 2020        38.02        
      z15 ANAL9914 Support CH 39.006   Jan 14, 2021        39.01        
      z16 NEW SMF113 values, NO ABEND  See CHANGE 40.070   40.03        
      z16 MXG 38.07 OR LATER IS NEEDED.                                 
      CICS/CTG V9 Transaction Gateway  ??  ??  2013        31.31        
      CICS/ESA 3.2                     Jun 28, 1991         9.9         
      CICS/ESA 3.3                     Mar 28, 1992        10.01        
      CICS/ESA 4.1                     Oct 27, 1994        13.09        
      CICS/ESA 5.1 aka CICS/TS V1R1    Sep 10, 1996        14.07        
      CICS-Transaction Server V1R1     Sep 10, 1996        14.07        
      CICS-TS V1R1 with APAR UN98309   Sep 15, 1997        15.06        
      CICS/TS V1R2  CICS/TS 1.2        Oct 27, 1997        15.06        
      CICS/TS V1R3  CICS/TS 1.3        Mar 15, 1999        17.04        
      CICS/TS V2R1  CICS/TS 2.1        Mar 15, 2001        18.11        
      CICS/TS V2R2  CICS/TS 2.2        Feb  9, 2002        19.19        
       CICSTRAN subtype 1 support only                    *19.19        
       CICSTRAN subtype 2 completed                       *19.08        
      CICS-TS V2R3  CICS?TS 2.3        Dec 19, 2003                     
       Using UTILEXCL to create IMACEXCL:                  21.04        
       Reading un-Excluded CICS with TYPE110, no IMACEXCL:*22.04        
      CICS/TS V2R3  CICS/TS 2.3        Aug 13, 2004        22.04        
      CICS/TS V3R1  CICS/TS 3.1        Jan 18, 2005        22.22        
      CICS-TS for Z/OS Version 3.1     Mar 15, 2005                     
       Using UTILEXCL to create IMACEXCL:                  22.13        
       Reading un-Excluded CICS with TYPE110, no IMACEXCL: 22.22        
      CICS/TS V3R2  CICS/TS 3.2        Dec  6, 2007        25.11        
      CICS/TS for Z/OS Version 3.2     Jun 29, 2007        25.03        
      CICS/TS 3.2 Compressed Records   Nov  3, 2007        25.11        
      CICS/TS 4.1 (CICSTRAN INCOMPAT)  Mar 13, 2009        27.01        
      CICS/TS 4.1 (STATISTICS ST=2)    Sep 18, 2009        27.08        
      CICS/TS 4.2 CICSTRAN/STATISTICS  Jun 24, 2011        29.03        
      CICS/TS 4.2 CICSRDS MNSEGCL=5    Jun 24, 2011       *29.05        
      CICS/TS 4.2 INVALID STID=116     Jan 31, 2012       *30.01        
      CICS/TS 5.1 (INCOMPATIBLE)       Dec 14, 2012       *30.08        
      CICS/TS 5.1 for valid TASZIP/ELG Jan 21, 2013       *30.30        
      CICS/TS 5.1 MNSEGCL=5 INCOMPAT   Jun 17, 2013       *31.03        
      CICS/TS 5.2 COMPATIBLE CICSTRAN  Jun 13, 2014       *31.03        
      CICS/TS 5.2 INCOMPAT Statistics  Jun 13, 2014       *32.03        
      CICS/TS 5.3 INCOMPAT CICSTRAN    Apr 29, 2015        33.04        
      CICS/TS 5.3 RESOURCE SEGCL=5     Sep 31, 2015        33.09        
      CICS/TS 5.3 CICSTRAN INCOMPATIBL Oct 29, 2015        33.11        
      CICS/TS 5.3 GA date              Dec 11, 2015        33.33        
      CICS/TS 5.3 MNSEGCL=5 INPUT ERR  Mar 21, 2016        34.02        
      CICS/TS 5.4 OPEN BETA  Aug       Aug 11, 2016        34.06        
      CICS/TS 5.4 OPEN BETA  Nov       Nov 11, 2016        34.09        
      CICS/TS 5.4 GA                   Jun 17, 2017        35.03        
      CICS/TS 5.5 GA (INCOMPAT)        Jan 29, 2018        36.11        
      CICS/TS 5.6 GA (INCOMPAT)        Jun  1, 2020        38.07        
      CICS/TS 5.6 NEW DATA (COMPAT)    Oct  5, 2020        38.09        
      CICS/TS 6.1 ONE NEW (INCOMPAT)   Jan 11, 2020        40.01        
      CICS/TS 6.1 ONE NEW (INCOMPAT)   Sep 20, 2020        40.02        
      CICS/TS 6.1 UTILEXCL/IMACEXCL OK Aug 15, 2022        40.05        
      CICS/TS 6.1 VMAC110 NO IMACEXCL  May 31, 2023        41.02        
      CICS/TS 6.2 INCOMPATIBLE BETA16  Sep 20, 2023        41.04        
      DB2 2.3.0                        Oct 28, 1991        10.01        
      DB2 3.1.0                        Dec 17, 1993        13.02        
      DB2 4.1.0 Tolerate               Nov  7, 1995        13.07        
      DB2 4.1.0 Full support           Sep 11, 1996        14.07        
      DB2 5.1.0 Tolerate               Jun 27, 1997        14.14        
      DB2 5.1.0 Full support           Jun 27, 1997        15.02        
      DB2 6.1.0 initial support        Mar 15, 1999        16.09        
      DB2 6.1.0 all buffer pools       Mar 15, 1999        18.01        
      DB2 6.1.0 parallel DB2           Mar 15, 1999        19.19        
      DB2 7.1.0 parallel DB2           Mar 31, 2001        19.19        
      DB2 7.1.0 corrections            Mar 31, 2001        20.06        
      DB2 8.1 Tolerate, no packages    Mar 31, 2004        20.20        
      DB2 8.1 New Data Packages wrong  Mar 31, 2004        21.08        
      DB2 8.1 Support with Packages    Mar 31, 2004       *23.09        
      DB2 8.1 with all zIIP Variables  Sep 30, 2006        24.08        
      DB2 8.1 +PK47659                 Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      DB2 9.1 See Change 25.265.       Dec  7, 2007        25.11        
      DB2 9.1 Full Support +PK/56356   Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      DB2 10.1 Tolerate                Oct  1, 2010        28.06        
      DB2 10.1 New vars + Compressed   Nov  1, 2010       *28.07        
      DB2 10.1 Invalid Header pre APAR Jan 12, 2011       *28.28        
      DB2 10.1 IFCID=225 INCOMPAT      Sep 23, 2011       *29.07        
      DB2 10.1 QWHCCV for QWHCATYP=8   Oct  3, 2011       *30.07        
      DB2 10.1 DBID/OBID decode        Jan 21, 2013       *30.30        
      DB2 10.1 QLSTxxxx vars corrected Jun 21, 2013       *31.04        
               (ONLY IMPACTS DB2STATS)                                  
      DB2 11.1 TOLERATE DB2 V11.1      Jun 21, 2013        30.30        
      DB2 11.1 DB2STATS QLST CORRECT   Jun 21, 2013        31.04        
      DB2 11.1 SUPPORT NEW VARIABLES   Jun 21, 2013        31.08        
      DB2 11.1 IRLM NEW SEGMENT        Jun 21, 2013        32.10        
      DB2 12.1 COMPATIBLE              Oct  5, 2016        34.08        
      DB2 12.1 NETEZZA CORRECTIONS     Oct  5, 2016        34.08        
      DB2 12.1 QLAC INSERTS DB2ACCT    May 15, 2017        35.05*       
      DFSMS/MVS 1.1                    Mar 13, 1993        11.11        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.2                    Jun 24, 1994        12.02        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.3                    Dec 29, 1995        13.09        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.4                    Sep 28, 1997        15.04        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.4 HSM                Sep 23, 1998        16.04        
      DFSMS/MVS 1.5                    ??? ??, 1999        16.04        
      DFSORT SMF V1R5                  Mar  1, 2006        24.02        
      MQM 1.1.2, 1.1.3, 1.1.4          Apr 25, 1996        14.02        
      MQ Series 1.2.0                  May 26, 1998        16.02        
      MQ Series 2.1.0                  Oct  2, 1999        17.07        
      MQ Series 5.2                    Dec 16, 2000        18.10        
      MQ Series 5.3                    Dec 16, 2002        21.05        
      MQ Series 6.0                    Feb 14, 2006        23.23        
      Websphere MQ Series 7.0          ??? ??, 2009       *28.06        
      Websphere MQ Series 7.1          MAR 12, 2011        29.03        
      Websphere MQ Series 8.0          Jun 24, 2011        29.05        
      Websphere MQ Series 9.1          Mar 20, 2017        35.03        
      NETVIEW 3.1 type 37              ??? ??, 1996        14.03        
      NPM 2.0                          Dec 17, 1993        12.03        
      NPM 2.2                          Aug 29, 1994        12.05        
      NPM 2.3                          ??? ??, 1996        15.08        
      NPM 2.4                          Nov 18, 1998        17.01        
      NPM 2.5                          Feb ??, 2000        18.02        
      NPM 2.6                          Nov ??, 2001        19.06        
      RMDS 2.1, 2.2                    Dec 12, 1995        12.12        
      RMDS 2.3                         Jan 31, 2002        19.11        
      TCP/IP 3.1                       Jun 12, 1995        12.12        
      TCP/IP 3.4                       Sep 22, 1998        16.04        
      WebSphere 5.0 APAR PQ7463        Aug 19, 2003        21.04        
      WebSphere 6.0                    Feb 18, 2006        23.23        
      WebSphere 7.0                    Oct  7, 2010        28.06        
      WebSphere 8.0                    Jul 17, 2011        29.05        
      DOS/VSE POWER V6.3.0             Dec 19, 1998        16.08        
      VM/ESA  2.0                      Dec 23, 1992        10.04        
      VM/ESA  2.1                      Jun 27, 1993        12.02        
      VM/ESA  2.2                      Nov 22, 1994        12.06        
      VM/ESA  2.3                      Jun  1, 1998        16.08        
      VM/ESA  2.4                      Mar  1, 2001        19.03        
      z/VM    3.1                      Mar  1, 2001        19.03        
      z/VM    3.1 DATABYTE=0           May  2, 2002        20.02        
      z/VM    4.2 ??                   May  2, 2002        20.02        
      z/VM    4.4                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      z/VM    5.1                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      z/VM    5.2                      Jan 22, 2006        24.01        
      z/VM    5.3 TOLERATE             Jun  7, 2007        25.05        
      z/VM    5.3 NEW VARIABLES        Sep 12, 2008        26.08        
      z/VM    5.4 (COMPATIBLE)         Sep 12, 2008       *27.01        
      z/VM    6.1 (NO CHANGES)         Jul  7, 2008        27.01        
      z/VM    6.2                      Dec  2, 2011        29.04        
      z/VM    6.3 INCOMPATIBLE         Jul 23, 2013        31.05        
      z/VM    6.3 z/13                 Jan 23, 2016        33.33        
      z/VM    6.4 SYTLCK Incompat      Apr 26, 2016        34.04        
      z/VM    6.40061802 ABEND         Jan 22, 2019        37.02        
      z/VM    7.1  INCOMPAT ABEND      Feb 14, 2019        37.02        
      z15 z/VM MFC counters, INCOMPAT  Mar 23, 2020        38.02        
      IMS log 4.1                      Jul  4, 1994        12.02        
      IMS log 5.1                      Jun  9, 1996        14.05        
      IMS log 6.1                      ???  ?, 199?        20.03        
      IMS log 7.1                      ???  ?, 200?        20.03        
      IMS log 8.1                      May 21, 2003        21.02        
      IMS log 9.1                      Mar 96, 2004       *26.01        
      IMS log 10.1                     Mar 06, 2007       *26.01        
      IMS log 11.1                     Apr  1, 2010       *28.02        
      IMS log 12.1                     Jan 23, 2012       *29.29        
      IMS log 13.1 (NOT 56FA)          May 25, 2013        31.03        
      IMS log 13.1 (56FA RECORD)       May 27, 2014        32.05        
      IMS log 14.1 COMPATIBLE          Dec 19, 2015        33.07        
      IMS log 15.1 NO CHANGES          Mar  1, 2018        35.07        
      AS400 3.7.0                      Nov  1, 1996        15.01        
      AS400 4.1.0                      Dec 30, 1996        15.08        
      AS400 4.2.0                      Apr 27, 1998        16.02        
      AS400 4.4.0                      Sep 27, 1999        17.07        
      AS400 4.5.0                      Jul 27, 2000        18.07        
      AS400 5.2.0 - Most records       Jul 23, 2003        21.03        
      AS400 5.2.0 - QAPMMIOP           Jul 23, 2003        22.04        
      AS400 5.3.0                      Jan 22, 2005        22.22        
      AS400 5.4.0                      Aug 26, 2006        24.06        
      AS400 6.1.0                      Jun 29, 2008        26.05        
    Note: Asterisk by the version number means the Version number       
          was changed (to the MXG version required), after an earlier   
          MXG version was listed as supporting this product release,    
          usually because an APAR modified the product's data records.  
          Or a coding error in MXG could be the reason for the change!  
    Availability dates for non-IBM products and MXG version required:   
                                                        MXG Version     
      Product Name                                       Required       
      Demand Technology                                                 
       NTSMF Version 1 Beta                                14.11        
       NTSMF Version 2.0                                   15.05        
       NTSMF Version 2.1                                   15.06        
       NTSMF Version 2.2                                   16.04        
       NTSMF Version 2.3                                   17.10        
       NTSMF 2.4.4                     Aug  9, 2002        20.04        
       NTSMF 2.4.5   INCOMPAT          Apr  1, 2003        21.02        
       NTSMF 2.4.7                     Sep 30, 2004        22.08        
       NTSMF 3.1.4                     Mar 15, 2009        27.01        
       NTSMF 4.0                       Mar 15, 2011        29.03        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 2                       13.06        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.0                     16.02        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 3.1                     20.04        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 4.0                     22.10        
       The Monitor for DB2 Version 5.0                     30.02        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.2 -                      12.12        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 1.3 -                      15.01        
       The Monitor for CICS/ESA 2.0 -                      15.06        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.1 -                      20.04        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.2 - 20.335, 21.134       21.04        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 2.3 including CICS/TS 3.1  22.08        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.2 (almost all)           25.11        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.2 (almost all)           27.01        
       The Monitor for CICS TCE 3.3 (for CICS/TS 4.1,4.2)  29.07        
       TMON/CICS 3.4 (for CICS/TS 5.1)               30.30-32.12        
        (Do not use 32.13,32.32,33.01,33.02,33.03 for 3.4)              
       TMON/CICS 3.4 (for CICS/TS 5.1 - Change 33.099)     33.04        
       TMON/CICS 4.0 (for CICS/TS 5.2 - Change 33.195)    *33.09        
       TMON/CICS 4.1 (for CICS/TS 5.3 - Change 34.257      34.08        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.3  -                      12.05        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 1.5  -                      12.05        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 2.0  -                      15.09        
       The Monitor for MVS/ESA 3.0  -                      19.19        
       TMON/MVS Version 4.4                                32.04        
       Omegamon for CICS V200 User SMF                     12.05        
       Omegamon for CICS V300 User SMF                     13.06        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 User SMF                     16.02        
       Omegamon for CICS V400 type 110 segments            16.02        
       Omegamon for CICS V500 User SMF                     18.01        
       Omegamon for IMS V110 (ITRF)                        12.12        
       Omegamon for IMS V300 (ITRF)                        14.04        
       Omegamon for IMS V550/V560 (ITRF)                   25.05        
       Omegamon for MVS V300                               13.05        
       Omegamon for MVS V400                               13.06        
       Omegamon for DB2 Version 2.1/2.2                    13.05        
       Omegamon for VTAM V160                              12.04A       
       Omegamon for VTAM V400                              15.15        
       Omegamon for VTAM V500                              18.08        
       Omegamon for SMS V100/V110                          12.03        
       ACF2 6.2 was 16.04 but ABEND, ACSMFREL=0 May 2018   36.05        
       ASTEX 2.1                                           14.04        
       IDMS 18                                             32.05        
       IDMS 19 (INCOMPAT after PTF R084146 Change 34.164)  33.05        
       NETSPY 4.7                                          14.03        
       NETSPY 5.0                                          14.03        
       NETSPY 5.2                                          16.05        
       NETSPY 5.3                                          18.03        
       NETSPY 6.0                                          20.10 20.305 
       NETSPY 7.0                                          20.10 20.305 
       SAR/VIEW R11                                        23.07 23.196 
      BMC, was Boole & Babbage                                          
       APPTUNE V11R2 SMF 102                               33.11 33.264 
       IMF 3.1 (for IMS 5.1)                               12.12        
       IMF 3.2 (for IMS 6.1 only)                          15.09        
       IMF 3.2 (for IMS 5.1 and 6.1+)                      16.04        
       IMF 3.3 (for IMS 7.1 and 8.1)                      *22.08        
       IMF 4.1 (for IMS 9.1)                              *26.02        
       IMF 4.4 (for IMS 9.1)                              *31.08        
       IMF 4.5 (for IMS 11.1)  (No change since 4.4)       31.08        
       IMF 4.6 a/k/a Mainview IMS                         *31.08        
       IMF 5.1 a/k/a Mainview IMS                         *34.01        
       IMF 5.2 a/k/a Mainview IMS                          34.01        
       IMF 5.3 a/k/a Mainview IMS                          35.03        
       Mainview for MQ Version 4.4                         29.03        
       Mainview for MQ Version 5.1                         30.02        
       Mainview for MQ Version 5.2, 5.3, 5.4               33.01        
       Mainview for CICS Version 6.5 (CICS/TS 5.1)         30.30        
       Mainview for CICS Version 6.4 (CICS/TS 4.2)         30.04        
       Mainview for CICS Version 6.1                       26.26        
       Mainview Auto Operator data file                    28.28        
       Mainview for DB2 THRDHIST file                      20.20        
       Mainview for TCP/IP                                 20.20        
       Mainview for IP                                     34.??        
       Mainview for Batch Optimizer                        19.19        
       LMS 3.1                                             12.12A       
      Oracle V9, V10                                       24.06        
       2.1                                                 33.05        
       1.4                                                 33.08        
       APAF 4.1, 4.3                                       16.08        
      Velocity Software                                                 
       XAMAP 3.4                                           22.10        
       XAMAP 3406                                          24.03        
       XAMAP 3.7                                           27.10        
       XAMAP 4.1   Now Renamed to ZVPS 4.1                 29.07        
       XVPS  4.2                                           31.06        
       ZVPS  5.4                                          *33.07        
V.    Incompatibilities and Installation of MXG 41.41.                  
 1. Incompatibilities introduced in MXG 41.41:                          
  a. Changes in MXG architecture made between 41.41 and prior versions  
     that can introduce known incompatibilities.                        
     YOU MUST CHANGE _LTY70 to _WTY70 in that member. CHANGE 38.105.    
     The error before this correction will be:                          
     ERROR: DATA SET "PDB.TYPE70" was not specified on the DATA stmt.   
 2. Installation and re-installation procedures are described in detail 
    in member INSTALL (which also lists common Error/Warning messages a 
    new user might encounter), and sample JCL is in member JCLINSTT for 
    SAS Version 9.                                                      
    MXG Definitions with regard to MXG Software Changes:                
    COMPATIBLE   A change in a data record which did not alter either   
    COMPAT       the location or the format of all of the previously-   
                 kept MXG variables is COMPATIBLE, and you can continue 
                 to run the old version of MXG software, which will read
                 the new records without error, but none of any new data
                 fields or any new record subtypes will be created/kept 
                 until you install the MXG Version with this change.    
    INCOMPAT     A change in a data record that causes the current MXG  
                 version to fail, visibly or invisibly, with or without 
                 error conditions or messages, and the output datasets  
                 may contain wrong values and incomplete observations,  
                 and/or observations may have been lost.                
                 You MUST install the new MXG Version with this change  
                 to process data records that have been INCOMPATIBLY    
                 changed by their vendor.                               
    TOLERATE     In other words, the old MXG Version TOLERATES the new  
                 data records, if they are COMPATIBLY changed.          
    EXPLOIT      Once you use the new MXG Version to read the changed   
                 records, all of the new fields, subtypes, etc, that are
                 described in this change will be created in the MXG    
                 datasets, so the new MXG Version EXPLOITS the new data,
                 and you have full support of the new data records.     
      An MXG Version never "expires" nor "goes out of Support".  When   
      you put in a new product/subsystem/Release/APAR that incompatibly 
      changed its records then you must install the current MXG Version 
      or at least be using the minimum level of MXG that is currently   
      documented in the preceding list in section IV.                   
     COSMETIC     Some Changes will start with COSMETIC.  This indicates
                  that that change only alters a displayed value or may 
                  be a spelling error in a label, but it is "cosmetic"  
                  in that it ONLY affected the display, and the output  
                  data sets created are NOT impacted by this change.    
VI.   Online Documentation of MXG Software.                             
    MXG Documentation is now described in member DOCUMENT.              
    See also member INDEX, but it may be overwhelming.                  
VII.  Changes Log                                                       
--------------------------Changes Log---------------------------------  
 You MUST read each Change description to determine if a Change will    
 impact your site.  All changes have been made in this MXG Library.     
 Member CHANGES always identifies the actual version and release of     
 MXG Software that is contained in that library.                        
 The CHANGES selection on our homepage at            
 is always the most current information on MXG Software status,         
 and is frequently updated.                                             
 Important changes are also posted to the MXG-L ListServer, which is    
 also described by a selection on the homepage.  Please subscribe.      
 The actual code implementation of some changes in MXG SOURCLIB may be  
 different than described in the change text (which might have printed  
 only the critical part of the correction that need be made by users).  
 Scan each source member named in any impacting change for any comments 
 at the beginning of the member for additional documentation, since the 
 documentation of new datasets, variables, validation status, and notes,
 are often found in comments in the source members.                     
Alphabetical list of important changes in MXG 41.41:                    
  Member    Change    Description                                       
  ANALAVAI  41.098  Availability report can now grouped on program name 
  ANALCEC   41.105  CEC Analysis new SORTBYADDS to control reports.     
  ASMRMFI   41.028  Version 2 of ASMRMFI for SPLIT70 processing         
  ASMRMFX   41.003  Revision to Change 40.140 SPLIT 70s and CICSIFUE.   
  CICINTRV  41.087  CICINTRV now supports a ONEMINUTE value for _CICINTV
  FORMATS   41.007  MIPS values for z/16 Processor Format $MGRMIPS.     
  FORMATS   41.097  CICS 6.1 dynamic storage areas not in $MGCICLO.     
  JAVA      41.091  Two JAVA memory options were found needed in z/OS.  
  SPLIT70   41.011  ASMRMFI using IBM BRBSMFR for LRECL GT 32756.       
  SPLIT70   41.011  New ASMRMFI using IBM GRBSMFR z/OS 2.5 SPLIT70      
  SPLIT70   41.012  SAS HOT FIX 69871 on ASCII for LRECL GT 32756.      
  TYPE113   41.005  TYPE1131 for z/15 L2P variable was wrong            
  TYPE119   41.079  TYP11906 added 5th Home Address variables.          
  TYPE7072  41.071  Variable CECSER6 is added to TYPE70 and TYPE70PR    
  TYPE89    41.004  TYPE89 variable SMF89SOLUTION ID off by 1 byte.     
  TYPE99    41.001  SMF 99 Subtype 1 INPUT EXCEEDED, S99SLLN=80 not doc.
  UTILBLDP  41.068  %CLEARDB2 addition caused VARIABLE STARTHR errors.  
  UTILEXCL  41.063  Protection for EXCLUDEd CICS Field 114 ABCODEC.     
  UTILEXCL  41.075  UTILEXCL error introduced in Change 41.063 ABCODE   
  VGETOBS   41.088  %VGETOBS sets &VGETOBS=1 if lib is on tape.         
  VMAC102   41.010  Support for DB2 V13 102 (New IFCID 396)             
  VMAC102   41.016  SMF 102 IFCID 389 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED error.   
  VMAC102   41.035  Support for DB2 TRACE IFCIDS 411 and 412            
  VMAC102   41.112  DB2 SMF 102 IFCID 172 no obs, Length field zero.    
  VMAC110   41.081  Support for CICS/TS 6.2 BETA16 INCOMPATIBLE inserts.
  VMAC110   41.095  CICSTRAN variable WBURISCN spelled WBIRISCN.        
  VMAC110   41.113  CICS 110 SUBTYPE 1 MNSEGCL 5 INPUT EXCEEDED.        
  VMAC113   41.033  Support for HIS SMF 113 MT Diagnostic Counters      
  VMAC113   41.115  Updates to the CPU MF formulas for z14 and z15.     
  VMAC116   41.067  DB2H Header Variables QWHCAID/QWHCOPID in TYPE116.  
  VMAC119   41.064  Dataset TYP11910 UCLIPV6 was wrong, had blanks.     
  VMAC123A  41.094  Support for z/OS Connect V3.0.74.0 new variables.   
  VMAC26J2  41.092  Support for z/OS 3.1 SMF Manual Changes COMPATIBLE  
  VMAC30    41.015  More new Direct Memory (z/OS 3.1) variables added.  
  VMAC30    41.053  Support for APAR OA62355 new TYPE30 Containers.     
  VMAC7072  41.025  LARGE VALUE FOR LCPUPDTM IBM Error protected.       
  VMAC7072  41.111  Support for APAR OA64781 TYPE70 Variable capacity   
  VMAC71    41.008  TYPE71 CSFRLSAV missing value.                      
  VMAC71    41.041  Correction to CSTORE which was too small.           
  VMAC71    41.042  Support for z/OS 3.1 Dedicated memory variables.    
  VMAC74    41.052  BMC CMF Only Subtype 9 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED.    
  VMAC74    41.064  TYPE74CA storage variables CSCONF+ are GB not MB.   
  VMAC80A   41.036  Support for TOKDANAM values and EV944 ERROR fixed.  
  VMAC90A   41.023  Support for SMF 90 Subtype 42 BOOT VALIDATION.      
  VMAC93    41.019  Support for TYPE83MF Multi Factor Authentication    
  VMAC98    41.049  SMF 98 CICS Subtype 1024 ABEND, only ST 1 supported 
  VMAC99    41.090  TYPE99_6 variables SERVER01-05 SERVPN01-05 wrong.   
  VMAC99    41.096  Support for AI Data Section WLM AI Batch INITs.     
  VMACDB2   41.010  Support for DB2 V13 100/101 (COMPATIBLE, New Vars)  
  VMACDB2   41.010  Support for DB2 V13 new variables COMPATIBLY ADDED  
  VMACDB2   41.013  DB2 Subtype 1 EXCEEDED LENGTH if Q8STNAME length LT 
  VMACDB2   41.065  DB2 IDAA variables Q8STINSC-Q8STVLCS shifted, wrong.
  VMACDB2H  41.102  ASUMUOW merge of CICSTRAN and DB2ACCT fewer SPUN.   
  VMACEREP  41.034  JCL Examples to create EREP History File.           
  VMACMARS  41.099  Corrections to Hitachi Mainframe Analysis Recorder  
  VMACNDM   41.029  Dataset NDMRT enhanced with Parameter values.       
  VMACRACF  41.020  New RACF Unload IRRDBU00 datasets.                  
  VMACRACF  41.109  Support for RACF TYPEs 0141/0209/0290/02C9/0509.    
  VMACRMFV  41.009  New RMF III variables added Data Gatherer Pgmr Guide
  VMACRMFV  41.043  Support for z/OS 3.1 RMF III variables in ZRBASI/GEI
  VMACSARR  41.073  SARR/CAVIEW Subtype 36 datasets now populated.      
  VMACTRMS  41.026  Support for TRMS Version 7.02 subtypes 6 and 7      
  VMACVIRS  41.080  Support for VIRTEL/VIRSTAT versions 640/641.        
  VMACXAM   41.021  zVPS VSICPU misaligned, floating point error.       
  VMXG70PR  41.107  ASUMCELP MSU variables for each CPU type added.     
  See member CHANGESS for all changes ever made to MXG Software, or     
  the CHANGES frames at                            
Inverse chronological list of all Changes:                              
====== CHANGES THRU 41.122 ARE IN MXG 41.41 DATED Jan 10, 2024 =========
Change 41.122  WPS ABENDs reading ID=79 SUBTYPE=15 RMF record which does
VMACSMF        not have an RMF Product Segment, which caused OFFRMFP to 
VMACSMFL       be a missing value, and WPS failed on INPUT @OFFRMFP+40  
Jan  8, 2024   due to that offset's missing value. (SAS does NOT fail.) 
               The code with that INPUT statement was not in the prior  
               block that executed IF NOT (ID=79 AND SUBTYPE=15) so it  
               is relocated into that code block to not INPUT @OFFRMFP  
               for the 79 subtype 15, while WPS investigates why they   
               failed.  The error message with the USER 999 ABEND is    
               "ERROR: The input record was not long enough for INPUT." 
               There are thousands of INPUT @offset statements in MXG,  
               where offset could be a missing value, but they are all  
               protected with a test for IF NRTRIPLET GT 0 so the INPUT 
               isn't executed when there is no segment. But while the   
               SMF manual states the subtype 15 does NOT have a Product 
               Segment, there actually is one, and the count in SMF70PRN
               is 1, so SAS tolerated the missing offset value and the  
               INPUT @OFFRMFP was executed, but with incorrect alignment
               causing a large value in SMF70RAN and incorrect values in
               MVSLEVEL and PRODVERSION in the _SMF Header variables.   
               Those _SMF variables are now correctly missing values.   
               (Those variables are/were correct in the VMAC79 code and 
               in the TYPE7915 ILRM dataset built by SAS.)              
Change 41.121  During QA testing we found that sometimes a VMXGSUM with 
ASUMDBDS       NEWSHIFT=Y failed looking for a variable SHIF rather than
ASUMMWNT       SHIFT if the DATETIME= var was also in the by list.      
ASUMSTC        These members were all exposed, DATETIME was corrected.  
ASUMVMON       From VMXGSUM documentation in comments:                  
TRNDVDEV         The variable "DATETIME" was never intended to be in    
Dec 28, 2023     the output data set, but early on it was kept by       
                 accident, and users wrote code expecting it, so it has 
                 to be kept by default, but you can and should use the  
                 DROPDT=YES, option to tell VMXGSUM to drop the variable
                 named "DATETIME", as it is not needed, is not a        
                 descriptive name and can be confusing. ASUMDBDS        
                 summarizes MONIDBDS dataset.                           
Change 41.120  Support for CICS Optional CMR segment variable CMDUDAT2. 
IMACICMX       Note: for new variables in optional segments supported in
UTILEXCL       IMACICxx members, the new variable does not need to be in
Dec 28, 2023   VMAC110. UTILEXCL must be run to create the new IMACEXCL,
               and it is updated to add the new variable to the _VCICTRN
               macro, which is the list of all variables to be kept.    
   Thanks to Ankush Dudhbavare, Ensono, USA.                            
   Thanks to Bob Olah, Ensono, USA.                                     
   Thanks to Shantanu Gupta, Ensono, USA.                               
   Thanks to Sashank Samarth, Ensono, USA.                              
   Thanks to Rahul Raj, Ensono, USA.                                    
Change 41.119  DB2 IDAA variable Q8ACTWDP was not divided by 4096 and   
IMACDBNZ       was not FORMATed to TIME13.3. Q8ACNWDP was incorrectly   
Dec 27, 2023   divided by 4096.                                         
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBTechLLC, USA.                              
Change 41.118  The new code to check for backlevel FORMATS caused error 
VMXGINIT       message "MGFMTVR 484" if the FORMATS library did not     
Dec 27, 2023   exist even though the NOFMTERR option was enabled. This  
               error message had no impact, but the message is removed. 
   Thanks to Steve Estle, Peraton, USA.                                 
====== CHANGES THRU 41.117 ARE IN MXG 41.06 DATED Dec 15, 2023 =========
Change 41.117  Failed if no libname.memnames matching the specified     
VMXGCOPY       parameters with an invalid DO loop. NOw detects and shuts
Dec 13, 2023   down.                                                    
Change 41.116  New z/OS 3.1 variable is added to RACF0200 dataset:      
Dec 12, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Gaetan Martel, INTACT, CANADA.                             
Change 41.115  Updates to the CPU MF formulas for the z14 and z15 are   
ASUM113        made because the z16 algorithm was improved in capturing 
VMAC113        Finite Time so the z14 and z15 metrics are adjusted for  
Dec  8, 2023   consistency.  The website    
Dec 28, 2023   techdocs/atsmastr.nsf/Webindex/TC000066 has the details. 
               Variables ESTFINCP & ESTSCP1M calculations were changed. 
               This change was wrong in 41.06, corrected in 41.41. The  
               test for version was misspelled SMF113VN2 vs SM113VN2.   
   Thanks to John Burg, IBM, USA.                                       
Change 41.114  Variable SV36RID was not kept.                           
Dec  1, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Steven W. Erkkila, USBANK, USA.                            
VMAC110        INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED due to 2 typos for MNR5OFFU that
Nov 29, 2023   should have been MNR5OFFW. Error introduced in 38.114,   
   Thanks to Robin van Westendorp, Standard Bank of South Africa, S.A.  
   Thanks to Jorge J. Quintela, Standard Bank of South Africa, S.A.     
Change 41.112  DB2 SMF 102 IFCID 172 no obs because QWT02R2L length is  
VMAC102        zero, now a flag that the length is in the first two     
Nov 30, 2023   bytes pointed to by the QWT02R2O offset, an undocumented 
               change for SMF 102 records, although previously observed 
               in other DB2 SMF records.                                
   Thanks to Jan Tielemans, KBS, BELGIUM.                               
Change 41.111  Support for APAR OA64781 and OA65494 TYPE70 dataset adds 
Nov 21, 2023     SMF70MVCR   ='MODEL*VARIABLE*CAPACITY*RATING'          
                 SMF70NVCR   ='MODEL*VARIABLE*CAPACITY*NOMINAL'         
                 SMF70ZSU_ON_CP  ='UNWEI ZIIP*ELIGIBLE*SU*ON CP'        
                 SMF70CPE_LO     ='LOW*CPENABLE*THRESHOLD*VALUE'        
                 SMF70CPE_HI     ='HI*CPENABLE*THRESHOLD*VALUE'         
Change 41.110  Variable T103ERIP, Remote IP Address, in TYPE103E dataset
VMAC103        was incorrectly input, the +1 should have been +4.       
Nov 21, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Niels Oksholm, FDC, DENMARK.                               
Change 41.109  Support for RACF TYPE 0141/0209/0290/02C9/0509 creates   
EXRAC141       five new datasets.                                       
Nov 21, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Ervin Claxon, CSX, USA.                                    
====== CHANGES THRU 41.108 ARE IN MXG 41.05 DATED Nov 16, 2023 =========
Change 41.108  Variable SV36MED was incorrectly input as numeric but    
VMACSARR       changing it to character would expose compatibility      
Nov 15, 2023   issues, so now SV30MED is INPUT and kept in SARRU36.     
   Thanks to Steven W. Erkkila, USBANK, USA.                            
Change 41.107  Dataset ASUMCELP adds variables ICFMSU IFAMSU IFLMSU     
VMXG70PR       ZIPMSU and ZIPMSUHR to ASUMCELP with MSU totals for      
Nov 14, 2023   each CPU Type.                                           
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBTechLLC, USA.                              
UCICSCNT       SUBTYPE=1 Resource Record, URIMAP and WEBSVC were not    
Nov 14, 2023   decoded causing misalignment, and MXGDECOM code to       
               decompress SMF 110 records was not in this old utility.  
   Thanks to Raymond J Smith, OPTUM, USA.                               
Change 41.105  New parameter SORTBYADDS lets you add variables to the   
ANALCEC        by list.                                                 
Nov  6, 2023                                                            
Change 41.104  Option STOPOVER added to INFILE statements so bad record 
VMXGHSM        will be identified; without STOPOVER option SAS reports  
Nov  6, 2023   LOST CARD that doesn't identify the problem record.      
Change 41.103  If you changed times for Daylight Savings on an active   
VMXG70PR       system, a PROC MEANS could fail creating GRCAPS3 due to  
Nov  6, 2023   GMTOFFTM out of order. This change moves GMTOFFTM        
               to an ID statement.                                      
   Thanks to Gennady.Katsnelson, Kyndryl, USA.                          
Change 41.102 ASUMUOW merge of CICSTRAN and DB2ACCT could have many obs 
VMACDB2H      sent to SPINUOW because the CICSTRAN SMFTIME resolution is
Nov  2, 2023  .01 seconds and QWHSSTCK resolution is .000001 seconds and
              the DELTAGMT included fractional seconds where the GMT    
              offset must be in whole seconds.  Changing the  DELTAGMT  
              derivation, using DELTAGMT=ROUND(SMFTIME-QWHSSTCK); gives 
              the correct whole seconds, also populating the blank value
              in TRANNAME in PDB.ASUMUOW, and providing the correct DB2 
              event order with or without ASUMUOW.                      
Change 41.101 TYPE80xx Resource Name variables RESNAME, RESNAMEx and    
VMAC80A       RES25MEx were INPUT as $VARYING64 but they can be $245    
Nov  3, 2023  so are now increased in TYPE8001/8009/8024/8025/8033      
   Thanks to Bill Arrowsmith, Euroclear, BELGIUM                        
   Thanks to Geoff Moverley, Euroclear, BELGIUM                         
Change 41.100 Dataset TYPE3804 reread the first segment because OFFTHREE
VMAC38        was not updated, and the _ETY3804 statement was not inside
Oct 31, 2023  the DO loop so many observations were not output.         
   Thanks to Stephen Hoar, Lloyds Banking, ENGLAND                      
   Thanks to Mark Tomlinson, Lloyds Banking, ENGLAND                    
Change 41.099 Corrections to Hitachi Mainframe Analysis Recorder MAR SMF
VMACMAR       Variables MARS3CSWO MARS3CRFO now kept in MARST03 dataset 
Oct 25, 2023  Dataset MARST03 variables MARS3CSWO MARS3CRFO now kept.   
              Dataset MARST03 BY List added MARSSN.                     
             -Dataset MARST05 byte variables were not converted from KB 
             -Dataset MARST05 time variables were incorrect informat and
              not multiplied by 128.                                    
   Thanks to Jan Tielemans, KBC, BELGIUM                                
Change 41.098 Availability reporting can now be grouped on program name 
ANALAVAI      rather than job name to specify application groups.       
Oct 24, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Laszlo Horvath, Kyndryl, Germany                           
   Thanks to Thomas Tesche, Intergo, Germany                            
   Thanks to Attila Halacsy, Lumdru, Germany                            
Change 41.097  CICS 6.1 dynamic storage areas PCDSA PUDSA EPCDSA EPUDSA 
FORMATS        were not included in the $MGCICLO format.                
Oct 23, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to David Price, NatWest, ENGLAND.                             
Change 41.096  Support for AI Data Section which exists only for periods
EXTY99AI       participating in WLM AI batch initiator management.      
FORMATS        Added in z/OS 3.1, creates new TYPE99AI dataset:         
IMAC99           SM992AIMODELNAME   ='MODEL*NAME*IDENTIFIER'            
VMAC99           SM992AIMODELVERSION='MODEL*VERSION'                    
VMXGINIT         SM992AIMODELUSECASE='MODEL*USECASE'                    
Oct 18, 2023     SM992AIFLAGS       ='AI*FLAGS*SEE AIPRED*AISIMU'       
                 SM992AIINFTIME     ='LAST*INFERENCE*DURATION'          
                 SM992AIDATA0       ='LAST*INFERENCE*RESULT'            
                 SM992AIDATA1       ='ACTIVE*SERVER*PREDICTION'         
                 SM992AIDATA2       ='ACTIVE*SERVER*PREDICTION*ERROR'   
                 SM992AIDATA3       ='CP*SERVICE*PREDICTION'            
                 SM992AIDATA4       ='CP*SERVICE*PREDICTION*ERROR'      
                 SM992AIDATA5       ='ZIIP*SERVICE*PREDICTION'          
                 SM992AIDATA6       ='ZIIP*SERVICE*PREDICTION*ERROR'    
                 SM992AIDATA7       ='MODEL*DATA*FETCH*TIME'            
                 SM992AIDATA8       ='MODEL*PROCESSING*TIME'            
              -AI-powered WLM batch initiator management augments WLM   
               with AI to optimize the management of IBM Z workloads.   
               These iteratively delivered capabilities will allow z/OS 
               to intelligently predict upcoming batch workload and     
               react by allocating an appropriate number of initiators. 
               This is designed to optimize system resources and batch  
               management, thus eliminating overhead from manual fine-  
               tuning and trial-and-error approaches. AI-powered WLM    
               batch management is the initial use case leveraging the  
               AI Framework for IBM z/OS.                               
Change 41.095  CICSTRAN variable WBURISCN was incorrectly spelled as    
UTILEXCL       WBIRISCN, now corrected.                                 
Oct 17, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBTechLLC, USA.                              
Change 41.094  Support for z/OS Connect V3.0.74.0 adds two variables to 
Oct 16, 2023    SM123MINOR='CONNECT*FEATURE*MINOR*VERSION'              
Change 41.093  Variable NAMENODE was input $24 but is $64, and this     
VMACXAM        caused variables LOCATION MAP and TCPRELEASE to be       
Oct 12, 2023   misaligned in XMTCPSYS dataset.                          
   Thanks to Douglas C. Walter, CITIGROUP, USA.                         
Change 41.092  Support for z/OS 3.1 SMF Manual changes (COMPATIBLE).    
VMAC26J2       We and several customers have tested z/OS 3.1 records    
VMAC30         with back levels that support z/OS 2.5 (MXG 39.08).      
VMAC7072       Change 41.096 added the new AI data in TYPE99 and        
VMAC79         there were other APARs in 3.1, but we expect no issues.  
Oct 26, 2023  -Dataset TYPE26J2 new variables:                          
               The GMT Offset is NOT exact, with values that follow the 
               SMFTIME, producing values of 09:29:59.28 .03 .05 .01     
               for South Australia which should be 9:30:00.00.          
               SMF26UNL and SMF26DNL haven't been tested with non=zero  
               and SMF26TSO is not added to them until validated.       
              -Dataset TYPE30_4 TYPE30_5 TYPE30_V new variables         
                 SMF30JCLTOKEN='IDENTIFIER*FOR THE*JOB'                 
              -The two changes for 26 and 30 were added by APAR OA64643.
              -Dataset TYPE72GO new variable:                           
                 Comment added for bit 7 R723MFLG WLMBATCH AI INFUSED   
              -Comment added for bit 7 for R791FLG3 in dataset TYPE791  
                 and R792FLG3 in dataset TYPE792.                       
Change 41.091  Two JAVA memory options are found needed in z/OS CONFIGxx
ANALMSUS       for graphs with ANALMSUS and may be needed for other uses
CONFIMXG       of JAVA, even though REGION=0M was specified. JAVA       
CONFIGxx       required those min and max sizes to be at least 512m,    
Oct  8, 2023   or the JAVA JVM failed to load.                          
              -With the above name for the FONTs directory, SAS messaged
               that something in the fontpath was not a directory and   
               failed in the ODS and EXCELDEST statements.  That error  
               was because the site had changed the SAS Default value of
               NOCAPS to CAPS, which translates INPUT characters to     
               upper case.  MXG hadn't previously had an issue with CAPS
               so MXG does NOT force NOCAPS.                            
              -However, the option NOCAPSOUT, SAS Default, z/OS only was
               forced by Change 39.144 because ODS, USS, & Linux command
               text in SASLOG messages needs to be printed in mixed case
               so support can see the exact text that was used. That    
               change overlooked CONFIMXG, which is now corrected.      
   Thanks to Gene Pate, Hawaii Government, USA.                         
Change 41.090  TYPE99_6 dataset variables SERVER01-05 & SERVPN01-05 were
VMAC99         incorrect due to misalignment.                           
Oct  7, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Heimir Hauksson, Barclays, ENGLAND.                        
Change 41.089  Cosmetic. INVALID DATA FOR RMFSTART SMF 79 SUBTYPE 15 has
VMACSMF        no impact other than that message and a hex dump of the  
VMACSMFL       SMF record and possibly 4000+ lines of a PUT _ALL_ even  
Oct  4, 2023   when NOT processing type 79 subtype 15 records. The _SMF 
               macro decodes the SMF Header and many Product Headers    
               and it expected all RMF records have a Product segment,  
               but the RMF 79.15 is documented that it doesn't, and the 
               MXG logic in VMAC79 for the actual decode of the full    
               79.15 record knows there isn't one, skipping that INPUT. 
               Now, the _SMF Header logic also skips that INPUT.        
   Thanks to Brian Sanger, Barclays, ENGLAND.                           
   Thanks to Lalit Patil, Barclays, ENGLAND.                            
   Thanks to Heimir Hauksson, Barclays, ENGLAND                         
   Thanks to IBM Support whose time I wasted as this was an MXG error.  
Change 41.088  For CICS CMF 110 SUBTYPE=1 MNSEGCL=1 Dictionary Records, 
ADOCDICT       "SMF DUMP" programs that selects only the Dictionary     
JCLDICTS       records, skipping the other 110 records.                 
Oct  3, 2023                                                            
Change 41.087  CICINTRV now supports a ONEMINUTE value for _CICINTV for 
VMXGCICI       one minute statistics interval in CICINTRV dataset.      
Sep 22, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Naveed Jeddy, ATOS, INDIA.                                 
====== CHANGES THRU 41.086 ARE IN MXG 41.04 DATED Sep 20, 2023 =========
Change 41.086  %VGETOBS sets these values for &VGETOBS macro variable:  
VGETOBS         If the dataset does not exist, VGETOBS=0                
Sep 19, 2023    If the dataset does exist, on DISK, VGETOBS= obs count, 
                  so VGETOBS=0 if zero or the actual count of obs.      
                If the dataset does exist, on TAPE, and has two+ obs,   
                If the dataset does exist, on TAPE, zero obs, VGETOBS-0.
                Note that finding the size of a dataset on a tape data  
                library requires reading the full tape until SAS finds  
                the dataset of interest, so this change to find that a  
                tape data set actually has observations can increase the
                elapsed runtime significantly, and we have no solution. 
                And this also applies if the access method is SEQ to    
                read a SEQ dataset on disk, i.e LIBNAME PDB V9SEQ;      
   Thanks to Heimir Hauksson, Barclays, ENGLAND.                        
Change 41.085  IBM confirms the Interval Duration in Subtype 6 and 7 of 
TECHNOTE       the TYPE 119 records can be either less than or greater  
TYPE119        than the actual SMF Interval and they will not fix it.   
Sep 19, 2023   The problem is that the STARTIME calculation depends on  
               the correct DURATM, and when the duration is less than,  
               the STARTIME is in a different 15 minute interval.       
                STARTIME=900*FLOOR((STARTIME+1)/900); WILL CORRECT.     
               but MXG won't use that and will preserve original values.
   Thanks to Jorge Fong, City of New York, USA.                         
Change 41.084  Syntax error, single % where double %% is needed.        
Sep 19, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Gene Pate, Hawaii Government, USA.                         
Change 41.083  ARRAY RANGE EXCEEDED error with more than 256 SYSTEMs in 
VMAC7072       the SMF file.  Limit increased to 1024.                  
Sep 17, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Robert Olah, Ensono, USA.                                  
Change 41.082  New initialization messages if the FORMATS library had   
VMXGINIT       not been created or if the FORMATS were not created by   
Sep 16, 2023   the current version.                                     
Change 41.081  Support for CICS/TS 6.2 BETA 16 INCOMPATIBLE.  Inserted  
Sep 15, 2023                                                            
Change 41.080  Support for VIRTEL/VIRSTAT records, incompatibly changed 
VMACVIRS       in version 640/641.                                      
Sep 14, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Ervin Claxon, CSX, USA.                                    
Change 41.079  Variable GEIFLG22 could be wrong, typo lost end comment. 
VMACRMFV       Format CPUPHYAD CAN NOT BE FOUND when ZRBCPU has 0 obs?  
Sep 14, 2023   Add ZRBCPU to ASMRMFV selection and/or Contact Support.  
   Thanks to Heimir Hauksson, Barclays, ENGLAND.                        
VMACSMF        in the PROC SQL in %MACRO SMFFTP execution in VMACSMF was
Sep 14, 2023   found ONLY because there was an innocuous SAS Note       
                 MINSTG (MINIMUM STORAGE IS ON) that prevented those    
                 columns from being created in the PROC SQL view of     
Change 41.077  Corrected MIPS calculations. Only a problem if the LPAR  
ANALCEC        was not capped and the available MSU/MIPS were missing   
Sep 12, 2023   values.                                                  
Change 41.076  Dataset Label TYPE71 corrected to 'RMF PAGING ACTIVITY'. 
VMAC71         Starting in MXG 37.37, when TYPE71 was sorted, label was 
Sep  8, 2023   TY71: deaccumulated dataset label.                       
   Thanks to Raymond Smith, OPTUM, USA.                                 
   Thanks to Ronald W Bassett, OPTUM, USA.                              
Change 41.075  Change 41.063 corrected error in created IMACEXCL when   
UTILEXCL       ABCODEC (second ABEND CODE) was excluded but created new 
Sep  6, 2023   CPUTM 10X LARGER THAN ELAPSED error when it wasn't.      
   Thanks to Daniel D. Hamiel, Nedbank, SOUTH AFRICA.                   
   Thanks to Graeme G. Smeda, Nedbank, SOUTH AFRICA.                    
Change 41.074  On WINDOWS if you are installing a new release of SAS    
TECHNOTE       with STUDIO installed, you MUST disable some STUDIO      
Aug 31, 2023   services. You will get an errors trying to create the    
               private java runtime directory because services have a   
               lock on the directory. From Windows Command Box, enter   
               SERVICES.MSC and scroll to find SAS and stop these tasks:
Change 41.073  Support for Subtype 36 SARR (CAVIEW) SMF Record populates
VMACSARR       SARRU36 SARRT36 and SARRI36 datasets which previously had
Aug 29, 2023   zero observations.                                       
   Thanks to Steven W. Erkkila, USBank, USA.                            
   Thanks to Troy Wegener, USBank, USA.                                 
Change 41.072  CICS/TS 6.2 will suppress SMF records with zero-counting 
TECHNOTE       fields in these type of statistics  (SMF 110 Subtype 2): 
Aug 23, 2023     Interval Stata                                         
                 Perform Stats (CEMT PERFORM STAT)                      
                 Perform Reset (CEMT PERFORM STAT RESET)                
               These types of statistics are NOT suppressed to reflect  
               there was a change in stats.                             
                 End of day statistics                                  
                   (so zero-count ones will appear in SMF once a day).  
                 Unsolicited statistics                                 
                 In other types of statistics records just after the    
                   resource is being created in CICS (to reflect the    
                   change in stats.                                     
               This suppression is automatically enabled with no toggle.
               -One region, 500,000 transactions, 97% not being used.   
                 -75.8 MiB SMF data for transaction statistics DFHXMRDS 
                 -saved per day.                                        
               -One region, 500,000 programs with 70% not used.         
                 -40 MiB SMF data for Program Usage stats (DFHLDRDS)    
                  savings per interval                                  
Change 41.071  Variable CECSER6 is added to TYPE70/TYPE70PR/RMFINTRV for
VMAC7072       z/OS and to XAMSYS for Velocity.                         
Sep 12, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Douglas C Walter, CITIGROUP, USA.                          
Change 41.070  Dataset TYP11906 arbitrarily kept only 4 Home Address but
VMAC119        site has 5 so two new variables (IFADDLIx5) are added.   
Aug 15, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Karl Lasecki, Chemical Abstracts, USA.                     
====== CHANGES THRU 41.069 ARE IN MXG 41.03 DATED Aug 11, 2023 =========
Change 41.069  MXG 41.03 Early Adopter ONLY.  Missing asterisk caused   
UTILEXCL       errors in the created IMACEXCL.                          
Aug  9, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to John Compton, Altair, UK                                   
Change 41.068  %CLEARDB2 inserted by prior (unreleased) change 41.062   
UTILBLDP       caused STARTHR NOT FOUND in MOBWRK02.                    
Aug  7, 2023                                                            
Change 41.067  DB2H Header variables QWHCAID and QWHCOPID were increased
VMAC116        to $128 but VMAC116 also inputs both variables, but only 
Aug  2, 2023   length $8.  If DB2 and 116 are processed together and the
               first reference is 116 - UTILBLDP(USERADD=116 DB2) - then
               the DB2 variables were truncated.  Both variables are now
               set to $128 length in VMAC116 to protect the DB2 values. 
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, HUK-COBURG, GERMANY                        
Change 41.066  SMF 99 Subtype 9 INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED because the SMF
VMAC99         manual showed length of 5 for field at offset 91 in the  
Jul 28, 2023   channel path data entry section but length is only one as
               the next offset in the manual is 92.  There was also an  
               INVALID DATA FOR S999CHNR because it's PIB.1. was missing
               the second period, and the INPUT statement was missing   
               S999FLG1 AND S999FLGS, which are now added to the dataset
               TYPE999I. The record also looks invalid as all fields    
               after S999FLGS are hex zeros.                            
   Thanks to Mayank Vyas, ATOS, ???                                     
Change 41.065  MXG 41.01 and 41.02, IDAA variables Q8STINSC to Q8STVLCS 
VMACDB2        in lines 12303 to 12334 were shifted right beyond column 
Jul 28, 2023   72, truncating the */ end of comment, which caused wrong 
               values but no error.                                     
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBTechLLC, USA.                              
Change 41.064  Dataset TYP11910 variable UCLIPV6 was wrong, containing  
VMAC119        blanks ('20'x or '40'x) for the first five segments for  
Jul 27, 2023   Local IP addresses that were not IPV6 because the wrong  
               "High" bits variable was used in its calculation.        
   Thanks to Miguel Fco. Monferrer Carvajal, ITNOW, SPAIN.              
Change 41.063  REPLACED BY CHANGE 41.075.                               
UTILEXCL       If CICS field 114 ABCODEC is EXCLUDEd but 113 ABCODEO is 
Jul 26, 2023   not, IMACEXCL wasn't aligned and you will likely get     
                 ERROR.VMAC110 CPUTM 10X LARGER THAN ELAPSED and the    
                 value in MCTSSDRL in that message is 4 less than       
                 COL-SEGSTART.  Change 38.113 originally circumvented.  
               This change detects the EXCLUDEd ABCODEC and sets macro  
               variable MXGCICSABCODELN=4 to correct the MXG error.     
               By default, UTILEXCL creates variable ABCODE $EBCDIC8.   
               from the two 4-byte fields ABCODEO and ABCODEC 113/114,  
               but if only ABCODEO 113 exists, that INPUT statement     
               needed to be ABCODE $EBCDIC4.                            
   Thanks to Paul Beesley, ATOS, UK.                                    
Change 41.062  Modified to check the value of LRGLRECL and if gt 32760  
UTILBLDP       and you have asked for BUILDPDB with CICS DB2 or you are 
Jul 22, 2023   using USERADD to read 110 or DB2 data without the CICS   
               INFILE exit on zOS LRGLRECL is set to 32760 with:        
               If DB2 data is being processed issues %cleardb2 before   
               reading data.                                            
Change 41.061  Previously, use of ENCODING=EBCDIC1047 could cause wrong 
VMXGINIT       values and ENCODING=OPEN_ED-1047 was required to resolve,
Jul 18, 2023   as was documented in Change 37.267, but that is no longer
               true, the same values are created with either ENCODING.  
               This change removes the ERROR message for EBCDIC1047 and 
               only prints the ENCODING value when MXGDEBUG is enabled. 
Change 41.060  SORTS added to correct ERROR: BY VARIABLES WORK.GETCPA,  
ANALMSUS       that only occurred when multiple CECs data was analyzed. 
Jul 17, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Robert Hamilton, Fifth Third Bank, USA.                    
Change 41.059  Total lines added to reports 7 and 8 and new report 9    
UTILRMFI       added that compares control and report class CPU times.  
Jul 13, 2023   If total line on report 9 does not match between control 
               and report classes you cannot use report class to define 
Change 41.058  Blank or missing values for QWHCxxxx variables in the DB2
VMAC102        T102Snnn trace datasets can be due to the absence of the 
Jul 14, 2023   Correlation Header, which is optional:                   
                  The DB2 manual  on "start trace", specifies:          
                  If you omit the TDATA option, correlation headers and 
                  distributed headers (if present) are included by      
                  default. However, I changed my command from:          
                   START TRACE(STAT) DEST(SMF) IFCID(412) CLASS(11)     
                  And I am getting the data I expect.                   
   Thanks to Robert Hagle, State Farm, USA.                             
Change 41.057  Variable QBACSYIT was not divided by 1E6 in the DB2ACCTP 
VMACDB2        dataset.                                                 
Jul 11, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Scott Barry, SBBTechLLC, USA.                              
Change 41.056  Variable PCTMVSBY was not created in PDB.ASUMCELP.       
VMXG70PR       ANALCEC now recognizes the system is under z/VM.         
Jul  5, 2023                                                            
Jul 17, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Naveed Jeddy, ATOS,                                        
Change 41.055  No code change, example added:                           
UTILBLDP       EXAMPLE 24.                                              
Jul  4, 2023    BUILDPDB suppresses DB2 and CICS. Add 38, LLA, X37,     
                FTP, and TCP. Defer PDBAUDIT. Run ASUNSMFI ASUMJOBS.    
                After UTILBLDP run ASUMMIPS and %INCLUDE YOUR OWN CODE. 
                Finally, run PDBAUDIT.                                  
Change 41.064  TYPE74CA storage variables CSCONF CSAVAIL CSPINNED CSOFFL
VMAC74         CNCONF and CNPINNED were displayed as MB but they are GB.
Aug  1, 2023   Originally documented in KB when R745SFT=1, now IBM sets 
               R745SFT=2 but the values are still in KB with either 1/2.
               MXG now multiplies by 1024 for either value in R745SFT.  
   Thanks to Shivang Sharma, ENSONO, USA.                               
Change 41.053  Support for APAR OA62355 which adds new TYPE 30 Container
BUILD005       section, adding these variables to TYPE30_4 TYPE30_5     
BUIL3005       and PDB.STEPS:                                           
VMAC30           SMF30_CONTAINER_ID    $EBCDIC64. /*CONTAINER*ID*/      
                 SMF30_POD_ID          $EBCDIC64. /*POD*ID*/            
VMAC74         if a PCIE Function was CONFIGURED online or offline.     
Jun 29, 2023   Corrected by BMC APAR BQM1865 (available in May 2023).   
               The reconfiguration record created a PCIE Function ID    
               segment that did not have a matching Sync I/O segment but
               R749SION was not a zero.                                 
   Thanks to Raymond J. Smith, OPTUM, USA.                              
Change 41.051  Variable WBIRISCN was misspelled in UTILEXCL as WBURISCN.
UTILEXCL       Variable WBJSNRPL was misspelled in VMAC110 as WBJBNRPL. 
Jun 29, 2023                                                            
Change 41.050  Previously, only ID=102 SMF records had Subtype GT 255,  
FORMATS        and MXG protected that ID, but now, SMF 98 records with  
VMACSMF        subtype 1024 & 1025 exposed an ancient circumvention for 
Jul  2, 2023   for a bad MIM record that had only a one byte subtype.   
               That MXG fix input only MIM's first byte, but that one   
               byte input now, with subtype GT 255, incorrectly makes   
               the subtype value wrong, to a 4 for 1024/1025 or to 127  
               for a subtype of 32767.  This change removes that code   
               and now, subtypes 0 to 32767 are now correctly input.    
               HOWEVER, the large subtypes impact the calculated value  
               of the ANALID reporting variable SMFIDSUB that has only  
               three subtype positions (098.001), creating an unexpected
               value of 99.024 for the ID 98 Subtype 1024 record!       
               Fortunately, all of the ANALID reports use the $MGSMFID  
               format for printing SMFIDSUB, so adding an entry for     
               ' 99.024'='098.1024' now displays the expected value,    
               avoiding a risky revision of the SMFIDSUB creation logic.
Change 41.049 -WIC SMF 98 CICS Subtype 1024 ABEND, INPUT STATEMENT WAS  
EXTY98B1       EXCEEDED because only the Subtype 1 was documented in the
EXTY98B2       SMF Manual. Now, the z/OS Workload Interaction Correlator
EXTY98EX       CICS 1024 WIC (an IBM Priced Product) is documented in   
IMAC98           DATA-FIELDS-SMF-TYPE-98-SUBTYPE-1024-RECORDS           
VMAC98         and this change creates four new datasets from the 1024. 
VMXGINIT         DDDDDD   DATASET   DESCRIPTIONS                        
Jun 26, 2023     TY98B1   TYPE98B1  CICS BUCKET 1                       
Jun 26, 2023     TY98B2   TYPE98B2  CICS BUCKET 2                       
Jul  2, 2023     TY98EX   TYPE98EX  CICS EXCEPTIONAL INDEX              
                 TY98JB   TYPE98JB  CICS EXCEPTIONAL JOB                
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, HUK-COBURG, GERMANY                        
Change 41.048 -Cleanup of datasets that were left in //WORK after SORTs:
ANALID          VMAC7072:                                               
ASUMMIPS          Delete WORK.TYPE70PR in _STY70.                       
BUILDPDB          Delete WORK.TYPE70 WORK.TYPE72GO in _STY72GO          
BUILDPD3        ASUMMIPS:                                               
VMAC7072          Delete RMF70SUM RMF72SUM SMFSUM.                      
Jun 25, 2023      ASUMMIPS is now defined as a %MACRO so that you can   
                  invoke only %ASUMMIPS; instead of having to specify   
                  _RMFMIPS and _SMFMIPS. There is a single parameter    
                  REPORTS= with a default of ALL which will run both.   
                  REPORTS=RMF will run _RMF and REPORTS=SMF _SMF.       
                  Delete SMFRECST.                                      
              -New TYPE30CP and TYPE30NP output to PDB in BUILDPDB/PD3. 
              -MXG 41.01 Only. SMF70MTTT wasn't DIF()'d missed semicolon
Change 41.047  The selection order for //SOURCLIB DD is from the FIRST  
TECHNOTE       DSNAME in the concatenation, but the selection order for 
Jun 23, 2023   //CONFIG DD is the LAST DSNAME in the concatenation.     
Change 41.046  ERROR 72-185 COUNTW HAS TOO MANY ARGUMENTS with SAS 9.1.3
TECHNOTE       signals the death of that ancient version for MXG use.   
Jun 20, 2023   The third argument was not added until SAS Version 9.2.  
               Fortunately, only six ancient (2013) Websphere Flat File 
               processing members VMACXD-fg/ns/sp/ss/ti/ts have the 3rd 
               argument, but they do cause JCLTEST9/TESSOTHR to ABEND.  
Change 41.045  CICSEXCE Exception Records are only written for ABENDING 
TECHNOTE       tasks, so transactions that have long wait delays, but do
Jun 20, 2023   run (i.e., socket wait that eventually clears) won't have
Change 41.044  SMF Type 30s with SRVCLASS=SYSOTHER can be created by the
TECHNOTE       Veloci-Raptor product documented in their note:          
Jun 14, 2023     There is a very brief period of time during mode switch
                 or during a policy activation where SRM and WLM control
                 blocks are still being created. If SMF writes type 30  
                 records during this time when the control blocks are   
                 not present, it will record the address space as being 
                 associated with service class SYSOTHER.  So even if an 
                 installation fully classifies all work, that site might
                 see an occasional job associated with SYSOTHER in 30s. 
Change 41.043  Ten Dedicated Memory variables are added to ZRBASI.      
VMACRMFV       Four Dedicated Memory variables are added to ZRBGEI.     
Jun 12, 2023   Thes fields are new in z/OS 3.1.                         
Change 41.042  Twelve sets of MIN/MAX/AVG Dedicated Memory variables are
VMAC71         added (new in z/OS 3.1) to TYPE71 dataset.               
Jun 10, 2023                                                            
Change 41.041  SMF71GFX (MAX TOTAL 2GB FRAMES CAN BE USED) is added into
VMAC71         CSTORE replacing incorrect SMF71GRX (MAX 2GB PAGES FIXED)
Jun  7, 2023   which caused CSTORE to be too small.                     
   Thanks to Ann Knapik, Progressive, USA.                              
Change 41.040  Dino Software's Veloci-Raptor subtype 5-6 and 16-21 have 
EXVELO00       only the header thru DSNAME decoded so all are output in 
IMACVELO       new VELOST00 dataset with VELBUBTY format                
Jun  7, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Philip E. Barchat, Broadridge, USA.                        
Change 41.039  MXGDEBUG new option MACRO sets MPRINT SYMBOLGEN MLOGIC   
VMXGINIT       options and will display the ENCODING OPTION in effect of
Jun  6, 2023   MXGDEBUG is non-blank.                                   
====== CHANGES THRU 41.038 ARE IN MXG 41.02 DATED Jun  5, 2023 =========
Change 41.038 -Support for CICS/TS 6.2  INCOMPATIBLE, FIELDS INSERTED,  
VMAC110        but no error messages. Tested now with OPEN BETA BUILD12.
May 31, 2023  -CORRECTION for CICS/TS 6.1 with default VMAC110 but was  
Jun  4, 2023   ok if UTILEXCL was used to create an IMACEXCL for 6.1.   
               Default VMAC110 in 41.01 and earlier was misaligned, with
               possible error message "CPUTM 10X LARGER THAN ELAPSED".  
               This change is in MXG 41.02 dated Jun 5, 2023.           
               June 4 "cosmetic"  updates previously overlooked:        
               Variables now KEPT in CICSTRAN:                          
               Variables added to compiler faker (only to prevent an    
               "uninitialized variable" note if excluded):              
                  ASFTCHTM=.; ASRMATTM=.; WMQASRTM=.;                   
                  ASFTCHCN=.; ASRMATCN=.; WMQASRCN=.;                   
                Variables formatted TIME16.6:                           
                  WBURISTM WMQASRTM                                     
Change 41.037  Dino Software's Veloci-Raptor datasets were misaligned   
VMACVELO       after the header DSNAME field due to a 3 byte reserved   
May 30, 2023   field that was not skipped.  Only subtypes 1, 2, 3 & 4   
               have data fields described in the DSECT so only those    
               subtypes are processed, with subtype 3 and 4 both output 
               in VELOST04 pending documentation from the vendor.       
   Thanks to Phillip Barchat, Broadridge, USA.                          
Change 41.036  Support for TOKDANAM values XUHSTORY XUTIMING XUGROUPS in
VMAC80A        TYPE80TK.                                                
May 22, 2023   Support for EV44VAL length greater than 80 error messages
   Thanks to Bheema Linga Prasad Kammara, NAB, AUSTRALIA.               
   Thanks to Bhuvaneshwari Shanmugam, NAB, AUSTRALIA.                   
Change 41.035  Support for DB2 TRACE IFCIDs 411 and 412 creates two new 
EX102411       datasets:                                                
EX102412          DDDDDD   DATASET   DESCRIPTION                        
FORMATS           102411   T102S411  APPLICATION STATISTICS             
IMAC102           102412   T102S412  USER STATISTICS                    
May 19, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Rohini Bachina, FMR, USA                                   
Change 41.034  JCL example creates EREP History File that MXG can read  
May 16, 2023   //SERLOG   DD  DISP=OLD,DSN=SYS1.LOGREC                  
               //ACCDEV   DD  DISP=(MOD,KEEP),DSN=EREP.HISTORY(0)       
               //TOURIST  DD  SYSOUT=*                                  
               //SYSIN    DD  DUMMY                                     
               //EREP     EXEC MXGSAS                                   
               //SYSIN    DD *                                          
               //EREP     DD  DSN=EREP.HISTORY(0),DISP=SHR              
               //PDB      DD  DSN=EREP.PDB(0),DISP=SHR                  
               //SYSIN DD *                                             
                 %INCLUDE SOURCLIB(TYPSEREP);                           
   Thanks to Tom Medland, Kyndryl, USA.                                 
CHANGE 41.033  Support for HIS SMF 113 MT Diagnostic Counters in dataset
ASUM113        TYPE1131 and ASUM1131 for z/OS.                          
May 12, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to David Cogar, Wells Fargo, USA.                             
CHANGE 41.032  Format MG099PT created for variable S99CCCCPT to identify
FORMATS        the processor type, CP or ZIIP.  Labels changed to       
VMAC99            S99CPUA   ='MVS*CP*PERCENT*BUSY'                      
May  9, 2023      SMF99_SUPA='MVS*ZIIP*PERCENT*BUSY'                    
               and format for SUPA now matches CPUA 5.1.                
    Thanks to Joe Faska, DTCC, USA.                                     
CHANGE 41.031  Some tests for FOCVER=560 for VSAM records were found to 
VMAC112        apply to FOCVER=550, causing UNKNOWN SUBSUBTYPE FFFF     
May  5, 2023   message and no output.                                   
   Thanks to Murikipudi Devanand, ALLSTATE, USA.                        
CHANGE 41.030  If you did not execute the _SUOWSPN macro you got a      
May  5, 2023   NOVNFERR are now set at top of VMXGUOW and reset at end. 
   Thanks to Andy Mashburn, Trustmark, USA.                             
   Thanks to Laura Bridges, Trustmark, USA.                             
CHANGE 41.029  Dataset NDMRT enhanced with 9 Parameter Value variables, 
VMACNDM        and 9 length of parameter values:                        
May  3, 2023     NDMRTPAR1='PARM*ONE'                                   
Jul 27, 2023     NDMRTPAR2='PARM*TWO'                                   
                        ...      ...                                    
                           ...                ...                       
   Thanks to Kerry L. Turk, FMR, USA.                                   
Change 41.028 -Version 2 of ASMRMFI for SPLIT70 processing.             
ASMRMFI       -GRBSMFR found to be leaving the reassembly area from     
JCLRMFI        the RSQ=1 "broken" (split) record of the set of records  
JCLRMFIL       used to reassemble long record.  To prevent the long     
May  7, 2023   record from being detected as a "broken" record, the     
               reassembly triplet will now be zeroed out for 7x         
               records longer than 32767  bytes.                        
              -SYSPRINT added with identification and maintenance       
               levels and summary statistics showing basic counts of    
               records processed and actions performed.                 
              -Return/reason code detection for records not converted   
               to "current" added.                                      
              -For Diagnostic S0C1 abends R15 now points to GRBSMFR     
               answer area.                                             
              -JCLRMFIL had invalid refer-back.                         
CHANGE 41.027  The _SMF header macro now populates VMSYSTEM, CPUTYPE,   
VMACSMF        PRODCMF and RMFSTART, to enhance the use of _SMF for the 
VMACSMFL       selection of SMF records to be read and reported, using  
May  15 2023   %LET MACFILE= %QUOTE ( IF whatever ) ; for selection.    
CHANGE 41.026  Support for Seasoft TRMS Version 7.02 new subtype 6 and 7
EXTRMS06       and new variables including decoding S05KEY. Datasets:   
EXTRMS07        DDDDDD     DATASET   DESCRIPTION                        
FORMATS         TRMS06     TRMS06    TRMS REPORT RESTORE                
Apr 29, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Tom Welch, ???, ???                                        
   Thanks to Larry Dinwiddie, Seasoft, USA.                             
   Thanks to Randall Evans, Seasoft, USA.                               
   Thanks to Hector Torres Aguilar, ATOS, MEXICO.                       
   Thanks to Naveed Jeddy, ATOS, INDIA.                                 
CHANGE 41.025  LARGE VALUE FOR LCPUPDTM message revised and LCPUPDTM is 
VMAC7072       set to zero when LCPUPDTM GT DURATM+60 DETECTED.  Problem
Apr 25, 2023   is under investigation, found only with LPARNAME=PHYSICAL
               in ten cases in 12,000 type 70 subtype 1 records from 40 
               systems at z/OS 2.3 2.4 and 2.5.                         
CHANGE 41.024  CPCMSU was not carried into GROUP level datasets and     
VMXG70PR       caused an unitialized message. If you had multiple       
Apr 25, 2023   systems with different GMT offsets it could fail with    
               data out of order because BY list was different for      
               the PROC SORT than the following PROC MEANS for the      
Change 41.023  Support for SMF 90 Subtype 42 BOOT VALIATION records     
VMAC90A        creates three datasets                                   
IMAC90A           DDDDDD   DATASET   DESCRIPTION                        
FORMATS           T9042A   TYP9042A  BOOT VALIDATION AUDIT              
VMXGINIT          T9042B   TYP9042B  BAD BOOT CERTIFICATE               
EXT9042A          T9042C   TYP9042C  BOOT VALID CERT EXTRACT            
EXT9042B       APARs OA62783 and OA63507 create the new subtype.        
Apr 25, 2023                                                            
Change 41.022  Variable SMFTIME is not kept in TYPE30_1, TYPE30_4, and  
TECNOTE        TYPE30_5 datasets because it is stored in the variables  
Apr 15, 2023   JINTTIME in 30_1, TERMTIME in 30_4 and JTRMTIME in 30_5. 
   Thanks to Phil J. Grasser, NSCORP, USA.                              
Change 41.021  MXG code to process Velocity Software zVPS VSICPU data   
VMACXAM        was misaligned causing very large (E75) values that were 
Apr 14, 2023   not detected when the dataset was created, but caused    
               Floating Point errors when a PROC COMPARE was used to    
               read that dataset.                                       
   Thanks to Raymond J. Smith, Optum, USA.                              
   Thanks to Ralph J. Romano, Optum, USA                                
Change 41.020 -Support for RACF Unload IRRDBU00 utility creates three   
EXRA1210       new datasets                                             
EXRAC20A       TYPE    DDDDDD   DATASET   DESCRIPTION                   
EXRAC530       020A    RAC20A   RACF020A  MFA FACTOR                    
EXRAC5E0       1210    RA1210   RACF1210  MFA FACTOR TAGS               
EXRAC5H0       05E0    RAC5E0   RACF05E0  CFDEF                         
FORMATS        05H0    RAC5H0   RACF05H0  MFA FACTOR DEFINITION         
IMACRACF       0530    RAC530   RACF0530  GEN RES SSIGNON               
VMACRACF      -Record Types 0130 0208 0280 02B0 0508 are decoded into   
VMXGINIT       existing datasets.                                       
Apr 14, 2023  -Dataset RACFID now has undecoded Record Types.           
               Their existing datasets had only header variables.       
   Thanks to Gaetan Martel, Intact, CANADA.                             
   Thanks to Serge-TI Belanger, Intact, CANADA.                         
Change 41.019 -Support for new TYPE83MF Multi Factor Authentication     
EXTY83MF       dataset from SMF 83 Subtype 7.                           
IMAC83        -MG080SE format (IBM ICHRUTKN) new decimal value 21 added.
Apr  3, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Andre Gustavo Moretto, Kyndryl, USA.                       
Change 41.018  If you want to see/use the actual byte values for MGBYTES
FORMATS        formatted variables, for example to download to a CSV and
Mar 31, 2023   plot with EXCEL, you can create this temporary format:   
                  PROC FORMAT; VALUE MGBYTES;                           
               to replace MXG's MGBYTES format.  The temporary format   
               will only be used for the step/session with PROC FORMAT. 
Change 41.017  If you wanted a report of INITs by SYSTEM, it failed     
ANALINIT       because JOBCLASS was hardcoded in some &SORTBY code.     
Mar 30, 2023   Code was revised to support multiple &SORTBY values.     
   Thanks to Jim S. Horne, Lowe's, USA.                                 
Change 41.016  DB2 SMF 102 IFCID 389 variable QW0389FF added causing MXG
VMAC102        INPUT STATEMENT EXCEEDED error.  Now alignment corrected.
Mar 30, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Harald Seifert, HUK-COBURG, GERMANY.                       
====== CHANGES THRU 41.015 ARE IN MXG 41.01 DATED Mar 24, 2023 =========
Change 41.015  More new Direct Memory (z/OS 3.1) variables were added to
VMAC30         the initial list in Change 40.087.  The full set of new  
Mar 21, 2023   variables are these:                                     
                S30DMINUSEAS2G S30DMINUSEASFIXED1M                      
                S30DMINUSEASPAGEABLE1M S30DMINUSEAS4K                   
                S30DMINUSEASDATTABLES S30DMINUSEAS4KHWM                 
                S30DM2GNOTAVAIL S30OBTAINSHOMESPACE                     
                S30SUMREAL1M S30SUMSQUARESREAL1M S30NUMSAMPLES          
Change 41.014 -Variables P0RCDI and P1RCDI are now correctly FORMATTED  
VMACBVIR       as HEX4 instead of MGBYTES and removed from &MXGBYLN.    
Mar 21, 2023  -Variable MAXAHCT was INPUT one byte too soon, +1 added.  
   Thanks to Pierre Pascal Joulin, SOCGEN, FRANCE.                      
VMACDB2        SUBTYPE 1 DB2NETZA records, due to MXG error in heuristic
Mar 19, 2023   calculation of the offset to the next segment, BUT ONLY  
               if variable length field Q8STNAME is Less than 8 bytes.  
               This is not new MXG code and only one site so far has    
               seen the error and all prior test data did have 8 bytes. 
               You can circumvent the error with                        
               in your SYSIN, or ask MXG Support to email the VMACDB2.  
               The site with this error is not actually using NETEZZA   
               and I'm asking IBM for help in understanding why the Q8ST
               segment is created, can it be disabled, and where the    
               installation defines that character field and its length.
               The LENQ8ST length of segment field is INPUT before the  
               loop so it is not updated for each instance of the Q8ST  
               segments. It was 897 for all three segments, but the hex 
               dump shows that they are 897, 900 and 900 bytes long.    
               Those wrong LENQ8ST values and the Q8STNAMELEN length of 
               QBSTNAME were used in MXG's heuristic calculation of the 
               location of the next segment, but that code was WRONG if 
               QBSTNAMELEN was NOT 8 bytes, causing the OFFQ8ST location
               of next segment to be mis-aligned; the MXG calculation   
               logic error was also assisted by the undocumented 2-byte 
               field found after the Q8STNAME field.                    
               That undocumented 2-field after the QBSTNAME field may   
               have been an IBM attempt to provide the actual LENQ8ST   
               for each segment, but its value is wrong, containing 898 
               (+2=900) in the first two segments when it should have   
               been 895 (+2=897) and 898 (+2=900). It has a value of 116
               in the last segment, but that is not used as there is no 
               next segment, and there are 133 undocumented bytes after 
               it, and none of the other triplets point to that area.   
               Q8STNAME is the Accelerator Server Identifier and you can
               verify the non-8 value in QBSTNAMELEN variable in the log
               in the PUT _ALL_ after the hex dump if you get the ABEND.
   Thanks to Andreas von Imhof, Rabobank, THE NETHERLANDS.              
Change 41.012 -SAS Support for SPLIT70 LRECL GT 32760 Windows and Unix. 
SASTECH        Changes 40.140 40.150 150A 150B 41.003 and 40.011 require
SPLIT70        SAS HOT FIXES in SAS Note 69871 for ASCII Platforms.     
Mar 10, 2023    A fix for this issue for Base SAS 9.4_M8 is available at
                A fix for this issue for Base SAS 9.4_M7 is available at
               -MXG (i.e. SAS) can read VBS records with LRECL greater  
                than 32K. However, IBM reassembly architecture of RMF   
                records (introduced in 2015 with z/OS 2.2) resulted in  
                splitting the data in the original long LRECL records   
                (have seen 3.7M) into records                           
                smaller than 32k. This splitting resulted in related    
                triplet sections assumed by MXG coding to all to be in  
                the same record to no longer be a valid assumption. To  
                resolve the issue, reassembly of the original long      
                record was developed on z/OS, but during testing of the 
                reassembly process on SAS/PC, it was found that using   
                RECFM=S370VBS for the output LARGE LRECL, those files   
                were not being properly created. This hotfix addresses  
                that issue with SAS/PC.                                 
Change 41.011 -Addition of ASMRMFI program using IBM GRBSMFR service    
ADOCRMFI       to reassemble "broken" (split) RMF (7x) long records     
ASMRMFI        (where the LRECL is greater than 32756 bytes)            
JCLASMXG      -Revision of ADOCRMFX to include reference to ASMRMFI     
JCLRMFI       - Addition of JCLRMFI assemble/link of ASMRMFI            
SPLIT70       - ASMRMFI added to JCLASMXG                               
Mar 10, 2023                                                            
Change 41.010  Support for DB2 V13 new variables (COMPATIBLY ADDED).    
FORMATS       -New IFCID 396 creates new T102S396 dataset which is a low
EX102396       overhead trace record for index page splits, low overhead
IMAC102        as it's only generated when elapsed time of index page   
VMXGINIT       split is unusually high (GT 1 second) and provides both  
FORMATS        the UR ID and data sharing member number.                
VMACDB2       -Variables added to DB2ACCT AND DB2STAT5 (IFCID 369):     
Mar  6, 2023     QWAC_AIDB_FNS_CP  ='CPU  TIME*SQL DATA*INSIGHTS'       
                 QWAC_AIDB_COUNT    ='SQL DATA*INSIGHTS*EVENTS'         
              -Variables added to DB2STAT0 and DB2STATS:                
                 QSSTDISYES='64-BIT DISCARDDATA*KEEPREAL'               
                 QDSTMAKD='MAX DBATS*ACTIVE*KEEPDYNAMIC*YES'            
              -Variables added to DB2ACCT DB2STAT1 and DB2STATS         
              -Variables added to DB2STAT1 and DB2STATS                 
                 QTPCUT  ='UTIL-ACCESS-ONLY*PHYSICALLY*CLOSED'          
                 QISTRETRYLK='FAILED*COND LOCK*RETRY*UNCOND'            
              -Variables added to DB2GBPST                              
                 QBGLWX='IXLCACHE*REQ WITH*ASYNC XI'                    
              -Variables added to DB2GBPAT                              
                 QBGBART ='DATA*AREA*RESIDENCY*TIME'                    
                 QBGBERT ='DIRECTORY*ENTRY*RESIDENCY*TIME'              
Change 41.009  RMF Monitor III new data Data Gatherer Programmer Guide  
VMACRMFV       GC31-5701-50 dated Feb 20, 2023                          
Mar  2, 2023  -Dataset ZRBLCP New Variables                             
              -Dataset ZRBCPD new variables                             
                 CPDCCMC ='CHARACTERISTICS*PART'                        
                 CPDCCMD ='MEASUREMENT*PART'                            
                 CPDCCMX   ='EXTENDED*CHAN*GROUP*DATA'                  
                 CPDPNETID1='PNETID*ACCESS*FROM*FIRST PORT'             
                 CPDPNETID2='PNETID*ACCESS*FROM*SECOND PORT'            
Change 41.008  Change 40.108 caused CSFRLSAV to be missing. CSTORE was  
VMAC71         revised to include SMF71GRX, and relocated after GRX had 
Mar  2, 2023   been input, but CSFRLSAV was not moved and depends on the
               the value in CSTORE. CSFRLSAV moved to after CSTORE calc.
   Thanks to Bradley Leis, TELUS, CANADA.                               
Change 41.007  The MIPS values for the z/16 processor types were added  
FORMATS        to the $MGRMIPS format.                                  
Mar  1, 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Arnold Kim, UPS, USA.                                      
   Thanks to Aylee ??, UPS, USA.                                        
   Thanks to Ggail??, UPS, USA.                                         
   Thanks to Jessica Sanchez, UPS, USA.                                 
   Thanks to dlicamara ??, UPS, USA.                                    
   Thanks to jrivera ??, UPS, USA.                                      
   Thanks to Dana A McCreary, UPS, USA.                                 
Change 41.006  The variables in dataset ZRBASI added in Change 40.085   
Feb 28, 2023   were 1000 times too small as they were incorrectly input 
               with &PIB.4.6 when they should have used &PIB.4.3.       
   Thanks to Graham Harris, NatWest, ENGLAND.                           
Change 41.005  The test in line 1996 was corrected to SM113VN2 IN (5,6) 
VMAC113        because the calculated L2P sourced-from variable was     
Feb 26, 2023   non-zero in TYPE1131.  Values in ASUM1131 were correct.  
   Thanks to Graham Harris, NatWest, ENGLAND.                           
Change 41.004  TYPE89 variables SMF89ZNV SMF89SNF SMF80SEQ and          
VMAC89         SMF89SOLUTIONID were off by one byte because a one byte  
Feb 17, 2023   reserved field was not skipped.                          
   Thanks to Joe Faska, DTCC, USA.                                      
   Thanks to Madison Harris, DTCC, USA.                                 
Change 41.003 -Revisions to existing programs to reassemble "broken"    
ADOCRMFX       (split) RMF records into the original long (greater      
ASMMACS        than 32756 bytes) records                                
ASMRMFX       -Addition of two new reassembly routines:                 
EXITRMFX         RMFXIFUE an updated version of CICSIFUE to reassemble  
JCLASMXG                  "broken" RMF records as well as decompress    
JCLRMFXA                  CICS 110.1/112 and DB2 100/101/102 records for
JCLRMFXL                  110.1 decompression, RMFXIFUE now checks for  
JCLRMFXS                  records too short to contain the full length  
RMFXE35                   of the CICS product section and now chains    
RMFXIFUE                  through the CICS product section to locate the
Feb 20, 2023              CRL field that indicates whether the record is
Mar  6, 2023              compressed. The 112 record mapping is now also
                          separate from the original single DSECT with  
                          hardcoded offsets.                            
                 RMFXE35  a replacement for ERBPPE35 in the sample      
                          RMF post-processing sort example that         
                          front-ends ERBPPE35 to restore the swapped    
                          fields from ERBPPE15 processing, then uses the
                          restored records to reassemble the "broken"   
                          RMF records. All RMF records are written to   
                          DDNAME LONGVBS to retain the processing       
                          sequence while avoiding sort's record length  
              -Addition of assemble and link steps for RMFXE35 and      
               RMFXIFUE in JCLASMXG                                     
              -Revision of ADOCRMFX to reflect current status of RMFX   
              -$CHGLOG member added to ASMMACS for tracking changes     
              -Revision to ASMRMFX to remove IBM RMF macros and replace 
               them with custom coding of the RMF product section data  
              -Addition of program structure documentation to ASMRMFX   
              -Addition of EXITRMFX JCl to assemble and link RMFXIFUE   
              -Addition of JCLRMFXA example of ASMRMFX use              
              -Addition of JCLRMFXL example of ASMRMFX assemble/link    
              -Addition of JCLRMFXS example of RMFXE35 use              
Change 41.002  Dataset TYPE123C variable SM123S2_API_REQ_NAME is the    
VMAC123A       same as variable SM123APISN in TYPE123A and TYPE1232 and 
Feb  6, 2023   is needed for MERGEs, so variable SM123APISN is now added
               to dataset TYPE123C.                                     
   Thanks to Wayne A. Schumack, USBank, USA.                            
Change 41.001  SMF 99 Subtype 1 INPUT EXCEEDED, unexpected S99SLLN=80   
VMAC99         segment length when S99SLLN=104 was expected.            
Feb  4. 2023                                                            
   Thanks to Naveed Jeddy, ATOS, USA                                    
   Thanks to Vinod Kumar Panatula, ATOS, USA.                           
   Thanks to Ashutosh Purohit, ATOS, USA.                               
   Thanks to Mayank Vyas, ATOS, USA                                     
   Thanks to PURNENDU JOSHI, ATOS, USA.                                 
LASTCHANGE: Version 41.